The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 13, 1865, Image 4
E :ggdcnltmd Q gamut“. pmd m: on Fish. 15th Wading-amok"); ogtmut—h comm-Ming; comiderable “ton 'on in n rioul part-o the country. There are mou and: M farmer: and persons owning land who could profilably give the subject. nucn lion ind trml; hot 0|“, is there profit. in iL-buo. better than I! , there in plenum and health to be derived. Where there Fauna" brooks running through landn, it ..u an calf and unexponnive mentor to con~ ‘umct u ul and neck it with trout or other harem! the grnuficntion which a luppty of fresh 64!: ml} be to farmers. who seldom have freuh meat except th at of fouls. man be Vely greet. indeed. It is stated by physician: in n {at am the use of fiuh has n tender-orb prevent or curexeoorbuttc nml, serofutnu-N dim. 1.4-! anybody. ybo can make u fllb’pondr—Putriot «t Union“. Thu is just whet we have langboen adv fishy-“Lot everybody who can make I fllh-pond ;" and nowhere in tho thin; to be more «sin nanomplished than in Adoml county. Our «trauma 1n the mountain all wound in mankind the labor of securing then is fully compensated by the pleasin'o it. nfiordi. Most. of our farms have spring! upon them: and where‘tbntlil the cane ... proper location for a pond is soon found. 1“ {but is heeded is a mnmenceqnm—and “we hope that when swing Opensiplemy of ,commencemdnta will bounds. I ‘We know or two fine ima- in} Franklin ‘ joumhip—Cépm. Frederick Diélll'u' ma Tm. Henry Deudortf'se-and a “ilh to them . dwayl nflprdn us much pleuuure. 1' We look upon them as considemmy enhapcing the "this of tha far‘ms upoh wlniclrtfley 36¢ 10- cated—certainly m_uch mum tqmn their you. Make pond; !--[ Fll. (.‘mnptfi/e‘r. 7' ...“. ‘..... _ .. .y. . . Curing Meat. T ) The, near approach of the "‘bnichering ” couch make: the publication of i. no follow: ,ing very seasonnble. An exphimge saysl the recipe, “ if properly tried. will never be! abandoned. There is none lhatjsnrpassea it, iflo,good.” W’ have uucdblieiily the some {or‘ several grain, (not A iling the pickle, however.) ond always will? the moat anti-factory result: ' ‘ i “To 1 gallon of water. take I.} lbs of only} lb of sugar. l 01 of seltrjre. l oz ol yore-h. in this ratio the pic 1 to be in creased to any quanti'y desired. i Let these vboil together untilnll the dirt from the su gu rise: to the top and lb skimmed off.— - hen throw it intoa. tub to cool. pm] when cold. pour it. over your beef or park. to re moin the usual cinze. say fourbr vo weeka. ’l'he meet. must he well covered with the pickle, and Ihould ‘not be put down lor two days after killing, daring wh ch time it i Ihould be shrinkled with powdered salt peu'a, which removes all the sun-loos blood, ‘ flea/leaving !ho meat fresh and dlenr. _"zSome onjit boiling the pickle and find it to enmenwell Vthough the opemlion of _boiling purl es the pickle by throwing off .the dirt‘elw ya to be found in alilt and su glr." ~ , ‘ Meat should be smoked wit corn cob; or hickory wood, or both. Propl remaking in. much :61 do ‘with we a won—[s.l. .Compiler. i ‘ .__—,__._. ...-o- - A- o—9- ..- Corn and Pork. i ..’l’he Chantry Gaga-man gay: hat an ex perimenter, J. 15.1401“, obmi ed 100 lbs ,bf pork from seven‘ bushels of ohm. or 1 lb pf pork from 45 lbs of com; the groin was ground and moisiened with wtter before feeding. Nathan G. Morgan‘” of Union Spripgl, by. waiting his men] with five times iii weight of hot‘water,‘nnd letting it atnnd‘ twelve ,w eighteen hours before;feeding, outlined Nb of pork from 2} lbs of com. I - Mien difi‘erent results would be ob , nod from difi‘er‘ent breeds of'ewiue. .. , WhathHo Plant} - If-any,of our friends vviesß‘trol order Bear .Troeg, we can recommend the following linu but suitedrto our climulq Buetro Gifl’ord, Bartlett. Belle Lucrative, ‘ {Louis bgn _de J ersey,very hanasome, Buem Clairgenu, large Flemish Beauty, Harvey. Buerre Rose, Dunmom, (sour. for baking) 3 “ .1 'Duphesugi’ Angouleme, largé,‘ Novemberl .- Bum-re DigL'lurge, ' ' " Bnem Superfine, Bnone D'Anjou, Lawrence, Vicar of Wihkfield, Inge, Winter Nalin. .ulout Momennh " j “ Novena Poitpqu, ' I “ Buene d’Aremberg, (acid,). . _" *Seckel‘, " Septembq. » ‘These thfee varieties are now. selling in the New Yorkmnrket at $23 pfr barrel. . I ———————‘-—9Q.“ ————T-|— ‘ l ' finpcllnel. ; ‘ A an ph t: going the round: of the pipe: aging tint. ashes npfilied to the roots of grape wines, will prevent the rust or mildew on the fruit. An exo‘allent rem- ’ ody. doubtless, as wood when oontainJhn ingredient ‘to ; large extentrwhich the 'gmpe line most. nee \. But: still better A unpedy, is I weak solution of iotaah, dis solve it in water. make eight ten pails fullenf the «elation, and pour hround the roots. first loosening the soil hit some dis,- tapqe.“ A pail full a day. for eight or ten days, is quite as well as' to put-{it all on at once. __ ‘ The reason why potash, is valuable in simply because grape vines contain a much larger pyoportion of potash film: of any other pneyipgredient of which they are ,com‘poqed, and they exhaustlthe soil of tin ingreaieut. sooner than 0‘? other, and then ‘h‘é‘fmiydecsys or is lighted, xhe 'nmo u pears !‘run out” whien the toil shout the tree: is exhaqsted M the iron gvhich the pear needs with tub. ‘Chemistry will tell y gig yi‘hcu‘ "mum: expel-inr- mm (or Prost'Bitcs£ Th 9 inflowinf in the recipe fin Whaler’s' ‘ *‘rou ulyg, so 0113 knownnn vnlued in ”Germ-nl. but the reqipo forfwbich bu been kept n :aecret till recently purchnud ‘ ,by the Goyerngueul ol the Kingdom or fWurtonbm-g, gpd made public:~‘24 oz. mutton ujlom 24 °f~~ 119351" th oz. [oxide of iron, (red iron dual.) 4 oz. vmimjtprpemine. 2 0;. oil hurgamom, 2 on. bole Armbhin, rubbed tonpamo wilh aliv- nil. Hen together the‘ullow, lard nu! iron dust, in an iron kefitle, stirring pm): an iron spoon canal-nil)? will the mm b mm“ a perfectly black color; yhen ugd endpnlly the other ingredienu, Bug-ring pl] . eflrmixed. .10. is Ipplléd npon lmen. finily, nn’d its efl‘ecl upou‘even the mo“ finial iron sore is moot. extraordinnry.