The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 11, 1865, Image 2
mum“ ”Hum mm mm m, lIGE. Folktcitiuiu of dis Snow am" Hours of Maturation : ' "To express gratitude to God, in the name ofthc People, for the preeervatio of the United States, is my first duty in dress. ing you. Our thoughts next. rare tto the death of the late President b an a tol par r‘rcidal treason. The grief ol’the nation is .still freslx‘ it finds some solace in the con- ‘ sideration list he lived to enjoy the high- . cat proof of its confidence by entering 'on" the renewed term of the Chief Magistracy, l to which he hail been elected; that hc‘ hrought the civrl war .substantially to n ; close; that his loss was deplored in all parts. ofthe Union ; and that foreign nations have rendered justice to his memory. His ,re-‘ moral o-uLupon me a heavier weight of} cared than ever devolved upon any one of‘ his predecessors. To fulfill my trust 1 need: the support and confide ce o‘f all who are! associated with me in til various departv! ment- of Government, and the support and ‘ confidence ol' the people. i'l‘hore is but one wayjn which I can hope to gain their ne cessnry aid; it is,,to “his with frankntss‘ the principles which gui a my conduct, and i their application to thclpresent state. of af- 4 fairs, well aware that the ofiicicncy of my, labors will. in a great to assure, depend on, your and their undiVide approbation. , I, The Union of the United Statesnf Arnnr~ loa was intended by iuinuthors to last. as ‘ long as the States, them/relies shrill lual.—. “Taalhuox sum. Bl rsiiizsru.ii..” are tliei words of the Confetti-minim ~ ."'l‘o run a hoax rnrscr Üblnh'." by on ordinance oil ‘thevpcopie o! the United Stow-s. is the de-j clared purpose ol the (:‘uiistiiutiijn. The; hand olillivine Pl'OVltlrliFt“ was never more plainly vimblejn the. nits-rs of men tliiiii in ' the imprint: and sllnpiing’ol' that. insult“ ni nth It is, beyond omn’mrsun, the great-! “if even! in Alllt‘l'lcun history ; and indeed\ is it not, 01 It“ events in riin‘dorn limos, the‘ most pregnant with consequences for every 1 people of rho earth l~ The members of lll_o‘ Convention which iprepiircd it,’ brought to their work .the experience of the Coated-3 eration, of their scyeriil Statesmnrl ofother. Republican _Governments, old and new ; but they needed and they obtained a wis dom superior to experience. And when for its ‘validity it required the approvnl of a people that occupied a large piirt of. in con ‘tinent and iii-ted ;scpnrnto'ly in many dis. tinct conventions, what irmorn wonderful than that, alter earnest, contention rind long disbussion. all foolin'gsarrd rill Opinions irate ultimately drawn in one, way to its support.‘- f , , l The Constitution to which life was thus‘ imparted' contains within itself iimple re- . \sources ion its own preservation. it has power to enforce the laws, punish transom" and ensure iloiuestiq’ tranquility. In case: of the usurpi'itinn of tlieilovernment of s‘ State by‘onmmiin, or :in oligarcliy, it hit-z comes a duty of'tlie United States to make. food the punru‘ntce to that State of ii repub ican form of government, and so to ninin-. lain the homogcmousness of all. Does the) lapse of time, revbal defects? A simple mode olnmeiidiiiciit is provided in thew-Cun rtitution itM-ll', so that its conditions grin ill: ways he roads to conform to tho rr'qlllré ments ol'wilviiiicrng-civilizTitinn. 'No room is nllowrd‘eveii for the thought of 'n possi bility of its coming to intend. And those powers or selflpreimrvalion have always. neon asserted in their complete integrity by every patriotic Cliiel' Magistrate—by Jefi'er-i con and Jackson. not less than by Wushfi lngtcu rind Madison. The parting ndvice oi the Father of his Country, while yet I’residedtJo the people of th}! Untied States, ‘ was: that ‘fllje free Constitution. which was the work of theinhands, might. he'sacredly maintained ;" and the inaugural words of Pmident Jeflcrson held up "the preserve-f tion of thel General Guivei‘rimen't, in its con-. atitutionsl’vigor, as the ‘siieetan'chcr ofour, 12“» at home and safety abroad.” -’l‘he ‘ nslitution is the ‘work of “tho People of .lho United Siatrsfi’ and it should be as in doctruotiblo 11l tlie'people. , l It is not strange that. the framers of the, Constitution, which had no model ‘in the 1 i[is.iit, should not have fully comprehended ! the excellence of their own work. Fresh; -fl'om a struggle against arbitrary power, i rainy patriots suffered from harraasing , fears o sir-absorption of the State Govern- ‘ grants by the Generyil Government. and many from a dreiid. that the States would . lirea away from their orbits. But‘, the . very greatness of our country should alloy ! ‘tha apprehension of encroachments by the ‘ General government. The subjects that‘ come unquestionablyyithin its jurisdiction ' are so numerous, that it most. ever natural- 2 11 refund to be embarrassed by questionsl that lie beyond it. Were it otherwise. the, Executive would sink beneath the burden ; " the channels of justice would be choked ; legislation would<be,ohslructed by excess; so that there is greater temptat' n to exor- 1 also some of the Junctions of lire General . .Gove‘rninent through the' States than to‘ trespass on their rightful sphere. “The‘ obsolute licquiesccnce -in the decisions of' the majority” was.",rit the beginning of the ‘ ’aentury, enforced by Jofi‘ersou "‘ 5 the vital , principle of republics," rind 'thg events of the last four years have estnblished. we will 5 hope forever, that there lies no appeal to' tom. ~ I 'The maintenance of the Union brings with it “the support of thefitste Govern-i merits in all their rights ;” 'out it. is not one! ofthe rights of shy State Government tor renounce its own place in the Union, or to" nullify the laws of the Union. 