The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 08, 1866, Image 2
i] =3 m 2." -» "gamma; 0 OEM I. 4. than, ”not up norm”: amrysnuna. PA! . flow,” momma, Mus. me. ’u'onssr Pm Mccssrm ‘9‘ The R!pubfican_-pnp9rs of His Senatorial flßtfict nnév acknowledga the ”remrn” 100 H. of the 77th Regxment‘to be frauduldnt. h (I wondered whether they would have boo-n lb ‘fmngnnnimou-J’ if the‘Democruic men land not thoroughly expand the u- Mmptod chant. . . ‘ M. first, ndlwithlunding the unmiihk» Me marks of rum: upon its fnéemur oppo. henu were inclined to bolster up the "re ‘}m 5" lug: how. finding that it. will not In awer their purpoae, and anxioul to eéoapo, from the odmm connected v'rjth it, they , whip round. and treat their readers to no! 1m). "viytuous indignation? on the subject: But being hone}: when {hey mun, in hardly u virtue. - A . ‘ -Wo hope Hm: 1 full inn-sigma: will be lad, find the guilty participant: I:l,th fund pjunilh‘ed. Republican mnnipuh'tgu ‘3 pf "paldier votes” have gone "Soon free” on; edough. "Let the "Mr fly.” Tho Baikal: angl‘the President. The World': Wublggton correspondent, In his loner of December 31. soy“ Some of the lending Radical Congregomen have weldy‘rédéhed. Among the: well-crédit (9d 6» dig: 00-day is one that the Radicals are howling some plan of compromise ~10 pre vent. u aplit in their polity on the question of reconstruction. They seem to, feel that. ‘the Praideizt’: position will force o wills lune upon them unleeu they yield in cert-in points. :Some of the Radicals are favoring the ndmiuéan of the Tennessee dblegalion, believing that. it. would be satisfixntopy. But in {at 1“ they can learn the President. makes no ‘guceptlofin their case, but desire: the admission ofall properly quulified Southern Icpmeputivu el‘eot. ‘ _ “’Ag n reason' for leaving Senators Saul-bun and M'Duugall 06‘ the winding oommml‘nea of the Santa. it. is stated that ghegluetinwmpemte. The co‘rreepqndpu: 0! e Chicago W wants to know. if that h the true reason, why Sprague, of_Rbode Inland. Ithy son-iu-law 9f Chief Justice phase, who was dtunk during the who}: of the eventful 96M of ma session, and Dick Chundler, of Michigan, I: confixmed taper, up not, similafly treated; Intemper nuce hasn’t anything to‘ldo with it. Hit bud. A number of px‘mnment Republican. would be served in a‘ similar number. \ fl’Georgewwnjn the Diamot of Oblumi his. belt! an election an Thursday week up on the questiun of negro svufi'rnge. Thereyvei-e 704 vote: against and onejn favor of the mea ‘uure. 'l‘he corresmndeug of the Baltimofe bun any: that that vote was cait by a drurgle fa man. ‘ Mag, for‘the qund morhl idea pir ty in Georgetown! Hawever, it, may miti pto the-"10p?" uortification here go know that their party there voted “as one nun" _‘-—in "solid caiupn”-tjght. f x “'4qu the Radical Bepublica’nl get Qh'm'ugh with their tinkering of the Consti tution mg! have made it agreeafile to fine {coming may.” it is presumed they vim than proclaim I reguhr set-to against the bracket for mgking a distinction betvieen ‘tho ramon account of color. . Important Decisiom—The Hop.“ William H” Meredith, Attorney‘General of Ponnéylz hails, Hal just given an important opinion, .3 in writing. to the Audnor Génernk to the afl'eét tint Nagional Bmks aria liable to ii:- nome tux undemhe ‘second lection of tlie [not of the son: of April, 1864.1nd the Aud itor Genei'al. it. is understood, will'proceed at once tmaettle account: against the banks 5n moi-dim with said opiniou‘. Thin im bortaut opinion will no doubt be Ipeedily gnid before the public. Negro sum-age resolutions were ofl’gr; ed in “to New York Legislature on Wed nelany. We shall next heu- of We ume lo‘rt of e moiement at. Harrisburg.“ Wlll hot the whita‘people of this gountry noon :opeg their eye”: ‘Hijlh C. Venn, I soldier of _the gut ‘ roomyu's 'oh'ot in I then ll Carlin}. on “phriumu day. He died inauqfly, Sever } pl patios have béen committed, though it 'b dqt klnoyn who fired the flux that. '9l: the 23:1 111%., whilst an motion ruining held in a carpenter shop. over I airings way, in Mechanic; burg,Cumberland Bounty, the floor broke déwn. aexjouuly in }urinpuv man persons—two or 'thtee yith’ legs bjokon, and ofizm‘ will: arms and an};- brbke'q‘. ‘ ' 3P'Euu. Henry Wmter vaia died in “We; yaslgrday a-waek. of pneumonia. 11. in: a proxipinent goljtigian. I!“ served ibnnl mail it; Congreu. He loav‘ru 3 its. dnyghter offlou. Retard: Johnson. Hi- nge'iu neuly 49 yayz. .‘ - fi'l‘he Governor oFOhio, in big Menage go tho Legislature, denounces thy Mon?“ )3 china in bitter terms. , ”Joseph H. Maddix hll bgought suit lain“ Sect-envy Stanton, in she Sapromd 90nd at New ¥ork. for {also impruoumant 30 things “$lOOO dung“. ' ‘1! fl rumored ii; Washington lbs! 1 maenm‘bmoxmamh dealering m. Union completely réetored will be fined In two or three weeks. , ' ' rum Booth "appeared in the film's lulu of. Hamlet; at the Winger Garde'n. in you York, 'on. Wednesday evening. And :1: stifled by lan immune house. . ‘g-annd Judge ‘80“; ‘_ ‘ b 69111 ~ ‘ ‘tg'nliyu’theenlogy on 1-: ; W 01?“ ‘ t , u twig-b in Hob'ogep, New Jog-say. yqbunud op Weduu‘day. um (woohib p'efllhed'ig fixefiaqwéi . - ‘ .. :‘Qn old pm: In brutally murdered “3 Ni 935 gills!!!) Ipnhfl'eg ‘hy colored MQDWMnm» ox; we am: an, .21" W‘O .‘ ' -./ arm» My! 5; , wands» 801-9“! '9' ‘.’}"WP I'9! 91% " " ‘ m manning. ;_ The Leghluure [met st Hurisburg_on Tuuduy. ’ I Among the new Senate" "em in Y“ C. M. Duncan, of thin district. ' 1 David Flemming. of Dauphin county” nu elected Speaker of the- Sen-w: The Democrat: voted for William Hopkinl. ybo { received 11 votet, {o a) for Rimming—i 'ljbe 'lnuer mu sworn in. and delivered'm nddreu, when the Senate adjourned. 3 I - Jemee B. Keilyrof‘Waahington county. 1 [an elected Speaker of the House. ‘Ylnn M. Ethan.- ofWlyne, me (be I_).mnoca-e&icil candidne,who received 31 {o Kelly’s 65” votel. The Sp€sker was mom in, And nah} drenledbthe Home, an. usual. Afm- some; unimprhnt bunweu.thefiouse Idjourned. 