315.» @dmpua; pun £940: I, ;. nun, inn-on um PROPRIITQI. en'r‘rvsnuna. PA. HONDA‘Y MORNING, SEPT: 18, 1865 DIIOCM'I'IO ITATI TICKET AUDITOR GENERAL, ' 'wnh on nun“, um. Col. 10]!!! I‘. “MM, of Cambria County. Dllmuu'nc couu'nr TICKET ITATI lii/4'03. QALYLN M. DUNCAN, Esq.,Chmnbenbnrg unlnu, Dr. D. S. PEFFER, Bet-wick bor PROTHOIO‘I‘AEY, ‘ Haj. HENRY S. BENNEB, Straban township. ' conmunnh' : ' AIOS LWEVER, Eyq., Uni towmhlp. ' mars-run or we POOR, ABRAHAH KRISE, of A., Libvrly township' “nu-run, Lléut. J. C. PJTTEN'I‘HHETyrone township . -:. Dlfl’l‘fllCT ATTORNEY, , 3VI A“. DUNCAN, Esq.. Gettysburg. \ . musuuzu, JACOB SHEADS, Gettysburg wavn’on. D. _C. SMITH, Oxford tow. nship THE N EIVH. Pic-um Johnna nu "Man to Provmonnl Governor murky, of “ml-Inn}, nppruving of tho action of u» lat. ter In mink!“ I Slate mum, and doclarlix um Lho Bout-burn ml. mm be muted 9:: [ha work of rullontlon. Tb. Us 3. Wln about to ho unmdmwn [mm M inb lippl. 7 . U: ’Hu auction In Bomb Carolin; for the Sum Connntlon, bu named In the ch we of conwnluwo dalegntel. A mong “add-pm ue zen-rah Brunuu Ind WM. fllmpv Inn And Colonel MurphonOL-ngeburg. Faraw- mum on». Vermont oloctlon Ibo! I probabl wn of mm Dvmocnu In um flute Home 0! Roprmnu tlvu. Tb. Bonnnwm be EMDOIIU Bopubllm, nit 111 In ynr. , _ ‘ All the white midi." In Kentgxcky are to b. more); mu }.M on. The ten regiment- of qolurod troop- In um Em bin Men’formd law I divluon, and" Gen. June: 11. lid-Ulla. - ’ 11/Il and um President John-on, nceompanlod by bl. ethnic and noun] alumni-bud military oflufl, will warn; mc‘numm and omsrfiouflum cm... Gourd- )ludo MOIImoI-o ha). bud an “new by with (humor I’m], 0! South Carolina, Ind mull arrangement: ‘10: flu nmmptlun or their dutiu by the pivil omm. 5 A Ilium culled "hog-dnpthorin" ll lulllnx m. lam ln film Ind ldjolulng counties of erglniu.‘ ’ 2h lichen, 111-nippl, “Nam? hu placed d (h- haul of": comm, m and a! Audra Johmn 'lur tho next Truancy. " ' ‘ In“: lhlllbmton. tho “that, widely known u “Sun fillet," dlld mntly In England. Tho mugouhm Io fu- dovolopod to the neunatrnctlon policy of flu I‘m-idem, ”up: tu be bonded by Tunddeun lam-u And Hunry’Wlleu, Io m u Congress In ooncernad, whllc locum Ilullu. though of the Cain“. null, ll '00! down an covertly lulmiul 1110 14: 11. ‘ Gen. Inmm‘lnundl w mks his puma-m random In Him. ' ' - no chulutou‘Conrlor nine. um mm,» Lynch, of m. Unwwdchnah, who In [llme plrdunnd by (In Pmidum, 'lauhun oloeud u: the Bomb Cuolm Convenhon .- on of It 511“!- from Chm-lawn. , ' A l-Mfrom “‘5O: umm Slocum, dated Augu-t 31. It Webbing. ‘lhovu an! th- Shnerul'l View up nutter: o! utlonfl'poucy fully Accord um: Delmar-tic principlu, ind d 1“ shot. can be no danm 0: bid maplwm of Die noun“ or on Dunocncy or m nmpsré sum. ' lawn! South Ouoliu plant-n rocenlly chum-med to than! Bonn-t, that. the fund-non "(use ta comply with “chi-m! of am: hbor cankacu. (loner-l Bend. in re gly, mud tho-n flu: manure- would be Mafia step the will complaint or. ‘ _ Th. colon-1 Hoops onlhtcd in flu: North, And my son- In‘ In “mink, Earth Clmlhn, l-‘lurld |, Louisiana, Tew, Ind Arne-I, If. to $0 lmlnedhlaly mustered out. ‘ Tho volume: force In the Department ofWuhmglon in to In "dam to 6,000,men. All m'rom uound'Wuhlngwn will shortly bg Mun-n -ud. ‘ ' Mb 0. Broeilnrldge Is In Claus. Quinlan“ In in BL Louia. Hod olefin nhmdonod pmporty It Humor-rem Held by Choeoumment, In: [an remand to m owners. \ ' Civil hr has been tutored In South Catalina, and It. ml! Jimmy be in all the nbel Staten. ‘ ‘ ' Wt Join-on mad. Ivar] kind Ind com-"nun up... to I Southern dalegnlon mum, taking ground MW llhgonllflo to am. held by file Radical Bopubli out I'm Eadie-h hue lhusforo u: up n tax-rib]. howl bun-pm. - THE .TICKET. - . The Demoérniic ticket is admitted on all sides to be a good one. Rarely, indeed; is 'pniseoi'e party licketsoge‘nerellybestowed. Honest. upeble end deeerving. the gentle rtlmen composing it can be pointed to with pride by the Democracy of Adams, and a comparison’mh their Republican oppo “nente triump tly challenged. ' For Senator,- the choice of the Conv'ention fell upon Hon. WI. McSnnnY, thanrwhom the county has not a more estimable citizen. ,‘The umimous end hearty vote given him ntteeted the high appreciation-of his cher iaeter Indoourse by the delegates. But in 'the Senn'torisl Conference, 5 letter was read from him in which he very gracefully de clined thenomination. CALVIN MuDUNCAN‘, ‘ ‘_Esq., of Frnnklin county, was then {mani- i measly nominated, end he is therefore the ‘ 'ohndidste of the Democraey of the district ‘ 701‘ a seat in the Senate of the State. vThe ‘ qualifications of Mr. D. no one who knows ‘ Emwilflds’m-Jsgeeeweinp‘sm br—is possessed of brain and sound judgi ‘ ‘xnent—ind, above all, is honest. He may i ;be safely ‘trusted amidst the corruption which too often runs riot at Harrisburg.‘ H‘he snfik‘ereis on the Border. so long uninit ly depiived of relief by a Republican Legisc 1 _lature, ivill find in him an earnest and able 1 advocate. By voting for him they will vote ‘ 'iorjustioe to themselves. He" is eeruin to 1 have influence in the SenateLWhilst mo- 3 :Connpghy is ‘too‘wellknown whsve‘it sny- 1 yhere. Hr. Dunmn wiltreeeive s magnifi. cent vote in; Franklin. Let his native {county of Adsms not fail to endorse him as fhendsomely. - ' For the Legislature, Dr. D. S. Psi-"g of Ablpotts'tow‘n’, is the nominee. None will ‘ 'ques'tion his qualifications for the position. 'llis prolusidn is that of a physician; he is hfl’mnt' ken'uad hi hi ~inmlli ent.-—‘ m ‘l'“"'_‘ ifium?‘Momq - hég cinuot fail to‘ - - hose 'ho Hunk that In immoral-it. ‘ ‘populi: in the Bonsai—a point. whichlnon of thogsanda ol' don“; “mum be! My 1:25.323“ mama cake m m. I ““2"? °‘ “2.5“” “2'23"? ‘°’ WOW-v idem ' 9-." ’lt‘ in not Preléndea (bat his ‘38,? s fuilmomd Amelahon," to the “I, . “MP ' PPPOlient 'in fined for the! “w” ‘ ° hundred“ “”1“?