mail Mf‘fllé other day, when u motion mu mule to tdmit‘the medxbém“ elect from Tennauoo on the floor of the‘ Home. pending the decider: of \he ques tion of their rig!“ to nab, Thaddeus Ste vans remnked. “Tn Sun or Tsunami ‘ n sonxxowx to nus Hows." This incool impudonoe, when We knoiv that the Pmi- ! dent comes from momma Bmm. IfTen-' nessee ingot in Ihe Union Andrew John-0111 in a uni-per. and has no'right to be in the “'11“; House. le-Bmton flu I,9,22Awhiakey shops THE MARKETS. GETI‘YSBUM-Snuumv, mu.‘ 8 00 lo 8 50 3' 0 4 7:. u... 1 80 to l 90 n... I 70 w I no Flour ..................,....... Ru F10ur.............i.....;... While Wheat................ 4 died \\'11euv..................... '(Juru.. “ye......................‘....... i) 111.............. ............... flkfnck“beur................... ‘J‘imothy Seed...“ Flux 5tea1...............,...... Ukrwt Seed .........‘...-"...... BALTIMURH—qun main! Noun. “but. Rye......... .. C0rn.......... U.11fl’.......... Chum-med ME Tnuull )-r':(‘d Huga. prr 1mnd........ “(Tr Callie, per hum! Huy..................'...... ‘A'liilkey ................. [Auditor’s Notige.. . . fI‘HE A'ulimr appointed by ghe Orphan's Court. of Adams’ country, to m lkf‘ 4m tnhulion of the balance in tlm hands of Lennnrd Taylnr, A-hnimstrutar of the «slats: 01 J scuh F. Knnuw. lath u!’ Munanbn loivly “up. droonwd. (u nudgunong ctedxturs and punioé logiNy enmlml Hmroto, wxll moot nll- pPl'I-nm 4ntere~lelh for the nurpo‘nf hm “ppm-mnmntfll. the office m M, 35 V. McUlmn. Mlnrnnvs-al-Lmv. In Gx-uyshurk. ‘OII *.\4I‘UIH)-\Y. L 111) 27th .1 tv ul JANUA RY, 1806, {A ll) o'qlnok A \I. . ‘ WM M CLEAN, .\ Il.litor./ January 1.18;}. N : ' \ .V-..,#-A . _. .. nu..." Proclamatxon. '\ HERE \S 11w Hnn. Runmn- qutn, ' Pun-I:lsntoflherevvml Court. o! (Jum muu I'lr-ns in (In: ('mmliwi cumpuaing the lmh D'slr'u'z, I|IL:IIJIIHIH'L'O‘ the Courts ul‘ Uyerunnl Trrmnu-r Il!l‘l¥lil'ller.ll 'Jnxl Dehvcly, [or the lri d u' all ‘anLII and 'nlher offend-‘l‘; in the !.lillhulrl(:fiu'l4‘ “AVID ZIEGLHK nullsuc E. “'nzuu u', Eu]; , Ju-Igl's uhhu Nouns ul‘Uum luou Puma“ n4l Jd~licvs ul'flm Courts nf Uyrr mu] Tanning-r nn‘l .vaml Jail. Dclh’f‘ly. fur Mm trial FT .LH unpnt x! and ullur olfemlrn in (In: (Inuuly of Album—hue iuucd their urc cem. hmuill,’ date the 25d day ofNovembcr. in thr- )eur nl our lmnu om.- leuuud eight huno dred Mud sixLi-five. and to me .directed, for ho! Ling :l C um at Umudon [’ll‘fl‘i. and General gguarlcr Scisiuus of the Emu-v, un'l (:e.w}.\l .ul Deliwry um] Cuml’bl'qur nudJ‘crmiuer, at Gettysburg, on MUNDAY, the 13m d 3; of J .\,\'l':\ I! Y dud-ll“ Nul'lt'l'} 13' HEREBY GIVEN to 3‘l the Judiiu-s I" llic I’curv. llu- Curnnur and Consu blri “Man the MM l'ounly of, .Nlnm. that thry hL-uu-u :-ud lime in [ln-i: pxopcrpcrmua. will: th-ir 11:11» Ile~or»l-' Inq'Lis-txuus, Exuu iuuliuus, gum other Runwmbrwcea, to do ringdl' vllniugd M Inch (0 their uflicus un-l in Hmhhclmll AJ-pwml’n to be done, am! also. they who “ill unnuecute azuiud. the plisuuczs that are or .Hn-n 311.111 Jim in 1.110 Jul ut‘lho mid County a; Aduns. mg- to 'he then and there to prosecute .unguM them 4; 51m“ llOjust. ' AD.\ \I REHERT, Sheri". Sherifl's office, Genrbuggflau. 2, ‘L6. ~ Tavern Llcenses. - 1 HF. full miug nppliwuions in keep public T human, or (-nlwhninmem hur - hex-u mm in J 1) Mme, \\ xll: Ihr rumi>ilc number of :i'. nus, rlnnl “H 1 In: prmcutul .n the Court of Qu nrlrr firssinng, on .\IU.\U.\Y, mu 1.3111 day (1} JAN .L'Am", mu: ‘ JAUQB HlCllOLTZ,Frnuklinlowughip. Mum: 51‘ng Guzusburz. ' AUXEI‘. S. lULDI‘IIHLAXD‘ Hamihon twp. J.\\lEs J. ,Fl.\‘K, Clcxk. J.n.1,1.~m.5. lc Notice: OHS .\IU\I.\IEI’.T S ES'l‘ATE.—7Lettcrs les -- lnnn-nlur)’ on the estate of John Mum mvrt, Me of 11-unilton lo'\msl|ip., Adams vumnl}, de- tuned. havin: been {Hunk-«1‘10 flue undvr‘igned. the firslnumcd residing xu Oxford mwmlnp. Adams county. and lhedust nlmned :iu \\.:lhlllll;{‘.0|l township, 'iYurk county, they hx'ruhy uln- noljce to all ‘u-rwns indebted 'tu emu! tunic w make immhliue pgyment, and [lune hynug chims againil (he mm;- 10‘ pre .sun. Lhcm pwprrlg nnthenhdutrd mi' setllemént. < ~ IHCHALU MUMMIHH‘, . ' CUKNELIUS MUMm-lIIT, Jan. 1, 156'}. 61"? ‘ Exeiumrs. ' Notice. ‘JOS (iRII-ZST’S ESTA'I'I-L—Lettore nf «d- A mmislrutinn on line estate of Amos Uri‘vst, 14.. u: Hun inglon township, Allu‘ms mum“ mum-mu], lmr‘ug beerfigrfltted to the \uld_v:r rigncd. run-ting in the same ownslxipuhc htrc by gives notice to all persons indebted m eni‘lustute 10 make ipuncdiute pnymr-M, :mfi those having cluilus aizaiust the same to pre suut them prolverly uulheulimted for senle menl. MARQARET I§RIH"T, Jun. 1, 1866, (5L Admluiamnrix. Pennsylvanm College, . (W ETTYSBURG. I’Ae—fl‘lw‘Wiuter Session I of thus luslilutinn m“ commence J'.\.\'- 1' ”Kg/mm, 1866, and will continue thirteen \xuek . For particulars, nder-sh. ’ K g H. 1.4 B.\L’GIII-.R, D. 0., l’residnut of Pa. Cullegei va. C.‘J. EHRBHART, Prinbipul of 'Lhe Preparatory Dep’t: Dec. 18', 186.3. 6,: . Gold. ()1)! and- COUPONS, bought at. the First anionul Bank 0,! .Geuyslmrg. ' , GEO. Auxuw, Cashiu‘. om. 39, 132:5 Revenue Stamp ~ F any denomination constantly on hand Oland tor m 1: at the First animml Bank at Gén) :burg. ’ GEO. ARNOLR Cashier. Gettysburg, Nov. 14, 1854. . ‘ TTRACTING ATTENTION—‘The superior , Picture: taken at. MUMPEER‘S SKY IGHT GALLERY, on West Middle EL, are nurscling. universal ntfention. .Good judges pronounce them superior to any ever ulnm in this place. Can end examine for yunrs'elves. Jan. 16.18653 ; _ . DRE SILVER WARE and ' P ‘ ' SILVER YLATED WARE of the very best quality, I ixewnssortgnentjun received. .Cau and gee in. ‘ it?!