The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 09, 1865, Image 4
W;€*;'g’fl~m gj ;o‘r-lflma. ;, , ; uj'ro Yonaymwsmzsrs: IRE IS NOTHING LIKE AGOGD tween |~Tht undersirmcd lakes this method aft-forming the Farmer: of Adams county “an. bu been Appointed an Agenl fur we at“ o" the [CELEBRATED PATENT [BOX CENTRE STEEL MULDBOARD PLOUGH, ”unheated RI l’itubnrg ty Hull and S )ecr. Anon: she tdvhntagu which thw Maud has are, that n rum my, will no: choke, m:li¢l the be" kind of work, Ind 11 dunhlc beyond :11 onus; Plough. 1!. lug bevn' used in ‘llin county {qr several yam, and in all cases (zh‘tm “13 hi‘ben “Hamming. Tnnse who duire I first. réte Plough cannot make u miauke in purchasing um. I: in gum-unwed In every in“; ‘ a. ‘ Jfflnquiriel wl‘J receive prompt answul by ficinx addreasod w we subscriber, a: .\'.ew Chm Pa 0., Adams county, P». o “ '. ' ' ' ’ PLUM? DOSUBUE, Agent. 5..- OERTXFKCATF [he nudonlgqed, flaring nan-d the “Iron putt. SIRL )loldbom'd Rough," munufnc turn! by mu & Spear, Pittsburgl hear cheer. (:1 testimony 3.0 it: yaluoh Being anthfied o! In Ihperior qualities, we do not hesitate I: {mmmnd its nu by all farmers. ‘ Gen. 'l'. Hudson, Philip Weaver, ‘ ‘. J. U ton Neely, Jahn s'. Gun, W. ;. Hoflngnu, LLJ. Myers, ;Ghnx H; Major. 4:15:28, 1865. If Now Goods 'l' FAXRFIELD. '- BANNER a: SHIELDS "’0“ received from Philuulchflxin a fresh supply of Goods, winch Lin-v are. prepa'c‘f 10 Ml: It the LOWEST CASH PRICES. The ab pgtign pf the public it particularly called to "who licorthnt of ' READY-MADE CLOTHING. _ Knowing chedilfir-uuy heretofore erpe rienced so procnn articles in thin line by our custom _l.'l we have detenmmcd to spare no efl'on to ucommoduto them, an) a“ when who mny ‘krpr u. with a null. We skull endeavor to under ntiuhction both us to quality and prico. We hate an walk-m. assortment. of BOOTS A SHOES. ‘ lhich we are scllihg VERY LOW; Also, DrugsfPerfumcry, and Funvy Soups. in gun: vuwty. Patent. “Mich-es, 0:14. Puinu, kc. Intact we have everything usumy kvpt in a flu; clnu country More. All m— aVk is that, ml publicwvill ng'e us a call, 115 we feel confi dent that. they m" 110 nwuy sulisfiml that it will pa to Ihmr imcrcat'ta cumr again an?! hug; their good: when: may can géL them to the bug Ldnn urge. . S'Counzry produl‘» min”) in excbnnzr fox fioodm~ - D:\.\'.\bl’~ a‘ SHIELDS. Au 3.21,1865, tf ‘ ‘ ’ _ r—-—--—~—— ~ ~-—~—--—-—§7 ”...‘“... New Shoes? LL the Inca! styles and t:c*uml‘.ty..jnn receiyed by ROW, WOODS. -‘ ‘ fi EAVY BOOTS, for men and boys. of best kinds, gold cheap. 10 RUW a \\ GODS. ARRIAGE WHIPS.—The Inrpv‘st assort ment of Carriage leipa m (”uttynlmrg, ‘9! ul- chgap by ~ ROW # kUQDS. ATS! HATS 1— The best place in Adnms county to buy hull of any kind in the ”Sup mm or now a wuuus. / Asnxn SHOES, with heavy mm. for wmter'wrar, for India run] miaaen. sold shes]: by ‘ ROW & WOLUJS. (Susms.—.Tm but nuipg nnd mnllcom formhle Cursels a [my van wenr nre {hon nold by KUW & “'Ol m 5. OTIC‘XS.-—LAu assortment of all kind! {or Mile by ’_l2OW 5: WOODS. HERE TO BCYJ—Cflnythihg you want , ip- their Hm: can be bought [I lime .henper than nnywhtreg he of ' « Adg.’28,1665. now & WOODS. List of J urorq FOR SPECIAL COURT, OCT. 23. XF63. 'Hmntplennnl—Eli .5 Mayor, Dwiq Lm‘rreuze. Liberly—Jnmcs Cmmy. Hlmiltonbnn—Wm. Culp, Ben]. 1. Reed. Germany—David St hwurtz. ' . Butler—Wm. Eichollz, Jncob Y. Rushey. Limenovm box.—Ephuim Myers. Oxford—Tyne! Senft. ‘ Mountjoy—Henry Rainer, James Rider. Slraban-—Jno. G. Gilbert. Geo. B. Monforl. K Highhnd—lanny [Jon-Nor. ' * ~ . Mcnnllen—Wm. B. .\hller, Gibso‘h 11051, John Schlouer, Wm. .\lc(‘nnry. _ Cumbr-flund—Gco. Spanglor. Geo: Bushman. franklin—Xon-h bawdy, Solomon Hartman, Jacob Mark, John L Brady K Bel-wick twp.‘—-Jnsoph Grim, y'rns Wolf. Hamilton—David Bron-n, (.Ih rlesil’wben. Lumen—Wm. 11. Gardner. ' ; Gettysburg—David Trnxcl, J 5, Em‘l Zieglar. rrwick hon—Henry Mnyl-r. ' ending—John A. Dicks, Jnc‘lb Miller, Jacob 8. Tuughinhm'tgb. ~ : - Sept; 15, 1865. _ Bargains! Bargains! 3W FALL.A.\'D “ IxTfiP. mums. ‘ FAHNESTUCKWROTHERS Ive just returned Irom New York am} Phila delphi‘qmitb one of the largest stocks of new Full Ind Winter Goods ever oficrcd to the citiienu at Adams county. They were pur thued before the late rise in goods and will be lon at eor'reipondin‘g‘prices. The unusually gr I. dem'and for goodw ofevery description for ‘ Suulberu market, will undoubtedly cause a fiber rise in the pup: of goods. We there fp Adviu nil “I!“ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. - Our flock of Ludies' Dregs God-is is coin ylete, consisting of Frenép‘ Mennoea, \‘ezy gbnp, all wool Poplius, all wool Plaida. De lnines—Sbepherda’ Plnids, Calicoes, Ging hnml, Plaid fiiscllafloburgsfilolhs lyr lméios' Clocks, unusuallyrlow, SilLs and all lbc-lales‘t nylu of Dress Goods. OLOTDS. Cassimeru, Cnsslncls, Tweeds, .Ke'ncucfy Jeans, Ann. for..\lcn's Wear. FLL'NELS—che largeat stoqk-eger brought .0 thin unrkeg'lud cheap. Also, a large as soruqaut of Cloak Trimmings, Shawls, lloodh, Stimuli, and in fuel a full and complete as lortment of all kinds of Staple and Fancy Bands. Our stock hnvmg been ‘_pnrchnsed 2:1, we ny ngain : UY YOUR ALL A: WINTER GOODS 50W. Having replenished our stock in all ifs de putmenu. we are prepared to supply n hatevcr guy b: wnngd in our line of businqss at prices glut W! compemion. can at the Red l-‘ronz. . FAI'hNESTOCK BROTHERS. , _Sept. {, 1865, ‘ 4’9 Oomumptwes. ' ‘ mum's con man 01L ;ELLY, .f}. play-5d by the Acudemy or Median.— I‘meqqghl, Colds, Bronchial and Tubercu lu- quwupzlon, Scrufuh. and General De- Mflt’." Thl: moat. mild. bland and nutritious m in which Cod Liver Oil can be used, and with name benefit secured to me patient. by 3 {l|ng kupponful of wit JeHy, thnn by dan le tho quantity of the clear or nnjellifiefl Oil. for sale by all druxuists and by ' f E. E. TRUEI, Wholesulc Drnglst, ” ‘ ' ,_ So. 15 Beekman $2., .\‘ow York. m as, 1865. an A ' A Im. rmmwmnug 1865. _ . - Wall‘ Papers. _ QWELL a BOURKE. flnnuncmrerl of mean 1:510wa and . A. ~ WISDOW SHADES. £Oll3 M Corner FOURTH and MAKKET Streets, P‘i‘LADEIIPE’A. ' 21. R—Alwnyu in store, .1 [urge stock 01' mm “a on. SHADESX. - . . Aug”, 1865. 311: ~‘ ‘ ‘ Hay and Grain ' 'l“ED.——Tbe subscriber continue: 10‘ by] BAY and GRMX of allkinds, at M ‘Shthn. ‘ ‘ ' H. the "HI, pt the lowest Intel, SA LT, ”gamma. to; ‘ loy if, ism sm• ‘ fmlngwripton, .saLQNABL!‘ DARBEB. Norm-em rm ;- m of tho manna, (“n door to Ec _ blots!” Gambling. Pa. where he find All dun he found red: to «may :11 pm g 1; mum. Ho bu dso excellent as. » “j grill “my“ utidacuon. 6ng ‘_'!!9s9: 9"” 3: 1365” fl-..“ 'v‘T.""" " “ ‘, ' '7 100.000 mwmntedu YEW FIR! MT'TIKE . " h OLD WAREHOUSE. WK. B. RIDDLE k CO. would inform the pubjic um may have lunged Lln- Warehouu on m corner a! blrlllon street and the Rail road, In (huffing, when: they will carry, on tho GRAIN AND PBUIIUQE BUSINESS; in all its branches. The. highest priccl muti wnyg he paid lot A ' WHEAT, RYE, ' » 0085', OATS, CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEEDS, " . , ' FLAXSEED, HUMAC, , . ‘ BAY mmuv; - Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soup, Hume," Shoulder] and Sid", Potatoes, with .orerygbing clu in th: comm-y produce line. , 0:; Balm, FOR SALE. ‘ Comes, Sugnra, ”aliases, Syrups,Th sflpices Suit, Cheese, ngnr, Soda, Mugmrd. Starch, Brooms, Bucks. ,‘Bl.-cking, Brnsheu, Soaps, kc. Aho COAL OIL, “551.0“, Tmr, M:— Hsu or all kiu'ds; NAILS AND armies; Sumking and Chewing Tobaccod. _ They are always Rh]: to supply n_ fix-<l. me article of FLOUR, “I‘m the dxfl'ercm bud: o! FEED. ’ Alia, GROUND I’IASTIiR, with GL'ANUS qnd other fertilizers. WGOAL, by the bullvel,lon. or car loud. Their Curl run to Bnltimre and Mn): twice a week, and‘ they will be hippy to carry goods ‘eitlner way at modei‘.u.e charges. Mnflietmen, country merchaull, nnd others, will find It. to their ndruntlgu to pmronne this line. Theymsk a. share 0! the public‘» custom,nnd will spare no efloruu lender satisfaction to all, seller; 6r bu) era. » ~ ‘ . , . WM. E. BIDDLE & CO. Aug. 22, 186%. u . Great Attractlon i'l' FRINKERHUFF'S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISHING STORE, M the North EnsLCorner ofillxe Diamond. The subsvriher is cpnsmntly in receipt offreah goods from the Ensmru cities. 2' His stock or' READY-MADE CLOTIHNG is one of the largest] and must. pin-active. a! well as the cheapest esmhliihmem of ;he kind in Llie'i-nnmryi You will there find COATS, PANTS AND YESTS; made up in the must fashfénnble styles. and of the best mun-rials. of all size: and prices, for men nnd bo)s.- Gentlcmrn’s lurnishin; goods oi'every descrip tion, Wool Silll'l'ts, Muslin shins, Hickory Shins and Maine Shins. Merino, Wool and C(mbn Dnmcrs, llosieiy ofuvcnv description Buck-skin, Mqrino and Cumin Glow-I, Hund korohivis, Neel: Tics, Crnvms, Linen and Pnpcx Celina, ”Ms, \C ‘in, pool: and Slides. Um brellhs, Trunks. “sings, Carpet Haws. Clothes and Shoe llnisbé‘s. [‘inir and Tooth BruLhes, Shoe Biz-(thing; Puukcl‘ and “Haring _Cmnbs, Ivory Cululm, \Vntrhes, Clocks nud Jeweliy, Guns, Pistols, Violins nnd Violin Swings, 'Huiips rncl l‘urfumcrifia, Shalom-r) of.nll‘kinil=', Pocket Knives, Smoking and (Ihcning Tubnc co, l’ipen, nu extm quality ol'chnrs. in incl, his slgck embraces everything‘nsunllg found in a first clnss furnishing store. I imite the attention of 31110 come and see fur themselves, A! I aim detelminul to sell good: lowcr l‘mn My other estnhl-islimunin I'm «yuxliry. Don': forgot the place. Curnx-r at York sum-g nun] tho I-linumnd. , JACOB leNliERlll)l~,-l-'. July :1, 186%, » Coal, Lfimber, Stoves, Bm. ‘IUARL2H 11. UI'EHLER (J “'ode [rsp'yu‘nUy inform the public lunt he will ('ominm‘nhe busim-‘ds lalrJQ' ("un dncu .1 Liv :h‘e firm of'Sbr-nd. k Buehtérjnz Lhe o’d stand. corner 0 (furhsh‘ um! Ra..[road urn-LI. Ho \riil ho Drum!" dto furni’m THE “SST QUUJTY' 0F UUAL, and every vnxirly or mum-tn, inrfmfing Hoo’rs. Shutters, Suh, kc. Alfli, m‘gry vnm-ty 9f (fouklng‘fi‘un'esmmnn "wiurh rre 1h? NOBLE CHOK. IMY§L PUNK. WELLING< TOX. WAVERLY. i'l-llNltj-Z ROYAL, ORNAMENT/H. roux. 65c. , Also, YARLUK, MMNG S T Alan, fiery Arirly of TIN AND SHEET “RUN WARE. m‘nnfi'dturc-(l by tlw best “mk men. Alan, HOLLOW WA RE ofevcry vnriely. 'lntlndingn supnriur nrlicle of c nnmvlled wurk.' Indeed every variety .\1 Kitchen Ware will be kept éoustuutly on lmnd. Alsbnllelnr‘fnrnorl“UNlVEßSAQCLOTHES “'RINGER,” for which he is the sole ugbnt in the copnty. 1 He is also the agent for Wheeler k'Wilson‘s Sewing Machines—[he best in use. April 10, lacs. 0. H. BUI-IHLRB. HE underiigneJ would mos rospertfimy _. inform the public that. he continues lLe BLACKSMITHISG “US$l53, ' _ M~his shop, lately Phjllp Dmrsom'a, adjoining Tro‘el’s paint shop, in Ens: Middle street, Gettysburg, where In: will at. all times be pre psrqd to do BLm‘rzsmithing work to Carriages, Bug’gicu, Wagon-I, kc. Thur. he knons how. to do nil jobs of Llre kind wilL’not he quesuoned ‘by thou- who lmvu A knowledge at his long experience an the lmsmt-Sfi. ('oum an With your work, and you will he sntf~fird when you take it 'mx-ny—qunl for which ho mll roreive Cash or Couutxy Pm “:m‘. . mum nonzwonm Mnr.20,1865. «C‘ - New Skirt. for 1865-8. HE GREAT I\‘YiZNTIUN DF THE AGE IN HUOP Slums—J. W. BRADLEYS .\ew Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKliiT.—This invention consists of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure 'Refincd'Slocl Springs, ingeniously braided tightly nnd firmly together, edge to’ edge, making the toughest. most flexible, elastic and durable Spring ever used. They seldom hand or break, like the Single Springs.nnd consenurntly preserve their perfect and Multifnl Sh‘npe more than mfilce as long as nnx Single Spring Skirt. that ever ilh or can bornade. . The wonderful flexibility and grant comfort: and pfensure to My lady wearing the "Duplex; Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded‘Assomblies, Upem‘, Cnrringes,] Railroad Cur-1, Church Paws, Arm Chairs. for' ifHarm-undo and House Dress, as the Skirt. can lie folded when in use to occupy a small place zls ensily’and conveniently us 5. Silk or Muslin Dress. A lady boring enjoyed the pleasure, comic: 1: and great c’onveniguce‘of wearing the 'Dupiex Elliptic [eel Spring: Skirt for asingle day will never :1 rwnrds willingly dispense with their ‘ use. riot-Childrenr Vieaesnnd Young Ludies, they are superior (o «Embers. - The Hoops are covered with 2-ply double twistethrcnd and will wear twice as long as the single ynru covert 'z which 13 used on‘ :11 Smgie Steel Hoop Skgts. The three bottom rode .on every Skirt are also Double Stsei,«nd twice or d übie corercil to prevent the ' verJ ing from winning ~ofi‘ the‘rods when digging down smiri, none steps, kc“ he, yhi'ch they are constantly subject to when in «$319.; All are made ol the new and elegyntlCorded Tapes, and are the best qnnmy in “if! part; giving '4: the wearer the mos‘ grip ml and perfect Shape possibte,and ara’unqnégtiunably the lightest. most; dean-able, romforllxble. and economicfl Skirt ever made, ‘ :g WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY. I’r“pnetorl oi the Inva'nfio and. Sole Hannlactare‘rs, 91 Chambers, Ind knnd 8| Reade Sts.,-Nevy York. FUR SALE in all firebclner Stores in this city, and lbrpuyhom, the United States and Cnnldt, 'Havnna‘de ‘L‘nbm Mexicot‘ South America. Andi thq Went Indies. fiflnquire {6r ghe Dayle: Elfiplie (.0? double) Spring Skit; . Aug. 21,1865. 3 ' ‘ 628. Hpcp Sklrts. £2B. 11 OPKINS‘ “OWX MAKE" 0F “HOOP smms, are gotten up exprcsaly to meet the want: of runs: cuss Imm. [ They, embrace a comlee nsmrlment of all the new murdesimble Styles, Sizes and Length,‘ for Lndiesß‘Misso-s’ and. Children. and are an perior to all others ulnde in paint ofS; lumegry, _ _ _ . . _ Einifih nnd durability s being wide of the finest. South-91m S 0?!" 10' fl” affindsu‘d 3‘1”"; Western Lands. tempered English‘StcL-l ‘prings—wnb-Liuen more shah ""710“,“ 1 -¥ I’o £9, . ‘ a “i eb.so9 v 1 “ WEST finiabe?(lovu;i:g.£:d hnyxugdnllb ")9 menu: bl; ’l‘ 1‘ Ylb BURG . P A 1 ' {ngiigfiiwbsf “gaze walnut; {or one :aatlniu sin ov y ucnry . y Improve V . ) —-- u 3 - . - XML-himfi-y.~ Theircmiu their slugs a-ul l-llas- 'Evtry description to!“ work exreulell in the $3.31.} gifiegsafi‘tgy ziggbhtgf 11:12? ticixy to Llw’last—nud me mtg-gated to ;ng ..‘. " _ nnnqmyle of {he :11. ' .. any; Bari} ”plumb“ “find. a , ' eplire satififucliou‘. . f{lll l' 11 Aim} 1?. “65. lf - ‘ I JACUB BEINKRRHOFF; Alan mummy in receipt 0 u mu O'W " , . , good E 35161!) Made SKIRTS, at. very luk'yriceif “ , Ffr 8&16. . u I ”(23535131 fgl'i—ln3LlB‘Gsv ~fl “‘_‘—~— akjm madam order,"aUgreJ-I!_ld repmr.od;~ "mums”: ‘ILL monurnon .fl mums PLANTATION ENTERS," Old Wfioleuh} and Rguxil, at Mggufnctoryud A Marsh creek: will: 4.8 Acres of H p Homestead lonic, It. Dr. K 508831151 Sides B.oom, 179.6” ARCH S)”, aborve (1:31" chafing 6mm v 033 mm, 5 mile- mgASmm. l . ‘ . ~‘ PHILADELPHI 1' « 1;... ‘yresl offiigttylbp! . . . 1 .: {WW ‘ p’fprmpflk Que _mce 991,3 5 I - 2 Jmmms ‘32:me L 0’ «finfismw'snmm «up: l f“3.21, 1885.51!!! _ ,‘ l ‘ mmhnn'é- 14'. mos: ‘ ,2 ‘ n}.- D. ATED comm envy: : 1 ( s A _ .1 ~ PBILIP BANK ROLL“, SALUOV‘ AND SHOP 0 V I: S Blacksmithmg. N'o‘ahthh'D’aCm (, Cnornxsxs, WAsium'rox BUILDING, .165 AID 107 BALTIMORI Stunt, keep manually on light] I lug: gnd well In finned flock of 1H kind: of goods Qt m‘qdcnu El= They‘gupply cram-for .Ihe final! to the lotes'. griced nuclei, either naéy made or nude go manure, w any part. of the country They keep nho an extenlive stock 0! FURN- 13mm GOODS. u‘npming every union 0! Gcnllemen'i Under-WEN. Al3O, =.\HLI'I‘ARY CLOTUS and ever} vnrielho? Military Trim- wings, as We” a: an pucrted flock at READY mum MILITARY GOODS BnlKimal-e, Feb. 22,-.1864 Soluble Pacific Gui-2nd; 01m 3. REESE a: CO., - 1 WHOLEBALI A!" RETAIL AGENTS i‘Ql , THE_PA(‘IFXCGI‘ANI)‘(‘D.\IPAN‘I‘, 71 Soul]: Strut, Bulhmore The Soluble I'urjzc {fauna real-rubles Peruvian Guano in tipymrtrunct-I odor. and cgrmpusttion. The mlue at all Gua‘nua und Super Phosphates of Lime. of whutever nume,deponus, as is “all known. upon the per cent. of Ammonia. Salullla Phony/ml: and lime Pilot/that: of Lime tin-y cair min. This Guano dili‘crs lrnu; l’t-ruvmn only in th~' fact that it cuntains legs -tmmom’a. hut this dim-retire in Ammonia i! more than much; up by the fact that. it contains Almost (7014th as much Sulublc and Bane Phosphate utLimc. This diflt'rl'ln‘c mnkt-s it a tlumllleftrlilurr.“ ith all the uttivity offeruvian Guano. Although the price_nl' this annn is only mic-halt the price at Permian, nut] is not higher than the .‘Zupcr Phosplmtci of Lime, 3“ it cautaim, as is proven byufmlysx‘s and inspvction, vastly more of ammonia, mlublc, «Ld [lona l'lmxplmle, tlmlt is found in the bust of them. Hence its rcpnomy and intrineic value mnat render it an object ot‘great interval. to farmers generally. We wish hunters to take espt-cinl notice. that the mix-‘itiuns upon which \xe have the agency of {HAG-Juno are int uery cargo is rv'yllztrl)‘ insptiulex! and a l_\Zi'd by Dr.-Lic big, whose uuthbt‘ily in such mature is pum utgunt. \‘ \ . This nrrnngemeniwflbr 5 us and cnnsumers a protection not llud'i}}\lh&purchu:c I)fd_crll'liz er: genrmlly. It murkfjau Le 1h lieu-d (but [he phoEnlmw of mi: GI (me. an: dot mint-ml, Ifut mrlhy Phosphates, “fish is ghmlJ' twins mimntngv. \ ‘ ' The luH-Iwirg is nesummnrxof analysis of last Cargo: ; Matslure. ' 10\)\e\r cent. UrgunicL‘omb'tibL-MICK-13397! ' ’ H Emlhy .\hxnvr, . j . 50,28 1‘ " lediug Amm‘nh ‘ Soluble l’husplmto of Lima, 17 07 Buy? l’unsphule '(‘H' Lnnv; 24.22 “ “ wl'ur SMB hy "mum-mm 3.- ”mm, (Gt-fiend l‘mdu- e' Doulrra, 4n‘l . “cupburg July101'19l3! .__-._-._ _ T' .__--.--.~___.. - , - Borne Flour, .\'ADI'IJKRKUED, 1 snunnrnin m- 'rnx BUSTUS .\HXJJNG AN“ “AN! FAGTI'RING CmH‘AM‘. ' The vnlm-nf unhurnt. Imflfiullomlr‘! Pore, i: no]! known: Win-n reduced (11ch cumli tinn UP FL“K.:n,_il is as active as if fligsnlwd with new}. nnd iu Mr beltnr, hvmnce it :eluins all in I’l-omlmtm.‘ It: mnvdiumy over the cnmumu Box: [)L'sfi ia' uw-tull ur mnrv. 1:15 a consurmnntinix sm‘iglu flu in min fur the I "_l hulhcntury, and inr-stimd £0 ;;in ntw mine to Bone as u (H'liliiur. nn-l nn k n 1-.-_:ululil n min use. The IMAE‘FLHI'R is made duly hy the above (fitmpnm', nnd i= bx: Ldod mm thou trndp mark, which 15 {LL- gunnuueu of ité gunulueneafi. - _ mfix s muss k (‘O, , . 7} South ercvylLflLirmrb, Grins] Agnuts ‘for .\hu-yfund, Duhmure. and IL» Snulhnrn Slut s. ‘ [;;F‘Fur sale by-E ~ ‘ .‘IH'URDY & DIEHL, _ General Prmluve l‘t-nlrrc. Ju _v’lO, 1865. 4m "Gemvsh’urg. No Humbug. “OVAL. 1 . 1, lIULTZWORh‘H ALWAYS Annm 'PHIS WAY YOU. BARGAINS—JOHN" 1.. HULTZWUI‘JTH Ms jun relurnod from 'he ('ify with thuflurges; and mm! compleh- assort ment or HATS A 1“) CHIS» BOUTS AND SHOPS, than has been brought 101% this “am since the war. Ilia stock ik , not only complt’xc, but is CHOU nu-l CHEAP embracing mew-v \‘ rie-ly of Doom nnd Sum-E for .\lengmd B 0) Jams: me Ladies wiHJfind ever) thing in their line, from flu: finest (bite: to the heaviest Shoe. Childréns Show of every descriptmn, invgrcm. variety. Also, LR dws’ Hms, fire quality, and Clnldrcu'e Hats, ofall styles and prices. filso, T'nmka, Car pet. Bugs, Ynliscs, ‘Lml‘rellns. Gloves. Stuck ings, Tohncco, Ufgus,nud Notions of cwry description. ‘ - @Don't forggt‘tho place. South-east Cor. of the Diamond, Gettysburg, Pa. v' JOHN L. HoLTzwonTu April 10, 1865. u New Warehouse. ‘ BFSHHLS 05‘ (”MIN 100.0()0 WANTED,m thenew Grain and Produce House, in Carlisle street, ndj'oin ing Shmds & Buehler's establishment. The highest market pncg will “ways he paid in cash for ‘ GRAIN, of all kinds. FLOUR, SEEDS, an. Always on hand and [or sale, at. the tunnel! profits, . , GUANOS, ; SALT, FISH. ‘ ' , ‘ GROCERIES. km, Wholgsale and retail: TRY US! We aimll do out be“ to give satisfaction in all cues. . - McCURDY k DIEHL. Gettysburg, May El, 1863. 1y ” Fresh Supva. NEW GOQDSn—T-A. ECUTT a: SONS have jun received «not or fine n'asorlmont of I\EW GOODS, confining, in part, of‘Clplhs, Cnssimerca, Cissineta, Kentucky Jeansua‘nd Tweeds. for Genugmen‘a wear. Also, a finé assortment of z , LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Our stock has bet-n Inflected mlh gran care, and we are ptepnred to sell as cheap an my ml}!!- esubliahment In the cnuntry. We ask the public to give us I call AndJndge for memqeh‘es. We defy c'omnomion, both an to quality and urice. ‘ A. $OO [‘l‘ t 80;!3. Sept. 11, 1885. , l am now onerjng u very imperibr and choice nssorxment of WALL PAPERS, at . 15 CENTS PER PIECE, . 20 CENTS PER PIECE, 1 'l6 CENTS I‘ER PIECE, THOUSANDS AT 30 CENTS .__—_w and a due lotofSA'l‘lN PAPERS u the old Still at Work. '. pricel; a lo; 01 Upholstering goods. n bunti- THE undersigned continues the ‘ 311 I“; oENodlingham Curtains, Cornicea, Ind ‘ " CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS “' ‘1 “P 9- ' l . . in all it; branches, at. his old sum], in hunt Also—Window P‘MI" 011 Shade” chlnn Middle street. Gettysburg. Cord and Tnsguls; Wk"? nnd Check‘ Matting; ‘ SEW WORK undo to order Ind , lFloog and Table Oil mum; Venn-I Bllnd ‘ ' * 31% PAIR l N G :Tlimmingu; Dnmnsks ofAll Colors; Cumin done prommly and I! lowest prices; V g Futures ; Duor M?“ l &c., hc'. -, Two Emulate SPRING WAGflNS and 5‘ WA“ of 'hmh lie m” Qupose 9' on “ SLEIGH f 9: mm JACOB TROXEL. Igniuunble term. It tunes mu pet-um 0! to: ' - ' ’uas . \ _fo ".16.3;_;-._.__,____,__l PAPER HANGING nttgnded ;o in .:., pm , 08111101198 , of ghe Slime, «lube you reasonable tarp».— _ A R B LE-, W 0 3‘}: S bnuafacuun guuranned. M ; . - * : June 5.71895. 55 i New Goods! CheaptGoods! .' HE PLACE TO GET THE! ‘ i ‘ IN HANOVERF— “e hex-by inform 1h: citizens of York nnd Adam: counties. than we hnve eiublislmd, It the mums“: corner of Centre Square ma -Baiblnnre urea, HANOVER, formally occu~ 'pled by C. E. a T. ’l‘. Win, 1 Branch Stow, (the principal hvineu houses being bound .in New Yurk Ind York. Pn.,) where In Will keep a! In gimes a regular maonmentof Dry, Domestic and Fancy GOODS, also. A we]; se lected assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, ,CASSLN' ETS, CUTTINHTS nnd CORDUROYS; ;Chma, Glass and Queens-ware, Ladiesk Slisses' Ind Children's SHOES; also. a nice and full assortment of all kinds of CARPET, Flour and Table 0.1-cluth. ' summons, We have also Fstnblished in rooms adjmning the C(mnnl Howl, a CLOTHING STORE, where w: will keep coullaully on hand a well scleueul asmrxment of Heady-made Clothing. of lhe lav-st 5251 a, and a full assortment at Gentle-men's Furnishing Goods, such as Huts, (‘.-ps, Fools, Shoes, &c., which we will sell at reduced prices. ~ I As our mom) is, nml always “ill 11;, ”quick sales and smnll profits," we hope to receive a ‘share of tl.e patronage of (own and, coun ;lry. Uur «'unueullon will) pr large “holesule ‘houses in New York City and York, Pu.,wherc ,nre always stored an extensive stock of goods, “which m: sell at wholesale and retail, enables ;us to supply our old friends and such oflour 'ncw customers as will give us u call, with Ihe wary hc-t marketable goodss at lo‘wer rates thnn cmbe purchased anywhere in {he State. «Cull and nee for yourselves. ~ E JOS. LEBACIIfi BRO. : Ennover. June 2'6, 1865. 1y , + ‘ Moro Phillips’ \~ EXCISE IMI’IiUYED SUPER l, . PHOSPHATE 0F LIJIE, i you mm: In . KMAXCFACTL'REH‘S DEPOTS, . ‘No. 2'! X. Frdntlsueel, Philgdelphin, and No. I X 14 Bowb’s Wharf, I \B A L T I M O I‘- E: l Thesnlw fiber begs lem’e to inform Bonk-rs ‘nnd Cmunum‘s that he is now prepay-Pd x 0 furnish .\HH\IJ\PXHLLH'S’ .GENUISI-I Ifo _Pl:U\’El) .\UPSIhPHUSI’IIATE 0F LIME, in ‘any qu-mmies. \ g The unhersnl safigficlion this article has “gin-n during the pdii‘xfoll!‘ years. [ms an m «unwed the dt-mmm thnn lun’e bun mmpcllrrt 7w gwnlly cnmxge my capgu'lty for its mum)- ?!‘acnn-e, and MW been indng-ed to lambh-h n Hmmrh hulls? in the city of B‘Mtimore. llru t {ll-m. I will be “Mg to till all orders during the Isvnson. Yr! my ’rnlo is fin! camflint mud I l‘rxrr in I’hilndelphin $6O per to“, 20m: I‘M. 'in Baltimore same price, firefight ”V.“ Hula lIL‘HIMZ. nddl d. y Discount, In Dealers. m‘s‘l‘hr sale by W. E. EITTLE 8: CO.,‘GM lysLurg. Mar. 20. 1:05. am Shenandoah Valley Lands! EAL ESTATE AGENCY ' . AT HARIHA‘HNBT‘RF‘L \'.\ TOWN AND f‘UI'XTRY I‘RUPEILI‘HIS FOR SALE. We h-u'r nuw for sn‘no very desimhln Farr“, In Modin the countks ofAuuuatn. Ruck”);- lunu, hhumnaluah, Pl3O. I‘cn-ilulon and [i tr 73: The Farm! lonmm‘ I‘rx-m 40 to mm .M rvi, unzl “y are plhihgrd m mil-din}? lnrgeuwus of land it derinu! by 11!: purchaser. Mun} of [ln Fnrms ' e “-nhiu an any «hive ntho cuunty umu iugwhich the) un- lucnlrd. Uni-why RH Imm; an 9511} market. 3120 impunwnwnts km zenrr'ully gum}. am! on the mrms me aprin vs nml running swam: 01“.“tf9r‘fl5 “cli us plv‘n‘y of the \(x;. L-z-J. rim or. - 3 :0 per cent h. is am irnt rrcommwdnfinn Mr I‘m-er lsnv'x m mu 1! .n. Ihry he in (m- u-ry Lr-u'. (f t? E' >lx:"':»yb h Tiling \Hzir't ho n valid— nuin I'll-l .I.ud for mum.) at :uiluml L. -||'_'. “’V “613“ n, , ._ '. Eli-:5" I‘M .i. w: ”ion of ;ur. wrnc= um‘fr r. 5. H)” I} nr 3"”?! ~s us ul our r‘fluo, in X! mbru lmxhz ILuL}. :iVJ -.m count}. \' t. .71er 31. 1965. 3m Carrzarcmaking I\‘esumed., V ‘Hi; “"1 min-4 our, 11m umml‘:igvuwi 21 no rants-M- _ _ mum \J‘E—MAJUXG [H'HNI 85‘, at their UH 519.1. in I»: FL \‘nxmc meet, (.2.T'X‘Yh‘lsl'li”, WM 0, thl‘y nxn- ”guin'iiyrcpmrd {0 p.” N- W.|.‘y( in [{r n ml fu" L rl‘4\§v..u.‘.:— u-I “':"‘ lior warm}. A lot oft-c“ und sr-I “ml-I.4m} _ (.‘AM‘MGES, BUGGIFS. kC., nnhmfl, .\hu'il Hwy \i’lH Il'Wmt 01 m I‘IP Imus! when PM! a” (mkr: uni 1m ~u;.u'hu: as {new} I!) .:(1 <:m.~L.-u!:;:t{; n: pms.‘ Ic. [23’ R EPA I I:1.\ (: done ‘lrilh Munich, and 't \ in (put 1.7 m: A Lu'gv In 1 of uuv and on} HALAHSS on hand fur snhn 'ilmnldu! fur the liberal INHI'O‘EI‘J“, ‘n o-n'n (or.- vujr); m h". them, tluy :om-it u:.l u'l’l cu dun-or In J« sane a large ~hnrc ix: 1.;-‘ Hume J11}; >lO, 1865. If OL'SF. PAINTING, , AND szzm The undersigned respectfully nnnmttlc? to the citizens 0| Gettysburg nnd the public Lun emlly. fun [My lmvc openml-a NEW PANT- L\G ESTABLISHMEXI‘, in York atnL-t, (Jet tysburz. (in the building known as the old Slough propel-It.) where thoy are freparzd to carry an the husinrssi 11 its various hrniwhei. Conch I’mnting, {longPaiutiugCGlazing. and all other kinds of work in then- lme “11l be protnptlv attended (b and satiafnction guaran tied: Work dune in the heal. Mylo nud'clmrges rensonable With this nssuruuco, they askfa share of public patronage. J. G. FRY. ' July 24. um. u . I]. J. ”W. ‘ ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. V Com-lAN J; (70‘ huwjuat received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. for Summer wear, which they- we selling 'at very low prices considering the limes. The latest. styles of Summer Hans and Cups, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior nuke, and, m warrnnfed to fit, alwu; s on Land. Work made to order and repairing done on shortne tice, by experienced workmen. Also, ‘ HARNESS MAKXN‘G, curiied on in n“ its branches. Persons want inglnnything in this film would do wall to call. ‘lg‘Don’t forget me old wind in Chamberl biurg‘street, if you want Bargains. . Jum- m, 1865 Wall Papers. HEAT REDUCTION G ’II THE PRICES or . W A L L P A P E R, AT GILBERTHORP’S. 19 We". Market. Street, York, Penn'l. ' 310110 PHILLIPS. \ Suh- Proprietor and Munumuurvr. J. u. HUG DAMPER as ZILHMH: Coach Paintiilg}: T Fresh Arrival. COBEAN a: CRAWFORD *Ston ébraker’s sanmoxnam coax ' ‘ -LrN‘r.un:.Nrt FUR HAN OR BEAST. fl'WAIikiNTED T 0 CUnE leumatiam‘ Sprainw, Swallcd Joints, Sore Throat, Frosted Feat, Parson. Old Sores And Bruins; Fresh Cuts, Corns, Mumps, Tetter. Pains in the limb: nnil Buck, Swemy, on Man or Beast, Su'ldl! or Collar Gnlla, Distemper, Sckmlw‘s, ‘acu on Horses and .\lules, and all Diteuses requiring an Exlcrnnl Remedy. . ' The attention or lhepnbh’c in respectfully directed to the above Prepawllun. I! being one of lbe best. and most etflcncious external remedies now in use. This fact is ham] upon [ha testimony “Abound; 0! person: who have used it. “From the vnatmmount of good this Linimenl has donoin all cues wherein it bnssbeen used, and the frequent application inside for it, the proprietor has Been induced to place it before the public, and let it stand upon its own good mi-iits. knowing that in every case View it is used. it will recommend itself. All he nsks is a fair mud impartial trial, and if “5811?, nccord— mg lo directions. and no benefit, no “urge.— lluvjng—ench unlimited confidence in its cum iive powers, he’ has directed his Ageing: to re tund the money in all cases where this Lini ment is used with no benefit, the bank aim a porno“ of its éontents to be returned to 'che Agent. K It will be found u sure remedy for Rheuma tism, Sprains, Swelled Joints. «ha, and in Incl, lor all that he claims for it, it. excels any uni cle of the kind yet lried. h isulso an inflqlhblclcure for many diseases of Horses, such nu Kicks. Snags. Swellings, Syn-Aims, Uld Son-s,Bcmlchca, Conu- und Sm]- dlc Gum, um! 31! diseases requiring nn ex lérnal remedy for Horses and Cattle, it has no equal. - -' This Liniment should be in the hands of Hwy fauuly, particularly where 11mm: are clnhlrén, as Sore Thron:,'Scml¢-linn, Croup, Quincy, &c.. n’re disemea that carry many I hil dren :0 their graves. Thxs Liuiment W)“ be Innud a sure nnd 's’pemiy relief in "very use where it is applied] in time. As Hus Liniment ‘ls warranted to give sntisfncxion in all (ascs. no one run risk anything in trying il—lmd ‘t one bnule is usedyou will never be wuhouv. it in ilw house—so purchase a bottle and be coxmucudfuf the fucks'ubove. Stonebrake'r's _ OR'SEAND CATTLE ‘ ' Pawnsnss \uvo ynur Horse} STUNEHRAKEH'C HOUSE AND CATTLE I’U‘VUERS. if 30!: “um. fine and healthy [.rur-u-z, and you are snw to have 11mm. A sat} .s'uN m d fine. dycxm: 1m L‘unghi, Folds,l’ibtvmlwrc,llcmes,lh-’.c-homul‘\\'urx‘.