The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 23, 1865, Image 2

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é' (Empilsr.
' "‘- '1 4*, 7,112.5 ’-
123 4. ‘_‘,l;ir'f ‘
lOWAY MORNING, OCT. 23, 1865
The Cum and the Beqedy.
It must. be apparent to every intelligent
hind nm the principal cause of our defeat
In the Slate was a want 0! Iliorough organi
htionju the Democratic party. This may
have been pnrtly owing to the int: period
Al which our Stati- nominntiom were made,
leaning but little time to put. the working
whines-y of fire party in order. Another
anon undoubtedly won the over-wrought,-
confidence '9' bid in our_ numeric“
strength sad the junice oi our cause, which
would have been effective in giving us the
gun by an overwhelming majority, if that
utensil: had been made available; but u.
'3': not done' Ind the consequence is be
ford no. . _
Thin defnt. if it thnuld bun Ihe efl‘ecl
DH. thorough orginizntlon oflhe Democrat
ic putty for lulqre pperaticnl, may result in
good. We now knpw (be full strength of
our opponents, ind will notlnavem act in
the dark. hereafter. Let a. complete And
thorough prgnniution be the watch-iord,
pad in it. con‘tinue from your to year.
I! well done, thb Democracy of Prnnrylva
pin have met with the last defeat.
-Tho conservatives of Missouri. liead
ed by General Francis P. Blair. Jr., are
shout to form I distinct patty in opposition
‘to the Bulimia. among whom the move
ment has caused gl‘est commotion uncl'dis
ms'y. In several prominént Republicans
ioined in the call {or a muss convention for
the purpose of sustaining the‘: recanstruc
tion policy 10l President Johnson, (lie res
torslion. of civil liberly and constitutional
sights, and the re-ulnblishment unbe prin
ciples of civil and religious freedom and
eduslily in Missouri, overturniad by the re
cent. Slate Co‘nvent’ion.‘ _.
fi'l‘he Pittsburg Guzrtle, a leading e
publicln organ, claims the result of the re
cant election in thin State as an mdorummt
qfncgro wjrage. Tibia isjust as we expected
snd predicted. notwithslnnding the denials
of the Republican pnpo‘u before (Ila (lei-tion:
Eon lhuch longer will the people of Penn
lilunin allow themselves to he cheated by
Abolition demagoguesi
Avp Important Accmion.—Governor Mor-
(on. of Indium, in a recent speech. took
‘fidecided ground against. iiegro’ gufl‘mge,
planting himself squarely upon {he Demo
,cnlio pla’Lform on {but subject.- I‘llis’is an
important hocession to the while men’s pnr
this i; indicateg a serious division in the
Republican tanks, and Rror‘uises for Presi
dent Johnson’s; reconstruction policy a.
Ilronger nunporft in COQEW” than indica
tions lamp timefago seemed to warrant.—
Tho Democraticipprty, byjts decidfed stand
in oppoéifion'k:l negro Eufi‘rnge. has saved
the country from the debflspln‘ént the Chu
bos, Sumnerl and that clmzs would have in
fliotod on it by the success of their ;zchemeo
of übgto suifrnge and negro equality.
A 'dea Brieacll Imminent—The Chicago
Tribune in bold and impudent when it says
"unleu the President changes his policy
before the meeting of Congreis, them will
be I wide breach between the Executive
and the Representnhiies in the National
Legislatpre of the party that placed him in
power.” The ’Preiident told Daan Rich
mond that he should riot chringe his policy,
Ind the "breaches" which the Tribune
threo‘tenl are of A variety that the Tennes
lee tailor will nct'try to mend;
Resloruilion w. Recoutnwlionm-vThe Repub
lican papers are constantly tgiking about'
the “reconltruciinn” policy of President
Johnson. The Louisville Journal any: the
President hnl' nofi‘reconstruction policy”
or proctice. Hg says the Union has never
been destroyed. and therefore cannot. be re.
oonetrucled. It is im'possible to recon
”met what- In: not previously demolished.
The llnio‘n wu like o v‘m machine a. par}
\of whole workingge'arigot out. of juint.—_
The Pmident is now reat'nring it to its nor
mol condition, and it will soon be in fine
running order. No cover: secession “con
cealed under Jammy-nation, or familiarizing
we public mind with such 3 heresy.
In‘ Search of antenna—Barnum, the}
fires! showman. is in anxious search forsl
Republican office-holder who has given u? l
his xplsce to a returned soldier, to supp y
the piece of one of his rarest and most won.
derlul curiosities destroyed by the late fire.
Somebody deceived him when he wasiml
duced to' believe that there was one in thihl
county—Ex. 1
We regret tosay thst in his efforts in‘
this locality he has met with similar suc
cess. His sgent informs us that. after}
léuohmgthe county all over. he has givenv‘
.up the sttenjpt is a fruitless task. He is:
;lookingmow for s Republican leader who
.’ will 9, since Andy Johnson's inaugura
ting the 7 “Administration is the Gov
ernment.” ; i ’ . .
~7— "‘| »——-———‘—'
filverybpdy is a ”capperhead" now-n
-dsys; Who does not favor negro sufl'rage.
Thus, I Springfield. Illinois. letter to the
Cincinnsti Game. says: “A liftle batch of
coppethetd's, with Gen. McGlernsnd for
President,” met toutify President John
son's policy. Then Johnson is s dopper
heed, is he?
Washington correspondent 6f
Du Philadelphia Ledger given the following
hint to Home Greeley :
“The (one of the editorial ‘in Wednes
day’l mm, upon Governor Perry?! men-
Iwavf, does In» meet. with favor at the
in House. and this fact may at well be
understood It once; much is not the Presi
dgng’s potifion. as he is represented :5 sm
ulnmg use Governor most. heartily.”
This about: how wide in the divergence
between' the President and we R:dicals.
mm ofiee-holding Republicans who
(and, before the election. to attack Presi-‘
dent. Johnson about a pqlicy they despise
.nd Ipit npoé. no now genifig more bold
Indcllmorom. Becarefnlye inn-servers;
diet! an descebd just as well now up.
any other time; 1‘
"Black mei no not. Always proud.-’
Oné‘qf xhgm prodded it I radios] meetixig
Oberlin, Ohim— Prawn. . '
an Item mm | . want.» on Imam. l
Areoent ulogrsm from Wuhlngton an: l In Connecticut, tho 'soldion. slnto-t. to s»
uné§::t:.*::tr;;;{;;:m"nm.'zts ‘ $25.13“ W W MW
on rulmads.” ‘ . ‘ -
‘ The Harrisburg Putrin‘ttt' Union remarks - . A Waslungtcn compondentof the Phtl
~ * I
The white soldier: who hsve‘juut returned fiififi'zzfifzijg!izzeoaligfnof Jefl'.
tram the unguionry bsttle fields which . . .
' A g The Ptttsburg Chrome/e, ißepuhhcnn,
fraught. (reedfiru 1:": the ”"09" amt who imysi "The decided gains of the Demo.
