0 ~uspx, t~ru~c, rar’ 1860. 'm hitg> “Hgfiugg :2 gig": J“: ,‘Nfihagr‘ « Imam, PI Fawn“, ll 18 25 12 19 26 NAsca, 11’ 18 25 12: 191 26 AriuL, 15 22 29 16 23 80 M.4.Y, 13 20 27 JtNE, 3 4 10 11 17 ‘lB 24 25 1 2 8 9 15 16 2:5 3 291%, 3 um Avavsr, 3 3m :77 Barman 10 17 25 .t 18 23 30 Ocronna, 15‘ 22 29 N ovxmnu, 1-2 19 26 Dxcwnn, In 17 24 31 16 2.5 30 Ta iloriuk. OUIS E. KUQMILIIANT would take this method at Informing big old friend'l and the )mbhc genzrmly, tlmL he has agmu com muced 11;. TAILUMNU buliineu m Canny:- byrg. bu new establishment. bung m Chub benburu and, between Wailuugt’on and We“ manhunt: side. He Invites those in What. of Tmlonng work,lo give him I. call, nnd heZisurellbu he can give nuiilmtinn. 11i ugwmg‘will be‘luund munug thg nen'zut and must. unrnble, and Inn flu H! 3 ud us can be made. He charges thé low cut. nice to: ‘woxk, his princwu of buuiueu bemg,‘ “to live und m m: ' ’ LJuu. arwix. $5O per Week. 1 ‘ (1 0 .gcnvsfinumsemuyrs, 0. 0 (nun or Women.) antuwiu L‘A‘tl’)’ City, 'lvwnhvmng‘e, heighborhood, Fac ‘ory and uuup iu Ihclnnll. Busing: smcfly honaruble 39¢ little or no capital heeJéd Lo Cummrnce. To 122: rigm so“ ufap'plmJuts we .05" inducelmuts wlx'ich' wxll unbla them m make 550 per wuek in tho uiues, and a 1m)- purumuxé amuum of the Luxeriur. _ Send Ux'ne Uuuar fun l-‘u‘e Samples worth One Dollar Etch, {or you mus use, it you do not ,(‘huuxo lu “I! than: ngmu, Inuuur 'coufidwlial cucuinr of nun: t‘o Agents m“ be 111-o fur- Mnrdkd. . . T. .t 11. GAUGHAN A: 00., importers, ~ “6 broauway,'xew Yoxk. Jun. 3, 1866. 4. Dividend. . ‘ (in-ruaunu‘h'nlonn 84“,} . I _ Jnnunry 2, 1866. HE Diréctorl of this Bunk have Un- any T dtclltld un EXTRA Du‘ldenq of FIFTY PER CEAT.“ the Cfipiml Stock, clur a; all tan-s, out ol the Surpluli’uq ,nud payable tu bzuukholdero in Un‘ned State: 7 3401}: Trap» ury Notes .«t par, an add «he TUESDA I', the 16m inuamt. . T. D. CAREON, Cashler. Jun. 3" was. 3: . ‘ , Bounty ax Notme. ERSONB owing ohm, Tux in Mount phn-nt lovnuh p. nit‘herogy requested to nuke immediut p meat. All who fail t 6 Ely hy‘ths FIRST 0 FEBM’JABY‘uen, mu no life pu- cunt. ndeed to m If nmunu. By order of the Bow-. 1. ‘ ( JACOB Sit. DEBS, Sec’y. Jun. 5, 1866. m . ’ r Bounty Tax Notice. BSUNS bwing Bounty‘ x“ in Funklin ' m‘nlhip for 1865 and p ions years, are erbby requoatpd to makei edinte payment. All who {all to pay by the [REY 0F FEBRU ARY next, will. have five’pcr cent. tddgd to their Amounts; By order othé Board,‘ ‘ JACOB DEABUORFF, 860'}. 1.11.8, 1866. 3: 1 J 866 At HORN'ER’S you‘hnn go‘ pnr’c , lcdiaines, Dye sum, Patent L «flamenco. , ‘ _ . A: HORNER’S yon cap get 866. Bruahn, Combs, Suppl, Pufnm try, Notion-I Bc, in grant. "fiat; 77 '# ' If you hive chapped lunch. lips; 6, or rough akin. an the ULEIN, prepuodpy Dr. B BURNER. ‘ ' .‘ . 6 “- Ifidu 'lllt inn-filing from s 8 6, Drug mm, nominate in the plug to go‘ it good :nd eh’np. T . . Revenue Stamps I my anemia-non connmuy on had 0- snd for uh n tha‘ rim Nnionql a“: M Getty-burg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cuhiex. Gettysburg. Nov. 14. 1884. Give Him a Call! plu} to obtain rperfec: Photompbor, r WAx-broupcwxoeuzed in me but name} is u lUIIPEB‘B GALLERY; in mm. urea} ‘ ha.9,»lus. 4 ; ,g“ ' ‘ W‘BEVIR'WABE ad - " ‘ » P . 811 mm PLATEDNARB ‘ol‘ m an hm qutiq, a new unorlmgzjm "uni; CA“ tad no it. J. BEVA‘ , ,- . Oppaiu tho-Bulk. Gmnbnrg ' “ .n.;.o‘.c I s _ C ‘Nov any-I'l4 CLOCKS in put mm}, . ;' ink- Mari- 9011- hisiws npuuaoq in m. .-,~ penny, MAL ym‘flnud good HMO-hope", c. 1133” ~.,'.- ‘ *l. “7‘3““ any"; ' J Omuilfl'W¢B\gk. Gut}: lugL _ ”M . Y Dr; 3. mum's Tonio' and Am“. s'! . fiiyo Poydan, for HORSES uéOAW ‘1 . in! me my It. Mlangé’tox-lt‘ .' 4 ‘ 15:25 TB6! ‘ ‘ ~:--~ U “SW? . Rh . otn;'szl.wu. BTEEL,qnd other » . ms chzwd as; x is, l 3 . fiflwfl'wmgg; " "if: 4.1:m "Mia "9"”. “ ' 31.. . ‘ ' Eir A.FARI of 160 Acnl, in Wountpleuant wwnshipmith good Stone Home, Bun, Wagon House, Corn Urib. Crritga Briana, sud other out-buxldinga, Urchnrd, Vic. Near turnptko nnd railroud. ► .;71 .4 Al 6 )1 12 18 19 25 26 10 17 24 81 I: 2 2‘l Vl6 23 so A RAM! 0! 160 Acrel, near New Cheater, good House, Bank Burn, Ind other out-build ingl. Land in good emu of cumution. A FARM 0' 300 Actel m ‘Jumbrrhmd town- Ihin, Aduml county. 8 mil" 9mm Gettysburg, at which place is nilmnd Ind good market.— Thia farm can be divided into “to farms, there being already no net; of improvements on the tum. 1_ 2 s! 9 15 16 22 23 10 17 24 13 ‘2O 27 28! 1 2 10 17 24 31 8 '9 15 16 22 23 29 80 5 6 12- 13 19 20 26 27 14 21 428 13 20 ‘ A SMALL FAR! of lo Agree, with good House and Humans! nl! out-buildings. Laud i in fine state of cultivxfiogggond Store Shud— chnnce to keep toll‘gnze and “and to post.- oflice. Term.- any. ‘ , A FARM of 105 Acres, on the Csrlisle Qum pike. lend under good 3|.th ofcultiyuon, large Brick Hausa, Bank Burn, Wagon :hed. Corn' Crib, Curnggc'flouse, and other aux-buildings, (all new; ‘ ' _ , LARG FLOUR MILL, with 25 ,Acres of Land—9lom pslr Burrs, with all machinery for dding mercxhnnz work—hrs! water power in the country-‘4l: good grain cogncry. Will be sold cheap. - s « . _ A FAR}! of I'ls Acres, near the Cnr‘lisle turnpike, gqod ‘House, Bar 1. and all necessary cog-buildings. Land in high state of cultiva tion. WM be sold at - bargain. _ . A FARM 0119!; Acres, near Hunterstown, good House. Burn, mad 'omer ant-buildingl.e— Terms aucommodafihg. ' A HOTBLI in New Oxford. two-story, main] and pduvevlyeut forAbusmeuz Good chance. Terms us . ' -‘ Also. a. number of good Brick Hon’sas, Ind Lot: for sale, in New Oxford. _- s wPersuns-wbo wish to buyfieil ‘Esute, “‘ng us those who wish to whiter-equa ed to give the subscriber‘s‘cpll, at his store, in New Oxford. Addleli* . ‘ ‘ ' 4 JOHN”? G. ZOUCK, Agent, New Oxford, Adsnn’cowy, Pa. Jun. 8, 1866. am . 