The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 30, 1865, Image 1

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r1 , 1 :1-4••7; = ,117r 7 : 1
The Damn in published ovary Mondayl
naming. by Hill? J. Snug, at $2 00 per"
imimn if psid strictly ll fluxes—s2 50
per mnnm if not psid in tduncé. No
‘ubscyiption disoontjimed,l unless at the
option of the publisher, until d 1 marge
m'pnid. 7‘ '
Annnxsnmn inserted ni the nun! rum.
Jon ‘Puxuuo'doha with; name“ Ind
dispatch. " '
Ornc: in Sauth Baltimorb street, nearly
Opposite Wunpleu' Tinnin ‘ Establishment
—“Conm.u Puxn'uo 01"?!" on the sign.
momsmm Mans.
° Edward B. Miller, ~
TTORNEY AT LAW, Wm {nilhfully Ind
promptly “and to I“ bulin‘ei: entrnned
to him.‘ He Ire/Bk! the Gern‘nnn language.—
Oflice it the Mme place, in South Baltimore
street, near Forqey’s drug st‘ore, Ind nearly
Opposiye Dunner & Ziegler'fl glare.
Gettysburg, March 20. 3
J. C. Neel , ‘
TTORYEY .\T LAW.—I articular ntten~
A tion mid to colleclio of Pennionn,
ouuty, and Buck~payi 015:. in the S. E.
corner ?of the Diamond. I
GeLlXsburg,April 6, 1863. [lt -
! D. McConaughy,
TTDRNEY AT LAW, (ofli e one door we"
A of chhler'l drug Ind btok Itore,Cham
leribun‘g stream) Arron-:7 Aflosairozfol ron
PAfllfb Axo Puilon. 301311.; Lnnd War
rnnu, Buck-pay suspended llimu, um) All
other chin" spin: the Govetnmenuthlb
ing'on. b. o.;‘nhoAmericnnGl imiin England.
anl Warrant-located and "315,0? boughtfind
higheltfisricas given. Agents engaged in lo
cnting ‘wnrnnu in lowa, “mail and othu-r
wetterdstutel RApply _him person-Hy
or by lgtler. ,
Gettysburg, Xov. 21, '53. {I ‘
Law Partnerfihip. -
W , \ Anonsrfi's n Img,
“'3” 3 promptly nttennl to All lemui pusinNs
onlrmtgd to the-m, including' ;he 'prncuring o}
Pensions, Bounty. Buck 1'43", and MI other
PI-tillli lugninsl the Unilgd s.sch and Slate
Gun-Mmenti. { .
mh‘coj in North West Curie: ofDimuand,
(tollyshnrg. I’cnu’ll. ‘ ‘
ApriLlleGS. tl f .
.._‘_K . . . _
1?. Lawrence = a , M. D;
- AS his Mike on - . K
1{ door wz-st. o! the "‘ E ‘ jig/9"
Lulhcmn church in l
Uhumharahnrg strep}. and 03;
an ‘e, wh‘ra those wishing v.
Opcm'iun performed are rubluofi
cw. Iluvmmwan Drs. llu
Kr u! 1. 10. l) I RH“. H. L. [Lul'
me. \l. Juahs. .’ruf. \l. [4.3
u’cuysllurg, .\.Jrll H,’53.
Doctor 0. W. H
' I’Hlt'E :n 'lhl' ltnilrmvl Hq’uao. (l'runl roam,
formally nccupil-«Uu' Ur. Killtt‘l‘J
Juno 19, 1:16.}. If
Dr. J. W. C. O Neal’s
FFLWC :md Dwelling. N. . muural mu.
0 limoruuunl High 5111013,! ear Prtab) LI riuu
L‘huxrhl llcll)‘~'l'lrg. I'll. " ‘
.\'or. 3:), H 1612. u" . ‘
Dr. J. A. Armstrong,
° . ‘\\'l.\'(‘. unmoved mun .\'uw Snlgm. k
11 mmnly, nml lmriuu luv-snd 1“ .\H-l ~
hm”, .\d.m- county. uflrrs' ‘his profissiu:
hnu' s lo the public.’ [Jlgly 31, '63. Um
Dr. D. S. Potter. ,
l‘»lluTl‘.S'l‘U\\'.\', Adams r. nn'y, cnmiuuos
A the p active or his prnl'usjun in u" ils
bran-hes, and mm” ro~lpbc£fulLv im'iu' nll
ildl‘ioll! "mic-led wall any o‘llnl standing dis
.cnws to call and (musull lnmi,
UCLS, 18m. 1r . 5 ’
I VlEundersignedJmiugUmiuth'nrizedperson
l to make removals hm; her Green Cune
(‘c ry, lmpustlmt such us conmm )lnte (1m rcmovnl
to! (he n-umius of deccnull rulsth’ps or friends
a in am“ [ht-Wives at this MAJ-on ufthcycnr lo
31.1 w ‘n llullt‘. .emovnh mud hill: promlmnus
—lcxma low, and no altar: s'pn‘rml to plane. '
l’l-i'lHl! THURS,
Kocprr u llw Cumnmy.
\lurt'h l'.’, '6O
Hardware and Gfocerzos. , ,
,f ”E Jubsllriburl lune ju t rclurncd from
r(he cities with ~nu Immense supply kl
IIA ”WAKE & GlsUCHltth, “hich lLey are
(um-Hug n; the}!- am wind in nnlnmnre cirv rt,
_m priueu [a suit the mun. Lsiu' stuck consists
in [nut ut '
u.\mxm‘ nuanvs (room,
madam-. 133 ur Aim. KINDS,
mLs, mums. at, Ice. ’lhwrc is ho "um:
[ncludL-d in Hie u‘vurnl d- pm' menu mumh ncd
nlmx‘c but when. can he bud? at, this Store.—
I‘] wry clu ii of llquhnnicl can ilu- m-couuuod'nmd
here will: too]: and fitnlinzgfrzd lluusekccucrs
,mn find every unim- in Hm line. Give us ,n
,chH, as we are prep nod to 50']! n 8 lovi for cnsb
us any house out of the city.
Gengsfiurg, my 16, um. _ .
