ODDS AND ENDS. «Iv-ii lam-cum xx. .’ “cannon." , .H ‘on . . ! ‘Mvmy little boy. n'ml girlsnm in,rb.'h.b_..! ,nu comm no: ll . u. A 93. j, “oi “pug—“l é? "d 6 "‘ .'lh“ .'°“,°¥ SURE unridowlor alckneu. and 3 "hp. .1110" 9:11;“ tibigrms‘wfi; "unt- A A from Sorrow, Pm nd Due-... ‘ VG" n E ‘ v I - c . ' " l heard a Rule boy (not so very little.how—! ‘ nfi::fz2:r£::k ‘ ,1‘ h‘e—wummc nine l . h - . . . ' :rfedfl’); m; inother lo hrizzl 1:3: Mutt? “WWW-‘9 ”° “' 3".“ ““113 “91- .md Buy-”‘1 can’t. do “_n , . CIM. lor genenl nu, Purifying tho'Blood sud - ' Hm molher and to him agnin ‘very plea: ”lewd“ ‘gen‘éifig fags‘gl'afgmfl. “I”qu Ililukyoucan, Jamel, uyyou "y' ‘regulnoejhe stomach, Liver 6nd lillllnl'y So - “Ho. 1 can 1. nmlhen'll’lld I don " wan!- to. crcuuns, which is the chief cause of Nervou .—l wont Roberta/g do l}. ' nests, Uiddiueaa, Dimneu of Si ht, Heudnche "Bohr hln bu futheruthe barn . K i , rt. 15 _(vpl ‘5 , 1 sick Stomach imd other kindred compluinu.‘ grad you con do it. Just. an He”. II w have! _llundrein‘of Cgrtlficsm eln he Shown. ' Haiti: $3.119"; 2'3‘s’eiyihmg." m I m"b“'°‘”§i?i"l‘§“§’fii3‘é‘i»ii‘n§” “m“ "lined Joules. starting ’o' “W Food-hauled my :dnpted lor till gen and consiltutionlw; I‘bgagmlfing titedfiglflizglrlzed with I I ’lli'he'yahm (soli‘npo‘s'ed 911th: (active prirécifgélea a; .' 'nongv - _ ‘er In oo.cne romouresln but” ofwood on full at he could get .t—‘loreus. The ore mild but eel-nun in their ‘:1 ,though; you couldn’t bring in wood,foperation—pgodueing‘ieither crllnps,gnplnfl, Jones," said his mother. ayuim or sickness. .’l‘heyamy be taken by all : “Well. I didn’t want to ; and Robert must, hues. sexes or condition without. fear. bring ‘the next bfiikct full." replied June. . ‘I‘I‘YAN’S LIFE “[4143. Cure honduchfl imt‘uhly. ' r ‘ BRYAN’S Luau Plths, gm glck Stomach. ' ‘ ' BRYAN'S LIN» Pl LB. ure iddinen. H" “my hula boy. ”a “in. m hh- Bronx's Lin: PILLS, Purity the Blood. James. When told 00 do some light chores, , . - . _n. v .n A Box of BRYAN 8 LIFE PILLS Will post. but they have a habit ot saying Icon Ida u. l ~ I . . , ~ TWENTY-k-VE CENTS, “11l lxtLloJumcu I hnve - lpoLen of. u i . - . . ‘ and van accomplish all that :3 represented very much “(helped to Hill bad habit. - , - . 1 . . A ~ . ' They Are elhgantly put up by the proprietor ”WWW” "b“ h“ "m" ‘.‘”‘ol" h'mvw'the in\eutol:of BBYAN'S PULuomc WA fmpixdwfi» a ' i do lllC‘Aml‘rlEJn l'miou. , ' . Boberuodo, IL." ' i lf 0 lti\'l:l lhmu'e Life Pills ‘nnd énnnot . ‘hSuch: habit, do mme‘chgdren what"? ! get lieu! Hf}tu‘hlrl;ggl§i, don‘t m'kc any other, i9‘W V“ requflé *0 0 any L "‘5 .Vi'hutsenill...-Irina: Ceuu in a‘lelter to Hi their parent's. wnhouuuloppmg to condid‘ . proprlczor, and you will get, their. by mum act or how wrong :1 is, thelhrst'reyly NJ" be—f mm, poul-ymd. .Addreu, ,~ . 7,“! (isn’t do w [know can 2.' ‘ ‘ - , ’ DR. J. BRYAN Now this is ‘ not. only dilrcspectful 10l 443 Broadway, New‘Ybrk. P. 0, Box 3079, ' their-murals, but. it. is giving utterance (0| Dealers can be supplied by Demna Barnes 8; n lal-enood; lor it is seldom that. parents iCo., Wholesale Agents, New York. a, ‘deeiro their children to do anything they we unable 10410 if they will _hui. try. g ‘4 Young reader, when hidden by your pa - rents to do any li‘tle luVul‘ tor them, don’t. say you can't, but say I’Ulry. How-much timer will you §ucceed a: you advance in Me. in whalever you undertake. If you have _tlie spirit well fixed in your mlml—rl'u. 'nr.-—Pazor‘a Helper. ‘ '- The Trim nun. He is above 3 mean thing. He cannot 1:00p to a mean fraud. He invades no se br‘eu In bhe keeping of,unother. He .bel trays no secrete-ciluiilled tn hm keeping. He nevan aunt: in borro'ww plumage. He never Lakes selfish advantage of our'mls luk'eb'. He never stabs in the dark. He is unburned} of iuuendoes. He is not one thing loin man’s two and another behlnd ’hia beek.‘ If by accident he comes in pos session of his neighbor’s counsels, he nod upon thejm an act. of {instant oblivi‘igyrbfle bears sealed packages withont 4. myering with the‘rwu. i’apurs not meant. loi- his eye, whether they-flutter m. the winder: ox ~li open before him in unregarded exposure. fife sacred to him. 11¢ encroach“ on .no ‘privacy ofoLlnen‘stWM-r the sentry sleeps. 'Boiu-hnd hare, locks and kuyu. hedges and pickets, bonds and begunnou, notice to tres- Essers, tire none {)1 them [or him. Us may trained himself out. of “gm—near the Ehinneutiparlition—lnywhere. Be hvya no _bfliee, he Hells none, he intrigues for none: no woulh rn‘ther foil 0'! his rightq than win by dishonbr. Harm“ eat. honesg bread.— ne insane no man. He Iramples on no sensitive feeling.‘ lf.he have rebuke for unotber, he in straight forward, open, unm ly. Whatever hejudgos honorable he prac ticea fowera every man. ‘ ' ‘ ‘ " L———-~ < o. —.— ne-The 'Richmon (Van) 7mm thus #O - ono‘ot th‘e pn xpul palms made by fine advocates of neglib suffrage. 1L suys‘: ‘ “1: seems that. this main ground upon which, the opponents of, the President’s View: and policy c’aim that the negro should vote, 1s thanhe served in the‘armies "nf the qu’on‘ Triol be consistent, they bhould extend the rightful eukfrage also Lo 3111 the minors .end mnuhlurullzed torexgners who like‘bise fought and bled. ‘Ag‘nd as suf frage shah ch‘eupen each year, alter it shall hive been given to the uegroes, the horses hml. mule: which served m the artillery hnd wagon trans of the Union army ought. to heme u. The reluuves ol'lhe beefcaule. ehéap anti-hogs which were ?luught.ered lor {the me of he troops should‘recejve u. like- Vme,‘ and it. wank} be grass Injusrlcé and in~ krutimdg not to perm”. every cannon and rifle fired during the war 10' vote. After this it would be advisable to make up elec tor of any male white 1:: black. over the' 'uge of eight. days, who could prove or for whom it. could be proved, lhai he was the ‘aon of a gun.’ 11 she qualification or suf li'nge is the bearing ofenns, let. the Lhu‘Ly lhouwidi Canadians who are mid to have hunted In the ur‘mies of the Union be m ‘med tolhe polls, and in addmon to these. is! every . cannon, umber-cheat And car‘- ‘tndge-bux cost a vote.” ‘ ' —— ——-——.«Q.>-———!