The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 08, 1866, Image 4

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# /mastic.
mun All “HIM BUTTER. 3
Dl}. phhp am ofhsd butter in the
11-bit which mo ddrywomon indulge in,
at )nvln‘ their butter unvorked for a con
sidornblulllno the: ohurnilig. Every hour
that the buttermilk rennin: in cannot
pith $llO butter. Iller churning. is In injfilf! ;
fl can‘nol b. traced from it too soon.
Tho (“in of butter in often spoiled by
too supply yorktng; on the nth", hsnd, if
u in not worked enough, it will be Ipofled ;
”no Process pheroforo requires much nuan
“an. . . ,
I 'll. In not any to work out dl the butter
fiailk us once} it is. therefore, better to not
jg aide mar lbo first lon-king in t cool
plain. for tulvu'houu, during which the
qctlon of the in]; Inter will libenlu more
0! tho buttermilk; the first prom: Ihould
”no be "Mud. , ‘ ‘
Mrs. L. W. Slawson, of.Keuoslm. Wit,
up Ibo bu kept. en- yerfeclly good And
Imh till I you old in the (allowing mun
ner: aha pours some who“ into the hop
tom of A barrel. and place: the egg, day by
day II they are gathered, standing on‘the'
gin-ll ond.ip the What. When that compo
.i’ hall. the pqun gnother layer of whenh‘on
the £335, llld repeat: the prone“. When
the burel in ffill il. 15 covered And placed in
g dry cellar. The ban-cl stands upon the
epd without turning. and thc eggs are taken
out I: wanted. She says that it in notonly
upneccua'ry to revem the barrel when
packed. u recommended by some, but that
Qt in" ipjuyious. , "
. é,———— «o» ——-——
Agriculture for 1863.
Among the aubjocu to be gmteful for
W“ ”at it the‘ fact thdtfile corn crop
shown an increase over Int you of 173,846,-
4.50 bulhell, nearly 33 percent. Moi-e than
I thirdof thin greet crop bu been ruined by
Indium and‘ Illinois ; Illinois mgkel’n gnin
of 88.739117 bulhell Ind [lnd‘innn 41,784,-
953 bushels. Tbejnin of these twg Stem
}: 80,524,670 bulhels—anflmonnt equal to
the lame corn produclion‘of Maine, New
Hump-hire. Vermbnt.Mmecbusetts,thde
¥lm¢ Connecticut, New York, New J er
sey Ind Pennpylvnnll. ‘ 1,
‘ rowan—The planting thll year via
hater ln curly every Sun. The incl-cue
ll 4,775,207 bulbell over the crop of 1864,
pm In 12,202,649 bushels lea-thin the crop
of 18(02.
' I
. , The Grape Trade.
The Grape’ trade of the Weetern Stetes
’- elready very extensive end is constantly
growing. ‘ West Virginie is now becoming
lntereeted in grape culture. The Wheeling
Jnadigtnarfiys that e joint‘ltopk company,
9n 3 large scale, is being formed in that
piri. for the purpose of entering more Dirge--
J 1 into the business. It is proposed to
nine I oepitel' of $250,000. N eerl?ss_o,ooo
hive elreedy been subscribed, and u soon
”$75,000 erenised, the company will go
”Jyoti. The land to be worked is on the
phip tide of the river, near Mertinsvrlle’,
Ind fifty ‘ecree of it are already; under-yum
yetioni end it in designed to increase the
working lend toone hundred and fifteen
pores. The company, when all the stock
ii taken, will purchesee steamboat, end in
jqdition to the gidpe cultyre, take ontooel.
All lbw Tlrklu.
Some time in the month of May, 1864,
farmer named Wheeland, residing near
elm-town, in this county, had a turkey
n about four years old, that made her
est in a "gin“ iece of woods. a short dis
fence from r. BVheelepd's house, and laid
we‘ll/933‘; the eggs were removed and
, find: under the porch of the, house, where
the en hatched out twenty young Iturkiee.
A Ihort time elterwnrdn one ofthe young
turkiee died, and the hen and her brood
yeredriven out to afield close to the woods.
A neighbor. named Mrs. White, saw the
. flock ot‘turkiee mid drOVe them home, a 1;
leging thnt. eh'e and another neighbor
pained Mrs. Miller had ehch lostn brood
pt‘young Atiirkiee, end thnt both: were to
gether. re. Wheelend having minced her
turkiee learned o“th ‘the were in persec
‘eion of Mn. White-ad My". Miller, and on
the 7th of July w‘ent after them. .The wo
aepfifgsed to fe them up; afterwards
r. .heelegid c lied on Mr. Miller. and
gjemended them. Millerxid that if Whee
end would swear the tu ies were hie. he
fould hevezthem; Mr. Wheeland said that
‘ie could, not "Par to them. but that he
pould prove theymere his turkieh, and pro
fioeed te settle fire matter by driving the
en end her (100 to the line between the
two terms, and the side they roasted, on
hint night. the owner of the Ilend‘ehonld
eve the turkiee. 'l‘hié Miller would not
egree to; unit we; then brought by Whee
iend before ’Squire Ream. who, decided
jgeinet Whaelend. Wheeland‘ then up
rled uni ed the case erbitrnted, when
' e geined'it. By mutual 'eonqent the mat
{Dr H): egin referred to arbitratore—their
[deuteron be final. The fihole of Thurs.
313 and yesterday we: occupied in the
‘ll ring of the‘ceee before tlie board of er
* hitratore,_when some forty-five witnesses
[preexnmined end Wheelend weefigein
‘g%mul, the arbitrator. allowing" him
I ~. for the‘ turkey hen and 20centeeech
' {or the nineteen young turkiel. the defend
ant to pay the coat: of unit, which are con
!idel'ebli over $2OO. to say nothing of law
ep! feee. Bretty high priced ‘NkieSv-g
hummer I eulligence'l‘.‘
E‘Two New Hampshire farmezs, of the
town of Bow, had a. disagreement, two
199 mm 'eboqt e nttlemegt of accounts,
gm! veqhto law in e police coqrt. The
plmntifl chimed the sum 01' 87,11. end the
detendlnt. chimed I balnnee of 815.50.
JWFQPI" vyer rendered for the plaintiff,
In” he defendlnuppeeled to the Supreme
pond, ihere, About four weeks ego, the
p. we. decided. Forty witnesses were
”mined. Ind two eminent ex-‘udgee of
the S, pgeme’ Court were employeé as coun
pel. “inn: ezix deyu’ trial. a verdict. of
8,27 he; renderegl for the plmnufl‘. The
‘eoeu on thew?! in der 31.000. Uue item
pub. else in: e cheyge game! the plum.