1:": fittltuwg‘g fis'ml‘: ‘0 repulrhlhe L cratio party in such places on Clevelsnd
humgblo {Orlunes will 130;“:an t23:l;ptllir land Cincinnati, Ohio, "M inhmaoy counties
. - t ,r ‘ t , t t t
eams oontmting for their situations, unall:;r:i::n¢:: :ho‘uzz-tri’; 4:“: gal-92:“;
thou of them who have not. yet succeeded l romantic.” ’ P;
in muffs employment fill soon find the ; tmgmtche‘s rebeived at New York froln
"9110889" labor choked "ll“ lb? m-oommg 2 South Cnrnlius state that there were serious
;;zllhntcmddufililwlut' :5 ;h'flhfh‘fl‘ “WY; troubles exituug between the whitetand
l 5 'n ‘ "e‘ 0’ 1‘ '5 l'9 man- 3 negroes on the count, the latter he‘n -r -
I!" in "El?“ ”'9! ‘l9 W bi‘ "WON“ [MI portal to be well armed. Troop! hull he;
Altrlfilelfllzggfifil an: "00'1”? d [sent from Charleston to quell the disturb
\9 s I y ~mout pieces or yous e« ' '
clued tbnt,tho treed negroes would not.
‘ come .\'orth, nod the story was repeated up
till the Int. ballot was out on the lOlh of
October. I; isxtrue, they only now any. in
}apology, thlt thn‘ negroes m not coming
North—till they are mkrely tent. But. the
quibble will not Avail. Those who held out.
. to tho workingmgn ' of Penneylvauia that.
negro lnbo'r would never contpete in Penn
aylvnnia with white labor, should now be
brought. to judgment; Those who advoca
ted war to secure'heedom for the Blacks,
,und then held out false promise. ofpstron
digs Ind. protectior: to our workingmen to
50, into the service; should be arraigned be-
I lose the bar of judgment and settled with
I by pubhc condemnation
The State Election.
7 The following article expresses our'opiu.»
ion exit-11y. lt iii-from the Lancaster Intelli
genczr of Tuesdnyluat :
Only one week halt parsed nwny since the
election-in Pennsylvania. and it is scarcely,
relerred to at all, either in conversation or
the newspapon. lt is already “ell nigh
forgotten. and but lgw- beam to care about
the result. We have nevorknown so much
apathy manila-tell. not so little Imposition
shown on the pull. of the dominnnt party
to "juice ovc-r a victory. Perhaps. in lieu
of Lhn' discordant elements which compose
the llppuhllczm orghnizntion, und the pro
buble nntugonisnrwliicli will break forth on
the meeting of bongren. they are not sure
but that their triumph will he almost as
damaging in its chi-ct upon their Ifixture
prospzcta us a defeat would have been at.
this time. At all events, thfiy are remark
ably reticent of their opnilonu, nndt the
reasonable inlerence‘u, that ,the near up
pronch ofn fatal schifim in their party falls
like is wetablnnket‘on their prospective
hopes andtaapirntlons,
0n the other hundt the Democrats take
the defeat. of their bjtnte ticket with great
calmness and plnlospphical cotiipo=ure.—
They know full well; that a betth day is
coming. and that chegtitne is nottnr distant.
when the great Constitutional principles
on which their party is’ based, and which
cannot be‘ permanently destroyed, will
again he in the uscendant in the State nnll
In the Union. nnd the reins of government
he seized and held by the followers of Jet'-
ferson, odeckaon. and of Polk. It is this
conviction which buoys their .‘tplrll! upH—
It is the strong and «hiding faith they have
m the ultimate tiiuniph of ”11”] smd
right that cheers 'them onward in the dia
ehurge of their duty. amid the gloom ofa
temporary defeat. and induces them never
to de~pmr of the Re‘public; but. to labor on.
and labor ever; In the good oltlcnme which
raised our country to what it. is among the
nations of the earth. and that. sooner or la
ter’ Will reuse". in supremacy. For.
“Truth, crushed to earth wnll ri'se ngnih,
’l‘he etei'mrl years or‘Gud nre hers; ,
But liner, wcunied. wrilhes in pain, 1
’And dies amid her wonbipyers.”
Will Jeff. Davis be‘flnng,’
The Doylestown Democrat believes it to
be prefiy clear-2y settled that Jefferson Di
vis will never be hung [qr his political oL
fenceh in the late rebellion. He may be
tried. and convicted, but that pager does
not believe he will ever be ex’ecuted. The
course of the ‘govgrnment seems to have
been indieated by thetPreSldent on Thurs
day in the interview between him {and the
South \Carolinn‘ delegation, who asked for
the‘pardon of Davis. The President re
mnrkediin the course of theicomgersntion :
"If treason was chmmitted. there'ought,
to be some test to determine the power of"
the government to punish ,the érime. He
was free,.to say that it. was not a mere con
test between political parties. or a question
as to de their: government; Looking at the
ngernment a: w}! dangle laws violated,
and an attempt ninde at ghe life of the na
tion—there should be a \tin’dicntipn of the
government and the Co 'stitution. even if
the pardoning power war]; exercised there
after. If trenspn has been committed, it
ought to be, determined by the highest. tri
bunal, and the fact declared, even if clem
ency should come afterward“. There was
no malice or prejudice in carrying out that
duty.” e _ .
Tbis would indicate that the administra
tion will be guided by the highest tribunal
bother treason has been committed. and
thai‘the pardoniiig power will probably be
exercibeq in case of wnviétion.
*C-_'— «nor—..—
fiuley on Stevens.
Horace Greeley. revie‘wing Thaddeus Ste-k
vens’s speech urfipg the confiscation of
Southern property, Ens: ‘
"Unless all history isklablegthe Govern
ment. Would realize next. mthing from
this wholesaleconflscntmn. 10 cunlrecnll '
on instance wherein a treasur}qvas filledl
or a public debt extinguished behe pro
ceeds of confiscation? Marshals, Mges.l
informers. denouncers, speculators, und the
whole vulture tribe, whom the scent ofal
int. carcass called together, would become
suddenly and fubulonély rich ; but prpciousl
little net proceeds would ever realh the
Treasury. unless human nature has fatally ‘
changed within ‘n few years, and ol such
change we can soo no evidence. Worse
than all, the Southern people would starve?
to death while the transfnrmution was in‘
progress. No one would sow in doubt as
to ivho should reap. no one would build, or
repair, or tmké lllly considerable improve
ment on land spout stunted and about to be
sold to the highest. bidder. All would be
stagnation, distru-tt. hesituncy—no one em
ploying labor, and no one choosing to add
I to the valuation of ‘3 property be, With ve~
ry scanty means. was hoping to buy. In
our deliberate judgment. Mr. Steven’s pro
position. if executed, would kill more of
the blacks than the war htis sent to their
graves, and not many fewer ol‘the whites."