. Gram and Produce. ,
.‘VINU man the large and com-undioua
\anrehounc recently occupird by Frank
lcrsn, Eu“
we are prepared to my the highest prices, for
_fi” Rim“ of PRODUCE. Also, sell in. the low
;st prices, LUMBER, COAL and GROCERJ‘ES,
pf every despripfiflflr .
A. l’, [YERS it WIERMAK. ‘
New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863.‘ if- , .
The Great Discovery ~
F THE AGE.-Inllanunnmry and Chronic
Rheumatiim can he “Red By using H. L.
URE. “any premium; citizen of ibis; end
;he adiqining counties, have testified to it:
great unlity. {is success in R aquatic nfi'ee
‘yiou,h“ been hitherto unparalleled by any
specific, introduced to the public. Price 60
gene per bottle. For sale by all dragging and
Qtorekeepen. Prepared only by H. L. 1111.928,
’lroluale and Retell Druggisl, East. Berlin,
Aden! county, P 5,, duler in Dru gs, Chemicall,
pile, Vanilla, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stufl'e, bor
‘tlod Oils; Eueucn and Tinctures, Window
Glen, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc" kc.
”A. D. Buehler is the Ageugin Getty:-
burg (a: “ H. L. ‘lliller‘e Celebrated Rheumunic
~Mixture." [June 3. 186}. if
_- ioung Men
AND OLD MEN. do not allow your mother:
sud your wives to wear out their preciou
gives over-the old Wain-tub longer, blu like
;rno men And benefactors, present them with
an IXC£ISIOR ‘WASUKB, and luflffld of
Iron: And orou yards on wash days, depend
upon it. chearful faces gill greet’yop.
TYSON BROTU 3.8, Gettysburg, PI».
Dec. U, 1863.
Battle-field Views,
PULL net of on; Fhmognphic View R!
the Bath-Joli] of Gettysburg, form n
lpleljdid gm. for the qudlyl. The fine» yg:
pnbunhed on be {can st {he Exceiaior 0:119”.
TYSON Bnp'rusns, _Qouylbnrg.’
3 Wanted. ‘
FAMI in Adumadcounty, for whlfi I will
girth-ago choice Western Lfidgnst o
u. G . .
1.3. 1,1865. ‘59 » ’
none um mots-J» an no we!"
1".” my of Shoe: had ‘00."?
mg} minding, mm", tug mum-Mi
ye "H übl u pastime, 59y & WOODS, .
By H. J.
48th Year-
O tu'e or a Den-rec of the Circuit cam for
Curoll county, sitting as n Court of Equity,
the undenigned, tu Trustee, will sell at Pub—
lic Srle, on thu premises, on SATURDAY,
NUV IMBER 4th,1865. at] oiclock', P. IL. the
chl Estate of which Charles Richards died’
riezrd and possessed, situntrd in Htmplledd
District, Carroll county; “IL, 01: the Eat
Branch of the PMpsc’n Fniil, containing 255
Acres of Land, more or leap, which will be sold
in Lou, us tailor": ' 2
LAND,moreorlc-u. z'l‘heimprovemenu v._.
conaiu ofJ comfortable Log Dwelling BB“;
lIUL'SE, Stable, “4 other out-build
ings., There it ; rpring of good \ntcr nelr
the "waning House. There in also on this
Farm ,nn Orchard of apple find other fruit
trees. This traet ls hid oif i_n fieldl of con
\cuictll sing in well. watered, And cont-inn I.
inrge quanthy of Timber Lgudflnd in situate
on the road leading from Humpuend to We",
minstcr, about 1'; miles from Humpuend.
LU'l' No. 2 adjoins the nhou tract and ban
min: 26 Acres, ‘1 "Roads and 29 Perches of
Land. more or len—About Ghana of which is
in Timber. \
LUT No. It cqntaina 22 Acres, 3 floods and
27 Perches, rum-é or lets, all ufuhich is heavi
ly covered with timber. = ' ‘
_ [-.U’l' .\'o. i romaine 8 Acres, more orleu,
mostly cleared thud. \ 5
LOT .\'o. 5 contain! 28 Acres. 1 Hood and
24 Perches, nut or ten, about One-hull“ in
Timber. ', O ‘
LUT .\‘o. 6 contains 13 Acres, 1 flood and 7
l'enhes, niuru or less, All in umber. mostly
Achmnul. E _ - d
; oam ['in-Inn '. The above Real state I 3 m.“ lucate_ and
film"! any Dellflll 9:”in cultivated. A lel, of the land wdl be
Ifulhimihdtc exhiljlgfl on_lbe thy gtrnule'. , , _ , ,
uur, 'Rm'. C. l'. WThe Terms, 01 Sale ns‘prescribcd by the
her, l). D., [;‘fl-n Court nre—One-tlgird cash on‘thle nlny ofsnle
wvcr. , or the rutificntmn clwreul, one-third in twelve
'lmonllu, un-I the pesixlue two )earl from the
an, of Szlle—lhl' credit pnymeuts to be on in
‘lurt’sv. from the dxly uf' mule, “hh' security np
']:row d hylhe Trwwc. ANDREW URAMMER,
('ruut k "oils lidur, Solicitors. Trustee.
I UL'I. m, was. m c‘
() st-tiiwr, lixecufnr of the estate of Ahm
lmm Ecixcrtnluu: oI Mountple-Isanl township,
.\tlnms uonnty lll’l'i’WSde will sell ion the
[H‘Ollli‘eF‘ on S.\T['li'LP\Y,the 411 g of NOVEL
111-llthluo‘b, the following deJct-ibud real estate,
Stlunl'i‘d lh mid township, Vcohtaining 133
.\(‘llEtL at which 30 “oer are good woodland,
Ihe huh-nee in it good state of cultivation
and ruclosrd with first-rue fencing. This
prup’u t_\ is lamb-J about u miles lrotn Hanover,
tit-air lhn Stale roml lending from Hanover to
GeL[_\B!-llrg, untl nhouLD miles lrom the hum
ltl-we, out the Lilly’s .\ltll ro.‘.d}uuning ”in’
the (amt, ndjoiuing idtldl of 'l’cler Weikcxt,
Bquan ll'ttln-r,l\hruhnm llil‘c, and others."—
Tl.e improvements nre II Two‘. '- .
story lllilCK HUI‘SE. with 8.-ck- 132‘? '
building. Biick Hunk Barmthgon 33”; .
