E f," F‘fiiéfimfoii .éthtin'E ‘MéSsmgé; ' ‘, ‘ ' Enema é‘mnm. ‘ I ‘ Huntsman PL. Jun;do,lsf26.f 3530 Sam} and Hank of Rtpracnlalivuq/ 3 'flc Unnmohbmlth of I’eumyiwuiu : fl ‘ GINfl-lIII We have cause m'be thunk- I'M m _Dlyme Providence for le,blvuingu ul‘pmb with“: mur‘bordors. übunduu. crgps. unanimity Inmng our.people, ugd thu thug mm: Commoawnl'th hnl'boen embled todo he: {an Quay to chyeocmry, to hem“ And w lorhy. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ I‘m-ism you 'in my manage of the 27th of November, 1865. imd «lint-ed to ma st ; flae‘beginmngol your malon‘. of the pace:- lily innit-[we preuure of which l mu con», "ed. for the mum-won or my hung, to mom: for a lime in n ‘mumer climutex“! returned Imm Cuba refreshed and invigo hlaJ. and hue renumvd'tbe discharge a! my‘ public Julie's. 'l‘ ehnnol omit. to seal knowh-Jge. with prolounnl grulilude, “the! kind, confidante and ufl'eclionnte ooune whnch you pursued during my constrained Waco. 4 heavy uddinoa bu» been thus made to (he debt whiph I already gwed to ‘ the people ol'lhe Commbnwealth (And-their )irpreoenubives. ‘ . -‘ 'nu- balance In the Trenlury. Novoln- - her a), mu ' 51.9 mm 53 newly-nu during fiscal your, endlnk Swumbcr :50, ms}. ‘ 6,219.5!” 67 total In 'l'rgnnury for flu-a! year, ending November an, hm. - Noam no The puvnwnu Jo! mu mun: period [have been \ - , was!) 16 (human: 1): Trcgury. Nov. on, ma. M 5515 The opamuons of the «inking lunu. dqm mig the yen vndmg on lhe‘firn Mnnuluyof Bu-ptember last. on sated xn,my praciatmr “on, were as Mlqu ; Amount of debt. reduced, 574531196, as lnlhms. wz: Plvu parcvm. , L‘Qumn'lonu. M M mm, gum-m cuflmcntt‘l, ‘ Dommuccrednor- .. Tue dlaurqmucy between the Nducyon of the ){ubhc debt. as,M.own by the Mall“ ‘mepc. a! Hm close oflhe than] yean and that - in my proclamation at the cloge ol the “lik ing mud year. nrisrs fl'nm chafiuci tlml. t 16 (mo clowns)" the final. Mummy of Septem ber, an-t the whet on the 3pm day of No [emu-r. ‘ ‘ . 1 Manny“. of lhe' pumic debt of Pennsyl vuuiu, as n. stoml on the first day ol'Dccem. ‘ber. 1304, $39,379 603394. Amount redeemed m. the Slate‘ Treasury duriuguue fiwnl your ending with Noyem 1m so. I%}, viz: ‘ . rm perci‘ut. mocks, “ ’ 01,703.51 3! gufnuund Imus" mall}. glofks. 1 “0% 00 ......Ilc erKl tur .. .3: Pi LSE'IJEE: I-rlfltdrllfi “Hahn-1, 5A Unitary loan, as or May m, 1301» 179,21 Pub": 111-bl, Dec. 1. Nl5. ~' Amt-[Mn l|u-'l‘ru:i~.ury: , nond- Pn-nnng lvunlu mun-max 60.. “amum (I) Bondu l’hiludL-Xpmn lulu hrlu mllruad rum puny, ' ammo 00 Inmr-«u on bonds l’lul ululphln and Erin railroad cumpnug, IJI'JIMI) no can In Trumufy ‘ ' '.'..r.‘ was m excegs of marts Ltnhiflllu lu «mir- at man, Nm’cm; ‘ ln-r (I), mm, ’ . - 031,408,]!!! 1»: mennn . lnuxcul ofnawhl. Novem- ‘ um- an. 1345, xxx-’13:; sac I'OV i annu "‘:§‘....rJ::‘§':3:a‘:’w‘°" °m - warm 'lly the report. (if the State Treasul‘er. it fill be observed that. themxtrnordinhry ex ; ’.enditum glowing out-o! the war. not ro unded by the Qufloral Government. have y0.“.028,627 21. This includes the di teol {at phid to tha United States by the Suite. which is not. re-imhurmble. In the fiulnfim in incluiled the $671,476 43 paid to 3 Qhe militia. which. with a gond portion of ‘ \ho remaining nxwudilure. is clearly due thé Stale flow the General GOVr‘lnflit'nt. ‘ The necessity fur extraordinary expendi-“I Imrn‘lnvi‘hg canned with the suppression . (If the’ late rebellion, measures should be! ‘l'kell to exnmiue our resource<. nnd‘relieve" in 13;,“ ponilile. tlw hoavy burdens to vhich our people are subjected. It. Inna been the habit of late years, ‘to rip-I propriatfi; freely, nnnunl sums for the sup port ol‘looal ohhrihea; and web appropria- Hons no alums! e'éry year increased in number and amnunt. Houses of Rhfuize. inltitutiom for the Denfand Dumb, and fat”! the Bland. Lunatic .AHylums—lhese nppeafl in its to be proper objects 01 State bounty," \wcqusa a few of them are sufilcient for the‘ \vhnle Stine. and to leave them to be prb~ vided for by the local authorities would. in 3nd. be to delnive of protection. the unfor- Inhale clnuos for whose benefit they are de signed. But mer‘e locnl churitiéa. hdw’evpr 'morimrioua and effective». should. I thfnk. be left. to the suppqrt oflhe beneviolem par “(l who established than). , -'lt in unjust thet‘the people of the Com-: monivetiith shoultr‘be‘eoerced to pay taixes' In order that. part of hhe money so raised! may be given to the support, at local'chnri tietr. conducted by private associations, es reoinlly' when, it is remembered that hither -0 but a small proportion of the private cheritieo in the State have naked for such’ hppropriaticn. ' I l recommend. therefore, that no appro rlutionfie made tor charities. beyond the; Entitutions which-l have above epebified.. ; "'The texee at present laid on corporations’ are unequnl. and to heel-Lain extenttherefl ivy-”jun. Irerummend the euhject togthe attention of the Legislature, With a view to envision ofahe :y stem." l - Within ofew years. aetehnve beenrepeet.‘ edly pinged directing the expenditure of”: much money u may be necessary toe-{Tect tinned purposee. rometimea‘without clearly] tie-ironing by whom the money is to be ex pended, or how the account: ure to be 023, limited. This custom irvcry recent, and’ in: elreedy led to abusei. _ . ‘ I rebornmend that the practite be correc ted. and that he Ipproprintion be nude. Without having the exuetsum appmpriuted. ! the specific purpose: toiwhieh it is to be up, lilied, and designating the officer by whom: tt into be expended. and prowding‘ that‘ the I‘cennnts shall be settled 111 the Auglitorx Genernl'untl’ice in the usual manner. | ‘ Notwithstanding the'large expenditures by the State for military purposes, time the Bmking‘out of the rebelliqn. the condition)l oi the 'l‘n-uuny in now 32.505.579 12 better. than it was then. and I are proud to be able‘ to elite further, that on the Lt day of 03-: ,cemher, 1865, the Sute debt was $492 958 i 06 lee: the!) it Was on the lat ot' Jhuuuy. 1861. Then no truly gmtilying tucts. i ’ finder‘theu circumatnncen, it may be. pouible. with entire safety to our finances,' to reduce or even repeal the ordinary Shite In of two and n hutf mitts on ‘rent estate. {he In: of one half mill [and by the not ol {by 16,1831. was by that 'act ex ready uledgq-ct for the rqinyment of the loan of £000,003. thereby lulltot i: «Land of course not be repealed or reduoet untillthat ‘Npayment shall have been made. : rec huuneutl thll subject tothe tuneful and do »liberlte cousi‘dmuion and judgment of the Light-tare. end it it choutd he tounrl that the It: can be repealed, l recommend that in" [en “thorium; the- levying of heel tax.“ bonds, mortgagee. loans and all property of tlmt kind he also repaired.— Such [repent «mid largely enemmge the lhmtlflfllt‘of capital in this State. and add lmmeneely to the wealth of the State, while ' the lodluthorities would lone very little, on it Notorious. that from the difficulttee Monument. they receive Vet y little from ‘ him of such reapeal. 