—- ‘ meu is the difference between a. ‘d‘rummer boy and a pound of meat. 1' One Weighs a pound audv the other pounds away. ‘Cu-rlagc-makmg Bustpess. THE war being our, the undersigned hafi‘e : resumed the A mamaemmmxa Bcsmmss,‘ their old stand. in Eust Middle street, . . ‘.. umryslsunu, . where .they are again prepared to put up work In ihe pest fashionable, subsmuuul, and supe i‘ior marnneru A Int of new (and seconq-hand -'- c RIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., ‘ on hand, 3m: they will dispose of Lt. the lowest jn’l a; and all orders will be supplied in promptly and satisfactorily as possible. > ' i ‘1 ”REPAIRING .‘ done wilh‘dispalch,’ I'nd at. chenpest, mes. ' A large lot or new and old HARNESS on laid for sale. ’ ‘Tlmnkfnl for the liberal pntrdnage hereto fore enjo’yhd by them,lhey solicit nud will on d‘en‘or' to deserve a large share in the fugure. " " VDAKNIEZB U ZIEGLKB.. .July 10, 1865. tl .. - . . Fresh Arrivafi. 131 W GOODS—IL BOUTT a SONS have in“ reccn'eg'anolhcr tine assortment of ah’W GQODS, confining, in part, of Uloiha, Cnigihlierg'a, Cueuiueu, ,Kentuck; Jeans, and qu'édl, fuLGgmlcmen's Wang. Al ,3 line monument of g ,' ' , LADIES‘ DRESS GOODS , ohr stock has been sellecbedmmh great care, Ind "we am prepared to sell as chrup aa any bther esu'blishujent iu the country. We ask Ibo-155W to gave us a II and judge for themlelvea. \Vo defy cong‘ethion, both as 90 quid“, udnriése. A. COl‘T & SUNS. « .uepn. 11.1359. - ‘ > a. New Id mu GOUD (mat—an ‘KWELL & co” ' Giliey'a 11:011. Building. 171 Broadway, aew York have cammonced me basins: of “king 8 BSQRIPTIUNS to all the PRINCI PAL MGAZLNES and \YEEHL} PAPERS, {or 1850]“ PERIODS, (quarto I] or half yrnElyJ at the lawn yen-1y roles, offering a. grey: udwnuge 1.01010” 0! litemmne, who: my rich to take several publicalionl.puying b'n I'lmle mom-y M. n time. Full particula in 'I circullr sent on application to In] ad drr‘u. ,‘.*A GOOD AGENT WANTED m m); mun. POSTMAS mm: He requested :0 Bendtor our nix-cull: containing inducemenu. ‘,l ~ .. , BLACKWELL a: 00., _- ‘ 171 Brondwuy, New York. Dec. 26,1-8555. 3111 ~ 7! CHANGES FOR 31.—Jinn! A}- Low .0 PIIOKIX—IUO,OOO Welcbea, Cums Lock w, Rings, Bracelets, Sou of Jewell-’l, Gold Pena, am, kc. To’ be disposed of at. ONE DOLLAR etch, wnhou: regnrd to vnluo, no! to be ppm for until-yon know u‘Let you are to recexve. _ ' 1001 mm Bunting’-cue Watches, each, . 650 to $125 500 Silu-rWatches, each, 20 to 35 7v , looooeoldfene kslherCue,eech, 6to 8 ‘ 1 w WEI/(3900 Sewdlindielal’ Jewelry, (as. ' 'U' .__ _ ‘sorco,elc. =3to 10 J“ ° :zinazrtxswxatgssesz g. mm or “Mo.rngh of Genyaburg, deemed, generipuou ’0: Indie: g“: gents "an “r," bevlngfieengnuud to th‘e unieraigned, nsid- I "‘3 ‘9 “I“ In»? Eto 20 fink" oThe~Bxethod inx‘intlui '1‘?! placq'he hereby given “°‘i°°'::c:l;::lgh;§ngwr ese “‘0 3 a u out“ * indebted v.O uni . , .: .=‘ :;:I£::Qigimenu and than: ism-Eflrém? cERTIFICAI‘Eb ““3"“ “u ARTICLE “6 ’ “film du‘ nine to Presem men: ‘PI‘OPGI‘!’ '1" we” a". ”ma.” EEAPED .F'XVELUPES unmenticuled for eeulufieut. ~ ‘ ‘ Land well mued,.one a! whleh Will be sent. by , 4; ; ‘ WM. 11. (JUL? Adina. lull 9.0 any addresg on recexplof Pnce. One I b 1383 61- ,‘f , . serum-m 25 cents. Five for 31. There ”0‘ _ ,~"'}-' ' . v ——~——_——— ho suns. You mu}! get are VALUE of £ BOILER-’8 you can get your money. Cuculu-e vmh particular: . 866. I'm. Comb-flows. 2mm. rm; Address, Au. amputee. , . , loam ‘.‘,an “flit. . : 4 1 till . ...;H 74! lJ . n,” m"'. N‘- Yuri, h- " ‘ V. ‘tlaafl‘t, ‘.'..i "V: I" ‘ . .‘. r 1! . : ‘ “A OM Advé'rtising Columns. L‘ runny IH3 snoop GLAD N.EWS! ~ Iron 'm: ”ramming. mHEY CAN BE USED WITHOUT DETEC. 1 A’HUN, and do not inturfzre with business pursuits. nnfl NU CHANGE OF DIET 13 NE CESSAILY‘. . , I‘»:~Zi‘qf33eclae Pills - Are wan-amen in MI. cases, for the Speedy {lnd Permanent Cure of Semxunl Weakness, Ureth- I'ul und- Vnginal Dischuxqqs, Gleev, Sex'ual Discn-es. Emission”, Impotence. Genital arid Nervom Debilxty and diseases-cf thé Bladder and Kidneys. - . , :I‘luy an: Ldapced (o 1130 (fr female, old or young, and Mg tho . , liaplc known for the cure of 31': dirt-mew arising from, ‘ \ UUI‘HPL‘L INDISCIIETIUN. ' In ull Sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stric- ‘ tin-c, (Heet,‘aud in all 'L‘rinnry and Kidney complaints, they nct like‘n charm. Relief is experience-l by taking a single Lu:- and lrom {our to si" boxes generally <7l!ch a: cure. , Sold in boxes hnumining 50 pills, Price Ono. bollnr', or six boxes, Five Dollars; Mac, in lerg;bovu, conuining four of the small, Price Three Dollar'z. Prh ate Cirguinrs te,G‘entlemcn only, sent free on receipt of directed enrglope and stamp: * It you‘need the Pills, out. ch! his advertise; mantfor relereuce, sud i‘xou cannot procure them in your druggis: do not. be impos‘ed‘ou by 'any other remedy, but euclos‘e the money in a letter to Lu. .T. HRYA N, Consulting Physician, Box 13079. ~ 442 Bmadnuy, New York. and (My mll b 9 sent to you secure fer o') zyrvation, by rgtnrn mnil,post—pnid, dn :cce'rpt. of the money. ‘ Deplera supplied by Dumas But-nus & 03., Wholesale A‘geug, New York. . IMPORTANT TO LADIES DP. 2 ml- cy’s Female P 1319, T 141“. most i lli'ule rm! popular remedy - ever known, for all disc-uses of the female sex. The] hfivo been usnd in many thousand cases «in: unfailingsucuess—and may be re lliod on in every case ‘fcr which :bey are re tommended, Md particularly in all cucs nris iug from K = ~' . ÜBSTRUCTIGN, 9n STOP-PACE OF NATURE ~in) mute." from what cause it driscs. *They are effectual in restoring to health all .wbunre unf foxing tram kauesa. 3nd Debility. Uteriné “Disc-b ugvs, Nervousness, km, (:02, km, 'lnd :Iny “Actlikc a Charm." in strengthening the -system. Thousands of ladiei who have suf fered tor years and tried various other reme diea in min, own a renewal of their health_und strength wholly to the efficacy of . DR. HARVEY’S FEMALE PILLS. ' , They rue perfectly harmless on the system, may be when at. any time wilh perfect satay; hm during the early stages of Brcgnnncy they should not be taken, or a miswringe may ho tho result. They never cause any sickness pmn or distress. Each box equufins 60 pills, Priue One Dnllnr. .' ; DR. 