The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 25, 1865, Image 2

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    Tm: finmpim.
.I. J. ”nu. IDH'QI um noun”!
HONDAY uonan. mm. 21. mar.
1'“ lamp“! 0”}! "Ell BATTERIES.
The Radicals opened the ball in, dead
porno“. in the lower Home of Congrw.
5m firm)” Inn. on the Tie-tion o! referr-
Jng the President's annuu Inc-sage. Thad,
810 mm took the floor and read a morally
written npmh denunpiatory- ofthe Prui
.donll ”attraction policy, and rei'onting
.tho mxolntionnry dqctrinn of his Lancas
ter ind Gettysburg speech}. Be assumed
,tmt the Sum ive'i-e out afghe Ufiion,'on.d
,timt they mint be ldmitted u neiv Stato-
Aiter pining through I territorini condition.
lie ridiculad théyruent Slate Lfigiulntures
.:.r the South in',their ratification of {he
Afionslithlionhi amendment übolishiyg sisvai
w as iiipgni and delurive, md proceeded
in thnt strain to the énd. Mr. Raymond
took hotel‘of Steven’s apeeqh, and rose to
reply. nnd ms fairly éntitled to the floor:
but Wuhbnrne, of Illinois, who wns'in the
~chflr. enterminpci I gotion; that the com.
mittee rise, which yyeyailed. and than out
Raymond 08'. Stevens'l speech is regarded
0!! Washington as the great key-qoileJhat
sounds the Ruglica! poiicyn ' w,
Prisiden: Johnson Hull Act!
The time for purlying with the Destruc
tin-s in Congress is rapidly pinging away.—
Acts man soon take the place of words.
I! Preside-ll; Johnson be right in his pohdy
of restoration, ‘.hen the action jof the Radi
pell in travel: to the Union. 'lfhe policy of
both cannot co-exist in Confirm, One
met give way. If Prcbident Johnson in~
tendl to meinlein hiq' policy ill good faith,
he most not. cannot‘ wait many days with.
gut. sounding the note of we: ox tn: [in-Lin
mcm ugonxw! Andrew Johnson‘ must
make '!P his mind to do what Andrew Jack
wn old in his great. contest with the mon
uterrlsnnk.. He must out Mr“! from Con
you, end appeal to the peoyle. Jackson
carried on the Government lor years against
(Journey-nil no can ‘Johman. if he will
put. men in_hie'Cabnnet whom the people
can trust on the great issue of restoration.
But. time flieal . The gecuiop ongejloet may
never return] “ ‘
Restoration Commenced! ‘
fly order of President Johns in. Secreta
ry Sewgld Elke: the ofiicinl hnnoance
mept the! thrwfourthq of the States have
udniuled’lhe nmendment nboliahing slave
ry, end that il. is therefore a pint. of the
(lonelitution. He also ppaouppea oflicielly
Ihe reslorelion of the State of Alabama to
“to Union. reiieying the ProvisionaLGov
emor, and reéognizing the Governor elect.-
ml by the people as the exacutive oflioer of
the State. These ’acl: look well on the
""5 affine President, whilst the “Milan“
ul (301'!ng are denouncing his policy, he
is quietly putting that 110116] ’into :zecutiqn.’
Lei/him adhere to thii (:0 rec, faithlully
pm! firmly, and lbe'peoplefwill back him
up!' And thus sustained, he uy laugh the
_h‘umner and Stevens Radical to scorn.
fi'Tpe Provisional Gave or of Georgia
hurnleo been fpiieygd. to minke room for
ghe Governoi' elect. The work goes on !
'pad. Stevens.
The wknOwiedged position of this indi
vidual u the leader of the Republican
majority in the House of- Representatives,
reminds us of an incident, in bi: earl! po
litical history, yhioh gives e. complete clue
yo pho character of the mm. In 1838, M.
the capital of Pennsylvania. he whipped
his party followers into the wicked "menm
ure of “tempting to get aside the elections
Ly (.he people. and foisl, upon the Common
weplfi: p minority Legislature. There were
three honest. members '0! the new; party
with Mr. Steven: who refused to carry out.
these tremnable practices, namely,’Meesrs.
Butler andnSturdeVant, of Luzerne county,
and Monk-line, of Union county. ,The‘let
ter ;eetified before the commiugee of inva
tigngion that. ’39 told Mr. Steven: hie “con
niehqe would not. permit him to Sanction
tuege corrupx proceeding.” “Conscience,
indeed,” said Mr. Stevens, “throw eon
:cienoeflto ;he’ devil, and land by your par
yy."’ When the Congressional anti-critic:
[it Washington follow each n lender, .Iwe
paiy well exclairn,‘ "God save-the Comznon
yvealih l"
Who In the Traitors! 5
!mident Johnson, in his message of the
bih inetu lnye down the following principle,-
‘ "The beat gecurity for the perbetunl exi
jetenee 9f the Stetee ie the 'supreme nu-\.
thorny" ot'xthe Constitution of the United
rum. The perpetuity of the Constitution
wing: with “we perpetuity of the States;
the»; mptuel relation makes u: what we
are; and in our political system their con
nexion is indispulpbie. The whole cannot
pxiet without the parts} nor the perta With
out the whole. Hogans es the Constitution
of the United Shite-e enduree,tbe Stale: WI”
endure; the destruction of the one is the
_dremtetion of the other; the presentation
pi the one u the pteservution of the other. ”
. The Union in "indissoinbie.” Stntge ‘
cannot ‘go out of theirown mead ; and
there exieu‘ no authority to pm 11.4»: m or
keep Moment. Treason, therefore, consists
_in the eeruvo‘r to put 0; keep then: .out,
.\in tho endeevpr to take them out: This
in “35 [nit 3nd legitimate meaning of the
Poddentr The ‘So‘ufhem Seeueioniatn.
who nndettook to teke §utee out or the
Union, are thus placed side by _eidp pith the
redial Abolitionilte 3f tbeNorth, who ere
Mgrnined to keep them out. or «may
their-Wt, byponverting them into eon~
anew: tefiitory. < ‘
. “ho illhmentjl made by a 99 _,.
pond.» qf up Np! York Tum lhltGene
pd Grant, :9 his recent. via“ to R-leigh. N;
04 M'oquiop to "gm-k am the exist
” 3! pam- a! difl‘erent opinion: is no
” go. WNW wpduion of the coun
”, and (ha ha .lynyl “aided the’ex
( Ipm dcoppewm apd gadacalam.
‘1 '11:} yin ”P phapp yho hug bggn 391.
' M“! pr the but {ice yep-I chap, them
than}; 59 but 9pc 'pnrty. fly to this?
' ”Whenever ”Vice, in 3' firpub‘imn‘
WM2kWIMWi-mmefl at:
~31! {6: W ”Hahn w printed 33
;figgvmgeflss: flee? 9.39999! ‘ .