1 recommend the? ding fo. the formation 0| wig corps. {6:- the 'ndbpfiuh «home e eolunl measure for en-l inzereau of the Sum had the Nuiou, wu imam; mbnrmumu of such queotn of} fully whom: by subsequent oyenu. Hon mnion,‘vmh approprine penning- tor the ot the man who filled us ranks had bucn fiofkbt‘bf "fat-MD make them. i ‘ ' accepted by me under the hull tor twenty. ‘ mikeWWmmEndntnons,beliaving five regiments, winch mu nfxgrwlmh racin ‘ that It will lead on moreequiumle local tum, dud. ~ \" . hum und to‘renler economy in their du-l They hm] left their fumilie and home-a bummenh _ ' [under I deep male of duty to I. on poun.‘ . "filmy Vets are 'on'onr statute books it“. try, and to have sent. them buck unaccept "Wampum fox'vnl'ou- pun-pm. led wonl‘ have caused sol-nous iiifil lty In ’ panhslllje never PM!!! Ortflmled’ making mute enllslmgsnu“ ‘ “ ‘ '5.” i 3 grmwn. 1 ryéommend'mu ‘ By acute! Congress “"2241 Ind 25th uly, inch ‘repenled‘oy 'h gene“! kw, 1801,. the President 11l mthqfhbd to It ‘ibd that yrpvhxpn bonudo mynu- 'llpon the ideal Saws for Voluntar every acuuuzomtng neorpnranqn nun or" um for three years. Undot‘thi‘l :mhon ‘isnizn and use it: franchises within a 12m. iied dime. ’ ‘ Sinc‘e my last annual massive the mar tag instm'meu iran§on has been bx’nught to ii low. 0. the large. onti 'tlulitlil: mail» by P nnn‘yinnia urge Nation-t army. but u rat at the men :2 remain in the service. t’l‘tte spirit which animated. mil-people. at the outset ol'the rebelhon.hes nover hugged; ‘m‘d we can look back with pride null antis- Jnétion to the port taken by thitSt-tnfirusid; int: to maintain the unity of the Govern-' ment’and_ in‘ its defence ugninst the assaults ofiits elletel. g i in my first iniugnral address. I took oc ‘ cation to declare that Pennsylvania would, I under shy circumstances. render a‘ full Ind détermined'suppn‘rt to therlree institutions ' of the giion“ ft‘he pledge so made was based is n my knowledge pf the solid pn triotirm of her citizens. In. that time dim 'ger “MW, but no one anticipated that lit would break forth so suddenly. nor that i it would grow tosuch fearful proportion": ' it in a brief time usumem - ‘ ". My confidence in Pennsylvania, in her even yet utuliborfl will. herubility‘ and re- Mums htvebeeu fully justified hy‘the inim mr imwhich shethus done her duty during the latte eventfui feriod. ”‘ ‘ ’ Or) ‘he regues of the President of the Unitefl State», 1 hands Icommunicstion to Jhe Ltgislnturo, on the 9th day of April, 1361; sitting forth that military orgiinin— I trons. of n formidable chnrscwr, which did not swim to he demanded by any existing ' puhlic exfg‘é‘ncy. had been formed in certain ,of the States. and that, whilst Pennsylv‘nnin ‘ yielded ~to no State, in her respect for or wil fimgness to protect. by all neeillul gnarl-n -itws. the-constitutional rights and constitu ' tional independence of her sister States. no contemplated attempt to resist the uniform 'meat at the National law could meet Wllh irynipathy‘or encouragement from the peo. ple of.tliis Commonwealth, and asked for 'authority and means to organise a militiiry ’ bureau at the Capital. and'fi'fiwend and modity the militiii laws as to give vitality ‘ mid energy to the “,military organizations of Stbe State. On the 12th (lay nf‘the same :mnnth, [signed a billZproviding for the pur puées indicated in mg message. i It mu beficmcmbuged that this patriotic ‘ action of the Legislzithre occurred before it iWus known that hostilities had actiyilly .commcnced -an it: believed to be the first {official action by the authorities of any State, or by the National Legiilnture. ‘ The first call made by the President for troops to aid in suppressing the rebel-hon. lwas on the 15th ol'.April. 1861, for seventy five thousand men; and that of this num , her, the quota of Pennsylvania was settled A! fourteen regimentsjtb serve three months , ulllt‘S'e isooner dischargd. With unsur ‘an-sed 'ala'crity and earnestness, volunteers ‘answered to this call.iu such numbers as , manifested the intuitive conviction of the I people. that the monstrous wickedness r‘which had conceived 'nn armed rebellion , against the gonsttlution and the how, could 'not be suppressed hut‘hy a colossal force. 1‘ Miijor General Robert Patterson was as :‘s'gueil, hy' the General Government, to it command. which included the forces raised j in Pennsylvania. Within a week after the "will 0! the l’regident. communication with x Washington was almost entirely out 0111—. $439,821 62 awn» w ”MOO 00 2pm :54 578 w .5155?“ 8“ ' unnumsm 13,4r.1"Vi6 4 14 MSEMIn [General Patterson. prompted by the' neces isities of the Situation. innde, on the 25th of ,Aprilpn requisition upon me for twenty-five 'ndditionkl regiment. of infantry and one of cnvnlry, to be forthwith mustered into the aervrce of the United States. Under this requisition, I accepted, from amongst the many pressing to be admitted into the ser lvnce, u sulhcient number of companies to fill it; care being taken to allow to each lpuunty, u nPnrly nepossible, nvfnir repre [aenmion., (July eleven regiments, lumen: er, in addition to the fourteen called for by ‘ the President, were organized and muster ed into Lheservico. before the order of Gen eral Patterson Wis countermnnded by him, under xnztructtons from the War Depart ment. ‘ On the 14th day of May, 1861, (he Seare lnry of Wur, in n‘lett’br communicating the plan of organization, for three yearn regi- ‘ meats.'confirmed‘the revocation of the or der in the {allowing language: "Ten regi mentsare assigned to Pennsylvaniu,making I in addition to the. thirteen regiments of' three months militia, already called for, twenty-three regiments. It is important. to reduce rather than enlarge this number, and in no event to exceed It. Let me enr nestly recommend to you. theretore, to call ! [or no more than twenty-three regiments, of which only ten are to nerve during the war, and if more are already called for, to reduce the number by discharge/f - Tll9 lyenly-fivé ré-gxmenu ranged as above stated. éump'rked 207979 men. The ardor of our pgople was unnbatgd. .~ Many. of ithe companies, under my order, but arrived in l camp at Hurrishuig, and others maintained‘ their organilntions ut'home at their QWu ex— pause, and by contributions {ll‘}. their" neighbors and friends. ,In the critical condition of the country. - rind n‘nticipnting that, in case of reverse to our nrmeNfiie borders of Pennsylvania } wuuld be are rtnls to rich grannies, mun-l ufnctoriee anfimre-housea oi" the North, I l deemed it my duty to convene the LéglEll-t tnre, that adequate provmioii might be ‘ made to enable me to render the military ’ bower oi the State as available and efficient its it should be. for the common defence of the State a_nd_ the General Government;, I and accordingly, on the 20th of April..lBtll. I’issued‘my proclamation. calling torn meek } of the Gent-ml Absemhly, on the 30th of the ' -lnme month. ‘ . l 3 In‘ my mesqage to the Legislature at its opening, I recommended the immediate ,organintion, discipling and timing to! ntl ’leiut fiztven regimenisLexelusive ol those called into theeeivice ofthe United States. The Legislature acted promptly u‘pon : this suggestion, and made lull pionsion" :for its efl'ectiml accomplishment. The re-, ,-iult was theenrly and complete organizin : tion, clothing and eqmwncnt of the Penn ‘ sylvania Renew/e Volunteer Corps, with its ‘ . thirteen regiments of infantry. one of light 1 | arlilleiry and'one of cavalry, under the au fervmor. of George A. M'Cell, who was 3e eoted to corn niuiiu it.iwith the commilsion {and rank at Major enernl. 