“ AN, . -' 912 mm the Bank, mysburg. NEW stock of \ ‘ . ‘ . GOLD AND SILVER-WATCHES, sell-wed with espe dal care and rammed good time keepers, just. received bad In! nalq M. ~ ‘ . A. BEVAE‘S, ‘ . appoint" the Bgnf. .Geuysbntg. CALL “rd. REJIEIIFWEJSE beautiful moh mm < .. Y Inch u —:> Brenst-pidni’firprfikpflf , ‘m. ‘ . ' Jim‘s, Loqkets, Chains, to; a; ‘ ' 'A:.' ‘ , H:J.BEVAN‘S, ‘ } ~ ( Opposite theߧ§§,Gth;sbu}g. . F you wisfi Toy Wagons, Buggieiién-ru: Wheelbarrow: nnd Drums, {(0 to E. H. iNNIGfl’S Confmloucl'y, in Chnmbersburg fireoLL __ _...~ _~_‘___ V 7 ‘Ejqupkvish a piime arlifle of Chewing and ‘ :16 in; Tobacco mm.“ :9 to E.H. NNIGH'S Cuntoctlgnery, in G‘lggnbgnbmg we». , 7 - .01.!) 3mm Sign-mamas: G" ». " my; ‘rm-rcz‘c 1A 011:! 5;" musician-1.053»:- 095339“. $3l «qu light. .u-mzahflwln " . a". Yuan: ,' . Onwitefit quktemymr‘f L, r ~W' ‘v’W , ' A Névé‘Sto‘z-a. AND A 21108 0881.... bu (Hunted a new . . . ‘ ' ROCERY AND VARIETY STORE, ( on York-Fleet, 2 doorl out ohm: “Global-n," Gettysburg. Pu. ' > Hi: r m In: been handsomely refitted. And it. she! ex on lauded with the but variety of good: hisJine ever oflered iu shin place..— Thil 'u no banning talk. Cull ind m lor youuélvel. Hi: stock cannot be act-fled in the “min of an advertiument-bnl to will mention the most promjnent, viz : ’ SUGARS,III grades; , . , MOLASSES, seven difl'erent vuieties; .CUVI-‘EEB nnd TEAS. all kinda; ‘ ‘ SPICES, g full assortment; . QUEENS-WARE,GIus-wnrefiulhm-wu"; *LA RD, Hackercl, Herring. Ana; , ‘ GREEN APPLES, Dried Fruit, kci; HOHINY, Panama, Beans; ’ CRACKERS, Cnemu. Soda. Snafu and Water; CUAL 011., Con} Oil Lamps, Wicks, Bulners, lmdes, &(:_; ' ' ‘ : GLOVES, Stockings, Ind Hosiqy in general; PINS. Needles, Thimbln. Am; ‘ JEWELRY, Soups and Perfumeries: SWOKlNGnMChewiuzTobnccos‘ullgrades: SEGA R“. A“ brunda..and all prices; KSIVI-Zh', Forks. Spoonw. Caslurs, kc: ' _I’OCKET SNIVES, l'uckel. Combs, Pocket Books; . 1 UHNFECTIONS. oh” kinds; ‘ FIiL'JTS, Nuts; &c. kc. ~ kc. s'B. In shim, everything Hm! cnuM- he thought of in laying in a stock lurn. fir-L chm: Grocery and .Vufioty Slorel Hé imrnul< to M H I‘HEAP, going u‘vmn glue principle of “quirk sales and mun]! p 0613." [.lnn. l, 13' 6. ~. z 00 to z .50 ‘5" l 75 to 2 o‘o “L‘s .w to 7 oo 8 50 0.0 a 75 1 75 lo 2 4;: ”...... _ 85 to 90 48310 8‘: . 50 so 54 ".12... 7 75 m n 25 (J... 3 50 to :1 75 ......13 on fulfi 0» ....... 9 00 ml? {:0 ...”... 9 1!: £920 In) 2 30 w 2 3‘l 3., l Pubhc Sale. N WEDNES'VAY, {be fi-Hll day of.l.L\'C 'Alll', mm, in pursuance of nu Urtlér of illie (llrilh‘;.l’s (10ml of Aduuafionuly, will he sold on llu premises. the rrnl estate of Daniel “he”, deemseul, [lan- of Rcudmg lowusliip, ‘Ad \ms county, l’a., \‘xz: “H” l A VALUA UH} l-‘AllM,conlniniLg 1'25 .\grcs._ sim Hg! in Ith gbovc named unwnshir, on the turnpike lr‘n-lxng lrum llnnovcr‘o Caulkle, 2; lullvs horlli-u'e-l fmm llnmptun, and 3% miles w'nh-erm vl ffmk Sulphur nprmgs. mlJoinlng 1.1 m): ul Juim llecrLJUlm Si npson, null uthels. ”'l'hé imprm‘L-im-nl: "rt. 0 new Two- _, V slpn llllllJK HUUSE, Brick Dry .DW , 4 .. ‘ ‘fl- :.' zupd‘ muoka Home, -ll.|ull Burn, “9.1 P l willl u running luni‘mn uf mm,- "it-11m iin ”[l6 barn ynul. here is 2m Acellrnt well lol‘ Wmer nenr tlwgloor of the house.‘ Also, n [Two-Kory Rougllcut House. with Stone ’Klll'hrn nut—talcum], Log B urn, pump and \v-iur between the lxulgee‘uml burn. ‘l‘lw farm is an id" a pawl dale uFeulenhcxi thqgrcumr plut._ ‘bclng of lh‘c llonnl 1111 l mil or )rllow ban-i, umlcr gum] fencing and having a fair pnrlion or illnmr and good meadow lnnd. Also. a young Apple Ulclnml nl rlmicc Irui! in full benrmg 'l‘wo l’cuu’.) Urclmrda, whilh seldom it'll-n: bearing. , _ ' ‘ , .l’u-rsnm u-iahlng to View the pmper'yn-e lN'llllPilc'l'lfl call on' Adam S. Myers, [Hitting urur the “rennin-a. :l‘lie above muuvd prupm I) will be sa>lllcnlirc m- in‘ parts in Fun-L pun Im .svrs. lf 1U! not solll it will he omit-44b! nut ‘m p’uhlic outcry u.» s xixl 'l'iy. » ‘ i uvfs lle to commence at l o'clm‘k. P. .\l' , lon mid flay, when mtvndnncc will we given :nnd terms made known by : Al).\.\l S.'.\l‘l'EßS. l Adm'r will: Will n'nne’xpd ul Danicl‘M‘yei-s, doc. l inn. 1,18156. ls ' ’ . 'Pubhc Sale - F REAL'ES'I‘ATE.—In pnrsnanre of An 0 order of .lhe Urplmn‘s Court of Adana ,Clnlllly' the snl-scribpr will'nfl'ur at Pnhliv fimr. on the pram-1525, on TUEDDAY. Hn- 23d '(lay of JANUARYL 1‘66, the [lt-.11 [lmu- of Anun A.,\lyert=. ulkcu wed, bvin; ' WA TRAU'LUF LAM), “turtle in Huntington lo\\'lL~hip. Adams-ruunly, ndjmning lands -Ol I'gtcr Myers at I’.. Philip “yen, Heirs of Jncub Fickei, deg-rattan]; and Pen-r H. Smith, con taining 44 Al'rus’hlid 152 Pen-hos, more or less. on llu- llunuv-r nnd C»xli;xle turnpike, ucur the llouml Urll Store Th“. improvements me n Two-story Log HOUSE, [Jug Bnrnuml anoxr Shed,“ Well ofWMer all. llie house“ and a Young Orchard. There nre about 7 acres of TlmhL-r, mud the fencing is in goo’nl ‘rrpuir. 