10 17 24 11 I‘B 25 14 21 28 3 4 10 11 17 .18 24 25 31 ' ,12 19 26 16 23 80 15 22 29 14 21 2S 12 19 26 13 20 27 11 18 25 [)1 s 8 10 17 24 81 13 20 27 12 19 26 10 17 24 31 16 23 30 15 22 29 111 58 15 22 29 1-1 21 28 1 1 18 ~15 , 13 20 27 12 19 26 ND WOODLAND. AT PUBLIC SALE.— A on SATURDAY, we 21th dlsy ot JANU ARY inst; the subscriber, haviuzsold his Farm, will sell at Public Sale, at his rcsi.ance, in nghland [OWJIIhIp‘ Anamscounly. hall a mile south-east of Eiker'o Shep, the followmg per sonal property. viz :5 .2 HORSES, 1 Ooh, «I Cows, 4 head of Young Cuttle. l Brood Saw, 7 Sl‘ozes, 6 Sheep, 1 Three-hone Wagon and Bad, 2 Plnuzhs, 1 Harrow. S‘bmel Plouuhs, Col-n Felts. Horse Rake, Winnowiuq Mlll, Hg] Carriugea, Sleigh, will} harness Ind bells, Horse (laws, 2 set. of Breechbmds. 00115:: and Bridles, Wagon Sud dle, Bun. Chum, Smgle Ind Double-trees, Spryuders, l‘mku, Forks. kc ; llny by the Inn. Alaoa lot. of Cut-punter Tools, such as Augera, Chirgls, Grays-rut Saw, Cnculnnfiaw, Boring Ind )iurmlng Muchinen, Braces Ind Bits, kc. ‘ 4t. the same time ud_ filaCe,will_be ofl'vred, ,Ax TRACT OF WOODLAND, conlnlmng 28 Acres, more at len, aim-nu on the 31:11,“:an mud, n: tram. otJesue P. Topper]. lv. mll be sold in lots uf from 5 Lo 10 ucrga, to suit. pur chum. ' ‘ 10 17 24 31 16] 23 30 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 ° 23 29 30 17 24 14 ‘2l 23 13 20 ‘27 7- 8 14 15 21 22 23‘ 29 13 19 26 20 :7 11 18 25 WSale to commence n 10 o'clock, 3. 51.. nu said day, when ntenduico will be given and terms made known by JOSEPH J. SMITH. Jacob Mickiey, Auctioucgr. “_ -F REAL ESTATE ——ln' purnunnce of on order of the Urphul’D Court or Admin cuunly. the subscriber will ofl‘r int Public Snl‘e, on the pmminea, on TUESDAY, the 23d dly of JANUARY, lave, the Run! Estute‘of. Adam A. Myer-r decensed. bciriz A ~ A TRACT OF LAND. situate in Huntington‘ township, Adam} county,‘rdjaiuiug.lunds of Peter M 32“ of P.,l'hiiip Myers, H 9”! oi Jacob Hekcn,’ deceased. and Eva H. Smith, con mimur «1 Acres and “>2 Perches..more or less, on the lismnrrxr and Carlisle turnpike, he.” the liuuud “1“ Store. {Th-y- ...” impTOVeHieIJJS are a. Two-story}; ' ,_ . Log [wifSi-J,lmgiihmmnf‘W’apm a; L Shed,:\WellolWmerM the hon}, EMA-,- und a Young Urchfird. There are about 7 («ms of Timber, an}! the fenchig is in good n—pmr. The premises will be howu by the Adminmrmor. residing 9n nfljo ingprupcny. ”Sale to commenn-e a: 2 'uiuck, I’. 5[., on and tiny, when intending. {H be given and lcrmi made known by ‘ ‘ PETER MYERS of P., Adm'r. By the Court-J J. Fink, Clerk. WI! no; sold, the propvrzy will be Rented on luidadny." ' [1:11. ),1866. u N WEDNESDAY: the 24th day ofJANU- O A'RY, ”66'3“ pursuance of en Order of 'lhe Oryhun'l Com-v. ofAdxunl coumx, will be sold on the premises, the reel allele of Daniel Myers, decease-f, lat! of Rending lownehip, Adams couuxy. Pm, Vin: AYA LUABLE FARM,conieining I‘ls Acrei, eiruute: in the‘nbove named-township. on the turnpike leading from Hanover to Ceriisle, 2} miles north-westfrom Hampton, and 2} miles south-east of York Sulphur Springs, adjoining land: ofJohn Bakex,John Simpson, and others. The improvements are I 'new Two story BRICK EXCUSE, Brick Dry and Smoke’fionse, 3 Bank Barn, with 5 running lounmiu of writer inflhe barn yard. There is en excellent well of water our (indoor of the house. Also, a. Two-etory . Roughcuat House. with, Stone Kitchen attached, Log Burn, pump and w-ucr' between the house and born. The farm is un der 1 good state ofculliretion, the greats: part beingof the Round Hill soil or yellow sand, under good fencing and baring a fair portion of limnrr and good meadow land. Also. A young Ap le Orchsrd of choice trait in full bearing. - 5910 Patch on:herds,whiuh eeldom mite behiog‘. «. Person: wishing to‘ View the pmflerty err iequened to cell on Adam S. Myeu, reeidi' near the pre mine. The above named propel will be told entire or in para to uni: purcl ecu. - mu in nor sold it will be on'ered {or 1" st. peblic outcry on laid dey. ‘ S‘s-lo tocommeuce,_e: 1 o'clock. P on laid thijhon utendnnce will begi‘ and mm mdo known by ' . ‘ , ADAM S. MYERS. . ‘dm'r WillLWiu annexed o! Dnniel Hyen, d: Jnn. I', 1866. u ‘ . ~ ‘ ‘ kuavuu. , 7 a New Ind Bill: discounted, $105,995 . 1 Premium: uid unndriu, , 3,0 18 Due from National Ban“, ‘ ' 13 p‘ .69’ 0.8. Bands, tubu- Q.S.Suurluu, l ,609' 50; Cub ‘01: had, ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 49.729 00; ' WV -‘ é ‘ . $384,521.68‘ . . unm'n . - . ‘ omm pm in; A “8100.090 90 U. g. Circuluiéfi’,’ 1k * r 'mm 00; [Magnum *~ ' 13818581. Dunc B’:an B" ”‘O2, ~'- 3 3,261 76 '. ' " $334.51?“ ‘l, @EOR ARNBBD, 013 M" of the inn H‘nim'l Ink 0! Getty-burg, 'do fink-ml] {m a: the above mumt‘u' me to the but. myknowledge andrwiefi "._ > ‘1 A GEORGE ARNOLD,Ouhier. ‘ ’ IGO,Lnow muom’snnchglic flour ”and Win: Id. at I}: Elfin": ‘ MM"; Mr ‘ m 31.31;” ' ' 1 ~ ‘ - * ' ‘l‘ '.w 'w—N'E h, . 1"} Valuable Properties for Me. OHN O. ZOUOK, Lun A’Gllf. J’ NEW OXFORD, ADAMS C0.,-PA., us for Isle A number of dainblc property», to which he uh the Attention of thou wnbmg Io purchua: 40 ACRES, with good Home, Barn, Ind other cum-buildings, Otchnrd, to. 1 mile from railroad. Good cbmcq. Term cuy. NlLy PROPERTY of 37 Acrel. Hill with two run of bum, ordinarylmncbineryJood wuer power, 1} mile: from Littleawwn, can venient to xmlrold tud turnpike. Terms moderate. - ’ ‘ Personal Property, Jam x, was. m Public 5916‘ Public Sale. Quarterly Report F the condition (if tho First. National Bunk . of Gettylbnrg,un the morning of 111. it» ondgy—ol’ hull-y, 1866‘: ' . 'fiworu as and subgcnbgd before me' um m dz} cgl‘Jlnntrya 3889.! - 4". [lll3B, J. P. ‘hp.'3;'1866., 3". , _ ' ~ ;.. I‘or 81:19.: , .. . VA‘L’U‘ABLE'MTLLPROPERTYJOH v.