'HARVEY'S GOLDEN” PILLS, n. rcmeflj‘ for special Lanes, four degrees strong er L'hau the übovle ; Price Five Dollars per box A Privothirculnr to Ladies with. fine ans -lomjcal engravings, sent free on receipt of di reqte‘d envelope {Lad stamp. _ ‘ (“roul- this out it'you desire Dr. Harvey‘s Pills, and ifj‘ou cannot procure them of )oux druggist; do not. take any other, for some dealers who are unprincipled will recommend other Female Pills, they can make n- large; profit uni—but. enclose the money and send di. reel. to - . , ' DR. LBRYAN. Consulnng Physician, ' Bax 5079. ' . 442 Bromiwny, New York and you' will r3ceive them post-Imm scuurel} sealed from ohsermtiu‘u, by rcturn until. Daqlers supplied by Dennis Barnes & 09. Wholesale AguuLsKNew Yen-k. ‘ " The PrlyamMedlcnl Adviser. . . (Exclusively for Ladies.) ‘ N invaluable treatise of 100 pages, by Dr ‘.‘. J. Hurgey, published for the benefit 01 1.118 sex. . _ ‘ .Qn receipt. of TEN CENTS, iq will.be sen! post-paid, in is sealed envelope, to all who Ip p‘ly-foi' it. Address ‘ ‘ DR. J. BRYAN, 442 Btondwny, N. Y. , Box 5079. . . Manhood x ‘THXRD EDI'flION, Fihy Thousand—loo . pages, by Rona-r E. ”up, )1. D. A enu uon, addressed no youth, the married, and than Cox‘nxau'nm Mnnuon. Sem'. by mail post-paid, on receipt of TEN CENTS. A cure- I‘ul pern'a‘ll of thin sumll book has been a Boo: to was Artucrxn, and has saved thousands mun 3 life or misery, and an untimely grave. 11. treats on the evil: onoanlul ‘ludisuetion, Self-Abuse, Semuinl Wenkness; Emission. Sexual Diseases, Genital Debilrly, Lou oi PoWer, Negousncaa, Premature Decay, lm‘po tence, Am, an, wbigh unfit the sufferer {mm fulfilling the Üblignllons of Marriage. . Afimas, DR. I. BRYAN, I ‘ ‘ l Consulting Physician, 36: 503?. 44:: Broadway, New York. ADI.) .IRKK 1y _ ‘Wntches J: Jewelry. NE IMMO =lie 3“]. Wwiker c C 0... New Wt Cheap Goods! ' = g ,' " This Phaeton“ Imm - .. , L OT‘K’TI 3'B , ‘ l ‘ 1 IX HANOVER!— ‘ \u hereby inform!" cilirens 0! York Ind WAéHIKGTOXBUILDmGy All-ms counties. twe lg" uubllehod, u the s'outhoutl, corner of cum Square end ! 31'“wath HANOVER, .tomorly occn~ pied by .Elc:T. T. Winks Brunch Store, (the prinu'pulmneingn houses being loomed ‘in New York Ind York, Pm.) where we will Heep-t all time: s regular “sorts-ant. of'Dry, Domestic md;Fincy GOODS, ulna, a well .9. hated assortment of CLOTHS. CASBIMERES, CASSIEETS, QUTTINETS end CORDUROYS; China, Glass and Queens-ware, Ludles’, Missee' and Children't‘ SHOES; Ilsa, a nice and full usortmcut of all kinds of CARPET, Floor sad Teble Oiloeloth. We hsvehléo establiehed in rooms ndjoming the Central Hotel, a CLOTHING ÜBOIIE, where m: willkeep constantly on hungl a well selected module-at oi Ready-made Clothing. of thelnteet etyles, and u (all assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, such as Huts, Cups, Boots, Shoes, tea, which I'e will sell at reduced prices. - As our move is, and always will be, “quick sales and smell profits," we hope to receive I sure at the ipatronsge of town and coun try. Our connection will: the large wholesale houses in s'er York City, and York, Pe.,where are always st red An extensive stock of géods, which we seiner. wholessle and retail, enehles us to supply éur old friends and such of our new customerfi as will give us atoll, with the very best marketable goods, Lt lower rates tlmu can he purchased anywhere in the Sine. Call and see let younelves. , JUS. LEBACLI, & BRO. line 26: 1865. 'ly . ‘ 165 un‘lfl'lmou aunt, BALTIXOBE, ke'ep wnmnt! 'on hand a Inge :nd wen u eoned uock oft“ kinda ol good: st mama mcel. ' I They supply order! for the fine“. {45 thé lowest, priced articles, eilher ready nude or nude to menu", to my pm. 0! the country. They keep also sn‘extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS. embncing every nude 0! Gentlemon'l Under-veer. Alan, MILITARY SULOTHS and every unety of Miliury Trim mings, us I’m" u u Injorted stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS. Ballhnbre,l"eb. 22. “164 Good Thugs as... [he cm: E are receiving twice A week from the ‘6 city 3 variety of articles suited to the name of this community, viz: Fresh and Salt FISH, Ham], Shoulders nu’dVSides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oruuggs, Lemons, Confections, Tabaqcos, S ms, with many other ~rticleu in thih line-1:?! received in the best order, and sold ht the lowest profits. Give us a call, in Baltimore street, nearly opposite Fobnestocks‘ store. ‘ u . ‘ “CANTER—Butter, E'ggij Lard, and 11l other country product—for which the highest, cash price will be paid. ' 3 , SWEET POTATQES-be'n quality, It low est living p‘mfiwénlwnya‘ on hund. Also OYSTERS, fine tad hush—in the ~shell on shocked. Restaurants and families supplied. . SIRICKHUUSEB & WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg, 2.lny 18, 1863. New “’lnter Goods. ‘ (‘HIA‘LL PROFITS a QUICK SALES. k} J.‘Lr SCHLCK would respectfully any to the citizens nf‘Get lysburg and vicinity. um. be is now receiving at his store a splendid r STpCK 0!" WINTER GOODS. The stock consists in parkof Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of every degcription. SILKS; ' - ' KOZAMBIQUE. - . ' CHALLIES,, " DEI.‘AI:!ES, ' BbOM-EAZINES, ‘ _ ALPACCAS, ‘ ' :LAWNS, CALICOES, bf wunliliea mid choicest styles, which "l” be sold at PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. FURMSHING GOODS , , of an kinds, including Silk, Lima and ,Cottoi: l'Andkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, the. Alto, m-splchdid assortment of RIBBONS,‘ Laces and Edgings, Umbrellns‘nnd I‘."msnls.- ~. My «tot-k of WHITE GOODS will He found full und uumpletc, and customers may rely upon ulwuys getzugg good goods at the lowest possi .bl‘: prices. A f Gentle'men will find it to then advantage tc cal! and examine my neck of " CLOTHS, ' . , CASSIMERES and ~ A VESTINGS, of all qualifies and choices: styles. .-'.m. 1,1866. .. J. L. SCHICK. ' new (a- mist taut—stock !_ . ERCHANT TAILORING. - ' Fll JACOBS a: BRO. ' have just received from the cities 3 large stock 0! goods foi- Gentlemen‘s wear, embracing a variety of ‘ . - . CLOTHS,» CASSIMERES, - . -‘ VEST-lIIGG, Cflsljncts, Jeans, km, with many o‘hcr goods for spring and :nmn‘e: wenl‘.’ They are prepared‘ to make vp garment: at the shortest notice. Ind in the verylmet man ner. The Fashions afe regularly received, qnd clothing made in unidesired style. The] al— ways make nru‘ fi's, whilst. their sewirg is aura to be aubstnua‘m'. They ask a cortinuante of the ppmlu's p 9.