@ige: @l3ll 11mm. ‘mawrv. 7|!an Nor-«icy, Feb. a, flu. H. J. STAHLE, minnow: AND pmpnimn 'the Governor's Mensnge and Senator Tanan'a Speech compel In to cut. everything alas,” shoi-t a: possible. ~ .v GOVEBXGB'S INA“ The Annual Mme of Gov. A. G. Our tin, which we print mm, is a plain, busi ness-like pper. being sensibly silent on politicnl topics excepting the eXpreuion of hi- intention to. support the principles enunciated by President-Johnson at. the ‘openlng of Congas. -one othe most important recommenda tions made by ”he Goyer‘hor is that In re gard to the reduction oi: the tax on real es tate. We hepe something for the relief of the‘t‘lx-payen may be gfi'ccted, npd be‘liéve n on bedone. if the Legisluure will 31L dies; itsel'f groperly m the hpls; but we shall look for little good {tom that body in this direction so long-- the tendency of legislation shall be (as his now) to increase the salariéfi oi .public'ofiicen, Ind enlarge ..theiE-nuuiher. The message will, no doubt, ‘hejtnemlly rend. " _ 1 U» —; --", «000' —-———- ”‘ alas-Atom town”: angel: We publish, on our first pige, the Speech lately delivered in the United States Senna by Hon. Edger Comm, of this State, in re .ply to the Radical leader of the: Body, Sunk her, of Mussachusetli. As it comes lrom 5‘ Republican, and mum] u Pennsylvnnm'Re publican, we hive been looking for its any penance in the papers of that party here-. aboule, but so 'nr have looked' in vein.— Whet olnjection any -p(l(l‘i.Oll-¢ man could have to It we cannot see; Ollly‘disuniun Rud iculs could find fault mth It, for its heavy blbive éan sloue alpply to them. We take it. tbérefore, that the reescm why opposition editors in. these parts give Mr. Cowzm’e able ell'm‘t the go—by, is to be found in the fact that they have become Radical and Daumon, whilst he remuins‘ Conservative and Union. The speech should be generally read, and WE trust um Republ-ica‘ns as' well as Dem oanta wxll do 50—41?! ‘the time hearing In niind that. it. emanate; {tom‘a Republican Unwed Slates Senator, elected to HIM ex. alled’poaiuon by 'a Republican State ngis~ Inture. ‘ . I=3 ”The Negro Suffmge question was de bated in the Sum; Senate on Wednesday—— Senator: Lowry, White. and other Republi cans, advocating ir, and Senators Wallace, Clymer, {and other Democmls, oplioaing it. A I‘lumbgr of fancy negroes crpwded. the lobbiel, toghe ex‘clmiou of whileé, duling the dhcussionnand guve the “white trash” \o’hndernland that they had as good at right there in anybody. So_we go! 'Under he rule of the Biuckpgny, “the cpmmon Waite people" are to be put down, and greasy ne grm} pul up. ‘ ~ . v. . “.... . ‘.‘- “ V- ’ ”The lower House of Congress, on Wednesday, passed the propoaed Constitu- Fnoxml Amendment to mike Voters uud’nul papulatlou .lhe basis of representation, by yen 120 {o my; 40—two-lhirds. Tuis is intended to force the Southern, Middle Ind Weuern States into giving the negro a vote. During the debate, Thad. Stevens made 3 bitfer ujtack upon Pxesidem Johnson, showing mot-nE undeniably that a wide gull has opened between the President, and the Jiudlcail. . - Y . ”In the Rump llnuse’,~the other day, Mr. Sirouse, 01 Pennsylvania, said : f‘frop- Oailiunl to amend ihe organic law are bloughb in u if this was (I Stale Legislnldre and the. Constituiion a railroad _comphny asking an hmendment lo the clu'lrter to build naxdulmg, al- a gum-out. ,Such legis lauim to sand! the comtitution way like plumbing an old‘ooal, and very sdon the ori glual fabric would be iuwaih on account 01 the numerous packed. It. would riot be sanctioned by the people." Mr. Strbuaé can réat assured that. the. people will stick to the "old cont.” until it is threadbare rath er thn [lake ll mtlx‘lhe‘ shoddy punches. fiMtflnmughy. the shoddy usurper in (he Slate hgnnte, evidently don’t. leel easy in -Mr. Duncnn’p .sea't, albeit, he has large numeiicui qhoddy‘ propping-up; He wants to have a hill pinned by‘me Legirlature which will diafranchia'e desértera‘. non-re porting .hafted meii, fie. This in a pretty ooncluai‘vo proof Him the act of£Cngress upm- 111-l. subject—has no validity/ in Penn nylvaniu, and is a strmig indication that he think: he has no right. t'o b_e sitting in Mr. Duncnn's seat.—l‘alrio‘l di- Umon. ' 4 flTwo of the most, prominent. candl dnm tor the Abolition nomination for Gov ernor. are Gen. Juli]: W. Geary and John Cessnl. 0! the (no we musteonfess toa preference lor CesanL. A‘lthough utterly devoid of political hoiiesty, yet. he is I man oi'pome üb.iily, whife Gary I'l 111 was humbug in every retrofit. Both .arg rene gade Democrats, and «moor the other will, for that reason. get the nomination. No‘ other kind stand Ifiy chance with the par ly of "gnin‘d morai‘idLu."