'l‘hitt'corps ‘contiiined 15,856 uie , imd the whole ex~ ’ pense of I'ulaltlg. clot mg. equipiug. aub :lllllng and paying them until their entry iiiitotue United States service. we: $855,444 87. They were encamped in dillerent parts iot the State, except two of the regiments. I'oummanded hy‘ colonel: Cites. J. Biddle "rind Seneca 6. Simmons and two batteiies 'el' artillery, under the csmmand of Colonel Charles ’l‘. Campbell. which, at the request at the War Department. were sent on the 22d at June. 1861, to the relief of Colonel ‘l Witllnoe. It Cumberland, Muylund, and re ,lmained for six ween there. and ln‘lVest— -2 em Virginie. engaged in active operations. ii Towards the close of July the whole corps l was called for end taken on n reqneeition, ' into the servtce of the United Stews.— . W ithin tour days after the disaster It Bull I‘ Ru‘n, eleven regiments, in All respect. ren idy for active service, were in Washington ,' Ind Bedtimore. r 7 'l The "My: lent to Western Virginie were it rte-culled. unit With the other two regiments 1' of the con». turn-riled to Washington. 5 _'On tlit 26th ot’July. Bill, the Secretary ,of War V expressed hu’ grtlllldatloll and i"thanka tor the yronipt response trom Penti~ [lyl'lnlb.~ ‘ , I The wisdom of the Legillnture in provh - ty r- quinlion- were made on this State. and ‘ fOui‘luu regimen” were pr imptly furnish . ed. an the meantime au horny nan ber-ii i ‘gmi‘tcal by the Pres (lent-and the War De ' pertinent to ~a nd’mber.af indwiduuls to i‘raise regiments in different parts of the ,lStute.‘ which seriously interteied with the ‘nction of the SW authoritiesjn'fillmg re ; . which: regularly nude under the act. “I . l ' ' f“, > . ,' I'me “libero-numerals arising from this; .-loOnflict or authoriiy became at langt'i, roI ilwrioué that l was _cnnatramed‘ tocall tha‘ i attention‘oi the President and Secretary of .‘ War to the slit-jecl, by a communuat on, Iduted the lst»ol'Auguat, 1861, and on the l2sth of September following, an order was iluisued‘ requiring these indepegdent regi , mentsto report to tho Govern r. and pla tfciri them under his authority and control. lAciing under this order, many of the indo . pendent regiments were filled lop, other: ,Iconaolidated, and seventy-three regiments. I: with an aggregate strength of 89,048 men. were promptly sent forward. , During the year 1862 a draft was ordered .I by,the6eneralGovernment, which was ex- - , ecuted'huder the State authorities. ~ . I ; Ol‘tbe quota of the State, under the call 'of July 7,1862, forty-three regiments, of, volunteers, aggregating 40,383 we"; were, put into Bervrce, and under the draft, order-I ed Augdst 4th of the same year, fifteen reg- v I'imeniii containing an aggregate force of 15- (Nt) then organized and sent forward. Du- Iring the 'same period nine independeutl Ibatteries oi artillery were organized in tha‘ iStnte, inth an aggregate strength of 1,358 'olticero and men. ' I it will bé iememberedthat the order and promptness of our people, tinder such try t‘iug circumstances, in prea'si'ng the troops Il‘orward. was such as to cull lrmn the Presi- Ideiit especml thanks and to request me to express them to the people at the Slate. | I During the year 1863, tony-three thou-l sand and forty-six (43,046) men were 1' rn-' lislied l’orrthe service, prinClpnlly to ““11?!- iimenls iii the field which had been reduced ' by the exigencies oi wan u ' I During the year 1864. under the variom calls of the General quernment,"'thirty- I two regiments, two battalions‘and eight un 'altnclird companies of diflereiit arms at the ,Ipervice aiid‘for'variouq periods, were organ ;ized and sent to the field, amounting to 17,876, an aggregate force of 91,704 men,d , fiii nished for that your. , l Uri my suggestion the policy of consolida ‘llillg our reduced regiments, and filling ' them up by the a‘s‘signment of new compa ‘llllCSl was adopted, antlin 1865, under this Isystem. beside. organ zi‘ng three entire new Iregimeuts, seventy-five companies were its- ISI ed toreduced regiments, by which they Irvin again tilled to the regimoiital stand. Ward. These three newregiments arfd sev r‘eniy five companies. with volunteer recruits >llor regimenis in the field. reported by the l superintendents of that ~~ei-irice, amounted, rin the‘aggregute, to 25590 men for this l year. . . l I In the month of September, 1862, after . the second diameter- til. Bull Run. it became M evident that the enemy had adopted an ag ‘gressive policy. and was about to invade , u, the Northern States through Maryland and ‘the southern border of Pennsylvania. Un-.l Ider the sanction oi the Bresident of the : United States, on the ilth of the month, I ": issued my proclamation, calling to imme lldiflte service lilty thousand of the freenien ‘lol this Stately Under. this call twenty-five :regiments and lour companies of infantry, ~ Itloui teen unattached oompirniea of cavalry, land four batteries of artillery, were imme- Idiately organized, and sent. to the border, I the greater portion advancing beyond the 'State line into Maryland. Gen. John. F. ,| Reynolds, it that period commanding thé I Pennsylvania Reserve Corps,- was tempora lrily migned; by the Secretary of War, to .I the command or these troops. by whose or .ders they_were returned to Peniiaylvunia, land by my proclamation, disbanded on the 24th ofthe same month. In acknowledg-I Iment ot the services rendered b the men; of Pennsylvania, Major GenernFilcClellan, l Icommanding the Army oi the Potomac, bV Iletter dated the 27th ol September, lSfiil rflcHDOWledgi’ng the service and thanking the State, used the following language: I I “The manner in which the people of. 'Pennsylvania responded to your call. and hastened to the defence of their frontier. i noldoubt eXercised a great influence upon the enemy,” and the Governor ofMaryLiud His Excellency A. W. Bradford, in an or !der dated' Septembcrm), 1862, used the fol-l I lowuig language iii regard to these troops: “ l‘tie readiness With which they grassed the , border and took their stand beside the Maryland brigade, shows that the border is, I in all respects. but an ideal line, and in such noanaeas now unites us Pennsylvania ‘ iand Maryland are but one.” _ l I in the month of June, it again becamei levtdent the rabel army was advancing I berth, threatening also the wee! 