- tronnge, r~soivnd by goud wank and moderate charges Lo earn it.- w ' , Geztysburg, April 7,4136% ” lanaastcr I‘zc‘f Bim‘ery. EORG‘E \VIANT, ~ , ‘ BOOK BINDER, ‘LND BLA‘SK 300 K MC'ACTU"£R, - ‘ ‘ LANCASTER, PA Plat'n and Ornamental Binding, of every de scription, executed in_the most. substantial and approved styles. . LEFFREKCES E. W. Brown, Esq.kFarmers Bani cr' Lil neuter W. L. Palmer, Esq, lecnm‘r Coun‘: Bank Samuel Sh‘ock,‘ Esq., Columbia Bani". Srmuel Wagner, Esq” York Bank. - ~ William Wagner, Esq.. York County; Bank. ’l‘. D. Carson, 1953., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Es‘ ~ Proth‘y oftmncaster co., Pa. Geo. C. Hnwthorg, Esq., Register “ . “ Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder “ “ April 15, .1861" '`b6 ' 4C. V. n BUSHELS 01“ GRAIN 00.0 \}o WANTED,“ the new Grain And Produce House, in Ca‘rlisle street, adjoin ifig §henda bfiuehler’s estshlishment. The highest. met-kc: price will always be raid in cash for 3 ' ‘ ‘ GRAIN, of all kinds, , . FLOUR. SEEDS, kc.” Always on‘ hand and [or sale,“ tho smallest prams, ~' GUANOS, ‘ SALT, FISH, ‘ _ ‘ . ’ ‘ GROCERIES, £15., ‘ Wholesale and tend}. TRY US! We Ihnfl do our belt to gin lafiafaclion izi all cases. . = Mucum a; 9mm Gouysburg, May 11, 1363. - 1y . Moro Phflhps’ ENGINE. IMPROVED SUPER . l PHOSPHATE 0F LIME, JOE SALE AT , MANUFACTURER’S DEPOTS, N 0.17 N. hum Street, Phiiadelphin, and Ho‘ ' "-14 Bowly’a-Whnri, _ BALTI)1 0 R E . The subscribefihegs leave to iniom Dealcrn and Consumers but. he is now prepared to’ furnish 110 M) PHILL-I’PS’ GENUINE IM7 PROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE 0F LIME, in miy quantitiep. ‘ The universal‘satlsfac‘tiop this article has given ,duang the. 153" four years, has no in-, creased the demand thtl have been compelled to greatly ”enlarge nry capacity for its manu facture,nn§l have be? induced to establish a branch home in the city of Baltimore. I trust that! will?!” nble to tilt All orders during the seuofi. get my rule in first came fin! «ruck Price in i’hilldelphin $6O per ton, 2000 lbs, in Baltimore um. price, freight trom Phila delphh added. ' , . ’ Discount. to Dealers. ‘ ’ WED: sale byW. E. BITTLE & 00., Get tysburg. ,‘ ' - ' ‘ ' HOBO PEN/UPS, 'o Sole Proprietor and Mnnmcmrer Mar”. 20, limb. ~‘ n. P. Bayley 4:. Co., . . a mums 1N ' *5 CHINA; GLASS a: QUEENSWARE, yuan WARE, FINE CUTLEEY, ; , r~ A - ‘GASTORS; “3., No. 6 Huang 8332331 llAE‘BAumong 81., 1m noun. an. GLASSWARE ;--Tmableu. Gobletl, Wines, Luge", Hanks, Blk. Bnmel, .Cnndy Jun, De cantcn, Pun. Dishes, Fruit Howls, Salts. uns tors, Castor Bowel, Ker. Lumps, Ker. Chim nnys, Lanterns. .hc': , , QUEENSWARE‘:—-Pl¢t¢l, Flat Dishes, Deep do.,' Omen-ed do., Covered Bulten, Tu Pats, Sugars,‘o:enms, Bowls, Pitchers, Chnmben. Basin urd Pitchén, Mugs, Spmoonl, Tu Sets, Toilet Sets, kc. , ' 00M. STONEWARE :—Jnge, Jars, Pitcheh, Milk Pnns,&e. [my 1865. 11* New Bakery: EWPORT l ZIEGLHR, [whanicd Elk. . en, South Wuhingvon umt, hall aqua" from the'hgla Haul, GETTYSBURG, Pg;— Oons'lum! ’on hunt], the ban a! BREAD, CRACKEgS, CAKES, ,PRETZELS. kc. Per. son: wishing fresh Bread will be serreq every morning. by laying their name: sud random: at the Bakery. Every efl‘ort made to please Give us n call! [4pm 20, ’63. t! mama's HERB amnas {or talent M Berna-’5 Drug Ind Vain, Store. a»... Affirm“ .a ...»... ..n 45.4,: Hanover, I ibush. Grain Wanted. 100,000 AT THE Nu“, mu OLD WAREHOUSE. ' pDLE a: 60. would inform the ey have. leasett the Wdrchouse ‘ofjtrunou street and the Rail} sburg, where they will carry on .ND PRUDUCE BUSINESS,. in tea. The highest pricesvwill ll or ‘ _ * " 1 WM, 1;. El 1 public that ti! on the corner‘ rpm], in cm} the GRAIN . 'mll its brunch: {Waysjb'n p'xid ! WHEAT, . - CUR. RYE, , OATS, ‘LOVER. a; TIMOTHY SEEDS, I FLAXSEED', SUMAC, ! HAY a: STRAW; - . Ms. Sonp, Harm, Shoulders and I-s, with everything else in the ‘(9 line. | HAND, FOR SALE. , Dried Fruifi, ‘ Sides, Potato couhlry [groan . u ’ON Cdfl’eefi, Suga Salt, Uhoese, } Brooms, L'uc kc. Also () FISH offs" Smoking: and They are at "title of FL! FEED. ‘ s,3lolusses, Syrups,Tnns,Spices Vinegar; SuduuMuwmrd. Starch, ets, Blncking. Brusheg, Sonya, AL UIL, “511.011, Tar, kc.— kinds; ‘NAILS .‘..ND SPIRES; Chewing Tobaccos. K ‘ [ways ahic lo supv’nly a first rate UR, “ith the dih'erent kimis‘o! Also, GROFN’D PLASTEZ, with CUANOS and other fertilizers. i’fGOAL, by the err loud. ‘ ‘ run to Bfiltimoh and ba:l:twicc e.y will be happy :9 «any goods ,modergtte chnrges. Mnrketmen, : antsx find others, will find it. to the to pmrnmze this line. 187 ‘ ’ buihelkton. 0 Their Cnrs ‘ a week,und t 1 either way at] country mere their ndvanla sburé ofthe pnhlic’s custom,and y! eflpn to render satismctioa to. fbuyers. _ ' WM. E. 'BIDDLE a; 00. ‘ $64. if 1 They {ask a Will spsra noi all, sellers "1"“ Aug. 22, I 1 all 0 b'o I:1 n, Yonxfn., nun nu: mums», ETT YSrfiS URG, PA.—The undersigned G would osf. respechlly inform his nJ mcrnus Srie'ufls nnd Hm. {Jubiic generally, thai he hxs gunnl‘vsed that long «ambushed and m“! kmwn Ema], the “Globe Inn,” inflow street, llénydburg, and will spare no effort to conduct i: ‘nla manner that. will nobdctmct frown ils Mme: {high reputation. His table wxll have are best the market can afford—his spacious :‘nd comfortable—and he hrs kid i for his bm’a full s'tcck of wine§ raj [lquom 'There is large 'stnbling Mlnchgd to the Hole], +¢hicu will he attended by urgen- Livc hafiticrs. 1 It. vi}! be his constant. endeavor tc reuéer Lb: *ui‘esb satisfincfiiOu '.O his guns“, mrking his Lguse as MM 3 home to them as posmble. He {asks a sham of the public’s p 9.- tront 2c, detedmined 2:5 he is to dcun‘a‘a lnrg pnrfi of it. Remember, the “320 n Inn” is .13 York sueet, fin: near the Diamond, or Public Square. [ . SAMUEI: WOLF‘ April 4, 18q4. H 1 ‘ _4, , -.. __ ._ _ _ ... B":’j‘,§‘.!"”..\! nurmmsx \ EW FAHL-AND‘M'IBTEK GOODS. LI ‘ mumsrucx mmmms buve fua‘. retuk'ned f on NH" York mud Phila delphia \"j‘h (~29 of th? largest stocks of new mx aha ‘.‘.‘iz‘ler Goods o‘er offered to the .