- Valley Sfiru. H‘The editor ofrthe {Sentinel in very» w-rm in bi: advocacyiof Gen; Genry fin" the Bipubliean Gubemalorinl nomination.— Thg General ‘is not noted for any special merit. but having-enjoyeg the ediuir‘s hoe piuhty, it. if: panama} that this preference trig: upon the Anb principle, um. having ogeo' pal-taker“: of a man's salt. his pro tection ever titer is secured. How ghoul Che bogus "Gen. 11ch 1‘” (7 I S‘McConungh} may send Legislative documents to Democrats, but. be is entitled toJIJ dunk- for it. Occupying I tent in_ the Senate century to, the‘ 'qxpmud will 0! the peoplel they- cannot be thus bought to Win his bagu- olevnion, evenrin the mall. indirect mumer. . ‘1 convention of Wool Growers wu hdd in Washington county, this State, on the 4th nit. A‘cbinminee was appointed to all I sma convention to organize I Wool Groweu' Agaoointion. ‘ Delegates from every county, in the Stile "an invited to no“ I! Ham’s Hotel. in Pimbnrgb, on the an; of Februuy inst. ’ ' ¢ ‘ 3:?!» Comm.» on phonon: hue Imported in that of Cofl'roch'erlm, Iconic ‘witloome-t. - ‘ - .‘Jl'ucob ‘J; Dick; hf; b‘oon nppfnléd ‘M-muibr n! Xfivifld, in this whiff, m the mo! Dan. Wkly. ._ “ ‘ TOWN AND COUNTY. 1n»... .5'4 Italic-(from all Pip-l: of“: Coil-Icy PROF. MA YER’S WTURE—The first 0‘ Prof. Mayor's course of Scientific Lecture; wu deliver ed in the (:91ch cgmpel, 6: Monday evening, to: crowdedhumm. 'l3“;an _udtoben me mullewinl treat. Ind so It mu; thum lcnt (amt. The experiment; bu‘rmml an un klug. wére ALL succesEKuL-ond fie regret than want. of space prevent: an cxlemlled allusion to them. , ‘ 1112' subject affine Lecturewu “'Aunuipheref' that umw nut will he “ Wulrr!‘ nu- third “Fire? and the lounlr “ Forw,"—to be dunk-red on each unit-coding .‘LOfillny evenlng. A; the same place. A few more ticket: can be had. "id we won“ ud o'lse ehrly cBll3 for them—at. Dr.‘ R. flower: or Col. C. 11. Iluehler'u. ' ‘ THE RAILROAD.—’I‘he new Gettysburg Bail rond Board In?! In York an un- um um, and elec wd~ a Treasurer rmd Secretary. The Presldent. M r. Cw, w'xu: Instructed mnemg n. nnmljerorprca» mm; chuni walnut: theold Company. ‘ ANOTHER RAILROAD HEAL—In the Slate Scum, on the um um... Mr. Binzluun, o! PILL-slung, offered a} u-flcn u! mluflou», UL which number thmv reads u fullm‘u: - “third, That {h}: V :xugmign of _the anpp'npvme Rfifig-gavmlfiflutsc r;ihfifi'§o}ti}ni df'iinltliuureql EUABY “"I'l' the Sub;ch?el’,gnlhndl‘lti.tf quit unrl “Winninm “‘lth branches to conned. with , "mug, "1 u" at U" [_C 39’ '- l- if"!- lln:l,..lmn<:ll -“i'{i’l¢r23isi‘g-'ll3.filii§t ligfilfifh'ni damn-m btrahu township, Adnms _l‘ounty, f‘ll"lh‘é”;flnlfif£ tn; ugh “mm m‘u “me WW“ . one mile from ilnnteratown,the loilowmg Vul ,,,N.u - i T , unble Personal Property, riz: . itstrlkvsusthntom-nzthcu“limnrho~x"wouldbei 4 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, (two oi them u-rydln-vt h_\' priming through Gettysburg, York, well shited for saddle or bar-team) 2 Colts, l'ulmuhlu, unvl connwting Nth/ho Reading and (one 1 year “Id the (“"9" 2 3'9““ old.) 5 head l'hllmln-lplllll R-lllrdmlut iu-m} ng. Those xu‘uit'ol Came.” good MIMI 00‘", 1 Bull. 2 “91-. llllL’n-htud amino-w- mini—and plolmbly do. ' i fem)? head of Sheep. 2 Show. 2 Four-ho?“ . °‘ —-——-——O—r‘—’- . .Wugons, Lime Bed, Hny Carriage, lluy’Lad- HORSE 1'1“}le ARRVWI'EIL-J)“ Tuesday l den-I '3 s|”th (one very line.) Two hone nlglltufllger tum: tun-mated in this ”1809,011- sus— Rochwny Garriuge Ind. Spreud, (as good a: pirlon or {mmflllevlngytwu young nwn,the ouef new,) 1 new Ohio Reaper, l Blanuy Reaper. lullllngtrbm Y 9 innnt'nnd'the other from South Grain Drill, Winnowing Mill, Cutting Box, (‘arollna—‘onou _L-Wlng nun-nine aging and the: Corn Covet-er, Cultivator, 2 Plonghs, (oué of o'lhm- an luttur. lu-y were rldiugnpulrntmuch them iron, with steel mouldboard,) Shovel Immquru-rlw ngyoynmlttql uunn owir night, Ploughs, Corn Forks, Hurrows,‘ Jhclflst‘rev‘, they mun-mu, m the morning. ma; thqy llud m- Log Chaim, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Gruin kl'll tlu- harm-n. hm-iml to a nieiuh, at I’lkcsvlllc, Cradles, Blowing Scythei, 1 Shot Gun, 1 flame elgll‘tmlllmnnu'ulilm!llnltfixmre; tuutwlu-n Smo‘mh-bore Rifle, Shop Tools; Horse, Gem, [ht'yQTOVB ulttlquxanmcnn togteuilthc tmim. Buggv lhrness, Bridles. Collars, Lines, Cow but it ‘96-an rather fast,nnd tin-y tn liming, they ' Chains, Dung Hook, tux; Corn and 03113 by dron- on, and prmntiybroke the sleighfsuthat the bushel, Play by the ton, Rye Straw and llluyt'mlltl nut prweedwith it: th'ey then traded Uurnlodder by the bundle, and a. grant many uli’tho harness tor nm'idimmnd wt-nt on until ting/Smel- fink-Jag” too humeruul to mention. reux-in-d this pilwg, win-n they wvre arrested—(mn- i g TEMMS.