'l'll border , of rennstylvania, and on the 26th of that! I month, Jgtlin issued my proclamation,l , calling the malitia of the Slate into home-'1 Idiate service. In the department of the' Menongaheln, five regiments of infantry, one company of canalry and one battery oi artillery, lor ninety days’ aervtce; and one ,battallion ot' infantry, one battallion ol cav alry and one battery of artillery, for six months’ United States service, were O'KM'I new. In the Department of the Susquo hanna, twenty-three regiments and live an‘ I attached companies at infantry, and two! unattached companies at cavalry, for nine-l ty days;- one battalion ‘of infantry. oneJ battalion of cavalry and four independent batteries oi artillery, for three months; three regimentaol' cavalry, two battalions of infantry, and three independent hatter-I ies or artillery, tor six months’ United States service, were organized. ‘ I There werealso organized in this department, for the “emergency term,” eight regiments, one battalion and a number of unattached com panies of infantry. two independenr batteries afartillery and two companies} of cavalry. ”erg . .. e» ...u- money: .'pt. _ Inthe eymutentofthe Monongahela, the ti) tulvnntie the amount at the pay. onu pledge troops under this call,’ were commanded by that, wht‘n Congrt-ss met, the pztsaktge of a hill to Mar General \V, 'l‘, IL Brooks, and in mpo reimburse thrm lhnuld b 1: rccomntemledt Those “Wm“ °' “‘6 S“‘““““““* by ““1"" i"s3233lfiftrdéft't‘fié‘nil‘lLfifi‘é’i‘fii’hm‘céffi I . t ' a . €¢§lfi£fi§£€uwflfiwly dctuled by the If: woluld Pledge myself 1.? recgmmendito tha‘ ~ ‘ '0 ntnuthe' eoancmnctncnact The detatle of the services of the mthtta 911 00%,“. man“ notgprovltle for ”humming: these occasions, as well as thefieneroue asun- them. Un er these clrcntnetanceeJ received from‘ me. dererlh the. militia-0 the States of the E 39 tlve of the Cult» States the pledge ‘ y N ‘ . _ k and New Jersey, have been fully which h had prolposed to give to the hanks,‘ "3m zed in previous message. gallant] 35311:?” dgave 2.1:! necessarid plrl'dflifl 1 ‘.' . - t em. fly a vane. 19 requtr un a“ ufifiggfigmzdxfi :35; Qld “33%::: according y. The following t:l--gr.un from the‘ Vinginia». m the West- and in the East, :th Bel???” ‘l;qu must-"N m ya" me ground on" defended the line of the Susquehhnnn, were at w u ' WAMtuG'rns, luly 22, 1863. :: Gettysburg, before the advance of the Army of To Hls‘E c llv‘ncy, Gov. A. G. Chum: 'l the Potomac. defended Carlible successfully, Your tlléflme- N‘Pl'ctlns ”1 ' PM: “r with; w hen attacked by a superior force, made 10m.- called on under your prot‘lwtmntlnn m (hr 2.. than . , - - - ° Jun“ bane been referred to the Pct-at 10!". tor m marchee, patiently suh'u‘tng great pnvnttone ' - - - ' - - structiont 'lnd have barn an 111- nil consuemtton. tor the want at sutficwnt means of transporta- He direct." ato my that while- no t“, o, a pro- | tinn, crossed into Maryland,‘whcn ordered. and printlon fiat-12y: the pitym.‘nt b 3? the G‘fll' attacked the enemy successlully, and saved the uovcmmtynt of troops that hair pot been muetvr- I Unplul oftheir Btste from filestruction. When ed into the service of thetn ted Buttes, he willl the ' of the rebelltou is truly written, no recommend ‘to Congress to make an nppmprtno pm th' rm to Penngylvanig will “flea tlon tor the paying!“ 01 troop. called into State and - - gun lee to repel an actual tuvnelon lntlnumg these 1310"? n on the pamottem, courage “d 0! the Stat- of Ptllumh‘mifl. It la the ““Ile ”My 0’1“" Mme, man the" Emmi“ answer “qu, _van‘oXn mlw the. necessary a‘moun t, as has i ‘9 the call mad? for tntlttary ”“09 ‘o’ _dontes- bet-n dond other Status, the npproprlntton wfll txc ”123.391”? hlt ls alrecurd oi‘ whtch the be .ppued refund themmnceto than who great o‘te care: I andof madelti " . v “1111th theyy may ntmroud W 'V' 2 anrarg-‘f; :1?“ 3kg}! gram-mew! l n nly,| 1864,5rebelarmy again crossed the “'00P! 1“ 'I“ n 0 ° '1 e "3 "’ ’ Po- threatening the Southern border, '5 ”0“ “5 "1" master “‘1 P‘y mm ”a mule out. Th '3l! w *r of this Dr artxm'nt to you n: Gover and marched to Wm‘tfinglon. norLorsth; Sta-h" wlll g 9 given directlv to \'our- Uponthe presalllg‘ emands of the Natlonnl ,9” whenever the Dtpmmcnt is prepared to anthorlttes,all the organized troops in Penn- make anatvd. , sylvmia were immcdutdy sentt'orward. The (Signed) ‘ EDWIN M. STANTON. rebel army was defeated and driven back. A 7 ‘7 3:9rcf-Irfi' 01‘ WH ‘rubelcolumn of three thousand menhad, how-' When Congrefl ""9 ”I" knew" 0r “‘0 (beset . Unltud mm ultl not recommend the passage of ‘ ever, c ”be border, “(1’ on the 30th of an acct-nun act I hm: undcntoat that the ‘ July, burned the town of Chnmhemhnrg. In “MP“ wig bailed mu” “mm“ of it“. prop“ ‘ my manage of last yur. I match tn dunul the committed, by the Hmu‘tnry at War, but .1- the movements of the enemy, and. the cucum- Presidential” not and I manage exphlnt the stances attending the destruction of that clrcuntstt cc: ot'thccase. the upprogrmlqnfilcd, 1 borough. :Altlmugh the people ol'all the south, :3. (hr myntbers at Congrrm’htd t up no means I “m s°?“ ““5"“ ““1“" "m“ “M“ “w" fittfii’ifllt’éfifl’e‘l‘tlitil’liii‘filé‘i‘itfi’én‘““s’3s:l lienso the enemy Chambersburrris the only ‘ . t, _ c" , .wwn mg pesubyea mum: on? border. and 33:22:23 332;:sha‘mlzlt mfg; "' ‘3 bellev “1 any 103'“ 5'3“!- vuluntar ' tllpcnd‘l’ture ul‘money for mllittr ' ur ) l P The citizens of the town were suddenly to- us of Pennsylunla and mast or the other duced to poverty, and, for a time, were auto 51%; l tuned by the uctxve benevolence ot’ the pebple I will Idd the: the men came into the net-vice ofother pan. of m. State, ‘3de by m‘p for'the em rgency onLV, end on the fsith that they prhtlou of onehtmqreq Wd dollm £3; should be “charged as soon at. in my’iudgment, m- Commonwealth ITI. have an led m ““5 "Th 3” We m ‘he use:- '(all to . - “y 33 guncy eels d mm. late ynftcr the battle of .1- “9’3”“ y "V‘" Mm ““3 “HENRY. bl" I.) thurg. which commenced on the Ist of July. ltiuov {and that tumor than vnll bottle 1863; yet the men. tau-tut my urgent ma reput- ‘u v :7 0r ‘56,... Dr I If“! ..J, L . rcHT-fq wegsgniubm' fr a ten"? . Lt, ‘ be pnum‘ “I: where, Dumywo mki‘cihe}°'° . . Man's“ e s 'so ‘3l; 'W' _' “any“ qmgumi ‘ 13.1821 nigdom ‘~ -. .13.”.“hcdddiibe‘e ‘-d 'c -u! .430 ‘1 o 486;. a‘h wEn fr, V .'dO.."lm-:ll"-. rebiigen‘i outrwfuhm “8T . 780:?oiw‘._:".‘:_-::'-.,. on'fi‘khi‘éurr; Lur:nccs l :35 “In ‘ .1866"o,:"u_:"--.:i&_- , ,1] mmrzg ‘5; ‘.‘VuSQd'thl. m’l ntg ‘em - ---.' w.‘ 30 sm: urumnifl 5711;?" ”aka ‘llllref {0 all '-..1 5., 'e._ ' 7"”! .‘vflc‘lm m“P“ X ’3 Pl' oe, 'm‘u .l' ' ,1 n, .51 ‘an df ”afar eL. ex '-.' '-.. 43.03 Ii ‘0 ’dolbfin "mm. 0; ”doth? ”A 136 mni clue "--. ' 9 . w “I‘o7 “in E l“: I'. th‘ 3‘ ELL mmdjrmomi . [,mruhl_u ‘h mqoxl lit ore sVe '35 d“rn‘ I. ‘."'6 I"‘p c ‘3‘? ‘s' ““1081 we I] e“mant ng perf m‘ 0r _ ._,84 kfii'nl“m."iu. 4:: “_m 1 L “e of fin. fi Id m 0 Ge]?! ec 98 mm ' ___(_f "f \ 112‘ 'M Mr V; cub“: °W‘ nu '. J d ' beesuf ‘b ' d"n 8:369 ‘tu'hs-"h“‘=' “ G ‘1: ‘O. t J‘- I: :1. ,gmges‘he gal: 8:»?- “mm-.n. .. :1 ..:‘k 0 10%; her? Therm ‘otl W e“- s.:ch r 0150“ L 1: i": 5.3 "’"nf" ”111°“ Pp if) 'Obvofmd “ti ‘3 1,8958 "t ‘he 3“ “One“:ow‘u‘lu “gr “‘7'.“ “.2“ 1' “It"; r 0 Mntllga _llle ind f I fief to her I'9 (“cl °fc" due-” Kira“ “3;ng“ ‘h be Oun‘ of 1.11 s tlO Sas full urn) “‘an . bl \. [‘.‘ fire “up! “3 ‘.