Shed,‘ Curringe 110 mm. Smokofim
[louse and Work Shop. The‘rs are two never.
tailing walls on the premisrs, and A good Ur
churni.wtl.h a great. \nriet) ofchoice truil. trees.
_ W‘Sale to-comxuonrc til 1‘ o‘clock, P. .\l.,
on said, duy, when attendance will he gii‘cn
and terms ntwlelnnwu by '
.. ‘ Eunmn‘ u’cKl-znr, Executor
ocm, 2865; m
0 next, the undersigned. in}. nding to quit.
housekeeping, \vill‘sell at Public Sale. M. her
ruridcnceyin llnmillonbnn township, Adams
('onnty. nbbul one mile and a half north of
Fuirliold, the following personal progeny, viz:
l MILCH COW, (:9 be fresh before the
Holiday.) 2 How, (one A Brood Sow.) Bay by
Ihc ton. Potatoes 1:) the bu:hcl.Shovc-l Plough,
('orn Fork. omin Cradle. Mowing Scythe,
Wheelbarrow, Shovel. Spade, lulu-B.,Mnnure
and Shaking Parka. Flax Brnke, 2 Ladders,
)lnll und Wedges, [Lind ang, Wood Saw,
Angers, Drnwing Knife, Chisels, Shaving
llurse. with a lot ofifihucmnkcr'n Tools, and n
first-rule Smooth-bore Rifle. Alan Hpusehold
nnd Kilehen Furniture, such M Beds and Bed
stendé, Tnhlc!,Clrnirs. Cupboard, Cook Stove,
pipe «ml fixtures, hooking Glassea, Yankee
Cluck, \Vnsh Tubs, .\lcnz \f'ussels, Buckets,
Queens-ware, Crockery-ware, Barreli and
onu. Apple-butter by the crank, I hnrrol ul’
Vinegar, Snusmge Slum-r, a lot, (if Geese and
Chickem, a lot of Hugh, old Iron, and n vnrls
1y nf uthcr articles, too numerous to mention.
{Q‘Snle tn commence nt 10 o'clock, A. 11.,
on :nid day, when nttendnnco will be given
and terms made known b ,
04‘. 23, 1865. ‘ ti‘
Quarterly .Report
GETTYSBL‘RG. rendered on the morn
ing of the lat Monday of Oember, 1865:
vu.. - ’ .
mus discounted. | £104,885 24
l-‘u'rnitlre and Fixturés, 700 00
Expenpel, , ‘ 29: 56
Tuelynid, 619' 80
Premium. . 4" 1,820 92
Cash items, stamps, ‘ 488 11
Due from Nufiomd Bunkl,' #3566 H
“ “ other Bankg, - 2M 80
U. 5. Honda, , .150.250 00
Other U. S. Seem-m", . 21,410 00
Cash on hands, 3J,3U Q 0
_‘l‘otnl, ? $317,918.60
I‘, “ CR. -
'Caplml me; paid ln’, , . $lOO,OOO no
Surplus tuna, - I 0 849 'l2
Circulfiting notes 00m” ding, 89,980 90
Dividend: unpaid, ’ 43 72
Due to banks, ' . {1.330 19
Interest, km, 2,318 75
.Depoamj 123,368 22
roux, ‘ $311,919 so
1, chorge Arnpld, Gable“)! the First N:-
tiontl Bank at Gettysburg, do rplemnly event
that the phovermement is true to the but
of my hrowledge and belief.
orn end Inbacribed before no this let
day of October, 1865, 4. J. Coma, J. P.
OTICE it hereby given to 11l person- not
to buy from Lewie‘Noel any corn, on“,
I eat, rye, hay, aft-w, comfodder, or other
roduce,‘or nock, mind on my term, mum
Fa [outpleuam township; end to rewrn in
me my property told or given by laid Lewi-
Noel, my, Ila-bud. u the property in mine,
hpd he?“ end bed no “thorny to ull ordls.
pg. 0 en produce or Hoe: {glided on my
in In or an ether ro any eon ax to me.
' ' ’ c P ”503“; an NOEL. \
D“: .10: .13“ 3" .._ _ _'._
‘ For Sale. ..
Harsh crack, with 46 Acre: of: m
c nice Grain ludow Bottom, 5 miles ~
was of Gettysburg. ‘ . ~ ‘ '
(iambic. Au. 14: "06- .
, :ADIBS’ ’ , '
' L fi-m £13533 rmuwasflgnféeggp
~ «7.:me ;». WMMT~MW
Trustee’s Bale‘
Public 5313
Public ‘Sale.
W5»....5mg~.f,.q‘u,vm m n. 3,; say... 4.;« w?
f ~ GETTYSBURG, PA;, MONDAY, OCT. 80, 1865'.
hcougfiuso, “men 18, 1851.
Precident~Georg Swope. ;
Vice President— ‘ mnel R. Russell.
Secretary—D. A. welder.
Treasurer—E. G. ehneuock.
Executive Commit ee—Roberv. McCurdy, An
drew Ileinuelman, ucob King. ‘
HAIAOIII.—Geo ;e Swope, D. A. Bnehier‘,
R. McCurdJ, fl. Eic elberger, 311%. Rain", E.
G. Fahnestock, A. . Buohler, R. G. Icheary,
Gettysburg; Jncob King, Suabnn townahip;
A. iieinlzelmnnh F “film“; Wm. D. liimes,
New Oxford; Wm. . Wilson, Bcndenville;
H. A. Picking, Slrilmn township ; John “'Ol
- Latimoro towlshipflohn Picking, Bust
Berlin ; Abel ’l‘. Wright, Bendersvilie; Abdiel
I". Gin, New Oxforii; Ju. H. Mnrsha’ll, Hnm
iizonhan lowu ship ;I John Uunninghern, Free
dom tdwnship ; .10 n liurner, Mountjoy mwn-
Ihip; Wm. Ross W]: (e, Liberty township.
H‘Tflh Compn y in limited in its opera
tions to thecounly fAdnms. it has been in
operation (or more him 15 years, and in that.
period has made bu one assessment, having
paid losses by fire d ring that period nmpunt
ing to 513,053—563769 of which have been
paid gluing the hm, two years. Any person
desiring an In—uuntl‘e can apply to any of the
nbov'e named Mnmlglirs for further information.
w’rhe Execplivp Committee meets at. the
office of the Cumpqny, on the In: chnes
day in every monlh,|nt 2 o'clock, I’. M. ‘
pct. 16, 1505. "11. »
New sgrmg Goods.
