The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 16, 1865, Image 2

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    ,t. a t f
Eh: (flaw-i1”.
1 0 irl? FL Acr
éfiii-fiétfizd.‘ £4;
lONDAY lOBNING, OCT: 18, H 365
The reinlt of the cut-non; in this county
pu deay. is given in the :ofiicinl figure”
publiahediu mother column. It will he
peel: that whilst‘the Democrat! eleét the
fl'msurer; Director, and Auditor, with a tie
[or Surveyor, the Itepubliéau cnndidatee
for Ammhly. Prothon'otnry; District Attor-
Fey and Commieaiouer are alubcosaful.
- The loan ot' any part at our ticket could
paaily have been avoided. We hue since
_pnde it a subject of close inquiry with per
pona from the dill‘eynt dietrictsfaml find
tint, whiigt the Republican vote was out
’ _nlmoet to 9 mn— never Zuni thoroughly :0—
Iho Qamocretic ‘vote was he? in all but
three or four diatricta. 11‘) he balance,
numbers of Democrats varying from 15 to
;‘4’o, stayed at home, cementing themselves 1
ii“! the often fatal plea that there “would ‘
honough to carry the county anyhow.” t
Thia ia the mgiu meool the defeat of a
portion of our excellent ticket. though the
neverpaying practice of "scratching" had i
something to do with if too. ‘
These cause: defeated nearly our whole
ticket in 1861, M yell" on several previous
'occasioua—and it seemed that the lesson
had to he lenr.i again. _ ‘ . r
‘ We think it safe to say that more than
four hundred Democrats
the poll; throughout the county. on Tues
dey, whilat the non-voting Republicans
would not uumber‘one hundred. This is
no more guess. It is a firm belief, estab
liahed by information derived from the
‘ best-informed'aources—and we predict now
‘lthnt next. year's result will prove it.
In 1861 we saved but. a candida“ or In?)
In 1862 go swept. a‘verylhing by almost 1: '-
preoedented majorities? The "ugly-2n
home" find "cutting" lessons had been.
len-nod It I dun- cast, but the firlt oppor-i
tnnily I"! sougiit po wipe out: the disgmce.
80 it wiii be again. ' . ~
It should be mentioned nice; "at whilst;
the Republicans were nrotending'to to un
ponoornod about. the ;result and had no
hop. of electing any part of their ticket,
they were gently very Zactivo, and, us I.
pomequence, had their full vote at the polis.
Thin shown. for the innudredtlfftime, ihnt
their professions Ire not. to be lrdated that.
V they must always be» looked upon us doing
M 6m. whoxber they: seem t 9 be doing
it or not. .
~ Then look at the ‘jeutting" bushes}.—
d‘hil county has never had ti more unpopu
lar-individual than McConnnghy. Nobody
liked him—3lmm; eyerybody had some
‘thlng to say to his discredit. And yet when
1! came to voting: not {me in ten who had
threatened to cut him did eo—whilst Dem~
pcrnta were good natured enough to “cut"
their tickets to the extent of electing.lte
fifiblioene _to some of the “105‘. prominent
.ofilcel. Many now no doubt regret their
p'ouree, but it comes to‘o late. Let the re
sult in 1865 he a warning for all flllly'e time.
In thin bdropgh and Highland the vote
‘wee fully out on both‘ sides—and in both
the Denim-rate held the Republicans where
they held them hut year. when the county
gavel; Democratic majority of 411. Had
thefull strength been out in all the districts,
the result. in the'county would not have
teen for dill‘erent. ‘
A survey of the whole field convinces us
that. but for out: confine: Elie Democracy
pf the county would have been gloriously
triumphant. The nine not of folly should
never again occur—and we do not. believe
that i! will for some yenrs’ to come. Thére
j; 90 school so dearras‘that of expei'lence.
The Republicnns have again carried Penn
ayl‘vsnin.’ What effect this~ result may have
,upon national sfl‘sirs time must determine.
It will, of'oonree, embolden’ the Radicals,
end in the next Congress they will endeav
or to force the Administration to adopt the ‘
destructive and barbarous programme of
Stevens and Sumner. ‘Sinlccss in that are ‘
(layer vionld be ruinous in the’ extreme. 1
Bot will they be euccesetulf Not it Pres
ident Johnson is, nswe hope and are dis-i
posed to believe. in earnest about the res-‘
tor-tion policy he has ndopted. It' in enh‘
nostfthen, during the next session ofCon
greu, a conflict will arise between him and 1
the Abolitionists which will throw the ‘
_whole power of the Administration on the
side of the Democrats. This conflict must ‘
result in good to the Democratic party and 1
to the country ;—.—in good to the party, be
en» it will raise it from defeat. to victory ‘
by bringing are; to it tho'more conserve-
Live man; its opponents; and in good to
the country. because it will place it once
more under the control of statesmen who
on nninfluenoed by those bitter sectional
feelings which animate the present leaders
of the dominant party.
We Ire‘ot‘ good cheer as to the future.—.
We here enough faith in President John
son to belieye that he 1!“ not grow Welry
_in yell-doing. even though the bitter Oppo~
pent: of his restoration policy have tri
umphed in Pennsylynnin. We believe also
'ihnt thire is virtge and iconsmncy enough
1; the ightrhenrted am herd-fined Dem
,ooree, {0 hold them together for all time‘to
.come; and we believe that they have only
to hold together and renew each recurring
,confiict with spirit, in order to be succew
{pl in theend. , g
Delnqeretn ot‘Pennqlvsnieepick your
flint: end hold y‘énrseive's in readiness to
N”? the battle next xesri ' ' ‘
The Bufbté Union sayl the Republiagi
nojority in Pennsylvania in about 8.000.
hat you; it "I 30.076. The State i 9 we
hr . Democratic Goverpo; pen fall!
. The N. Y. WWII, allel- "fen-ing to “1.0
Mantle gain; in th 9, joy; and Penn.
”Innis. tomorka: “Tho tide 11.; n“ in
yuan; is; ("or of the Dam party.
pad .1»: 801mb“: Mammy New York
A“ _Ngq gage; 1); hey! majoritiemf'f
- uncanny may; 1
A Inge and enthuiiu‘de Democratic I
meeting In: hold at E. H. Rod's; in New ;
Oxford, on Suturday evening Heels. The
oflicer- were: . - ,
Provident. John [loamy Kym-s.- ‘
Vice Prnidonu. John Lynch. John 8113‘.
“17‘" Hem-y Wolf, George Mackloy. Henry
J. yen. E’q., l-lili‘SlnsleflFheodm Tnugh
inbnugh. John Snyder, eremiah Slaybongh,
Johnswclg, Philip Donahue, Jacob Wii-nt'.
Michael B.'Miller. Michael Alwinp. Capt.
R. McCurdy, Samuel Eucholtz. John Thom
”. 11an J. Kuhn, Joseph Martin, Samuel
lgchnry. Thomas N. Dicks. Hon. David
beglor, Daniel ,Lul'rence, John, Taughm
haugh. A. W. Flémminu.
Secretai‘iea. Thomas G. Neeley, Josr-ph
Wolf. (Abboliajown) Joseph Wolf. (Bulr
le‘r.) Alex. Jacobs. Joseph Klzhn, Jr.. Wm.
Less. Jr.. Jacob Ila-Dunne”, Wm. 'lloltz
worth. Samuel H. Eucholu., John E. Little,
Daniel F. Pitteulux‘f.
m 1:
Dr'. D..S. Pefi'er, C.-lvin M. Duncan“ Eu}.
Hop. F. M. Kimmell and 11. J. Stable ad
dreis'ed the funding. when.“ ndjourned
with musing ohepn. . _A ' ‘
fi’OdHonday evening tut, the‘Demo
‘ crew of the upper end assembled in let-go
number: at George A; Cornell’s. in anklin
township. The meeting orguui d u {Ol-}
lows; E ‘ $ '
President Sainuul Buchar.
Vice Preal ants. John Dillon. Peter Arl
am. John Mkenrivk. Samuel SE'lhrnflk", l
_Snmuel Binge uh, Henry Pntturil‘, Gmrge l
A.Corweli. Andrew Kump. Wonsheplmnl.
James Rose, 99 er Dillon, Wm. Kuhn.
Samuel L'auver. J n Manner. _ l
Seqremries. J onep Saylor, George Taylor,
David: Powell. Jase h it. Warm-r, llv'nry
Shultz. Jr.. Url‘rfkkwell, Isaac Lanver,
Admin Dem-(Sufi; ilmthheely. .
Wm. A. l) ncan, Edq” and 11. J. Stable
were theapeakers. The -eting adjourned
with cheers. ’ 4 '
‘fi‘The meeting in the hurl-house on'
Monday evening was a hands me demon
stration. Hon. David Ziegler p esided, m:-
sisted-vby a number of Vice Presi ents and
Secretaries,‘ but the list having bu.- mis
lai<l._;ne are unable to publish it.
Wm. McClenn, 13~q...,ma(1e 2 Ella but
telling iipeech—when he introduced on.
Francis M. Kimmoll, of Chumbex-sbu .
who encliuined the ‘nttentinn of the lug
audience [or en hour and it half. eliciting
frequent applause. We had not the pleas-l
ure of hearing the Judge’s speech, (duty
calling us in another direction.) but we]
hearit spoken of in the highest terms by
Democrats. They all pronounce it ,3 greatl
speech. , The Republicans winced not a
little under it, and the trouble‘tlieir lenders
went to to brenl: its force shows that they
tested it' would hear heavily against them.
The meeting adjourned with three cheers
for Judge Kimméll and three for the Dem
ocratic ticket; , . ' I
The retums from the Stlto coma‘in vety
slowly; They areflremlghs the Age) com
municate}! with hut little. if my more
promptnels than in the ante-telegraphic
days, when railroads and stage coaches
were the media of intercourse. The apathy
which characteriivd the recent. contest in
most parts 6; tho Statp, is fully equalled by
the absolute indifi‘erencewilh which its re
sults seem to be regarded. 14h the returns
rccéived, however. meagre; as they are, we
c'armot fail to read that the “sober ‘second
thought” of the people has not even‘yet
been brought to b?“ sufficiently upon the
evils which Republican mnl-ndministmtion
and corruption. and magi fanaticism, have
brought upon the country ;fimt the hour
for the triumph of right has not yet come._
That it will come—however we may rcgrct
its tardy approach—Mohave no more dnubt
thnn thntlruth is eternal, am] that, though
obscured for a time in its contest with er
ror, it must eventuqlly prevail. "
I Like Peuns‘ylvnnia. Oliio was carried by
tlfellepublicanp on Tugsdny. The Demo
crats havie gained largely in every part of
the State, but not sufllcienlly to ova-Come
the immense majority of last. year. The tPle‘
graph snys the Republican majority in that
State vqill not be Qver 24,000.. There is
much in this to encourage the gallant
“Buck‘eyej.” when we take into considera
tion the fact that the majority against them
last. year was about. 100,000 l _
The vote of Adams and Franklin' was
cast. up by the Return Judgeapn Friday
last. It stands as follows: i .
Duncan’s méjority in Adan“, 91
McConaugh‘y’s mnj. in Franklin, . 57
Duncan’s majority.
It is likely th‘at a lew ngldieryotea nfay
com'e in. but Duncan’s election‘is generally
coaceded. '
, wThe election over, we shall again he
able to give a greater variety' of reading
matter—something to entertain, inform
and instruct everybody. The literary and
news departments will be‘well seen to—the
agricultural end dqmesticl likewise—whilst
in poligiu our readers will be kept posted,
especially in regard to the doings in Con
gress and the Legiilniure. The radical:
will make A heavy “set.” against President.
Johneon. and ‘.the con lest which will ensue
will be an interesting if not. an exciting
one. The newspapers will, therefore have
many matter- of moment to present, to
their 'readan. and we are determined that
the Gmpilcr shall; give its full share. All
such,'lhen. a: desire a paper ebtirely up
with the times in everything. and the ear
heet'advocato of correct. principles, should
not ml to secure the Gunpiler.
. Campaign subscribers desiring the paper
Coho continued, will piease so inform us
(hiring the present week, either by letter
or otherwise.
Black EyeLT—vA violnnl free suffrage man
in the Flint. Ward yesterday was attempting
to eonkol the vote of: wounded soldier,
who was favorable to Democrltio principles.
In the course of his hamnguemhe free suf
frage man said that any soldier who voted
the Democratic ticket. was a' [lntimi
Wheleupon the wounded velprap hi the
Abolitionist. a severe blow over the ,eye.
which caused um free suffrage man to lélve
the polls in double quick tithe. It was the
pnnnimoua opinioqof all‘who witnmpd _tho
performance that It served the Abolition-
I!“ righfii—flun-ieburg Patriot «2 Umg,
——r~ AMOF-r __.,_
”Mr. George P. Eckenrodo hu nmoved
to‘Potuville, taking his drp-mure on San".
.dny gouging list. George WM on; of our best
tullon, and nlwuys clever and ncgommodnu’nz:
Whilst we‘regret his region), wp mgsz it yin
his to his ndyhnyge. He is eopmenqled to‘ flu:
Lay-9‘l- pflkb‘e‘ fay-yank", ,
”We-gore "quested t 9 mu (but the
Soldien’ Reception he: Peep poupogeq
Al 9 some fqturg tithe: ‘ ' " '
'. ."x ‘
'1: 4w
7"“ "3"5- , I OFHCLAL won 01' ”AIS 000 R”,
President Jobmon bu promised (but i 0m” & 60mm!“ Tuna", 001‘. 10, ll“.
Kentucky Ibfll “10ny be relieved of both :W
nmrxial hm and the colored my". andi WQODI—WOODI—Such 0! our subscriber:
that the Iblflel of the Freedman! _Butm; “ Mariya ing for the Gary-'1" with '0“, ,
3hr“ be-eorfecled. _ rare requuug w dpiiver H. 9001!. The noun“!
Tug]; Brenden: granted X 45 pan-439n- ou '1“, '.m stove-humid; I 901! m. ' *
ny. " ! .-., .-WL-__..-__L.
Libtgeul C. Berry has "covert!!! iudp. us "‘1‘!“ “f 135 V!!!” TAXES.;:J_ohn
men'. In the Supreme omm 1» Prmghkoep- ‘ L. Tile, Deflector o! E 8,. Tun, gin, who .
