m m. mnsmii'scifi’flné 53m Thin Snnfl bu thoroughly proved We" w M the but mm. known for ‘curing the Untnnh, Sold In the and and Hudnche. It ha been team! In excelient remedy in mnny cum 0! Sort Eyes. Defines: has been nmorcd by It, nnd Hearing bu often been greatly improved by in use. ‘ h in Ingram: Ind ogmhie, end own nt usnurl nun to the dull heavy palm caused by dlepnee of the head. The "anxious Wt using 1! are delightful and lnvlgonllnfl- ll Open. and purges on! all oburucl‘nonl, "length en fin ginnde, and gives a healthy action to the ports affected. , ' flare than Thirty Ywe’ of ale end use ol "Dr. ’Meuhnll'e Cnmrrh and Honda-he 81ml," hen proved its great value for I“ Ibo common dinmet of the hard, more: thin moment «and: higher than ' ver belon. I! I: recommend 6 by men'y o! the but phy eicinnl, and is ed~ with great succee- Md outiefocu'oa eterfwhere. " Read to Certificate! of Wholesale 0113-. 3111‘ in 1854: The undenigned,hnring {or many your- boen ncqnointrd with “ 01-. let ulmjl’e Cninrrh qnd Hondnche Snufl," and MM it in our wholesale undo, chenfnlly Mate, tho! go believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recummunlhtions given qr it for the cure of Calm-flail Affection. and that". is decided~ y the‘bl'll nmcle he have ever known In: all commbn dlecnnae ofllxe Hand. B‘urr t Perry, Horton; Reid, Austen; 3; CO., Bmwn; Brown. Lninson l (0., Boston: _Rted, Cutler & C0.,/Boston; Seth W. Fade, Boston; “upon, Fairblnk h ‘Co..' Bolton; Heurh’uw, Edmund & 00., Boston; H. H. Hny, Portland, Mm; Barm- t Pnrk, New York; A. [5. t l). Sunnis, New York; Stephen Paul & 067, New York; Israel Minor & (10.. Kew York; WK". sari t Robbins. New York; A. L. Semi” k(:o., .\‘ew York; M. Word, Close 31-00., Néw York; Bush I: “ode, .\'ew York. ' For sale by nll Druggiul. Try it. Nov. H, 1864. 1y THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Fm Junta (Juan's CELFBHATIHI Imam: PILLH. PrePArEG from'a piescr‘pnon U 1 bu .l ('lnrke, 11. D., l'hysicinn Extruurdingry to Ihr Qm‘en» This inu'lunblr medicme Is un failing in the cure of all those pninlél Ind dunuerous diseases to which lhe lemme con slluuion in SlllrjeLl. It ,nmglcrntes all excel“! and 'remoies all obstructions, had a speedy cure run) in- u-lied on. - _ . 'l'u .\lmrjed Ladivs it is peculiarly suited.— 11. will, in n short. time. hung on the monthly pvrionl wulch-gulnrityl ' Euch bottle, price Une Doll r,' bmra the Gmernmcut Stamp of Great, Britain, to pre~ vent cuuntcrleiis. v ‘ ‘ ‘- (Myriam—These.Pills should not be taken “Ly l-" "“Ile dqring the Ham running nus-rim uf l'r-gmmuy, us Lheyun‘ sure to- bring on Mid. curriuge, but. M. nn)‘ étlu-r Lime lhéy un- safe. In I\“L'REC‘I oth-rvom nud .\'piunl Alic'rlmus‘,‘ Pain-x in the Back n’m} Lumb‘s, l-ntipnc an slight exertion, nnlpimlignfiij the Hunt, Uplexics, and Winn-grunge Pills will (11¢:an cure when nll ullu r mknus Inn» f'djmlu' um], nlllmnyh n yumvr 111 erl-dy. 1h» nnl Hmmm uhnmalnlnvl, nntunmq, dr an) (lying; LurHu.‘ (u HT:- 1 unstim tmu. } [llluk luv, u Inn-h shunlnl I‘L‘ nnluvhll) lunm-nmi .