S U . L . SCH I C K
would réspcctlully Ty to the citizen: 0! Get
tysburg and vicinit , that he is now receiving
M. his slotenyflendfid
Tho flock consists in part of Fancy and
Staple DRY GUUD§, of every‘descriptiun.
SILKS, ' ‘ ’
CHALLII-lé, , “
”‘ LAWNS, .
of I“ quniitiea and choicest styles, which will
of all kinds, ineluding Sillé, Linen-and Cotton‘
Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, kc.
Also, a splendid assortment. of RIIIBONS,
Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and PumS‘Olßr -
My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full
and complolr, and customers may rely upon
tilwnys getting good goods at the lowest possi
ble prices.
Gentlemen will find it to the" advantage tc
call and examine my stock of .
at all qllflllfiofi and choices: styles. ‘
April :54, lava. ‘ J. L. SCHICK.
Fiesh Arrival.
ATS, C.‘\I‘S,EBOUTS~& moss.
I l , - COBEJN J: CO.
hm‘ejust received and qpened anolhor’splendid
nssornuuu of HATS, CAPS, HUOTS and
SHOES. [or Summct wear, which they are
selling ut very low prices considering the
times. The latest styles of Summer Hails and
Copy, of eVery description and price.
Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and?“
wnrrnu‘cd tofix,‘ always on hand. Work
made to urder and repairing denc on shortuo
lice,‘by experienced wurkmen. Also, '
carried on in nil-its branches. . Persons wan!-
ing an} thnn." in this line would do We" to can:
la‘hon’l target the thstnnd in Chambers
burg street, if you want. llgrgainn
June [9, 1865‘
couux a CRAWFORD.
Fresh Supply. ‘
imt received unothcr fine assortment of
NEW GOODS, consisting. in part, of‘Cloths,
Cnesiulurea, Bassinets, Keptucky Jews, and
Twecds, for Gentleman's wear. Also, a fine
nasorlmeht of ‘ 1
Our stock has been selected will: grept care,
and “e are prepared to tell as cheap as an
other eiuhlishment in lhe country. We uni
the public to gin: us a can and judge for
them-when. We defy communion, both Mto
quality uudurlcc. ‘ A. SCOTT & SUNS.
Sept. 11. 1865.
Carnage-makmg (Rammed.
1““; war belnx our, the undersigned have
resumed the 3
at their old stand. in East. lliddk! street,
where they are again prepned t 6 put. up work
in the mqsl. fashionable, lublmutinlmnd supe
rfor manner. A hit of new 3nd second-land
on hand, which they ,will disoose cl n the
lowest price: ; and all orders will be supplied
as promptly and aatisfaclorily is possible.
[6'- R E P A l R l N G
done with dispatch, nnd n cheapest rates. ’
‘ A large lot. of new sud old HARNESS on
hand for sale. ‘
‘ Thankful _for the libenl patrouge hereto
for: enjoyed by them, they solicit but! will en
dearer to dunno I lam than in the futur
July 10, 1865. (I
Still at Work.
l "E undenignefl'cqntinnu the ‘
In n5l its bnnches, at hil bld "Ind, in Eu!
Hid le Itreet. Geflylbnrg. ~ ' *
RBW WORK undo to order, and
don. promptly sad It lowest pricel.
Two firm-rite SPRING WAGONS and I
Dec. 1, 1863.
To Consumptivea.
‘ proved by the Academy of Medicine.—
1 For Coughs, Colds, Bronchid Ind Tubercu
{7 Consumption, Scrot'nla and General De
ility. The non mild, bland sud nutrition:
lurm in which Cod Liver Oil on be lined, and
, with more benefit. secured to the patient. by 3
mm penpoonful of this Jelly; thnn by dou
‘ ble the quantity of the clear or unjelliled Oil.
For sale by :11 druuists end by
E. H. TRUEX, Wholeule Drcggist,
No. 15 Beekwm St, New York.
Aug. 28, 1865. 30;
John W. Tipton.
‘ yer of the Diunond, (next. door to No-
Clelhn’a Hatch) Gettysburg, Pl. when he
can It all timu ’be found tendy to attend to all
bunineujn his line. He bu also excellent u
siuanco and will ensure satisfaction. Give
him I all. ‘ Dec. 3, 1360.
BOGERBS.—A hm II: I, u lowest
mum may“, FABlfiiS‘l‘OCKS’,
[sun's nan 81118ka for 1538“
M Homer'nprvug nu; Yum Store.
/ ‘fgfél' «fl
,7}; Is". '
”?~ alt ‘
J *
“nun a man" LXD mu. tuna."
Estey 1 Cottage Organs
RE not only unexcelled, but they are ab
‘solutely unequalled, by any other Reed
nstrnmen: in the country. Designed expresh
ly lor Churches and Schools, they are lound
to be equally well adapted to the parlor Ahd
drawing room. For sale only by ‘ '
‘ E. M. BRUCE, -
No. 18 North Seventh SL, Philudelphin.
”Also, BRADUURst PIANUS, And a
complete assortment of the PERFECT ME
LODEON. o "[Uct. 2, 1865. 1y
Established 1850.
respectfully-hex leave to notify their friends,
customers and the public gmternlly, that they
have removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to
the commodions ionr-ntor Wnrt-honsc,
between Howard and Liberty, where they win
for the future‘ conduct the Wholesale Bhli.
nesa, solely in
Hosiery. Trimmings,
Furnishing Goods.
. Perfumery, Notions, ,
Stationery, Ufillcry,
. ' Toys, to., kc.
to which they invite the attention of city and
country purchasers, feeling confident of their
ability to otter inducements in prices and
qunlity of Goods.
Orders by mail will receive prompt nuan-
Lion. Address
308 Bulimore street, Baltimdg‘e
March 14, 1864.
. Meats I Meats!
YSON a: CO. have now in fult opemtiou
an establishment for the sale of Men-ts
and Groceries, on ‘the west side of Bukimore
‘slreet, a flew doors soxnh of the Couwhousc,
Gettysburg. ['RIUE BEEF can be hnd every
Tues-lay, Thulsd~~y and Saturday mornings,
and PORK, VB \L, LAMB. hen, on Monday,
Wednesday and Friday morningi. Th-ir meals
\nll nlwnys be {curd the best HI 1! run be ac
cured in this market. [Sum '25, 1865.
