The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 16, 1865, Image 3

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mm of ‘Lénd,
am My“ ROYEIBN§ next, :h-ilubg
to her wm ol‘er :3 Public Sale, ‘on the premi;
an. the following Real Brute, vii. : 1
ND. 1. A TRACT OF LAND,slmnle In Ber
wick wwnshi , Adams county, about mo
mile: from Agbomtown, ndJorning lnnda 0!
Jacob Lilllch, Wm. ancr, Jncob Bowen, ".4
others, conuinlng 6 Acre! Ind 8 Perchen.—-’
The improvements Ire n one and a half .1”;
«my LOO nousn, Log Burn, ”ood Em;
Apple Omhnrd, n lwell o! nrvcr-lnil‘n ‘
water at ehe do r, to. The buildings Ir?
nearly new, u are the furnace. The land in 0
good qunlily. e ”S
No. 2. A TBA T OP’LAND, Illunto in ‘be
“me township, onnho rand lending from No!-
4 llnger’n Mill to Bpil'ngifom, pne mile and a
half from Abbott town, adjoining lands of
David E. Bollinger, Petal Sibling, and Widow
Elder, containing 6 Acre: find 9 Perches—
nhout an ncre and n hnll’ln wood. The cleared
Innd has been limed. Beaver creek runnfthro’
fihe tract, n port of which in meadow. ; w ‘
Panonl wiihing to VleW the premises are
requested to call an the subscriber, tending
near by. \ -
#Bnle to commence at 14 o'clock. P. "..'
,on IBM day, yben ntendnuce will be given nndl
Icm: nude known by ,
.Oct. 16,4365. m
;le A Good Farm
\ ' 'l‘ PUBLIC SALE—On FRIDAY, the mm
A day of NOVEMBER. next, the unhsurilwr
.will offer nt Public Sale. on the prcminea, his
‘ YA KM, shunts In llnmlltonbnn township,
Atkins county, one mile from F)|ilfield,l|d-
Joining land: of Jacob .\luluhnan,l):lrl‘d .\lus
. selmnn, Wm. McCleuf, Joseph Reedland Major
» John Munpclnmn, containing '13!) Auras, more
.or less,nbout 30 acres of “him is i 5: wood.—
'J'he farnrland has all been limed, and is un
dqr good cultivation. The impmvc- 1 A
menu mks a one and a half slury 3:" r 7i
Dwellan HOUSE, :1 new Stone W
Spring Hnum and Smoke House, a. ““345
Burn, nnd other out-buildings ; "n w'cll of never
tnilxng wn'cr nmrvhe house, wlth all kinds of
fruit. uplxlcs, pouch”, ch’orric: mul pours,
heurly ull nglc-l. A henutifn! nmuluw {mum
Hie honsu, and there h! a nrvnm a! unlu
lhrpugh the plan-c.
QQV'SHC In commence M. I u'vlmL, P. 1,
mi Mid day, when ulténduu'e whl tn: giun
run] Cums made known by ,
()c(.1G,1863. ,u.
Maryland Farm for Sale.
ANS -~’l‘he Eubsrnbcr on?” at I’liratg
fine, I: FAN“, BlHl-lH'd.l Fn- lA-n'. k rount)’,
Md,l nhuul two mules hum l'niun lirivluv, the
“mum” of Lhe,Wes7l-ru .\‘lurylmvl il'x‘h‘uu],
:md n‘mul mm mih- (mm the “In uz‘mc van-
Unlph’rd cxwhziou In "pvzflx‘ll-vr. :._ 71...;
Sum cummiqu 116 i ACRES HF LAVY'. n'mm
40 or \fhikll lun- “"x“ limbugl. I‘l- lnhmu
:wl.lL!I',llH’lLlli11(”Tin“) comr‘nh-z.‘ (ir!’i~, ‘l':-
\iv: gnod fvm ing, wnh vintur in "-..u1) :15: ll":
mm». “nave? Quin strum“ inn—mg thvuu'gh
it. . Thmiturm hns (cc 'nfly bun In mil; I'unv-l
find “.115" u fvw _vcnls he «cm-ml [0 name in
Hue mughhurbuu I. -Tl c imp”)! I - {;fi
Imnu «Jay-“t or n culn‘uzxdtlvfiifli3“: ‘1
Log mvmmxg. m; um 3:11 {2"‘ifigiéigzv,
ullykhcr “mos—my out 'mildn-g- {flitEg'E-Ej
'l‘! cu- ];- un excellent Urdl ml uf .\Hu‘u "l r- w.
,nl'q a large qunmixy 0! Chem, Fuck and
Hum 'l‘rcea. ‘ - ~
A"; ;;u ~un wishing“) S’ix'w (hr-I|} mcr‘y Mn
do 11 by rdli'lg upoq I‘M.- sub-"brv‘n r, lniu; M.
' hio'l thjav, who "1‘“‘.u\\-
I”! if M them. ‘ - ’
l’rire $4O per A: rr‘.
Terms actémmodnm'v nml'mn-fi‘ in suit ‘.hr‘
lnlrchßHT. ’ (5'20. I’. IZL'UKEY.
Oct. H 3, 1565. 49.
Vinfiniq lands in Rial-km
[THICK L. R )(ilil’m‘.
Honing :m l‘UEll:\\c ucmhiuunme wuhlhu
pt-nph- nn-l xhc Lnu-l M. the I‘unlmuu} Nu: m
M' \' rpi-n'm, ~0 'cth-hm‘ml M 11 film “(.‘rnsq
(unmr\." l\\ill ply pu'uc'lllr ullcllliczl In
Hm mummy: AML NAME “I" REAL
15TAHL in Ihi.~ u-uiun. Mullins [mu-thing
hm ixn Ike Conn; 01’ London um! F-UI'UIAUF
#73"! um uu'hulizvl In ,-.-H spun: ut the
um}! :I- summ- lumu- int“). I; n. at the Shiv,
“Rd will rnrrrqonl prumplly my: Err-mm
Wishing m purc'u .sv or lukc [Mm-mu in \IAUSV
ing tlw-u Lunh Lu tlwm. 11 lhvygi v l.i.' 110111.
QRHJH and szru .\'u (uruhhwl “In-n dc
;ivm. Address, AHTM'IL L, l‘.(J(-ELS,
Allorney u: Lu“, Mid‘llu‘mua’, L union CO., \'.l.
1h FRILESCKS.—-Jnllu Jumu-y, Eu; ,;:,
\ n : (len. .\. Hugh‘s. .\lld'Hlluurx. \'.. ; John A.
bpilnmq, l~l~q., Jaum-w‘ \'. lirnnkv. L-q , \‘s. r
)n-nmu Fumlmcr county, \'n.; .\. 11. l’hxmp~.
l' vulcuckvag, Vu; Frnhcis X; Zinmh, 124. ,
A‘q-mmlrm. Vu: Dr.l'u-\'¢r:_\,l{. \‘flunurquYnx.
I|.Mu-t‘nrlxnfl, Full . IZEcMnum‘l; .Y‘L; .\h =.-Is.
l. 1". lh_-:nc 3:5 (20., Mon». Hnmihu n Easter
A (‘u..,l.".\'mcl| SWIM, lhhinuxw, 1!.1.
“hid! flu”, “L. UJ. 16,1807. 3m
Quarterly Reio‘rb
Glil"l‘\'sl'yl'i€u, rom‘u-rnd uu 111.- llluld
ing of 11.6 let Six/11.1.1) nl U':'.uucx, 160.3: _
Furniture and Filhlrcif‘
'l‘nxes 3min], ’ -
l‘a:h (mm, IM-np=..
‘m': from .\'Midlml lhmks;
" “ other Banks,
U. S\Bonds, '
“War 3.3. So uriticg,
(3.151: on unmask _
83:7,918 00
Cap‘lml stock p‘id im -, $lOO,OOO 00
film plua l'undl 549 71'.
L‘uculntmg not 5 outstanding, 3 32.98001)
Dividends nupdid, ‘ . 43 7').
Due to banks, _ ‘ 1.830 19
Incergsl, kc" . £346 75
Deposits, I ‘ 123,363 :2
Total, $31.71e 60
1. George Arnold, Cashier of the First Nu
(Aonnl Bank of Genysburg, do eulvmuly swear
that the nbowe stalemeht is true to the best
pt my knowledge nnd'helief.
Syom and subscribed before me this 15'.
dny of October, 1865, ~A. J. Conn, J. P;
Oct. 16, 1865, 3;
Adams County
p 1 tyconyosuzn. MA‘ncu ls, 1:151.