'l‘lie largest f liberty is lobe maintained in the discussion } fit, the Ictsol the Federal Government; but i there is no appeal from its laws, except to J “curious ranches of that Government-; itself, or to the people. who grant to the; members of the Legislature and of the 1 Executive Departments no tenure but a.’ limited one, and in that manner aleys re-y tain the powers of redress. -~ { “Ths‘ sovereignty‘of the States" is the language olihe Confederacy, and not the: language of the Constitution. The latter! contains the emphatic words 5 “The Con- Ititution, and thelaws of the United States {Ulrich shall he made in pursuance thereof,‘ and all treaties made or which shall be' made under the authority of the Uuitedl States, shall be the supreme law of theland; and the judges ,in every State ,shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution l or laws of any _State to the contrary not-' withstanding)“: ‘ A l Certainly the Government. of the United ( Staten Is I limited government; and so is, every State government a limited govern-i minis. With us, this idea of limitation ' spreads. hrough e‘very form of sdministra-' tion, general. Slate, and .municipiil. rindi rests on the great distinguishing principlei‘ of the recognition of the rights of man. The ‘ ancient republics absorbed the individual' in the State, prescribed his religion, and * controlléd his activity. The American sys-: tem rests 0n the assertion of the equal righti otm man to life, liberty, and the pur-{ mitotic pineal; to lreedom of conscience, ‘ tothacnlinre and exercise oi all his' lacul-l tion, As a coniiequence. the State Govern-v them. is limited, as to the General Govern-| Imoot. in disinterest of Union, as to the in-i dividual citisen in the interest of freedom] States, with proper limitations of power. ‘lro anaemia] to the exrstence ol the Consti- j autlonot' the United States. At the very, mmcsmsnt, when we assumed a place among the Powers of/the earth, the Decla nfim of Independence has adapted by m; aoalao were the Articles ot Conled; m 91:62" when "the People of the United 'ordalned and establiahed the Million. it’wsa the assent. of the States, l was by one, which gave it validity. In the 'i "scum,“ any amendment to ilieCoiuti-‘ lotion, thoproposiiiono! Congress needs the i confirmation of States. Without Slates, one i ”Lunch of the lrgislstiye government: would bumting. Arid, il'we look beyond : ancients dflmocnstiiui‘ n to the char-io ,an musty. in 12%.:in (incoming. { pending withinsiajiiri lctlon a urn. consi- ‘ Marimba»; to the quota wishes.» ——-'—'—_—-———.j———vv—i 1;, e 0 " n boa. it co t * 'l‘r’oofl. '9 I‘M {'.th “u 3‘ Sid m h Pore“ 11;! an“tu'l . -n Afar - Win: it?! ‘mluitv‘tu” "11th . 1:11.85 0:141:52! “(an Effil'pe‘ ‘ 1 ith ind i 500“ tn. e 'llqu I» 131; ow- inolfl ltv Co (I r, n Stu .“t'th "damn o MU men] 05.2., .:“gum r»: . .25 6.3".0’. "e y es... ‘3" L . Isa-gt :1 2'2th Fr; .212‘.u:g 15:23:32 3:22:31? $l.ll .: I2".;"”1"." ...‘: ‘Sfi‘u’gethe: ”5‘5: (hg‘ioz‘fi-ole co: 9?" :d3":5'1.2“1:W ‘2“: ;;th weimrw ..II.«:«:II:2:°“"‘«5.2 w. 5' A 1- 31- no 9 nib” 'im " ‘lifim'qncfléfinfim e #33ll:th «3:451; $O.: went "1. » 100;:I du‘i lbs, 0, “in tble 10;“ n IH“lehea'ea” Ouldgo -1m . mu s£m3:u{v:hsea mwgsiw 533:; Mamba” 13:30 “I", _ €d‘9 5.581111%” un .v 1": hex?“ 'l. ' .0,1 'la , !Jri “w" mule? 1' aficfol‘g'igu'ie- "qll’el'ndfa 0!" {Me N aren'n F”! (Tee . '.V" "V y, ‘ohm ‘to 1,110". 0" 'l'qu mafia fl‘io'pl‘°“""‘io “0 . ti 1131,0er °v ‘en a" G I“-.°quyo"I n Amlo‘h" n ltu‘lg,“n“llflzdf:y.°ter°;dv§n.'dthe](‘.enél'e (hm! en“; "’2 Wing? 30in. 33c“ $106112“ mtmmm n. 1,, {Tera} "a. elrk -n'n‘uig‘um. o- l at“ 'hu~l-'m .l 1. .Gszouund .nggpoefltshjelzine .‘tl,eho‘l’le:, ine dlt’ 5:05:55? sbofiJfEW-C?’ ’lfltreube“ fun‘lniflz ”'ll eor ‘n ‘cy 'l’ H9l. tI mo ’ll 19,151.“ r' ’l." e-m't'm m 1,,Y- an I. 0r :oou I'3l 1h 8 { tomb p . 0.1- r.,rtnmloymp .119”. Ol‘ b” 1-0 f ,Vfi— -51 G‘ e pJ’oP. g-eP.Iu .1." can on 4131. PI." . “.1 m wed . r ”.9510 "I. 15,1111 0 fecdl '"d [l' 11 1e Inflgrpd iovflmrstn Inci Ib'on P 2. ry S(”edn«n‘;’d ”h f‘nlrof to" liogg 0'3“.”I gut"; (hex I" i '“l‘ 11 .- ~ 1552“.” '9 mas‘ l I “at“ ‘0 "vi. 8)‘ 11qu 'henmn' 1 _ ‘ 9 cl" 0,- "d ». ,nn.a 1.4..5 “flmt "19 U“ Mbhpthiadtu .110 InYO-x'.'h.n s ounn c' _ho.n 1h 'l'po n. 1,.) haele edh 0 outs 'lru fdl‘u‘ibl‘XeP'wmt 0 rec , ‘l‘ “‘1 0 ‘1" "h" '(r t‘ I be" a c 'l. Nye ‘r“ 'l. Chart? °f"'l mpnr'lnr n y <ll?pr- ‘rry'fiifinn ° fi'lpHi'Mg be ‘33..“ rsnhfiifx‘tl'fg 1. gp'czu7‘s S." b: 0,3“. “’.P'r°nnwii”neiBd :31)?an 5,.r523.hwy”552.30,, 22%,.,2:33.233;«'«g.;.,1.,22.1m." .letytjéz‘fi'fgn :‘ X'rbfrlglilfg?‘:sxf; amaze; glatgqhnlf :lhe' {ngslr‘fs Rut‘liln iig'é‘oy li'o‘t’luflls'z‘s. a??? :33!" :f i}? .~ ";;_ zyefl‘ivi’lzll “3°GOZN2I3E’9I- 1 : Ne”! Qrmr'oty’ tefle t [..' in‘-Q, ‘h e ele {far ( ffl'ho In" (5 hitzq' .l‘! In & 0f m l elm , I. Ichfiol'i 'l‘ho'hcnnlur f n‘ ”e. s, S 1 D I v a I m 1:), :w 011 it 1;"? lg"r;“:;ri:: 'l:h:n‘lwl‘rx' . lEZC‘WEL' :ld (1, 1,41 531-, 9‘22"!" b 2“! 1; £5lOBO map-1, 2'31 1- :_'lgit:,'d"d'l:r “:38! lcr) “v" §,mil-s~c'lf a; 9 Per “lid bry (9.505091%:- {08.15 iso ‘ilr‘llc't.o,l,'u:“flx°t[3;,:ha"dor e ‘ f“: in der'i 'elnt‘ e 11:3,, "‘1”! [strun wnwflg-Linh “9“46 ionl Cu‘upltn for-"lereli “i e I‘vit lyt‘euhn- iflr “lop the”? ion the ‘3" w- f‘ wt‘ - a “ mash-e annénq. Bogughegggq ”5;“ "“1, .‘uénegfit 1' ’"lfln'fitfinfy ~d -'le‘a‘elhi'l-r n a“ Y 01.9 e‘n‘n ' e ,"d cu'n i' y .'y 11m "to °n‘l ' .1". m'II-. Ino: eh ranCl tlflvtwntlxg II :1 Rd- 0 2.21 m" {Joi‘ésfiMé “,2: : “finrimrrgsme” .3. home . ,in’." 21;»: $21.20;; 122:..‘121u.;-.:~2' 23.5.5352: . “in“ wou",.hnul anerimmmu' que [nthog‘t 1%,:“6, I :lpgrlhec:lloefi 0 ill-'l‘", I dot, furerinledom 0f 0f lac-'l’; [tux-Tee: dn‘no‘ in -, cli'c’él ‘ndme ‘d In!) ‘Wkt‘e hld 'L'” 1‘9“? ”n 8‘18! 