“ A Hui-sh? mek,‘ with 46» he!“ Bf g chmce Gnnmflendowfiotwmi's m‘ileu .. : .veuof Guiysbu‘g: - ~ “3 v.l" ‘zi , GEORGE ARNOLD. Qgtlyibni’g, £113.14, Im. 1 ' ' a 111:2?“ {I . 4 '.2 72w A SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE {or Culds, Distemper, Haves, Hide‘bnund, Worms, 3m, in Houses. Loss of cud and Black Tuugue. he, in cmtl '. They are also It sure preventiwo of Hog Cb lera. - Gigs your horses ione-braker’s Horse and. Cattle Panniers,“ you want fine healthy horses and cattle, and you fire sure to have them. These powders are beco ing the most popu lar pow now in use& they are prepared of such ' redienls as are precisely suited to the animals tor which lhzy are used. No pow ders evér sold buemven such universal satis faction and acquired so great celebrity in the ume time, us an evidence of their superiority ovu all other-i The proprietor wan-nuts them as such. or the money refunded. Only try them an i be convinced of their great qualities. For sale by A. D. Sue-bier, Gettysburg. Great Cough Remedy: TONEBRAKER'S , S _ VEGETABLE COUCH SYR ' E 0: the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, n arso ness. .Croup, Whooping Cough, AGCfiZm, Dfiiicully in Breathing, Spittinz of Blood, First Stages of Consump- ‘ lion. Soreness of Throat, and '- ' Affectiohs of the Pul- ' _ ; monnry Organs. T! is Syrup ii an iyhluuble remedy for the alleviation and cure 0,1 Pulmuuavy Diseases. It. is‘proxngt in its ugc‘lon, pleasant. to the maze, and from its exlryfixe .milduess, in peculiarly applicable to tbe'use of children and persons in delicatehmlth. AlanAnodyneexpectorant, it will nlwuya be fouqid to be beneficial, by 31- leviating um} arresting the several Ipells of cough l 0 distruslng to the innient. -‘ , The afilncled can rely upon its doings of muchyor more um; any other remedv, in mowing the nerves or l‘ac‘ilxm in]: expectom— tion, ,Ind bending the DISEéSED‘ LUNGS. thus "smking m. the ro‘ot of x e disease mild eradicating it fiom thu system. ‘ All I ask in mat ofibis pre'pnruion. as it fans no equal in its effects, nucl ne'vrx- Lila to give entire lalixfnctiou to all who use-it. We warrant. it. in all amt-s, or tab money refunded. Try il~only 25 as. aup)’ $0 cts. u. but. tlo. A. D. Blighler, Agni!) Gettysburg. RATS MADE T 0 COME OUT OF THEIR HOLES 'lO Dl2l. GREAT ”1251‘th 'HUN (IF RATS! Every Box ermtwi 1 Dan Shot! No One can tnkzznwhing m llviJg 11,113 ‘il will dhslluy‘ N” )our BATS,‘ROACHH\‘.\2I('F,RED .5: BLACK ANTS, or _\nu mm hme mar 21an rnum'ued Nor Daxaznnvs 107115 "cum Fun”. Try it—und .1 u don’t 11W rm your rats, w, you can get your mrney refunded ‘. WA. D. Buchier. Agent, Gettysburg". Jun. 8 1:06.. sag 14. 632 ‘ ' A New Store, AND A NICE LINE l~ lira—opened a‘new GROCERY AND VATUETY STOSE.» on York‘street, 2 doors em! BUN "Glfibe Inn," ' ‘ Getgsburg. Pd. ‘ ‘ His room has been handsomely refilted.,nnd its sllvll‘es nre landed wnb the brst \‘nrieu of grand: in- his line ever offered in this {ill-ca..— This is no bonsling lull; Call and 590 lor yourselves. His st'nck cannot be delulled in the limits of an ndxcrtisemeuL—lmt he will mention the mostprominent, Vlz : l SUGARSJH grades; MOLASSES, sexen difl'erent varietlel; COFFEES and TEAS. all kinds; " SPICES, a. full nssunment'; I QL'EEXSJEARE.M3S3I“are,Eurthcn-wm; LARD. Markerel, Herring. to; ' GREEN APPLES, Dried Fruit, kc; BOMINY, Postman, Beans; ' CRACK ERS, Cream, Soda, Sugar and Water; COAL UIL,‘COuI 01l Lumps, Wicks, Bumets, Shades. km; A GLOVES, Stockings, nnd Hosiery in general; PINS, Needles, Thimbles, 8c; JEWELRYfipapa Ind Perfumeries; SMOKING and Chewing 'l‘obficcos,'l;ll grades; SEGARS, all brands. and all prices; KNIVES‘ Forkn. Spoons, Custom, km; PUGKET KNIVES, Pocket Combs, Pocket Books; { CONPEGTIONS, ofpll kinds; 4 FRUITS, Num‘, kg. kc; to. 81¢. In short. everything that could be thought of in laying in a stock ion. first. class Groucry and Variety SID“. Ho Intends to sell CHEAP. going upon the principle of “quick Elle! and small profile. ’ 4 [Jux l, 1866. THE Auditor nppointéd by tthrphan’a Court. pf Adams county, to make dia tnbution of the balance in the‘ hands of Leonard Taylo‘r, Administrator at the estate of Jacob F. Knauss, late of Mendllen town ship, deceased, 10 and among creditor: and parties l'e‘gally enmled thereto, will 'meet all p'eraons interested, for the purpose of his nppomunem, at the office of M. &. W. McChan. Atmrneys-at-an. in Gettysburg, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of JANUAr WY, 1866, u 10 o’clock A. M. ‘ , WM.‘McCLEAN, Auditor. .nuary 1, 1865. 1d IE following applications to keep fiuhlln Jinan! of enterminmentfine been filed in ofice, with the nquisite number oflsigneu, will ha presented at the Court. of Quarter imu, on ”WDAY, the 15m dny of JAN .M’, 1866: _ ~, JACUB EICHOLTZ, Franklin township. JACU STOCK, Genyaburz. .. AB ' RS. HILDEBRAND, Hamill-6n twp. _ JJES J. FLVK, Clark. an. 1, 1386. to 1 ‘ 02m Humans ESTATE.~Leuen m~ Q umenmry on the cam. 9f» John Mum ’neit,~~hw of» Hmil‘ou mun-hip, Adam : canny, dammed, having. been gamed m the ‘ ndersigned,the fint named raiding in Oxfoni tau-lbw. Aduml county. and the he: turned } in Wuhmgton wruahip, ‘York county, they herqby we notice to all persons indebtecf to hint em“ to unk- im-edime paymsm, and 'thosa hsving chum Igniu: the same Impre lgn men: pxapcrly authenticflted for oehtlement. - RICHARD uUIMEM, :’ fl» ' omnuws IUKAIERT, t 'lnn. I, 1866. ‘ 61.? ~. Execute". MOS GREST’S ESTATE.-Letteu .of ad- 1 A ministration 0n lho‘esuteof ’Amos Grien, nu oLHuulinglon township, Adms county; deceased,,bnving been granted tu the under ligued, raiding iii the same township, [blhete by gives-toxic] to all perscns bdebhad toe laid entatem make immediate Merit, Ind! Mic hsvin‘g claims ngnidltmb same :0 pr.