' Onxczmz. ‘ ‘
Pruidemeem-g‘e‘ Swupc.
Vice President—Dunne] IL Russell.
Secretnry—D. A. Buehler.
Treasurer—E. G. Fnhnestock. '
Executive Committee—Ruben lXcCurdy, An:
[drew Eeinlzelunn, Jacob King. ‘
MAlAnns.—-George Swope. D. A. Buehler,
B. XcGnrdy, M. Eichelberger, 8. R. Russell, E.
,G. Fahnestock. A. D. Buehler,_'R. G.Mchnry,
Gettysburg; Jacob King, Slmban township;
A. Reinlzelman. Franklin; Wm. D. Dimes,
New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, (Bendersville;
H, A. Picking, Sirnban township ; thn Wal—
thdJatimol-e township; John Picking, East.
:Bulin ,- Abe) 'l'. Wright, Bendersville; Abdiel
F. Git}, New pgford; J 53. H. Marshall, Hug
, Jltonbnn township; John Uunninghnm, Fre -
l don township; John Hornet, Mountjoy town
, ship; Wm. 8,053 White, Liberty mwnsbip.
‘.Thu Company is limited in its opera
tion to the county of Adams. It has been in
operation for more than 15 years) and in that
pain? by mnde hut gm'assessmcn't, having
pdd one- b'j' in dnnng that period emonnh
ing 1.0 SI3,93HGJfi9 of which have been
puid during the lay two yam-I. Any person
desirigg In Iniqnmce can 3;)va to any of the
shove mined Managers for funher informniou.
fi‘The Exec'ptiv'e Committee meet: u we
ofice of the Company, on the Inst Wednes‘.
4% 1n every month, at. 2 o'clock, P. H.
9L lg, 1865. n
LL pmons are notified‘ that outing
A 5.3“, prbish, Filth, Ggu bage, or other
olfcniflojntm upon the Streets or Alleyl, in
MW by law; and tint mu quough
500 M)“ n 9 manual to take notice if, and
Mahayana”! against airmen or this
"at R. G, ”£03318!“ Barge".
-. .555. 3. \\
Great Romain tor Golds.
mus rmroun .
B _; _- _ §A_L§Ahm_c-ggrgom.¢on
A Remedial Age-t prepared tomut the ur
gent demind tar sprompt and safe Antidote
for all Pulmonary Disoqlen. lf properly Med
it will give instant relietin nluoat’ new in
stance, nnd will prove MI cfl'ectunl cure in a
majority of the itilloving cues of “factions of
tLe THROAT AND LUNGS! such a Colds,
Coughs, Asthmatic Mdencks,‘ Whooping
Cough-Serena: of the Breast end nronphiul
Alec‘tions. ‘
When we first commenced mnnnflcturing
the Hzpectornnt {or our home comumption it
wngnot ‘oui: intention nor our desire to wait
before _the ~'pnhliu as n “cure-n 11,” nor to pub
lish long list of testimonials as an evidence
of iticurntive pmpertiel, but the demand for
it being so grent auddecidedly on the incrcnse,
has induced, and inf-ct compelled us to pre
pnre it on I much linger lenle,_¢rnd also to
establish agencies throughout this section of
the country.
All we ask is thnt thou thus afflicted may
give it a. fair trial, that it may prove it: many‘
udvnntnges over other preparations oft similar ‘
nnture now being empluyed. ‘ ‘
The price too throws it within the reach of
all, being but 25 1m! 40 cent. a bottle. ‘ ‘
Bell’s Worm Syrup!
HEY I’surxcr IN ITIsEI.P.—.YO Custer 051‘ (a be
Y'almL—Jn this Pmm'nlion we have inc/luded
ant-h remedies-only u have pun tried for
yours and are known to possess powerfixl
flulhcllnimic i‘irtues, combin}! with ‘mild
nperiunle, plenum: uomnlica aid uugar. An
tholmintlcs of Lhrmselécs cannot puform their
pccllljitr (um ll'mi or have the desired effect.
unless the bowels nre kc'pt moderately open.
To produce UlisTgenlle purgntirca are neces
aury and such on y ought to be uscnl (hr-t" can-'
not inn ricrc wish xhe antheimiulic emyloycd.
The advantages we‘t-Jm‘vu fur thin S} rup are:
In. In pincer of DI‘JS'I‘BUYLVG AND EX
Id. lls mild upcnenz t-fl'cct upon the boviels
3d. Its plensmn tu‘ste and odor are advan
ugoa passessed or claimed by v_crylevr Verm
xl‘uyva. 3 "
4111. he hurudcss influence upon the syltem,
rmm'qm-ufly in: injurious rfllct: will result.
fmm'ih u‘w ulmuld ling: puller“ have uuWoruN,
LIH. um :lir‘pnci‘oleGlil 45c, arising from some
ntlxcr unknown‘cnfiw, Much is fncqucufly the
(11-E. = I
Thl- cogilituvnts of Hus S) rup and in (Met (1
Hr" know u to many Phpicuns‘, ulm are now
using it in tbs-i: pr «five to a. Luge extent.
Ptiw 25 qrnu a battle.
:The Greatest Limment m Use.
I )1212L'S “'I'ITE (rm—~77.» 11mm, 01m
. E) r-I, mus! I’rmlrufmy uxJ must Economical
[hum u! m [EL—A [wwml‘ul Ulcnginus =Gum
puund hn‘ tho SIM-Hy Unto gf [£hcymmism,
Hiram», hpr-m s. Vt'uunda, \Xolllbn(‘s§ of the
Li nip, [’rostml l‘f‘vL am} Hands. Spnl‘in, Sm!-
ldlu mus. I‘ull Evil, Hing Bone, Bruises.
‘Sawlhugs uf iL2I than} find in Inc: :J'Pl’} «ii:-
)(lee For which an I: uln'OCJLior‘x is applicuplv,
youhvr mMm or Bust [frn-e 25 ccixzs u but
"19.—11:35 Inn-pdratiun, whirl: i: o'l‘mud “ilh
u=, v. 11! Lc mum] I,” In.- om- of. the niresL and
‘nt Um A um.- lime one qt the mod ;cli.:blq n}.-
, 1 im..uox;s (".LMXL ' .
nging hum malaioycd very utensiwly
mm: m mtrvductiqn um! fooling salisfidd of
us ‘xuzzudi-vl plhpl‘llil‘n, Wl‘ rm‘ummrnd it with
Hm u'ngn—l. (unfi Imm", kuuwmg that. no one
ml) ln' dhappulnll‘d ,uu its-use. 11. is,'ns its
Immv inhiicn u: “hiu- Hailuux? ol the ('uusis
-Icm} 01 omm], cnngniuing nothing cfl‘cnsivc.
tut, K-n Ihc vunlrary,-mll be fuuud more
yl‘xnrum [hum ulht’wm‘. . u '
Bell’s Alterativo,
P. (_‘ux'm'rmx PUWDERS! -‘
23 (0:11: r. pl'p( I', or five papers for $1
’l‘lu mum rm: M}:- of Unease l’owdurs during
(bu .\hUll Imin! th-y hm'u Men before the
phb'fic, is n snflhh‘m gnurgnwe of their grcn‘t
pna;:‘ll;lli':\’,.|ud Lin.- dcudcdibeucfils dexivcd
l'xu‘m Lh- i 1 me. ~ _ \
They are confidently recommended not‘only
us i piefunlh’e, hut as u complcleturo fur
nil discus“ incident ) liie HORSE, CUW or
HUG, m, Lms cf .‘.p¥ictitc, Cuugha, “eaves,
Yellow “Km-r, Diswuqvor, Glandvrs» .kc., kc.
Hy th'eir use the Horse's Appclilc‘iqimpruv
(d, all dcrungcmems of [he digestive organs
mrruoteil, Sultgning‘ nho skin, nnd giving to
the 20.1: n s 1: ck uml shining nppmmnce, .\ud
Ll.l:-' I.c”u:cd With pt‘l‘lcpl safety ill, nll times,
:13 it tonmins no iiigrediencs‘which can injure
:: hmsc, whether siclLp-r well" ,
Tin-y clean-e the Humming apparatus by
(firming fr-un 1m: air evils, coaguLng-d mutter,
ur_ irlml. fin-mutiny uhi-yii‘so suverrly clugs
"flu-m, gunning a iightmss in chuj‘hing, and by
lilt‘il' peculiar .i-‘Liun m: lli‘zu part, lhéy c'dusc
21m mm us ummbnne f 0 re~ume its mtuml
«Lnivufioixa, (bus c-quglizing the ciiuul ati n of
(‘ie hlgzd and restoring the distended. feisels
in their uniuml sizn. ‘ - ' i
Fur {aux-niug. (mule (ht-y. mri- invalufghlt‘,
ulsu m;s~‘c:sjng pechlinr prupcrlics ixf'ncrcns-l
in; wt (“mum uf milL' in Cows, mafia“: giv
in;_r ILL-m an impmxuncc :md vulue “\{mh
should Mace {bun Within the hands of ul|\'{n-
U ‘I’USIUJ. - \\\'
All dISDz‘SES to.which the 110;; i: suijcp, M
(Dughs, Ulcrrs iu the Lungs and Liver, nn'd MB.