‘.iiizens n! 1&1”:nt county. They were pul chasc'l helm-oi the late rise in goods and will ‘3; sold at corqcsronding prices. The unusual]; great. (£l239de goods ot‘every‘description for the Southern hianct, willfindofibtedly unuge a further riacfin the pncc bf goods. We there fore ndvise’nll that x , NOWJS THE .TIME TO BUY. Our stock of Ludies' Dress Goods is cpm pletefconsismng of Frent'h M'rinoes,‘ very cheap, "ll we 1 Pofiins, nll wogl J’laids. De l:\ines-—Shep! erds' leda. Oar-licoes, Ging hums, Plaid Glsalla,Cobnrf,vs.Cloths for LaJies’ Cloak; unrsu lly low, Silks and all the latest rifles ofllrc: Goods. ' - CLOTHS, assimgres, Onsainete, Tweeds, Kentucky J‘eahs, (an. for .‘.len’a.\‘.'ear. ‘ FLANXELSathe largest stock ever brought to this "made , and chgap.‘ Also, aha-go "As lor‘ment of 0 uk Trimmings, Shuwls', Hoods, Balmorals, an in fact a full and complete 55-. scrunch: bf 11 kinds of Sttple and an'cy Goods. Our stock having been purchased low, we say a uin ‘ ' ‘ BL'Y YQUR F LL I,‘WINTER GOODS NOW. Having repl nished our stock in all its de partments, we re prepnrcdm supply whatever may be wanted in our line of bmiueis a: prices that defy con: etition. Crlll at the Red From. IFAHNESTOUK BROTHERS. ’ Sept. 4, 1665. . umber, mares, ac... e'en), HARLES ‘.-BUEHLER _ ' Would ‘L'especu‘nlly iqform the.pnblic that he will c mine the business lurid] con ducud by theTfil-m of Sheads J: Buehler, at. the old stand..cotrner or Carlisle and Railroad streetg. He gill be prepared to furniah . THE B_,ST QUALITY OF COAL, ‘ . and every v-r' ty ofLUAIBER, including Dooré, Shutters, Sus . kc. Also, every Vfll‘lely of Cooking Slov 5, among which are the NOBLE COOK, ROYAL COOK, WELLING TON, WA‘VERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ’ ‘ ORNAMENTAL COOK; to. Also, PAREOR, DINING . , EROUM, SALOON AND SHOP .8 T LO V E S ‘ ’4 .‘ AIIO‘, every‘ variety of TIN AND SHEET [RUN WARE.;m§nufactux-ed by the best work men. Also, HjOLLUW WARE-of every variety, inéluding i. “pt-xi Amok of: enamened work? ; Indeed every wing; of Kitchen Wan will he Kept. constantly‘onihnnd. ' Also,th'e lubtamed‘flNlVEßSAL CLOTHES WRINUER," #0: which be is the sale agent. in the cgun‘. 1 ‘ _ ’ He is ullo We Igent for Wheeleg & Wilson’s Sewing Machinegélhe best in use.- April 10, 1465: ,c. u. BUEHLEB. __.-_._.._._9———~—.- ...__.____,____. Noplfins _dc Contoctgons. A WORD 'rd THE mom or TOWN AND , J CUUNTRY. . , , H? lthc+iber keeps a Notion und Contag tlonajy Store on Carlifile street, near}, 0 posits the Rnilrond Statmn, Getty-Hut , “filers be I: constantly on hand, GWifg, :UTS, Pig's. ‘Rnisms, Lemons. Oranges, c.; obnccoa and Seggn of run k'indl'; Pocket- Bookn, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, to.; Soups and Pgrfumeries; also some GROCE RIES, Saga? Cuflees, nice, with the diiferent kinds 0! 6 ckeu.‘ Ice-cold MEAD at ‘all times. He ignite: custom from town Mid country, and polls at ‘lan profits. ’ * i ' ' LEWIS STBOUSE. , Aug. 7. 186;. : 1y . ‘ figment Lands, HE iIBI iber has lame valimble WEST. T ERN LANDS, which hewillltp‘tde for on! ormore FARMS in this county. Thelnnda am well loeited, um] very desirable fog Ina lug. Ban-1y d‘pphcation desired, 3 noon Bnmxnnaorr. Gettysburg: Aprii 3, 1865. u ‘ - ’ RICES , DUCED.—Phkinz is filling”. P BW'GW In unmet: 1.: mm: Great Remedy- for Colds. ' , Great Altmuon - 4 “W may ~31“ 1““ 1' BRTNKERHOFFB CHEAP CLO‘rmNO B BALSAMXC OOBDIAL, on AND FURNISHI-NG STORE, It the North EXPE 0 I'o RAJV T! 1' st Corner of the Diamond, The subscriber A Remedinl mt prepered to meet the ur- in constently in receipt of {if-h goods from the gent d amend ,0, I prompt ”.'d are Antidote . Intern cities.. His stock of for all Pulmonary Disorders. If properlyu-edl READY-MADE momma , i n will give instant relief in almost every. ln- is one of the largest Ind most nttrnctive, u: stance, and will prove no elfectnnl cure in I ' well u the cheapest establishment of the kindl majority of the following cases of nfl'ecttons of in the country. You will there find COATSJ the THROAT AND LUNGS! such as CoIds,‘PAN.TS AND VESTS, made up In the most Coughs, Asthmatic Tendencies, Whoopingl fnshtonnble styles, and of the best materials, Cough, Sbreness of the Breast and Bronchial-of all sizes Ind prices, for men end boys.— Aficctions: ~ _ ‘lr'Qentlemen’s turnishln goods at every descrip- ‘ When we first commenced msnnfluztnnng tron,~ Wool Shirts, finslln Shirts, Hickory the Expectornnt for our home consumption ll Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and was not our intention nor. our desire to Pill 1‘ Cotton aners, Hosieiyofever description before the public es s “cum-Ill.” D 0! to 9115- Bucktskm, Merino and Cotton Gfiores, Hund lish a long list of testimonials as on evidence kerchtcls, Neck Ties, Crnvnts, Linen end Paper otits’cnmtive properties..but the demand for. Collnrs, Hm, Cups, Boots end Shoes. Um it being so great onddecrdedly on the increase, ; brellns, Trunks, vnlices, Carpet Bags, Clothes h’ns induced, and in foot compelled us to ple— Ind Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, pare it on a much larger scnle, nnd Illa to ‘Shoe Blocking, Pocket end Dressing Contbs, establish agencies throughout this section Of‘lvory Combs, Watches, Clocks Ind Jewelry, the country. . ‘ ’ Gun3:.l’lslolB, Violins and Violin Strings, ‘ All we at is that those thus smieted mu! : Soups Ind PerfumerieS. Stationery of all kinds, give it . fair trial, that it may prove its .mfiny _ Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac advantages over otherprepnrntions on Infillll‘i co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segnrs. Inject; nsture now being employed. his stock embraces everything usually lound The price too throws it within the reach of, in s first class furnishing store. '1 mm. the .n. being bug 25 sad 40 cents n bottle. ‘ ntteution of all to come and see for, themselves, ' II lam determined to sell goods ldth-r [him any otherestahlishmentin the country. Don'l forget the place. Corner at York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRISKERUOFF. July 4,1864. ' Bell’s Worm Syn-u p. HE MUST INNUCENT. PLEASANT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY lN USE—A Rn }:mr Pruner xx PEEL—Na Caviar Out to be Taken.