1 . Op Wednuauy, iu theSen-teJdr. House-’ holder preseiazed the petitionof D. McCoy-i uugby, come-ting I.lm sealof C. M. Duncan,‘ Sendai from thin fliatrict. The fallowigg! cqm’miuee was dr‘ewn on theme: Messrs. 5 Bigham,Gruham, Monifidmeiyfihoenhklf; Lou-y,- Lnndoniand Worthington. I‘Afleo. W. Hammers], melected Clerkr‘ ‘of the Senate; Lewis Rodgers Assistant. .rClerk: Joseph Bxblett Bcrgeant-at-Arms;' {John Martin Doorkeeper; wmim Dufl'yl ~ Meuenger ; Jacbb Styker: Libi'arian. E The House elected A. W. Benedict. Clerk ; ‘Wm. H. Dennison Assistant Clark; J. D.| Kirkpatrick Postmaster; Charles )5. Mel“ VBecgelth-Arms'; James H. Comm Duo}. r keéper: James McCugley Mesaenger. "Bnth‘flomes mnde nomination: for Stale Trauma—among them the following: Wm. H. Kemble, Wm. V. McGrath. Jacob Ziegler. qun F. Spangler. J. M. Kreiter. Mr. Kemfile, the preunt ingumbeng,‘wifl doubting be re-elamed. A Megsage was received from thervcrn or, wbiqh was read: - "Musings from the Gmrnon Gin-rigs“): : The «toils an? fnxiety‘ of the late-join years have, frofn into to time. brought‘on me sev ere attacks of disease. From the most severe of these I am slonly struggling towards recovery. I find that to give my constitution an opportunity to' continue this struggle it is absolutel‘uieo‘es sary thatl should. without delay make a short sea voyage, and sojourn ian milder~ climate.‘ 1 Under the pressure of this necessity I go to the Island at Cuba. It is my hope and intention to return in good season to 'wol come you on your arrival at the seat ol'gov ernment, but it"; should bevfound indispen sable “1-. my visit to Cuba. should be pro longed to the latter part of February. this message will serve to lay before you the cause of my absence at the commencement of your session. In this case! {eel sure that you will adopt such course as shall icomport with your wisdommnd with the ef lectiouale consideration which I have al ways reheived at your hands. It would, however, not become me to forget that the issues of life are in ‘the hands of the One above all, and that many have founu.'death waiting for them on the foreign 'shora to which they have been sent in search of health. V ‘ , ‘ Should such be my fate. I shall draw my i last breath with a sense of the deepest gut-i jtude to the people of the Commonwealth and their Representatives, for the cheerful, ‘ munly. and unfailing support which they ‘ have gi'ven during the last four years to the ‘ general cause of the right. and to me in my Elfin-ts to muintain it; and with a pruyeri "f thankfulness to Almighty God, that. be btienglheneil till the end of the cruel ro 'beiliou. and thought me worthy to be per mitted to continue that time as Chief Ma gistrate of the people of Pennsylvania, and to have my name connected in that rLlutiun with such 3 people during such a time. ought to be enough to til! the highest meas ure of any man's ambition. Axonw G. Can-rm, Exxon-n" Cnuazn. J Hagusntmo. November 27, 1865. Am: the reading of the Message 'lhe House adjoufned until 10 o’clock A. M. on Wednesday next. \ The Republican Party Must Bpm. That the Republican party will soon be split initw‘nin is so certain ss anything can be. Even if it can hang together on the queetion‘that now threatens it with speedy disruption, it will split an. as soon as that question is disposetijo‘f. Tlie‘oldTerifi‘ is sue is showing signs of life, and upon this it 'will be im possible for the Republicans. to agree. Those in the New England States, not satisfied with the enormous profits they are linking now, will insist upon raising the duties. Senstor‘Spi-egue. of Rhode Islgnd, has slresdy‘mede a. move in that direction in the United Stetu Senate. The Repub licans of Pennsylvania will follow their lead, but those of New York end the Western States will insist upon' I reduction instead of sn increase of the Tariff. There has al ready. been s F‘i‘ee‘Trede Lesgqe ”organ ised in New York. Its lending sail most sctive ‘members sre ‘influentiet Republi olns, end its principnl organ is the New York Evening Part,'wbose editors may be classed s mung the frtheu ol' the Republi _csn party. 4 K The commerci‘il interests of New .Yerk would be promoted by n redudtion of the duties on impyrted goods. The mine it:l true crime agricultural interests {of the .West. Brsnches ol‘the Free Trade League of New York may therefore beespeeted to be argshired in the west. where they will su persede tho\"Loynl Leagues” now or lute ly in existence. With the= Republicans of Neg England and Pennsylvania strirggling for an increase of duties, sud those of New York end the Western Ststes fighting for “free t'rsde," a permanent division of that party would seem‘to be altogether certain. On this, Is on all other questions, the great body of the Democratic party happi )y’ hold no extreme views. They hoidtsnd. ‘ have nlwsys held, that s Turifl‘which mil nfl'ord suflcient revenue tode'l‘ray the ordi- : nary expenses of’an economicafidnsinisi trstion of the gavel-nugget, will a , if lev ied i’yvith discrimination. sfl'ord sufficient i protoc;ion to the American msndfnetnrer u: give’ hint e fair profit on his gogdsh 1 . ~; M.”‘,-—T—< , ‘ 1 fl'The French fimperor has get they ”elephant," And one that pronlim to give him some vexstion. Stephens. 1110110“ ‘ Fenisn, hiring escaped from ' Dlablfi: to France, the British governmentrucooxdiogn ‘ to the last news) hes demanded .his extra-f ditionfimder the treaty betweenthe two canon-in. This treaty, like all others. ex eludes political offences, so that the Bug lish authorities to recover their last. prison er. ha been drivon to the subterfuge»! damaging him on the chsrge of “breaking jnil.” To this the French government sn swers that Stephens would not have brbkeh jellit‘ be had not been imprisoned Jere political ofl’enee. Napoleon. therelore, dei. slined to deliVer the Femsn chief. But the nutter-hes versed some discus/sine in. the French newspapers. looking to the, abroga tion at the extrsdnion treaty. ~ , ; law-dawn doe. noc. infi‘and-to my. figxieo. I'lba’rrmch‘flm fl Waik llgion fins Boon midvii‘d. -'~ .