- ‘ um than properly authenticated {or nub» amt. . ‘ ‘ MARGARET GRXE'BT. . ' Jan. 1, 1868. (it Administrn‘tix. .. I CALhmigess me most beautiful use“; mam. of nengWELßY‘pncyus . ,_ - Bmkpinhfiu~bwpm :. , _4 ; , 1;, +1: 1' .83.!!! may, ,Lockcu, Chin“ #9.. “LR” ’ '1" 11:) r gz- 'A' (Lst N’& i 6.3 an w Wu'm . hill-3. BIM J. A. GENES Auditor’s Notice. Tavern Licenses. Notice. Notice. 7" "‘ . amt mu. ”‘ . OLD AND SILVER . -* ‘ HOLIDI.YGIFIS.’ l ' $1,000,000 we": or ‘ WATCHES AND JEWELRY ) . to be disposed of t ONE ~DOLLAR RAGE l Without regnrll to wine I Not to be pnid {or I until you know what yet: no to receuel BY A. H. BOWEN t CO., (Agents for the Mnnuincturer3,) No. 36 Emma sent", New You. filled the follomnmList of Article. to be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH Fa 1000010Hnnting-cnseWntehesfiwhfil2s 00 100 Gold Wntchea, vnr'e stylel, “ 70 00 200 Ladies’ (‘vold.Wnttrhe9, “ 50 00 l, 000 Silver Watched, much, :25 co to 40 oo 5 1000 Elegant Silver Plated Castor Stands, each, 20 00 to 50 00 1000 Elegant Silver Fluted * Fruit tCske Basket . l 5 00 to 20 oo ‘ loco ru of Silver Plaiedqu » , Spoons; ‘ e 00 to 15 00 2500 nets 0! Silver Platezrorkm co to :5 00 2000 Goblets, enuruved, 4 00 to 8 00 3000 pairs of Table 51100111, 5 00 to a 00 i 3000 pniri ofSalt Snuons, . 300 to 5 00 4500 magnificent NApkin Rings, 4 00 w 9 '5O 8000 pairs ufPendnnt Ear Drops, l (n-iorted color8,)‘ » scoto 3 no 3302 sets at Ludlea'Juwelry, imi ' union Ivory, 5 00 00 10 00 ‘ 2500 Gold Lockets, eng'd bazkn, watch {ace perfect imitn lion Ladle-8’ Witch, '.OOOO Ladies' Buck Combeflflh and unique patterns, 5 GO to 25 00‘ 4400 Belt Buckles, Gold, Jet Ind 1 ' Vulcanite, 6.00 to 15 00, 60901’tltyle VesttXeckChainst 00 to 20 00‘ 31500 Genla' Cul'nDiamond Pms,s' 01) lo 20 00‘ ,4000Cnlif'u DinmomlEur Drnpa,p 00 to 10 00; 3000 Miniature and Emmeled Re, - “ volving Pine, f 00 to 10 00 2000 California Diamond and Eu 1 ' Gents' Scarf Pins, 2 00 to 10 003 2000 Masonic and Emblem Pins,2 00 to 10 00: 2.?00 Gold Band Bracelets, en- l ,' grnved and plain, 300 to 20 00‘ 3000 Jet and Mosaic Broochell, 3 on to to onl 2000‘Caineo Breaches, rich [lat- ‘ terns, very tasty, ‘V 6 00 to 20. 001 3000 Coral Ear Drops, 4 00 to 6 00 _ 2000 Ladies‘ Chatelaine Chitin: l ,nud Guard Chains, 8 00 to 1!; 00‘ 6000,Gents' Pins, a splendid as~ ‘ ' leorlment, zooto 10 00. 4000‘ Solitaire Sleeve Buttons, ' l - entirely new style, ‘ ‘3 00 to 10 00‘ 3000 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, 1 l in sets, very rich, 3 00 to to 00 6000 Sleeve BuLths, plnin, 1 enameled and engraved, 2 00 to ‘ 8 00 10000 pluinnnd. handsomely en- ' * graved Rings, 2 50 to 10 00 8000 Lockets, double case, rich ly engraved, 2 00 to‘lo 00 15000 eels oi Qadiesflt-welry, new ' l and hues; scylei, 6 co to 12 oo 5000_b‘nndsor‘t_i'e Seal Rings; 3 00 to 8 00 2000 ed: offloaom Studs, 2 5010 6 00 1000 601.1 P 313 and (3010 Ex- ‘ béxi‘eion olders, ' 15 00 to 25 00 2000 sets Jet and Gold Pins and ' Eu Dupe, '6 00 to 10 00 2000Gild’l‘hiu-blesfl’encil: .1tc.,4 00 to b” 00 10000 Gold fans and hand-some Silver Cases, 5- 00 to .8 00 WOW Gold Pens nml handsome E‘vonj‘ Holders, 4 00 to 6 00 The method of disposing of these goods at ONE DULLAR. emh is as i‘ullosys: Certificates, numing eue‘u nrtiele and its wine, are placed in sealed emclopes and well mixed. One of those envelopes will be sent by [null to any address On receipt of 25 cents.. ‘ 0n the receipt of the Certificate you will see, what you are going to lmver, then‘ it 15 at your option to send the doll ll' and ”’OO the uriil‘l‘e or nOl. Pnubnswa may thus lain 0. Gold \anrh, Diamond Riuz. or any 3 of Jewelxy‘ on our listlur ONE DOLLAR. id in no one can they get iesl than One Dull r'a north, in“ there are no blanks. The price of‘Ceriificutes‘ in nu follows z—One for 25 cents; fire for $l3l eleven fol $2; thirtv ior $3, silly—five for $10; one hundred for 315. l The dietllhuliun is canductEd feirly;and all, have an equal chance of obtaining the Valli-Able} prizu by pnrcnaaing the Certifiunlei. We‘ guaranteefitlre satisincuon ll] nll 0,3505. ~ Agents wanted to when we ofl‘er special Mirna and premiums. Send 25 cents {or one; IKiel-iiiimte Ind our circular with firms. H ; Address, A. u. BOWEN & 00., a g P. (1. Box 4270, New York. l : Jan. 8, 1883. ndv.2'i. 3m ‘ ‘ Proclamation. u HEREAS \he «Eon. Ronsnr 3. Fianna} } ‘6 President of the several Courts ofCom; iman Pleas in lho'Uounlirs composing the 19th 1 xl3mm“, and Justice 01 the Courts of Uyernnd Tex-miner and' General Jim) Delivery, lor the' trial ofnll capital and olhexj offenders in the. laid district, and DAVID 21:01.“ and lsuc E. Wmulm. Esqs., Judges 011 ml: UourLs qußm mun Pleas, and Juslicas of the Courts of 0) er and Terminor and General] Jail Delivery, fo'r the trial of all gapiml and olher offenders in . the County of {Manic-hays issued their pre cept, bearing dute the 23d day of November, in .lhe year of out Len!) DD!) thousand eight hun dred and sixty-fire, and to me directed, for holding a Court. of Common Pleas, and Geneml 49mm“ Sessions of the Peace, and General 311 Delivery and Court of Oye; Ind Terminer, at Gettzsburg, on HUNDAY, the lszh day of JANUARY inntanfi— ‘ 11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all the unices of the Peace. the Coroner and Conun blea within the uid County oi Admin, that 1 they be then Ind lhele in their preper persons, I With their Rolls, Re-‘orda, Inqgismons. Exam inations, nnd other Remembrances. to do those things which tojheir offices and in that hehalf lifipoxmin to be done, and also, they who will {presume ngainst the prisonezs that are‘or then shall he in the Jail omho suid Comity of Adams. are m be then and there to prosecnw against. them I: shall be just. I , ‘ } ADAM REBER'X‘, Shel-ll}. Shel-ifs oflice, Gettysburg, Jon. 1, ’66. , Gram and Produce Wanted. HE undersigned having purchased the in- T zeros! of Myers a; Wierman, Forwarding and Commissibfl Merchants, in New Oxford, Adams county, would respectfully notify the farmers sad the public generally, Lhnt he will continue the business: at. the old stud at. the depov in Ibutpluco. The highosv. market prico will be paid for WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS,' BARLEY. CLOVER and “MOTH? SEEDS, FLOUR, .n., be. l Also, GUARO, PLASTIR, SALT, LUEBEB nnd COALLconlmntly kept. on hand for pale, together with a‘generuhuortmonk of FAMILY GROOERIES.