~, hmr, funny, km. in Horst-5,: Lbs: ot-(InJ. Black Tongut‘, em, in (‘nlxha By the use of Ihrse I’UWDERS the nmw‘ito of (he ”one is iIHIJ‘OVQd, all dclrrmrzmm-nh If Hm Ulgvslim (“guns me «:uncxxu 1A and u c duggiahueis of the uninul diaU'llKi‘r‘. M- 'in;- Knlilill’g 1n ely and sp‘irilP-I. 1L SM l' 3 \lm skin. glhlllfl [he lmir u flak mu! Shining up pea? ante. Tho grmz anpcriuriu of IIMa-L‘ 1'05?“ Ta‘ ovir nil oHu-rs misvs lrum the nu: Hut uno- are rumpounded of m'dwincs thu hm'c’hxxtixe, tonic and purifiir: pmp' mu. 'l‘ln- LxxanNZc lemme: all impunh‘es {.mn no slo'umrh uurkhmu'ls ; the louicad-ls m-u lone mu] vignr to Hmsysmn of vhe house, by “NIH! Hm :wnrlite Is“\yunccrfu‘|ly impnn ed. null 11w puli'ymg medici‘ucs ('nnlniued in i‘zud CL nmz‘ lhv blood from n” impure mnnvr. mu! Lnr u healthy and \igurdus uircul.mun; :nvy m=u inumm’u lhu niuil, nndfirc u smr “‘ICWCHH‘P I'l Lulu: Fucr, Yclluv.-‘}\‘uwr, l‘nlluHU‘. Luz: anpm-lite, uul many Myer dismusi nu idLnl 10 HH- Horse. * . 11. 15 ulsn inwlunlrlr} M akom‘imnr I‘nwdn tor (_‘u “-3. im nmqug HlO How Xl3 nu}; up! PH“ {-0. Tu; diamr‘c-J .\ll )vc‘rso'nuw x‘n‘ av; emu .\'nn.“ n-k rn- STUXEIHHKEILN HULLRH k (LHTLE I‘U'.‘Ci.‘ll[‘ it is m3~g;zmm;n-.uc lllrl' 1;“ the winwr llwt. they sluvuTu‘ hv ll.r|_l to ‘impruvc the (‘umixiinn of [Le cu\-‘.\Tbly {.AH-ImcHuAll‘or-fu'cnmg c.\:£lv:,'.ufll’ey 5.1...- 15 14.: a.11,1-]r}nhie, and loosen their lnic, L», I Lich'vhry Ur: he zum-h fun-r. 'llxt-é I’uuv‘ers are is sure p'nrvm'no of ”\H- UHULEHA, m»! are purviuzll:l}.ull4pH-J u. ‘.h . ‘Eis' nn-s‘lo “inch Hogs :Il't' =0 Haule— uch us(‘nugh<,l‘!cus ut'lhr Lung: m d Lin r-— ("mm x rhem to imprme mm‘u ::\~ ter. ’1 hey ~lznn'xd be nun! 'in the beginning (J’ Am”: 11-g=, n: wuch lord Hwy he ~bu\nd. 'Hn-w I“. were mil be {vund mmh snonn'l' Hmn “.04 pouGt'lfi now -in use, n_n-In:'thh ,nmm : hm xiv: mast yomrrn] Imm: Her u u! fur 11mm: 11nd Cuulc uf any Run! .\l2 ‘nr-n-n: HH“T:|l'HL‘lll\l‘:_\’ilHll (1 lo 1r) l'lcw I'U‘MECI“, lmmuu‘; the) will cqmmuc lu nsc‘tbun. Raf: Made to Comr Oul qfh'm'r 1701” to Die.’ . Stonebrakex’s. , 1’) AT, ROM?" .\.\D .\zmx-I; - i}, EXTE‘R .\IIN ATOR! “'9‘ iume the [mention 0! !in' pu'lllit to (he nlmve prcptlrnuon, us being um“ of tin-Imm €lTc'clull prvpnrnxmas ever inlrthu-m}, fur 11 3 (I. = rut-1h uOl the n‘oVeNumnn. “1- “ ‘mxut n u “my nHux' Euxuulm Try xl—qmu '.5 «cuts a hnr. ,\ . ‘ pgrddd by d‘ealcrs and comm} szmr kpr-x's gun! rally. ' Aug. 14, [£565. Gm Tailoring ) Enov‘uh ‘ 1, RCA-myopia 1): Tu; mmm‘n' GEORGE E. ECKIINIIUDII. FASD‘IHN 1 ”LI-I TAlLOR,ln¢'orms his {rumm- nn-‘I til: pulnic generully', that, he has RX-NUYE D hm: Tailur ing Establishment. Hi the sound tirmr ot‘Snm— sonfs buildmg, (over Bnukerhqfl' s Clnthmz Storm) nonhuus: corner orxhel’xxhlln::qu.xre, entrance (in York "new, when: he is prepared to do all wmk in his line in the he”. mum at, and mike satisfaction of cnsrou‘xnn. ulft' rm~ ploy! none but first cl‘nss hands. and rrcoivmg THE FASHIONS REGE'LA ELY, he, can win-nut fashionabie fits nml mat and subsmutinl sewing. He asks a shnre o! the public': patronage, promiiiug to spare no.9f for! to deserve it. Ui‘chn‘rgv: wzil always be found as moderate as He times will alluw. Cutting and Repairipg 99m: us the shortest notice. [Gettysburg.April :0, 1°65. New Goods l—Large Stock! ERCBANT TAILORING. DI JACOBS a: BRO. * have just received from the cities a huge gtnck 01 good: for Gentleman's wear, embracing a. nrieiy of ' CLOTHS, CASSHIEBES, f YESTWGS, . Cassinets, Jeans, kc, with mnny other goods for spring and summer twenr. . They are‘ prepared tomnkc up garments at the shortest notice. and in ”10 very best man ner. The Fashions Me rcgnlnriy rm-oived. am] clothing made in any desired style. They al ways make nen‘ fits, whilst. their sewing is sure to be substantial. _ ‘They ask I continuance‘of the public'a pn tronage, resolved by goqd work and moderate charges to earn it. 1 _ Gettysburg, April ‘I, 1862 _. , - . , -_ \ V , r 'Good Thmgs from the Clty! WE are receiving twice I week from the citya. variety of articles suited to the wants othis community, viz : Fresh and sun FISH, Hnms, Shoulders and Sidgs, Mommy; Beans, Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oranges! Lemons. Confections, Tobaccos, Sega“, with’ many other articles in this line—all ruched in the best order, and sold at the lowest. prafitq. Give In I call, in Baltimore “net, .neurly oppor‘ug Pnhnestocka‘ store. WANTED—Bauer, Eggs, Lard Ind 31! other country produce—for which the highs! cash price‘will be paid. ' SWEET POTATOES—beII quality, at law an living profifa—alwnys on hand. Aiso, OYSTERS, fine and hush-in the shell or shocked. Restnurnms and families supried. ‘ STRICKHUUS ER & WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg, May 18, ;863. Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continues tht busjnest . OLSALE CBYING, nnd solicitu tho‘éon tinned pntrohnge o! the public. It is his can alant eueuor to give natisfaclion. Charge! moderate. Residence §n Breckinridge gtreet, Gettysburg. : ‘P. S.—-He is a license-1 Auctioneer, under in: Ta Luv of the United wt“. Nov. 24, 1862. ii nocmfitiST—frau- ifm'pvfif 10;.“ G «names, .:., FAB-KESNCKS', . -m,mm mass mums, 'an Lfiflg’. at :4‘ - Spamgg " 7FOUTZés ' ‘ cnnnran gem and Guam: gamma. nose Powder! ill slrmgth luv-Stomach 1d lnu nines, cause \lmn Jl'l] olfznslre matter, and bring thl-m to nheulthymw. - They are 3 sum preventive of Lungl Fever. and 11 certain remedy To; all Disuma lucidcm to the Home, such as Glan ,den, Yellow Water, Dis t e m p e r, Fonu d e r , II a n v o s, Slavering, coughs. F 9 ms, Loss ul Appetite and Vial Ener gy, 81c. In pear, lOW‘SplrliPd pnimuls, ix lzna tlm most beneficial {-ll'vct. I'll!) use ofthem humans the wiml. strongm enh the Appotitr, nx‘d gives to the Home a fine, Smooth 31nd [:luhy skin—thus improv ing the amwanmue, vigor and with. of thin nqble animal. 'The properly. this I‘om‘wr xmszcms in In mulng‘the qumlllt} ulevll: in (ulvs, give! it. an impo'rumce and value “him should plan: it in the hand; of awry person keeping a Crow. lh' actual l-Vporin'vm h has proven that it will increase {he qunnmy of Milk and Cream manly per com. and umlu' xhc Dune: Gnu nnd sweet. In flutenfing mule. it gives them an appetite,» loosens Illulr hide and makes them thrive um l 1 lixsur. f H O G S. ’ln all Diseasa of ‘ t e Swine, auch as ‘94-.” !. 25g ‘ ughs. Ulcers in (“gliaF'A ;‘ Ge Lungs, Liver, “‘ (s‘; _ 1;); fit. By putting ‘ ~ 23.21:]! 1 m hall's paper " ,9 If?“ unper of those . > 11y" lum‘durs in 11 bur— if}; :9; Ail—“E rel or Swill, the if; - L» .19»; . nbove Dismay: can In: «mud or (min-1y W - vrntcii. Bygzsiug thvse Powders the Mag (thqlem mu bq prm'cnwl. Price 25 caper Paper. or 5 Papers for $1 FREJ‘\II"" M" 'j : S. A. FOUTZ 8: 13130., 1 AT 'rnrm WESLESALE‘URUG AND mmmxz DEPOT, 110.116 Franklin ss., Baltimore, Md. Fur Sn‘c bv I’rugpu': xmul SturLLupus thmughout the United States. yi-Jr mm: by: .\. h. Ihwin. HJ‘ymwp; 411...! Kin k Ihlshfi-ld, \vai‘hp. \'.. ('. (‘. uhr .1: (30., I’mshnru, JUU‘JJH, hlliiUVld; I(‘uxulmz, Phdddelphia. ’ - ‘m. 3.5. 15674. Xy Q-lobo Inn, I Yh'ZK an, N 21!- T'l:‘ zx'swsn. ‘ FT'l‘) 51“" NH. PA L—l‘hc undrr Mr M I wnn'd mm! “ L'uflj Lmum m- x‘ x‘ lI'ILS lrit-nu-I uml 12.: I“.th unnx.L‘i_\, 7h“ L'H put-lunul In Hm; «Mahmud nu) H I\mm‘n lmwi. the “WM”: lun"’ in Yuk mt, (Sr-Hysb'u'g', :ul‘ WM spart- '2O t{l .r U) Ham-ii! iu'n nuum r lim‘ ‘.Hll Hnl :‘ulmcl nu ma l‘muwr }Ii,;1?-rv;lu hrn)!‘ Hm MU." H l: we {Le bwl (hr In .r’mi Lnn uflu'HI—LIH . .\mbors are 'Slnalic‘lfi nu: i'rnmflni |.1.-—:\ml ~ Ms hid iu‘yior hxs bur n full ~!ui k ul aim: 1d llq'n Ix. ‘Tinu fig la.. >Lxlfih:ullnxl.rd 'l‘uc Hun}, wlm 11 w}; bu ”Jrnri ”i |:_\' “I'm.- Lo lzo~tl(‘rfl. It win he 'Xi- car. 1 Im} nv‘mnnl n-nglenhe iuUz-st S-lII‘I.K’:X‘I"K(D 1.1:;zm-q13, nking\his home .1: nm. .x hr m in than :‘s »:-l,ly';\ Ih-a'flf .1 :.-':'v- ITH.“ pu' II" ;uh [03:149. dguzézrh t ‘1‘“: i 0 i- 1‘ A“. r.. n Inge 'r[ of it_. \ fienmuflmr. l'..v "Uln- c Inn" 1: in } rk sweet, ‘Q‘bpwar the Dimnn ..1. or Pumu [;unre. .‘\ EAML LL \\ VLF. ‘ Aux-£l4, 18641 \tf Lanca‘atenßook Bmdery. 11:01:05 “my!“ I 1;00£’ 121 A 12/911, lUD BLANK Hawk .\l.\\ll-‘\\.Hiu, .’ LJU' 3.»? AR, PA. um mu! Omarwnun’ [an .m. of (“'l3 de. mon cxu‘mtrd In me um“: sui;:t.n:.l..fl 3.1.1] rouu Sun‘s: /MIEZiE . W. Br.)wn,!"-\1..1~. {'hy '. Z..l'clpcr, Int: ~ 1.,|;. _:~ In I . > ..\» 1...,“ unur-l filmck, l'qmt'ulnlui '2‘ Hl. .1.: nnnel \‘l'ugm-r, I =q., York 1 mm. minus Wugucr, lump. 3 UF'A Count} Rank. .1). (Ix-nun, fin,” Udl‘k (vi (101!) d 'Arg, .ler .\lmlin, Esq. huth'y oflmuan-x “3., 1‘1: PU. C. Huntlwrn, £45., 130;”h r h d (:0. \‘Vhitsnn; 14:31!” gauntlet j “ ‘f April 15, 1:1in ' _ Everlurt‘s‘ ' HANKLI)’ HUl'hE, , * COIL‘.F.TI 0F HOWAI‘D & Fli‘VKI,X‘- f 1 RYE-R, 13A! TIMUMG. I This "on“: i , 0') a three! in.» bvwn'n HIP 'orlbernCcufml and [LutixnurgundUMHl3m:- {mm Dcpms; h. [ms hn-n “mud 9nd COIII< yormbly arruflgrd Im- lhc coma uiwce and the nxurtfiznmemf 0| guests. + Ucl. 31,1553. u' ‘ : Something for Everybody 10 BUY A‘T (m. n. noun-. 148 Dkfi'G .\ND VARIETY STORE.— ust opened m fiuc “sermon 0: ~ . I Drugs uni] Slcdiuim-s, I'ntefit .\lediuinvs, ‘ A Smfinnery, . ‘ ‘ Fancy Dry Cumin, Coulevuons, { ' Uroccrics, _ TOBACCO, SEGARS, w Jpn.lfl,lBs£. -7 _ _ 'New Goods. ! EORGE lARSOLD [ms now on hand his “ Block ofSPRING CLOTHING, mosfly nf Lu: ownmnnufncturing,teamsfingofuflkindaof ‘I CQATS, PANTS, . ; fi'EbTS, BLOI’SHS. : SHRTS, DRA WERS, &C. ' Also. a. Inrée‘stock 0! Piece Goods, such as *‘I.OTHS,(IASSL\H-LRES, DRILLINGSJEANB, M 2, kc. l‘k'nse cu“ bviorc purchasxng elfie- Tx‘here; ‘ The; are as cheap as the Cheapest. y ‘ May 22, XBO5. ‘ g ‘ .New Bakery! EWPORT & 2150! En, Mechanical Bak en, Smith Wuehingmn street, halt square on: the Eagle Hotel, UE'I"I‘YSBURG,Pa.- Constantly 6n hand, the hex: of BREAD. cucxsns, CAKES, PRETZELS. to. Pet qons wishing {rush Bread will be sen ed eves-y morning. by legumg their name? and residence: at the Bakery. Every en'ort made to please fine as a cam [April 30, '63. if 1 Revenue Stamps 1“ any dehominnion communion-hand Ind‘fo; ale 1: the First National Bank t Gauging. GEO. ARNOLD, Cuhier. Getty: urg,N0v.14,1364. EXCELSIOBI _ x l EXQELSIOB l , o ‘. EXCELSIORM 1 1 The Excelni'm Wuhing Machine is the best {3511“ World.§ Call and cursing“ I.x: ““5“ cont “ml-” i 2815 -li t. n _u’ ‘ l .1. o ”:10; BROTHERS. ‘v t Albums ! , I. B U MS I! ..' . ‘ ' ALBUM S I l I Just rkc-ived . lag: and beautiful snort ent of Phu viumphic Albums, which we olfer Wow city WM. 'n'sox BROTHERS. : Dec. 14, 1863. _ * mature Fratfie&. . ,4 . A gurgling; oti‘lCT hi: ‘mlflffi, . :13; p w convexhj' _, ‘0: 31‘ w my: Dingjnd Variety‘smu. ’1'“? e ygno 26, 18 3. ~ . ~ Graifi: Sale 4 ‘7. F \yncnxa um awn“, O 1 $1,000,000 forum To be disposad of at 0" Don.“ each, with: out rcgnrd (0 “lug, not to be paid for untl‘ you know what you are to receiie, BY A. u. RUWEN a; 00.. ' (Agents for the Manhunt-era.) XO. 38 Bnunl Stunt, Nu: Your. q ”End the followmglut of Article: wb. I sold for ONE DOLLAR : ' 100 Gold llnnflng-cm Witch“, “A "a on no ‘5 Wnchu. urlou nlylu, n uno mo 4 Lunar Gold Watch“, ‘_‘ lo no 300 sun: Wankel. nah .30 no Is u on 6000 Lu”! Ilyh volt I. lack claim, I‘ hon(oin no 6500 Gum’s Culifnmtn dumond pint, “ Dso(a In .00 l :50“) Clllfornu d‘nmond aural-ow, “ snomlo 0. 3000 .\humuro nevolvmg Pins. “ lootoln on | 2000 Cnlifomil Dllmm Ind enun- «“9110 t‘ 1 ' . .H l 2000 “nozzle :nacgmuzk “guy,” " z2:3g: 3: I 2500 mm Bud urmleu, «agar-d h acotoso no ' 3000 la and Hank: Branches, “ 3ontoln on i 200 C Cunno Dmochu, , "- 6no hip no 3000 (‘onl Eur Dropl. “ ‘Doto 6 no I 9000 qu' Wmh cn-fm. 0‘ I ‘oo uu o. [ woo GuM'l Pin, a Iplondldguor't. " 2noto lo M I 4000 Solitaire Sleeve Balfour, '[ a 0610 In no I 3009 Studl Ind Show fluuom. in let]. “ Inotoln 90 {.OOO Stu-re uuunm lain. Ind 0n ‘nl H 2no to l , l D B I 0° [lOOOO phmnnd ongrlud him, I‘ 250m10 00 ! 8000.1.nckeu. richly Eflfll‘lffll. '“ Bnosolo no | 15000 nu Luflu' Jaulry, new all ‘ 1 Inn: sulu, u 6noul! 00 I 6000 [land-mm! Sen! lung-l. ‘ “ I "Oh 100 w MM.“ 8919.». ~. .. .“ A! h u 9» ‘ mm Gold I'm mu mile umdm, n 15 co mas oo . ‘.‘ooo Sets Jo! and (bold Pins Ind!" Vi Drupn. LIWIIL nyh-n, vary rlch, _ " oon to 100. ’.‘abu Gutd Thumhhn. I'eucns, he, “ Ino(a 0 no 3 Imm Gum Penn Ind sllver cm, H ionto I O. I 10000 n -- ,Lbuny bum-nu, . u 400 to o u. I This entire liw. or hcnuxit‘x! nnd valuable goods will be sold for Us: DOLLAR each. Carl, mic-Mos ol all the nlmve arm-lea will he plnoe‘ in envelopes. and svnlu}. fl'bv’se emelnpra an 5( M by mail. us (mined. \iilhnul. regmd lo qlmuu. Du lllll’ receipt aflhe cuuficnm you " 111 see what you are to lune, and then it is u )0!” option to bend the Duilur and take the article, or not. Ene certificates can he ordered fdr $1; eleven fox-$1: ; thirty {or $5; sixty-five for $10; :aud one hundred tor $l5. We win tend a mule (‘umncuie on Ihe receipt 01.23} calm.— AgL-nls “mm-d lo \\ hum we nth-r aperinl u-ruu; Svud 2:) cents for one cormimw and our gin-cu lqr with mums. A. II RUWBN .3; CO., 35) Beckmnn Street, N. Y. I May 22, mus. cm . ‘ P. 0. B 0: 4.77! ”fifiwwm Q3xbérwtw“ - __ , , “ AVING ‘yun'nuxcd 1119 Wnrulmnn mm! ;I—l l‘nrs herrtufurc uynul Ly .\.uuur) Molina,- ;ihv underdunrd lulu.- pl>cmurv m mmuueuihg in, the pullin- that 111-v: \Hll run n | Ll\l|-l (H‘ lIH’XHKH‘ (SAKS (run. Celt} drum: Lu Suh'mnrv H't 1y u wk. lev ’n v [:rn-parL-‘l (a cunt“ Flri ht with: :- \y-ny. 1n x\l}l|l-uxtjl}'. ;I'lo' \'. .H-rl'meif Air—SH‘J, “Um making 0! min hm ~ in If.“ ~il_\‘. um! duliwn ling Lhc yumhfinou-p'xh' A' (.‘q-‘tyduugz Ti]! H‘ In ~ run‘ w ;n.‘ “'nn'imhsh‘ ..r .\THV'HL 'blh k NLVS, 112': Van}. Hm. r-l .m-IL {m-ur HUM-Ln.) I).}llimmv. “ler- mgpln “HI M'- x« ‘ L'iVl'd ul nix} 131- 9 Tim} in'. 'm- \!)I' ‘vltrmi' n ‘M I! I- pu'uih m [lg-Ir If: e. “vul'lm': |]l' m 11. v flu-3 “:71 man- Im (”UN to nuul. mminw u l W. v- nu‘y [unmmv (In m. 1 “mail: ynr' I‘m-Ml XIX? Minding! um! In! nu *l'.(g‘ml'|!,u..-Z 1" “l.~‘|‘ ul‘» Hum .ul Inn! .\.!” 1| \\ :I~}.iz., '.‘u hlltlla. (:7!qu um, u! v'n ['l l :ul n [2. x‘ I.' 1.11 JFI'WP. ‘ Any lush” Lnnng. I |:‘ - Q I 1'”. L 1 UN 1 *r»mr‘.n.l.: lim- nrv PIN-. 1!“ H'nHy m !\.UAL["\MI.‘ kl Ll' :n [:AXLN‘HA“ .\u; T. i- 4". ' j Ls. PC wftd Mr l-.||u. n ‘in A2!\' ('H.’ LEXIN? & N 135. Hi’ k: (I HUN. H-V/JJ MW 1111 .\'. H~.\!' 'v' I‘M)". ‘ U'l'H. fTII K. . 1 .\.H (‘mlih-fofl. . I SHul‘J'fi’AH 5» MIN". § fiP‘l‘m'h-n'n n'lomim N given M N!» In 'lwhmz'tvf PLUM/'3‘: mu! \alw'x aIMMHI‘h-d. in m!- fll'nn‘to U I- ummfu-vurorr'kunmmfie,the I'lnnnx mr gu min/Am; l-u nu . ‘Mww .a mum I mun-‘l'!mums4\\l-vmm‘lfi\\“=. . ’The revl-ni ‘IHIHDHNM’HU ”In 1» the imm ‘mcnts are aux-h M m fully wvrrnm saying lhry lnu- HR tin-mum: mH; nllwr nmkun (m. (Mum MAL midr nu-b “I‘m-qr nu nil I". fly -\ 1121:” imlrmum‘vurs mo ”mt u-l b 3 «-Xh~-r lnmkcrs. The now «Mr. Mn“ ""1’ organ, Mn; 1‘ Fuh-I‘usn‘nnd Url- vc (Sun; I‘ I. nmkuu.’ il kn in-L um- '.I (‘lrt‘tln'b nun-1m ll '0 Chum) nml‘ “Hull. 21 “(f ml r-I-r, MI ~ ‘ I)l}>(‘llfl“H‘-.'I. ‘ nu'rmm ‘ “ific um I») I|].le m ;cm In .:.-mug "Mm. Pinmn [unvd H-g:l]ml3. I'm'MH Lukx-u I” u -c; “we. 1'! 1m ln-A'TZ. I Nn.-30 {s' fit I}:xlk(l.‘~i., YMMV". 12‘ “,3“! Ynm‘nzlvr Jul.“ 1:, 21.3. «in, ~ ‘ mex l.\' x ;j , nanny muss & QH.r._\s«w.xn!, .i'i..\l m \1 ALE, rum I'l mm. ( I (‘AS’H‘IL‘Q U‘, }.\'o 5. ”.\Kh‘ffl Frrnj. My“ l'nnxm u: H , ; HALTHIUHJ. \‘D. ’ I GLASrWA 131 :—-’x :Iva lan. (juHMs. Wines, 1 [.Ol Iv,/I:ZlL‘Hk°. HER. B ith‘fi, fun-5y .litrl‘ “u "tunnels, Y'xé~ stlw‘. hm! I’m ‘5l-, Fnhr, | {ls -1‘9“: '.‘nsm‘r Hm!lcs,K».-:.Lm..1,u, KL: (him. my, Lnrldrns. kc. ‘ 5 Ql HENS‘A'ARE:wplnlu. Fm Di-hcs, Uur. du . Cuvou-q do” (3m “bl Pumas, Tm "Ell, 'rugnrs, (humus, Howie. Pinhmp, ('hnmhrrs, - filming and l‘iulurr, Slugs, Symoom. Tu ‘S( t~.‘l'mlvt Hts. m. ‘ , (.‘t m. STU) E“ ARE :——Ja g", Jars, Pin-hp", .\lllk “magma: [)In) 1, 1665. I)". 4:!) ICE CREAM SALOON. 4, l . -. 'l‘ 0 ml scrim-r respectful}; iuh rnLI the elli zcns offing-thnn; nndfirmuy mm hc by) l‘rnl‘e-ction‘u] Eatnbllfihmonl, ohe dour um 0L the Eagle pri'el. on Clmmhersbnrg meet, ' which he would invite their nuemiou. . Cakes, CimdiL-s, and every dereription ! Confections, tone!her.wi:h Nuls. Urnngu, «1 all kinds of fruits, nlwuyz on hand. l'nr‘tiosppubllc and private. as well an fa -_ lieu, will lie furnishld will: all kinds of Oak 1, lcei‘rcnm, (in pyramldnl form or olherwlse.‘» and other rcfwslmenu at their houses, upon shalt unti‘ce. ' ‘ :otutiona, I Having. épznt n life-timcfi she 'busineu, bq firmer: blame]: zhat he undertnuds it and um" he is «Mo to render emin- mtiafnuion. ‘ Call and see his Confeclipner'.-- ‘ Apri124,1865. ~ a min: omm. AWIIMAKER ‘& JE\VELER,INO. I‘l3 North SECOND Street, ‘ ' corner of Quarry, PHILA DEL-fl PHIA. An assortment o! . WATCHESIJIfiWELIKX', SILVER & PLATED, WARE, commntly on hand. - SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! WROMin'ng of Watcbfen and Jewelry promptly “tended to. Déc. 12, 1.864. 1y » ' r . Hanover B. Raxlrfiad- RANGE OF TIMER—Op and alter ‘l'nel dny, Notemler Isl, 1664, Tralm on 'thin . Road will run as follows: . FIRST TRAIN will leave Hanover It 3.15 A. 11, for Baltimore “Hummus"; unions. sacoxn 13:11»qu long: n 113,]. 11., for York, Harrisburg, Colnml) ' , Phlltdalphin. and the North and We». ' ' mum TRATN Wink-ave u 2.15, 3*. IL, to: Baltimore. Pauengers for York In Harm burg by Ibis tnin will be delayed two hour. It lhe Juncfion. D. E. TRONE, ,’ ‘ Hanover, Nov. '4, 1864. Agent.” ' i ‘ Pictures! Pictures! EV! MUMPEB having puralinle‘i Blmnel * Wetvu’o PIIOTOGfiAflI GAL KEY, II pxepared to. {name work in pi: Hm equiv to any establishment. in thé Stale.» If you desire : good iikenenlfiuished accol‘dlng “Rhine“ improvements in the aft, on“ n the lbove long-estiblished Ggllery,‘ in Welt Riddle street. Gem sbgrg. [Jam 9, 1865. , leefiimaCau!‘ , Tpnphcc to obtain ; perfect Photon-pkg, Ambrotyp'e, e epuéd in the but we: aw NU‘llPfijtjs 3AM”, in Biddle .59. “£159,186; . ~ 1 1 1 . • Forwarding Buainosz. GYM“ 3: .ICAl‘.\'2-UA\\"S LINE. A.- ‘ITIO J 1 >1 h“ I [ln]! r- lgx n I] ANIH hwywn'a vx-m l' ‘ |I.I In '.l M lawn ‘--.|mh In! u “my I. th‘ (“‘I’V‘FI Mr H>‘..s‘ = R: P. Daylcy 8: CO., Fresh Confectionery I. K. Staufl‘ei',