“ “M £2: ih my IhPPeL o!“ fond—and. thelwem plulflered or burnt. out. durinslthe action of Dr. I’eQ‘er therefore becomes . ; battlf hele’ should vote for. Wumghy.’ )odlii. 'ueéealityi' Péopla of Adams, if‘ WeJudge Quit he would suit their ‘view of . 09"!” H 01? in thé House, Dr. Pefl'er is the case‘ from the .fact that last. winter, hel gofir‘m‘fl'h. The qther hue caught henf any had a bl]! passed 1n the Senate giving his! David toyou. Thu isbut of the qhesLion. ‘ “Asa’ocmu’o'n” fly: “wand dam“ of (Ira : m sum or scram. u 222222;"."222222222: 22:2: 22°: . . . . 1 —~ en e our: in: affimetgrfirxffizz’gfifig 3‘ of horse: by ‘the Jeb Stuart raid! The bill 2123;» bid: within the limit“)! Adm: lw“ ”9pr mu” ~.°,, ‘ Imm” ' I 59m. A coy‘ual 91951;: ‘e'xfct ind! 1.5. Who?» 'Hpmdinx in Euro!”- bedpeu trenmetlons. end en'doyml wilh‘ Infemieble More. he in just the individn-l for the place. This omce in one of the‘ diet; lgportent—if not M 2 mall'apahmtj —in the conhty. Voters shoal. erefore: pee to it the; it is entrusted inlo the hendnl‘ alone who i; thoroughly qualified todie phage it. dotiea. Major Banner in haul lobe ,eoqunlilled. whillt his opponent is: not-knownto ’3o.} Wjor‘B. served {our years in the war. entering near the begin- 2 ning as First Lientenent of Co. K, 1015“ PI. Volunteers, and returning at its close! in Major of the Regiment. lle took part? in the severe battle of Fair Oaks, and corn-i ‘ mended the Comfnmy on part 0! the mar" ‘ gunrd in the hubsequept masterly retrent to.) the Jemes river. ,‘The regiment was soon,l ‘el’ter sent to North Carolina. in which un-g heelthy region it ‘was nearly all the wliilel 'kept. Major B. was among the garrison! lwhich was compelled by largely superior] numbers to eunenderjt Plynwuth, and: was I prisoner in ”helix-od- ten laundry. lundergoing the privatiom so oils. des-' cribed hy otheu. éftex being exchanged, he returned lamina, and at tho oonclmsion of a brief furlough, rejoined his command, and remained with it until the in termin ated end the regiment wee mustered» out. His record is a highly honoxeble one, and we believe be me claim having been the! ollicer longest in strvice from kdamu coun ty. 1! the people 0 not elect Mujor Ben } ner, it can only belhgceuse they do Mwent 1 “the right man in be right place." “ ‘ ‘ Altos Lzrmfiu, q., of Union, will on .- an excellent Co mis'sioner—none better. He 1: one of the Mfume“ in the county, endg’thorough business man. Correct and upright in everything. and bearing a large proportion of the burdet of taxation him" self, heis the very kind fmm the position needs-,nnd‘ the taxpfiyers, knowing that, i will call him to-it. ~For Director, Aaumx Kama, of A., of Liberty, is admimbly calculated. A suc -58351111 farmer, and‘bonducting his ’own a'f fuirs in the mos’t unexceptionable manner, he will know how to fill the place of Direc-_ tor oi the Poor acceptably and properly.— The people can never do better than by making up the Board of such men as Mr. Klise. . For Auditor, Lieut. J .rcon C. Ptrrmrunr. of Tyrone, is the nominee. He is a good uccquntant, and will make a first class oili cer. He served two terms, as Lieutenant, in the war—once in the nine months ser vice, and 'afterwards going in for a year. His conduct. on all occasions in spoken of in complimentary terms, and the ballot. box will sneak in equal praise of him. JAwn Strum. of this Borough, is the candidate for County Treasurer. Mr. Sheads is honed—4s bapable—is poor, em in ing his daily bread by thesweal. ol'his brow. A more deseFving'man cannot be iou’nd-J and we do not. believe the‘ people will try to find another for Treasurer this time. For District Attorney, WK. A. Duncn’, Esq“ received a -renomination. He has during the past three years diaEhnrged the duties of the office with much ability. and has rendered high satisfaction to can“, jurorKand peoiile. As he has done so well heretofore, the public will trust. him three , years more. . ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ Dnm C. Sur'm, Euqu of Oxford township, is the nominee for County Surveyor. .Mr. I Smith has much experience‘as u surveyor. . and is possessed of a high degree of intelli gence. He is excellently well fitted for the place he will be callé‘d to fill. Such, Démoclyts of Adams, is the ticket chosen by‘tlre Democratic County Qonveu-I tion. It. is composed ol'good men and true, from ’the first to the lab-u It is worthy of your most active and earnest Buppbljb aud’ w'e trust you will leave no honorable effort untried to secure its success. The? Repub lican_ lenders think that over-confidence will keep‘many of you from turning out— that you will not appreciate the import— ance of the-election, an'd thus not. manii'est. niuchiuterest in it. aUndeceive them' by your presence it the polls. Go early—May! all day—and do all in your power loalecrt‘ a good ticket‘on a sound White Man’s plat-' form. DO YOUR WHOLE DUTY, AND' ALL WILL BE WELL! @The Republican County Convention {cam in so difficult to get material To: a ticket, um they stopped nominating when they hld reached nbout. three-fourths of the list. of officers. file balance was left to their County Wmmittee, who, on Saturday week, finished tbeflob by forcing on A. J . Cover, Esq.. for District, Attozney, anko. S. With grow for Surveyor. All we have to any to these gentlemen is, that to be on a ticket headed by such a character as MéConnnghy, is, like Billy Slocum'u pet sheep, to be “in d—d bad company I” . ’ fi-Those who believojhat this country should be Africanized-thnt [the 11ng should win, and in all things be the EQUAL or m: mun nut—will find the ticket headed by McConnughy just