—- .. I“ robubilily for aimrlar wounds it ”It! ago he an excellent npplication. .ifmgbfi—Xou 91:6 going _to have your Mb!” 9 Rye“ as your plmurel. A man ‘ no; no”): 9 23:3.) that has not Jud trouble. ’ ;og'pjgpppfi'sp mus lelfiah‘neu vymm'ul' a: ‘7 M 2819 You canpofi restraip prjdp {with-t ofii p 'ponflict. You canyon oxpgcc. up 39 1W Me yummy. harm; bglrdem. Bum 7W!” pips. to hnye hplp Jupderlcircum ‘cu agar mil} Ledges you {rpm {heap ‘ i on are :11; to e; lo cemo _ hfiém 6915. ¥ourfi§é§mgfiwm ‘V ‘.' in ad thug little spots in a‘ .aggkyofpmmdmy. , ~ . a WOOD I——woon_ :---&.:h or our nuburiben "intend paying farche Comedia- with wood, are mug-(2d to deliver It won. The neat-lii, (or farm novel in nu! you nl. * cmcum-r': mm pocuuxm meow-a 11 the time to ’Zlilfuu sound politic-l knowledg nmong the min". People are not, at pru , Int, excited out "a llama politic-‘1 umpulgn, I but their pusjonl hgvcaooolcd, their prejudice “ no "lug, and mum: Ind citrimon lean find ”I lodgmenl in their which: Therefore, the . present In the prop“ lino to place pap -_m_nh , belore the people. Tc‘y conic: of tho Compiler (humble inurhmenl though}! he) will do more good mm, thy all the elecfiqncering doom ,1 menu that: can be sent. out al: we.“ priér ‘to the election. Would Demoannghout I tgm county profltby.thls mm: 7 Le} em get ' :heir neighbors. Democrats mid llcpubllc’anl‘l . m lublcfiho forum Cumpl'kr. PABTBIDGES.-—Our gunner: lay I,th part rldger, thin. lesson, are unolpull'y June.— Some of our spommen who hove been out tell us that on ground over which, in formeryurl. they killed from thirty to forty birds, they did not lee tail that numhe? this nouon. ‘Thin is certainly inwelcome new: for the ” knights of the trigger," an the» l-hor which person: are compelled-to undergo in travelling over hill and dale, will scarcely repay them for the sport when game in ocurpe. W9ul,l«it not he nd~ Nimble then, {or‘onr gunners to ogree Lmong themselves not to kill partridge: 'during the present reason, in'ouler thnt they mny nguin become ‘more filentiful'l The cause of the scarcity of birds is owing to the umerity of the weather lgst “inter. The groundkdnring the greater pnrt or the season, was covered with snow and ice, whit-h caused many to perish for film; of food,’while others fell an may prey to_ tho hawk, thus leaving but few for brooding. The season Tar brooding w-a aha hupropitious, as the early part at the uuxgmct mantha was entirely tool’wet. This will nix-bunt [or the low birds {ounJ,being either old ones, or the ;oung one.) .very small. —}'ork PM». I NEWSPAPER PUFFS.—_As we rue almost daily asked by‘ busineal men 3.0 favor them wid: a “pull,” and us wo_cnnnqt make‘ the machine g‘o’.wilhonz grouse, we have adopted the following schedule of tell}, so that. mosc who need and seek “ puffs,” may know our tux-ml: ’ 4 tolerably good one, 1 box of cigarl. A good one’, 1 pair of booth. V A'very good one, I rent and 2 shim. A splundid'one, I cloth coat. _ ‘ ‘A perfect sockdoluger, a “'llle unit. Reading-;Wm' Emunue‘l Neidich. - Cumlxerlnndvuiuhael Fray, Jens Sharreus, John F. Currana. ’ , Berwick lp —Jessa Kalebnugh, Geo. Outer. ()xford—Charles Trimmer. ' f Mannheim—Francis Cole, Niqbolns Slflybaugh. Union—Arum ‘Lefever. . ‘ Highlandl-Jaéob Plank. " Mountplqasant~Samuel Shorh,Wm. MvShqrry. Franklin—William Svme, Juhn Brudy. Lnnmore—Juhn Martin. ' Berwjuk ban—Wm. Bittinger. _Mountjo’ ~Jncob Koefnuver. , Hamiltonian—George C. lea. lluntiugton—Bnruey Gardner; Pb“ “yen. Gct'ysburg—rfluber: Marlin. Butler—Willi”: Crulu. : ' GENERAL szv. Monutplcnsnnt—J. E. Sumh, PM" Smith of (’., Henry J. Hemler, Jacob Spangler: Oxford—John Hunes, John Clank. I. Conomo—Mnltbiastinter, Levi Lawrence. ' Sttnhnn—‘ncoh Crison, Joseph Thomnn. Reading—J. J. Kuhn," Elijah Myers, Benjamin Chrouister. ' - Germany—4loB2s Schwartz, John Haring. Liberty’éGregory P. Toppel . Mich'l Slnyhnggh. Mounqpy—Edwurd gfingler, Jacob Diehl, - ‘Sn’rnuel Baker, Sum ‘ B.’Miller. Lntimorc—Jnhn H. Myers: ’ Franklin—George A. Cox-well, Jno. W. Lon, Daniel Kuhn. Cumberland—George Flick]. . Bcrwick bola—Wm. L. Gm, Frederick Wolf. Union—Edward Rebert. Wm. Sliler. Gettysburg—Joseph Gillespie, Wm. Shillenn, Wm. E. Bittle. Hmmlmummy—Johnl Sande“, Wm. Waltgx. Hnmilton-—George Bz|ker7Chnrlés Rnfl, Daniel Ehrchnn, Michael Bohn, Samuel Orndorfl‘, Littlestown—John Butters, George Gou_det. Tyrone—‘Jeue R. GluuphLoVi \Rafl‘enspergar. ' Freedom—Jacob Brown. ( . Butler—Jacob. Gardner. ' Huntington—Joseph Trimmer,J . Berwick tp.-—-John Strasbaug‘h.‘ ‘ on. 23, 1855. J RIPENS ‘ August, September October • December ”‘_'faffi‘eEKfKiiéfi'.‘ ATTEND T 0 i‘OURJNTERESTSi g 4 THERE IS NOTHING iIKE A GOOD PLUUGH !-—Thq undersigned In ea this method of informing this Partners of Adams county that he has been IppuiMEd an Agent for the sale of the CELEBRATED PATENT IRON CENTRE STEEL .\IOLDBOARD PLOUGH, manufactured at Pittsburg by Hall and Spear. Among theadmnmges which thin Plough-hue are, that it runs easy, will not choke, makes the best‘kind of work, and II durable beyond all other Piougha. It has beken used in this county for neural years, and in all cases given the highest satisfnction. Those who desire a first rate Plough cannot make I migtake in purchaeing this. It is guaranteed In every instance. ’ r ”All inquiries will receive prompt u‘nswus by being addressed 40 the subscriber, at New Chester P. 0., Adams county, Pu. r PHILIP DONOHUE, ngnt. , True undersigned, having used the " Iron Cenue S‘enl !oldboud Plough," mnnfue. turel by Knll & Spear. Pittsburg, hear cheer ful testimony 1.0 m vnlnc. Being satisfied 0! its Inperioi- qualitiee, we do not. mum,“ recommend its no by all flyrlnerl. - Gen. 