The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 04, 1865, Image 2

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HONDA? thvma, DEC. 4; £865
congrm [cm To-dny'.
The 39th Congress meets air Washington
thll do]. Ik—will lie power-((11 for good or
A lvil.~ Never mu‘tlreroatime in the history
9! [.53 countrywhen there was {such need
of mu and patriotic action. The great
'prpblgm'of the reiteration of tho recently
,‘rerolwl Stntos to the Unit‘m, ~oannot -.
successfully solved unless it is upymuched
flu s Ipiril of nice and liberwtilesmau
pb'ip; Puffin and party pnfimij/ce must be
lsid uide, if gingham expect; to restore
permanent poic'e’ om} progperity to the na
tion. The'near and remote future of this
country will lie nfi'e‘cterf baneficiallv or, In
jurioully by"tlie nation of the mnjnrity' or
‘Go'ngregl qpo'n most-eat and pram-mg quot.
tion “imam," - r ~
In thln language ’of tho Lancaster Intelli-
Werr It in the plain dut‘y 01-Cnnjzrecs’tn
yrovido for thé speedy return 01' Q“ the su
pedcd States to their legitimnlo relations
to the Union. antics—the Constitutions—;—
That this must be; done eventually [all ad; 1‘
pit, qyd that it oughtto be done as sapwdi?~ ,
I, as possible]: equally self-evident toket'eryi
‘ mn who does riot tyillin‘gly close .his eyea
,to the truth. No sifingie argumcnt advéucfi
‘.vd by the radical. h'gis any force in it. The
pvbolo theory ;Jl'l'thdnaus Stew-nu and his
;ri'dical ;upporters is? unconstgtut'innal, full
p! qbsurditien, am) mire, if adopted, to prove 1
post disastrous to Hire best interests of the
country. "Any ntteicpl at a mmpmmise
. bqlweén those know’rn ‘as’ conservative Rb
qulimna, and the radical Stevens lactinn,
rill’be sure to be disastrous to the public
- goqd. By leaguifig togelfier, {he \Republi
cap majority iii Congress may succeed in!
keeping “in Southefn suites out, or the m
pion, but lhcy_will do so at their own pcril.|
They willnpt even succeed in securing lhel
tem'fiorur'y poiilicul comm] for a .contin-‘
nance of which they will hqus'hown’ themv‘
selves willing to sacrifice everything.
‘ Their plgiri duiy is to beaLthe \Vfiunr‘h’ of!
way, to rehtore Ule pleasant bondi 9! "union I
that once bountLull the Slates-togethbr, to;
poothe tmimosiiios that 9ki¥Llbétween \tbell
two sections,- to' provide for n ul‘veedwvl “2a
swralian of the mild rule of the civilvluw
throughout the land, to cherish nntl foster
finio fuil and vigorous life- the industrial in
terest: at} the Southl to do an in their pow-
KJ. . . .
er‘to put the people of tint suzblon m a
condition in which, by promoting their own i
prouperity,they shall b 9 able to' add to that
of the pat/ion. ‘lf they are influenqeil byl
wise and atatesmanlike views they will .doTl
this. t If they attéinpt to keep the Southern l
Bulaq'out of the Union, and to continue.
the strife betivgen the sections, the Rppuh-I
liogn mnjofity in Congrgsa will in'flict a se- !
i'ioul injhry “pot": the nation, whichyill be}
hanged by an indignant people who. will}
apaeiiily sweep them from all positions 0t"
@0116; xApt! profit. . ' = ,
7‘ The smirlfilcctiou. '
The official returns of am October elec
‘tjon have'at hm been published: Tm re
pull, in as follows: "
For Auziiléi' .(7cuci‘al
If F. Harlmnft, Rnp.,
W. W. H. DJvis, quq
gnrtfinf€’s majo£ity,— ‘
, ’For Surveyor General.
'J. M; Qamnhell. Re'p‘,
:J. P. Liulfim. Dem.,
. Campbell’s majority, 21.956
The total vote polfled wait 454.147. The
vote polleq-in 186-! was-- Lingoln, 286.399 ;
gcplellmi. ,276,316-— 572,706 ; ‘which
0395 1} filling 039!" 118,558. of this num.
ber.tbe‘ Democrhcy Ioét‘GOAGO, and the
sbbddies, 58,089. _ ‘
' When we‘remumbor that our opponents
yore in 'a position to swell the majority for
Lincoln by the most enormous and ba're
‘ {peed lnhds, which 'they did in the army
:a'nd ,elsewhere‘ to the amount of at. least
twenty thousand voles, wc do not wonder thpt
fiheir vote in the recent election fell off
homo 57,991. That. was confidently expec
liled Indjnjedicled. But_lhere is no reason,
one}: our own carelessness and apathy,
pley thelDemocralic vote l‘orlAudilor Gene
;il should not‘linve'been nearly or quilt: up
10 an: of McClellan. MoCieiianjs voto'wns‘
an‘honeet one, not swelled by fraudé in the_
large cities. and by the convenient. manu-e
facture of false rely"): from Ehe any. It:
m the‘menmre ol the Democratic etreng ml
'll Pennsylvania: While the vote cast: for ‘
iincoln can never again be reached by our
‘bpponentsme can in guy well contested cam- ‘
mign poll for Democratic ‘cgmaiflates the
”helnumber of votes cast 'for McClellan.
.TheNficial retur‘ns ’.shuw pm. we have it,
within .our power to carry Ifei‘n'azsylvanial
whenover the full Democr'atic vole is polled.
Let. every Democfat, as he looks over the‘
(able pl returns, pool” that. hemill do his 1
yh‘ole day in the importantyampoign of I
neg! fill; With an open campaign. null
inopor oygsnization. bow or which we shall
hale. we can certainly elect a Democratic ‘
Galvan-nor, and a majority of me 'bers of
Copy-cu. I! mun be done; \léian be ‘
'dqtfl ouilylif every Democrat ‘ 1 lvu to
fiaihil who e'dnly. Let our failqré‘sr the
. _recem diction teach us howTo‘do'oul- duty.
Hun: learn a lessonlf'rom the figui‘es; a
lemon (pll pf hope and of fizqd resolye.
‘bfow York pnmics at present «exp
_to‘b'e‘loplggzhaz m'ixed. 'Marshall 0. Rob-
iii-Lg by! Liven nominated by the Republi
«l a fog Mnynr; Julianne-kc: in the candi.
we of the Mc’zarl Democrau; John T.
‘ubn'mn is the choice 0! Tamjmany um ‘;
idd C. Qadhey Gunther. thb] present-in
:dufinbypy‘? pm on t’he track by the Mo-
Kunming. ;he 7km :upporth Rebate;
ih. wot-Hwy!“- Hoffman glected; an'd the
xw PM} Nags- are insfx§vor of Hacker.~
Fulcg‘tdfl‘aormap appeays lobe [he choicg
of I“ fnfciions @fPfli’WfatjoP Cquusel. udd‘
guppy». v 29"! 96m1." 9° ”9 91'9“.“ by
.9 .11qu ‘,"';°T‘l?.'._L._.__ . .
3 Preyifilcp’lgollnson hugging“ 5 gm
clam-hon _rg'siorilng the '3‘}: or‘/126:4! angina
‘iir'un m 8 Milken: States and Territories;
31.1. ’m i. noz’xmrgd 'in mg Piuxict 9f
(”4' ’. (k n. a...“ ¢ o ..A u.» . —. . a.
Eflm‘ w. ~. _ .
ii iii‘ iihéfié‘i‘i’i’fsfiifiif“ ‘ “
Thc uxcdnngny ncfiv—{riammun in m
The Lancaster Intelligence}. in mph to an
uuicle in the Er; recé,of tint city, on ya.