-A]l gums under $5 egg“; nu “W" will): themselves, however, With the sum-merit bptween $5 and $2O six months credit; “nil ,tlmt tin-y could nut inure gunu much further,“ all sums over $2O a credit of cine year—with thvy‘ were _ncnrlpwul unumh-y.‘ Th9v are still in approved security. ‘ , Juli, huth'jll eluuhlll‘kusam be removed. The hur- ‘ Whale to commence n 9 o‘clock, A. u; an.» hrlnllgvd to u gentleman named Nun-is, near, , ,J. UPTOXV XEELY ltc'lnturntmvn. ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ - -' ' ' ' MtJHI-J.-—'Un 'l‘hurmluy n_|ght. two horses. om: a dark Horn-X um] rh_n other alight sun-cl, ‘wvrc slo- lr-n {rum Mr “clung! Mumme LineuerN mind, In this co Iy. A 11:“:er Orv-EOOlll dflemd~ssolqr (he hum-alum! €5O tor um um (I. nud comlctwu or llr- th-l ur [Mon-s. ’l} Hum: no“ \v. uy to break up I.th iulcnml lnmim .\~l'." CAL’UIIT.—Thc “yodfldouée man" who, a few wm-ks ago, played I'm-e- the sharp gumé _olgrnlug un' bogus "gold? I darts at the dollars :mw’w, turnmJ up n: \Yrst’ {glean-r soon mu, whvrc he n-pemwl the awlndiu w ltlrsimllar sucuess. Lon)“ I’m; the plum: us um~crduoxfluusly as he did. this. he “‘.mru‘h-gruphud‘ alter, and un‘mted at l’hllu dulphia by (In: police. Hc wills held 101' u hearing, alum- which we huvo seen no hn-unuu 05mm. M:\v~,x~‘xa.\l.—mvm Mcl7reury,l‘lul.,hu asso~ eluted with mm lmthe Huddle und,}lurm a: busi- Hahn's, hln sun, CupLJolm F. McCrcnry; and me new firm name Is lm‘vld ML-Creury and Son. The blulm-sn WH‘I be unulhiyed at the old stawd, on 1 lmnlmorv slrwl,‘ nelinthe corner orliigh, 9n n Jllll+h rlllurgul'u;.xlu, :1 heavy luhuuut Q! the bust Y atmzk Inn-mg bcon mm m, {or the pnmw. This vsu‘hlbdnm-m was founded übmu [my ycuru ago, and has uniformly {udu’fiflifil‘d a‘hlgh reputation i [urine guullly nflhc work turned out. See. uqur -1 Msument, h: unnlhur column. I. U. Q. l“.—A dull gnlj'on ol Gettyhburg Odd Fel lows puld‘i ulk anugs Lodgra lemun Thursday e\ cullix, and mm a pleasant “me. 1118 lndgr rc m-hul un- \‘lmllujs in u very cordial "mum-r, and mu luvmu Inn-tum um \ hmwlllchwlll no doubt. In: prom-mlydmw. » \ ' ' York Hprlngu Lodge cuummphltps the erecllon (if-:L'lurgu 11411 when mun-rink; shall full ln price, nml‘ lhu‘e ulmutly buzured am eligible Mté 101' 11. \leeu cream}. it, wlll prove an ornament to the town." . . ‘Aa-Judge Fight r, who nus been confined to Ms house fur tlm‘e wax-ks. pm"! 0! t 1“; time to Ms bed‘ by sm vn‘ Him-M, wn- are hip‘p) to mm.- ls I'm-over ingfihough he In nul yet üblt-wuppearun the street. “'0 hope [0 hour or his full 138 cm cry at. am curly any. Hf- Inns lu-‘cn snfli-rlugu'w‘ercly Iron/inflam anon 01 his throat and lungs,‘m the Luann: of Brunchlti‘s.—k\'vrk Gazette of'l‘uusduy. ‘. SI NGULAI: (‘.U.END.-\R.-Tlm Alumnae for was uhbws mom.) peculiar Ik'lns of “mint, wz: Ash-Wedm-sduy will be 5!. Valentine‘s day, and Enter Sunday \villom-ur on Ali Fools' day or first umpru. 1n the (‘hrlstlun ('nlmdnri the day up pomu-‘d for my: {on-01mm nmlnelusututlons orlufi'mng {:11 the country, [gin übuu 'Wmlhlng tuu‘s birth (My. thv 2.“ of FL-l'trufu‘y. H'Andrcpv Ilcimzclmun, 3kg" hm: sold his m -1 ma; mud. knmvu mi “fieV-*h\»stum," on me l‘luunmrsbprg turnpike, to Cum. James Mlckley, to: :3,“ null. , We undvnsmndthnt me on Huncmaw-m stand at Arenxljuvillv has born pun-twacd by Mr. Simon Hawk—but am not. am‘m we pncv. ~ « gal-Rev. J.. 8, Emma. In» declined um Pm u-danehm u; Euglinh Maulurc in “h: L‘ollt-ge ”here. Rev. l".‘M,Vßlrd,luf l’ixéJ-uutlphim and law. i (11.1er A. erk. u! BHPHHIUI‘E; c rumunueudud ¢ rm am lnmu'uu. , ' u [L hating been cd‘n‘cnlly reponcd that)“. JmaA. Udmoa coulumplulcd dmumnunmgtbu Grocery buslncsr‘ he risqun-stsuu touuue thug. in! husno Muuh‘ Memhut Mun. no will éomlnne the busllu-sa a! his New {Store in York unrest. whore cuuwmem an All times I'll! find a uuperior suppiy of fl‘l'bh ‘;fo€k‘l'ioh ofevery Ilt'scripllun. , ”Upton J. God; has been appolnud Posinms 1m- ut Fan-thump, Fruklm counts, Hoe Joseph Borax Ilec'd» '7 ‘ 3' . fiThe Cnngreuipnéd Committees have ,gone to make their annual vuit m the Lu nutxc Asylum here:— Waxhinglbn Diqulclz. - The country would be the gainer if the entice nbolmon part. of Congress went '4) I . Laylumaud remained. 11. is the prop er place for Lunatics. p,t4:P1117411 1 1 0n Rundnv momlng, Jun. 14m. 11: the Ger. Elf. Pummutgv. Xew Oxmnl. by Rev. W. I“. I’. Davis. M LGEL “HE E. JACU 85 w Mina AMANDA VVUL LET, both new Abbutwuwu. Adams county. , Jnnuurv 25th at the same place and by the some, MLGEUIIGE W. PHILLIPS mginmherlund wwn map, m was maul A. in nus, of naming township, chls county. January saw, at tho sampplmsnd kg theme. Mr. WI LIJAM GERBER to Miss AuBAIL-t BUBBrbom of York manly. ‘ On Sunday morning, January 28th,!)y tho saint!a m. the house of th‘u brldc‘u r'umcr. Mr. I’ETEI MILLER. 