_. M_---, _ _ _
*- fi-Hnj. John A); llidek, fornxerly pro
i wont marshal of the Lehigh and Montgome.
ry district, has been found guilty at “fraud,
‘ malfeasance in office, and. abuse of official
powers.” by an Auburn, N. Y., court mar.
till, and sentenced to pay a fin: of $lO,OOO
and be imprisoned five years; Before his
{_m‘xsadvenmre he was very ‘floyal’fl and tar.
rible upon "copperheads. ‘ No doubt he
lwould bleu hi; 4am if he was only ml!“
good u a “Vflhillofll copper-head,” jun:
Know. « _
mu. adieu wing‘of—ihe Repubfican
putty in New You: have issued gig-quZ-sla‘
ngninn the President gun! ihe Republican
State ticket. . .
A Dnmocnlic gluh is being formed in
New Yolk. lu oi-jnct is the furtherunce
ofthe views of the Di-tnocrutic party. A
house has bee}! purchased in Filth n'venue,
and many prominent gentle n have .1-
ready joined. Genera} Dix mantel:
Marble are among the Directors. ‘
Gen. Scotti: going South to see the way
ward sisters.
The Sea lalnnd plantations in Snnth Car
oli_na. for several yelrs in poasessinn of the
Freedman"; Bureau. are to be restored cn
their owners. Look out for Inolhe; radi
cal how) 1
'An old pnllvmnn' remarked the other
day that in 1776 we went to war on accnunt
of the stamp net, and got (he nigger; whilp
in 1861 we Jam. to war abput the nigger;
and go! the slump act. ‘
A iwo miihun dnllar hotel is to be builtn}.
Central Park. N. Ir. '
The restoration policy bf President Infin
mn lma wondermlly improved Government
eeéurines in Eu ope. ~ ,
Linie Reéd his started a [Super in laws
which ndvncntm the right of wmn‘en to vnté.
During ;he mnmh of Augu‘t last, [48,508
nlinns wens iszuell hy the Government 'lO
frpmhnen mil Eefngees ”m Nnrth Cnrnlinn.
Richard Greener. n negro of 29 or 22
years oi age, wu-i last Week admitted to the
freshman class in Harvard htreet. ’l‘wo ne
groes sat in the State Republican Conven
tion at Worcester hunt Week—a lawyer and
a minister. The minieter was made one of
the Vice President:. ‘ - .
A Michigan notional hank cashier went
to‘Chicngn lately to depmit $30.00“. The
Directors went on a week after “ml found
the cashier drunk nnd m'yius the $BO,OOO.
It is a noteworthy fsct that- thmc‘ politi
cisrs who are most. strenuom [or negro iroe
dam andsufl'rage, and for keopingup noyro
idleness by continuing the I‘mmdinghnuse
Bureau. are the most bitter oppowers ol‘ the
white workingrnen's eight. hour movement.
Fuur braves hel‘nnging tn the 7:31 and‘
QGth U. S? Culiud Infantry attacked fl cityl
pnssetigor car in New Orleana the nthcr day.
because it was not stopped at their hay. and,
made aclean sweep of the vehicle. After‘
a tight with them. they were arrested nndi
turned over to the military authorities——
Three months imprisonment is what they
got for it. , ‘
The Springfield Rvpul/llcan quite naively:
fitates that the. counterfeit twenty-five ce-nt‘
fractional currency in circuh tion may he
distinguished from the genuine by the su
periqrity of its execution. \- ‘
According to the Articles of War, it is
death to atop a (mutton-ball.
The Chicago Tribune—Red Repllhlicnn—
rays “Andrew Johnson’s Miw~iasippi policy,
if carried outkwill disgrace the Rvpublican
party morally and overthrow it politically.”
It speaks most chlitemptunusly of “the Ti n
nessee Democrat now. in the Presidential
chair.” ‘ i
The Firemqn's procession ntPhilndelpliia, i
on Monday. (thh.) was about seven and a}
halfmiles long. and was a very grand aff‘ir. i
The head of the column started at. 11 o’- l
clock, and it was night before the last com‘
pany arrived at the end ofthe route. About 1
one hundred and twenty companies were
" The Boston I’ustanys Alex. H. Stephens
has entertained at}! private {linner at the
Revere House on Monday, 1)} Mr. Geo. A.
Fairfieldflof Chelsea. Stephens expressed
his purpose to support the policy of Presi
tient Johnsen for the reconstruction of the
Union to the full extent of his ability and!
influence. 4 i
The cblémbus (m...) Weekly Ilqulic
has binced the name of~Andrew Johnson [it
the head ofits columns {or Piesideni. ii:
1868. w ‘
The rebel Lieutenant Maury. room";
natui-alized in Mexico, has bog-n appointed
an honorary‘ cmmceilor of the Empire. ‘
James M. 'Jrr,’ Mayor of Leeshurg, W.
B. Lynch, of the Leosburg lihsliingtaniak,
and the ex-guerrilia chief Col. White, hav‘e
had their confiscnfid property restored no
them. ’ , “
- Texas is rnpidly recovering its formér
prosperity. . ‘
General Robert E: Lee has taken the am
nesty oath. K
On Tuesday (he Prasident reopived 3 pp
tition signed by 5,000 ladies of Ooorgin uk
ing for the pardon of J efi'erson Dnvia.’ ;
There is great destitntion among Hie
freedmen in South Carolina, and Gen. Sax
ton has made an appeal for their lelief. },
The rebel»Genera!a Peck and Imbod n
were nt‘the White Home or. Mon Jay, Beel
ing pardon. ~ ._ a ‘
There are now but 27 winners it: the
Old Clllitol at Washington. ’ ‘
The wages of {he workmen in the Wash
inglon Navy Yard have been reduced} 3,
The Ponomee Department. has Imm
nearly all the routes in Texas. 11
Ahyxtra session oflhé Maryland Legio
iature'is to be convened. ' ‘
The rebel General Curse Ins hdd hi: pro.
perty restored to him. ‘
The vote in Colorado wu ten to one
against negro uufl'rnge. '
*l'he Sliding Scale.
Rnpublimnism in the State of Ohio is on
a sliding scale and appears to be running
ofi'. Look at it: ‘
Republican majority, 1863
u n 1864
" ' " 1865
The Republican party appears to be now
where it, used’to desire to have slavery. viz:
in a “course of ultimate extinction."—~o{u.
Engm‘rrr. ‘
[C’At Shiloh, Randolph county, Illinois.
recently. lOI'DB calomel obuined from a
drug store, a'fler hnving been giwn to about
forty patients, was found no contain corro
swe lublimale. Sen-n deuglu resulted. and
other: were expected. h‘ia uuppoued that
the wholé imporlllion o! the drug by a st.