\nl-l In :I“ linugliln. Sulc Agent tur Iln Ullhml h him. and (Lu-Ada. JUN M1151‘.5,27 l‘orllnmll SI.,N. Y N. [Lrbl’nu uml 6 pmluut- In'IIII-h «ml-mu! lo nny nnllmrizvd Ag: lIIU'KHII in~ulc “Louie, (unlmuiug M! Pills, I.) N'llllll unnl. Soul h) A. l). U_uuls_ler. [.\'u».l4, 151.4. 1)’ SEVEV GREAT BLESSINGS SECI'IU-Zl) TU T'HE Hl?\l_\\ “.\CE ‘ISY UNH l.()'l"l'LF Ul" " lMl)\\'.-\¥ S READY I\I'ILHCF. THE Pmmm, ‘ “my: (~lmr.m:.\, . li‘x'sl-JN’I mu’. ’ UUUI.I-2RA uonnrs, ”I|.an FEVER. 1 menu: AND AGUE, cvmzn AND rmzvmcmn - ' _ m: muwars I:ISAM RELIEF. RHEUMATISH, _ V: 54(2U11A1.G1A,., ‘ mvmnmx, _ - ‘ INFLUENZA, somz'runogvr,nlrmcvur mmyrmsu -' mammwzmx .H-xaw “mums BY mum-.ws READY RELIEF. Pnin instnn'fly removed; in'] acme, inflam muory, m uluximrs or iul'cvtinue disyuwi [lrr \lnlo.-«l unll «xurminutcd. The uenk. feeble nlul mrunu reslurod to slrtnglll, vigor ufnd snuml he |llll by 1111- use ufll.\l)\l’~\\ 'S IKE ADV .lll'ZLll-ilf. (the holtlgfiiill dp mun» good. cur.- murc ('umpluinls nml keep Ilw atumfich more ( lmr and he “by llm‘n ten dollars spent. tor all olln r mulivines or butllcs‘l‘u use. ' ’ Hue n-pplwulion‘ cxlvrlmlly or a few drop; lulu-n ingrnnlly will msmuxl) lne (lu- syl n-roi l'mn} llu- nmsl'viulcnl un-l u rrtlile pa’jn', nnll‘roqnn- ILL- “oak, krill; und pruslruletl [num- lo am-nmh n_m| \ivni'. ‘ u lle- l. 'CIe’IAINTS, Lonso‘ness, dinrrlimi. chul- m mmhus or pninnil 'digrhnrgrs irmn 'lim bum is are mapped in fifteen or men!" minute: by l: king Kud “uy’s Read} Relief. {\jn congcnion or in flammation, no \\(‘Xll\nl‘-F o'rVlnssnude “ill fol luw -lhe use (I! lhv R. R. Reli-L'. . I ACHES AND I'MNS. Fn’t hem] who.“ ht‘lhkf sickur nervous; rheu nmtiqn. luxmbaig(x,l-nius and \veukn'l-sa in file buck, spine u'r' kidnvys, Imin: around {he lint; plenrisy, S\\‘(‘”ihgi‘ of “w joints, pains In the lmwefs. hmrlhurn and pains 0! Hl] kindi. Rud “ny'a Ready Relic! Mil} nflnrd immediate use and its -continued uéo fur a few days tired. a permanent cnrc‘.‘ - eSold‘ by druggists, and at No. 87 \lniden Lune. ' _ [OOL 2.. 2m TERRIBLE DISCLUSURES. ~ Sircuns you ms 31,".qu l—A_ most vuln’a. ble nnd wm-dellul.pnblitnlinn. A work of 400 paflt‘s, and 30 colored l-anrarings. DR. IlUp’l‘l-JR‘S VADE Ml-L‘UM, an original nud popular trealiee on Mun and “'omnn', their l'h‘jriolopy, Functionn. and Sexual disorders at every kind. with Newt-Failing Remedies for their spaedy cure. Tl e practice a! DB. IthTER has long Men. and still )8, unl-oumi: pd, but. at. the uncut rolu-imlion u! numerous persona, he has been induced to extend his predical usefulueu through the medium of his ”VAUE N ECUM." IL is a volume lhlhl.sho|.lld pa in the hnnds of everflmnily in the land, u n preventive of secret n‘icee, or as A guide for the nlleviuu’on or one of the must awful and heauuclive scourge. that ever visited mankind. pne copy, securely em‘eloped, will be for‘-hm ed {fee of‘ plunge In any part of the United 3px cafe; no 0211;: in I’.‘o. ntsmpn. Add'reu, ' mt pnggg‘pu. HUNTER, :No. 3 Div-mica SL, {flew Xm- . \. , [SepL 25. Ly *Dl}. TALBOTT'S PILLS, - fiomgqs‘éd’pl' highly éoncenzmted extracts (tom mots ind her'bs of the highest medicinal ‘vnl‘ue 'nre infallible in thgcurc ofall diseases of ithe Liver or any thnpgegnenl ofylthe Dignpive firgans. They {epoii gll lmpmities of the loodl and are nnequnled’ln the cure of Dian-g bi», “undies, Dy‘apepéln, Scrofulp,‘3ilious 'ndu', L‘ifirComplnint, Feven, Headache, Piles. ”ML-retrial Rimes, Beredit'nry Hui‘m‘on. Doug, ‘lor Idulu,o e pill in-the morning, children ‘llan n pill. grim one to !luqefjlliawill cpl-p \ordin-ry cam, nud' Iron! .one o “"29 poxeu. will cure any curable can of no miner boy gong standing. Price $l.OO pp; I’9" ’_l'mdp gupplied or sent by mail. ' V. MOTT TALBOTT, M. D., & CO., .= 62 Fulton St., New York. !nno 5, 1865. 1y . - 1 ‘ EYE AND EAR! 930?. J. ISAACS, 31. D., Ocnliu und Aurin, ‘ gonna! of {19:6,}? Holland, is located “No. ‘ 19 PUIE _smeg, filLAnELPulA.whmEper "sou 3911;er gull fiiuues of the EYE or AR, Fri}; 5 pcientificnlly trented End cured, if mat; ‘N. 3..—4mmcm, was inserted without tin. Hp‘epnrgu made for examin— fition. 7;: $3539! [Quality is invited, as h. ’in no seen in'his 319419 of treatment. ‘ July 17, 1865. 1: ' ——..—¢-90-v——~ ' DR. a. “may [pump WATER. 7 ' All Ixuwnpi PIICO“IY. A 7pc]. ‘G‘n‘ml of ludiné in aid: ounce ’of “ter, ' fi‘nlvgd walnut a nlveliul 7HO pop figural. Vn-nmlg Ag!" and Futon-nu “07115 Bglornpi. Ant-Run, pun", Rumnniu, onpirqplfand 19:;- ny Chronip _lnd Her_edil try Dining, :55: cited by in ui‘e. n'lpognnda pan testify. Awning pent tr'ee'. ‘ Price 1.00 pexfiome or 6 M $9.09. can: Agglfifi ‘ 9;" Pgfléchgmnd ~ .13. ..'° 1’": ..'" “F: . PX W 835!!! my: ‘ {Sept ié- m A Desirable mm ‘ 1' PUISCIC SALE—On THURSDAY. Vhe A 1!! day of DECEMNHB “n. the ub- Icribet will olfér “Public Salmon the premilel. A luau. mum in luuph‘n-uc tou ship, Adam cmnty. near Bonnughbown, on 'the rod leading to Geugnbnrg from lhu place, Adjoining lands or corp Bnnmau, Benjnhin Lnu‘dlu. Ind otbcn, conuiuhg 95 ACRES :91] a: PEPAYHBB, more or len, lbnul l 8 Icm being: good Wlmdllu'i. with I. due propoflion or Meadow. The‘im- . proyemema Are n 0M and I hall llaryS’l‘ONE HOUSE, n Two-story Log House, a. Run, purl log. and . an lmme, kc. There in A neVer-fmlingl Spring, 'iih'flprinz House, near by, and another wring within I short distance. The farm ll'ell intend—And bu upon it I prim» young Apple Orchard. with other fruit. Per lonl wishing to View the property are request edto call on lhe nub-ml)”. ln Gelgynburg. In uill be oak-red whole, or in tour mm, a my heal. !uit. ‘ as.“ m commence a 1 o’clock, P. IL, on "it! duy, than ntteudnce willlb'e given and terms nude known by a 1 SAMUEL LILLY. Nov. 2%0, 186'). la c - 3 EA House, so ‘2O Minus (3? LAND, A , AT PUBLIC ,SAL '.— Un TUESDAY, m 511: day oi vacuum next, the snli-criucr, intending to remo/e. will offer :1 Public Snlo, on the premisea,‘:he fol lowing Real Eamlo, vlz: ~. .‘ No. 1. A LOT or GROUND/adjuining lhe- Catholic Church, on liighzuugh the Borough of Gi-uy’philrg, improv d mith n Two-slur, Lng WeAliler- , boarded HUUSE‘T“ 0-star} Frame Buck-building. 4 nuw Frat-gt Burn, Corn Crib, a good Wdl 91’ Water, and n num ber 0! choice Fr lii Treea. 3 No. 2. A LU? 0F GROUND, containing 7 Acres and 103 l’erulus‘, nu film Lung Lane, in [he .Bnrough oi‘ (hm-£5! uiyhlljoiniug hunk oi the Heirs of \\'n_\l.righ Ziegler,‘ deceased, Dmid McMillan. and oiht-rni No. 3. A LOT UF URUIEND, containing 6 Acres and 67 l’orclws,_nuiyn¢lnfi hm Na 2. N 0.4. A LUT or‘ mmu’sn, conm'mngrlg Acres, more or less, ndjuining lands of Snmuul R. H-xnell, and Lot-Nu. 3. . ’ 37115. A LHT (IF GROUND. conlnining4 Acrvs and 32.1't-rt'lms, ndjuiping Inm‘is‘ of Frodorirk [migvl_\,und ml:er;.~ ' gal-“ The Lou me in non t-xrcllont state of cul_livulion, and‘wlll Rudd 'lmgether, with the Home, ifde-ired. ”talk to commence at l o‘cloak, P. .\I., 0‘" mid (by: when uh-udwce will he gin-n andllerma mndL' kuowu by ' ' JACOB ZIEGLER. Nov. 20. 1865. tl ‘ ' Two Properties ’l‘ PRIVA'I E SALE—Thepubscribel ofl'erl A Mi Iqu finale ul Prim}: Sale, cénsislo my 1r the following: ,NJ I .\ I'Alul, situate in; Franklin to“ n-_ ‘lniln, .\.!nme rnnn y. nhuul 41 units smith of (Inhinun, :nlj :inng lands at .\rnuld Lives, "1:! r llmny, .\nms lllc'J, and others, cummin nn; '1 u. .\. li‘bhllllflc ‘ur lus‘ uhunL Ml heing ch ll'ul. un-f I'm hnlunu- lia~t‘ rmv Tilnlwr, lm [I\I, l Iwmml. lurk (ink, lnlnck oak, and \\ hike nnk. Tlieu- |s n ‘nnx‘luul “Irvin" tlnruuul} ”in Imm, with u ’2ole saw mill nilP, and water in all lllv‘ livid! hut hue. The im- ' I'- pron-menu arr u 'l‘\\u-~mry [nix 3M llUl'hl‘i. Sumnn-r him lren.:lmnlu-~ 'QE: . a, llnnso. Hank Burn, “'ngon sllc‘l;~',iL‘-‘"'." and Cam Crih'liog l'en, nml ulhcr aubhnild lugs. Then- i's an excellent Spring 83‘ the lam, und mu poung Apple Orchards on the prnpt-rty.‘ , No. ‘2. A TRACT-UP LAND, uloul 2of n [Hill-”0:15! of the “hm-cl adjoining Rater fluke nn-l Viclur .\ltlllnnny, ronmininm 5;: Acres. yimru’ur lvsa, nhu'ul 30 Hues bi‘ing in good Timher.‘ The “Milfortnlenlfl are 4 one , and u lu‘.t ;{urg I?oul_plc Lug lllH'SE.‘ Sullilv, S 1311“: ”016 w, und :1 Well House, with inn-hire “(II n wuterin ii. Alsonefiring arm it fine young lnqae Urclmrd‘ on the place. Persons ‘Wlllhlllg ('0 View the prupeny are n qln-s’ted't‘o call on the subscriber, reaming On No. l. _ ‘ The property will he arm on «any terms, and divided It. suit punlmsrrs. r . . GEORGE DAYWALT. Nov. 20, 1865 LECTURE For lhr‘nl'flrfll of‘tinrfin-r- (teat-len. |‘ZV.J. R. WARNER erl deliver hIS Lee- R lure on the “BATTLE 0|“ GE’ITYS- I'.l?|:G,”' in the %onurr-lnou:e, in this phwe, on the EYEN'ING F "PHI“ 23TH INST. The procm-ds will be dun'ed to Ever Green Ceme tcn). No one sl:unl:ldfu'il to thd. c .iEJ‘Tickets fur sdc M. the Book 3mm of Mr. A. D. Buebl'cr. _ R. G. .\IcCREARY,‘ ' H.‘ D. WATTIJfiS, un. L. HILL, - (‘mmnituc ol Axrungemcnls‘ Nov. 20,1855. m ' ~ Bounty Tax thice. FIRSONS owing nuunty Tn: in Oxford PJowx-ship ure huxcny requt-sn-d to make inzmediaté pnymeut. All who fail to [my by me FlusT HF JANUARY next. will have FIVE PER CENT. wide!) to their amounts. By order of Scl.oo! Board. , P. A. MYERS, Sec’x. .\'o7. 50. [B%. td ENrerhart's nAxxLls HOUSE, ‘ ‘ CORNER (IF-lIBWAKR .._ FBAAV'K’LYI‘B‘I'BIITB, m‘quuw. MD.’ ‘ ' This House is on a direct line between the Nudhern Ceulrul and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refined and com furlnbly Irrnuged for the couvenienpe and the erglcrlainmcntul guests. - Nov. £O, 1:65. tf - . Notice. IQHAEL UNGER'S ESTATE—Letters bl testamenmry on the esuna of Michael I inger, ble of Union town-ship, Adams cuunty, deceaacdflmvmg horn gunned to the under signed, residing In we same township, he herebx "given notice to all persons'iudebted to said astute lo make immediate pdymclt, and thuad. having claims against the annu- to pre ‘Eent them prpperly authenticated for lento meat. JEREMIAH UNGER, EA’I. Nov. 20, 1665. 6:4‘ _ Notice. ORGAN B. SWOPE‘S ESTATE—Letterm oi administntion on the estate of Hui-gun q H. Swope, late of the Borougfiof Littiealown,‘ Adnm: county, deceued, hzw 1: been graniedl to the undersigned; residing in Germany lownl“ Ihip, he hereby gives notice to A“ personal indebted in mid estate to make immediate payment, and those hnving elnims against the; sum to present chem properly nnthemicaied' for lenielnent. JOHN A.SWOPE. Ad’ni'r. va. 2‘o, 1865. 63* \ Notice. AELY FICKES'S ESTATE —Letten of ad ministration on the slate of Sully Fichl, “in! Huntington township. Aduns county, deemed, buving been granted to tha_ under signed, yetiding in Oxford townlhip, be here by givpa nmice‘ to .11 persons indebted u said "late to make lmmedislo pnyment, and 3110.. having chim- “giant the lune to pro~ lent mom properly nmhenticflad for unle yent. JOHN HENRY MYERS! Nov. 30, 18.66. 6!. .A. pr 7530’s _ TILL on hand and for nle I'. THE. Fl3Bl} S NATIONAL BANK OF omvsnua . Gil). ARXOLD, Cum", On. 9. legs. at. A LANK CHECKSYNOTES AND REGRETS, :ud BLANK Printing a; pyery dyer”. uun, ncsll] And promptly executed pt the CO¥PI9§R om. . i? you Twin. (no. “I?!“ of fine may, go a: E. H. IIIHINIG S Confectionery, i! Uhambenburg street. ‘ _ IF you with u ptima Article of Chewing Ind Smoking Tobacco, Cipn, to” go to E. H. IgNIGH’S Conlectionory, in Ckgmbulbprg I cl. _ l a » F you will: {mil Almondl, up H 3“; fistula Wuhan. «Silhou- WM)“, _ro dtlflfl: “”10 to I. j! “HIGH? pgnwwnem i 9 waenbm um}.- Lsdles’ Bonuu. We gin more 0! them in I. yelr than my other )lquine. 1n (not, the Lady's Book enables @very lady to be her own bannet maker. :1, I > MARION BARLAND, ' Aqtboreu of “Alone." “Hidglen Path." “lon Side," “Remain," and “¥iriqm," writes tor Godey each month, npd for no other mngazina. We hue duo reuiped-ull our old Ind fluorite rontribuwru. Tum or Conn"! LADY'I Book lon 1866. (Fr: m which there can be no Deviation ) The following nrg the term: 0! 1m: Lndy'l Book for l 866: One copy, one year; _ Two cnpies, one yefi'fi. Thrre cnpies, one 33!: .r; Four down, one yehr, ; 10 00 Five cupiel, one yeah, and an extra copy ’ to the -peraou sending the club, mn kinz six copies, ‘/‘r H 00 Eight. cnpu—s, one year, and an extrn‘ CUE: to the yerson sundmg the club, mnkirg nine comes, , ' 2k 00 Eleven copies, W 33, um, and an extra cupy to the permn sending the club, making; (we’ve uppies,‘ 27 50 Addiuuus Io clups, ut club rates. Godcy'u! Lady's Bmk And Arthur's Home .\lngazuw wxll be synfuel) one year, on re ceipt u: S 4 50. ,1 - - ‘ We Inn (1 no club'with any other Magazine or Newspaper. B -Thc money must. all be sent I! one time for 9113‘ Club. : _ (,‘nnmln subscribers must‘send 24 cents ud dizionnl for each nubicriber. ' Address, L. A- GODEY. ' N. E. Cor. Sixth and Chestnut‘Streets, Nov. '.‘o, 1865. ' l‘hijndelyhisJ Faué‘r‘xnlonl. BAxx or Grnnncnu,-} November 6, 1866. 7 “IE l‘rr