Bie. N. yr “7.33.00 Igmnst: “‘8 U-i's- Hay-11h“ #lO anus} useumenl for thin mutipl'
“232: {0" Illega. arrest “3“ Imprisonment 'F‘ hanging been completed, all ruidenu‘ of “lii“
1 . I be iDiVilion who hue been uleued, Ind no lie-I
“3:2; ifi'ébgflfigrrnnpsm 0'“ on fe-esub- ‘ble for taxel, on Cmiagel, Slsughlered (hula, ;
A new counterfeit $lO greenback is out. “nut-Mm?" aneenea, {noomq or," ‘mdoi
It. is badly executed. , - ‘or oceupnuon Ipeclfled 1n mp Excise I", tre‘
Mrs. Inga-hum, ‘in" of Gen. Lee, has g required tomnke payment n his Oflipe, in the;
lnken the oguh. 'borough of? Gettysburg, on or before Funn’;
Presidtmt Johnson hu‘ given up his
Southern trip.
The Presiden't on Monday pardoned Gan.
Humphi‘eya, the newly elected Governor'of
The Navy Department has ordernd a
steamer 'to prepare loln tn Hanna tn bring
the ram Stonewall to the United States.
It. is estimated thnlso,ooo Americans are
now miourninu in Europe, an! spending at
the raw 0f5100,000,000 in gold annually.
Young Ketchum announced on Mgnday
through his counaaE. that he would plead
guilty to the indictment of lorgery.
Two cottrin wamhousei. cnntaining 5.800
bales nfcoflon. have been burned at. Mobile.
>Ex-M'nyor Lonnx. of Wndnington, has
bet-n ielensed from Fort Mcllenry.
Gideon J. Pillow called to thank the
President for his pardon on Thu‘rsday week.
The North Carolina Convention has de
clared the secession onfinunce hull and
A severe earthquake shnok Sun Frnnniqm
on Sunday, seriously damaging many but!-
Gennral llumphrnys’mr-jnrity for Gover
nor ot'steissippi will be about [O.OOO.
Sbcrelary HurL-m is to be acnndidate fox
ro—olenlion to ‘the Senate from lowa.
J. C. WatsonL astronomer at Ann Arbor,
Michigan; announces that. he discovered a
new planet on Hominy night.
The publimed statements of the cause of
Wm. L. Yuncey’a death are contradicted.
Martin Kallnfleisch is the Democratic
nmhinoe for Mayo: of Brooklyn. N. Y.
Jon. E. Dwiu. brnlhei of Jell'erson Davis,
has had his property He. tored to him. The
prnpcrty ol' theexmebel Gen. Wu). 'l'. Mar
\in has also been restored: '
The Provost Marshal's office: at, Wash.
or. 11:15 been ordered to be closed and
reveal. Marshal mustered out.
returns from all but. [our mum in
icul give an nnli-negro-sufi'raga ma
wer 6.500.
The 1 ..,
ing Or. has been
the I'OVOaL Marshal n...
- Ful returns from all but. lOu.
Connec icul give an nnli-negro-suffragu -
jurily of ver 6.500. a
,A colli‘u u occurred some days since be
tween two hild regiments Ind 8. colored
regiment at fMucnh,»Ky. ~chen at the‘
colored men w. .re killed.
The re-eslabli men! oflight-houses nlongi
the southern co. t is progressing. Lnrgnl
appropriations wi bu reqiiired Io com-l
pleto the work. l
L. Pope Walker. ~31 relml Seclelary ofl
War. has been pardon l. Up to the preq-l
out. time 3,000 pardon-5' ave beenfimnler‘l.
A new weekly paper, 0 be called (hel
Virginia Sentinel. is m be m led 31. Warren
ton. Va. A new daily pup rto he styled
the Vul/ry V-rginl'nn. in to e started at
Slnzlnmn. by Mnjnr A. M. Gar er. .
,I-‘ive wealthy farmers have he n arrested
in Canada for counterfeiting Amv man nil
ver, in which they had been engn d (any
years. '
Highway robberies are of comm oc
currencexin the Penmylvanin oil reg'ons,‘
and vigilance committees are being I". 1-
ed therefor protection. On Sunday a g .;
tlemnn was robbed while on the way 1. '
Slum—fin of $1.500 nml hi~ wulch, und left.
for dead uan the road.
Two cases of Asiatic cholera M‘f mid to
have occurred at Southampton, Finland.
The yellow fever is reported at Swnmen.
Champ Ferguson. the guerrilla, lmq been
entencr-d tmhe hanged. i’l‘he President
hns nppxoved of the sentence.
The relwl Gen. Imboden ‘was' in Wash
ington on Monday. ‘. '
The Chicago Time: rocq’r-ls the death of
W. S. McCormick, of the cream firm of
McCormick &Co., reapers. He mix! una
tive ofierginia.
Within a few days the Freedman’s Bu
reau has made restilution to eleven parties
in Loudon county, Van. of property valued
at over 3.200.000, heretofore held as nban
doned. ()rdels have been issnéd for the
restoration ofnther property in London and
Alexandria counties.
All the members of the South Carolina
Convention have been pardoned by the
The Twentyvthird army corps—colored
—now stationed on the Rio Grande, is to
be mustered out of service.
.Ballimcre on Wendncsday went through
the form of electin’g a city council. ' There
was qnly one set: of candidates, find only
7,500 votes were polled. - _
A delegation of Soutlf Carolininns. ap
pmnted by Governor Perry :1: the request
of the State Convention. is in Washington,
Etegceding for this pn_rdon of Jefienon
The President lnua issued a proclamation
restoring the aupnnmt-y of CW“ law in
i All the government shops in Savannah
have been closed, and the employees dia
charged. .
Rolls. Missouri, is. to be Loon gbolished
as a military post. The military will all be
withehnwn from Southwestern. Missouri.
The War DPparlment is about to issue
smi ordnr for the discharge of all colored or
ganizations not on duty. ~ -
Important ProclamntionuProminenb
Rebels, Paroled. ,
' Exe‘cunve Ornce.
ngmse'rox. October 11. 1865. }
WHEREAS, The following named person.
to wit: John A. Campbell, of Alabama;
John H. Regan; 9!" Texas; Alexander H.
Stephens, of Georgia ;George A. Trenholm.
of South Carolina; and Charles Clark. of
Mississippi. lately engaged’ in rebellion
against the United States Government, who
are now in close custody, have made their
auhniismon to the authority of the United
Statement] ‘have applied to tl~e President for
pardon under his proclamation ; and.
WHEREAS, The authority of the Federal
Government is sufficiently restore-d in the
aforesaid States to e‘lmil‘of the enlargement
ol said persons from close custody. 1! is
ordered that they be released or given their
res active paroles to type" at such time
andl place as the Presi ent may designate,
to answer any charge that/ be they di
rect to he preferred against them, and also.
that they will respectively übide. until fur.
ther orders, in the places herein designated
and not depart therefrom: John A. Camp
bell, in the State at Alabama'; John fl. Re
gan. in the State of Texas; iAlex. H. Sce
phens, in the State of Georgie; George .W.
’l‘renholm. in~the State of South Carolina f
and Charles Clark. in the State of Missis
gjppi 3 and if the President should grant his
pardou to any of and persons, such rpor
non's parole will bedischerged. ‘
(Signed) Axnuw J ouxeox, President; ‘
SAD ACCIDENT.—We tefi'rel to [elm that.
Rev. Dr. V-uon met with I lax-ion: ac'cident
on Saturday week. Whim unveiling on “=6
pnii near Willimcpon, a collision occurred,
and among me bounded Was Dr. Watson,*who
pad hisleg broken above the knee. Imm be
mollecled thét the Dgwtor martini I almjhr
accident 10;: thnn a you ago, mid bod juli to.
covnred frog his injuriel.
7, f'• .
n3l, ru‘zo-ru ISI‘I'AI‘I.
swam Po'rno‘cuurunn—nmng the
past levenl fears our farmers hue given home
of their attention _to the cultivatinn of I!"
sweet pinata, with highly luccenful twins.
The present amen thficrop bu pxo'vad very
fine, and we have seen specimen: which can
not be excelled for size and flavor by those
grown anywhere. ‘ _‘
Mr. J. Rider, of the lover and o! the 903119,
sent us, lac: week, 3 Inc: potato wqim 31
pounds! ‘
Mr. Elias Sponsler,bf Mountpleasant, for
wn 'dt‘d lhe product of: single hill, the weight
of which was )0 pounds and 10 ounces!
Mr. Jacob Evulmrt, pf Highland, made us
a present. ofa find let, one of them weighing 3
pounds l -
Mr. John Clsbmnn, of Stnbnn, nl-o placed
upon our table a bnaket of very large ones.
In flavor we find all the above to be full}
equnl to the long-famous “Baltimore potatoes"
—h\king which fact, » ilh their size, into consid
ernllon, brings us to the co’nclusion that Adams
cuunly "run 1 be bun" in swectpotato culturé.
We have also received some very superior
sweet pomlo pumpkins. Mr. John Cnshmnn,
of Stmhnn, brought gs one of fine size; Air.
Jacob Lou, of Cumberland, two very large
cushnws : Ind In. Jacob L. Firor, of HnmiL
tonbnnfine of the name sort. , =
For all then “contributmow—sweet vpota
toes and sweet potato p‘umpkinsvtbe parties
mnkiu g them have our smcore tbrmks.
. Mr. Geo. A. Bushman has favored uu with sev
‘e r‘ul large red-bun, for which, we are also
under obligations Speaking of reé-hrets, re
mind: us that one tz-ken up in our gurdm the
other day Inc-sued 2 feet linch in‘circumfer
ence. h h a very fine one, but we suppow
some of our friends can broduce larger.
of me estate of (ion-go Jacobs, de'ceaged, ham
sold the (arm of suit! deceased. in Hamilton
township, containing 147 acres and 114 pan-h
-es, to Mr. Michael l.eih,fur $11,817 00. This
is at the mic offibfl per acre, and on lcx‘ms
eqnlvnlrnl to cnsbt ‘
Mr. llenry thlu has sch] his farm, in [him
tinglon township. conmining 153! acres, Io J‘-
cob lag. of Cumhcrhnd county, for “$O,OOO
cash, a: the rate 0" $65 I!) per Acre.
me. 3!. L. Sioever has sold the large lhree
story brick dwelling on the come} of the DM
moud,’ to Mr. J. 1.. 5.11 m, fur '57:.00. Mr.
Suhlck Bmm for sale his fine reshlrnqc now”
occnplvd by him m Cnrlislc street.
Mr. Michael Spnngler has purchmed the old
Himcs nnl Steven? property on the Oppmite
corner of the Dilm-md for $3,900, subject u
an anuml gronnl rent of $4120.
FIRE [VSI'RKNFEJ—Jho Hmrv! of .\{nm
gers of “TM .tu‘um: ("umuyJ/m'mll 1“." luammu;
Cmnpnny," 1m! on \lonlhy list, qnd organized
by chm-Img the following nfliu-rs, viz:
l'resi-Irnl——(} L-urgr Swope.
\'. l‘re-idrM—S It Russdl.
Secretary—U. :\. Buehlvr.
"renulrL-r—l‘l. U. l-‘nbnesmck.
Ex. ('onnuiller—ll. McCurdy, A: Heinlzu 1-
man, Jncul: King. . . ,
' The follmnug slnlrment exhibits the finan—
dul LUTAHLIOH of Ihe Company, viz:—
E: H. Fnhnoilmk. Treasurer, in Account wilh
“The Adnuu Couuly Mulunl I’lz‘e lusuruuce
Company." -
. Dr.
To um't of Notes rucrived from lute
“ Cnsll “
" )lnnngrr'é Acc‘ts, “
“ LCI-ll Irom A. Heiulzcl
mm, 450 00
, “ " “ Gettysburg
Kat., less discount, 447 43
To ".m'l ofl.uuu from Gettysburg
\Nnt. Bunk. less discount, - 296 80
Tu umouul from law Treasurer, in
cl~ ded in Judgment, 751 73
To a uni Stumps refunded, , 100
‘ Interest receivrgi, ”:3 08
. “ Cash premiums receiv- '
ed durin the-MM, 1.183 37
To am" mil ed lrum Aaacssmen‘a, '2,669 a?
‘ - $7.50.; 21
By (lush pnld Peter iehl, leis by
lire, $1,300 00
By Cuah paid Elijah on Sarah
Keller, loss by fire, 167 00‘
By cn~h paid Wm. E. Bid , loss ‘ ;
by fire, 402 00‘
By Cash paid J. George Wol , as: - i
by fire, 13?: 00
1:; Cash pnid Phillip Reddingfl a ' l
by fire, A V 2'! 10
33' Cash paid Bank of Gettysburg,
on loan, . 860 00
By Cash paid Suing Instiwtion, on '
loan, [,O 92
By Gash paid Andrew Hoinuelnun, .
on loan, . . - ‘ 496
By Cssh paid for Printing and Ad- .
vrrfining, E 'l'! 00'
By (Jul: paid for Foliage, .' 13 75 l
“ “ Stumpy. 85 00:
“ “ Collection of Auus- I
By C Ash paid oflicers of Election, 2 25
“ " Manager’s Bill, r 109 no
“ ” Salary of Treasurer, 50 00
“ “ ‘9 “ Secretary, 50 00
“ Notes and Judgment,
bearing interest, 2,018 55
By Cash grem'mms in hands of Man-
B) Cnah 1n hunds of Treasurer,
PERI] DH 1073.
Premium Notes on han’d, last'seulo
mom. , $94,454 95
U received daring
snaps; 95
Erpirlfioun during than", ' 25,075, 15
klol'll'l'Y nun II D
Amqnntinsured“:launttlemen},Bt,33o,243 45
_“ “ dating year, 300,621 28
Emil-Minn: during yup,
ocuulmm rowel".
Nnmbe; ol Polmu “building st. '
luurulmonfi 836
No. 9: Policies inned datingyeqr, 320
. ,
Expinfipna during yeal’,
"um“ lUIDI
Rom Ind Jndguemdi bearing in
men, . ‘ $2,018 55
Gull in hands 04‘ Treasure: uld ‘
lumen, '.’ ' . "33 20
‘ . ‘ f r $2.450 75
Ramp-.lmu.ln,foru, ' :. , 91,890 B'o
‘ £33,341 55
- 'ngazglégn 5.. 65“ .1457. :2.
unmin amnu. suanvon’ anx
~ nun. AND‘SENA'EOR.