‘“- ”Cup D 5 {tat/g“? -‘ uiy p l S; 5 sum"? KAT dbr ‘iro p" for h ype beg-:0 Or an of 0 C uryl’eviuy th I; kihmfiwhythuilrth V M; I; 1' ft [h d theom o.c :_ - - c 11. ofig6 “m ‘ll rg’?ual (11-tickle refilpx min‘egecofi‘lgp‘ihbn'rhfi [cullil‘fidnm‘fruvm’oL we Om roam, at: u .v ”a?” a. | “uémz’shrmmfix "“xplg.r;°x":gm°us n 111.9). ”Wed"? ‘ Pmnif 01ml. n dc? .omnm"m°“v° Kw“, Ebr '6 “t “m Ve A. Of bj“ morn .L‘y . card. ‘2l “t 0| o “r,l‘x.. 3 “H 0 “c. "on G ”la ”b Y dgm 911‘l hon-pen? “X: '1" eulfuut “HERE he 'l‘ lJr‘Yl-cc m 183' rec p m; cc 9,: at C, pn. T n‘ssij-V'th ‘ Sec e“e ent “d *‘iandina-‘film- ”v ”an L 1“ “Ac“ ‘Jul‘“n o’l4 “'5” efi 0", Tamra“: dof Om'ed hudd l-p_ Thnl '11! “$lO can'xc .ER lfid‘l‘g W 1" zu'vepl Ch 9 w "l\ 15%:th b h.ne".l - wtr 01' figw w. o x-th,l rs “L 11l pm in 'i (1‘ 0i in an, Cu- ,56: 1“ if: "'d ”8%; iui‘guficnf' th 6811930.,“ 13“?” Em‘hie”°§ (13:3,; £25 “m 3“ (:1 “fig“! . . ' I)“ ‘r 9r 6 won! 88‘ for d (I‘ls CO and .0" I”nl‘toumcmflan-hqpauthe tbs“ °."osuch belt gt H” 1;". Ig’in trgloflnéi‘xxitltgunnln’ hxufir‘flsl’e 3" hf" xenomév sugar: to “L. QTo ouran-v Ur, “I fig“ I‘B th )m‘ "n. 15-sec6‘:' “In “flu,” chgspon IO! '.‘ the “A ‘t l-‘lyafll o 08W 11' laf‘al “'9‘. u G of the-H, d f k 11D “r m 9: n 0m a ‘m‘ th d. Irma: ov ge ‘11“ {teddy Oorce ’ “:t}ll:o“dg‘ aznt t‘gsgrtlhe 1 th; y l rflsicheu”mnll an“ [sac‘ ugml'n If HEW; dn‘if"; o" t“M "c; firsbri Pit- t ph sth“ S: “‘l'“ We ’5O n!" w paid if“: k sneak»:- up- E 301: r ‘ mY'lle‘ng We “an A ate J" “Jenni “‘l' i”! d ’“n’ bu “‘1 s” 3’ ‘11! n 18“) (mm!) “ingetlnar r 4 011 PriL ‘11“)? f 0 3‘“ huge, Ensuthufin‘uder t latter”, I'c meof ‘ dB mylt‘d ry ouchh’mx)n°e¢ 4‘" rechuwkedefl' kiwi—‘- 'dl me cmof \vgln “ed. "lenyXfl-luwaquq {331:8 Orglen‘mLHd? cgultsd: ‘lmlzuw Jultom “bullets n, 151: :t5 3 NNJ Fran! bin m ramp” ‘15:“)! 13er .'i’hl . ‘h to by 1“ Pro $9“ 01' t r efioftzer on~ il.‘~\\vhg‘o th e-‘ ‘uu’th ru‘o '11:“ e b Ed‘v 15% '1 he ‘n I he ‘ue “.'an t. It el'n--‘\ ‘T a, ehnp; n., can-251. 645 t." ‘ll‘. 1111”":St ”(Pen bat“ 1Q thamkuoyul !- tuna“ It‘d inwnpr 013'“: ”Pr - isn't-,5 ”“1 :u-_‘ a“)? v: haser'flfil’f‘gzflék age as“ w?“ (“the or3uf§s§ruwt£nw§§ra es9.llm ”\ffiéfir n?:’r( ct‘eg'i‘mcri‘vy'zlflg 3:353 {ufimnifu :fiv'iwltfifgiiff 'z‘pawhulé’wg’f'gnnc ‘ll ”Va ,8 d b; 34‘: fr": 6;. ' thxte'l-J'arfer‘é‘kfigni "35.24533: i“ a...” ' ‘e ( “v t‘u I‘e 173 d -“'a' C 11c ."t all-Up!) H" ‘.‘" 1h 11 th in " hex-i 1111.11: “cli‘sl'lystric lug“)! Orps trliz‘qdi‘mifed“Lb“:r"? r‘n the“ ““51“" h. (3 hi UL my tl. »3 t! :T‘Ec‘ 111;. ‘l' "In.” 0“. tlhuti 1h m *ui Prom m Wfiq‘i ”W“- btm' 1n“. o 3111’ 010%. :81“? D‘E‘Vfihbix“: 1’9"“. chl3“ 'lth y for ‘ j 0]) bo(.‘l‘ll’ {Si 0f “11 “2!!“ f(1 Port» ‘11: “1:0“: “'ecu‘Us'fi‘fflur‘ [OI-gill» 15nd our! diam r 11“ 3‘l) Wof [umotl’e “Ithnloruty 0f 9:; “rhu"cl-L:" 1‘ "PW“;CL? ‘| WV fl"’x‘ ”nu" ' aons 6, (, “ts““as Cc, ‘ll,. Cu}, “c 1 lu’ 'be a ‘m’mflmwu "G B ‘ ’Ol-“ G Im.“ an'“"i'n“re' .r bullmruhootonr] Lech,“ Ar purgf a 1e tibict‘l‘i “Jim 00;- 5 cl, 54‘4"}; 1.01%!!! “in, L' I‘l \mmbuf 91x31“ nil.“ :10; c, act.“ 219:8”ngpuhsfl‘ts;rhesus“! inf9u;“‘anf lligffiuLi'l‘cht “15".,” ‘lrlisfu;b;x,frei{l¢;sn:p3rt 3%}: intefifstfiengmkfiz ‘prfgflilélacnfi‘o-3:14.}:{151’11' fan“; @333 “319% 3113 f“. fil’ ‘t‘ 556? mu 3‘ 01-3:- I‘4 ‘“h e“ l)‘ W 0:; t 0 .‘r'u ‘3 is “11.»- 55: - “n ”v "‘ ”it"; ‘ :7“:i's’lll§°s3{;cif “r 05r!” lgfi‘figt (mi innit)it I 3.3351,?” ifiqgl‘kfisfigfi““TlEPCugf‘imufllfint ()l-sllah' fl’ancnd‘rfii‘d i, rogpgrglg dflg i 1.; “PEI-“r 9 3:41»), [a "mm“l. fo;?*’ui'.““n¢"“ )ll‘L-‘l Las 1”.:“11ell‘ist(,t wol'lonfilloqfi‘ pgfil‘q‘fnif Misfits? . 111;?“ a.‘l.9“ti«1:(1llol‘;‘vu (HEMP-3%], b"'_““:l€“iéx)::—V i .'t a ryu c ='(.» ~v.. o'rv-ec.¢cv’l~ h¢°'u?o'2 ‘1 0f rge- 0 l‘l ‘0 p 0 Sed “1 ' s“.“th “v" p ‘cnllnfim "r.“‘v ° C “11‘ m“ ul . uif'anr mdir‘lnebe arr-01130: ‘ unf"r ”‘32 rp’ :3J-‘ls3'lumw‘ i}."a?!'lifi’wfimfiu‘“ 3‘153 ‘et- “03 poo "d “s lk {1 .me (i Kl“ Ii» s‘! '“t "ts-"01‘3"": -"“11u Ig] U h t se.l‘‘ ( a w r r n 6; nn n .05 . 3 an Noll” 09- I o P. I!) n l. \‘U “\ 3e; to h, the "‘ll {lll I.“ 11c ‘ P‘ld- lamrax,l}-fi(.x.( n cl.\qh Elma]?! [Econse 4:1 tlfg’mfi‘d bEOSqfle gaming. and; “m“r)“tfi‘l'trt‘mgt‘r gut? I," ”Jud “Ur ‘ _0,u.a.1 . ', c . I 1 “in m 0 ‘lO .on :5“ wfes, 3fi9l::)““l)n°wleton’ide "03 "i s“»:whimcl."Mu"“glefguuilrh‘hsfnyn Pull“ ‘m en 9n JuSt' amen tdmdnstdcnc fhr'| r 1151“! rctuJu ‘.(-r"s9‘ Jujfd, nt 2201!}: glitivu‘figholce t mew“; tim'mgfheeinj: To“ “"91““? lil°u:“‘ovtl"“sa "‘.vw‘cr‘l f i "11’ an on “'0 oth fie] (1 leg, ‘.’m “on 'l‘ “I . ,“1..“8u “fig“«v (11 “Du t 1 nth ,3 dbeEd re emd' 01010 ,0 1- "who “P Vc‘ L C(- emu-u. mu H.“ {riongifignihs nev‘o 4‘11“,“ “11', 1101; isist u, ‘2O:. ”taifon’gfufirk." by: ":5 (5:3,.ng 3111”“, o u“:.:icf:t‘%.,b?'::3‘:n<sdirgefiswiés find}; i vairiesé‘p‘i’a 23’; “"Pum ’ , be omme C “3““.- ise 'v‘O c C 05' Tr“ ‘uhn .‘. (. 11”,)?“ uqi‘ _\-‘ dial“? 1! t tigufine‘bf he; 841%in of 3c rosllrifi sng'“? I.;l'Pd’fwh‘i'ne: pp Apps? ”cellf‘rkt‘ ::'r:':":“n:-~e:;<;n-ar-é’fic 3m. Mama :‘r'th-rn‘*~::- ~“ ‘0 he 0 “n w t ire ‘11" ”vole ‘ ‘l4 r "0.”! ’jx'DTin'eL“s.'r-u 1n 'R' the “1 usub’mll:.' I life wmeq "Cyg’onng'hén hkoi‘lltrfihzrln;“li(;“'i{'l“-'xifgl,;l“c ‘3l‘ "hungly gr R I'o JeCt 108 3.1 Omvpa _rNOf Pd thglh _ inc?! hm n3l \V.‘-(‘ 4;” m C 51‘ ~ Smut-"s: m ... .M e (‘_ "ti ”D 1V “i“ t] '_ l 11 1.1 0; ‘turi .'. 0 (1' 43‘ '“d '0 ' t 9 ( th I “(r g - “..‘lf‘cq C] .“1 I. m .1‘ ’4l ha ‘7ll A “3““ L. ' Pr Eu q ’11) 3!: [i=t] 11 "1’ r 0 Us lqu.‘ he ”10.11“ t‘ C *‘n‘v'su tl‘ ‘utpr. 0p ' pD u Pt] I Swlequ x m ,te Inks] a 1 I; n 1 ‘.“x “‘l'“ Gkbi'l' ('r' 01‘ ‘0 hon yt‘a‘k ll ta )1 lhthe ”I ' "“n I'u‘ t In]! 0‘1"” I‘ll “I‘m t‘t "n o 9531.?” .1 he "0 ha m . e . I m. L '1» m;- “it“ l‘bo is“ 11.,-.. n tIL. sen ‘35 t :3; I‘3m223u:‘v umm mgnmrgglge :ggfiggnrrg My :zcugzmfi $99253:ng Ism- max?! :l-iplils-or 5,-srm-itr‘x’.:er‘mn': ninth: u“: $622“: 'ail 5 ren Tea 2(, men “s, and (1. “imnf “23““ “1"-th"‘\{“x)°nd “d‘-"“1" i’r- ‘h‘ ““1; :1 t 1 hfifld-V ipsro ‘vth‘m m “ex?- ecl {9l-0 'v .‘m ”ro"y‘u‘n,“rp main 1;»qu 4d 0‘ ‘ would '6 '9 ENC 1‘ 1 rf 0 e “‘b eh W! “x "HEM try”, mg.h..;3su, ‘tl .‘" 6“! ‘.'mn t“( 1 uld h-‘lvtr‘a “#0 111119 159‘" tnl'lser fowl“! . tl.“ 2"" ”"1 othfsluyxdi‘ “‘i Pl'o’ “ Loni”? 8;] lgu.)qhtrvn~bt n-Jdp gnl bob 1‘ Anvepbbuefirc ‘h'cq libnq- {‘ £l9m "u. ' (£"nll‘r‘uf‘wllh‘ }: do“ CJ"WLL‘:.:‘O.I “ln‘hhr :‘Cai‘tb‘vitmor E 1“ Mr; :Ei‘fiztbr?“ct r-w-‘iysi‘:vr':~€%::o‘:;£fs"-‘::s .54:1e .ma ong ms‘ n vb. “n 9r P Khruwsmu‘ WW. as“ hero-l .51)t Sured Pt pr bf‘ea“c in 1115 (Jen! smm, 1L Wyn—'l.) ‘.‘lexp'SL fix-t‘hisc \u‘i.l‘llh',. ('0 ‘5 11193:" [l‘3o an y <a'o9in 1‘ e‘bL-Z- ”‘9‘ fa".“l'.’w'l"“vl”‘ufbh‘P'lv“L- ‘~;-.’ul‘1*r\wh{‘ nmm 'll l' C. (L- (~).- us x n-‘ Thy ‘1 .\‘ ‘1 - s 'U'- a 0f "I")JC.'lv| ' 13mm“: n: “«z.“'ou‘l’"en”“~ :{R‘uafiw li‘ggnqclg burl"- :‘hgl’Vs 11.“: th itwmnptOf g‘l9:?}':([' “:11; . ‘A » .. : ‘ .v'..-rs .1 .9.-".' Aanb thecflhél, a‘l haavnd tom,“ ‘v "19 b ‘O3 “We:‘tlhpor‘sl'flnijh' ‘ "liJ‘Jpß‘v :“rg‘hqctlm l {Frail uq y “’h‘no‘l 1' sll.‘ t. at. ‘eleru' ,- c “4'A 2110“?! 0-3 en ;"‘)‘,,“lecl:’%n‘ss(- grill! hik— geziilpa‘uJTQUlililfo _iu [filu‘Thgh'lt‘wH‘E' rfl‘ “In 5 tlport “in-‘1 "n In "(Ii W 1; "6 “Pi ”.3'l'xg'mnitc..swt “t {fr :I..va 51‘7“ x“ Salolhoneo.(,ra (. m.lot fat 3‘ eg f“ Oftflvc r ofh‘lmsl) 38‘ “I Tait to‘miuufl t‘l' Eh Arr . “tile't '5 u “1.1 2113th rentmtlryfin he insbecl thi‘mgve Vfi‘rdd ur‘fa “1T1?! 3):,” €10“?ng n thfl'Jr:ld{- ~ «I: :2 0%.? :3 it“: weaves: )‘a 2 missus w...“ m 121' es 0m Obra ‘ .‘lml'it.CuU'.3'“u‘i .91 “.1 01] 1n ‘ n a as (l. b._:u .ln.h l,’ . 0 tl.-n .2533; ’ 1%: 9343:4324?“ “£l3l- 3 ”if: , 2:3l;:3:?“nL°x°»‘::‘»::3§:st-?:31"05593:". ! * n “-2 c,- 'c :a ’r .11”. t J 5-.“1 ‘w m r-n 3' ain‘qrfir I'. see“ {0 tunic 3r “rs‘ :‘l-dflop‘h's 9w la{en‘*l¥§fuc”tm h°se condrgnlc “1,1011%” “111-lahlltdtednes trLS: ,ltOßcl n -01 v oc’h ! 1 Cr “ta-c h r-nn ee‘n th I. D 1.1 be nl, 3% “(151,055 2““ irefi?fio:v-i;e ¥Jopfas3t«“na:me 91m ‘ b3;:oem‘.‘e Am: V 93 ‘ll 11, Si is "d to rt 6 e 'H 1“u é'ou "‘l “u “la n “m‘ynfiun r .‘ln 8.811111 er o‘ll—‘ol‘.’l “3.1 " 33:55:.nh‘kgisazbtaflgfi"; 23.2363; g?!» '-,:.«:.yj::.;n:2§:..1 mam: addrixy ed a. ‘be {3l“,th oer n: a anyu‘firmg 13"“n, quirenrdp fi-‘fl are“ ‘le n“ a“ 0.7 HEW ll‘lrp‘fi’“ I “'ll “ehl'liJOk ihimplhfir ‘tt ‘on“r“\-V“,,;f (Imm? “11d . (u “1) ‘ll You vH, is, ’lO t“: 0m rsi Iv Pub” ”:11“ ‘m "n‘ 'tf, L‘x '1 011 ‘ll “d 1 l lump 9]- “Y Mehccam "(1 ”4‘l 111 ‘l3 8‘ (’va he " ‘l'nol‘L iol‘l C hpfin n 1" 111-5 ”‘l' he 1 pr- '0 (11133 t m ‘ll at 31. vl. °n~FGL°aupro 'l9 ‘Or to ‘c Bug 1).. an ‘ v '1 - “1‘“? Rl,. d 01‘ met 0v *‘m‘ muld ‘ll u"n "t u : re - no L 1 81; V 1 ebclson In (-0 ”To wi‘Vo 9" .0 ‘ c enurmlfl‘lormwc‘“ she a” N“ “‘i ‘he 3’: 8| z ‘whfi-nkf" ~mllmsFm ’s 1c "3' ‘on‘ uni-“5 on} H“- 0r ”p -50 co 9 ega b 1 1 I‘t mmng D 1 11 0n H q “11 CL) n t“lmm. th 1' lc' (x Ch-"w 11 e(I n rfig. ‘ll '7‘: th I". "tnd “min is q“t 0f trnvn '9B ‘v’d OHS-Ci 8- cgmnde “811 g I‘p«,rsliJ"nq°m: mmul" ”3‘10“ Sc}; tn? or ‘ to enc “by, wh hio ‘ll 01 nt-milvni, 1'55"!!!) m“) ."I'. “uvulv "n. 0r “Win- the‘ e 1|“'0 h eq’m‘n ham-1.1.1} u‘ 3 11.11 (5 p 0 "1.3",“ fmf Mldhenbid gay-g'atovidg‘pian .toi‘hifi’ytgm $31635 31‘! c “XcebO'i-‘gtflth 'l‘ ch 1}; 11"“co P "'e 0w New!) or 0 I .'0 “hi 7'. thf“) urn “xi “r fish” suudr I, :m ‘dg‘YagmuP 1"!)ch angi‘heconkmnnhu pm": Surat «- t Aug”; Shir“; p 11-33 deecl-qh mlu.uswzrizro er -31,5389 2&5" othoyvxqg’lfi‘bekf 11:9“533'miumg-il‘éihdl?“gi‘f‘sfiu'ctfiu‘lggonngdl “Hf?“ n“ I): te 8 rpm w 0:- gc‘ ha 93 ’“c 8.1% a 0" 0 z snorf's "I!y Pun-film Q 5 'l?an ”Fauna“: I“ 2': ‘r‘s‘erw 51155:; .ai’uviw’adfipézfi wzép£’3li: "“ *2:- Em a h (51“ Wll. 11] “man rw' “.83 o] J “"15"?” ‘line buutll'l l‘ omroac 'he Pun” [ hi. Atomglt‘hhxlqard' -o~lug.u- grow turpv 1 t f. y (‘0 ’ - es- ‘0: . bec 3"" ”c ‘Su I{o Co thor n any-1w o; 363 th )1 vin wan-0.13 tun“? 10!. otha‘fin ”Brutal? o;”;lkof‘tinfiuqyl.3llo3o“;ng 1w ’tfiqu'ispif’l‘me 3‘93? 3:13 £193 «3" T: u.“ “3:3 251913” c‘l"i§‘i“li-’S;‘3;‘§f'--u“{;#:flod‘r ehi 9 t at 5L 8 rm: c ‘11: I,” 'r r 'nq “I“; ul 1,. 11 em :1 I’o ‘h 0- d "I :11) m “I; ‘h.‘o ..l' (‘0 ‘hL‘l‘..e r|' “r' wig: mffifi“ $.21”: a: 35;:1:.ntsuéfvif‘35193322or.=:(.1$:1;§::-\’“:;s 55,"; in: 13110;, :né‘rmZm aria“: "mfz-tl‘lihwfiz'v :5 .1 awn; «:2. u}: to cl; f n‘mmbeem milie' Pr ‘he‘q any of {mpr'phylustqolfiiirf‘ Ex "u 1.). {110:1 f 0 I,}, ”r.“ lung» :heer-emcs: . dare so; m; e se‘opwgmworwwz “1.2, in I Trfiufi‘é‘érS‘mségfl”muéxrk; e'éS‘edp’iorsnsgn‘é’ or»: am. ... Sari-39:33:“;fi5. “cu: misteafigenfg Mi“;"Sve‘chi‘i"wri§'i‘l?" 1% WW? I: air :91"; 4: otporiftdmeu renegns in‘ fig: kgr'm‘ln'inl untof‘zgg‘ “no" rotti‘fifivbh" Mil"); pt WEI"! e éhezgd 0:0“:{1‘hc nofqm: ‘ll 13:"“1131‘: ”finol'lnifxfiolriv’ “rcuung‘n “1.;le 11%" “:0 ‘1 rclmtewtc’d rolmq em llaces“: 06' +11! huslu’u thlllrfiyqlv oof‘B “find ‘11“ 3"“! 3‘ ”it "1 Dweo‘hid smnxquc ("1 e‘" swf 'flrhv' unix’ h: Buurcd“ t 11, K‘11:“ 1}" nd 9.3%,? fger'nfi f‘tc'."'"r'§“d‘;§t§f‘t‘oy b y 3‘1?“ s;an arm}; (3.3 th gag-:51” m :c ‘C‘mmnr t 1; Lgngp pafihc de‘ohc 1,0!" 3 "'ll kph“ “11”.” 5'5“. "g 1: u-‘ke bje Ge ,9 0 5:319“. cd “I"an pf (33 r g mm‘of dr" U mas 1 flo‘ no .neye Go anthq'nt 1:311 enccll ”1"“- "o u'l'dolfi“ ‘a “3?"! three is 0b n). ref 5” q cojeigfii‘ot'nf‘bsxffe e°f Eli“ { 59:51:? r. m°"u.‘} [filmy-g “KllJ’rzl‘l'veeco '3 Pawn r 3“ $11517: *1 s"iu“‘eaP-u Jr: "a “ilfis a “‘3?!“ “£32 __ plnm° "I - all]- do lncgu innt-cu ue ”'1 0m 0 Pg\l\ "long E‘pl V 9 . "C; c that new “if“ n" it mmprof cr "i Ln. 1° 3315“: ”'11; bismrllfvqu’rc \-i 01' “lldJfihlnl'cngfi “Ed in“ I all; 11 sto 03'. eUh'a a‘vnfhl ”I: ”urn sh nd 1' ‘d MD; [-3 n. [o ni [ln a .‘t‘. ‘I. ; Th Ce u flpfisldiggliy' 111.11 “Iliad 1?; ‘11:)“: to: n. \Proi‘lfu‘hcg‘ .' ' "P I {33303633 “2&3"??? ‘hu' grifionmgf ,c'v ‘t 1 a, :‘ u. D. x ‘ ”In.i"ue"‘c§"~.3“l “m“; 12:. ‘hc ' 5’05”. b? “ndr'fixo‘limu itl3W: ‘1: L or' E 41"" :1 n apléflon" v? P 1 . chfhl ny “r m "‘r'Ps] ll! or e. 9- co 1m -I m~iup¥pr null-d. ‘0 La \lireé‘issionlqu‘n “151%; 3: 33': run“: Dp.... My uniform course durink the hté war, wmmo Moixl the discussion of thel finlicy nf thv‘fifltend Gm‘rrpunnt, \\ llilcglvingn mrtysupgxm Lu the Nntiou-nl authorities in all their mensun's (u sup pkoss the rechiuu. I shall continue to pursue the same course during the embnrrgxsm’enta ue~ cussnrily connecté‘d WM! the entire ruturntinn of thc country. Tho principlos rxprrssnd in the message ot’tlu- President, at the comm-um munt or the scsaion of Congress, will receive my comm aqunrt. . min; the lust five yem's the 13cm:- 0! this Stutx- have outrun-d deeply from the c nitlus uf war. Thou-until of her mvn h‘we been slain}. aim othnrs an mdmud nud Drum-n. Almost ""“F-V family has bee-n stricken,nnd cvrrywhzvrz‘ there are- widUWI nrnvhaus', may of (ham h!‘|]il"3! and Sn povcn It is u‘subject of sincere conga:- tuhtiyn, that peace has at Lut returned. I am not nwsrc ot‘thv exlsh-nue m’ any dflflmlty with otha nations whtch may not be amicably mljuatnd, and thcrrt‘orc Vruzur-é to ex rags the hope that long. years of muqutllty and Rappinm are bctorc us. , . A. G. (3133193,; ; From the Chamberghurg Spirit. , a?“ is usuaLufter : successful raid up oi the property of others by thieves and bgrglars. to‘ hnve :5 meeting of the bum] for the purpose of dividing the plunder, and mdulgmg in e congratu'utory carouse over their success in‘approprinting the property of others to their own use and benefit. A convocation of this kind—not however of. thieves 3nd burglm in the iltehli reuse, but f rascals of; higher grade, took place et fiurnshurgon Wednesdey evening last.— gun. David McUonnughy gave nn enter lumeut at which the princtpnl smundrels Who (waisted him i 0 8, seat In the Senate, $131031. the mlleafa h)njority oi the people; 0 the district expressed through the ballot. box. were present. The great Winnebago, Hana! Simon Cameron. preauled, and the occasion mu graced by the presence of the _v _ vifi pious prry, the tainted Graham, the 1:13.: Notice. . tum B:ghnm, and others of the rascally‘ ' NDREW RIFE'S gsT_ATE.-Letten of Committee who porpetretgd ‘.m’ foul wrong ['A ndministrntiou on the canto of Andrei on the voters of the 19th dISmCt. Speechgs ; 1““ mg of Franklin township, Adnnu were much la); a number of those preuut. In 3 county deceased, having been stunted to the which Mr. cConauguy was congratulated undersigned, residing in the same mashin, on llBlUWS—lhl’ozfih the aid ofthe Com-l he hereby gives notice to I” penonl lndebted mittee and the/toner echttirman, in chug; to mid «at. to nuke immediate payment: in; himself into a satin the Senate. The] ‘ and those hnvinz chin" Illinluhe um- :05 had (grand old time. hohuobbing together ' present them properly Ihlhenliclted for "If and chuckling over the success of their in- { tlement. GEORGE THBONB, Adm’r. ‘ umous scheme. Jun» 8, 1866. out -. - K .‘. The President‘s. Views. If. lu-Aprrore- M N m cinna ‘ cum! Amml.§'n:."- Ayn-flo- of x n Frau-cm“; Con-Idol'fll W. mum in and (‘ll "[3; In In “III“. n. M a man or Reprise-“nun: [III- = WASHINGTON. Jan. 28.