9W?! -" 3..: ”c: , . . {2s‘ * - ,
"Ei4fi'V“*V—x" .
my tum! .. q ‘ a
Ejfiw Fug, . SA". »
Em»: {via-s’“: . 3*" 3
, __ .31 ”Q:
‘ ' mam-{Comma
H bu been nrungod thnt the hm "nuns 1
of Congress will nucmblo in th! Hull dune
House 01’ Human-mania. onJlonalny, the
12m of February ‘uext. tho bath-day of
Ahmhnm Lipcoln. l 0 bent tn‘ iddreis do.
livered by BeorgtprySumon on the lite sud
epic:- pi the‘liu i’rnidmt. f A
‘ln the "mug, on Monday. I bill was
pniged prondinifo! the payment'of $25,-
000") Mm. L'rnoéla. _ _
The Home rein. into Committee of tho
Whoia. Mr. Steven. made p rpeech. in
fibich he declared that the Southern States
net’s Eonqucred unitary, and weie subject
F) such pctioz': a: the conqueror: would
' On" Tuesday, the Prelident «pt 1 special
manage to the Semis in regard to tha- rup
preuion ol the Rebellion, Ih. refinmblisfh
moot of tbg courts. 422.. in the South. He
unthnt from all the ili'formatinn in his
possessipn he believer: thlt mtlonnl ani
monity is rapidly met-git; itself into a spirit.
of nationality, and that répresentation con
nected with n proper syltem ’of taxation.
wilirean‘t in a'b‘armonioua restoration of
the relations of‘t'he States to the Union.—
A report from Gen. Granthnmmpnnieu the
message. in whiQh he expresses the belief
that tho- penpla of tlw 80th have accepted
the rqsnltol'vthe war in good faith, and are
desirous of becoming good citizma,
Mr.Sumnt-r nuackmlitho Presnlent. do
nmlnclng the nit’ssngt' "Ft "white-wanking"
utl'mr. similar to that n ‘ Presidont Pierce,
during the Kansas troubles.
Mr. Dixon denied the imputation of
white-wuhine} u did Mr. Doolltllt‘, who
how-d Mr. S‘umner wnuld retract the as
sertion. Tho dismasinn becoming warm.—
(ull' among Ropuhlicana.)‘ Mr. ’l‘rumhull
hoped it would be stopped—and 1| vote
,heing chllpd, it was stopped. ,
In the llnuso. the Jullicinry Committee
reported_'§‘ioint resolution t 9 uuue‘nd the
Constitution so as tovprevent' the assump
tinn- of 91v rebel debt. and it was «used.
In the Senntt‘, on Wednesday. gin Mar
rill "ported favorably/the hill to regulate
the filfifllve franchise in the Qistrict oi Co
lumbia. allowing all male persona of ma
iure age to vote, provided they are able’ to ;
read and Write. '
MLSumner again attacked the President.
and held up hie message its “white~wnshing”
the States recently in rebellion. He nlsoi
declared that the Southetn people should!
not be-trusted. that they were tnnltretitinzi
the negroes. and gave vent to many other"
expressions indicative ql’ his hate. - ' ‘
Mr. Cownn. said It's was not disposed to
allow Mr. Sumner's speech to be promulgtt
ted to the country without. a reyly. stating:
lthat the gentleman had read severnl’n‘nonj- ‘
1 mouq letters from friends iu-the South, pro
-3 bnbly cotton agents ‘Or 'cottun stenlers, who
[icireulated in a limited section, and-com
municated that the-peoPle ate ti set ofliyp
ocrites. [le_was in fnvd’tj bf reconciliation.
not of snljection. He then dwelt upon the
assertion of “white washing." saying that
he did not knmt what the gentleman meant.l
by the word; but, as he understood It,y.|ti
imennt “that the President. in an offictall
‘message to the Senate of the United Stntee, I
lied; that is the plain English of it." Her
rend ‘extructs from the Presudent’s massage!
refuting the assertions of Mr. Sumner. that,
i the Southern States were in a state of disnr-l
der and turmoil. regnrdldss oflnw and guv-’
i'ernment. He enquired it they am, to tic-i
cept lawn from [lune who hated the nttmei
and sight of the Southern people, and who
had made this a person! War. or from those
who had enmluoted the co‘nlltct in elspirit
‘of leniency. with a View to reconstruction?
' In the HousP. Mr. Stevens introduced a
resolution; which was adapted, calling on
' Major General Howard, Superintendent of
the Freedmeti’s Bureau, to state whe§ter
any real estate seized under’the act of on
gress, and assigned to the F‘Teedmen's Bu"
lenu. has been restored to its owners, and if
mushy whose nuthortty.. ‘
Both Houses agreed to adj um froth the
215t~0f December to the sth g! Jannnty.
Thu Government of Alabama Renaud.
The tolluwiugvbu been addressed by See
retary Seward to Mr. Parson: : , ‘ .
Wasungc'rorgfiDgcemher 18. 1865.
To Ha! Excellency Lewis E. Parsons, ProvL
sional Guvzrnor of'Hlaba'nm,_ Mantgme‘ry. ‘
Stu—The time has llJ'l’lVed when, m the
judgment of the‘Presidfnc of thiUn‘uled
Slates, the cam and conducl of g'e prop
er nfihirs of lhe State of Alabhmn may be
rem fled to the c‘nnstimtinnkl'autlxoritjes
chosen by the people llwreofhw‘ilhout dan
ger to the peace and unfety ol' the U. Slates.
By direction of the ~Proficient of the Uni
ted Staten, ,therefore. you are relieved from
the (rust whxch was heretofore "posed in
you as Provisional G nvernnr ofethpfilala
ol Alabama. Whenever the Governor elect
shall haie accepted and beme ‘quallfied
lo_dischqrge the duties of‘the Executive of
fico. you will transfer the papers and prop
erty of. [he Sunefindw in your custody to
his _Excellency, the_ Governor plect.
ll'gives ina special pleasure to convey to
to you zhe :Presid'd'nt's mknowledgmem ol'
the fidelity. the loyfully and the duscrelion
which have marked yourmdmmistntion .
You will plouge give me a reply specify
in; tho day on which this communication
‘in rbceived‘ . ‘ A
I have the hnnnr to be your Exceilenéy’s
most obedient. servant.
' 9 WI. H. Suntan.
Mr. Seward to the vaeer 0." Alabama
, Wumgatox, Dec. 18, 1865.
SUI—By direqtion cf the Preaident I have
the honor herewish :o transmit. to you n
\cop'y of. oommuniceiiou which has been
hddreesed :0 his Excellency, Lewis B. 'Par
‘ :ms, late Provision-l Governorof Alabama.
hereby he has been relieved of the (rust
heretofore repoeed in him, and directed to
deliver into your possession. the papers and
pr‘ ray relating no that. trust. I have the
box; to t‘nder you them-operation of the
Go, mment‘of’the United Sum, whenev
er vii-may be found necessary in effecting
the early reuonmon and'tho permanent.
prospemy and welfare of the St‘ale over
whioh‘l‘you have been called to preside‘
l buys _the honor to be,‘ with great. re
apepl, ‘ yr most obediem servant.
_V 3 ' WI. H. wann.
—————-—-<o.oo——' ——-
;C‘Mr. Thaddeus Suwen; 0011:?!”er out
dld him-ell in his Lbngresaiomt bar-Imus
on Mend-y Inn. A more brutal exhibition
never diagnoed the flame of Rapresents
“web-ind thnt in suing a great. doaL Af
ter smiling. with hw- usual !ibaldry, the
sentiment that “this is 9 white mun': gov
ernment.” I'ntL boldlygnpnouncing that
”without ,the right of negro sum-age in the
Ida slave States the slave bly! lair better
bun been left in bonduga," he poncludod
with 'the ipllowing sentence :
«1.1.321:ch 12°25'35" ' "m:g:?i”:”n‘°‘:: ;lmy had no wisfi -to make’ the negro the
ous u n 10, - . .
sentiment: which damned the lure Chief; canal of the white-mm. or to 3""1‘”: “f"
’Juuiee w eve-Hurting xnl‘amy. and 1 {cu w‘ ”8'“ $0 'o‘.“ Th“ WW .demed “I“ I'-
overluung fire ulna.” . l was Icon who I quest‘pn in Pénmylnnin.
