The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 11, 1865, Image 4

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E l
z...“ ‘2'3': rim—.-_ 7- ..
~ . )3 “HP“. , I
Whilst . impe- nourish moderately well
in!!! ptrfi 0! this county, there ure certain
poetical it. Idmirn'b'ly ndiipted to their
guitars-fibers the vines grow rapidly and
produce alli’mdnntly, had the gv'npeo mature
gn‘d ncquil inll flavor. The «stride and.
hung! flip South figuntain, with the Id
joining eléntious, in this favored region.
1 The mitivation of ' grape-s is a matter
“Shiloh nhoiuld be moi-o ..genonilly attended
10. beanie they nil], airpmt anywhere. re
pay the £rouhle_ and outlay incurred in
plating lmi retiring—hut ip'thoue districts
b'élt haunted to their ‘cultivation, théy.
Ihonld be! made a speciality. - 4
It in prébnble that niuny pprnona who do
no}. now, bou‘ld ‘give grape culture their at.-
te'ntion,‘ if they wen-(g haste-din regard to
the most; chbicn vfirietws. and the- host
modg- of floating tlmm We, therefore.
propose, in this articlé. to [pint out’acgneoi'
thq bent {or this region, nnd will leave
their trentrneritr for a future article. ‘ ,
The 0011 cm via know to be‘good. and pre
{ernbie for sevelial reasons. it is very‘ harily ,
sill grow almost anywhere, and rarely lalis
to produce an _nbnndam crop. Some 6!:-
‘ject to arlighi foxineszi generally éttnchmg‘
“to this variety, but where it is properly cul-i
tinted," the oljeclionhlile feature disap
pears? . We (mind several aimoimens 9110:};
hihition at the Bandnrswlle‘l’uin laxt‘SepV
lumber. unil‘never Me better, of my kind..
The grapes were 'inrgv, mum-e t'w hunches.
find nothing mulg] lmvo I’m-n ‘ mnm «lélici-i
oils. The Cannon] should grow on every I
propertyfil , . , . . t
Thalia“ is also. ninnm: the host—is
hardan this region—Mars well, and ma
iurea'well. ‘ . ‘ ‘
The Delaware should hkowise be sch-clad.
Though small, the bum-1m; nr-‘é of good 5616
9nd very compact. aml Lha‘prnpw remark
able for their sues-mi!“ nnrl richness. .
' The Hartford Pratt/z}: would have a place
in every grupery. 1:. (on. is n good beu'rér
—the grim: rips-n emly, aml {we delicious.
The Catawba. wlmn not ’mil—dewvd. is
‘bn'rdly tn be oxpella-d—nml lllonph Huhjnct
go: blight‘rathef lreqnonlly, we would re<
commend its plantiglg. Whey in favorable
localiom, it Will éscgw mil-dew flm‘years
in five.’ Al lenal, su‘ch is 'our experience.
’ There are sevoml other vaniotiog.ulliclf
rank high. but we .cmpm'. b‘}v(uk~ (.l‘ lbom
fxomxknowlwlc'o. 'l‘lm wJllOr‘the Hinen
can Agriculturut thinks le Inna llm best of
grapes. and also very lxighly’rpcummends
3,119 Adiroqduc, lsmdm um] In'rl/rmz. .
‘ This enumemnon will do I'm- lhe pxesant.
’ Should any of our readers have nthér va
rieties to suggest in addition, we will chevr
fully give place to theirsuggbulions. What.
.":we want to get M. is. the general introdulc
4-tion of the beat of everythingi-grapea'in
_cluded—apd are sure that, if the hints here
thi’pwn out. be followed, inuch improvement
in this like orcunure will be me mun.—
- lEd. Conlpi/er.
, ._-—' - -._—.40.... _.g‘ »-- .
pl‘scovcryg of (ill nenr the Pigeon llills,’ldums
7. 1 ~ ‘ county; t »
Mr. Samuel Brown. living‘in Bel‘fi‘lck
townshih. Adams county. bold ‘his farm to
an Oil ‘ mpany of thqvbr. This proper
ty form rly comprised part of- whntwns then
gnown’ s the Seminmry hum. owned by:
t,Ma ’s College.» which was a resortnf
the stu nte connected with the above 111'-
Etltutg'. during vacatinn. . “ ‘
The circumstances connected v'v'gh the
discovery n! oil upnn this prnperty. are
‘hriefly his fnllnws: In a ‘conversation he.-
{ween Mr. Brown and an old resident of
‘he neighborhood. upon the tvrohnlnlity of
conl exiqting in the "Pigs-on Hills," thebld
[unedited that many years previous, 11
yiriestJ dging from the geological iormn
tion of fihe surlzice of the century. was in
duced ht sink a shuft in the t-xpectfition of
India; lbonl. After boring to 8 considers.-
. ie deptlh. an oily substance, having a rank
9nd dis greenble odor. arose tn the Eurface.
‘which. 5 nothing was known of coal oil.
attracteTl no attention at that time. Short
ly lifter thm—‘the work was abandoned and
_nothingi more was llinught or suigl of the
matter until thé conversation nhof'e referred
to. whe ’ it occurred to Mr. Brown that pos
sibly that oin substance spokeii of wan-coal
pil. Acting upon this belief. he went to
work tq find the old hole, the locality of
_wblch was pointed out by the old man.—
.él'ter rl‘moyi g‘iive or six feet of earth
which had cumulnted, the .identicnl
9peningl‘was f 0 ml with a cherry plug driven
tntdit. Upon the‘remogal‘ui the plu'g it
was‘fou d limit the hole was nearly filled to
the Esur ace lh small stone, thrown in~
'rrohebl by the _sludents for amusement.
f I
' l
I}; A _ .
”r. E. c mmen’ced boring. and aftergetting
(for ' 6 M fifty feet, strfick what. up'on
investig tion,.proved to be genuine coal
bi]. whi. h rqse. to the surface, but in small
quantil . Thu; oil does exist, hgs‘béen es
flhlish beyond doubt. bygm eismilxation
of'tbe [lremlseq bxmen who~arc capable of
{Edging but whether in su‘ficiem quantity
~ juah y (be pulclmse of lands, or exten
‘fiive o eramons in. de‘wlopmg ~them, re—
mnins.b9 be seem—1111110»? (Item. ‘
~ ‘ Established 1850. -
N ‘ LAWRENCE u. mmz a: 00.,
respectfhlly beg leave 10 noxif‘y their friends,
{:‘uelo‘meirs end the public generally, that they
have reeidved fron} No. lfil'anklin street, to
the com odious four-story Warehouse, '
between waard and‘Libeny, where they will
for the !fu ure conduct the Wholesale Busi
hou, solely in -
"i Boaliery. Trimuginga, '
E . Furnishing Goods. ~ ‘
i. ' Perfumery, Notions,
‘ Stationery, Untier‘y,
‘ ’. ‘ ‘ _ Toys, &c., kc.
l- they invite the attention of city Ind
pnrghuers, fefling confident of their
to olfer inducements in prices and
of Goods.
.s'by mail will receive prompt» atten
. ddreu , .-
: LAWRENCE D. mm &‘OO.. ..
308 Buliiuiore street, Buhiinore.
.' 14,1564. . ‘
to whit:
' Orde.
fion- a
- ~ New Warehouse..-
£OO 090WANTED.QHEenewa-ain
, d Pr, nee onse, in‘Qm-lisle street, adjoin
ing Sh ad: a Buchley’s Establishment. The
giigbm ‘ rkgfit pgice wili always be paid in
can! ha. - ‘
' QRAM, of all kindnr fl, , '
. noun, snaps. kc.
.5 onyhgndppd‘ 192' we, at the manna
rrqfiu, ‘
ros. .
SALT, use. a - .
' - ‘ 'GROCERIES, n, ,
.. ' Whoieunlé hpd reinil.
1327138) We skull‘fio our bést ‘_m gin
utllllch‘un in gill um ‘
burg, 31,111,1863. ly ' ‘
. E'finl "yon-m of Willing Wen, Comm:-
_ «$6,! the beam: Ind “fate of [fluid
men ,'glLuhnth-.) has been filed in ;he
. mi ti! 0 who): fleas 91‘ Adams county, Igd
'flib‘c codfirm¢b ihe mid Conn, 9n Qua
)1! '5 Y 9? DECBfiBEB NEXT,nnleuca.u'se
pin , to'thecdntnz.
. ‘l’ a ‘ * ' “._ucq Busnnnmwy.
Sumac“. w: "-h ‘ .. ~ -~‘~ -
PU n [17,? rua 13 50,01} . ‘ E Notictns'and Oonfldtions.