whee qhey want. . ' - ‘ , Bug}. those who beficve tin)! this Govern nun-t .... ...:er»~ —~—« ~~—~- ..." men and their posterity forever, will vote the Demécratio ticket" from top ‘to bottom. Attempt to ignore. it. as thé Abolition pa per: and leaders uiay. this in the‘iuu'e of the times—and next October’beloctiqn will go far towards deciding it. Remember that, voter! } @‘Being a candidate is well celcuidted 3to mend one’s manners. Mcgonaughy‘wea } seen. the other~ day. holding a friendly ache: on the street. with one of “the com mon people.” The health ofthe poor man’s wife and children was a subject of deep st» lienude to the would-be Senator, and so ar dent was his regard for "his friend" the]. he codld herdly resist embracing him. The Ipoor maxi understood the. dodge, and will kgive him a gallant “hm" when the time ;Comes-T-“hint.” to the gerrév. No. 2! IcCONAUGHY I SOLDIEBB’ V 033! "It is the port of. want nlwnysto re-l sort to sicld' issues, in cg to evsde such as may involvohimselr. Tut is Mctlonaughy's game. knowing as he does ,his‘many vul nerable points. But he is unfortunate even in this. Everything he touches starts forth some new demon to condemn him. I He had a“smelling committee” brought here last winter. to look into the soldier: vote matter. The committee made nothing out of it—hut Mchnnughy. lorced ‘to do something that may divert attention from" himself. in making I blow about the alleged f “conspiracy to deprive the soldier of his, vote'!" He pretends to he an= extraordi—l narily ardent friend of the soldier, and is running both the Abolition nouspapors tof prove it. But 'whilst he is thus enghged.l we recollect an not of his that will up-set all ‘ his nice calculations on the subject. [ A few 1931': age. in the contest tor a seat j in the Legislature between Henry J. Myers ‘ and John Bushey, Mcconaughy who Bushey's i connseland managed the whole affair lor. him. Now whilst McConaughy in making, his fuss about hostility to soldier votes on: the part of other people, will it be believed; that in the trial of that case before a com-i mittee of the House, In oyposcd with alriu'ai might the counting of (It: vote of Captain ClLrilz-‘ man’s Company, (Misting that the whole bola, should be tlrroum away I—with no other rea-| son, of course. than because it had given, two majority for the Democratic candidate?‘ incredible as his conduct may seem. this is' the truth nevertheless. Hedi}! make such! woultion, using every urtifice‘and inter i\g every technicality in his power.. ’ ‘u the fact may he,he dare not deny ‘.ttempta it. he will find the proofl \nd very plenty. ‘ l | ‘tty subject to mine a ques ' soldier votes l I ( pas L Ug t it. if h L very handy i . le n’t hes p v tion about opposi __ —— ~ ~- I.» ~ ———-—~-—- McCONAUGHY D THE iWAB. fiburing the penden of the Critten— den Comprqmise in Congres. the people of all parties throughout the coun ' petition” ed forOits adoption, in order that 9 might: be spared the horrors of a bloody ci, ' war. 4 In this county petitions were signed in e- I ry township, and thousands 6f nhmes wer I sent to Washington praying that the meas- ‘ ure might be passed, There was hut onei man 'in this communitijho had; the hardi hood to get ups. petition a‘gaidst it—nnd; that man was D. McConnughy. He did not{ want a settlement of that kind, rather mural He secured the names ofone hundred and six men and boys to his petition. and its' introduction in Congress was hnnouncedl with quite a flourish of trumpets: by one of“ the Abolition papers here. 3 1 Well—the Crittenden Compromise was. not. adopted, and war came. ThetPresident called for volunteers to fight. 'Did Mchn-' aughylgo? Not exactly! The disaster ntl Bull Runycnmuphnd-the President immedi-i ately called again. Did McCon‘mglxy go then? Not a Lit‘ of it! The Mar lasted ( more than four years, and Jun-ing that pew riod' call upon call was made for men to fight its battles. but did l\l(.Conaugliy, so‘ anxious for the shedding of bl sod, ever risk a [drop of his own;? No! Whilst otliers‘ left. homes and families to take part in the; telriblelconfli‘ct which he in the beginning‘ petitioned tor, he remained quietly in Get; tysburg, with full time to-jpluy the part all the secret "denauncer" and demngogenfirsit,i to grhtify his personal grudges. and, second, ‘ to build up some sort of a chance for pulib I iml prefer'ment. 3 me first object was accomplished only toi a limited extent—whether he shall carry his second remains for thepcople to any on { the second Tuesday: of October, But he ‘ “stayed away” from the war, and we r'atherl think he will be told to “stay ntvuy” from ‘ the Senate. 1 1 @The Chambersburg ~qusz‘lory' pro nounces McConaughy “a gentleman 'of blameless integrity." . This reminds he of; joked A negro preacher was holding forth to nfmngregm tion of his own color on the fsuhject of “faith." It was revival time,and the Speak er was very powerful in his n'ppeale. The tears ran down his cheeks, his v‘oice quiv ererl like distant thunder, while he empha sized his words by vigorous blowd upon the table. In the .midst of all this, the glove, agitated by his jarring blows, rolled over open the floor. Brother Lewis, ni high man in the church, had located~him=elf near the comforter of shins. After the c‘atulrophe he stood irresolute as to. what “i do, when the voice ofthe minister came to him laden , with faith : ‘ “Pick up de stove, Biudder Lewis, pick up do stove—de Lord won’t let' it burn you 1" Brother Lewis’s (mind was filled with themimclee of faith he had heard that evening. so he yielded to the appeal of his preacher and gralJed itlinetuntly, hutjust as quickly let it drop; aq‘d turning his reproachful eyes to the'diecipl’e oi faith, exclaimed, “Deli—l he won't!" ; - There arenota few in this county who, throng}: McConnughy’s “impressive" up; preaches, (he is an oily-mugged follow.) were induced to have “faith" in‘him; but, “K 8 mum?! mc» J ,1. 