. E
5: In E 9 g a
d E I O
, =s' v. 2‘ o
Genyslmrg, 195 :95 194 1» £l9l 257
Cumberland, 129 no 121: 136 :30 133
Gunny, 92 33 92 a; 92 32
Oxiord, m 99 m 93 141 99
Yc.ksprinp,l7s 333 175 333 no 332
mnemown, m 233 m 233 196 21:;
Berlin, am a: 131 07 131 67
Manna. 17 m 71 207 7: 201
Hunumtown, .79 136 179 13a 178 135
Franklin, 213 167 212‘167 22: 157
Gonowago, n a: u! 31 77 so
Heidl.~nburg, .97 82 97 84 99 82
Mountjoy, 109 [lo 109 110 108 .108
Mounlpleulnguo 89 240 89 240 87
Hampton 134 93 134 93 134. 92
Berwick Lon, 2; no 24 50 25 49
Freedom, 35 68 35 68 34 68
Union, M 4 54 144 :54 144 54
Bmm, A 113 14c us :46 m 14'!
Berwick twp., 63 9! 83 21 63 21
Highland, 31 4o 31 4s 31 44
Linlesluwn, b! 80 58 80 60 78
Gettysburg. 192 298 178 310 209 2'2"!
Cumberland, ll!) 136 128 137 12:; 134
Gennnny, a 92 33 92 33 92 33
Oxford, 140 ‘ 99. :40 100. ,141 99
York Spring§,l67 344 m, 338 115 338
.\lxllersluwu, 188 23% 183 2256 1829 233
Berlln. 13'! 66 138 66 1305 U 7
Mrnallen, 76 208 7b, 210 'lB 207
[lumen-town, 177 135 175, 139 179 1:6
quklm, 223 166 210 168 211 167
Conowngo, 78 'Bl ‘l6 81 'l6 80
Irvidlrbburg, 97 B'l 9'! 84 97 84
Mounljoy, 109 110 :06 113 107 m
Monmpleuszmtfldo 'B9 240 39 241 88
Humyton, 133 '93 13+ 93 lit-1. 83
Berwh k hot, 24 50 23 50 14 50
Freedom, 35 68 35 6:3 35 68
Union, 1421 54 144 54 146 52
Bullvr, 108 152 112- 148 113. HT
licrwiLk prz, 66 18 63 ‘2l 63 21
Highland“ 31, 46 31 46 31 4|:
Liltlcsumu, 55 81 57 80 59 78
Treasurer, 51,2” 82
mo 00
36.: U
2071 2000 3043 ‘2«;33‘
[Q‘Democmts In sum. ans. 1
Davis’s majority 16, Lintou's 15. C. MNDunji
Iran's 01, liouck’s 18, Kitzmiller's 52. Wolf's:
153, Krise’s '4, Shud'a 64, Covm'a 22, Pitten- 1
tnrf’s 65, and for Surveyor 3 lie. I
The Return Judges will meet. again in Fri-l
day week, to count and: soldier vmes us may
come 11!
'e undexatnnd that the return ofone soldier
ballot was received on Friday—the tic Li-t be
ing Republiqan except for Commissioner.
.__—«oo> -- ~—
841 an General W. S. Hancock, in com -
[mind :9. Baltimore. accompanied by a. par lion'
of his 9113'. "rived here cn Tuesday. sud!
spent. revel-9.1 days visiting different pnrls of
the battle—field'. The General pnrticqued in 1
--e battle of Gettysburg, And this was his firatr
it since that memomblo event. I
om;- hum mu. :uu bath. anmzmhmlu
tn", PL, Ba. 8. Henry. Mn W.“ H MARKER. of
Adm count PL, to Min JULIA A. 011, u! FroJcnck
county. Id.‘ I
On the m ilk“ .at the am plug. th the tuna, .\lr.
lIANUBL nN‘K, o! “mum". to L u. 030“.“ o.]
ESYDEB, o! Manama-um mumhlfl. Alum: county.
‘On the 3rd mm. \ln 8%. John'u 'nngulinl Lutheran
Church, by the 801.» M. Gllbort. mined by n» It".
'Dr. I. A. Sela. A. no. POll5. 111., to Mill BOYD AN
NA, dough“! a; Dr. 1). "mm, I“ o Phll-dnlphlt.
IGO 32
298 49
134 71
..7..__. . _ . ~._..._ we
I) " 33- ‘ ~
H‘Obitusu noncesx cents per line for all by
over four lines—Null m figfompnny notice. Ip,
on!» w. ofO'etobor. m. mfiuw wmmu. o! ‘“‘
flfiuuqm ton-hlp, Mun ea , P: h yoq or I P
- In H
Yang, u «all; It nu ma. ¢
ml! l’l‘fl, gnaw-Mme; no. I“. lex
mam an, qumsru, ‘ q mu“, “1‘
-valmmafi3hn. ;fl"
am. hm. nun rgo 'hvu'nl. Kn urns, I IN,
All you: 1 monthnnd 15 am. . ‘
On an am. an. in Pour-burg. or aupmm, Easels {'l
uvumngum‘ «can. runner, «a: a mu 10 no
---ntbndflldnyl. , \ 1 ]
3;;-3:12“: haunt, In fnghzhg,“ “mind-281D“: pm
W 0 . mt w I“
nun ad's am. ’ \t 1
$7,503 21
18,511 00
287.890 80
0n the 27th ult , nur ank Sulphur Sprincl, of flip.
fibril, ALTO] INN. dumbin- M John Ya” od 7 an
Hmonlhgmvdql. ,u ,
011'th 29¢ alt, no“ Peunhurg. Mn. CAROLINE,
111. of Abnhun hank, In Ihc flu ynr or her ‘3'.
On an ad lump! dlpmnrin. L“)! A ELLEN. «humor
0"..- ‘3O. I «is par- 10 months ml 25 days.
At l‘dr mnnfuonpilnl. VI . Sept 25th. 186-5. DAVID
RISINOUB. ofCo. B, '4! Envy Axlillnry, and 19 you:
6 w M lid-yo. -
“tough“. GATIIABINB ELIZADEI‘U, harm: a!
Elf-(Id .B. iylor. and 1 month. ' .
up on. no“ hobo. Ind In“ th] rat,
and In mm M. 13. thought. 6: but. ‘
'oron In dull rm: Him shove the “in, ‘
when dn eu- uur coun ud plenum no"; d 1... 1
A l. I. ‘
si,oz’ 73
359,557 63
si,zsl,sos L 6
. Communlcnhd.
On m mornin]. tuna? mums, only ...-n a:
Walk-jihad. Ink-n, god 1 month: and It”.
Illa-Junk” !. -\
0 who. my ugh. I ughing Ipuk,
win no ma void. the Illunec bruk!
All when I, mu:- mn a.- Inn,
Wm 100-mu» moth. II; no!
, “flag on thy Influx ha,
I If.“ an. nun] mm cum,
3.2.0:: Hut-1. sign.
All all m a pin and “'7-
’ Mme: lolly, ah, not out,
could III! thy happy “to.
_lnm "we mvgudqapmfomw.
. .__ _. ,i
2647 2631 2641 2632 106'! 8376
ASSEMBLY, mag; may AND mm-
‘ : ‘: E E E
P ' P E 9' 3
2630 2646.261! 2684 2654 2600
7': l"
E F I, 5. U'C
m ,3 g 2 2 °
F m < 74 ‘1 :-
1/ 9' I: > 7‘
. w 1‘
Genyahnrg',‘ 103 297 194 295 174 313
C unherlqud, 132 133 128 137 1:19 131:
Helmnny, 87 38 86 34 92 321
“.\runl. 141 99 133 107 NO on
York Springs, 175 338 175 338 173 3.18
Millrrslom 11, 11:7 233 188 238 13‘6 235
Hfrlin. ' 131’ 67 136 "68 136 GS
Memflen, 77 208 77 208 , I'7 20:?
l'unr'ohtown, 179 '136 175 140 11‘! 13%
Franklin, 212 167 210 170 J‘JIS 164
Conownga, 'l6 81 69 88 I'l 81
11: itihrsburg, 97 113 91 84 97 £4
\.'uunxjny, 109 no 106 112 10:: mo
Mmmlph-usnntflfl) 89 20.} 111. 240 89
Hampton, 134 93 134' , 93 136 91
nerwivk bah, 24 50 21 52 24 50
Freedum, 35 68 35’ 68 35 6":
Union, 143 54 133, 57 141 54
Ruth-r, 113 116 109 151 113 H":
11' rwick twp., 63 21 \5O 2'5 63 21
Highland, 31 46 :3 4a a! 4.;
Lit‘lca‘suwn, 58 80_ 56 79 58 7D
2w. 2.637153% 2711 2927 20:9
'U I ”7 S
' :1 3 E :3
' =, a- ;
19'! 295 M: ,‘IM
129 136 129 lan
92 33 02 33
140 09 'l4) 95
177 326 1.”?! 32:4
~12"! 23:: . 18:: 2:2
York Springi,
137 (27 H 7 1 I}?
79 206 Tl} 208
Rn lin.
Hunu-rsxown, 130 .135 17!} 136
Franklin, 212 167 V 212 l-z'.’
Conan-ago, - 76 B’. ~ 77 ED
Hoidleuburg, 11l 6! 97 El
Muumjoy, , 109 109 .109 110
.\qunlpleasanl, 241 88 23-! :1»
ll unpmn. - 13$ 93 1M 9;
Buwick hon, 24 50 22 50
Freedom, = 35 63‘ 2:1 as
H 3 145 'll3 Hts
63 21
I“ 46
68 79
Borwiuk twin,
. ‘ liege-1,44 mums.
Thy GRFAW byscohm’ or ms AGE
Thhibh, Famillqn And other: can pun-hue
no remedy “130] 10 Dr. 'l‘ohlu’ Venetian Linl
. meagfor dysentery folic. croup, chronic rheu
mhglub, sore tbs-91M, loozhnche,nee nickneas,
full-Imin“, "railings, bruisu, old loru, herd
; he, mosqnlto bites, pains in the Ilmbl, chose,
i b ck, to: I“: does not give relief lhemoney
l V: II be refunded. ‘All um I: asked la I trial,
I n d use it according to the directions.
! Dn. Tonxu—Denr Sir: lhlve med your
iV uctiun Linimenm in myjumily for I number
90 yem. and beliefs it to be the but article
1' what it is recdmmnnded that! have ever
: u ed. For sudden [muck of cronp It. is inval
u ble. I have no elluuipn in recommending
It for all the um tprolesscs to cure. l have
3 Id It for mun] y .7 . and It gives entire set."
fie action. CHAS. I]. TBIMNER.
ankerlownfll. 11, May 8,1858. '
Price 40 and 80 cents.’ Sold by nll drug-
I . 063 cc,“ ‘ nlsndl Street, New York.
1 0ct.16. In; . 7'4-..-‘.~.. ' . ‘
xxownfin arms swag LIFE.
Every living going has in his syslom l.“-
Ip ‘mnps. WhenLthese are within their un
‘ t- ml limits, our he Ill; is good ; but when they
la-a in excuss, pal Is, colds, rheumatism, gout,
dbility, milked-Lu. dinrrluen, dyaamcry.
' e sipclns,&c., km; “mm 111. What we Imu-
It. do to recover our lieJllh is to take out from
c ceas ‘of impuritil-s. This dune, health lol
‘l. 's ofneceanily. hmuvuxru's mus m
‘ to only medicine ilm can do llfl will: enllre
I ‘ fely to all the argon! of the body. HUN
; D $O5 or Tuuui‘mxns nre now lhing who
'I- we adopted lIIUIMIIII-ITH'S PILLS as lh‘eir
o ly remedy [or periods ol from thin; l'o lil'ly
y.nrs, and “hose ircmge hmlth is «Walla-n.
T ey hnve ulna} cured themselves, wl.en
‘Bi 4:, by main; [hash IXXUCEXT A.\D INF/11.-
; L BLE PILLS. lrincipul ull‘n-‘e, llmndrelh
l B ilding,‘.\'e\\ for ..--> film. 10. lm
iThe under=igne having been restored to
Hill: in n_fe\v w eks by a wry simple reme
| . alter hating su cred several years. with)
wre lung auecti n, Ind that dread dieeaac,
nsumption—is nnxioul to make known to
' I. llnw-sull‘urorsi the means of rure.
iTo nil who desirje it, I]: Will send a copy of
'e prescription nised, [free 01 ch:u~ge,] mtii
P directions for preparing and thing thq
me. which they ill find n :ure curt for Co:-
iurriox, Aswan, linoxcmns, C(H'GHS,CULIIS.
i . The only ulzjuct of the ndvcrlisrr in send
-1 the pres( ruxntiuil is to bent-lit thc'afllich-d.
d spiend inl'unnzition which lie concein-s to
i imul'mlxle, null 1c hdpts every :utl’ercr will
i his ream-Iy, us it will cost than: nothing,
d may prove a I) essinz. u
'l’nrtws wialiil-g the pr-‘srriptiun. will please
mm REV. [EDWARD A. \\':i.sux,
. Williamsbur'ili, Kings 00., .\'u\ l'uxk.
Oct. I’6? dxh‘ I '
R. i R- " IL
SECl‘lll-Il) le THE “CHAN “.\le
lB Pl..\Gl‘E.
- ‘ El l‘lLLl)\\' FEVER, A
. i‘ Lll’TllEßH.
lzl-llJl-J 'lil) l.\' A Fll‘d' MINUTES
Pnin instnnH‘y r‘mm‘cd; n‘l mute, inflzun.
mm). umlurinusTor imnlimu dim-mm [,rp
med and cut-rm‘hmlcd. The “enk, I’m-h]:-
ul Ll h'tHlS rum rd to :lr-wglh. ‘i‘rW um]
unri lmnllh b 33110 use of RADWA Y'b RE \Jn’
DUI-JP. Onflmt 1:: will do more good. L-urc
re- complaints u
ur and he nllhyt
er medicines or‘
Une upphrnlion externally o_r a few drops
iu-u intrxnnlly \ ill mauuul} lrlo lhvsm
or from the was; riu‘m It mm In xriHc pun,
- re~tnru the wank. {Hide mm pruriruléu
me to nrrnglh and \i‘ or. J"
Lnoscrrsa, dinr Lam, (I'uhm lUOILUI or
inl‘ul Jul hur‘us om Illl‘ bum lann- slnppnl
fifnen or luut minuu-s by I-Ling [in E
-3's Head" lh-II f. M» t~ur,-.c~'iox) (.r in-
mmnlion, no “u
\' [he use of the
nr head u luau h
ckiflspmc ur kid“
urny, S“Uiin‘.’s ‘
\Teis. Inmrlhuru 1‘
y’s Ready Rtliel ‘
d'iti (ominuul ‘
83 - 21
29 48
56 80
umneu! cure
Sold by druggi
. ~ mox I.|
mm and NEW LIP.
r lhsrm-su, l‘u
nun-r, Fun.» I
c. Thousnnd~ [ml
- of this medicine
creatures, lo 841
n and women. ‘
- 32 page pamphlet sent Fm.
’rit‘e $1 00 par lmlth- or a fur 35.00,
J. P. DINSMURH, 23 Day 81.. New York.
-uid by Drnggisti‘ generally. [Sept. 25. 3x:
us Jnuzu CLARFI'E Canaan-rm quu
Ls. Prepared {_rom n pxewripnon 0! Sir
'larke, M. D., P ysiciuu Extraordinary to
QuPen. Thisi mlunble medxcine in un
liug in the curelof‘nll moi; puinful nud
gerous disease: ~to which the xemale con
uliOn is subject.. It moderates all excesl
i removes all all-traction, and a. speedy
e may be xelied on. .
0 MM ried Ladies 11. is peculinrly mini—-
‘ ill, in a short time. bring on the monthly
iod with regularity. '
ach home pricg One Doll-Ir, be”! the
ernment ‘Syrmp‘uf Great Bribfin, to pro-
E t connterl‘eiu. _
usual—These Pills should not be taken
,chalel during the unit ‘flllll non-ya: of
Ignancy, as they are sure to bring on Illi
ringe, but a: any other time xhey Ire safe.
In allcueé ofh'enous nndSpinAl Aflecfionl,
In: in the Back and leha, FMigne on alight
Inion' Palpihlion of the Heart, Hysteria, i
. Whitel, these Pill: will efl'ocu cure when ‘
{whet meanl haw: failed ; and although I‘
I erlul medhno not. conuln inn. calomel,
I'mnymnnytlung hurtful to th- cqnsmn- ;
'ull directions in tho pamphlet lfolfld each
it?“ which Ihauld he cnxefully preserved.
01 by all Druggisn. 8010 Agent. for thc
ted swe- and Canada. 1
JOB MOSES, 27 Cortlandth,,N. Y.
'. Ila-41,00 And 6 posing» stamp- enclosed
' q authorized Agent, will insure a b 91410,
mg»: no Pun. by mm mix. Sold by
E.' shin. . [Nam 14, 1864. ‘l} - 1
: Mum 1x A BAD cwsz
hone wh‘hxlgll in the rebel nnh undoubt
' dO, iI rbolilh. Bun on the cum hand
hone who ”-0 xi“ 3nd prudent enough to
remedy the dafgcll of unite with
l o'impuvonqs HAIR mug.
doing In”; day, inwvery City or m. u.
-, in eminently ptfluu’qflhy. Thi. pence.
lrgvolution i. going nix throughout the
I; a land, 3nd lbubennly IN human, sup
lyomelinul and incongrn . flung",
:. by 1. 03139130 110,1“. rim: Ham,
lYork. Sole by Dtngglm. Ahmed b, ‘
dv :wum. £51., SK“, In) ‘
.1 km-p the stn‘much lmuc
In In: doll'rs speuL fut ail
bottles in use
Command of Mull!) cm "pupa-r.) mums
from r'ouu nnvl h: 1b: of llu lii-,hnl nmhLin-l'
\ahre are iulnillbh’ in l'ut-uur (:1 u)! dump” of
llzu Lin-r or any drrnngc‘ml'nl ul fiu- lhgvsuw
“mum. Th“) ILm-vvc a” In puuliu of ILu
lii-:ud, and Mr unupmlui In [ln-wrc of llmn.
hm I, JMmdirc. D. Olin] Ln. ficrufnln, mm...
nus, UlurfummeJ, [u 91;, Hrudm In», P 11".
Aim-L'uriul Din-nus. Urrniuun} Hnn'nrr. I‘nn,
iur Mulls, um- pill in, the umlnil y.;b.ldun
)mlfu pill. me .um: lo Ilnrlc [libs win! cnro
Ordiufllj'ta'tzrnml Aron! one ‘.O IBM? Imus
“ill nu‘le mi.» cur-Able cnsv of no mun” lum'
I=long handing. I’ricc SLUU lu-r Lox. deu
3,lmd at .\'o. 87 .\lniJen sum lic-«l or mu! luy lunil. '
'. [Ud- 2. 3111 I V. llUf‘l‘ TALHUTT, M. D., J: CO.,
-' '7' 6‘: Fulton St. Lew Yurk
THE shown. I . . , ' ’ ‘
Y!“ r snppln-s flu- b'nod: Juno “’ ISCJL. 1"-“,-,-
knc-s u_r luthlluuc “ill In]
L R. Léluf
.\XI) I‘MXF.
m. r sh-kur lll‘l‘lOllS; rheu-
wins and \unknu: in the
_ut, Imin: around lin- liter.
‘0! Ult'juillls. pninsvinihe
m 1 puins ufnh kinda, Ruth
\ 1“ “Iran! immt-dini.‘ case,
he tut I: luv days (fired a
,l l(U.\',lnfusinzSmnm'n,
"i'inm th- \rlml_(- systsmn—
may. (‘nuosxc LlA'lmenA,
I‘}:.Axbrss,&c,, n. is uspc~
we been thnncnd by the
from weak, sit kly. suffer
‘ ong,‘ healthy mud-happy
Opt. 16, 1865. St hung". -
Nance. "4
q! Idminlurntion pn thp out: ‘bf‘s‘mnel
illflud, late at Tyrone townfiui‘pfgdum;
county, decened, hlrjné been grant“ to thé
undersigned, the firu plum! relidlngst: the
"me townlhip and the but mum! in bu,
townlhip, they hereby give notice to I" per:
sons indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, Ind thou having claim! I that
the nut to prenppt them pwpcrly nu enti
and for mama? -
4 /' BEDERICK QUICK“; tat-fr-
Qct. 16, 1865. 61.
_Enm- or Conan—Dental! :o—Wllh your
permission, I will! to n; h lhe ruden’bl
your paw tlml will and, by reel-p mall, to
I“ who with n (free): recipe with» Hill dinov
I (long fog moshing and ualng 5 simple “Refill“:
Balm. that will effectually remove, in it"
I am, Pimfles. Blotches, Tun, Freckles, Mull!
,Impnfl‘h a! the Skin, leaving the Inn. lofts.»
'clenr, Imoolh, Ind beaulllul.
[will also mall free to those Inn-lug Bald
Head: or Bare Paces simple dlrocglonl mud in
formulon, that. will enable them to yin-tn full
growth of Luxurinn: Hpir, Whlnkerl, or .
Moustache, in less than thirty days.
These reclpes are valuable to hath nld and
young, and u lhby are mailed to all n+o my!
.Ihem "(:9 of charge, they are wonky we at:
lentim of nll who prize a clear, pun: I la, a:
I henlthy growth or hnir. " ' “ "
All applications entered by tclqrn 3L”
without charge. Respectfully yours,
Chemist. Md Perkin",
83] Broldwny, N. F!
Aug. 14, '65. 8t
This Sunfl‘ lml thoroughly proud halt to by;
the be“ article knowxi for curing Nu. Cuhtlh.
Qold in the [lend and [lend-chm It In. boon
found In excellent remedy in many can of
Sore Eyes. Dca'fuesa lml been nmovod by 'll‘
and Hauling h'u can bccn greatly Improved
by its use. _ '
It. is frugmn: and agreeable, and mu: ll-
Msbn‘u RELIEF to tllu dullhuvy Imin: clued
by disease: of the beni'Tho unannioul ANN
using . nre drlighll‘ul‘nnd"'m'ixumliug. H
«one and [DHUICS out n" obsll'sctin sin-ugh
ens the glands, and given I hwhl‘uclia to
the parts “mm-led. . ~
More than Thin Years’ of who and use 9!
“Dr. .\lnrshull’i L‘Jtmfih and Headache Snuff,"
humus great \‘W for all the conmmn
.dwehscs ol‘ the head. ‘nnd at. llxh mumeut
stands higher than ever before.‘
It is renommemlcd byunnny of the best phy:
Sit'inlli, and human} with grout success um!
sulisl‘nctiun m exyMnere. '
“find the (‘rrxifirnca of Wholnsuic Drug
gi.ta in WG-1: ‘Thc nndlreigncxl, hmil-g my
umny wars [urn urqunintod with “ hr. .\lnr
simll's Unlxurh mu) lu-nduvhe Snuff,” um] MAM
it in Oul.X\hO]ll:\N’llndE, cheerfully alnlr, Hun
We believe it to L 3: cqunl, in ever) n‘spul, Lq
thr rccmnmcndnlitms given of it lur tho cum
01‘ (‘ulnrrlml(\m-clinus, and ”until in du ided
y the beat article we hme ever known in! “.1
common dist-aces uhhe Hem].
Burr & I'urr), lhrvmn; 1m 1!, Alumni & (‘m‘
Baalcn; Bruun, jmmmn h ('O, Ithon: Ihul,
Gmlrr ké‘o‘, hum”; th \\'. “Mr. lmulnh,
Wilaon, nillnmk & (11).. Mustang Hcmimu,
Edmund 3: (‘q.. Hmlon; H. U. ilh; l'onlund,
.\Xe.; Burma ,8: l’xnk, New Yuri; A. H. b D.
Sands, .\'vw \'u|ln;h'.rphen PM) & U".A\U\V
Yurk; Irl.l(‘l Minor .1; Cu.. .\'«w Yank; Rh Km:
sou & Rubbins. N: \v York; A. 1,. Sdmigl Ll'u.,
New \‘oxk;hl.\\'nru}.(llose & Cm, hen Yoth;
Buph & (hie, New Work.
For ank- by A” l)nl,_;;is|s_. Try it
Nuv. H, NIH. 1y
I UK. N. ANDERS" Hll'la‘d-I WATER.
A An lxuuunm UIH'IAIL‘J’. ‘
‘A FVLL (hum uf Imluu- in4-m‘h'uuncoafl'utu,
(IBM/[till m'firul a Jillian-[5 .
t The mom l'mwnru. VHALIZIxn Ann-r lh'l
:RLz-myu .l n z knmvn. rlmavrm. HaLT-lluuvzx.
IC.'..\'l nus, “LM'HATP-X, CUNanI'TIUN, m nu
lny Chi-unic nnrl lirrwlimry “lfll‘ll-(fil, an «moi
;h_\' it: u=c, we lhuuinnds mu lt'slin‘). Circulars
i son: me. .l'ri"o $l.OO per bunks ur u fur s‘» on.
I Dr. H. .\.\l)r.nh' & (‘o., Phywiuuu In!
'(YIu-mialrx, 4LN-Hr‘u-huy, New Yank. 50.11 by
l'lgrugéisls geller‘nlly‘..... ’ [St-pl. lb. flux
To I 0" HX .\mv l\\ rmlnxn. c: gm-I "In
Mr. mmx‘m; all [my grunt Inglill. Send 5
looms nnd gel H) pug-(u, or 25 cut; Ind ‘u-iQ
pngrs and n sample uIMiI.
I'LI‘HKAI.“ BROWN, 14:70", Ink
! Aug.2|.1565, 1m- \ ~
Fu'mn‘ run-. 1“ MllLlnx !—~.\ moat "hm.-
Mr and wum'mln] lmlxllrnlmn. _\ :97! of
4m) Img“, run-[lm Inlnnu! l'u.miinyu. DR.
lll’fi'fiiil'h' PHIL: MH FM, 11l nl'ulnn] uml
pupulnr trcuuw nu .\lun um! “mum, xhrlr
ll|_\ riuloyy, P'uu'liuni. and Sexual! (border:
of puny kind. “ilh .\'.-u-r-Fnlhnu Timurdlrn
for their srruly curv. ’l‘lu- mum-ye of MR.
HI'N'HIR hm long In rn. nn-l dill Is. Im‘ nl‘n‘nd
(l!. L 1“ .\1 llvl:.rli=t§ulnlluliun l' mum-mum
ll['|>(n.}, lu- h-H [um-QI unhgrwl w unml In
medical naehlhu-ss Hn‘ough the Inc-mum of his
“VAUE' MECITM." 11.15 I volume lhnt lhouhl
Do in “no h-‘mla Olen-1y mmily in |hv lnnd. II
a rrL-u-miu- of won! “my, x-r—ns u undr fur
lln: ullninlin n «,1 ml‘ 0! HM ufl-sl 4mm] II «I
[lt struclive scuurges H: n over fimrd mankind.
One copy. 5m urrly mzvvloy (‘ll. w ill l-r forwardv
e-| ”.mr Inaugu- In an) jun «HM linilnl
N-Zuus In-r ’0 rum in ‘l’. U. *1 m R\ Adeu,
[(le ‘mid' DR. lAquTI'Jl, .\'u C» Di 'lmnn SL.
.\nr York. [\rl-I, 'l5. Iy
PROF. J. ISA/H's, 3|. 1)., Ucuim and Aurln,
forun-xh- of Lugdcin, Holland, is locale-d at No.
51:! l‘l.\l'2 Stu-ct, PHILADELPHIA. where Int-h
sons ufl'huud with din-nus u! the hYE or 13A“.
wxll be sru-nlxficully mum-d «nu rural, if
rnrfl-lc. N. U.—Ali'l'lFlClAl. EYES Inserted
without pnin. buchmgpa mnde lor unmi m
lion. ’rhe medicnl‘ faculty is inviu-d, u be .‘
hnl noun-rat 1n his mode of treatment.
July 11,2865. 1]
Flour .....,'..................,. ......... Q 00 $OlO 0Q
Rye F10ur..............................‘ 5 011
\Vpite Wheat.......:.................. 2 00 to z In
Red \\'hen..........................,.. ; :5 ;o z oo
C0rn.........;......................,..... 61)
Aye ..«
0¢11.........._ ......... I
8uckv‘vheu1............;............... “ 5 i 3
Timothy Seed..., . 2soto I v
Flax 5ecd..............,................ l 75 to I 0‘;
Clover Seed ..... 'l 00 to 'a' 56‘,
Flour” ............. 9 50 to 9 7n,
When L............. .............‘E...... I 00 m a 00
“fem-n...nun)"...-................. ‘9O fl 95
cm ‘32 m M
om. 60 '.a 52
Bog! Cattle, per hnnd... ...........lo 00 to" 0!!
Hogs, per bund.........‘..............18 2! 1019 35
33]....” 00 £O2l 0Q
Whukéy....,......,.................... 2 so no 2 31
p ruminant] 'in: tho—ecu" of Benjamin
.huo, hm: o! Beadiqg township, rm"
count} deceased, hovjuz b 1?” granted lhq
lindem’gnnd. the fin; nume rpgiding in Ila“:-
'oy wwnihip and (he lut tuned in Reading
{own-hip, they hereby gun ”It” to alHerg
lonl indebted to said emu: to who immune!-
pnymont, Ind gluon haying claims n'gninu the
name to amen: thm prbperl, authengicatcd
-e -:srafx*,-NeisiVlM