'l‘hc prrinist-sjvill he slmwn 'hy the Arlimnidtrnlar, residing on adjoiningpruprrh. WSJIe l’u commcm-e Ht 2 o'clock. P. 31., on SJlll nl-xy. \(llvu.ulle:ndanc¢ will be Lgiwu and lerms nm-le known by . ; ' _ l'E‘l‘El! MYERS of P., Adm’r. By the Cnnn~J J. Fink.’(7lmk. « , [la-9"” not Sui-l, (in: pruprrty will be “united on mid any. . [7.111. l, 1866. In \ - wt 7 ' Personal, Property, _ ND WOODLAND, AT PUBLIC. SALE»- A 0'! SATURDAL the '17“: day of JANU- AliY inst. tho S'lllri‘l'lb‘ r, liminz'sllld his Farm, will sell ul Public Sillehxil. lns rcsilanue, in Highland l0“’|l§l_lilb. Amnns county, in" a. mile mum-east nl‘ Htker's Shop, the Enl‘lowing per sonal property, viz! “‘ '_ 2,llUllb'l-ZS, 1 Cult, 4 (lowa. 4 head of Young Cattle, l Brood Bow, 7 Shown”; Slump, 1 Three-horse Wagon‘and Bed. 2 Plnuxlis, l llul-Inw, Shovel Plonghs, Corn Fc.iks.'liorse liukc, Winnowing )lill, Hay‘Cux-ringcs. Sleigh, will] haul!“ and bells. Vli’ursc ”3.113.? sets of Breechbunls. Collars rigid L‘nidlea, Wagon Sad- die, But: Clnlus, Sifigle and [Danie-trees. Spreaders, Rakes, Forks. kciflny by the ton. Also a. lot of Unrpvntcr Tools" such as Augmz, Chisels, Cross-cut Saw, Cixculru‘ Saw, Boring: VIE LADY'S FRIEYD— ‘ und Morusiug Machines. Braces and Bus, kc. F 1 | The Heat of the M :uthlies—devote ‘1) ' At 2112 ézlme time nnd pln'cemill be oat-red, 1 bullion and ‘Pure Lilcguluret $2.50 n yin: A TRACT *U“ WUUDLASD, conmining ‘.’B Two ropi’: $4 :, Eight (~nrl one gralLr) 26. Acres. more or less. situnte on’ the “Men-town WHEELER AK WILSON'S SEWING \IACHISES twd, in from ul Jesse P. Topper’s. ‘lt will be given us Pn-I'ninms. send 15 cam: for n sum suld in lots of ham 5 lo 10 acres. to suit pur— i ple cépy lo DEACOXJ: PETERSON, 319 Wal- Ch“! I’s- ‘ ”1’” ’uut 51., I‘hll.ldelphin. - 1 M‘Snle 16 éémumnce at 10.0:clock, A. )1., on said day, wheuvmte‘uduuue i'ill be. given nud terms mude known by . “s ‘ JOSEPH J. SMITH; Jacob Micklcy, 'Auuionver Jan. 1, 1866: hf fl F REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.— On TUESDAY, the 9Lll day ofJAXUA RY inst.. the subscriber. intending to quit ho'ugv keeping, will sell at, Public Sale, at his resi den’ce,_in Mummusbnrg, the following petsohal' property. viz: USE HORSE, 1 Col‘, rising 2 years old, 2 Cows, one nearly fresh, Clgver Huller, 1 pam ilreechbands, quw and Enrgmv, sex of flamed. Sleigh Bells, Bednmds & Bedding, Cook Sign, Ten-pinto Stove, Comer Qupl-oard, Kin-hen Cupboard, Safe, Sink, Chests. Tables, Chairs, 2 Clugks, Looking Glasses. Tu‘ble Clot-ha, Tow eisJ Queens-ware, Crockery-ware, gopper ~and Iron Kettles, Barrels, Tubs and Ale-)0 Vessels, Axe, .\l:\nl nn'd Wedges, with a in of Super:- in Tools, nmi many other articles. WA! the same time and place. will he of fered, A LOT OF‘ GROUND, in blid’nletuwn, But!" township, having thin-eon a I‘wo- v story Frame ~ \TEATIIERBOARDEU @3ll ‘ mass, with nmmem, Frame 31:“;ch and other out-buildings, will: a choice variety of Frnj' Trees. The property image“ calculav ed for I Public House; ~All wiéhing to View it are requested to call on Michael liofl'mnn, residing near the Property, or on the under signed, residing in Mummasluurg. fiSule (o"(‘ommence arid o'clock VAL IL. on slid day. when nuendanc‘e,~€iill be given and terml made_ kuoyn by ‘ Jan. 1, 1866. 'tfl - BEM!!! . Notme; : - ' ' IGHAEL' mum's Esruzhrfiemn. M testamentary on .1“ estate at Michael Unger, 1"“ng Union township, Adams county, .ecemd, havmg ljeen granted to the under gigmd, residing in, the same :oinship; be hereby gives notice to all persons_ iddebled so slid enntg .to make immedidé payment,‘ and. thou-having ‘clnimsa‘pin‘u the mm: to {We se‘nuhem properly authenticated for lame ment. JEEEMIAHfiCNGER, Ex’x. av. 20, 1865. 13:1" ‘ , Nptlce. ... H y ‘1: ELECTION ww’be new in. :99 pgpnc sSchool ‘ Houu'J -Beud'etBVUlu, on th‘o‘ '1 'r uoxbnzri 51 KUMW,‘ 1866, be tween tin hpn ,9!“ 1 ad} o’c‘loc‘k, P. ‘31., 19:- the pm-po‘ae biztecfifig 0_ gen offiheW'Adam County Agricuifilffl dee?,"for thajongg'upg year. By 01:60! 91‘ thg being. :j“ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ~' -, ~ ,» "Yéfr.3n.'i“l3°¥:sa9’x-z Dem-43,1365, :41. fi‘ ~ ; H J _...,.L__--4h_l__hu,., inn" . ..~ MIMLIB’S‘ HEREIMT‘EM hf ‘lfly ll! * Bonn"- Drug und Vuriety Stage. - J. “A. GBIXIES . .-~{, 9. *s}: ~‘ , 1:" “ ‘ IN ,‘.- fi , O . Public Sale‘ COO SAMUEL Lnxrz. m 3; skid} _ 35$}; ’- {OB SALE -Will be ofl'erml nL lublic Sale. at McClellan'n Hotel. in the par ough offiauv-hurz. on MONDAY, the Bth d" of JAN” \RY next. 1 ‘2 Bonds Hen sbur R '1 each Inf $5OO ; y g 31 road mmé"! ,4 Band; Gettysbulg milroad Compfiny, each for $100; 3 All with Coupon: attached. 1 9 Shun 0! Stock in name Comma“ 3 Bond: Alleghenv Raxlmd and Coal Company. each [or $250; w 1 Mid Allegheny mama "id 60111 Company. for $1“); , w. 1 Bond Allegheny Railroad and Aal Company for‘MO: - ‘AH wilh'Cnnpons attached. ‘ \ 4f) Slmn’s of Stock in lame Company}. any sane to sowence M. one o’cloclf P. M. ‘ 1055* )[UCLEANH . Ex'r of George Sluxock, dec’fl. ngc. 2.3, 1365. 4u; . ' ' 1 l . Register’s Notice. L l . TOTICE is hereby given to all Legume- nd 3 nth-z pPrsons concerned. that the «N'l mmiatmlitm Accounls heft-imam mentiopcd f will be presented at. the Oryhnn's Cour! of; AdJma county, for continuation and allowance, on MONDAY; the lbtll day 01 JAXUARY; 1856, at I‘o o'clock, A. AL, viz: . l - 248. 