Louis home comma: the we when.
g..;,,. 3. gig; ;
8-558, FOUR”! PAGE
41v Innssr.,.A wurnnt'hau'ing been is- !
sued by Juuice In", for the Inc" of Dlvid 1
W. Hornet, Chulu F. Hornet, Tgieodoh- B.‘
Horné‘, 'Wm. Homer, George J. Hankeyvnnd
[with KJHnnkeeror an mun]: qpon Samuel f
Sabina, squirt and ;noflenlite young mum) '
Sherifl‘ Bebe“, on \Vedneldly, proceeded m'
malt: We arrests; The pinion live In Mount- 3
joy to}! Cumberland township. 1
The Sheri! man found I disposition among ‘
(hem to “give him the slip.” Two 01 new,
DIVN W. Horne: and one of the Hunkeyu,
made of! on horseback. The Sheriff promptly
followed. nnd after going nearly A mile, they
loyal-Med, the Sh‘crill' taking nher Hornet, at
lull speed. Upon nearing him. the’Sherifl' or-'
.dere-l Hornet to hnlf several times: Hornet:
only tried to ipcrense the pace of his horse,
when ihe Sherill' fired a. pistol, over hi: head.
All would not. do—Horner Ilill continued his
flight. The Sheriff coming up nlong lide,
llorner slipped from his horse, and took to his
heels. The Sheriff‘s palience we: now ex
hausteq, and he fired a ball at him', which
lodgedgin his pollm'or. This brought the
young man to, and he gave himselmp. The
ball produced only a flesh wound, no bones
bving ti‘mken. The balance of the party cm‘ne
(010 ml in ihe evening, and gave secnzny for
-lhexr nfipenrnnce at Court.
Sher If Robert. is a good natured man, but.
when (fit is to be pnformed, he will do irnt
nll til I. Wrong-doors had as well under-
Imnd, pee for all‘, that he in not to be trifled
wuh. . ,
ARM BROKEN.—Thomas Warren, Sr., had
his '3“?! broken on Thursday morning. He
was w lking on the ruilrond’ muck a short
dismucE from town, when the gravel train
cnme “i“"g and struck him, breaking his arm
nun-I|. fihoulder.
WI“. Hugh Scott, on Thursday week,
yrhilst cling conductor ol the tram in the
Ibsen: oi .\lr. smll, wns cbnsidei'ubly injured
b} heir g caught between two cm on the down
trip. unugh severe, his injuries were not of
n serio IS nutu re. ‘
~ SPB .0 AT THE YORK F.\lR.—Prohnbly
the mat. rmrm line lexunre of the Yolk Fnir
Wu! th- trial of ayend on Thursday. The re
nal; is Fluted as tullnwa, from Mnich it will be
seen lh It the "fastest horse" (Grey Bob) M the
fiend: \‘lllu Fuir ulso curnei of? the honors
[yYor . ‘
rs! in ”firing wns the Johnson horse,
era tolluwing in order:
the m
Bird. :1
Isou Hobo, :H I); Billingcr line, 3.21 ;
'.43: \lifllin .\lm-c, Runny, 3.06}: Red
0.2;; Horse, (Kinz,) 3.22;; Grey Ilorso,
,) 3m}; Frnnk; (Pulmon) 3.H'; Grey
[3.16; Lin-y Huh, (.\l..rslml,) L 55; Sorrel
.251; [lilulcln'nmll Horse. 3.141}.
|Thus fur two soldier lmlloh: have bran
Id by the Pmthonomry of‘this county,
Indy seems In know when: more nre to
mm. In l-‘rznnLlin county. we under
!the number n-wircd is up: mud) hugur.
'Thc Tn'uvhcrs lnmmre will meet here
Ii!l(:l’1.l}'1l(’\'?, nud rouliuue in scsflon
nys. .\lr. (‘o'nnn, the Slau- Supt-rm
.Pruf. (‘l Il'n, uf .\'nv York, and Profit
f.\'o\\\il|e-. W 1” he pre~out and dehvnr
o‘. I: i; :m-iuum-m] than prm‘isiun has
mule In .Ic'dm muddle ‘T‘JPIHTH and
Jen Inn
a of the lnalimle at prim-to lmu es
ty (ow
d-ty, h‘
'(m {rim-1, Emlorick \lz'lntiremt‘Liber
wship. mile] at uurwlfiue on “Ruin-1,-
mu: just n-turm-d from] visit to Ine-
Heiug i.| impaired lwnlth, he ndupled
rice at in: phhi-ciJn for a sea \o}llgl-,
‘ oaths sums, and now comeslhm-k en
estond—lwuvicr, indeed, than ever he~
‘We Ifcver_'srlw hun look so well 'as on
sdny. He went out. on a sailing \‘:~s~el
urucd on u summer, and speaks highly
ln‘p We congratulate him on its Imp
h. '
somv- ‘
and r
of the
1-y rc<
st nbroml, he did not forgd “the prin
.\mong ulher "curinrities” bruughi
he plnced up m our table, as a present,
e of pfire Irish whi§khy. securedlou
a bo‘
“the ‘
ml." 1!. is the “genuine stuff," and we
hope I be ah'.e to make it go a greal mun
)lriulite's compliment is duly npprocfnled.
[The Cello-g 9, we nuderunnd, lms pur
levernl lots of land, (from "on. .\losea
Em, Suhu Huuck and Joseph Wible,) I»
the Nan-ville and Mummashurg roads,
View‘m :he’enrly erection ofth'e Pre-
Tary building thereon. The rite is very
ihosen. , . /
)er l »|
punt «
well ‘I
! The announcement hat week, that Mr.
lel Spangler hnd purchased the 'old
i and Stevens‘property, was premature.
ave been informed by Mr. Cannon, yho
In one-halfinterest, that there has been
We -
BO Ell
M r.
Alexander Spuhglex 11M purchased the
propc'frty of Joseph “redhead, adjoining Mr.
S's. '.Jlnrchouso, a! 51,550 cash.
We’neglected to notice but week, that
[e h (1 received from David Willa‘Esq“ Presi
dent f the Soldiers' Nutiennl Cemetery Asso
cintiulnfl pamphlet copy of the fullbrocced
ing: 10f the ceremonies and speeches at the
of the Conner Stone of the Soldiers’
m 1 Monument on the 4th ofJ'uly lush, It.
nlunble nnqviuleresting .docn meat, and
\‘e no doubt that nearly every person
be glad to have a copy. It. is for sale
Book Store of Mr. A. D. Buchler.
in n
we 11
at th
E The Hnntingdon County Agricultural
y ofl‘ored a. premium for I.qu prairies;
on exhibition at the ‘Fnir held week he.
jiait. Edgar Swivel, ol Huntingdon
-gh, was awarded the prize” The age of
Ivnng‘sier was thirteen months; ‘
lore ]
the y!
Mr. Thomas Hagermnil, an old and
cswemed citizen, died at his relldence,
ln Illfggrstown, on Thursday, the sth huh,
nl‘ler‘ protracted illness. Mr. XL. mu born in
Ada h county, in 1791. no that. ILllle ume of
hi: d 11l be was in his 63th year.
_ A new Engine [louse ha been finllhed
by t Hanover Branch Rtilroad Company It
that. Inc. It in a. good‘ building, nd will
houaq {our locomolhel.
#We learn tlnM an Irungemcm is tbénl
being affected by which the Hanover Bunch
Commny will run Illa Gettysburg road. It“ is
thoujt both companies will cave money by
the caution. ‘ .
”The Marylnnd Lmhemn Synod has
elrcltJd Riv. J. Emu, of Hagersmwn, and
Reva]. G.Morria,Directon of the theologian-l
Semihny M. Gem Ibnrg. ‘
fixmoaal Tun mnyf‘ufinch," but then
ii no! getting “fly from (bx-m. The-people
:lectéd an Abolition Administration, and must
now #ny for their lolly,
”A little son of Mr. Fowler, of Kosher
rylto'yn, "mu, fell from a tree ibilu gagin
eriug; hickorynuu, and broke both m l
“Bonita—ore; are n}?fi2f*rfi§y, iO
- your unblu well. ‘
on, manna: Honour—no [on] usns- '
linnlion bu been computed in our midst,
but ‘his twining lic}? line is employ-« 1,10 di
not me reader's amnion to the bet that all .
kinds of this no going up in price and will
loan be nearly on! of reach. Win men al
ynys buy good nnicles of what they need, and
bolnuumd Mthmy in 'lu'yh pitted malowpriud
hat. But, by the way, Row a Woods, on the
corner, M. the Diamond, have just opened out
the but assortment. of Hats ever brought to
Gettysburg, and the beauty of ‘he matter in,
they all the. cheap. They give special ntunlmn
to the hat business, Ind no man need no {ar
thn than their store for what he wants.—
Tbeir stock of bull for men,boys and children
is complete. Now, after a“. to buy a hat or
up A! any pince but Row 8 Woods' store, will
be paying a little more for the some quality of
Irticle that you would hue been naked to pay
by them. < I ' "
Theirstork obeoes ohll kinds is unequalled
in the county, end All can be pleased there.
Next week their advertisement Will Appear,
from which it will be teen they hue connect.-
ed with the shoe end but bulineu A‘ general
assortment. of Notion: and Voriéty goods. To
be pleasep it {a only necessary; to buy whet.
you need of Row & Woods. It.
M}. E. 11. Kinnigh has just received another
inuallment of Toy, Fancy Articles, Co‘nfec
liom, am, at hi: MW “and in Chambersburg
utrect. Among the principal, articles are
wagons, buggies, drums, and almost. every
article calculated -to amuse children. His
stock is full and complete. and the Eight nlone
is well word] I visit 10 hi: More. Give him a.
call. n.
STRUCK -Ull}.—Fifty barrels best refined
Coal Ui l, the first lull cm- lond brought over
the ( ulnherlnnd Valley Rnilroid, received lny
“'m. Bluir a: San, Cnrhsle, nnd offered by
them, with A house full.ol' Grocenu and
Queensunre, Cedm‘ ngd Willow Wure, whole
sule and null. Purchasers will please cull
and examine their stock of goods. n.
. [Q‘We notice tlml sportsmen in different
locnlhiu nro agreeing among themsehes not
to shout nny mum: during the full qn-l winter.
E its present. scarcity leads them 'lO this humane
1 course. ‘
I @th tit-posits of cofiper are have been
I discovered in the Cuvetown district. .\ld.
‘chrihle. Rnilmml Accident near Lnncnstrr, N.
I Nine Persons If'Wfll and chrra’ I ”jun/l.
Lnusnn. PA.,OL'L 14.
A terrihla accident occurred to the mail
train on the Pennsylvania Rnilrnud, tnur
milvs wofit of this city, about 2 o’clnvk 45
minute: thi- afternoon, hy which nine per
mm We-I'P killorl nntl t-l‘VPl‘Jll others iujnrwl
The train mn3i>ted of ninP paupnuvr and
two lmugngt‘ cars, which was drnwn hv two
htcnnwtiw-z. Ths- nxle of the lront “hm-h
of tlw third museum-r car broke, and the
hottmn at tho our wzn tom nutlmnny of lllt‘
IiEHS-‘llgf‘l‘i dropping through on tlmamrk.
A ()nrnnvr's mquést is now being held to
idointil‘y the bodies. The name: nt' thme
klllr'tl, "343)!- m ascertained. are—MN. J 44.
I’. B trr. of Pittsburg. wife of the .\'nrvr‘yrvr
(ienuml of Pennsylvania. and Mimi nt the
Pittshurg Paw; (Inl. Wm. Butler, of Ln-vn'u
town. EL, Whisky Inspector under linv.
(.‘urtm at Philadelphia; Wm.‘ll. lhltlvr,
n clmk in the Surveyor General’s ntlir-o at
ll urrlshurg. anll formerly a memlwr of the
ngl-‘luturv from Carbon county—heinhettm:
known 2N Btrtwy Butler; nnot hPI', n t‘n-r
-mun lady from Milwaukie, ‘Vh‘cfllhlh.
whme n.unn.vfrnm papers found on her
tint-um. is t~ll||pnbed to be Getty or Jetty.
The names of the others who worn klllt’tl
h'u'r‘ nnt vet hem ascertained. ll m. J H‘.
P. Purififi'urveynr General. was slightly in
jntml in mm of his feet. All 0! the killwl
mm wounded hu‘vo hegn brought to this
city. and eyery attention is being paid
tLvm. .
[Ea-*Wemlell Phillips,in a lemme in B 5.
1M), 0111 ’l‘uosduy pight, clmracltrlzul [hr
I‘m ~iah-nc as n "three-quarts” rebrL" my!
(in-nr-m'l B mks nsn “vagrant mnumelmuk.”
The Republican party, he sunl. w.“- dead.
—— - -«I» , 7
fi'l‘he Dembcra‘s of Calildrnin pained
largely an the late election, and are in high
IH-[u sofwlwelmg the Shite into the Drum
cralic column belore long.
nfi‘q'lm Cincinnati 77mm (Rvpnhlicnn)
says: “We see that. some 6f nur eutemlxo
rmivfl are inclined to be very )nylul over
the rank. but we record it to the shamn
ol' the State oi‘Olnio that. M a periml like
the prasent. a majority of ovnr sixty {hous
nnd should be allowed to dwinulle down to
the ne‘ bnrhood of twenty lhlmmml."
-‘ ‘ A - «.0. l
anr, »Lowe.-:The Annnpnlls Ra
putli‘bu ays it has information that an or
der bus been passed for the lull pardon nl'
Ex~quernor E. Lnuis Lowe. Imtwnhstuml
ing the relu-‘ul of Governor Bmdlordoo en
dorse his application.
WA fire occurred at Bellad, .\falno, nn
Thursday night week. which consumed
nearly all the business portion of Ihe city.
Over one hfindred buildings wuo-dvslrnyml
and the los‘is’estimated utilhree hundred
thmunnd do lars.
0n the 15th inst., in Getty-91mm. by Rev. D.
T. Gnnmlmn, .\lr. J: A. MEH.\I“FEY to Miss
.\IARIA WHITCOMH, boll: of Boiling Springs,
Cumberland county. .
0n the Im. inst, by Rev P. Scheurer. .\lr.
WM. S. WHITE, of Lancaster county, to Miss
SARAH ANN SIMPSON, ot Adnms county.
On the‘ 28th of Sept. by Ber. Mr. Thorpe,
Adjutant JAMES R. GETTYS, of Srwee \lills,
'l'enn., to Mill MARY RIDER, ofAlbens, Tenn.
, ‘ DIED.
fi'Obitnnry notices 3 cents per line for all
our {our lines—mah_to accompany notice.
0n the 15th of July, in Louisiana, FRAN
CIS WORLEY ARMOR. non of the late Man,
thew Armor, formerly of Baltimore, uged 51
years.‘ -
In Petersburg, on the TH: inst., MARGARET.
ELIZABETH, daughter of JaluealNickle, aged;
5 years 4 months and 17 dnys. I
on,thebth inn, near Erumitsbnrg, Frederick 4
county, Md., ELLA FLORA. youngest. daugha
‘.er of Thomas Ind Eliznbclh Fisher, aged 4
your: and 7 month. '
Died. in Litilestowu, on the l3ih of 001..
In. BLLEN‘E.y wife of Sylvester llurncr, and
only child of John snd Lydia Weikert. aged '26
years and 1 day. She mix a fund it ire, M M‘-
fectionate mother, and n dutiful child. or her
it can he truly said, “none knew her but to
low her, none named her but to pmise."
No aickneu or sorrow or pain,
. Shall ever disquiet her now,
For death to her spirit was gain,
Since Christ wna her life when below.
Then let us forbenr to complnin
That she has gone from our sight,
We‘loon shall behold her again,
With new and redoubled ‘_ielight. I. luv.
0!: lbs 36th of Sept. last, in Hnmilwnbnn
townnhlp, ANN MARIA, dnughter of Alexan
der Ind Sarah A. Hoffman, aged 11 years 7
mow" and 18 days.
Fnlewelll farewell! my parents dear,
lam not dead, but sleeping here.
Pre Ire for death, lor sure you must,
Wit: your dn‘ughter. sleep in II!!! dust.
Did yon'but know how blast and happy
Angel- were. ye would not mourn, ,
Then too join I hand in heuv‘en,
Where your 15‘ babes hare gone.
0:: the 8111 , '. inst, MARY ALICE,
doughy" of Alexander and Sarah A. Bafl‘mnn,
Aged 10 month: “(‘d 6 dnfiys.
'Denreu Alice. thou at left us,
‘ Here thy loss we deeply leel.
But '1: God that hull: bereft. In,
Re can all our sorrows heal. .
‘ Fnrewell, Alice. \nke thy rest,
Pucefnl in the gum: so low, _
. . Thou no more will. join our number,
Thou no morn our song! Chan know.
The following
flu- “ received :
Adams .....m. .....‘... .....w
Armatroug ......m.‘
Allegh- u; ...".
Bearer ......... n...
Bull". .....g..,...‘,
Clinto 1..‘.........
Clnl i0n.......‘
(Tami-rm .
I)»|upllin...-u.n. ...-......m
E1k............ '
Erie......... .
Fulton ......
Fayette .4
Hnminzdon.. ..
‘1'ndinnn........... ..
Jnm-rsou .
LAM-aster. ....m
Norcer ............‘
Monroe... .......,
Mifl1in........‘.... .
P.erry.......... ..'..."
Schuflkill .. ...‘..."
Tings ‘,
Woalmorelnnd ...‘...
York .......... ...,.....
woom-woon !—-Snth nr nur snbsgriben
as intend p'nyinfit for the Canyn'lrr “ilh wood,
urc roquesled tq‘ deli!" it Imp: The necessity
for warm slnvéfii in already upon us. '
Fun-mots, Fauixilim and other: can pun line
no n-muiy equzfl m Dr. Tobina’ Venetian [Ani
mont, for dysenllory, coiic. cronp, chrmjc rheu
mnlinn, sor_e {ln-out, toothy-he, sen sickness,
en's. Imm, milling". bruises, old sores, head
achr, mosquito" bin 5. pninsin the limbs. elicit,
Luck, in‘. If i} (1013' not give relief the money
Will he refunded. .\il thut’is nskc-i ii :1 trial,
and use it. mow-ling to the directions.
Du. Tom‘s—l. Dv-nr Sir: I have um"! your
Vt-nvti m Ljuininnt in my family for n numbor
M _rnra. and hiclivre it to he tha M5l article
fur nim! i! i< icon-nmnndx-d that l huve ”or
mod. Fur ‘_mhlon 2m wk of cwup S! is inval
.unble. I lm’ei no iu'simtion in Hemunvmliug
ii for ull ilm ups it proiesses to run. limw
:iuld it for m nu‘y 3mm. and it gin-s t‘irc ml
i':’:u-iinn. ‘ ' CHAS. H. TRNSHIL
Qll nkerfllm‘n, .\'. J.. May 3,1838.
l'ril'e 40 nnd. 80 "7115‘ Sold by :1" drug
gim‘. (HEW. L'n; Cortland! Show, New York.
On. 10. lm '
Every lir‘ng,‘ being lmsin his xysuln DJ
PUIIITII-H. When Ihese are within 'heir nu
turnl limns.mflrhe-hhl~ gmul : Inn whrnlhq
are in CXL’t‘:i, ‘IHIIIS, colds, rhounm iim, gum,
liability, C‘osg‘ivcness. diarrhm I. d) scnn-r)‘,
or} slpelns. km,‘ km, nfil'u v. us. What we hnw
(0 do In rm-m ér our lu- llh is to {aka nut lrnm
the BOWELS AND THE L‘ll’if‘l‘LA’i'lUN‘ |he
excess of impulituw. fins (lime, hmlth h}!-
lnn's chum-arm. BRANDHLTH'S PILLS urt‘
the only nlerligine that (m do lhi: with czafiro
ehfmy ion“ the org.u.s of the body. HI‘X
DREUS OF Tllt‘l'SAXllS me now living Who
have adopted VllllgßDßl-ITH'S PILLS .:.s tin-Sr
only remedy lor periods of from thirty to fifty
ymrs, nnd “[1956 average hmlrh is oxeellent.
'llwy hav'e nhmys t-ured llv-mwlrog, \\ hon
sin-k. Ivy nsvn-zivh lXMH‘luNl‘ AM)l.\'l‘Al.-
MHLE PILLS. Fhurlpnl uflh-v, llrumlrelh
Builuing,.\r\v York. [Mm 16. In:
7.5111050 “ho hill in Hue n-hd ranks undoubt
edly do'. is fovlish. Inn. on the Lllu-r lund
h _ V
M those who are “we and prudent enough In
remedy the «11-H"; of nature with
a‘ro doing enry duy. in ever)" (‘in of the U
nion, is cmintnlly prnisewonby. TLis pom-e
-ful revolution is {:oin on throughout the
whole lsu‘ul, and thus beauty and lmrmonj sup
plml! homclinns nrd inuorgmity. Mrnnnfilc
tux-ed by J. CRXSTADORO,.\‘O. G Astor "01199,
New York. Sold by Drnggisu. Ayn-lied by
a}! Unit Urcssenni [MM 8. 1m
The undersigned having been restored to
hl Hill: in a few weeks by u wry simple rvnw
dy, idler hnvipg sutl’en-d aenml years, wxlh n
sofcre lung alTeclion, and that Ilrcul diqezise
(.‘onsxxxxlptionJ—is anxious to mnke known to
his fellow-guano” the menu of cure.
T_o all who desire it, he will send n copy of
the prescription .usnl, [free 0! charge,] with
the directions for preparing and using the
same, which they will find a sure cure for Cox
srm-nox, Asrnuafilnmcnms, Curmsflows,
etc. The only ohjt-ct ofthondvertiser in sonn
ing the presvription is to benefit the afflicted.
and spread information which he cgnc'eivgs R}
be invaluable, and he hopes every miner will
try his remedy, as it “ill co=t them nothing,
and may prove a blessing.
l’nrties wishing the prescrimion, will please
' Willismsburgh, King: co., New York
OcLl6. 3m ‘
Composed 0, My concenlraled extracts
from rook: an a 9! the highest medicinal
value are infallible n thecure ofull diseases of
the Liver or my derangement ol the Dlgestiro
Organs. The] rcmove‘nll Impurities of the
Blood, and are unequaled in the cure of Dinrr.
hum, Janndice. mun-pm, Scrol'ula, Bilions
ness, Lirer Complaint, Fevers, Headache, l’ilet.
Mercurial Diseases, Hereditary llnmors. Dose, ,
lor adults, one pill in the morning, children 1
half: pill. From_ one to three pills will aural
ordinary canal, and Iron one to three boxe
will cure any curable one of no matter how
long standing Price $l.OO per box. Trude
uupplied or sent by mail.
v. MOTT 131.3013, M. D., a: 00.,
‘ ' 62 Pal a St., New York
June 6,1865. 1y
A: Iluwuu Dxacovnv.
A Fun. Gnu of lodine in each ounce of wnter,
The non» Powmwb V'luuzma Ann and
Enron-nu known. Scnonzu, SALT-Ruxun,
CAICIBI, RHIUIA'HEI, Cosmunos, and mu:
ny Chronic and Hereditary Diseases, are c'ured
by it“ use, as thousands can testify. Circular:
sent free. Price $l.OO per bottle ox- 6 for $5.00.
owl's. ANDERS a 00., Physicians And
Chemists, 428 Broadway, New York. Sold b;
Dmggiszs geneully. [Sept. 25. 3m j
Tn: Puvvux SYBCP suppfies the biood
with in Luz En:l:xl,lßON,int’usiugSrnlxM-a,
quo: and Nut Lu: into the whole system.-
For Dvsnpsu, Daopsv, Cuaoua Dunno“,
Dunn-r, I nuns anxtss, tel, it. in Ilpe.
cific. Thomas-n have been changed by (he
use ofthis medlwnv from weak, sickly, mfi‘er
ing creaturesmo strong, healthy and happy
men and women.
A 32 age ppmphlet lent Free.
Price £l.OO per bottle or 6 fur $5.00, ‘
J. P. DIN-$31033, 26 Day St. New York.
Sold by Drngginl generally. [Sept. 15. 3g
R“ f R. :
3m. Em" . - . - ssvnx an" mussmos
are Ihe afield ‘maprims u ‘SECURED TO THE HUMAN RACE
......m... ...... 5152
nun-"nun...“ 311
"...-......"n 358
................ ”)6
.‘.‘............ 425:
................ 790
....................... 900
. 174
.. 800
. 1020
. 4‘30
( 1509
~ 834
diaaolvcd «about a aolunt.’
ASIATYC cnomm, ‘
CHOLERA mounds.
YELLOW “watt,
4 FEVER no .\atm,
some Tnaon. mt-‘ncum‘ BREATHING
Emu-wan m .\ FEWMINOTES’
Pdn‘anany removed; all acute. inflam
mnlnry, malnious or lnfectlou dlunsu pro<
venled and eklermlnnled. ,‘l'he weak, feeble
and nervous restored to strength, vigor and
lonndhexfllh by the nu ofRADWAY’S READY
RELIEF. One bottle will do mote good, euro
more complaints and keep the stomach mom
clur and lienllhy than ten dollars we”. for all
other medicines or bottles ln u-e. '
One application externally or n- fow drops
taken internally will inslnmly tree the .9"
ferer from ”it most Violent null u-rriblc palm.
mid rrrlore the Ifllk, fuhlc and prualrulcd
lmmo to strength and viuor. '
Looseneu, diam-lama, cholrn monbu’ot
pninlul dial-ham” from the bum-J- arr "Upped
in fiflren or Went} minulel by Inking Rnd.
ways Rudy Relief. Ko cnnquion nr in
flammation, io valued at luniiude uill lol
low III: we of the R. R. Relinf.
For hud't‘hfi.‘ bother lick ornerrou; rheu
matiun, lumlngo, [mini Ind rains in Ibo
buck, wine or kidnryu, plinn mum! the liver,
plenrily, walling: or the joints. p-in in tho
bolt-h. hunhurn Ind [Aim nfnll kindn, nud
wny’s Rut]; Relic! I'l’ilhflwd inmrdinlr can.
and ils continued Inc {or I {2' dl)! died. 1
permanent f‘flr. , ~
Sold by druggiets, and “No: 81 Maiden
Lupe. ‘ [Out 2. 2m
DR. MARSHALL'D‘ (mm mm 5.x urn”:
This SnulFJuns thoroughly proud inc)! lo I).
111elwstnrli¢le known for curing II t Can-uh,
Cold in the Bend and flrwuche. H has Imm
found an ext-Ellen! remwy in Imm} emu-'0!
Sore Eyck llenl'n)t-<a has {mm mnum‘d h} 5!.
and Hemingalms urn-n been greuuy lmywnd
by its use.
h is fnlgrfin'. nw‘. aprun‘ 'n, and uvn m
Nlbn‘ri Ruhr! in (l e dull “(NH-V pain: till!!!"
by dlsensel of llu- Lat-ml. The Man-lions Izlrr
using it Me drlighlinl nml innunnl'mg. 11.
opens mulpnrgoi on! all (vimrurtmn:,plvrngth-
Nl3 Hm glands, mu] gin-s u hum-y arlimn h»
the parts mfl'm-to-l. *
Morelhunl’rhiny chys’ o! "h- and ML- nl'
“Dr. Murslmll's (‘nlurlh nml Hmolu- he Fuufl."
has proud igl-pn‘nl ‘Mue lur all the mum-m)
(Hymns of he hem}. und u! this menu-m
stun-Ii highqflmu ewr how's.
It is ruihugn-ndud by many of llm Mu: p11)-
sicinnj, mm Ifi‘xlz‘wd “ilh gmu rut-mu und
salislhrlinn ('\|‘l)i‘hfl'l:.
ham! Ihl- (('.-Halimfiw‘ of “'hn'unh- Druyn
.N in 18.14: ’l'lu- nuikgaigl'ml. h. H: u an
In.n~y wars \urn )llqlln‘llHl‘deilh --l'f .\l I.)
s'"qu Cmmflx um) Lunmuhr f‘uyll." "ml will
it in mu nhnH-rult Inuk- «iu-qlnft slnjv. 12ml
“9 lwliA-H‘ it Iu Lo u-qnnl, in eu~r3¥xswwh Iu
tho- rcl'mn'nwnlulium gin-u n! it iurjhg mm
u!l'.nurrh|l,\fh~vliun<.nn-l Hut n is du-‘Mc-l
_v the )H'n‘ .‘mch- m- n n c mrr kuoun In} fol_
cum‘mun liismr‘rs 1:! Ike Hm 3.