10 Mlsa EMELISE \VEIST, both near Néw Uxtm‘d. 0n the 30th mm. by Rev. W. R. H. Deatnch. Mr. MIL“ A. .\' to Miss ANNIEH‘LL L ”th K. both :tusburg. 0n the and. a Luxury an... at the residenceo! the bride‘s Futher by Rev. J. K. Miller, Mr. Jung; I". UNprm’Woon. orSprlngfleld, 111.. :0 MM ELIZABLTH L‘UBLE, of 1" Ln county. At the luchpnm Yamaha: Abbomwwn. on Thursday the 2.5 m uIL. by l w‘. Dr. Hauer, Mr. JOHN SWEMLY to Miss JOSEPHINE BANK EBT. Mp! York county. 9 Jamn "m. In meimbmg, Md. Rev. D. T. 0;;me of Gotflyuburfix Pm. J. 11mm. Fla; to Miss ROSA .'STL‘ 'ART, nap-daughter g! v. Roberts. Grier. deceased, both or Emmi“; um. - . 0n the owning or the 3d ulit... at the houneonhe bride‘s .bi Rev. Imus \ . Reed. Dr. WILSON E. NAYLO 0 ~ Wuhlngwn count: Met. to Miss ”014,311: J. ERIC»! Mennncn township, Adams coon . _ . t aw , » - DIED. _ Obituary notices 3ce 2: per line {or all ov :ofima—«mh wacCOmpEny notice. ‘3 On the 26m hid, in this place. M or J 003 HQLABAUGH, aged ”year“ monthé‘land 14A days. On the find of luxury. 1866, DANIEL THAI)- BEUS, son of Josefih A. and Linie Wolf of Lower anon township. mpnm comma“: i 1 moan). and 20 days. i j 0n the sum uni. ~ln tma plum:l um um; BECK, aged 81 ya“: 2 month; an “days. January mm, ntthe mldencc othla son-ln-law, Awfmu Mlckley, near Culnown. Adam- county, Mr;l ‘ziliilligEmchsTOVEß, aged 69 yeah 7 menu. an ‘ yl. _ 0n um um SARAH 0. mm daughter of XI. George Hmm wwmhlp, York com: fly, 3‘331e mpnthn and 27 dnyn. 0n Wedgfinfixmomflflutzm . mg '11:} M BA! KER. . O M ' wanedgoyem 11 months 3nd 1113;. ‘ Incimbmliaieme mung. on the um oflui: may.” ISM-one! r.w.E.andH.Buv m. Iced i you: um me manna. .- III}; MARKETS. ' «wmc’ Flour ...2. 8 00 lo 8 50 R:- FL0ur..‘.......-.................... 4 00 White Wham”;.................. 2 00 to 2 lo Bed When. 1-90 m z oo C0rn........... ......,............ u 8ye..:.........u.......,................. , 7.) 0nu..’............ ............ ............ 37 Buckwheat. ..."... "my”... ...... 7o Timothy Seed...“ .......1..........' I 50 to 3 00 Flu 5eed.................'..'............ 1 75 to 2 00 Clover 5eed........................... 8 50 to 7 60 Imum-om. Flour. Wheat...‘ Rye........ C0rm........¢-. 0nu.......... Clout-need. Timothy-Iced Hogl. per huud_ . Beef Cutle, per hund... Huy........................... Whiskey . PUBLIC SALE F VALUABLE PERSOKAL PROPERTY. _ —on SATURDAY, the 24:}: an; 0! £153 Feb, 5, 1866. \u ~ - I’CBLICBALE. . ‘ N WEDNESDAY, um: um day of MARCH :0. next, a! 12 o’clock, LL, Iwill sell Al. Pub ,Elic 3312,31! iny‘residence, on the York pike, ‘ohonl. one mile east of Geltysburg, the follow !ing Vllunblepersounl properly. rig: ' , 4 HEAD OF HORSES, 20l ‘whicb are good lbrood mores, 1‘ three-year old Vblooded horse, ‘colt, l two—year old mnre con, 2 fruit M‘Nch . COWS,.'I Young linll, 6 head of Sheep, 1 Ches ter sow and Figs, first-rnezlight Broad-trend {Wagoln anon Bed and good Uny Carriages, One~herse Wagon,'l-‘nmily U:rringe,~b‘lmgh, ' 2 sets Breechbunds, 1 set. Front Gears, fsels I Carriage Harness, set One-horse Wagon GNH'S, anun Saddle, Military (10., new Riding Bri , dle, HarneSS'Bridlcs,Cnrringe Bridlrs, Cozlnrs, i 3 Leulbrr Fly new, Oheuk Lines, Eingle Ikines, Plough Lines, 2 large Housings, set Luther 'l‘rnces,Wn-gon and Carriage Whips, , 3 Ploughs, (one nun-l) new, of Bnker‘s umke,) ‘ ’.’. llnrruu s, l Dingle-shovel and 2 Bauble |shawl l’lOnghs, 2 Cos}: lj‘ozks, l Cullnulor, l Thl’ce»llUl':e-ll'te, Double and Singledrees, 2 ”Milan: Feed Gum-rs. ditl'erent patents, Car ’ rings bwend, néw Wheelbnrrow, Grain Cm dle, GrludSLan, 2 Grain Shovels, pitch, dung innd shaking _Furks, Pick, Log Chains,” Bun. Chains, Cow Shaina-linkers, 3' good Horse ! Blankets, Bufl‘nloHobe,with untny other things 'nol. herein mentioned. > fiTerma made known on day ofmle. r GEO. A. CUDORI A. W. Flemming, Auctioneer. ‘ Feb.‘s, 1866. ta PUBLIC SALE FPERSONALPRUPERTY.’