'l‘ho‘first acwunt of Andrew Bit-l linen-tr and Johh Billing”, Executors of‘7 JAM!» P: flinging xlecéased. - l 249. Fm-l nnrl fihnnl account of Dmlel S. If D (cl-I. A‘lmvnmrumr of Samuel Hatllvr. (Im. l 2.30. The hccnunt of Benjamin l‘lali‘lull,‘ Administrator 0! [hp cumu- of.l._C. Albert. s.-Llle TBE'LADY’S FRIEND— SGQ. The hrs! of the llonthliebafide \oLeJ l 0 II'fiRATURI-I and FASHION. 33.5»: a year. We give WHEELE: a: “’ILSON'S Celebrated $35 Sewing Machines on the :fol lowing terms : ~ Twenty copia-n Ind llle Sewing Machine, $70., Thirty copil-s and the Sewing Machine, sBsr Fuxty uopieeaud the Sewing Machine, 5100. Send l 5 cents for 21 sample copy to DEAQON & PETERSUN. 319 W-lnul SL.,- Philadelphia. Qéc. 25; 1865. ’ ‘ Horsemen, Attennon! 1 5 , ‘ CHANCE TO MAKE MUNEY \: ‘A ‘ Ir calm Hnrun’s . —I‘.\TENT SAFETY BRIDLE AND LINES. The most darlnl invention‘of the m. patent ed Nov. 7, 1865. Any runaway or kicking. horse in we world an be driven by it‘wilh can. ' $l,OOO l'oxlcit. ofered by Dr. Hutnlnn for every {gilure he nukes immunizing such animals. Saul-Hen of. Luncauer nuke Ino ogher bridle. ‘ , .c _ 2 Township or Infiiwiflmyl Rig’lm in 4.15 m. equity [or sale by . ‘ __ KEEPER & BRODBEXTV Getfylhnrg, PA. $5 will purchase an Individunl Rigiu. Dec. [8,1865.u3‘tf" “‘3‘ ‘. Notice'. ‘Acon 'MDBTOBF’S “ESTATEnéLthen , mammary ~ m 1 111; ,estntq ,‘of Jacob 9r:‘qrf,~ Img. Huntingtqn township, Adqnn c9unly,.'dg9medy having‘ bqen granted to the‘ undersi'gned, residing in Tyrone \own- Shiphhq .herehy giv'ei notice to all peumu in dphtedl'tb sudvesule to make immediate pay. m‘érit, And th'o'u having claims azainluhowme w pmmuhe- pwpuly whenmnmd fat in. dement. , GEORGE W. HABAJAN, Ex’l. Dec. \18; 1885‘. a: ‘ , . _‘ . RY Df'. BI BOMEB'S Tonic Ind .Alfen ‘ five Powders, for HORSES and CATTLE. repnred and 501% bnly at his Dmk Eton. ‘. Juana. 25 [8 4 " “ ‘ - mwwsm, co~ M Sua’é‘e'ffim, 10:. was or 119 Drug Store. . =I - I ll'wo Properties, ‘ rrnn‘A‘TE SALE-mm tum-rm oll‘ers I A his Ilenl Eslnlé oi. Private Sule,'conliat linfiof the following: , 1 17374. n, 5033 mm. o.}, A FAIL“. eitnnte in Franklin town- Dun Slot—l teel it n duty I owe to yen, ship, Adonis conn 5, about 4 mile! south of‘ Mid to nll who'nre lull'ering under the disencee Cllhlown, ndjdining had: of Arnold Line, Iknown a: Conrnmptlon end Liver Complnint, Peter Henry. Arno: Dish], Ind others, enough:- [to let tnem know that grnt benefits I lure [“8 33" 3“": "‘0“ 0? 1391, “boat 60 being = received from your Pnlmonlc Syrup nnd Brn- Clun‘dy ““1 the balance first “‘lO TimberfiWeed Tonic in 30 chart a time. By the bleu. PW“, chesnul. '0“ 09“, block 93k. nnd whim-1m! 09 God it has cured me thus lnr. . [ ioak. There is l constant stream through the} Dr. Schenck. I will now make my‘ntstemnnt x . ‘hrm. will! 1’- ng saw mill site. and mum in 10 pm, in lollows: About eighmm momh=l all’lhc fields but one. The .im- '\‘....' logo Imu umc’hgd with n. eevereicounh. and ' PTOVt’lflenl-S are l TWO-“Off Log ill? » _ it Bottled on mv lnnga; I could not retain uny llUL'aß, Sumuler‘Kirchcu,Smoke £5 3E Ithing l .n., ..‘m ...,gomi with evénihg {event 1 House. Bauhfinm, Wagon bh,nul-:‘.~-:-g. .." ' ‘ and night sweats. Imm fiery much reduced. l land Corn Crib. Hog Pen. and other out bunlu- ; The “bite! filmy eyes were very SFIIUWS llk°'- (. E—fi ling» There in an “sellout e‘pnng n: theiWiSi‘ my skin; my ngvpetito nllgone, n'nd nu- (fem: r'Ké“"“‘"' door, and two young Apple Orchu'm. tun 114., 51bit to digest uhnt I did egt'r bowels FWUIl‘n“ G’u'“ " an property. a :lrregulnr and main. lus very low spirit-i Germany. t No. 2. A TRACT or LAND, nhoutiofjt 'ed. And Ind mch violent are"- of coughing ‘"i 'mile east of the shore, adjoining Peter fluke l when I laid-dawn at night and when I ni‘ose in'l Pm“ nz10n........... and Victor hchlhenny, containing 5: Arresfl‘h" morning tlut they would last one or urn ,\ Fin""_';°r'?""""""' more or less, about 30 acres being in good I hm”;- , . [q'mg lonhgn Timber. The improvements are a. one A v ' I then would be'nenrly “11-“ sf“. “WI WM n‘trn':lln. Ind 11 ha]! storv Double Log “ORV-2,. [entirely nnnblc to lie on my left side. I cum ‘ :1""1‘i!'“ Slflblp'Snjoke ”0039' and: weunouqe’ ' .not describe my wretchrd snfl’ering n: I wohld‘ ”a 5" ........... with n prime wellol \rnterin It. AIeO nlpring 1 “'M‘ ‘0 d°- EV"! organ in my body who: 3‘“ ”'R-"'------ and n fine young Apple Orchard on the place. [diswfi'd 01’ drr Inst-xi. Such was my sitnntion; \ "'"‘n°""'"""' Persons wishing to Jae" the P"’l"""." u're hit this time, and I “n. confined to my Hetfi ‘3O.“MP'CNM“. "quested to call on the subsuiber, mailing "0"““9 “5‘ OH‘.Eb“l-‘r.\3l3s'3wt° June, 1503, ',L nnon on No. l. 3n“! nhle to sit up. I had the bes} of medicnlx 3:5 r°"f‘""""-" In“; property will he at,“ on ensy‘ terms, ‘ vuendnnce the whole of the time; My cough: B'°"°“‘E“ ...." Mu] divided to suit pun-hast ,5. {was so very bud that it raokrd me very nun-lm » “‘1”: ' ""- ' ugoncg DAYWALT. ;l at Hus time rmsed n Inge qlmnlit': ol' lhu'k, MWQ'JOX-mu- Fellow, ullensne numer,some!imns n uh bl-Jud,‘ f";‘“‘:"m"""' —— and it was gnnunlly nr-cummnied hy nunsco. ;‘ ’"E'Snm-o "in! n furred and thick cooled tongue. Al the-4 Imnn-k 'l’m tlr'utl ol'ronzhxng so badly I would haw- shurpfl “fr“wk hor, thawing pains in'my lef side and heart, nzgnt' I"'l‘""°“"' swan-ts, null soreness all through In; Whole; “"“hwh clicsx; had much inward lever, Imin m- my‘ ~,—"‘ back and under my shoulder hhrdes nnxi inl 10‘“ the “inn cl'my buck, and at mot-5.50 Run: '3 that it would. turmr me into sp. smd. Now myl PllyrlCllln gnvc tux: up to rl 0. Others I ind, f and the he~t of thevnY h :t thvy Lnu'd do noth-l ing {or me, and M that lime Inna notlnng' hut 'skin :inJ hours. l‘t‘ucn mu in the wrs~ 5 ' tenn part 0." lli=souvi. In June last we left there {or the lint, and in‘ AU‘Z‘I:I hut we cnnm: to New York, and I was so reduced th at I could I on]. walk it litt e with my hualmnvl’s help.