8!! hr at. nee ofe peir of'oxen. and me
fen‘dent bu entered en action {qr 4am:-
ufliwfihe came while used by php pinin
l4 A.
fl: “(5" a] Amazing-flu answer to
9. ”Fame?“ the New York MM
”“3! flag it. in trge, u Mportgd. M 1
~ flfltflit who by 901 Q Ipecidiey beforo
(:fihc'ppblig in paying Lb“ uhhlilhmem
- ”p.OOO Ayn; to; advertising. 1t up lye
: ’ .Pdfi flJOO for the insertion of one mim
- ’f path Iglyutiument, lug! midi on the gen.
y ”.11quch ; "Bonner onpe pn'id at $3,-
' 900 15! one fingertiop of up advertisement
'— -pf t3}. Ledger. Re know tbs! throughg'u-‘
mujvgflflp‘ he 91)qu inmrp a. for-
pg. . . 91d n- udipe of drq gist: and
_ ' " 'Woeingliinflifins infiyins ant.
;_ Md. 911 ‘9 blhers, 990 thag'lho'
In t 91025 WW3): may pan ppm-kg
‘3‘ up} phi! meaicin‘u k'nown to ‘
fins-51h i”! 9 FM and! Metal Wen: :
BE.-.S!’§'.‘P§:" ‘ I ‘
.‘ Non: Wake:- a: 'OO..
CLorhx I n. s .
‘- ' §
um nm 167 Bunyan Stun, ,1
keep con-mm: on hand I lug: nu! well u:
toned stock of ell kinda of good! u modem.
pricel. _
' Thu supply orders, for the fine". to the
lowest priced nrtic!es,eilber reed, made or
upde to I‘ueuurgno my pan or the country.
they keep tho An extensive flock of FURN
ISHING GOODS. embncinrevery nnicla of
Gentlemen'l Under-veer. Alto, lILITABY
.CLOTBS and every Vlfiely o! lilimy Trim
mlnlu, A: well n In ”30er Monk 0! READY
Bskimore, Feb. 22, 1864.
New Warehouse.
000 WANTED.“ she now Grain
slid 2:03..“ House. In Csrlislo street, sdjoin
lug Shcnds t Buehlor’s esubflshment. The
highest Mrket price will slwsys be psid in
ash for ‘ .
GRAIN, of all kinds,
Always on hsnd sud (or ”In,“ the smsllesi
profits, '
-~ ~ unocamus, u,
Wholesale snd rev-il.
TRY US! We shall do our best. to gm
satisfaction In all cues. _ » ~
Gettysburg, Is] 11, 1863. 1y
New Goods ImLarge Stock!
JACOBS & 830.
have jun received from the cilia: I. lnr‘gc stock
ol good: fdr Gentlemen’l went. embracing 5
Variety of , .
Canine“, Jenna, ta, with nimy other goods
for spring'nnd summer wear.
They Ire pnpnrqd to mike up laments nt
310 uhortelt notice, and in the very be" man
or. The Fashion are regularly received. and
clothing nude in say desired style: They nl
- make nent fits, whim their sewing is sure
to be Inbuunml.
They Mk n continuance of the pnhlic’s pn
tronige, resolved by good work and moder'nte
chug“ to earn it. A
‘ Gettynbntg, April 'I, 1862
‘Lancaster Book Bindery.
Gnoaan wum', . -
‘ Plain and lOmamantal Binding, of every de-
Icriptlon, executed in the mo". sub-mull and
npprond It’lu. ‘ ‘
E..W. Brown, Esq.,]“umers Bank of Luncaner
W. L. Peiper, an., Lancaster County Bank
Samuel Shock, Elq.,‘Columbia Bank.
Samuel Wagner, Esq., York Bunk. ‘5
William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank.
T. D. Carson, an., Bank. of Gettysburg.
Peter Martin, an., Prolh’y oanncaster co., PI
Geo. C. Hawthorn, qu., Register “ 7N
Geo. Whitaon, Esq., Recorder “ “
April 15, 1881 ‘
New Bakery !
EWPORT & ZIEGLE‘R, Mechanical Bnk—
ere, Scutli Washington street, hall square
mm the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pm.—
Constantly on hand, the best 01' BREAD,
lons wishin fresh Bread will be served every
morning. bfienvmg their H. 110! and residence!
epthe Bakery. Every efl'ort made to pleue
Give us a all! , [April 20, ’63. t!
,Good Thlngs from the Clty! *
E are' receiving twice a. week from the
_ city a variety of articles suited to the
wants of this community, yiz : Fresh lnd Salt
FISH, Efima, Shoulder: and Sides, Hominy,
Beuns, Saiglpples, Potatoel, Oranges, Lemons,
Cpnfoctiona, Tobsccou, Segm, with ml‘ny_
other articles in this line—all received in the
be'st order, And sold at the lowest profits. Give
my: call, in Baltimore street, nearly opposite
Fnhneatocka‘ store.
WANTED.——Buiter, Eggs, Lard, and 11l
o'ther country produce—for which the highest
gush price will be paid.‘
SWEET POTATOES—beat quality, It low
est living profits—alwiys on hund. Also‘
OYSTERS, fine and fresh—in the shell .01
shocked. Restaurants and flmilies supplied.
Gettysburg, May 18, 1863. ‘
. Great #ttracnou
East Corn’er of the Diamond. The subscriber
is constantly in receiptvoffresh goods from the
Eaten: cities. His-stock of
in one of the largest and most Attractive, as
well as the obeyest etublinhment of the kind
in the‘conntry. You will there find COATS,
PANTS AND VESTS, made up' in the most
(sebionehle styles, and of the beat materials,
of all sizes and pricea, for men ind boys.—
Gentleman’s iurnishlng floods of every descrip
tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory
Shirt: and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool end
Cotton. Drawers, Hosiery of every deleription
Buck-skin, Merino end Cotton Gloves, Bund
kerchieis. Neck Ties,Cravntn, Linen and Paper
Collnrl, Him, Cups, Boots and Shoes. Um
b'rellu, Trunks, Vdieu, Carpet Begs, Clothes
and. Shah Brushes, Heir nnd Tooth Brunhel,
Shoe Blanking, Pocket end Dueling Combs,
Ivory Corn'be, Watcher, Clo'cirs Ind Jewelry,
Gum, Pistols, Violins nod' Violin Strings,
Soup. end Perfumeries, Stationery of all kinds,
Pocket Knives, Smoking nndlChewing Tobac
co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segue. In fact,
his stock embraces everything uennlly found
in 5 first class furnishing store. I invite the
nttentlan of ellto come Ind see for themselves,
93 Ism determined to sell goods lower then
on} other eetobllehment in the country. Don’t
forget the place. Corner of York street and
July 4, 1864. _ '.
Moro Phillips’
. ,E‘PHOSPHATE 0! Lll3,
'. _uu n '
No. 2'! N. Front Street, I’hiludelphiml And No.
l 4 Bowly’a Wharf,
B‘ALTI M 0 8 E
The anbgcriber begs leave to inform Denier
lnd Consumer: thlt he in now prepered to
my qnmtitiu. *'
The univeml ntixfncuon thin urticlc in
sin!) during an pea: four yen-s, bu I 0 in
l creued the den-ad the: I hive bun compelled
LlO granny enlarge layup-cw, for in unnu
‘ fucture, Ind hue been induced to utlblilh a
breach Home in the city ofnelfimoroq “rue
ah“ I '1“ be able to fill 111 ordore during the
Int-eon, Yet my rule ilfim comet-u and.
| Price in Philedelphie $BO per ton, 2000 lb!.,
jn- Baltimore sumo price, (Right. from Phila
delghie added.
juouni to Dealers. ’
"For ale by W. EABH‘TLI l CO, Got
mhn’rg. k
Solo Proprmor Iqd In uhctum.
3hr. 31;. was. °
P. Bayley a:
mamas m 7
l) ‘ ‘ 9mm, GLASS a quunxswnn,
up!) “131:,me QUTLRY, , .
' » ' ‘ DASTOBS.:&G.,
NO-fi. Hue"! Sig-..IIQLHLBH-flnu Sm.
GLASSWARE t—Tnmhlers. Goblets, Win“,
Ltgerl, gum. Blk. Bottles, Cindy {nu-s, De
‘ canton. ru. piuhea, Fruit Bowln, game...
{9ll, Outer Betti”. fier. Lamp, {up Chim
'na , L‘auterns, to. _
EUEENSWARE :—Plnm. Flu Dlahgl, Deep
. d 0». Coverlegl 40., Coyoged Bglgep; T 29 Pogo,
;39:_9n,0ruml, Boyd), Pup arpl Chamben,
@3119“!!! Mm Muss, .39 “999-. he
Ea, blM‘Seu, to. 3 ' 1 _; -
‘ 0!. BTONEWABE:—JngI, fare, Etcherg,
imk Pan‘s, sc. [May 1, 1865. 11*
rTI9r I W:=
we jun ntnnad hon New York and Phil}.
delphin with one of the largest flocks of new
Pall Mall Winter Good: aver offered to the
citizens ol Ali-ms county. They were pur
chuod before the lulu rise in goodnnd will
be 301 d M. corruronding prices» The unusually
great demand {or goods ofevery ducriplion for
the Southern market, will undoubtedly cu"
1 further rile in the pan of goods. We there
fore tdviue all that
Our uock of Lndiu’ Dress Goodl is com
plete, consisting of French Nerinoel, very
cheap, nll wool Poplinl, 11l wool Fluids. De
lnineu—Shepberdn' Ploids, Cnilcoel, Ging
haml, Phid Giuells,Cobur¢s.Clolhl lor Ladiel’
Clout. unusually low, Silks And all the luau
nylon of Dre" Goods.
CLOTHS.~ Cuaimeru, Cuslnetl, Tweedl,
Krntucky ham, £l2. for Ilen': Weir.
FLANNELS—Ihe Ingest. stock ever broughl
'.o lhil market, and cheap. Also, u large n
lomnent of Cloth Trimmings, Shuvln, Hoods,
Bfilmomla, and in he! a full sud complete In
sortmam of all kind: of Staple nd Funcy
Goods. Our stock lining been purchased
lownwe say again - V
Huh); replenished our stock in I“ in do
pnnmenu, we are prepared to snpp’ly‘whauver
mly he wanted in outline of buaineu at prices
this: defy competition. Gull M the Red Front.
Sept. 4, {865. .
New Goods! Cheap Goods!
», , 1s mnovnkl—
e hereby inform the citizens of York sud
Adnins co nties. that we have established, It
the so’fitifilst corner'of Centre Square and
Baltimore streeg, HANOVER, formerly occu
pied by C. E. a I‘. 'l'. Win, a Branch Store,
(the principal business houses being logated
in‘New York end York, Ps.,) where wekwill
~keep It all times a regular assortment of Dry,
Domestic nod Fancy WUDS, slso, A well se
lected assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES,
Chum, Glass and Queens-were, Lndies’. Misses’
and Children’s SHOES; also,,n nice and full
nesortment of all kinds of CARPET, Floor
and Table Oil-cloth. ; " .
We have also‘estsblished in rooms odjoming
the Centrnl Hotel, I CLOTHING STORE,
where we will keep constantly on hand a, well
selected assortment oi Ready-made Clothing.
of the Intes't styles, and a full nssortment of
Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, such as Hats,
Caps, Boots, Shoes, to, which we will sell at
reduced prices. . .
As our motto is, and always will be, “quick
sales and smell profits,” we hope to receive a
share of the patronage of town and “coun
try. Our connection with the large wholesale
houses in New York City nnd York, Pn:,wliere
nrealwnya stored on extensive stock of goods,
which we sell at wholesale and retail, enables
us to supply our old friends and such-of our
new customers es will give on n call, with the
very best mnrketehle goods, st. lower rates
thou cnn he puruhnsed iuywhere in the State.
Call and see for yourselves. , .
Hanover, June 26, 1865. 1y '
100.000 bush. Gram Wanted.
WM. E. BIDDLE'k CO. would infarm the
public that they have leased the'Wnrehouse
on the corner of Strsttoii street and the Rail
road, in Gettysburg, where they will carry on
all ll] branches. The highest prices‘ will ul
wsys he pnid for e
Dried Fruifi, Nuts, Soup, Hams, Shoulders ind
Sides, Potatoes, witheverything else in the
'connlry produce line. ‘
Cofl'ees, Sugars, M‘qlesses, Syrups,’l‘ens, Spices
Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Must-rd, Starch,
Brooms, Bu'ckets, Blucking, Brushes; Soups,
kc. Also_ COAL .OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, &c.—
FISH of all kinds; NAILS AND SPIKES;
Smoking and Chewing Tohzxccos.
They are always able to supply s first rete
srticle of FLOUR, wlth the difl‘erent kinds of
and other fercilizera. S‘COAL, by the
bushel,ton. or car load. ' ‘
, Their Cars run to Baltimore and back twice
9, week, and they will be happy to carry goods
eithflr may It moderate charges. Marketmen,
country merchants, and others, will find it to
their advantage to patronize this line.
They uk I. share ofthe pnblic's custom,and
Will spore no eflort to render satisfaction lo
31], sellers or buyers. "
Aug. 22, 1884. tf ‘
Cog], Lumber, Stoves, arc.
IWould respectfully info the public
that he will continue the busing: lately con.
ducttd h the firm of Shanda & Buehler, It the
old smug. corner of Cerlille .nnd Railroad
Itreetl. He will be prepared to furnish
and every variety of LUMBER, in‘clnding Doors,
Shutten, Sub, he. Alto, every variety of
Cooking Stoves, smong which Ire the
I - ORNAMENTAL 000 K, am.
S T - O V E 15' .
Also, every variety of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE. manufactured by the best work
men. Also, HOLLOW WARE of every vnriety,
including: supqrior article of ennmelled work.