- DAVID HOKE. KM". 27, 1865. am Clothing. EORGE ARNOLD has, now on hnnd the largest. Ibockpf READY-MADE CLOTH- I. Gin town, consisting of DRESS AND BUSI NESS COATS, of every description, OVEB CO AIS, in rent. 'variety, Monkey Jackets, Venn, Pantnioona, Shim, Drawers, Glove! undflosiery, stackl of them. ‘ My best clothing are mostly of my own man ufacture. and will be warmnled wall made, and [well trimmed. I'. Together wllh 9. large stock of Cloths. Cas sinetl, Jeans, Drilliugp, Sblning, Flannel, ac. Also. Benel- Cloths, Doe Skim, Over Coming. sud Trimming: in grcné variety. nll of vhich will be sold an cheap 30 the choapuufgul and unholy. ‘ A ‘, ngyabnrz. Oct._ 9. 1885. an; Everhart' 3‘l}!ng HOUSEB -‘ annuity-1:315:11 ‘5 15;:qu fin)", a a «BAIII‘IHDRE. ‘HD TH; Bquae is on“ direct. line. betnenahd Nortben‘: Comral'rnnd Ealtimprb nd Okiq Rein-and Depots. {than eenyefllwd gnd com furmbry “ranged for the conveniqnca Ind tho enifirufnmenmf guests. ‘ ' . . ov'. 2a, ”"555,“ ’ ‘ NEW Mock of' ‘ u , A GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, selected 'with especiad care n‘ud Wurnntedgp‘od thing keeps", Jan received my! for are M n ‘ ' ’ I. BEVAN’S, “'— : Opposite the Bunk; Gectytbnrg. F you wish .Toy Wagons, Buggies, Curly, I Wheonnrrows and Drum; gov to E. H. l'Ml’NNlGH‘S‘Confocbionery, in Chambcnburg ureet. ? , ‘ , “ ' jut lée u: ,fino 'mdnmm or my; 0‘33 wum‘acmw-mmm. go” “"1: h M 5"" WEN 9M * ,mm Murrum- \ . FOB SALE—“NieI be ofi‘erqd st Puhlio * Sula. fl McClel an‘s HmoL‘in the Bor ough of Geth'aburg. on MONDA Y; the 8;); d" or. JANUARY next. . 2‘B\.mda Gettysburg RJflrOld Company, egch for 8500: , _ _ 4 Bond: Gettysburg Railroad Company. each for$100; K All with Coupon: attached. _ 9 Slum-ea of Stock in awe Company. 3 Bond: Allegheny Railroad and Cod Company. each [M 3250; 1 Bond Allpgheny Railroad and Coal Company. for $100; . - 1 Bond Allegb‘any Railroad and Coal Company {or $4O; . ‘All win: Coupons flushed. 40 Shares of Stock in nine Company. 'WSale to commune at ‘ono o’clock P. M; - MOSES McCLEAN. Ex’r of George Bhryock. dec’dv Dec. %, 1865. ts ‘ Register’s Notice. OTKGE is hamby given ‘0 all Legaleoa and N other pe‘nont concerned, run the Ad ministration Account: bereinaftsr mrufioned will be pregentell u the Orph'nn’a Cour! of Adums county, {or confirmnion and Allowance, on MONDAY, thu lath d3} 01 JANUARY. was. at N o'clmzk, A. 31.. viz: 2-18. The first. acnouut of Andrew Bit tinger and Jahn Bitlinger, Executor: of Jacab Billings/r, deceased. . 249. First and final. acc‘punt of'Daniel S. Di—bl. Administrator of Sa‘muel Sadler. dec. 9.50. The accoun'. 'of Benjamin Muniun, Adminislruor of the eatatp OfJ.'C. Albert. sealed by Samuel B. Miller, due of the Ex eclimrsof Bqnjamin Malawi, deceased. 100* 251. The first aim] final account. of Dmiel Langenecker, Admimstr‘mor pf the estate of Susgn Keefer, late of MI. Carroll, Illinois, and formerlv of Adams county. ‘decfißSPd. 252. The first. and final account of Hon. Moses MtCiean, Administtstor Of the estate of Geo. Cadori, deco-Med. embracing also an account of sues ofd'eul estate made by him his attorney m fact {oi- the lmirs. 253. The first and final account, ofJuhn McCleury. Administrator with the Will nu— maxed 01 Martha Leeper, into 0! Liberty Ip. SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Register’s‘Oflice,Gettysburg, . Upcember 18, 1865. hi“ 1‘ ' Tax Appeals. . lIE Commissioners. of Adams county hue fT by give notice am the.) have fixed upon the following lix‘nes for the holding oprpeah ‘for the several Boroughs and Township: of 'Adnms county. M. the olfice of the County Com -Imisaxonera, m Gettywurg, when »nnd where my will attend to be.“ Appeals, between the (hours of 9 o'clock. A. M. and 3 o'plock, P. LL, .0!“ each day, as (allows : f The Appenlr fa: Gfttglshhrg. Cumberland, 'Germauy, Littlestown, Oxford, Huntington. ILntimore‘ ausb llnmilwnbau, on TUESDAY, ‘the 161.11 day ofJATIUARY next; ' For Franklin, Stratum. McnulLeu, Butler, Mountplensant. sloumjoy, Highland. and Our owmu, an WEDNESDAY, Lhe 17th day of JANUARY next; ' For Reading,“ Humilion, Liberty, Tyrone. Union. Frec‘r/lmh', Bvrwick oor.,a.ud Be:wick cp., on THURSDAY, the 13m day of JANU ARY nexck ' ‘ By ordm‘ of the‘Gommissioners, _ J. M. WALTER, Clerk Dec. 18,1865. td , ’ Ladies' Oyster Saloon. HE undersngnfld [ms the pleasure of an- T nouncing to his friendsjhnl, m connec bun with hxs GUNFEUTIUNERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, he has opened an OYSTER SALOON, with 3. SEPARATE ‘ DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. LJdic-s and Gtmlexuen usit ng IhIS Saloon will find the acchmmodnndns ull they could desire. Oysters wxll he servej up i‘n any style End in nuuperio: manner. Call and see. JOHN GBUEL. Nov. 6, 1865. If , ' Pianos. . lANOS l—The undersigned Would respect- Itu inform thepublic that he mm farms!) PIANUS of the followu‘g nmnuf'xc‘urers, or those of other matLe, if desire” at the lawn! possihle pricgs: ‘ _ A CHILKERXNG & SONS. ‘ DEK‘KER BROS. ‘ HAZLETON BROS: . KAISER BROS. ‘ \ GEU. STHFK. \ . A. H. GAHL "3: CO. SIEINWAGI? SONS. - . @Paruqular attentio‘n )5 given to the se lectiop of Piauus; and when so seleqtcd, in ad lion lo the mnnufucturers’ guarantee, the Pumas are guaranteed by me. * ' : MASON a; HAMLIN . 