44.0...- Lad], burned by theinvestment. Tilly/will hard-i ly look upon McConaughy’s “integrity” in ' a "blameless” light. fl-Rebel invasions resulted in hea‘vy losses to Mr. Duncan, the Democratic can didate for the Senate. The bhrning of Chambersburg swept thousands of dollars’ worth of property from him 111111951. in the twinkle of an eye, turning him “out of house and home.” McConaughy fared better. With him the account was on thg‘othex u‘ide. Jeb Stuart stole our farmers’ horses, and Mc- Conaughy was enabledl to pocket 3 dollar ahead under the supposition thnt=he would procure compensatiorfor them. This in them. what MoCouaughy “suflered” by Rebel invasion. elf there is any class 01 pebple who deserve having their “combs eul’fl more than another, it 18 those who are eternally pushing themselves forward in order to gnin notoriety at the expense of others , more worthy but. more modest.‘ McCon-l fiThe Ana-Slavery Standard {note hf)“- aughy is one of this bra-a lubed «on, and if. at and more clear-mghtad than no mired tlie sepaible people of this dislrict do not. oonfrereaoftho preu, thrown up tliesponge. SlVG‘h'ml“ lic‘lSt-rllleeutzv‘lllnfiglwng" ,“l-df-he' If. despairs of frightening President John eommgeec lon, l y l "1 3w” mg - - ‘ . I very impudent “devil his due." ran mlo submiwon and loudly calls for his __, -_._.i...,.__.__ l‘ impeachment. ‘ tamDmim: the excifina days 0 June , "'"'f“"“""_“‘ and 3033'. 1863. when Adam: and Franklin] Dmalufuchon WW ‘1“ R‘l’iu'gl" 3W6 773,.“ counties Were’ filled with mb‘el raiders, Mr. ‘f'—D'7'3,"Q"3v, 1", 3°?" 6th"- I h°_ dlwfifw McConaughy stood up bravely to (calls: the I 11an ngalnal._btone sad the Republican Lick invader£.'f-llarfisburg Te/tgruplh‘ et 15 becoming greats! each day In the Rb 3.11 m Imam l: r . J publioun tanks. 01:. paper that ha been ”I , . u." re groans s.m'3' .sx’xpporling'him bu taken down hi: nuns, ““3 .’ ' 'VW'S' mtg-eat. to I thbor’l and will go {or me soldioxs’and Democruio gnrret. ' ' ”3 i I ticket. , . .. , . I 'A C - Nine your! auto thin month, .t tificete been for 120 acre! 0 on meeting with Derid McConnug .- A WWW 3‘ Lamjn Gettysburg, an e, Patent Deed tor the said lead, the it Connughy mentioned tint he was 't. Washington city the next morning, and h t vised me to give him my Deed and he wo L get the Patent Deed for are, and sue me the expense of n trip to Washington myself. Sup posing All would be right I gate him my Deed tor the purpose mentioned. Some time nt'ter-' wards I called on him, and found that my Deed was still in his possession. Whether he ever went to Washington or not, I do not know.— Time after time, hundreds of times I may any, I called on him for the Patent. Deed :just as of ten he would any, “I am busy, call some other dog." Gatling no satisfaction. although I had paid him five dollars, and getting tired of be ing put ofl'iu this Way, I then demanded the return of my Certificate Deed; the answer was to that, time otter time, year after year, “just pass out, call in agmiul‘ Thisr went on for eight long years, until Inst full, on one of my \‘isitéto his otfice, upon my telling him posi tively, in the presence of a witness, I was bound to have my Deed, I was ordered to tote About. six weeks ago, having taken steps for the purpose.l discovered (not through McCon nnghy, you my be tune) that my Certificate Deed was hlong with said McConanghy's Deeds, at Council Hlutl’s, Iowa! Let the public make Its own comments upon such conduct. 1 pre—' some the public verdict would he that I should‘ have my Deed, but it is ltept from me in the way stated. ’ I am a Republican, and a thorough one,aui intcnii voting all the Republicnn ticket except for David Motionaughy for Senator. It hevcnn treat me in the way he has done, he can treat the public in the some way, if he gets the chance. .As far a: I can prevent it. he can’t have that chance. Calvin Ll. Duncan is the man of my choice. Rosznr MoQaconx’. Franklin tps, Sept. 16, 1865. “ JEB "-s'rmnr AND Mccomuear. Iu the fall of 1862, the rebel cavalry Gen ernt J. E. B. Stuart mile a mid through Franklin and the western part of this coun ty, carrying off hundreds of horses. Many of our farmers lost. heavily, some of them all the horse mock they had. , Here a nice chu’nce‘presented iteeif to McConnughy. , A large number of horses were taken, and 1: large number of dollarsr might be made out of the fact. It was therefore noised abroad that he could ee cure compensntion for the horses stolen, from Harrisburg, or Washington. or some. where; and. us a consequence. the turmers «me in by dozens' and paid McConaughy ‘ Jo .. a dollar for each of the horses taken. from hem. But to this day they have never so one cent of damages. It Was,a -ther hard case that the farmers should first log their lmrse~ by. Job Stuart, and then their n my by D. MtCunaughy.’ Probably some ofth wiil think of-it when McCounughy ask: the .~. for their votes in addition. ' . ' _ mLast winter, when an fl‘ort was be ing made to remoVe the Gotw- ‘ll case to. another county. McC-Jnnughy wen to Her riihurg and bored hermly to [mete its[ removal. in=isting that it would be on. ‘ - suit to Adams county to any that. ajury o ‘ her citizens wouldnut give Gotwaid a fttir lliul. Very men after. MI made application‘to the Legislature for n bill to remove :he cas‘e ol Tuxrpl. upoix the ground thnt-l:e.could not. get fairness amljusnce at lhé hpuds'of zm Adams county jury ! ’ Such is the vnmiuenvynf McConaughy! Wbata magnificent ‘jowel” it. is! @The Aholllinlnxls and ncgro—suff‘rage iles of lhi> I\‘mmlnriul_d)§Hi(‘l have nomina ted Davnl .