Burr .l I’rrn, “mum: Mu). Ankmn 11 ('n.,
Buelcn; Brunt Lumum & (‘O, D-ulm-t l: w.
1 nth r 8 UL, homuz; :~‘r :5: \\ . h I Ir, linunn;
\hlsun, hndJu‘g 1! Cu" ”mum; "rm-Inn“,
Edmund t CO., linslon: H. II Ilu},‘|'c~nlund,
Me; [hum-Mk Punk, .‘ll Yuri; A. H. ‘k I).
Sands, Xux Yul}; Shy-hr“ Pun] .l' O'u y .\‘.W
Yo-r'fifiqml )hnm -! (11.. .\II Yolk; .\h Kr!-
Son & I'h-hhmh. .\1 w 'l'ml‘; .\. 1.. firm)” A’! 0.,
New Yul-kl,“. \K‘urul, ( |u.~e x Cu.. I‘m Yolk;
Bush & (1u:.~,’.\( w \ur‘n.
Fur Snle hyull Illuggis's. Try it.
Hm: H, law. I)“ ' .~
Sm JA‘Hd ("mum‘s l'xmmuun.l’uuum
Pius. Pll‘pllH’Ll Inun n pu-uliplmn u! bur
J. (‘l.lrkv, M. IL, I'h_\sir‘.ui l‘..\lrmnuiuury lo
llu- le-n. Thu ih‘l‘lllilhll muhc no i 4 “11--
huliugiu the “INT "I. in“ rl-(Hi- |.:unlul "ml.
«lungorouu (“FOAM'S lufwhich Hue h-unm- (‘un—
blilmion is ulnljvrt. It. moderates nil urn-4s
and rvmovcs nil nhsll‘urliuus, and u nut-dy
curn um) lu- n-hc-vl on. ‘
To 'Mmried Lmlil-s it is lmculi ‘rly suiu 11,-
It \\ ill, in n short time, bliug on the )nunlhly
period with regularity" .
i-Inch lmlllo, price Unc Dull r, Imus H c-
Hmrrnmcnt Stamp of UH'M' lim..iu, h) [lrr
\'(-ul l'uunlcrlol s.
(‘u'nma—‘l‘lu-sc I'm! should not he ulna»
by Funm|cs during thn- i‘ilmT mun. nun“: m“
I'rugnnnq, n‘ they nr- suré In Ming un .\li~-
cnrrmgu, lan M. any other [lnu- xln‘y yan- mic.
In lam-moi ufM'n-nu- umhlnnul .\ll‘rrlmlh,
Pain: in lln- ‘.hwk’und l.:nnl».a.'Fnliguu on plight.
ewrlion, Pulpimtinn or flu» H'uul. lly-Icn- a,
und \\ [nu-x. tnrst- l‘st ml! PHI-rt n rnrv Mu-n
nll oxhur Im-nns lmw- fuilul ; n'ml ultlmnph 1r
pom-r ul remedy, do no! g-mnnin irunmulmnvlh
nnliuwnhbr nnylhang hum"! m the touuth’u
Full direction: in the ymmphlct around enr‘L
pnt'k'ue, nhiclffihmfld he more n”)4xrrscncd.
Sold by all Drnggisla. 5010 Agent lur “16
United Nate: and Cnlmd‘k, ~
- JOB"- 3105153, 2'! Carunndt 81., N. Y.
N. 8.—51,1-0 _nnll 6’l“)“an dumps “Mum-d.
to nu} nulhoriz’cd Agfm, “ill figure It bulile,_
containing: 50 Him, In) rclnrn unil.’ Sold by
A. D. Bum-blur. -{.\'ov. H, 186%. 1y ,
_..-.-. .4 .
To Fell SIX suw Nun-non, c! gm“ "In
m bunnies; ull [my grant “91315.. Serd 15
"ms and get no pages, or 25 cenln and “I‘Bo.
pngcs und a sample yrnll'.
hPHILUM UHUWN, Lowell, “no.
411 g. 21,4865. 12w 1
. - . . . W .
PROF. J. IBAACS, M. D., Oculist and Aorist,
fonnmly u! 'Luyden, Holland; in lorntéd M No.
519 NM} Sweet, PHILADELPHIA. where per
sqm “finch-d will: disuse: o! the EYE or PM R,
will In; écienuficully "Hm-d aw mred, if
cnrnb'le. K, B.—AR'I'IFICIAL EYES ixuenul
wilhout pain. So clnurgos mulh' for rumin-
Hon. The medical faculty is im‘xtrd, Mbe
has no secret. In his mode of treatment.
July 17, 1865. 1y
Flour .... 9 00 1010 0Q
Rye E10ur..:...........‘.............. 5 ‘2O.
White Wh0u1...............:.......... 2 10'“! 2 25.
Red WhenL."3.......‘,............... 2 00 w 1 I!"
Corn. (:0,
Uu1i.............. .... . 4t!
Buckwheat......... .. 'l5
Timothy Seed..... .. 2 50 to 4 00
Flu Heed I 15 to 2 00,
Clover Seed ~.............,.‘......... '( 00 to 7 5Q
BALTmQRE—nmu unm'
Flour" ............. ................... a m In 9 ‘m
Whet!.............. .................... 2 35 lo 3 o‘l
Rye no to DA
C0rm..................................... 70 to 88
Oat-“u 50 to M
Rafa-mom" hand... ......fl...u 00 1019 00
Boy. per hwd.......................D1 to was 00
Hum...".....m.................,,...18 30 LO2O o‘l
Whi5key.................."mun-.... Z 30 lo 2 31
I Register: Nance.
3 OTICE it hereby given to All league" and
other persona coucemed,'that the Ad
n‘xininrntion Accounu hereinafter mentioned
will be presented at. the Orplmn'l 'Court of
Adams count ,forconfinnuion and allow-nu,
on MONDAYY, the 20th day of NOYFIBEB.
”£5. at. 10 o’clock, A. M., Eiz: _
237. The first And final accouug‘ol Blljgb
,Slaufi'er, Exa‘cuLOr of the In: ul. and Kel
tamem of Polly Bear, deceucd.
238. The account of Robert. G. HoCmtyl
Administrator of Clara Riggs. .
L 23:). Fig-t and final ficgoqnfxyf EDI-"d Y.
in e, A ministramr o 00. . M
deceased. ‘ '
240. The first and final account of Bach.)
Rittue, late Unversaght, Exeoutrix of the
last will and (estam ‘of Tqbinl Union
naught, (leaned. ' t
Burl-W- Oflce. Getty-Pg”.
actohcrza. 186:5. sd- }