-, ’1 ' , fig Gettysburg Elma! Spring. ‘l mm)! D t "on! numme that it luneceuagym nlxnenl water should pouealn Inplwflmt nm or odor in Order to be radium]. we pubmh the following accou t 0 the Darwin Sam Spring of Mn» sat-buds"; which if: this rupee; burs a ttlliing‘faembhnce to the Gettysburg w.- M» “Lrfiukmn F. Collin: than Ipoaks of n in I Inner 73.019 cvlebratwi Dr.’Valentine Mott, dated May 17m, }852:—"1 must not clone lhu lotler wu'uuuL mentioning t very rpmarkuhle mineral sprung simxfied ummg the» mountnms a short distance from thxa Miran, and which hmtor many yean 99“, had a and: (pad, reputatign for the cure of acrofu ' and eruptive diufeases o! the islfin. The Go lainlhu n o the _nu- wu aiderpit 5 specific 3).: the curgogf nl’l lliu't dun ol eruptive dilutes which ammu lady called by “that Vague and indefinite term of :all rheum. Durmg ‘tbe pa-L year. by may (if experiment. I have phced neve rnl obnlinqte cases of Enema, Ecthymm. Aéna. Porrifl’. eh!" under the exdusih WW; of this intennnd the resul‘ hive 'll very “Harmon; inde‘ed. Ixm say that. in sqme ca’ses, in efi'ect mu my extrafw‘qmary‘. Sb‘plearedhwas I with ' me of thin mineral water, ihnt I sent of it; to New York city, and had It a by Pro!: Doremus and Dr. Hake. mer asuiutun! o! Prof‘asor Sdlimnu‘ found to contmn sods. chloring acid. and a gram; of alumina. but [mic (am in it other than that Whgnfigtigqi i_n, if impun- aim delighuul mailman 0 ever uned, cumin; even feel smooth." The Counterfeit $5O \ much—Wis were yesterday shown (h moat perfect pf the fifty-dollar counter it greenback “0"?! that we have yet met Ith. It is excellgnt‘in the engraving, t epaper. the pnutmg. and. indeed. in its hole Ippearance, it. 15 Well cwlculnced decexve any hut the mop! phr tect of tha xperitin such matteru The only mar to whiéh we can vqnturq to (in roct pu ic atten‘tmh as n éaulion. is that of the al ence of [hf button mark on the lap pel the goat on-lhe figure of Huuhillon, in the body of the bill. In the g nuine bxlls the buttons. are gather Indi'atm I, but. in the co‘uuterfeits but one il to be? { em— P/ulu. Ledger. . ,I 1 i < ~ WEdwnxd B. ketchum, the unrivalled forget. was sentenced on Saturday wéek, in Nun'Yurk city, to an imprisonmentlin the State Prison, for four years and all nlnuths, which would naturally be suppuaed to be a panilhment light enough to unity all par ties except the Vlctlnl! of his lingerie: and the public; but it seem: that anti-on; puny of frxeuds have already gone on to Albany to solicit his pardon from Governor Flemon. A-‘r the delegation includes some very influ ential names, it is whispered that the new yeurhill not be very old before the prince o! default: 1-: is restored to his {mull . ' Mr. Stevens} Position—Throughout the whoJe of the late war. when the rebkls had entue possession offrom seven ‘0 teniStulee, we Government and the people only: Uni ted States maintained that those States were still in the Union; now (be) the wnmis over and the rebels have been conquered and their bogus governments dßplflcad, ‘nnd we 'bnve possession, it is proposed to clmeider tlxosé States as out of the Unxon: l‘lvis is an absurd position. and it is the one that Mr. Stevens desires to put the country in.— P/zda. Lcdjer. ‘ f [G'Oh the evening of the 2mg three of the four bbilets of Cordelia. Fur ace. two mile» frnm'Colu mbia, exploded. flying the entire fun-mum ix) rums. kilhng John Luiz. nm’. seven-l)! injnrmg Jrl‘f‘n‘llflh Crmkliug, George Shiifer and ,DJniel Ne-fi'. Lutz was blown over the casting house. striking and carrying the bell wnh him.lutn a run about 'a‘ hundred yards diuhmc. His hand and one arm were tom 01}. The uninjuwd bnxler was cuxried aboulone b'uudreq yards, and halt of one of the others mu fon‘ml five hundred yards away. . No causeis assigned for th'e explomon. Gnu: Flood.-—-Wmuusgnnr. Pa.. 1) -c. 29. —Tni>re is an ice gutge and fluodjin the was! branch of the Susquebunna river, onus: inmrreat damage. It Is eatiumtad that from sixty to seventy mrllions of lee'l of sawed 'logs. valued at. $1,000,000, have pasjed here adrxt't. in the {an twenty-{dur hourj. Tuis is lhe geavieat loss ever sgatained by the lumber men of that 'section. ‘ \ @ThejMemphis Gammercial of the 215% says: ‘ _ ' “Marmara and Joe. Johnna» at the Guy/w. -—-Fnr the first tune since his deposition by Jefl'erson DAvis.’Joseph E. Johnston met. General Sherman, evening before last, at. the Gayoso House. It. is needless lo‘ ,sny that the grPeting of thesp soldien was kind ly and cordial.” The principal part of the malice engen dered by the remains amen? the cowardly alarm-home poluiujunu o the Numb. ‘ IG'On Christmas morningatl’ortsmouth. Virginia, 3 large nulhber of degrees gath ered‘ fix a not. but the_ military guard promptly suppressed their demonstrations. A whine man and boy Wore Hm andfono negro. Too much Ohtiatmuwhiske’mu the matter. ‘ , @The Secretary of the Treat-my muti mates there will be: deficit of $ll2. ,000 for the year ending 13!. Juno. 1866, an that therfisml year following win bring}; e ex penditure: over' 5100,0004“) below us rev enues. . . . , t afieduca me Government Expert‘s”. , This is the advice thrust upon memllers of Gongesa (mm all part; pl the counlry. and should be heeded; The people were OOLII‘, parativelyindifletemn tn theamoum when epormiusgppmgriations were voteq lo car ry on the war, at profligaee expenditure mll hevor be encouraged, at least‘ ntll the burden of national indebtedness anl’d conse quent taxation li'lightened. Economy in me gdmjnistrauou of the gOVemrnen c is a vital necessity, and will be insisted upon by the popular voice. eThe W§u of the Amerim‘n Regulation cloned aboutgexghty-three years ago; and it in unoumped that. ofall the many mous ends [but apps figured I: Bevolunnm‘y aol dieéwon thei'pension rolls of the Govern: mm]; two rennin: William, Hutch