\lchnuughy, Eu... qf‘iollyshmgg, fnr Smalor. In the langungp pf our m-igh bar of the In‘v-Imxrlgn-v/. ln- “wily! b 9 nextto the man that “ill be elected.”—-Clunnbrrs burg Spu'tt. Ilurdiy (Int. if the people in Franklin know him half as we“ as they do in Adams: WP. L. Houek pululidmg a titlle card in which he says he was m'uch sunrisrd at finding himaelf nominMed for the Legisla 4am. The surmise wAs generuX—univcrsul, mllier, ‘ @Thc Sentinel says McCunaughy ex‘dnys a"lnrge practice.” We will do hi‘ the justice to admit that he had a few any“ case: in (be several lust Courts. The col ored persuasion seem to have oozffidence in his “patriotism.” ' wWe observe that the Republicans of Adams county have nominated D. McCon aughy. ol'GeMysbm-g, for'SSate Senator.— This,Mchnaughy is llie man who caused the arrest of 11. J. Smhle, E~q.. editor of the Cbmpiler,4sonu alter the battle of Gettys burg. upon charges which it. was afterward proven had not the slightest. louudation. excepting in the prolific imagination of the intensely “loyal” McConaughy, where, of course, “tbewish.s father to the thought” One shpuld‘ suppose that after tho! he would be looked upon, by highminded men. only with supreme contempt. Yet the Republicans, it. would seem, ai-e willing to elect him to therhonorahle position of State Senator! Bub l—Lmistown Democrat. ASSESS THE SOLDIERS. Every returned wldier must be 43333531) or also he will lose his vote. The payment of the gen cent. tax under the Soldier-is voting luv will not entitle the soldier to vote In a citizen: Go to work at once and' fee that every soldier is assessed. No time is to be lost. as the 30d: ofSeptambér is the limit of tune allowed ‘to do 10. Within the ”sum: "WK lava“, ..-- ‘_‘4 VM‘E be fully qualified as a civilian—l freeman --n voter against Shoddy Ind Negro Suf fnge! ,- [O‘The soldiers who fought fo‘r Rich mond and won ifi'on the fields of Coal Harbor, Petersbhrg. Sbnthside‘ Railroad, Five Forks. R" will not lone light of the feet that Abolitionisu are endeavoring to rob them of their glory, by ettfihuting the capture of the city ~10 Weitsel‘a negro regi. menu which marched in after the evacue tion. Let. them resent this insult' at the ballot-boxwtberc they can touch a ten ‘der‘epot. ‘l‘hnmhacrews nn‘d fatten, guard houses and double-duty, are nqt so potent now as formerly, and returned soldier: can once more vote,” they please. 8-le Clinton countyfijtbe Republicans were magnnuinmus enough oo_ nomxnate two soldiers on their ticket, Ht they imv medinlely declined the honor. ’ com me. herding a CC" , The Senntorinl Cantu-once oi \Adnms and lfld “l “WV ““lan countiea was yold at. Grafl‘enherg " "9‘!“ M” Springs, on Thursday evening, Sept. 7. m 5, “”9“” ‘ I the following conferees being present: “51 Ic- I Adams county. Dr. John A. Swope, thu 8 3° I Walter and Robert molar. 'é; Frankfin. Dr. Victor D. Miller, George : M. Slenger and Andrew Bu‘rggu. much as they could have done. had I been chosen {IS-(ho candidate of the District-; and my enurge during the trying times of the past three‘yeurs in the Senate of Penn-‘ aylvunin having received their approval. ,I‘ do most cheerfully declineaposition I have‘ never desired. A A _ _ ‘ Hoping, gentlemen. that the delibera tions of your conference mny be such as to aid in securing n triumph of Constitutional liberty at. the coming elecrion, which can only be occamphahedby the success‘of the Democratic puny. I am, very respectfully, your obedient serv’t., ' WM. McSHERRY. Germany twp-., Tuesday, Sept. sth. 1805. Then. on motion of Mr.Stenger, Calvin M. Duncan, Evy. was unanimously nominated as the Democratic candidate for Stay; Scu- Mnr at the eus‘uing election. ' On motion. adjourned 357:: die. - Rnnmu' McCun, Chairman. 3 ANDREW Bummss, Sgcrelary. ‘ For the Compiler. THADDEUS STEVENS’ LATE SPEECH. Without following Mr. Stevéns in hi! me andérlngs through marsh, swamp, fen, hog and slough of political desponclJetibsutfice to approach the‘thresh-hold pf thisquugt mire of abolition heresies. ' \Mr. Stevens holds that the eleven slave States recently in rebellion ag inst theGun stitulional Government 'did secede; that. they totally aevm'al all political connexion with the patent. government; that. they main ‘tained an independent government of their own for four years; that they hev’e been conqueled as foreign States and alien. ene mies: that their territory shall be held its the ammo» territoFy of the federal govern ment; that thud territory shall be sold to pay the national debt; and‘ that the South ern aristocracy shall be crushed and extermin amt. This is the brief summing up of Mr. Sievens’ political abolition crud. , . Let-us now compare this heresy with the Southern dogma of secession: The South ern leaders claimed the Ginstitutional right arm State to secedefrom the Federal Union; that the federal government. possessed no constitutional flower to “coerce” a State to remain in the Union; a »d that by the acts of secession and congderation they ere defacm «sovereign and independent Stale. 'l"- heresy was comhntted by the Execu tive nd Federal authoritiesns treasonéble in dost ‘ 1 and‘rwnlutionary in practice; that rm Stale c 1111 src‘ede‘from that “more pnfcrt Union :" 1h: States could be “coerctz-d’L to remain «in thu Union ; and upon this basis the i.~.-ue was jot ed and h ’ been derided. And now/_what dt e see?s Why. we find .hir.".l'lind(lt-us Steve! s planting himself on tho sitctsszw plant/rm! claiming that it is now the duty and the rig/«t of C-Onfll‘t‘rs to confixm this most treasonable of all rank Ircumn—(ln's dogma of secession, and ratify by legislative rum-intent the independent sore. reignty oi the Soothern Confederacy based upon =iavery! ‘ ' This shows that the two extremes North and South do stand upon the some political pln Horn], and thntulmlilioniwt and scenysiowiun urenlike treasonalfle to Constitutional liberty, llnit tlny lmth'seek :1 military despotism. "a guwrnmedl (in single idea,” one in the name of s'uvm‘y :‘md the other in the name of the «(lon/lon ot' slhverynmd now that the latter is nceonwltrhed, and the smoke and dust of battle is cleared away. they stand forth in bold relief.joinetl han‘l in hand, and are covered all over with the fraternal blood at brothers of the same family. Let us carry this ideau little further and ascertain.—if possible, the end to Which this abolition [may will conduct us. If the slave States dill shade—did absolutely seVer all political connexion withthe Federal Union ‘ —.-did .crc‘ate and“establish an independent State and maintain it. for {our years, and this fact shall now bercmg’t‘med by sole-inns act of the national Legislature, then, of‘ course, other States may secede. and they, too, will have to be “coerced" by military} power to remainin the Union, and so on until every Staleshall be held by “consive” military power,'when we shall have sccom- I plished that which abolition traitors North, and recession traitors South do most desireunl military despotism—“a government of a single idea." If this..conclusion is not a. _l‘air and legitimate deduction from the premises ot‘l Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, Wendell Phillips, Charles Sumner, Henry Wilson, and other abolitionistq North, and of the secessionists. Smith, then: we are not ajudge of cause and [ effect; and.” it be legitimate, then we tip-1 peel toyou.‘ the people, to come to the res-l cue Ind defend our sacred Constitution; defend our “more [krfect Union ;” defend : our free institutions; defend our libernlt toleration of religion; defend our homes,| our altars, and our fires from the ruthless hands of cofuspiring demogogues nnd aboli tion traitors; defend the purity of the bul lot box; defend the President in his culh stitutional policy of restoration and re~Uui on ; and God will bless and save our coun try item the ravages of another civil war. ‘ ' .————-—— "_.__.... fl‘hddens A’ inst the Plesi dent, or§hgvigsfie§§ihfioan Twauma, it. Would Have eeu Put a FeW' Honths Ago-“ Against the Govern- tent." addeus Stevens has taken ground in open hostility to President Johnson nnd lug plan of reconstruction; and demand: in I ;feech nude last week in Lancaster, th 3 r. Johnson shall be thwarted in :m hi; efforts. He urges that the Southern States shall be kept outofthe Union, which the Chief Magistrnte asserts they have nev er left; that secession is, and was, an ac complished fact, of which we at the North may take advantage to grind the South to powder, and speaks with a bitterness which betrays the secret heart of his party pur po< see, and develops the plan by which he and his pmy hope to see those purposes , achieved. ‘ The Wofld contains a very sharp criticism i upon this speech. which it characterizes u ‘ i the devilish inspiration of Republican logic. ‘ One-half of Mr. Stevens’ purpose is to keep! Southern States out of the Union, and the ; other half to protect. himself and his‘iellowV plundei‘ers in their schemes for buying up the richeet Southern lands for a nominal price, and turning the proceeds of preren- ‘ ded “conflicflion” into their own coffers, ‘ Already slotted with the corrupt expendi- ‘ ture of e gigantic war. 1 The Journal of Commerce says that if Mr. Sumner and Mr. Thaddeus Stevens, and other such radical lenders. succeed in cracking the petty whip Wilheuch terrific eflect us to defeat the President in bi: plans endprevent Congreu from supporting them, “than wmmw (It: country will benign:-Q ged into a more dangerous wnduion than we have' em in, ma duruafi (h high: of (It: war.” The New Yor TM (Mr. Seward’n or .) thin , speaks, in commenting upon Mr. Stevem’ much : E We do not believe tht the people have fought this mt 10l- 1h... urpon‘e ol establish ing u Washington thOfimat relentless des ‘potism the clvnlized wor d has ever seen.— Nor are they at all likely to regard the ex termination of the Southern people as the most likely means of_restoring tranquility, promoting order. and forming a “more per fect Union.” If that is their temper and their purpose. Congress may pass such en actments I: Mr. Steven: demands. Other wise, We think they will hesitate shout it, to say the least. _‘ loin» & Goqnfy. 'I‘IIE‘FAIR A'l‘ BEXDBRSVILLE will commence to-morrow andiend on Thurs day. The large“ preparation! have been made, and everything promises well for success. Let the former: nd the people of the county generally turn out, and give it the benefit of their presence. as well as, of their quarter: and dollnra. Much tine stock wil‘be exhibited, some {unwith con-ll siderable arm mochinery—whilrt the ladies’ . - .rtment will be found q‘nnmally attmol tive We say to all, (:0! . l SOL 0 RS’ RECEPTION.—A meeting. called by ~o Burgess, was held by the citi-l zens at the art-house, on‘ Saturday night, week, for the p -- .of inopgurating meas-‘ urea for a. generel eeption of the Soldiers i at Adams county. n-~ that they have re‘ turned. R. G. McCr w, {Esqq presided, and Dr. J. W. C. O'Neala- ed asSecretary. The object of the meeting 1] ing been uln ted. {Committee consisting 0 Col. C. 11. Buehler. Maj. E. G. Fahneqtock, .11. W. C. O'Xenl, Cupt. W. 'l‘. King and A. . Co ver, I‘lqu was appointed, with authorit to odd to their number two’p } sane from eac township and borough in {the county—en equal number from both pqlitical parties— to take the matter in hitnjd, and report at an early clay some plan for ferrying out the object of the meeting. l 1:. is thought that the reception will take place shortly after the election. It. will no doubt be a grand affair. The arrangements will be announced as soon lie-completed}— ’l‘he following has been handed in lor pub lication: i -' The Committee appointed} at a meeting of the citizen! of the Borough ot Gemshurg, “.eonvened in pursuance of n (will ofthe Burgess, to whom was refer: ed the subject ofn (laurel ,Rsrrpuan of the re'urmd Soldfm a/ the coun/1,; met on the 14th inst., 11111 l in accord-nee with E inhtructions ol‘the nan-ting, named the follow ‘ing gentlemen from the dill’er'fznt townships to 7 he ossmhitcd with them: . Borough—A. J, Cover, C.:H: But-bier, Ed. G. Fululestoclt, Capt, WuhLT. King, 11. .l. Stnhlo, .l. ilurvey \\ lute. J. V. C. U Neill. Conowngo—Edwnrd Single, l).r.id Wortz.. Unio'n—llcnj. F. Boll‘ngor, Sum'l. P. Young. . Menullen—Lt Isaac Miller Samuel .\leals. l Hnniiltouhsn—James H. Mprshull, Capt. Alc- Glnly. l Hamilton—HenryL.Miller, ‘ Highland—lsaac lleroter, . Huntington—“'ll:. D. Go lPeters.‘ . , Stmbnn—Henry A. Picking f Butler—Jacob Eppelmnnr‘. I lmtimorc—Jno. M. Gnrdne ‘ ford. “ ‘ ‘ Freedom—David Rhodea,.l . Mountjoy-vAaron Shvely. ‘ Fr.ink|in-—Cnpt. Jncob .\lni l Ger natty—Wm. MuSherryJ Bot 'chk ban—.l9s. Wolf, 1 Ty ne—ilenry J. Myers, .l Rt- ding—Samuel March, Lil) rty—W. Ross White, \ l (l) It‘d—l.l.. Smllll, AlJlll i Lit lu-town—Dr. Rd. F. Sh B" ‘ick Ip.—-Geo. FlickmL‘ ’ .\lo ntplensnntc—Jno. Jenk‘ I rode. ' ‘, I. Cu heriaml—Cornclius DI ,W. n ukoy. [ Th gentlemen'flesignnteldinrc requrstvd to . mcct'n Gettysburg, on Saturday, the 23d inn, at 10 A: M., in the Court lie so, for t‘..c pur pose L fumking the proper u-rungcruehts tor ‘em-h reception. A prompt llllt‘utl.lnt't‘ is re. questyi. A. HQUVKR, Pres't. J. \l'. C. O’NIAL, Scc‘y. S . Seilt. 15,1863 I‘.Rev. Mr. Atkinson v siml this place ! before last, and securled between five '71:; hundred dollars lm‘vigrds the estab l ent. of a soldierb’ 112 nm at Valley -. Further contribul' us will be re , by Mr. JrL. Schick,.fof this place. Izre is also on foot. 11 “Heckler the es lhmenl of an Orphan? Asylum, the Le to be raised by the §unday Schools l. _hout the country, either by cash da lns, or the purchase of‘he photographs Igem“. Humiszon’a chlldren, and the entitled "the Childreh of the Battle ” The‘ photographs vqjill be supplied . GquCx-eary, Esq, and the music can :11 at Dr.‘llomer’s Drhg Store. Get vrg is mentioned as onh of the points - e location, of this institiution. .-——- --~' ~—-+r « wee '= and Im. ‘ Forg cexv I 'l‘h' mmi' men Lhro R IN LITTLESTOVEX.—We learn the Ladies' Fair at ittlaatown, to funds for the purpdse *9! procuring in ieuts for a brass ban . was an entire euc . It was gotten up j: the best style, and the articles offered w 'nt 011‘ rapidly and at. good prices. Altogether. it was n pl nt af-fuir, and reflecteid credit on all con mod in it. | that mix -.‘ s tru . Mr. J-oob McDannel has had put up very comfortable tw story dwelling hon near the west end 0 West Middle sire t. It is tsnug impro ement. and be due ea credit ibr his enLerpi-ise. Why are 0‘ down: ofhouses go us up 1‘ They a" 9”,,”5924- . On the 2nd inst., ihq‘FoEFEEtm of Mo Senft, dec" lituated in Oxford town ship Adams county, was 301%“. public sale. ‘ The!Mill farm, containing 60 acres, was sold} {or $B2 per acre—ChnHéa and Abu hamiSenft purchasers. The "Will” fun"), confining 156 sex-..’ bran hi...” yam. --p rchnser Wilb’cm m‘gf- M}. Peter Shively'has sold his tavernl stand, in Fairfield, to Capt. James Mickie], ammo. ' Mr, Daniel Longgneckerl has sold his farm; in Stnban township. to Mr. Bernard Snyder-160 new. for $6,00q. Remand—We on planet; to learn that Mr. flowers, who had his cufpet bag stolen in McConnellsburg, about ton days since, has lieoovered some vdqnblei papers which composed put of itlfiententa. They were found under a stone near the “war-Cham berslmrg Spirit. ' J I H‘John Little. neu- Hq'nover, sold a cow .59 public sale, on Fridsy Week. {0" “1‘ bis mm of $7l, thin being considered the bestjcow in that. p :rc of the country, chum. ingu high as 11} p lundl ofbumr per week. wWemvéd, the other day, the cab froni a new subscriber all the wgy from Fori Union, .New' Mexico. ; . ”BM will xhil Go who Democrats of Redford oountyé bed I rousing meeting week before last, in' celeb retina of the sdoption‘of the Federel Constitution. It was nddreued by Judge Kimmell, 110 m A. E. Coflroth, 001. Joe soph W. ’l‘ale, and others. The Gazette says Gen. Cofl‘roth showed. from the record, how the Republicans in Cougseu refund to vote for the increase of pay to the eo]._ die", and what is worse, how they refused to act upon resolutions to compel Suntan to exchange our prisoners in the Soirgh, whilst those suffering heroes were with ing at Andersonville and Millen. fiTho Harrisburg Patriot If: (lan I”. there never has prevailed such humong lingleheu of purpose and pAtriolio rec'ohu among the Democracy, as during the pres. eat your. 2 . 36-“. may be worthy of-note that. IL though Republican Conventizxu and pope“ have not in some instances eel-red in {- vor of negro iufl'rage, they have'in no in~ slbnce, as far as we have seen or hard. declared against {LA If they pro append 1o negro sufl‘nge. why don't they say Io? Why didn’c. the ~Admm county Republican Convention hlkoun " - ‘ " Reconstruction bf (he Cubi-neL-The Wmh- A ington correspondent of the Philtdelphia Ledger writes: "The time is not distant when there-will be unenlire reconstruction of the Cabinet. The members whose 'time will have come’ are Meansuuton, Hart Im, Speed, and Judge Advpcate Holt. You_may rely upon what I assert. It. is the. President’s wish that his Cabinet _shall be a perfectly harmonious one. or u nenrlv nor as possible, end when all in remix the change will be made,und the new membere duly announced.” . ‘ ‘ :6-We regret our. inability to reprint the very able address of the Chairman of ‘e Democntic State Committee thi; weak. -- 'll appear next, week. IQ“ \ ted a few has been pl} WThe De V hold a. mpeling 0} President’s Mississi} _ era) McClemand pies} ‘ '- v V, ‘0...