—The following is the substance of Loonversation which took place to-dny, between the President and a distinguished Seutcnr, [Dixona] The Pl'esxdent said that he oubked the propriely. at this time, of making any lur lhet amvndmentg tn the Cansmmion. One great nuwnduwnt had already been made. by which slavery had forever been uDolishOd wnhln the 11mm the Untied Slateufand 1 anion-l gunmmy that given that that institution should never Igain exist in the land. Propositions to amend the Constitution were becoming as numer‘ons as pfelmblea and resolutions at. town meeting; called to consider the moat. culinary quealiom con. necled with the ndministrallgn of local af fairs. All this. iri his opinion. had a ten. dency m diminuh the dignity. and prestige attached to the Constitunonoflhe cmuilry, and to lmon the rospeci and confidence of the mafia it} [half greu't charter of [tee dom. ' 1!, however. auml‘ments are R) be made‘ to the Cunsmu‘mn chzmglng the basis of represenmunn'und Lnxution. (mud he duh nofi deem them at nll necessary m lha presw em’time). he knew of none better lhnn a single plgposilion,embrucml in'a l'ow lines, : making in ezxch Shun the numbe‘r of quali-l tied voters the hash of representation, undl thg value of pruperly the basis ofdirect tux nlion. Such, a lvrnposiliun could be elu‘ traced in the following terms. 1 Representativp shall be apportion“! :- mong the went Slates which may be im cluded in thin Union, according to thenum ber ofqualified voters .11 each State. . Direci tax shall. be uplmrlluned amnng the mural Slates which may be included within the Union, according to che value of all taxable properly in each State. An amendment off this land would, in his opinion, plgsce the basis of represenlufion and dinecl magnum: alumsmu-reet principles. The qualified worm-s were, for the most part. men who‘wrre smjvct to draft. and enlgst ment when it. was neoeswry lo repal inva sion,‘suppres~s telx-llion and quell domestic violence and insurrection. - l ) ’l'hey ri:k their lives, shed their blood and peril their all to uphold the Govern ment, and give protootion, security and Ivnlue to prayerty. It seemed but iust that. property should compenante for the benefits thus conferred by detmyingthe expenses incident to its protection and enjmuent. 5 Such an amendment. the Prestdent also ‘ suggested would remove from Cong-95.! utl ‘ issuesvin reference to the political «finality of the meek. It nnuld leave the Stun-s to determine absolutely the quithhcuuuns of theiruwn voters Wit .out regard to co lot. and 'thua the nuuLhei-ol Representatives to'whtcn they would b't-s entitled in Congress would depend upon the number upon which they, couforred the right at sum-age. ‘ The= Erastdeut, In this'cunneolion, ex pressed thu opinion that the e‘gnmion of the negro lranchiae question in the Emma of Columbia at tlus tuue was the mere ‘on tering wedge to the agitation of the quote tit-n throughout the States. and was ,ill-: timed. uncalled for, and calculated to-do‘ great harm. ’ , | He believed that it would engender en-l mity, contention and strile between the‘ two races, and lend ton war brtweeu than»! ‘which would result. In great iltjuryrto both,‘ and the certain extermination of the negro population. . - - i Precedence. 'he thought, should be given . to more important and urgent matters. 195- l jslatiou uyon which was ebsmttml for me restoration of the Union. the- peace at the bountry, and the‘ prosper-it) of the people; u.» q - —~ _— For 1110 Compik-t TR‘IBL‘TE 01‘ RESPECT At a meeting of the Suphmnore Clans of. Peunsyqunm Uullege, ou the 3d inst., the tollmvmg l'EbOlullUllS ware adopts-l: Where“, the dread messenger Death has, the second time, entered our midst. and aummonid tron! amongst us Our belnved friend and classmate, DAVID \VAIJM) Wu sox. tberelore resolved, - That in this affliction, we recognize the hand ol'un nil-Wise uml mercituiGod; "who doeth ti“ things welt," thotlgu m a way myster.otts to u\. ‘ , ‘ That in hlsdPth the class of 1868 and the institution mm which he wrxs connect.- ed have lost a prumiaiug member, and the church'- consment upright Curistiun. That we mourn the loss at our brother, yet not as those without hopeh for our loss has been his eternal gum. Tth We WI” make it our high airq to live such It ht‘e u< will enable us to meet him In the Kingdomot our llatti’equ'lt‘nther. That. he teuttcr to the bereaved parents amt relative: of the deceased our sincere and hruruelt sympathies. ‘ That :5 copy of these resolutions he sent to the parents at the deceusetl. and that they he uttered lnr pubhoatiun'to tliu "LJ thernn Uasvrver.” “Lutheran and MW stunt-ry," "Star of the Valley,” and the Gettysburg "Computer,” "Stir,”finxl "Sew tinel.” E. S. Buaturxuwun, ‘ ' J. W. anuuu, , _ W. F. MILL, L. A. Sworn. Pres’t. Committee 1:. F. McCLnxfiec’y.‘ : aThnnteamer Miami, which let]. Mem phla on Saturday mgut week, heuvlly loud ed with hjengm. uhd~cmwded with pauen-r gets. exploded her boiler [m the Arkanm River. seven miles above Napoleqn. The scene u deacnbed wlwlul in the extreme. Of the two hundred and fifty persvnvl on board one Imminent and tiny perished in: various ways, many hem; burned to death. Fxfty others are m hospxuls ul Helena, Hm I most. 0! whom are (many mjured. _ @Hersckelrv. Jamison. aha ran on the Douglas nuket for Vlce-Piesxde'm, nnd. was qulmequently a. member oi the "anted emle Congress,” was on “Wednesday eh-ctn ed United States Senator from errgm’. Alenuder 11. Stephen: was elected, but dxd no: consent. to the use 0! his name. ‘ $5O Reward : “ 7 AS stolen from the stable of the 36b- Irriber, 6: the ‘uight of the 2.] in“; (Friday) gepr Winfield, Uurrull county, Mi, 5 DARK BAY [103519. [our years old next spring, has one white hind foot, About 'l4} had: high. Al5O =I Riding Saddle, with how in (real, lrom which the leather has haen worn, and quilted roll behind, and n stifl’Bunf fie-Bit Bridle, With double reins which have been broken. The horse is somewhat spiteful, work: wall and is in good condition. The above reward will be paid for the apprehen sion of the this! and “mum of the hone, or $25 for the horse alone, I, . . Dr. F. J. CBAWEOBD. Feh.5,1966, ‘31.. . _Noflce. , g . WILLXAM GlTT’b‘ ESTATE—Lott": m ‘ tunentnry on the estate at William Gm, late of Union township, Alums county; deceased. hnving been granted to the under sizned, tes’idxngin th: same towmhip, be‘ her;- by gives notice to Ml persona indebted to_lrgld astute Lo nuke immediate prmenl, Ind (hose hm‘iug claims ngains: lhu lame to present properly lulhenticawd (or settlement. JEREMIAH UlTl‘,‘l§xeculor. 1 Jan. 21,1366. 6!. ‘ PI’BLIC' SALE. HE under-st nod, Adminiltntbu 9f the ntnte of Jain K. Hume, dec'd.. Inll sell at Public Sale. It the late residence of aid decedont. in liunllnxton. townlhl , Adlml courtly, ft, about g mil’e won or Tmtle'l m l and about i mile Ironi the Upper Bermu dlnn Church, on T lUßSlLll’t the mu day of FEBRUARY, law, thp following Penuml Properly, \ll : . 2 GOOD FAMILY “ARES, (one of them be", whirled.) Young Horse, (rising 3 year. MIL) I Co I, (2 years old.) 4 hand of Mild. Gown, 5 hand ufflbeep, l Brood flow, with pug, 7 Sholel, 2 Narrow-tread Wugonl, (the on: four-hone and the other two-horny) the Wood \Vorh ol a Four-hone Bro‘dotreud Wu gon, Threshing Micki“ and Horn Paw . 