ins. of Penobscot. Maine, and Samuel Cook. of‘flflendm.ofieamfoo., New Yoxk. Se! e 331 have died mthin the last. year; and it. may Lethe: 1866 Will witness the closing ofntbb W. We mat the Government will profixp 1y announce the (act by I prop: lamption or milimry gong-:1 orde‘r. nud‘thlt the deit’u of wearing Revolutionary soldier will bé‘tmy andvgederalfy commemorated. ‘ [airing following from the Xéw quk Tribun'a, is' too 500*! to be 10-t: ~ I! no other reuo'u exislod fpr the pardon of‘DJvis, this would do: if’he infhangui whom can the :‘loynl" organs. abuse? When Win was livmg, he warm most (ruin fui shbje‘ct. If Dma goes, their euso ml] he d.streasing. We‘ would recbmmeud— as M”; emergency vimim—the Curofßuuin, or the "Bingo! Abyssinia: By all means let‘ug have the King served up. ' ‘ fifmm are being made ‘in Virginin‘ to seem-E in home for Genernl Lee“ Lox: jaggnu,‘ Ibere' Wubmgwu‘lbllege, oi. ‘whiclrhé i- President; is locauld. The. land hn‘r been purchased. Ind appeals are} fnpw’ be“? made for money with whioh‘fo e 369 a 3“ killing. ‘ . ’1 '5; ‘ John gem, 8:, [m pom-Li. My in :Mougt-r ‘ ”‘B‘: men were aufl‘b‘oaled by m «cape . fifuut L‘oYifip'prmh‘g 3“”‘5” lag" Of‘glfi it“ room offihe B;emeu Bwihm lb: 51.400 c ‘-n »_ . -;;;E If“ 9713}. a 0331: she 2:“. no 0 Julie .‘ , 'fiF‘l—ir; ‘ “igniMldm “I'm ‘l5 ”Fulfil .' .m.“"s“§ :x‘g’cwfc ML”; d Juli be put raccveéxf-‘.“.;’.'l. . "5“. u Lawn .‘me‘-J:u&m 320.127 Fur the Compilor 1 TWO OLD cmzzxs GONE—Capt. fifty: fled, 11. hi: Iqudence, nut (MI fon‘l‘uuay tut, at“ 04 yem “11¢ ’ The dicent'd ‘upuc not: of MI lr’ Iran Masai ”an: m ‘tifie PM“ til. 05“ of I" ‘~ remain yére inW‘on Fr} , eficm Auoelatian “a the {nanny other citizens. tr 'butébfrespect 0.0 his ’ : Un Frjdny evening, :sd to his main? ‘Buvurdgt the ’ ‘ut thugs of 63 ‘ Hia’rcmain) ' 4 Swan snd {turning ' . sod ' -TION PABTZ.:—-Bav. Mn, Bragg-q Jgh. Putor or St. Jamés Luxhemi Chute? in thisjlnce, ud‘hil, family, ’ere \isiled lon New Yenr’l evening‘by :' large'unmber of the India md gentlemen 61' the congregation— each belting I bash; qqntaining something in the provisidn line,» the whole making up n collcction of nubammials and dcljcncies only. to lie teen o'n such occasions. 'The lur'prino must: We Seen highly: agreeable, And ‘of Cpqrie glufldenipgfllfithe 1:95:55 oflhe recipients, TIM Oen! u rehmkr. chin the u I hue akin to POST XORTEM 0N YOUNG HAS-"LYON.— On Wédnesdny Int, Di.‘O'Neil, of un- place, undo I you. women; ”animation of ygung Hammon, who «he to his death IWS - Springs Hotel, on the 231 um, from s musket ball fired by young Bosteuzr. The body had been inle'rred m the Furnace, and wag taken up 'fur this autoply. The Doctor found u-bn'ziae on the hen-J. but the skull bones and brain were uninjured ; whilst.the femoral anerand vein. (i; the thigh,) were bomb severed, from which death must necessarfly have ‘reaulted in I. short time. You; Roam: ter in in Im. . , HEAVY DlVlDl‘Nu.—The Gettysburg N:- Lionnl Bunk his declared a dividend of- "It! nu cent, out of the surplus fund. Thin in dicate: an unusual degree at prosperity in lhe Bank, and ie a high comphment to ell con eemed in its management. When Geo. Swope, Each some yeurs :60, became its Prealdenfi, it. was not. (we have since learned» in as flour,- fishing. condition A: was generallj supposed; but, by his energy and close application to his duties, the state of things ‘wos changed—old and duublful debt: were collected, unproduc tive real estate was disposed offend the busi ness oi banking carefully but. rigorously car ried forward. He was, we doubt not, properly seconded—and as the result, we hire to record {he large’diatribdllon of fifty per cent., bend. the handsome dividends regulnrly declared." AGRIQUM‘UBAL SOCIETY ELECTIONS- The annual election for oficors of the Adams County (Agriculturd Society was held M. Ben dersvifle on Monday hst—«eanlfing as fallows: President, John Burkhuider';'Vice Presidents, George Peters and Elijih Wright ;Becnrding Secretary, Wm. B. Wilson; Corresponding Secretary, Cyrus Griest; Treasurer, Jonas Rsunsahn; Managers, Elisha Penrose; Henry Eypelman, Henry J. Smhle, Wiliinm Wailmy and Samuel Meals. Eiecfion to be héH in Bendersvme School Home in 1867. FEASTS OF GOOD THINGS.—-On the 27!!) hit“ St. John’s D 5,), the hi [sons had a. hand enme entertainment in their Hall. We were not among the lucky ones present, but Ire lu formcd by .severel who were, that there Was any quantity of ice ermmflntb wine Ind cnku, lruite, confections, et cetere, on hand, which were pnitngen of by a fares company of ladies and gentlemen. Altogether, it must haveheen u very enjoynbie nfi‘uir. ’ On New Year'g. evening. the Encampment Odd‘ Fellow. bed a lump‘tuona slipper. in the Hall 201 the Order. .There were gniions of stewed oysters, stacks of celery, basket: of creche", with pyramid! of cakes, and other nice edibles, topping out with plenty of‘the molt choice segau. After eupper, speeches became the order, and amend hours were thus spent in the most delightful manner. ‘ On Friday evening, the Red Hen hld t first clnsl enpper in their Hail, combining All the auhllantinia and delicuclel of the eeesorL We understend that nothing was venting, Ind .thhtthe occasion mu one of much plusure to all participating. , DANCING.—Tbe dancing union has been fully inaugurated. . On Christmas evening “as “ Bluo Crnsn Assembly ” had 0. lug. codll'ion party at their Hall in this place. nnd everything panned 011' in‘ the most plensnnt mlnner." _ Q‘n N's-“ Yin”: evening they had number. Ind it. proud I nimllu: Incceu. The hall In Our well's, on the Mount-In, on Christh cloning, was hugely Mtended,,and afforded I hlgb éegree‘ofplensnre to 3:1! present. ' A. hma party)": held In Littlutown. un ‘l‘ueadty.euning, sad the "lightfmmtic too” wu tripped from dusk E 0 dawn. This evenfng on German friends intenAJD enj-ay themselves in l vuiety pf“round dmeu" m. Hcpoqnghy’s Hall, and they nnticipnu an tgtoublo time of it} which théj will ho doubt hue. READY.