--'. A ‘ . ’ .._; . .. '
'‘ ml anus” "max: or “I ~All]. EA wogp To Tag PEUPL‘ 0? TOWN AND
‘ ‘ " l‘ l COUNTRY.
g SUREAnflaoui’lor “c 305”, and a. refuge‘ N. , . ‘
from -s°”°"u “i“ i," in‘“- THE lanEriber keeps: Notion tad {Io-ko
v . -/ ' . , . tionnry Store ou' Gurlisie urea - nut];
‘ mans me Pins, ‘ I‘oppouitejho Realm-d swim, Gethupurg,
,_ .r‘m‘m YW'HP", Lwhere h. [magnum-Idiot: band,CAKDIES,
m «dimmed who the BEST FAMJLY um. NUTS, rm, mum. bomohuhflnngfi, kci;
CD'S {or gcncnl use, Purifying the Bigod and Tobnccm and Sugar! «3! I” kindl; Pocket
cleansing L111}; #41:: from, 111 impurity. 'Eooka, S‘sf’engerl, fleck {Etchofllgaotcé}
. ‘ AA" LIFK' PILLS, .' Hosp: an: - cr lunatic“. n .‘ ‘ .
‘rezxglnge thefiwfnacb, pivot mad Billinry 3” RES, Sng‘n. EOE".”Rlce'dwl§fit-h dimmn
Hellman. finch us'tha chietcnune M Hergbns- (“"1“ 0' Crgc 9'“ “3"“, f _ AD, 3‘ l".
"f": bNdmesfi Dunne" of Sight, Helldancho, ."m"' H: """f" cuuom 1:0,» 'o'“ “d
sle Stomach and other kindred complaints. I “WWI: “1d “"3 “ “mafia'flfimovsr
‘ ‘ . u A - . 1.
Hundreds of Certificate: can be Shown.
Tkgy‘hnvebenn usedhy thousnnfiwltb success.
are. :Juptetl lor all ages and cobuitntlonl.—
’l‘hcy‘ure composed of the active prinrlplca of
Ilene and Boots. culled lrom our fields and
forests. ‘Tlxey are mild but 'cprunn in‘ their
operation—producing neither camps. gnpinz,
[mill- or, Birlmess. They may be mkeu by all
ugel. taxes or conditions wimouz [can
BRYAN‘S LIFE PILLS, Cure licmlache.
BRYAN'SI LIFE PILLS, Cure Sick Stomach.
mex's um PILLS, curl- Gulllineia.
BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Rarity the Blood.
A Box of BRYAN‘S LIFE éILLS will cost but
Ind willnecompliah all that is rcprewutcd.
They are elegantly put up by the proprietor,
the Hunter of BRYAN'S PULMUNIO WA.
FERS, a medicine long and lavorubly known
to tlLe Amt-rlcan Nation. < '
‘ lt'you wish Blvnn's Life Pilll, and cannot
get. them ofynurdruggisc, don't mkaany other,
but sum! 'l‘wynCy-fivc Uentsin a lclper to the
proprietor, and ypu will get. their. by return of
umll,pusl-pnid. Address,
. ‘ v ' DR. J: BRYAN.
442 BrQleay, New York. l’, 0. Box 5079.
Illenlerq can hn anplivd hy Dnmas bfurnes 35
Co , Wlmlewlefigexfis, .\'ew York.
, GL A D NEW s:
‘ run ml uxvonwxn! .
r TIUN, ammo not intu-rfere with husineas
purelxilfi. Md .\'o CHANGE OF DIET [is-E
1 ‘ Bell’s Specific Pills
‘ Are warranted in all cases] for the Speedy and
; Permanent (lure ol‘Serujnul Weakness, Ureth- i
!r'll mud, V.xginn_l Discharges} Glce', Sexual;
l)§-’l*ll‘ts; Emissions,\lpapotencc. Genital aud‘
Xenon; i)elxility_nnd diseases of the ‘ltlndder ‘
’.niul Kuhn-5:. ' ' ’ .‘i
F They nrc mlnptei for male or frrnrrlc, all] or ‘
young, and um thcynly remun- knowu fur the
cure a! nil disemcs Ilrieing Imm i
1 yunrnr‘uL Ixmsvnmmx, , .
' [n nll Sr-xxml Disense’s, as Gonorrhea, Strig- ‘
turo, Gleet, and in all Urinnry and Kidney :
complaints, they act like It charms Relief is
'exporiem-ed hy'lxtking at single box; and iron;
[our to six'hotca generally effect it cure. ‘
. Sol-l inibnxes contuiniug‘UO pills, Price On»
‘l‘ullxtr, or six boxer, Five Dnllnrs; also, in
large Imm, containing four of thg’émnll, Price
Three Dollars. ' ~
- l'rivute Circulars tn Gentlemen ‘cwa, sent
I'n-e on receipt a! directed envelope nnfl :mmp.
t It )uu mad the Pills. t out his advertise
ment for relerence. nn-l i‘y' cannot procure
them ul'gour druggrst do not in 'mposed on by
‘nny other remedy, 3“” enclose the any in u
letter to _ . .
z DR. }: BRYAN, Consulting Phys: ’
{. Box 517:). 412 Broadway, New
and the} will be ~sent to you secure from or.
serrntion, by return mail, post-paid, on receipt
of 'the money.
' Dealers subplied h? D «has BJrnes & CO.,
. Wlmlesnle Agcuts‘, New York.
mmnmir TO LADIES
Dr. Haryey’s Female Pills,
HF. mdsv. infullible and populiu' remedy
cwr known. for all disc:xs'cs of the icmal?
gox. They Inn-e been ussd in many thousand
cases win; nnthiling success—nud, may he re
lied on in evury case for which they nre re
commended, und pqrticulxlrly in all cases Mis
ing from . , ‘
no matter from what cause it arises. :I‘hey are
ofi'r-L'tual in restoring to health all wk]? nre inf
fi-ring tx‘om kaness and ~Dehility, Uterine
Disclmrg: s, Nervousucy, km, kt. kc” and
they “Acllike a Charm." in strengthening the
sump. Thousands of India; whn have suf.
lered for years and tried vurious other reme
dies in'vnin, owe a renewal of their health and
gtreugth wholly to the elficncy of '
They {no pel-fectly lmrmless on the system,
may be taken at any time will] perfect smely;
but during the early stages of Pregnancy they!
slutml-l not be‘mken, or nr miscarriage may hql
the result. They never. cause any iicknossl
pain or distress. Each box cuxnufns‘ 60 pills?
Price One Dollar. .
a remedy tor special cases? fuur dr‘uregs atrou ‘
2: than Lbe “have; l'rice lfive Dollars per bo
’ A Private Cixculur to Ladies with fine nna
tomipalwngrnvipgsysenv. free on receipt of d:-
rocfed envelope and stamp.
WCM this out ifyou desire Dr. Harvey‘s
Pills,'flnd ifyou cannot procune them of you:
drumist, do notltnke‘ any other, for some
dealers who am unprincipled will'reccmmeud
mlwr Fem‘MqPills, they can make‘a large:
profit. om—but enclose the niouey and send (1}
rent to ‘
DR. . BRJJN, Consu‘mng Physician,
an\ 5079. ” 44’; Broadway, New York
and you will receive them post-paid securely
sealed tron) obscrvntiquJ by return mnil.
Dgwlers aupplied—{iDemna Barnes 8: Co
Whalesale Agents, Ne Yerk.
‘ The Private Medmal Advmer.
I (Exclusively for Ladies,) _
Q N invnhmble-uemise of mu pages,b_y Dr
A J.‘Hun‘ey, publlshed~for the benefit 01
the sex. , . '
On receipt. of TEN CENTS, it. will 13° sent
post-paid, in a sealed onvplope, to all‘who up-
I ply for it. Address , ' g ,
. - DR. .1. BRYAN, 442 Broadway, N. Y.
T Box 5019. ‘ ‘ h, ,
l_ *7" ‘ 7 , , ~ ,
THIRD EDITION,- Pitt}; [Thousand—loo
. pages, by Roanm E. But, M? D. A cun
lion, addressed to yguth, 4115' married, And
those Conrnxpmnsa “nuns. Sent-by mnil
post-paid, o’n receipt of TEN EENTS. . A cure
ful pemsnlql‘zhis small book has been 3. Boom
I'o :I'II Arum-rm, sud has sued ‘tllonnnds
irum in life of misery, and an untimely grave.