[fideed evuy'variely 9f Kltcheg Ware will be
k'ept constantly cm band. ~ _
Aloo,the lat-famed “UNIVERSAL CLOTHES
WRINGER," for which he in the lole :san ln
thercoqnly. ‘
He i 331” the sgent for Wgeeler & Willou’l
Sewin Mmhinu—‘lhe best in use. .
April 10, 1865. I c. a. BUEHLEB.
. Cumberland 009.1!
A LARGE supply of unperior
hLonsulru com”
now on land It reduced price. Thin Call in
superior to ‘l'! «that Co“ in the United States
for welding ma oth'u bmkimim purpose:
i For Isle by
cu, Gall ma, Frederi'ck city, Id
Jana 19, 1886. 17*
- Nation's and Confections.
A wonn I'o Tn~ :oan 02 TOWN AND
HE Inbocriber hop: A Notion and confu
m‘omry Store on (Juli-lo urea, hourly
oppoaiu tho Mirold Station, Getty-v 3,
when b. in mummy on hind, CANDI. ‘
NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemonl. Oranges, km;
Tohucoo udr Began of :1: kinds; Pocket-
Booh, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Conan, ac; ‘
Soup. lad Porfuucrios; Also uoma GROCE
RIES, Sum, Con‘eel, Rice, with tho difl’uut ‘
kind. o! thm Ice-cold MEAD M at
d 0... H. invites canon fiom town 13d
county, Md Doll: 3! until profits.
Ang'. 7.1865. 1]
Fresh Supply.
jun received number fine uwnment of
NEW GOODS, consisting. In pan, 0! Cloths“
cabinet“. Canine", Kemcky Jenna, Ind
Tweedo. fur Gendamon’l wen. A‘l-q, I fin.
momma: of
Olll' stock has been lelected with great can,
end we ere prepered co ullucbag u my
olherjluhliehmenl in the country. We in
the public to give us a. cell end judge for
kheuulvu. We qefy companion, both uto
gngluy and Em. A. SCOTT B SONS.
:EMJL 5%; L . -
riety, I! ‘
S3M) wan ma. semen IS Dome
. a. a. sense:—
Dun SIC—I he] it I duty I 91!: to you,
und to all who are lufl'eting under me din-us
known as Coaumpcion and Liver Compiling
to let them know win: gnu benefits I have
received from your Pulmonic Syrup Ind Su
weed Tonic in no abort p time. By the blea
mg 0! God it bu curad me than hr.
Dr. Schenelr, I will now nuke my eutement
10.70:), M follows: About eighteen monthe
lgo I we: uttncbed with : severe cough, sad
it settled on my lungs; I could not retain nay
thing I Ate, end sufl'ered with evening fevers
end night tweets. I wee very much reduced.
The white: of my eyes were very yellow ;’ like
wise my skin; my sp elite nil gone, Ind un-
Iblo to digest what I Sid eat; bowels swolen,
irregular end costive. I was very low spirit
ed, and bud Inch violent spells of coughing
when I laid down at night and when I arose in
ghe morning that they wauld last one or two
ours. -
I then would be nearly exhausted, and was
entirely unable to lie on my left side. 1 can
not describe in wretched sufi'ering as I would
wish to do. gvery organ in my body was
diseased or dersnged. Such was my situation
at this tints, and I was canfinsd to my bed
from thelast of February, 1862, to June, 1882,
not able to sit up. I had the best of medical
attendance the whole of the time. My cough
was so very had that it racked me very much.
I at‘this time raised a large quantity of thick,
yellow, od’ensive matter, sometimes with blood,
and it was generally accom‘pnnled by nausea
and a fnrred and thick coated tongue. At the
time of coughing so badly I would have sharp,
shooting pains in my left side and heart, night
sweats, and soreness all through my whole
chest; had much inward fever, pain in my
back and under my shoulder blades and in
the small-of my back, and at times so severe
that it would throw me into spasms. Now my
phyg’cian gave me up to die. OthersJ had,
and the best of them, but they could do noth
ing for me and at that lime I was nothing
but skin add house. I then was in the wes
tern part of Missouri. In June last we left
there for the East, and in August last we came
to New YorkY and l was so reduced that I could
only walk‘e‘. litt‘e with my husband's help.—
Atterl had been here a short time the salt
water‘breeze made me feel much better for a
time and then I had again to call a physician
for aid. We had four of the best physicians
otNew York'on the diseases of the lungs, and
doctors of all kinds, but of no avail, They
said I was past cure, and that my lungswere
too far gone for any one to cure me. But at
this time I was on my feet about thelhouse,
not able to do much of anything. In Novem
ber last I grew worse, and the consumptiop
diarrhmu set in and lasted about eight weeks
We had tried all and everything that I éould
grasp of like a dying person for ‘my diseases—'
consumption and liver complaint-but of no,
avail. .
In January, 18 3, I was brought down again
on my bed, and as not expected to live the
night out. M 'husband stayed at my side.
and other friends, and they all give me up ‘to
die. 'At this time every one who saw me did
not think I would ever is? my bed a livmg
woman? The first nightl as attacked with
spasms, and was deranged most of the time.—- ‘
‘ A friend, Mrs.‘Harris, come to see me the last i
‘ of the week, and brought the Sunday Mercury.
hit was an account of a great cure perform- ‘
ed by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me, and it 1
. was so much like my disease that I asked my
1 husband to go and see him for me. At this
time I had giveuMp all hopes'of ever getting
1 well again, and made my peace with God, to
be ready whenever he called for me.
On the 27th ofJaiiuary, 1963, my husband
called on Dr: Schenck, 33 Bond street, New ‘
York; and stated to him my case, with a re- i
quest for him ton-all and see me, which he did,’
and examined me with the respirometer. When
he was about to go I risked him if he could cure
me? His reply was: “I cannot tell, both ‘
lungs are diseased,‘ and the bronchial tubes
are ufi'ected on both sides.” And yet he seem
ed to think there were lungs enough left' to
efl'ect a cure it the diarrhea could he stopped.
He said in order to do this, he would have to
give me Mandrake Pills in small doses at first,
to carry ofl' the morhid matter, and then, with
astringents, he hoped to check it, which he did,
but the constant coughing, night sweats, and
(lit-$2 hnd prostrated me so that he w
ufr my vital powers were too much pros.
ttated ever to rally,aud yet he seemed to think
if I could live to get enough Pulmonic Syrup
through. my system to cause expectoration
there were lungs enough leit for me to recover.
He wished me to try the Pulmonic Syrup and
Seaweed Tonic at once, saying it would do use
no harm, it it did me no good. The first week
it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sun
day after I sat up in bed and ate hearty tor a
sick woman; but the next week I lost all hope
and ‘wishedbmy husband not to ‘give me any
more med: ine. But the doctor had warned
him of this, and when the medicine was clear
ing out the system it made them feel some
what restless. and to persevere; and he insist
ed on my takingit ; and now I feel the benefit
of it. For after eight days I began to ga" my
strength, and. with the exception of: col that
put me back some, I have been g nine
strength oi had)“, my cough is going awa ,and
all my pains are gone; no- soreness f the
body, my bowels are regular,.and my eath
is sweet, and lthank God that I am now go
ing about, and new and rend'as well as ever I
could. i have -taken sixteen bottles of the
medicine, eight of each. I now have a good
appetite am? rest well at night ; my cough does
not trouble me in getting up orlying down. rl
would here the atflicted with consump.
tion or liver complaint, that Dr. Se‘henck is no
humbug. You can rely on what he says.-—"
Delay not; it II dangerous to triflé with these
diseases. if you would be cured, go at-once;
and any one hishing to know the facts as here.
in stated can call at my residence, 117 West
Houston street, New York city. , r
We, the undersigned, resident: of New York,
are acquainted with Mrs. Furlow, end know
her statement to be true. We duo how that
she used Dr. Schenck'e Pnhnonic Syrup end
Suweed Tonic, And have reason to believe
that to this medicine ehe owee her presén‘njon
from a premature gnve. ‘ '
B. FABLOW, 11'! West Houston IL
EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich It.
In. E. UHBERHILL. 676 Greenwich at.
AUGUSTA UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich It.
A. E. HARRIS, UT West Honlton It.
EMILY GLOVER, 11'! West Houston at.
, J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl.
IL A.’LEIGHTON, 483 Broadway.
IusBENJAIIN CLAPP, 19 Amity pl.
l on well acqnninted with Mrs. Mary F.
Fax-low, and with her husband, Mr. B” Farlow,
they homing, for A few months past, attended
at my church, and Inn convinced that my
"moment which they might make my be re
lied on untrue. JOHN BOWLING, D- D-).
r Putor ofßeM'onl St, Baptist. cumh, N. if.
Dre Schenck will be professionally Lt hi
priucipul office, No. 15 North Sixth street,
corner of Commerce, Phlludolphin. etery Set,-
usday, from 9A. 51. until 4» P. IL; No. 32 Bond
ltreet, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ;
No. 38 Summer nreet, Boston, Mum, every
Wedneaday, from 9 to 3 ; and every other Fri
dAy It 108 Bultimore areal, Bultimore, ld.~
All Idvice free. but for A thorough onmins
tion of the lungs with his Benpirometer, the
charge il three dollars.
Price of the Pulmonic Syrup ind Senweed
Tonic, each B‘. 50 per bottle, or $7 50 per
half dozen. ltndnke Pills, 25 cents per box.
For ule by ell Drums“ And Dealers. '
ac. 25, 1866. lm ;
- k Globe Inn.
. you It, Inn in union,
ETTYSBUBG, PA.—The undersigned
,vonld molt rupectfnlly, inform his nu
merous triondl and the public genen‘lly, (but
he bu p‘urchued thstlong nublished std
well known Hotel, thi “Globe Inn," in York
meet. Gettnburg‘,'ond will Ipnre no won to
coming; it in I mlnnor than will not detract
: in former high :epnmtion. His table
1111 his tho but the mark“ (an “ford—bis
chunbeu no Ipscioul ud comfortable-«4nd
:he‘hu 111 d in for his bu I full "Lock of wine.
ma, liquor; There in Inge publing smelled
to-tbo Hotel, whioh will be uncalled by unen
tiv honkn. It will be his oongun‘ nude-vat
Ito find“ the fullest ntinfution to his gnaw,
4 as his have u neu- 3 home to‘ mm A.
pqfisiblo. Be uh I Ibare of the public'- pn
trough q‘qnqmined u be h to dunno: lug:
k«It?» Remember?!" “6|on laugh“:
at 1!, eg, _b It! eDi author a . ‘
£3l6."""£¥ - stimuli. figmv
April 4, 1384. g ‘ .-
Sflfi gfnt n-
can a mature mm
LYING plnhlled th 'lnlolu and
Gun bentofon owned in] 85min] Herb-t,
C e un‘denlgned take plc'unre In Announcing
lo Lhe public that they will run I ,
from Gettysburg toßeltlmore every week. They
sre prepsred to convey Freight either wey, in
Inyqn-ntity. They will Ittendfifdelired, to the
meklugcol purchml in the city. Ind deliver
ing the good] promptly At Gettylburg. Their
can run to the Wnrehoule of STEVEN
SON t SONS,‘I6S North Howard street, (near
Frnnklin,) Baltimore, where freight will be
received at any time. Thu] invite the attention
of the public to their line, assuring them that
they will apere no effort to eccommodeie .11
who may patronize them.
Having ’purchnsed the buildings and lot on
the Northeast corner of Reilroad and North
Wuhington ltreetl, Gettylburg, their Depot
mil rennin there. Any. person having busi
ness in the forwardingline ere respectfully in
vited to call. CULP & EARNSHAW.
Aug. 7,1865. ,
No Humbug.
HOLTZWORTH hu jun returned from the
City with the largest and most complete “sort.
AND snons, am but been brought to,“
this town since the war. Hil stock is
not only complete, but it GOOD and CHEAP
embracing every verjetyotßoote end Shoes
for Men end Boyl, whilst the Lndies will find
everything in their line, from the finest Gaiter
to the heaviest Shoe. Children’l Shoes at
every description, in greet variety. Also, Le
diee’ Hate, fine quality, and Children’s Hats,
ofnll style: and prices. Also, Trunks. Cer
pebßags, Valiaee, Umbrellas, Gloves, Stock
ings, Tobacco, (-Jigau,nnd Notions of every
fiDon't forget the pinee. South-beet Cor.
of the Diamond, Gettysburg, Pa.
April 10,1865; u, ‘
Great Remedy for Colds.
B ‘ anyhm‘cgglgoun,»
A Remedial Agent prepared to meet the ur
gent demand lor I prompt and sale Antidote
for all Pulmonary Disorders. If properly used
it will give instant relief in almost everyJ‘n
stance, and will prove an efl‘ectnnl cure in a
majority of the lullowlng cues of nfiections of
the THROAT AND LUNGS! such I“ Colds,
Coughs, Asihmintic Tendencies, Whooping
Cough, Soxeneu of the Breast and Bronchial
Afl'eclions. 3 '
When we first commenced manufacturing
the Expecwrnnlifor our home consumption it.
‘wu ndt our intention nor our desire to put it.
before the public as a “cure-:11," nor to pub
lish a long list of testimonials as an evidence
of its curative properties, but ‘he demand for
it being so great and decidedly on the Increase,
has induced, and in fact‘cpmpelled us to pre
p'nre il._on a much leiger scnle, and also to
establish agencies throughout Ithis section of
the country. { '
All we ask is‘thnt those thus afflicted may ‘
give it. n fuir trinl, that it. mly prove its many ‘
ndvsnugrs overlother prep-muons of I similar
nature now bein‘g employed..
The price too throws it within the regch of
all, being but 25 end 40 cents I bottle. ‘ '
Bell’s§Worm Syrup!
-357 Pnncr u henn—Na Castor 0:1 to be
Taka.-—ln‘ thia‘Ptepautign we have‘lncluded
such remedies pnly up Ive been tried for
’6B“ and are :known to possess powerful
gnthelmimic virtues. combined with mild
nperlents, pleeeent Mom-lice and lug-r. An
thelmintice of themselves 'cinnot pttfurm their
peculiar function: or have the desired efl'ecc.
unless the bowel: are kept moderately open.
To produce thin. gent-1e purgativea ate neces
sary and such only ought to be used that can
not interfere with the outfielmjnlic employed.
The edveutagee we_claim for this varup urn:
lat. It: power ofDESTROYIt'G AND EX
2d. Its mild Ipcrieut effect upon the bowels.
3d. Its pleasant tnste'und odor are edmn
tnges possessed or claimed by verf few Venn
ifuzg‘es. ‘ ‘ 4
.« th. Its harmless influence upon the system,
étfnsequently no injurious effects will result
from its use should Ihe patient have nnWorms,
butgm apparent disease, arising; from some
other unknown chose, which is frequently the
cue. - '
The constituents of this Syrupand its affects
are known to many Physicians, who are now
using it in their practice to a large extent.
Priée 25 cent: a bottle. 7
The Greatestmmment in Use.
ELL'S WHITE Oil. !-—l'he Blandut. Clean-
B at; moat Penetrating and nut Economical
Liniment in Use—A powetful Olenginus Com
pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism,
Strains, Spruin‘z, Wounds, Numbness of the
Limbs, Frosted l-‘eet and Hands. Spawin, Sad
dle Gulls, Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises.
Swelling: of all kind, and in fact every dis
ease for which an Embrocntion is applicable,
either in Mun or Bent. Price 25 cents a hot
tle.—'l‘hil preparation, which is original with
In, will be found to be one of the nicest and
It the same time one of the most reliable ap
plications extant.
Huing been employed very extensively
since its introduction and feeling satisfied of
its remedial properties, we recommend it with
the utmost confidence, knowing that no one
wilfbe disappoin‘led in its use. It is, as its
nnme implies. A white liniment ol.the consis
tency of cream; eonuining nothing offensive,
but, on the contrary. will he ibuud more
pleasant than otherwise. i
~ Bell’s, Alteratwe, é ‘
0 you HORSES, mm: a: Sims.
26 cent: I. piper, or five papers for 8!.
The Immense sale of these Powders min;
the short pcridd they have been bef re the
public, is t lnfliciem gunnnwe of the grant
p'opnluiq, sad the decided benefits ’dgrlve‘d
from their use. '
They Ire confidently recommended not only
M e preventive, but an a complete cure for
I" diseaeee incident. to the HORSE, COW ox
HOG, u Lon of Appetite, Coughs, Heaven,
Yellew Water. Distemper, Glenders, he, to.
By their' use the Horse’s Appetite is improv
ed. all derangement; of the digestive organs
corrected, softening the skin, and giving to
the coat I. aleek'nnd shining appearance. and
may he used with per'ect safety at all times,
u it contains no ingredients which can injure
3 horse, whether sick or well.
They cleanse the breathing Ippantns by
ejecting from the air cells coagulnmd matter,
or that‘ formation which so severely clog:
them, causing a tightness in bru‘bing, and by
their peculin Actio'a on the! part, they can"
the much: membrane’ to resume its nntuml
dimenlionl, thus equalizing the circulation of
the blood and restoring the diitended 10ml!
:0 their nnnnl size.
For intiening cattle ihey no innlnlble,
silo ponming peculinr properties in inoreun
in; the‘qnsntity of milk in Con, thereby giv
ing them an importance und ulna which
abould plsce than: within the lands of I" in-
AH disease! :0 which the flag is subject, u
Coughs, Ulcer! in the Lung: and Liver, Ind II ;
c genernl purifier o! the blood we gaunt»
Qeir mm, If one. hit]; tried. . ‘
fiSold A: Gettyuhnrg by A. D. Enabler, ‘
Apothecary. And by Dragging And Storekeep- ‘
en ganenlly. Ask for Ben's Pnpnrationl. ‘
Prep-mi exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe-,
muffin-dune of the Phllldelphiu College at,
Mismatch) Welt Wuhingmn SL, Eager:-
town, Md. [ocm 16, 1865. 1y I
Bout an Guru: of the Diamond and Balti
more “mt, nurly opponiu the 8m- once,
Every dueription a! work executed in thi
linen style of the In.
April 17,1665. at
I you with Kantian, Periodic-lg. ’l‘?
! Boob, Neynpupen, 9r Novell, flto l. :‘
lIGB'B Oonhecieneq, if: Chmbtnbur; 1
"my. - "
Valium -
N purl-uno- of“ Act of A - .1
I but In hereby published a
amount, deutiption Ind value 1
Profeuionl, nude nub]. by um
- - - .1? ma: HE ..L-aLBEH“ 9 3
'— so 9:: :34”ng 55% m 3. 9
, oH|ong=-““ a812§a335559 ogi '.'
’ 80110901191110 2.; gg§°s9 gzsz°,ggg.-; g._ ..
10171199199. 2': EEFS’REU‘QE ig-rgierB3’ a:
1 V ‘ '.‘" “‘3’; wm'fl'm ”gar-31R19
, "w Ew33s'aoivcgglfl:: .1! 8
‘ 1 'E gii‘“? E—gZ-‘gs 932.9}. ‘8 -I
'; "E s’. 9-7"? .9 $5
Getty1bnrg....‘....i............ 231-169 9397 21904 0121301 0750 111 1910991,»
Cnnber1and.......1......;..... 246078 lbz'fll 16473 7130' 1..... ...... 80! 1.00
Germ-ny........ 121747 6991 19909 9491.1 19311 1.90
0xf0rd........;......L........... 159975 10972 999191 912111 ...... ...... 9930 11.00
Huntingt0n.........‘....-."... 102198 26584 21868 108015; ..... ...... 303 7,00
Laum0re...........1...........‘ 149299 19991 19931 99401 99 1.00
Hami1t0nbm.....1....,....... 219133117999 13711 12999, 147 i 7.00
Snub-n....’........1..... 299096. 21997 30719 9310 17 Loo.
Emknn 2029911 20209 290701 11920? 3994. 4,00
Mena11en...........1..........., 190310117174 19791 91301 ...... mo 11,00.
Read1ng............1...........§ 228019 19907 92015 40:10 ...... 9713
Hun1|tun............1............ 203120 13997 25940 9920 ‘...... 2099 ......
M0nmp1eaum...1’........... 279468 21668 10642 4865- ...... ...... 3792 ......
Uni0n...............1............ 220510 9049 99990, 2909 1091 .f......
nrone 1539.17 10117 9000 4510 <73... 1990
C0n0wng0........."............ 191459, 9197 31320 3113: ...... 1400 .9001
8u11er....... ................1 159069. 15742 13901 11199 ...... 2170
M0untj0y.‘...........E..’.......... 1942901 141911 7665 4490 ...... 2419
Freed0m........: 999.19 5939 7395 3395 90: 3.00
Liberty..............{............ 135055 9977 7795 4920 970 1,00
8erwick1p..................... 90050 9939110139 9220 919 1,00
Bervick 1101-1. 4618!) 2921‘- 12950 4095 ’ ...... 109:. .n..
Little-10wn..................... 84445 3072 25298 6165 ...... ...“. ...... 12791 I,
8ugg1nnd........................ 19:33 9237‘ .1901 2330 "'"1 959;
—’-—_ 1 _ I 1— 6] 1 , ._':
T 911119“ { 4114029299993 5339592027: . 61901 3100 930. 46985.3”,00
‘ ,
a i .
AituL—J. 11. W’nlter, Clerk
Dgcemherig, ‘1865. 4!.
;. Hum allfl‘ Gama Powders.
L 4 (.n. A Tull much
', ' ’ ‘ long md hvonbly'
x \i: RN” ‘1 known, Illl.lhur
*‘ ‘ ‘ :F' ‘3‘“ v oughly reinvigorate
;. ‘ bruh-mdnwn Ind
\~ low-spirited human,
. ~ by lucnglhenlpg
' and cleansing the
. slomncln and inkt
. ' x -_ Una
’.‘ \Ng:~‘;\ 33;" ‘_ It In_ I sure We-
Max: 4"‘_ venlive of :11 ms-
PMM’" , {mun incident to
thll Inlnnl, m; ‘ ‘ _—~A
'fl'l'E AND YIT,
ENEflShkc. l
u Improve: the.
wind, Incmuen
I "noon: I
glossy Ikin—n
mform t
nucnbh Ikelt
In an disease-. 17! Swine, web a- Coughs, Ulcer! In
the Lnnxn Liver, ‘V 7 -"" ‘“
ta, this union! A ' ‘ ‘
Icu u I specific. 7'
By main; from ,' "‘ . , , .
one- ! I pwpcr '~
to t :32: in n : ‘ . :1
barrel I'lllthe a = g,— g A;-
lbovadllenxel '——.—.-_, —' g? :25?
vaemdSnled "‘.‘ ' “M~ ‘
or entirely prevented. 1! given In time. a certain
puvenuve Ind cure for the Hog Chalcm. ‘
Prise 85 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for 81.
MAX“ BY , 7
"mun: Dug Ax» mmz Daron,
30. 116 Frankhn St... Balumore, Md.
For 831» by Drum-u and Swmkecpen through
out. the United Sum. _
For anle by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg;
Langhlin & Bushfield, Wheeling, Vn; C. C.
Bender 3: Co., Pimburg; Johnson, 110110wi
‘& Cowden, Philadelphia. - .
Dec. 11,fl65., 'ly ,
Don’t Read This
S A V E M 0 N El Y I
low sndl how henrt-rending are the evils
[of War! Now that Pence has been restored
‘the universal cry is, llow longl How dearl
[How Are we to livcl Will the cxorhitinl
prices for the necessaries of life nerer decline?
From the remote corner of Adams county, in
the small but prosperous town of FairlL-111,
copies the welcome messenger with tidings 0!
better days. '
‘ BANNER. & HIELDS have just returned
“from the eastern cities, (bdving allowed their
stack ofgoods LA he very much reduced wait
ing for I decline‘in the markets.) The time nt
length nrrived, they availed themselves of the
opportunity, hastened to the city, and are now
r pflplred to supply the wants of_ the needy.—
‘ Our stock of LADIES’ GOODS is better thnn
l ever before. That for m GENTLEMEN is un
surpassed. Toenumeretewould hesuperflnons.
ii our motto. Our stock heiug selected with
care, we here men that we are enabled to
‘ sell as cheap, 5 d we think cheaper, than em:
1 be bought anyw ere else in the counly. Close
‘ buyers particuls ly, will find it to their adven
‘ tnge I) give us a call before purchasing else
‘ where. -
l RConntry produce taken in exchsnge for
1 Goods. Thunkml for past furor: we hope to
‘ merit n coutinunnce of the same.
Nov. 6, 1865. t! l
Dobbins’ ,
suns LABOR, , ‘
suns" nom', .
. suns cmmns, . '
r :SAVES §OAP, ‘
Sold by grocery and Ilmnkeopefa through;
onv. city and country. ' ‘
J. B. 'DOBBINS t 00., .
107 Son“! hm “not, below Chestnut,
Nov. 13, 1865.. low
Buggies & CarMagee.
pigned ll enmed in the Carriage-ranking
lan-luau, in Wen liddle ureet, nesr Geo. Lit.-
ue’e old IlOl‘e sand, Getty-bung, end Invites
311 who any need ankle; in his line to
[in him e all. He pull up, in the very
but manor, Felling-top Ind. other BUGGIES,
And 111 the difl'erent style: of CABBIAGES.—
with I full knowledge of the bunleeu, end A
dekrmimtion to give “tint-anon, the public
an rely upon hie jobs bemg good. do 1
will endeavor to delene e lerge man 0! pl- 1
flange, end hopes to receive :1. . i
REPAIRING done M the lhorteet nonce,
Ind on non refiehlie urngl- figfix’y
‘ an n exc In e .
PM“ "In" Guangamsxnr. ,
Geuyebnrg, Nov. 8, 1885. mm l
For, Sale. . ,
TWO CHOICE FAB“, in tho In. '
median neighborhood of Gm".
hug—Building! and Plfld ma, .
' Gettynhurg, Aug. 14, 1865. -
p_ gym: ..- Alma , hug.“
Inn?» wuml..mwti Sang
("on all“, u, go to .luJLnUIHp [age
Confectionery, in Cbmbenburg «net.
. . . g .9‘ r» 1
and Alignment for 1068.3 45.»? J
mi ...-.4 a. 1m _u .n. u “swung an».
a»! Commission" o?Ad-uabéou:oz'y, which “Human
tho Bed “11 Persons! Prom"). Turin, Occupniou Ind
unpl Act. of humbly a! thin Commonwealth :
.. .....h ‘
. {'.- ‘ l r
‘ , 1 Q"! ..1.":, _Lg I_l_
fl'fllpKJ —'~‘; m ’l‘ “K 5: ‘1", .19 a!) 1 TIT
" ~ 0.0 -uu-—. U»
ter )londnx, November 20th, 1865, For
senger Truius will leave and arrive I! Getty--
burg. and make connections, as followi: .
FIRST TRAINV will lenvc Gettysburg It
7.45 A. M.. with passengers for York. URrris
burg. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Ind thr North
and West, urrivmg at Hanover Junction with
,out chunie 91' cam'ut 10.25 A. )1.. connecting
with the Fast Line South on the Northern Cen
tru} Railway, and arriving at. Baltimore M.
14.30 noon. Also connecting with Muil Train
from Baltimore north, arriving iii Hurrirhurg
m, 1.20 P. I. Arrive at Gettylbnrg 1.10 I‘.
11., with passengers from Harri-burg. York,
Baltimore and Wusiiin tnn.
SECOND TRAIN wfil leave Gettysburg at:
1.20, I’. 3'., arriving 5‘ Hanover Junction at
3.15. and connecting with nail train South.
Arrive at Baltimore at 5.30 I’. )1. Arrive nl.
Getlygburg at" 6.15 i’. 31., with pituengcri from
I'hihtdoiphir., Harrisburg and the Korth and
West, and also with pnuengen irom Bultinmro
and Washington 11y the {not line north, which
leaves Baltimore at 12.10_ noon. ~
Pnafiengera can leave Baltimore in the Muil
Train at 9 A. 31., Ind orrivo in Getty Ihnrg nt
1.10 P. )1. ,Or lem‘e minimum in the {an line
all 12.10 noon. and arrive in Gettysburg u‘, 6.15
E. M. But one change of can: by the first
tritin, either wny, viz: nt Honour Jh‘nction.
The leat line on the Northern (.Ich 1111 not
stop at any local nations, except York, Hano
\er Junction nndm’urkton. Connection: cer
tnin. ‘ 1t; McUUlle, Pros't.
«Mon is lnvnluable.
implovel the qunllly
of the mllk. 1: has
been provel by w
tunl experiment ‘0
increase the tuna
‘ my a! milk Ind
cream truly per
cem' Ind lake the
butter firm Ind
week. In burning
cattle. it gin-n (hm
an up 115(00qu
their “3x de . and
make: them Hume
Nov. 27. 1865
r anfr'AnLa—On ‘an‘d mer Friduy, Nor.
24th, 1365. passenger train: on the “nth
over Brunch 11-ullrnad will leave as follow':
FIRST TRAIN, (“blob makes connection
with three Imins on ithe Northern Cenlrnl
Railway at. 'llle Junctloh.) wlll leave llnnovrr
ul 3.00 A. .\l., for Yurk, Bullimurc, Humbug,
und intermediate'stnlions.
WThis train leturns lo Hanover at I: N
3nd aid"! 5!. Gollyahqrg M l I'. .\I.
SECOND TRAIN leuyu Hunovernt 27:0 P.
.\l., und arrives at tho Vlum-tiun u! 1: In l'.n. M ,
connecting mm the Min“ Train South. “#3. ll
arrives. at Bultimoro at qP. M. l’ougL-ngl- by
this Trnin'fur York In! over It the Julluliull
mm! 6.12 P.'M.- A
Passengers leaving ultimoro for Hanover,
Gum-dung, nnd Mule-Hum], will nuke rnhvr
the Man! 'l'miu ul 9 .\ 3].. or the Fun Link All. .
12.10 I'. .\l. JUSI-Sl’ll nun, Agent.
Dec. 18. 1865. 1
l " .
Grand Mass Meetmgl,
01' for political flurpos‘n; but. for pnr.
N-poreS of covnl‘or during this coming
Winter, will be held at. the new ‘
on,Chamhersburg nreel, Gettysbturg:,ono- dour
East. 09 Buehler'i Drug Stale, every any during
the lull. Ila has on hand
Boy's Jackets, * :
Bu) 5' Goats,
Boys' HM; and Caps, .
. Me‘n'l Pine (30!!! Conn
Meu'l Suck Co-Ils, ,
Men’s English Walking Cosh,
flnq's French Suck Coau,
‘ Men's OvtrColu at all klndl
Black PM}: and Funny Pnnu, in (let every
description of Gent's i-‘urnilhhgg Goodn.
Being [new beginner, Ind deternflfea—to
sell as chip as the cheapo“. ha rupocxlully
solicits a portion of-pnbliu ”new, um;-
fled that be can pious the man In ’ mun.
Also—The luau style on Goodman" HAT:
nnd CAPS, conaunlly on land. , l a
Oct. 23, 1865.
Reduction! :Reduction! «‘
N :nd after November In. 1865, ghe fol- \
Q lowing reduv-ed icnle of price. will b.
n opted at the “EXCELSIOB " BKYLIuH‘I‘
Vignettes Photographs, per d0zen..........54 oo
“ “ 1 “ “ ....m... 1 25
A u u “I: u 1 7;.
Cute. do Vin. or phinfiper d0zen......... 3 25
“ ‘ “ '- “ " .........a 1 75
H H I“ .“ ......... 125
, ’ no: ow xmuwn.’ '
Vignettes, single copivq, 4°C. or 3 f0r...‘...81 00
Cute: de Via, or plain, single copiel,3sc.
or 4 f0r............,...............‘.......:..-.."1 0C
In edditlon to the above every plchre will
he neatly tinted withonbexln charge.
There it a. future in the above to which I
wish to direct special nttentlou,~v§l: I will
make {our Vitnettca, or three villa Four“
fromlhe firetnegatire. Heréwfotelt ulwen
arule not to" puke leu then n: q! one and
war of the other.
ltuke thin opportunity to thank the citizens
ofGettyeburgend the'pnhllc generally, lor the
nu Linux. petrouge extended to the “Ex
celsior," eince it; caubulhmenfi, ‘nd P_°P° 5!
urlct ettentipn to bnalneu, coupled mm the
Advantage at over ten yam pnlntc‘rrnpted
pnctlce or the m, to merit; contlnnanca of
the ume. ISAAC G. TYSON,
‘ Snoeeuor to muffin: 0(1'nol 81mm,
1 Nov. 13, 1865. ,Geufia_ ,Pu.
, cmup—nzsklncimedw
as wu- being over, the lumen-fight: In“
T resumed the \
It their old-’ltnfi._ln_§aet Middle ltreit,
when they no spin pnpuldll put up work
In the mo“ Milan-bu. nbnnntinl, Ind Inpa
fiqg man”; A E: of new 01d mqnd.hand
CARR! , BUGG ,30 ~
on hind, qhich they (I!!! u3| It the
loyal: 'ri'cel - ind All 011101111 ‘b’fiupplied
u ”Jpn, J»! utflflcwflfy *Wk.
#33 PAAB 1 N {J
a“. with (ii-puck, In! :11th mm.
A mum of mmngg dd -‘ £BB on
hndform 7 ~ ~ ,v; ~' t
Thgnkful fa: “mum ' , honto
{on enjoyed by {kahuna-lo _ ,9 will on
donor w. 4000110 A luau than In “1.0 films
' ‘ ‘ ‘ . majflflyfilk
mm». mix a .g,
'o' - ~filfi‘m' V ’ ‘-~
' KI'S PLUW' or on
—, 31m Mgrnr. I. W 8
mg 899:9. - '
swam. mach.
Gettysburg Railroad.
Hanover 11. Railroad.