@filgt (13011;; ‘Gwmfi, Ugandan Hot-Mug. Hap-ch 19.18“. a. .1. arm-.n. Ebl'l‘Oß asp rworummn. : Roi 60,33,031 ,' “on. m "TIER 301431128, : ' of Berk: ammy. . tiiM Apoén DAN worm.“ ~ ’ } The, United States Selma, cn‘ fridny‘ Iweok, veto-d on Hmdmmdmam altering _the basin of represehtntion, which ‘had Iri pmphafifly pa-ied the Home. The Senate vole resulted-yen! 25. nnya 22-not two thirds, an?! it was therelore lost. Twelvé: llppubli'c'unl vblaq i 9 the uegnfivc withlthe‘ Democrats. ‘ 1 The‘ President and (he cmmtry hnv'e m:- lon‘lo p 9 encouraged. 1c .mny nofi be log]:- e«| upon an eerl’uir) [but none of the Radical mns’luea can be can-ummalell. The Smith em Senators and Raptoaentnfivgs nny be kept out, but no .furtin-‘r omnlitutional nmendméni'l cw be curled lhrouy’li the tfvn H‘ouses, nor any memu-c-s dvaiuned and calcu‘lntod to gratify the «when .1 hula 0! We Ratileanunulxm. m VERY sfu‘nnuwn Thé N'lll'nluil Ifilzr'hgrnrar, Um old “7115!: organ n! \V‘:x~,hinv,vlon. "nail, 1L1». said, maul/1g ‘Ceuffal organ n] I‘rcqrnjc'nl lulmson. in nnligjug the pwuuedmgn‘nl the Uonvcnlmn which nnmxucuod Gen, Uuury, snysv ‘- I Under Hue r-ngQ'm-c-ring og'fijulf [‘.xrnoy m. {1 ‘lrnabufig. mmulluum chm-r 4 \‘vmw given '0! the noun mm character Mun-v doseribedd Nine c-}m~xs"'rre also glvgm for Cungtesn. Am] F. lh'f 5;. Slunlnu was endurswl—{he fiverrlury ‘3‘ WM. Wlm Is the amber ()Tauchl 1114000“ wrm'gs that m‘lhe-lurumfif lhe' peril-l 9 he thnodrfiimlvr. nml wlmh nowl 'vinufllp run 1 ml lu-fun- {he Supreme Cour“ of the [lllll9 States, with {he inl'umous' _Bytlcrjnr his, ounsel.'upon an} isqlflurmng‘ from unhgwm military urn-sh! :nul xmpri:-' bmn'onls. Tl 9 nets 0! aln “an Q~:n-.:r« an, 'withxml. “plul ,or pom-5,” wcrg aim en-v Uorwd, f ‘ . ‘ Against p 1; éndings so rr’plpte with infm“ mum, the Irmzm of Andrew .lnlmmn. with 'nny Jnlt‘rnhly Jurefu‘. nnd’nssxduoua t-fl'qrt. cannot qul m mcceed: ‘ ‘ .’l‘he cnnxlxdn'm mun. {sink ‘urdor the rol ton platform. It wxll (_lrop m ()cymku-r, unll hnuucmm nml pulllir-al currx’uiuun wxll be mupcnded m the Kuyulonv Slum. A The above! item i 6 deculodly sigfiificnnl. It shows lhutthe [lmitmn oUhnérM (L-nry as fully appreciated m. Wunhiugluu, as it is elsewhere. ‘ . ' W ”on. E iwanl hues, of St. Louis. Mo.. President Lanculn'u ALlonwy General. hug Written an able letter M support of Presi dent Johnson’s veto. He exposes the rev blutlonnry 01-jrctof llw l"rvedmon'~'lilyrouu bill. and lush?! it's conlrivers ‘V‘llll: ah un- Eparing hand. The lcugr lNill appeal: in the next. Cour-um: _ ' lQ'ln private WP. ”tester Clymer is one of the {most goniulund unassuming of men. ”In his home in Berkscoupty, his popularity is unrivatled, whgle at. the Slate Cupitnl. nmtmg nfl‘u-ors hml citiznfns, he 9091159 to ho _vvnthout an enemy. ' 0139 of Lhobent iu‘wln ces that. we cnn n-Intv on tlm point no: the~ hot. that. tan the egening pf hm nomnm'liqn most of the Republum'n me'mben aneul at his room to congratulate _him upon, his nomination. Senator Lowly nppeylm] es~ p'ecinjly L'rntxfied, and. clnalgx'ng Mr.l.C!y -inn" hand, exglnimed‘: “I am your polit §cul enemy, but nm. pro-11:1 "to be your prr laou’al friend. I cnngr’utdlnto the Dt-mncru 21y on haying nominated nu hq'n‘gt mun.— ¥sbn|l hn-vc to tippuae you on parlygrounds, 'nut I slmll everywhere propluimit lhalyou are an home! mun.” . ‘ ' x 1 —~———-“‘ : - -—« ‘ ISLTM Piltsburg Gaze/re. ane of the most fabul negro-sufl'ruge junrnulsdn ljcnmylvu nil. speaking of the nomination of Hon. s‘llxesior Clymgc by the Dcmocrufic Carin-n -ltion. ‘pm him the lollowing ‘cnmpliments: His family have for several [generatirmn~ been sealed in this Commonwealth, and anembers iliercnf have at times bome’ cnii hphunu'd [nuts in public aH'iii‘ra. ()ne of ‘them Was a signal 0| lhe Declaration of lii depéndonce. and under the articles of Con fedoi‘a‘iimi- served as ii member 0! Congress: ‘3 Hejs pos§essod of Wealth imd~ enjoys a’ high social pq‘siliah. An active business _ man, he li‘na ‘piirticipntell wiiwly and lilii-r -nlly in many culvrpriévs 165- the develop me‘nt and piospelily of‘tlml portion of the Skate in Wliicfi he residsg. Though a lead ing mm in his party his abilities are not. tnruonflnnry. He has. IIOWPVfI',“ pleas ing iii-95mm and uddroas. and ii repum‘tion that. debs not, cgiiuect him with unclean ,egigilalion. i [Q'Tbe'New Ymk Heralohmys the‘mue in this State is not between Ciymvr and ‘Geary, but between Johnson and 'l‘hml.':;SLe- YEDS. It. mighp hfwe gone further nndjaaid ‘Between Johnson und‘Union and Ste‘yens and disunion ; for every vote cast for Gimry win b‘e in aupuorl 01 the Sievens negrcrdis: finion plin. “ ' ‘ 1. . ‘ ’rfi‘Oflice-holden né'w crowing for 93",: Pay change their tune before the Qctpbei election. President. Johnson may take it_ 'into his head that he chn'l afford totlose }’enmylunin frogu the Nippon of his poiicy, and he kpows fun well thm in the election. of Geary Thad. Stevens would triumphs—3 E‘Looknbefore you leap.” ' ‘ ' ”Forney. "a. 11.,” saysithat Mr. Clymerl f'plaees himself ‘broadly upon xhé platlt'orml ofAndrew Johnson; President of the Uni ‘ted Suites—in fuel, it. is Is the Andrew fiohnson candvidat'e he'yfii'oposeq to run for‘ ghr‘gug‘ya'g‘en of‘ltbav people.” Wellgaga’ grue friend of line Union, in not. [but :hfli giant to colpmlpd for him the suffrage: of an inwlligrut arid palriotis people, who are iired of negro agitation. €th Ire sick’of gdemnéoghe ruje, an}! who long for the “pi in; Skies" 3f page Ind proxpegigyz “ ' fiTbo‘luntingdép .lmn'mgl says: “The your" ofAndrew‘Jé‘n‘rwn, afl‘orda us afiozh er fearful ynihing of thé danger of twining Lin; gang: who has beenxocked in an audio of slavery or ngxraed ii: the lip' of modern Democracy." Hay ip the qérlgi c‘unzma‘z brim support Goary? Aqd yet it Eds his mum up. 1 , . ‘ t ' ”Ft-lay, the Bump candidate former eradi- 0! Connecticut, thanked God, to ;a no t l ‘.' a._ _ - ‘ 8f? manly fine qthgr any, that thd wan -Ind u‘m‘fnf "ll’ué bl§cl~c man is entitled to the fig“; .96 pgivil‘g'ge! 9f the Vilma Fan.” Y 9, .139} if. huq’t. " ' , . u 39. éf-ime and must. '59 ‘ ade 5315; ‘ Sueh‘ mi A'ndrevi'John‘kén’l gar} tum M'lpfil.~—.3:unbw'ouum. ’ Eula“ . ind if vfe are not. greatly ping: ”23“. {iiy‘lnj maze of your disfinijfi. ‘ 7.5 mm more, ‘ l than you all Emile!»- ‘ $3 ” ' ‘r‘i‘ -’* Pv- ' M‘WP’“- ""’ ' ' nor. of (h. [nan-flue (“link ‘ . The Llncqo It'fpublimn bad: the I‘m-ii: dent's speech with this Harding caption: "The Nuion Disgraced; Andrew Ju_hmon'u Downfall; nil Revolhlionpry Huranguc: The Rvpumican Pgmy Tmitoi-n; Govern ment Uzurpedby Directory} Congress De-‘t vclmred in Rebellion; th Leader- Denoun- ' .ct-d by Native; Appeal: to the ,Mob; A .Pninful and llumiliatiug ,§pcctacle,’,’ and my: on the‘auhject of vaccination : ; 31m “The Pref-idem stand} in mortal fear of his his. In his hurnngue Lo the mob, he clrarggm mo men who huge opposed his pol iry wn-h ‘hav‘mg mas-mum!) [flooding in “mi: hosd‘m'g.’ and asks if one martyr will not suffice. Mr. Jolmsdn Kmay dismiss his tours; he has passed the pom: of danger.” What is meml-by pming the pcint. of (my: What .wu up danggr. 31:11 when Ufa! it passed! The Cuicugo Trdau/zt re minds the President Humbe— . “Attained hil present finsitinn solely by the too ,nklllful mm {of un u-nwsin, a (mu. , which ought to make him modest. -1n the v dishlmrm- nflifs mum. Bking the accident of an noctden‘t, am] not the o|:in of the . people in nny‘senser it 'ill-bocomea him to‘ Igt-Lure mgmhors of Cun‘fir'i'ss." ’.’l‘hp I‘m; W/u'g cries wo.! wo! and pm phoclm Hm full 9! thin livi‘ublicnn “Hum: The parly if; u) be brukm “on Ihe whegl." Suns by State iI to shoal. madly frbm its bphol‘f‘l Th'c cmn‘uXv-mn wxll nnump hero: but—— “I’onnnyfvnnia, nlrnnrly divivlml" in her Unit-n U‘hurosslun‘tl vulo, 1h» iiuutnne of the Rupubnuun arch. u'wlj {all hum hwr lngll rvoiuscul slalom {lw I:an ‘.c mumh'n «I va Yl;rk,'li-zut su‘urh‘d wuh cumfinhr-mis :md “mun wen during. (he w-ar. will; lwr C m gmssionul caunwl: nmv‘dlvhlod, WIH nIN) [ms‘l from the control not only of-me lbuh ml but. of tlu- CHIN-Ival~iVu_,Un_mu mvu of the State Cumfi'cucut.mH thuw sun. "'l‘m-‘Um'on p.-rly{nll be A mylh—gn in unimale‘tlmig lxicl nwny in Llw mausoleum of the pna‘l—md‘ it~ ruro accumphshumnls mll tn- all of Hui hum: that remains to m. The Union leaders who are Invoking this slnrm will gn dé‘wn before Ha fury..und (In; pliers that" km-w them once wu! kuuw mun no more turevvr.” ' t A Inlonlsvn nennid.‘ K, i The funnwing‘is UJP rewurll bestowed upon j:Smmtor C-M‘uu by the 50411.1 ch quubhcan iSlule Convonfmn. iur his manly defence of . President Jnhnson, and his (levnlion to the : Unirm x-nd. life Consximlinn of the people: "XI. l.‘rm)wl, That the ”on. E'lgill'UOWflll. Sennlor h‘ulu l'enmjlvumn, by lm cnurse ‘ln the Sunmpgof the. Uuitml 81.1193. hm dump [m'mh-Il th‘e hnlu's and but: fulfcm-d the Liunfidgnrolnl' lhmse lo “Hum he nvu’s his 111341", nun! that M :\ hereby mush e.ux.c.~.lly roqu-uwd Ly naign." . . . ' The (army mlhm‘entsnf’ H" x tinniat, 'l'hiul Havana; can n 4). .1 .n .L mu. when Mr. 'Cuu‘u’n «Hues rraign u, mil (wk Us at. the bidding of Ih}: Rumpers. ' ' Troublo‘iu Ibo chnlo’llcmu ('nmp.—-.‘o\e- niartat, for II NCI% Par*. A Washington letter to the .\'rw Yoxk World, written on Tuesday, :nyglq A pretty extensive nxovemerffiin on foot here, which includes both Senators and members 61 the livpublicsm Sli’lpfi'in favor of a new party. It is 3 ml Ilhal 011013 lead mg 011 m the muttonund HmL several meet ings have already been held.mn-l llm mut ter fully (Haml‘fil'd. The ‘Presldent has been consulted. In reg'ud to the matter, and, il H sui:l.»ap|xmves of thu Idea. The principles ol lhwr mu. Is he President's policy. . Annular mm [2lll Removed g The rmhml postmaster ui. Furestvillp, iC(mn.. [nu just. beer} rémnvegl for speaking dun-wectfuilg of tho President. There i! *‘eusnn ln‘hPfin-ve that mm? of tho s'lmesort “Li”, cri‘ long. be‘ invited to retire. .liovern l mom.olline-hnhlnrc haven-0f mflicul prochv~ :jiies. m'n rmnnrknbly reticent'bn pol'niml : matters. The impression has Imen cumted Illnt. the departments yard to be purégecl of all such. lane theirmlence.— Wis/flington Lam. ' , ‘. ', _ ‘ Thb Pcosidein stated recently to delega- Etions from Maryland anti Kenmckthat ihe had tdken his stand, and would muk'e no stop backward in the work of reconstguc i hon. ~ ‘ E‘Mr. Ciymor’: abilities _ilS 3! speaker are oi the fore-most order. He has a clear voice‘ind an lfllpl‘PFfilVB mnnnet, and hi: personal nppen’rnnce being véry finenfew ,men excel him in their eflect upon un audi ence. His speech uccepiing the nnmina (inn was in eifnri‘ni oratory which we hm’e never heard-excelled.‘and seltlom vquallcd. IL electrifiud his home”, and among thnz vmb audience, surpus‘ing in. numhefal and unlhmm-un any in hu‘w eveir seen in amen-- drum» upon a State éonvemion, lhei‘e was not one who did notJ‘ePi his courage re vivnd Ly its e-luquence, and his bruit filled wuh emotions of earnest: confidence that with xuch n‘ lazuli-r. and in such a cause. time was no possibxlily of deiQak—lL’M Olr server. i _ 1 @Tlm Philadelphia Age sn-yltK some of {be Ropublicanjnurnals. in nnnouqibing the nomination ol Genenil Geury for Govémar, gre recn’fiitulatiug his immense 'servicé‘a in the field. mi :1 militagyihero. They have mit, however. got as far back ”the period of his‘~ Eeri‘rice in Californian “Alcujde.” Won’t theymnlighten the public upqu that sub ject? Or shall we? ‘ @lll6 whble couue ofPresident John son since lakfiig h|l ggfice. has been at vari ahcp with life pnnc plea and measures 0! the Umon party's—En; Gazette." Businindeed? How comes it. then, asks lhé Observer, Hint every convention of your puny, up to within a few weeks. endorsed his policy. and claimed to be his especial friendsf Waal it only a hypocritical lriend ship, fox _the purpose of obtaining votes by the use of his name I » ‘ [S'Presidem Johnson has pm. the Red icala on the delensive. Hie appeal to the people wee not. taken in ‘uxn. i). has been inawered already, and the arrogant. faction w‘luch controls Congrese‘hu been driven to explam nnd’ jusulyfih‘e med measure}: for which, but: month ago, they hauglmly de manded submissive and unqueshonmg ac ceptance. Mr. Steven: still bullies bu; fol lnwers. but mu léwered hle tone toward his ‘ Idea-runes. Mr. Sumner pram-lees milder gestured, ind Icon in leg mgic fashion be: l toxejh'ie'glus. A power wfiicn these gentle-I , mbn entirely ignored in‘ their political-c 814" 'culnlone bu suddenly mlde nee“ mini-l fem; end threatens rum to all when cherish-i ed schemes-0| perly dominuuon and indii 'vidunl Iggraadnzement. They bed elmosl fo‘rgouen Hm I "people" “mat—Age; ‘6'th ‘Leyiubhrg {lf/trouble, n. dilunion figment, Beads an nrtiéle on thy éuté‘of amid; in lotion: ,"Pgeoiéent‘qobnion oi u'Ben dot." Thu may be 'ap‘lfight.’ Pruidbnt ‘ .. Johnson in on s bender. {in pen? to bend } fin is evident thu the Union puly ‘lh'o flimnion traitor: into 9‘? “P 9 05 ‘he'clnqotgo with tfie Pruidenlm-Erw Gazette. ’pnéoé, 2.x- bgeak their bucks in th’ efi’orkl,‘ Then it}. "evidént" thfl. according ‘0 -a‘o»''‘' - . - - . . ’ ¥ ‘ 'Wépngratulne John Cequ 0}: big :3;2%%1;?;53%¥f‘9fl§7"9 9‘39"”, g“§pfi;?ég,ppfianiwho,u§g%§o' ‘1 '___'_‘.\_.:...J_L__.__. ‘ f aoryprdcournfe‘in {smm gem theJnL- ; fiTJohn Dion’s :pr now and. some 1 . .igouqzm-muhchuu'uhod-K Jdifiguuygn‘umhfim tn. 1 3 _ , .‘.»... .n.-7;... . ‘.‘-~. I .._ _r ...—s‘] MEM No Back Down. « « A Pomicn. "mum - ’ TOWN AND C ‘UNTY. l Honuirim .Enixmosi—rmz full ho writ"- ! _- ‘~‘ "1100:! um: 7mm r' "'i m. rim-mum ' flf-u V : t 0 1- « Frqm the Canine Volume". _ Q - K ill‘l‘cfilztni'rfllcd yin-mi. hi 1“: u‘iilii";o::i Thflbomoouitu at York borough won .i Thi- Hnutl'hns thoroughly WM ltlelflob‘ ~ in . . ‘ ~' . ' . ‘ < - r» 3' Mt tie moo L -_ .. x ‘ . neygnriia‘igigrthfiflimiiiilgiiiifisl 1'7"? ,f‘f‘f‘i'f‘iff’r "“ PM! of“: W '_'l Cum-“mu ....i u Conway. tin-I NW N" b“ ' 1°” °" “m": “”Y'“ “"1“ “‘° ; xiii:3a?iihii"§"i'ti°'.i:i" $3.13,; I ' ' ‘ i-' ' - -7- _‘ ’7 “*::;;;;:-.7:~——:i—';" i electing [en-ml more, Woymtt Wt‘ll (‘h‘lm "ll“ 6" ward“. lull l'li’l'll'ciln l). -l 8 ll 5 - m PI 3. lu‘ l . A I £00“. ”Panama”, ‘BO Don't“! trimmer.) FIR-5T 0}: APR” ~“y h [1.5“ ‘0 fl ' a" 'rlhu n Th” fd- . Ci . K W“ I"! 0 found In ucrllent remcdy ill mny GIOCIV' lie iu all things toallmcnmntl true tgiionw. rm” “5000 M timidr iezuiisiiinJebhg-‘f In Ezrlmflilagggzfl r" ‘7 " FI- the]... , "'3‘ Burma-LL): tlu- unpr'o-cgdempd Sure Eyes. Dutmu ha Seen removed by" ’ Until qiiitorecoutlv he was in W'WWY'd'ioniurtodonumi M‘gnqiw, 'fwmmm, 1 1 NSOX‘u-A largo mm splflhd m’cxUng,‘xrrvspmllw m pxnly.\\u.~4 In M M llu- huunv of Ruin-rt 31,1)" ks, In Main}:- lnxi, um bounty, an Hglunlns‘. lln- mm insl.,lu nmkmm um puiix-yul’ Pmhhh-IM‘Jnlmmn. Jau'ul) .\llllcl‘, 1.5-... um ('zdh‘d to my ”Mar, and Dr. .\. linlanppmnlt-d Hwn-tliry. 'l'hv fullnwlngvmn- IlllHt‘t‘ “as nmmlmcll to (Iran. null rcpuxl rumm lium uxwu‘fw m 1m- {:oth 1)] [hp nn-rungz hr. (‘. E. (Lgh'plmruugl), Hownm DiLks um] Jan-uh 'l‘uughlubunuh. _ u re l his 'cry. way 231'. (L‘l Il m‘iul .\Xll r rMum-g a short time, flu- L'nmmlm-n 1:0- tunird. mu! :1 ported the “uninvifipruunhm xmd rumnlnufuwnvhu-h wm' uuunhnu nlymluplwl: ~ \VlnzmA-i. Wr. .rnin-ns 0r RPn'lln': town- Rhllv. ’AdnnN mmuly, ‘l’. nusyh'nmu, m Inn-rung |.-\ mhlv-I. {aw-hm; ntum-nnrpnnL 151-.“ m-ll us unly luunr any h x-hngwmprrvlnn up un Ihcgrml h‘u th'hus In x-n (mum-«1m [um n Im- kmunnh’s m mu]. lur vn: h">;~u{ fin-Y'mlul .\Luu Cl'l'flh‘fiin mm .\n‘nm \\ .lulllfiwn, Pn-mmm 01 thriw‘l nun-d .\‘mh a: : ml : h 111,1”. H. ('u-‘rhdn pan-HM urwlzepumd, In upm‘ 0f nun: :m x JIM'J': I‘,lnl|lL~rvlll‘~-N'lll .um slumh r lln‘ l’l’-\iv'.u m ln_r [he vwrvw- u} his uilivml I‘m- I‘nunln‘r; thn-n :uro. hu‘ 1: I m wm Hr, Thur wn-dxm'rtny c-nngnmn tho Prvsl- I d.-nl >l.va wmm llu- .l“rvmluu-n s linrmu MIL us n Mann. rx «1. 1| uuxlwurlhy 1|: 1. .\H' hrnyv MS ll Li 114111,?!lmxuurunquulnnuluppl‘mal.uuluu‘luim-3 l nn. 1!‘ \‘u Hm lh‘!‘ou-.! AU'L‘SUIJ'I‘I), “”Ing fully r‘h slmv [um punt; mix‘qml hy Anur. \\ .lunnmn.lur Hm rpmulmn m h'nrnumy and {warm and l'uiun null (‘l:uxxnunt-ILIHHN my, m uur I.lm]. ~ I xL.-m.w‘n, 'l‘]qu ‘M- um I‘l' luu'xug rocngnlzwl n (hwllluélltll or 1m- I'kn'n rmnwm um! I mun of: Nuh‘x, Wu nrv‘nul urm: wmuu: to do n; my] «un (10 um .xll huh h as do us Tuuxms. Immugngucs and Slxtulu) |\->.~, Kravxwl uh'l‘hut “'4‘ do nut I'm-mm!” in Am an m. '.h‘dmmn the. l'r.shh-m of [my )m-rlnulnr 1: my 0! ime. (‘crln’nly thr)’ I"? U” In“! upplluuinu (or the rg‘lifl' unl cu’rc 0t pain: In 'Hu- Jmnts nml lmrk, nun} lur v.|rirn,—«- m {-nhrg-d \l‘ln2. l anv en-r known, and l \mnhl mt ho “‘nhnul them on ’nny ac count. Yonu, truly H .\lnrflZ In) Jusnm a \ "Noun. , . _V 13% \ nr. 'roMim- \e-lu'lhul unnficnt. [ It turns ("huh rl, Mu n “151. hkvn. in n [cw ‘honrr: D} =r-n!('r: in hr“ :1” lmur; Tnmhavln‘ in five minim“. I! m p'rM-mb' innucem to 513 k» imlrn'm‘ an"! is rmnmfiwhdml hr Ihc ‘mnst t-minv‘m l‘hwv‘inui'in ILe l‘mtml Stalks. Price ~10 and m ('l‘H'": > ' ’ 'l‘.7vxu\\'mul'\. I‘n .' .\ng. “Ag-. 9 Dr. S. ]. Tum.” \r-n‘ Yur‘n: hear 5' r—l h'n'v nun] 3’5" Yuma :rn Ln'nmem “uh L'rl'tlt hucc-c‘s, hmhjrfi :In 'nh-rr .I_l m up” .\i nnxx ll-l‘nul mmiiv'istu', P ruin a 0‘ "Wm": (‘l‘llic ‘Hlli Clmleru .\lurhu: , "-lan It is n em’vn-IN namedy. Yolix \‘bm-tinn Hnrw Linimem at uni-1 umimllml né 1| horse mellh-inv- muungat fur riurs nnd blinkmm on this mnul. ‘ - \\'\l. LEWIS}. ‘ Sup't North “I nu-h Vanni: 8011‘ hy nll Drnzgists. .(lflirr. .\‘n. if! (fart landc st.,.\'cw York. [.\hr. 13. lm . on. . l ’W \ ‘‘l ‘ ‘llandy :n the "mute. _ “n. er linmmlru's ‘Of all the Hunt}: whil h are reull‘v "_hnmlv lu‘ ' (‘EI FIN” .\ll'l'll) Sl'l‘ll ll’ll? l'lltlnsll have In the ||4\l“o‘" lmlim‘c 4],; when “P .Hm- ,‘PTS’W‘F'I II"'“=1l‘l’V-“‘|'il"""’"0”)?- JW‘" “'4 '- (“n.l,- ““9” ”I“ llu- xnm't "‘le and min-t“ m:irrn- (‘niol l'luglcigm m ”I? lluspil-L \‘illlll'lll' $411.31“ cm L'u'llc «fl “lll\\'ll¥..r'_ll('dll. 3 '1” \“"| 0" Lnkiunisiero 0’ "1”” f 'A Euln-l'. ;\\'e FM llm dllllu'rlltl“, c‘mmu-ntr‘ TM“ ”W ‘l'ml‘le lei L-nm is "0 ll”l“’5‘lll""' "Us”. nn-l wuhnul m”. of ("nutrmllcuTnu U". lnu i 4, nnlnln'n: ln tlu- ruri; 0|; Spt-rlnznnrr‘ w “,0 put nf .un‘ om- familiar n ill: (lm (~xll'lqud- 0" 5 "“'" ’1 :WHI‘W‘S- EH” SP“ I” “l “min inary mam? m ,1”, WWI" mnlimnwut.—— «all or ljivmly ’l’llllll‘lllU' [.nulunnry‘ nr Flom n lnuw- m u paun 111 Ilu- ho“ 01>, (rum 1: “WIN.“ N'l‘l'll-fl l':‘"l‘-‘i““3 2mm “11 “"3"" cut. to a chulio. lrom ll'Serlln‘d nukle l-nmnl- ""“5”. l"""l"""‘l‘ "7 'lmwi‘u" WWW. “I” “0 but]: of dxsmm-rv. lnnn'u mvro ('Uld to swore “nu-{uh}; “’«l'VW'l "“1 ”"3 0'3““ "WM” W 'coln Il‘qmvz, hum I surt‘ Gull-r In llw rlh must-l ln-nllhy "v‘ “m" “ii".lll“'ll,dl:ll1(‘ll‘l mm.“ In :lonl‘nuss, ”null him"! the 111-)llmring opinion! of eminent. {mm 1!. pimple nu thejnve up [on purnlwi: ”I" From}: I’M—”H “‘“2 .~ .> I‘Qle limh=. lln-rn- is no PM? in ’Allltl] Rndwuys 1 “l‘vl‘ hul’e xN‘d. l‘e Sl"":‘fi" I’ll“ l"r"l'”“"l llll'ndy eril-l will not n-muvn (lu- p lin ns'wun‘ '.V (”‘N'l' H'l'L‘ & lluppnl‘, Nu. :H ll‘u- Lulu ns it i: flppl ell. _xmvl rcumu- lhl' disorder nlm,‘ l"”““ ”P‘” (lw l"'f'*'“|"”‘" "l “'VJW" l)' l " “on!" in :| mnnxer [mm Slll‘lllHlllfl as “(*llum m -rro, In our prntglt- prm'lu l‘ \th nmlnrlu ' .truly ~EYl|Ulllsl "... liuhlwd on ll“. hlll ‘ led Elll‘l't‘i-‘.flllll we hrlu-Vr “mm In my mlwr um I lwu‘t [he “I I” (.\prrlmu'o-l is immv HIL".— mu!- ‘su well onlcululeal $0 cum all pen-ms Taken internull. in s‘wm-Mue‘l “uh r. W“ n “‘ mm": “W“ I“"""""”'.l' En'i‘slo'” "r ““1 :leunpooxmll la n “um-Jags of \vnu-r 1 n, in- “'l‘""“"‘l‘“"5§ "' [he >"""‘10fl."""' “““l'u ‘ Ismmlv'annilulvum n pnm In Iln- azunm-lv,‘ “““M “3' “,5"de""”3"""“le 0“"""Kv°“"'""’r quirkly cures‘u xlmrrlup-L, denmys .x‘ll mfluu- ur “h“‘c' .R; “' ”“VRWW‘EV “- ”‘- ugnnliun noul ru~mros lw-llh. ’l'ln- lulu-ly lien-u" ‘ l" I" l”"’""”"‘ \l' 1" Is prepared from an rimny ol' those liule IIIgIPQ-“ . , ’ J"_‘,",['E LL“ “ME, ‘l' 0' ~ iema common In lhel'mmh bullet-bold, :lmt ll: P“"";¥",‘" r‘”, ”3""; , , . , ‘ 1 , is pacitiwly lnlllspl‘nsnlplorlv) lhe prudent _wj‘e‘ lib“ Al-l‘l'lll‘ (All .\Tlalll‘lzl'l's. . ' . and mrclul mullwl". Fur fun-ales fispl‘l‘lnll) it - , Tl". """".'"" l ”If "r 0 mlul "‘ '.‘” ' e W"? is ‘ “Muse-l grill," and “he s'fiwl‘plllnll' of “a, (‘xpnl llrllflu'sln Illuung-nl lhr “mld. I'm a ‘xn neArly all theirllmvnlilr llllliculrms nml‘dp- (luv “”1"“ 1‘" “U” ”r 5" 1W"! “"1"" lrnngomeuls. For clul'lrén it is 'ovm JIl-l :m l"‘”;”"“ - ndmxmhlh n mixtu‘ro chilling Hmm M’uclh-s 0' lAVf‘IflHH 1‘ ,Ul lmx'r; 501’; Pr‘ll‘,r“o"' nnd puilw, and lu- uliuu up '1“. munilultl sum-l ho. 2N Iqu- l.nml;..rd. Pun". M “1,5593 WM) .1 mir-culmn m (an-ml ‘ t-lv:i'.\'.,~! .01": Pull“) Hulafl-llu up) nulhull-mlAgcm, ; For men it h n null-lil‘uilinrg “1‘ rl of «nm- Will 11“?er an Inn l)_\ n-lmn mull, M-rnrrly , fort nnd‘relxol‘ in ll thoumnd ”thumb :mmng‘ "M”! [mm 0.11 ohsvnnuull; su l””“V‘"r “‘0 the llaily’ilk. ‘-\\hl('i| flush l 5 heir tn." We 3 dollars ‘ ‘ f . _ would eurnc: lyivnproq it upon Ilw'pululic 1‘ b"1'("'”°”l ’.‘??nl‘ 'nr Am.“"f'“~ ; mind ”ml .1 hmtle "f I“ “my! “may Rolle.’ ‘ [l‘budls'll-l. ‘.‘“).‘lz? k (0.. is the (‘llt’llytal as well n 5 the best nrw le mI \' B. F‘ l (‘. -" (s9l4.lhh‘l' \. Y. llmye “nlmuHLc bunsc" everplmclnexl, clung" ,‘ ' "_ ”M " .'{rm'mi‘ 1' "1"“ "“d l" “h ‘h . ul'nn ,flpl'lhc 0’ 50 rents "m"! n fin: dollnrs, 1 agnl-lllols, unnlxrlnwg‘ma punt): uluh nml Ill uhuch av pulll mherwiso- have m b.- pnill'rnh rem‘fOHlT-lr "4-. w-n. ”we to E-n-ry whirl-«s. ’llle nltemlame ol :1 Humble physiqidn. ’l‘l-o: A' D g'ulhhf’ “(PM 1“ bw'l’hurg' Rwdy ll'cliel is n “lmle upmlnecary shop in ‘ “cc“l“ ”h" 1.3,...» . I . nsm.’ I; is good hmmh pm up in u Imuh- fur: 141 mm puma...“ Drop" , ”Tr" 'o‘ Ta ”50’ “h” H “be enough to “H“ ‘7'!"- ly'rm! I-‘rmrrlr [hum]: 01' In}; ulnn'lmr tllgnxsellxg-s 0: ll: scnucs. Suld b): Urug.sls.i Tn"!- lirups lno 1‘ “wilful/lieuNyjcampr-mlll. ur. ' “w ~ —‘O-..>~ _ ‘ ”[od fluitl [lr«p_.lrullun,‘nud‘lt-llcrllmn on) I’ll”. Pouu‘mrs or anirum-I. lloihg liquul, llwir ncli- n is diréct xlnll pqsim‘o. rrnduingllu m A fi-lmble, Hpcw'y untl cumin nuccific :fnr-ll o cure or all übslr'nmiors and fllpprml-‘ltm‘ nf namnr". 'l'hHr pnlmlnrily it Indie; “'61.; tho fact that over 100,000 l-ullles n‘le mmnnll) wk] and rownmrd by lhe ’lndll‘s (,f'the ln'md Sun-s, ezrrv ant-of “'lwm‘spcmlx in Iheslrnng out lvrmus! prune their grrnt mHil‘s. “my fire rapidly Inkling the rlnce 6! awry Mlvr Female Romellg’, undfirr comidmrd l'y nllu ho know "ugh: of lhcm, nslhe sun-=l. rnh ~41. gn'd most infallible premrnvmu if! Fur! worldflnr thr- t‘nre 0! all fe'nvnle complaints. the- nmmnl of all obstructions bl nu’uue,m.d‘ll.eprune. !ion 0| honllh, rtgnhnily and strength. Ex} plicit dirt-yfiuus Hating when they run" he’ um}, um] expluming' 'wlun und why they: Jhouhl not. nur ('ullltl not, b: wed without producing 1 Her” central-y to nntnrv'! chug-n lnwu, will he found mnnl'ully folded nrnumf eat-ll bottle, will: the wriurn :ignntnre 0! Jun: L. LYON, without which non are genuine. ' Prepared hyJlr. JOHN l YUN. 195 Chapel Street, New llnven, 00%.,th can’ In» con! suited either personnlly, o_r hy mnil, (enc.b:ing‘ sump.) conérrmngvnll primm dlsuln and female weaknesaes. Sold by Drugghu ev‘ery where. _ C. G. t LARK a: Gum ; Gpn'l Agents lor U. S. nud Canada. Nov. 6, .8133. I" . 'l'o ('ommmpflvn. Tl"- ndverlieer, lmvinu been restored to health in'il few weeks’ by a very simple rrmee dy. afler halving: rum-red lur several yenrs wnlx~ a 9m ere luilg nfl‘vclion, nnd tlml dmul di~enrvgi Consumption—i: anxious to make known to his lollnw-sufl‘crrrs Ihe menus nl cure. ‘4 To all wlm desire il. l-e will sI-ngi a. copy of the prescription nsed‘ (free of clmrgr )‘ Wlih‘ ithe directions fbr prcpnrmg nml using the same; which they WI“ find a 5:9: can: run CossuMPtmy. Annie. Buomuns, gocgfls.‘ Cows, and all Throat and Lung Infections,—y Tll9 only nlnjv'cl. oi the ndwrlisrr in sending the Prescription is to benefit the “minted. and spread information which he comenes m be in’nlimhle, nnd 11c home new sufferer ‘ill‘_ try, his remedy, as it will can them nothingi nuii may prove a. blessing. - I Pnrlies wishing the prescription, run, by. retprn mail, will please address l Rn. EDWARD A. WILSON, , Wiiliamsburg, Kings co., New York. )1ar.5,1866. 1y . To Die in a Bid Came :3 those who lull in the rebel rnuks undoubt~ edly do, is fonliaht But on the o‘her hand DYEYXG FOR A 'GOOD'CAUSE 5. those who are wise and prudent enough to remedy thLdefqus‘ol mture with CHRISTADOEO’S HAIR DYE, 3m doing awn-y day, in every City of the U nion, is eminently prniseworlhy. This pence iuin revolution is suing on tholghoul the wh' le 15nd, and thus beauty lnd harmony sup piafit homelinesi Ind incongruily. Manufac lurkd by J. CRISTADORO,NO. 6 Altar Home, New York. Sold by ‘Druggisu. Applied by :11 Hair Drench. ‘ [May 8. 1m Erna of Youth. A Gentleman who lufi'eled for your: from Net-mun nobility. Premature 'Decny, Ind all lbo‘ effect! of youthful indiscretion, will for the! nuke of mflnring humanity, send rm: to all ‘vbo need it. dalrecipé and directions 301' tanking the limpla ”may by which he 3"! curéd. 