A ‘gum-ml purifier oi'flw‘ lpluo-l we guani'utcc ‘
fhvir ( 11h w 5 if ouce‘inirly lrxed,
12;)“ but. at Gettyshurg by A. D. Bueblor,
Apofhccury. and by Vbrnggifls and Storekeep- ‘
us generally. Agk‘fur Bqll‘s I‘repnrationl.
;I’lepurtd exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe
mu" (Graduate ofithv: Philadelphia. College of
Pharmacy) West, \VufillingtDn Sr.., [lagers
w‘m, Md. [, 1865. I‘y
:mgm 2.4
NJ 0»)
2H2 In;
. 019 $0
15.10 '.J'.’
4m! 11
156-3 17
as; So
150,250 no
111,311 9.)
UTICE is hereby-gigen to all persons Hot
N to buy from LewxsiNocl funy corn, 0.1111,
wheat, rye, buy, straw, Lorutoddur; or other
pruduep. or slbck. ruin-xi on-my"fnrm, situate
in Mm‘zntpleasan: township! and to return to
me any properly sold or given by said Lewis
Noel, my husk-and, us the property is mine,
and ha: ha! and bad no nutknlty‘lo sell or dis
pose of any produce or s ck gained on my
mun, orally ulhct progeny be‘lnngiug to me.
>Oct. 16,18f5. 3t,*
; Bounty Tax Notice.
EBSOKSOWIH: Bnunty Tax in Cumber-
P land .mwnship nré hereby requested to
make immediate payment. All who fail to
pay by the FIRST 01’ NOVEMBER next will
line FIVE PERCENT. added to their Mounts.
By order of 1115 Board,
*Ocl. 18, 1865. ' ‘
. _ ‘
‘ Brooms I Broomg! ‘
f 11E undersigned has rhopengg his BROOM
FACTORY, opposige the Depot on Carlin-lo
street, Gettyéburg, and is now prepared to ac
cnmmodate the public in his line. He will
either make Brooms on the shares or to order,
as may be desired. A stock of Brooms will
ulways be fuuud on_hmd. Give him n all.
tom. 16, 159‘s. 6!. 8. R. TIPTON.
Reeves! Ambrosia
FDR—THE HAlR—”rho Oriyinnl and Genuine
Ambrogia in pr: mm! by LAM.“ Hum,
ad is the best hair gunning Ind preservative
qu in use. {t ptops‘the hair falling out,
«use: it to grow _thick and prevents it from
thrning pnmstufilygy. It endicateq dan
«drnfl‘. cleanses, beau es and renders the hair
non, giony and durly. Buy it, try it Ind be
convinced. Don't be pnt‘off with s spurious
article. Ask for Reevos’ Ambrosia and take
nb other. For‘Snle by Druggists and Dealers
id Fancy Goods afirywhcre.
Price 75 antigen: BONE-$6.00 per dqzen.
Adams REE ES’ Auaausu DEPOT,
62 E11110]: St, New York City.
{Oct 16, 1865. 6m - ‘
0 the heirs and [legal representatives of
Peter Hall, Isle of Borwick township,
duns county, Pm, deceased. In 1h: Or.
phnn’a Cont; of Adan" county, nf'oresald.
.Notice is hereby given that n Bale bu been
gftnted upon the parties intereslea in the real
came of mild Peta; Bull, decenaed, to be and
appear at In Orphnn’SFCourt to be held at.
G-eleypbnrg, for said county, on MONDAY, the
20th dn‘y'dl‘ NOVEMBER, 1885, to accept or
L tefnse to accept the aid reg! «wank: val
’ nnuon nude :henof, or‘ to [how cm“: why
the nine should noggin!“ ifszéotrcepted.
S eri .
: Oct. 9. 1965. as ,3! B’h‘ g
IVIBMNt'a Bale
we of a Dance of the Git-cum Conn hr
Carroll county, liulng u o ann of Equity,
the undersigned, In Trance, will sell at Bab
lic Sale. on lho premises, on SATURDAY,
NUVEIBER “b. 1865, n I o’clock, P. l. tho
Real Runs 0! which Chulu Rich-ad! died
nil-nd Ind poo-eased, aituurd in Ilampnlodd
District, Cnrrull LOIIBL], Md., on the Elsi.
Branch of Lhe P-mpscn Falls, conuiuing 255
Acrel of Land, more or lens, which will be sold
in L 6“, 1.: follow) : ‘
LAND,moreotleu. Thoimpmvemenu '
consist. of I cnmforkflle Log Dwelling @3l;
HOUSE. Stable, and other out-build- K
lugs. There is‘s (prim: of good ruler near
the prlling House. ‘Thero is also on mil
Firm In Orchard of apple-Ind other frail
areas. ‘1'“! tract I: lsid MT in fields of con
venient size, is well final-yd, and wnuint a
Inge quanuly of Timher Land, and is aizunlo
on the md lending frbu: Humpalead to West
minsber, about I; milés from Humpstud.
LOT No. 2 ndjoinn the above tract Ind con
tains 26 Acru, ‘1 Hood- nnd 29 Perches o!
Lnud. more or_ len—shout 8 mom of which in
in Timber. ‘
LOT No. 3 contain: 11 Kcres,3 Road. and
27 Perches, morn or len, :11 of'hidn in havi‘
I] covered vith‘timbor. * ‘ ‘
LOT R 4 cont-ins 8 Lens, non or len,
mostly cleared had. 4
LOT No. b cam-Jul 28 Acres, 1 Rood Ind
24 Perches, more or ‘lcll, about Inc-half in
Timber. v
1291‘ No. 6 contains: 13 Acres, 1 Rood and 7
Perches, more or lcu, I“ in umber, mow]!
chasnut. . \
The above Real Engine in wdl locged Ind
easily cultivated. A plat. of the land will he
exhibited on the day off sale.
36"“): Terms of Sale as prescribed by the
Court nre—Une-thirdlcush on the day of sale
or the rntificuhon Uur-real, one-third in twelve
months,’aud \ho lesiulu two years from the
day ofsnle—lhe credig plymeuu to be on in
terest. lrom the day of: sale, wllh security ap
proved hythe-Truslec.; ANDREW GMAMEER,
‘(Jroul 5:. llei‘a filler, :Sollcitors‘. Trance.
‘ Oct. 16, 1365. x:* ;
Valuable Farm
’l‘ PUBLIC SALEg—Will he said at Pnh-
A lic Sale, M. xhe L‘iiy Hole]. in Frederick
on)", at l o’clock. P. 251.. on SATURDAY. the
18“: m KOVIIMHERI i 865, the vniunhin Farm
known as WliiTE iquLL. situated in Liberty
di:trivl. 3 uiiic~ noninuf Liberty, and mijmu
ing 11,:- lund, oi Col. Thus. iinmmond, Maurice
T. Starr, Esq” and uih‘us. Tin-re nre ihree or
{our inrgc Mills convenient to it, besides Union
Bridge, thcficrminu: (if the Western Mpryhud
Ruin-ond, “IliL’ll wanking: a good market. for
nll Lind; oi prmlu. c. j’l‘hc- lard in ofihe best
quality, limestone, nut] in a good state ofcul
timtiou. It is hung-n M, 01104:! the surest
cropying (urma in,Llic'cnthy. There is upon;
iv. in luau Brink Dndiiiug‘HUUSE, a
with 1311 modern consenionms, a £514 " ‘ ,
large" Tenant House“ fine Barn. ‘gffifij
with Smb‘lmg, and all ucccssmyfifié 1:53,
out-huiiniinzu. The Orchard commas some or,
the ciloicv-lt fruit: aniliis sun-n! ever known i
to fnil in Luring. i'fhrre is % excellauLl
spring, with dn'ry, nmir {lic lions , Ivcsides ‘u._
pump at Ihr- :h or. Thin Farm cuntuins 189
ACRES OI" LL“), 2O of whiqh are heavily
wooded, ‘ho bnhnto A‘ru‘hlo, nnd linid‘L-d intu‘
(‘um’cnirnb =izcod LIL-Ms" with y‘ntcr in, or con: ;
veniont to, ouch. ‘ i
This Farm can be! pun-[(115611- nt Privnte“
Sula, ut‘ any time, bcurcw this nud‘dny of
Public HUG. ‘ . '
Terms um 10 known 6!: the day of salty. ‘
Possessmn gin-u on‘the lst. of.\.pril, .1866.
Persons wishing: 10‘ View the prevnites can
do so by «Wing u! Il‘xe sub-crilgr’s, nosiding
thereon, or if my fmthrr infor’mntiou‘v is de‘
sired, lam-rs n-ldh-sseq lo Liberty town; Fred
’crick cou‘rly. .‘Jd.,,wi!i receive prompt: :utrn
tion. : SUI‘HIA SHIMQNc.
9d._16,18’}5. 7‘5 ‘7
‘ Public Sale
E :7 '.H'.U=hE mm. iisTATpL—mimm.
0 S\'|ill(‘!, lixrcgtnr (If the cstnlc “ft Ahm
hnm Eclurt, Lite 01 )I‘O‘IUL‘IiL'IJHHt township,
Adams coamy. devour-l, “iii 51:“ ;on the
premiw‘, 0|; D'ATl'llllAYJho 4th of MOVEM
BER, 1863, thcfullowing de‘crihcd rvnl 05mm,
511 mm ll in sail townqun, cnul.iiniiig 113
ACRES. nl whivh 120 M‘rM‘drr 20ml \vnlmllawd,
the blunt: in n ‘pond unite uf culliziitzon
and oncluicd w‘lh fiirit-Mlv fencing; This
propel t) i» Located :ilniul U-m'lL-s from ngim‘cr,
uenr tho Shite .rou-l lqa'ling fioru Hdnpvr'r to
Gouysl urg, unxl übgui {l‘lnihs fmm Ihr.- l.|lll‘l’
plncr. uu-l the Lilli’s Alill r 0 1d ruaniinLr ‘hro’
the film, adjoining hind: of l’cL‘er \l'cikH-t,
Summl PAM-r, Abraham Rife, mid o hers.—
Tlic imprQVL-mem; are :1 TWO— «“L
stnry lllilf‘li HUL'SE. with Bucli- "55""; ~ ’
builnling: llrich lhuk Bitinwiigou figfifl;
Shell, Carriage ‘llouse, Smokefft‘m
lluuscn'ul “'urk Shop. There are two inner
[ailing Wells on Illi‘ premise“. und n‘gpod or
clmrxl, u :11: u glen \m-icx} ul choice li'uit. “'00".
EVAN w commence 3L 1 o'clock, P. 3].,
ou‘ sai‘l d:ay,l; utlmnlwncc will be giwn
and terms mudv knnwh by
(m. 9, 2865. » 15* \
, ' Valuable Farm . .
T PRIVATE SALE —-Thc suhsnribt‘r of-
A fvrs M l’zium- Sale, a DESFRABLE
HUN. Sim we in .\lnuntp leusant township,
Adams county. I'a , adjgi‘uing lands of‘J. & E.
.\mlor, John Carl, Solomon nudism, and
omen. 0n the road leading from Uuncjerstown
to "MrShcrryslo wn, cfinminiug 163 ACRES,
more or less, about 40 arms in good Timber,
'with u due proportion or Meadow. The clr-nr
ed ln‘nd has u)! been limed once, and part ofic
twice—is in good cultivation and gocdiencing.
The Imprmcments are a one and n ‘u ’ .
half story DWELLING HOUSE, Mfr» ; .
part atom and [nut- frame, Doubly {it ’ ;
Burn, part frame and part log, _.,:L;t‘sa: 3}:
anon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Pen; Smoke
flouae, mull other out-buildings. There is n
nemr-fuiliug spring of water with nibupp in
it nexu- lhe house, and a small stream through
1.1-3 Form. A good young Apple Orchhrdwilh
oxher fruit, on Ihe‘prcmiu‘s. ’
Person: wishink to View the property are
nqncsled to can on {mac Stover, the tenant.
0c;. 9, 1365. 2m'
~. Clothmg. >
EORGE ARXOLD has now on hand the
G largest stock of READY-MADE CLOTH
UKG 1n town. coneistiug'of DRESS AND BUSI
XESB COATS, of every description, OVER
.COATS, in great variety, Monkey Jackets,
Vests. Penmloons, Shirts, Duvets, Gloves
and Hosiery, stacks of drain. .
My best clan-lug are mostly of my own man
ul‘ucmre, and will be wan-mud well made, and
well trimmed.
Together with a larga stock ‘of Clothl. CM—
sincls, Jeans, Drillings, Shining, Flannel, kc.
Also. Beaver Clothshnoe Skim, Over Coatings
and Trimmings in great variety. all (if which
will be auld u cheap a; the chenpeil. Cull
and see them.
Gutyrbnrg, Oct. 9, 1885. 3m
To the Public.
HE subscribers having opened a Ihop in
Littlestown, a few door! east of the
quare, respectfully announce to the citizens
of Litdeaiown And “:9 public generally, that
they intend to manufacture to or dor 11l kinda
ofUABINET FURNITURE, all of which will
be made in the most fashion-ble and “bug“.
tin! mnnner, ing! will be sold u the lowest
prices. 01d Furniture repaired It the short
est notice. , ‘ ‘ ,
UXDERTAKYNG.—aning a good Hearse,
we are prepargd to make Coflinl of any desired
qnnlity_nnd amend tunenll u the nho‘neu up.
[we and on teimg 1b» will not fail to please
all. We hupeim merit And receive the liberal
patronage of film public. l
We inund limeping in our cmploa‘: No. )2
workman. H. FRETEt BRU HER. '
Oct. 9, 1865. 4|!
O the heirs and legs] ieptesentativu of
I “my Spahr, late of Lntlmore ionahip,
dams county, Pm, deemed. In tho 0:-
phan’a Court of Adams county, aforesaid.
Noticeth hereby given that a. Rule has been
granted uponi the parties interelled in the real
estate of said Mary prhr, damned, to be and
3We“ at an Orphun’i Court to be heid at Get
tysburg, for aid county, 0.1 MONDAY, UK 20th
day of NOVEMBER. 1885, to accept‘qr gain»
to accept the said renl nuts at tho nlution
made thergof, or to show cause why‘t‘he un‘fl
should not be sold, it no: loceptedt .
. Ann Rum; shun.
Oct. 9. 1885- 3 - ‘ _
Patin° Sale
0 0| TUESDAY, the 24th any of OCTOBER
inn. in put-unto a! an Order»! the Urphan'a
Court 0! Atkins county, the sublcribur. Ad
minmmor or the came 0! Zachariah I. 01-
born, deemed, will ofler :1 Public Sdo, on
tho-pmmioel, the fullowing Refil Esau, us:
No. l. A LOT OF GROUND, containing 1
Am: Ind 84 Pen-bu. niluau in Pilefilburg,
(Y. B.):lfioiuing 11nd- of Samuel Shelly an}!
Chlrlu W. Grieu, huing thereon
I Two-nary Rougbcul HOUSE,
an OuteKiLchen. Blacksmith Shop,
Wagon‘m-ku Shop. Log Sable,
and other ouvlmildingu; I well of wawr u
the door,'uid all kinds of fruit on the premi
sea. This in a very desirable property.
No. 2. A LOT ulv‘ GROUND. ndjoiuing lot
No. 1 and Chnrlel W. Grieu, couuining 130
No. 3. A TRACT OF L'AND, within half:
mile of Petersbnrg‘adjoining(Margo A. Pete",
Abrahnm Dietrich, and. others, conpining 5
Acres and H Perch". ,
Person: wishing‘ta View the p§bporty are
roquusted;to cull on Rich-rd Holgtofl, unis!-
ing on No. l, or on George A. Pours, raiding,
near by.
Sale to cnmmenca at 9 o‘clock, A. I, an
nid duy, when ”tend-ac. will be gin: nd
terms mule known by '
By the Court—James J. Fink. Clerk.
will be sold the following Person-l Property,
belonging to the estate 01' Elenon I. Unborn,
decensed, viz: g ' ..