— Alu-rl llnd bfith ume the null» Miter hrct-ze mmle me feel n‘ui h butt-r Tfor n' tune 'nnu then l lmd ngnin to \‘llll a‘ for acid. We hnd tour of the best nil) sat-ions; of New York on the diseases of the lungs. Ind , donors of all Lihds, but of no aux-11. le‘yl smd I was past cure, and llmt my lung-3 were ' too far gone for any one to burc me. lint at this time I was on my lcét- about the house” notable to do much of anything. In .\‘u\c.n-l her lnstl grew worse, and the Conznmptiun; diarrhm I set in and lnstcd about night \velhn ; We had trieil nll and eierything lhntl cnulu, grasp alike 4 d 3 ing [ICISDII for my tllSL‘.|SC§—- consumption nnd LIIOI‘ complaint—hut OK no Nov. 30, 1365 By Picikmg. j NOTIIEI’. IfROCLAJATION. A . lil‘ “LY IMPORTANT. Wnanus, the Am'cri :lin people luresufi‘ercd nmler a four year's fir. during whioh film) they hive been butflrp‘ued with ‘hem'y Luvs :m-I frequent drufls, 1' Ayn wnmuus. The nronuea o’trnde had he !ome dismrmnged; nud [he pliqt of gumh, par ficulurly CLUI‘HINU, lmvmg rearh‘cd a high standard, causing mtny n patriot to become wank in the knees, nml say to himself, when shall Iheic things end? _ _ AND \vmzqms, Many a well-to-do man, who in funnvr times wnlke-l the angels in Bruad cloth. and who unmin consequence of the higp prices, has h -eu compelled 10 go «him! in rugs, eumplmning pileously ofthis sad state 6! things; - . ‘ Nuw, Tusnnrnnt, !, Funny 8. PICKIXG, would issue my PRUCLAMATION, snj'ing to u“ people ll) It the avenues of tngde, at Ivenat so far as I am concerned, have been opened, and I an: doingbusinms on a . PEACE BXSIS Having jnet returned frqm the‘City, I am now Opening the lawn“ .md best selected stock of Clollnmg ever brought. to Gettysburg, iug all Um LATEST: STYLES FOR MEN AND BOYS, among: which are fine fitting Dress nnd Busi ness Owls, Cloth, CASSimeLB, Sllk, Satin and Co'tonYL-stz, Dress and [lnsiuess Pants, 0! every \my um! size, [lndex Clothes 0! cv‘lrydesuripuun. Aln' .GEXTIA‘IUEN‘S ,FURSISIHNG GOODS, Embracing (Haven Collars, Neck-ties, Sus pendcra, lluéiu-ry, kc, Also, NOTIUNS IN ENDLESS VARYETY. :m-h M Violins, Acrcrdeons, Violifi Strings, Clohks, [Lair and Clothes Brushes, Combs, liners and anor Strnpe, Soxp, Spel'tlclts Cunea. l'cn Kuivei, Punmls,’Peus, and Domi noes. 'ALo, . TIIUAKS, CARPET SACKS, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO, SrIGARS, ’ and iudrvd u 19':qu (If crerylhing u ill be found in Unis Slurel ”wing made our puwhgscs tor cm, mid M a lav‘uruble time, m: an: we'- pare] tu 1-0” chuaip.‘ , ‘- REHHHUICR "E “LACE. ’ If you tlmin: to h we d. guml lining/suit, mule of gum] m'teml. cull uud enunuc tor yourselves, and SAVE .\I().\EY. . ’ - Scan. 1», 1363. ' F. I}. PICKING. ‘ Row 8: Woods,, ' GEY'I‘YSUUHG, ‘, ' ' Dealers in lIA'I‘SI l‘.\PS, B'IUFS; SHOWS. HOSIERY, (QMH'K-ISFX‘JTIUXQ, UNDER-WEAR, HURTS, &: VARIETYGOODS.” HATS‘ AND CAPSé—Saxony 1141.5, ‘Wool Hats, Fur ”.nls. Shexidnn, Roam-us, Resort: Derby. I’4“leth Dashcr Huts, Aqu-rst, Ivan hoe, Vu'ksburg .un] Dupuul ILlts. Sl-Ir.l’ellher and Stitched HRS, nll Lsz 0! Sufi, wuebrnn, and sLiII-brim I . 13,101- men q‘nd bup, Suytmeu Cups, l‘iush Cam. Seal Ciaps, Fur Calm-«Slu cmn, Pic Iyune. Commudorn‘ ung! Enaxilellcd CJXH. ”mm. Huh! uxd‘ Scotch, (“sugary and Fell. Cup“, Milwnukc», Pxo'mer, Excolainr' and Genius C'p}. A grant. variety at L‘qrs'for men. boys and clnldrcn. , ' BUUTS AND SHUES.—-.\len’s Thick Waxed Boots. Home-made Thick Rootv,ofiicers' Bug's, French Gulf, Boots. Yuuth‘s Thick Bouts, Youths Kip Boms. Boy's iluzuy Boots, Child's Copper-zipped Book, Men’s hml Boy's Bro ga’us, “almonds and (Liters, Bubbcsmni Gums. ‘ . ‘ , . . “'omen's‘ ant] (‘hiiviren’s Morocco Bnnh, Balmorul. , G litg‘l’s, Kn! flaots, Slippers,Cluve Kill Shun; in mxiety. Rnykins', Pulisl) ano's, Aukiels. Buukle und‘COngrt‘ss G-lilt‘rfi. Bulfin lo 5, Rubbers, Arclfilec-nfikc. Ofchlhircn'x ships the best availing-tic and greatest \‘axi‘vty ev r Opened in Gettysburg. ém'rums, VARIETY Goons, “I—Way, dow Pupm‘, Window Blinds, Currmée Whips, Lashes Violins, Bows.St?ingi. UridgM. Rosin, $O., 'l‘innks. C..rp2t Hacks, Ilium-s" ihrkcza, ’Umltrel'asfi’ucl- (-1 lion)“, [ma 1 I" naililinzurs, Soup, Shops, ‘Brushfi, Hair Brushes, Shae Brush 5, Combs, Segnrs, kc , &"., kr.‘ , . ' Shilrts, Drawers, Cblla‘rs, chk-Lics, Sulfa, Cu'mfarts, Burkskiu Glovc's, Kid, Merino, Thread and Silk Gloves for clridleu, ladies and gentlemen. Buckskin Gloves for buys, Pocket Hundkerchiefsfiuspcndr rsJng! Hoods. Opera Hoods. Sonmgg, $0.4 Sh'm.