. Tl" hero of “we.“ck'ho‘ war" 1‘" 00‘ Now, after the election. a}; diabofiaal and
lmroved ulna. the “we he “used so hqn- K ht: , .
e“ legininwr to “WW mum” mm“ optragnu W 9. a trauma mm slut:
and mud by lain party." Hm indecent. au- rm 13 ppm!) Vldmmed. Mn: mu!
unit. upon a good and great. mun-dead, M ' ———————O-o——-—————-
highly churaowrislic of one who jumped a-The quantum: of the admission oftho
from the back “Nb"?! “39 sen“? Üblm:‘Sou&hgx-n (squan to seats in' the ngsp
begin «up. ;flm lndlgnuuon of the (army. '9‘ *P'mmNJNh it is now considered,
f 9" _._...551 .__—_— . I ha! been fully dam-mined. The vote in
.won. W. H. caper, Uongreuioml 'up Home ado ‘5 he Steven: ruhlmion
‘ l , _ P 'lB F
‘delegne from gab, i. on his 11, to Wuslv 3’! "Ninth. is ngyded u.oonolusiu ey
cugu-n. He will at tho [w of n so: .Idym‘slm the; mu 9.» 99 pangmq “:3.
“PM"! “9h 9-.- 9 L 599 39303: Union, _) mm:- 1 - . I
_, k» ~.
-. ~ 3‘?
nap 15¢ Chanda-Mum Spirit
THE 53317031“: COME".
A: the time for our ngislumm In enn
vom- dnun nigh, it may but he amirs mfly
a few words moqucaden in relation (0 the
Senatorial acute»! in ‘bis district.
Alter an election. people gonergllx know
who no elected and who defeated. but
it seem: web in not thee-use iv the present
instance. The content in art yet closed,
though the purple gave Mr. Duncan I clear
inn-jam] o! twenty-live votes.
‘ The npirlt of pnrliz‘lnlhlp generally rum
high and waxes warm as election day ap
proaches; deletes are fierce and fir'ly—
‘ Ewcuon dny boils wnh political heat aml
|excitemenl,hut when the poll:- close and the
votes Ire countea. all parties admit ‘by
'word Ind deed that the contest in over
”he battle lost or Inn. ‘ And when the re
‘ turns mine in showing _this candidate elec
ted.'lnd that one dole-tell. nll acquiesce
vnnll any so let it be. it is theexpreered will
[of the mujnrity and ii n‘ocepted as 11 fixed
lfact. The candidates so elected go with
the good wisheu of all into their respectnve
latficn. end the vanquished receive the
l sympathies oftheir fronds. This generous
and magnunimnus ‘dispnsntion thlu uluall]
manifested, is truly coxumondabln,l-ut when
an unsuccessful candiclate—lthough detent
cd l'y_only t Imnll majcrily—contenda fol“
hie election ggnlnlt the- will of the people
,so expreaaed. and by unnclupulous and even
o‘framlulent meane. nerks to thwart the Will
lofthe people. and luiet him-elfinto a pang
hon wlnch at right belunga to number, he
}becomex an olgeot of contempt Inntead of
ltympfl'lhy. 'l‘lue men of all parties joih'in
I‘denuuncmg the attempt and say With one
it'liice. "let the will of the uv-jnrlly. as ex
hueeeed at therballol-box. rule; by its de—
cmion we stand and desire no nppenl.”,
I (But it seems that D-vid McConaughv,
lthe defeated candidate for Senntor, is not
[content with the decision of Qie‘bnllot, and
,deuxrea an appeal—an appeal to what? To
the.c6urt? Nu! There, ne. at the ballot
/box.-he would get justice. Justice is not
;w‘lmt he ishlter. Ilm appeal is to a part'r
lmm Cummht««,-.sklug 11, to 'do 10l him what
the people qelused-gwe bun a Boat in the
Senate of the Bmm.
’l‘ae_ Return Judges of the diatrict met on ,
the’day required by the luv and after oount- {
ing all the votes. glare Mr: Duncan 8 certifi-‘
cate of his election. Mr. McCouau hy i
then became aware that he needed a iwi
more Votes. and his anxious eyes were {mu
uledmteTy -turned Texas-ward“ The Com-’
mmuioner dent t 6 that State to procure’ the
ballots of the soldiers there. hm] tinted [6’
bring any. return for this district. for the!
reason that no vote lmd been cast for any]
but State officers. Mr. 'MuCnnaughy at;
once; flies ftotn Gettysburg to Harrisburg“
from Harrisburg to Philadelphia~ and back '
83min to Harrisburg. consulting by the way”
the tune men and swthsnyem, distinguisheglt
ihdividualwund party leaders; but getting]:
no reliel'lor his uneasiness, until some mils- |
tur'mind among his friends, suggested I’thei
Texas fraud and the process of "oy’king'
them up” begun. In due time the; Texas
returns” came to hand. but.- like the OE
sprmg of sin and shame. were without a
hither—the churts ofjumce in their kindly!
cure ol the‘futherlesa may supply the defi- g
chancy in this respect—an?! were lell. to than!
nurs‘e In the Prothonotnry's olfice. These i
“teturny” we state emphatically arefurged. l
and can be pruved felon and fmuvlulml by the
rely/Jinn whose name: n: AI-easuxu AH orrx- I
cans or. AND rents“ the alleged election.‘
Due: Mr. McCunnughy presume tlmtgsucla i
re.urns he these wull be taken us germinal
(and counted. so as to sectire him the sent!
It in presuming- a'g‘reut deal In him ‘ to ask:
honorable Senator: to stump With their seal
of approvaLsuch returns. Men do« many\
thmgs lhradgh partisan spint, and are otten »
nude to strain a 'point; but to indorse a
lruud so base in this. is asking a little too
much of men laying any claim to honesty.
We are in the dark us to what furnace
these returns were forged in, but are conti- l
dent that. some ofthe “hlovvers and strikers” l
are to be found very near home.
The lraud in so palpable that many of'our
'epublncan friends denounce itias such
denounce the fraud and its authors, the
forgery and the forgers. It is said that.
McUunuughy persists m n that the_soldlers
1n 'l'qxas did vote tor him. and that; "three
or ,tour of the boys maul-rd him that they
voted for bun.” He may possibly know
more about the boys vnuug than we’ do; he
certainly déea about, [he "returns.” J
In the contest of Col. Rowe against: Mr.
Stenger. 'Mr. Rowe says he believes the re~
turns from Trims a hurry. and if he is con‘- ‘
firmed or satisfied in that opinion. he Will ‘
abandon the contest. It was only in auti
cipntlon ol'afalr vote having been exist in
'_l‘e,xns that he tiled his petition; The de
serter vote. he thinks—in common with
every sound lawyer—will he sustained, and ‘
there is nothing in it on viihich {0311386 in 1
contest. But it seems that to Mr. McCon
eughy the di-seitei'vote is a greet lever. It
in nu aiviul desecration of the ballot-box
to have a deserter cast a vote, yet the pure ‘
and unisintgd‘lll‘xas retuins are all right. ‘
'l‘ei‘ hint is the thought thst It sol
dier who fights and deserts, and than fights
again‘and‘ is regularly dischargeth should
be. allowed to vote! Would Mr. McCou-l
aughy dmfranchise soldiers who did some_
fighting because they did not do more. and
ciaim the right himself, who did none ati
all? \t onld be distranohiue th‘ three‘
hundred thousand deserters from ctr: army ?
This-would be heavy work. but We pcarcely
think it can he succeutully attempted. A
(talented shoddy candidate Wlll,l like I
drowning man. catch st it straw, {hut the
candidate. like a drowning/man, in“ find
that a straw will le hear him? to port.
From the extraordinary exertions oi Mr.