Cumberland Coal!
A LARGE supp‘y of superior
now on‘lmnd nt reduced price. This Coal is
superior to an ulher Coal in the ['nited‘Stutes
for welding and other blacksmith purpasrs
For san by
CityConl Yurd, Frederick City, 11‘)
June 19, 18,65. ly“
R. P. Bayley 8: CO.,
RAH-IRS IN , ‘ .
’ - ()ASTORS, to,
No. 6 Ibsen-n S'rnm-z-r, xmn HAL-numb. Sl3l,
GLASSWAllflz—Tnmblem. Goblets, Wines,
Lagord, Flasks, Blk. ,Bomes, Cnndy Jnrs, De—
canters, Pres. Dishes, Fruit Bowls, Snllsg‘na.
tors, Castor Uoulee, Ker. Lamps, Kér. Chimg
new, Lanterns. «kc.
QUEEXSWARE :—Plntcs, Flat Dishes, map
110., Coyered do., Covered [Zulu-rs. Tm Pots,
Sugars, Creams, Bowls, Pitchers, Chambers,
Basins and Pitchcra, Mugs, Spittoonr, Tea
Sets, Toilet Sets, in‘.
CUM. STONEWARE :—Jugl, Jars, Pitchers,
Milk Pans, «to. - [May 1, 1865. ly’
1865. PH!LADELPHIA “1865.
- Wall Papers.
OWELL & BOURKE. Munnmcturerp of
North East. Corner FOURTH and MARKET
N. B.—Alwnys in store, A large Mark of
Aug.2i:, 1665. 3m .
I, ‘
oath-east. Comér of the Diamond and Bum;
more skeet, nanly opponize tie Surofiice,
Every description ofl'ork executed in thé
finest style of the art. 1
Apri117,1866. tf ‘
o distinguished individuals, including nnum
be: of our prominenz Generals, and the old
hero John. L Bum, for sale at the counter 9!
the Excelsior Gallery, Getmbn. _ , _
Do You Wish
0 prucrve u coon likeness of yonricll',
your children, or your lrienda? go It
oan to HUMPER'S GALLERY, the best plwe
in the county to “cure first ch.” pictures.
Howard Associatidn,
HILADELPBIA. PA.—Disexne| of flu:
Urinnry Inn! Sexual Systems—new and
re itble trntment; Also the BRIDAL CHAM
BER, on Early of Warning and Instruction,
sent in sealed envelop“, free of charge. Ad
dress Dr. J. SKILLIN BOUGHTON, Hound
Auocktion, No. 3, South Ninth Street, Philn;
delphin, Pa. (Oct. 2, 1865. 1y
A Picgnres taken I: MUMPER’S SKY
LIGHT GALLERY, on Welt Middle IL, Ire
nnrnctmg nnivernl “tendon. Good judge:
pronounce ‘hem unporior to my ever «ton in
this place. Call and enm‘me for yourselves.
_ J0n.16.1865. }
new styles just rewind 1.: Dr. R. ‘
HO NER’S Drag md Vania, Store. ‘
LOTHING! CLOTHING !——Plenty of new ‘
goods jun op'ened. Also Boot:l Shoes, .
HI", to. #6.. 111 chap It BRINKIRHOPF’S.
UEENSWARE—in fun can or in placer.
Q A large Inpply can be found at
BY Dr. B. HORNER’B Tonic and Altern—
tive Powders, for HORSES and CATTLE.
Prepared Ind sold only at his Drug Store.
In“. 15 1865
AGO, Aria- Boor, Corn Bureh,~ Rico-flour
«a Gel-tin, for oak-n Dr. HORNE!!!
Drug Store. . -
0 to Dr. R. HORNBR'é Drug Store and get
.. V E
...y 't'v‘ paigwpéfhrky'wrfuv w-mw< .‘ou\«--
uon: lb. 01d, old clock, or use homhold .iock,
Wu um with“ thing. And none-t;
1n had: though old, Ind t touch a! you,
, And In chi-u; an; Inn u» "och-t;
"I‘m n manila: too. though In Ion!- Iron fur,
Y 0! my llvod‘ though In" uhnd ;
And lb volu. mu “may, want! old And young,
Whoa lb. vole: ol lrl-ndahlp “land ;
‘Tlck! llck :’ It I‘M—"quick. gulch w bod.
For ton I've glvon var-Ila; ;
17p! up! And so, or nluyau knot,
You‘u untrue m: in an mornlng l’ "
"A {madly we. in um 0”, old clock,
A: it "now! ln the tamer mulling,
. And ble-nod a). (lint um: "nu-r] chlmc,
Th. .xnll'y tom mixing;
But ncroul' old vole. In um tire-om clock,
A: ll olled ll dnybluk boldly ; .
When (he dun; looked gnyu'or tlu mine] way,
, And lhe nrly nlr blur muly ;
l'l'lek ! lid! 1’ it uld—‘ qulcl: out 0! had,
. For llvrl‘vo given Inning; '
You’ll nenr lure health, you’ll never have rullh,
Unleu you're up noon [n the morning 1’ ”
Cassi likg the one I am about to relate
are much too fieqnent in our coun:ry. nnd
they are such, too, as should be guarded
against by all who have an interest in e‘du
caliolp‘. This incident was brought to my
mind by th‘ekparent of a boy, who had been
grossly neglected, simply because he was
very poor and ' comparatively without.
friPnds: .
Mnny yeirs ngofi when I was nsmall boy,
I-anonded school in the town of—
Among thé scholars thgie was one named
Grorue Hem-y. His father _was a poor,
drinking man, and the unfortunate boy
had to su ll‘er in consequence. George came
to school h‘nbiled in lugpwl garmomq ~but
they were all he had. lle wus rough and
uncouth ih manners. 101' he had - been
brought up'in this way. He Was very lg~
nomnt, for lthe‘ simple reason that he uevcr
bind the opportunity of education.