0.1815131 0119.453 A‘ND MELODIANS.‘ 'lhe repent. improvements in these instru. menté nre‘such as to {allylwarrnnt saying they are FAB. SUPERIOR to any otjxgr make. Une ol‘the best evidcucwé of their ment is, that. the‘ir improvements are inhiuled by other makers. The new style, four stop organ, have a Sub-Bass and Octaye Couplet, making it an instrumeut especially adapted to Church and Sabb’Mh School purposea. ~ DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS Wm be sent by mail :6 persons dé’s‘xring them. Pianos tuned regularly. Vf'ianos taken in ex chnnge. ‘ PETER BENTZ, No. 30 Ens}. Market. 3L, Yotk, Pa. June 12,136§. 1y A New Idea ND A GOOD ONE.—BLACKWELL a: 00., ' Gilsey's Iron Building, 1'“ Broadway, hew York. have commenced the business of taking SUBSCRIPTIONS to nlLthe PRINCI‘ PAL'MAGAZINES and WEEKLY PAPERS, for SHORT PERIODS" (quarterly or half yenrly.) at the lowa‘s: yearly rates, offering a gram. ndvaane to [warp of‘lileratme, who may (vial: zomke several publications paying but a mus money at a time. Full particular: in a circular neuron appliéntion to any ad dreu. *l} A'GOOD AGENT \VANI‘E‘D in each town. POSTMASTERS are rquxesced to lead {or our circular Containing inducement... , ' BLACKWZELL a: CU , ‘ 171 Broadway, New York. Dec. 25,1865. 3111 . r ‘ Railroad House, EAR THE DEPOT, , . ‘ * HANOVER, YORK 00‘, PA. The undersigned would respectfully lnlorn: his numeroun friend. nnd “republic genénlly, that be has lenaed :he Hotel in Hanover, near the Depot,- formerly kep‘ ‘hy Kr. Jerzml-b Kohler, End will spare no eflun lo conduct. it lnl manner that will give‘geneml Imlsfnctioa. Ilia mble will ban the best the markets cnn afford-42inl chambers url'ipncloun and com fortable-and he has llid in for bu bar a full flock of chalet wines ind Maori. Thus in rtnbling for horse: ntmchsd to the Howl. 11. will be his conulsm emleuor to tender the fullest Igfitfactiqn mbil guem, making his home u IMM' u 'hmic to than: u pouible.- He asks a. shanoflwe public pa’ronugo,de remind u an inane-ma “its. part. of it.- Remember 1.116 3&ler H‘oule, near Ihl D.- pot, Hnnover, Pa. A. P. BAUGHEB. '1‘0t92,1866.< If ‘ 's' ‘ ‘ ’ 1 ,‘ f Noflcea ‘ " "J'AOOB ‘IOBTOWB E§lAfiz.——Lettm Q «luminary on ‘ the‘ chute of Jacob ‘lonorfz' late of Huntington vownlbifi, Adamo mn‘y; deed-ed, mnylng been‘ gunned to the'hudemnw,-fiMng in Tyne gown “tip", his hotel” givh notice m an perms in delmd to u‘id‘ aims“: make‘ hummus pay 'n'lént, mid “Id-«him; claim! agflnlt the same sqpmeufi lhgm'fibpmyluthedflmued {or 161.4 cl‘em'ent. ‘- GEORGE W. HARMAN, Ex’r. Dec. 18,1865. 8! ’ '~3 .Pennsylvama College, (V BTTYSBURO, PA.-—The~Wiqm Snidon T ofvthia Imtimtion Inn .commence JAN UARY 11th, 1866, and will continue‘ thirteen I'Oekl- Fox particulars, minivan ' ax. a. [3 manual? Dbn" residnntof n. pl .‘ ' v ' . , nu. o.l..ls‘aamu‘m,m a; Pfincigul at flu Pnpxuntory Deplt. Dec-38.1865. «.3» a.“ , ‘ ‘ ‘' .. , J.- Labia”: .'. ~' ' I om aud‘ GUUPONS, bought»: thd‘l’irsf G Nudomlr'Bmk ”Git/tyabngm» " ~" , ~ qwcmom Cahhr- -’- r 9°“!!!th 2: Myrna .} w was: T‘“‘T"»'7".,‘.'E an "MA nu. mom-s a: 9mm: anus. . A ‘ L-J 1... »8 O [110! would reupectfully uy to the cimenl of Get ty-burg and viciniiy, that burno'nceiving * at. his store: splendid f ‘ ‘ ' STUCK QF WINTER 600133. Thu flock consists i 5: part. of Fancy Ind, Staple DRY GOODS, of "If! auaipfion. \ SILKS. . 1 nuzumqua, . 1 . CHALLIES, ~ 1 ‘ 0313312428. A ‘ ' BOMBAZXNES, ' ALPACCAS, LAWNB, ' CALICOES.’ o! All qualitiok Ind choicest stylel, which WI"; be lON It PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. ‘ " FURNISHING GOODS of 11l kindl, lncludlngsilk, Linn ma Cotton Enndkerchicfl, Gloves, Stocking, kc. . Alan. 3 splendid «snortmgnt of RBBONS, Lace: and E'l‘ginga, Umbrrllas and Parowls; - My stockbf V HITE GOODS will be found full Ind complete, Ind customer: may rely upon always getting good good? u. the lowest possi ble pricee. ' Genllemcu will find it to then-xdvnntage tr, cull Ind onmine my Aoglg'of ULOTHS, ~ . . CASSIMERES And ‘ VES‘HNGH, or all qualules and choicest nylon. Jan. 1, 1806. 'J. L. SOBICK.§ Row 8; Woods, ' GETTYSBURG, , Dulen inY . HATS, CAPS, B()OTS.‘SHOES, HOSIERY. GLOVES, NOTUWS, UNDER-WEAR, SEIIETka VARIETY GOODS. g HATS AND CAPS.-—Saxony HMS, Wool Hats, Fur Huts. Sheridan, Resorte, Bruone Derby. Fausfiund Daiher Unis, Amherst, Ivan hoe, Vicksburg um] Dufiont Huts, Star, Fenther and Stitched H 2113, nu kinds of oofl, wirebrim, and stiff-brim Hats, forftue'n and bo} 5,-Satmeu Gaps, thh Caps. Seal Cups, Fm- Uwps, SLO - Picnyunc. Commodore-find Enumellcd Cups, Grunt. Hiuhhnd. Swatch. Glenzlry and Fol: Caps, Milwaukev, Proueur, Excelsior and thius Cups. A gran. vsriely 0! C49} fur m'en,'hoys 9nd chridren. ' r , IBOOTS AND SHUEi—Men's Thick Waxed Boots, Home-mode Thirk Boota,oflirer3’ Boots, French Cmf‘ floats. Youth’s Thick Bouts, Youth's Kill Bunu. Boy's Heavy Boots, Child's Copper-zipped (snow, Ht_u's and Boy’s Uro gans, Bahuumls and Gdjxcrl,‘ Buffaloes and Gums. ‘ - . Women's and Children's Morocco Boots, Bnlmnralu, Gaiters, Kid Boots, Slippers‘ Glove Kid Shoes in variety, Buskinz, Polish Boots. Anklets. Buckle und Congress Gtilers. Bullh lors, Bubbers,Arctics,l‘clts,&'c. (”children's shoes the best assorimeut and grentcst variety ever opened in Gettysburg. - NUTIONS, VARH‘ITY (300DS,I&C.