Mqunuughy to get the position onp would I
suppose he had some extinordinury claim
to the office. What is his claim}? Is it
because the people of the distri'pt Want ‘
him? The vote don’t show it. lde weal
“so notoriously unpopulat” that diis own
'party would never have nominated him
with any other intention than to "shelvé" l
‘him. They did shelve him; not quite as ‘
highup nor snzfar bicly Ii they dashed. but
sult'high and far enough back lor practical, l
purpows. 4)oes his merits lie in hit: militi
ry achievements? The historians: of the
late war ditl'er on the subject. While the
gallantarniy of the Potomac were heroxcall
driving Lee’s army across'the river, the gui- ‘
lung McUOlluuglly armed cairn-pie. in lull ‘
uniform, captured a [Anion nut"; whilst 3F
tengng ivouuiled Union soldiers, ilysgged
him lroni his friends and firmly sud incar
aerated him in a bastile. Gallant and he
roio McConaughy l- The deeds of valor per
iormed «by‘Genersl Meade at Gettysburg
sink into meignifiunoe when ' compared
with thine. ls it-honesty? Bespeotfully
reiei'red to BoberthcGaughy.
fifi'om present indications Samba is, to
have even more thin ordinary prdminanoe
in the proceeding: of Congress. A stun
ger ronding Hie teport of the doing: :0.
Washington would mppoao there 11l but
one tome for. legislation in this country.
and‘that—thn me‘viuble oonmbnnd.
”-The inane iganade. The, Repflliuu
puny befure‘the My «(mum told theVpeople
.. L. ..‘;
i a
,3 V ‘
goton Kount.
, cums'rns is thnn—Onto,- u‘d gm
if": been reckoning athe interrenln‘ lime
e'rery day for weathtnd thought! of what
Christmns'wu to bring have given pin-int
hour: and brought mu, bright drama. One
um. fellow bu been gliding mm ’(in Imm:
nation) hall the summer on I pair of christ
mu lhflel ; and non» ofthe girl; up um that
I new let of dishel for the play-house will
come thil time. Thié holiday ought to open
everybody}: hurt. 11. commemomtrl the
greatest nnd but gift to Inna; that which
brinm within his ranch nil other good things.
The observance of this leuon is becoming
more general every yenr. In Europe, it hu
been kept n 1» for man; centurire with great
ceremonies, which commence the‘ previous
evening. The churches are epiendcdly ornn
themed with evergreen: and otherdecorntimj
Solemn‘nerrioo is held anidniglit, ood nll
the church hell’s no r'nng. Formerly 'pnrtiie
oi mneicinnl strewn about. carrying torches,
singing Christmas carols, dancing snd onrous
ing; and intempernte tn‘velry was the order of
the night and a! several days following. Th's
perveralon of the proper celebntion‘of Chrfstw
Inns, and the supersliiions that hotl‘fgrown u‘p’,
canned may to condemn 11l Christians ph
servancen. Lntterly, however, since llila'fe's;
(”Al is kept up in a more ration-l nmnhor, it
is becoming more popular, ,nnd'the atom-kings
hour by the chimney, or the “Christina: Tree,"
ufifimnd in almost e\'eryhonnehold.
I ~wxsu Aid. on human A- “ Mun
Caalsruu I” ,
Randi—7W9 nre paine!’ td/ learn 'thnt Ema.
Wiilirun Roedel, of Wythevillc, Va , met. with
a. main.) fnml acciden“ Iran: the prematurg l
di'scharge ofa gun in 111‘s bands ofhis brother:
in-law, Mr. David forneypfumorly of this‘
place. They had gwne out. to shoot bird:, and
Mr. Fomey’a gun,/ibout to be dischhged into.
a flock of partlfidgegfi‘ent 03‘ brfore he was
quite ready, th’e contenteflnnhnpp'ily lodging‘
in Mr. Roedgf‘s shoulder. He was taken to
hiuome, arid nlihough sufiering sevgrely from
the _‘wcundi strong hopes were entertained of
hit rem/Hy. A change, however, took place
in MI fondllion», and now we have thetsad in
telligence cf ,his death, whiizh occurred on
'N‘ss’dayuthe 12m inst.,nbuut two weeks from
the, 11412 of the accidgnt. Mr. Roe-iel was n 9
’ton-in-llw of Mr. S. S. Forney, of thin place, .
and had mqiny ncqunintnnces here. Ilé had
been principal of: flourishing School in the
town of Wytheville, and was _nlso a minister ‘
ol the Gospel. He.wns about 35 yenrs‘of age .
n: the time of his death. . , I
MONEY.--0n Wednesday Inst, Wm. ”(:01 and,
hailing, as he faid. from mens‘er mum}, was
arrested in this place, for passing: cpunle r
feiv. 510 Government note _on the gate-kr‘per
at .\'ew Otford. 0n the way to Justice Myers’
office, McCluud was observed throwing away
A small roll of paper, which, upon being exam
ined, was found to consist. of w 550 Govern-I
men; ‘nole and a $lO ditto. both counterfeit,
and a genuine fin: com note. chluud was
committed tame counzyjnil. The notes are
very badly executed. ‘ '
McCloud was travelling in company with
two olhrr persons—tho three in two buggies.
MONEY STOLEN.—Joaeph C'mig((culored,)
was arrested, at York, and brongliv. here, 6n
.\londny lust, charged with stealing $230 from
Henry thnson, (also colored,) in the Colored
Church, in this place, on Tuesday evening
previous. Justice :Myers committed Craig to
jail fur trim].
BURGLAI-Y,—On Blond-y nightl week. an
attempt. was mndetto break into the ,slore of
Mr. Shank. i 5: Middle-town, this county. The
burglars had succeeded in taking out a pane
of glass and ‘chisseling out the lack, w‘hen a
neighbor, Mr. Rether, heard the noise. and
got up to see into the mullet He discovered
two man, emu-r negroea 0! whim men in black
disguise, b‘ut they mide their escape.
PROPERTY SALES.—Dellon'e{a mill, with
aboutonq hundred acres 0! land, in Conovmgo
township, hiu been pui-cbagggl, b] Jacob Hes
teuer, tout 519.000. , .~ l
Daniel S. Diehl has sold hi‘l fnun. in‘Tiyrone
township, to Daniel Hume—2oB notes, at $4B
per acre. .
John Diehl has sold his farm, adjoining, to.
Peter Miller—~99 acres, at $5O p‘Pr acre.
Geo. Flickinger h.|s sold his {an-li, in Ber
wick township, to Henrleillcr, 0! York cénh
ty—abom :00 acres, M 3191 per acre.
J. C Zouck, land again. at. Nsw Oxford, has
sold, the harm of E. G, Heagy, in Moumplennnt
township, to Dr. I. F. Ennor, of Baltimore
county—4o acrei, at. $3,250. ,
Eon. June: Wilson hug sold the Myers pro
pvriy, in this pllce, 10 Geo. Wall", or Berwick
township,'fur $2,550.
that n grand men] and instrument}! Concert
will b 6 given by Ihe Linleutown Brass Band,
in that place. on Tuesday evening, _the 261.11
in“. A choxr of yon’ng’ ladies will bé presen:
to waist in the vocal pm of [he prognmme.
The proceeds urn intended for the benefit. of
the Band, and it is hoped there will be I gen
eral turn-out ol‘ the town and Viciniq on the
occulon. '
‘ DEER—Dr. Sum, 91‘ Cushion, he been
; very anceeuful in the hunt. of Deer during the
grant. season. Some time 530 he shot. I
doe weighing 78 lbs. detains“, 3nd quite
recently a buck weighing 149% lbs, And 1 few
(lap utter, mother buck,- weighing 152 lb 1.-
Qeer 50 bug: I! the Inter an moi, secured
in our Mounuin [lowa-days.
THE LA DY'S FRIEND, for Juiuuy, “n
‘nry benulifnl nd‘very readable :hroughont.
The engruings no unusunlly fiqe, “the Yeti”
Gleaner” being nperfect fun. For urns, tc.,
see our advertiuhg columns.
“The ocquililione to ‘our eubecription
liet hue been more then ueuelly unperque of
158.0. We uke it, from thin, shit the people
no evoking up to the impomuée of eupport
ing the orgine of a White Xen’e Government,
end look upon it n e mum, eign. Let the.
people pull the good work, in the end every
othor’wey. end the Bodied: will ewe-well]
be overthrown. livery friend of the White
lien in Aden! county ehonld euhecribe lot the
Com-inn. - ‘
fi'Ouf Curler reqnelu at m inform fl
frienpl} that ho will be urouud on New Kent'-
morning with his Annual Addreu. A. ho
gym to present something nan-nu, n“
hope: 00 be liberally received. ‘ » r
fi-Wa hue npin toJlnnk on: tricnd,
Philip Bedding, Esq-. 10! h}. clevernou. Ho
brou M ul, tho other (in I billet of *7- .
tnd :10“ undo; lair-nip: Ihich. .11 “1.31:1 #B.". ‘Alexudn ){chghhn ha been
able hue vbud A No. 1! Th. "smug. ”Pom“? ‘B‘“ f" ‘ll-" “a“! to cancel
an... upon {be new“: 1",, m net to be (unfit-tout“!- the creation of a Prepmtor 1
but”... _G ~ ‘ I Bulging for Pnnqlnnn Colpn.
an. Pop; - once _n} Round mu, am fi-Speeid' “Minion of m mined in in
gonuy, m beg: _m‘inuOdT-{or tut of _A qg'ad co the Iglveniumom oi Jon. B. Bebenck,
hum, it in 9!“. by '9 do": “9" how ' um; :91»:an this uqd will in; Inccudln! In.
M in: ' I ‘mu “9!!“ mr- * ‘
, (-53.. . ’
v .1”? 1 Yr
,~ ssxi‘fZM-Z“; :5” .:
_. . a " «1' '
. The luliritul [in of the Gettysburg Mime]
Water. - u
L fit my to intendingto‘tho pub": h In. th- upininn BIJH:E.;:Y:2?YGEPE:: gfiTiisllhll 'x_
o alarm-denim: phy-idanmn‘udbthopropor . ’ '. . I -
modified ...-or in. Buttylbnrg lii mum.- mi "'cructatmg "1“” "n ”dd l" “mm“ bl“
'.hflrfun puuuu um lrutl the "'3... of Dr. home. ..r "‘6 'N’n"u" °f “an," new? Rum"- on um 1:" ““5, “'l‘“ “‘" "‘s’ ““1"" “"d 's‘“ a. ..'": l y upou spreins and bruises. outs. woun a.
"But-you my number thnn-Id (unilhr not: that :l;::‘°:':“nm' In? '0 En' bu: m ‘h‘; ‘in“
. n ummn or r enmn mu. e In
33:31:: matmsscmmm po-igwr m... n’m m m mm
mun relief in I tevr minutes In to make him‘
rP‘“ !""""‘° ""4 "m" Mk" 'l‘”" W" , rbon‘. out with joy- and uite as loudly us he
‘inIgmngIh.OsflIIIJIIJLIaLIXIJIDICIXH.L'IICI!" had Sthrlted wit-hypuinqbut . little limebe ‘
"MI-dren» bu luut linen rattled the sum of turn clm fore. it i. the pun elnua quickness with which,
of unborn! Inter-end pointed on! the clue of mmnp- in me Ready Relief nlfurdl "we Ill“ ml, be l
fiflfleynzrghmemfieuluim. 'l'huy‘may bu med called it: grand churneteriutié. With other
‘m'ru h’urtlnl .ba “halting r Iw- int-“bus "rm-D Tem'di" y°“' ’hf'flmfism ""51 I“ “W" “
I; 0! h‘ h t, .n am even» Ind its leisure. ll defies nnd mount“ the" pow
nm’i: I": 5:35:12,“ Hm ““9““ c""' ‘ er. it seems to go {or u mo‘menr,2ud then re
w" p 0 on my strum: exfm- lgziznumotfl' lluyngely than mic-r, flexing.ynur
_ . ' I r WIS lug your .muuc es tin hurting
mt Thu! they dilly: undrn 111-II: cor- Maire-n |u | tram 'P“ w Ipdt ll if taking, a :numznnut
tn. nits" an! I. '2‘"! “f"‘fl Chm“ “m"! a” 'PI 'Mul'e in punishing you for dir'flig to It.-
."' ‘" ",""‘° ’.‘P'W' ""l" ”8"“! ""9”" tempt to battle with it. But it is not. so when
,eilhyju elk-line purport-es url the carbonic lend with 'you 'Pl‘)! Bleay'a Readv Relief to our'
"5"” “3' "'~'"°" “mi“ in “"h‘ “”9”“ u" “' i rheumatism. The foul fiend Marts with‘ydis- ,
tendrnt! ugon dyspepti- :- neonate blue digit-U end i may at .one». He perceives hi: conqueror ut'
”YMMV“:- h‘?” w 1" “mm," “' 1"“! Slrlfr hunt. Ht- Inllenly resigns his hold of your
‘fl“ , 9“; int-lulrumlllr ““mflhm’cbwm 50in“. m’ulcles.: lltd flesh. He retiree; not
3:12:11 b'wmli". "Hl‘r'fli’ m" “N slowly, but at n leap. .You suddenly Reel uif
W the 2:“; ”lint? a ""1“ a”; ‘h. 50* had gotten rid of your great enemy. A
1:“; “'9” mm? I . “ha-cor“! :1“ °‘ ' delighilul “‘_Dlflllun of relief ronvinees you i
_I: it» I“ at M ""5"", ’1 T“ "’“N'! that you me lat’e. You perceive with surprise
K ’f“: h im‘“ “:1 there“ ”‘ "m" lift". you can ugulnlifl. your l'nutu without. («mi
'9, ." "" “‘3' ' " m “"‘f‘ ”I“ guisb.‘ You thunk lit-Men that you were wine
which Ire dependent upon all nee-nor one or lilhnc nerd. enough to n" ““I“,“ny “may “2“”; "“1 you
Ilien too the gravel formation: ennui byline ynuuee uudf inn ur-lly proton. llmt the 50 an“ you paid tor,
“M ”' M" "i“: 1" ""' “WWW" u“ ““"U u bcttle was the hrstin‘entment you ever mode
(M “u" “” mu”) “m“ n" n “"11"" "”' ““M- in your iile. thi try Druggists. ‘-
Th'“ "‘" i“ 3"“ ‘n‘ rh'é'm‘m'"! mm“ W “H" "mm“ N. B.—one bottle»! Rnuwuy'n Rondr Relief
Ind emu-l the-o urn-no uridu in the Iyrrtpui atrium-retinas, will do mom good thnn will um sum. or ten
’“'" "t" “W li'iurvud-d "P" "‘ P'M'm 1:“‘ “W" dollars. erpeudltl tor the utficinl rrmedies for
In hemluliiu- dint-mu. -in rum din-(rem; - d ehrumc mm. complaint; and you will theaqioseeu “
It‘ll-onus ..' the urn, ol the latter for trample, tlm din- remedy “n“ can he used with “success forl
(rel-:1“ chronic menu. 11. my huvpo tut harm“ N- mnny other complaints. Read the lollowing
1‘1“": I“: V'"““s°:i“"’:"‘ 5"“ "mm." 1“" PM“ letter, written by the well-known c'orresponn
‘V “1:57;: 3'“; P"K m . ' ‘dent. of the New York Herold. London Tim“;
' '.“L in mm" "W” mm """° (Enklflnd), New Orlrunl Picayune, Della,
.‘Cln CALCUH 111 the “midst, rind Dr. Gum-d, o! Londun. gClmr‘eslon Mercnrv m, , i
~-,.‘ . ‘ ~-
lelh the alum-tori br Ln. of the sum crly. mound WALSYDXEY MYERS ESQ H.‘ VANA CUBA.
unemployment. In dues of urlc uciddinthui- " l . ; H-n‘an'u Calm Jan 2 ‘lB5B '
l ~not eonne time tion: could Ibo! lt- nluo in regard to ”a”: Rfldwny &Co ‘ l y - y . ‘
th it n t.” ' " " " A
‘A :tllinhifinz:vrrhu ”will“ mm [M “a. m" i Genllemen—l have been a snfl' rer from.