—'l'he fickcts :o‘tho couple of Scienzific chtnrewtd be delivereq by Prof. liq-ens: 11:; College Chlpel, nre gown-a, {or delivery. Tfioafe entitled no tickets win 911' um 13;. Rgbptt Hoipexficflol. G. B. Buhlev. ‘ ‘ , _ _ RR", D. T. Ohmnlnn, Ruler of the Prupyterian Church in {his plué, Mind 'thmgh m Poi: Uflcm On New You-'- my, from‘the lg‘egllemen of his Congregation. the handsomb anus of cup hundred dolhr'p, u I. wheuot rennet. ands-teem. A .fi-Bu. Dr. Benjamin, Kurt; did in film‘-J acid in may not, um: I angering mum? fie In '(1 seen at: aga at the time of his donhf sag vu among tub gio‘n jixdm‘lu’eixt'divingliin thuhu-mfliurch‘ih this country“. . . who firlLPgegyyteriun Chung p! Pam-4’ burs M sm“ unp‘unou. an to Rev. 3&1. vuwr F. Scbofield, ’0! Springfield. Ohio,— Rm- Wax-« Mm. D 1,?» *9?!)th Imm 0‘ that church, Ina been called so the pu‘tontg or the rim m-byeomu Chuck ofNey‘Xdr‘k' city. . ‘ ‘ 00" Corrin- reqnuk no :oAmcumr-hb thankrfbr m liberal reception given his {‘Mesaage" on New Year's day. It. was pi! (first “‘omcm mum," and the my (bag. it br’ou‘hg ii: ‘ non gong, Lbln Iny Addxué frbm the 4350.8. "at We did. he feels pgoud ot—ond Mm Inna any .0 stgg the lot-lo: r ”Lieu. lanc Buchq; h“ purchuied'; limpe'nyfofifl tens, With lmpuuimguu‘. {if Funklin ,coynlhip, ,from gem-1. Spakk‘, foi $5OOO chub. ' ''“ ’ fl , v is. . l y fills“ indebted wlhs frlnur knew what nI TEE ”Aym. @0101! & gfllfldno trohble he he: to meet his enormous upenifivf GET‘i . v. a (paper is on high now ss st any “Hull {;°:;w;r'”' ‘.‘s. lbw-Mme! would ‘ll, 11° 4°“; hb' “W“ White Wheif.3..:..:.... \ “helphil’n to whsLthey nggy «WM! 0" Red Wheut............... “h;- film. era‘h.’ don'thowi‘r“3 thereforo‘let C0rn....................... I "a: w manage ‘0 getfllnfl u beq he on.) Wth- 3!::................:... ,7 ~ ‘ t. To such an Enemies thmnfil“ 8°“ . ...............:. " ‘3" on . . ‘.' .. , 4 BuoßWheut..-.... .. W 7! 3?, fln some qunrters intensive! Pumi'h'fi.“i girth, 5eed...‘..... ~ ' _ < - . ‘ eno ice Seed .... ..-... .‘h‘ 01!! m_ I noont I rigid oukflflr Ind arczmberifi C 10!" M' 11-313,", “m, snnooncements in (he psperl . out Is ‘ ”Libnrg. Reading, and other pleegl '.‘-M- 031.!“ I tum” “1° Ply “cull 30“" “n 57*“ ”1°”? Noun. ‘- 'pspers or their work. The Reading Gazette: Wheet...... wt; “thll All our hen‘u "DWI“ ‘0 "1°“ g :31an s-eehly in cult, we csnnot consent to let‘nhont ‘ 0“, 'twoCtnixds of oir walls: so I?” W“ Th" . Clorer—sced.......l sort 0! business wonlt do; it is not expected afl Timolhyderd l brother can name snd should not he ex-z EDI!“ P" h““d---’---~ 'nq. , -... I: ‘”";.- _«; -' "h ,‘WCIMEmer hund. meeted from the Printer. There ll muchtrut 11ny..._................. ‘ln what the 6mm Jaye. end If WP" lWe?it Whiskey...... ; In], much 193‘", all publishers, in order to {in A . "It 111, 'm pagmelkdi? resort to the cash lyilem. 3nd ndhers to it strictly. ‘ ’A B . ' \ t. , via-v “cw 83333. i. ~ 'mm “more '" ”We"!!! sm: got frightened in you find yourbelf Let all who one .PAYHPJ 3‘51“", ”1‘" 1‘ ‘ seized W 145.“ attack of Bxliu‘us Peru. 1! the b‘egluulng ol'the yeer,' Ina thercfgre .s taken in tune itis slwnys curable. Any ex 'fitllng ”“1610 begin .0 good ‘ work. _ And valet-if:- Illl) sitinn- Will kn’nw what “:1, do, . ‘ it will nEord .in-ony thong is prescriptions tnny notbe’lnfltl ble. ‘l‘“ "‘l‘ being 0“" ts'ee'. s He cannot ufiord to Visit you two or three opportunities {undoing "- ‘mh W- . [tint-s for less than trn dollars, and he may do " "“" fl his best but still lnil'to restore you to benlth. Lt is not so tuth Nadwny's Regulating Pills. They never fail to “feet a. cure. Some people dlshke to get well so easily sud so chenply; hut‘lhose who are not so alugulxr henpnly when taken doyrnf‘with Blllous Peter, to ad. minister to themselves six of mdwsy's Reguy lining Pills, anal it they do not operate in fire‘ or six heurs, tn repeat the dose. The shroud dose Will be certain to firoduce the‘destred,et ten. No prostrntlon, no weakness still follow the scxion of these Pills. They exercise no such pexnwions influenre. As soon Is the Pills hue apt-rated the patient {eels relief. He leg] thnt he is ttlresdy convalescing. From two to {uur Pills per dny must be taken liter- Wnrd, until the p.tln. sickness, to, dibnppenr, and 10l the patient is well It an expense of 25 cenls or so for lindway's Regaining Pills, in strntl of ten dollars or'tnore to a medical ntv tendunt. Wc' beg to any thst this is e. filnin matter of flirt stutemeut'and no fancy sketch whatetjcr. We have not etnggcrnterl the http p etl'eut of Redway'e Pills in L case of Bilions Fiver. \Ve 11'ch .imply depicted the truth,“ nny o'ne may know nho will try these excel. lent Pills under almost any circumstunres.- They speak forthemselves. Tneir merits need no empty pufi‘ury. They cure a variety 0! com plaints. and htliuus Fner with speed and cur tutnty. Sold by Drugziste.‘ -‘ N. B —Rndwny’s l‘illl arecomposi'd of Veg. etnble Extrntts, possessing remsrl'nble media cine] putters. They are an extract Ul, hence‘ their superior strength nnd purity to nll other pills. One 01' two are suffictent to keep the Buwela; Lirer, Spleen. Kidneys, sc.. regulgtrl and healthy, and times a thorough purge is rc-‘ quiled. five to six are sumctent. - ‘ bXTRACT rtton nu. surnlxs‘ nun. q Dr. Railway 5430.: i it §~ .9 ‘ l h ‘ 2n CAsl—Dnrid Bruce, sied twenty-six. culled nt 3 r. x. on Nov. 2d ; found that hehnd been nttmkud With bilinnp fever for twenty tvo hours. 1 gm: hun six of your plus. MCI)’ four hours, and gum bun wnrrn drinks of bunenet ten. LI twenty-[our hours he was convulepeent; as noh' I“ work Ind perfectly healthy. [Jam zts. 2w Aha old citizen pau- Jaeobkcjlp, Eat, In». £use,,brenlhed his last, AP. :0 month: dd :8 dz". ,mnm-ed yhterdy, an odd A Beneficial Anacimon ugnin )1“) s largo numbat at {gleudl .11. Fe: enjoy the respeit b! the Ly to l min unlimited extent {but Culp. ' _' A « ~L" ‘ LARGE PO3K€RS.