——Win dow P-Iper. Window [Siindfi Carriage Whips, Lashes. Violins, Bows,smnga. Bridges. Rosin, km, 'l'ru'nlrs, (la-pet chks, Ladiep’ Brukcu, Ilmbrelins,Pocket 13001551. th PcmilsJ‘lozor-s, Soup, Etrops, Brushes, Huir Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Combs, Segurs, tr... &c., &c. Shirts, Drawers, Collins, Neck-ties, Scntfg, Condom, Buckskin Gloves. Kid, Merino, Thread and Silk Gloves for (.hzldreu, lollies and gentlemen, Buckskin Gloves for boys, Poc’ket Handkerchiefs,Suspeliders.Wool Hoods, Oyero Hoods, Sontngs, Wool Shawls, Merino Wool and Cotton Hosiery in vitriely for men, women and children, Skirt Brnid, Mending Cotton, Corsets. Chenille, Thread, Spool Cor ton, Machine Cotton, Sic , ac. ' Uur determination is to sell our goods at the very lowes’ nmrkct pn‘es. We flatter ourselves that we have good: that can he recommended and will give satisfaction to customers. ' ROW & WOODS. TO MERCHANTS—We buy on} Bootw Shoes And Hull‘, in huge quantities, nnd will at“ Lhcm \0 drama m, u. very 3mm ndnuce on manufncluxers’ pnues. 110 W x WOODS. om. 30, 1:63 By Picking. NOITXER PROCLAHA’I‘ION. . . III'GHLY IMPORTANT Wanna, the American people bm‘esuflewd under 11 four year’s War, during which u‘me tiny have been bunheued with beavymxes audirequem drafzs, ‘ , AN“ mums/ls. Theawenues onarle had be. come dmnrramywl. and-the price of'g nds,}mr ticalnrly CLOTHING, lmvmg rem-hid I Mill standard, caming mnuy a. putth to become wmk in the limesJ und say «'1 himself, when shall lhese things 1411? A3O wuluus, Anny a wellgovdo man, who in forlmrlxmei mukeil the yreela ln Bund cloth. and who nuw,l.: cdnuqueuce of the high prices, has b 1 en c-nnpcllcd lg) go~ anon: in rags‘ complaining p.t:oualy ofthls and slate of things; ‘ Now, Tannironn. I, mexun B. Prensa; woulll‘issne myl’R‘)L‘:L.\.\l;\Tlo.‘l,'suying lo all 'pe'ople that the Avenues or tmde, at least so far as I um concerned, have been opened, and I my dging bubillésfl on a ' ' PEACE BASIS Having just returned from the City. I am now opening the largest and best selected “wk 0! Clothing ever brought. to Gettysburg, embrac ing all the * LATEST STYLES FOR MEN AND BOYS, among which are fine fitting Dress and Buri ness Goats, Cloth, Cassimezc, Silk, Satin and Cotton Vests, Dress and Easiness Palm, of every atyle,qunlity air-i size, Under Clothe: ol cvcry description. Also, GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Embracing Gloves, Collars, Neck-ties, Sgt penders Hosiery,&c.l Al5O, , No’noxs IN ENDLESS VARIETY. - gut-h as Violins, Acmrdcons, Viulin Strings, Clocks’, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Combs, [ilzors and Razor Straps, Soap, Spocuclea Cane-4, fie}: Knives, Pencils, Pens, and Domi noes. Al3O, . . TRUNKS, CARPET‘SACKS, UMBRELLAS, ~ TOBACCO, SEGARS. and indeed a little of ererythingwil] be found in this Store. Having made our purchases (or Cash, and at. a favorable time, we nre‘pre pared to sell cheap. ‘ \ Rausuazn Tat PLACE. . If you desire to have a. good fining me, mn'de of gold m'xteriai. call and einminn for yourselves, nd SAVE MONEY. Sept. 13, 186.5. ‘ P. B. PXCKING; Raev’es" Ambrosia. FOR THE HAIB.,—Tbe 0",“: “a titanium .Arhbron’a in preparod b: LAM.“ Runs, Ind in the but hair dressing and preacnntiu now in me. It stop: the hair falling out, can“! it to grow lbigk and prevegu i‘ from é turning prematurely grey. It emdicztel dug, drufl', cleanses, henmiflfies and‘renfl‘ruhe hair $ can, glossy and curly. Buy it, try in and be: convinced. Doh’t be put at? with a uunous } article. As]: for R‘ecvu’ kmbrosia. and nle no other. For Sale by ‘Druggists and Dene" ' iq Fancy Good: everywfiere. ‘ ’1 Price 75 cents per Bottle~—sG,oo per dmen‘ ' Addteu BEEVES’ AXBKUSKA DEPOT, 82 Fulton 81., New York (my. Oct. la, 1865. an ’ ' .., Blacksmithmg. ; ‘ . fiE‘undenizne‘d ~waulcl man respeclfu‘lly _'inform me pub)“: that he cb'bunne‘l the _ ' BLACKSXH'me} BUSINESS, If his Ibnp, lately Philip Duhum’l, ndjqinipg Troxel'q 'pulgt shop, in ‘Eau Middle urgct, Gakfiofiurg. whéxg he will AI. 31] um. ht pre ied,v.o dm Bucklmnhiug work “Spin-ring“, musics, fi'ngns, tc‘. That he knows how'xo du'nujch: at me kind Mull go! b§ questioned by those who bye 1: knowle‘dfie af‘ biulong oxpl‘riflnce at: tho bmineu. Aggy“; on with you} Tvoxk, and you wilf‘b’é In“; cg! when you whit. fiwq-vaad {or which I" 11’! "can: Cyh g: Conuxlygxoduce. - ‘ ‘ ADA}! fimxzwoma. In. so. we: zr *‘ ' ; Watches andJeweXfi: 65AM“ P‘OR’ in—dwnuvu Low 5 Pawn 5,190,000 flunk-{Gpfim Lock. ’uu, Rim. Branden. h» at «my, Sou pm, .n., ac, To boy-909991;“ t or”: DOLLAR. each, mlhuul regard lfigam not lo be paid for until you know win you an ,100‘ o muting-cap us: . I mh. ~.'.’ ‘, ‘ 1”‘.’:56'1423125 g 500 Sflve'rWflrhoh, eieh, '5 WW» 3:. g toMOGord Fell asuu'yme,mh,n’s to s 10030 Sun :Ladiel’ qulqjalQl-hh. { 10nd,) each, ? _._ ,| “it” )0 L Apdnlurge huogtminzorifiqelry «cry “ductigfion 10l- Indin’mnd M'ivoqr, nu. - Hug/in uuélroms3loszkucbn €3ll.ll"sz .ot disposing of Lhm‘goodn u 015 Douén "each is n: foiluws: - [ cmmxcuns—‘nmgmg En aggig and v-iu ‘xlce Bro laced in ..E \L l 'n¢ PE: T’I‘RACTING aTTENTION.~—-fioanperigrz‘mfmn mired. gnu-of? u hlch wiigbé zen: by Pictures taken 1t XQHIZ’ER'S .SKY- 5],.“ m anfnddllcw on {ectipt 0?}, Ha. Uuo ' IGHT QRMJIRY. on Wen flx-ldlg m, are: (flint-ate 23 tenth; ‘ \w for sl7"l‘here urn 'gmngflng un'fi’ersal nttemlgbm Goad jqun‘fi; ELXXKS_ 'Yuu ht d’gt't‘rh‘qlNLUE o! pronbunco them ‘mpeglor‘to uqumhn in ‘ o‘m-r Maury. * cm' .wm figment.“ “1'1“”- “1!“ W‘ flr'muavu. has. ’umm’ "A‘s-1. nanrmécg. q (“‘"J‘u-v.‘ ": "'1 'H ~ " A I“wt mania-£17.... . ' .4 ‘ :4. ‘..vj an firing 93:, 7 Pibtures '.' Pictug‘es} LEVI HUMPER having urctiuetl Sumac] Wcuu’l PBOTQGRAEH GALLERY, in prepared to execmé w‘ork in bi: Hue equal to w establjghmen; in tbs: Sm_ze. If you‘deaire i godd lik‘eneu, finished accoralng to thelukst ' "Mumps in :1 eV art, callnat thq Abba gnu-gtatghuhed Gallery“ in Wen Middle “refit‘Getu sbnrg. ‘ ‘ . . L 199: 9, 1865. - - , -# 4 44.4ii-Ir , . _ I’ll Imus: [IDIOISI at 1:1: Lg]. a MR”: indicte- for' iféfihé‘si,'nn3su¢fuio ‘ hon Sorrow, Pain .n.} Diana.