2 SHOTES, 1 set of Hurnéca, Beds and Bed
llcnds, Tables and Clmirl. Wash Stands, Cun
dle Stands, Bureau. Corner Cupboard, Clock,
a large lot. of Cupeting. Cook Stove and I’ll
lures, 2 Ten-plus Strives and Mia, Dun and
Iron Kettles. Glass-ware, Queens-ware, Tin
ware, Crockery-ware, Pots, Fans, Tuba, Bur
rels, Boxes. and A uriely of othnt articles, too
numerous to mention. '
Attendance given and term: made kn'ovm by
x Oct. 2, 1863. a" '
Real Estate
28th day of OCTOBER lnst., in'aym‘su
ance of an Alias Order of the Orphnn’a Court
of Adams county, will be offered at Public
Snlc, on thy prefhises, the real estate of Mary
Brough. deceased, consisting of
A LOT OI" GROUND. in Hampton, in said
county, homing on [he Hnuowr nn-l Unrlisle
turnpike, hounded by lo‘d of Franklm N'ocl nn
each side and a public alloy in the rear. The
improvemeu‘s are n Two~slory Log
Dwelling IlUl'M‘J, Ono-slor'y Log 3..
Kitchen, {log Shop Log Slnble, Well 2 sg”
of WnLcr' new {be door, will: a \Mic- "
ty efFruit Trees. ‘
WSW: to commence at l o'clo.k,l‘. IL,
on mid any, when attendance will be gun
and terms made knnwn by
By tlxe Court—«.l J. l-‘iuk, Clerk.
Uct. 2, 1.8G5 to
Farm for Sale.
THE subscriber, dosirinp l 0 gait farming,
ofi'urs at Privnw SAN, his FARM, 57tlldlc
in Highland tomiship. Adams county, half 11
mile mirth-mun. u! .\lrlllu-nny's M 3“, on MAL-h
truck. cunmining 2::0 ACRES, more or less. or
\\ his]: 73 or flu :u‘rvs nn‘ guoxl lnn- a
her. ,The improvements are u Il a
(me and nlmlx‘ story Douhhflmg : i A
HOUSE, good Batu.anou Shed, '
Corn-Crib. 1:0,, with plenty ol hunt of n|l
kindl, and excellent never-{mung \ml'or. This
is u. good gruu and slack Furm, and should at
tract the attention of buyus. , ,
Persona u'iuhiug (0 View n are rvqnca‘rd to‘
call on the premises. JUUN BUTT, Jr.
Sept. 23, 1865. 2n)“
Meat 2; Grsccrias.
YSOX &: (30.11270 now in full operation
an csltblishmcnl fox the 5:10 nf .\IL-Als
um] Grocer-iv, on {M m El =i (v of Bid mum.-
street, n !c\\' dams south ul‘ {Lu (‘uun hume,
(jeuysbum. I’RNE'U'ZEF can bu had. many
'l'uesnlm, Thur-d'ym-d gummy warnings,
and PORK, YE \L. LAMB, (in, on Monday.
Wednesday and I‘lid 1y mornfip. 'l'h- ll’ IHK'JIS
“HI shut}: ‘uc 101 ml the butt Hm! ‘mn b 1: a»
cured in lhi4 market ‘
In ronuwlmu “in. th‘ uhuvc luminess. lhly
lmu- laid In :\ ling :tm‘k of ('UI' Fl-‘JCmSL'U .\IiS,
Sides, &c.. kn. which [My ufl‘r :\l sung]!
prams. - Aho, Snect and Irish Puma-es, ncd
Voguluhlfi ul’ dillHt-ul kin-Is. Gn‘e them :I
call, und they “ill 31M“: nu cfi‘n L m n-udnr
satisfaction. ' [bk-pr. 23, ItGS.
Register’s Notice. A 1
NOTICE is hercbygiven to all L'gatecs and l
other perwns‘c.:..cmuul. that the Ad
ministrmiou Accounts llcxuiunltr‘r antiont-d ‘
will be prr-scuhd m. the Urphnn’s (gouztdof
Adams cuumyfurcunfirmnion and :\'lmv mop, ;
on MONDAY, the and day of ocruumr,
1863.111“) o'clork, .\. .\l., \ i/.: l
231. Flu-t account of'Jncnb F. Uller, All- 1
ministrattor of the estate of Peter luker,
deconsed. _ ‘ ;
232. Second and final account of Jasoph
P. Mchvit. Executorol' the 1:15}. will and
testumém t Lion. James Mrblvit, dec’d.
233. “(co first amount of Hon. Joe] B.
Dunner. Executor of the will :of John
Guinn, late 01Cumhmland township. decfld.
234. First and final account of Hon. ‘J.
B. Dmner, Executor of the last mll and
testament of Sarah A. Bath. late of the
Borough of Gettysburg. Adunw cm. decld.
235. The account of .mbm HgGaughy
and Abraham Herring. Administrators lof
Andrew Martin. ‘
236. First and final tux-numb of David
Slagle, Gum-dim: of Mary Am: Single, minor
daughter of Solomon Slagla. deceased.
- BALIFEL" LILLY, Rtgistvcr.‘
Registez’s Office, Gettysburg, ‘
Ucmber2,lB3s. m l '
Railroad House,
The undersigned would respectfully iniom
his numerous friends and the public generally,
that he has leased the Hotel in Hanover, near
the Depot, formerly keps by Mr. Jeremi-h
Kohler, and will spurs no efi‘ort. to conduct. it
in n manner Lint will give gcuenl mum-non.
His table will have the best. the markets can
afl'ord—hie chambera- are Iranian-I and com
foruhle—ud he has laid in (or biaybnu' a full
stock of choice vines d liquors. There in
3:3ng ior horse: atheist] to the Hotel. It
will be his cannunt endeuor to render the
iullelt satisfaction to his guests, rushing his
house as near 1: home to them as [multila—
He asks a share of the public pn'mnnge, de
termined M ho is to deserve a large part of in.
Remember the Railroad House, near the De
pol, Hnnove r, Pu. A. P. BAUG HEB.
om. 2, 1865. tf _
ten of administration on the name of
xenon I. Olborne, late of Huntington town-
Ihip, Adam: county, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, residing In Tyrone
township, he her‘eby gives n.9tice ta all persons
indebted to Idid nine to make immediate
payment, uni than luring china: again“ the
same to present them properly “mentioned
for (stdementl
Sept. 25, 1865. sur _ ~
_V—‘_~__"__ _h‘—"_’"—*_
J “ministration _on the estate of June!
array, late of Btmbnn township, Adams
county, deceased. having been granted to the
undenigned, raiding in Gettysburg, ho hum
by gins notice to all persons indobtgd to
said éstate to make Immediate paymehg and
those having claims against the same to pre
lent Allen: propetly authenticated for uttle
ment. WM. J. KABTIN, Adn'r.
Oct. 2, 1865. cc
BE Hut. and final account. of Henry W.
T Smith, Tram: of Lewis P. _Weuer Ind
Nancy his Wife, under assignment {or thg
bandit of creditors to Joseph J. Smith, de
ceased, bu been filed in the Court of Canton
Plan of Adams county, Ind will be confirmed
by the “id Court, on the 23d dsy of OCTOBER
”gt, unlau can» be “mm: to the'contnry.
Sept. :5, 1865. Id.
Valuable Farm
A. SALE—On TUESDAY, the 24th 0!
DC 0838. next, by order of the Orphnn'l
Court of Adnml count}, the lubscriber. Ad
ministrapr of tho mm}: 0! Dmiol Sugdcr.
deceased, will ofl‘er .: Public Sale, on the
premises, the following nlutblo Bul Emma
of mid decedent, v 11:
i No. 1. THE MANSION may, situate in
HomilLOnban township, Adonis ronnty, Pa ,
near the old Furnace rum] loading from Fair
ifield to the Gnu on top of the mountain, 5
, mile: from tho former and 3 from the inner,
, adjoining llndn of James Watson, John Price,
‘ John Funk, n others, containing 273’Acrea
Ann! 40 Porch s,nbout {lo-acres ‘c‘lenred, and
the hnlnnce in first rate timber, chosnut, ruck
oak, hickory, be. The farm loud it under
fine cultivation and the best kind of fencing——
is copper-stone land,ond prdduces
well. The improvements on n
nearly new Two-story STONE
HOUSE, with Buement ,out of
ground, also I new, ‘new Story-nnd-a-hall
Log House, Wall: House and Smoke Home; a
Book Burn, it new Double Horse Stuble,\l‘ngon
shed Ind Corn Crib, Curing House, 1103
Pen, £13., all in good order. A neverfuihng
spring of excellent water is piped a short dis
tance into the basement kitchen, the): into an
excellent milktcellu, Ind I'nm thence into thoi
barn ynrd, muting one of the most convenient
AM desirable orrnngemenu, imaginable.—
There is also upon the premises one at the
finest Y/a’nng Orchards in the county,]ust in ,
homing condition. There is also an excellent 1
SAW MILL on the place, culcuhued to do n ‘
lnrge nmount’of work. . iin
No. 2. A TRACT OF LAND, adjoining the EC“
mansion inrm and lands at James Watson and : pr
others, containing 46 Acres and 49 Purches— , n,
about one-half cleared and tho other hnli' in I
timber. The improvements nre‘u Une-nud-n
-hall story LOG HOUSE and lillcksmithShop,
with running water near the dour.‘ The land
nnd fences are in good ordor, and altogether Is
A niceJmle home. \ ‘
No. 5. A TRACT OF WOODLAND, adjoin
ing the mansion {arm and lnnds of Mont Alto
lron Compnny and others, contniniug 1'! Acres
and 100 Perches, all covered With good tim
ber, and Tom's Crock running,r nvross it.