\'ls,, Merino Woul' nml Cutlun Hosier_ in .Nric-‘y for men, women and chxhlren, Hm". Braid, Mending Conan, Corsets. Ohéllnit‘, Thu-.l], Spool Co:- ton, Slgchine Conan, Int, kc. Unr delermination is to sell our goods at dm'very hm‘esfi market prlr‘es. We tuner oilrselres that we have goods that can Lu revhmmended and ml! give snlisfilcfinn tu custmm-rs. ‘ 'V [LOW & ,WQODS. TU MERCHANTS—We buv bur' Boon, Shoes-find Hun, in large quantities, nnl will sell them to drnlcrg M. n-very "Emu admncc on mauufncgurers’ pricea. ' ROW 3: WOODS. Oct. 3b. was. Reeves’ Ambrosia ,_, For: THE HAUL—The Orig/'rguT ..nd delizlim Ambrou'a is propfied by J. A but! RENE-9; and is the best. lmir dressing and presenafive now tn use. It stops the hair falling out, unset if. to grow lhlck 'nnd prevents it from turning premnturoly. we}. I! erudicntea {fin druf, cleanses, beautifie- and renders lho huh loll, glossy and Curly. , Buy it,,try it “,“d In convinced. Don’t be put M! with A spurio us amide. Ask to: Reerws’ Ambrosim um! hike n'o other. For Salt; hy Dmggisls and Denim: in +‘mucy Goods everywhere. . ' Price 75 cents per ”(Mlle—so.oo per dmen- Address REEVES' AMBRUSIA DEEUI‘, \‘ 62'Fnlton SL, New York Cit]. Oct. 16,3845. 6m ’ . Blacksmithmg. KB undersigned would m 9". respeétfuny _ inform the public um: he continues the BLACKSSHTHINGBUSINESS, ' * in bi! sho’p, lately Philip Dursom‘s, adjoining Troxel'l_ paint shop, in 'b‘ult Middle street, Gettysburg, when: [m will at ull times be pre~ plred to do Blacksmithing wo’rk to Cnrrilgea‘,’ Buggies, Wugons,§c. That he knows how to do MI jcflm~ at this kind will not be 'lnestioncd by those who“ have A knowledge of his long experience a the lmginels. Come on with 'our wolk An qpqwul h’c nullified hen you ilk! it arity—‘gin’d fir‘whlch 1;;er naive Cnsh or Countly Produce. ' ' 5 ADAM HOLTZW‘ORTHI" M5r.20,1865. tt- " . ... n ' 2 x Pictures: PiQturesl EV! MUMPER having purchasedSnmuel L Weavex’I‘PJiUTDGRAFE‘.GNJJRBY.‘ is prepared to execute work in his line equn'l to unloanblblyncal. “-1410 Son:- 5:15 gm: unit: I good likeness, finished according to lbelakst improjmrllu h} “a Irt, cnll aglthkmbo'h long-established (inlay, in est Middle stragg'oem'shflm »': 1.1. x: :{Janzwalm- . 1 L ,0 C GK 5.:,-‘.Q,,1 (1‘ Now on han’dfiyo Ks mgr-ac may, {ministries 9‘ 0:9 luau! mam hp? country. ndwmm,m¢:d-«h Calhoun 3 71- we 1.: a. ”Yawn: 0'01“: the Bank, fieny-burg. mwwmmr mar: ~93 my?! :11“ UMISJi23IINMJ MEM ‘ Consumptive’ , , Rim; wan m 1 5:31:3ch [5 name. .u'nil. ' - ‘ ; L luJanurJy, 1863, l was brquglit rlmrn ngnin on my bed. and w \S um experhd \0 live the ‘ nigh}. out. My liu§ha~ld stun-l at. my sidog and Olllf‘l‘ friends, and they all g H? me up 10l die. At Yliis lime every one “In. anw nu: didl not llJink l'uculd cru- lem‘r- my bed a livuig \vomam. The first. night. I was hunched “Hal spnsms, and was deranged most. 91‘ the lime.——| .\ lrieud, Mus. Hunris, c |th ID set.- me the last of the \\_e?, mid brought. the Sunday Mercury. [)1 it wn's 11 account. of it great cure perform ed by Dr.‘Suhenck. Sue rend it. to me, and HI was so much like‘ my din-nae that. i asked my; hfiabnnd to go and sec km for me. At this. rtime I had gin-n up all hopes of ewr gLL'iug well ngnin, and made my .pcnce with God, ml be read,- wlienei er he called for me. I On Lfic 27:11 of January, 1803.1.15' husband: mllerl un Dr. Schenck, 32 Ilouil awn-l. vai Yme, und’ituled to him my one, with a rc-1 (1 next fur him to rail und sex- me. “Inch he did,’ nnd ex unlined mewilli l‘ue rvspiminezer. When he“ :15 about to go I usked him il'lm . ould cure me? Hi: reply wag: “I cannot tell, hotl lung: are diécnwd, and the bronuliiil {ulna nre ntTcttc-tl on both :Zdes." And 3e}. he Sr‘tn-, ed to thmk there were lurgs enough left to‘ ‘etfect ti rurc‘ it the dhtrrhmn could he stopped.‘ He snid 'ln order to do this, he Would lure to: ilgivc me .\l «minke l’ttls_in smn'tl doses at first,‘; 'lO um; off-the morbid mnt'ter. nnlLthen, with ,Istriltgenu,he hoped to check it, n hich he d:d,v ‘hut the t‘onstnnt coughing, night sweats, nutlfi ‘dinrrhtm hnd prostrnwd me so that he ‘l'.le inform my vitni powers were [no ntuth’lvt‘us-i ‘trated ever to rltlly, and yet he sot-marl to think lifl could live to get en nigh I’ulmonic Syrup’ Ithrough ray system to unuse expectorutmul :there were lungs enough lcfttur me to recover. I ‘He wished me to trj‘ the l‘u‘monit‘ Sgtup and} {Seaweed TL":L' at Once, saying it Wutlid domu' ‘no lmun. i: it did me no good. The first “ct-k lit set-med to give me strength. so on‘bnn ,dny utter 1 sat up in bed .Xtttl‘tltc henrty for :1 L lsitk woman; but the not! “melt “05L all hope fund \vtshed my hu~hnnd not to gun; me uny: ‘mure' medicine. lint the doctor had warned‘ Ihlim of this,’and when the medwittowus thnr- Jizng out. the system it nude thvm feel some. gwhnt roatleu, and to pcrsetqre rand he ln‘HV-t red on my t.tkingit ; nn'tl now I' feel the bent Ii! hot it. For nlter eight d.ty.~‘ I heénn to gnin my [Strength and. with the ext-option at :1 cni-I that PM. me but k 90mm I hate been gaining strtngllroll>n‘..\',tn3 (:Ol‘g‘d'ia going mmyumtl. 5311 my pains '-\t’e gone, no smencss ot‘ the body. my bowels are N 9; .1 tr, And my breath , is sweet, and l’th'tnk God Ih..t I run now go- 1 ing nhont. and sew .th read as \vt-ll as ever l I leoultl. l “A“: Lilian szxtccn Lu t‘es of the |mcdicine, tight-bi en‘ch. 1 now lime )1 L' oti ,np’petite mid "1:! well tit. night. ; my t‘u'tglt ttut's . n'ot tronhle mt: in getting up or lying down. I iwnuhl lit-re soy to the ltflltt‘lt‘d u-th consump ition or liver complnint, thn't Dr. SL‘ht’hth is no Hilunbllg. You can :o-ly on \gt‘hnl ‘ne guys.