It’ll-eats on‘the evils onouLlufixl India-retina,
Self-Abuse, Seminal Wenkfieas, Emissions,
Sexual Diseases, Genital Debilily, Loss of
Power, Nervousness, Pr nature Decay, Impo
tence, &c., &c., which un- ‘ the sulfate? from
fulfilling the Obligationgof rinfim- -
/. Addressf DR. J. : ' VAN,
1 Consulting Phy'cian,
‘ Box 5079. , 442 Broudw’ny, New ork. _
Ana. 1L lRRv’C‘ 1, I _
Watches and Jewelry.
,‘r CHARGES FOR 51,—!uuuz A? Low
9) PRICEE [#loo,ooo Watch", cmfina, L 063-
e's, Ringl, Brucrluu. Sets of Jéwelry, Gold
Pens, ta, kc. To be-dilpoacd of at ONE
DOLLAR etch; without‘regurdim "he, not.
to be paid for until you know‘whu you are
to receive. ‘ ‘
190 Gold Huntingwe Wuch'ea. ' 3
each, $5O to $125
600 Silver “'atrhes. only ‘ 20 to -35
10000 Gold Pena bSil\'erCnse,each, sto 8
10030 Sets Lndies' Jewelry, (n 5;
‘ uorted,) each, - 3to ,10
Ania. huge nsmrfinent of Jewelry~ pt ei’ery
description for lwliep’ and gents'.Wem-', vary
iug in mluejrom $3lO $25 each. The method‘
of diipoaing of these goods It. On: Down:
each is as follows: , '
caa’rfmcuap‘ naming “ARTICLE and
its priqa ire placed in SEALED ENVELOPES
hhd'v'vcll mixed, one of which win he sent by
Rail :6 my riddles: on receipt of Price. Oua
Certilimmi 25"genfi. Five for SL' There nre
no~BLANKS'.‘ Xou must get the VALUE 0!
{‘our money. Cirgulnn with, £5?
REE. 'Addrou,‘ ‘ AJ. BAR? 800. ’
‘ ' '_ A ’ 229 Broidsn‘y, .an York.
Aug. 7.1865. ly
”NUS !——The undersigned wnuld respect-
P fully inform thr- public that he mm furnish
HANDS of the following muuufncturers, or
lb 5: of other mahc,_it desired, M. the lowest
figsible prices:
- DEPKER Imus. -
GEO. STHCK. ‘ ' _
A. H. GAHLE .t (‘O. ’ ,' _
WParticular attention is given to the de
lection of Pianos; and wbqu so selected, in ad
lion to the mnnufnclurcrs' guarantee, the Piano!
are guaranfem' by me. " . a" ‘
.\IASOX & HA MLW ' ‘ -
The rece’ul. improveméugs in tlxege instru
ments are such as to fully wurmnl saying thoy
are rmJaUPI-zmoa to any ixlber make. One
of the best evident»: of their merit is, that
llv-ir improvgments ”are imltdell by other
makers. The new style, fuur stop grann, have
a Sub-Buss nnll Getavu'Cnnplet, m'lkxng iv. nu
inqrumx-ul. eapvciully admired to Church and
Snbbmlfl‘fiehnul purpnars.
will he soul by mull lo p‘orsons (lesiling llwm.
lr'muos ;uned regularly. P-innns lukx-n in u
change. N . R‘EL'I‘ER BENTZ,
No. 30 Enst..\larl-.letih‘t., York, Pa.
June 12, 1365. Um
.' .' Ballroad flouse,
152 m Tm: manna. : _‘
The yndersigned \vould'gespoclfully inform‘
his nuuu-runs lrionds nndt e public generally,
that he lms lensod the Hotel iarllanovur, near
the Dbpnt, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah
Kuhl‘er, an-l \vil_l_spnrc no effort to cnndnr‘t it
in'»; m-xnn‘émhat will give general sullsfuclion.
“in table will have the bl'st ihe mnrkets c.ln
ufiord~his chambers are spfrious and com
furtahlv—lijld he hmJnid in for hlB bar a. full
stock of rllpice 'wiuss nnd liquors. l'l‘lxere is
slnhlinu for horse: att-«ehgdlo the Hotel. It
will be his'ccnsmnt endeavor m “render the
fullengatishlctioll ‘lO his guests: making his
'house mi arm a home 10,1119"; as possible.—
Hc‘ mks a share of fine fmblir pmr‘mmge, de
termined as he is to deson‘e {s lhrge put ol it.
Rememheégjm lb‘lilrmd lluuao, near the De
pnl. Hmmvvr, Pd. U . .\. I’. BAI'Glll‘le:
' Oct. 2, 1865. LF . . -
Bargains! Bargains!
inn-ejnsf returned from-Jew Yorkfand Phila
delphia will] one of the largest stocks of new
Full and Winter dels ever oll‘cre‘l m the
citizens or Adnma ununty. Tlll'y were pur
chnsod before the lane use in goods and-will
be sold at corrosyomllng prices. The unnsn .lly
grent demand lor goods ofefery descripliun for
1):: Southern mn-rkel, will undoubtedly cause
{that flaw in the pnce of goods. We there
vise all that .' ' '
\V 15 THE TllrlE TO BUY.
of luld‘les‘bress (lands is con:-
‘g of Frenctherlnoesy', Vur'y
@plins, all wool Plnids. «He
bl'lnnls, ()ulicoes. Ging
ergs‘Llloth fur Lndu-s’
,s'nnd all the latest
Our gtOL
p‘elfl. cpnsis‘
(houp, ull wool
luinm—Shepbérds‘ \
Imam, Plaid Ghellzyo‘
mom‘s. unusually law, 5
styles of Drag Upods.
' CLUTHS, Cnssimens, Cnssinr-ts, Tweeds,
'Kvumcky‘Jeans, 5:0... for Men 5 Wear. ’
FLANNELS—Lhe hum-4. stock ever hrougbl
to lhii market, nnd chm'p'. Also, a large {us
aumncnt of Cloak ’l‘rimmmgs, Shawls, Hoods,
Bulmorals, and in falcl a full and complete Mu
sortmeun of all kinds of Staple und [Huey
Gcodz. Our stock having been purchased
low. we say again ,
llzu'mg replenished o'ur suit-K in all its de
partments, we :Irc prepared to sup-_le ulmlever
may he \vuutrd in our line of business at prices
that defy compulntium. Cplll M the km! From.
Sept. 4, 1865. ,
‘ . Cumberiand Coal! .-
A LARGE supply ofsuperior '
now on [mud at rpduged price. This Coal is
..-~, ‘
superior to all other 00:11 in the United State;
for welding and nthmfilacksmith purposes.
For‘sale by l P. H. PYFER,
e .
Cxty Coal Yard, fichriuk city, Md. 1
June‘l9, 1865. Iy‘
Estey’s Coftage Organs
‘ RE not only nnexcclled, but they are M)-
A solntoly unrqualled, by any other Reed
Instrument in the country. Designed express-.'
ly tor Churches and Schools. they are loun-l
to be equally well adapted to the parlor and
drawing room. For sale only by . - l
‘ E. M. BRUCE, ‘
0318 North Sam-nib BL, Phflndelphia
germ”, BICADBUBY’S PIANOS, and a
compktmassonmenl of the PERFECT ME
LODEON. . ‘ [(Jct.2,1865. Jy‘
R. P. Bayley & CO.,
5 CASTORS, 850.,
No. 6 Hum-Ea STREET. Nun Bamxona 57.,
GLASSWARE :——Tumblern, Goblets, Wines,
Lagera, Flasks,',Blk. Bottles, Candy Jars, De
cunters, Pres. Dishes; Fruit Bowls, Salts, Uu
ton, Canol- Bottles, Ker Lumps, Ker. Chim~
neys, Lanterns. he. ~ ‘ '
QUEENSWARE z—Plntes. Flat Dishes, Deep
60., Covered do., Covered. Bunny, Tea Pots,
Sagan-s, Qrelms, Bowls, Pitche‘ra, Chambers,
Basins and Pitchers, flags, Spinoona, Tbs
Seaar'roilet Sets, kc. ' ,
CUM. STONEWARE :—Jngs, Jars, Pitchm‘a,
Milk Pans, &c. , [May 1, 1885. 11'
Howard; Assocmtlom
s HwADELPuI‘g , PA.—Dismsofl/ of the
' Lusty-Ind emu! Systems—new and
reliable eminent. Alsothcuatmncum-
BER, an, ysny of Warping/and lustwctio‘n,
cent in palm nvelopes, frge‘ of qham’e. Ah.