'l‘. Rudgon, Philip Weaver, J. Upton Neely, John RBI-um. W. T. Hoffman, BJ. Myeu; John H. X'ljor. {3113.88, 1865. t! ‘ ;Clothing. rape needs in all about. at." ' EORGE ARNOLD bu now on hand the large" stock of READY-MADE CLOTH ING in town. consisting of DRESS AND BUSI NESS COATS, of tier] ducription,.o~VEß COATS, in great nrfcty, Monkey Jackets, Vells, Psnuloous, Shim, Drawers” Gloves and Hosiery, stacks of them! . My by; clothing "a mostly o! my own man nfnctun, and will be wan-mod will mule, and well trimuud. < Together with 5 large stock of methane“- llinets, Juno, Drilling, Shining, Flannel, kc. «Um, Beuerlclothsrooe Skim. Over Coming! Ind Trimming. 1,” great variety; all of which will he luld‘u-chnp u_ the chcnpul. Cull and sea \hem. ' Outvsburz. 00!. O. 1865. 31: 3 M4'aanpflvofixs. nun-m; Gem: of (h. Diamond Ed mm moro shoot“ pelt-1y gnome the 8 oflice, crr‘pxssuna, PA. Every duéflpfion # ‘wor’k executed in the bum; um.- g! the An. I|.pr 17,1865. 1! " HE .anburjber In; some yulunue WESr. {l‘ {ms LANDS, which fie willing: (or one 0: up" FARMS "in thin ‘county. i 136 15511! bra yell lqgnlgui, 3nd very dosh-bly In; tuni ipg. '31:!) .ppuunm deoirod. ‘ . JACOB BRINKEBBDf‘F2 fleflphnrg. April 3. "65.- 5: c atun * ►'aantp. Jurors for Novembér. Guxp J uuv. Sf Hildebrand, (Foreman,) CERTIFICATE Gannon}: Western New Spring Goods. SMALL PROFITS I QUICK BALES.’ D , J . L . sUu 1 C I would "spectfully u; to tho China: of Out :ylhurg Ind vicinity, that. ho to now receiving It. his ”are n splendid A - ‘ STOCK 0!" 39mm} 00005. , Tho flock on aim ln'pnrt of Fancy uni Staple DRY 003 m, of every ductipuon. SILKS. MUZAIBIQUE. - ‘ ' GHALMES, DELAIXES, . BOHBAZINES, » ALPACCAS, ~ MWNS, CALICOES of ..u qualities and choice" Itylel, which ml bu laid at PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION ' FURNISHIflG GOODS at nll kindu, including Silk, Linen Ind Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, flocking, to. 0 Alla, !- Iplendid apartment of RIBBONS, Lace! and Edgiqgl, Umbrella: and Piano!» - My nook of WHITE GOODS vlli be found full and éomplett. uni cunomeu ms} rely upon nlnys gelling good goqflut the bust. poul ble prices. ~ Gentlemen will find 11. lo than; “vantage tc cull and examine my stock of CLUTHS, . - CASSIMERES and , VESTIXGR, ol ell qualities and choice“ styles. April 24. “365. J. L. SCHICK. New Warehouse. ' BUSHELS 0F GRAIN 00 000 WANTED,“ me neaniu and Prague House, in' Curliale street, udjuin ing Shanda t Buehlsr’s establishment. The highest. mukp‘t price will always be paid in cab for GRAIN, of all kinds. ' ‘ FLOUR, SEEDS, fie. \Alwayl on hand and tar sale,“ We annular profllS. ' fi _ GUANOS. SALT, 14an ‘ ukuunmss, hm, . 1 \thlesnlc rind retail. TRY US! We 51m“ 110 our best to gin ntisfucliun iu nil cues. ‘ Mr'CUEDY a: mam. Gettysburg,‘May 11, 1563. 1y ' - . Cumberiand Coal! A LARGE supply of superim- BLACKSAIITH COAL, now a}: hand at reduced price. Thin Coal is superior to all othgr Coal In the Uniged Ststéa for welding and other blacksmith purposes For sale by Qity Coal Yard, Frederick cfly, Md June 29, 1865. 13* Bargains! Bargains! EW FALL AND WINTEII'GODDS. .FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS lmvejuat returned fromKNew York and Phila delphia with one of the largest stoeks'ofnew Full and Winter Goods over otfcred to the citizens (”Adams County. They were pur chased helm-e file lnte rise in goods nnd”WiH be sold at corresgzondin-g prices. The unusually gient demand for goods ofeusry desorip’fion for the Southern mnrkci, will nndonbxcdly name a further rise injhe pncc ofgouds. We then:- fore advise all that ‘ ‘ ~_NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. ' ‘ Our stock of Ludies’ Dress Goods is .com p'lote, consisting of French Merinoes, very chenp, all woul Poplins, all wool Fluids. De laina’b-oShgphenla’l Fluids, Culicoes, Ging hums, Plaidfiiselln.Coburgs,Cloths for an‘ies‘ Clonks, unusually low, Silks and all tbs; latest styles of Dress Goods. , . CLUTHS, Casilmens, Casslneta, Tweeds, Kentucky Jenni, km, for Men's Wear. FI‘ANXELS—Lhe largest ski ever brought '.O this market, and cheap. 0, 11 large us sorunent of Cloak Trimmings, Shawls, “nods, Buluuuals, and in luck it full and cumplx-m us sortmeiit of‘ Mi kinds of snide und Fhllcy Goods. Uur stock having been purchased low, we'lsy again BUY YOUR FALL 6: WINTER GOODS NOW, Having replenished our slmk in all in' de partmenxa, we are prepared to supply whatever may he wanted in oin- line of business M. prices tlmt dqty’compeiition. Cull at the Red From. ‘ FAHNESTUCK BROTHERS. Sept. 4, 1865. . ‘ ‘ «Fresh Arrival. , . 4 ATS, GAPS, 3001‘s a smfi. - H CUBEAN & CO. 'hrwejust received and opened nnother splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS rind SHOES, for Summer wear, which they are selling at very low price! Eousidoring the times. The latest, styles of Summer Hats and Cups, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior mnke, “Gym warranted to fit, always on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on shortno tics, by experienced workmen. Also. ' HARNESS MAKING, carried on in at) its branches. Persons want "mg nnythine in this line wpuld do well to call. la‘Don’t forget the old stand i 9 Chambers burg street, ifyuu want Bargain. COBEAN & CRAWFORD. June 19, \865. ‘ t ' Something New. HE WORLD RESOWNED T , . WILLOUGHBY‘S ‘ GUM spmxe omm omm. HAIUFACTURHD BY CBOIWELL l DAVIBOR, (IBIS! CASTLE, FRANKLIN CO.ll PA. This celebrated Drill is superior to any other machine of the kind yet introduced to the pub lic. Among its advantages ere these :—lt dis tributes the grain with perfect regnlnrity. It never chokes or breaks the grain. Rough ground, or fast or slow driving. will not vary the quantity sown to the acre. It can-be regu lated whilst in motion. The teeth or shovels are so constructed as not to break when com ing in contact with' roots ‘end stones, hut spring back to their proper places. It will sow every kind at grain with the some hopper. It also m'eusnree the quantity ofgrnin to be atom: to the acre, and‘is simple in in construction pud easily managed. THE GUANO ATTACHMENT, This invention for lowing ALL KINDS of Gneno and Compoat makes the Drill perfect and complete. 1t sows the grain and manures ‘ the ground at the some time. This conetrnc- ‘ tion of thmAttuehment is very simple and is. eeeily repaired. It will now from one to twen. ty heshele to the acre; and the feed can‘be regulated whilst in motion, to “it poor or rich ground. These machine; need only bel seen to he edmired. All whiljgve tried them pronounce‘them the most complete arrange ment {or the purpose ever ofl'ered to the pub l'wc. Hundreds oficenifiéntu cnn he produoed from practical far-mete in Franklin county and lo Mxryleud to prove that the muchine is no humbeg, end hue given entire satisfaction in every clue where it,hlu been tried. - ' I WILLIAM WIBLE, Agent. Aug. '7, \BB5. If ~ g Estey's Cottage .gansr 35 normal; nn’excelied, 1m they are ub loluzely unequalled, by any other Reed nnrumant In theficountry. Designed uprate 1y for Churches and Schools, the) u. gonad go be madly-well adapted to the kwlor ;nd drawing room. For sale only by E. l. Balm-z, No. 18 North Ssvenlh St" Philadelwh, amuse, BRADUUBY’S PIANOS, a“: a, :ovupletc ulortment o! the PERFECT "5;. LOJEQN. [Och 2. 1866. 1y Picture Frame. . GBEAfi-fieiy of PICTUAE‘ FRAMES, A‘with pluin ind convex 311 nm, for all: n Hmer’s‘brug’ud variety Sloth ' hue 26. 1565. LIB‘S 3:33 am (or m." at “mph Dmg and Yum] Ston._ New Goods! Cheap Goods! HE PLACE?!) GET THE! - ‘ IN HANOVER!— We heuby Inform the elligenu of York and Adams counties, that we have nublidhed, at the nouthust cornu- or t‘mtre Squirt and [ultimate “not, HANOVER. lormerly orcn-' pied by C. E. I T. I‘. Win, 1 Branch Store, (the principal lmsin’eus houses being locinqd in New York Ind York. Pn.,) whrre we will hep n! all Hum a regular ulorlmeul of Dry, Domenic Mid Fancy GOODS. also. a well le lecoed “seamen! ‘of CLOTHS, (EASSIMERES, CASSINBTS, CUTTIXETS and CORDUROYS; Chill. Glnn Ind Quunl-wure, Ludin'. Misses' and Children'l SHOES; also, a nice Ind lull unortmon! or all kind: 0! CARPET, Floor and Table Oil-cloth. ' We have 1150 eeubllehed ln roome adjoining the Central lloteP,‘ a CLOTUIKG STORE, where we will keep constantly on hand I well selected unsorlmenliof fleedy-lnnde Clothing. of the lute-u nylon, and a full usunment ol Gentlemen‘a Furnishing Goods, Inch A! Hall, Ceps, Boon, Shoes, in, whichsye will sell a! reduced pricel. . As our mom) ilfi‘nd alwnyi will be, “quick sales null smell profits." we hope to receive a share ol the paintings of \own sud coun try. Our connection wllh the large wholesale houses ln New York City and York, Pn.,where are always stored an extenslve flock of goods, Iwhich we all at wholesale nnq retail, enables us to enpply our old friends a (1 luck of our new cusmmerl u, will give a: call, with the very best marketable good: at lower rates» than fun he purchased nnywhere in the Slate. Cull end see for yournelves. JUS. LEBACH h. BRO. Hnnover, June 26, 1866. 13' Coal. Lumber, stoves; &c. HARLESJL BUEHLER q C Would resprclfnlly inform the public that he wull continue the business lately con ducu J by the firm of Sheada & Buehler, at the old slund. corner or Cnrlisle and Railroad streets. He will he prepared to furniuh ‘ J‘HE BEST QUALITY OF CUAL. and every variety of LUMBER, includinglmon, Shutters, Susb, kc. Also, every variety of Cooking Stoven,aluong which ureqtho sour-. 9. 000 K, ROYAL COOK-,WELLIXG- Tux, WAK’ERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, omm EXTAL 000 x, kc. ' Also, “mun, nmxe - noun, SALOON AND snap S T 0 ‘V E s Also, every variety of TIN AND SHEET IRON'WA'RE, manufactured by the best work men. Alla, HOLLOW WARE ofevery variety, includingn superior article of enuml lied work. indeed every vurict): of Kitchen Ware will be kept constantly on hand. Alsp,tho iar-fnmud “UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRIXUER,” for which he is the sole agent. in the count . - * > . He ls all“) the agent. for Wheeler 5: Wilson's Sewing Machines—line best in use. April it), 1853. 0.1!. isL'EuLEB. P. H. PYFER, 100.000 bush. Grain Wanted. TEW FIRM AT THE -, ‘ h , ’ OLD WAREHOUSE: ‘ WM. E. RIDDLE & 00. would inforhl the public that they have luused the Wurehouse on the corner or Strunon street find ”It: Hail roud, in Gettysbfirg, where !heywill carry on ‘ the GRAIN AND PRODUCE Ifl‘filNl‘ZSS, in‘ nil its branched. .‘l‘he highest prices wm ul wuys be paid for WHEAT, RYE, \ ‘ CORN, OATS, fl cwvm k TIMOTHY SEEDS, { ‘FLAXSBED, SUMAC, “.\Y 1; STRAW; Dried Fruifi, Nuts, Sump, H.nms,,§houlders xmdrg Sides, POLlloei, with evuylhiug ulseiu Lhe' copnlry produce line. U.\' HAND, FOR SALE. Coffees), Sugars, llulnsses, Syrups,’l‘oni, Spit-o! Suit, Chm ac, Vinegar, Sodn‘, .\lusmrd, Starch, Bruoms, Buckets, Blanking, ,lirushes. Soups, kc. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, an, kc—i FISH 0",«1‘ kinds; NAILS AND Sl’lKES‘,‘ Smnkingnud Chewing Tobaccoa. ‘ They nre ulw:\.\s uhle lo supply a first “no, arm-1e ol' FLOUR, “ilhfilhe dnfl‘crcn‘t kiudgoi FEED. Alan, GROUND PLASTER, with GUAXOS and other mrLilizers. WUDAL, by the busl.el,lun. or gar loud. ’ ‘ 'l‘lu-ir Cure run to Baltimore and barktwiu: a week, null may will be happy {cu-any guods either way nt mom-rule ch frgL-s. M.\rkutuu~u, couuzry merchuule‘, and when. will find it 10 their udvnnmgt: m pulromzt- this line. ¥ They ask u. almre ol'thc pulnlic's cu=l._om.mzd willrpnre nu Qflurl to render suliahuliun 10 all, sellers or buyers. . * “'ll. E. BIDDLE 6; CO. Aug. 22, 1864. 11‘ . Great Attraction T FRINKERIIUI-‘F'S (‘HEAP CLOTHING A AND FCitXISUINU STORE, at the North East Corner of the Dinnmnd. The subsr-riber is constantly in receipt oflresh goods from the Eastern cities. “is stock of READY-MADE, CLOTHING is one of the largest and most 'nttrm-tire, in Well as the cheapest estublishmentml' the kind in the couutry. You will there find COATS= PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable styles. and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.