-Mt. Henry B. Werner, o! Sir-bun town-hip, Ibughtored, mlew days go, two hogs, only sevente'en months 01d, one of which weighed 379 pounds, and the other 410' pounds-making In “from“: of 189 gonads. . ' , .- HORSE? .STOL ' .—-—Tivo Valuable hem: were stolen-tn Strdbnn townshifi on’Flid-y night lust—one fi-oni Capt. Henry “humor and the other from Mr. George Lower. COLDEST OF'THE SEASON—Prof. Jl ‘,cobs' thermometer, xbis morning in aunrise, iiiudicmed ten dcym: below zero: Wealher so tinmnsely cold in rape in this Initude.‘ —Tue Comm“! in A “night: this morning, paper, form, tolle‘u, everything, having been frouen. E‘ r [Q'The New York Thbune calls the U. S. Hausa of Representatives ”Speaker Col fax'g Menagerie}? Horace does tell the truth voocasionnll/y. den though not.‘ com! p 1 imeutury to Ms friendn. Z ~——v~—rro - o —‘—»—~; @William Hoyd' Garrison‘n Lzberator has expired. The final number was Issued last. week. , . WThe steamer ConaliLutxon was wreck ed oll‘Gape L whom an shelhh all. She 118 d fifty-Nd soaks on board, of whom (ony one Were lost. , Q‘Hon. Isaac Slenker. Auditor General, has our igfllnks7‘ol‘ a copy of his Annual Report. .1‘ ' . . -——-—~—-t—L—O - o—————-——— [IQ-0n Monday week, A fire occurred at Shuefferatown. Lancaster county:~B.s.. des. troymg ten qtorés and four botala', and a. huge proporu‘m of 911 the bu‘ildingn in the town. . r 33.31:. Adams, Minister to En gland, bu resignfid. : MARRIED 0n the owning a! the 313! 0! DM: . I: tho midmec of ‘the brim-'1 run-r. It 5 Hlflml‘z. by R" J. K. Mallor. up. swan. a STARNZR. v! hum lotushxp, to Mill A‘B HARTMAN. a! Human. an In. mommy or the 4th Int . n tho Lnthvnn Par- Mugo. Amsdlunlh. by lb. 'umo. Sax-gun! Si “Us-. 1. S. BYOCKSLAGKE to Mill HOLLJK MJIEXNTZELMAN, bulb of I'rlukhn mungup. On the 2M: ult . in (211. plum. by Rev W 1H Danrich. Ir WILLIAM A PRICE, 0! Wuvuwom'. Funk”: ecu-n, [0 MM HARTEA ANN. neoood caught“ 0! Mr hark- Funny. 0! Cnmberlmd. township. \ . ' Dec mm, by Ru 2. Brindenbtagh, Rem C All? on Min MAM§|IKT .‘fl HAMBCRQ. hon: of Unicutown. Md. Dec 20th. by th- umu. Hr. FREDBKIUK W “31L HELKER. o! Wilmmporl, 131., no Min mm. M. WINTKODE. of thinplnu Dec 28th. by the nun. Mr WILLIAM Riff, 0! "un flngdun canal}, lo mil. CUEDKLIA HOWARD, of flu! manly. . De: '.’]ll, In Cult-h. by Rev Dmiel Stock. Mr ISA‘O WOLF, Jr . of Borvlck tuinnhlp. 10 Mi. CAKOLINK S. TATE. of Hun-unwin, Adm" county , On my 241.]: mm. by Row M Bmhmnn. Mr DAVID WEAVER (0 Min LYDIA PKN‘I’Z, All orthil mum]. Do'c. 1921:, n 6mg kid“, It thc ro-idauca of John Hum, Bag . by [ln Dr Bauer, 31:. 13.005 3. HDLKR to NM AMGB J. "EASY. At m. «my “me and plro. by the amt. Hr JOHN J. OLANADDhfl \0 Min 'LURSSL‘I V. READY, lllof}hll county. ’ . . . . Doc mu. by an am. My. .ucon mnzmsr. of Cuxnhuhud county, (0 MM .‘SGNES. dnughur o.’ zbl ju win-m: Stock. of Now Oxford, Mun 9mm". Jun 2d. by H". “a A. Huuck. Mr. “DRY A. .‘UX KISS lo lxn LVILY H SKKPLHYJ‘bnIh 0! Adam: on On 111. In! all . by R 39. Jncob Sechinr. Mr ANDREW LOW to A!“ ANN MARIA CURRENS. hum of Ada-m co. 0:- :3. am. air. by m due. m. smuu. Imu‘Kiß to NJ- AMANDA BAUBLI‘I‘Z. com of Ad mu cnunly. Ou y). umadlv.bylhonmo.blr uzunv L tumu- HAN. 1;! Gun“ donut], {a MnILIZA GROVE. 0! Adam. WWW}: ‘ (In um um: dly, by tho umo. Mr. On \RLIi I NEW MAN. of lraukhn county. w m- AMANDA BROWN, of Ludhiana; “an: county. u. the “It; all , by thou-my 5h- ISUO 511 an to “111 hU§ANSA [7983, both a! Adm county. I , DIED. le‘Obitnxry uuucel 3 gents per line for .11 over fou; lines—«uh to accomplny notice. 0:: um 21'“! tilt. in VOW: township. Adamant-v, m. WILLIAM Gift-3'l U you! scum-nu a dun On an In mu, 1: Potonhurg, Y. B, ALICE ANN. dnlmer or Huh-I snd Chum-u: mabuhh, «mud 11 pm] mmu: “.123 dlyl Nut NunOqurd. [5158? D 390“). bur-M Mn 0! in. l ”QM-q Cuba-mo um. n 3“ 1 non“:- god 2] dun. Notice, ' HDMW RIFE‘S ESTATB.—-Le:ten of A ndminiltmlion on the ante of Andrew. 13. hm of Franklin towasliip. Adam county, decusod, Inning been grnuted to the undersigned, rendmg in me name mynshipfl ho hereby given notice to all persons indebted to aid emu. to make immediate pup-neat"! und those having claims against. the sum tol pruent them properly authenticated for let tlemeut. GEORGE TURUNE, Adm'r. Jp,s,,las§. ‘9‘: ‘ , ‘ , , Notice. J. D, 291 W, LENTZ'S ESTATE—Letter; of Ad ministrufion on ,me cunts ofvlhry liemz, late of Franklin Lownflnp, Adm:- co, deceued. having been granted to the under tigned, relidinglin the’ same tothip, be hereby given notice to 511 pgraons indebted to said but: ta puke immediate payment, tad thou‘h‘fin'g clxima ngminlt. the sum to my seat men: progerly‘ authenticated for nestle. meal. , SAMUEL LENT‘Z, Adm’x. gm. 8,1866. aw _ Notice. AWJSL DEABQO REFS ESTATE.-me . yuan}: tnrypn‘zthg estate aIS-fin'del Dean. ME, I;tqo?strnbmn township, A‘darnl county, deceased, hning beehrgranled to the under-' ligned, tbe‘ fit“ nau'wd residing in‘ Tyrone tdwnship ind'thihn impedin’ Readmgmwn. ‘ Imp. wbép‘ hexeby give notice'lo m ‘personl égggptgd fa uni salute to ‘muke immedi-ul payment; and tho‘sa‘hsvin’fi chip” sgmusv. the lune to present. tfiem‘ prop'etly ‘dutheuucased {outings-“L, .' , g . p ' ‘ ‘.suunu GTDEABDORFF, ~ suns)? HJAUGHINBAUGH, flan. 8,3866. 6t fl. Bugatti. w .oreszOYesL ‘.s , HE nndehigfied rn eclfplly Innouncu to ‘ tbe‘ nbtifihiw by gas taken out an Afic uuueer’lliucunle, Ind ofl’era his services unha pnblig.‘ "1;: feel: confident ‘thm his long ex- Eerldnce m the bnum’eu pm wash!» hm‘no: ender entire sntistnuion. Obs-fies will: be magnum“ mtinfacdon guarantied iy at am. Adana: REUBEN 8080145, n (‘3: $lB6B. cf ’ Genyubqrgg—Pu. ‘ ‘ hive jun {waived I-now momma; of Qneonuure, m which ninja: um “antics of huym.‘ HA;- SUU‘X‘T t SON. , fl Fyou iish a. nice qmttmeunoi fineiCandf, I go main. ammows Confcqtioq'ql'y, s|, “Mum met 1'41" ' ', ',‘_ . ‘ E‘Wf'g‘l «'1 " man-PR i :3” ‘ ’55:. a wfit among um} 9:21, ”datum-w mm». M: 3 v 'l‘ Y 8 B L' RG—SA 100 “I‘l ....fifx :5 to ‘e so :4: 7 BALTIMORE—Fawn LA" ..~ 8 50 u) 8‘75 ...;.. 