(1‘08! Dr. J. S [SIN BUCGHTQX. Howard
Anocintion, No. 2‘ C nyh Niall; Siren, Phil‘p
dElpbiq..Pn. man, 1355.. 1y;
Western I.
HE snbsbriher has some VIA
T ERR LANDS, which be will In
or more 1-‘ARMS in this county. 3
sre well-located, and vary desinble for .
ing. ‘ a‘pphcuion desired.
Gettysburg, April 3,1865. t! “
Plcture Frame. ;
A. GREAT variety of- norms FRAMES,
with plain and convex gluing“)! mile
us Hornet“: Druzsnd Vuriety Store. ' '
June 28. 1865. . ’
WE» .11;;:_j—Illt méivod u any “sortméut
' of Queen-gate, to which‘va invite the
_nomlon 9f bgyérp, A. 800" & SON.‘
Femardtng~Bnhiness.. l Coal,;Lumher, Stoves, Bm.
AVING purchased the Warehouse Ind' Woulil rtspcclfnlly' inform the public‘
I I Cars heretofore owned bi Samuel Herhvt, (that he mil continue the business Intel): con
thr. undersigned take plushre in announcing , du‘ctul by the firm of Snead: & Bnehler, at the
w the public thnt they ‘will run a - _ o‘d'lmud. ‘coruer at Cnrlisle and Railroad
LINE or rumcnr CARS "mu. Ht lilLbe prepnnd to furnish
fromGettyshurgmflalllmore every week. The] ’THE'IBEST Q‘YAMTY 0" COAL: ‘
are prepared to c‘ouvey- Freight either way, in ; Ind every v riety ot LUflBER, including Doors.
quunntity. The;wiliattend,“d‘esired,toilie 'Shntlorl, uh. to; Also, every variety of
making or pn'rvhnses in the wily. and deliter- ‘ Cooking vaua, among which In the ‘J
in: the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their ’NOBLE COOK; ROYAL COOK, WEL LlNG
cnrs run to the Wnrehuuse of STEVEN- TON, WAVERLY, PRINCE ROYAL,
SON & BOSS, 165 North Howard street, §near . 011-NAMEXTAL COOK, kc:
Frunklin,) Baltimore, where freight wi ihe MUG. PABLO“. DINING ‘
received at any time. They invite the'nttention . ‘ 300$, SALOON AND SHOP
of the public to their line, assuring them thnt S ' T i 0 I«V E S .
thry will spare no effort to accommodate all' Also. “It!" nrieitymf TIN AND SHEET
who may patronize thgm. 'IRQN WA H. manufactured by the best work
aning purchasg-d the huildings nnd lot on i run. Alsti, HOLLOW WARE ofeveryrnriety,
the Northeast corner of lluilroad and North j iuclu-liugalsuperior axticle of ennmclledwork.
Washington Slrt‘cli, Gettysburg. their D‘epot ' lndch eveiy vnricty of 'Kitchen \Vure will he
will remain there. Any-person having busiL I kept cons! ntly on hand. ~ ,
ness in the forwarding line ure respectfully iu- Also,the‘iar-hmed“UN'IVERSAL CLOTHES
vitcd to milk CULP & EARNSHAW. ' WRINHERL" for which he in the sole agent in
Aug.,7,1‘865. thr cuuntyl
‘ Ur is ulsh the agentlfor Wheeler & Wilnou's
Sewing Mulchineu—the best in use.
April 10; was. C. H. BUBBLEB.
.. _T_mLTzwonn Anwnjs AUEAQ
HULTZWURTH has jun. winner! from the
City will: the inrgeat nnd mos! complqlc assort
AND SHOES, am has been brought to; “I
this lmvn since the war. His stock is
not only complete, but. is GUOD and CHEAP
embmcing mery Vul‘itfi)’ of Boots und Shoes
for .\lou and Boys, whi 3!. the Lndiea will find
ererfihing in their line, from the 6mm G liter
to the heuvi’est Shoe. >Childrt-n‘s Shoes 01
e‘Very description, in great varie/Q'. A150,].n
-_d:es’ Hats, fine quality, and _L‘hlldren‘s Bats,
ofull styles and prices. Also, Trunkg, Unr
pet Hflgs, Vulises, ,l'mhrellas. Groves, Sun-k
-ings. .Tubuccb, Ligms, nnd Notions OI every
dracription.‘ '
“*Duu't- forgu tha- plnce. South-énst Cm
olene Diunond, GL-lgslmrg, Ila.
April iO, 1365. a
Meats ! Meats!
YSON & 00.1 mm now in in“ operation
T an eshblis’hmem for Hie SJIP of Mauls
and Grncerwi. on the west side of Ballinmre
street, a few dnurs south of the Cuun~hnu<e,
Gettysburg. I'RHH'} BEEF run hp had every“
Tucq-lm, Thurx‘d‘ymid Sullrllny mornings,
and PORK, V 3 ”4. L.\\H’., &v., on 31011111}.
Wed-Irs‘inynnd Fliul-tymurn: us. Thurmeuts
wn} nlwuys'bc {0 'nd the best Ih I't can he se
cured in this maxkut - [5 -pt. '25, 1367:.
Great Remedy for Colds.
mus matron“. .
K ‘ nusmuc mnpx.\L,un
[32l' I' E C T n I: A .v 7’!
A Remedial Agvnt pr-pnrel to Imcl tho ur
gent demand for,“ wompt and mlv ‘Anlidule
for ull Pulmonury l)i<or(le-rs. ll properly used
it will gn'c immnl I" lin-f in Almost H'ery in
smme, and “ill prove an eITcL-tunl cure in n
mnjoritv of the following cums of mm (inn: of
tle THROAT AND LUVHS! such n Gold-I,
Coughs. Asllmmtic 'l'envlenfles. \\'huoping
(‘nngh, Sorcuess ul‘~thc Breast null Bronchial
A‘lv-r‘tions. _ ,
\\'hun we first cnmvnonr‘t-nl mmnfiu-turinpf
the Expecturnnl for our home ('muumhtion n
was n'n our inlmninn nor our dasiru 10 pm it
befuro the pulflic us 3 “cult-Elli," nor to pub
lish 19. long “at o! Irlstmmuinle as an exidcnre
of in cln.ul\'e pnunnirs, but the dam-ml !Ur
it Imin: so great!umblogvdL-Mg’ on the im-‘rcusc-J
bus induced. find in Earl compelled xH to pre
pare it on :1 much li||;lrl'.sC~l'|L’. uuri‘ :xlsu to
establish agencies throughout. this section of
the“ cuuntty. ‘ ,
All we ml: is that 'hnée thns afflictt’d mav
[:h‘e it u fnir lrml, that xt um); prmv H's‘ In my
ndmnmzvs over 03:; r [ll‘l‘ptlhluoni ofa similnf
nnlnre now Rein: emp'uynd.
'l‘lm [ma-fun t’hinufi it \\iLl.i,‘l thn ranch of
Ml, bLing b u 25 Ind 40 4'ole n buttie. ,
B 311’s Worm Syrup!
‘1”? “US? lNXM‘l‘H‘i'l‘; PLEASANT AND
71 lilv‘l‘lCll‘V'l ltl~l\ll£!l\' IN ['3l-2—AJKI-lu—
r:u\' [Rm-12” IN lr.~l~.Lr.—.\'u Outer In] In In:
filll’fll.l—'ll (hi: l’lrlmrnuuu WU lnnc inulmlv‘xl
Mll‘ll rum-«lies only a; lure hrén triml for.
years And are kmm'n lo pu=~uss powerful
nullxfilnnmiy virtues. cmnluinc‘l “i'lx‘ mild
upeneuts, plmcunt urnmmics mnl sugar. .\n
llwlmimlcsul llu—nnylvos 1: Imm! yurl'u m their
pevulnr film-lions or have the Illuirod elf ct,
unless lllc hnwels are kept moderutuly upgn.
To produce this gumlu purgutivcs nu- mu:-
xzaxfy nqd sm‘h nnly ought to be uwd that call
nol iutvrlcre “ixh xlu- antluelmintic employed.
The advantages we r_lmm for this Su‘np nro:
151. ll: power or [JESK‘RUYJNG AND l-IXn
2d. Its mild nlwrienl cfl‘cut upnn Ihr.- bqweis
3d. its pleasant t--=te and Mar are ni'li'wn
tunes possess d or'dnimcd by very ’ew Venn
ifuges.‘ ‘ ‘ '
411). Its lmrmk‘sg influence upon thn syslom,
consequenfly no ‘njunous t-Xl'rus “ill rewh
from its 115:.- 5110th [ln: putipm hm’c no‘Wornn,
but un up): Arent Jisenae, “rising from K‘ome
other unknown aura, which is frequcmly the
'l'ho constituenté of this Syrup and ilslefl'oms
fll'v knouu Lu many I'h_\'sicmnslv“ha urn now
using it in theirpmclicu 1.01 Luge/extent.