. . , P ’ '°' ’Acnte Chrnnie Rhenmatirm for the Fast. twen- '
“ML“ gm ”m “new” “‘ mu“ mm" "' " "“"’ ty rears of In life ' m mfl‘erin s d’t’irin tlut.
to uni. Ind I hope your will uoon'dcnmp the nine n! its period new]; .onéue’uo' ‘8“ gm ex mg" l ‘
mutiluouu un-l P'Fijlllt them to the "Hui-ing world It have s’pent “ little iortun: on docupm’ bill! '
film‘s?" “M iglexp‘efdvo '3 3° ‘0 “Q""bnw’ 9'” without deriving nnv snhstnntiul benefit Re:
.m 'cuym .in raw. , ' 1 . . ' I
~ln n-lutioq tu theieflieucy nl' thou inter: n roumllul Ind 5:2"? [lta'inozsrgl ii'lylgrtzltetn-lkphrtisdlihfl‘ :3
.... . , V
“urz'lzzx'sltbu‘”'rk‘:°‘h":"°f-'.“ Ii sl(‘pt an hour at {my one time. A spgniuh‘
‘ 5 " max ‘,,"' “n “"x ”p‘n'P'm’ friend, to Wham lrehm-d my nulferiugz, told
"a" “a “WWW? "p”"°”" “m "m" "' " "h‘mm' me he lud u ZiPll‘leflV which would give the re
turn or blgflllnflur these ingredients effected in the “Cl and l“. kindlyvprt‘senfed m! Wil-h a bollle
laboratory 01mg.” ' thigh make)! the 13ml more rolnhls, of‘iß \D‘VAY’S READY REXJBF ~ Although
incurs readily lrllltu k"; by the random. uni therefore many skeplicnl “f den hint: unv miv ” from in'
:m‘“ “w" ”3:31;" “tum“ than th- mum“ "‘V, use, I tlint night applied it. freely on going to
"1' “WWW" ‘ ”m" . lied, and. in My great nativniahment. l'clt'relier-
Th.” Prewnpmi" 1“" nun 'r,“""d m" of “3': "I“ ed, and slept toundlv. The next nigat Ilg .in,
u u“"‘°‘"”'“‘“ "‘“n d”"""“ “w ““‘ “"n' applied the Romly Relief, and nn-olce in the
nmrning‘freell‘rom puirt, hui‘ing only used.
about half the bottle. [
Henrtily do I return you my humble ac
v knowledgmezts tor your invaluable n;edicinr-,_l
which may well be called “u blessing to mum”!
. . . . Thanking you, trout my soul. ior.
your wonderful remedy,l have the honor to‘
subscribe thyself.
Yours, lESpH‘iiltllv, -
g ' Fur (he 'Compt'ler.
ldt'itti to Young Gcntlcmtn.
Dian G:srsi:—Feeling interested in your
welfare, I have thought proper to give yon
inch ndtiee usH‘iu my opinion, would he bene
ficial to you. ‘ .
in the coursei of yont “travels" you will ire
qneutly be brought into Contact with persons
film are farth‘er advanced in lenrnin‘g, nnd
therefore have linore attainments, than your
self. You slmhld in some ney-try to brenk
down, the characters of such persons, and
:tht-reby Senate your own. Let the he the
height 9 your} nthbition': Avoid their com
' puny. Too great a familiarity with such per
‘ sons will lenddtg‘tonlempth . You might learn
‘sogget‘bing in your behavior and speech, which
Fould 1.7;: be pleasant, for it is cert-in that
either win: hearing or rigtwrnnt chrringe is
(caught on men take disense one of mother. »
1n cuse you hear it much speak well of a
Irelative, cousin, uncle, ML, be sure to re'mim}
;that person of his fruits. “ He is A pretty
‘good fellow, but—well, he is so and so; he
i gets so and so; it’s s. pity!" nnd then have a
5 long strain of sympathy for him . Tell not on
ly that person, but every person you see, so
'the‘t it It's made the topic :0! conversation at
;bnlls, parties, social gatherings, church,ornny
‘ethen place where you may think it mostlike-
I ly to spread. He is your r6lsllt‘e,- and con
sequently the greater necessity for doing so.
in this way: you will nuke yoursell conspicu
one. And also elevate your own character;
and hence will get’credit for being the only
gentlemen in the fnmily relationship. ‘
' In one you lee persons trying to cultivate
.social qualities, or, in other words, who are
getting intimate, make it obligatory unon
yourself to tear those bonds of love no friend
ily ties asunder. Try your utmost, use every
moons, Ind in case yo'u sn'ccend. and at any
time be reprimanded for your conduct, insist
upon your innocence. ' .
. When you go to church, do not enter im-
Imediately upon your aniral there, but stand
lalound the corhera. This will he 0 very good
I opportunity of discerning the great queetiona
}of die day. You camthcre hear of the_fnulte
of others, and ,cen in some degree enlighten
the curious public in regard to the faults nnd
' short comings 0! your neighbors and friends ;
I and when youlget home. you ,will then be able
to give at lenglh a detail at the “awful things"
' you have heard, to your deer Pa and Ma, who
will no doubt listen very attentively. _
l Do not enter the church until the minister
is englged Vin‘lreadiug his text or a palm.—
;Then enter. but in a group of three or four,
with large whip in hand. In thie way‘you'
,‘ can attract th‘ attention of the congregation
and the minitter, who will stop reading at
once. The ladle: will also take it ely glance at
iyon, and car. 5130 see that you run some ma
:ehine, e sleigt or buggy—that. yon sport a
great nwneta he, which is very becoming,
l (that is, may he—cotning, but hal noty’et ar
rind.) It iel not necessary when you get
home, thet ytt'n can repeat the text, but that
you go to church regularly is unmcient, that
you have hearld all the new, and that you be
long to the church militant.
l When eervites nre concluded, there is no
neeeaaity fur making a hasty retreat from the
'church. Statid around the corners, wait un
til the lediee lieave, form a hollow aqnureglet
;them‘ run the gauntlet,. for it mnlt he‘lvery
| pleaeent for them to he anrronnded by anch a
' group ofbee‘ut‘ifnl'young men. After the ladle;
'have all‘ gone, jump on your horses, make
good use of your apart, and in case you meet
1 pereoul on the way a foot, (especially ladiea,)
I use your apnr‘l more vigoronoly, ride or drive
lorer any perfon that cornea in your way, for
.they are beneath your notice; ride race, or
anything you can amuse younelvea, at.
I might lay down more rulea for your
guidence, but! hope that the ahore‘will be
lulficient to lead you to proper eonclalione,
and gueu wlitt l'have left uneaid. ' E.
hulonqdd boomer railroad lin'e, more“.