9 ll," ‘ r “army, it “‘Uech-"nu- “( lr.n'l P 0 0u '0“ ‘l '1: I’m 1- 4 mm]! 5‘30 bueq an; .13., ha¢‘h£"v«"¢"“u‘= ”“ ‘25- 2* WW 9/ v2’ r .25. 122:2 531195.121; ”li-am: 1.2/3.1 .1 g-Isomnhz-«n. ‘é'mioco 017%“ eer, ‘ifiuilq'h‘um tha "eérib “urge her Iliflllsioyr th' 0 1“" ”e 11' “lqrfltlns °r tio "n 8“ d erlpul" 41%;".1! phOY'Ch offm‘h x finc're-t°" ”1"; 'F a b til"d." u d-“"" 501.neree ' n°|“"'i'ugg'* i‘b" tl’lg cnll'fj'l'hc'nf'o'omoof 3' i M 152 9d 91v c- redve ”'1 111 re v9l; an Ing in“ , w.n\ ~ ‘w w-rrU ‘ll- y k “a“ ['B n,O ‘0! {n "v ‘c as. 0r tth Ulrlh‘hm p°p~ 7 I‘nns Use "oteqaro’h 111%“ ‘snv‘uco' f‘lhni‘s'emneje 5‘2: ~nusu~.,.t , ,Qdie_,.reexn 7 feltp'be, an {’l9 “mgr 9113939 tllon Rift] ncnitufiitcdtuli ofpargjthansqu: be" wt‘e‘l ; €1,310! 3?";1': Filletl‘e urofréhefinnd 5_ 01:11:! v-e'cn °unPr:B In (If "n5l: :2" of tinlns fliopelnc'a‘qflt c” ”arr; 0'51?“ “Moran“; Lg“ ”Islal‘foli‘tt fl'qfi mlth "lcrlswfie' ”I r” “nude?“mg wq if ‘v-Cobosal'u' ~ dedprg'l'thonnlcheult‘b ] 7’ WO‘ 'l' thafi oncpf‘c “9‘o [an )flgr “POO E. fillfi‘fi ,uhSq [6 and on ‘slme” 'lgros‘ adetih‘th his”) lATl.’el'i“o “00%!- Fhe "I a pill Ingrid Inler”s u" .5“ I. me 0“ i: (16, graq‘l sf t‘cnflhull'llnl: ‘ (15', 0°"! lshg'jg ! wnalth‘nfnpldhathu thunl‘Fs il3s} P"nt I“ 8‘" In Ingba‘mre [el ‘hm It ll9n;'l.t.ln(:efi2rl fly uscomrestem ‘de:ig-“"i.hibi"g“’s¢¢ “nut: “vb“"bféem'l’ v°u‘"’°"“:*"'*l‘."l‘lllye‘lmo 5 [22915211 911% ”rs in "I u"vy . W 1,. ”Va “d‘w d I t “’llof ber' 31‘“: ‘o or "wk-m to“-..‘1o'uu Mei sl2l2s,»sz.zunzgr.3.n.}q."uneslel. «°p:°a.cers:.°£o:n.63:o22.." 5:32..“ :2. Wu 1v .:rif‘e vi°al’e-'ee2r°“~“d.‘£-fihe ‘d':;:...u;|.§og-GN .25.“. '1 er lo 9n, on v.lO e 113 “a 'll,_l ' 'l‘ n. 'h""'°n’ 1, "i‘on‘fl 1. rd 'g, 11‘ fl. v(. I}, VDi 1,. {I t'ledof a"): flgth'kl'ye '. 'puy 3., e ‘11“ i ‘ti 11* "g 0‘01“. ' i h o m? 11111 - 811's" xhvencltnheln are ufull, ,y y Pr'e I "mrnrl97 s ["O7 ‘he uh 1° “unror ou cr'uov'm °°“b"erri' v 1 apron: If; ..‘gnn‘2lé.:nd* 010.20 "M. “air. 2.19?" 5,8 22:1: 12:: 12%. 1.123232 "32:. :5? 222201;; rrni’uérs‘. oébe 22* ;m;.,;.2,,"'-Iv° ”H «22.22% ”IT-“hr‘vouq hry "‘d' wnl 11,10: Ofld f In-jo;1 m a ‘lth ‘l”2. p.ll, :1 5511.501, .I,l"m'='thelu"~ ,ont “11h" . hium‘flg 0,. re 215 m Im°r “h. ratdiglilém‘ot coPm - ..OFOully mama L‘lbe / I°os “1 10‘ “V r F “fled at lb h9r°n§ml§filh “9 "5 0 t'Ju'i‘e “6“" "8y 3 " “n" 31“"? "P '"‘ “hero ‘1."1» ‘i *l.“ "a"! p q nn ‘1:"I"ae'“1,. 'r osht ofm'fi' enw 2&2: 1,555.2. ‘ .235... 2252.32.329 021.20,: ..': .:fl‘9m 22:22.13. 12101225”: 112:“ kph-2: 1:: .2: 122» w 2:122 525.5,;1:55.222.1,.m M 93138; 224:1 I, affio".d3m".»':2lef; .22.." e ,2. 2. n ios ‘9 e'n“ ‘9l-io’eon 9“ nl. tan!" i ll‘ 1, n h'bolo'bnm opfinst "me e “913.1; g fm'c ‘h {l. rypnr , one “(glen- on "I!1 "94'" 'l‘m‘W'd'" ch" “a m-“l'et-m ey “11111"? 1311,,1 ' °p° 8"! 'n-u' er'w 90 a" a '11", the'lflneom 21 eh r I°rsodonge I, m pnu piym I,n~lW I‘l. Plllew‘ .1,,’,a 'tcl»"l“r‘e I)!" I,‘ 111.014: stir 1 Elves n- , e “’°nt .n 0 q“ p°l°.¢‘hmm “160‘,“ orr‘e l 13‘Innt‘lou1efie_o<pl fll‘cl'cot‘“~u‘° 'o‘l'! P 1‘" e l‘m'-h‘ ‘ e_ 'e 1.0 ’f‘"bmoq'lt“"u' rfl ,0 I-grO c w..wfl-tpa‘ ‘ who". "urgent idlinolZesnmenqe ‘l‘ Jill“ “Jog” 1“ tufhp‘oflfiph, 'mol- "n' Jce Vt‘klnl" coles' Min" 9 rde:“o'"' 111.4,}? {‘o 'u' I.{boal‘l ”131 c 199 Béiifn I ‘lnfi M‘e‘ndcsest EJ334355 “0n tbelnc (’"Sm‘h ”$151551“ hln Ihe ld'"t;,lly’ 0V “V eof “n entnld rgngly'w "cm ”(l-u“ :1 15 b 'll “on tr xnlern 11. jihont ther‘sng inerylvcsdfiml's char (I, "I; 91.- “I: m “11‘.” t. ed “or, theta “games/:4- ‘ con A“d 1:18.181; mil .c-on {hph ‘uny‘ be .5 w p ebrs ‘4 w 5 'd "31 nrgrep" mu" tnoy b“ side? '3 m w nrfi'fin‘lr I’9 "‘e 0 i“ "8 Mine 9 ie- lel-‘E ueusnoc p‘h '0 '“l 3' a'l 3'15)“;- 'na°f’“aln V fr‘ es {nee edl tlti- V 15." “'l5“ “1""9 V“ II era ee°f’9‘bo9n [II ”I d 55"! 9 “If k" " I- d b " 141 I 11,1 ln 'l"3'°nts’l c 1 '11“ “v ‘f 'e t u bl’ee ' ’o‘ 01 ‘ld cpkn'l hrH-Hl‘mm r n .1111 lIIIWI. ‘.s22“:aneugg.,n..:ln.yn.,° 4212.2. 11:;10’123122 {‘va‘" ..',u. 113. s,ln'"t?o"rf‘.“n':‘ .: 2225.00.35,“; ;hé‘.o«§u“u°rice°‘°r’°- 323122921": ° 22.55212;13.2323211,10, 22212112", I 3 123115: "53%" ..‘vo 1' reoriP n'.l~ va~~leopmnlfls ya". 1.19. 'ergl (,v' 'oi‘ae o‘m'iil I u I'u.'c".‘r..'ll dl.“ 13 “mac 0 .-,‘ Kari”. 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D eemrn cllrs 9 .anln 1h - d urn ”u rße\rll 'e gl 30‘ 01.1"] 13151:] h .9, 31 I, n Sel'llnunxstli 13le W 5 M"): {01“ f M 1111‘ himlyn“ “‘1“ A 00 n.l;uav U 0 ’6 eat. Iny 0H 911 S “We ‘9 ue n) [adeptnglal dn. e 'l‘. ”“65 dre [1) 1| ()f 81‘ Ewe Slu f. '. , rlll mos. fen . . mood my n‘h 1‘ ”‘1” 1.13., he W lliy'm“ c rtntih" “"12”;th ‘ho' hn‘shhpgrzct‘] , L 1 "I B‘ll ”e (in edw- e c o“il‘.’é'- he Ts-‘e 'innj de 9n to ‘o h;- ‘ll Of 11.5". "a x! tto '4l “d ocl Pdgo 'i 9- “f~ c "5.1 n V-“" l film} ‘5 f 0 ‘Brmfah’ 15m LCM“ m I‘d-" 1 ‘l.”tl‘m|llcns' G t mid°1”1"li" ““0"“. 1111 ‘v lain 93 3 11.9“ I,} llmoune y rIII all C shy c- (s'l n v9lo «- luslcl, ITO .10 {“r :15 ,v ’n "m 0“ 1 o'llllly Iggy. 3 ’(‘l‘l'“l4l:“N'Jl‘l‘ll‘l’lsu not G'WO Meonnvl ”“9, 11.. "LP lwl"dlfue ldm'L deYvo ‘mld oegrmnlrglgng-Holru G 5 er'fcn’ltl‘qt movvdln ay ‘L‘h'IML-h‘v‘n ““rl‘ml°”nrz- (urtm mdlnn‘ln-mwhhm -11, uh», |. 11'81 11 I'o 1' "g '1 ‘l-9 15 -Ve 1,, 11.1; 9 eff re 9. e 1:; hi e' nugg I 1 301 ed 0,111 n 1) 1m“ 5355.11 31. men 1- 1) ,1111 r‘, 1 , “,anlld‘lrrg 1.“ L!“ Jl. 'm’v u ‘nnfl 05:“ "WNW 1v ‘ew 4 “f ‘Pn’xt’ .1 op ch '8 !‘g “1: "shone; “~l'lflul‘u rll 11 "n e"t 0,311 1’9““ "1 2"63‘30 'l. \‘kclsld 9- "y u (five 0,» ”I ' ‘l‘. “‘1 ’a‘ n “ i‘teblon muexze ‘e 'co‘i‘, pawl-”aft“ ’u, 11“ 3:» ".11; be‘lh‘h‘klnhc gr.,m«. Sm“ctn“?‘.'t‘r 11"}: ’n ‘lnch "rd 9.;105.343.23331:53:31t:102.253:j 3.5:?" 52:22:11,325“; ‘33 ”1:"??? 52' 3i 4:: 353.. $2329”. $2317 L‘Pé‘“li‘§fi.