'Sufloren vififiing to profit biydthe {lds "! 'ur: " as can do 50 b; a. realm ‘ Tl up?" ' JOHN B. OGDEN. ' No. 13 Chsmbera 3;, News York. 1 1i“. 5, 1866, 1y ' ‘ I we Old Bar! , , , PROF. J. ISAACS, M. D., Oculiu and Auriu', formerly of hyden Hollnnd, il locnlni at No, 519 mm: amen, pd!“ DELPHIA. where per-I lon- amicted with dinner ofthe EYE or EA i will be Iclentifially treated and cured, i ' ounblo N. B.—.ARTIFIOIAL'BYBS’hu¢ . without with, No elm-1m mad. {or ”Illin— lien. 7110 fiedicnl' “A ally ll invited; 0! kg hu‘no ”cm. In MI nod of trulno‘n‘, ‘4 '4‘ ‘ my 17,1865. 1, a ‘ ~ 1 'l‘lu‘ (in-M English nomad: Sm JAMES (‘LAnKx‘i Cnununun' FIIALB Plus. I’r-‘pnrn-d Irom n yrercriplmn of sir J. Clarke, .\l. D., Physician Exlmordhyi‘ry Io glu- QuN-n. This imnlunble mcdit‘iuail lln ln'xhng in _the nure '0! nll those puinl'nl null dnnyvnuu dflvnfl's to “hid! the 11-mnh- mn mlnlinu in min-IM. ,Il mtfilr-ruloe nll exccuvs ,ulnl rvmmm ull 'uhilruutium, mu! m ijlt‘fliy curl- m I} M when! on. 3 . ’l‘u \l-‘mwd Luvllrs It is penuliurly suited —— [l“lU,in'quvtnwe, Ming 0‘" the luumhly i pmiui “ilh rI-gulnuly. . ' 1' Imrh ln-Hltm pure Uno I)_n|lnr. .honrs the Guwnm‘u-nn .\m'mp ut' (ire:l&,liu|lnin, to pre ch (' Junh-rl‘mls. = ; CM'TxM.—Th to PE“: rlmulnl no, he luknn by anulx-wlnnnl [ln-flu“; Hum: nun-nu ur Pregnancy. II: [ln-y urc- snre [u‘lurmx on \l|-- ClHrlllL'l‘, but nt un_\ ulllcr [l'nb [lnqy NW v-nlr In nl' ms": 0! ,‘.¢ r\'r.usnnd Hpmnl .\lll-cpmfa' Pmus 111-llll‘“lt'knnllI.iluhl,l“fl1i}1hl'()llallfl't 1-xvrliun.'|’-Illnnu'on ul'flle ”can, H's-limits, Ind Whites. IIH'FB Pills WIN eflwt wuuré'u lu‘g-u Ml ollwr mum lune l.u!hl ; and ull’lymuuh n dpuuorml r: Imm: , do not runtn ulrun,r.ulmm-l, {ultimouh or unllhmg hulllul lo the uunaluuu IN3". . z - . ‘ Hit-H Ilium-lion” in llu‘ p tmphlvl nrmufl s-u'h pnrfingv. “1411 h <- nuld hr mrvhdh |vlorl‘l\| d. 33.1.1 I.} MI l)rl|:\!_|r|i._ S'nh .\,;cl3‘. furJh-e {'niu-Il SLIM“: fll\d~l':\n Mm. _ { Jg'l: \'l n-lem 2: (‘drxL-n-h >L.,.\‘. Y N. J‘. -—s)\,uu “ml I': [uni lL'" Fl-HHIh “Ithqu 10 :my ‘mlhtihl. «1 Am ul. \\ ull iII-lIH.‘ u bullle-, ron'nimu r .'.l) £2114. by n-11n-n Imul. $Ol4 In] A. D. Hut-Mar. ‘ [hu-x 13, my». I} LI[CIR-HHALJ'[IT-S’I‘IIEVYI'H HHC—xlli \{IHI—hTRPAU’I‘H LII l'Z—~Hl'2.\ .'l‘H—ub’l H LMII‘II THE GREAT FRENCH ‘RH‘MEDY. _ Terrible Disclosures. Stan-re N): we “mm !——A more "lul ble and wond‘ertul publication. A work 0! 400'pnges, and 30 colored Engraving. DR. HUMER'S mm: now, run original m 1 :polmlnr "(Mi-'0 on‘ Man nna Woman, their .Phyeiolopy, Functions, and Saul disorder. of every kind. with Never-Failing Remedion for the'r lured” cure. The practice of D BUNTéR has long been, and etill 11, unbonn - ed,.bu£‘at the camel! solicit-Hon of numerous persone, he hon been Induced to extend his media-l ugefunlneel lhrongh the medium of hil‘ “VA DE MECUN." It in a volume lbnt ehould be in the Made of every mail; in the land, u n prevenfh'e of lecret vicee, or no 1‘ guide for the Illevmdon of one of the monk aiiul and destructive scourge: that ever vieited unkind. One copy. securely enveloped, will be.forwnrd-‘ ed free of poetnge lo any part ofthi United Sum for {‘o some in P. 0. stamp. Addreu, gong pnid, DE. HUNTER, No. 3 Div-ulna SL; ew York. ’ [Septfiit 1,: strung., but True. Every young lady Ind genueman in tho ‘ Upiud Sane. can heir l 0 “bin; 70 punch a: any: advantage b? ream nun a"? ‘2‘” chm-n.) by‘ ctldte'u n" a mad finds-J ‘Th'ou h-vlng fun of being hmnnuod ,wllf': oblige by no‘ aqua!“ ‘thhsagq. ‘MI ogherl ‘, ’1" plan “#O.! their obedient um“, ,1 “ ”- . mos. n. puma, , 111-JR”: I; " g 3). Bgmdnym. Y. ‘ LIMO BM