In; two miles Iva: of York. running our King's
pow nil], crossing the Norman: Qantnl near
tho: point: dud George ”not near Enug's
ouncry—rhehc‘o toward: Roi-Land’s old tavern
"and, crossing the pike Ind railroad below
ihnz‘u called the Summit, nod connecting
via: the firu‘l‘me than: five miles below York.
m, ’ . '7‘ 4 ' “ ~
, . . _~ ..A , , ~
. ~ w t a“ y. ..
M V“ ‘ Jr; :91 t ‘ 'l'.-
. £57 ‘ . a L,,:-.§‘~'.¥'r=:: A A flat
srnmn NOTICES.
Lac '25
Du. Jmm Daunnu‘s
Prepnrod from n. prescription of_Dr. Juan Delu
msrre Chie'fl’h) aicinn of the Hospitul
dn .\'urd ou Lnri'noisiere of Pinyin.
This invaluable medic'ne is no imposition,
but is unfailing in the cure of Spermntorrl u
or Seminal Weakness. E'ven species nf Geni
m or Urinary lrrutil-iliiy, lnvolumnry or
Nightly Sc-minnl Emissions from whatever
Muse produced, or however severe, will be
sper-iily xelieved and the organs restored i 0
henllhy union.
klhaq the following opinions of eminent
French phylicians: "
, “We Have used the Specific Pills prepared
by Gamnciere k Dupnnt,-Nu. 2” Rue Lom
burd, irdm the prescription 0! Dr. Juan. Dela.
murre. in our primlo practice with‘ unliuim
success, and "we believe there is no other med
icine so we}! cnlculnt‘ed to cure'nli peraons
scarring from lm‘ulunlary Emizysriuns or any
other weakness uflhe Sexual Organs, whether
caused by a qedentmy mode 0! living, exceawu,
or nbuse. ; R. A. Buunnnmk, .\l. D.
. ’ _ G. D. Duunnm, M. D.
i ‘ Jinx L: lecun, .\l. D.
Paris. Mar; Mb“ 1863'." _ '
The Genuine Pills are sold by all the prin—
cipal llruggl‘sts th'oughoullhe Wprld. Price
One Dollur per Box, or Six Boxes for Five
Dollars. .
Guuéxnl & Dnvox'r. Sole Proprelorl,
No.l2l4'Rue Lombard, Paris:
One Dollar enclose-l to any authorised Agent,
will. insuro'n box by return mnil, securely
nah-d from pH pbsmmuon; six bun-afar the
dollars. [
3010 General Agents for America,
27 Corllundt at.., N. Y.
N. *B.—-yFrench,Germnu. Spanish and English
Pgmph'leu, coullining lull particular: and di
roclions for nae, sent (me to every addreu.
Dec. 18, 1865. 1y ,
Sll Juan Culxn'l Cnnnnln FIIALI
PILLI. I’m-pared from n preucription of Sir
J. Clarke, 11. D., Phylicinn Extmordinnry to
the Queen. This invaluable medicine in un
failing in the cure oi fill those p.-inl'ul and
danger-nun diseases to which the [manic con
llitntinn is subject. ltmoderaws nil exceuu
and remove: nil obstruction, and u. upee dy
cure may be: relied on. :
T 3 fluvial Ladies it in peculiarly miter]
It-‘will, in uphort time, bring on the monthly
period wilhfignlurity. '
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears tho
Governmont Stamp of Great Britain, to pre
ventcounterfem. , ’
Cwflom—J‘bcw Pills should not be taken
by Fem-lg: during the !IRST THBKBJIOI‘HI! 0!
Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on Mia
cnm’ngc, but It any other time they Ire safe.
In All cases “Nervous nnd Spinnl Afl'eclionu,
Painl m the Buck and Limbs, Futigueqn flight
exertion, Palpitation of the flea n, Hyatgtirl,
and Whites, these Pill: '1“ effect a cpre when
I" ocher mum have‘lniled 5 and Illbnngh a
powerful remedy, do not cont: n iron, culomel,
sntimon’yTor Ilnylhmg humul to the constitu
tion. ‘
Fun din-anions in the pamphlet Mound each
pmknge, whizh should be curefully preserved.
Sold by nll Draggilu. Sole Agent. for the
United States and Canada. .
JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandt St, N. Y. .
N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage lumps enclos‘ed
to an] Authorized Agent, will insure 1 bottle,
containing 60 Pulls, by refiurmmail. Sold by
A. D. Buchler. . [OB6. 18, 1865. l,
Thin Shall“ be: thoroughly proved ilulrlo be
the belt article known lor curing the Qlllfl’b,
Cold In ‘he Head and Headache. It has been
found In excellent remedy in mm: cue. of
Sure Eye). Deafness has been removed by it,
end Hearing he: ol'wn been green] improved
in in use. - ‘ -
lt is {repent end egroeeble, end axvu‘ ul
nnnrl new! to the dull heavy pefiu ceased
by dlmeu of the head. The tenulionl the:
using it are delightful and lnvfgonung. It
opens and purges outulloburnclione,urength
cm the chads, end given I. heeleny cation to
the pine Iflecud. ‘
More than Thirty Yeare‘ of sele end an of
“Dr. Imhefl’l Ceurrh end Headache Sunfl,"
he] proved in great value for all the common
disease: of the head, and a: this moment
eumde higher thnn ever belore. l
Illa recommended by meny of the but phy
liciene, end it Med with greu‘wcceu and
eetilfledon everywhere.
Bend the Certificate: of Wholeule- Drug
giltl in 1864: The undersigned, having for
my ya" been ncqnainled with “Dr. I‘ll-l
lhell'l Camrb end Headache Snnfl'," and mid
“'in our wholeule undo. cheerfully Into, the;
we when l: to be equ-l, In every regpe‘cx, n;
eh. manned-tion- given all: for the cure’
of WW Afleclionl, and mu h it decided
ly the beet-nick we have ever known for all
mm... a...” or the and. [
um b'Parry, Bulge; Reed, 49m- : Co.,
nm‘m; Brown, Lawson 8 CO., BoMon ; Reed,
(Enthu- ‘ Cm. 110 mm 3 sun W. fork. BUIMI;
Wllnon, Fairbunk C 00., Batten; Bomb“;
Edmund! 00., Bolton; H. H.vflly,‘l’oflllnd,
la; Barnes t Put, New Yuri; A. Bx! D.
Slfldl, New York; Stephen Paul 8 00., New
York; Israel Minor t CO., NemYork ;llcKeh
non & Robbin. Nrw York; A. 1.. Econ)! & CO.,
New York; M. Ward. Clout 00., [kt York;
Bush t Gale, .\'ew York.
For ude by all Drngxiiu. Tr] 18.
Dec. 18, 1885. 1y ‘
tor: mums, when no bleeding u permuted,
n free we of then Finn noon modiflel tha
91min; lymptoml, 3nd peruvennce, accord.
ing‘to the directions. ulunfly quickly cures,
Ind certainly nolhing ls tinted Kn using. Hrnu‘
dreth'l Pllll. For colAl, influenza, diptherin,
pnlnu oflhe bend, dininou nml upopl‘xy, nu
midi'ciu can be conipured no them. In tr)—
upelu, font and :gnc. small-pox, And in ..u.
the diieuel of childhood; that? use Shares |
speedy recovery of heuhh. They broducu‘
the‘le relnlp Ilmply‘by “kiln: from an brood
m: impuriliel, leavingjru/IS‘ vmu. FLUID
FREE, to all! a real: "locality" to "core: its
proper and nelmary “gums" or_ henlth. K
BRANDIIETB S ‘PILLS hive umnny for tho
Dec. 18. lm
nit. TOBIAS' VENETIAN mea's'r.