°?".n.2‘§r 3212:; 12‘2": 1121513123»? 52393122223;!.52.,225122fi32.gpraugggg; ”325255133; 31;:512‘521i'r‘25réti'51535 F "0‘" 33-“ -' “01.0., ~00 nu vs 'IeJ s"-s I A'Bl. ar,'l'.'l “bwufl'n I'l..mdhth m. 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Odeh‘K’ 1. 111‘ ”31111111., will," 0". Fr“ )5 sh. “bl }" [“1 l 9 ‘ CA“, 510 1' 01- ‘V ['o nof or 0‘12“! e, hl‘Coyi P l'l “I l'“ ”kiwi“ '‘l “ ‘l‘“ h'o‘ ‘l‘ ’0 y 0‘95”! e fen-“i a'lm "o“l‘r“ (‘0 pmrms‘me ’9l; e‘h c rd!" ‘1) 3 tl, c'hnu’d. u," 5 'ln 1 51‘ - 't'c,“ “.1" e 3'l V's-(119 9. I‘o 'l~W‘9 .‘l' 9 ' “,1 “I ‘1 n"),"’ " nci -‘i Sn‘s'e‘lco’w‘t.rh 'h‘L' Q." 114': Ito ten“ “ c r_x . c.ouv u . I’2“- Mldyls2ll22°mi.:ve. lA?:u'é’:s": :29.“ 5:45: 55235952253; 52:23:12“; “ 2:21 2:52.31: fipm 1251::§u5:;2,2;225';§;5.§.,.21 22* ”-22.1 2.115,;52225 ''P .'l»_. , ._ c ' 1‘- .- .‘ ’ ) . '.l' v'h' o.m - - ‘lfirgeh .11 ego-. 322. 21.123122: 2113,25: . 2215;. 7:“ 2%?! gr 13:12:13.5; $22,212: 5332:11.‘12"‘;120n";62}‘< '° - , ;;vz‘Miysa‘aNnkd3.4s2lll292222s2s£l342o:lgissfifgr‘zrg’m-su':sl22-252 5335240.: “In.“sw 221.9022'2: thfi'a‘. I‘,er i”l‘d-“fl l)? f‘n- 1‘ ’9 Ve' til-chine.3 1r“ “ital"tle :5. lit, S,C‘V [9 “xfllg rO9 ":1 ‘ ‘OO 1(1' IFr 'l'uszunl "duly ‘2 1'" “I; x'l‘l‘dto 11 fl, cOlB I‘llrrtnn “7111119531 ‘lu w'llg‘h‘li" {Woonflush on.“ ‘n J th‘l m‘ l 1. onLo 1 i I )Ildlf o n I p r r oI: . m shag-‘3‘)” ..M .:."2' .5. min", “.eQul6 u uh 'I c l 11‘. r 119(le'1!" .. n lfln' . t.l,‘ O‘_i‘l. N- ‘l “353‘“ al)l“1‘fg" (1,111.1- tl‘ Al'l‘d I". 1. Tlllll “I": ”My! n 11.5 . 0 I»9.~L|pq‘al.em I.3"sz re :11 ‘lmng L5l” “Se coe'b 10119] 'll 7.113% as" S“! u 1, c9ll nt 3“.“ 9 fr! (1 r 5510 5‘ 15.1“ 1. cl, 11“.} ‘11,”.0 “11‘1“! 151111191 .n 10 0 "1‘1!” Iro _'l 50.19 P 111. as (‘l.m-' nn i '7‘ r .10 9{'o n 19.? c - 51,10 [ll.O. Icl 1'1) _ “15‘1"? fl ()5 . [)0 n 1101““? 'l‘! 1. Vl-“H \o'f ‘1 ot. Iflnpss 111 1_ “910.1111". 'u 1" m‘c to" 1.11:1" 95x0“ “n 1 " s=?;'l¥:“‘“’eirilf-' 5:39”; 55.515332223222222: li‘~‘f’:sv§liifs"fe'32 b «#u'l.2'f.l}i.2"3o’n';gro. “3 13138353 “3";5“ $‘~§‘23‘3;‘.41t135 2i???” 31:33.; ‘ 1:, *3 s.,sliuxfnrfis-513.2332221233325 . '. ’ ' mi‘ a‘. _ Wm“! at E o,rt‘: 180 I 13".. 6’1," "TJIII a ine \l s I 11. Q" )mglu,‘r‘ iccui' “'l' ll i, 11.}33"n In;l"l'"q1'1.n I tfl’pl In] “n ‘un‘nfl a. “J: lea) h 0 1b omfie t? j e u C 1.. th I! he p In. a "f H“v ed 1,( nce 1I ll 1"“! “'1 re ”r m 1., “HM-o , "gt “r 11“ ‘r|._lf( ‘.c1.m1.“ ,h qI. 1, n d ‘ll ‘, “t“l— t 1 t] i y c .Pn- l 1 11 mOll fi 1 (1 m‘3 Lb ".1" Pi. e_u: _ 1“,, 91‘. le”I~I. 55 e '9 'l‘ 1. t] "o 'i a, leq 111‘ p ‘l. 1, r ‘_‘ h "Btu (5 1"?“ “‘ll 5‘11“ "s-“lcu “1 r‘.’ 11;“q’e‘s s *t’lu ‘rpmnghv 0.- °re 9‘9 x 1 'lg’u toy‘oowe "n 51 ’l. n,‘II ls Ib'ficu I; l h '11" L 1 *1 “e I’ll II ‘0 .‘y' n c- rInC- I. 1r“c~ "1 I 11-I I 11. 11 11.‘5.“'.l- th- St“ ‘1 c ~- . . , .-u‘9 as 11' Ino 1“; v_ 11 sq 1" ,“or 'n r 5 I‘l}. 1)“ 11l 1.. 'll VI“ “duw‘|\~‘lo“‘ 1.“ 11%. 11 3m): ‘1 “1111 16901,“ tat? nssq‘ nqi lolor en Itdl huts wV-htfl inne n -hodrmll‘l.!uros 11 [lllllpnualxm {fir} “1” 11] luv l,g t {n cu. Ll‘r‘ft‘ u 'it car mot-g 1“ n 81.“ 1. . an- \‘ll‘ll gut-[llOll rl.“ 11 “he “3n lttz‘vr‘fi-‘tit i hon 9' ts .“e 095’ n “15 bll 110 3091 - ul'us It asry Ii er 51"" y “‘_l‘, c- ,fe n 4, 3‘. y 07.. '6‘an co. (itru ‘h r 131153011 11 11“],0 1n rn yela 1‘ (,f 11-‘Vi q .qu 11, s'll .' 1, 11.'Ix“I-}."0, "hump“ pl5O '.25' 2 flaw . \ ”I [Mgr n‘ 8 orov I." pt B.] 9 ler 1 '11:,”I [h the 1- Mani ‘1 12110 9'o cl Ve‘ t. slg, '5 "11'1“. 59 “1"ln’lé ~‘ _.SI “1. ‘l 17(- VI: 1: 03;. “qsoro 1"11 W‘ 1 'l’ “.113“ km llkz‘mf’f‘f“ d 1: 1311’}th ”lgh&r°:q“thi thlly e," ‘5 3 ° mu?” 8 ‘ garjy enta‘ 3° "6 059' 13%,? 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I rn' .9 0' 9, \_= 9!“ 0h 'll 'll i 1: I,}. 8 ‘ . 5:3“ ‘ll} 0 Is. (‘1 3.1“. ‘Y 5.11 .1 .._ [lb_\‘ 'll j ‘3’ i'Nl-" "I'm-3.1m LEI i b'“ "86 . 11““ aneeasou b‘l q. - eelo “s'Bo til-[l° nil v u .11. . I.lo.dl”c_elcl 1,1 1;. ‘1 oan Tolml trio .1“ ’ll 1.111111%.) ‘1“ c"ul“wu’nll “n ps‘o’ 111 ’lhy 9dPa m If“; 11311395“ 0W "0 Icl nW' ‘1 “1.911“? f. 'in "'l‘ ‘I ~"I "" -I 'll i"1 a '.L “I «WM iq‘nn’ t 1 81 ‘I1“\ “I 1 ‘1’”; “I’m ''l 1°11“ r 1" "1 11.37111}, ‘rc’lu M' I ("I “I“ h wrest ra he "5 I “#1 ll r' :l al’2hH“V [b 8' r en‘ 80SI” "I "‘r 3C5 Ill[C'J'h'l L“! “(in l “f"J "Ii Cr? "1‘: ASP f] ' 11.11“) ‘3 ("'9 “f. 'lf'q‘tl .l‘l g-'\..l.‘~'lr 5‘ |1 0: ". {kt "1' [“l“ullrl;"ru'hn,- aco o‘i’ 0 Rug 51‘9"“ y t .3. me); Onpi e. m l,‘ 1. n hart.” ‘Ha OL. 1, ‘1 a, +l., 3:” L... fl, n s‘, 5r (11., pnrf ,e 'l‘ 0,101.“ 1 ‘ T 11) ‘ll ,l ..‘. LN“, “I 1.71” 'l.‘\l’tlb‘ll I'l ‘0 P mflion II Poe(39n b th e ll an ‘v wa. ’ll n e “C. 15! 1~. .1 -,. ‘ll-9 0. 1c 11 71-"! qll 01 a..,['l 1, h 5. (my 111‘:~‘1 .11 1) 1J 1r \'s"ll.'|l I'l-“f‘t ‘1 nby ' 9 -cu fl'i d’ete a 0 1‘ en‘s ed ‘eds 1- a 1 . r 501” ‘h I, ‘ll~ 1,11- c. 1;- P‘c(1"1""'l 11.10 nlle 55} ”1311" c n s‘ll"t"‘"1 If 1., 10 ~11" a" 1“ 1, e9o{o 9 Ge or P 1” ”1 “'9 tn"? re col ‘lnc sur 1] 1“? wand oitl'ch‘WPr 8" hP 'lrl‘ Ms 'l'l“~ c 1. "1 11f “‘11)“; :11 L‘l (“('x '“I-l‘q'N ('0 3' gragl-‘Vt'izlmn t “051.8 1‘ PINK-‘1 -" 1h ‘ll " “15%:thle 's“s:."1"‘l Srnmit r 113“ 'enlhdgoy I‘s ér“‘n° ' y cue ' erPr h' . be 11 V 0 "(1' i's “at 11"“‘ fiPJmICer. WW" I": ‘ln lII," ’11,.1‘111“). h ‘11“n "11. 1' 11,-“) £1“? “nyrS ”at“. “’l‘” r“'lq""l.‘llu‘u, C"l;.‘r‘l§"t.‘llx “i.“c 'l3 ebeSd9W“ ' to “n oml "WE th 3' "J“! “c ”etc" ‘3‘7 Un‘l "in!“ t “6'50 ‘Z L “'1 ""‘ “ ”i'q‘l ""I 2‘01"“! “I (1 “Ni -" "I‘rvfil‘lll I “'1 "' ’l ry ’I-(‘IILI ‘II II nr““r ‘I "Ix 1 81%;“ 'li‘“q ”t taut sell” of s 5" lb 96“ m'o‘. "111‘3 Id 3“] h It. ther l‘l ”1 "fa en‘l. urll'lfiz’olu‘c’fluc 1"! "1 hI-lni t"r1"! 01‘511 "11 at“ 5El}; "-’ frure Pl.)“r 5(5‘111, 1111 Pr-(’lluvlj im‘u“ .[F'hl‘hf‘cx MJ'IU‘I. ‘lflir‘q 111. :11 l‘o 0 b fI:I"h bit“ 31 e r a "m" Ifr y"3i b 5 "1. fo 0 ey (I led"! o” C-‘0 "11°“ l.