No. 4. A TRACT OF WOODLAND, adjoin
ing the mnnaioninrm and lands of Enoth Kep
ner and others, hon'ni‘ning 22 Acres, covered
with chesnut nud rock ouk timber, and is easy
of Access
g No. 5. A TRACT OF WOODLAXP, afljuiu
inL’ lands of Ganrge Hurlvnugh, Enoch chner
and others, coma‘ifiing ~10 Acres, covcrul'with 15.
chcsnul and other \limner. pm
, Sn. 6. A TRACT; OF WOODLAND, adjoin
ihg lot No. 5, and lanfls or Jamei “'ausun, Geo. I ml
Harbnugh and others, cmerul wilh lock.\k, '0“
white oak, Llu-snul und pophr timber. Tum's IRu
Crt‘Pk runs lhlough the lr:u-t,~“hhh in: nlsoivfl
cmw of Jar-(‘05:. It tonmins ahmxt I“: Mum In!"
-in‘“:|shinglon gou'nship, Franklin county, ml
joining the .\lon'lerry properly, Jo‘vn Bnnchufl‘,
bimon Lcckrone and others, contammg Cl
Acges sud 120 Perchcqrmrucd mxh uhcsnut,
ruck oak and hiLkm'y tixnhcr.
These prnperlu-s are all desirable. and per
sons wishing to New 11mm me 10411142:ch to
can it Lhe ‘imznsiun lmu‘c on Whinesduy
previous, lhn.«lc‘lh, “hon they will be =hmxu
(m-r the“) by the, Administrator. A duff. of
the properties wn be seen-M any time by cn'l
ilgg ou. the .\dmiufflrmnr iu “'.xpneaboro', or
:11 we hotel of A. Bouvhool in Fairlie”. '
wszua to commence nt 10 D'L'lluck, 'A: M,
on mummy. wlxengutgund.zuce “‘11! be H‘V‘“
and term: mude known by _,‘
.11. B. 'RL‘SSELE, Adm'r
By tho‘Court—J. 3. Pink, Clank.
Sept. 11, 1865. In
‘A Small Farm
I 281hday of UC‘I‘UHER nexz,nLl o'clmkl
I'. .\l., the subscriber. Executnx of lhé Inst.
will and (acumen: 6! DJuicL 5. I.) nch,dec’d.,
will oil'rr a: Public Sale, on the fil'ezniscs,
TEE LU!“ of said decedent, in Mount
plensnut \oWo3hip. Adams counlyflmjoining
.quis uH’chr Ft ‘Usmith, thrnuu Muller; Julru
Curl. John lickaarudc, and othcra, and the
p‘uLli'c'rmd Lolwveu Bunnughtowu uud the
York mmpikr‘, cont-lining 37 Acres, more or
Hessjuwruved uixhnLog Wemhcr- _ ‘ I
{bonded ‘Dxc'lling HQUSH, good ‘- ‘ ._
Lng UAI’I}, “in: She-ls, Wuou 7 a - L Y
lShedflnningeHousmWoadUJusc .5 g ::
ill(v;_vl’en and Hen (101130,); “.:.-le n'ntcr‘al
’the «him-. 3 Peach O‘chard and Apple Orclmrd.
’All (In- buildiugs nmcm’crct‘. “Ith [Mar shinxlua.
There are übouLLi mrcs uf Woodland and
about 10 of Meadow. All of it. has Lccn limed.
some of it lwxce. It is unue: good leucmg and
11l :1 good stale of cullixnlion. ‘
Any pvrsou desxriug to 'n't w the property
will be Jshuwn the su nv hr .\lr. l’cur Slall.
smith, “ho resides on un adj inmg l.nrm.,
'nfirAlteudaucc will be [gum and mm:
made known by _
ELIZA LY.\ CH, Euculrix
Septn-18, 180.3. EL“
-.‘—Af— , —~ 7A"? A -_-~____.
A Valuable Farm!
I T PBWA'I‘E SALE—TM snbsvrfiLor, I?!-
1 eugur of Joseph llmulur, decensbd,o!l'e:s
:u l’rir'uo Sn'c, ‘
A FA RM. situa‘s in \lountplmsmt Mwnahip,
.\Jnms county, I’mrllu‘cc mihs (nut uffihi
tysburg, mm: the mm! lending 10 lic-laugh
town, adjoining lands‘of Abl'nhnrn‘ Ben-n,
John Cross,Jolm Rummei. and otllevs,'conlnin
ing 173 Acres, more nr less, of patentediuml,
about 30 acres in timb’u', with a sufficiency of
mcpdow.‘ Th 9 improvement: are r T
n Two-story Frame HOUSE, wilh‘ 7;; I ‘
Buck-buildingfim‘oke Hou=e,two- flé‘iiii ‘
story Stone Spring House with n. .52: )4"
never-failing Spring. 3 Lng Barn, Wazon Shed,
'orn Cribs, with‘nu Urchnrd ufchuice fruit.
In is in a good state of uulkimtion and well
watered with never-hiling water in nearly
every field. . ‘
J’crsohs wishing to View the Famn will cm
on Joseph A. llemlcr, reading thereon.
Sept. H, 1865. (t Exbcutor.
A Splendid Farm
'l' PRIVATE SALE—The subscriber, in- I
tending to quit. tannin", offers at. Private “I
Halo. his FARM, situate in Enamel-land town-1““
shim-Adams calmly, about three milzfa west 0!" b 1
Genyaburg, near the Ohnmbersburg ;nrnpike,
adjoining land: d Clinics B. Pulley, Abraham ‘3
Plnk, Jacob Lott, John W. Weigle, and
‘othors, containing 2'38 Acres, more, or lesa,
About 40 acres being excellent Woodlnnd, will:
a snfliclency of prime Meadow. The improve
ments are a Two-story Weather
hoanled Dwelling HOUSE, with
Back-building, Wash Home and
Spring Home, a huge Bank Burn, A
Wagon Shed. Corn Crib, Carriage onse, a
well of axcellelr water nelr the dwel‘ing, with
an Orchtrd of cb‘oice hula. . . .
' . HE subscnbet keeps n Nation and Confec
- About one-half of the Fer has b on hmed. - . .
. . . . . tron.” Store on Curhsle strut. near)
'3‘ u ““5": high stnéehofcnltlvntno and “'3 o posite tlrye Railroad SUIIIOD, (lw’ralmrq’:
.9; goo 9T?“ 9 propertg w 3 rum-e w ere he has constantly on lmud, CARDIED',
3" ““9” 9' "m“! ’s'” F .'~ 3m“ N TS, Fins Raisins Lemons ()mngfls kc.-
alley, now deceased, rand '3 ,known I“ one of T baccos ;n'd Sugar; of all lands ' l’ulrkclal
the best if.” mosthdgslrnble °rMJsh Creek B oks, Suspenders, Neck Tier, Culhrs &(I.;
{:rniznugglgtlec ‘nlLShOPS’SrChomawses’ S ups and Perfumeries; {also some (PHONES
, .0 mm ms;E?“e::;E:E”';J:f::;r*:?,.!';%“'§:”:;:
:qnencd to “u on the subscriber-i, residiuglfi ea. He . invifei; outrun frnmhtowu and
clean. ‘
fi‘The Live Stock. Panning U oils, and lc nu" and "u“ M sm‘lufiz-‘igmérnounp
the Crops, wquld also be sold private y, should :3 "
- ,_A_ J .1... Pnnnduire to‘h ve “"
the pun-chasm" of the 171 m desire to‘h ve chem.
July 17: 1865
A Sfilandid Fan-m?