--OnWEDNES -0 DAY, the 7th day of MARCH next, the, subscribers, Administrators of the estate of Samuel Gillilund, deer-arsed. will sell ”Public Sale, at the late residence of said decedent, in Tyrone township, Adams county, about one mile east of Heidlershurg, the followtug valu able Personal Property, riz: , 3 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, 2 Milch Cows, 5 head of Young Cattle, 7 Sheep, 4 Slloles, 1' liroml Sow and Pigs, Four-horse anon,‘ Spring Wagon, Carriage. set of llny L‘nriinges, set of. Wood Ladders, Feed’l‘rongh, Hny Rnke, Log Holster, l’lougha and -Hnrrows, Winnow ing SH“, 2 Sleds, ‘2 Sleighs and Bella, Single and Double Shovel Ploughs, Cultivator,’l‘hrce horse, Double. and Single-trees. Two~horse Spreader, Cutting Box, Log Chitin, Fifth And lircust Chains, Horse Gears, such as Breech bnnds, Front Gears, Plough Gears, Collors, Bridles, Wagon Saddle, Side Saddle, Wagon Whip, Housings, 2 sets of Harness, 3 .scts of Lines, linlters and Gov Chains, Forks, Rallies, Uruin Cradle, Scythe: and b‘nnthes‘, Muttoek, Shovels, Grain Begs. \Vheelbiirrow, Cross-cut Saw, Wood b‘uw, Maui and Wedges, Grind stone, 3 Hoes, Hand Saw, .Ropes, Chains, Boxes. Work Bench, Sharing quse. Corn Cov erer,‘Clorer Cradle, 2 Axes, a lot of old lrou, 511:. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, viz; Tables, Chairs, Cupboard, Sink, Ouse of Drawers, Chest, Desk, 2 Clocks, Cooking‘ Store, 2 Bedstends. Dough-tray, Wool Whell, 2 Séinning Wheels, Reel, Steelynrds, Barrels, Tubs, Vnu‘gnl‘ Bhrrels,‘lron Pots, Smoothing irons, “out Vessels. Urdckery-wa're, Meahhy the pound. and mnuy other articles, too nu merous to mention. ‘ , fl-Sale to eommepce at 9 o’clock, A. LL, ‘6l) said day, when, attendance will _be given sud terms made known by - SARAH GILMLAND.Adm'x., ‘- FREDERICK QUICKEL,'Adm'r. Feb. 5, 1866. u Auditor's Notice. VHF. underignei, Auditorvappomted by the . Orphnn‘s Court, to make distribution of cm: bulance‘ remaining in :he funds of Daniel S. Diebl, Administruwr ol Ihs estate of Bum uelSadler, late of Tyrone township, décealed. I'o and umong the parties. legnHy entitled thereto, will in. as his oflice, i 0 discharge the duties or his appointment, on MONDAY, the 19”: day of FBHBUARY inst” ‘ when and where all p‘nfliiés interested may attend. J. C. XEELY, Auditor. Feb. 5, 1866. td Notice. AMUEL DEARDO “FF"? ESTATE—Letters S testamentary on the estate ofSumuel Dent durfi', late of Stmbnn townshq), Adam-s county, dare-med, having bun granted to lhc under signed, the first nun-ad residing in Tyrone township and the hit numed in Reading town ship, they hqrebv gin notice to all pent/ma indebted to laid um to make ‘lmm'e‘glnte payment, and those inning chums ngaiu the sum: to present them propefly authenticated forunlement. ‘ ~/ SAMUEL G. DEABDOEFF, SAMUELLH. TAUGBINBAUGH, In. B, 1886. 6! Exec-19.9.1. Money Wanted. HE School Director. or Cumberlmd town. T lhip Ire prepnred to inn. Township Bum!- bruring intern". at the race of six per cent. pct annnm, phylble yiurlyfilen of all men. Any person haviuz mqney to lend would do well by investing in _thue Bonds. ABRAHAM PLANE, Prank. Nun'n. haunt, Soc’y. Im. 15, 1866. tApl ' . wfintpel Ind Star copy. . Notice. ARY LENTZ‘S ESTATE—Lone" of ud- Ininhu-ntion on ‘ha cult. -of In, Lena. hue? Franklin township, Adan" co., deceased,hnvlng been gnnteé to {be under signed, raiding in .zhe lune township, he hareby give. notice to In person: indcbced to said estate to make immediacy payment, Ind thosehnviug claims ngzinll thyme to pre neng them properly nuthenfifig'od for unle meal. ‘ SAMUEL NTZ, Adm’r. no.B, 1888. 6“ ' ‘ , Town Property ; ' ’l PRIVATE SALE—Severd‘nousw ”A’ein bu pnlchued It Print. Bd. by all!- 1 ing on “ FAHNESTOCK 83013338. Dec. 15, 1866. a ‘ 1 ‘ 1‘ qw F l 'l'“ ‘ i ' Receipts and Expenditures ‘ a TlB3 OLD STAND. 'Or ADAMS mt‘rnbrou rm. 1 ~ (bxxm'xunms’ rncx. \mu malt . l ‘ v. I" In! d Ifau'nnllaln 3' ””‘II Ambly to‘nn AM. or Anemiflvmnuned “tug ll.‘ 0“ f 'n me, Hi h“"“°"2 "I! '"Act to nun-County Rates and Levin," requirlng lon, John F. ”refinery, under the firm “dime Commlulonen or the nupecuve comma to style of D. HcCreary t'Son nd 1 duty. [,O hllwh wan-memonhollerelptsnnd Erin-mil to Mf- d: dh ' ~ Elma yearly. We. the ‘Commlulonen of Tax". or “I .'., 0 Han "I t 0 public generally mm countv. Report an vollu to win—from the the! mm the In, the ”(Mixture oanddlu, nth dny nrJanunryJßß'un 1.11% day oqunuary. Herpes", Collnrl, to", bu been revived u the lW—bothdmlnclualvc: old uuhlbhed end well knovsn sundron Bllf JACOB‘TROXEL. mk'rrnmrer. and the Com timoro street. one equate south ot the Court m‘bnflf-mm lmmem‘YQlAdl-Inl. Home! Getty aburg, Pa. I Mammy" DR. ’ Haring had an experience of 40 years in Tomb innnndrot'rreuunreru hut set- ' this establishment, I feel assured, that, with 03332.11? (‘ t T dQull Bant- “.30 21 renewed attention to business, we cin still , .u"h,,m,_“§“{’,‘f,‘}.gm:“‘ 7393 Q further merit and receive 3 full share of puo- County Rntvsnud lmvlecmeualfmlm: lie pgronrge. ‘ DAVID uccnmny. [Borgwh “Gwymfifimnu tug; at; Gumbs'flnnd wwughlp. 1.435 a) ‘ ‘ Huntington “ - 1,511 50 ~ , Franklin ~ “ 1.51?) 79 murmur “ 1.7;» 3'. {plulwnban “ um as . Mullen " . 1,12: m Mounbplaannt ‘-‘ ‘ . Lem Rs , Reading “ 1.53 77 Hamilton “ 1,2!) 01 Butler “ , up; 7.1 .. Unlon " 1,52“ 8‘! Imtlmore " “ fill 94 Oxford “ ’ L 372 91 . l (hgluuntwy . :2 {fl :3 onuw 0 ‘ Tyrant:u “- ' 3m 43 m“ 2 ~ 2:2: I he I (h-nnnyny “ 0‘ ' 779 lii ‘ ' .l-‘nwlmn “ ’ 5‘3) ‘5O ‘ [nghlund “ 571 m Benvlck hon. 21570 lAttlL-gwwn “ l 610 10 Im m; sundrv pawns. 271% t?) ‘ m m Gash from J‘no. Winobrenner. two stnvu, 40 00 ‘ Cash from w. A; Duncan, m. (orlelture l of mnlum-cfl , > 1,200 00 Cush I’er Adam kehert, Sh'fl‘. 11m fees, em 07 (‘ush from Geo. Warner, was '., au 1'! Cash from (Mrs? Mucky. cords, &(‘., u .30 (Hush Imm J. W. Intt,'F.-.q.. for estruvs. 33 5% ' (‘suzh (rum lav! Chmnlswr,Esq.,{urvulmys, 2: 00 ‘ ’ ('uuh hum sundry persomUor old lumber. 2% H : (‘Mh from .1". J. r‘lnk Esq]? for eodl for mu. lo m i (‘nsh rmm Samar-1 Lim- .51.. “ 1545 2pm) Card) from Hon. 3. IL Mel , Treasurer 01 i ‘4 ~Water Company. ‘ 50 40 ‘ 'Addlunnal TM. V 7 63 Bahmce due Treasurer by County, 2')» 00 l 850w900 200|0285 85m 87 '7sto 91 With increasedfflcifitfel for condycting our business, We no better prepared than ever to Enlist) the want.- of All ihose who up, need anything in our fine. We alpecjllly call Iqu attention of Farmers nnd others to the luperior: qndily of our 'l Plain or Quilud‘Bent; . 48 '.o 50 .8 oo :o a 25 3 50‘ to 3 75 II 00 m 4 50 go so sons 00 17 no 1018 00 2 25 m 2 28 Horn Saddles, ' Phiu or QuiltedjSOul no Horn. 1* g Plnip or Quiltedeeat‘ _ Sxde Saddles, 1 Plain or Funcy S‘ddle Cloths, 1. Wagon Snddles ‘ ‘ Riding Bridles: o}! an kjpds, fair or bfuk,‘ nounded or flu, 1 Murtingals, 1 ‘ nCnrfin'ge Harm-ii all} I 'ltylea,ailveror luck} I mounted, ‘ 1 ‘ Heavy Draft-Handy", ‘ Blind Blidlea, 5- Ginbs, { J Cmppers. , " ten in, kc. In short, everything that pertains to a first clan genenl home furnishing establishment conllnutly on hind or made to order promptly, of the-very best mherial, and by the most ex perienced workmch in the country, (two hav ing worked in this establishment for the last thirty yearn.) E . _ ' ‘ We are now manufacturing 1n excellent lot of Heavy Draft. n'nil Harness Cullnra fqr those who prefer our ()va to In] made work. Repairing of allxkinds done at short. notice and gun reuonnbleitel ms. V - Ali are cdiallived to calrand examine for themselves, Ii our work cannot. fail to recommend itself. } ' Feb. 5, 1866. u ARMERS AND DEALERS [N FERTILIZ- F ERS will plehse take notice man we have adopted the follo‘iwing Trad; Mark to prolert, ourselves, Ind pEevent those who use our RAW BONE SUP R PHOSPHATE from being dgceived when purichusing manures. . We have beer! :obliged to give this protec tion to dur customers, in canaequence of sev eral parties having/nuinwiully used our‘dis. tiuctive name, viii: “Raw bone,” in offering their article t 0 H“: pubiic. This Trade Mark is ndoptedju addigion to the title“Rnw Bone,” whicp is our excfbsivc properly, and “4e cau tion 31‘. munufuctuners from using it in future. We would state mi the trade; and consumers, that they will finq .it to-their‘ interest to see [hurt the “Trude lurk" is upon, evury bag and barrel thry parenting,“ none other is genmne. ; ~' BAUGH & hONS. B '.4 {o 0 11 . 3 RAW 39x3 Super Phogphale of Lime, M’unufn'c'urcd." by MUCH & SUNS, No. 20 Soudh Deliawnre Avenue, PHIQADanPflL-L ‘ --é- ‘ The great pnpnl-d‘l‘rlty tonrnrticle has been; found sufficient indl‘lcem utto certainvimitatogl to mauutacture aid ' rerliu ‘.‘Rnw Bane: lPh'osphntcs,” a nu e lich originated with . .35, and is our 03m r httul property. We will state for the ihformation of all, that we‘ ‘ 3,2 the extlusive manufacturers of this article y—the original and lsole proprelors ofit—hav l,ing been manuhctzred by us for a period of ' twelve years: Als that ltvis covered by sev- 1 ieral letters pntlmt, held only by ourselves. | We are now rep-d; to supply it inl large qnhutities-hm~ingeLmnde recent additions and limprorements. V aels drawing 16 fee: of water rauload dirléclly from the Wham-s ofi ‘the works, irhich [are located at the fuot of TMorris Street, Dr} ware River. We call the \intention of DEAL RS to this great admutdge. The brese'ntlind cations are that we Ella.“ have a greatly iu~rensed demand on; last ’ spring and fall sens us, and we advise Farmers ‘to send in their orders to their respe‘ctiye day, that. all may be Hui): plied prlofnptly. Soliciting yogr c . We reumi ‘ ‘ ‘ ours very truly, . ‘ ‘ ~ BAUGII a soxs, ‘ No. 20 S. Drlawnye Avenue, Feb:511866. 9-. .. _. ‘PHiADELPHIA . The Great ’Bone Fertilizer. 1 A' U G “ ’ s , ‘ B \ AW BONE PHOSPHATE, containing 53‘per ent. of Phosphate 0! Lime, end 4.05 pcfceutf Ammonia. l" I: should be borhe in mind me the P 1194. \ phele of Lime in (ibis nrliclh being ohm" ed. exclusively from litAW BUNES‘ and n 'J‘IIDUE BIRD GPANO. thlre is. NO PORT‘IOg’ of it i INOPEBATIVE, as in the me _ot, UPER PHUSPHATES mam-om»INERALGUANOS ——but being entirel SOLUBLE iniflie SOIL, continues to LMPAgT its FERIilf ING quel itiee to the CHUl’S‘for YEARS. ‘ The REMARKAfiLE suecfawhich hes attended its use {uni yeere pe , is e. snflicient GUARANTY to iddu-e tho/3e who have not tried it to do so.é ? i / ': The GRAIN CROP, hefe this FERTILIZER has been applied Ii uypposed to have been INCREASED froml‘2s/to 50 per cent. by its use, while fur T 034; 0 end muss LANDS its success he: bee QUALLY DECIDED. The price in Be ‘imoreis uniform with the Manufacturer’s [Vetory Price. . , GEORGE DUGDALE, . / {Munut‘n’cmrcr'e Agent, ‘ lOZ/Smith’l Wharf, mama. M’d‘. For lale I. Mfm facturer’s Price. Cut of Transporfillon ud dby , { SAMUEL HERBST, Gettysburg, /‘ mvm iuoxe, New Oxford. ‘ Fla/1% 5,1866. 35:: "Metal guberluneeJnth ~ HE following ie the emount of Collateral / Inhexitauce Tax received It the Regilter'l olfice durii‘ig the yen;- beginning Dec. 1, 1864, and ending Dec. l,‘ 1865. iron: the "mm of the folldwing named Medan": . Ann- I. (Edged 39$ '3B llny E. Glam, 1 52 11 u 7. u l . ' 35 Jacob Qreenhollz, “. 20 00 Mollie Baker, . . ' 6 313 Hannah Bevan; 926 55 John Barber; ' 90 00 Wm. H. a. Qélrdorfl, ’ 105 on Robenlfllemmonl, H 43 George‘l‘kcki '_ A as 09 qu'onh bgtmdnn, 4! 8! liar] Loba’ugh, . ' 117 224‘ Mom Flcke , ‘ 242 ’66 Jule Johnpton, L ‘ 2B 46 Connd Wallet, ‘1 ~ 56 88 Frederick Noel, ; ~, 35 00 onul, ' 31,727 on Deane: {legluefi 5 per cefit. for .cullectlou and he additions! ‘ per ecumfllow byleglalution calculated on m\ Amount: re- ‘ ceived sing. tho puns: of an nccouet, ; 3' M 63 Amount duo Cohmoivunh, $1,631 48 All of which in {firectfnny mbmined. - . ‘ .c. NEELY, Auaim. reb. 5,1866. 3: , Whit-g EMALIIk IH,§‘TITUTI.-‘ F The next "1:391: of thin [animation will commence on NO DAY, ‘he 19th mat, (Feb. 21m? For {Hard-don with regard to Boud n3, . uition, he, gply to . In. , I.‘EYSTBB, Principgl. . ‘ Feb. 5, 2866. . Side Leathers; flames, all kinds, _vrith or withoutfuwnings gflpuaings. ‘ ‘Scowh Coll-tweak") “ “ (licking) Nq Seam Collin, Baal. Wei]. Human Col~ ; Inn. Patent LentherCollnn,| I atllched or unstilched [Best Leather Wagon . “Whips, f, 4} und 5 I fleet. 1 mg, .. ileted Team Whips, {Trotting Whips. ‘lmdies‘ Ridmg‘Twiga, Whip Lashes, Hone Blankets, - D. McCREARY~ & SON Take Notice. [.fl 5] nu‘nned orders, $351!?) 95 The Gummnvllng County'rnx and Quit Renu. and sum: Tux due counu'. appear In be In Lhu hands of the {oliowing Collectors, to wit: ‘ V ~ State Tax Years. not. az'rm Collectors. Co. Tn. due (‘O. 1539. Gettysburg. Emanuel ZlLfiler, 9411 18 $177 88 -‘ u , Quit rub, Pm s‘) 1860. " R. D. Armur, “ 25 70 1561 llnmlltDnban. Robert. M Clunf. - 10 SO 186%. Urnysburg, Julm Blenlz, 1 1:1 38 " Huntington. [muum Mel-‘.lwee. 192 0-1 97 71 NH. Gettysburg, John Sh-ntzig‘l ‘m 10 «r: 92 “ “ “ Quit. £lll5, 2") 01 " Cumbvrlnnd. (I. Daugherty, ~77 74 127 40 “ Huntington. Sebastian 51.11.1131. at): 115 51 H “ Humilwnlmn, 301)th \Vutwn, 36 ‘h Franklin, John Po rfl‘, ,2m 11 “ )lemuh-n Wm. Blocker. , 112 92 - “ lh-ndln'g, holomon Jamba, ‘ 16 “ LMLmure, John (.'oulmu ' 197 06 s'l 97 ~ Hmmum. Antmmf' b‘u-llx, m 21) 1:; 0:: “ IJbenyJamcs H.‘ ‘uylur,’ 99 :10 “ ’Bcrwick, Jakob Sourbeer, \ 67 50 42 71 136:}.(19flyuburg, Wm“ 11. Uulp, I 101210 l‘mnbm'laud, R. Sherly.f 768 00 Franklin. Gourm- Tlnuuu‘ 14s 92 Hmnlltonban, 1-:.\\'.l[urbauzh.l 821) 35 Mountplcwnut,.lacuhHuudersfilJfiA 83 Huntington. Henry Duucra. W 66 Sty-alum. Dunlelsunllsnutux 6'17 (L 3 Meuullvn, Jmluh WIL-kershnmf 561 J 4 lsu‘llx-rdlh-urysluybaughf 61:7 16 Evading, Mlchuel B. Blanscr‘ 411 60 Lunnom, UL‘O. L Ixmrdurfl', 575 :11 - , Hamilton, Levi Wchlerf 3d} :1 Union, Daniel A. Semh 3M 12 CunownlioJacoh Melhomf 551 o.” inform. umes Thuminsf 75 9.: 145 m Mounuoy, James Renvurf 72.1 11 (in-rnmnyJacob Klunkf 517 09 ' d Tymur. Jacob A. Murthf 537 31 Liberty, Fmdvrlcbélclntlref 311-5 02 Linc-swwn. Slmun 5.1313E10p,‘ 161 2!) . Berwlck, Jacob Hull‘ - 90 99 . Belwlqk Don, HenryKoblcr‘ 111 59, ‘ 312.”; 34 8911 33 ’Setfled In mu since settlement. I I?qu In part since uttlcment. OUTSTANDING COUNTY BOUNTY TAX. Yam Bur. & ’l‘ps. CulchwnL 1365. Gettysburg, JQhu slant: 8‘1!) ~17 ‘Cumpcrluud. (‘. Daugherty 41M 08 ' lluntlnglun,sebusuun same} a) 06 l-‘runklm, Juhn l’ntmrfl’ _ 1.51 m Menaflcn. Wm. W: Mocha: w 79 Intimate, John Cnulsun 31' Ho llummuu, Authou¥ Fall! 48 18 beurt) , James H. Mylo: 129 21 Bel w lck, Juuub Summer 39 43' ‘. ~ -——\.1194 u ’ ('R. » - By orders paid out as followu: ‘ By audltjng uud spmlng public accounts, $4B (I) ‘ J. . Seclyfi Es}, audllorfippolulcd by ‘ .19 coan I'o uudit publlu ax air», 2': 00 ‘ utlng, blanks. ac.,- 451 m ‘_ rm“; bills of court costs. $5 39,: _ ulerk'n puy. 2 4m 00. Abatement to collectors as per cent., Lari l 4 ' ‘ Fox and wild cat. soups. ' lo Genemljury and up stavel’ pay. 1 86 Asszsssoru' puy, ‘ ‘ , 5 on Jullur's tees for keeplnlgprlwnentwmkey s! “'ood and stone coal 01’ public buildings, full 60 Repairs a! public bulldlnga.‘ / 8!! 5l Grand jut-yum HE smvuy pay, / 5M ~10 lteglalcr and L'ler of Seaman's lees, / 1m 71 In: rerundgd to sundry persons, / . I‘4. ?7 Conn cryer’s Ipay, , 'B3 50 Ccrtlflcaleso consumer-return, ; 75 01 Counsci fees, ‘ 1 7.» 00 Trmnmr or Alma House. ’ 13,800 00 Postage and bmtmucry {or eonn’nlsilon ers‘ omm, / ' ’ Now: and interest paid bsukfml sundry <- “1111 u.. 8m 4‘ perk‘ons‘ / .. J ustlces’ and obnsfnbles’ fees {of 1:0anle ling migrants. ' , , ‘.’J 90 W. A. Duncankfisqqdist/nnomey's lees, 317.! 00 mm: Eppclmxul, 15qu communiuuelx' pay, ’.’.36 50 qunuel Mun-h, do./ do. . :56 60 Abraham Krluc, d .1 do. '.’;th 50 Keoplngrimuen u Emu. Ponlwnlmry, '99 93 Adam pert. She If, cunvuylng prluou an: to East/em Ptnlu-utmry, mac-11321 Bupp, yun house keeper, Bedding and (.1 thing lupprlson, - Una; éompuny / Dr.J.W. (2. 1 Neal. median attendance on prlson ‘, 81 av Tlvlor & l tlmr.contmctln full 6n mid -610 m bridge. 1,600 00 Brick, lumber and work,for hospital room mitt!J ' i '1 mm, ‘ ”fl 1?: 1 company or re _ Ad counlv agricultural society, 100 00 l-‘nlmesxock 13115., mourning goods for ME buxldmgs, 23 2| mou Huner, pay {or arresting Linton / and Welsh. barge mlevea. . 50 00 ygrgtxfizlgm? book: 1 cf 1. ‘d Reg 2 w '. .‘ersor or arm - Intel's offices, ' Irvin. Bmm. and Kluspper, bounty due - than INL’, 150 00 A. “'.fltaub, pump nHall, ‘ - 30 (1) _Wm. Bughmun, returning nwlen home, ‘ reward Elena UK county. 2) 00 ‘ Admnße r5B 'fl;!orsnmmonlngjumn, 105 _OO Road damages and (In-mm viewa, 2?! 50 5‘51““ ‘“ ”Lima 1 u 31': % can! pay rtpr eec on, . - ‘.‘, “ {all be -“ ' 631 02 Dlrectors of the Poor pas, . . wOO Speclul Court, Feb., left), ' 2'B 96 t Special Court, ocm, . ‘ 140 09 Jacob Tron-l. Treasurer, fee-on State mg, 150 w ' Collectors' fl‘fll. \ . 910 65 ' Exam-muons w Collectors, ' 252 2.3 ‘ Oumtumllng tax andqunrcnu 1n hands or 0011 me ‘. . 12,45 84 I Treasurer's ~ Lry. ~ -. 6:11 06 . ”[992 95 RELIEF FUNDS. .DR. To amount onmumdlng military fines for relief, fl £217 00 Outstanding relief tax for was, - . 135 70 Baumm due True-sum: by county, 25‘ 15 - - CR. ‘ ‘. By outstanding military nuc- 101-1865. 83 52 Few allowed Uullecwn for and war, 8 a» Exanumllons allowed Collectors “ I) 00 Uumluudlux Relief for we, ' 186 70 do. do. om‘ltu-dln formenoc‘t, 135 70 Feet allowed Collectors for unld year. 2 ‘N Exunerutlons allowed Collector: (or (10., 18 J 5 Disbursement:- on omen, 145 00 Twat, I cuuuulsuon, ' 2 I) sum uni; 13m: COUNTY. 7‘ 'no maintaining min-mm: due 00., man 37 To Outstanding? . do. do. ' do. :3 57 male mum-u not 1865, 1590:3439 ‘ . , ' . . ‘ ‘o'st as ommnd mm- ma: lot-185. 3911 88 He. nuawedmdmm {or ‘ do. ’no 3 Fxoneruuons do. A 60. a, do. 50 81 WWKMSW r'¢2&‘6‘3. 7645 qumwedLouec-wnlormdym 1881 Mentions. . a 41 PM sum Treasurer” mm, 15.007 22 man. county by Treasures, 1.191 a) ' com BRENT? ux. ' " ”outstanding Tax for is“. " “W 17 CR. 87mm 00.3 mm Tutorlass. 8 10114 Fee wowulfillecmn (01?!“ you. 1'57 50 Exoneratlonn allowed Collector: (10.. 1M 23 Balanced» manly hy W, 4.“ m In testimony that the tbmolns statement 9! FAA the mlph and Expuuum exhibited an. }u the ome- of the Train": otmld County bur—l h nun-race and warm a- uken tram and computed with an W mum in thebooknonnnomce.wo "hm” let our bmdtnd Montana led cram once. u Gextyl m‘uw am: my of January. One W W nu! ma)". ‘ 3. NARCB. A. KRISE, r 8. WOLF, AW. 1!. Wm Ola-k. Command-I. Auditon’ Report. the Honouble the J mice! 0! 010 Conn 01 I common Pun-« Ada- county: ' - We; an millet-fined. duly elecwd Autumn h cattle and mm the Public Account or the 1m mum Omani-toner! 0! said Conn . h." be“: "mm or ufllnnodn‘reoobly to law. Mp 2: to m h to thou-gnu mm d Ii [Momma from an sixth day of January. IM3, k: the. arm day u! January, we, both thy: uwlunlvc: noon TROXEL. Ew..anmrcfi. and Commis nloncm, lu account. with the Countyiof Adams, l‘u: , DR. i» To buluca in hand- 01 Trauma in; _ «turmem, t b. 3151 1] Gun-mum; County Tu Ind Qultyuunu _' in human u! (.'ullmton. um 42 County Tax nun-nod (nr'lfil'nl, ‘i 17.0” M Loom from annllrf pemnn, LG!) 00 Cuh (mm Jno. W nebrminer. {or 2mm. to 00 W. A. Duncan, Each lorrclmm rcwguu- * Infill ‘ I! l) m Adam Rnhertdurv (m, in! In “home Htuvky, foals. .n.. I) 59 Georg» Warm-r. (10.. . 1) 10 J. \V. Lott. l-‘sq..fnr entrant, ft! m Imvi Flnmnlnwr, PM]. do.. it on Sundry parsing. for old lumber I! H JummJ. Fink Esq.,e