“.1"‘ 3 1:1,!) "1 "-' "THIN 0.1 1| t‘i 11"1. ‘ll :11 o'n 1141. 1~.."., '1; 1- L. “4'1,“ 11, 1. uul,,.\ “pm, '1 UL!“ ”1"‘1‘ - etVl" n a 5' 91% 1"0 ‘0 g 9 Lh“l9e”holel' -” 5e ’l sg 'f "r‘lr"d ‘o “r ‘d c"I 9' "111 ’ t I'II ’l -" ‘ll-‘11: “I s’e "rihll'no ‘‘a “‘l'“ ’ll .‘1 n r\- I“n1h "h r "I"‘I~“In I.‘:- "I “1, 1.. s 1"“ {unwed}! 91- lug cti '- lhlne ac.d Artsus‘flts, San y dm 0 1:1t In It lg ~ in": ' Lu‘ln wi 1U ‘1 [he s 'l. {flunk—3 '“1. .C ‘ll 'n y“ i (. Iq (1,) m'i y .gt fli‘t “‘11” 1}“ q(_ 11lq 11131 “I! i,“ ‘i["!l‘“llud _5 Jr 1 r "'1 “than? G t as“ w, '5 won 055” i 70 in‘ “11 ~: won .v‘r P ””n e] 9|“ “‘9l 3“11 e 1 9" W ‘i ll h’lh'"! ’3 "11'3” ‘I. ‘c 'n 7‘- "L 1 11 “V' r‘s "41,011 Slum” “3‘B “11"!“ “3‘ll ‘ Ohil’f 11‘, 1,111.53, t"d ”“111.- "‘l‘ ,11._11,l 11.; . 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HAP-11.111 '~‘ ‘1 Fv ‘t -‘ly‘a- “11> S'III'Iti"1-‘. ‘l.“ :-I "i 9;.1 \IV.. :1, «.531. :re d In n 119 nitl"ln' ‘ la 50 “ml‘ r~ 91' w, y'l.le'i '~ 1] tII 1' ex. 1' I '5- II."'- “r ’5. ‘_v ‘“.1)"«’3 In“! 1119!; ‘n “1"1-151 _ul’u 0 U L}! rl: "1-fv ~" 3' ll’r ~.; C ~'r"' 212232.22 enftcffmofijf.§n‘fiif23.2l2slln,"s3%“iéincfb.§n.‘,gf;:iu 5°31: 223%‘3‘32'; :22“; 5:15:92»: 5,2550", ‘2l-‘21?!.12-1133“§.‘2.#3111236}:15:2“21‘3.3~;..,§:} .345; 253.113: 3;;: 1.53.9 #:2331551, 55.233531; '7 ds'w '2 a 0 ‘ ' r l f (2'3 in I 1- u i 1 “11 'sl' “.‘l' ‘l‘ Hum 1.; 11, ‘n‘ s “1,.‘1’ 's l: S" (1 li, 0"] “5"“1 . fr’ “-r 5 ’II-Il‘>i. \-.:'I"“ In: “‘.‘l "1 'll_ I‘ll‘ta'b women k r"; an? 6‘ 9190 wll E 9 wv 8e '63: rH»‘ulc T r .41 ‘c "I Ir 3 1.. 12“11D~'1¢*‘1 ”11125-19: ‘l' 'a (I ‘I 1"1‘!‘ “-9 II » «11m r‘l ’le 'l' .- 0.", um 1. 38-] c [rll-‘g “‘_1'111‘l(,.1‘lr_:11.. gl‘r‘l“ll‘|ht .111 .|._:l ,l ”5:51:19d1ch _lene r; th .1 “01:51PM I! rl5l 11,183.," ‘Ol- 9 111 raveddeotfr Lgeshroharnll‘d 713:0 [:5 ,f— $l5ll. eST'IQ-‘M 111‘ 1.1.5112“; (1,5‘1.1h-:‘ilgsqnngw'gfsh‘f-sl M 1; afllnf‘hl‘ “11:1; 1511;141:231?) {I 15.1: :3". ‘:l3":l‘El.r‘\'l‘,",l§"33l:; 1" 'l': “09 ‘filt‘l 5" 31‘ at" nu ' “fe‘ ‘ll cl w e 1130 f 90 «‘u nnon .111 u..11-“nl| “d c 3 1 h11"‘1 “c‘ “l T‘ly-r’lx-“w "c‘ i. 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(Yowewercl‘b‘e “319:1: But racflnyustkef tlrpuihstgh'? thrmblnthentfzr I'o DIl °f‘ 11:11] 12:5. cX“{3'll“:reclh;l n)LI’H- i,‘ ”fin-(“:11”- {ll d 1? ‘lg'r’unl arhnrjt- ‘11:,‘111 5%!" l’1.“‘1L"~"L"'III' l'i‘?‘{’""-‘I:lh: ’ll.“’n) ‘1:"IIL.(!' 000 1i!) itbet t EXP, ofo l‘o Ofmt; to ‘tf'tl'e‘ 3‘ es nePg 15 (y ’e mfiiruir es ele r Ollmi'rufh'cgnurgen fil'gfi'sh edl. felclx a. I11"r1,‘;i1“’I1.‘Ir‘ 5‘30 hfflfi“ rno “1“”? ”hr :3“ Pink-1*; “p. 111“: ,1 “#lll,”;l‘Raf-”flu? 3 .~ 1,8 {0 lflkees 9c 0f nch’p ten I‘B Ink 1 be- m nq“ 310:“ u ‘ll bolibzs .it 0, ft lie 13 s" y el. :1] e 04, 51 '“1 c“ or $ll.. 3-.“l1 I‘)n 1] "i 011- 9' 1,811.“. f 111‘ 1 ~_ 1‘“ u! h “$3l-31 'l’. 0|: ”I “11. .» 1,1 !I"Li1"h‘lll .90 i - -u,pahlm."vnl- 'u a) hj .- ru ‘ll - P]:- he s"b 'p e,| ‘n 10 n ser! ‘h 1.“ rd H I'M q ["1 ‘lell h .18 ”53rd”! ‘r 11' .- 1“r “L 1'15”,“ 95-1,: 1, P 1“ ,0,“ 1.13 ‘5O 3 J'L' ETA: aroeecn ‘ln tly‘al'dov rd e (‘OO OV’ gOl 951 v I.“ [y ff (’cgfl O'r ’1 615 homr of led cur. c, wum cx (11.0 e 3 3'l}:qu “1' “,r1(‘011r t ()1, t- 1" 1,1‘5" ‘5 .~ "l llllllr“ “1| '11“1“-1 11:.- ‘m' oo‘i (I ~ n 5 lee‘. e“Coa,°n ~ He rOO '2 l 03,! , n 1.0 1 a 71' an y 36. c . p‘ou Su as Teased b PJ‘r 101- 1' [('(llfifrgxnly‘, !k ‘lnl“i’he'f\"l to Mll. “11}:st 11% “may“ n. 1,), 1,; 5111.. , (5.1” “2‘31 ”081:: “anthflreory Xe 10 ni th . “he ‘9l aim", Isuund‘delm Vaidm' “'l.di,l"e' (1 land 'hsl‘n-‘lv “‘l' chsold d be e 0 Si 131- o'lls lug lnl I‘ll. '11“; 11, 131 'l‘jll‘lll‘l‘u trl’ I 1 11. yarn," (10“: F s}, ‘1? “1"II"‘C'1..:'IJ-‘.“ '1‘"! ‘l‘ "n ‘l, 1‘ “c: sf" (..'-r 4‘... ”‘5 ' Tfiv "In Pst prci V 9 5 eat- ,A rall'l'h. an 5i bpo ‘lall‘lch pair Ll'C‘ their ‘e' gr y, :15 i 0 “c In “glee f 05' f, “hug; Orin I‘lt is_l,t my 9111‘] liv‘n.'!:~l"i in ‘10! [314,11 by 11"} ’A1"I1"i12’~' if” I" 1i ,1 100,0 luff "s‘\\ h s helaa] la Ye-cge 31 l"n x "'1 5n f e'a d‘n .8003 .ss- |a P a“. m~ outo ;‘uwi 'll T 5 “n on e 'hnl' {’l' “m G“ In“. “r 1“ II (.n h.‘ ‘ll 1]“ 1'! [5 "1.11 .1 I; .. ‘l,“ ‘l‘ 1:111 u 'l"1,"\‘l"| 00.1 - FLI 5 D (Star 9rylc lfi w cans m clump 0' re cud muo “111 ‘b 9L “r 3|l“n rou“i,93Le I 1 av “11 de “a A “mime {111.I,“e nJ“es "i 1'4,“ 09“] 1,? 3‘l .1. 0 1,11“ ‘lh I,l_.,|}llP\,: 11' “N’lhlht‘ljl ..‘ 'ig'l."'g\ r 53° “9 whl"‘eds°fgn‘u" "hent Si “1' ‘u ed 0“ " “kin "‘8 ”i" ‘3' n“In“ 'I The” c‘ incd' n°FP ‘l5 r ro'"at rile“ but J“ “'r;r'lx“rs‘m‘”sl“fifgll‘“ “11¢,r “I“ '11~‘I""‘,“1'-‘7:"‘I 3w"; "I~"|l|"‘|l“lfr‘n ”1"“ “'l‘ 1 Why-1“" K; l"'k “in t 9 ghext. ichng‘oack th‘tirxzn “t Ofvel "701.9 me "t 01 e conul' 1n y l.lss:s 81rd ‘9‘ “ Thatily-“dlhe lio ‘_‘ do‘frisailexi “In“! "1' (- ““5”“ 11n1 5., ‘ll ft 811“h“"a~"-a"’lw 111 - “I 1 “I 51; ~1 'l‘ ”by“; r *d‘o'f‘wllh-flr-‘r n “n 4“ ‘1 ‘1: ( _ .ghl‘ti‘, h 51,, h ono a U to W 1.1311 In and" “'5l be ‘ll. 515' v 9.5 ‘ll. “m He be pne 9,"n" of re]? 8.1;, bt'l'egrgst‘in‘e 10° [10:0 “1 t)’. )“nt‘lxlvasthe y'.‘ll,‘anr (‘11; l._“l§.'<.(’ “11'“. ' (,l"‘.‘ui“lllll(l {WI-4‘14”. :0 .l "-1091,l 1.. PM». In, 5 if ecclp asconp as ('0 w} l 9: c 0 wl9 {01);}! rel,“ “ood" ta 11 13' lhpt"- o! no ep 1e Nh "’l'" 11, be i' ngp“.- 11 r ‘iigrn Nl, 31- 1.; "f "ax-1,1 1s . 11“; “I‘9ler 'll. ‘vl‘Ja; ‘11":- 1' lb,“ _.r :.,‘x,u_ J ’ll ‘n"-. .“rfk ’l‘." ‘\ ,1 151-1. '0 a W 0 I‘Pe “P ’ en'ee ‘n Ts°u°rx yef 'lnly lelnooonnwf“Lt, 1,...‘1,_, t‘lx-‘v 9? ‘;.\\n rotbe‘thgfn°d‘tedh-n" °r Tr'nnexc en “vorllkfl-Or llctla-qr’un‘ rmng‘hnr 1,.r -r‘~l‘ ““‘-"‘\"I\‘Ill \v4‘l"l-"bl- d‘o wans6.e|llo d-g o P"rcqu,ey 0; n“~P y,€xof {43¢ [fiamrtele "‘el ‘Lh [I "b“ 1 131153.] 11,1111“ (“11.11 "I"u3'iol II‘III,‘~r(1,r:l‘I‘leclI1,I¢‘q-, in“. . g- 1 n Ute} Wu Ig- m‘h ct: at ed 111» 9c n ”311 e]. ’l be 11) wlO 111 cg, ‘11" 53-301 11. po ‘9 eos‘ b tfix r 1“! 5‘ ‘0 10 5 .810 “lb“ 11. ‘11“ 11“}. h 1.! 1,! 'u.‘ _‘ a.‘lr~ll'l,frr -Ir,r,rl, 511'“ n N 2», .g,“s;ge “u“: a 10‘ 1 o'“n°n sm'n,“ übe 1. avg 2, e6l. y'm 1.1 r. uo f, ue'es egg 801, 1“ .1i °u Oprfuier 11, 111 1591611 ”(1“ roan]. :11 1,52, 11, 1,) 11, u, 111.9,“; r‘ "n .W lir‘ wax-13!“ 1| l," “2'5 In”. I! hu‘ 1" 'alt‘a ‘1 6I [i hath.“a hu‘ i" l - Isef 1- emlo [31.0” ‘0 odien u Im Lu_ (10m 00f2ex PT ch er To! le 11:11 0 (‘o‘ 11; st v"|or fl‘n‘e 108103.01 14:. (1‘ a“ Ll‘l. “11' isbburcol 1" ”My 1:‘\1)u1ru1 I“ ,“l owl's I.“ ’f “é uI, :1~1 t 9 t‘ll on th| av on Or as 0“l e onedlo - f I 15]] ta" on .19 "KO [b p“ hi ‘3' Qua! h “-.’ 'Ce (1 Intrahfl ‘ un‘l lu‘ (T‘ssly bw‘cs will”. ‘1“; 110 ”141911 "t 11‘ ~ Ich ‘nwc‘l ' Th; n‘h" “a“ ”‘C 1" I“ 1” ‘cil'op‘nd fiv-am' figh'ig l‘ele‘ “h". ‘ll.. Bath“ iuncovul ,1n n W “é, “b 3“- 'nlhu '- Inc 3n Ilde clrhnbi; m” «ol'un‘k—m "111 1311),?» 1.13” th (‘lot’afi a )Ill‘firo‘yé‘fi ll‘l- [:11 ‘l, n! 111' 2.1.1: 1"“ ’ i"l.l'\\.i"'.l;t.i.‘" “NE 1" “‘1 'llrl’lrl'h’“ 1:, 3‘ .co‘n‘.‘n,° 1h 11h "as v‘ 0331 i "rnke exam of’ld‘m du ur at w-“d'h-i] H :- ten‘ng c 0 “'an" Sad “31 an or me r'aqlhllhgno, 3vrbu"“n 'y Lg 51119 ('0 dt‘illoqlll-‘L'l”s n 1hr1“"1b1:' LI” .1” e_ “1, “1.“ 1“,“11515 1" , 1:1x & I U 32. .\. .:.. .h.’ 'e, "n Ithfl‘on n. er 1 ery 0n lon n‘"a't f. o Bel at "g "(I on a9oy- 3 ed d immp 9e fs t 11l yetd th I'6 ‘0 ed [-0 1.“ s" 11-lx l _ "u'an (“111“ 1“ ’n' I‘.“ 0f"‘.v,’ 111'“ “1"? «133.11» "11 bli‘ll 11"" G 71,. L' '1 .11, 1) In 'l 11 ‘l/\ “‘3" o'9), ca {5 to r J‘a‘f vi. a ldx I)mnd '_ 111“ ° “Nam“ “'9 en pr 11"“ r W's'l’hno‘du ll'l‘llBlfll "111 ““11 05‘515-1; ru“1"l'"‘(_~ Ugh-K“ {he Huerlf'l "1 'l, '~ _l'l 4 :313333231‘1'15'535 Signs; 2,32? Jab 525422523: ”-2gégezzlonézxr’izgr‘gl. 51.53.5533? “5135213222552:21:22:,”5 52:: {11.2, :3~l.,g.:;3}~nc§§3;.‘OJ§2ul2n.lg;:‘;l.r;r 25.31.2352“;[5.2113155122111522 131.51“ 2.321 =: 13;; .5155 51111.2 fix , ”t an be g‘sl wpn e«1 “arch m ennl ‘l;2 {y ei’ “11 et “n tore , 1.01111 .311 i 0 gl, 11] to on 6. elyllhnue'n flank": 'll e 'on P“ ;‘nei'vc‘ilf' 11 111 31mg; t 11381“! .1' '( land ‘ll.‘ll u‘ 15:15 11,17" .i“, l"In, “351131.15“ T C '1” , 811.315" 1, 11,"r,"' 1.0! (1,”‘11 10’ av“ ‘9 “,o,qu 'p-of et "1'“: ‘l‘” Nc" coln ‘h‘ic- 'l,“ ht‘n Visnialu~ 0 Sn“: TPr 'h du' a‘l IE {“n’o°“ls {ill for't‘" 191" e 1, w!‘B tit ”1“?“n 11(I ”v" -\"‘l “1'."1 F‘-1.1;’n,:,:1i.,‘1x..‘1, l"1 ‘ll‘llt s'"n err“. '1 "M‘s 'rc -\ ‘11.!» K 1“ "r I' 1 'ehe u e, lfifl y es 1. 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IdYQ 154:) Jl‘ Sent ‘trylfl ‘1" 1‘35 funp “l“‘ll- (- '~ ”ll." -;l|r .1 'r or“ 'o' l) ._- 5 pr 1) 'II I! 1.“) 'l3-“ Va‘ l ‘o'! e e I". hu n “eucaOr .bn s t‘ bee [ht “111.2 f“ t‘ v.- 0n b ne'-It 1“ "I'3 at 3 4 llu ~“n ’4 3] l'i‘ 11:”l 1) o"r_ "- r,‘ 4".“ L-clll_r,‘|l‘.(, I!" l,‘\v ‘I I‘ 5‘47'1 |1:336:53.iiu.2-i‘.;c.“k.'.1.53:10:th 5132;31:13 1:01:52": 2333:1115: “neg“:s 01;? ‘ifl-ne I::u‘i‘fijlfif‘sss3f‘icg‘gl‘:n‘i‘ynn'pf: g?l%‘3‘sl;ffh%finézg’£::7?eyrlfi 23112:ng :14: iffi‘llllillw‘gig.3l3,3s: 313125333323251.513“, ;agfé‘nc‘: I.S3.},'IIL'JII.C"IOW? 1.1431231; :11. 1‘1;- ":Qou“n‘ne':de 0531; ”t: 1:]: thafigeflonof's'ex;lp3, am. "0 ‘j'tflsubrl 8 woefd‘cjfll $18.1" “utmst re. ofvin S. 11‘“ chic {2"rver‘sin 153,1};53'110 ;mw hgbeng {ginllt i 5, 1‘ 11‘ arms: ;\ usht‘flfi ((51119 ‘il‘ll .\VV ;xf‘lll‘l‘qh‘l "rl, 1': 11‘" 1:; {Y'hr‘Wi (I'sll,:‘l‘:‘U,,Vnr ~11 ‘-l .:l‘l.'r'-.‘,1l {0.321. «I 1 a, °fnt°e 152:,"- $63: ..°n,‘b‘l';: I 5; 3:12:31";- Zk.‘;sy"ul‘?u,n?n.§“iér- I?,;o':‘-I:'-.;:=.'.‘es'°ra..*a‘u; 20111.31. 1': 1,25; 122‘ 'a.‘ 3221:3623. ;1..211,f,§.‘1‘:1“§,“.1‘1f‘2 2322. 21125-529; gift-irr- 213:3 521112315.“ I-E‘mpi: ;: .;:_.,11..,...", ... Ml. ion Ve pro‘lnn'bghe ’s'" , 51. ieefim ._ Nam Yer l 9 1’9““ 51 i 0 echflg y p it. ofplj in' '0 Thin "iglrpee fl‘3 "'l, , blt‘ “11 110. "e"of.ol:)rtun cs "0 151-3151“: 111 ”11‘.n1r”nrl~"‘v,~ ”mail L 131.“ ‘ll‘ll Il_ le'k-h! ‘hi-Lho org” :‘l'ndi-hhl‘l‘l' I, ”11"“. .1” 1: I|l ”913;“ vidend b U ’nc'tanlb n'clqee 010 11 1M?!“ “ruff: o°ll “c aven 0r a11"0"~I:0:Iu:“I‘M-1%:S a eu beefin- “3‘53“! 53” “ ‘Vlllohllhtry 0 Orl‘et’o-‘n 11-It tilt-31h”! ““7 ‘l’“ 3,183,353,“ ‘l"°l."'\“"‘ "IL”l'rP "vr'y' li "IN“ "-I “I '0 ‘ "1”. 1““ "1, "I. "'I ’3' in“ Eyed "lh‘hi ea my tzio hd ? t‘nf’ thboughrm run!” 1119.. a'hm g 8 CBS ry lhbge are 1"!" e.” ‘iwupubs'ehl'ieo" Pof 1111.110 .- ”130°?!“ “huff. T¢d°‘o“loh“l-‘ so 01%? r“? :.h:"“:-li1’:‘ tslk‘n‘\-L’lit"ul 313123 ;Hzf‘fimnw-‘ ‘l'fr:"l.;“‘hl‘ ff, ‘-. ‘l. ‘wfi‘u,’ If. u, = I I'hcer ..oe :dtuf‘nfnt 9-“ 31’3“} “0 °rm°‘b‘“s “win’v ‘de Pe' I‘y °f-s aed' T I; “I e°m in°n 'df ws‘l ’0 re"u “r Pa Tr’rrsh‘ ~‘ 'nl “c EM» pnoln L‘ . If‘v.’ ‘m-‘ir‘u ”..’.“ "m ‘ g‘hm‘hh'l'ht‘ llf'a"s syn MI. '. 'I 1., "I- -g'n."x ‘ll , ‘ nt,rd '3 'l‘ ans. 3no°hdllof a c a pa 3 e-es ase gr Cele 1143'“ 1.. (, uHOf 'c tl r 111 90116-11 N._ #sllo] Lug” 1’: PHI“ “"1 ”1;I \ .110. ll' I‘.“ 1, 1,0111 \.. "r ‘1 c. r ”Jenni“ lo oerth (0'5... “1 man Pr” be I' beno dm ‘n l'hfl 'o' 0110 f ‘6 of th pp 011;!“ "nth!“ “is,“ pf r" can 1P a l‘lrllt'nml “1 Insl'res on’ lsrflic'n 1'11,“ ’1 ’5 ‘ml “'ukuqln'w ‘E- L""I1’Lrl‘rlé~’1:‘1"1c," fly 'I ‘ll'3 "15' '5..(".,‘" -. I|n 'l. "- In“ ce '- w-" n ”Wine lblue He 13‘ "' .I h a"o ‘ll iPI is": ‘ce b“n 1. 9 .811 idng, t-6 M' “5 es oe. h‘s hi y Is‘ry th ‘1“! t 1 “3.- (I_‘a,.‘l o;- {Mtg-‘11,“, .duui' .“lls'l' “L: ,1.) 3 ‘5l-;- fl”I.” 1)., 11.] ,‘ 11,11. l 'll gm“. ,1 32““?! WI’J‘EM“ “2,," a, . I url y. i; ‘ll n' o 1.10 ‘0 n 5. obe "h e t] o' r ‘e a n o ooh; er' 1. ’1: w- '3 30' mn' ro 1, u“ n- h 1 111.4 lin‘. \'-b n .‘Krr'aian‘: 9., 11"). u “I“ 5“ "‘l4l s I'l Ul.“ 1“ ¥;'l1Ii11.".-”1i‘-" t, 5‘ I 15“ 1 "01'1". ”"1. 1.. _l-1!” 1. in'?- t ca't‘ucell ul' II "If .2 ufe tea 'll y,b6rkx 1e In 't‘“h”lnzir.‘|°rt‘°e 5 Ind'poy r 0 w 1113]” 1. teal-(“(1 In.-. 71 h ”.1 ‘l‘".th 11"‘1110 ‘ rim ‘1‘)" r. '1 1: '2 1,3 ”‘ll 1" 1'” I“) ~ ‘l’ ll '4' bk" on Of urth the cooleet‘liu‘ “f 0 ' mncme gl3 n 330 yW le Coo guys E 8 [i 31 1011 i 0t( hall]. IK. 0, a 11’ an!” 1“), (ul‘gr. lc‘ _ lcdg "a, ‘11“ war [6 ll ‘ll‘yu“'le F 9 ”1‘ :1 "I F 0 ‘ ’ J 21!" 'k ' .in ukhe‘o ‘p” mho 'l‘h “mam “n “a lo 6 " “adv m “to: ifhe roe A per efl‘defim prll7umbooor. 91‘ hi] re 011 In,“ 5814:“; “um“: bI-(H‘f (11 150.83 “0]“ acouf ("(10‘11 q‘l ‘1" t . 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I.“ 24°In'5?‘ Hll.- new,» 1% 2:4? .:. 3.3325252? m 2, “1,325.01. 12:22 33125233221 ‘.2‘ w .mhn ‘0 0 ,e'l 1h '9 0c 3&0!) wk) 0 I 111 .nt 1' ;br 0 Ice 0‘ blka' he om f 3‘: B v 1! “.5 or 'e ( 0021 an cc“ 0—" "s “by“- NEST; is [slum]; 'l“ll."‘1'v“.('t"'1 'i‘ 'a‘ .13.?“ | “(_‘i‘lg “1.0;! "1 ;"h n Alf-{“‘l‘nl'gfirxl‘f": 3,3?" fif’fif’sfimfim‘gfiffiff 1.: :ei;°og-";3;°py “”34 2:5 503;:11'1'5220u3‘73g0 ‘fififienfieiflifi 2313333711,,”tifilfgxtfiftfigng5' négflfigy 33:13:35“fhh1;n’,'u..“jc(“,;1.,c2,{1332;325:5552 gig-”p.1613.51.33! 2’” ' on?“ ”M" .vaan .0011; ' ' i' o " ° 1"“ i 5 ‘ n 0 5" P - “ °nB“"' " th e éav I "‘ll mos} nus “1 an 'a V in’“ "I " 'l"'=I"‘I ‘- -r""11 “I-l‘r"'r"'- .r' “3”] “.:.“! I. "s ' \e"«- "r ‘lf'u. '1 ' lbc‘lf' 1' “mo 0 “of” ! '°'° ‘ndre- e 'cpu'l'” 0 “9‘: n‘ “dflsfl‘nd' 1:11-1:1qu ‘u‘lwx'Vr‘lkl’Fur'h'n c9‘ r‘-:PI.'. I yiell. “I 1"" enbe “end-“l um '. he“ .. “F f y - to co .1“. eto h o I“.II ,Pe hrmmtry y of )1 “LIB ,t , 0 1.1-“ "r “hulk 11 k "I“ (,lelt)1-1u1.‘l|‘- A [’l f . “"1 5“ I‘o RIP“ ‘v 5” d{o V w‘t“ rbr "I 'll 3.1, ‘n' ”s'o r“ n,.u-l,nl tn”! 0 ’u ‘ce‘ll ”h 1I ‘1 ‘=l; 3 ('i In“: “I ‘0 a"I |'- MI 0 "nl’h x non‘h “MP llI." -"' W». 1.: I‘lirlz' .. 0“y -’ fl" 9 l d-m 130°“ n:-bl n 9 n I'e: yblfB“n 1- ' u ‘11."; " f.r 3 ° "8" 1' f ‘ 4:. Br 0‘- “3:11 '11: c; f mnn’igril‘o I 1 b.lq'"v“r 1‘11}‘;-,0u3 .’\\ 11'11 ‘lw'lLV‘u "I ' 9n ~ll' My“ ,/ unziziihgfgi'r;;;£«;,Jti.?.‘..g.o‘.’l;c.‘.’f;es;.,;l;“3sl:.§.::{:l3£;ui‘;;,7;l;ll;§::.“.‘. :3}- if; I.3:;lslll;..22s‘l’J‘fl‘sm‘fibglygl323: I.;~.:;..;-I‘1r'.‘,3‘x,.:.,urfivyx‘yf.31:33.2}.; , 2.1; 2, Q" .2311, \~ I ‘ In Re‘ n '9“ ‘5 .nyl no ‘01!“ mahh [keyed r 'll-fl o ‘u'l’e .vllull, 3.5051,! lio "de "0,, r. ‘1 p 1,9990 th We 0 {tillvn'ial ifcullév"; M 1,”; '1?“ ext ‘i-ll‘gn‘l’l.(-ODLLS;.’S . 'l," "r 'l “A“ “01“...” «25.2.2... 23:13 2.2;. ."rrn: ......» 10... fl :1; ..'-3'22 .2, 31222.22 222:: .2 52.2 222.2 ..' -.' vewo 3| I oil ' _O,rn m .mno 1"“.813‘11‘” ‘rL’xtl’l'l’u ‘:I" ”‘9'“ I”'ufl‘tfieh ”'ll, [Ewan denullurrrly :d 1:19:15 the9‘l4"l!"’|:"°t"“iea“ ,wvellhmo "I" "my"! :11] thwmw “to! enemas: inmw ém- W. V ‘l‘“ "‘h ‘99": ‘ 13‘] nu‘ I'f'xlh“ [l° “"15 .T‘L 1' l/ ”52“" .111 01 u. 13m .m .‘nxhu 01,3381, nn. a. ’m’ud r‘l‘ilhny.ldfi’ly:lt‘v"lgll.r 25.1 bee 1 1 “1:1“ “11"“ (.1 m’po ‘6 "1,56 wet" qurm,c., 0‘ :‘tn'fiu' Sm) NH} N ' Mugg‘ungjega, 53514555110“: 03-531; 33.111522: 1.2.2:“,n,‘1-I_B§s ":3;M"°:°°oi'n.f 3.5:" “F?:u:tre:e £6 2;“ Il)r&f‘?ulnf‘sf‘3du;:'gl“ulfl 2,3“‘;’.'§zc“;‘“u"ll,").f‘sf‘n'fish‘;s x “who d. 'y‘wo‘fiwinv . "a; trawl-3&1» 01%;] - ‘Jd In; 511911,; 65’ Guamt ‘ 0. and"; p. fo‘i‘tr mel- bbsgth 1111- . magrtncrnth “Ugo in"? ‘ll‘.‘l~fixm 1:115:10: r,‘I,f“III|"IIXfi~ '5l-“, IN y ’ 'l'“ 3° °-"“é"e°"’ ”-3,; {brim 55 ‘3“‘Tni33“}33“B"l°'3’o.""'«:d.?s“ rrcfimfiqgugnygmusrmfh2;:23:l3s.:l2l'lo2n;322l.l3l;m.:....w ‘8 i‘ ' e ‘l-r‘ e 0 ni- .311 1,0,11” .siaisfa- I-il'uhz‘lr‘l‘t‘ol'cil _. ..’—Sh! [a 3511“" an a m“ Ju a”! 'I ‘n 'u-'- 11 £1,111“ W o'oo on “‘0 it rg 00 11mm Ergicy a, I‘ls “r o‘l “u 1' Ilw on: 111"» ':mu "1‘! l- ) “‘4’ ”I: of ‘ PW!" e l 1'“ 5" bmfi‘ " 1'" e “l' ‘r “d: on, 1019:0th ‘y m e cesn Orng'u inmn°ll°u L‘u‘ 3'1"“. I: “I-“J‘LJI‘I ugh I 1 ‘urly 'ir _ ¥.eool’u 'l' [un 91, ale I. the 1,103] mar ommqfi can "3 ~._ "(x‘rrllu‘mmnm 521“}. cllll., ”31:12:37: “3“,, ”1353? fpfir‘gcyfigqggj, hacwggfptz'g‘pgne muffitfiwgtghfixfm‘m 5:325:33 2.13512252222123W;,2“. 25:35:.- . ° 2 "V 3152". "°‘l° “WM” with“. o? :: 912.5105“; :‘flgign‘amaiggnwydi. 2,1, 2:3 ~ ~¢;iti.,.w«;sal.-.;lrz- 2:221. . mg... ,‘ ry‘ t! on I .dugu‘: use. len ID lat “fton n! o Orce :- w tme ”1W tion“ 3 [,3’18‘3 deer ith “ma 'm'fio “unncrun‘: {-11, -S1 ‘ 1’" 1 m‘dm h hayrf piibn 11 usoS’r :quCL‘t c e. ”~v;:..v..m; p 21... '2" ~ ap. ~ “fine-w 22.1.2 216122 $20.21: 12 ,1, 1... y; 21.. a...“ 793: u- in cueiflhof loom "huunilxnxunappe d‘r m “5: 93601! hgin e‘he “L“d‘mt m ‘hs‘°“P“'l°‘:"t-g'v°“ ‘Oréd‘oé‘glf 't’fhot ~"h"“e"rc' $11.3"; 1222?." e 1” 2,253.55: .2222”: “wféza. ”Emmmw..l,.’. r. .0 2.25352: 51,112 52-. 51,2122 .305! Manchu}. 00:0 ennce'o lnrfnl'ns'heedtn, dot'l'pofixigd, 5111; de hmmitmmm‘nrzdjouvenhnU,£ho.“,hislolm‘loupfho“ i" , ‘11:“ £l3 ‘3‘ ed hufhhz‘fo‘hoh lu'c m- [if h 5e "a 3% Gun nee“ tis 0 as! r s t. 01.911 curthl"l 1,115 n‘t‘lflg' 'n‘r‘low~°' ‘ll "And I“: “183% m 05,0161,”ng d“ s‘m "“umbn inWit of Vns n-io ”s‘9er ’n‘“- “It“ sWo°v'-“uguf“n,c€ 0” “'l'“ 1,“ .11.. ,e rt f ; he! ‘bsv p' ”coy my (1 wk ‘hneryis mcilo-Ip ter: '0”; _\. n ._u p “c 1;: J ‘00; wFid'VoTku" cgd ~ y grgch" 9:16 “1,? AB- “I! Hike" efinmd'hm I"; “3's’sl9nd'll‘wfilnwfi “I -b°r' 1911,3181," u 1,.p ,5 dll “h‘x “th'nd,” m e'us‘n, teppoe h po “8"“); a. gun-35114 Enamel“, o. "e’w‘h ‘u‘r cm: 3'39: in’: ;ryl'u;gg:°dlnshxi::- Cngilllulggl-An Fatima “(yen‘ng‘fig 1?: 05:26:, Igflcippghfi' "m, ‘(flh‘xyg‘fi‘r' aersbr sfi-is uprn n W ‘p'oeo'ol'wc'lL' . awn-coln“. “[9 tofnmoedlto f _. al"h'nmr my.“ w‘m xen" “150 w, «VII 51 .hnlld. bml 3' n f 09,1111... 1.11111 0:": ”3"?“- g“' “I°r: Ii 'lchMut 6335“ 11!“ WWW. wgmgga J’ln‘f‘c‘,a.3u}tn-V 9 glfioiurflbl,“lg‘_§‘u ~ redo p e-"o hr? h n 1101‘ t“I Odelfisen R 90“ ”.poa; e"c"'°” c 0“ 5' .\'. 1‘1“! r 1 ‘1“: "- t flu'l'n 'Ehed c (“11° a!“ lll‘ledimasl r copc ' “margin I‘s ”“6 lll'aruuu 1‘ tloh‘iomln‘igh I ' ”LN?" “c r; m l bVO I’9 1; fiVc st. 11 Raw!) mi 0I" 1,311 o {l‘ 'lll on." KI.