P 13+AOR|€S FOR SALE—SIOO to the
person bringing a purchaser withip 90
day: from date. This firm, 8} mules north of
Gettysburg, on Cnrhslc road. will recommend
itself. A bra-gain of $1,090 on be badby
purchasing soon. Title good. . '
Aug. 2!, 1836. t! *
For Sale. =
‘WO CHOICE FARMS, in the im
nedinge neighborhood of Getty:-
bnrg—Bnikdinzl and Land good. '
Genylbnrg, Aug. 14, 1866.
A Few 730’s '
TILL on hand and for ulc u THE FIRST
GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier.
o“. 9. 1865. s: .
OOD ClDER.—§ugt recniud :2 Dr. R.
G HOW'S Drug Stops, thy pure 8:11-
p an offline for nruervinc Cid".
I RE not only unexrelkd, hut lhey are nh
‘ aolulely uwualled, by any other Reed
In trumem in the country. Designed expruss
15' [or Churches and Schools, they aye found
tore equally well Named to the parlor and
d: ‘wing room. For s_ule only by
j ' E. M. BRUCE,
No. 13 North Seventh 51., Philadelphia
4‘; vAlao, BRAI‘DBURY'S PIANOS, and n
-plele usortnflent of the PERFECT MB
maux. ’ ‘ [UCL 2, mos. 1y
BM Picking.
nuns, the American people have sum-red
er a four yen‘r’s war, during which timo
- have bedn bnrtbened with heavy :nxca
frequent drafts. j
> xn wanna. The «venue: of trade hnd be
.. e the plicl of gum”. purl
lgriy 01.0Tlil¥G, hnvxhz reached a high
:ufird, causing mmy '3l pun-lot {0 become
k in tho kneeh, und say to himself, when
1 these things bud?
.uny :\ m-11-10-do man, who
{niked the szrrets in “rum!-
T’i“ conn-qucnce o! the ham
‘ compelled to go about In
:Ppitco‘usly oflhxs md slate of
.\'D wnxnna,
'unner tunes “1:
o h. and who DOT
i'es, hns been‘
2 , complaining
ow, Tnznsron
old issue my I’
ll eoplellmtthel
at .s I am conce
a - domgbusing
hwing just rem]
pningllle large
)- hing ever bro
n. all the I
‘ !, mexuu B. chxlxo,
:I)CI..\M.\TXO.\', saying to
Avenues of trade, at loustso
ned, time been opened, and
La on I
rned from the City, I am now
I. and best selected stock of
lg)". to Gen) sburg, embmc-
.8 FOR MEN AND [_lthS,
fine filtihg Dress and Busi-
Cnsslmt-ze, lek, Snxin and
as and Basins” Pants, 0!
and size, Uudcl Clothes 01
A 153, _
-- ung which are
‘: Cons, Cloth,
. ton Vests, Dr
3' stylc,qualit
‘ y description.
s, Collurs, Neck-Lies, fius
Ikr. Also. '
'm racing Glov
my 593%"?
IA-crunlcons, Viuiin Mxinqa,
Ciuthrs Brusln'a, ('nmlm,
Straps, Sow, Spurtu-lea.
17 l'cnmls7 Pens, and Domi-
as Violins, I
«e, um am
oral and Run
"a, PM] Kuho
.. .nm. _‘
> 'NKS, CARI-3‘
'l‘ “mm, I'umuzu. \3,
é of cri-rylhlngwiflgw fvmm!
axing: made our pun-Imam
fzwomblc 111 c, we are pre-
Ip. ‘3 -
[um THE PLACE. ‘
m indeed a 11m
1 hii bloro. I
:- ,xL-h, andgnt .
:u d m srll che:
I you de~ire
u 3L of good m 1
xrsch‘es, nnd S’
pt. Is, 151:5. I
10 have n gum] fining suit,
orinl, (all and exumiuc for
I F. n. mvmxu.
thing New.
xcuouwzu a m'wsou, (mun-
. So‘m
GU.“ SP 'j
can: mung! CO., H. .
his celebrated Drill is superior to any other
ma hine of the kipd yet introduced to the pub
lic. aAmong its n‘tlvuntnges nre thes’f—lt dis
lri ate; the grai with perfect regularity. It
he r choltca or! breaks the grain. Rough
are ad, or fast or! slow driving, will not Vnry
the quantity sowa!ta the acre. It cnu be rcgui
lnt d wh‘ilst In motion. The tooth or shovels
are so construr‘ted as not to break “hm com
in), in conuml with roots and stoma, but
Epr ug hack to their proper IeCEE. It will sow
Jy kind 0! grain with tho same hupper. h.
15* measures thelquantily ofgmin to he sown
he acre, and is 51mph: it} its construction
(‘ll;in mnnng d.
for sowing ALL KINDS of.
lost -mnk(‘s the Uni] perfect.
. saw; the gmin um] mmmrcs
same time. This construc
men! is very simple And is
{will sow l'tom one to twen
, acre, and the feud can be
in muuun, to exit poor or
‘5B luv-chines need only be
d. All who have tried them
his invention
)u no and Comp
nr complvlc. It
he ground at the
1010 f the Anne]
.IS ly rcpnired.
y ushe-ls to the
e: 1! Med whilst
icl ground. Th
001 to be admit-(-
Illa mosl comply“ arrange
use new «Miami to the pub
t'ert|fic.xu.x cnn be produgt-d
l- -ers in Fuuklm cunniy and
' ”ounce them
lL‘ L fur the purp
c. Uundreds'dt
ru 1 [mum :11 m 1:
ove that. the nnclnnu Is no
given amine salliéfucfiou in
L‘lms lrcuu hind.
n I.lr_vlzm.l l" p
u hugY and has
» ry use where
“mun \\ mus, Agent
ig. 7, 16C.5
lprmg Goods.
‘.‘s 6: QUICK SALES.
1.1.1.. SC'HIC'K‘
In] respectful] say to [he cilmens at (id-i
urg and vici ily, Hm! he is no» rcccning
‘s atoreasple dxd ‘
'1“: stock conlsists in pm), of Fancy and
pie DRY GUflDS, 03‘ every description.
1 Ks, ‘
. CHALLms, A ‘
f “qualities and choicest styles, whi'ch will
ALL mm
f all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton
_ ndkcrclliefs, Gloves, Sim-Kings, kc.
130, a. splendid assortment of RIBBONS,
es :nd Edgings, Umbrellls and l’xrusols.-’
stock bf WHITE GOODS will be found full
. c'omplute, and customers may rely upon
ays getting good goods at (he‘lov‘vcst possi
prices. ‘
entlemen will. find it to then [Advantage tc
a l_ and examine my stock of
all _quahties and choices: styles. ‘
Notions and Confections.
pril 24, ‘.865
ng. 7. 1865. 1x
ministration on dig can“ of Jucob‘flenre
\ eof lowa, deemed, lining been game-Ho
‘ - undersigned, residing ig Mountjoy tonn
ip, Adams county, 11,1 be hereby gives
. (ice In all persons. indcbwd to said mm to
ks immediate pn'yment, and those ;luvi‘ng
x inn agaiuuthe inme to present them proper
:nthenticflcd for settlement.
:‘ Isuc momma, Adm’r.
Sept. 11, 1805. 6: '
! ‘ulamenlny on the cum: of Jacob bin--
13:11, In: of Conowago township, Adams co.,
(1 ceased, baring been gunned w the nudg
u ned, reaming in Oxford townghip, be
h reby given notice to all persons indebted lo
id estate to nuke immediate payment, and
t on having claim: against the mm: to pre.‘
l at them properly authenticated for nettle.
0c; 2, 1865. 3311' \
" UEENSWABE—in fnfl set! or in‘iecu
Q A large mpply 93:: be fcund u
. n wumcn'.
pump! 1:411: 135000.
m: nun-rut unmn 03:1!!! ‘6-
SURE nmldota‘hr sicknon, and a ramp;
from Borrox, Pain aunl “ism". ,
Bryan's Life PlllB,
I\HRILY vnnzrnnhl.
are «rimmed to In the DES PHPAMLY "80L
CINE for gene: \1 rue,l’\lfifymzmofllood N
cleansing lhn lyiwm from All impurity. 3
reznht. the‘Stmmch..LHjsr MI: Biliary Bv.
crelil-IH'. whi‘th iflhe chic! ("Inge of Ngrvons
nus-I', Gi'Hinnss, Divnneu of Sight, Hv-ndxwhe,
Sick Stom wlrnnd other k‘lndrcd comphinu.
Hundreds of Certificate: cm] be Shown
The) huvc bcl‘n'uscd by thunuuda wi‘ll anccoi
are nth ml [or all ages and con:li~lnfluns.—
They urrcomposmi 01 the naive prinvlplea‘ o!