2 oo |o 2 75 85 to an 32 to ‘B9 5| an as 8 00 lo 8 '2O 3 10 to 3 $l5 ......13 no am he “:2:an 50 -..............‘}Z 90 3020 .00 2 25 to Z 22 SPECIAL NOTICES. BRANDRETH'S PILLS. INFLUENZA, DIPTflEI‘JA.-=lu influx-mne tpry Ifi'ections, when no.hleedingi3 permitted, a free use of these I’ZHI soon moaifiel the niarminglymptums, Ind perseverange, uucord— ing to the dlrecuons. uuuuly quickly curel, and certainly nothing is risked {a “(11185“:- drcth’a PAIL. Far cOll, influenza, dlptherit, paint“ the head, dizziness nnd npuplsxy, no medicine can be tempted to them. In er:- slpells, {ever and mus, email-pea, and in all the diseases of chilahgod, their ulo {mum a speedy recovery or';heal:'h., They produce these results imply by taking from the bloud its impuriuas, leuiug THIS V‘i’l‘AL FLUID FREE, to lid 3 weak “locality" to rerun ”i 'proper and ‘neaesinry “Items".or health. BRANDRETH s PILLS me Affinity for m. SUBJECT MATTER OF DISEASE, and cu» in CEIM‘AIN HXPULSIOX FROM THE BODY._ Dec. 18. «In: , 'rmmmx mscflosunss chnus to}: 3111!. Minion !-—A xnoxlynlul bit- and WonderiuTl publicllmn. A work of 400 pugvs. and 30 :coiured Engraving. DR. HUNTERS VAUEn MELLUM, an original and popufsr treatise on Him and Woman. their Pb; siolugy, Functions; and Sunni disorders of every kind. with Never-Failing Remedjel for their swedy cure. The priictice of DR. HUN {ER has long been, and still n,unhound ed, hm av. ihe earnest. loliciuuon of numgioul persons, he harbeea induced lo extend Inn medial us‘efuine’u fibrough the medium of bin "VADE MEOUMI' It is n volume that should be in the bixnb‘of !.'\ cry mull} in tho lund, M v\ pieveuiive of were! \‘icel, or M u guide tor the alievundn of one of the moat nwiuli‘l’nd dtluuctive Iconrgu that ever VII-med mankind. One copy, sewn-1y enveloped, 11H be forward- ‘ ed free of pomge 19 my pan of the United Sm" for no cenn’in P. 0. Isampl. ‘Addreu, pou plid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Din-lon 3L, new Yurk. {SepL 25. 1y DR. TOBIAS' VENL‘UAN LINIMENT. Dim! of Group—what n preny and. interest- ; in; child lnw‘lu} week! But not, um !in I in no more. Such tn the mammalian of two gentlemen riding down town in the run. 9 Died ofcroug) | how "range! when Dr. Tobia‘l’ 5 Vanni“ Liniment in I. cgrtnin cure, if taken k in lime. Now, mothers, we upped to JOD.-—; It is nag fcr the paltry pin and prom we} no“, but for the sake of your' infnnt. childl thu now lies phyying M. your feet. Group in: I dnnpronl dines”; but 339 1);. 'Tohltl' Ve- ‘ neli Linimont in time, and it {- robbed 01m ; mr _'; Alwyn)"; “in due house; yoni' mly‘ t‘wlnl It to-,f'ght, or tomorrow, no telli whgn—hgt “madam: thin linimcnt; ’.on gfipnpared. )efitoo‘norben it wilL— -1&1:qu 40 com o botile.<~ 002 cc 56 Cort- I lon‘dt‘nreet, New York. Boldby t 1! Druzzhil.. Del. 18. lm . ‘ . ' -———-—‘“.Q———' f EDITOR OF THE COIPILER: 3 Dun Sun—With you: permiqlonfl with lo M): to the reader. of your pnper, thn I will and, byreturn mail, to fll‘. who m. it,[free] n Recipu, with full diroczlon: for making and win; 1 simple Vegetable Bulm, that. vhll ef fectually remove, in ten duyl,Pimp‘las,BlozcEcs, T”, Freckles, And all lm’pnritjel o! the S in, leaving the lame soft, cleu, smooth and luau uful. ‘ ‘ , 4‘, 1 will abo as? free to I.hpn¢~,hnvin'g Bglgl Heads, or Bare was. ligple dirgcypm 89d inlonpnion Lbs). .yill one. lo them a: mm a run growth or Luidtisnz Bur, \Vhiskcn,nu Mousucbe. in less than 1215”] any) , All npulicnsions inswaud by return,mil without charge. Renpectlnll} y‘llrl,‘ ‘ q . EROS: xr. CHAPHAF, Chemist, 1119!. 36‘ 82: 83! Bfold'fij’, New York. Q“ ' To DIE IN A BAD CAUSE u up!!!“ MUD»); tubal hmkl “Egan: :edly do, i. roan-b. Em'an (hp oghet hand .n. DXEING FOR A coon cwsa ‘ A! we" who, n 6 win ud‘pfddem enough to . _ ren‘xggyuz‘hre aerécrn plunged” ‘ - .. UHBISI‘ADOBO’S nMn‘pfl, ._ ‘ “ ih d'ohg every day, in ongfliqaf the .n.: aim, is eminently pnlgennhp. This peue- 1 fl! reimmion in going on “Wheat . ~‘ 'whufe had, n'd tbnobuuty a“ harmony up. ; figurhomelineu and incoogmuy, alumnae, luréd'bgj, CWTADORQEOJ? Altar Hang, ‘ Nair? [mm-Sold by QNgguu. Appnddm 9h gullr Dressers. \',.' 1 Enya. 1m 7 F ’o‘. wish 3 prl {We offlfitving ind , . .uamgfio ,‘ ‘65... ”1%,“; 331.3% Wmihiflhfiwflbm ) ‘ AI. n' ,~ -. ‘ a; my; L }.’l«;.‘ aw.f:i‘),:) “'1 murmurs JWING’I‘H. unqmura 43mm; m'a_nnL'ru--s'rmawa. Mu! un. J 8 on m ,50. , 4! 75 90 to 2500 80 w l W ”'9‘ :‘N M 0 185 r 750" ‘ili‘y'ri‘aii'su‘ rfixcn, 3.2.133”. ,U qr a ‘ Dm'luuflbflumnu'l‘ ‘ 'A J - cmnnnwsn-spmmc PILLS, ,Pnpmd #2521. :‘ggmyiption PfADrLJu-n. Dob- mam. Cb‘ofl’hylician or the Hon Ml ‘ "du Nord au-Lnlboioiou of Purl. -' Thin invalusble medicme in no~hlposmvm in: lo unfilliurin the on»: or Sp‘emuv. anh or Somin g 1 Wenkneu. EVcry lpeciu of Gun. fat or Urinary Yrrlfibnily, In volunlny or ightly Semum] Emlasionlr from unmou - ~ e produucd. or bownnr «nu, qm bu ape dily relieved Ind who org-u rut-outta lieu! ~ ‘x.cljon. " J Rea the, runowinlopmou of what. lunch Mm: ‘ NH.-.” -..,“ “W. b‘ V: med Lhefipeclfic Pm. prgpIICG by. Ogrnnc re 8 Dupont, No. 2N 1m Lam. bard, from I. e prenyription a! Dr. Jnun Del.“ mane, in q“! rivnu grueling with umform. luccess, mdwr believe mm is no other mun icing to well cu md to cum 11l permn: Influx-Sn: Irum Inmlunluy Emhalonu ur pg, olhu fienknou of the Sexual omin, whuhor, ennui by s ndulnry mad: ol'liyiug. excel-u, or shun. R. A. Bnuuuul. M. D. 0.1). Duunmu, I. D. . Jlnl Ll Luau}, M. D. . Putin. Mu Mb. 18w." BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ‘ The Genuine Pl“! an told by all th- plin ‘cipd brunt-u throughounyu Wu’rld. Price Une Dollar per Box, at Six Boxcl for hf. Dollui. . ‘ ‘ Gnucun: & Duran. Sole Propnlorl, ~ ” Na. in Rug‘fupubnnl, Pym. One Dollar enclose! low) unhoriaed Agent, ' will-'inaure a but by letu‘rn nmil, lee-rely léulod from All absurmtlun; le boxu'fu! In dollars ' . Bqu General Agents for Arneflcn, ‘ ‘ OSCAR G. “USES k 00., 27 Ourllundt IL, I". T. N. B.