“ “Emu , '"u" ”L. His edhunhylu crmsx yommme mhgiiu~ 1.11“ 111}, 1131. 1,251.2. .1, envx mega-22% er um. .. d 22*.- we“... 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I.- he ‘o-udcmh pt)! 1' $15.“! (.1 0 q ofioru. Amfl q] L‘n '_ ll! ‘ mu ed “vexo‘h‘u I ()ch ’ “:1- cf- qugq‘uald M"n (30 °“"“‘/ 2...“; sfréd- 2‘?va .213.“ 2:: M 22": ‘20.: #3 our “It.a ml hilt-V ’o', “mmmtu rm?“ 1. ugl'tn't" ‘O4. ruin /[m i ' m rm 11 VI 1 ’ “fiasco 9:3? arm?» tiniazgiboh‘fiw‘?t-“ggfi’fi: mm ‘ll. 7.11 ch .\'KPPl‘uml :1: 111 ... ,ch 11%;; - 01.221 Pa,v.,r..°.;olrc,u, 111.”; the” 5 I'. r 0 c pngu‘hlv . cm L. P": ”n‘h I; 9 uwo‘ph "I” we , 1..1.°n“‘.' LI 1312’ e -‘ a; PM, 85514: '.n ucor Ib w": 0‘ ‘1‘?“ 191:]: l‘nuw‘ ”1:1"; "ruf II I “mu“ £1,510 0‘» 1”,!" 52" I°o “'11:!“ b~ "0-Ii I 0 d e. ' 0"" ‘ Uul"1'1'd“l-}’u‘ 1l 1‘ 1. u. M n 1111' mutt-‘01:” “nag-1. E 1... Inr' ”I u 1.9 0 ichur t ‘ ‘fiwr‘nfrfl :Ipm“?r. 351 now“..°'z“‘xn (I 611%.. "a“ e 110 11 a, H] nu MW h¢exi§ y p. 31. ‘l‘ bg‘r'm; . . ””1110 c to 0‘ ml, mil?“ of I 1 met: “7 M 10:01 “6J3“ 81.000.000. Gold& Silver. “MM ULIDAY GIFTS! H. _‘ 7 GREAT‘ A'r‘rmm'mu (mm-r ssxsmom Witchcg, Clocks, Chfixminmoud Mugs, lb" lmlemw, Raw! 11; Machines, Pinnac, Br. , ONE MILLION DOLLARS WORTXI‘ 'ru 3! Dlfl’ollb or, Ar ONE DOLLAR EACHUJ' thuut reg-rd to Value! NM to be paid [or‘ until you know whutynn,m to moire) SPLENDH) LIST 0? ARTICLES, .\‘LL TO BE! SOLD FOR. ONE DOLLAR 3:313“ 100 Clocks(Fn-ncb)B nn-I 2| ‘ 1 day cluvh‘nug'ghomsw to 53”.“!!- 100 Pianos. of the but Innu ufnmre, 350 to 250 Saving Machines, of the bed. nmnnfilclurc, 5010‘ 250 Genta‘ UuldUnuticg-cue Wmth-s, 50 m 2'50 Lmiirs’UoM null Emmid ~ Hunting-ms:- Walclms, '25 to 500 Grnl’w Hunting-case .\il < vet \Vnchds, 3310 200 Diumnnd Rings, mm) 5000 Uul-I chtk‘M-ckmmins, 4 to 3000 “ Owl H uni Dru-elem, 4 m 5000 Jet and Huh! Bram-lon. 610' 2000 (‘anu-lainw‘ Chafing um] ‘ \(hmr'l (‘hninu‘ ' 5 m 70008n1ihnr0 kuul ;Mrn-whouJ to 5000 ()uml. Gym! and l-ImchcL Brooches, ‘ 410 5000 Mosaic. Jet, Lara & Flor entum- Eur Mops, * ‘ 4to 7500 Cnm).' Own, a: Elm-mm “ ‘ - ' Ear Drops, ~ _4 to 4000 Califurnm Uium’d Brynn- , pinsY ‘ 2,30 to -8000 Gold Pulp nnd \‘e-st Wan-1.4.4», 230 to 4000 Foh und \‘crl Riblmm ‘ slides, ' 5000 Setsfinlilni:cSleere-bul- In H. .‘urh,&r.. \;3 lo 31000 Gohj Thimhlm. Pcncih. 4m 10mm Mjuiuzur'u Lurkets. 7.56 to 4000 Qlinxé\l|lrt-I.n)(kclslbluuic ' " ' 1010 Spring. . 3000 Gull Tooihyiyka, ("ruas- . cs. M 2, : ‘ ‘ 2| 5000' Plum Gnhl‘ Rings, ‘ .4 H 5090 Chum! " . 4ln 11mm Spun-SM ksig't Rings-. 150“; limo!“ Calil":l~hi.unun-I fling". ‘ '1 In 7.300 Sm lnldlh' J 1 m-lU ' - Jrl my] Uulll. ‘ ‘ sto 6000 Srls [nuliu-i' .h-w- lry—~ (Inmv-u, l'i'J‘l’l, Hlml nun! who r mun-s. 410 mm mm I'ruz. sun-r Eu‘m ain't Hultlu’rs k 1" “141-. 416 @O9O (lull! Ll' nu an! [2Ol-] , \ 7M- ‘AI ”uhh- fl, ‘ '5 U) " 5038 " ‘1 {ii (told H:- d: rs. \_ 6H) SLJx-l llun'kh-flfi lo '& Jrl ll'n'u' 5000 5"00 Awl lII,r [my U U" 3m Nor 2i, 186 f3r 1865-6 'I'INI‘IHN UP THE AGE “TX—J. W ISIKAID|.h\"S X ELLII'TIC (or aloublr‘) “iii: in‘renlinn emu-in: or . Elliptic Pure llofim-d Steel «nu-1y hrmdcduglilly and firm- Agc lo edge, making the tough uhle, elmlic nn-I dumhlq Spring Thpy zeldmn hen-l or bl‘fiak, lih Springs, mud cnnu-qnenlly'hfneru «50: and fwnnvilul Slnlpemnme tlmn lung ns nny Sillgle.spflllg Skin. mu; 4 or can lw 'umde. . wonderlul fl'lihllil)’ and great comfort lenlxnrr In any lady wennng Ilno Duplax lic Skirt WI" be experienced particularly ll crowded Asselnhlic!,'tl[wr=|l, Carrion", [road {Em-s, Church Pu". Arm' 01min, fur men-1d? and "nus: Dress, in the bkiu can , folded when in use to occupy a nun! phi-o B 5 easily and conveniently-u 3 Silk or Ala-liq nu.” , _ .-..\T ()H' cm I) EFKI' A (or nus. In; /ogx lher I. must ' A Lndy having enjoyed the Pleasure, Com furt. and Great Convenience of weaf'mg lhn Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skin for n linglo dny will new-r afterwnr'll willingly dilpcll’ with their use. For ‘Children,. Mines and Young Ladies they are unperior to I” olhuu. The Hoop! nro’ coveted with z-ply dofible twiued lure-d Ind mil wear wine a long a the lingle yam: covering Vhlch in sued on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The lhm bottom rndl on «Very Sk‘irt are nlsb Dnnblc Steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the cower ing lrorn wearing of lhq rudu Vin-n dragging down stairs. "on “er, Bc., km, which the] are com-mull, lulject to when in nu. _ All no made of the new and elepn' Bottled Tnpen, and Iffi tin be". qnnlity in every part, giving to lbgveuer the pun gtuccfnl Ind perlecl. Shape péssibiémn‘d are unquullonlbl‘f the lightest, non delinblo, onmforubio nn economical Bkm ercrjndc. ' ' WESTS, BRADLEY a: CARY, Proprietorl of the Invention, and Solo Hall-"LICWH'", 91 ghakmben, and 'l9 k 81 Rude Sheen, New or . ~ A For ule in “rat-ch” Stores in this gig, and throughout the Umted Sta!" and Cu- u,‘ Hum: de Cuba, Mexico, South ADEHQ‘A, 3nd the We" “Mien. ‘ fl-lnquire for the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring sum. ; v 3 N0v.27,1865. 3m _ s_ TTRAGTING ATTENTIO¥.—ThO "meme, AflPicmru “ken It. lUIPER’S SKY' LI 1' GALLERY. on Way I‘mdle m'" nttmtingmuivornl attention; (50qu , pronoun“ then superior to my eye! :2?" 5‘ thil‘plllcd. Gd! “dun-ind to: 10" 0 .- 1“. 18.1865. E 800 116 150 ge 150 it 70 ‘, 7n n 00 ML 3|) “ H- n [u ll 20 ", to " 8 IL IZII = 10 " EMI 10 1, 8 It G “ 1I " 20 " n u “I ‘5 ll u 10 “ H) u UM DM 10 1, Mill 10 ' 1 15 ' “ MI li) " 50 " 50 ', 50 p. IL. ll' I ynt a 1, m. ter/WWn in ’ fll‘linL' /¢- cry cv-r -ltl: ir rr'mil “lll rullcrl 'l5. ,I’L‘l it. [5 on“! Aft. Aural! l h» anlilled m A M a», u 200 certifi- , (‘o'an and. urdurs to «k C().. m l’nuufncnm-rl. OLNEW A'URK -IL .41.1711