\ fi-The period fixed ;‘ nhonting of squirrels begin: Snptember and closes on th December. Ilia illngal wahoot. mu}: annnv nnw Oimp. Public Sale \ F A VARIABLE FARM—On FRI!) \Yk O the 13m any 01 OCTOBER um. llm \ Subanribcr will ulX‘cr at Public Sule, on llm prenxiue‘s, ' TUE FARM on which he Lite!)- rosidt‘d, sil “Me in Highlnnd township, Adams conulv.nd joining lands of Wm. Wilson, Juphtu Duh-n, Andrew “’el'kort nnd Jun-ob Plank. n qmu turn? a mile sunlh' of the Millerslowu rum! :1 uiulc from Bream’e tavern, and four miles from He]. lysbulg. The Farm contains Kuhn-m, mm» or lose, about 3U being Woodhmd. mm M dun propouion of Mendow. The hmd n muh'r good cultimlion, some of it. having hug-h lune-I],. and under good tallying. For lruit Ihu plncu can’t be bent. The improvements . nre a l wo-story Roughcqu HOUSE, ‘Log Burn, Inrge Hny llouae,Spring House, with n spla-mlid Springm‘“... and never-fuiling Springl _in 'mnrlg uIL Lnu fields. There are ‘2 excellent Apph- Urchnrd», uith n \nrioly of other fruit, ;uch as I’mrs, ‘l‘mwhes‘ Clnelrics,l’lunxs nod “lulu s. Wl’ursona nish’ing to ‘in-u \ht- Farm urn requested to call on the undersigm d, n-sluling one nule south or Gemsbu'rg, or on un-oh Bollinger, rrsidmgmn the Funn. It \nll lm 01h reJ uniro or in In!» to suit pun huh-us. my“ Snlr to commune at. 1 o'cln. k, l' M , on 5114] do). “hen nutrudnnce nill he gmu and “nuns mudu-Ln.onlfby _ _ ‘Jno. Q. Schwurtz os. Kluiuger. fduer, Henry C -, John Cress. ' ash G. Camp. f, COl. Jno. Wol- uo.Cunnipglmm. '3l. Young. k. Tobias SYuver Inmillud Fornst enry Kohl“. 10. F. Houck n‘o. Brough. m. A (imysou '4 F. mu. . u'b,l-Iph. Myers: er, ISM“: Wolf. ns, Juo. Eckcn- hugbextj‘, P. D “Supt. 15,1505. ls , . Public Sale ' F VA Ll'Alll.E REAL ESTATE—4|“ O THURFDA Y. (H‘TOBER 20”», 18:35.; nt 1 l'.’ o't'lm‘k, .\l.,ilhn subscriber, in'cml ng In more \Vcsi, uill uchr at Publil- Sztlv, liié‘ud. *nnhle‘ FAR“, situnto in Huntington township, Adams county, shout 2 miles we t oi l’clural ‘hurg, and lyinginiung the public rnml lemli..g ' ; to Trestle's .\lill,‘ containing 43 Acrw, mom,- or leis, having: “ii/non erected n ’I.-rw- ‘3- Tum-story Frunie HUUSE,wiih u um- ;;‘fi I m d’n hull s‘ory hilt-hen ntteohoil, “um, and other nutcssnry outbuildings. There are .two never-tailing springs near the ilollsl‘ umi 'n nei'er—fniling'slreum running All-rough tho ' ! farm. There are two Orchards—one Apple and l the other l’ench—tyithnt variety oi Plume {ind 'iruit oi nll descriptions. The lnnd has hM-u I (wit-c limcd, nnd is in e_higb strain urcultim ‘tion. The fencing is good, and erernhiug about the property is in good repair. It in 10. * l cated in an excellent neighborhood, being con ,V‘enieut tochur‘cbea, school, i‘nille, mnrkot, he. @Atlendnnoo will be given and terms made known by . JOHN MILLER of L. _ I . wThere in also a Nursery, containing about Ten Thouund Trees,which is to go along iwith the Form. - [Sept. 18, 1565. ts By Picking. ‘NOTHER PROCLAMATIUN. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT. Winning, the American people have lufl'cred under in four year's war, during Wthh'fiule they line been hurthencd with heavy taxes and frequentdrnfle, ,1 ~ 43p WHEREAS, The avenue: of trade had be. come disarmnged, nnd the price ot‘guodn, par ticularly Cl‘U'l‘lllh'G, having reached n high ’etnndard; cnusing many I patriot to become weak in the knees, and Jay to hingeff, when i shall these things end? . , Ann wanna, Men, 3 well-to-do man, who in former timn wnlkod the meet: in Brand. cloth, and who now,in consequence of the high pricee, has been compelled to go nbout in ngl, complaining pitedunly of thin nut-tote o! l thingl; “ i Now, Tnnxvonr, 1, Funny: 8. Prensa, wouldjsme my PROCLAMATION, laying (q I“ people that the uenuel or trade, at lmtr “tr u-l om conéerned, hntje been opened L l on: doing buniuiss on n ‘ '_ new! BASIS. 4,71“. no. Having just returned from queued stock of I opening the lnrgeatgnd WLygburg, embmc. glowing ever brow ' ‘ ' me all the .. Les rO3 HEN AND BOYS, LATESEch are fine fitting Dru: end Busi ‘mo'liim‘in, Clothy Cuniineio, Silk, Sula and 36pm Venn, Dress and Engine“ Prints, of every style, quality end size, Under Clothe: at every description. Also, r onN'rLsnes'! aniusnlso GpODS. Embracing Gloves, Collins, Nedk-hel, 5“: enden orier to. A no. , P xo'rioxs iii ENDLESS vials-n: Inch u Violins, Accordcons,,Vrufin Strings, Clacka, Hair and mum“ Brush“, 99min, Rezorl and Razor Strong, Soap, Spectlclee,‘ _ Cnneu, Pen Knives, Pencils, Pens, and Potl noon. Also; ’ mums, CARPET SACKS, UKBBELLAB, TOBACCO, SEGARS, ' and indeed aJitue of .everything will be found in this Store. Haring made our porch: 0' for Cub, and at a. favorable time, we are $1 J pond to sell cheep. ' REMEMBER THE PLACE. If you desire to have n gpod fitting unit, made of good material, cell and cumin for yonrnelvel, end SAVE MONEY. 3 =1 Sept. 18, 1865. F. B. PIGXINGt 3 Teachers Wanted. 1 ‘ HE School Director: of'Conolago t ~ :1- un. 00., wishing to employ chru g' h on {or the term 01 fuur month, will pay 0 per month for acceptable Teacher-I, to take chug: of three of the Puhlic Schools of the fownlhip. 1 ' Applicntion can be nude to ohhar a! the ~ Dixecwn, It my time, or to the Band on the ‘ 14th of October next, at 1 o'clock, 15’? . BE)”. H. LONGBNIDKEB. , m 3. .. d XelugPd* ~05“; F. Boluol, Sec’y. —53 m. 18, 1805. 3: en‘zel Reed. of Bedford, Pm. nrres. lays ago on a charm of xfisasou. ‘ Toned by the President. cruts of Sprinzfivhl. 11L, lhmlllh to (Indmsv thu Npalioy. Major-Gen e . luw far tho the first I)" \lant llny qr best: um- REUBEN GOLDEN iJ