——French, German 8pm“): Ind Enyh ~h Pamphlets, containing {uh pnrt'uulnrs Ind di reClionl {or nic. bem'n’cé to Every sdd‘reu. Dec. 18, 11563. R} j 1' TUE GREATENGLISI! REMEDY. , SurJAns Cunn': Cnnnnm Fnuu PILLS. Prrpnred from a prescription of Eur J Glnrke, M. 0., Physician Exmnrdl‘nnrrlo \he Queen. Thl; lnvulunble m‘cdicme il \gn failing in the cure of all the“ pllnl‘ul and dangerous dismsel to whip!) the lcmnlo con ‘nitutiou l 3 subject. 11. muderuu all excesse and removes all obsuuclious, Ind a upcody cure mmy’be reliml on. _ ‘ , T 3 unmet] Lulu: it la peculiarly snitqd -—- It will, in a short lime, bring on Nu monthly period with regulnrlty. , Each boule,‘ price One Dollar, bury the Government‘Sump of Great Briuiu, to pru- Veul caunlerl‘em. ~ Cmnou.~—Thue ‘Pam abm'ud do: he “km ;by Females dumb; the rm" "In lOI‘I‘M ox Pregnnncy, as they llreJler to bring 0’ MH eorringe, but. at any other Lime they are «fa. In I” cum “Nervous and Spinal Alfecuunu, Pun! m the Buck’ and Lnnbs, P-zigue on flight “anion, I’Alpimlinn ul' the 8‘9“”! Hyslmh 1,. Ind Whatgl. Lhue mu. wm 911'ch a cuge vulu-n ,uil other mental have Lulgl ; and although A yownml remedy. do not. Louta n Iron, cnhmpl,‘ antimony. or an) ihzug huruul to the Lonsx'uu - uon. .. ‘ . Full directions in the pxmphkt around each packagc, Wh‘iz'u should be carefully pr’eiernd. Sold by all Drhggiiu. Sula Ayn: fur the Called States and C‘madfi. q X. RIF-31,00 and d psymzn mumps enclmed to my luuhnrized Azeu'..;wl!l .inumc n homo, «mummy 50 Pllli, by return nnul. Sum by ‘A. D. Buchlar. 7‘ gfiveu. 18, was. 1, U , -—<«-}——L ‘ ' DR. HARSHALW CA'TARRH BNO". This Snufl‘hns L‘mrough'ly provod-iluifb be 'the be“ article kno‘n fa: cmmg the CMJHh, '(.'old In the HenJ and Heaflncbo. If hnl hem: ifqnnd w‘ucclle Lt remedy in nun} cum-s u! i Sore Eyu. Deafneu ha new. unnamed 1.5 u‘, "a! Hearing In um bcelrgltuflyamwwd mm mu - 3‘ 'h il Trngrnut and» agree-hie, uni am: In annl nun Ln lhe._§unl hrm’)‘ pniuumlmd by diueml of the buy]. The lensulmp; um -uning it are dnglnrul and imigoruung. [L opm: andpulgnoul.allobAtrdClqu:,stro.-nglll~ em Ihr.- glumin, nn-J gn’u 5 Imm; action 'lO the pull! nfl'uclrd. More Zhnu Thmy Years' of In]: And mo 01 "Dr. Max-shank Cntnrrh nud Hmdnrhe Snu‘l,’ has proved its grunt mluerfor A” the commnq dinner! of the head. apd M. lhu mum“: Hands higher than over 0 More, y ‘ . his recommended by man) of the but lulu-- '.liciam, and u nae-J mm grunt much-. 34 luJ' "snufncfiou, unrywhere. , , Rand. the Certificuu of Whohsulr Dru:- gisu in 1854: The un‘dvrlignel, hn'mz for many yen" been M-quvmu-d wuh “Dr. flu ahnll'a Calm-rt: Ind 11;- nd.u he 3mm," und sold it m‘our whoksula 'rhde.chcerfully flaw. that we believe it \n be eqn d, '.u ever! Ignpect, to ‘thc reccmznerdntiom given oht“: the (mo of Outnrrhal Afl'ccllom, and that. i'. h degked ly the be“. uruicie we have over knowulur all ‘commou dues»: of the Mud. , ‘ Burr & Purr'y, Bolton; Reed, Auuen & f‘o , ”linen; Browu, Lumen '3'. (30., Bullon; Read. JCuuer a Go , Boston; Seth W. Fowle. Honor: ; Wilson, Fsirbnnk‘ i: 00., Emma; Ilenllnw, ‘ Edmund & 00., Hinton; H: K. Hay, Portland, ‘Me.;'Bnrne| & l‘uk, New York; A. H. l D. ‘Sunds, New York; Stephen Enul & 09.. New York; Ism‘el Minor & Co., NOW Ymk; leK‘es‘ ‘lon l Robbin, NH! Yutk: A. L. Buovnll & 00., Ned: York; )1. Ward. Close k 00., Navy York; Busbt 9.1.. New York. , For nle by all Druggisis. Try it. '1 one. 1:, 1865. 1y ' . LYON'S PERXUDIGAL DROPS! The Gm‘u Fonda Remedy for IfiMWI Them Drop: I" h unenlificnlly compend ed luid preparation, um better shun u] Pills, Powder: or Rostrum. Being “quid. khulr sctiou indirect nn‘d positive, rendering them 3 relmble, speedy and ceruin lpeclflc for the our. of .11 obstruction! and euppreuian of nuure. Their popwnrlry ll mate-led by the he: that over 190,000 bottlel are manually sold. and‘ ooTnlurned ibyv'mdw‘diu'b! the ('iiited Stntu, every aim of whom week in Ilzqropg eat term: of prniu ohheir [mull meri . . They are npidly taking the rluce or every other {female Remedy, And no considered by all who know Ingbt at them, u the uireu, "fut, mxd moat infallible prépnntion in the World, for tha‘cure of :11 (and. complaints. the remoul vfall obltructium of nature, wd the prumo tion of hulth, regulmity and strength. Ex plicit direction: stating when they may be med, ud uplmamg yhrn and why they should 0g nor could not be used withoyt producl‘ g efl'ecu comruy to natura'l choun laws, “Ell he found carefully folded ground each home, with the written ”suture ofJoul L. LYON; without which none Are genuine. Prepqred by Dr. .1085 L. LYON, 195 Ghepal Street. New lluven,‘Conn., who an be con mlled either perlouully, or by until, (undo-mg rump); conwmng all Mute dire-us and female tetkncuel. Sold by Dru “lug "ery whero. i C. G. CLARK-l (30., ’[ Gen’l Agents for U. 8. Incl (Innudu. Nov. 15, 2865. 1y , Th éndqnigncd huving been restored to ( who D I l‘aw week: by u very llnplo rome- I l (Ln-he hnlng sufl'ored "Vern! yours, with . lover. ling nfl'ection, um! thu (land disease Comumyclon-il nnxioun to nth known to Jail fella-Anchor; tho genus of can. 'rq all he dedha l:, M will um! I copy of,‘ the p’reicrfptiofl "Md. [fan at cl:- .1 with tho direction ldr {xx-opium; ad‘s.“ a. fine, which they Will find A an M {o} Con. flannel, AI‘IHXA, Bnon'cll-ru,_oouu.,cgwg, m. The onlypbjuct of tin-durum in dend ing m 9 prescription is to bench an mama” um} grad inlqmtiou which he calcoivu to be mfulu-blu,nl In hope! every Inlet-er will tn bu remedy, u it will con lhm'nothing, Ind any pry". A blessing. - IL : Putin “Mid! the} prevcrlpflou, will p u. - “in“ ‘ REY. KENYA RDA“? 8,! ‘ " Wilma-harsh. Kuhn w, Owen. 1.0“. [Elfin 1":1l13 ' ._. . an “Entry i Pncrifiliaficg 31351, goon!» nunr‘l‘u. .luu a": e, o ' no. answ’flémei PEEA ififilfifi: per se». tamedmizb discus“: are E? a: ma, 21in ho “flagged“; ”“1“ 'nl'qhnd. if mazbla. nil—Aß. [2l:3ngng busted wit my?” I Va or .n -w 1, .figgfimfififi“ “h ‘ 1' l i PW ' ~ rzgm: Jig, 5... .. .ls ‘ ‘ PM EMM Jon Mums, 27 Cortland: St , .N'. Y T 0 CONSU MP'I'IVES. rEM El ’.i