— ipoiny not; it is dnngerotn to trili- with these loin-Jaw. lt‘ynn wold-l ‘fe Cum-:1, go 1:! onve; innd any one wishing to know the tit-etc no here-l fin out“! mu call at m_\ re~itltktl:t-, 117 What ; :louztan street, New York Lily. . ' ~. a was; MARY r‘. FARLGW. : We. the undersigned, result-tits ot N. w York,‘ tore nw‘mtmtell wrth \lt's. Fullnv, and know , her shtlcmt n 1 Lu-he true. We nlm kluw tint ‘ahe trim] Dr. Schotwk’s Pnlmrmic Syrup nnd 'h’umeed Tonic. rind hnre renson to lutllese tint lo this medicine she owjea her preservuionl :tyurn .t prem‘trnre grave. ~ . ! ‘ l}. FARIAHY, ll'l West‘flnmbon st. ' EUGENE UNDERIHLL, 616 Greenwich It. Mas. E. BNLERHHL. 076 Greenwich .kt. AUGUSTA UNDEHUILL, Git; Greenwich £l. ‘ A. E.,llA|ith‘, UT West. HolblOn st. , l ~E\ilL\' UltUVl‘llt, Ll”: West. Houston. st. 2 J. L. CUM-2, 33 Cottage 'pL. l . AL A. LEIUUIUN. 453 Broadway. \ j ; nus. BENJAMIN CLAl'l’, w Amnjv pt. \-, ' 1 Erin noll arquaintetl with Mrs. ll sry R; rFtU'IUW, and. With her husband, Sir. B. FallluW” 3 they liuim,.&{ra few months. put, “1.1:“th ,3} my_ church, end, l’ mu convinced that any“ .5“; ennnt which they might mtko may be re- ‘ ILllt‘d on or true; JUHN UUWLING, D. I), ; l’nstor ol'Bedfurtl st. Buptln Church, N Y.; i | Dr. Schenck will: he protcssioneliy at his‘» {principal ofliee, N». 1.“: North Sixth street, ‘ learnt-r of Commerce Philadelphitt. erery Sat lu 1‘ er L'll In mnemng f. ‘ ‘3’ V «211': nmnnhl'm ..Q ; ”335; \ w- :Im-tuuulwauu «f. 151:4? ‘l;f,‘,'7ll¢; - _‘ ‘ 1L1: Indr. nu‘l r~vr- '\ : *1 9i: nuke; them 11mm MOM In 11l diaensu of Sn inc, finch u Coughl, Ulcer! 1h the Lungl, Liver, .31". 1 ' kc , lhls a'Lcle ' ; Ni}; 5.1%.}; a» Y, . let: u n spccnfic ,_ ' ‘-’~':_'."-fi3-.~: ~43“. ~ By gutting hum . .y‘f‘f 3'»; j.‘ ,C ‘ one- :11! n plp_r “~13, ‘ '. .:._ 'w' toawtw'mnt 1-2;; ham! or win the :1; ‘~ - % :g—t nbaveducnses :' , .1“ "T: wm beermflcamd ' or mtircly pnfl'vntcd. If given (n ”me, 1:. main preventiva and cut: for {Lu “0;; f‘hnlcr- Erica 25 Cent: per Paper, or 5 Papers for £l. PREPARED BY s. A. FOUTZ & BRQ., AT Imm ' WHOLESALE Dan‘ASD MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St. Baltimore. Md, For 5515 by Drugxxst: and Slowlcspcn mx'qughv out the United sum. For sale bv A'. D. Bue’lhzr, Gutfysburg; L'wughliu k Bu.~bfi«-H. Wheeling, Vn; U. L'. Bcnlicr’k Um, I‘lldblll‘g; Johnson, Holloway li. (lowden. Pixilndelphiu. ' Dec. H: 1866. 1y . . . . Don’t; Read This NLESS YOU WANT TO ‘3 . {I SAVE_ MOXE‘Y' How sad] lxnw hen'rt-rendingme the Mill oanrl Now that l’mu- has hven rvslore-I :ho min'vrml cry is. How long! How den! H-w are we 10 livel‘ Wiil I‘ve Ixorhizum pricc-s for the novess Wm 0! life never decline? From the rommc cum”!- vall mu coumy. in Hm small but pruspeluus [min nf Fain! H, romus the ’wfl-Z‘omd'mvssungvr with lidlngs of Latin dlfi. " ”Ly-min) '.xxnmom.-m mxxlm .t’snm.nslme juat run-ma Imm Hie amtcriu cilu-s. (hm‘mu mlmvml then 5 wk m goods ‘0 he very much reduced mm- Ynz tor a dcg‘Hne in the m nrkezg.) The Limeaf Ivngth arrived, the," nvni‘md themselves 01'th omwrtnmty. imchng‘rl h Lln- city, and are now pvt-pared to :uppiy 'lhe «mug of [he fled):— Uur s}.‘ocu or LADIES“ GOODS is holtvnlbnq ewr hefnre./’l‘hm. for the GE‘ITLEHENis 11l 5 sn armed. Toenum -m'.z: mum besm'm'fiuousr “Q‘UCK SALES \S‘I) SHALL PROYN'TS,” is maunutmx (Mr 510 k h mg relectrd will: (we, we lure nssrxl li. -v “:5 gm! enJ'rlul It, Ev” us lhen'n .m-i no: wk rim-wet. Um" can br beaghl’nmu‘hr‘re e.» m 151;.- Luun‘y. L 1099 buyer: mrtimmrly, will .find £3 to their Mmu. Inge t) gin: us I C-Hl before purchasing «Le where. ’ ‘ ”Country product tnkcn in Méhnnge {6l' Gnmli‘. Th mkml [or put f-Vnri we hupe to merit a 'conunuaum of Um g-lue. , ' BANNER t, SHIELDS. $Ol6, 1835. L 5 ==l i ngbins’ . " ‘ 'anrmc sou. E . sxvxs LABUR, ‘. .v , swag TIME, , »‘l '_ . SAVES aux“, , ', suns cmmns, \ j ‘ SAv‘ns son:' 4 ' . AND suns worm-tx n's THE sou son mm FAMILY. Sold by grove" Ind storekvep'ers Ehrongbv out city and country. » ._ unnncrcu'n our" ‘ J‘. a. museums a 00., 107 South Fl"! slhgt, beiow Chestnut, ' ‘ PHILADELDHIA. KM. 13, 1865. 10' For Salo.- “v 0 cuotcs‘mus, in the 1111- s. . ‘_ mama neighborpoud or Geufi- {my} 7 burngßuildings and Land goc'd. ' , l 4- ' ‘ , mamas Ammo.- r :Gelt'y'sbnrz, Anga’H-fm‘wg , f _ W . 1513511“ figh‘ Almonds, I’lle Nu”, ' Engluh‘ )Valnau; hipqni,’ Circa-nun. Ground-In", £6. [:0 Ni 5. H. MINNIGH'S . Coutcclionery, tn Chamber-burg svnu. up? w: 4" 3 3’ 2’ 3 av * '.. . u _ 9- ii. “15:2! Ear-=3: 233:;“3 3:9 :I: ‘Q;ZjE'-7“ 53'313'gg ’.' 53‘::Pl cg: 2==‘='gl,,=aa'.3;ea.o 4:74 :3: lsifina- 5" "uni” :33 ~15? .. ‘1 I_....':~:3_ua‘. a Png'..>4-. ...‘v' |¢Jl’=O_., *mflpv -:-r.\'*lv:CTl-‘l\'s.._nn,imi nf— J ‘Ol- Mon-luv. Nowmhcr 3941.1565, Pul sengcr Tum; mil lawn and .u'rue at Gctfil- . nuns. and nuke (‘nuuc' liolligzls tollovcs; ‘.‘ 41. FIRST ’HLMN win I-.u'L- fir-nyslnirg at?” 7.43 A. "1.. mm pn~3v‘n;'(:r4 {or ank. ”unid burg. Philadriphm, um". me. and the Ninth un-i Wen, mrmug ut Hanvm r Junclwn with. ‘ out Ch'lug',‘ of can, n! [U ‘.'.3 .