Price 25 cents a. bottle. I . W
The Greatest Limment in Use.
BELLS WHITE ()‘~ll!—'7'ke [flit/Matt; ('lmn—
_ Mi, max! I’ ,(Ir‘almgj and "nut Ifmnoer-Il
lumment in l'ae. A powuful Ulmginuw (70m
ponnd tor the t‘ icoc'y Cure of Rheumatism,
Strains, Sprain Wounds, Numbness o.’ the
Limbs;Frosted Feet t-nd Hands. Spurin. Sud
dle Gulls, Pull'-Evil, Ring Bone. Bruiseq,
Swellings of It” kind, and in hie; every dis
enserr which an Embrocntion'is npphmhlo,
(‘llhl'l‘ in .\l-In or Boast. Price 25 cen's :1 hot
tle.—-Thiu prepnration, which is (riginnl with
Ins, will be [mind to be one othu nit-est nud
at the same time one of the most reliable up
plicntions extant. i
\ Having been Pinpjoyed‘ very extensively
since its introduction and feeling satisfied _ot
its temediul properties, we~recommend it with
the utmost confidt-nce, knmring that no nne
will be disappointed in its use. it is, as its
name imffliesHE white linimcnt M the consis
tenchot cream, containing nothing offensir'c,
but, on the‘x'putrnry, will be foundz'mure
pleasant than otherwise. *'
25 cents 1. paper, or fix} papers'fur S!
The Immense sale of thesuj‘owders dur‘ing
the ahon perird they/have béen before the
public, is a snfliciont,guarnnlee“qf their grunt
popnlgrizy, and ,the 'ducnded Wham: defined
from their use. ,/ ‘ ~
They are confidently recommendedx‘npt only
M a prevenfiVe, but. as a chmplele mi‘r for
all disexséd incidem to the HORSE, 00%?pr
HOG. as Lap: of Appetite, Coughs, Huqu,
Yellow ,Wster, Distemper, Glanderi, 80., be. I
' By théiruee the Horse’s Appetite is improv
| ed: All derangemeuts of the digestive organs
3 corrected, softening the skin, and giving to
the coat a sleek and shining Ippetunuce. and'
may he med with perfect safety at n 2 times,
as it conlninl no Ingredients which on injure
1 horse, whether sick or well. if
They cleanse the breathing apparatus by
.ejectmg frurn the sir cells conguluted matter,
91' that fonnntinn which so "severely clogs
them, causing I: tightness in hru hing, and by
rthelr peculiar lu-tion on_thnt part. [hay cause
i the mucus membrnne to resume its natural
{ dimensions, thus eqnnlleing the circulation of
q thh blood sud restoring the distended vessels
‘ tQ their unturnl size.
:l-‘or lutteuiug enltls they are invaluable,
elto possessing peculiar prqpcrties in increme
ing the quantity of milk in (Jun, thereby giv
. ing them In importnnce turd value which
' should place tho-mJnthiu the hands at All in
l‘ trreuted. . -
able wast:
dr for our ‘
s‘" lnnjdulf
All diaeues‘to Which the flag in subject. 91/
Coughs, “Icon in theLuugs and Liver, lug/ad
l gent-ml purifier of the blood we gunmue
{heir eflirary if once fairly tried. .
‘Sold n Gettylhnrg by A. D.,quhler,
\eéuy. tnd by Drngg‘uns nnfifitorehep-
Ely.» Ask f r Bell’s Prgpnutiunl.
' exclnah air by W. D/Bell, Aponm.
\e of we Pumgflpm. College of
Washinpton 53., Hagen
)cs. 16, 18335. ly
.emonl. Raisins. “:3,
KQ'qum's Contac
eL A
Apo‘: e‘. _
er; gen 1
i’rep-n .
;uy,‘(urndu g
harmncy) “ - .n ' n
town, Rd." . . {to
I" you with‘O‘ltnnges,~ .e.
or Dues. ‘9‘ tog/H. L
handy, in Chum]; Iburg: 2;
No Humbug.
i Clothmg. , .
EORGE'ARNOLD his now on hand the
G Large“ stock of READY-“AMEfLOTH
[.\G in lawn. consisting of DRESS ANDKBUSI
NHSS COATS, of évery description, OVER
COATS, m great vmivty, Munkey Jiukcts,
Vvsls, Pnnmlunns, Shir's, Drawers, Glows
nnd Hosieév, 51m ks of them.
My has! clothing are mostly of my own man
ufucmre, and erf be warranted Mellrmade, nnd
well tjmmed.
Togkvher with a large stock, of Ciolhs. Cas
sinols, quns,’ Dulling‘s, Shining, Flannel, kc.
Also, Bearer Cloths, Dne.bkins, Over Comings
and Trimming: in grm\t\'.lriely, all of “hich
Will be sold us .l‘henp us the cheapest. Cull
and sec lhl‘m'. V " -
(h m-qhurz. Out. 9. 1865. 31m,
Fresh Supply.
‘\Tl~:\\' comm—.\. sm'n‘ a SUNS lmve
1 jun. received nnuther line aswmurnt 0!
NEW QUUIIS, cpnaigting. in pnrt,‘of Clmhs,
(“h-«warm. (‘n-sinels, Kcnlluky Jeane, and
Twuods, 7hr firn’llemen’s wear. A 150,». fine
nsmrtmem nf ‘
Our work has been‘smemed wflh grent cars,
and “9 me yH-pnn-(l I}; sell as cheap n 8 any
ml“)- esmhlmlnncnt in me Country. We nsk
the l‘ll'lnl.‘ to uiw‘us a tail and judge for
Ihennclns. We dcly cmnnetition, both as to
quallu xmzl mice. .\. SCOTT £1 SENS.
Sept. 11, ltm'S.
\ 1
100.000 bush. Gram Wanted.
71‘.“ Fill.“ AT THE -
W‘ll. E. BIDDLE k CU. \muld inform the
publiv'lhit llmy [mm- lense-l the Warehouse
an the curuor ul‘ SKI-2mm: street and {he lluil
ro‘i‘nl, in (h-llyshurg, “her:- they WI“ carry on
the GRAIN ANI) I’Rlllll'lll-I BUSINESS, in
all its branches. The liighcsgpnccs wxll aI
“HHS be paid ldr , '
' i (JOHN. HATS, . '
_ , l-‘LAXSEI-le, Sl'll‘AC,
Il.\Y I: lei.\\\';
prim] Frui’, .\'uis, Soup, ILUIH, Shoulders nnd
Sides, Pmuu‘ns, with everything elseiu the
1‘0llllll')’ prwluco lino. “ _
(Tum-0:. Sugars, .\1 ulusaca Syrupfl'l‘c 15, Splcvs
SHII, l‘lmvsr. Vim-gar. Sud“, .\lmlnrnl. Starch,
liruunw. Hui-Reta, “lurking, llrusluw, Snnpa,
kr. .\lin (“UAI‘ Ulll, Fish Oil. Tar, he‘—
P‘lSll (If all kinds; NAILS AND SPIRES;
SlnllklllZ-flllll Chewing Tubal-I'os.
. They .an “Imus uible to sup-rly n. fir=l rive
nrlivxeuf FLUUI:,:\\illI the dim-rem, kinds ol
Flilil). , . '1
.\lm, Gltol'Nl), I’LASTER, whh GI'ANUS
nnfi oxher lcrulizers. WUOAL, by the
hm” el. lon. nrxnr Imul.
,Tln-vr (‘nrs run in Bullimore and l-a:k !wh e
awn-13k, .unl tin-y will be happy to ‘cnrrxgoulls
either \r I)‘ ([l modcrme charges. .\lnrlu lmvn,
rmlntry men-lmn's, null ot!.er=. will find it to
llwiru-luunagot’u p.llrongxhix‘Jine.
They ask a shim: m the pnlulic‘s rustgmmnd
\riM quit: uu Hlurl. to render sutislau-tion w
A“; SLllers'or bluers‘. '
Aug. 22,180‘L If
New—Goods! Cheap Goods!
\\'e lmehy inform the citizens of York and
.\l‘lnms coun'ties,’ that wr have estuldnEhn-d, nt
the amuhcuct curnvr of Centre Squire Ind
Bulnmure aer‘l, HANOVER, lormegly occu
lur-l by (LEE. it T'T. Wm, 21 Brvinch Store,
(the principil |-u_~ine~ls houses being located
in 51w York and \Lork, Pn.,) “here we will
lam-p n! all limrs a r plll.” nssortmeut‘m lli'_\ ,
llouimlic and Fancy Gl)llD.\'. nl:n, n‘wvl‘ S(~
lurk-«l :Isfiurl‘llenl (if CLUTHS. CASSIMHRES.
«"hnm.v (ll :55 and Qupe-ns-wnro, l. «fix-s'“. Sli=sos’
imeChildren‘s SHOES; ulso, a nice unll lull
assortment. of all kinds 0! C'Alll’E'll, Floor
utdLl‘nhlefiH-Clmh. ‘ l
'\\’e hnve also established in rooms mljmnirg
[ht Cr-nlml Hnlel; I} ULU'I‘HING 31111.3,
where we will keup cnnszunxly on hung! «I well
seleme'l nseorxment oi Rudy-made Clothing,
of the liitvst Hlylxs, and a full 'nssnrtlnent oi
Genllrmen's Furnishing- Gui-«ls, such (is “Ms,
Cnps, Moots, Shot-s. Aw, which we “ill sell ,ul
reduced pricvs. , ~
As our motm' is, and always will be, “quick
sulcs and small profiis.” we hope In rauvivv 2;
share (ii-[he patroungef of town and mum
try. Our connection with Um l-lrge \‘llfllrsvllli
house! in New York ('in and York, Pn.,\vh(re
are. always stored an oxlen‘iie smck of good-y
which we sell at, wlmlpsulu and retail, cnnhles
us to supply our old fiends and Such of our
new cuslomers as will gin: u~ a call, will) the
very bad umrk‘ctul'le gOQIh, at lower mm
than cwu'l‘ie purchnsrd anywhere in HM: SlMo.
Cull nud see for your-ulna. , _
—~ ‘ . J()S.,EEBACII a: 13m). '
Hanover, June 26, 1805. 1y
_._. ‘_,_.. -..—_.__.J, _‘-_,___._—_————.
' .Fresh Arrival.
H = ‘ (‘OBI-ZAN & C 0
havejust received and bpened Another splendid
assortment of HATS, GAPS, BUU’I‘S. and
SHUES, fo’r Summer wear, which Ihry are
Selling at very low prim-s “cumpxoiiug the
times. The latesrstyles o! Snmmg-gllnts and
Cups. of every description and, price.
Boots and Shoes, of superior; nuke, and, m
warmn‘ed to fit, ulwng s on hand. Wurk
made to order and repairing done omshort no
tice; by experienced workmen. Also, ,
- HARNESS mmxu, ‘
curried on in nl} its brunchea. Persons want
ing nuylhinz in thisfine would do wpll to cull.
[Q‘Doo’t forget the old stn mi in Chhmbers
burg street, if you inn: Bargain. . ,1
June 19,,186y.‘
‘\ Globe ‘lnn. . /
\~ ~ Y 9!!! "-.', inc“ Tfll MAID/pf), 1
GRIT YSB U “G, PA.——Th94lndenignul '
“old. man rgspectfully inform his nib]
morons friends and the publip/gcnertlly, HIM;
be bu purcbnaed thatlong Established am?
welllkno‘wn Hotel, the “GI/obs Inn,” in York‘
street, Gettylbqrg, and/will spare no 939:: to i
conduc: it in a hunger (Mt’will not detgnct‘
from ill former high reputation. His mole,
will have the hen/Vibe market can afford—lii: 1
chambers no a cious und comfortable—sn&_,
he has laid 111/4g: his b:ir a full stack of wines]
nnd liquors. /’_’l‘here is Inigo ambit? Attached
to the float which will be‘utcnde by atten
tive {hiya-s. ,It will be his constant endeavor
‘0 real r the lullesl ntiéhctior‘rm his guests, !
making his house no nod; 14 hnm‘e (‘0 them 35‘
newbl9., He asks a s'lmre of me. puinlic’a pa
tfliqaL-e, determined ”[19,“ to dfifflfi’fi “WEN
um. of it. Rememlwr, the "Globe Inn" is in
York smog}, brig ucnr the'Dinmnnd, or Public
Square. _,_ . _ SAHUEL WOLF.
April 4, 1164. , u \
, : . For Sale,
A Mush met, with 46 Actel'qf»fi
c in Granite Meadow Bottom, 5 miles W :
wen of Gunning. ‘ - ' ‘
Gettysburg, Aug. 14, 1365. A , ‘ .
AOO, Army Root, 0m Snub, Dim-flour
Ind Gehtimfpn salt n by BUFFER!
‘ rug Store. ‘. ‘ ‘_' ,
Good Tlnngs from the City!
E are receiving twice a wedk from the
W city I vgrlety of aruclu united to the
wants of mi; community, viz: FrPsh and Salt
FISH, Hams, Shoulder: and Sides, Hominy,
Beans, Salt, Applgs, Potatoes, orangei,|}.emous,
Confections, Tqbgccos, Sagan, win many
other articles In this line—all received in the
but order, and sold at the‘lowest prams. Gh‘e
and; call, in Bultlu‘ore Itreet, nearly opposite
Fshncabocks' note.
WANTED.—Bul§er, Eggs, Lard, and I“
other country produce—for which theihigheu
cash price win be pnid.
SWEET POTATOES—hen qnnllty,‘ :1 low
est living profits—always on hand. Also
OYSTERS, fine and {rub—in the Ihell ‘0:
shocked. Rumor-ma and families supplied.
Gettysburg. Mny 18, 1863 f , ,
New Goods l—Large Stock !‘
have just, received from the titres a huge stock
or goods for Gentlemcn’a we", embmcing n
vmiely of ' '
‘ ' VESTWGS,’ r
Cnssinetn, Jenna, &c., with many other goods
for spring and summer wear.
The): are prepared to makeup garment; n:
the aboriest !lOllC&.IID11,iD the Very best man
ner. The Fashions are n-guhrly rel-(rived, and
clothing made in any desLn-d style. TIA-y al
ways make nc-xu fila’ whilst their sew‘rng issnre
to be substxmsinl. ' " '
They ask a continuance of the pnhlic‘s pu
tronnge, resolved by good work and model-Ale
charges to earn it. ,
Gettysburg, {\er 7, 1862
New Bakery !
T'EWPRRT & ZIRGI ER, .\levhßn-Ztal Hak—
h ers, SON}. Wnshiugtun stxpcl, lmll sqgmre
from tin: Bugle HULL-l, GETTYSBURU, Pu.—
Conflxntly on lmnd, 1h!- hrsl 01 BREAD.
sons wishing trrsh Bread ml] be :K‘rlt'd err-r 3
morning. by leurmg their muncs and rv~iduuu :
m the Bakery. Every etiort :mnde m plunse
Give us uxcuH! [.Kprll'EO,‘ols. W!
New Sprung Goods. ’~
mu. worms a QUICK SAM-ts.
would respectfully say to the ciuzvns of UN
tyaharg mul \"itiuily, that. he is now receiving
M Ins Store n splfudid
Th: stm-k ofinéiali in "Mt of Funry and
Sr xple DRY GUUDS, 61 every (leacgnpuuu.
SHJKS, , . .
.\l i !Z .UIBIQUEL
_ ~ AMPJUW'AS, ,
‘ - , (JALW‘OES,
of al] qualities and chnil-N! Styli-:1. which WI”
of an kin la. includiné .\‘ilk. lmv-u :nul (‘otmn
.Hnndkt‘rchir-fw. (Hana. hiyvlunuq, kc. ‘
Also, a qu-mlivl “5.30:1”!an uf ['.IIIHUXS,
Luresgmd Emma“. Eminvllm nu] Barnum -
My flock 01 WHITE HUUIIS nil? he lolHui fu‘,‘
and «‘omplerr, aml ('lhl‘mlk‘ls Ill|_\‘ rvly ”pl-n
axlwnys getting'good goods at the Jam-st [num
ble prices: ‘ ' , a
Gn-miemen will find iv. to thrufidmuluge lc
call and L-xmniue my’etock of ‘
of an qxulnin: nntl chain-ct atytos.
April 24, ISIS:
Great Attraction
15‘ AN]! I"l'uxmnm‘. .\TtHH-T‘nt the .\'urth
HAS! Power of tln- bummnd. The :uhsvribu-r
i~ cuusmmly in receipt nHros’u goods from [Le
I‘hsurn citivs. "ii wick of .
is one of flu- largest and must nltrnr-tive. m
well us the cheapest estuhlislnncnldr! the kind
in the rmuitry. You will there find CHATS:
PANTS AND VESTH, mmle ‘H' in the must“
fashionable Myles. and of the best fimtcrinls,
at all lel'S nnrl pru'CC, for men nnd hays:—
Gcmlmm-n’s furnishing gumls in every doivrip-
Hun, Wool Shirts, .\llhlln Shirts, Hickory
Shirts and ill-rim filling, Merino, Wool and
Canon Dnmlcrs, Hesieiyofererydescriptlon
Buck-skin, .\lr-rino nnd (luuon Clm’en "Shirl
kt-rvhii-ls. Nel‘k Tics. Cram“, Linen mud l’npr'r
Colllrs, ”any Caps, Bonis’nml Shoesu Um
hivllns, Trim .3. anme“. Carpet lluus. Claillés
.xfl‘l Shoe liguxlms. Hnir nml 'l‘outh Hmshei,
Shoe Illic‘niup‘. Purkm and llressmg (lomlw,
lrury ljumba, \\':m'hca,.l‘lm-k~ nml JmH-lly,
(Guns, Pisvluls, Violins and .\'inlin h‘gringp,
Snaps nnd l'crluuirrie<. Stationery of NH kind“,
l'OLkeL Knives. Smuking un-l ()lu-wmg Tobac
zo, Pipes, uu‘enrn qunlily 0! Swing. In Luzl,
his sunk em'hmcc: ('wrylhing uuuull} muml
in in first (”this lllrlli=lllllg blurc. I invno Hm
imcnligu ul‘ all h. vnme and son tur Iliemgelws,
n 5 lmn dulcx‘niinrd lo svll gnmls lower llmn
any ulli'eri-smlilisluucntiu tllé wuulry. Dnu't
lnrgut the place. (.‘ornor ul Ymk ‘U'L‘L‘l lllHl
Jul) 4.1.5“. I
Noah Walker & 00..
165 no 167 HAL-mum: S'rnsn,
keep constantly on hand u lnrge and well'ns-
sorted stock nfu" kinds of goods nt. inodrmle
“ler .supply order; for the frucstvyé file
lowest 'priced ardcleél, eifher ~rendyéude' (31'
made to measure, to :an} [lnn yam country.
They_ keep also an extensive/stock of FURN
ISHISG GUI-9&2: emb‘rylnég every article a!
Geutlemen's Unc??>:éir. AIRS, MI‘LITARy
CLOTHS my, finrfdhgflf: Milihu'y Trim
mings}, um; as a; aissorled ;Fogk of READY
MADE Mu/ITARY uéonsi.» 7“ a "‘l.“ N
3;;/12140", Feb. 2'l, 1864.
Adams County ’ -
I Ixconpgnnso, Mucn (8,.1851.
0 Kr' c issa
President—George Swope. ‘
Vice Prc-sident-énmnei R. Ramon. "
Secrw-ry—D. A. Bnehler. ‘3
Tronsurer—E. G. Fnhnestocb. A",
> Executive Cmnmm-ze—Rohen HeCany, An
drew Heintzciman, Jngob King. ’
‘anmns.—George iSwope, D. A. Bnehler,
R. )chgrdy, M. Eichelbh‘ger, S. R. Russell, E.
G. Fuhnéstock, A. D. Buehier, R. G. McCreary,
Gettynbufix; Jacob King, Birnbnn township;
A. Heimzehnnn. Frnhklin; Wm. D. Himes,
New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville;
H. A. Picking, Slrnbnn townshi ;Jahn Wol
ford, Lntimore township; John gicking, East
Berlin ; Ahcl I‘. Wright. Benderaville; Abdie!
F. Gift. New Oxford ;‘ Jan, H. Marshall, Hun
iltonban township; Jphn Cunningham, Free-g
dom township ; John Hornet, Mountjoy town-y
ship; Wm. Ron White, Liberty iawnship. '
E‘This Compnny‘in limited in its op"?!
tions 10th? county oflAdnms. It has ham "’4
operation for more than l 5 you“, and In that
period has made but on usually“, 5“"“81
paid losses by fire dn.'iugihlt.P°“°d nmonng
ing to sl3,'JdS—'s6,769,of which have ‘been’
paid during the in". two new A”! person .
desiring nn'in-nnncé can dPPU’ to ”1’ off“!
ebovc'n» mm! \Lmuon for further lnformnlwn.
“ w’l‘lu- l—Zxrcutive‘ Committee mean It the
ofiice of she Company, on me but. Wedne|-.
day in every month, at 2 o’dock, P. 11.
Oct. mg, 1865. :1“; ,
Give Hun a Call! .
. HE place {0 obuilg I ’petfw: Plimogrlphm-I
T Amman); gnawed in tubes: mung:
unflUNPER! \GAL‘LERY, ix Multifam
' Jan. 9,18“. \3 . 1.3 1 ' - “...‘ .5;
f Stonebraker’l ,-
4mm, 30m: AND (2de ,‘ -. f n
N I'._}J;N I :1 EJ‘ I'l
Sprain. Swellcd Joltm, Sore Throat. From!
Feel, l’o‘uon. Old Sores und 13mm, Fro-h
Cuts, C_nnu, Mumpl, Tenn, Pain in the Limhl
Ind Back, Sweeny, on In or Boutfiuddln or,
Coll)" Gulls, Distemper, Scrutchea, ta" on
Horses and Mules, and all Dilefllel tequu’lng
in External Remedy. ,
The uientiun or the public ll regpntfn‘lly
directed to the shove I’repnrallofl,, “I beihl
one o! the but and most tllmoiom enema:
remedial now in use. Thin-incl in bqu uppn
the antimony of thouuuda 6| pmdnl vhq
havehsrdlt.‘ . ~ ~‘ ' “
From the vummount ol good this Linimen‘
has done in all cnsea wherein it has bren nod;
and the frequent appligntion made for it. 1h:
proprietor bu been induced to place it bcforé
the public, md Alet‘ it and upon!“ orn gum
merits, knowing Mint in Ivory case where h. 2.
used, it w'iH recommend itself. All hub in
5 fair and iinpuninl trim], and if used l(‘COTd\
ing to diremuns. null no benefit, no charge.“
llnving such unlimited confidence in it: can“
live powers, he has directed his-Axum: m In
“and the money in all cuées where Hm Lini
mein. is nsvd with no beneiik, Eh! lipids hill] 5
poriion oi its contents to no returned to'lho
. It will be found oi sure remedy for llheumln
. tism, Spruins, swelled Jn'mts, km, nud ill rut,
' for all that be cinlmt for It, it excell any artl‘
‘cle of the kind yet tried. ‘
l his also an infallible cure for mnny dlnun
'of llnrsos, aux-h us Kuks, Sun”, Swellinu,
Spruins. Uld Sores. Srm'lhrs, Cnllnr and find
ldle (ialls. find all tlucnm-a rv-quiliug An In
ileum! remedy for Hurst! nnLCuule, i! baa no
‘cqunl. ‘ ‘ ' ‘
1 This Linimcnl ‘lhnul-i he in the hand. of
Mn-ry flnmil), puni‘ ulnrly where than no
.chgldreu, na Sale Thmur. Scurlotinn, Croup,
XQuiuvy, km. nre din-nus thnl can; many rhil
‘ulu-n to lhvir‘gxzfl'rq. This lnnimt-nl “111 In
hum-1n sure and mom rc‘fiu-f in rut—y can
I“h'erg- it is applied in liuw. Asllns Linimenl
is “nrrnnhd lu gin- <:uisfnr,liun In nil (Mas,
.110 um: mm riak anything in frying it—nnd if
one bottle .9 uqed _gnu will never by without
!ix’in lhn- human—4o pun-hue a hold. and be
{convinced u! the Innis abuw
1 h ) ' ——
I I P 1) W D R R R l
l bin-yum How: STHVHHHAKER'S ”(HERB
.AXD (‘.\'l"H.i.2 I‘UWUI-ZHS. if yin" rum fin.
.:md health) Lira”, and )‘(HL nn- lure m hi"
1 Hum. , A MM. Vurmf; ll -| chlyrure fnfl‘nnghl,
:(‘ulda Hislrmpdn, ll‘ruvcs. lli‘ir-hpund,“«lmm,
j “my“, hcuny, Ann, m Nurses. Lustof (Jud.
Hilngk 'l‘ I\L'ue. run. in ('uuha
; u;- mfi: uic of m. ,c I'mwnaus lhv mpg-ell"
of lhe Horn- is il‘ux-lon-xl, all dcr-ngrm-ut. n-f
‘ llw- Diwsliw (ML-nus um.- rune-Me 5, and ll 0
f sluggishm-rs mm.» nnuu-xl Illlsdgvllt‘llfl, In 116-
‘mmipg hm!) mul winged. ll sur'on: the
skin. Lmin: tln- hull n “Ink und‘ shining .p.
p't-nrnnrv. Thr ;;rr-u“ Slxl‘t‘l'l-lily of (hue
l’muiwsyn r 1.“ mfuxi "Xi“! llu'u Ihc (m i
lhul Ihr) :xrv rh'np-nm my] nf m du‘i'u'l 1h“
[L \c I.l\ .1.“ v. llmu‘ nml' l-ul h .Lp lunptrt'rl.
Th: Lu Hin- Ivumuw n“. unpur-lxu [um um
>lmn.uhwu3 In.“ vL ~, Ilm Imm- mhlo new to”.
«ml \ignr m lln rjwr'wvl'nf Ihc hmar. by nhn h
Ihr .nq'wlm ..- ‘\'.um:l~r{ui'_\ annnL'lL nu-l 11::
x-uvi firm '1!» m in: ‘ 1 am mum: ‘1” [IN m .lrnurn
1“" ani Hum‘ :11] ilnpulu Innnlr. and ,5)"- .
‘lwnhhy nml'vigurmn «In-ulluimu; Win-y] nlw
:impruvo the wind, I|.l| I-re n: mm whom.”
I nl'lm'ng FI-n‘r, lelmv WM”, VIIIIIIIH‘L In“!
InrAmv'rtim. uni um") mhn tint-mus Im-I-Irnl
glo'lhr “awe. ‘ ‘
, It is. NIH; invnlu‘hln n: n l‘mulilmu I’"de
(or Chars; im lt‘dalllfl lht- tluw m mil \ and pn
\rn‘i/ng‘ .hkmso. All ‘ pc‘rwns mun IL: '(‘uws
should wk rm S'I‘HVEHIHKI‘LHB HOUSE k
L‘A'l'TH-Z I'UWlvli'iS. m j: in u” nupmmnl
Hu'uuglll l' q; ‘.\|u..x Hi If £110) tlluul: lu- Inn-. 1
xto prpr-dpqlkc n AM. Man nf Ii 9 run‘. Thy
lnnv [lll/,l‘qlhli fur lll‘t'nluy v “\le us 11:: \ Hi- 9
(huh «in ymomr‘. :lnfl ;‘muv'n their hide. hf.
“high lhl-\lllliu'llhuthrlrl‘. \
(flu-u.- 1’0" tlvm me .n sun- prnit—nlin- n!
”("0 CHUMJM, HM nre- '[mr‘ix uhuly :nhlplml
to [he ”imam q‘m \ihich ”le'F :Ix(‘fio|lflhl('—~
~ uch .\s ('uughs'l ’(‘vrt ufl)u-_l.xn:;q n'nl l.i\rr—-
E-llleifg mum to impr -\v mur'h (rt-ter. I’me
alum“ l:(' mu] m the l|u~gi_x-rli'-;:'m (Mm
”Inga ns nun}: 11-o-l Ina-y Ll' nay-d. 'l lu-Im
Powder: “I'll be fuunu mmh strung-r Hun.
moat. powlcrs‘nnw in use. and u: the mmu
time the Inns! [-n\rm-'fur'frm' (‘VPr used for
Nurses and (fun'e «-l' “:33 MN All [IN-QM
nre )m'icuhlr‘y Imuul m n, lhvsl' “Mien,
knuwmg {lch Mn mnyinuc up mu lLun. ' A
J.'L. Sf'IIIL‘K‘
Rule .‘larle lu Cumr Um q/‘I/u'lf Ila/n (u I).an
Stonebraker’s : ‘
AT, mucu .\xn musk: -’J
We imne the .mrnliun ul lhr- p-Ihiix In tho
nluun- prvluudllun, n: lulnu mu mtflninu,”
ell-nu ul [lrP’mrnLuni m'l-r‘mlnulm-rll. mr‘thu
(h'fill’ll'iti‘an nI Hw n 1 my wlnun. \\‘r uulrrnm,
n a Imm) .\lllll‘ Fm: HATS! 'l'ly/n—uuly
2.'-Irux la u buy. '1
Ihiaf'bnld h)- dclxh-rs xunl m 4”, ' aims
keep! IL' '_‘-"w rally. \ / ‘
‘Aug. 14,‘ih65. Gm ' ‘/ U '
Moro Rm 1p?
EXI'IXE DH'INWE hl'l'l R '
Fm: .\MfAr
\l \\'L'«l~‘.\«:" «mm: DEPOTS.
.\'o. '.‘T .\'. l'ruu! : rt-m, l’hilu-iglluh‘m, um! No.
l limslx's \\ hnrt.
Tho SUM mm r h- g 4 lean: j) infurn} Drulfiri
and (‘un )mrr‘s that he is nw '.n-lmrrtl m
Inn-mm 4mm: !‘HHJJI'S' GENI'LVM m
l'lU-Wéhptl’l-ZR I‘HUSPUATH UF 1.1318,!»
m .\j/liuuntlms. ' .
/l‘hn mun-mt] Futisfwl'mfi—H
fiiycn durin;the pun ra'll‘ ya
mum d thedcnmnu that I Inno
lo ngJlly onhllgv my mpm-Hv
f: rruro, and ham: bet-n ill-Lure
brunch hnme in lhe «'in M Bu]
that l «111 be able m dill nll or
season. Yet my rule is flat c
Pricv in Philadelph'm $69 pl!
in Bulliumre same price, {w v
drlphin flddtd. ’
Dlsuumgt lO‘DI-alers.
W 170: me by W. E. BITTLE & CO., Get-1
Solc'Propridor and Manufacturer.
Mar. 20, 130:», , ‘ ‘
.628. Hoop Skirts. 628. ‘
‘ OPKJNS’ ‘- 0W)! MAKE" 017' {lOOll,
lil'b‘klll’l‘s, no gallon up ”measly tamper
e wants uf‘rln~‘r cuss I'an
They embrace n romphtv mlsuilment 0! all
the new and Jeairuble 51,129, Siteshm! Length,
for Lndit-s’, Miss-’3‘ and Children, 33nd gnu:
perior to all when made in point ofSymmeuy,
Finish and durability ;, being nude of HI. an":
wuyarmt English Steel Springs—with Li‘mm~
finis‘hud-Coverjng, and hnvilin all (hamemlie’
tullenings lmmovably ucnmd, byiniyrond
machinery. They retain their Slap: Ind Elna.
fruity to the lan—and an warmed-co gird
entire anisfnclion. ~ ‘
.Also, calsmuuy in receipt. of full line! of
good Eastern .\lnde SKIRTS, at my lay pricey,
85km! nude 10 order. ;ltcre‘d aud‘repdrgfir—
Whole-Ale :nd Retail, It Mal-Mtge”: 3N?
Sales Room No. 628 ARCH 8%., on 6: 1‘
PHxLAvELéuI/l. , ‘ ‘
lye-Tenn. cm. One Prlce Only! . ~ '
Aug. 21,1865. 4m _ ..‘. _4 _ "-
W North SECOND Street, ‘ ~ 1
corner of Quarry, PHILADED&
PIHA. An unortménl o
WARE, consmhlly on hand, 1 ~ .‘A :
finepnitipg‘ of» Wunhu um} Jewiry
promptly nut-Mei)». ‘ . ‘ .
r.2‘ ‘ 3 - .
~l2}.ng 13*:35 . 7 _.,-;~_,:;: “' .
' GaannZs _ ’ 7’ ’6”
M A. s is L E W 0 'zki's’ffie
ugh-out Cog-bu of the Diggbngl'iifl gift}:
more meat, nearly opposite ”19.333“! .é,
. u,nr,w¥smG-.M~ ‘ .»
Every‘éucripfion or work exqqutegi hi ‘s‘
. , [men am. of mint ‘‘ ‘ 34,
Aprql'l. 1865. u ‘ '- .-.. m
""13, Tho yin ;,qn.‘,4lngai,:i',§b',
A‘éfifl‘ffifl'fi Gomfiwrfinfi‘hn .
.nrg ,e - 2 .
F 01: MAX 011 BEAST.
lvis article hue.
uh'. hm an m
can comm-1h ti
’ for its mann
' to cslnhhlll s
lmore. I trust
en durinu the
| r flnL mud.
I ton,,2b[.(a lbs. .
_LI. lulu Phil;-
I.‘ K. swat,