2 Putting Mtlli, Rolling Screen. Cuttinggpx. Horse Gears, Riding Saddle Md Bridle, luau, Blue”, 'I Sleight and Halli, Log 81nd. Log! Clash, Single nnd Double-trees, 2 Spreaders. Plough: Iml Harm, '1 Wagon Bedu, (one nyl ironed,) Hay land‘s", Woud Laddvrl, (Imu‘ Show] Grui- Cmdlca, Claret-Iced Untlle, Wheel-'blrruv. Forlu, Rakes, Shovelu, MM locku, 2 Grimlstonel, (non of than u randl stone,) 5 lot 01 Lap and Joint Bhiugkr, a, Brand Axes, Hog-bonds, Wheat, Rye, Um", Outs ngd l’otMOcu.‘ by the bushel l Hay by Hm loll; Cornludder by the bundle. Alqo, n Cook Sum: Ind fixtures, 2 Tenzpllte Stoves, 1 Table, 01min, 2‘ lledatends, Cormr Cupboard. Carpet. Wueel and Splnnlng W I, Uidcr Bar n-le. Meant by the Hm. Swan Cutter md Sl'ull‘er, one Ml Bluelssm'nlt Too , Cunt. Steel and Iron. togetlu-r wnh n variety father urti clea, ton numerous to insert. $5Ol. w commence M 9 o’clock, A. 3L, on said day, when attendance will be giwu and term? umde Luuwn hy , ’ 09“ me mama. » Euuuum 3mm, Jun. 22, 18_66. ls Administrnwu . um mun ' A ARM STOCK AND U'l‘l-LNSILS, F AND IJUUnI-lIIULD ARTICLES- Uu \\'HDXI-laUA‘i,tlm '.’lal. any of FEBRUARY next, [he subunbu, intruding to quit. l‘nrm inggwxll self at Public Sale, a: bi: residence. in Cumberland township, Adam: county, 3 mile! weal. of Gettysburg, new the Turnpike, his Highly VMunblm Furm Slack lud Imple mouhjs, viz: 8 head of first rate; WORK HORSES, (one of them u superior Bréo‘l Mum) L hurling (1011, 'Jtln-nd ol Cows, (some ”Call and some bonny with,cnlf,) 1 Bull, Young Cultle, l Gout, llroml Sow; Slum-a, and l‘lga, {Thug-huh-Irmd Heavy Wagon, l Narrow-trend Wugon,l Curl, Stone Bu}, Huy Ladders. Ila} (.‘.nrrnlges. Wood Ladders, 2 Eels of thfgflimrda, Bug Wugon ‘, Threshing llnghiue, With Home Power. .Luk, Slmk’er mnl Show Courier} Honey‘s Humor and I\lower ,n new (l'miu Seeder, alio culul luted; for sowing all kinds of fertilizers and gmsé seeds—ll'e-tminstor In ke; Steel-mull: More; ,Ruke, Lon?! lloller, Wumoning llxll, Culling Box, Corn Slml'er, J Ploughs, L“) of '.hrlq wnh cnulters, 3 llurrowsfillofll l'loughi, Coml Forks, Double, Single nml 'l'l.ree-)mr~o Trees Spremleri, Log' L‘lmln, huh t‘lmin; liuu. and filrenst‘ Clmi- a: Horse (11-" rs. smll M Brev’gnlmnds, l-‘rom Gnu-s, Plough Cit-uni, l'ul luas final Brilles, Wagon SMllllv, Wagon \Vlnp, .Houdlngs nu-l Fly-nets, l"1l'|h Line, 'J l-‘uur .hnse Lem-s, Halter: oml Cow lilmi‘ns, Forks, Ibdulh (lnunSllovels. Gr-un Cmdlu, ficyllxes and End-films, )lalloc‘ns, hhovcls, Ur-uin lugs, l’eedll‘ruuglm. Wheelburow, uul o,v'utle:y of Ollie} farm a: licles. ‘ 1 _ ' Al'so, Household nnd‘ Kilcbrn furniture, socklis lie-ls 3|“! Bedilends, Tables. Ulnurs, 3, Stones and mooy ozhur unigles, toouumcruus m mqnhom - , Wanna lo- conmeneo M 9 o'L-lu‘ck, A. M.‘ or. said. do}, when nllemlflllce willi he gum-i; n‘nd “gnu; and. known by ‘5 ' ‘ EMANUEL D. KELLER... Jacob Midday, 'Aumioueer. . ’ , Jan. 15, Law. I» ‘ a PUBLIC SALE F VALUABLH. I'Ellb‘U)“. PRU ERTY. O '—()n TUESDAY, mu mm any 0! 3&1”!ch Ararnext, the lubbcniben, Inn-uni: m‘ um will of Bureu 3mm, dunrnxetl,’wul lell a; Public SnLe, at her tuition-3mm; Hgmhjngmn township, Adnms comny, 1m“. mnulg «as u! Heier§burg, on the farm lormquy owned by name) Fickes. the [allowing Numb!» l’duuu;l Property, to mi: " ' ' «x mun or Human}. r Two-3MI: Corn. 1 Sucking 00“., 10 head of “owe mango...“ Camq. (mm: hcmy _wilh cwlfi}, Dru uhnu Bull, "J ~lu-nd at ,Slneep, Fuuhhump wagon, Due-[Lune Wagon, Lune Bed, Hay ini‘rgosm \iuuuy limpet. ”oral: Gears, Wager! SHL‘IHUr Riding; Sun-He, Halters, Brullcn, Üblk‘rd. n firfl-nta Two-hone 52m1, Una-hora? Sienhh, k‘redlng~TrL-ugh,'Wmnuwmg Ml)" Cuuiu; Box, M’loughs, Burrows" Double and may. Show! l‘Luugks, ‘Uorn Forks, Uur‘u Cu\c"f‘,. Cow Chains, Lug Chujn, Dynblc-lreca."l'hruu« harsédrve, Spreudrrs, Brgut Ukraine, 15 n':\ Chains, Forks, Rakes, Shuyelsinuuock, Gnuu Cradle, Ukwcr Cmddc. Sc) lhcs mud Swain-a, 110 m fluke, Maui and .Wedges, G‘rigdsluuc, um; Bug»; Corn nu :1 Panama, by l rebualwl; Hay ;by me Ion; btrnw by the bu dle ; mnh misc 1 n 10$ 0! “min in the won :1. A 150,. juuusehou find «when rmnnm, such n 5 'l'ubléé, Clnils, Unpbu’urdh’l'uhu “up llagrels; Vinegar by 11m barrel, Apple-bulge: 'by the , cruck‘, 32h. on by In]: pound, and a great. huh my of‘pmer “flicks, not herein mentioned. ”Sale to commcnce u: 10 o'clock, A. 31., on sand duy, “bit unendnpce will be gin-u and germs made known by , ‘ E LYDFA A. Slj'lTH,Kxecuu-ix Jan. 22, 1866. u‘ PUBLIC Stu}. S MONDAY, the 19m day 96 FEBRUARY next, the fiubscnber “awn“ übpubsiq b‘mE, in Mounlpleusnnt township, Adz-ma co., the tollowing Venom-l Properly, viz: 1 fuuNu “01:33,: flag, 1 Twoqu Thrceo ‘hursq‘ Wagon, and Stone Bed, -1 l'luugh, 1 Stevie! Plough Ind Fork, 2 ma Breouubnndp, 2 U ‘dles and (Julian, I Fly-nus. \Vngun and: dlefi set. Silver-Muted Hnruequidiiig Saddle and :dele, Sleigh and Balls, Grain Cradle, Eu: '3, nukes, Shovels. Hues, Bren" and Hun. Chpfia, Hauler: 'and Gov! 01min, hv. Also, flute, er Tools. Al5O, Household and Kilaimu Furniture, auch HI 3 Bedsteads, Bureau, Sula, biuk, Desk, Sundhl Dining Tnblo, Bream“; Tubl , Chen', 2 sea Chain, 3 Bucking Gnuirr, Ulov. , Don‘t-Hay, I” u guul a: new; Cucu ing s on and Pulling, Ten-plum move pm! Pmedthumflubx, Munch, 'i ili-Wl|f¢, Earthen wureflouud other articles, 100 numerour-to mew. n. - , '“‘Sale to commence at 12 o'elock, 11., on said tiny, when a‘xmmlunc'e WI” be given nud ; terms] made known by i * JOHN EELIXpSr. Jiq. 22, 1866. m ‘ " } Register’n Notices. ‘ TOTICE in hereby given to all Legnteee end h 37th" pertonl concerned, that the Ad mum! ration Accouny hereinnffir'mentioned will 0 presented M the Urphnn’l Court 0! Adulfi! calmly, lor‘couh‘rm'ntion and Allow-nee, on 'l' ,Esmv, the 20th day oi FEBRUARY,‘ 18b8, int lao’clock‘, A. Emil: 2541.1‘he supplementary mount of Joe. iR. Diebl, Administrator of Denial Diehl. - deceajud. acting as Trustee for halo of red ant under proceeding- in pittitio’n. 255 Second and fine] account of Nicholas Flege , Administrator of Adqlpb Pohltnan, dece 'ed. ' 256' Second account of Dr. J.'P. Smith Admiliislruwr ‘Of Jacob Smithy decelsedfi 257; The first. and final moonlit. pr J mob Hull,§Adminislrawr of Peter Hull, dec'd. £8; First account of Charles Bibs“, Ad.- mini-tutor of Moses Sen“, W, 2594‘ The first and (in-l nooount of Reb ext MeGeughy. Administratorof the aunt. of qumu Orrfdeceased. ‘ 280.: The third and 6m! nooounl of Hon. Masai McClenn, Executor of the In! will ud filament. of George Shryock. doc’d. SAMUEL LILLY, mgmu. Register? ‘Oflce, Gettysburg} ' Jun-17 22, 1866. hi" Notice. Jomwaaowsns mum—Loam «8.. Gamma] on the cunts of John; Bowel-l, [no of Germ-n] township, Adllll county, de cenzffimving been grunudto flu magnigmd, the E at maxed raiding in the pa g wuship, Ind the In: named in huyd‘giuic‘t, ld., they hereby give notice In 11l parlou- iuo debud'xo hid auto to mks immedimo pay: ment, 3nd thou hula; chill! mind tho-ante affine-umm properiy nuthenticaud‘ron-ugl t ement. " WILLIAM BOWERS, JOHN BEAVER, Jun-11, me. at” hound".
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers