The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 13, 1865, Image 2
'— EH 3112 f“ flnmpiui. IMI . ‘ whit. -.. ‘_‘;2 V,{-_... ‘ ..'. ._‘‘ -_ > 'f‘: _l.:_:':r.~ fl. ;?s&l%."&f J . l. 1. ”Al". lbl'ron .n'D PROPRIITUI pm' rfispunahri lONDAY Mom'wc, not. :3. 1385 The Southern Congressmen A Iplbhl dimntch from W-kiuglon tn “34.75 per barrel. rye flour $1.62 per barrel, _the Baltimore Sun of Mend-y. days: 1 Wheat 90 crntl vehlmalxel. rpm 31am: yvr “I: know pretty clnrthnt the I’resideut." bu‘l'el‘ mm 23 “m" P“ ”’1‘"! W” 57:0 has I! hurt the nvlmiulon of the Southern 3 “ME?" bushel}, ' ‘ '* ' Cunfl’eumm. and will mnke it I meamre‘ moi-Bun" ‘N mm? P"- P°“"dv hams 'o' '1 .Idmlnlsln 'on. "Phase Opposing it.“ 30c9nti pvt pouml; 1311140909" l'“ 1mm“: with“ "'3!er as hostile to the melt. ma’inlmulldersfl'l cents pgr poundfgz'l £1» (Tau m‘ in :of t“ 1- 'n _per l mun. potato“ 7 cu. pyr un_ -e ,w IPdl mw_ha__ } HOur $11.50 ;wr barrel. rya flqur 57 per bar rel, wheat $220 per bushel. rye $l2O per bushel, qrm: 70 cents per bushel, oats _4O cont: per Ludtcl. Q - - Quite adrifemncc to be por'ceived. Rem. son—we lmd Dnmocratiq cglrency in the olden time, now Sllmldy m‘gs. _ Pmflm Johnson and the Republican Lead- Tbn‘o hug hem quit- a, "rmh." lately. of ._Rppyblic-n politicians my Wufiinglon, .the ~ply-guise evidently boiilg to get. up n "pres 'luié:." nod. ghas "perm-do?- Prnident Johnsonfto change his own views and udopt thoin. ’ ‘ The degree of xuccem amide.) By this mofiemenl. may be In!erred {mm «mm ex tract! which we make from 3‘ letter written ’by DOT. MrClura. who went (0 Washington "‘té sen." "I“he Colfbad "am hour with An drew qumson." and. came away rather gloomyi’ He says: I ‘ A I believe that the President «‘11: wield an _hil power to effect the mlmmioh of the rep 'rmnlntiven of the rebellious lStates into Congress during we next, tedsion. The 'Bt-mtlo beingorgunized th‘e quefitinnflmnot come up there until it is brought up in or der; but theremll be u strongman-genre to force the admission of the Snuihern mem ben by placing their names (‘in the roll when the House meets. This Mr: McPher lon'will not do. and on all votes of instruc tion he will call,only them who} are return ‘ ed trom Stats-I clearly entitled/to represen ttrtion. The law forbith him th'do other ‘wim, and he will be mmrul to it. The quntlon at their udmimnn will lhpn ngilute 'lho Bentham! I fear make aV’md brenvh between the Prt-sidpnt um] Congress. The flout}: in encouraged by the position of the .‘hdminiatretion to be imynorttlhnie in its «10-f mind for ndmissionfiand .it 1:; not. improba-l; ble um it‘fiill in the end he mlmum. } ' It, would be foolish to disguise the fact . thtit the‘Preaident. bmh by word and deed. ' disclaims the! pasitinn of a partisan Etecu-r 'tive,lnnd that he is not. inshmlblo to the: fluttering approval of hi»: administration by . ’tho Demoératic'pnrty. Ido not mcn'n bys “nil that he in in sympathy mul fellowship; With them; but] do mean that he i: nnti .wholly in sympathy ngumst thém; gmd he; will. I feel warranted in saying. adhere tq‘ the political fut-tunes oftha Southern States" without re‘gnrd lbjhéiticxl coanuencesu—f This may or mfiy n tsevor him from 019' party that. sustained and cherished him in the darkest dnye through which he pnfi'led,‘ unal‘ that won‘him the highest. lidnors nf tlw’ Ration "llnugh n fluot‘l'nf obloq‘luy; but”; it does, Imfer tlmt Lie wnll hecvi’thlm mu x «tion. lle evidenllfi' nu-nns above all nth-i or things, to compass the mlmibinn at tho‘ Southern members and the comlplete l'P‘to-'l ntionlto power ofthnso Stated.«‘pnd if Mus-j Mchusetts and South Cumlitmic-tn stnkm land: OvrP the same mlminiutrhtion, thc-n . will we have n fuithlul Pivsident and a lmr-' monious country. It not—l Eel-we the hp! tare tq tell the story. Where’ in' all thi~ record soon to be made upthe Nutinn shall] nee that “treason is the urrutust of chain, and must be punished," lb nut to my mind| apparent. ' f A K 3‘. I ”On lheduy the Return .iudgee‘nf Hiis‘ county mm. lo admit the whim? votes. Mc ‘Comughy insisted that “the law" requu‘ed than to meet Again On Um [allowing Fni‘ flay-a (1111:! (mm-null evrn I\vent (0- n “copperhend” hop], with u vigw of per sundingbr frightening “comigrlifnd judges" ' imo hi: view of,the cue. Among other “.li'gu:nenls,”'l)e declari-d U at [the jmigns in 'Ffinkiin county wouldnc‘mdrn over to Inge! Pgnin ! = 2 i ‘ 1' ut ,lhe judges couldn't get that the law mélnt inj such nonsense, n 114 (hen-fore, Thving péirformed their wh‘nia’lluiy, went home" and ' gave meaelves no further trouble nbnul. itLVNm- did me‘judgés in Franklin watt 3 third tigne, as promised by’ McConuughy. ' . ‘ - The judge: of the district, mfefmm eat]. county. that onlhe Friday follqwix‘ngftofiount fine votes certified by the rpspecfive counl‘y boards, n: re‘quired by “law—anti thus the work was legglly. fi‘ih‘iafhal. 1 ‘ \Ve,nllude to this matter to Enhow that. McCommghy is either. mmblelno lulu? a commonsense View of law, or will not‘bes. ‘itate to Bflvisg a pervgrsion of i§ to acrom -1-linh\n selfish cull. ' ' fl'An ofliciai dospatch frgm the United 'Stltel Consui at Jamaica to the State [)3- parlpent report: that the. insurrection of the negro population in Jumnicnfljis ofa very “done character, , There Jul-o.} only teh ”thousand whites and tevent ~57? iliousnnd haul-Hoes {up the Island. ;ngainst three burning] and manly-five & usai'nd blacks. The Come! expresses the item}? that the fitment outbreak has been long eontempll behind that it is inlaendedjo he a mu- of. extermin’hti‘mi against the' whites. The time, 000, was well chéuu, 'lh‘ere were hot mega thnn gix hundred viit‘e troop; on the Island when lhsxinsurreotionisu oom inenoad their work ‘bf dew-milieu. We myth}. II I luggeuive flat, the! the radical repeal it the North are eiifitely silent on Us. imam. , . ‘ ‘1 who proweclus lo! the Sim York World in be found in our ndvartiaing col- W- Th Worl‘d has attained 3 front flk among t-ho neuspgpen of the United Bmm}: lhehigh order of milky display ed in iu editorial columnmlndzithe extra bhlimry enterprise manil'etled in in every figpprtitenfi. ‘_Such of ourfrien‘ds I: desire "in 'York Fauna! would by; «\ll films inlnqibolor the World. " ‘ Q ‘Q'The Erie 063 m says that. the Erie county Soldiers’ Monument, y'vhfch wn‘s Wad 3t Ginrd. on [he Psi Mat, Eli tugged through the g’enerosny‘ orn “oop- W"—Col.nan. Rice. Upon the 06. 03.501! 0‘ ill dedication. it is fluted that. fig-Wm. arm-xx Gov. Tod'd. of Ohio. devoted morn 'n!‘ weir reinagkslto politics 1h“ (0 lb. subject of dedipifiqé. whet-us Col. Ricc'ipoke in ave‘m of 2:113th pathos, honing" eloquence Ind npprq‘pginoneu, whi'ch'm‘ohéd the heart: of his: audience, . had is?“ nmnimoufly agreed (but. neither b? the Gove‘rn‘én’ child. be comfpve'd fiitli ' bimnifesily and emu“ publib‘sbéaker.” i. ‘ ...—rm-.. «-:-. _ _H_. jiu almddyihé are'nifl ' rurhtin péfizh.uisw'uri for pre‘ncpi'liivo-vth; (49.5. ”3.: run Mmy is fast proving; itsntheisri and you! depravity. - t ’ A“ may; i 1..." . . . - f . Th: alien Tine. A cotémpnmry obnrvn that it is refresh ing lo those who live in this up of extran gnnce to look back .over a period of, {arty ymnffind nee how people lived in days gone by.- A damn: at. the "weekly price curg'ent,’.' punkkahe-Uh Jho month of No vember. 1824, in satisfy the road" of the correclnahg of our ”9.k0 We pht‘lish Um nrliclns with the Brain: market mt“, 'in order to ghoyv [he ought iiving then and now: = _ AlB24.—Butter 8 gar-nu per pound. harm 7 cem- par pnund. lardx'f mm: per pound, shouklen 4} cent; em 7 gents per dnz . potnlm‘a lSi emu prr‘ bushul. wheat flaur ‘ Jeff. Qavil. ' ‘ On Monday Just. a petition praying for tho pardon of Jefi'. Dwis, signpd by fifteen thomnnd ladies of Billimoror was present ed to Presidgnt Johnson by g committee of the nigneis. headed by Mrs. 'O, Coleman, daughter of llminte John ..L Crittendan.-—' Mra. Coleuian addressed the President In a very feelin’g manner, to which he listened with marked attention. [building for some moments. he finally said : ,- " “That he rogrettml 'more than he knew how to express, thnt he could not grunt the petitionmnd that it would give him far more pleasure to accede to the roquut of the ladies presont than it would give them to have it granted. If.” added be. "it were simply a question, however, l-nlween man and may, I would relea‘ze Mr. Duisatonc‘e; but it is i: gran: N-uinnal unSllhn. Mighty Issuos might be involved, and now is not tlm time to take such :1 step. I think.” continued the President, “I have the pour age. or as you term it. Indies. pluck, to d 6 my duty and have proved it. Wlién thg‘ prnper time comes for the c-xi-i-ciaé oi mag mmmifysl Lmat that l shall not be found ‘ wuuling.” ; In reference to the trigl of Mr. Davis. Mr Johnson ‘snid : " - - “ Almost every nrrnngnmnnt 1m been made for the trim! of Mr. I) win, but no one can (r-ll what ‘chimpPs may he brought about in the course urn. law Weeks. A hnsjy and injurlicmus actinn, in this matter might produuo ihc‘nlculilble misery. Mr. Davis him been a grant. lender in the war agnimt the Gm’Prlilnont, nnd it. is but. right ha ahould'ba tried‘by the laws (if the land. I sympathize with him m_his suffering... “15 quarters huve be‘en changed and his condi tion iizixeiir>rmed..’-l ~ ‘ . In conclusinn, Mr. Johnson mid: “All men, ladies, are under the influence of women, and I not less than other men. You ark: niygji‘wela. I wzml your help and your pniyers.” - . No Knight of old, said one uflhe Indies, could have hgen more cnm-Hy in his deft-r -one.» nm more gentie in his‘rvl'mni. The vnmlnitiee left. deeply impressed with the mym-flnossof Mr. Johnann. and convinced a! bin kindly Indians and good CAM}. a “Mark Americans." I’uur miiiiom oi Bhtck Americana, faith ml to the Union In xtu yams Oijrortlmry up to us from the South noL to let. the thion uijuaticzr he himu.— Tribune. , 'l‘ not. the Trnbtme shgluly in error? The cry of' the “BLu-k .\merionns” is for lations 9nd medir-ines, and not “nationaljwtioe ;" fur immnce. here 1133 Washington deepulch which the Tribune (1:.1-ol1‘illy suppress“:— “The modiml tlnpm'lmnn'. ‘oflthc Frneq men'x Bureau oulimales that H. bad nbont, swan llmusaml .ml: um! luv/pie." neJracs under HS care throughout all the Southern States.” . l. Why don’t the Tribune give these "Blat'k Americans," whom it is killing by inches, food and medicine-instead of continuatly gwbhlihg about f‘nafiunul’justice 2'" Horace Greeleyyt‘: Co. li’hve murdered more negroes in the past. five .yenr-x, than have ever heen killed in the “middle passage,” and yet the ‘TZ-ibune insults common ‘intelligence by talk ing about ‘jrute'ce to the negro." When will the WM: hnie courage to‘ cram down the throat: of _thé Abolitionists their base falsehoods, and'hold them responsible for the unmitigated ‘cruolties which they have ihflictL-d both on the white m‘un and the helpless nogm? . k The Elrttions. Nam Yam has gone for the napubnca’m. by probably 20,000. Thq Republicans also carry New Jersey, by from 2.000 to 2.500. In both thme‘Staleu muéh npn‘lhy preyniled amofig ths Democrats, as in Pennsyl‘vnnin, ‘bnt lbey’ wi!l do bette‘r next time. ' > Illinois has likevjvise“gone’ Republican, but by a refluced majority. «In Maryland, under an infamous registry law, few but Republicans were allowed to vote. ‘ Wells. Democrat, in .elecled Governor of Louisiana.‘ In Alabalpa, Bulger is elected Governpr. ' ‘ ‘ w Tic New York Elections. The New York Whrld. commenting on the result of the election in that State, says :1 The tide of fanaticism which has swept over the nation; engulphfig its laws. its libertiesmnd its material prosperity. though visibly abgting, has not. yam-cached its ebb. Everyhogr lg lullsrnhd the time cannot. be for distant. when the peOple of the North, IO long led throuzh deep waters by blind guides. will search for .dry land und other lenders. That d..y will see: the triumph of Democratic rrinciplea and of those who have faithful y upheld them. l in the election, just. clot-3d the Demo~ 1 cratic party has been laithfullto its time honoréd principles. It. has .6 ght. nothing less than the‘ goodhf the whole country. It did‘ not hesitate to indone the measures ‘ of an administration whose election it hnd op ed. {or those mansion-aurora well adap l tetfotflo the end which it never lost. sight of throm’rh four yesira of wuq—restoruhr‘m of ‘the UnionVlnd ii.- laws. of peace, of our {civil liberties, of local new-government, and ;of fraternal good-w'l between all sections lofpur common ~ try. And to-day the ‘.ohlof regret of eve? intelligent Democrat ‘ willbr. not that n ocal election has Mn I lost, but. that Mr. Johuwu’a poliliml mean. i ore: for the early restoration of the South ‘em‘stam to their_oo»equ:il and norm il re llatlons in tho limo". which was the chief l and almost theonly nuliunnl issue at stake :in the late canvass? ”HOMO! recmved the weighty iudorsemeutpf the Enpixe smm. flThe flannver Cibcn has changed hngdn. {Mt-cars. Wm. Heitioel 'aud Jno. U. Shga‘wr‘hav'sng phrohued the {swlisbmrnz {“201}; Mummihlsh _and Dellngze." {p the hil‘gds of ‘thm young men‘we don 6 mi that “the mesa": be conducted-111th . 'l’“ «a away. and cgm it vainly new} ram-. 35. gag: nomem. has boon elece' arm sw;lin3.l)_ochrhi‘y.'iSdoe'efi‘Qb’mr Led Mayor of” '_ fail W9lO may; 1 . I'm Clerk 3! the Home and It: animation. _ The Cincinnnli' (hmrnreial. one Of the mm: yrmningmgand .ably conducted pnfierq _iu Ih. country. ennui": the following in ,leference to the course Mr. McPhgunxu will . jmrsue on the admission of Southérh mem 'Lbeu Wendell Phillips. some months bgg‘ made 'his proclamation [hut the fate of the nalion mu in the hands of the. Cilrk of the In“ Prensa of lteprmnlativn. ‘ who by law, holds over til} the new Convoy elem; a ’Spnakfl'. and whose duly il in lo Yrepara In :offiéial list ofninmbers. Mr. Phi lip. avow .ed (but in the“firmnm of the (1m: in ex -1 eluding from the roll the named of members 'from lm-onflmrtml Slntm. wan smm] the ‘ only hope of Nsuon :1 qnlvntinn. Thimvns ;Lhe rook orbsndnmxie upon vii?!) we re powfl, and he exprtswt! a me! choly ap—‘ lprehemmn mm the Clark might not. be A 11mm of wlivlily. ' l Mr.‘Evlward Merrnnfiho Clprk ofthe . Houso, wouH have been 3" ninz'llnr person ,1! he had nmr‘lfustml an?! conéuleruble op {posilmn to thi .1 kle red pfioru to mag hajfy his 0 ul he wnuld hnvn com 'mended hi 3 lhejudirious'. ifha- had [men cnrcf not to slum a dispmuion In ins-rim in the prod-SR of Mn oxnggrmlinn of [h]! consequvnce. Wu find -in the New ; Yurk Eve-mm: P at. a Washington [Mu-r da- Hed Ocmher 23.‘.nmininz the lollowing: “The Clerk of the last Congress, by law, holds over till the new Congren elects a iSpeuker. and it is his duty tol procure an lolficiul list of members. He Calls the roll #th the House meets, and when the elec ,tion or Speaker takes place he uses this Iroll. Great power is conferred upon the lClerk. but it could not be otherwise. Mr. McPherson has informed his friends, with lyut reservation, that he will not place upon Ithe ofiiciyl list of members any person Zchaitning to be elected [mm a State that has been in rebellion ugaimt the Government. To do dill'erently would he to decide. him self. one of the most. important. questions belOre Congress: tor to let in eighty South lerrr members at the outset to vote ttpon the :subject of,their own recognition, would end ithe controversy in their favor at. once." 'l‘hat members of Congress elected in {Suites that were involved in the rebellion twill present themselves in the Hall of the House of.RepresentutiiLes. on the first Monv ‘day of December next. is certain. “Knock ‘ing at the door.” is a figure of speech.— i'l‘uere is no military or other gut-rd at the door to inspect. the" pat-zen of members. and {nonounca upon their validity. llurace annnrit and Colonel Stokes. at Tennessee, will not. encounter any more (litliculty in walking into the hull than the Hun. Benjal min liggleston and General R. B. Hayes, ct Oiiio. | ‘ " Tennenvee. we 'uimiose, may he counted 1: State that has been in rebellion against the Government. Mr. McPherson line—if the I’HH'S coriesponrlent is well informed. and we have no doubt he isyinlrt ltla tiiemts without reservation: tlmt' he will not plaioe the names ot' Mu) n-irtl, Stokes, and others of the Tennessee delegation (the npplwutiqn of this example. to tilt the reconstruete’d States is clean) upon his otlieinl roll. Per haps a mot’on Wlll he inmle dirt-cling that he shall call all the States and the lltlnlt of their Representatives; and perhaps h will iel'use to do so. he iuiugine that, the decision of this momentous question rests With him alone? ‘ I An instructwe prpcetlont will readily be “oiled by readers of Copgrmainnnl history. ‘Un the 2] of Dyecmhpr, 1839, at the (mon in: of the twt-nty-sixth Congress. Hugh ;Gnrlund, Cleuk nl the twenty firm (Bunch-u; irelusod to call the names 01 file mpmlmri ;lmrln Nuw Jersey, bc-Qm the 591115 at all ftlm nwmlwrs of that .t nte were contented. IFur three dzlya than; was un o‘xvitm! nnd 'wxld (IPIIAIP. the House Imin: 'hnth nnnr mnlzerl and dism'rlerlyl. 0n the fomth tluv, ithe ()let}: vym dm-rtmitncull the 1:0” ugnin, nle commencing tynl ano hm] lvl‘OCct’tl ' «yd nocncdmg to Lhe xe‘numpbiml Elluati-m inf the States. as fur a: Nun .lnwy, and was labcut. to my that he would not call tin lnames of memle of tlmt Smmgvlnm John .Quincy All nus, wlmhaJ not. My] anything [-w say about. the controversy uf) to that, mo ; ment, :utHenly tnok le floor Land sand;— “1 rise to unwrap! the Clerk." . l In~tzmtly there wns prolounli silence in :the Hull. and Mr. Adams said: , - ' "We-‘dvgmde :Inll disgrace our constitu jontw. and tho ofiuiitrv. lmc‘tuvze the-(llerk of 1 the House, the mere Civrk whom we eni éploy‘.’ and whn=e existence depemlu upnn out \‘will, usurps the (lirrme and sell: ité. the. i Representatives and vicegerents of tha whole Ainerioun people, at defiance, nn'l Iholds its in contempt. And what is this Clerk at yours? ls he to suspend by hi! 'merv negative. the tunclions of Government 'imd put an end tot this Cniiprein? lle ro ittises to cull thé roll? it is in your power ' to comp'el him to call it, ifhe will not do it lvoluntarily. (Here Mr. Adams was inter ‘rupted by it nmniber, who said he was an thorit-d to snyfithst compulsion could not. reanh the Cloik. who had avowed that he would resign. rather than. call the State of Nerve Jersey.) Well, sir, let him resign, continued Mr.‘ Adams. and we may possibly discover some way‘ by which wa ‘can get along without the aid ofhia powerful talent. learning and genitals.” M r. Adams suhniittpd 11 motion toroquire the Clark to call the roll for tho Stile of New Jelsey, and there mix A general out.- cry of “how shall the question he. put?" All knew the (Sh-ik would not put it. Mr. Adams said : “I intend to put the question myself.” That solved the difficulty. ltich urd Pnirnwell Rhett, oi South Cuolina. Sprsing upon a desk, and moved that. tho llonn John Quincy Adams, of Man chu aetts. take the chair as presidingaxlicer, and ofliciate until the House be organized by the election of its constitutional ofllcers. The motion was put and carried. Mr. Ad ams was escorted to the chair, New femy was called and the llbuse' organized. lt' Edward McPherson. \“the mere clerk, usurps the, throne.” and attempts to play the role of Hugh Garland, it. will not be difficult to,find one who can tollow the Ad ams precedent in bringintz order out of chaos. lt was easy for the Courtieri or Fer dinand to bake an egg stand op end after Columbus had shown them how so remark thle a toatymight. tie-accomplished. The Election in New iexito. Col. Davis, the editor of therDoyleelown De’mncral. who is familiar with the politics and men of New Mexico from a long resi dence in that territory, thué speaks of the recent election there: ""l‘he Tribune and other Republican papers are making A great cry over the recent election _for delegate to Cungreuin New Mexico. and chiim it as a Republican victory. ,We‘know something thou: the politics ofthnt territory. Puree, who was defeated, was tln candidate of Watts, Connslly. Collim «£OO., and the mil~ it'ury clique at Santa Fe, who have been the enemy of the Democmtic perty of the territory since it was established. We fought them politically for four years.— Wutu was lately the Republican delegate in Gangrene lrom New Mexico, Connelly and Collins both held office under Lineoln’e ndmiuistrution; the former being Governor, Ind the latter Superintendent of Indian Affairs. We know the outfit like a book. These men and their party are the enemies of the Democracy. and beta been badly beaten. We are glad ofit. Ith a cheap consolation to call it a Republican victory." 9 @When Gen. Lee surrendered. there was gmit opposition by the Republicans :9 every appearance of lenily toward the reb ‘ el 5. Some of the farmer even called Gen. Gn’mt a“ "tmtof." became of tho tax-mg he land. with Gen. Len. Win! do “use [straight-laced advocates of the hemp doc. . Irina. think of thy daily plrdom grame‘d .by the Bresiduat to leading “rebel: Y”— Hlumpb! - i ‘ . - \ n Kountp. um ‘l' IR'I'TLBSIBS‘I'I. “on of TH: (foul-u." will \now whn it did befére the dollnr's worth oi mleriul ni-l and. lining but I “dun" wq lrc coiopdled «an. Such is the rule menlly. and It should 2 nunpnpet line. .\'o by protruded media, 'lbe public-n 1 awn (Ru double \vnr, whilst every required must be_ limited “ working q N uh prompt letdel in bunineu mule" ‘ be especially I 0 in thl otherbmnch mien mot becnnu in none othet widely lcnneoel. Piper 'in Igain going \ rudy reached In enormm tutu-r thgw much higher l! [mu il.‘Whllst we Are, ll expense to meet ihe Vin“ 01 it unreasonable Ihu we uld promptly n we ure compellud la. " Dunning " is ulwuy‘s nuplecm~ large 'dnily demand: upon us lex\ course. All who own 111 for sublet vertislng and jnbbiuz, will be’ per duty, and conlerrmg 3 (nor, by pi witko’utjelay. gas-NWEMBEB counjr win cm next Slqndry. Upportnniflu will thus x aented throughout the" country for sex money to us, and we earnestly hope lbnvn indebted will avail themlelves of them. St as may have no chance at the. kiud are ri quested to remit by an“. SEX.\TOI‘rAL.—Tho vote for Senator in this :fiulrict foot: up as follow; C. .\l. [lulu-lulu). D. McConuughy Duncan’: majority, 23 Mr. Dnnun bu accordingly received the cerlifimle of election. ‘ The Republic-nu papers are nrglng .\lcCun nughy tu contest the sent. A Imnll qd’ibhlu all his life, it would be somewhat strange if he ‘should fox-«go a chance to indulge that ,ro penalty now. He would not be .llcCuuauy/ay if he did not try some dodge to “let himself down"—:omnhinz to divert. puiflxc flut'nlloll from the ugly try-t that ha mu lower than um. r yum on lhellepuhlicuu ticket in In: awn call/Hy. LECTURX‘L—Rev. J. R. Warner will dv.h\'er his Lecture on the “ Battle oernysbum," in this plug, on the eveniqg of the 28m mist.— Go—all go! The proceeds will be devoted m Exer Green Gunnery. ‘ NEW DIRECTOR—On Mon ln)‘ lust, .\lr. Abmlu'm Kiriae, of A , enlcrcd‘upon his dulius :15 Dn‘rvctof'of Llw P 901“. .\lnjurJ. .\X. Bolling" retired", lm'ving {served the full term of three _rcari. .\lr. Krice' Ié a gem] business mun and a gcod farmer, and “II” mnke nn cfiicneut Ibi roxfl‘nr—ns tin] his predeces‘mr, Hnj liollingcr. TLC Bwnl nu“ consist: u! \lesq‘s. George .\lurHoy I’xesiulcut, Jul.u .\'.‘Gruilt and Abru lmm Kline, pl .\. . 1 somurzus' l‘rvxxa‘n;\l.s. On Sahndny week thy: body of llilkmh Tunic-y, son OlJUh'l Tawney, \\ as brought home, and on )luud.l.y le interred in Ever Green Uvmemy. .\ “11nd of lit-turned soldiers, under command of Sngl. “'m. llollzunrlh, lurnnl out on the ochion, :vnl psld 2t filling lrilmlc ul ry [M l (1) Lbur (ll'flll comrade. Mx. ’l'nmmy was accidentally Mun. by Elu- (lisclmrge of n. gun in Illl' [mulls of a fellow suldiur, u'. l-‘r..ut Bowl, (Km, in Ucmlwr, mu. '11:: w-us nlmul, vanly .\(mrs of .Igr, uml the younghl d fuul brothers m the service during the wu‘. V ' Ur. .\hmlny the body nf Elite .\'. Hmzd,‘ mu 0! Snmuvl [Lulu-l, of (‘umlu-rlnnd tuwu slnp‘ WIS brought [lO HF, and nn \\'ulne~du_ ngzun [letv d m the gum. 11l Ever (ill-en Cum cxery. A sulu,d of lelurnr-d uohhers. Under Sergl. \Vm Holuwurlh, joined lh‘ fuuv’al, and pnéul due honors m the drew—H. _\l". Hnrlz~l “a: in lxi~ 21;! )cn'. and my I; lit-. 1.” Ute Imm: of Fahrk' ('ruk._ on the n} h of April. thchst cumgumunl Eu which, [he Huh lobk put. "The fuuer'l services '.vme twirl in the Ucrmm liufouuul flan-11, [(vv. \Xr. Dm- u' d: uflh'intin: \ PMJT‘I-IRTY.—J.nnu \\ ilLon has pnrcha-‘ch the pereny or .\zicnm Dillon, in “net .\xzmne sued, for 5.1.000. ' ' Robert MCGJughy 15.13 sold Lot. .\'o. 2. in (‘Mhmwm to Geo. Sheely, fur-“STU; gash“ Haney D. Wmtlea has so!‘d anew”; his (‘o'- mgl: properties, on West Midale fired, to Rev. Mr. Valentine, for $2,000 cash. “ \\ illinm 11. Biglmm has solfi HS acres oThis firm. with the improvements, in lhghlnrd township, to "ugh Mc(hnghy,lnr $3,300 Lush. ‘ll. P..and R. M. Biglmm luve sold [heir burn, in Freedom lofi'nship, 10 William .\l. Blghnm—liflncres, for $3,500 cnsh. . Alexander Woods, an agent. [or Mm}- Cook, hns sold her house «mi lot un (‘hnmbcrsburg street, for $1,200 cash. Llwis Cuuimernm purchaser. - - SCIENTIFIC l.ECTUßßS.—Ourritizcas are promised several rich ihtelleutunl entertain meglts during the winter. Prof. Mayer, whois mill to hue extriordinyry qualifications for the task, proposes to dulirer :A series of il lustrated Scientific Lectures, the object being .the purchue of nddltional instrumeuu for the Cbllege. We refer the reader to a communi cation from the Professor, in another column. Ind will not permit oursolf to dcubtthc speedy Ind entire success of the undgrtuklng. 'l-‘he tickets, we understand, will be ready [myth in I. few days, and iflhey do not 3:) oll’ntpidly we shall be much mistlken. ‘ Wkev. Incob Ziegler, of this place, liu groomed n‘call lo the Paradlse Charge, in York courity, and will remove to York About the Isl. of January, to enter upon hie minis !erinl dufien in that. field. {He has labial-ed faithfully and accepmbly among us for many years, and lb; good wilhga on large clrcleyof warm friend! will go with him. THANKSGIVING—UM. Qnrtin bu Ip poin‘xd the 7th of Deeengbepu (by of Thnikagiring—tlyo lune fixed hy_tbe Presi‘ dent. ‘ . ‘ D}VXDENDS.—-The First. Xuionul Bun}: of Gettysburg has declared A semiannual div!- dend of four and a half per conL.’ Ind the Get tynhurg National stk ten per cent. The Hanorer Saying Fund Society Illa ten percent. ' ”In John Cruel hall opened as Wu‘ Oyster Snloon, mt door to the Eagle Hotel. John dun thing. up m first class agile, sad is couhequcntly being well patroniged. Givi him 9 all, all y 6 who vnnt 1n chum. "new" or “fry." . FALL Ml LLINERY.—.\lisa McCreury' bu just. received her Full Milliuery, Ind the num tion of the Ladle: in directed to It. ’ Al uauql she has duphyed 3 great den! chute in the lelecli‘on of her goodl, and is prepared to ull mom very cheap confining the times. ”Amount-n: i: on foal for the endow ment of a not chlir in the Luther-n Theolog isal Seminu-y at Gettysburg. to Be called Ibe “Gourd Howard Profeuorohlp." i ”The Antietam Soldign’ Demogry win _cousist ol eiev'en acres. The ne'- wlll be . twice as large as (but at 11]: Gary-thug Kl. itionil Century. nnd ‘riu contain twice I! ‘ many mm.——Manye. ‘ ‘ 1H: mama {tuned would be nearer ”he truth. « ' . The desire tn nfl'ord the citizen: of Getty:- burg the menus-of peeling a tow evening: pleuuntly nnd profitably, and Nl. the sometime ednnce the intereltu out" Cullige with whith len: connerzed, inducee me to lay beiore them the following plnn : ‘ I propane to deliver A few Lictureo in which I will properly and clearly unfold the Benny, the Grandeur and the Order (IL ”I. Hitter“! Univrrse, and endeavor to not forth the generel teachings of modern reeurt'h. . 1n thee. Lecturu i will ilfiistrhe my re merks with experiment exhibited in oil their completenese Ind mngnificence; regarding no time in loot which will ndd in the slightest degree to their bounty end force. I find, however. in uniting out the llet'oi‘ innrntys ru‘uired Io periorm theee experi nwute, we oil have to Mid about $3OO worth ofmlditlunal airpentul to the collection oi my own which I brought to the College. and to than in-truinenu which i have purchued for the College since my election. . The Uullege Chapel out. comfortably 160 persons, unri I therefore propose that we item: 150 licke'l, at $2 a ticket, for the whole course of lectures. This will bring in $3OO, which will nerve in purchm ,thleppuatue which i. prnpnse using in' the lecture-at in our lnrgecities. farther-ice] lecturesmnt nearly so grundly illustrated as these will ha, 515 and $2O are asked tor A ticket. We out only $2. and thut not for ourseltea, but for the purchase of 'Appurntu: to give pleasure to thousands oi students who will tome utter us. i give my lnhnr,’ time and skill. for the cause of ecieucc and education, and the citizens on theirjnrt, should remember tluu they receive mun: thnn the nine or this email oullny iu witnessing expnrimentl thlt few ever have the pi ivilvge of beholding. ' - .\ly tricnde, Dr. it. liorner and Col. Buelilcr, will give all iniormation required. and from thnn: gentlemen tickets can he obtained. It \‘ill require some week-i to get the apparatus re and to prepare the experiments. lthere & propose delivefiingdthe first lecture {ooll‘ r e Chris nr oii nys. ‘1 . I? . ALFRED 11. .\ln’ln, r lckerhousen Professor ori’hyicnl Suit-nee. the sucounts so —indeed, has al- figure—end no I, go‘, we must: ten, sparing no war patrons, is paj‘genxn II make them? .31., but the 'e no other i 144. 'orming n ving up ErEED pre- 6198 .6163 132 New I' Spanish All the IMEIZME S. 31.5 w» A bust of Pre) Secretary' I Cth'gP of all t (Ira-l in number luent V General Longs?! iqtcrview with ‘G\ sumoz d'ny he look m The sheep few-r it A rum lumh wiw Intel yourEings for $2,500 4 $3.00”. , (invernnr Parker. o'f h of tho adwm of (he ch! proclamation ‘culiingt upo\ null individuals to attend t condition. MunS' of the wealthy citiz°\ ton. S. D., hive recently had I.) routn‘red to them by the goven 'l‘hore wvré sever? cuses UL c\ fire of small-pox on board (he .\'vw ank imrlmrmn Saturday. bar of deaths from" cholera oh L “VI: 3|.“an 11 ha: lgm‘n sémed that Mr. Ml-Pl‘t Cirlk of, the ”mute of RPpl‘ESfi’nldlin‘ nut. cull in the roll of.lhe Smuzs at ,ulmnzng 01 Cungrejs, a single Stale [(h in mbciliun. ' ' L‘l‘l work a Clovelundjuslice of the pmu summnnnd n negro us n'juryimn. but lnu\ to luck dawn, m the white juzors refused In smvr-wdh him W). . Swen. after visiting th'e patient: on Lmfi'd the simmer Atlanta. at N -u' Ynlk, has ;nonouiud their dimuse to be Aiiflilc (‘ lulu-m. ' On We em inst" in this plflce, by RM‘. W. R. 1': Ih‘uhirll. \lr. WALTER CAFS‘ATI' In H. 532 Hum SPANGLER, bull! or Chmborlund mwn‘h‘yp, 11nd I'uunly.‘ ‘ Un lhe {uh ill-1,, in"thi- place, at .\I (“H‘L Inn's HoteWy h." xhe same. .\lr. JM‘HB .\'. HOCK- I-Il{\‘.\HTH to “in .\LaRY J. KELLER, hum of i‘lulnkhn county. .. Un Ihc waning of the 9th incln‘nl the rosi dcnco of Mr. M. Dietrirh. by RH J. K. .\hllcr,‘ .\lr. WILLIAM SIiRBAL‘GH. of Tvxrone lnwn ship, to .\llas ANNA E. MOMMA, u! [lullcr tu“ nship. '~ 50v. Tlh, at the Moihodm Parmmgc, in Peterslmru. (Y. S.) by Rev W. G. Ferguwm. Mr. DAMEL S CHRUSISTER ,!o 31:99 AL”; ()ylilllllOL'l'Zfll, all of Hampton” 15v the same. in Bmdelsnllo, Ucl. 29111, Mr. DAXIEL FUNNEL, or‘-\labnum, 10 .\lm LUCY MILLER, 01 Adams county. Pa. At Russell Cmmge,~ nenr Wheeling, West Virginia, on Thursday, October 12. by lluv. S. B. Imm 1., Rev. B. F. naxmnm' to 5'16; MARY )l. RUSSELL, both of llcdlurd. I’m. On the evening at the 26th “11.. M Ihe resi dence of the bride's tamer, in Mutual-urn, 1:" Rev. Thos. 11. Robinaun, CJpl. JOHN C. HAR \'E\',Assistant Adjutant Genxnl, to ELLEN, eldest dnughter “(lean-$.14. Russell, AdJuLml, General of Penn. 0n the 24m nu" by Bethany!) Svchlcr. .\lr. JOSIAH SNYDER téfiliss )lATILDA SHER MAN, both of Adams county. ~35 the same, on the 3m ML, .\h. CONRAD SNYDER to His! MARY ANN SNYDER, both 03 Adams cohnty. . On the 2d of Not, by Rev. .Dr. Huger, Mr. DAVID lIYKES to Misc ELIZABETH PICK ING, both of Reading township. _ on the 53th inst... by Rev. Samuel Yingling. Mr. DASH-LL NAGLE, of Paradise township, York county; to Miss ASIAN DA BAUGHER, of Berwick township,’Adnmx county. On the sth huh, by Rev. .\l. Lohr, Mr. JOSEPHUS 'REIGLE 'to Miss MOLLY A. SIIBE, offins‘ Berlin, Adams cogmyf . DIED. 9012 mm” nouces‘a pentoper'line for all over four lines—rub to‘ accompany manna, 0.; Sum-day Im. ms. LOUISA MARGA RET, olden dnughtet of John Eichollz,-Esq., aged 20 years 3 momhs Ind 13 days. A! Gennmtown,’ Philadelphia, on the l 9“ lnsL, JULIA CATHARINE; aged 3 Jean 3 month! und :0 days and on the 20th, ROBERT LANE, and 8 weeks and 3 days—children of Rev. Glam-lea P. Knuth, D. D. , In Hanover, on the 39th 11"., Ilr. SAMUEL DILLEII, aged about 64 yenra. - At Abbotutown.‘ on the 22d ult‘y MARY KHEMUS, daughter of Emanuel and Lydiann Han, aged 2 years 2 months and H'dnys. _ Un Che sum of. October, in Lulimore‘lmm- Ihip, neu- lechauicsyiile, mcr nn illneu'of four days, WILL“! LINCOLN, son 0! Owen tad llyd‘n GriEst, aged 5 monzlu and 30 days. Ulfi‘dnudny muraing, JESSIE KLMIBA. dang!!! :- of John and Amanda E. Tawney. of thin plsce, aged 1 year 2 months and 7 dnys. Communicmed. Died, on tho “I! innL, near Eut Berlin, of dipthorh,IARIAJANE CATHARINK, duugh m of Michael and Sunk Alwino, used 9 years 8 month Ind 8 days. ' ~ - {ln-tall, farewell, my patch" dent, am not dud but ulcepmg here, Prep-re In: domh, lot sure you must, With your dough" llnp in ‘ha duct. Did you but know how hlest and happy Angel: werepyou would not mourn ; There to join lhul bond in heaven, Where your beloved daughter bu lone. V Durant daughter, thou lung left HI, Btu» thy lon we deeply feel, , ~ BM ’in God um huh here“. us, He con all on r sorrows bul. Fonwfll, Katie, lake thy n-st, Gaul calla} the. halls, He thought it but. She ml an afleclionule and duum cum '1 - I. A. To an mum: at Getty'xburg. Gn‘bun. Nov. 1. XBB5 norm and Other Bmities. cl qunranline in lo be imposed at M: on all vesseh: arrivmg from \l‘oups have been withdrawn from ’ Shore of Virginia. 'ne, of Philadelphia, is making idem Johnson. ‘ \nrhn has ~ordered the dis ‘\6 female clmks—mw hun -from the Interior Deputi '991, M: Tuegdny. bud :m meral Grunt. On .the \e nmnes‘ly cuth. Vermont mminuon. ', sold for $l,OOO, Luo xch, and number for ew 'Jrrsr‘y. inviPw ‘lem, has iwml n municipalities their sdnilury é of Charles wir property wicnt. MARRIED (‘nplnin Wine. the {oi-mu commandant. of the mifihry prison at Andrrsonville. wnu hanged or. Frxdn‘y morning. in film Old Capitol Yard. at Washington. in accordance with the finding; of the Milimry Commig' sion that was org-Mud to try him. fiThemrrilp th.‘ conveyed PrH-idt-m Lincoln to Ford's Theatre on ihenighl he wn! shot. in being barked over the country to find a purchaser. That ought. not to be. If some oflhe pious clergy tell the truth, that. carriage should be held u sacred, lnr ncrordinlngio their teaching. it conveyed Mr. Lincoln directly lo the gate of Kazan.— Jfierum‘an. ' Dying in (‘lmin "Hrredilary in (11l Family." —'l'he Springfivld D'm‘on stale: that. M rs. Lu cinda 11:“le mother of Mr. Klng Whitle mure, 61' that. vilv.l died suddenly while at the breakfast table on the 29th ult. She wu the lust ol 3 [smfly of eight children, sew-u of whom led suddenly in their chairs. ‘ A i -~— <~-- 'lO-» - >n - WA well-to dn{ hrmpr. nan-nl- an J. Bulkhoidor. hvin‘ In B_l'lll' (wuthlj. mr nlllk‘n from Allwlllfi. his mfg, lhr daugh ten. two mm and u son :n‘lnw—riph! per. Mom—have b‘wn donviclml. in the Blair county court. of the 2mm] lnrcr-ny M good from cars of the‘Penmylva-mu leroau Company. SPECIAL NOTICES LYON’S PERIODICAL DRUI‘S' The Great Panvlli' "Unruly for Irrevulutritfn.‘ . .1 These Drops nre‘a. scientifically comprflmd~‘ ed fluid firepurution, and better than any Pills,l Powdeil or Noslrums. Being liquid, their notion in direct and positive, rendering .len n reliable, speedy nud ceruin Iptcific for the' min: of all obstruction: and ‘wppn-ssioul of»; na'urr. Their popularily in indicated by tbe‘ I':ch \hnt over 100,000 homes are nnnuull) mld‘ and canauqu by the ladies. M the United' Sjrltn, every one of whom spcnlt in lhc slrong- i est (arm's or praise uflheir gru-nt merits. 'l'heyl are hlpidly taking the plum- oi evrry otherl Pgmnle Remedy, nnd nre tollbll‘eh‘d by all u ho knbw mughx ol [ht-m. ms the nllrusl. mfaul, Ind mustinfallihlc prerurulion in line world, lor‘ the cure ofall female complaints. the xenwwl ofilll obstructions of nature, and tho; prumo-l tion 0! health, n-guluiily nnvl strength. Ex-' plinit ilirecniuus :lnting “th they may he used, and explaining \\‘h- u nnrl uhy they Humid nut, nur could nu! ht n-ml uuhunl producing efi'uclh cnnlruifl' to mimic”: uimacn Inns. will he funnd ( Mll‘lllll) l'nldml .:qund emh battle, with the written s‘ulmlllrc oNnnx L. Ln», ,willmul which non? :Irr ;enuine. I ‘ l’rrpnred liy Dr. JOHN 1.. L\’l.‘.\'. IUIJ Chapel Sin-H. New ilmcn, (3mm , “ho «nu hr unn-l suited either pmwnnllx, m i.) mull. (rncimiug suunpi) com cum-g nll luimlr lll:\'alzr: and lnmule “7951)“!qu Sui-1|) [)xngu-us evuyu “here. (‘. ti. ( LAIIK & ('-1.. I Gmu’l Agequ Mr C. S. and ('.umd-Is Nov. n, 1563. 1y THE GREATEST l‘ls’('l_)\"2l!k'lHF THE..\(:I~I, Furmers, I‘melu \ .\ndjuwra mu puu‘lmse no remedy mind to Dr. Tohma‘ V: urtr’ln [.l'li mom, fur d) scnu-r} . mhc. t-rnup clubLiL I’LQ'n. xxmlism, soré Kl lunt, luglll r'uusm Eflknnss, cuts, bums, swelling“, In like», old sures, int-ud— nclu:Y mosquito ham, pain: in tlu- Imam vlncn. luvk, kc‘ If it dnt-q not give u-lxrl't‘w mom) will heft-funded. All :lan is :\:.l\c_vl is .\ trial, and nae it. uccordlng lu Uu- direr'imus. . Du. Toma—Dru Sin: ~l lmve usml .\nnr Venetian Liuimeul ill In} family for A number of yéars. und bellow.- il “1 luv the bat: mlicle for film! it is rH‘trnnmnlh-d LIL-LI lmvc (VH’ used. Fur suddrn :11! wk ofg-mup it i- inml. unhle. ltm‘e no héailuli'un in Icmnn|nodlug it for all Ile nus it pron-:M‘s LP cum. I lune sold it for many,nml ilzgius wtin- but; israt-tinn. CHAS. Ht. 'HHMAML mlem and thin ta, in “1193 mm le vessel rson. mil ankerlou n, N. J, May 9,1538. ' . Price 40 nut? 80 mut~ Sold by all drug gisxs. omm 5!)» Cuxll‘nnx‘l Sun-i, Xe“ Yank ("-1. 10. 111) . DITUR OF THE CUMPILER 23“"1e u. , Dun Sim—Willi your In rinissinn. I nizll‘ln s \' lu rho rl-mlli': m yunr imp! r l.::l l “ill 82 d. h} lelurn nuii. in ..l‘ w‘m “I‘ll l|.[ll('e] :1 lbm'pr “zlll lull llirvt'lmus l :r m rind: ilmi ll‘ll ' H'slmple- \(‘L’l‘Lllill' ri-llfl. llmL \llll (~2- Icl [I My len my ~. l’llupl:—,lllvu-nc:. Tan, ‘ru-lxlt‘s. rind all Impuulios or (Eu- Skin. law in rhu- smm 20“., clcai, smooth uml henn lll'ul. I will also mail {rt-e lo {howl hminL' Ilnlll llémli. r r Hare Hun. simple clirH-lluns and lrllollnull n llnll. will ennlyle llxom In “in u lull grunt ol l.u\x:ri:nxl linir, \l"‘.i~l\er~, m n .\lurhiucho iu lc<s thnn lhirly linys. . ' All upnli riuns Xll‘.<“'(‘rl‘d lny rulllrn mnil “lilluulchn 'c. linspt-r'llnlly .\mzr-X, TH IS. F. CllAl’)iA2-', ('h- rni=l. - .\'or. 30. Bin 8.” Brmldnuy, New York. KNOWLED ‘li Ul’i l?\ S \‘i'l-IS MFE. Entry living ting h.Ls in bin-5"”(‘ln l.“- l‘lflllTllih'. Win») Hun-e HIE \nilliu ‘hulr nu tuT-nl liugils, our 1. xlth i: good : llut \\ hrnlhey are in cxcc'ss, Imin ('(llllS. rhenuiu-km, gout, dCl'lliiy, corlivcut: , . dlilrrhll‘d, dyscnluy, eryuipelas,kc., &c., 1 iii us. \‘i lul, “e lun‘e to recoxor mir h nilh is to tilke onilrom the HOWELS AND Til ‘ L‘llit‘l‘luVl‘lUN lire excess of impurities. '1 us dune, health lul ltm‘s ofheceasily. NEAR )lliiTll'S PlLLSure the only medicine tlml:mn tin lhis will: Pnlire safely. to all the organs of Ihe body. HUN DREDS 0F THUL'SANDS ar now' liring.who have adopted BRAKDRETH' ' PIX-4LB us their only remedy for periods of fro thirty lo fifty ear; (and “hose average ill-nit is excellent. i‘hey have nlwuys cnr‘ed xhc-m elves, when lick, by nsmg theiejVNOCENT NU LVFAL LIBLE PILLS. Principal 'ofliue, Brnudrelh BuilJiug, New York. [UcL 16. ‘ 1:11 To CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned; hnring been re L with in a few neck: by“ very aimp dy, after having suflered several years, I revere lung nfl'ection, and [hit dread ii! \ Consumption—is announ to mnke lino l his fellow-summers the means ofcure. To nll who desire it, he will send 3 rpm the prescription uu-d, [free of chugg] Ir l. the directions for preparing and using 1 0: slime, which they will find amu cure lor Co 3 sum-nos, ABT"!A,ERO¥(‘IIITIB, Coucnsfiowa 1 etc. The only Olljl'L'l oftheadverlisrr in pend-1 ing the presrrxpriun is to hem-lit. the afflicted. and spread information which he conceive. to be invaluable, and he hopes every lufl‘ercrwiill try his remedy, an it will cost them nothing,l and may prove a blessing. I Parties wishing the pro-criplion. will pleats. address REV. EDWARD A: WILSON, . Willinmsburgh, Kings co., New York. Oct. Hi. >Bm , 7 A _ - TO DIE IN A BAD CAUSE n than who MI in the rebel rankl nndoubl. ed], do, is foolish. But o'n the other hand DYEI'NG FOR A GOOD CAUSE u thou who no wise and prndgut enngh to . remedy the defoc’ll of plan with canxsnnunoe HAm-m E, I : EYE AND 8“”; m 60in: our: day, In em: C“! 0' “I. “'1 PROF. .1. rs.g.u:s, u. D., ocnnu and Aurm, nion, is eminently pmiaewouhy. This pen-i- “my“, of Lnyden, Beluga, il lac-(ed u No'. In] revolution in going on throughout the 519?]!!! Streef,PHlL-‘\D PHlAfl'hefll’c" non: ntflicud vmb dismal o! the EYE or EAR, whole 11nd, “d "m boaulyund' blrmony '"P'lwm be scientifically tuned and cured, if PM“ “mum! “6 IMO-Erufly- ”“ufw', curnble. N. B.—AR’I‘IFICIAL BYI-zs Inserted lured by J- CRISTADORQNO- 6 Ali" 3W“; without pain. No chnrgra mndy for enmhh New York. {_Sold by Dnggifll- Applied by tion. The medical iucnhy is invited, on he 11l Holt Druun. [ll-y 8- Inn has no gene: in his made or treatment. =«-» - - I , Ju1y17,1865. 1y ‘ IRON IN THE BLOOD. 7 Tu Puma an" supplies the .blood! on. a. ANDERS' lUDINE WATER. withitalan Runny!BuNJufusingSnum-g, A. ”Him.” DISCOYIIY. Vmol Ind .\'xw [an into tho whole ”sum.— A Fun. Gnniof lodine in each ounce of ruler, l'or Dnrumu, Dunn", Cnonc {ln-1mm“; diuolud walkout a totem! Dnmn. mun Wanna, Mu Hil ‘tpe-v Th. non Pounwl. thxuxo An" In) ciflc. Thouunds hue been that?“ b! the Rnrurm't known, Sonornu.&u-Buvl,' use of this medicinp tgom mask, "6“]: lufl’fl- Cucnl, Ruxuunmx, Col-union, Ind mn ing crnmn I, to mung, hula; “4 MP! 2n; Chronic Ind Hfl'edillr] Dismal, uracil-out . mu Ind women. .; byjla use, «a ‘bouunda cln unity. Circuhn A. ‘3l pig! pmphlal lent Free. ’1 u-M tree. Prlre $l.OO whom: or 6 for “-0.3 Price :1 no perboule or “whim, Dr. H. ANDBRB a: 06.,”HwEicjnnC .15 - J. P, DINSIOILE, 26 023' m , Fur York. Chpmixudflxl Brmdvmy, New Hark. ~ 59].] hy Druggists g euenJl‘v, [9791". ‘3'). 3m I‘ruggisu gum-Ill}. [' "pt. 3. i | - g I z Wine Emuu-d. ‘ored to ‘ remer; Rwith n‘ ‘BO5B m to THE GREAT ENGLISH BIRD? Sm Jun (’unn'l Cnnn'rlu Flux.) Pun. Prepared from I ptucription of 81! J. Clarke, H. D., Phys-irian Kxunordlnlry to lb!- Qu'en. This inval'nuble medicine II M (filing in the cure of all those painfnf Ind dlugcrous diseases to which the lemalc enn nimliou is auhjcut. h mo‘demtu MI excel: and remowa all olmtruclions, and a speed] care may he u-lied on. To Maurie-l Ladies it is peculiarly suited.— “ lill, in a short timg. bring on lb. month], period with’ regulurity. . Each bottle, price 0m: Doflur, burn the fluvcgmeul Stamp of (hell. Brimfln, to pro \'euL unterfciu. CAUTIUNn-Tllese Pilla shmfld not be taken by P! males during the in" 7mm lon-nu of Pregnancy, us they In- Inn to bring on His- Currmm‘, but, nt any other Hun;- thu; an ”[B. 1n Elk-nae: ofM-rvnus nud Spinal Afl'ecllono,‘ Pain: in the 31w]: and Limbs, Fatigue on flight ewrtiou, Pnhdtnlion of We Hrurt, Hysteria, mid Whileu, these l’llll willgn'u-I n cure when all mhvr menus hum failed; and although I powerml remedy, do not contain ironmnlomd. nnumonhor unglhmg hu‘rtlui to the consum lion. Full directions in [hi pamphlet around tub pm logo, whirl» shall! be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggista. Sulc Agent fur the Gum-d Mutua'nud.Canndn. V : Jlffl MUSES, 2'l Cortland! 81.. N. Y. N. l:.—$l,00 and 6 pustuge unmpa enclosed lo an) autliorucd ‘Agrul, will insure a hollle, gonuiuiuu 50 Pills, I») rcmru nmil. Sold by A. U. Uuulxler. ‘ [.\'ov. H, 1864. I, R. 11. R. . SEVEN GREAT BLESSINGS SECI'RHD TO THE lfl'll.\.\' RACE [W (91”) l-UTTLN UF R.\D\\'AY‘S lIIEADY RELIEF. THE PLAGI'E, - ~ ‘ mun-m cuomuu, . m’srzx'rmv. ‘ , 01101.}:er .\mn-m's, rmmw FEVER, . ‘ raven AND mun, CURED .axn Pm-zvsu'rm) m- uww‘nr's mum RELIEF. nanmu'nsn, . ~ xwmmu, DIPTIU-ZRIA. Ixntmm. 50m: THROAT, mrrwum‘ nmwrmm ' mnuzusn 1x A ”2w .\usrms - m' umwn'vs mum m:l.m+‘. . . Pain inilvmm roman-d; n‘l pcme, inflam matory, nmlnrix-ns m inlvrtimu diswm-a prr. water! and nu rmmucd. The weak, I'm-bl. Mu] m.r\'mm "album! to slrvnutll. \igor mu] Sounding-Ill! h) Illl‘ use nfliAl'“ .\ Y'h READY RELIEF. Uur lvullle “I” do mute gu’ud, run murc ('uleNJiu N am! ku’p Ilse Hannah mun « )rnr nn-I Jar mm W In lv'u Ilnll vrs elll‘nl fur all uxlu r medmme: :nr bottle: it: Mr. Um: a“ |.r..l:uu 0x1: hall} or a, few drnpl mln-u anLx’ly will msmml) Iru [ln-sut- Irur {rpm 11:1- |m ~l \iulr-m pull 1' ”tho pztiud, and ré-Ic-rv ‘llu uml‘. 'it-n-Hc MM [.rvalxulnl {Hunt 1.) 2m nun. _.mtl \u or. HIM“ [- L l'uMi'lleT-‘fl Imnurwnr dianlunn, (hul'm llln'hll‘ or [mini-Ll th‘ lufrp-I Irm‘l I!“ Im“. h .m' ""i’i ml m'hhuum flu-Ln mzmnrs Ev} ' Lny l:u.‘« ugh-x“: Inn-[v li‘hrL .\'r- rung-“inn ur in— fllmnmlmu. in u “I: Tut l (.1 Inhixfinr I\ni lul h.“ lln- Int: q-t Mn 1:. I: l-olul , :‘W'HHB’ .‘..\‘h I'AIXN. " ! Frvr h}- ‘l' «”10 I lu'llvl r <n-kur ureri: thru -m:ui~m. ln‘nJm; n, pnins um! mnhnep in the I: u k, wim- ur Md.“ _\ A. p -in< nrnnnd Iln: hur. Hhmrhy. <\n:|li~ g 4 uhll r jail h. lu-ixu in [he Inmrh’, : mlllmlx; "ml [-nn» Hi all I\llulh. [in-Iv .\\n}'~‘ 11- .n‘} “-430! \\:“1llfl':l|‘lllllll"':i“l‘It“! und in rouxmml “5(- fur :- It“ “H.“ rm-‘t a pvrmmfi-nl ' Iln' 50M h_, l!l'lgg'rls,ilnll "I. N". 57 \hu-‘eu ME ML \l \‘L‘FHALI. S ().\'l' \lill'l SM'I'I Tle‘h Sn- H h m ernnfl-B ‘mv rll ”:0” In l‘o [LI-JIM! :ulhrlv LuTna n Mu «-I.riu_. I‘. r ".:l uh. ('nH in Hm Ih-MT‘AIIM ||l.ul.uhl h I.qu lnrn _hynnd 4m ("u-(Illa-nt r‘Manj‘in mun; L. pm at Sure l 5) H. l'enmesr Inn Int n “In. nd My it. and ”E‘lling Im.» ullrn lIL'LH 5.151113 unpruud h} i'~'l|~'c. h is Smprzm‘ mu] ngroon' w, and l-H'Hl II)!- uumn run!" It Hm dulllum) [with (nnwd h} «Lil'hm‘ M' IL! lll'Jd. 'l'hn- wlmrliuu- :Hll'f m‘ny‘it n. :!t[il)|‘llnl null imiumnlmg. .Il ind-[vs .uul pm" ('5 out 1“ nln-lxm Inn.~.~|unglh ens lln- glands, and gin-a u manhy mum-. 10 tllv- pa": MD Hod \ “I'Tl' Ihm 't'l in‘ Yam-C M m]! and use u! ‘ Ur‘ \I.-“hull a i m V”: :11“! H: [uln- lu- Shun." hm mm M ilk ('1: ll‘ \':dlH-14:|‘ :11l Ilw mmnmu dltv-uw-z u!‘ Hm laud. und‘nl Uli‘ mnmrnl, Humid h glugn ”l:llH‘H’;’lI1~|1-V‘l' ‘ || I: Im-nn’lmrxnlui In mzmv u! lhn hot! plu =u~imm an"! 15 INd “ilh pll'nl :mu-ss nnd burr-5..“ tinn P\(-v.\\\ill'lt'. “PM! Iln‘ l'vrhlinnv: Ur \‘n I‘vardll‘ {hug gi ts m ”4171- '10.» nudu- “m. inn-”rm! m '_r'fi vvnr- luv" :11 r‘uuiulv «I \\ uh ‘- Dr M. :- simll ‘ (‘.lkuilu mul m miuvln thfl'." and NM il‘ in mu I'. lxulvsnh- tru-vle |ln . lIIIHy Mair, llnlL' \uvheldfl‘l- n In 1.9 rqmfl, .n n-u-r) hug-Id, H) Um rt‘n(.mnmmhnuulls _-iH~n of it. in': fllu mm 01 l umrnnl U ”A “11-MN. and Unit 11, in duiuml -3 the ba-sl . rlu'lv we lune Her Luann In! n.l IIIIH mm dlsru’irs n 1 lln: H - 'l. [h r: .‘\ Wu), H: .~ nnzilleml, Ansnm k Cm, “(MU Ir. “It-M n. Lnnmm .fi ‘0 . Huston: l’. u], (‘gnvr A: l. 0.. l‘nslou; .84 ll: W. h ulu- [Lu-mu; “ mun, I‘uill nnl. k (70.. Luglun; 111-mini“. L4lumnd' .l (fin, “mum. H. H. Um), I'vfllnlul, .\lr. [Lulmm .\ l’ulk, Mm Ymk; .\. I}. & I). Sunds. .\'ew York: Stephen I'nul §z (‘n , .\rw Y‘xrk: l‘lxltlwlilH-r & CO., Sr“ Ymkf .\HKrs son (c lluhhins. K 1“ York: .\. L. Srmill kl'o., .\'e‘“ York; M. Wnrd. Close 3 (30., he» York; Bud; a: Gnle,.,\ew York. , For uh- bynll “Huggins. Try it, Nny. H. 1564. 1y 'TICI‘RIIFLH DISCLUSI'RES. _ Smurfs rtu nu: .\lmem !—A most minn blr nud “ondulul huhlicnlion. A work of mu mgr-s, nn-fim ruloled anrminys. D". HUNTERS _yA‘DE. DIM ['M, an original and popular Ironure on Mun and Woman. lheik l’hfiioloyy, Functions. and Sexual dimrdcn m away Hm]. uhh'fld’er-Pniliug Relmlirs {or their awed] cure. The pumice of Du. JIUXTEK hug lqug been. and skill m, unbound ed, but at the earnest solidmion of numeroil porsnne, he has been induced Io ulend his medical mefulneu Ihrough the medium of 1m "YADE- “SCUM." It is n \‘ulume that should be‘ in the hands of every tumily in the land, u a preventive of secret rim, or u a guide we the lllflinliou at one o! the mou‘nvflul Ind' dv nuuclire swarms lhll en r \‘leitcd mankind.l One copy. secure}; emelupcd, u in he forwardv ed free of postage to lay [an a!!!» United Shun; fur Lo‘cem- iu P. 0. slumps. Adureu; post paid, DR. HUNTER, .\‘n. 3 Diueiau Bh,- b'ew Yutk. ' [.wept. 25. I] " Dn. TALBOTT'S KILLS,‘ Composed of highly conceulmed ulnctl from room null harm of the highest muficin-l' value um inlilllillle in xhecure oflll ding-:30“ the Liver or run} dernngemeul ol the Digeuiva' Organs. They fémove rill lnnpuriliel c! thc‘ Blood, and an unequaled in the cure 0! Dim hun, Juundicc, Dupepma, Scrofull, Biliqu-f um, Linrllompl-tiny Fevers, Headuhe, l’ilel. Mercurial Diseauleen-dilary Human. Done, to: adults, one pill in llié morning, children hall's pill. From an to three pills will cure culinary era, and mm one to lhne boxu' will cure any cunble one or no matter how long Handing. Price 51.00 per box! TY“. supplied or sent by mail. ‘ _ x v. MOTT “Lyn". it D-., t 09-. ‘ , 61 Emma BL, Mn lork‘ June 5,1865. 11‘ .-. ' ' 1 . 1 , 0.. 2