— (ientlemon’s furnishing goods of every deseriy tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts, nnd Merino Shins, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, HosieryofevorrdesGt-iption, Merino and Cotton Gloves, “and kerchivfs, Neck Ties, Con-Mg, Linen and Paper Collars, H’ts, Cups, Boots‘ and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks. anices, Cnrpctfings, Clmhcs and Shoo Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blneking, Pocket and Dreesing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewehy, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and Perfutneries, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Kgives, Smoking and Ghewmg Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segnrs. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in I first class furnishing store. I invite the -atteutipn of All to come nnd sec for themselves, no I um determined to sell goods lower than anyotheresmbllshmentin the‘ country: Don’t forget the place“. Corner at York strent end the Diamond. JACOB BRINKEBHOFF. July 4, 1864. . CLOTHIE'RS, ‘~ . WASHINGTON Bunnma, 165 up 16'! Bump“ STIIET, . ‘ ' L! nAL'rl M o n E , keep constantly a band a large Ind well II- sorted stock of all kindle! goodl at mode'nto I= They supply orders for the finest. to the loven priced "tidal, either rod, and. or nude to man—fie, to my part. of the country They 'k'eop 1150 an extenlivo flock of FURN [BEING GOODS. embracing Every Iniclo of Gcntlcmen's Under-war. AllO, “LITA!“ CLOTHS and ever: variety! Hilim", Trim- mingu, .5 wall u u: snorted flank of READY MADE HILITARY GOODS Bnltimore, Feb. 12, IBM , Something for Everybody I 0 BUY AT DR. R. HORNER'S 1 DRUG A3O VARLII‘Y STORE an opened I fine “torment. of Drum And Medicines. Punt Medicine), ' Stationery, _ Fm: Dry 6006:. Congectiou, ' . Breweries! ' ~ hotiou. TOBACCO, BEGABS, to. I Jun. 18, 1334. ' _ Give Him p. C‘! ' a t In in frcll’holo h , I I A-filnfhiygfexfetsgfh ghe benign; ‘(n 3: ygyfilzgg's GAL}. _ag', In mm. mm; u. . . ‘ ' ' " Noah _ Walker 8; CO., No Humbug. ENOV’AL. R HULTZWOR‘I'H ALWAYS AHEAD. THIS WAY FUR BARGAINS.—JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH he just rglurned from the City with the large“ and most complete anon ‘ men: oi HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS mu) SHOES, um hu been brought to, W ”his lawn" tince the mur.’ Hin‘stock i. I not only complete, but ls GOOD and. CHEAP ombrating every nriely of Boots and Shoes for Mon nnd~floys. whilst the ‘Lndiea will find everything ln weir llne, (mm aha finest Gxxiux lto'the heaviest Shoe... Chll ren'n Show of 'fevery description, in great variety. Also. Lu qdies’ “All, line qnllilyrmd Children'l Hats, 'ornll nylon and prices. A'llo, Trunkl, Car. ‘pet Bugs, Valiant, Umlrrellu, Gloves, Stock ‘inn. Tobacco, Clgals,|nd Notion: of every , description. ' ' . fi-Don'l forget the placp, South-cut Cor. ‘ ol‘ the Diamond, Gaéysburg, Pa. ‘ ‘ . ' J NL. HOLTZWORTH. Ap'ril 10, 1865. u Forwarding Business. «CULP & EARNSHAW’S LINE. AVING purchgled the Warehouse nnd H Cars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbsl, the nndersigncfl take pleaaure in announcing “to the public that. they 'in run a K LINE OF FREIGHT GARS from Gettysburg tanllimore every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in 'nnyqunnmy. Theywillnlzendfifdesitednolbo making of purchases in the city. and deliver ing the goods prompdy at Gettysburg. Thoir curs run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SON & SONS, 165310th Howard street, (near. Franklin.) Baltimore, where Ireighthgill be received at any time. Tbay inv‘xte the gttgnlion of the puhlic to their Hue; assuring them that [boy will spare no effort to nc'cdmmodate all who may patrpniie them. . ~ Having purchased the buildings and lot on the Northeast corner of Railroad and North Wushiugum streets, Gettysburg. (heir Depm~ will remain there. Any penon having busi ness in the forwarding line are rmpeclfullyyh: vim] to call. ‘ GULF-a EARNSHAW. ' Aug. 7,1865. Great Remedy for Colds. anus PECTORAL ‘ B . BALSAMICgQRDIAL, on EJ’PEC'TORJNT! -A Rvmdiul Agent prepared to man the ur gent demand tor a prompt and sale Antidote fur nll Pulmonary. Disorders. If properly used it will give instant rdief in almost. every in slnntf', and will prove an effectual mm.- in. a majority of the following case-9.0! nll‘euiuus of the THROAT SND LUNGS! such as Colds, Coughs, Asthmatic Tendencies, Whooping rough, Soreness of the Breast and Bronchial .\llrctions. When we first commenced manufacturing the Expectorunt for our home consumption it was not our intention not our desire to put it before the: public as a “cure-all,"x nor to pub lish n inn}: lift of testimouinta as an eu‘donco of itslcumtwe properties, but the demand for it bring: so great nnddccldedly on‘ the increnar, has induced. _nnd in' fact compelled us to pre pure h on it much laiger scale; and also to establish agencies throughout this section of [hr country. , x ' ' A“ we ask is that thple thus afiiicled may give Lil-n fuir trial, that It may pic‘s its {nwny ndvnmagvs (we; omg:- prepnmuoni ofu similur nnlure now being employed. ’ ~ ‘The price too throws it within the rench of n",_bx ing b Al 2!- «lid 40 cents a bottle. Bell’s Worm Syrup! HE “081‘ INNOCEST. PLEASANT AND T EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE —A lung. um' Purse-r x-x haunt—No C'auur 011 (a be 7hken.«ln this Preparation we hsfi‘e iricluded Put-h remedies onix na hue bgen tried. for years mud are known to poséeis powerful nmhelmlnlie tinuwx, uombine‘l‘ wi'h mild nperients‘. pleasant arorn'nlics and sugar. An. LLelxniutlcs of thtmielvcs‘cnnnm pufmm their peculiar funrfioui or hue !he dwired effect, UHJA'SS the bowels are kept nmnlennbly npon. To produce this. geuue pyrgflli‘ws are ul'ces sur_\ and such uni)" ought to b: used that can unt imrrfere with the unthelminiiu mnployed. The adv-“mums wechim for !hh S‘srup uro; 15!. Its puwér at DESTROYINU AND, EX- Pl-lIILIXG WUHMS! 2d. Its mild avperieut effect upon the bowels ‘ 3d. Ila pleasant. taste and odor are nann mgrs pLsscsstd or claimed by very few Verm ifg.ges. ‘ '4lh. he harmlossfinfluence upon tho system, onuswiwnlly nu injurious eff- cts wi-ll result from its use should Ihs’pmien! have m'urm<, hut nn npmmul disease, arising: f mme other unknown cause, which is bequenlly the case. ~ . ‘ The constituents 9f this Syruli and its effects no knonn to many Physicians, who are now usiugpiv. 1n tll‘eig- przlcticu to a huge extent. Price 25 cents a bottle The Greatest Lmiment in Use. _ ELL'S W HITE O’Ll—Tr‘m Blmm'l-I, ['lmm ) ell. mm! Penelratiflg and rural Ecnnmuxcal Lminmtflin ("m—A .powmful Olmginus Com pouml fur‘the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Slrnina, Spmius, Wounds, Xumbnesa of the Limbs, Frqstod Feet and Hands. Spnvin. Sm!- tile Gulls. Pun-Evil, Ring! Bane, Bruiees. Swellings a all kind, andiin 11w: every dis ease for which an Embrocnliun is npplicahle, either inlMan or Beast. Price 25 cum a hut !le.—'Phis preparation, Whig!) is uriginul with us. .will be fo‘und to be one of the nicest and at the same time one of the most reliable up plicntiom extant. Having been employed Very extensively since its introduction and feeling satisfied 0! its'remedinl properties, we recommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing that no one will be‘ disappointed in its use. ”is, as its name implies, a. white liniment oi the consis tency of cream,. conmining nothing offensive, but, on lhe‘ contrary, will he found more plenum than othermue. ‘ Bell’s Alterative, R‘CONDITION POWDERS! ‘ FOB HORSES, UATTDE & SWINE 26 cepu r. paper, or five papers for $1 The Immense Illa of these Powders during the short period they have been ‘beforo the public, is a. sulficient guarantee of their gren populnity, and the decided benefits derivéd from theit ule. ‘ The; Ire confidently recommended not only :1 n preventive, but In a complete cure for all dinne- incident to the HORSEHCOW or HO9, we Ldre of Appetite. Coughs. Hem-es, Yellow Water, Dieteinper, Glut-(len, kc, hc. By theirnse the Korea’s Appetite is improh ed. all derangement: of the digestive urgent corrected, spftcning 'the skin, and giving to the coat I sleek Ind shining appearance. and may he need with perlect. safety at all times, an it contain no ingredients which can injure 3 horse, whether sick or well. , ‘ ‘ They cleanse the breathing lpparatul by ejecting from the eir cells consul-“ed matter, or thnt formation which so severely clogs them, causing a. tightneu in bru'hiug, and by their peculiar Action on that part, they cause the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimenliont, thnn equalizing the Circulation of the blood end metering the distended vessels to their nntunl size. ' 9 ‘ For tanning cutie they are innlunhle, glue possessing peculiar propurtiu in increu~ ing the quantity of milk in Cows, thereby giv ing them an importance Ind ulna which Ihpnld place them mthiu the hind: o! sll in tereued. All disease: to which the Bog is subject, 53 Coughl, Ulcer: in tha Lung: nnd Liver, and u s gen'enl purifier of lbe_bluod We guarantee We“ enemy if on“ (aid, tned. ‘ n'Bold It Gettysburg by A. D. Buehler, Apothecary. And by Druggms and Storekeep erl xenon"). Ask for Bell's Preparations. ~ Prepqnd exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary. (Graduate of the Phillddphia College of Phumacy,) Wen Wuhington BL, Hagen -20.21,)“. ' [Ucz.l6, 186.5. )3 Meats ! Meats! YSON & Cl). lune now in run opention In umbiishfiwnt for the sale of Hearts Ihd Groceries, on the west. side of Bultimore Itmt, ‘- lcw doors south of the Court-house, Gettylburg. PRIME BEEF can be had every Tuelday, Thureday sud Saturdty mornings, and PORK, VEAL, LAMB, km, on Mommy, Wedneldy Ind Fridty morning‘s. Their meats will ilwlyl be found the best. that. can be ie cured in this market. [Sept 25, 1865. RY Dr. R. HOMER'S \Touic and Anem- I am Povden, for HORSES. :nd CATTLE, "land And sold onlypt his Drug Eton. ' Juan: 2!: 186‘- - _ FOUT Z ’ S CILIBRATID gum and mum: gmvflm. Thane Powder! { will 111-anyth x-mheStomlch and 1m: Inna, cleanse men from otknlin mum, und bring Lhcmm nhmlth) "Me. They are I [m preventive of Lung Fever. and n cemin remedy for all Diseases incident to the Home, Inch Is Glou den, Yellow Wnter. Dis ‘ e In p e r, l"onn d e r , H o a v o a , Bunting, Coughs. Fe m ilions 0! pa u and #3.: Elm— gy. kc. in poor, lowayiritcd animals, ”n nu me most beneficial efl'cd. The use ofthem improves the wind. sin-umb ena the Appetite, and pros to the Horse's; fln‘e, smooth and glossy skin—thus unrav lug me appearance, vigor and spirit 0 this noble aninm ‘l'hg property this Powder )mSSessm infin- main; the gunnul) of NHL iu Cows; givu it an'npportnnce nnd \ulue which should plxuce it. in xhe hunk of evrry pcnsnn keeping - Cow. By actual eth-rin‘n-nl it has provcn that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make the Butler firm and sweet. In fattening Cntile, it gives, them an appetite, loosens their bid: an makga them thrive mm-h mm. HOG S - In A“ Disensos of “we Swim. ouch as ‘ i/T‘Jh’ ; ".a _ (ionng, main in %fi.s’fli" tie ungs iver ' ''L 3?}: if . Sc. hlilyf ’putlingy “ Qr‘;3‘_ from a paper _i - $53“??? of these ,_ I).?4FL‘? ow min a bnr— K.’ ",3 - «T 5 3‘: “lg! Swill, the [ii-‘3‘ ‘ \ nbo Dismal can be cured or entirely uro vented. By using those Powders the {log Cholera an be prevon ml. _ Price 25 on. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. =I 8. A. FOUTZ 8: BRO, LT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG AM} MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Frnnklin St, Baltimore, ltd. 'For Sale by Dmgginn and Storekecpen throughout the United Sums. \ s For sale by A. l). lhu-hlér. (ju-nyshurg; Lnugmin & Bllshfil'ld, Wheeling, Va: ('. (‘. Bender Er. CO., Plushqrg; Juhnsou, Hollouuy & Cuu'den, Philqglelphfiu. NOV. 28 1:164." h __.——X___-A_~_._..'_ _ New Goods {-«Large Stock ! , , ERCHANT TAILURLVG. 9 b 1 ‘ ‘ JACOBS & mu). huh: just remind from the cities :1 lm'gc «luck 01 goods for Gentlemen}- went, embracing a variety 0! ‘ CLUTHS” ' . fiC'ASSHIERES, , VESTISGS, Cnssinets, Jen‘ns, ‘&c.,“wilh many other good.- for spring amt summer “cur. ' They are [)l‘Lepfll‘fld to make up garments m the shortest mice, and in the very best mun ner. ‘l‘he Fujhioui urc rwgulurly‘reueivcd, .mul clothing manlc‘ in any desin-d styie. They ul wnys mnke Hem fit», wlnlsulu-ir sewing Is sure to be substantial. ' - They ask :u cominm‘lm-o of the public's [vl - resolyed by ;;qu “ark and moderate charges to enqn “n. ‘ Gettysburg April .7, [862 ew Bakery! ‘ A; ZIEG! HR, Mechanical Bak h Wushihunn strut-L. lmH-rqunre le “nu-l, (:E’l“! YMSL'JKG. Pu.— hnnd, (he he“! 0! “HEAD, ARES. I’KhTZELS, &c.‘ I‘er resh mel “I'll be gorwd Mmy :Lvlng their minim? and reildcxil-m . Ewry cfi'qu uuule‘ to please 1 ‘ [April 20, '63. tr Globe Inn. TEWPOR h ors, Soul from the Eu} Unnslnmly ul CRACKERS, ' sons wishing J morningmy 1! at the ”ALERT lee us a cull You}: 51.", NEAR. THE n-Mmyo,. . ETT Yin U RU, I'A.—Thc uqdcrsigncd I wuuld mt. respecuully inform his :3:- meruus Menus and the public mgnvmlly, llml he hns purcmsed thnl long q-alxllllislned and “all Lnown 10101.11”: “Globe Inn," in Yurk street, Getty burp, and will spam no effort to conduct it in u_xuunncr that will nnl dctnwl from its for Aer high reputation. “is [able “'11! have flu but 11» market can ufl’urd—his chambers nr- :pac'mu's and comfun.xblc—nud he has. laid in m:- his [m :I I'qu stuck or wine: i and liquors. i There is lnrgc stubliug ullaiclied i to the Hotel, which Will he llltt’nded by Atten- Live hustlers; It. will be his constant endcm‘or ;. to render the» lullest sun-{'.wtiou to his gun“, I making In: I ouse’ us neur a hoxm- to them as possnbie. fl asks a slum: of the pu‘blic's pn i ti-onage, determined as he is to desenon large ! pnrt of it. {it-memb‘er, the ”Globe Inn" ll in ‘ York ure‘et, but “out the Diamond, 0: Public Square. ‘~ SAMUEL WOLF. April 4,18 4. t! } Good T- ngs from the City! E ura eceiving twice a week from the city ayvnriety oi articles suited to the want: of ‘hia‘communityhviz: Ftesh And Suit FISH, Ham: Shonlstera and Sidga, Hominy, Beans, Salt, qpples, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections. Tobaccos, Sugars, with many other articlezj‘in this lino—all received in the bummer, l isgld nt:heiowastprofits._ Give us a call,, in ultimone street, nearly opposite Fahneitoch' tare. '_ >WANTEDK-Bulter, Eggs, Lind, and 11l other country. produce—Jar which the highelt cuxh price will be paid. ~ SWEET POTATDKS‘bcét quality, M. low est living prnfiu~ulwuys on hand. Also OYSTERS, fine and‘ twang—iii the shell on shocked. Restaurants mud families supplied. ‘ BTRIGKHUUSER h'WiSUTZKEY. Gettysburg. May 14?, 1803.‘ ’ I. K. Btaufl‘er, ATCHIiIAKEBm JEWELER, No. “8 NortthECUND Street, . corner of Qunpry, PHILADEL}& PINA. An ‘ uuonmmt o . \ WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER 3: PLATED WARE, coast-may on hand. 'SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS] fi-Repaining 01‘ Watches wd Jewelry promptly attended to. ‘ Dec. 12, 1864. 1y 1 Fresh Supply. NEW GOODS.—A. SCOTT & SONS have inn received another’fine assortment of @W GOODS. consisting. in part, of Clolhs, Cudmeren, Cusiliéts. Kentucky Jenni. nnd Tir'eedl, for Genufinen’u wen. Alums fine usomnom. off ‘ LAQIES' DRESS GQODS. Our stock has been nelected with grout care, .sn_d we we p‘repured to sell as chen- u any other establishment in the country. We uk the public to give u: A cull Ind judge for themselvu. ‘We defy competition, both y! to quality and price. A. soon e 3055‘ Sept. 11, 1365. - 9: 1865. PHILADELPHIA Wall Papers. OWELMA BOURKE, Umuxutnrerl of l’nHfiK Hummus nnd ‘ WINDOW SHADES. lorner FOURTH and MARKET u, BHILADEI.PHIA. , r y. in atom, I. Inge me! of L SHADES. . - 55. am, ‘ N ortb But. 0 N. B.—~Al" LINEN m 1 0 | 4115- 93L}? '.p-A mm “may, n}. lowut’. In”, . FAQ'SESTUCKS'. ’ 7 30mm! . {mark} V a _Great Sale ~ O!“ «atoms AND annuu. . ‘ sl‘,ooo,doo WORTH I T” be dl9Ps3gd of.“ On: Day.“ etch, vl‘th- onc regnrid to mine, not to 13: paid [or until - you How win: you are to regeive, BY A. H. RUWEK B CO., (Agunll fer the Manhunt-en.) No. 3'; Burn: STIIIT, Nzw You. Wile“ the following list. 0! Articles to b. [old for ONE DOLLAR : 100 Gold filming-u» Witches, «do .1” no 100 H Hugh“, "don nyhn, .“ uOO #lO “ Wiu‘ Gold “'l‘th", " I. o. 600 Bllhr Watch“. ml: 120 00 to u o. Goon Lulu: «yin "at A: ml.el}flm, h bonlnt; no 5500 Out“- Gdlfmh autumn! plus, ‘1 Oonbu2» 00 «no Cullfunk d‘amnnd ctr drugs, “ 9wtolo a. 3000 Minimum n-vulnnc Pm. II Inololo co m c-lifnru. Din nd and alum. ollod Hom‘n mfwm. mv Ityln. “ sonkln on 2000 Blnonle .na Em lem Pins. ‘I Inololo no 2309 Uuld Bum Baum-«mud " 30nt020 no 3009 J“ Ind llm-loflmoctm, u anotoln co m Cnnwlllrbochu, u snoto b o. WCunlhrDmp. u ‘ Cool. 5.. m Lndkl‘ “nah Chlim. H lontols up 00‘!) GIIIVI"PIBI‘ I upland” unfit; “ 2no\uto on «no Salim" Show. Hulk-u. " I ooh I. on noon Bmm- and Sher. Bumnu, In mu. u lonhln 6a 6000 Eluve'flulwm. plnln, nu! Ing'd, H Iooh I on 10000 lain Ind engrnud Rim, U 1 bo‘to lo no sow Lek-p. richly "fin“ II Ino‘olo 0- 15000 at. Lyn", JO7» r], ac- and V lam: nylon. 1 ‘oonlo I! on 6000 land-om: Poll Rings, ‘ “ iontoll no 9000 Sol- llolnm Elm“, H 26010 I o. 1000 Guld Paul and (hold "0M0", “ Hon‘o I. 0!) m Eon J“ Ind Hold Pm: and flu . Drnpn, lulu: lulu. very rich, “ 6no to 10.00 Roan Uum Thhublu. Panel“, is.. “ dnuh 0 p. lama (lold l'am Ind IHror m. " sonto I 0. lowa '~ “ Slum] huldara, " 5 wk- 6a. This entire “I'. of hemuifzil and valuable goods will be sold for 0s: Donna euch. Cur, tificnles oi all the ulmvonrlicle: will he placed in envelopes, and scales]. Thru- envelnpu an sent by mail. as ordered. without. rexmd in choice. (#3 the receipt of the certificate you will see what. ;‘oujln- to have, and then it in II your option to send the Dollar‘ and lake the nl'licli", or dot. . ~ .. Five certificmu. can be ordered far 31 ; eleven furs 2 ; Illirtyfur $5; I‘ley-five for SIB, and one hundred for $l3. We will lend n single ()eruficnm on the receipt 0125 cent..— .-\gams mulled to u how I e qflcr aperinl tel-mag send 2.“. cents for one ccrtuficule and our cifcu 1m- \\'ilh terms. A. H ROWHN 6; CO., ' 33 Beekmu}: smart, N. Y. P. O. Box 4171. May 2'5, 136.5. Gm Ston obraker’s mvrz, mm: .\xn omm . L IN.I_M r: N 1'! FUR .‘l.L\' Oln' [CI-LIST. WWJRIUNTEI) TU CI'MH llllwmatlnn,’ Spruilu, Swvlh d ,Juinxs. Son- Throat. Frosted Feet, l’oizon. (ild Sores und Bruises, Prom Cut-t, Corns,.\lu|ups,l‘elwr, Puins in lhl‘ lehl nnd Burk, Su’evuy, on \hm or Re \3l, Swldlv on (‘ol[ur Guns, Illatcmper, Scrutchn, hm, ml Horn-s :unl .\lules, um! «11 Din-uses requiring; an External [“1110th ’J‘honuumi-m of the public is rcspoctmiiy dilertmi lu Ihr me l'rcpnrulinn, up being one of the 595'! und moat eiiirnciom exlcninl remedies {mm m usr. This Me: in! lulled upon lhg lasiilnuny ol‘ thous‘uuls p! persona whu lnu'e usul it. ' Frum I’hefv-"l‘ amount of good this Liniluem 11:13 dam in all msu whoruin it hus lu-l-u nan-d, nml [he fra-quvnl npplimliun lumlc for 'u. Ilus prtrpr'xelur 1.45 hem indurecl tn Mace IL buhn-u the public, and lkl it stand upon H:- mm glurl mums, knowing Ilnt in‘ uu-ry cun- wln-w it it need. ‘1! “m rucouum-ml awn: .\ll hunks id :1 fair und impnrliui lriwl, and if u-xed ncrur‘l mg to direrlluns, um] nu lwnvfil, nu thunk-. “Min: such uu‘ni‘milunl cuufim-nu- in it: cur..- .ch po\\cr-. !u- hus dimoty-I hi: .\gvnll :u re luhd the numvy in MI. (Mei \vht-rv l‘ll! Lini- Inr-ul is u:s--d with no hnu-lil lhu lm'lll' “ilh a portion 0! its 'vuylcuh‘m nc rclurm-ul lu Um {\gvnt. _ , I! M ii] in‘ found a “In: remedy for Illmunm iism. Spruinfi. bwylimi Jurinli Mn, nnd in mm, iur nll 11ml. In claim-z for it, It mu-ls nun) ami de of [he I\imhu ”inf. _< ‘II is 0““ an illfilnlllll. cure fur many clisenrog of ”arms. sul'h it Kflk“. ;nnusy .\'m-llinun, Spruiua, (Ill! Sun s. Svmwh I. Cullnr mu! Sm!- -lil\- Hulls. :leii “I“ durusg-L I'iq'iilii'i' .up i.\'- lerntil wmuly lur liurars :m ! Cunlc, h in: no equal. A This Linimlni slinnhi‘iu- in' llu» hanfl: of «very funny, pu.:lhul.n|_\ Mn-rr un-u- um? i children, us SM Tin-mu. Smilvlinn, (‘ruup' Quinry. kin, urr din-mus that run; hmuy - hil rirvn m Hu-ir [.‘ll|\‘(‘§.4 'i‘lm Lininwul WI“ be hung! a ‘llll'illld qua-uh rcliri in I'-\rr\ ('.lmn “'lch it. is applied in time .\a thin Liniuu-ut is warranted to give satiatnuliun in ull qu‘m no one run rink anything in lr3iu'g it—mnl Lt one lmllle .x' Int-d _nm “’l" non-r In- vmlmul. it in the hound—{n [nun has}- I\ lulilv "ml he convnuucd ol lhc‘ Incl: abuse. ' . Ftoneb'raker’s (tRSI’, ANN CATTLE , ' Pl) \\'~D‘EltSl (unr yunrllmsv- STtl\l-lllii.\Kl‘3i’C.‘iilU|lSH AND CATTLE I'U\\'l'El2s. il 'wu hunt fine and healthy turn 5, ~mgl ~wu n'n- aurt’lu hmu ”mm. A a.tfv.surl- mA] 1.1-: ’i} rurt' lnrl'uuuhl, “Hill“,Uifllt'l‘ll’lt'l“,“l'lHL'S,lil'it'--l|l)lllld,“’0rlllt', ltuts,‘ Mung, Inn, in “mm; Inns of (Zuni, ltlnck ’l‘onguv. “('., in (‘xutiv ' By the the of rhut- I’liil'l‘i'illhi the uplvetitn of the Horse is um-rm‘cd, :tll derllllérllfl'hlfi nf this Digvsm‘n- Urgum nqe (7‘)l'l’C|'lt:‘-i. and tho biuflfiibhm'til Q! the ~uniiiul «Muppet-n. he b"- cnming lnrly ,nml spinlml. lt sullen: the skin, giving the hnir N. I;ka un'l shining up penmnce. The arm". supériority ui' tin-no Ponders over nil utlu-rs hrihci trom Iho l'owt th It thvy nre mmlmun-lud of lIII‘IIICHIEI thut have hwtivr, tnnir 'nnd imrilying prnpnlwn. The lnxntivc rclmm-s i-l.‘ impuritiu luuu the ‘atomnrh find hour]: ; the tonlr mltln new tuna and vigor hum: bystrln of Ihe'hone, by which the appetite ts wonderfully: ilnphn'ed, ttllli lhe' nutitying medicines cuntniuml in them I'll uuue the blond iron: nll impltrq matter, and give in healthy und vigorone éirculution; they Mm ilnhruve the niud, and are it sure prevéutiw of Lung Fever, Yel|ow Water, Founder, Lou of.\p|-t>tite, unl many mher disenuee incident. to the- llursc. . It is 11m invaluable as A l‘amiitlon Powder for Cows, int-rowing tho flow 0! milk and pre venfing disease. All pmous owning cowl should ask {or STUNHHRAKEII’S HORSE t CATTLE POWDERS, u it in very important. through the winter um they ahquld he med to improve the condition of the cow. They have no equal for fnttening cattle, us they’ give them an appetite, nndJoosen their hide, by which they thrive much tutor. . . .Theee iPOwden are It sure preventive of HOG CHOLEIIA, and are ptrticnhttly adapted to the dist-ates to which Hogs lre lo liable—l such an Coughllllcen omm Lungs and Liver—- causing them to improve much faster. Thef should be used in the beginnlng to fatten Hogs, :3 much tecdmny be sued. These“ Powder: will be found much Itronger than most powders now In use, Ind-n: the and, time the meet powcrml tonic Aennted for Horses and Gnttle‘of Iny kind. Allpeuaul nre p'artiuularly invited to try then Powders, knowing they will continue to no then. “ Rat: Made to Come qu o/lhir Hole: 1. 0:. f ‘ Stonebraker’s / n, nomn AND nous: , ’ ~ nxrnuuxx'srro’m . e invlle the «lamina Q! the. public to tho’ above prepnntion, n belng one of the non ell'tcunl prepunliou ever lnlrodnced. (or the dwructlon ofthe Above vermin. We run»: it. n DEAD SHUT FOB RATS! Try n—ouly 25 cum I by». ‘ fl‘Sold by. dealer: and country mug. keeper: generally. ‘_’ ~ 1 Aug. 14, 1866. _Gm . 'B2B. Hoop Skirts. ‘ 628. UPKINS' “OWN JAKE" 0P BOOP' y SKIRTS, Ar! gotten up expressly toned y a Hunt] of mar cuu "ml. Tbcylcmbnce 3 complete assortment of I" the new and dealnble Sty'lel, Sizesnnd Long“), for Lndies’, Miuql' and Children, Ind no In parlor to All other: made in point. of Symmev-y, Finith and durability ; being made of the finest. unpaved English Steel Spring—with Linen finished Covering, And having all tin mohllc muenings immovnhly secured. by improved nubinery. They mwln Llseir Shspc nnd Elu. ticlty to the last—and are w-ln’umed tq give enfirp snizfncxiun. ' lila Also, constantly in receipt of full line: 0! good [intern lude SKIRTS, at very low pm“. Skirt: and: to larder. altered and RPM-1 Wholesale um! Quail, M. anmcw And Sdenfioom, Noifize ARCH ELI-hove 6th, Pmunmn lA, 1 . fi'l‘cnm Cash. One Price Only 1‘ A Anng, 1305. h- , ADIBS' DRESS mlwnus. In out :5; L rig-1y; Ii ~ HoB§f§ % - ‘ - 3 ,‘