Died of Group—«VlM; a. pretty and Interest
ing child I saw hm. week! But not, ulna! it
is no more. Such was the couvemgtion of
mo gentlemen riding dean town in the cure.
Ditd of cronp 1 how “mange! when Dr. Tobiuu'
Venetian Liniment'la I. cemsjn can, H’ taken
in lime. Nowr mpthen, we appeal to you.“
it is not. In une‘palLry gnil undwrom we
make, but for the take .1! )uur infant fluid
that now lies playing a yuur feet. Group is
a dangerous dispute; but use Dr. prma’ Va.
neti'nn Linimont initi'meflnd i! is iobbed of in
tenors. AIM): keep inn the héuso; you
may not want it to-night, or to-morruw, no
telling when—but armed With thin liuimem.
you are prepared, let it come when it will.~
Price only 40 cents I bottle. ()flicelfl Con.-
lypd'htreel, New York. MM), all Druggiats.
Dec. 13. m ‘ ,
The Grml Female Remedy fur lrrrg'ulunlm
f These “runs are A scientifically Conlllfl'llld
ed fluid preparntion, and belterllmn tiny Pills,
,Puntlers or lerums. Being liquid,.lheir
Icllon is direct nnd positive, rendering them IL
reliable. ttpeedy uni certain slteeifiufur tho
'(‘ure of all obstructions nnd_ suppresiaiuns of“
ms um. Their popnlnrity is intticntctl by the-
Mutt [but over tuwmo bottles tire nnnuull) with
' nnd consumed by the Indies of the United!
‘St-tru, every. one o!‘ u'hont‘spt-nlt in the strung-
Ecst‘ terms ot~pninle oLtheir great menu. They
are rupitllyJuking the flute ot evrry other
Female Remetl‘y, und‘are considered Ivy ullu’ho
know uught at them, as the smell, !nfenl, and
most infallible prepsrniiou in the worhl,tor
the cure of hi] female complaints. the remand
l of all obstructions of nature, and the prun‘lu
tion orhenlth, I'vzulutity and strength. Ex
plici‘ directions stunting when they msy he
used, Etna explaining wh- n_ and unity they
should not, nor cuuld not In need without
producing effects contrary is nature's chosen
ln‘ws, will he l‘ouud‘ carefully folded mnuntl
eurh hhttle, with the written signature 0! Junx
L. Imps, without. nhich none are genuine. .
Prepared by‘Dr. JOHN 1.. LYUN. l 9!) Chapel
Street, New Huron, Coun.,‘s‘rlw mm be cun~
sulted either personnlly, or by mnil, (enclosing
Hump.) court-mini all privlte' dtsessea uni
female weaknesses. Sold by Druggtsts every
where. . C. U. CLAHK t 04).. '
Grn'l Agenu for U. 3. and Canada:
Nov. 6, .665. 1"
Stan" ran my Human l—.\ moat valua
ble and wonderlnl puhllcuion. A work of“
400 pngl‘l, and 30 column] Engraving". DR.
HUNTER'S YADE, All-.CUSI, an o‘rlginnl and
pupnlnl' lremiu on Mum and Woman, their
l'huiolopy, Functions, u'n‘l Sexual diam-{hug
of every kind. with. Never-Pulling [remaliu
for their awed: cure. The practice 0! DR.
HUXI‘ER has long b: 9n, and still Is. nnhoflnd
ed, but/4| the earnest loliv-ituion u! numerous
perionl, he lml been imluved la extend his
medical usefulness thrgugh the medium of hi
‘-V.«\DE MECUM.” 1!. n n volume’thul. would
be in the h.|ndB of every Inmily in the hmd, as
n prmeytive of secret Vic", arm a guide for
the allgl‘julion of‘onc ol' the mosl nwlul and
dv slruclm acourueg lbw! ever vimed mankind.
One copy. securely envdnped,nill he lorwurd‘
ad free of [mange |o any pm. of tho United
States {or M) cenln‘ln P. 0. Humps. Address,
pool paid, mt. HUMER, .\'o. 3 Divulou St.)
New Yutkl "‘ " ’
‘ [Sept.2s. ly
I'o cossufifinvas., _
Th nudeuigned [having been reltoi‘ed to
ealthe in a few weeks by u very sim‘pk- reme
dy, ultcr having sufl'ered‘uvcml yeprg, with ‘3
severe lung nlTcCliun, and that drum] dileue
ansumplion—is anxionu to make known to
his fellow-sllfl'erera the menus or cure. »
To all who desire it, he will send atropy of
the prescriplion used, [free ol chm-39,] with
tli‘e directions for Prepnrinft and using lha.
lame. Which they WI“ find a um: curt l’ur‘Cox.
summit, Aa-rnnflinoncnnil, (:ummafloum,
etc. The only object of the Idvutiu: in mud
ing the prem nption il to benvfit the afllictcd.
snd iprend information which he conceives to
be inulunble, 3nd he Impe- every .ufl'erer wall‘
try his remedy, u it will cost them n‘othiug,
And In" prove a blessing.
Parties fishing the prncription. will plea-o
- Willingmaburgh, King: 60., Xe! York.
Oct. 16. 3|]:
AI [xvuunu'nnoovn'n "
A Fun. GIAII of ludino in etch ounce ofwlter,
diuolud mlhoul a mum! - ~
.Tbe men Pownlm. Vlulmso Au" and
Rn‘ronfln-I known. Scuoruu. SALT-Ruling.
Cucnn, Butt-Annmfohuvnox, and mu- .
11] Chronic and Heredimry Dilutu, are cured
by its an, n thouundl can testify. Circular
lcnt ln-e. I’m-051.00 per bottle 0; 6 fur $5.00.. V
Mr. H. ANDQRfl t 00., Physician and
Chemists, 4:8 Brund'ly, New York. Sold by
Druggilu geuenliy. [Sewn 25. 3:11
Du: Sll:—Wilh you: permiuion,l ilah to
lay lo the reader: or your paper, mu '1 will
load, by return mail, u: all who wi-h lumen-J
I Recipe, with full directions for making nn
using a simple Veggmble Balm, that will of
feclnally rem’ove,lnlen days, Pimplu,Blulohel,
Tun, Frecklel, Ind all Impurities ofrt'he Skin,
leaving the lame soft, glen, Imoqth And beau
m'ul. ~
I will allo mail free to those. having will
Hudl, onßun Face], aim lo directions and
Information thu will cosh}: them to non u
lull growl or Luxurilnt Hair, Whisken, on
Moustache. in leu than thirty dl’l.
All Ippllcntionl answered by return null
withontchnrue. Relpecliully yuan,
, THUS. F. CHAPMAN, Chcnplat,
NOV.3O¢ 3m 83l Brondnyfilev York.
u than who lull in the Iqbal nnkl nndoubta
odly do, is foolilh. But on the other hand
u thou the In win sud prudent enough to
remedy tho ddecu o! nllnre with
0113131400 an 8413 DYE,
on doing every day, In every City 9! th. 11.
nion, b eminently puiuwouhy/ TH. peue.
M revolution in going on throughout. tbs
whole llnd, nod thus beauty and human, sup.
plsnt homelineu andincongruity. lanufac.
lured by J. CRISTADOBO,NO. 6 Altar Home,
New York. Sold by Drnuiau. Applied b;
all Eli! Dreueu. {Hi} 8: 1m '
fiTbe'Bichmond Wm.) Enquirer up;
“Our former ulna will, with the excep
tion '9! A night proponlon. become pub.
pea. _ ‘ ‘ . '
"Thin um be the upihqmd and of “0n...
‘3O? phmthrovx- ' -