Sefialoria‘l question in (his diskict, nylr
~ The facts in the nfluir show it to-bo. a
case eatirelv similar to the infsmbtu Given.
fraud in Philadelphia. We In it to
know how the matter fluids. 'l‘hmphb
lican State Central Committee, hinting
plenty ol’ monéy nt itszcommiind, suit a
commissioiicr to Texas to manage the vo—
ting of the 77th regiment. 'l‘hat official
[returned in due time and filed his'repurt
in the ofli-eepfthe dSecretni-y of .gtnte ut
Hurrisliurg. There was no ‘rFturn t alter
the vote for Senator in_tlie 19th Senatorial
District. midnone affecting the majority or‘
W‘mrs. Stenlzer. liq.,‘t‘he Democratic can- i
didute for District Attorney of Frgiiiklin
‘couuty. ‘Mrfmf‘ n was thus fairly clec- ‘
ted to the Senatggnd Mi. Sienm-fiii the I
milieu of Diutfict Attorney. In so i a di
leiiima there was no recourse lor the lie-1
puhlicnnii, except one With which they ‘
ilinye crow {timilmr—the nmiinlticture ot a »
'lmuduleni-return. Arlemdaxu sinoethe
;I‘lothontury‘yf Frngfiklin. e iuiitjt\ received—
’ i what purported tor the vote of company
A, 77th ~llcg't. P. Y., and of Bttttfxy‘ B.—
J‘liese returns/Were pOaLlui’ll kvd "Phil' del-i
phia, Nov. 18," and were sent un’deNe'
frank of Mr. O‘Niell, member oft; tier-wool
AccOiding t'o tlieee returnfl. which hud'been
lforl_i/ days coming flrom Victoria. Texas, IUI
vuu‘e wt-rc rust in Co. A tor llluClinziugliy‘
for Senator, and 17in Bittery B. ID‘tklllg
‘2? in all ; just enough to heat Duncan hy.l
'lu'vo votvn. Better] B also cast. 17 votes tor,
’ ltnwc for District Attorney, just enough to'
LEM \'tengei-. .Nn return of it vote for coun- l
lty officers .wus'iimde l‘ruiii Co..A. It was,
not needed. According to tho require-l
I int-131:5 of a special not for Franklin county l
State and county officers are all voted for}
’on it single slip _of ~liflliol‘. Full tickets
jut-re (it'll! by, .nmil tn 'l'exasflmta letter
iron) the Captain of Cu. A. announces the.
(not that “no tic/wt: rent/tad the Company “"1120,
some wig/it days after [lic election, and that no}
faction [tad tacit field.” The lrtiud in this 9
use is uppitrent'on its vei'y face. No votes l
were out lot; the Franklin county Candi-i
dines for Sherifl ORTl‘Etibul'cl‘, or tur any of}
[the minor oflicee. These were all safely
' elected by the home vote. No doubt this
was well known to the soldiers in Texas on
the day ol'clectionl - c . .
Such are the facts in the .cnse to which
the Erin-us alludes. ltsecms to liuve hid
[some knowledge of the fraudulent charac
lter at this infamous transaction. for it. :
speaks us it it were giently in doubt as to'
i whether the, returns made would lie receiv-l
led us other than fraudulent by the Senate.
lt‘theicl'tire urges Mr. McC-mnugliy to iely}
[upon another dodge. It advices him tel
tc‘nntest the heal. of Mr. Duncan on the;
lgruund that doserlérs-voted tor his oppos’l
lncnt. {hit it admits in the same article!
llltlll even this will not avail. After nhuiingg
lull who rvaded the dull, its mast ll‘ famous I
.and unworthy 0! any of the rights of chi-l
;zenship; and calling on McUiiiinughy to,
wanted on that ground, it says: l
. "'l‘he lnw of Congress, denying the- right ;
ol’vuting to (lt‘MEl'll‘l‘F, lb most lilgvly unit-om}
stitutimul. livery State liiisihe right to.
determine who shall be ‘its voters. Unlessi
somehow constitutionpl issue is raised, the
decision on this pointwill, in all probability;
lgo {wainst Mr. llrli-Conauuhy; and in favor
!(il' Mr. Dunrnn. it" the Uriion linrt'y giiin ‘ti'
!Senntoi‘ in Adams ittid Fl‘ttnklll). i “'1“ be '
by the Tomi-s votes ; and itgiiin tli y ‘inuati
lthtmk the soldiers to whom they owe 50.5
1 ni'ucli. The Union Convention nl th't- Nine-i
tee-nth District tire culpable ‘nnd criminal, I
[and l'l'SlJOUSlllle to the peoplemf the Stute,l
l lot: putting in nomination it (it'll) so ut’tl'mp-i
lulur in his own home, so dfilm‘teful to his“
!own neighbor‘i. It! to run behind his ticket?
i—u ticket which, in the case of the other
'nomiiiees, iivon." j . ' . _
l We have seldom seen tiny newspaper get.
*itselfiuto such it complete rniuddle over
any nintter. The only sensiole thing in I
the whole article is‘ the admission lll‘tj. the l
act of Congress denying the right oi voting l
to deserters is unconstitutional. True, the
provision in our Constitution iié so plain.
that iioapnin can inistakeits moaning ; but.
we are astonished-to hoahh Express admit
that the Constitution oCthjUnited States
' or of Pennsylvania is tiny bar to the arbitra
:ry will of Congress and the President. The.
I editor of the Express must either have bceii ‘
Ipnpping. or he is about. to repudiutcisome
’of the cardinal principles of his party.
i But'the nbeurdities ol the. article to which
’we allude have not all been enumerntt-d by!
us. Titty editor shows a wondrifiil grasp oi"
‘intellect, and it most remarkably logical.
‘ turn ol'mind. by demanding that the legis-|
flature shall at the coming wssion sqameud
the Constitution of ”tie Statedss to prevent
inll desei‘lers and delinquent drafted men
1 from voting or holding any cflif'ot' honorl
,or‘profit.€ lie thus admits the they now;
I have a full right to Vote; that the. effort ot‘i
lilig‘fe‘imhlicnn party to deprive gthem of:
2th ig it in therecent election wn utterly}
_in'violntipn of all law; and further that;
; the Ijegislature has no power to legalize the;
{act at“ Congress under which they were in i
.iiiany instances deprived of their votes.—— I
l But. how will he get rid of those clauses of l
, the Conatitutionsfifthe United Stntes and .
lot' Pennsylvania which declare that “no a:
you facto haw shall he passed ‘2" Will be
have thct wise provision of the Constitution
first blotted Out, by the process necessary’
to amend the Constitution ; end an amend-g
ment ntterwsrds made to the Constitution 5
to fix a penalty upon all deserters and de
linquent drul'ied men? littlbe clause which
declares that no e 1; postfucto law phull be
passeddie not first annulled byian nmend
im‘nt to the, Constitution, we are {it a loss .
to see how the‘cuse of these deserters and
delinquents pdflie renehedmven by Con- .
atitutiouul amendment. '
215. 740
Senator and District ' Attornty
Th 9 Chambersburg Spirit .pf Wednesday;
gives us the following imeresting assurance :
We can assure our frien‘d4 in other parts
of the Commonwealth that. from evidence
now in our possesaion. the contestants of
Mr. Duncan’s Im. in the Senate and the
right of Mr. Sleugcr w the District-Attor
neyship of this cnunly.are not likely to
make much by the operation., The "re
lurnu from Texas" are badly “cooked.” and
when aulijected to legal scrutiny, accompa
nied with the testimony which will be of
fered. will present to public vioh such .-
bold and shameless {ruckus will cover with
confmion the men who tank in gain poni
tiun by such means. ’iron); out for some
thing rich. The authmu of "The Given
Fraud" might prom. by taking lessonn‘l‘rom
some indmduxlr ‘ his section}
l’gur iflhfihicd for Adam.
The Promo wry ofthis county received
a similur "riglurn," pmtluarkod Philadel-
Phin. (figuring four vows. all for McCon
wélflfi Not one of the county candidate:
was voted for-neilhf'r Houck. Kulzmiller,’
‘ orßakex‘. aoidjvrs, no: Cover, Wolf, Meagan,
‘ Norm. or Withelto‘w. The return but vote.
an]! {ol‘ McConcsghy. on written tickets.
and the Remm' an Suite undidlwe, on
printed tickéta! , . i , “
The exposure of this fraudulent Ittelfipz
to gel McCunnughy into line Senate, It!"
havingbeen benlen at !he polls, (lhc (man!
man inluk awn county!) will be» tlmronghly
exposed in due time. The guilty yin-1m»
may well (fireuiblu in View of it! ‘
’ 'fi‘pq. gum», accomranied by Max.
cog-fin {mu Surgeon Gena-Armin” mica
fur Cqbg‘ _lutjweék, '10: the; bt-na 6| pr the
Qovgyuofli 1125.11»? Sécfetary Slu’ér will
august to thadutiea Br an: Kiowa" nice
M 95 515???? ~"2 " ' '
-- T-7 - -- -
” Editorial Ind Wm 3mm“, \
Every m-gro nnested in New Oriana k
found/aha armed, :
A gun h Uficgmld his vow for abnrral ,
of flfiur. ,On (“telling the bat-[s| a fog:
pbunlh of flmr w'u found-“it thetop—dhej
'reu was Inwdnst.‘ served'him fishy—Ala
My (Irw- . *
Among the mm A; the White 110.... ;
on same-y wasln lady who inlemded {on
“the pardon o? the niideg. Harry fiihnor. ' ,
Thpddeus Stevens, who [_nu beeni. Wash
ington for some Hays, is unslinte'din his 49‘-
nunciulinns of die [President's policy.
The Mzclrigzu‘x {lumen uré said to hnvs
clefircd a ’mllliori an! a half of dollals by
the nrplé trule. “’
The Choctnw Indium ire busily murder
ing glue m-g s. I ,
The Prmt has rescinded General
'l‘hqmns’prdvrrlosing the Episcopal church
es of Alabama: '
The armed Creedmen _nre od'gpgnitting all
sortp of rolfibexies and outrages in the vicin.
{g ofShruvéport, La. " t
‘ Riward Dues, of Mksnuri, who was a
member of Mr. Lingoln’s Cubinet, new acts
with lhé Democracy of that. State.
Ex-Pre‘sidenl Pqerce. who has been dan
exously_ill, is now convalescing. All dun
qu is belieyed to be‘pnst. "
The new bridge to be suspended—Rhos:
”19“}qu at Cmcinnati, will he 10.057 fém.
long—the longept suapension bridge in the
world. \ \~ .5
A man. yeaenbly passed] a cquntnrfait'SlOO
Uniu-d Slul‘eq comphund interest note}
. Gen. I-‘xnmkl‘m’a salary as nmnagur 6f the
Cow: Army Camp“? will be $B,OOO pe‘r
~lc is'blu‘tmi that the “%i3Dopartmmt de'!
lecliYE' force [s' already heiirgsreduccd, and i
that the Old Capitol at. Wmihinélou has
cemd to be nvprl‘on. ' \ I
'l‘hree persons v'vere sen need to\l\euth in 1
Pittsburgh on Stturdaylfweek ; “N for'
murder by violence am! the third’foppgi-I
éoning. \}
' The ex-febel General Terrill, of Twins,
has been pardoned. - ,
Wasteful extravagance. The carpet for
the‘House of Representatives cmu‘u from
England and cost $7,000. . -.
' Advibes froz‘n ‘aneau. N. P., announce
the [ti-fiance of Lisuleuunt Gunerpl Julnl
A. lifi‘ly in that. placenwhere he is residing
for the present, and is engaged in wriLing
ix hislbry ofhis. cumygiuna. -‘ ‘
filésws. Houstnvi niid Parsons have. been
elected U. S. Senators from Nahum-L
A Pic¢c of History.
' The ”on. Gebrge F. Curtis'made a spec-ch
! m the he‘mocrncy‘ of Broukiyn a few wm-ks
}ago‘.' He, in, the time nfUluy and Webster,
ibelnngudan the old W big party. ‘ 'l‘hxs ’con-
I vex'entinn‘ took place Lhr‘ee duyu' preyitlus to
‘the deith vqf the last alute’sman of Massa
‘éhuqelts. Chitisr was with him, and gives
__ clue of his 1.151 ~words :’
'll'a hall lneon vbty ill {(‘H‘ severnl Ilnyi. and
in mm fl‘pP'Jl‘fi‘HL tmull übnut hi u that his
lifr‘wns' ngm rnnitllyhnll umxluiilly drawing
to its «lune. lie had Nut morning, for the
fir~l LINN": during sew-ml (lays, lumd mm»
lllll‘llllfln to the [lqlitii‘ul nows'; it wasjusl
before the Presidential uleclinn. \vhiclLru
salted in the. choice of Gan. Pn-rce ovr-I
General Scott, and the returns {mm some
of the pre’vnom Stale vleclions ‘(k‘l‘H‘CUlDlHl
in pretty hmwily nguimt. us \Vlllg‘. We
were nlgine together, and I mentioned to
him the news which ‘hml comp down from
Boston the nightbefore. calling in'e lb his
hedsidp by my Christian name, he will :
“The Whig candidate will not be elected.
You love your co Intryi and you think its
welfare involved’in \Vhi: success. This
has been 50 : lint. let. me w:u_n you. a_.: you
love your cou try, tq giw no countenance
to a sectional geographical pnrty. The
\Vhigi, after this election, will Drunk up.
and upbn the ruins of our party a; :ebtinml
paity will arise. The sgihilltyof thr. Union
will hereaftenlepend upon tthemocrncy. ’
‘iDainiel ,Wehster faves“: what. Win coming.
and if he were living now, would say, with
more emphasis than he diel— to Curtis, that
the hope forflonstitulioaal libel-(y ilqicndal cu (It!
Democratic party! ' . -
E‘Mannr-as [mme 533} that a ntenmer
proceeding up the Rio Grande with a. de
tachment offiFrench marines on Bonid, was
fired on from the Amelicnnkjdc by men
dressed as Federal withers. The fire was
not returned; The Rum/um ob‘énrves that
it appears to be the settled purposeo'f some
persons to bring on a. war ‘between :thes
United Suites and Mexico, and that. recruits i
aro being eulis‘ted on the Americm side of ‘
the river'b‘y the "dugfims." :‘
wJobn P. Reéd, Jr., tried week before
last, in the Court of 0301' and '_l‘erminnr of
Bedfurd county, for Hie murdor of Juobb
Grouse, has Been acquitted. It {yas con
clusively proved on'thc trjal that the shoot,-
ing 6f Cmpse was in self-dpfcnce‘. The
c‘ounsel for thede‘fencé were llon.Davigl Paul
Brown, of Philadelphia, ;Hpfi: F. M. Kim
moH. of Chumbers’bng, nnd Wm. Ly’ofi and
"Geo. H. Sparig. E-q‘n. of Bedford.
@The Westmimter Democrat office hav
ing been destroyed by a. mob, and its editor
murdered. the Democrat: of Carroll county
were withontapaper somemontha. Another
bas‘beén started in in stead, however, and
we hope it will receivatltanourngement
an liberally extended will predecessor.—
Wm. H. Davis, E4q.. is the editor and pro
urietor of the new paper —the Democratic
Advomte-‘which is printe'd on new type.—
Looks well—and ipenks well.
”The! other day wq nw 3 little nigger 1
pommbnlating the ”street. nnd liste'ned to ‘
his long, the chorus of which was: ‘\
, “Tip and bye we‘ll own all do [.\nd." \
Mum pied-m rule of mortality. accord
‘nig to_ "Freedman? Bureau” management,
in n‘few ymn‘tfie most of them wil'l Iba in
;mspssion '0! three by sii feet of the land
they covetg but will not till. _
Southnn’ffilngreuan—Senntor llnhn mt;
mint the Implohabllixy of any Southern
mgmbers getting into Congress. 'l‘euneauoe
seems to form an exnnplmp. Invwver. and
her dvlogation. it is believed. will bendmila
ted by cnmmon consenl.—»N. YlJ'rilmu.
The point of thin pnragnph is quite ap
parent. Ao'cording to the Constitution. the
Provident must vifldally be an inhabitant
‘ol'one of the fluxes oi We Uxiion-A-gnd Mr.
Johnson would occupy u very ”'l:er po
vition as Praidmtr‘rom a State mind: (I’m!
Therel‘cre. “Tooneme hm lorm an excep
-linn," and he: “delegation 1310 be udmngaal
1'! ; commun consent”r-'to avoid the tran
j hlo‘mmfi'qm‘tlion tokli‘ve to the feuibiluy
1 of pennimng n Ibra‘yner to hold the pacific»
‘o‘ FmfldguL—thurk Journal. >_ > \
i par 10.6ono‘F5’u mam ta' Wil
mington by Genera Quermnnf’a. died
heir-own“: "lb 0! Hugh nu! mm»; of
‘wyw. ~. . r, ‘ .;V:§.‘:
I}; _'
PAIR FOR THE CEllEl‘Eln'.-"—A number
of little guls, constituunzthe “Myrlleyfi'mlh
Society," m milking firepn’ationa {if I Fnlr
forlhe benefit 9! Ever Brew Centaur}, lo M.
held‘ on [llleg funding Christmnl, ln Nev;
Cowghy'a Halltrtflaey luv. been hnslly at ‘
work'tor me 111-\tjgemng up articles, gab
thelr eollection is hfnedy quitt- attraéfive.— .
But tlie amount end variety is not unlit-lent
{or the pur‘poae, and they uppeal to the citi
iens for help, either in money, or in such a:—
ticlee u would be suitable for the Fair. They l
are engaged in a good work, and are mani
fesdng mnEh interest end industry in it. Let
ell extend a. generous helping bend, and the
fesult will be It handsome conl‘ribugion [oWu\l'd!:
the further adornmefit of our historic “God’L
Acre." ' l
Connlbntion; wm be raéeived at the Hai
“dance Of—Mfl. H. 3. Woods, in West Middle
street,br at the You: Office, in Bpltimorwatrcet.
day evening, Rev. J. R. Name; at the solici
tntion of the Managers o'f Ever Green Ome
tory, delivered his Lecturé on. the “Battle of
Gettysburg." The court hail n 93: crowd'éd,
a large. number of extra nous having been ra
qnired to sent. .11 in attendance. Both sexes
turned Out, mnking Imiof the most. cornely
audiences we _chl" saw in the 'bujlding. ,
The exert-Hes were (mt-net! by Rev. Dr.
Sclunucker, President hr the Cemetery Ano
ci nlion, who, nftcr dwelling ugmn the debt of
the Cemetei‘y m‘rd the enlnest desire of the
management to have it liquidated as early n 5
possible, Introduced the Ice tunr For the even;
ing. ’
.\lr. ‘Wnrnor started with the hepinning of
the etents which culminated in the bloody
lmulu (.l' thtysburg—the Fedenl doll-at at
.L‘rlmnccllorsvilln, n‘ml the encountgemont whit-In
‘ it gave to the reln ls, leading to their determi-f
nation to immle the North—the advance in
puruumice 01 that. determination, and, u‘rthe
first real scene in the dramn, the rebel dcl‘ent
nt Beverly Furd, where Stuart hecnme‘sepnrn-I
\te\d from peel—the capture uf Winchester and ;
thg‘eresxiug of the Potumnc by Lee's unny— .
theilfifinlrnuce into Pennw‘lrnnin —E:Irl):'s:
pnlsngklhrpugh (ieityslmrg to York on l“ri-.1
day ‘32qu the |{mule—the rehel ;rcugniznuce?
from Cashing-n tu Selninmy Ridge on Tuesday,
find the nrrimlvhr Bulornl's mvnlry the sun:
day—the coneéhtratiqn of both prmies,’ and'
their wilisiun on‘tlie WL'SI. nun] north 0! (ict-'
tgsbuig o_u‘\‘\'e.lné.~.l‘ny, resulting in much loss .
of-lil'e, nml the retredihftlw Fedeml tréups ”to
(Jenictcryfllrll—tlle termite butlc lll'TllllI“§"
Fontinnlng l'er I'lhe middlel‘ef the nl't‘ernomi,
\m myre o: lvss \ignr,t|li~4{ugll the whulg
ll}, t—lhe uompumthe lull dx riug the lure
vim ol Friday, mm \ha resmhglun Vol' the
struggle in the nfu-rnoon—the repulse of the
rehcls, rhoir heavy Inns, and their tone.“ on
Snlurll'xy. Al lllt'flt palms were nllmlwl go
in thclr ouler, aunl in n rlyle su L-n ;nging and
cqum-m. 2|: to hnld the nmln-wu «let-pl) inler
estcd du‘r‘ing the -l.wo hours ruluircd in the
deliver) ol'lhc Leuturu. , ’
Al the conclua on. :1. mm n’f thank? was‘ten.
dart-d Mr. \Vurncr l'nr lhu- rirh lrcv nll'lr 1 ed.
Th.- prowcds; Wu nun-nun], :ouuuLcd to
$73 25
, }m‘)I’I§RTY S \LES.—.‘3irhol I! Cwlnri Ln:
sold hxs firm on the Yurk turupEkn; in Si rp
hervl Stmmcxs, of IzulLiundre—GU acres, _for
$4,900 may. ‘ .
* Wm: McClcnn, Esq”, has sold 2:! acres nflnnd,
with improvements, in Buljer !nwualnp, w
Ruhr-rt Newnmn, for $4OO rush.
John McCullough hus‘soM his farm in High
land township, w quuerlck Smith—Bo LIL-ms,
rm- $1,650. ' ‘
\ Mrs. ‘.\f:\ri:\ \Vinlrnvhx hn: .ioiv] her pr merry,
at. the luwér r-nuLof Carlide street, to Rev.
Samuel Smith, (or $4,300 cash.
Mr. J. Lillle, as Age-IL (u.- the Heirs ur J:§cnh
Little; deceased, Inn's snld me read t-slatb ul'snid
aé'cezth hear the Two 'l‘xu‘n-rnsi—cnnsi«jug of
32 «err-s u!,\vilhilnprx)\'§~—to Juswll
SlockflAglc, fur $1,700. ’ "
NORMAL SCHQHL.—IIy nn nct ol'Asscm
b‘ly 0(1857, Cuznbcrlnml, Adams, Franklin,
Fulton, Bctlfnrd, iluntingdon and Blair conn
ties were constituted the 7th Nonnnl School
[)istrigt ot the State. _ln two other portions
ofthe Stlitc schobls of this chugucwr lune been
estnbhahed—one' n‘t Mtllersvillc,, Lnucnstcr
county, 'nnotlier at Edinshom’, Eric count}.—
the former having haul in the past ycnr 607
students of nll gmdcs, rind the lam-:- 817.
There is _a movement now in plugress to es
'lbltsh one iu_.this Distric‘t ; and 1 Convention
of delegates, one for twenty-five uchn 013, from
the whole‘Nortn'nn school district. is to meet
in Chumbenbnrg on the [Oil] of. January,
1866. A convention of Frnnklin county dele
gntea is to be held on ‘the 29th of December,
with a view to secure it there,- us a pecuniary
ndmntngc, itnd n. convenient school to educate
their sons nnd dnughtera. ‘ ‘.
.FATTENING TURKEYS.—-As this kind oi
pduitry is largely represented in this pines
and county, preparntqry to their being“ ascri
ficed as an oifering at. the Christmas lloiidnys,
We give the following receipt {ct lattening
the same. inhich is taken from the American
Agricultural: “For each lurke‘y mix [I pint of
Indian men! with one pint dfiunbolled flour,
and pour boiling water on it, stirri in; rapidly
\ tili it terms thin mush. Place the dish where
‘ lle‘awla (gun have access to the lad nt,nny
time. Let skimmed milk or water be given
also. in two weeks they will be fa: nnd oily
M butter. They “ill bitten hatter to Imm
i their liberty in ‘n ipacioua yard."
, -7 A . .__ “.__.
36'1“» Unlml Sula: Telegraph Company,
(which hu an ofllce in this pluco,) hnl com
pleted in line ta‘ Richmona, "an, and the
cilia in that city ii now open. The liric will
Iliortiy be opened to Petqrahnrg, and will be
puihed louthwnrd as rapidly as possible, that
nfl'ording much needed telegraphic flmlllicl
to that section of country. , ,
E‘We haye received'thegAmcrican Agrile
'lurut for November and Dccu-mbcr, and are
niuch pleased will: it. “is devoted to the
farm, garden and household, gun! the informa
tion which 115 well filled columns couLlih is,
in 11w main, of a highly practical-ch sucker
jun the {enluru to give \‘aluq to such a [nib
lioalion. The Agru'ullun'd in published mqulh
ly, by (Jung. Judd it 00., a: 41 Park Row,
"New York. Subscription price 31,50 per an
i num in maniacs—single copies 1i: cenu.
.V- .._...Nm .__... .. ‘.N:__.... . 1‘ ‘ ~ *
wanna-t over'y day the bum: field of 0'" “1‘ door 0' the Home of Represents-k
Gen, shut: is visited hypartlcs from the South, “'9“ bearing the inscription, “‘NP Soreign:
friend. ofnbelu who were killed in b.m|e,£or‘°" “amine” 1" ..., 4 ’ ‘
. s -- A - » t A ‘ ~>— —»
the WHIP" of recovering_ thve budth of It». “Pomey'gflrm says-hut "an increase‘
“WM 7“" “"1"“ """“‘K ”1"“ ”mmjf 0' hntion iit‘he only true ecohomy.”-¥! -—-v—‘oo9-0 ~74-
to their home: In the_ South tor re-[nt - “’11:! any the lawyers? D 0 “)9! "Ind. PROF J ,‘EfES‘AgnogggxiiatundA tit
_’ “...: ._ rm,» ~ 3 more taxes? . “Qua? u} 3.1114, uéllfiid, islio~'atednl:.h3{>:
”Attention In directéd to the udvortlse- . ’_‘-J.--“ .0 , "77—:— 519? E5l 6".“ PHILADELPH A when: er
meat. of a fine f-nn nem- Tune IWu Md . 3“ paragraph 'l’“ been 30“”! around sous afli-cudwith disease: onha l-l'l'E‘ot-ESR
0‘ b I _ {NIII .V 0 , --'m the newspapers to the etfect. that: son will b‘e scieutlfiwll)‘ u-mu-d nnu cured, if
nod . .7 Lawn“, . Thin _hs vat, of Ex-grwdgntfolk ga- litendlns‘to“cumble. §.u.—wflulcmp “Jain-med
dour-ble PNPGNY; “my pmonl “mg" to .mulu. “3 Nashnlle. for an eutgrpnnng without pun. No chufgas wude for e‘xumi u.
Pun-chm th.mtf-!lWnu m . Imfngg‘vfmfgnx ;iflg‘fvegllgonm- tion- News“?! Malt: it ”with no
7" _-_- ;_ -_ __ ~~l._ , ‘4 g. enu u [in am." i; nev‘er'ghu no mum in geotxrelunu L. ‘
i ”We u‘nt todd—wood—qood—loodl'hldann. ' ' * {w- !r Jul! ”113059 ”my ' ' .“I, i T
. ‘ "#7 For the Compiler. .
' Advice to Poxlmulm.
Dear P. JP: :—Feeling duply inleruhd in ‘
your welfare,nnd having had IOmQ little ex
perience in ‘fl-‘ounl abin,”l will ginyon
the fnllowing,whieh jot-will (Sloan read, at
has: prove “Mullah!" to long ol'yon : _ ' i
, You should, in lhk‘firu phce,'lnve order,
”item, Arr.lhgemeut,\in ‘your boxes wd‘
drawers. {l‘ does 11% aka, however, how‘
nanny difl'rronl. kinda of pine" you have to
gether: Tribunes, Americ‘ips, Compilers,
Stars, may all be lhrown law {we promiscuous.
heu‘p ! _ ‘~ l
And then you can oécasionnllxlay out a
paper for wuflmdy to read, and it ~the owner
comes let it. it. fill of courts be “alluight”
with bid: if yo‘u isn't fi‘nd m 1 _ '
Accidents you «know will happen, nn3\ in, _
' “ 'bl _mutilnled‘," “w“ —‘ -"’H ‘M
may?“ find n, afterwardl tern y \ l mAtSalemMmguhnaeLu. week before
and giyc it. to bun several tycoks utter the reg-“u“, George W. Stone—who matured and
“‘l‘" Jammwhy °f ““r" that mu be m” weathered mid otherwise m in April
right tpol . ‘ . ‘ . , hat by a mob offi'uoddy thieves, inf-Swamp:
Yes, ’11.)! 5., always try to keep up a.varie- I igoi‘K becausfi h? was represented an saying
‘3 l A V", ‘0‘": "y to d°’ Ithmk, i' to have: that. he regretted that Liueoln bud not died;
a lot of “back numbers," üboul *1 5'9" 0”: ' “u.“ years sooner—was nwurded “00“ ,
that have not been liiud, and luv. thgm “well‘ \ ‘ . . ‘l“ .“m
; . . n . . 1 ages by the buprame Judicial (nut t.
muod“ mth thef‘latcst prints 1 0t couru It. ‘ -—\r _~_ ,”w HV_ V__ -
won't take you fang to "aasbzt" them- Be 60-1 WWuLXeuuedy, EH] [has Withdrawn
comtuoduting,ohligitlg. lyis “very plenum" ‘ lrom the S‘bimKensburg Sentinel, m jnin the
10 A Perm“: “be" M dnl" ' 3“,!" ‘3 ‘beleditorial Eorps at the Ced'lisle Volunteer.—
Om“: 'O-be senmtf by "fir‘l‘ “““l” 2° find.“ 115 is an able anl\h‘pirited writer, and we
week ur my after the very sume letter ‘unmull- 1 wish him abundant sloch
at," .md repginghniong some "100% pllperi” l. .-_ - « . --—~—' ‘ .
Whenever a yuung gentlemuu‘or lady drops [ ,Whul Przntw: Sgt—(Erentico says: “The
a letter in your 0315?; be Inn to milk" 3011104 two Wings ot’ the Rt'pllkllm‘ul pnrty are as
remark. Ask Whttlleritis n “love 191l0r.”§sk; much at variance us it they won: the wings
till the "importiuent questions" you (u‘m thi 1k .of dlll'ere‘ut 1.0051185.” -‘\ _
of. ln case nny person calls for a lot of “Phu-11, - _.. ”.77. ....._,_.__.,\__
togmphs" sent. him, it. level-y “pleusunt and ‘ WOW JUHUC't'v Ulnlb‘c has decided {hill
egrceuble" to see the" Mrs. P. M. 2mgK all the l Where a furcigner owm stockilfiu ruilrwd
lutllc l'. M’s. trying to get _u "pm-[r ! .\nchompuny, the cumpuuyvgnu‘t p-ihtlm m
thou it. is qulle agreeabls for the Mrs. P. .\l, to ; come tax, and any tax under Stalin~ lnwsd
make some remark, such as: “Pnrlies' in without deduction: at imarest. \\l ‘
vv- 1 ' Iv , . l * ‘ ‘ <4*>>‘ -- --"
the” 2 “Don t (all: every not: and thin, to l ‘ Haw the Labofiug .11-ln is I’voltrlnl.—A'll}§e\l
send u pm-knge of paper:, mulled for your. 1 4 ~ _
. _'_ _ . .-. U estnbhshment to nxg‘nufucturoibteel 13 to b
ulfice, bnek t 9 the plu.e lrom Mmh they . .
sud-ted. The subscribers will not, of course, esccted near Harrisburg, 9nd one tli‘ousuhd'
“5w anvthingy .‘ .» : workmen um. 10 be brought. trout Lnglu‘m'l
l; is u‘.t particular who ”changes the mail“! Ito “ark l“. n” We 'lllhflflll‘ hlgh. “gm"
Yuu can übyomt any upsurt, if he only "cun “”2“? ‘0 NOW“ and 3W6 work to American;
mu] :1 little}: \lt‘s‘ “all the sums.” laruzuns. . :4--. ' ‘ l
.1311! I think “Ith have given you is 5111‘-'
ficirnl. It you carefully follow the “instrfic
tion!” as gn‘cu above. and lbl‘fl don‘t get li)?-
plonms’” h'o‘m‘ 11.0 P. 0. Department, it. won't
be your full, Yours, Jam, ‘ ‘
Ifcnmmnjfl. DATY
THE LADY’S lißlEND.——The December
number of this favorite magazine" is u superb
one. The lendmgfitecl engim‘iug, in il‘lustrn}
flung! Une Lexi, ’
"Childru-n‘s children nrle the crown of old mad,
And KILL-glory u.’ chil-lzun are their fllhefs :"
1! one that will 110 home to 'mnny hearts.
The cngmm] lillc page is truly beuulilul—it
i 5 a con. nl art. I It peprescnls the Past. and
tho Fut‘nrc--uhile around.
‘~'l'hclimohird= sing East, nud the litLlo birds
. Billg.\Ves(,”
{0 use -:| 'wv-H known l’ne finm \[r'§.Bro\vnixlg's
bvuunful “Rhyme of :he chhesa‘MJy." The
home Cnlurcd Sm: Fashion mm- for tfi‘ais
mnulmr pit) ho prououmed by‘thu Indies u-
pcrb," ul- gl'u- ‘wc ..u'c H'ry greatly mismk
TIMI [ln-re am: cumming: of the lit-3v (ash:
in j \ukus, cloaks, embroidery, coill‘urcs b
nutafllc. The literary- mnmzr is Mullen:
usual :-- ”Only n child,” (illustrated) by .\l
F’rust; “Over the Swahy Florence Perv
“.\l_\ Counclnpg" “M 37 Bountiful Sister,"
Louis Uhaudlcr‘ \loultun; "’Wrccke l," _v
ms .\. L. Mun?) ; “Mr. Brown’s Boys," {by
qunns Lqe; “phanges in the llousthulJ uf
(calm Mir I", Spinsler." hy ‘Mrs. .\l.lrg.|‘rcl
Hum-er; “Giovxmno T«)Sll'li,”pby Miss Aubu-
Von" her; “To” In the Sun," by Beatrice
Coimmu -, Néw Pnhlitfifions, Roceipxs, 1 \e
l‘xwuun“. elm, LlL—making uhoguher n.
s‘nlgnJld number; - ‘ - ~
I’lire $1.031 3eu’r; 2 comes $4.00; ‘3“ch 1-
iv; (Mu! one gmlis) $l6. Now is the time 0
got up clubs for 1566: Speciu‘h‘n nnml-rr: r
lhis purpése will be sent. for 15 cents. “the -
er and Wilson's cqlubmt-d Sewing MachinhEsr
urc furnished as Premiums in certuih ran-s.‘
The l‘aospéutua of this luwgnzinelfor nexucur
embodies a splendid lIEL of contrihulors.
Address Ducox 8: Pnunsuxfilfl\\'.dnmSt.,
v. Philadelphh. n
WILD CATS ABOUT—Mré qucis Will
shot.“ Wfld (2M. in ,tbe mountain, a few wax-ks
ingo, and on Friday night Lust, Kinsey C'ulli:qu
511 M one M Weiglc‘s dam; ugly threw milcsfz'qm
this pluck. - x _ ,
; Ref-Stu- fourth page
F W'l‘h’e {axm’ers of Ilhnnh are being
syindled by rascals who represent them
selves as “oil operators.” The ,mmlue opc
randi consists of'n party appearing on u
Jami and alleging that it. contains oil. , A
bargain in then made that m-Xls b 8 sunk,
Dthe farmer giving his note {pr one or two
’tllouund dollars. payable when oil is .de
, Veloped, but, (He notednvs not. "contain lhlis
; siipulation, andpj enurso it is sold, leaving
[the farmer to pay it. a'cconding to its face.—
I'l‘he‘lllinojs papers complain fiery much
1 about. these tramaclions.
”The Rev. Dr. Scham} Professor 50f
th-ch History and BiblicaHLit-amure in
the aTheological Seminary of the German
Retofmed Church; at Méucmi'slmrg. has re
signed. to take efl‘uét on the last. 01 Decem-
Ber. 18 5. His lesignntinn was ngccplod by
the Sy‘ 0d; and'Lhé Ram'Pruf. [ligbee was
unanimously elected to fill the vuquncy.
T. Stanwloilha flu in His Bonnel.-'~Tlmd.
Steiena, vyho but} been here for some days,
talks with the utmost. freedom “-..pocnng
the hourse’he/ufd his friedda intend to
pursuw. H'e fenenncea the policy of the
Precidenl. wi bout. Mint, and‘ will take an
93in opportunity ufter the ‘l'SlOmang of
Congmq to enunciale his own viewi—
Therg in considqmble pressurg t 9 prevent
his reappointment to the chnirmm‘uhip of
the Ways and Means Corbmiueo.—' Muh
ington Letter. ‘ ‘
”The pr York Congressional delega
.tion are abouq Loput forward Ihcbard A.
Shannan for Clerk of lhe_ House. in opposi-
Hion to Mr. McPherwn; the present incum
‘bent. ‘ ' ‘ ,
.r Whey ‘sayjooxelyn the Capitol. that
McPherson, the cfierk of the Home oi: Rep
.reaentutives, will huge a huge placard posted
, . Conscience Money. - -
I The total amount of conscience money
‘receivcd 111 the Treasury l):part:ut<nt for
the your _eudmg with June but was 520.875.
It was‘r‘aévived in sums “flying from 50
cent: m 8500.
Tho thou Inmncement is made by
mlegnph‘from wuhinmnn. It. is decided
ly suggestive. If over $20,000 has’ been re
tdmed to the United States Treasury by
loyal thoves within a year. in petty zugm
of from 50 cu. to $5OO. how much must. un
conscionable loyal eoogndrels have'amlen
during Aha! Lime, o'r during the reign of
the loyal party ? That: is a sum for lqynl
édltors and loyal people ggnerally toéy'phar
at. Wln-n any of Ihem reach an approxi
mate result we shall be glad to hear flom
tEFm. '
@‘A (we uf luv; n 1 Hm! night occurred
on the Erie Ruilroml, In“ “‘H’k. A génlls.
mun entered Into conYi‘lsminn with a lady
passenger, they wvro mutually plctbml will:
ouch other, and when Hwy arrived at El
miga they .got om, sought. a lml‘aOH, Sud
were'mui-rled. ,
3‘30"» of NW IMH thmgs nf‘tho «mum»
ii that u! I‘llwhnluh‘2nl'pmn, who has «hit-lured
in fnvnr of puymu the. rvbul mu- debt whou
it hecnmvs Hue, v 37. , after "lho ixnlcln-u-l
-vncc m" the (‘.-nl'uunrule Stun-s :lmll hue
lleen secured.” , '
fink Bulfido hurghrmfiwr {vex-king (lili
gemiy fur sewnul hours! A f. w nights MIH'P,
to gain enlxnnoc to n mfr. wln‘vh 'he finally
ofl'eckpd by menus Inf gunpowder, WAS re
w-mlcd for his lnbur by the (jimovcry ”rum
dulluln and eighty CPHL“, um. being the. en
uro Amount the enfa (‘o!)tllnm].
‘ *- ~ ‘
‘ These planter; '..u\u Im.- Luxuyrclnl-da of Lid
tutthur nud‘the fleanhty o! a allk glow.—
'1 hey have run‘d "nun-mu veins and external
fllH‘ulialllS. For an unldians uf We «host,
wo-gm nbuul the didphlugm ur uppur poniou
of lhu lm“ ME, in colds Ind cuughs,_lorlujlmca
of the blck,lor all s“.qu ur hrufiés. fur :1
wchlhlumk, for nervous Imm: of {he bowrls,
uud uthL-j HL'.\'-n.= .nflmli .ns and Chlulpf'u for
head alrécumu,— n all these \uzu the); 11;)“:
to be naed to M properly Ipprocintbd.
Du. l. I'. unsnnnsds’s Ln'rzn
. anvilim. Lmnnmm. Minx-hr 8, KEV-0.;
Ur. T. Allvm k—Sir: -I.h.ue lu-nn suffering
'uu :er n scwn- :mnck u! ncumlpiv I‘iarfliu d!
In) buva fur _vn-urs. wuh hurrrlruphy u! “qu
hmrx, and hm v: lx'Lc-l cwryhnzg kmm n In khf
pruHivé of mt‘dit'in't from the wry but .\I. D ..g
hut. lrull: pzumpls Inc to my vhn! .\uur plasters
haw gm'n me more )‘cnmm-nl relief lh m
anything the l lulu: used; aunll buhHu “ill
prmlucu n perm-"t x-u’rc. '
'l‘lle ruuulvr-irrxm‘nt «We; armour Marvin’s
is pruduu‘l in such n x'nild nu‘l gm-lunl Way,
Hwy so nwigurvle the ('in-u! man nrnund the
pans to “Li‘h [Loy ure xii-plied, n-d ox‘rg
upon :11] lll‘l\'llu~ diumh's such :1 menu new
live influence-{HI u I 5113- 0 [hell] (‘unlidcully all
the head 0! cu-ry flunk-x- mm m lA:L'.' “
. K Yours, wry Irnly‘, - ‘
Nov. 20f 1m ’ ‘ j. 'l‘. 11:1.“ DERSOX, \I. D.
Pint lmlllc: n; >1 _eme, for luau-mas, emu,
gulls, colic, spmius', kc.,wurrnnled chouper
llmn‘ any mhur. 11. is used by nll the great
huh-‘Clllell on ngy Inland conjsu. It “in
not cure rung Lune or apm‘in, us there i5lO
liniuwun in misteuwj‘mu. VHH. ,Wlm‘ i! is
swim} to clue it puhnu-ly doc_s. .\‘o owner
of homes will be without. th-r trying out:
bu_lllc. Un'e dnu- 1m iu-s uud‘oflcn muscle the
1110 ofnn over-heng or drhcu horse. For
colic und wily-ache,“ lyaa never fuiled. Just
as sure as the sun rises, just so sure is this
\ulnnhle Liniment m be the Horse embmcn
lion oflhe day. Suld by all glruggisls. Ufliéae,
{>6 Conlaudtlb'ln-el, New York. [Nuv.2o. 1m
Ls those-who hill in the rebel rnan Imdoum
edly do, is foolish. Bul. on silepther [mud
us those who are wise ana prudent enough to
, remedy the dcfccxs at nature with
Are doing eury day, iii eyery City of the U
ujou, is omii.tnliy-Ivrniscw:urlby. This peucp
iul revolution is going {on throughout the
a hole land, and tixus beauty and lmnuony sup
plant hmneli'nl-ss m d incxjugmily. Manufac
lurml by J. cms’i‘ADOßt ,No._o Aswr House,
New York. ‘Suid by Druggisls. Applied by
all Hair Dressers. [Muy a. 1m
IiKON 1N 1115185500.
Tn: anmx svuvr-‘suppiiea the blood
with in Lm: EunnJßU. ,iul‘usingSnum-u,
Vmon nnd NIWJAIFBiIIH) e whole ”sum.—
For Dnnruu, Dump", ,unomc Luuinon,
Duumn‘, ”nub: Wnnisahkm, u is nape
ciuc. Thousands have been chunpad by ‘lho
use of this medicine tram wank, siLkly, sufl'er
ing cultures, to “rung, ;bcdlhy sud happy
men and women. :
A 32 page punphlet lent Fru. .
Pnce $l.OO per bofizle or 6 for $5.00, ‘
J. I’. DINSMURE, 26mg- 81... New York.
Bumpy)» hgzisu generall F [Sept. 25. 73:3
A: [Human Discount
A Fun. Gnu; of iodine in each when of w-tet,
diuolwd wulwul‘h aolmll
The mom. Pownvm.‘ V’l'ulzuo Aun- And
Run-mum: known. SOJIULA, film-Runny
Cactus, Ruxmuruu, Conunnon, and our
ny Chronic and Hereditary. Unmet, fly and
by its use, In Lbouuudpcan testify. 'ercglgu
sent tree. Price $l.OO per bow: at Gfor $O.OO. ‘
Dr. H. ANDLRS & ‘OO., Pbysicayny and
Chemists, 4-5 Browns}, New York. boldr by
Dragging geu‘eruuy. : [Seph 25. Sun
other medicinl-a'or bottles in use
Une'. upplu‘nlion externally or a few drop!
taken inu-rnnlly will Inslnmly Ireo thnn!-
ferer from the most violent n’lhl Lerrible’pfinl,
and resloxé the weak, fwlfie and prom-“ed
lraine to strength nnd \‘iunr. .
Looseness, dlnrrlrum, chulrm morbul or
painful discharge: lruln the lmwol: are Hopped
in fiftron or» tucuty minim-s Ly Inking lud
wu‘y’s llemly Relief. .\'o cnngu‘ion or ln~
llnmnmtion, no wmkne-s or lusmudc will (ul
luw .Ibe ule of the R. 11. Holirf. _
_B'nrjmml ache.» lwlllcr sick 0; nervoul; then:
nintism, lumlmgo, pains and quknul in !an
hnt‘k, spine or kidneys, puins nrontul IHI- llnr,
plturisynwellinzs nf thisjninu, pn'mu in “no
bowels. hunlluurn nml pniu: oan’Rindu. le
wn'y’s Bondy ni'lll'l will nfl‘urd inmu-lliuw: case
n‘nd it! rmltinuLd use for A low dnys filed a
11erumuL-111. curu. ‘
. Sold by druggisu, and In No. 87 Maiden
Lam. . [(‘ul. 2. 2m
SECRETS! run 1111: “Hum !—.\ moat ”In:-
Me and “undrllnl publication. A work of
”mlww’l “-I\‘l-11\'Tr!.\’rllt {lv-:zxxv. "mm-s
I'xmu, (.xum- 5‘ Mb. Mu nymnllr. and vlrnnl
Sill”. lizul-Onéuhllnt“. Jun. rqun! tum-u -
Unl_,~ 1534-an [HI but-IF .\' l_-l‘hr Wuhan.
, ‘ , SWINE“ \X hl'l|.,_
‘ Chemis'ls mud Hrugglels, New York.
17H'Lu’i]\lm‘,_k(). ' ‘
”Bunny, .5: (31'; “nil-mm. lunquruliyt-
N'mxn cur: ! (mid). ll Hnmls. b- . numgh.‘
MEI), and will krgp the skm soft nn-l !muulh
m “meal “.1 m-nhcr. h'vld 'nr I)r-u¢ml.—-
liliuu 23 mulls. .Sun'. by m ul Mr 'l5 cents. ’
‘ Chemists and Dlruggius, New York.
Nov. 27, 1855. :31)’/ ~ ’
The. Gnu! Fem 11l llrlu-zl/ _flvr Irr'ejlu/Jnlmyr
Tn‘uo limp: ure .1 a. ”until-41" cump-um-l
-o-l lluul'pr [«t'unl,nnd ‘wllr-rllmu lIII\ l’llln,
l'uxwlén; of .\'oummz. ’lu'lnz lialui-lhm'ir
nrlinu isldirwl find pusnti\‘u~,‘rrn-lovuiu them It
n-hnhle, spe‘wiy‘wnd cvrnin a n-rElic for he
run.- ut all anlrurxiuua nu'i sumprosn-mnur
Im ul‘y, Tlnmr pupal .rlu' is in nc'lml in llm'
fart Hut uvcr Intuit“) notih-a are annually 'lnl‘l
nn-l I‘UuzlllllL'd h} llw'lth-Sw-f the l'nitwl
SK Ito‘s, Nor} our“! “Dunn “I" nk In {ilenlhulg
usl lvrm: u! pr nr-e ul Ihgn' ;;er Inn-ms They
nn- mp] .1} 1““?ng llu- rim- m enry other
Feumlc lh-mpl‘xmn‘l :Ifr runsidmud v; allwlm
know ungm u! ~lhu-m, ml llw mum. MIMI, uml
} llmal inl.uhhlc pug'umlmn in Iha \vm'ld, Kit
‘tlu- «:un- m n” {rm.\le'canpluims. the lcmunl
fol'ull olvs'nucxion‘s yl‘ unmrc. nuvl llm prumo-
Mon 01 Imth, nmll'nil’ nut! strougm; Ex
phril (lift-(mung null"; “11le the}, may he
um], and explaining when And why they
sI-an, m 4, nor“ 6. 91d uul b: med «mm-n
pludut‘ing elfccls county In mum-'5 chum-n
ln'ws, wilt hc- fnnml mn-{u'liy fulalod nrnuul
em In home, Wilh [he “riuun Mull-'llllrc ofJ’oux
1I". L\'().\', \rit'mut which none nrr nunuiuo.
1‘ Prep-Iron! by Dr. JUNK I..LYU.\', 195 Ulmpd
Street, New Mn‘en, UunlL, who um he can:
suited rith-r person lII}, of by "mil, (gucloain '
unmp,) coucrrmug all priuuculiu-nsos lug
funnlu weukucsrcs. by“ hy Druggiaua evoq,
where. (J. G. ("LARK & CO.,
ch'l ‘Agenls forot'. 5. And (unndnl
Nov. 6, 1561. 1y ,2
[)nn an—Willx 90m permiulon, I wish to
any Io lllc renders ofjour pnp- r. that l lill'
send, by return run“, to nll "who wish 11, (free;
a Recipe, mlh fuil direétions fur making am
ualng a simple Vrgewble ddm, that MUM:
feclun'lly removefin len dun, Pimplehlllutchcs,
Tun, Freckles, undvnll Impurities ol' the Skin;
leaving the name so“, clear, smooth and bum;
ul'ul. . , '
l will’nfso until free to those hivlng‘Bul-l
Heads,‘ or Bare 171 W“, simple Jire‘clioul Am"
j‘nlormnliun :lmv. will enable them [0 sum. q
lull growth of Lnxui-iun: Hair, Whiskers, or l'
Moustache..iu loss !bun-thi‘rly days. ’ '
All nppliddtiull! answer-d by return hulk
wilhoutchnnfi lioapcctiu‘lly yourl, ,
~ THUS. I". CHAI’MAF, Chemlgt, .
8.31 Biundwa} , Scw Yurk
Kev. :0. 3m
Th undersigned having bun mtpred to
ulthe in‘aJew week“), a very limple rymh
dj", alter having suffered levujul , . ;itb I A
uvérc lung «(fee-tion, I'm! that dread diseas- ~
Consumption—is nnxnoul w nuke known In
his fellow-sufferers the men!!! ofuure.
To all who denim 11, he will und‘n copy of
the prescription med, [free al 0111119,] with
the directioni fog preparing and using an
some, which the} will find A um am far qu'
Inn-nor, Aswan, Bnoscums, Concusfiowl,‘
etc’. The only object or the advertise? in "nth“
ing Lhe'preacriphon in no bencflgtbe nfllict ed;
Ind Bpreu‘d information which he cpnceiven w
bejnvnlubla, uud [10:11me We" mfon‘fivill 3
try hil "remedy, u "gnu cost. than nothing;
Ind may profit I blelvailng. .
Putin vial-mg thegtelcripfion, will plm.
Iddnu REV. ED, A3O 1;. WILSON, f .
Willinmnburgh, King: co., New Yuk.
Oct. 16. an v , - '
_ ‘ ~---flr¢>~——~—r _
Coupon-d oflhigw‘y concentrated enacts
from roou ‘nd herbs; of th- high". medicinnr
“In. an intim- in theeurv «(Indiana 01.;
the Lifer or any deungemmt at the Digufivqj
Orgslu. ' The, remdu- ull lmpurilie- d the
Blood, and an unequaled in the cure of Diur
hmn, Jan-dice, [bun-mm, Scrofula. BHious-‘ '
lieu, Liven-l'omplniul, t‘e‘m, lic-Muir, l‘xiul.
Mri’turiul Diseases. Hereditary Human. lmw.’ .
lor adults, we pill In the tmomlng, children
lull a. pill. Front one no mm pan will' our"
ordinary mu, and "mu on to [hm-bowl
wit cure any curuli'e case of no runner how
long standing. filefi‘hfloyet bOB- Trude
u had or“ ,flqil.._ v ‘ :r‘ ' F- 9 g
1 W v. not: .13me x. I.lmm. J. (‘4
_’ > , 63 ill“?! BL, .\ch Yoth. A
‘lnnp 3,1865. 1] gr -. t ‘A