Season after season. Imm Gem-go Henry
occupied the same seal in the salmol room ;
it WAS a'hmck corner sent. unity from {he
rest of the scholars—and lhere he Lhumbed
his lumen-ed prim”. 'l‘hc ragged condition
of his gurb gave a homely cast. to his whole
appearance, and what intelligence there
was In his lcouutenfince was heclouded by
‘tho “onlerrownngs” of tho boy. He scl
dom played mth mher chilillen, for‘dhey
soempd to‘ shun him. but. when he for u
whilejnine‘d with them in lhr-ir sports. he
was so rough ”Ml he was goon shoved out
of (hi: wav. _
P. 11. I‘YFEII,
_ The teacher passed the poor boy cnltlly
in the street, while other boys. in better nt- l
tire, were kindly noticed. In the sch-"oh!
young Henry was coldly treated. 'l‘ho'
teacher no lected him, and called him an
“idle lilocllliend," because. he did not. learn.
The boy deceived no incmtile to study,
and consequently he was [no of the timo'
idle, an idleneaa which begat his disposition l
to while away his time in mischief. For'
this he was whipped; and the more idle and l
careless he became. He knew that he was
ne‘gtectetl by the teacher, simply because
he was poor and ragged, and with a sort oft
sullen indifference, sharpened at tiines byl
feelings of bitterness, ht: plodded on his
dark and pathless way.
Thus matters lwent on for several years.
Most of .the scholars who were of Henry's,
age had passed to the higher branches of
study, while he. poor fellow, still spelled
words of one or two syllables, and still kept l
his distant seat in the corner. His father
had sunk doeiihr into the pit of inebriety.l
and the unfortunate boy was more wretched
than ever. ' l
The look of clownish indifl‘erence which
i had marked his countenance, was now giv
l ing way to I shade of unhappy thought and
t feeling, and it. was evident that the great
l turningpoint oflife ml: at. hand. He stood
now in the step of life from which the fate
of after years must take cast.
At this time a man by the name of Kel
ley took charge of the school. He was an
‘old teaclfer and careful observer of human
nature, and really a good than. Longyears
ofgnnrdianahip over wild youths had given
him a blufi', authoritative way, and in his
discipline he was strict and unwavering.
The first day he used at the teacher's
desk of our school, lie was moatly devoted
to watchthe movemcfirts of the scholars,
and studying the disposition! of those with
whom he had to deal. Upon George Hen
ry his eye: rested with a keen, searching
glance, but evidently 'made little of him
during the first day, yet on the second he
paid more attention. .
It was durinz'the afternoon of the second
day that Mr. Kelley observed young Henry
engaged in stringing flies upon a pin. He
went ’to the boy’s seat and reprimanded
him {or his idleness and took up the tat
tered book from the desk. \
“Have you never learned more thnn in in
this book ?" asked the lucher.
“No, sir." said the boy. .
“How long have you been ”Handing
school f”
“Ever since I can remember.”
"Then you must. be an idle, reckless boy.”
said the teacher with much severity. "Do
you realize how many years you have thrown
“my! Do you know 110‘: much you have
lost.) What sort of | man do you think of
making in this way? One of these clny- you
will be too old to 30 c: school..nnd then,
while your companions are seeking lame
hononlle employment, you will be good
forzgothing. Have you : tuber Ind noth
er '—
7 “Yes, sir." mm the boy in . hoarse, mu
dued voice.
“And do they wish you to grow up in is
norance 2" g ‘
The boy hang down hi! I”!!! and was
silent; but Mr. Kelley out grent tears roll
down his cheeky. In an instant the teach
er can [but be had aomethin more chm
nu idle, Itubhom mind to 1135 with in tho
nued scholar before him. He lsid his
band upon the boy’s head Ind in I kind
(one said : ‘
5 {a .-
{2% T": W”); ,s}: I.
i < “'9 v\ 1%
/“ l h ‘
gamut floaty.
Tie Old Clerk.
“Still honyrly m. sound goon round uh] round,
Wnthntynethuuuumver; ‘ .
While has In mod for mum days fled,
Ana the oh] (man lost lunar;
11.- but! h‘ouu Dmell-l heart: in gong, ,
It: hands-till move—though hand: we [an
An clupedonurthm long"! '
‘ Tick ! Lick !’ it AIM—E to flu chunk yin] bod,
The Gun huh [hon vunlng;
UP! uplnflu, tad look at me 111-I,
And pup" ’0! I heavenly morning 2’ "
é’lgoirc @isullnny.
Tllll SLIGHTED 801101.111.
“I wish you to stop after school is dis-
mined. Don't be 'sfraid. ‘I wish to Assist
you if! esfi."
George looked wonderingly into the
master's face, for there use something in
the tone of the voice that fell upon his eer
that sounded strange to him, and he thought
an be looked around that the rest of the
scholars regarded him with kinder counte
nsnces than usual. A din: thought broke
if: upon his mind that for some csnse he
was going tobo happier than he was before.
After school wsa dismissed; George re
mained in his gent till the teacher celled
him up to his desk.
“Now.” said Mr. Kelley. I wish to know
why it is that you have never leerned any
more. You look bright. and you look as
though you might make a smart mam--
Why is it that I find you so igndrnnt i” ‘
"Because no one ever helps me." replied
the boy. “Nobody cares for me, sir. for 1
am poor.” ‘
By degrees the kind hearted teacher got
the whole of the poor boy's history, snd
Lvhiletihe generous tesrs bedewed his eyes,
e ssl :
"You have been "on?" treated. George.
but there is u timé yet. or“redemption. If
I will try to teach you, will you try to
learn 2"
"Yes—oh, yes," quickly uttered the boy,
in earnest tones. "Yea—l should Ilka to
learn. I don’t want, to be I bad boy.” he
thrillingly added, while hi: face glowed
with animation. ‘
Mr. Kelley promised topurchue books
for the boy as fat I: he could learn to rend
them, and when George Henry left the
schoolroom that evening his fuoe wu wet
with tears.
We scholm #ho had remained in the
entry. and saw him come out. had our
hearts warmed tovmrds the poor boy. We
spoke kindly t‘o him and w'alked with him
to his house, his heart was too 191] for utter
ance. - . ‘
t On the next day George Henry com
l menced to study in good earnest. and the
1 teacher helped him faithfully. NeVer did
I see a change so radiant an‘l so sudden u
that which took place in the habits of the
poor boy. .
As soon as the teacher treated him with
kindness and res'pect. the er-holurs followed
the example, and the result was. that lh‘ey
found in the unfortunate youth one of} the
'moet noble-hearted. generous. accommoda
ting and truthful playumles‘in the world.
Lon 1: years have passed since those school
boy dnys. George Henry has become o
man of middle age. and in all the country
there is not a men more beloved and res
pected thnn he is. And all is the result. of
one teacher having done his duty.
You who are school teachers. remember»
the responsibility that devolves upon you.
In this country of free schools there should
be no distinction between cifmses. All are
alike entitled to your care and counsel,
and the weaker the child the more earnest ‘
should be your_emleevor to lift him up out] i
aid him. ' , ‘
Not a Word of Comfort.
The k'eepflr ofn well-known eating saloon
at the depot on a branch road running from
the “Eiia” north.- mu'ksmueyenrs since and
is still, nflhuwd with influnmutmy rheuma
tism. Several ofhis friends vieited him. one
at. n time, and told him that unlcsa'he gave
Ilp dsiuking it. would kill him. At but. the
doctor, by nrrungemcm, said the same
thing. and mine host began to cry. and
said, “Jim has been here talking to me
about drinking so much,, and then Tom
came, and after him Sam, and all boo-boo!
talkipg to me about drinking. boo~boo,
and now you’ve come; and their isn't nnry
one of you that considera‘ how dreadful
dry I am 1”
Putting a Good Face 0;: 11.-—A bumomus
writer in the C/dczga Pas! dewrihes lmw he
got out of a bad scrape in the Police Com-tr
—-“The next mnrning the Judge of the Po
lice Court sent for me. I Vent down. and
he received me cordially ; said 'he had
heard of the wonderful things I hid Locom
plished by knocking down live person! and
assaulting sixfinhers, and was proud of me.
I was a promising youug man. and all lhnt.
Then he ofl'ered, 3 (out, ‘Guilly or not
guilty 1' I responded in u brief but elo
quent speech. nettin . forth theimpmunee
ol the occwiiou “11!.wa brag-gym m ,(ogoth
er. Afler up usual curemo in l was re
quested to lend the city ten dullurs.”
a-C. F. Hall. the Arctic “plural-Jun
nounees lint. he has discovered chat. in all’
"robubility, three of the men-of Sir John
grankliu'l Arctic expedition yet. survive.
and are living anng-tha Innuita (E‘qfli
mgmx.) One of they: supposed survivor:
in aid to be Cruzier. who succeeded Sir
John Franklin in command 0! the expedi
. a-Three murders were committed in
Philadelphia on Fridaé week. A youth 19
years old In shot by a drunken rowdy.
who escaped; a colored soldier was killed
by n oomrlde, and a porter was strangled
in "tore by a party of burglars. who es
caped with a large amnunt of plunder.
3 Horrible Outrage by a Negrou—Tho Freder
ick Citizen: montionn that. on Saturday week,
a negro employed at the camp of ӣ0 6d:
U, S. mull-y, near that city. fo'roev ,a lit
tle girl, 11 years old, into a stone qnnrry.
and there violated her person in the most.
horrible manner. The child screamed and
made all the nodal-nee pc'mible. but all to
no purposo. The fiend mu "rested ind
lodged in jail for lrial. The child is a
danzhter of Mt. Theodore Lowe, residing
in North Market street.
' S'Advioes from Europe mic Hut I
great fire had moan-ed In. Stnmbnul. de
stroying 2.500 buildingl. Ind Wu uill
nzingjon the 16m. -
The fire in Constantinople dostmvwl
10,000 houses. tendering upwurdn of 40,000
;familiu homeless. . , ,
Death of a Lutheran Minivan—We regret
to nnnouloa the dull: oi the Rev. Daniel
GIHQI'. I well known minim: of the
Luthmn Churchmhich occurred pl Greens
burg. Pm. on the 30th of September; Ho
Wu I noted traveller and hi: writincs nbout
£llo3on Land have been ,extemlvely pub
ish .
fi'l‘he an, Robert Cutlem'm. a mem
ber of the Platesmnt Episcopal Church in
North Carblina. and widely known and
much beloved in Virginnin; was brutally
murdered near Gaston. on Monday night
Week, whilst returning alone from a nail
to a neighbor. The murderer Ins not been
dheoverod. ' l
an Springfield; minim. . barber 1m
been fined :60 for shaving“: gentleman In
his room in bowl on Sun'lny.
- “A. ' " o" “
Who-a UM How Can. {ran to I‘m Mr. En
ulnéumdm [midi/pm for (lie Euc-
W Fund—7W3!“ {Mu-inn
“(JUL gurmmnl mu _M‘c Pamnaga 12¢-
eu . .
The Cincinnati (mm: publithcfi the full
testimony in the (mw M Col. J. C. Crane,
tn inspector or the unnrtermuter's Do
pnrtmofl. who was tried by court'lmrlinl.
In de hit. upon numerouq chm-gas of dil
hénuty in’olfloo. The fifth churge nil M
Conduct unbecoming In ofleer 'lud a
”dogma“ ‘ "“""
Specification—“ln this: that GolfiJohn C.
Crane. inspector. £50.. having been duly u
lignod. Mu'did write. muse to he'vritton
laws and tend. And canned to ba mafia-ll
lent, to Wm. Semple.,A. B. Semi-laud
others. whose names are unknown”; be
said Wm. Semple and album beingfigré‘ed
in furnishing supplies for the use ‘ Id
military rsilrosdu, [circular and lemon a,
poxtion of which circ‘ulnr and loner in ‘in
the letters and figures, and olthe tenor fol
lowing: 'TQ secure the electiouin every
State, beyond (he possibility of a doubt,
am. only does it require the putriocio effort.
of every man but. is also requires mung for
umpnigningfirurposes. his expected that
you that ha a received the liberal fall-om,
age of the gbvemment will willing y lend
your 3360115 Ito the attainment ol tho object
name . : , '
No. 5.
‘ "‘I am tuthorized to say. gentlemen, (11
those who respond cheerfully to this call.
that the patronage lmrelolme amended to
them, shall. without. doubt, be c‘mtlnued.
1n the transmitting of your :übwriptlon n
is expected that theamouut will oon-upond
with the natg‘onage you have received} ’-’
This chdrge was sustained upon the‘triel
by direct evndenoe of parties who had con
tributed to the Lincoln fund raised blOOl
- Crane. ‘ _ _ .
One witness, Archilnld P. Cochrsne. tes
tified that Colonel Crane purchased my»
plies from tlieir firm on or nbout the 11! of
November, 864, and at other times before,
which were furnished afterward ; thst Col
onel Crane solicited mnnoy {mm the firm
tor pay election expense“. Witness pro
duced soirculsr from Colonel Crane. asking
for contributions, the genuinem-ss otwhieh
the accused admitted. Coehi-une further
testified that the firm gave $l,OOO in res
ponse to thih solicitation.
Questinn ,by Judge Advocate—Please
state the circumstances of the payment.
Answer‘l had come to the military rail
road department from home, for the pn‘r
pose of settling our accounts, and I stepped
into Colonel Crane’s office; he told Ine’he
wasjust on the eve of sending s circular to
us; he then picked up the circular. signed,
sddressed. and handed it to me for perusal;
it the time he handed it to me he said he
had the auction af‘the Secretary 0! War to
collect this fund. I told him 1 would con
sider upon the matter; the next day I met
him, 11. his office. and responded to thst
amount. 1 responded und'er the full convic
tion that it the s proper object, and I did
it cheerfuilnyolonetNrene had no hen
tuncy in handing me the circular; it was
done phbiiciy; there were severe! parties
in the room, at thetime. ' [Witness further
testified that he had. at the time, vouchers
in‘his possession to the amount of thirty
four thousand dollars, for which he expecr
ted to get the money ; and that he received
payment in’i'uli for all the vouchers in A’
check for certificates of indebtedness, less
the amount the firm contributed.] -
On his cross-examination Mr. Uochrene
said : ‘ '
With regard to the o'ne thousand dolls,"
obtained for election purposes, witness did
not. know what was done with it; saw Crane
put it into an envolope and heard him uy
u. w ior Mr. Lincoln.
LEE. Nash, Supetintendent of military
'rnilrdads, being duly sworn. testified that
he “comributed one hundred dollars to tho
election. fund." ‘
After the trill had proceeded far euough
to indicate the conviction of Colonel Crmo
and to endanger the divulgence of some
Wm- Dcpnrcment secrets. it was postponed.
by order of the Secretary of War.
Thaddeus‘Stmns’s Gctiynburg Spccch.
The speth delivered by Hon. Thaddeus
Steyens, in the Courthouse, in this place,
on the 3d inst, has cllcjtud conahlvmblo rc
mark. We pultllslx the cpmmonm of the
Lancastur Irtlfjlljdilccl' as a sample. It says:
'l'hnddefiq‘ Steveni delivc-rud a -rlm‘cll
at thtysburg on the 3m inst” which was
even more pointed .in opposition to liresh
dvm, Johnfl‘n’s policy (bun hi: Lalwuter
addicts. ' Aner dascrnbing the l’reqident'b
plan of restoring the Union, Mr. Steven:
says: ‘ 4
“This [)lan hm! the full npfirob‘atinn of all
lthe Rebel; and Rebel aympathiyen. o! the
whole Coppgrhcad party. ot‘such Re uhli
cam as are naturally panel as, and crunch
pubhcj )urnall as public)» by audwntyt"
These remarks are so bitter and so clearly
nlmlpd at the Chief Magistrate of the United
8L: as. that if Capt, Thaddenn Steven; lute
Provost Manhnl, bid not unfortunmly
been mustered out of service, we should
rely on hi: zeal Ind ‘loy'ilty for the imme
diate "rest. of Prints Tum! eus Stevens,
Member of Cousteau, for the zeinnus crime»
of "spanking dlsrenpectfully of the Presi
dent,” I ctirne of such ooan‘lalouo magni
tude thnt the Truman of tho Connitution
l never imagined any American could be
‘ guilty ofit, and therefore (or for some oth
‘ er women). made no proviuion for it: pun-
I inhmont.‘ . "‘
Nor is _thie‘tlie [out thet Mr. Stevens
any: of the President in his Getty-burg
egseech. Relating to the interviews the
resident has granted to Southern delega~
tion: end his speeches to them. Mr. We!"
use: the following terribly euroutio lln~
8'1““ = ‘ v.
“R is e very allowable christien gratifica
tion for him end his chief ministers, whom
these men hue persecuted. and pleced re~
wards on their heads, and attempted to es
unseinate, to see them ranged by fifties at
his fooktoal, begging his pardon: and to
lecture him in e patronizing way, and listen
to their submissive answers, and ‘eee them
clap theirdelicute hands in constrained up
pleule; to tell them not to be alarmed at
the Redicah, that they are under iii-gono-
Motion. and under the shield of the n
etitutinn which they had mu abjured; that
he loves them like I (ether, and will love
:hean’e’ll the more’foc thie‘ little ‘funlly
en . ,
A: if this Were not bitter and insulting
enough, Mr. Steven: proceeds :ost that
if the Prgsident'u lmgusge to the Southern
delegation: "be nnt‘wrongto tbs living
minors, it is g mockery u; the loyal dead!"
Wq have not: time today to go fill-the}-
into this bitter speech against the Pren
Tm Olrridi‘mitym'l‘ha following in report
ed of the venerable Bishop Hapkino. of
Vermont. as having occurred in New York
while on hit my to the General Convention
of the Episcopal Church, now in union It
Philadelphia: ‘
Some one naked the Bishop it he thought,
there would be any trnnble in ro-adxnilting
the Southern BIIhOPS to the Convention.
Hie reply I” characteristic : “I eeein the
pens to-dey that the 0m Fellom’ Grend
Edge It Beltimore are hnving egreet femi
ly reunion, end that the Southern delegatee
hove been as cordially received on those
from other sections of the Union. Why
cannot we follow the exemplet With the
Odd Fellows 'Frieudship, Love and Truth'
ere governing principles, but Old Fellow
ship is a voluntary affair. When professing
Christiane come together, air, they are com.
mended to -‘love one nnother,’ end tint
command I shall do my boot not only to
l obey myself but to penned. othgn hobo,
l “no." i
fiMiu Tucker say: it's with bgoho'! \
u with old wood, WI hard to get. than Mut
ed. but. when they do MOI-am fin: ilh
{.rodigionsly'. 2 .