“ . " Ryan’s Life. Pills. "nub! "can“, u m Admitted to be am 3351‘ FAMILY not. cum for (cum! use, Pum‘ymg the {Hood ud clenming thcfsysleng from an Impurity. ‘ BRYAN'S' hm: PILLS, regulate the Slommh, um- mud mm"; so. cx-ot‘uni. which m lbn that cm" 0! Norton. néu, Giddineu. bhnneps ‘nf ’s‘ight, Kendal"; Sick Skunub and other kinder compiling, Hnudnda of Cox-'iflcatcl chu be Shown. Th 6; have bog-n wed b, thounnds whb‘ mcceu _ BRYASS LIFE PHLS, He Idapted 90: an an and tuuslltnflonl.—- The, up composed at Um acu‘fio prinqlpiu of ljeru and‘ Roots,,cul2e-J :mu: our ficlds Ind foreata. They are mild but certain In their Mention—producing: neither c‘mmps, gflpinq. min: or sickness. They may be ukon N.u lgefl, sexes o: conditio. vuuom fear. BRYAN'S I.sz PILLS, Cure Emachaf- B‘M’AN'S mu: PILLS, Cure Sick Stomch. BRYAN’S LIFE NLLS. Cnro'Giddlnesl." ' BRYAN’S LlFl‘. PILL“. Euriiy the Blood. A Box of BRYAN'S LIFE PXLLS will cost but TWEN nunva CENTS, Ind will acccmpluh :le that is reprqsonled. They ire elegnmly put up by tha proprletor, the {mentor ul‘ BRYAX'S PULyuoNIO WA FERS, a medicine lung and (Monthly. known to the Amencm Nation. [ryou szh anna'a Life Pills. and cannot gel. them ofyour rugglst, don'nnka any mher, but m-nd Twenty-fin! cents in A [any to‘ the pxopriemx, and you will get. men; by town or ‘mml, post-paid. Address, ‘ DR. I’. BRYAN. 442 Broadway, New York. 1" 0. Box 6079. Dealen can be luppliod by Donn Bianca .5: 00., “'hoieiule Agenu. New York. ' GLAD NEWS! Pull Tn: wromvnna. r anmx m: usrm wmnwr 01:71:04 r TION, :md do nut xfi‘turl‘erc with husiueq I‘ursuité, and .\U UHANGE U 1" DIET 15 SE CESSARY. , C ‘ Bell’s Specific Plll3 Are wnrramed in an cases, tor the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Sunumxl Weakness, Ureth ral Inud VAgiuul Disuhnluoe, Gleea, Sexunl Discree, Emissions, Impotence. Guniml uml Nervous nobility and dismal of the Bladder and Kidneys. . , , They are udnptej for male or female, old or young; and are the only rumble known for the cuh" 01:1)! (”Ska-PS :m‘vinz from . ‘ YUUX'HFUL “DISCRETION. In all Sexual lhfiensea, n 3 Gonorrhea. Stric uire. Gleet, nud m ull Urinary and Kidney complaints, thy qcl liken charm. Relic! is experienced by Liking 11 single hot; and from (our to six I-uxes genus-«Hy “feet. 9. cu 9. Sold in boxer coutmuing 60 pingflrlce O‘ne Dullar, or six boxcz; Five Dal) my; alt), in large boxes, couiuinlng {our of thesmnllflnco Three Dollurl.‘ ' Private Circulars totGuflemen‘ only, pent free on rl-Leipt of directed envelope nnd stamp. It you need the Pills, cut. out his advertise me'm. fur‘rezerence. nu-l i'ypu cannot procure them 0! yourdruggiat do nm be impowd on by any Other remedy, but enclose the money in n lener 19 5 DR. J. BRYAN, Commuting Physic'Yhn, Box 5079. - 442 Broadway, New York; and they wnll be sent. w'you securo‘from-ob aervntion, by return mnil,,pbsb—paiu, ’on ICCOIFL of the money. Dazdcrs supplied by‘ Damn! Barn" 3 00., Wholesale Agenu, New York. zupqurur T 0 KISBE'S"; Dr. Harvey’s Female Pills, HE most. infallible 'nnd yopulnr remedy ever known, for nll diseases at the («male sex. They have been “savi in many Lhonsnml cases will: unfailing stfcccsa—nnd mu; be re lied on in ew-ry case tar/which they are m. comnmnded, and particularly in all cases aris ilfg from , ‘ ÜBSTIIUCTION. on ST’OPPAGE OF KMI'URR no mutter from wll It cause it. arises. Theynrs (-fl'cclutll ln restoring ta lgenlth all who‘nle sur faring lrom Weakness and Dehility, Uterine Disalielrgcs, Nervousness. ku.,l-.&c., ML. and they "Au like a Chnrm.” in strengthening thc‘ sgstem. 'l‘llmmurd; of ladies who‘fiaxe sul. lered lur yours and tried Various other rech did: in min, owe a renewlll of their health nnd strength n-h-rlly to the (-ilicuéy of ' DR. II.\RVEY’S F IAM} PILLS. , They are perfectly hlll‘l less on the system, may be taken nt any time WM) ‘pcrl’ect sxtlety; but during the early stag 1 (if Bregnunfzy they should not be mired, or n miscarriage-nay be the result. They never cause any sickness pain or distress. Each 1) 1 contains 60 pills, Price One Dollar. . " DR. HARVEY'S G LDEN PILLS, s remedy tor specinl cnsc four tie-grass strong. er than the above; Prim xvo Dollsn per box. A Private Circular to mixes with fine sna .t.omicnl engravings, sent ran on receipt ol dl - envelope and MA 1). ~ ‘ fiCnx this out ifyo desire Dr. Harvey's 2ills,snud ifyou csnnot rocnrs mpg. ’01" drnggist. do neg take ny other; l'qs som deslers who are nnprinc' led will recepmenll other Femle hill. the ‘cnu nuke t lsrgel prom on—bu't enclose th monoynnd sins! di rect to ~ ' DR. 1. BRYAN. C Br: 5079. - 442 and you will race-Ive ch agaicd Imm observation, chalers supplied hy Wholesale Agents, Raw : sultingPhyiicjnn,‘ liromlwny, New an':| m post-puid aecurm} [by return malt. emu: Bantu”: Ca. 1 ork. “7 The Private Mo ‘ (Esclunivolr A N bulimia new: A J. flux-way. pubm t “on: ‘ - 1 {5 “cal Adviser. or 1454103,) .... of 100' amby Dr. d for EA tangent o! NTS. mum». unl Momma gumbo Ip- on~ receipt. of‘ TEX C pout-paid, in n sealed :- plj’ for is; Addresl ; ‘ DP~:J.~BRYAN, 4‘ - Box 5078. 1 2 Broydflay, N. Y » Mann I d !. '¥ ‘ BIRD EDITION;' ~my Thquhud-100 ‘ pngu, by Ruin-r E“; Bun,fll:-‘D."A cun- Lion, nddreued to you“. Ihe‘m‘m‘fhd. und than Column?!" Manuel.“ But by mm pout-paid, on receipt of TE! ClNl’SnuA care t‘ul pernstl of this am dl rbwok [we been a 370' To 111'} Arum-n. nndi bu unvedwlhonupda ~trum a life ohmiury, and n untimely (rue. h Imm on lhl .m- o! Youthlul ludinretion, Self-Abuse, Suntan! Weakness, Euiuiouy, Sana] Diuuu. Gonna}. chilfly, ‘Lou of Your", Neuoumahrl’rumlm Douay} Impa teucc, kc , an" which up“ the outlay:- from fulfilling tYAE‘Obhgntimg {Exaggxqz‘ . 'A ”’1 'I ’ ‘ ' ‘ ’ , -; ‘ '1 Qanfilu'ng gh " an. 39: son. m mumbpaq org. . Anni-3.)!“ 11 i -‘ ‘2... : , .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers