The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 11, 1865, Image 3
0 ~ mfflflmpfln. .. .-¢'.»- .‘ ..c. ’_’; “ w‘g‘ ..'“ 'v «.,’-;‘f‘-;; 12" ‘z y"? 14/- : ’ .3 :g» ,fi‘mg A - «A. .313... ~:. mmm‘t“:t. 7:”: --‘ —:; r ’l‘ I. nun, IDI'I'OI MID nonxz'ron. : -' Garrisnuéa; 13L ' __ 110N057 Foifwfiéfo—éth. was OPENING OF CONGRESS. Wide, thinner and mil introduce Bill: {or Item luttnga u legro‘lurtu. , - . J Hidden: Steven: tn Ills Element. l Abolition re during' the last camv pair: denlevl the "negro suffrage" charge. In that chanted many unsuspecting peo ple into voting for their candidates who would not otherwise he done 30. Let 11l such onrel'tllly read lust Moudny’s do ings in Congress! They will discover that the Abolition leader-1' are not only in favor of giving the negro the right to vote. but also in favor of phcing him in the jury ‘ 60:! White men may well exclaim, "whi ‘ther are we drifting l" t l W _ ”At. 12 o'cloék. Mrsl-‘oeter, President. ‘ ‘pro tem.. éalléd the Senate to order. For- t ly-three Senators vn-ru present. i Mr. Wade introduced :1 bill giving that ‘negrocs of the District of Columbia the right to vote, and imposing on any one \th> nhnll interfere with such right. a’fine not: exceeding: $lOOO, or imprimrimeni in the l dungeonol the city jml and fell on bread. and water for 1 period not exceeding 30 days, or both. - | Ir. Sumner also introduced a hill to givm (he m—gmes ofthe Dintrim of Columbia the right to vote. It provides. l'urtlwrl that l “any one whose duty it i« to receive Voted 1 who nltnll refute the vote nl xu'oh por-‘ Mn. ll tn be liable to in-ht-trnc-nt null hard not amending 35‘0“” or Impris-m-l gamut. not (‘xceudlng nm- ymr. or lmlhf mill ’ wink-to the‘ ri-jrcted p-rrty is «if A’rionin Hit-Imm; thej try to try the (tinsel Mull he compuw-l one hullolcnlnrml mnn. ! Anv (m 0 molesting a party entitled to vote ‘ film“ be titled n sum not oxuewhng iiiJKltll ur Imprisonment not exceeding six lll'nlllHH 0: both. tilt-jury to he comnmml as nlmve 5 when the party is of Al'rioun (IMCHIIEJ' l Mr. Sumnor intrntlut-ed a hill 'pmniilint! 5 (hut whore, «wording to the con-«use! Hm. |' «nu-*ixth or more of‘tlm tmpuiulion an all African ill-sopnt. uruwl jurim nlnll con-list! nun-lulfnl per-icnq of Atriuau uh-wenltautl.‘ pt-iirj-Ir'w- in the «um-(prolnrtliun’. win-re ‘ Rho mutter trio-ll l'filrllt'al to nny Injury in~.l ii t‘lWl by 1 person of Al‘rh‘nn «lusm-nt upon a pcl‘r‘on not at such (luscunt ur vicclvcrru.—' Anv phjuriice “grind rncn le'mmlc ground lur ohnlh-ngo itntl é‘xuluxinn. . ' I Mr. Sumner ulxso introduced it joint roan: lulhui proposing to amend thotkinstitution' so- to matkn votvre mete-mi o.’ pwpu'llmon tho hm}: of roprcru-ntnlinn in (,‘unurosu; ‘ m-m-urrt-nt remiution declnrnlurv'oi vt-tmn ol the Comtitutinnnlnun-nil-, .luohflhing rlnvr-ry; and also a fil’rlf‘lv ilutlnm \chlurutnry of tho duty of" , m Pepi-cinlly in respect to the loyall autumn of the Stnteq latnly in relwlliou. 1 I'hr lu'lll" nl ,nonn hnvun: nrrflv-ul. the Clrrk of tho luLllnupo, Mr. .\{l‘l’lll‘t‘l'inw (“lilhl tun llnu~e to hrdnr, nn<l pmcmull‘d [a null thu- roll of mnmlmre. omitting the j nmm-n of ll‘i-resontutivun from the Sunni lfilt‘:' an r-~|.'«ltion, Lincluding the Tourist-u-1 arc Ilvlvmnnun: ' . I Mr. .\inyiurul. of Tunneuee. hnlvlimz hi It It crmlcntmle in his hand, ileum-(l to make a; ”mum, hut the Clerk nhjn‘ctell, mying‘ thorn could be no inturruptmu of tho call. Mr. Mnmurd—Docs the Clerk‘decline? ' To" Uln~rk-—l tit). ' , l Thumlliu: nt‘the roll h‘wing bet-n com— klh-u-rl; (iii members renponuhnu.) Mr. ' .iavunrnt :Ignill rose, [but "us overruled by u..- -.:1. wk, Hr .\l‘nrnll. of VL. move-ll thfit tho - llnuso primal to the elecuuu of. .\.‘pclra’kerl by v-Itl‘. 1 l 1 IL. ll' ml(\<,‘ol N? Y., hnpml the m nionl woull not.prx*v‘s|, nnvl inqu-rwl hy whull right ttii~.t~(} nun-5+ would ru-i'uq-u t I 'utlmit tum-ah the lt»»ttivcs from l‘n-nnvs-l : "S’ and ulln-I S'ules, and thr- rensnn of dial Itlritrary rulemldptcd i~y the Clvrk? l I ll" lrumnl tho 11-ut~e.wnulul not proceed; in any revolutionarystop like this without. limiting hum 'l'onueswe. for if ’l'cnnenwe‘i i!- tII-t 111 the [‘_lnion, and is not it hfyull State. but her ('ll'jl‘un fllan’4 nml furl-Ign- t On. liy wlmt rigt‘t doc-e thu‘Px-«sulent of; (in‘ Unltipl Stnwnnm‘upy his place in the": Wuilc lluusv? ' lln riapmteli. that he‘ (111-toil Mr. .\I-Iytmr-l would lw heard. for! it the tlrb'f‘u-{li-tll nnw pmposnd he establish ml. the LII-wk wv-ul-l 11l etfi‘ct give tln- law In the-Hume. nil-rely hv nrlritrury will, and, thus nuke llllllsr‘li nznnipotr‘ntr I ‘ if the pointlmxinn. (.\ir. Maynard.) in not_ from a Suite in the Union. whnt'mln ini lc-yiur‘l’.‘ During the darkest erim! of the' evnr. vvlulr he-wm: nu exile lioni Tonnes-l we. l lu-nttl his clnrpn-nt voice on the. 81.; Lawrence, urging my State tb disch-Irga its, whole duty to the country; and horn u’rn' lnmurnhh- ge-nllomvn who wrll hot'permit him to he_henrul; ‘tltnugh he holds in‘ his: hands a ci-rtxlicuto trom the Governor of TPIIIN'IM‘Q‘. Nuitlnbr has the Clerk rt-ml | the. nnmes of the niemhere elect from V"- glmn. l liienn old tut-l not. Wt-etern Vlr-l giniu. Ovrl' which Gov. Pu-rpont has pro-l ended nncl null pregulns,‘und to which posi-l non ho mus enema during the war. and' whose loyalty is unquestioned. By 'whnt‘ ‘nght has the Virginil delegation been ex ‘ rlunlpdl I Wunt the Clrrk to tell me.‘ He» has given ;IJOIWLNI-II for it. . I will yield the' finnl' to ennule him to answer the question. fl‘he Clerk replied—ll it IS "the desire of timilonee. I will ‘give the reasons. ' l Kr. slrvnus (in his ‘eeufl—Tllé ’House know it nil, and don't mm the retuons. . l The Clerk euid ‘thut. what. he had donei ‘ flu in view of'hiu duty, and he was willing. *0 let. the record stun-l. ~ . ' Hr. Brooks; resuming. sniddt. was knovvn 0 mm. but not to rill, that the State jot smisin‘hn was harp hut congresst by pfirn wimion of the gentleman lrom Pennsylva " Elie, (Mr. Stem-m.) who grave his meat to “no record; but nowlloutsinnn is excluded. The Republicans themndnmted two memo her! from Louisiana. and now the Clerk ne ’ lume- the responsibility at excluding the ’_‘, members elect from thin. time. Why this ‘ Inconsistency of action 15' well as nbstirdityb Hr. Muynurd tried again to be Mr. Steven oljected, end the Clbrk lua ‘ rained Mr. 896”“. -. ‘ The previous quutionjasfcnlled. end Mr. Morrill'a motion carried. he election for Speaker wu then gone into, and resulted —Colfnx 139. Brooks 35. - ' Mr. Colfax was sworn in. and addreued tin-“ House. ' . i “ Mr. MbPhemn In reelected Clerk. ,On motion at Mr. Stevens. I fowl-18501“- tion Iva passed for the sworntment of n bummittoo of fifteenrnine Representative” and Ii: Sen-tort. who shall report whether“ any of the late Confederate States are enti tled to representation in either House of .Congreu. ‘ Mr. Schenck introduced a juint resoluo g tion to amend the Comtuutiou‘so as to ap portion represen‘lat-ion Brogmg to the number of voters in~the res tive States. Mr. Kelly introduced a hill to extend the fight of suffrage in the District of Columbia. ' Xr. Ashby introduced a hill to guarantee to lite i'nsurrectionnry States a Republican form of government. by the appointment at Military Governors, and for other pur ‘pous- ' K ‘ “The President’s Message was regeiv ed‘end read on Tuesday. The bulano'e of $0.9 dbl was connumed tn the‘intr‘oduction in negro menuru. Wednesday was oe irnpied’liiuch in the same may, when both new unburned to Monday. ‘ ' _' ‘ *. loin or m mm " mun: M for Beneath: for mm: In! whim Afipx u_ chm: From an uticle in the Int Chmbeflbnrg Spirit we extreet the _{ollowing {Acts in re lution m the suempt to cheetlr. Duncsn out of hi. seat in the brute, end Mr. Stenger out of the District Attorneylhipin Freuilin county. A more berefaeed at tempt to CHEAT we: never before exposed, and ifit does not brim: honest men in the Republican: p’srty to rain, nothing else will. The Spirit say. : There was one way to defeat Duncan Ind Stenger. Political virtue hung her head; the thing must be fixed; our “boys in blue” were still in Texas. :There were bet tery. “B" and company “A." * 4* Seventeen voles were returned from bet tery “_B" against Swinger—seventeen from thin county and four from Adlma county. tram battery ‘5B" and aten from coppany “A" against D‘pncan._ The [lattice of the Judges who are represented as making this relurn'from the battery, are Daniel Stoner ‘ and. MnIIbE-wiMcConnell. The clerks are John "all end mees Cerbaugh. ‘ There was a pal! opened in the better! on ‘ Meetion day. Daniel Sinner, Matthew Mo- ‘ Connell and Levi I‘. Robinson were the Judge-I Jameu Helletnnd David Q Hufleigh I were.the clerks. \ ' 'l‘ he votes cast there on thin. day were lanme twent -i'9ur \or five for the State ticket ,nnd five mien for Colonel Stumlmuzh._. fThPre was not a. single vote: can l’nr David I MrCnnnuhhy, nor for D. Wamn ‘Rowei i _Furthnrnmrt’. there was naver any return made If that election. The paper: were never Myriad at all. thc‘titlmts ”v 76 aban‘ilnned. Thl i oflicen of (Its Elation wilt awear in the": 11:51:, {a'nut yetl aeventebn‘am returned for Ruwe‘. and tmjuty—nne inr McConnuzhy i t ' But it will be seen that ILolm Hall and. ' June: Curbauglr‘ whom mints: are signed . 10. these returns, Inna nevér‘ In (115' Beard 0 ‘ Elrctn»: War: at all. Judges and Clerks. , Wllit nnevomm my (hat wlterruer t/m’r Minis ‘ lip/It‘lr upnn than ‘rrturna-ns having bean shins}! ‘by (Item. (Ivy arc FOR/{HI}. One qflhc clerks .rwc'urs that he cannot writ? M 1 own name. He: 1 It returned as a voter. Ho aweurs that he ' «lul not vote at all. and nuvg-r didsbccauu Ila" caulfl not, .rignt/tercturn! * * * ' ' Four «if the men returned as voters were forty miles away iron: the buttery on the’ «lay ul' clt-c'inn. L ’ _ 0n» of the men roturmd as voting for Mutt-unuully and llu‘tite was never with the. lmttpry m 'i‘va-t, hut' wa‘q in this enmity on tlu- «lay ult-lectmn . Six of the men return ml us voters are'nnt, and never were. resi dn'ntq of this cnurlfv. Ami mwe might go on. (humans of anklm county. by But‘h I means m thrse tin tho reckless scnundrels Hi the, Abolition turty spok to thwart. your‘ will e‘xpn-sswl an tinmllut. box. ' l ”.mn]: hurle-Lnll honor and common «11-ug-ncy. they scvk by‘ {mud todinmssem of' thuir amt-.:.; th'c‘ men‘ you have elected uni Sqnzunr untl: I) Klrtfll Attorney. [l. becomes! tlu: honest. tnmitnf tmt‘h [maria—the men; who 'l‘! not, allow political prejudices to] Warp theirju'lgmmts and ntifle their con-i scwncvs, tn Flfl‘flk out boldly in denuncia linn ’ni this atrm-mus fraud. and to lend n hvip‘m‘g hand to discover if possible the in fnnmzn' pierpntratorn of this ohtruge. so that pmmpf anti nan-re punishment. may be ‘ vmtml Wu}. thenL- . ' .. i Wmtunot tern that this fraudulent return will work it» purpnm. it will nnt stand an hour's [chi In a Cnurt of Justice. Mr. Storm-r is (‘Pllltlll therefnre tn'relmn his”, pruniuu us District Alturnrey nl'the cuunty. ! .An-l even it pnrtimn committee WI“ not“ t-unnot,_ Us 50 uncriy inst. t 0 hnnm‘ as to mi mit a vote. which hours upon its face thal evnionco ot'Tngn-iy, anul which. under the; tednnony that will be adduced. ‘wilal be‘ slloth to hie one of the must atrocious: and l at tfi Emma tune. one of the most. stupid frauds tlint ev'er wns committed. [ML Dun can in certain therefore to represent this' Di_strict_.iu the Senate for‘thga, next three 'yeura. l ..__.._,,, «I» - ~-———- THE DI hSSAIH‘L Prvsiclnnt‘ Johnson's first Annual Mes saw to Gungn-ss wzll be found on the prece dmg [v-tge. {'l is of rembmible length, and will, of couruc. be uni‘vusully ,read. ~The cmn menxs ol the Uv®rcrutlofiress are m'nrmny favum‘ule, and ugree in the nnin mm the [(MluWngv, winch we extract from the Age; ‘ ‘ ‘ At Democratic j-iiirnnlials, we nre‘r‘emly imd glzul to give to Mr. Johnson’s message enrnest praise. ll‘ nny one wishes in i 3 gen ernl way to comprehend why wv, and those who think with us, loi‘iii (hi: lnynrahlejudg mi-nl. let him cnntiust the Fri-" Salem’s mall t‘l‘ltll’ und cuiiciliiunrv- liingiuge, as to the recont‘past hnil the Will‘glldlng future. with the tune and temper of the fanatics‘ in and nut oil Guinness. and éspecially of what the N-Iw‘ Yurk ’l‘n'bunc well describesnis Mr. 'l‘hmhlouu Steveim' “obedient majority,"’- It‘lonka \ery much as if we were destined to seeyliefnre long a line éleurly drawn be tween the President and possibly. the Sen me. as cunser‘vniives on the one hand, and the majority in tlie‘ltim‘r Mouse and the radium: outside at Congress on the other. W here the Democratic [my will. then be fuund, it is quite unneceesiry to say. We shall lo‘ok with some solicituile to that por tinn 6f the au'mmifisirution prefls which rep resents extreme opinions, to see how they WI” n-ceive the President’s moderate views. At first there Wlll, oft course, be praise—- thut the ,instinotn of dependence always prompt—hut we i_:nngina_it will not be long before there ‘will he dissent, audible and acrimonious. Bet’iis as it‘may. our husi mus, as representing a great party that has no direct relations lo“‘tbe powers tlmt‘be," in with thaposiuve qualities of the Execu tive‘ utternnées. We 'repéat. they give us great oorttentnmnt.v - ’ - IR: BUCHANAS’S BOOK. ‘ Bit-President Buchanan has Wiitfen o ‘ Book, entitled "The Administrption on the ‘ EVe of the Rebellion? which haejust’been l üblinlied by the Messrs. Appleton. of Nevn goth. It is a most complete and triflin ph_a'|:t vindication of his Administration Against the false and infamous changes of the Aboli'tioniste. He ehowe thatihe Aho< i litionints provoked the war. that they re fused to compromise the’_diflicultieo when it lqy in their power to do 10,3111! thet when they had iejecled all qompromiwfl'flnd wu wu inevitable, an Abolition Congress per sistently and to the end of his administra tion refused to vote supplies of men and money'to put down the rebellion, Ilthoughr he ient. in. e lpeéul message taking for means to quell theinsurgenu. He_takes up all the charge. and slandenllnthne been ,circuleted against! his edministntion. Ind With proof that no one‘mll “or 0812' de ny. nails them. one by one, to the counter. Indeed, his vindication is complete, tri umphant and truthful. The Book is -in great. demand. Everybody wants I copy, and should have it, by all means. ‘ , S'A lahuhr statement ha: been receiv ed at the Indian Bureau. giving the 00st to the Gogrnment f‘of kiuing ndians ind. squaws.” The average cost of kilhng an Indian in nbout $500,000, and of anquaw 'neuly $2,090,000. 80‘ it seems the "Win nebago" hminw still pays. If the “loyal" chap- mn make their piles in this way on the plainly, thereyill be no necessity for either in Frenoh or a Mormon war. fiHon. John T. Hofi'man, Tammany Democnt, has been elecLed Mayor of New York by 1.333 majorityeand Richard o’. (liylgan, Dem» Corporation Connie], by S‘A Spaniard named Otero wan brutal lx murdered in (Brooklyn, )1. Y.. on the night of the 23d, ind robbed of $10,000. One of the murderers ha: been caught. ‘ ”aha-idem thnwn having originally learned _tha twin of n :lin may manual] be thought “gonad on the soon.” ~ gown tonstig. .._» ...... ~27__ _*:__ __-_--_ _.:;:_‘-.: COUNTY OFF!CBS.—-0n the In inn, Ir. Kiummer entered upon his dunes :3 Pro thonQury. Mr. Bnlhey retire: from thcpo lition with the well-deuned reputation of lining been one of the but Prothonouriu the county hm ever htd—huing been ptomgt, coln-ct and obliging. . We neglected to mention I: the proper time that Mr. Cover entered upon the Dietric'. At wrneyabip u: the November Conn. )(lr. Dan‘- can, during his term, performed the duties of the position with much' credit, nlwnya defend ing the interest: of the ,Commonwenhh with Ibility and (sitbfulneu. ‘No one hu filled the office more eccepubly. _ ALMS-HOUSE APPO!NTMBNTS.-—The Di-l rector: of the Poor, on Monday but, made thei following ’excell'enl Appointments: Steward, I Janu Johns; Physicun, Dr. J, W. O, O'Neil ; I Counsel, Wm‘. McClenn, Esq.; Treasurer, Cor- I nelinl Daugherty; Clerk, H. 0. Wolf. fi‘At an election held on‘the Bth of Nov. len, forfolfleere of the Gettysburg and Peters bnrg Turnpike Company, the following gen tlemen were choe‘en : Preeidenb—Wm. QJiimee. Imogen—Wm. XcSherry. Jocob Wirt, Geo. Swope, Joseph BeylyJuhn H. McClellan. Treneurer—Jobn H. HcClelhn. ' PROPERTY SALES—Hon. lam E. Wier man and John Gudner, es nuorniei in (not, recently sold the old Jacob Gnrdner property, in Petereburg, lo the ‘Odd Fellofie there. at $3,000 cash. . ‘ - Homillon Hemlcr has sold 3 house and lot, in New Oxford. to Henry L. Wiest, for $2,150. M'eahin ton Swnnz has sold his house and lot, in thcfienme place, to Mr. Truyer, of New Mnrkvt,-Hd., who intend: to open I; store in the bullding 7A The exenntors of David Lockhert recenlly/ sold the pl of sold deced\ ‘ Slmbe’ township—u mm; M place, to ' ZprJsh. George In! on WO4 for smoa ' LECTU; his Lerlurr in Fdirfieh. The procee: efit of the Tickt-ls cu Commiltm A. C. .\l' Inn, J‘ T. i E; McGinll FINE G? be seenl in the degree cun be won exhibit be: heretofore “brink (.111 work. STRUQI heat. [ix-f1!“ dny fur \Vny. ~., ..-, «mg n usy large Wholesale and Remil business in the Gran-cry (find Queenswxu'e lune. * mfne Rnilrond committee at Wayne!- bard/have appniuzed W. W..Wallier and Joseph Douglas, Esq" agents lo solicit stock subgcril)linni for the ulensionlcf the Gettys burg Railroad to that. place, and they have eaten ed upon the wurlg of cnnvnsujng. , WWe understand that the officers of the First Army Corps :u'e nmkingf encouraging 'prngress In their efl'urls to secure the neces -9 my menus lor the erectinn Ufa munumcnt to Gen. Reynalda, who fell at this place. . WThnnksgivfiing was nbservedsby n" classes of our cilizonh—qlml service: wcre'md in near ly all the churclgfzs. . r @Rev. John E. Grndl‘, of Philadelphia, has préseuted to Paunsylmniu (lullegp a Tole scopc oft'fie very highest order of excellence. 32?}!011. A. H. Cofl'roth‘hns qur thanks for valuable congressional documents. Q‘Smwnrd Johns has our thanks for a ‘.‘mess” of first true aztssuuge and pudding. fiAmnng the special leliagmmd' nub: liqhed in the Press yesterday was the fol lowing: . “It. is rumored that thn métion of Mr. Stevens, in the Union caucus on-Snturdny _even'rng. to immune]. Mr. McPherson -to place the lmme’nf Gen. Koontz. the con testant of Cntfrnth, who chlims lhg sent. in the Smnvrset distrim, on the run, wué voted down." . f This is about the coolest piece of busi ness that has ever come under'our observa tion. That any amounteF‘cheek’Hs to he found in "the eutleman from Lancaster,” we are pexfeclfil well aimre ; but we must confess that we never supposed him capa ble of such a sublime piece of impudence ‘ as is exhibited by his atternpt to dictate to« the country who should represent the Som erset district in the organization of» Con gress. 'that business has a Repuplicam caucus. or Mr. Slallem, with such a matter? Our great astonishment ls. tliut the ‘cnucus did not adopt the resolution. and Mr. Me- Pherson promptly act in accordance with it.—Ag¢ 0/ Tuesday. ' Q . Q‘The Carlisle Valium” and Democrat have been consolid‘nted. Seuuble.‘ TEE MARKETS. ° GETTYSBUIiG—Snunmv- us‘r Flour «.... Rye F10ur..........,...... Wh‘ile Whén1........... Red When:.............. C0rn....................... Rye 0.;ta..........,... Buckwheat......... ................... l 00 Timothy 5eed...,..............L.... 2 502 m 4 00 "mm-...... 1‘75 1.0.2 00 .L..‘........... 7 00 to 7-50 Flax See-1..., Clover Seed BALTIMORE—FRIDAY us! a so to 9 oq 1 no lo 2 5o so w 93 Flour. Wheat 1158.... C0rn........... .... Oats Clover-seed Timothy—seeindun Hogs, per “54..."... Beef Caule,_per build ...........;21 90 (022 00 ...........~ 2 34 lo 2 3p Hay....... Whiskey MARRIED. - 0: Lb. amt: nit. by new. I. Bnidenbmgh. u; AUGUS TUS B. 111-HST“. tn Mi- ANNIR mum, all of m- In. pO. I!» IN]: BIL It tho Ev. Luth. Furlong. unlea torn. by Rev. 8. Henry. I: JOHN comm AVE]; ‘O, !u- SARAH JANE gwuz. both at Cumllunnty. On ‘11:. 19th nl: . it fit. lun- plan-. 1), the In, Mr. DANIEL BASEEOAB lo hil- yum! I.SHIILY, All of Mum county. {'- ' 0n the 23d lIL. u an Inn phat, by uni-m, m- JONATHAN L. Anson. o! Moe-w township. a; ma MARY JANE PITZIR. of (funny lp.,‘Athml mm . 0n the an; alt , by Rn. J. Y. Rood. Hr. EOWARi) E. BUTTON tn m- zoPflOBA WflnAN,moxAdsn county. . OIL}? 80th alt, by R". I. G. Shoal. KLGIOBGI W. PAL 8. of Adamant”? Mill SARAH l. LIGHT NIR. or Cum“ county. . 0-: 3m 2w: «IL, In Canny? n tho residence or an bndn’l uncle lrJomuhh Di. I,» Rev. J. K mum. 11: mt. A. hunt. or‘ Bemhnfllh, m In. Run a. HAN-i. of Phihdolphh. - , Oath.“ “IL. bill“. I. Inbl‘, Mr. 1. ROLANDUS !PANGLRH m umgAquoonfl, of But net-Ilau DIED fiObitnm-uouces 3 ecu}; per line for I" over {gut lines fish to acc#mpn}xy notice. ( __ , a On Prun§nonlm Cambodia; town-hip, Ir. JOHN “AHA-IT , god 145 Jun. 0n the 6th but" HARRY ANDERSON. lon dCIpL W. E'- Man-I, o! Annduvulo, and a pm 10 month: pd u I. > in Bthnol-o, on the ad alt, ILLA BLANCHI, w 4 P". u month- and I! dun; and an flu 'in «In, nou hid-r3. JESSIE FLORENCE Izod 2 1011!?th Ind 3‘ dirt—children a! 000 m E Ind In] J. Luau. WIN-hind. lONA'HUB ICKINBODI, non of 31w IN HAS 1. law. or Mountjoy tumhlrp, 1h): county, dl at fl'qgflhgogl? Elihu». 18m 0 Jun, 1866. In flu 221 I m- VIN. m MM Ln, Md Ava-Warn! n at. Junph'n Church, Ipill-10mm. “min-“u! nun-mun kn hl-dk “vim-s U 5“ 0" momm- !IFl'u of puma-r 01‘ Mann." B. - magnum-hunk mun-M twang all-- / , I I. I. If every women only knew what u blessing, to her, elpecinlly in her peculinr complain"; is Redw-y’s Reedy Relief, by how much. would the suil'erings of her sex be diminished. All women are necessarily subjected to irregulari ties moreor less dangerous in their uetui-e, arid it takes very little pometimes to produce those irregularities can in the stoutesl and strongest constitution. You go out” of the worm room into the open Air; you go sudden ‘ly from the cold outer Air into n room over -4 heated ; in either one your pores Me Violently ‘ncted up, end you “catch n cold." A eup [pression instantly occurs of tonic indiepenso— l hip discharge. The whole body sufl'ers in 'conscquence. Every avenue,"of life seems clogged up. Your vitality oppenis to be on {the point of exhaustion. You sull'er intense 'pnin. You are proatrated in spirit, week, .nervoul, restless and uzyappy. You on do [nothing with satisfacti it. You are almost itired ofyour life. Biliyon can be relieved of ull’thesc distressing mptums very euily.—s You can he restored to health just as soon so you please. Your‘?éa.d&cbetit your hysteria, your vomiting: of, load, your dreadful pains in the sman-ol the buck and in the limbs. if ell theee chnrnc ‘rile your case, can be gotten rid of by simply’grubbing well the spine, buck and hipi with Ridwny'e Reedy Belief, end taking eome Ki Rodgoy’e Pills on goingto bed at night. Do this, ind all irregularity will‘ ceuse. You will experience n delightful sense; of comp tive cue the very first time you: cimmen the rubbing, and the second time will so hum you thntyou will never be with out : 0 cent bottle of Reedy Relief ‘in the bone under any circumstances. It is, and hug t to be, every woman's confidential com potion. Sold by druggists. A N B.——Surrnrseiox or run liners. Human], HYdTXEICB. Neuvousnsss Conn. ‘ ‘ Newark. N. 1.. Oct. 10. 1&63. e Dr. Railway—Your Pills nnd‘Rendy Relief have saved my daughter‘s liie. In June Inet' she ‘wns eighteen years of age, and for threel m‘onths her menses were suppressed. She' ‘ would frequently vomit. blood,eull"red terribly 1 from Headache, and pain in the small of the; back and thighs, and bad frequent (He OflIYEg l tcrics. We commenced by giving her six all your Pills every night, and rubbed the Rendyl Relief on her spine, back and hips. We con tinued this treatment one week, when to our} jogs‘hewas relieved of her difficulty. She is\[ now Well and regular, and has been so eve‘r‘ since. ~Yours very truly, * , J. G. HDDGSON. Your Pills cured me of Piles than I feel as surcd was caused by oveflbfiug with drnatic pins. - Dr. Radwsy’s Fills are sold by dragging and store-keepers mg. 25 cts. per hnx. All let ters for advice addressed to Rudwuy & CO., 57 Maiden Lane}, New York, wull meet with atten tion. ‘ [Dem 11. II! ALLCOCK‘S POROUS PLASTEBS. These plasters have the comprctness of kid leather and the flexibility of i silk glove.— They have cured vuricose v'elns mid external nneurisms.' For'all nll'eetiahs of he chest, weight about the diaphragm or upper portion of the bowels, in colds and coughs, lorinjuries of the built, for sllslmins or bruises, for 3 Weak back, for nervous pains of Ihe bowels, and ‘other nervous affections and cramps, for heart all‘cetions,—-in all these cases they have to be used to be’prnperly'spprecinted. l on. I. 'r. IIBXDIRSON'B urrsu. . Furnville, Louisinumhurch s, 1850. , Dr. T. Allcor'k—Sir: l have been suffering - , «-.-. under a severe utmek ot neuralgia disense of . TO CONSUMPTIVES. my bowels for years, Wllh hgpx nruphy ot the Th un ersignedxlmving been restored to heart, und hnve tiled eveiylhlng known to lhe y enltlte in few weeks by u. very simple reme prneuce ol' niedleme from the very best )1. D 3.; dt', nltcr h viug suffered several years, with a hut truthprompts me to Suzy-41m! your plasters ' sovere lun niféction, and that dread disease have given me more permanent relief umn‘Comumpti n—is anxious to make known to nnylhlng else I hn‘ve used, and I believe will!his ti-llow- “gen” “,0 m‘e‘u. chum pro‘duce “ perleet-eure. . l To all who desire it, he will send a copy ’ol, . Ihe counter-Irritant elt‘wt 0! your plxhtcl's , the prescr ption used, [free 0! ‘ehnrge-J “mm Is produegtt n, such a nuld nnul grmlnnl way, the direct one for preparing and using the they so inhgobgte the circulntiou nround the {same' whilll they will find a sure can. for Gm;- . . , . parts ‘0 “‘“N'h “le "l'e lll'lll't‘d: “d ““""'scnrrios, snuu,Bunscurns,Uumusflotus. ".90“. all nervous d"“”“ “c“ " “”3“ ““1“" ! etc. The only object of the advertiser in send hve influence, that! plnee ‘he'f‘ confidently M ing the prescription is to benefit the nlllieted. the hendl 0f e§fgfrl'll:strerl:°;' W “59- lnnd'sprend information which he conceives to us‘ e y "y, beimmlnn ie and he hopes everv sulrerer tn“ 1' 1 v - . 1 . he}. 20' 1m "I' T‘ HEM)L.RSON'“'D' try his re edy,us it WI“ eo=t them nothing and may p on: a blessing. Pussies ishing the pn-séription, will please address REV. EDWARD A}. Wlllhillhi, Willhunsburgh, Kings 00., MW l'mk. 0ct.16.t3m ‘ V -» _‘ DR. TOBIAS’YENETLXN'HORSE LINIMEXT Pint. boulea‘ xi: $1 each, {or fitmom-ss, cuts, galls, colic, sprains, Jun, warmnted cheaper than any othtr. ' It. is iised by.al_l the great. 'horsemen on Long Island cdurscs. It wilf not. cure ring bone or spuvin, as themls no l’inin’wnt in existence that will. Win". it is stated in cure it pogitively docs.~ No owner of horse will be Without/'3‘“?! trying one bottle. One dose revives and often saves the life of an ovpr-healcd‘or driven horse.- For colic gun! belly—ache it. has never failed. Just «‘l3 surh as the sun’ rises, just so,suro is this‘ v‘lunble Liniment to be the Horse embrom tion ofthe day. Soldbynlldwggists. Olficc, 56 Cortland! Street, NEW .Yo‘rk. [Nov.2o. 1m is those v'vho tall. in the rebel ranks undoubt edly do, i'a foolish. But. on the pther build as those whom"; wise and prudent. enough to remedy thé defects of nature with CHRISTADORO’S HAIR DYE, are doing eyery day, in every City of the p nion, in eminently 'pfniaewglhy. This pence fui revolution is goiqg , throughout thg; whole land, and tpus beauty And harmony sup-} plant. homeliness and incongruity. llauufuc-l mm! by J. CRISTADORO,NO. 6 Astor House,l New York. Sold by Druggiats. Applied hyJ all Hair Dressen. . . ‘ [May 8. 1m 8011:0850 550 29010210 190w200 The Great Fen-alt Remedy for lrregulan'h'e: "These Drops are I. scientifically compound-3 ed fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders or Noetmms. Being liquid, their fiction is direct and positive, rendering them a. ' reliable, speedy snd certain specific for the cure of all ohstrnctiohs and- suppression of; nature; Their popularity is indicated by the , {not that over 100,000 bottles are annually sold and consumed by the ladies of the United ‘ Stntee, every one of whom spenk'in Ihe strung- I eat terms of prsise of their great merits. They . are rapidly tnking the rlnce of every other‘ Female Remedy, and no considered by sllwho I know enght of them, as the surest, safest, and most infallible prep-ration in the world, for the core of all !emele-compluints. the removal of ell obstructions of nature, and the promo tion of health, regularity and strength. Ex .plicit directions stating when they may he used, end explaining _when and why they should not, nor could not he need without producing effects contnry to nature's chosen} laws, will beffound carefully folded Ironnd‘ each bowm the written signature ofJonx L. Lyon, w out which none ere genuine:- Prepared pith. JOHN'L. LYON, 195 Chapel | Street, New Elfin, Conn., who can be con-l salted either personelly 9or by mail, (enclosing, sump,) concerning elf private diseases and} femle weaknesses. 8611 b, Druggists every where. C. G. CLARK & 00., . B‘lo 85 .. 48:0 52 ‘..-a 00 to s 82 .L...... 3 50 to 3 ’l5 12 60 1013 50 ll 00 $Oll 00 6911’! Agent: (or U. S. and (tan-duo Nov. 6. U 65. 1y ‘l‘nn Pncvul Snap en plies the Mood wisslariEuunnmominguings‘rnnmn, V 1 and Niy L 1" into the whole "sum:— For Dnnrsu, DBOPSY, mellc Bunion, Dnuufl, Fnuu Wunna, tc., it. in upe cific. Thousands hue been changed by the use of this medicine from week, lickly, sufl'ur ing creeturu, to strong, hullhy Ind happy men nnd wo'men; u . A 32 page pemphlec sent flu. - ‘ Price $lOO per bottle or e for $5.00, _ J. P. DINBMOBE, 28 Day St., New York. Sold by Druggints gen‘emll':l [Sept. 25. am .EYE AND EAR! PROF. J. ISAACS, I:D., Ocnliu and Aurilt, formerly of: Llyden, Holland, in loaned M. No. 519 PINE Street, PHILADELPHIA, where per son: nfiicled with dimau of the EYE or EAR, will be scientifically treated tnd cured, if curable. N. 3.?BTIFICIAL EYES inserted without pain. 0 chargna made for examin tion. Tl}: medical faculty is invited, nhe bu nosecm in his mode of treatment. ,in July )7, 1855. I, _ ' SPECIAL ,3 017038. A,BLKSSIXG I'o WOHEN. ’ TO DIE IN_ A BAD CAUSE DYEING FOR A GOOD CAUSE LYON’S PERIODICAL DROPS! IRON IN THE BLOOD ' CONSUIIP‘HON, BOBOPULA, REEUNATISM, fill—nwumu b Co's. Guam ltmcuu. Goo Lynn 0". bu proved, by twenty yelrl‘ experiencd, the man nlunble remedy in use,“ while u cure: the dineuu. it given strength sud nub In the puiu‘u. Wu nnced par. and made from Fresh Ll'lfl.—. Sold by Dnggim genenlly. _ ' ' HBGEMAN 1: CO., Ghemhu :nd Dmggiau, Kev York 15 CENTS 'I'U SAVE 15 DOLLARS HIGIIAI'I CflxcllflATlD Blmn remove: Punt, Gram Spots, kc" inlmnlly. Ind cleans Silks, Ribbon. Gloves, ha. equal to now:— Only 25 ants per boule. Sold by Dragging. BEGEBIAN & 00.. , Chemist; and Druggisu, New York. CHAPPED HANDS & FAf‘E, SORE LIPS, ‘ CHILBLA'KNS. tO. -Hlannl t Co's. Gunman 10., WITH G'LY cnnn, cure: cupped Buds, 341.. immedi ately, Ind will kegp the skin 3qu and amooth in the coldest we the}. Sold by mugging.— Price 25 cents. in; by Inni! for 35 cents. i - HEGEHAN a Cm, . Chemists !nd Druggists, New York. ‘ . Nov. 27, 1865. ‘gam IMZ=I DR. 3. ANDERS' lODINE'IW'ATER. ’ A! hluululu. Dmcovnv. A Fun. Gull of iodine in eta-h onnce of utter, ‘ Mud without a «dull! The mou Pownwn Vinuzxm Aou'r nnd Rurou'nv: known. Senorcu. SALT-Rural, Cucns, Ruzuxulsy, éoxnuénm, and um ny Chronic and Hereditary Discnies, n‘re cured by‘ its use; In thuuaands can testify. Uircuiuru amt free. 3 Price $l.OO per bottle or 6 for $5.00. Dr. H. ANDERS l 00.. Physicians :nd Chemiltq, 4LB Brandy-y, Nety York. Sold by Druggiau generally. [Sept. 25. _3m EBITOR OF THE COMPILER lit-‘Vllh your permission, I wish to readérs of your papvr. that. I will ‘(urn mnil,to all who wish it,[free] - ith (all directions for linking and pie Vugegable Bxlm. that will ef “ m'oi'efin len dnys, Pimplesfilntches, “lei, and all Impurities of the Skin, Emma soft, clear, smoo,v.h and bemu- Dun SI my m the send. by r‘ a. Recipe, - .using ufil factually r‘ Tan, F'recl leaving th m‘ul. I [will ,| Heads, 0 _infarmuti hill 3!th Monsmch I I'lo mail free to those having B-hl i Bare 'Fnces, sim‘ple directions and n that will enane them to start A - of Luxurinnt Hair, Whiskers, or a i in leésjh‘nn thirty days. ' unions answered by return mail All 9p: wilhoutc urge. Respectfullyyours, FHOS. E. CHAPMAN, vamist, I 3m 4331 Broadway,New York. ‘ Linimua oxscwsunas. { ‘ :- you run MILLION l—A most anufl londertul publication. A work of Nov. 30 T SICRIT' ble and . 400‘pngcs ,and ‘3o' colored Engrnvings. Dll. HUNTER' VADE MECUM, an original sud popular minimise on Mum and Woman, their Physiolog ', Functions, and Sexual disorders of every ind. with Never-Failing Remedies for their peedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER as long been, and still is, unhouud ed, but,at the'enrncst solicitation of numerous persons, c has been indulged to extend his medical u efulness through the medium u! his “VADE “noun." It is n t'olumethut should be in the hands 6! every tamily in the Lint], as a preventixe of secret vicgs, or Ml it guide for the alleviation of one of file must» finnl and destrn‘ctiva abonrzes .thnt 'ver virited muukind. One copy, sepurely enveltigd, will be forward ell free’ of posuge to any part. oi" the United States for 50 cents in I’. O. stumps. Aduross, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Dimsion Sn, New York: ’ . [SeitL 25. (y DlL."l‘ALßU’l‘,'l"b‘ PILLS, . Composéd of highly concentrated exli‘acls from roots and herbs of the highest medicinal value are infallible in the cure ofnll diseases of the Liver r any dernngcmeut ol the Digvsln‘e Organs. hey remove gill impurities o! the Blood, and arc-unequaledJn the cure of Diarr hmu, Juu dice, D39lvolisxn, Serol‘ula, Bilious— nesa, Live Complaint, Fevers, lloudm he, Filer. Mercurial iseuselecn-ditur} llnmors: Dose. lor- ndqlts qge pill in the morning, children hnlfa pill. _‘ rom [one to three pills will cure ordinary 0 sea, and iron) 'oue to lhn-e boxes will cure ny curable use, of no matter how long standing. per box. Trude supplied or sent by mail. ' V. MOTT TALIIUT'I‘, M. D., & CO., ‘ . l 62 Fulton BL, New York. June 5, llfl‘fli. 1’ _ ‘ . ‘ Pubhc Sale r DnémAßLn REAL ESTATE—The subscriber, intending to decline farming, will ofi‘cr at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, the 26“: of DECEMBER, 1865, At 2 0' look, P. 31., HIS VALUABLE FARM, situfiwd on Big Pipe Creek. Carroll county, MIL, adjoining lands of John Weiet, Jacob llarkeg‘, and others. on the mag! lending from Weist‘n Mill to the Littlcszown Pike, containing oval-'20!) ACRES‘ OF LAND. The improvement: bi consist ofoenbstnntinl Two-story . rif‘ ' 4 ‘STONE Himsxz, with Kitchen; 471.1“; large Stony Barn, Hog House, 2,;Qr_‘:\~..' Spring Houses, Smoke House, Dry House and. Bake Oven, Wagon Sheds, and‘oll other ont huildings, built of stone, in the best mouner. There ie' an excellent Orchard of choice fruit on the place. Ther_e in also about 5.) acres a! good Timber-land. The Firm is under excel lent fencing, the land is rolling‘, but not hilly, and 11l we], limed ; 5 Pump at the barn and M. the kitchen door, End a never-failing Spring nvthe Ipring house. . . Persona deniring to'vicw the premiees, will be cheerfullylhowntheum'e by tho subscriber, living on theploce. ~ ‘ “-The form will be ofl'ered at Private Sole, on up, \erme, until the 26”). ' E’Terms ncmmmodating, and ‘.made known on day ol'stlc, whenrthe I’lnt willjbe shown. . ‘ ‘ . , JACOB EBB. man, 1865. u ; Public Sale; - - ' ON FRIPAY, the 15m day of DECEMBER inn" like subscriber will ofl'er st Public 'Sale, on the premises. ‘ A TRACT OF LAND, situate In Huntington township, Adam! county, ndjoilfing lands of Pent Smith, Philip Myers, and others, con tuning 24 Acres, more or lan, I. llnlu portion of it. Woddllnd. The improvements J.- are.n Two-Itory Log HOUSE, Stable, fl”: Wub Hunk, Young Orchard, tc. . fi'Sale to commence At 1 o’clock, P. it, nn‘mid my. when attend-ace will be given and tum: inldo known by » . L ~ SEBASTIAN FICKES. Dec.,u, 865. m x L O C K S . ‘ Now bu hand CLOCKS in grist vnrl'ety, from flew?“ otthe highest rcputatién in the canntry, I d vaunted good lime-kseperl.‘ Call on \ . . J. “EVAN, > ‘ Opfiosito the Bank, Geuysburg. - U“ S¥LVER WARE and 3 P ~ ‘ \ SILVER PLATED WARE 9f the vny beltgumy, a new mortmenqufl received. pull Ind unit. J. BEVAN, i Opponiwnthe Bunk, Gellysburg. ,ow, mmzn, sfwn, and other 1_ HPE‘OT'ACLES, to unit I“ (gel; 111-y. on hand, and film to light. 4 - . J. Buns, :Oppmite‘the Bulk, Output-g. .....__...J- ; .__- _.__.______ ALL .:d m am most. beautiful uiorb- C men: ”f new JEWELRY, inch u ‘ Brent-pin: En} Dropl,. § " finger lungs, Locke“, dh-in‘g, kc" i ‘ ; J. BEVAK’S, Op'posim the Bunk, Geqqaborg‘ ! Executors’ Sale . ‘ F A VALUABLE FARl—The under- O lined, by Virtual the hut will and tea tnment of Michael l’etry, Lite of Carroll coun t,, 3M, deceued, nml orthc Order of the or phnne' Court for Mid Carroll county. will oll’er the Reni Estate left by mid decemd free nnd cienr ofthe doctor right ofhie widow, at Pub lic Snie,to the higheetbiduler, on the premises, on’SA’I‘UBDAY, the 13d day ol DECEMBER, 1565, at 1 o’clock P. l. Said anl Estate is eitnuted in Carroll eonnty, lid, on the Turn pike rond lending lrom Wutmineter to Union tovrn. three and a half miles from the former, ,nnd the some dist‘nnr’e from thh latter plvtce, and contains 201 ACRES, 3 floods and 34 ,Perchee at Land, more or less, of which 30 ecree ere amend with excellent Timber, con sisting of Black and White Ouk. Hirkory,md lame Chestnut, the residue in cleared i-ind, In It fine ntnte of cultivation, very productive, and enclosed with. good fenrcs, or which it, great part is post but! rati. The hnildinze on ‘ this property have all been erected within the 1 ,luet sixteen yenre,,aud consist of n . L“, , 1 ;commodinul Two-story Log Wen- 3&9: . " . l ‘ therhourded HOUSE-73th n Bose- .73; ’E ment story, Frame Bunk Barn,loo 's.‘_:“‘:“.g_-~ feet long by 45 feet wide, with two Wugon, ,Shede and Corn Crib attached, Wash House, Carriage House, Wool House, Dry House and [Bake-oven," Cave with Smoke House ovefit, ‘ l,uud It Hog ilallee. There is it Well at excel- j t‘lent Water near the dwaiiing with 1 Pump in it, and there is n Cistern at the Barn of suf ficient enpacity to hold one hundred and fifty- l lionr tunnel: of Water. ' There ure 2 Apple 'Orchnrds on this property of choice varieties ,and other Fruit Tron-amino an excellent Que:- ,ry ol' Limestone of‘ superior quality. ‘ ‘ 1 I This property is susceptible ofndvnntngeoue division into two purccls, for the reason that. ‘ the aforesaid Turnpike rond runs very nearly ‘ through the centre of it, and it is ueii Wateredl lby Mentiow Brant-ii. which posse: through It. 1‘ TH: Tums or SAL: ure as tciiowa, Viz :—i One-third part of the purchase money shuli be i I pnid by the purchltscr or purchaser: to the un—} dcrsignad on thh duy of sale. or upon thet unification theteof by the Orplmn’e \Cmrt aloresuid, and the residue shall he paid in two ‘ equal payments, the due to be paid in one year, and the other in two years from the day}, ,ol sale, and to be secured by the notes of the ;pulthuser or puruhnsrrs'with security to he; ;upprovedmf by the undersigned, hearing iu-i ‘tereét from the day of safe. I Por>olls wishing to‘view the nhove property 'bcrorc the -duy ot'enie will please cull upon {the undersigned. one of whom resides thereon, or upon their Attorney, residuum in \Vestmihe ter, .\ld. (‘ATHIARINE I'ETBY, Exerulrix, ' , JACOB PETitY. Executor. - z ( ’J .i. nnnmgnrdncr, Attorney. Wm. Brown, Auctioneer. ’ , Dec. 11, 1865. u - FOUTZ'S =ln Hum and (Jams Powders. ,hr ~, This we ration . .. '7' I “:22 ..' lung Ind numb]; .5. ’m‘3‘a\\‘~m“ ' 2‘.) knuun. :ml'umr; : . NgA- 5. I“? .1 Hugh!) rt nv bomb. '_“.' ._ A _A l-mkuualung null 3“ g ‘ low-kpinkd lxursu' i“ " \ by Llrrnglhm'mg “ : " ' and cleanuiug the ’ V smmnuh and mm. , 5 . ' tun-~12 ‘_‘, x 'fvt. .931“; hI! A Eur» pre "d-‘E’E‘A, “‘_‘ vcnwvc of an d-I -"~».n::"’. " ' lhla unlnul, such as ' YF. LLO W WA TER. H E A V ES, CUUGHS. WS TEMI’ H 8. FE VERQ, FUCXDER [.0313 OF APPE ’|‘l'l‘fl .\.\'D VITAE Efflilflnflkc ”3' me improve: the wind, Incmues the upmtlle- xh’e‘s a smooth and glussy aLm—uwl lrunJurms HI 9. ITI-cmhlu ukulcwn Inn) 3 fin“ looking nml !phltnd Uffid. -———~—_-r -- ' To keepcn n! (‘ovri [Hi [ln par'mgH 1- in‘ 11":x‘-!e. Is 111 ch an: uulnmymul ithuU\«~ II c I,l'a|ily ol ILx nul‘. 11. L.“ ‘ . _ I" n p m n M m ' fig? thl run-runm m J" _- " ','.~.\.\' ilu'rmw tin: qu.|n« .-. -~ th- {3.353. ...‘f . m, ..r null. null ‘- ju'c- '¥“-" ‘;5- C an mu hum) [mar (;;r" ‘4’, \4._.~ ‘ cud. and ane 11-u 'fl; 9‘2 but“ r firm md ~v' ; “_fl )1“ I! In fim- vim: ‘ ’r"’ fl us:l¢.ilgh:a~ Ll-m \ V' {(2/9 ¥ »’ p'l n -n lit-3. lon-I In \ {a gyyg‘w _ ‘ ,mfi' h . .u. w d «VJ ~“"~f" _;--é_ nvuLu ILom Lin-Iva much mum .____ - ... In “lawn of Swine, such a.» Coughu, l'kurs In the Lungn, Liver, V_ ‘ - ta. this utlcla “' Lr'xfinr ' if}; It” I: I tpeciflc. , ;;fiafi‘éfih : By putting from 1., . “in ‘ .573? "if“ _, onefinll n paycr ”‘f "a... 2724” =.‘ it» to r paper In A “3:19;";‘1 .- 4:. brat-013nm tho ._ :3; 'rg‘i ’7'}; a V: Menu ‘ __ 2.7 ~_ ~ _‘—_ will bcemdicaud ~. ‘ ’_‘ L 3??? or entirely prucnted. If givrn In Hm», I: certain prurcmlve and cure [or Hue Hug l‘holnrn. Price 25 Cents per Paper, 0 5 Papers for $l. S. :L FOU’TZ & BRO., =E:I3 7 “013‘“! DR"! AND Mfibiflfifl DENT. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltlmcre. Md. Fur Sale !w Drnwku and Swrelm part through out the United Shun. For sale by A. D. BuehlcrLGvashm-g; Lnughlin & BUEbfit'ld, Wheeling, Va; (‘. C. Bendcrk CO., Pihsburg; Jolmsun, Holloway & Cowden, Philadelphia. 4 Dec. 11, 18135. I) ‘ Reduction! Reduction!‘ . N and after November Isl. 1863, the fol lowing rednwd scale of pril-ea will he :1 opted m. the “EXCELSIULE” SKYLIGHT GA'LLERYn-z: . ‘ Vignette Photographs, per d0mn.‘.........54 00 u u ' ‘ ‘ ’ II 1 II II OS 2 ‘25 “ . 175 Cute: de Via. or plain, per fl0zen.......... 3 25 u u “g u 175 H u _ ug -u 125 ‘I , u U} ~u 100 no: on) “mu-was. _ Vignetbeq, linglecopirfi, 40c. or 3 fol-......51' 00 _Cartes dc Vim, or pln§n, single copies, 359. 0r4f0r................:..........................LA 00 ' In Addition to the ebove every picture will be neatly tintedwithout cxlr‘n charge. There it 3 future in the above to which I with to direct special lttention, viz: I will make {our Vignettes, or three plain pictures from the fintnegutive. Heretol‘me it has ham a rule not to make less than six of one and tour of the other; . ' 4" ltnke this oppoflunity to thank the ci’l‘izrug of Gettysburg Ind 'lhe public gonernlly, tor the vnw unnu patronage extended to the "Ex cellior," uinée iu‘ establishment, nnd hops by strict attention to busineu, coupled with the ndnutngo at over ten yem fininterrupted pmctice‘ol the hit, to merit. a continuance of the lane. 3 ISAAC G. TYSON. Su‘oceuorj to the Firm or Two: Biol, Nov. 13,1865. ‘ Geltyaburg, Pu. Carriage-making Resumed. THE war being met, the undersigded hue resumed the « - CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, at their old “and. in East Riddle street, GETTYSBI’RG, ’ .' where they are again preptm-d to put up wofk in the moat fashionable;substantiul,and supe rior manner. A Int of new and second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGXES, #O., ‘ on hund, which any will dinyou 0! A! the love“. prices ; Ind 31! orderpwill be lupplied u promptly and satisfactorily u pastime. _a-BEPA I R I N G - don'o 'th diqpucb, and at chenpefl. ram. 1 lugs lot of he! Ind old HARNESS on had {or ado. , , ' Thankful (or the lib'ernl pntionugo hereto for: enjoyed by them.|icit and unll ea desvor ti) duervelu lugeih-ms in me runue , ‘ ,’ BANNER & ZIEULEB. July 10, 1885. ft! ‘ For Sale, I‘WO CHOICE FARMS, in the im- 5» mediue neighborhood of Geup- [8336 burg—Building: and [mid at d. 0166803 'ARNOLD. Gettylbnrg, Aug. 14, ;865. ‘ . 2 you wish ling-zines, Periodicals, To, 5 Books, Newlpgpen, or Novels, go to E. H. NNIGB’S Comeptionery, in Chmberlbur; street» ‘ v I? you vllh To; anon‘s, anfiiu, Cull-(3‘ I Wheelbarrowynnd Drums. go to E. II; .\IINNIGH’S Gonfoftionury, in Chat-banking meet. ' ‘ Don’t Rand Thl! “.858 YOU WAIT TO . BAV,EI 0 N E Y I _ ow nun how heart-tending are the "111‘ of erl {(0:- flmt Pence bu bun tutored the universal cryiu, How long! Honda-I How are we to live! Will the exorblhm prices for tho nrcewanriea of "in novaMecllno ? From the remote «or-er of Adams county, In the null] but prosperous town of Fuirfinld.‘ comes th‘c ulcome messenger wisp tidings o( halter days. gig-Imm AND mama-e. - v ”ANNE“ & SHIELDS have {um returned, from the caskrn chin. (having nllpwml their stock ufgoml; m I)". very much reduced mm. ing for n du-Hne in the within.) The time n Il‘ngth arrived, may avnllbd them-elven arms opportunity, hastened to the city, and Ira noiv. prepucd to suppky Um mint: of the needy.— Our stuck»! LADIES' GOODS is hatter than cvor before. That fvr file GEVTLBMKN In an surpassed. Trmnnmsrnuw‘uuld beluperfluons. “ QUICK SALES‘ AND SMALL PROFITS,” is our motto. Uur dock bring ticketed with care, we hm.- assert that we ‘re enabled to sell as vhonp. and we think changer. thnn-can be bought anywhere clue in thc’coun'y. Close buyers. particularly. will find it to their ndvnn mge t) give us a cam before purchning‘ else where. ' " fi-Dnuntry prollnce Mfied in exchange for, Goods. Tlmuklul for [mu fu-ou we hopq to merit a conlmunncy of the tune. mmmn a: SHIELDS. Nov. 6, 1865. L! Buggies & Carriages. lllS WAY] 'l‘lllS WAYl—Tho umlnr- T signml is epgiged in the Cnrringednuking burinese, In West Middle street. near (inn. Lil. llc's old store awn-lrliéuysburg, and invites all who may nee-1 nufiliiiu in his lino Io give him A call. He. puts Hp, in‘tlm very besv. manner, [Pulling-mp an I other BUGHISS, and all the different styles or (7ARRIAUES.—- With a full knuwlcllg: of II: usineas,‘and n deterlnin.ition to pin: silis*n. Illa public can rely upon his jub: 1: ng good. Ila will endeavor to dean-vs a huge shire 0! pi‘ tromgv, «ml hopes to receive 11. - ' REPAIRING-dam at {he thorn-fit nofiw. and nn’ mos: re-umn'tblo turxni. WCnun‘r‘y. produxe will be taken in tam-lung.) mr \vurk. " . CHAS. b‘. (HIMHJH‘. . Gettysburir, Nov. 8, 186’). 8m“ ' x Grand Mass Meetings, 01‘ for ‘poliuml pnrposcu, bu: [or 9111-. mac! of comfort. d-lrin; tho Wmihg Wmlcr. will ha held an the nbw CHEAP cmrmxc, w . - MAT AN'I) cw STORE OF THEODORE U HORNE, on Chnmherslmrg street, Gettysburg, onn dour Bus! 0! Bncblcr': Drug Store, every ..lny‘duriug the fall. Ue im: on Ilium! ‘ ’ Boy'a‘J wke‘s. 80’5’ Conn, ‘ ' ons' HM: amtpnpc. Nen'l Flu Chill! Cuna- Men's Rick Colts, ' L ' ‘ Menu English W .lking Foam, Men's anch Suck Coasts, ' ‘ Men‘s Un-rCcmls at all kh ll‘ B! xck Pmts‘nnfl Fancy Pants, in Incl. mmy dnvrilnmu of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Being a. new beginner; find dolermmml to sell as chmp as the cheupeal,'hc respecuull; >sulicils n p‘urlion of public pzurugngu. antis fied that he cun ple‘se the most finfidmui ‘ Ms x—The latest style 0! Gl-n'Jemcn'a HATS and CAPS, constantly on hand. * . THEUDUHE C. NORRIS. Oct. 23, lam. ’ Row 8n Woods, ' ' E GETTYSIIURG,- -- Dealers in - ”.\'l‘fl CAPS, HUO'I'S, SHOES. HUS‘EIH’, GLOVES, NUTIUNS. UNDER-WK“; - gelllt'l‘h', & VAMETYfiOODS. . "\TS‘A‘JD' CAPS.—Smnny H’uu, ‘Wunl Hun, Fur Huts. Sheridan. llesnrm, I‘”;qu Delluy. qusfiund ”usher ”ms, Amlwm, Ivan lmul Vu-ksburu.:nnd anmn Ilnufilnr, Fe nlu-r mu! Stitched llnls. all kinda of mfl, wirflhrin}, nut! alilY-hrim Hats, lor men and ha) i, Sum-en (inns, Phnh Cupz, Seal Cups, Fur Cups. Hin oum, l’jc-uune; (Jomvnudorp nml Ennmellml Cum, Grunt, Ilichl Ind. Scnwh,(}|englryund Frh (hum. )lilwuukef’, Punt-Pr, Eta-Mar and Genius C 11°. A grim: _vnriuty of Cup. for mom Int.” "in! vhildreu. ‘ BUUTS .\NU SIIOHS.—Mcn's Thick “2,lth “nuts, Usme-nmdc Thin-k Bouts, Oflim-rx' Baum, l-‘runcll Calf Boots. Ynulh‘s ’l'h'n‘k Boots, Ynmh'a Kip anu‘Boy's llc-uy 3mm, omm 1 Foivper-Vippe-l .ltaubl. .\lcn’s and R 03"; “rm, gang, Bnl‘uurns aukl lef‘crs, Buff-nor; MM Gums} ‘ . \Volpc'n's and Clnildrcn'a .\lorocro Bach, llulmafal :,(:lill"rs,jKid Boon, SlipporlJllovd Kid Slums in variely. Buskim,‘ Palish Thom, Ankh-n. HIICIe-llllll‘l'ongrl‘!fl (blurs. Bum» lm-r, [lubm-rn, Ll rctich‘edtkc. Ofvluldrrn'ur shoes Ihe best. assnrimcnt und gradual varlely ever ntwm-d in Getlyrhnrg. . ' MIND)“, VARIETY GOODS, lEC.——-Wm duw Paper. Window llllmla, Carriage-“’hiiu, Lashes, Violins, Howi,Slringi,Bl’ldgfl. 11min, km. Trunkn. Uurpet S‘cks. luulies’ Husketl. Umbrellas. Pocket, llunki, IA-nd Pom-ill. lluora, h‘mlp,‘ Stropa, Bru’shea, Hwir Brulluea, films Bru ~'ll:£5, Combs, Sean's, hi. hm, kc. . Shiluklhumen, Collard, Neck-ties, Bcm Fa, Caml'm-u,‘ Buxzknklu Gloves, Kul, Merino, 'l'hrmd nn'l S-Ik Gloves, for t-h-ldlcn, llt'llE! and gentlemen, Buckskin Glove] for boys, Pocket flwldk‘erchiefs,Snspendu-rs.Woo! ”4)ng Opt-m floodl. Soutnga, Wool Shawn, .\leriuo, Wow! and Cvltun Hosiery in nrle‘y for mm, women and children, bkirtllimid, Mending Cotton. Corsets. Chenille, 'l'hrczld, Spool] Cot.- ton, Muchine Conan, Am, kc.‘ ,4 Qur determlnuiumh to. sell our‘zmth 'lt “15‘ yéry lowes' muket pri ~01. We lbw-r ourselves that. we huve‘goods 11H! can In rerouuncmlud and will give. mlishcli'm u cualmnr-ra. ' ROW k WOJDL TU MERCHANI‘i—We bzlv our Bmu, Shot-rand H nu, in large qumlities, Ml’l will sell ‘hem to drum M a very um I“ ‘ldn‘nceon m Inulmuxreu’ prizes. _‘ROW 3 W001)!- Ucl. so, :48:- By Plcklng. ; . ~ ‘ NOTHEB PBOCQAWATIUV. ‘ A ‘ HIGHLY IMPOKIANT. \ "Inns, the American people Inna ufl'ered :15ch a four yeur'l wur, during which-tin: they hsve been burlhened with he", ‘4B“ and. lrl'qflenl. dram, . \ ‘ Ann mmuu. The avenues of I'm}: Im] h> come disarmnged, And the price of gnqd'q- pur liculnrly CLOI'IIIXU, hiringreubed a high standard, musing mmy a patriot to hecmno wmkjn the knees, and say lo himself, whm‘ shaltheSe thing: and? As» mun“, “any a “-11-de man. who“ in former umcl walked the urea" in Broad cloth. and who nbmlp consequence of the him priced, has bt-en omnpel‘lod to go Anon: it! rut. cumplsining piteously ofptis and um of tbiggs; 7 _ _ _. A ‘Nuw, Tunno‘n, I, anmx 8. Plasma” would islye my PHUL‘LAMATION, flying to ull people thnz the .wenuet of undo, It least so fur u l Mu cqpqerned, hue hot-u opcntd, an] lam doing busineu on n. ‘ . ~_ I’EACK BASIS. ‘ Having juat returned frum the City, I am Now opening the large" and but. selecicd uqctof Clothing ever-brought. to Gen) thing, embrac ing all the ' LATEST STYLES FOR HEN AND BOYS Among which are fine fining Druu Ind Baki neu Co-nu, Clatla‘ Cuuimezc. Siik‘ Satin nut. Cotton Vests, D‘n-u‘ and {Llamas-I Pants. of ever, style,=qunlit._y lindjize, Under Clothe. 'M, evuy description. All 1, . GHNTLHMEN’S FURNISUIXG 00053,, Emurucing Gloven.“ooflurs, Not-k.fica,‘Sus. pendent, Hodery to; Also, ‘ . A xonoxs 1S: ENDLESS vmm'rn mph as Viulins, Acaordeons, Vi-nlin Striqvfic, Clock-l, Hair nud Clef/hen Bruihes, Cmuba, [lean and Tim» Suopsvvfioap, Spat-Lulu, Cairn, l’en Kuircs, Rencils. I'cm,,u.ud Dumb noes." Aho, _ , musics, cum SAdxs. vxnnmas, 'runwco, sxuum, - ' sud indeed xu little at errryllning‘ill be fon'zd in this Store. Buying m‘nde our pun-hp _-I tor Cnah, mid M. I {Movable time, we are pm. pued'to sell chap. ‘ _,‘ '.‘H ' BEHEVBER THE. PLACE. -; If you Jain to have-n good flexing wk, and: ‘9) ‘guod muterhll, null and chafing for; yoursq‘lvu, lhd SAVE MONEY. ‘ ‘ ~‘_ ~ Sept. 19, 18h‘3.‘ r‘. B. !‘xcmgq, « ALL and seq thr flag Issoflment of Jon C. Nut! Fine] Arfirlvl. M, E. H; MISSIGIj'd. Uuntemoncry, i'u Gumbel-purpmtb , "