—!n this Pxepurwon we have included such remedies ouly'as the_ bcen tried for years and are known to possess powerful authelmin‘tiu virtues, combing-l with mild nperienls, plenum: mommies and sugar. An thelmimlcs of lhcmsclves canuuv. pext'oum their peculufr functipna or have the desired’efl'ect, unless the bowels are kept moderately open. To ‘produce this gentle purgntives are neces sary am! such only ought to be used Lb»; can not. interim-e with the anthelminlic employed. The udvnumges. we claim for this Syrup are: lat. hrpower oIDESTRUYISG AND EX PELLING WORMSI I 2d. lts mild nperienlfifl’ect upon the bowels. 3.1. ltd plensum taste and odor are ’dvan tunes possessed or Llohnod by very few- Verm ifuges. - “P -4111‘. Its lmrmleg's influence upon the system. consequently no injurious efiects will result. from ifs use alrould the patient have no Worms, hut. nu awarent disgnse, arising from some other unknown‘cause, whiqh is frequently the .cose. . The constituents of this 8)"er and its efi‘ecta are knexxu to many Physicmus, who are now using it in their practice to u. [urge extent. ¢ Pnce 25 cents a bottle. The Greatest Llnlmcnl in ['s6. ELL'S WHITE OIL l—T’ltz Blandu!,'o[zun- B as; most Penetrating and ML Economical Linimmt in L'u.—.A powerful Olenginus Coul pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Wounds, Numbness of the Limbs, Erosted Feet. and Hands. Spuvin. Sad dle Gulls, Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises. Swelling: of all kind, find in (no; every dis ease for which an Embrucntion is applicablel either in “an or Beast... Pril-e 25'cenzs n bol‘ [lee—This preparation, which is o'iginal witl‘ us, will he loumi to he oue'of the nicest flag at the surge tigne oneoof themes: reliable up pllcations extant. , . aning been employed very extensively since its introductiu‘n end feeling'salis/fied of its remedial properties, we recommend it with the utmost. ouiifidohce, knowxng that no one Will b 9 disnppnmled in its use. It is, as its name implies, 'a white liuimt‘nl oi 'the consis tency of cream; conznining nothing ctl'cnsive, hut, on the contrary, will be found more plensnnt than othern‘ise. Bell's Alternate, R CONDITION POWDERS! ' FUR. HORSES, CATTLE SWINE 25 cents I'. paper, or fiveyapers for $1 The Immense sale of thes‘e Powders during the short. period they hnvp been before the fiubfic, is a. suificinm guarantee of théir area! popularity, and the decided benefits derived from tho-it use. i ‘ They are confidenfly recommended not. only vs a preventive, bu .us I complete cure for all digenses- lncideut to the HORSE, CUW or H‘G, as Loss cf xppelite, Cough‘s, Heaves, Yellow “inter, Distemper, Gla‘ndcrs, sun, kc. By tliei'r use the Horse’s Appetilejs improv ‘cd, ulll derangement: of lhe’digeetive orglnl corrected, softening the skin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearance, and may he used 'with perlect safety at all times, as (it contains no ingredients which can injure a hotsc, whether sick or well. They cleanse the breathing apparatus by ejecting from the nircells _coagulnred matter, or that formation which so sen-rely clogs them, cnusmg a gightnrss in brea‘hing. and by their peculiar action on that part, they cause the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimensions, thus equali'zmg iho circulation of the bio d and restoring the distended vessel; td their natural size. ' For unenlng cattle they. are invnlunhle, also po sessing peculiar pmperties in increas ing Lh 'uanlity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing them an importance ‘nnd value which should place them ‘within the hands 0! all in terested. ‘ . All diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcexa in the Lungs nu'd Liver, and us a geuefid purifier of the blood we gimrantee their efficacy if once fairly mod. W'gold at. Gettysburg by A. D. Bnehler, Apothecary. and by Druggisla and Storekeep ers generally. Ask for Hell‘s Preparations. - Prepand exclusively by W. D, Dell, Apothe cary, (Gruduue of the Philadelphia. College of 1411511113 ch We" Washington 5:5, Huger:- town, Md.’ [Och H 5, 1865. 1y . Forwarding Business. CUI.P.& EABNSUAW’D‘ LINE. T AYING purchued the Warehouse and Ag Cars h‘eretofore owned by Samuel Hcrbst, t e undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run 1 . LINE-0F FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg toßllllmore every week. They an: prepared to convey Freight either way, in unyqunmity. They will attend,“ dpuired, mtho making of purcha‘aca in the vity. anql deliver ing the goods promptly n‘t Gettysburg. Their cars run to tho- Waruhuuse of STEVEN-, SON & SONS, 165 North Hownrd street, (near Franklin) Baltimore, where freight will b: receiéed M. any timé. Th.e'y invite the attention of tlfe public to their line, assuring them that they will sparé no efl'ort to accommodate all who may patronize them. ‘ ‘ Having puréhnsed the buildings and lot on the Northeast corner of Railroad Ind North Wue‘lrington ltreetaLGettyohurg, their Depot will remain there. Any person having huli-‘ new in the l'prwardinz line are respectfully in- ‘ ritcdvto call. CULP & EARNSHAW. Aug.. 7,1865. ' . , - l ‘4 ‘ --:“—‘*"' -~~—>————7‘l N o ‘ll u m b u g X 1 BMOVAL. , a R HOLTZWORTE ALWAYS ARE-AD. 'UIIS WAY FUR BARGAINS.—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH hga just returned from -the City with thing“: and most complete unort ment. of HATS AND CAPS. BOOTS AND SHOES, am by been brought to,“ this town since the war. His stuck i 5 1 not only bomplete, but La GOOD and CHEAP embmciiag every variety ofßoota and Shoes ‘ for Inn and Bop, whilst the Ladies will find i everything in their line, from the finest Guile! ‘ to the hernias} Show Children's Shoes at 1 every description, “#2“ variety. Also, Ln diea’ Rail, in qua. ity, and Children's [1113,] \ ofall “3199 an prices. “Also, Trunks, Car— pet 3125, Vinson, Umbrellas. Glam. Stock inga, Tohlcco, Cigau and Notion: of every 3 description. ‘ , @Don't forget the pine», South-cut Car. of the Diamond, Gtilysbnrg, Ph. ' ’ JOHN 14. HULTZWOBTB. April 10, 1866. ti ‘ , r ‘ Cannon’s i , MA 3 1811.5“. W 0 B K S,‘ out. wt Como} 6f “(Diana-d lad Balti more "not, nearly opponito no; Shroflco, GET'IT’YSBURG, PA. Eve‘r'y doieripfion of work executed in the V uncut nll. of the 111.. April I}, 1835. if ' ’LL Iflio will: a fine Album to V A IHNNXGH’S Ccnfeclionery, {kgt’é’hlmgfi bun: lfllek_;_ M. , , ADms' m’sts fifnmiss in ”" Law. .5 .- _ .- - - honi'crfl' (‘.‘ruig Attraction. OLD ANU‘SHA'BR _ ‘ G , '___I{U_LID.A 1' alias: $1,000,000 won'ru or WATCHES AND JEWELRY to be disposed of at ONE DULLAI‘. mun: .- Without reg-rd to value 1 Nut to be pni—d lor unul yet: know what you are to recélvel BY 'A.H..no',wl;N & co (Agents for the Munumclurersg - No. 36.85531!” Swgur, NEW anx. fikmd the following List of Arlit'k-‘I to be aohl for UNE DULLVIAXR EACH {'6‘ 1006010liunlmg-cueWnlches,euch,sl2s 00 100 Gold \l'uzchea, vnr's styles, “ 'lO 00 200 Ladies’ Gold Watches, ” 50 00 500 Silver Warthog, each, $25 00 to 40 00 1000 'Elegunt Silver Plated Custur Smalls, eiich. 20 00 to 50 00 1000 l-llegnnt Sliver Plated Fruit. a Duke Baskets, 15 00 to 25 00 1000 arts or Silver l’luled’fen Spoons, ' 8 00 to 15 00 2500 sets 01 Silver?lnle¢Forks,B 00 to 15 00 2000 Goblets, engraved, 4 00 to 8 00 3000 pairs or Tuble Spoons, 5 00 to B 00 3000 pairs 0! Sult Suoons, 3 uo'to 5 00 45'?!) m ~gml‘icum Napkin Rings, 4 00 to 9 50 000503111“: 0! Pendant Eur Drops, 2 (n~sorbed'colora,) 5 00 to 8 00 3300 sets of lmdiu'JeWelry, ilui- ‘ ' cation Ivory, 5 00 to 10' 00 2500 Gold Lockets, hg‘d backs, watch {.n.-e perh'cl imita _ lion Lndics' MM]. 10 00 10000 Lmlies’ Buck Combs, rich , and unique pom-rub, 570010 25 00 4400 Brit Buckles, Gold, Jet and ' Vulcnmw, , , 5 00 to 15 00 60001‘: style VestkfigrkChuiusfi 00 to 20 00 5500 Gent's‘ Cui'n Diumund Pins,s~ 00 Lo 20 00 400000lif'a Diumondl‘lnr Drops,s 00 to 10 00 3000 Miniature and Enameled Ru \‘olviug Piils, _ 5 00 to 10 00 2000(Jnliiornm Diamond and En. 68015550011 i'ms. 2 00 I'o 10 00 2000 Masonic and Emblem Pins,2 401.0 10 00 2500 Gold Baud limcelels, eu- v gmved and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 3000 Jet. and 0103010 Brooches, 3 00 no lo 00 2000-0011120 Brduches, rich p L -Irrus,’verylus!y, \j 00 to 20 00 . 3000 Coral Eur Dropsf ’ 4 00 to 6 00 2000 Ladlrs’ Chatelaine Chains ‘ and Gourd Chnins, ~ 8 00 to 15 00‘ 6000 Genis' Pins, a. splendid 33- , l 1 sortment, ' 2 00 to 10 00 -4000 Sohmire Sleeve BLttons, . . entirely new '51319, 3 00 to 10 00‘ 3000 S‘uds and 51cm: Buttons, ‘ 1 r in sets, \cry rich, , 3 001.010 00 5000 Sleeve Buttons, pl'uin, ‘ enameled Ind engruqu, 2 00 m 8 00 10000 plain and handsomeiyf-en- . , l gravel] Rings, ' 2 50 to 10 00 8000 Lockets, double case, rich ly engraved, - 2 00 to 10 WI 15000 sets 01 l.adiea'Jevv_clry,hew A U l ‘ and [nu-st styles," 4 600'012 00 5000'handsomc Seul Rings, 3 00 t 9 8 00 2000 sets or Bosom Sums,“ 2 50.19 600 ' 1000 Gold Pens and Gold Ex- . ‘ tension Hulders, F) 00 to 25 00 2000 sets Jet and Gold Pins and 0 Eur Dmps, 6 00 to 10 00 2000GoldThimbles,Pencils,&c.,4 00 to 6 00 10000 Gold Pens and handsome Silv'er Cases, 5 00 to 8 00 10000 Gold l’enE and handsome Ebony Holders, 4 0.010 6 00 The method 01 disposing of these goodl'git ONE DOLLAR each is as lollowa: ' Certificates. numifig each article and its mine, are placed in sealed enselopes and well mixed. One of Lhese envelopes wi_ll be sent. by amino any uddress on receipt. of 25 cents“ A Un the receipt of the Ceiufikale you will seé whim you no going to have, then u. is at your option to seud the doll-u- nud lake the article or not. I’urchusers may thus chain 5 Gold Watch, Diamond king, or any set. of Jeweliy on our list for UNI-1 DHLLAR, and in no case can they get. less llmn Uue l)oll.ur'a worth. as there are no blnnks. The pricp oi Uenihcnloa is us follows :r—t me for 25 cents; fin: 101: $1; eleven for 82; min.) 10:35); sixty-live for Sty; one hundred lb? 315. The distribution is conducted fairly, and all have an equal chance of obtaining the val uable prizes by purchasing the Certificates. We gunrwlee‘entin satisfaction in all cases. Agenls wanted to whom we otter special krznxnnd premiums. b’eud 2.5 cents far one Certificate and our cirCular wilh wrms. Address,. ‘ A. H. RUWEN a 00., . P. 0. Eu 4270, New York. Jan. B‘, 1665. n0v.27. 3m .‘.fi __ 1 _ ... .__- , 'Ncw Skirt for 1866. ' HE GREAT INV’EN‘I'IUN UP THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS.—Ji W. BIIADLI'ZY’S Raw Patent DUPLEX ELIIH’TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT.;—This invention consists o'f Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs. Ingenionsly braided tightly and firm ly together, edge to edge, making the tough-l eat. most flexible, clmtic and durable Spring ever used. The] seldom bend or break, like the Single Springs, and consequently preserve; their perfect end hen’util‘ul Shape moie'thnn I twice me long as any Single Spring Skirt that ‘ ever hu or cu be made/ ~ - 1 The wunderl‘ul flexibility and great comfort 1 and pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particnlnrly in all crowded Assemblies, Uperu, Carriages, ; Railroad U-rs, Church Pewe,‘Arm Chain, for ‘ Promenade and House Dre", u the skirbcnn be folded when in use to OCCupy n mull plnco as easily and conveniently an 5 Silk or Muslinl Dreu. ' A Lndy'huing enjoyed the Pleasure, Com fort and Grent Convenience of Renting the (Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skin for a sin le day will~ never Afterward: willingly dinpenle . mth their use. For Children, Misses and : Young Ladle: they are superior to I“ otherl. I The Room ere covered with 2-ply double _ twisted thread and will weer twice u long in ‘ the lingle ynro covering which in used on all I Single Steel Hoop Skim. The three bottom ‘ rod: on every Skirt Ire also Double Steel, and twige or.don ble covered to prevent the your lug Iron: wearing 011' the rods when dragging down stain, Itoue steps, &c., km, thick they are constantly subject to when in nee. All ue made at the new sud elegant Corded Tepea, Ind are the best‘ quality in every part, giving to the wearernhe moat graceful Ind perleu Shape possible,eud are ’unquestionubly ihe‘lightest, most desirable, comm-table and economicul Skin ever made. I ' ’WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, Proprietor! 0" the invention, and Solo Mnunfnctnren,’ 9'!— ghemben, and we at Reade Street-l. 1"" ork. ' . . For Me in All first-elm Stone in the City: and throughout the United States Ind 9305‘; Haunt de Cubghbiexico, South Ammo.» In the We» Indies. . filnqnire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. Not. 27, 1865. an: ' DRAKE'S PLANTATION BI'I'I‘IBB, or Old Romano-d Tonic, I: Dr. 17.; Bunny’s UI'IIK m’féfi..__.¥_.___4.