Her-u and Ruou, culerl fiam oin “1‘”! Ind
foresuf Tlmy mu: mihl but certain in than!
opumliun-pwdncinz neithar clumps. gllpiul,
pmns m uickuuaa. Tue; maybe tsken by I"
ages, sexes 0} conditions wimont font. :
BSYAN'S LIFE PILLSJJxIr-a fimglncho.
BHYAV’H LII-‘l’. PILLS, Cure Sick Stomach
B'H’AN‘S MFR PILLS. Pure Giildineu.
mu'ax's I.lm pmm, purhythqmaoh. ‘
A nm of [Hugh's LIF’E PILLS will cost but
mu] 'will :xcu'nnplh‘x all «1m is rvprcwntfid. '
Thcynse (‘lt’e’ mu] put up by um nmpriLlur,
Hm i'un-nrm uf HZ: .'.\‘\' a I'L’LJIUVUL WA-
Flili)‘, A mudmiuc law: and {monthly kuuwu
to NH: Armrxcm hum”.
1:301: wi;‘.wUA.:m’a, Ln} Pills. and mum):
gm, than) m'ynurdruggl .l, don". lum' .my m‘ur,
but .wnd Tn uni) -fi\'u UNI“ in n h um hrghu
pnmrlmor, nnJ you \HH gm Lin-n; by rchurn u.‘
mm}, yuan-p. 114. Addie”, ‘
‘ - Inc. J. may. -
411 Brondway, .\'.-w York. . l'. 0. Mn . In)?”
- I‘m-lug mu be sumd’xcd by n. n. \s HAUL-3.35
CO., Wholesale Agents, .\'- \\ Yum.
lon Tn: UNrormmXTM.
r 'l'lljfi, and do [int iulu Heu- ‘.\ ‘1?» I. Him-‘3
l-umms, nud X 0 CHANGE UK" 2m"? 1:; MI.
Ball’s Spemfio Plll3
.\rc in All casus, {or the Speedy nun
Permanent o|er qfscmlnnl “'.kncss, Ureth
ml and Vnkinul Dischnuzc', Glcé', Scx‘lul
D'isca-‘cs, Emiaainns; Impotence’. Genital and
Nun.” nobility and dizC‘JSUS of the BLxddur
andKidnq-s. ' ' ‘ .
l‘lu'y uré adapted for male or fem \lc. old or ‘7
.young, null am: the only reliable known furtho.
cute of ull .lismros arising from
In, all St-nml Diwusvs, us (:mmrrho'l. H’rfp
thw, (Hm-1, mu! in ull Urumr; uwl Kidney
mmp'minu, they act like u ('hnrm. Bvliul [3
cxpL-riL-uuul by mking n single brx; nul {rd-u
lulu: to 51: boxes goucmlly «111-(1.1 mrc. _
Suld in boys comuiuing '3()‘pill€,.[’rice _Oua
'Do‘.l.xr, or six buxuq, l-‘ive Du” Ira; Him. in
huge inn-‘4, containing four of the small, I’nuc
Three Denture. ’ '
Private Circulars to Gentle‘men only, Rent
free on n-u-ipb of directed envelope uud .lu‘mp.
If you need the Pills, cut out lus ndwrmc
men! for reference. and i“yuu cannot. prawn:
them of} our dnuggist do nol. be imposmfpn by
nny mixer remedy, but. enclose the money in a
loner to , \
nu. J. my”, Luna-dune: Physicl;
an. ‘ ,m, Consulting I’hysiclhn,
Box 5079. 442 Brumln‘ny, .\'pa York.
and ”my Will be sent to you secure from Mm
scrmLidn, by return mail, post—paid, on receip.
of the money. ' ‘ '
Dealers supplied by Drmtn Unr'u’es in CO.,
Wholesale Agents, New York- ;
Dr. Harvey’s Female Pills,
V VHS moat. infinllihle, nnd popnim‘ I’emcdy
ever known. for all diseases of the foumic
scx‘. They have been use-l in many thousand
cnsos wuh_uhfuiling aueccss—an’d gnny‘be ‘rc
lied on in every one lur which lhuy are H?-
commended, and purticulnrly in ull ensuinrls.
ing from . _ - .
no mn'ter no [l.llcnuaeiturises. They nru
I'm-« Inn! in rcflring to health nll who um suf
fm-ing Imm kanoss and Dehllity, Uterinn
Diwhargd, .\'o'rvouaunsa, dam, Jun, hm, nml
they “Acle'nen Chnrm," in slrclgzlhming the
533 mm. "‘l'housmlds. of lnan who hue Inf
ll-u-d tnr units had tried vurimls elm-r Arulun
divs in mm. owe a renewal of their 112.113.!) and
strength “ holly tn’thc efficacy of "
T'hPy nlO ficrl'ccfly harmless on the system,
may be kac'n nl any time “ile purlcct SMP!) ;
but, during the burly stugrs of I’M-gummy they
should run. be m'nuu, or u 'miscmri tgc~ may ho?
the rcsult. They never‘cuuse nny sickness
pain or diaerSi. ' The!) box contains 60 pins,
l’dec One Déllur. ‘ .
n remedy for =pgciul cures. fuur (In recs strong
er thnn the übove; Prim vac Doll 112-: [.or bux.
A l’rimte (Tirrnlu lu Lmlics with fine tum
tnmicnl enplminga sen: free on ready. of di.
roctel envelope and stamp: ‘
th this out ifynu _desire Dr. Harvey's
Pills, nmljl'gnu cannot. plocure‘thcm of your
. -.;lst, do not take ‘itny other, fur somu
den era “flame unpnncipled will muzm'nenl
otlmr vall9 Hill, they um make It Lu‘gux
profit (Sn—bu: enclose the money and send d;-
ruct to ' .
DR. J.~BRYAN. Cmml'lmg I’liyqic'mn,
Box W 79. 44.: Brnndwny.-.\'ew )lovtkL
find you” will rgceivc them po-i-puilt sect-truly
scaled lrbm clubrmtion, by return nmil.‘
Dunk-rs supplied by Drums Barnes GPCO.
Whul'csaic Agenta,,N(-w York.
The Private Medical Adviser.
{Exciusivciy for Ladies, ’ _.
' K invaluable lg'cfsltise “r 100 pm‘gy Dr.
1.1. Harvey, published for tho tin”? of
the sex. " z ' , , '
On receipt 9r TEN ems, n “war be m:
pfisl-pnid, in a sealed envelope, to 1111 who ny
ply for it. Adan-u
5 DR. J. BRYANyH'.’ Brondwny, N. Y. '
Box 5079. ' ’
Love and Matnmony“ ~
NY Indy or genilcmnn sending mean ad.
A dressed envelope and stump, will rec’d‘ve
Iqu directions 10: gaining the affections of the
'oppo-itc. sex. nnd which winennMe thcm‘to
many huppily, irrespectin of wcnith, we or
beauty. fiddrgg, ' ‘
.- Harlem P.‘ 0. .\'cw York City.”
Errors of Youth.
GENTLEMAN wk) s‘ufl‘Prcd furycars from
Nervous and chiml Dubilily, Nightly
Emimom, and S ‘ innl Weakness, the result
ofyouthfnl indiuycnion, And cnmc near cud
inz his ‘dnys In hopelgss mlicrf, will, 'orythe
nuke of snflering man, send to any one ”head,
the simple mums used by him, which eflccfcd
n can In a. few weeks, nfler the failure 61 nu
merous medicinew. Sam] A directed envelope
and slump and it. WI“ cost you running.
Addresi, EDGA'R TRBNA ,
Slatiou L, 12m SL, New York 12;.
THIRD EDITEON, Fifty l'hunsandéloo
pages, by Bonn 8. But, M. D. A mm
uon, addressed to youth, the married, and
;those Coxnnunm nutmeg. Sentby mail,
[postopuitt on recefiptof TEN CENTS. Asun
lful pecnsnloflhh [mull book bus been .3.»-
'lO 1‘“ Arrucnp, and has saved ‘zhonsands
' "oh 3 life ofumisery, and an untimely grave.
It trash on the evils of Youtblul Indilmfiou,
‘ Self-Abuae, Semmnl “'enkut-u, Embflong,
Sexualmsemeo, Genital Debility, [Aquau of
IPower, Nerve-mus, Premature Decay, hypo
«em-e, ML, km, which mm the infer" from
{gaining we Obligations of flurrinn. :
~ Amie». DR. LBRYAN‘ é .
, Consulting Ph Mei-in' .
t Bu: oom- m ”min gfk.
An. In m 5: Q& . .