\. XL, cmueclin; with Ihe F 33! Lin-4 Snuf'l 0n thw Northern-GK trul llailwn, unl nrnvlng M llalvimnre M 1: :10 norm. Al3O runnm mg “ (h Mail 'l'mm hum Unhivnure north, jut. \mg in ‘HArritbuvg M {.20 P. M. Armc :u (h‘llgshllrg Llo P. \l. “ilh pusscnzors from lllrlishurt. Yolk, Bulhmorr and. Washingluu. - ‘ This nn‘mrmrm. lung and fan-rah!)- knunn. will thor. ouzhly mm :uuram IlrfikLH dmvn um! lnmzphii d harm-1, lu' rtrrngthrruq Md (hunting 11-0 Manual: and ink-:- fins 1! is nun-e Pu“ SEVUND 'l‘rl.\l.\' \Vlll lmve Gettysburg M. 1.20, I’ 3'...\rri\mg at ”Know-r Juncliun M. 3.15. and CUIHH'tIII'K nilll mnll thin South. Anne at. BMtnn we at 5.30 P. 1!. Art-ho It (}elv"sbuljg:tl‘d.\‘.s l’. 31., w.tlx pur-s’enuurs from . Plulndclplnr., llzirrisllurg and the Nurlh and West, wnll ulm with imsungors from Bullim'ura = nnd \‘lshiuutun by thast hm nurth, which leaves llnltuuore m. l2.lomonn. f Pnsscngels cnn lame Baltimore in the Mall 'l‘ritin :ll 9 A. \l., nu-l nrrive in Guttwburg M. Llu l’. .\l Ur leave Baltimme in the fast line ul 12.10 noun. and arrive in Gettysbulg n‘. 6.15 l’.' M. BIIL one change of are by the firm. 'MinY either “.ly, M 7,: at Hanover Junction. 'llu: Lust li .v on the Nuuluem Central mll not - Map :1: any local stations. except. took, Ham» \e: June 1011 vud x’nrkton: Cunuecunmrcvr 1.-‘n. R. McCURUY,‘ Presit. Nov. 27.1865 IHI E TABLE-01: and after Friday; Nov. 2 uh, 1865, pnqsenger trains on the Hun \ncr Bmm'h R 41er win lane n 3 fullmu: FIRST TJLHN, (which makes connection will; lhl‘yl lmina mg the Nurth‘gm Cum“ “min-J3 M the Jllnctlon.) will Imm: Hnnover m 9 00 A. .\l.. for York, Baltimore, Hun-inbug, and invermudin. stzuiunu. - ' @lll5 min net‘urnuo meover ll 1: l. mu] arm-m :u chysburg atl PHI. SECOND TX!‘.\lN_lcnn-s ll mnver M. 2.20 P. \l., anti arrivvs m the Jvmvudn mt 310 P. St, connecting With the Mail Train South, whkh :u rims at Bullivuure M 5 P. hi. PnuengerM-y L'uiu Train [or Ymk in) over m the Junction until 6.12 P. M. ' ‘ P:|_ssengl‘l'.~ len-imz Baltimore to: "snafu, Gully-sham. nml [.mk-utowlu, will take cube! Lhc .\lu.| Tr-uuul v A.’ 51.. or gin: Fast Linorpl 12.10 u. M; Josum LEIB, Agcng ‘ Dec. 18/1895.‘ . ‘ ‘ ..,....<-—_ —;~.W_~ Grand Mass Meetmgay . ‘* To? for political purposes, bxu fobpur. ’* B Pozets o!‘ cmifom,’ durm; lh3.§-1,M13; \nnrur, w.” he held n! we ue(.v_ .‘ , ' . CHEAP CLU’I‘II!\'(:, ‘ ' - HAT AND CAP STORE , . up quuuum: u momma. Dn‘ChnmhcreLurY agreemicm xburg. om- dear. ‘ Efyst of Buehlcr'fih’ug Stow! every any during '- vhlc {all Ho’nnruu bani Roy’s .lwke‘va., ‘ - ‘ : \len's “AI-k th,‘ K 31:11} Eluljab “Hiking Coa'n, 'l Mmi'q Fre'wh Suck Coats, ' ‘ ' Hen'iANA-rConla at M] kind! Blfick Punt; nn'l anvy Punta,iu {not every destripupn of Gem‘s Furgilhiug Goodi. . Being: a new beginner, and determmtd to sell us fluency us, we L‘hwpvél. he rupeeslu”; thiu a mum»: uf pa .Kic \patr nudge, lulu. lie-t th-n hr- can New: the m-tsl “stigma“. $l5 ”—1 he hit-u «Me n! (Mule/men‘s HATU nud UAL'Smougu-udxvuu lmn l.’ > ‘ , 3 ILLEUIJURE C. NORRIS. (LN. 2’3. YRG'I W— ‘ ‘ . , Reduction! 3341110171 chi N mud. an" November in. 1810.5. than M O ‘lo‘mug' rudu ml grain of privu will b. nddplcfl m, rhe'-‘£l{Ul‘:ualufl” ss‘tuuur GALLERY, «2- ‘ 'Vignclib Photngmphs,pl‘r d0:e‘n...»......:54 on u -,. u . . u u ......... 2.15 ,"z .. ....-.“ L7l Canes Hc We. m- phxin, p' rid-Bun”: fl ' " 3‘ I! I 75 .. ‘ ‘ “, -- “ .......;‘.. xl6 ‘ niuu nLn suunru. § H' Vignettes. single :zupinnAUc. or 3 fnr......5x 11w Cartesgde Vim, or pinin. single.copiu, 35m 2 x or 4hr” .......,..........:.......................‘.L:OC‘ In addition to the shave every picture nil ho Lenny muted without. um uuuge'; “ ii \ Thu: i” 4 {cabin in Lbr uhov. 5* which 1 _ yrilh to direct spccml nltcmiun. til: 1 u‘fll Igake {our “gm-ms, or three plain picnic}! lromrhe firstm-gnliv-L Horelnmroizhub-m ‘ a Mo not 19 make less than M: at cm and» mu; ohb: omer. ' ; ' Make thig opiforfnnhy t'o‘fimn'k the when of Gettysburg unvl'vlr puh'iv g‘ruend'y, lo: aha vnv tinny. pflronnge unwed to the "m- , crhior,!’ due in Nublilhnent, Ind Imp. fig * m-ict utenfion to buwiuua, conpi‘ed nth-w. ' “Innings 0! our ten year: nulnlmapt‘mr pmtlcc of 1.50.3", m merit” s rnltilllflc§id‘ tho um. é; HAM: 0. TYSON; -" ‘ Sudan to flu Fifi: or’rnoi Bloc, Nov. 13}1865. , Getty-burn?“ Cafriage-makihg Resumsd. ‘HI‘. wur being our the nn‘lma w ’ fl mnmod the. ’ " « -' in. CAKKiAOB-MAKING BVSYNESS'; "i 7 '« ’ at their old‘lfnnd. lu E.n Wald]; "‘.'“. 9- .' a , _~ ~GF7PFYflBERH,. - A. ' U wlmo they (re agaixi prepn & to put IpM' in «he mo‘n fashionnbic. magnum}, ”up“ ; rial Inn"; :A in: of "kw-ind onfii‘u’mt , cmumebs, nuuamsffix I; A data“, nhloh—Jhoiy will dilvosa'or n “u lowuvpricu; ml, ..:1 order) 'mll be cumflie" u promptiy‘nnd mmmunriiy an poisiblc: . ~ ye- R E P at 1,34,}: G done will: dxspgtqh,‘nn «e agape“ me x 15mm or no! undvbldhfiéhfllys ’ hunt l 9: pale. 6- , ' ' - p \ T ikful for llfrliu‘l'll‘pflroqage {gt-1&6 foxfinjaycd bxjhemtfihey solicit Imhnl on" de mto dacmirkfizovshlre m the} m” '. _‘ _ __'- m-Rsuuillmfla'm . .51! 10) 1.8“1'” ’3 “»‘ ‘ 2.3; .;.:{r ----. . u ~ .-->.- ,M ' ‘ ‘ums pmxflrfo? 31 p Homeland Sonic; It 31.1 B. , my Stole: ' ‘ ‘ 0:3. 05: 2.»: 9."?- r 3“: ...-0 illili El *3 :00 i ca 0" 469 swfi , us .00 H. mum, my mums, uL \www SAM F ARR \ SA \1 L L‘bmmyfl. Mn. Gattysbur‘g Railroad. Hanover B. Railroad. U); :- U 4) Ul, , . ‘ : 11w): Hats nnd Fag“, _ Men's Fine CXolh COB“ I CZ ri I 3,0. 2 on 1.00 1,00 e i OA) 3