‘ fl ‘ ...." at onuklndlofVutucbu u A“ on” -’ y PIOKINQ'J. , 'v... » , ( - FW‘Tl‘.’ ' ’1 L 1.1 3 11,411 Home and Ufllflfl Pardon ' » 1.. Thin ”Tr-flan. ‘ ‘, long Ind. vonbly V _~ :' ~‘\“ L knownu‘Ell thor ‘. . - onlhly vkmu ' Meadows . Ind ’ low-03mm Man. by mngzhnm; ' Ind dun-In; the ltbmnch In! Inm ‘ . . . unxn' ~’.~ .7 v‘ tunmnpn— “l...; -“"“‘ _ mum cl :11 a. -W‘v “.995- 15¢!sz lfih ulna! 1 YELLow’ Tim. I! EA‘ caucus, 'l‘ E H 1’ ER . vsnsmovm m 0" Al’, TITEANDYH ENERGY,kc. nu Improve: vlnd‘ mm the sppctlw-y A name 1h glouy Illn tnnmrnu c. nhenbll Itch ham. To keepers of Coti- this prxpnnllon is lnnlmble. h lncreucl the quantity and imprmu we quality or the mill. l: m bun prorcn by u:- 1 ; 55, . ' ' ~ :unl experiment to ‘ "'*‘w‘.,v". non-me the qunn~ W I; . Uly of mm: Ind ‘ :1 ‘ cream twenty pu ,; 1‘ \_ gem and make m: ‘ K IHer firm In , '. fl. ‘7». l‘ "on. In fattening t, ',g ‘ A ‘ “nu-.nnmth 7‘. ': "'- v. 2 nu uppeouooum *3’",'=‘l‘.'-“;\“~ 11pm h‘du. n-a -‘-,._ -‘.;__ 5““ - make! than mm I=ZEIM In all dbeuu o! Swine, much as Conny. Clem In : the'Lnngl. Lh'cr, '»_':s'f "‘ ‘ ' . In, IM- aruclu A ‘. _.. ’/ leans upwind. ‘ -‘ \ By pmuug from ._ ‘l’ -, , . . out-mt I palper ‘ In t paper a . ’7 Mmlo'uwllllha _ _=;. y gg $5 ~ nbovadhenlu >' _ u“? “ '1“ be Emdlcmc'tl " ' ‘ 7““ ‘ of acutely pun-nut! H given In um; l mu: preventlva and cm: for the Ho; (holu’l Irina 25 Cent: per _hper, or 5 Ppen for 81. s. 'A. FOU'I' _& 13110., AT THEIR I "Ml“! DRUG AND lEDN’INE hm. . 10. 116 Frankhn BL. Balumord, Md. For Hair by Druggim md Storekeepcu through out the cum sum. 5 For ante by A. D. Blichlor, Gettysburg; Lnnghlin & Bu-‘hfield, Wlleelingth; C. U. Beudenfi 00., Pmebu'rg; Johmon, utloway 6L (louder), Philadelphia. ‘ . Dec411,L865. 1y _ ' A daium County UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY luconwunuo, Muzcu 18, 1851." Oriitcuki President—George bwnpc. Vice‘lPresideuL—LSAmnel 1!. Rune“ Secrt't‘lry—D. A. Bueblu‘r. Treasurer—E. G. Falmogtonk. . Exec tive Committee—Egbert McCurdy, An drew lizumzelman, Jn‘mob Eng. l' MAS uxns —Gcorge Swgrpe. D. A. But-Mar, , R. )IcQurdy, .\l. Eichelberg rns. 11. “Mac-11, E. |(i.-Ft\hncsturk, A, D. Mathis", R. G. )lcCreflry, lGeleburg; .Hmh King, ‘lrnhun township; A. Helmzehnnu'. Prnnklhi; Wm D. Himu‘x, New ()xturd; Wm. B. \\'|_son, llondcrsullv: H. A. Pickiug, Slrnbnn lownship -, Juhn Wol ford, Lauumre :o'fi'nship; Jehn Picking; Km), 1 Berlin ; Ahel T. Wright. “undermine; Mulicl 'F. Gm. pr Uxford: Jay. M. Mnrahnll, Hum .t illonbgln township; Julm‘Uunningh-‘m, Frec j‘dqm' lowmhip; John Norm-r, Mounljny‘lom n ‘ship; Wm’. Ross White, Liberty lawnsluip. I @Thiq Compnuy in limiu-d in its nucrn‘ firms to the county of Adams: 11. bur! been In ‘bpenuiofi for more lhtui If: yenrg, nnd in thick hmr’iod lms mm!» but am Iwbvssmcnl; [mung pn‘id losses by fin- during Hun pv'riod n‘mounl [influ 513,')88-—s£s,769 o! Whig]: [nine been 'pfiid‘ during the In 1 two years." Any person desiring an In-nmuue can apply mam) u! the nbové named Mummers for furtlmr infimmnliun. WThe Executive Committee "Irma M (he oflice of the Company, on the 11:3:chnes day in every month, at 2 o’clock, P. M. UCL. 16,11565. tr ——-fi-; . ;—-~~ :I‘lnnos! Plunofl 2 TAIVLS !—The nndt'rl'rgncd would rower!- tufly inform llmpublic that he cuu lurui.-_h HANDS of the following mgnul‘néturers, or those “E oler mahr, if desired, at. the lowes‘ possibl prices: ‘ ‘. ‘ CHWKERIXG & SONS. P DECKER BR‘JS. ‘3 HAZH‘.TU.\' BRUS- , HAINES BROS. ' GEQ. STHCK. ~ r A.H,GAHLH&CO. . ‘ STEINWA-G k SONS. - ' mhnicninxlmtention is given to the sp lection of Pianos; nnd when so m-lmned, in ad liou to the mmmhcl urers’ gnu-nice, the Piano: ureyuuram’crd by me. ‘ , ‘ ' _ _ )l A'SUN & TMMLN ~ CABINET ORGANS AND MELODIANS. -The 'reL-ent improvemenu‘ iu lllgye Instru manta are such as to fully \vurmnl snyxnglhcy are FAR bUI'ERIOR lo uny ollfcr make. One of thé rbeet. evidencu of their merit is, that their improvement: we imn‘llod‘ by olnir makers. The new alylc, four stopnntgllu, have a Sub-Kass and Octnve Couplcl, making it an lnstrumcul especially adapted lophumh and SubbuLfi School purposes. DIiSCRII'TIYE CIRCULARS will be sent by’mnil to persons desiring thr'm‘. Pianos tuned regularly. t'iunos when in c;- chhnge. ’ ' PETER BENTZ, No. 30 East. )larkez BL, York, Pa. June 12,1885. 1y , Estubllzihed 1850. OTIOE OF REMOVAL. LAWRENCE 1). DIET?) k (30., respectfully be): leave to notify their lrn-mls, customers not! the public generally, that they have removed from No. 151 Franklin Direct, to the commodroan tour-story Wnrehoulo, NU. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, .?etwcen Howard and Liberty, whore they w'll on the’ future condhct the Wholesale Bush urns, solely in . Hosiery. Trimminga, _ Furplshing GOOdl. - ' Perlumery, Notions, " _ ,- * , Stationery, Cutlery, . ‘ w Toys, hm, ac. t 6 which they invite the attention of city am? Country purchasers. feeling confident of their nbfljty ,to ofi'er inducements in prices and qudlity’of Goods. '\ “_l ' ‘ Orders by mail will roegive prompt attain tlon. Adm-en . , . (LAWRENCE D. DlE'l‘Z & 00., ' I 308 Baltimore sueet, Baltimore. March 14, 1884. ' _ CumbéfiXanc‘cEm 4 LARGE supply of'auyerior ‘ BLACKSMITII COAL, now on hand at reduced pria. This 0011 in superior to :1! other Coma the United States , l for welding and other buck-mm: purposes. For sale by Olly Con! and, Frederick city, Md .rrfno 19, 1865. 11" l ' Blacksmltlung. HE undersigned woqld mo" rupectmlly T inform the public the! he, continues the ‘ nucxsxn‘umo Busmkss. . .u his shop, lately Philip DQL’IQHFI, adjoining Troxel'a palm shop, in East 3 lddle street, Gettysburg, where he will ui. all time! be pra pued to do Blu’ukslnlthing ~won-k w Curl-gel, Buggies, Wagoru, to. » The. be known how to do All jobs 0! the kind will not be qnoaum by than who have a. knowledge of his long experience at the business. Come on with your woxk, and you will be satisfied when you take it .'ly—lld for which he will receive Cult 0: Conan, Produce. - . . ADAM HOLTZWOBTH, Inf. 2‘o, 1865; tf " A ‘Gold. .. ‘ COIN Ind gOliPtihgg hp?!“ at Ikg Fin: union-l II a any: 1 . 1 . . , can. “8&5, buhm. Oct. 30.1886 1866 “Jon I‘lllxefigipped tingzli‘l,» O prom“ b; V:‘.su§Oß‘P‘lh.M. If. . , ’ . . 1— H ,4 ~< .3 ‘.‘-w} .n. P. H. ”FER!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers