The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, September 04, 1865, Image 2

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    ‘1- ‘“‘M'W’ “fins”
“4""! ‘r.
.0434? FL AG!
I”. 1. gram, run-on gwp running;
ammsnunq. r 4
MONDAY MORNING, sen. 4, ms
AUDX‘I'OII umn:m., '
~l‘ol. )l'. W. H. mus, of Bucks finality.
j '‘ ' BI'BTEH-fll annuL, ’
mm. €ol.lan P. mTOfl, offiambrln County.
mfwm um mu. Funk 35:: u m menntivn
modid'm far United Zulu Senll‘or In Mimnri.
I! in um um mo Pmidant will nhortly and“ Hi: re
fine of Mum!" [l. Stephen.
{Ha thud um um sauna hf 0 men] Curl Echnn. noiv
tun-elm; In the South by ordeal from the Governmom,
dnn no: 6m an approm or me Mesh-lent, m x: In .x.
mtdd he wlil by recullod man.
Two m were hang-d In. Nauru}. Kentucky, on my
2.“: lot In (mugs cammimd on a white Inmln.
n in now mm shat Inn thug: “.000 while troop will
b. rel-MM to mailing zine "galax- Army, _
A rahlnml In!!!" in l’hllqdo-lyhin u'mhhfid his former
captain far Lying him up by the lhumlu whildn Hm lrmy.
The United Ekate- uflicon a: Browun'xlla, Tcxu, rvconlly
sign-him! gt, I. lawn-wt me Imperial!“ officer- Ihfionod
a: Mnumorgn, «gather with tome u-Conlednrale qflicun,
fnclndlgg .Gpnanl Slaughter. '
Th 9 quiden‘l has ordered .:an Mnjor Omornh anka,
numrfio‘m, Cue]; I‘mblcany, Helgtrelm-n, Emu-Ir and
- Pcék. h mint-pvt! out 0! nrvlca. Thirty-nine brigadipr
mm“ 9! volunteer» an nlm onlorod to be mum-rod ant.
L Edwin! B. Ketchum, tho furger, in: annual on Friday
wacky; Kn York city. A pun; act-nub ailimto urine.
1000! by the great I'urzvry tuota pp 84,202,000. .- -
/ Wide Hal-11mm, u! Bunch leim. hm nl-pliod I‘ur par
don 5 ’ ,
’_ Mnjar Omen! Cro'ckcr died In Washlpgmn on Sahnhy
yak. / '
mum. Onl-l vhltod the Pmidm rnccnuyz
Tl:- wlru a! [be 0\ erlnud telegraph aye kept nlmmt con
stantly brohn hy the hostile lulinut on 15. ylmm.
Prcpldem Johmn has orderud Chm persona llnpliealed
in the rabollloa, again-t whom no special charge! In pm-
Hlng, nlnll be fmlnliul pmmflufimr Foreign countries by
thl Bum Drpu-lment. lr may no demo. un mndixlon um
}hor wnrpoz nun-n mum: Um r‘midcnq. permiulnu.
‘ Woll sustain] the limlle‘ or tho U. S. 850 nuts are In
circulation}. The he. of nmiuon no me bin .5 auntie.
‘ru. paper In heavier “no the guanine bl”. .
A w Ind M niu norm in “limb, on the night of main,
mum! Iho dun: <3l loft“! yemms, .nnd the dutmcqun or
an lmgnm Imam“ of pmpnrty.
. Ilium Ktnny ha! been arnflad at .\'n York for being
goayud: num‘od, as four women clalmrd to be bu "luv
lnl Md." . . y
The lupin [mach grower In Dshwnm is Mr,,An‘.huuy
“whom, He bus 3 pen-h orchnrd or I lhnunnd arr-en.
Ih. potato crap in Malpe, New ll'nmpnhire and Vermont
-m. “J In nLd, b 0 Immenu; notwithstanding the to: ban
upwind. . A
I'M Intuit Sine? Thain, It Philndnlpmn, nu re
l«po'nml on B-Lunl-y nlght week, undo: the mamas of El
- 110th Ind J. I}. Clarke
ll IQ ”portal tln; Prim IM- aneml nun-r rah-In have
N-u mid. general 9mm in Maximillun’n army.
. The extensive maples b'blnnging to the M-mion House,
in (Juli-10. not! owned by John Noble, leio destroyed by
Pro mum 24th In.
Thu _Pmldont hu annulled the mull-nation! Ylguod by
we Fnodmln'i Bureau for ‘rfllinlug the land! of Vfirmtil
than who Ind Mu fully punkmed.
' Tho r‘mmoqc has 6rdered the swam-n Methodm
rlmrchu, glitch had been In the hawk nf Northern minis
}pn by :21:qu «may. M} be miter-ed lo tlio minister: or
the Church Earth, wlm mm name their minineml du
lioll in New prisms. at “owns, and elmwhara. /
Own-nor Brough, of Ohio, dial on Tueuday.
he trinl nf Jeffemn Davls dill take pipe before A civil
mart, pol-ably in thinio. '
The pubficnlhn r} thn Richmond “Christan: Advocnlu"
I“! be rum-nod on September 7.
Them [3.l:an trade over um mitt-mull in ‘Sorth and
South Clmllln, Georgia. and flout-hunter" Virginia.
tho anonll Hulk of Ohio, at Cleveland, I." rubbed nn
May!” night of are: 810,000 In gnvornnmnt hon-11.
Tho hamburg {humid hridigfl our the James fiver at
Richmond, which Igere burnvd “\April but, will IhOEll’
P" rebuilt. . ‘
Tho «mm of lha Pnnoficc Department for 1804 ex:
«:th amndikzrns $0,818.95! .
‘ Thtpoutofrnp, this your, nil; be one ofthe Ingest "-
or m: In the United sum.
5%" If. at Washington noun Nahum" of the Yetamn
fleu n carpi, numberlqg In the my“ 1,400 men, and
s:oode by 200 commmloned omcaru.
The Pregnant. hul #5111941 I proclamnlion ”mm-ing the
rn-triclions on kid. In “ticks herewfon declared contra
puul of In, on and Inn- Bephmborl .
omin} Thoma, It Nauhvllle, has nvmly nprimemded
two United 8m“ omcm, Ibo commuted - cowardly as
unlton‘ the rebel can. Wheeler.
’ In the South-m Slam luv. flak, an hundred and eigh
ty-sli Miles: were openad, and fine on mum, covering
put 1.100 miles, were let.
Tlu Democratic sate Conventlnn of New Janey mot at
Tram. on Wodmdly, and uomlmud Major General
Runyon m (lovmor. ,
The negro.- un’ Roman lll'mvl have been nmnlilna
whih man. uni it in ulnsidored unsafe for whiten to Ind
upnn the island. ‘
‘ The Pelbyleriul cit-mm“ ln Mimnri lm‘u resolved
not in an th- nnh prom-find by the new Uomfllhzion of
fin! Stalk.
n - united that the governmont will soon publish a bib
wry Mills loam lonics oflhe war.
‘ The negro” «:oan It Shmoport, Ln., are dylng
in put numbon.
A an a Na Even, on, on Wednesday, deatmyed £458.-
900 uni-tn of funny. - .
It in 3 1b“ m. min regiments will beprderrd
Wu: for duty. The 6th regular uulry has been ordered
to Stn Frlndlen. _ .
T4lO unwary mlllL'u-y hmsplhlu at Wuhl inn cont
tho goumment 51.500.000. Tho timber cnmpfing mom
In new helm mlrl A: “yo-thirds at its original price.
A train of five hnmlred wugona let: llinblngtun on Wed
] nudity for havenworth, Kmu.
' Conan {Ruling by :10ng la vary pronlonl Just now in
yum. ,_r ,
The, Democrutip, County Conventloxis
throughout the State manifest mi unusux‘ll
degree of harxfiony in their x.roceedings.7-
This ls as it. should be. We haven: wily
arid degperam enemy to contend with—an
onetuy who will pot only make no ek‘ort to
lesson the burdensome taxes now pressing
ppon thwaqple, but will. if successful this
fall! noel: to fagben negro suffrage and negro
equality upon us—apd it is therefore meet
first. 4!! the doipg’s of the Democracy should
be cppdqotgd it) entire harmony and good
feelingxln qugl' that. on the day 01 trial a
blow up “pita! and effective may Be struck
as shall crush all oppositionto White Men’s
ficvemment in this good old Common
wealth, '
mum coum.
' The Démqomtié Convention of Frank;
lin oougitymi: Tuesday last. nomlinilqdrtl'ae‘
following ticket: For Senator, Célvip M. 1
Duncan.']§sq., (suhjégt to the District, Con
!erenge;) Assembly“ Wm. McLeuan, £99.;
Bheyig, Samuel R. prd; Treasqrer, J 6;
poph 11.9”!” District Atty)rpex.,Wm.
Sammy. Esq.;Sul-veyor, Hugh A 1114:
Qanmigsiougr. C. D. Leshet ;} Director,
Stigma! Sechrist ; Auditor, .1 oh; 1. Sella-s; 1
panongr. Dr. Wu‘). A. Hunter. ( 1 '
" Wm. McLeth was fprmefly an tugdent
Whig-7k a gentlemap 91 ”1° highest; stap
glinfilyd will 3‘14 much £49 £ll9 élrepgth pf ‘
the may. A. Mummy-slim; degpatch t 9“
“'9 #fifw 3‘19” ”I!“ ““7““ ~-. ‘
fidm‘w FM?“ 9099‘! W 8‘29 533?:
uekaaeo majority-"- _., M.
‘ m. .G. ifi-Skmwndrew Bq’ - '
snd 21‘3“”??? *iller were appoiptré
W W 4“ vi!“ mm she
Mfg-of idlnigaohnty. athufl‘euberg
5%,; Thursday evening my. at
, W_M_--r..-,- "U" ~~ ~ . .. v m? ,
OUR GANDTDATKS. ; - l Anonmou mm. ' l
There in“ a Democrat in Penctylranis: Abolition County (;(mvention-i have not 1
who be: notjust tmsnn to be proud of the ‘hocn attracting-much attention here during .
nominees iclcctedbythet‘onvcntinn which "the lnst seven! years. their honor: hitting :
met It Harrisburg on Thumlay week. Not become a trifle too cheap. And ttws‘it‘wu
alone because both If? soldiers. at brine with th_e gathering in the Cam-[phonic on i
and an gallant en m'en dare be. but because 'Monday last—if not "more so.” ' The Con
in ell things they are such men as the gar-i ventlon wu‘ not log, whilst but {an out-x
ty and the people should delight to honor. l siders ‘vfle prmuynonrly all of yhoml
Apart from the brilliant military career‘lenme for this sole put-bone of prerentingt
which each 01' them can mount, cm! the their nmas froni‘goingnpon the ticket—4 I
numerous: honorable scorn which both‘ of Suveml ofi‘the in‘ nml most papulnr men'l
them bear upon their bodies, they princes ‘ in the party were here. and although urged I
all, snd‘more'thm all. the requisite qualili- ‘ nnnl urgNl into to allow them-solves to be :
ontipnsto fill with honor to the State tho. nominated, pcnisted in ”(lcclining—womej
oflidea for which they ham been respoctivc-' bpmme ol' the Democratic majority existing
ly named. They tiralmth men at finiHth in the county, and others because pf the
educationmt‘ high intelligence mid of the I certainty that hit-Conuugliy would be ,at
purest morals; men against whose public ', tho head of the ticket to weigh it. down
or private cluirncter no single, word pt m-; were it over 'so strong otherwiso. Thin do
proncli can be truthfully uttered. l‘FPrted, McConaughy, (whoh by the way, was
1 Col; W. W. H. Davis wail, at the break-' allowed by the other leaders to have thr
ing out of the war, editor ofthe DoychtOWn ‘ Convention in his oivn hands.) 'wns’ com
ngocrat, one of‘the ahlest and most influ-E polled to take such material as was left,
ontial coun’trypnpcrs in the State. He want: and the following ticket. was the result:
iutb the struggle at itskcommencement,‘ imam“ Dl‘l‘flpoiwll-lfiy' Segyglburg, ,
I, ' r ’ an in the three -scm 1l" HID - nuc '. Hit or. i
fizzrsdgrgvicz; s3lls”:qu raise—(.l the , b“Eliotlionotory, Jacob Kitzmiller, Gettys
104th regimentßennsylvuniu volunteers. nti 'l‘itcosurcr. Wm. p_ Baker. Goth-shuts.
the hand ot'which he wmalways tobetoundt (Commissioner, Samuel Wolf, Mount
allnctl loadin his-man, until it was dis- [' Fromm. ' n »
famed tyhe serviie at the end of the relish; 21:53:: Egiznl§2r¥spga aggrmnn)’.
“on; "i" “1th“? wasnlmost cutirely‘l As all pzztrtic‘a in malnhg nmnin-ttiona are
shot nwnyi. “ml. I“. now write; "Hing e 11" . cxpt‘ctoil to l'mVP somarcgnrd to tho rot-ord.
toriahg mm his left, nntmt ttam mg ‘olcharactcrnmlpottulnrilyot tlmirnominocs,
3“.“ 150633215; 52:21? tlilrolizlio‘hrfxtl; l the question arises, hon: co lllil such a mom.
IS I‘ i 4 ' l . - . .
lwnrftinyzl still is, soundly Diamocrntic. Ilild {mutton aslhit°tmnnngliy 2? “:6 hc‘cndn'inctc
Colonel Davis been willing to sell his pom—E _““”°‘.‘“." “9 "‘3 ”‘m‘m‘j ‘3’ "° ’“ ".""~
icul principles he might long since have} (lend d'sm‘ed by ewrflmti‘v—PT; havmg
*been a Bt-inotlier General or sometliinglme confidence of a Single inxliVitiuril who
lhigher. ll: ”B"er rather to maintain ! knows him—cohhhloodcd and selfish in all
his political integrity. and continue to com-l things and known to be "’_‘“? infer!“ a full.
manil‘ the gallant 104th, though (likihgifgzgrr [2239531233311:1:n:;:t:cé1‘y;1i1pr;2
>275? if}?’si§l°i?££'ilili"§ ‘l'.“ iii-‘2‘; l The ‘5 ““"."~V' “9 ("mmbmh'm
(‘onci‘ul with on! a Colonel’s mnk unitl Abolitionists considered the venture too
IJ ' 'l . y d'l t f A(H trial-(y, and such was thocnnegwith Sonml
lgaygmsuc ) w M" can un. e 0 .. u l or‘ ecpi‘mnts in this county.‘ Tlicre was rmlly
‘ (;JIPIIU-‘nflnl. Coloncl John I’. .inton, of' no one willing tom" butltchoimughy,an«l
Cambrio, our candidate for Snrv yor Gen-l hisnominnti'onhbrc-tmn it matter of courec.
oral, w‘ns, throughout the. war, he fléfilfll t NWO“ anybody could hilt“ llfilcntcd. it.—
lighting Colonel 01" the 54th“ ncoh M. E This 'fitjt‘f‘llllls font-lic reunion given liiin on
Campbell. the Rrpuhlicnn nomi ce for the l the “Wei—n position “ hip"! empty'M n ’s'
same position. was little moret m an or- no Joulitis flattering to him. liccnusn it grati
nnmcntnl or usbless nppentlngt‘ , A” wan-fies lll‘x ambition “tolinvo his nnmo in tho
John P. Linton who lctl the gallant 54‘h'nt‘wspnporqf' and ““1“?““‘3~‘°".”“"““’°)_“
where them: was danger. Alwrivs at tlielgnm] deal of the sanguine in lllS minnow
head ol'hiq men. he woe soverelJtJoundml : tion, in) Tm}, nvcn have ‘lmpcs Or "m'buil
several times. He is “MW" l)V profosdon, l mnnry m [:l3 put-Int by tho operation. and [lns
d we believe was a low partnér of lion. : purpose be always clings to \V/ltll tho ten-ti.»
22"“ l I‘eraliing before enterinrr the s” ; City which characterices the hull dogk grip
vice. Il staunch um] devoted lDemocmtl liltaztglfénc ice for furtlicr common t
throughouthislifc. he still mlltél‘l’S firmly WM ‘TW £9 tickr‘t MS mm WM].
to tho great principlcs of the party. I —. ‘y' . ‘ . u ' ‘_' ,6 .l .‘ - _' ‘
Such are thgnoniinorxs ottlie l)emocrat-. pntttt?-—:.hat 1" Liwm',‘ "h o‘(“—me‘)le
in State Convention. Are they not worthyl hepuhliciins admit.- um," "Minna” must
‘ v» _ ~ hour in mlfltl that it is licmlml by a man
of honor? We shall give a fuller sketch of: -. .
. ‘ lwho is deipcrntc tn more way: than one—
eas o:l,th hereaftlcrl. l 11l r.- l and that it l 3 lllt‘ tickct of a party which ik‘
are Flingpzuh‘l; 21:11:;3‘ ial‘émfi:::;§ making its host struggle for success. 'l‘hcy
their opponents m stump 1;]: Stale. lict are calculating upon tho ntmthy oftlch_n_
' k , ’i ocracy, With the hope that by constnnt nml
:Z::i:l?:;t£;rtlioc:::fi:s::d “\‘tszl’ll(li:(t‘:: iincciusing cll‘orls, indivitlually and ntlwr
the‘whitc 'innn’s candidates on'tlio stumplmse‘ they mu} at?!” n mind. an us' aml
\ , 1 thus curry tht-ir pomt. Democrats; nrouso.
or elsewhc—El-“a- ; l The campgiign will be short ~;ch it he :1 vig
orou‘i one. Let each and ull‘lnc vigilant
and active. ltpmemhcr wlmt (hr-1c nat
stake. Taxes are crushing tho people, and
they‘ve tlircntcned with sccinl' uranolit
ical degradation. llecollcct thrn, and let
it nerve you to the work. that Mary vote
withhehl from the Democratic ticket. as
well (is every voto given to tho Abolition
ticket, is a vote in furor of continued cx
travagnnce “end onerous taxation. and in
fl'H'Ol‘ of negro suffrage and negro rquulity.
Bear this in mind. and KEEP l-T illll‘Ullli
'l‘lll“. I‘EQI‘LE! . '
The Democratic State Cpnmntion‘ ‘wm
ono'of remarkable fullness and stxdrygth.~!
Every Senatorial and Repregentativadiuttict g
in line- Smte wn‘q represented, in néarly ev-i
cry instnnco, by the delegates oiigifinllyl
chosen. Them yer:- not. more than haifn‘
dozen cages of stibclitution. Very many of,
the nblvst um) ‘pm-est Domncmtg in the}
Staie had seats in the Convention, :lan
weré active participants in in; lmrmoniousi
deliliemtions. . ‘ -
The privailing tone of the body mm :1
feeling el confi'lcnt and “useful hopeful
ness. combined with an inflcxible resolve
that seemed to subordinate all other sensa
tions. The Der‘nocmcy of Pennsylvania
have resolutely determined to win in the
coming contest. and we have no ddubt that
they will most triumphantly succeed. ‘
The platform is a full,-firm..oben and‘
honest expression of the political breed of 1
the Democracy of this great Statle. It is.
enginently cpnservative. and will chmmend 1
itself to the heart and the conscience of,
every right thinking voter in this Common-j
wealth. In strong contrast to the blmform '
of the Republican party. it. will cbmmnn'l:
the respect. and\'clmllenge Elm adinirationl
of every man whq reads it. i l 1
From this day the Democratic lpnrty of,
Pennaylvnniedates a new araih its existence, 5
and “marks with a white stone” the lucky l
day which will‘herealter be recofnized as;
the commencement of a renewedl lease of '
power. It seeks the ascendency,fwhich itl
will surely attain. 'm the coming; contest,|
not for the sake of any petty emeluments‘.
of office, for these things it cai'es Hqt'xlittle,.l
but that it may be onpe again in‘nl’position
which will enable iQ ‘to lead this great na-‘
tion along the peaceful ways of inhregming I
pribsperity and renewed an‘d cdnti'nuing
greatness and glory—Laws!” Ld'flligencer.i
' Ed‘The flmizbui‘g Patriot (9- Union says
that. the closing sce’nes of, the ’Démocratic‘
Stab Qonvention we of the mesh! interest
ing n'nd enthusiast?e chamutdr. I;and' the
hearty unanimity w tb which ibé‘g nomina
tions of our galiant soldier can idetes were
ratified was grmifying and nebumging.
Now, then, let-‘Lhe invincible DimOCrzgcy
throughout the State prompt! ‘ find tho
roughly organize their forces 1' r be com
ing struggle, and march (3 rd in solid
polunm to meet, and overthro the trained
battalioua‘of Abolitiopism no‘
nder tfié black flag of nhgm‘ dality and
Deg?!) sufl‘rage. Let. as follow 0151' gallant
soldier lesgders into the thi PM of {56
fight; Jelermined not to ground arms or
slyikg col‘ors hum we bimj shall have
been fought andl the victory on'. 01-ng
ize at ones. j
i PWJW‘L—The Rupert. bmtherv, wlTo
\ were recently sentpn‘ by Judge Graham,
one (.6 death, ‘he 0:312:5z respectively lo
three‘md nx yea impr‘l-omnem in~the
Eatery: Penitenfiary. for shooting Vanad
‘ lan. have been pardoned by the‘gbvenior
and my now at large. The‘ ndurder for
which ghese may were convicted was: most
fool, and bruul one. withnut evep the abs.
,dow ohm extenuating ciucqnjntmco. Gov.
1 Emmi 5y iriterposiog Exegnti've clemency
; ”gimmilwd g; gy‘ievogs wrong on mciny.
‘ Be'ng- mm deserved hanging'. Howard £u~
’yerl. gnu that man’,—- Valley Spint. ,
”A domfly cat‘ledistemper, called the
Kinda-pest. oi Bosnian filaguo, has made
its nppearance in Gnu Bfipnin—prfpcipnl.
ly in Scotland and the nQflberh 'counliea
of Engumd. Whole herd}? 113'!!!)th swept
away. What. is m. a similar Me
In!" app’eared smug the chiidren. which
bu hem (meet! 10‘ the we or milk. Hugh
. v"al' '- - ~ - 'akrm exisls ' V , '
Q The Demon-ape Sylvie Convemhop of . ...; ‘ f ‘
gm Fm.“ Thur‘doy week. 8-! “ENE": ’8'!!! #5: you}: fie’io hub Min done
kings! edgy-gs w, Morgan was gomxnfmd. revflqtians uInV-fiuyti—flgg mist-o ngnflicc
' rovemoy. and William’vgior Lieu-3 Somali” up dug”. mu.” M«w
Mant‘fiqnmog. ‘ _ ‘ ; mica! gighu" Exam, 5?”. z ' -' '
£695“! Cyrus G. Beak. Assiatnnt A-rses
snr, 41h Division. 1011) District. ha: been
appointed by the Commiismncr of [Normal
vavmut, to the position of Intpvotnr of.
‘l‘nhm‘cn, 911111? and Cigars, for the 16111
Districk. This is in additinn to the cum
mksion which he now hold-s n 3 ‘Aswswr.
It is génornily supposed that ainimt any
body would have capacity enough toms
cimrge the duties of this new “Inspector~
ship,” and if the supposition be correct,
why did not. McConnughy 3.: (‘O. (Co. very
sum”) get the. pince for either liourk, Kitz
miller or Baker, the suidicrs on the Aboli
tion ticket? Ii ramble there “fluid have
been a fitness in gigingi the plnm'to one
of them; but theré is mi) fitness in inking
the people of édam‘s cofintyr to elect tin-m
to positions forwhich they are not quali
fied. . r '
I The “Inspec'lorsllip” being a sure thing,
it goes to a civil favorite ' but. nominajions
on the Aboli‘tion‘ co‘unz ticket not. being
at all certglib, a few of em are given to
soldiers, will} the calculation, of coursd.
that they shall bolster up a tidal. whiéln
McConaughy’s name would render hopeless
without. Such is the “friendship” which
Abolition lenders manifest.
@The Republicans in the Lnglslnlure
have for two winters dnfealed all proposi
tions for the relief of the people of the Bor
der, last winter even voting down a bill to
allow the sufferers to put their losses in an
assessed shape. In view of this gla'ring and
outspoken hpsli‘lity by the Republicans of
mg amp, it. is tnifimzdest'humbuggeey in
the candidates of that party in Franklin
and Adams to solicit votes on that issue.
fl‘be history of the last two years proves
that. it is only to the Demrzcmtic party to
which the sufferers of the Barder must look
for aid. The Democrats in the Legianture
have always voted FOR relief—the Repub
licans haw} always voted AGAINST it.—
Which should be trusted 2
x i
[B’6an "loyal” lawyei' hasfeceived A
[fag of $5OO fo’r securing tho Presidential
{signature to paper-3' of‘pardon fora Virgin
13km nampd Foster. There is no telling how
much the loyifl gum-iota have alreafly made
{in this' way or how much they will make
‘hereqfler. “Influepce” brokerage‘ has got
;to be a vast affair in Washington since
5 shoddy ,came into power. ‘ _
_. I” .
, - ' DIERS. ' lAr PimichSAhi-zsuu SATURDAY, m.‘
.Tlie million in [own have nominateddt' .- .....Rit day of PEPTEMBEB. tee," at l
, ~ _ oclmk. P. 31., by v rtue (an order of the Or-
StMe tjoket‘m opposition totiln' ot'the lh» Mn.” pm”. 0! Adnms com“ the b '..
publicahs, ““d ”"3 Democrats. after exam- Stimimttrntrix of the estate?! willliill;(él'\‘:ffl"
.ming hit" ”‘0 principles 0f the “witnees' mim, thCPIIScd' will: tell It. Public Sale A l
have accepted and indmd them “9* ”mil“ 'rnr, VALUABLE mail or said aim-pa I
burn. This is d‘ml’lim! N 1 ”19 RPPUMiCW‘S ‘ situntr‘ in Butler township, Adams count): - 01;.
a team which they will find ithnrti to bgnt. thg’Shippcufihllfg and, ot a mile nortlr'wl'st
In town, as in thi: State, the soldier‘s have of L‘oirn‘s Mill an} 3 a?“ mile southenu or
discovered that all the pr‘umiseé ot‘ the?!» «‘a'tiddletown, ndjoi ing lands of Int oh Rnflenc. ‘
1 publicnn party amount to nothing. In this ‘ pergor, Henry" Loivcr, William Brnmr and
city the Republicans said that all the cilia others, containing 4 Acres of putt-median“),
ices should .be givon to soldiers. but took The improvements fire anew Two-story ‘
igooti care to put none but old hacks, whose BRICK ilnl‘FE, :with n Basement, n
‘gidég me worn with (he hM'BESSRnd seamed good Bank Barn, Wllh Sheds attached,
with the lush of-the party, upon the ticket. . \VGROIIfii-Wl. Com‘ Crib, and other nPct-snar;
Gem. Owen and Collie, and Colonel Clarke, nu‘v-bm‘dingi :an \‘erfrliling well of water at
’ware good enough to meet the hardihipa ”1“ mu“ “3:1 one M ”I“ kmm; wood or‘i‘lluul
land dangers of the battle-field, while Len- ‘O7 NW” ““‘1 7".“ 1‘93"“?! a “Hg-t); of other
' gum-s drank their brandyand smoked their ”3‘“ m} "‘9 PR?“ F" The land ‘3' 'n 3 30011
' cigars, and the ofiice—holders pocketed their smm? ”filtrate vim“? °l ‘L “MW? ”NH”!
ithousrmdr. of dollars per annum; good ”3% ’f": ' e"m '5 ““1" KW“ Cht'snul
'enougl; to be amused with promirgs. but “u gong. Y
z Ba, .\‘lm, M the
not good enough to share the emoluments.o” “rm.“ ”it
lot otlice. This is so well understood in our h. “‘em'ucn $0“,
i city that the soldiers have become disgust- ‘ (ii-.hricl Smith G
-ed. and the result. at the polls will show ”the”. ’
} how ineffectual are. the hypocritical at-l perm“ de 'i
;lempls ol the Republicans to coax to then ‘tynfi: do =,, by c}
4 nommt‘es the brave men Juit returned siding on the turn _
i from the labors and carnage of the fluid. g , _ J
y The truth is, that. while the Republican ;3, me (min—J“;
many are everywhere trying~to ormeach I Sept. 4, ”565.
the soldiers by tricks andgdeception. the ——'
Democrats are recognizing their. claims in
l the moat. «übstaptml manner. In town thny
;h’iive mlnpted the soldiers’ ticket; in this
State they have, placed two brave soldiers
upon the State ticket. In Phila‘delphigx
they halve nominated three soldiéra. Colo
nel lliihllr. Adjutant. Weaver and Captain
Rnily, for lucrative offices. So long on the
1 Republican party *could use tho soldiers to
flirop their tottering political edifice. they
} wow loud in promises "andrwortly pompli-
A . 't _ _iEl.____.. lmvnts. But when the soldiers (blunt tor a
DEA‘l‘li OF KEY. M” .CA'l‘ANl.—Rev.i fulfillment of previous pledges, they were
J. B. (‘uL'mi diml at Corioxvnuo Chnpél, on ’ (logged, "“d banished trout We conx'erxtirn,
F.M ~:.u] ~t . til 7. k , 'll {by 92 vote thnt rats A Virtual insult to them.
“My 111' “7 "-~ j“ v A f‘" “ “W “'9" “ l 'i The Democratic party were the friends ot‘
ness. Mr: (.‘ntnm war for many years Sure-l the soldiers 6f 1770, of 1812, of 1847, and
riorziLCanowngob‘hapel was Widelyknpwn ' tlmy ore thereal friends of the soliliere 01'
and rcsi-H-tt-douml (lit; lamented by a“; ISM. 'l'iilif' is shlowrr by thlelnctiou o: :1”)
- H .‘ i . . . | any in ennsy yama out Otvft,x:\nt to
who enjoy d the .1)“ nstne .0! his acquamw Fiddlers Will not overlook the tact.-- I’qua.
tanco. IIH rommus wre interred at t1:0'1,4,,.~_ A ‘
Chapel on Saturday orn'mg, amidst n'nl
immenro‘com‘omto of orro‘ing people. i
[afllmt Dwid Swopc, oi it is place, llmfii
ror‘oivml and accoptetl u call iron) tho Lu' 'E‘
ilwmn congri‘uzition i I Middlelviirg. Soho-j
lurin county, N. Y., :{iid has left with his
tunnly {or hit nmv tield‘ of latent, ‘ l
WT)“: Cowman j will “be sent
from this time until fifter thé elec};
tion at TWENTY-Film CENTS"
cash. ‘
fi'l‘he Democratic (imply Convention
meets to-dty. Givens» hood lick», undi
then, with :u vigorqus eflogtt kt us’bcat 'the’
niggerites “out of their bobts.” i
preramtiona for thé Agricultural Fair at.
‘andemville. on the 19th. 2011:. and 215:
of thepresom. mohlh, are frogreasing finely,
and £lO ell'ur'. will be spaied to make eve
rything satislncloxy to ,exjnibiton and vs.
The prices of admission have been fixed
as follqws: Footnmn, Zifceuta; Man and
Horse, 50 cents; One-Lorine Buggy or Cur
riugo, l.persn'n. 75 cents}; each additional
person In them. 25 .centsl: 'l‘w’o-horse Bug
gy or Carriage. I person, $1 ; each addition-i
al 'per'son, 25 cents. Admission tickets:
gooJ for one entrance only. V
Family tickets will be ‘SI, admitting the;
holder. his will: and mindr clfildreu durin':
the entire Fair. Life quber 'l‘xckélu $lO, ]
enliiling the holder, hJs wife and minori
clhldren to all ”In oxM iliofisn[ the Focie-.
13’ after the purchase olsl‘u‘h'tiakeh lesel
Life Member-ships hhouw commcml (hem-i
selves lo gonerulattpnlioh. as they certainly“
nrp auLmod “rim: for thellmlzjer, whilst the:
mac-pods are nu doubt of considerable scr-f
vice to the Society. ‘ ‘ l
fi‘l‘mf. Chm. F. Hymn 11M boon'np
pninlml Pnrnfmmr nf Fuluml Scicnccs in
IM-kiumn (‘ofh-Lm, Carpdoi Iln is nsnn of
Wm. D. Ihntm. H q , M New Oxford, and
is :1 pnmlvmnu n! fin? ‘MLninnK-nts.
s-fi‘fihlinr Juvu‘.’ {\‘nf‘uhrfl roovnfly 50M
11L properly in .\'«w Uhfeah-r. fa Mr. Joseph
Todt. of Yark county, fut $2.115“) (Erwin; Mr.
'l'n'hiintemls opening :f. [fubhc bousein 11m
spring‘ 1
M ii \l' 5' m bra h'm ci‘ncn purchnue'l of 11.
D. Waulm ”K" lanyard; nmrly nmmsite lhn
(Hobo Inn, in um pln'n. long, occupind hv
Wm. (wimp-m. rmw Tieccascd, at $l,OOO
Cash. ‘ ~ ‘ '
Rev. Dr. Thy Inc pufrhwwtl frnm New“.
“mu-k k .\‘.-4‘aul-mu fur $2.841), tho 0M
Wmin [wow-My. 134+; bvtwcen the 11:1-
gcrx‘m'm nud (lh-vmllwrnburg rank. my]
h‘um Dr. [7. E. \‘audfi’hloot, for 35%), (he
:v'jnwzmp ht. [ ‘
Aim-cm Word has LOH hi: farm in Can
rump) mwxwhip. AJ Hm calmly, can mining
HIS m-r<<, for “ILWI‘”. ('Omzaul Uh“, o!
Buhunm‘n, pun-L's! r.‘
$l2lK} ICAX'I' HEM STUXI—A Il‘dlimnre
pun-r, on :1 v ‘l‘L'd u L, all: mum! to run
trudict lhe‘ elm-y ofs rgfaul Ilqu‘ston, nl‘
loping that Le hutfilumm! 110 nm again.
In! the folk-wing extract frmn a. lem-r 03
Imm Wills, Esq, bf Gettysburg, ,dzltod
the 101.11 anlxgzu~l¢rxlstlm utter nt res}:
“.\'rrgorrt Humiqnn’s hfiy- wa: fuund
nu Szmmm Him". In Heliydvm‘fl. :Ilmlg UlO
”uppity nf Juvlgv R! we“. by l’ «or “either,
who lnok {rum lm h rims huwl the amlum-
I} [lO of his three ch: «iron. Hewm mm-mL
ly wounded on the r rrmt. ol the UM (‘fil'p§
through our town 011 \\"¢-(IXA(-s.xl:l\', Jnlv 14.
[ER body was buriednn Judge Ruswllk lot:
and I hull it ink-rq‘ed mm Luned in "the
Soldiem’ National Cémetery.” ,'
'wThnl scrrnndé on Thursday evening
. ~ I .
w.“ chnrmnm. '1 nnfnks for the comphmcnt
and the delightful ‘tjnusic.
——-~— - «a» ~———~—
”up: It’s So.—-—The New York Tribune
think; the election‘in that State has bnen
sold to the Democu‘atic lozuty by T'uurlow
Weed. ( ,
._ 7..—_._.. -- n...-——-————' I
@lll6 New Yolk Suu,(neutral.) nl‘lcr
calmly suxvi-ying line political fielfl, says,
“1!. is ”evident that lzhe erul_xllcnn pmly is
rapidly approaching dissolution ”
- ‘ A,-_ \___.l-w_.- -..'...
@The New York Hera’xi says the name
oftlLe “loyal” purd+m broker who received
$5OO for getting thé I‘rrsidentinl signature
to a p'lrdnu was llnn. Thomas Com-in.
BeggAuguslus‘Cnnfield, who has been ap
pointed by the Prefiident as consul to Foo
ChOW. China, is a. Democrat, of Patterson,
New Jersey. ‘ ' ' "
-l@~'l‘he only difference between a negro
suffrage ad’vocate find a. negro is—the one
km the “kinks? in‘éide while the othey has
them outside. E \ 1 ‘
,E‘The Republican .County Convention
of Kortlmmpton county has declared in fa.
vox of negro suffrage and equality.
Win the case bf the requisition on the
Gnvernnr of Virginia for Jenkins, Ewell
and otharn. {Melyj issued by Gov. Curti’n,
no return hasyet bpen made. ' ‘
m'l‘be New York defaultera, Jenkins
and Ketchum‘ were loyal leagugrs.. No
doubt they found so much ‘corruption there
that they became infected to fiuch a degree
as to perceive no difference between plun
dering the G'overfnnent and private indi
viduals. "
@ln St. Paul, Minneaolm'the school
board have excluded negropq from the
schnola. The friends of the "culled pus
sens" inlend to apply a State law pnsaed by
a Republican Legislature to them. which
imposes a fine 0(1350 for refusing to mix
the colors on the behool benches.
Win in his man Mensc—Witz, who is on
trial toy-his lifa gt, Washingtbn for Faerifi
cing ihe lives of so man} Union'aglgliexs‘by
bad treatment in the reb'el yfiwn-ntfindeb
finnvilla, has. written I lettin- to lhe' s"an
York Newmmaki ,u: up 3 fpr ai in‘
conducting his 1123630. 6%!in he is
without. friends.) is sick am ‘ dappitnte.
and adds: "Km _mmoiénve is_ char. L
have npm dmlu cruelly with a. prisoner
under an abugg, if they suffered for
want gnaw". food, clothing and necessa
ries, Icculd not help in'—having no control
over those things—thing: when the Con
twwcmvemmem could giveonly in'vcry
I kid quantity. gven to our men. as every
bbdy kwa who will bejustan-flmpaljlial.”
3112 means are rated to procune dsp'osi.
urns. testimony. ‘pay {or writing. kc. His
m}, by gay): seeing his helplessness,
‘lan kiss 1932» 59m senemfiy'md
wmpmion. , 5‘ V . , ‘
11.,mgmqilazzze Taxation.—T)m New York
Uur’dfdwdling 'upon. the" legalizpd wmng
of exempting about mm of the properly 0!”
Hhv‘ 1 mg], 111 Federal stou 5, {mm tlm now
use'véw lnxmlon upon lhelgnuldlean-‘I lmvor
"cluvm I. buggeets that the cheml Gun-m
-mvnt tax the Honda, and mlyfi: ‘
“Exempiion of the bombs nugmnmc Hm
‘bux-Jen of municipal taxes on other lu‘np
lorzy. . 'l‘zuiing Hm bonds would diminish
‘ihe Lnyden o 1 Frdvml mxntion which resl‘i
'uy-oh other property. If‘the mgr-11:0 10M}
-tu‘.\':.linn is, my. two po'r cent, on other
Iprogwrlthfm Federal hands, it wouH he
icquilnMe for Congress to impnge n tux of
‘ hm pm- canton a" Federal sevumim owned
{in the Ummd States; throwing off, at tho
I=zlmv time, a sulficiont amount 01' ntlur
E tnxow 10 leave the public rut-mm lhosnmo.
; ’ * * ‘Suppoaing the tax to he twn pm- cont.
i it would be simply the withholding of that
‘nmnun’t by the -'l‘lrmgnry ; that. in, thr- h‘nv-
Hrninem. mm!!! [my five and {knee-tombs
{paw-am. inere'st ona sewn and three
l Imm: obligation.”
WSnow-fell Last week on the White
Mountains, in New Hampshira.
u .-_3
ms ! Bargains!
haw-just: rv'mnv'd from New York :l'nl Huh;-
(lumh; l~\\ Ith one 01 Ile largest stwhs or n m-
FA” and Winter Gonds ever offered to tho
cixwvxw M Adnms county. They “mi! pur
chnanl 1!. tom ihe hm- |isc in 500.15 un‘d \‘(ll'
hr mid M corrM} omling prim-4. Thu mmauui‘ny
prism firm-'nvl'mr gpuds of'evmy descripiim fur
llh' Snm‘wern market, will undoubtedly muse
n t'nrxnor rise in the prxce of goods. ”\Ve tin-n:-
lun. 'uhisr. Ll‘ Th l: . ‘
( Our stock of Ladius’ Dl€S§ Good: i 6 r‘om
plvm, cousipiinz of F-xenrh Mc-rmm-r, wry
« Lorri, nll wool I‘olflina, all wunl I’LL‘nli, Dc-
Immgs—thmchss’ Hands. Cnlicons, Gin}:-
hnms, l’lnid Gisoflnfiohurgsfilozhs fm L-‘L‘iva’
Chunks, nnusunlfy low, Silks and all (he hLL-et
spit-101' Dwss Gonda. ‘
k E OTIIS. (‘.w‘simems, Cn=sinv€s, Twoods.
Kn‘nji-«ky Jouns, «Eu. for Men's \Véur.
FIyANNHLS—the iargest stock ever Lronghi.
‘0 visit tun-Let, nnd cheap. Also, a large n:-
sorLfllPnt uf (,‘ionk Trimmings. Slum-ls, Homh.
Bahpumls, and in MM a full and conquch as
sornncvn. ‘o'f‘nll kinds of -St‘\}ile and “my
Ugdyds‘ ()nx‘ stpck having been liurcimsunl
luv; finyvugaih
m— UR mm. .2 WINTER GOODS .\'mr.
- Hun'ing repLouished our stock in all in do
parlluum‘, \w are prcpnred to supply \vhnlvn-r
may he wanted in our line of busim-«s at prices
11m: daycompctitinn. Cull M lhv JIM l"! mu.
Sept. 4, 1805. _,_ >_;"_-___ '. -
Valuable Properties
01"- SALE. 4
F JOHN Q. ZO‘UCK, L'md Agent,
‘ Q Xew Oxford, Adams cm, I’4 ,
11:19er san a number or desimLXe pmpnrtiw.
to wlxich'he nsks the aticution of those wish
ing to purvhaso. _ '
A FAR.“ of 160 nerve, in Monmy‘mmnt
mw'nship, «with good STOVE HDYSH, Quad
Bum, “'ngun Sh‘cd, Corn Crib, “Huh Hump,
Urchar‘d, &c.—1'4,000 bushelsmt lime rm :he
mm, nnll nxidgr fine cultivation—is \Vilgnin '3
miles ochw Oxford,a qnuxter ofnmi'le Imm
the Gettysburg Ilnil‘rond and n quart'cr 01 a
mile from the Gettysburg Turnpike.
A TAVERN STAND 1.1 New leord, M the
Railroad Station. It is tire-story, roomy und
Convenient, and is a. good flace for busin’bs.
, FORTY ACRES OF LAND, ‘2 miles from
Nay Oxford, in .\louqtpieasnnt township...“ M:
ii new Two-story HOUSE, Bunk Darn, Wagun
Shed, Corn Crib, (all,new,) 2 Orchards, plenty
pf good water, kc. i . ’
A‘ FARM of 195 acres, near Humorstuwn,
with good House, Baa-n,‘ and other bnudiugs.
Land In fine cu}uvnfion. ‘
Several Hou’seé and Lots in New 0: row also
{or sale. ‘ . i
‘ What-sons who wish to buy Real Estate,
as well as those who Wish m sell, are request
ed to give the ‘anbscrib'er a. culll at his Store,
in New Oxford. ' ,
Sept. 4, lm"
ACOB MYERS‘S ESTA'I FL—Lew'rs testa-
J menuu'y on the estate 01 Jacob Mfr-re, lute
at Hamilton township, Adams county, de
ceased, having begn' granted tulhe under
signed, raiding in chev'sume township, they
hereby give notice w 911 persons indebtndto
said wan to make immediate payment. and
those having claims/Against the same to pre
sent them properly. nuthenticnted for settle
ment: '- GEORGE MYERS,
‘ - .lon MYERS,
Sept. 4,1865. 6!." :5 Exountnrs
CITAEL B. BLAUSER, Asaigueq of Geo.
W. Enicker,hnving'm»de settlement and
yud the debts of his assignm- so .fnru they
hnve Come to his knowledge, and his account
huing‘been confirmed by the Court at 6pm
mon Pleas of Adlm county, notice is hereby
ginn‘thn he will be dischn‘med from said
that an the 2811 i day of Semember instlnt,
anion cause be shown to the contrary.
By the Court}. v ’
Q - Jg‘COß‘ BUSHEY, Prolh'y
Sept. 4, 1865. 7 ~ .
Pic Nic.
HE Sabbath Schools of Dpndersvme will
T gm: «1 Pic Nic. on SATURDAY, the 9m
dny of SEPTEMBER, on the Fair Grountl 0'!
11m Agricunuml Society. In Soci'ety 1111
open the Trpuing {:49an the public, in or
der to beat down the Courae, to that if. 1:”
he in good order. 'Bring on‘your nun my,
and train them for the 19m, when the Exhi
b'nioywil} wgnmoyog: [Sept. 4, 1865.‘
.flu Ahd Ssn‘unel plsnse ugpy. ___
EEXSWARK—in {all ecu oi-‘itpiecu
QUA lug. supply canlbg I?th It. ‘
‘ ,‘ Tubman) OKs;
A 71h any ‘01“ UCTOBER m-xt, ilw rub.
svnbvr‘. intruding: to quit. farming, “ill vfl'er'nt
Pu blie 8-119. an the premiw-s,
THE FAKM'OQ whirl: be rmides, situntr- in
Huntington towsfhip; Adams mumy, adjoin
ing lands of Jo _ph Trimmer, .\l'u-hzu-l .\Xinu'r,
.\iivhael Bower, WmuMegnry. umLmhnr-n rrn
mining 85 Ac‘rea, mute or ll'Fs. with I-u‘vH-‘nt
Meadows and qudlunfl. l’arl ”HM him) has
been l'mwd. Thg improvpvnenu: are! n _4
one and :1 half stbry LUG “MIMI, bum!“
and a nu” story .ufifihop. DunMé Log I
Barn. with (“hermit-budding: thn-o spring;
of never-failing MM, two luml tun] mu: Full,
nenr the dnon; \ ilh an Appln Umhzml, nnd nil
mher fruit, ‘9 1h raisingr m fluid! the proper
't_\' is admirably duplfid. l’vrsmw‘whlnng to
\ iow it are requ
rgsiding lln-reo
The property
altogether, as
ugw- part lmnn;
mind the other a
wxue to l
on 5:11! diry, w
nml unns made]
Sept. 4, 1863
E 202 SALE.
. \:l!l' SAM-4
jn n‘h: lands 0
Lll Property
Tim Fuhsflnhnr (HF-r1 at PM.
lownslnp, Adam: elm-I'3. ‘M
‘(lhriilizux I"rs,Jul‘n limu‘hnn‘,
mining 24 Arm-u. mul't' rn ha-x,
mdland. 'l‘hv inmwnmfg‘q
;--Flur_v Ln}: HUChE, Hg“ EH3"
a; Hog Pan. kO. :“
1i"! lo virw HlO prruporu “1H
unc by [ln- snlN-nlwr, ”_rhhucz
Supt 4, {B'3}. 30* . '
um! Mixers, (‘0
()1 firm and w
nmn's "re A ('n
U \rn, ('um C‘r'l
I‘. 1 ;(ms Wis
be shown the 5‘
thereon. l
0 HER nu 1
In Savant his'
Adams mum)"
lem. tho lullm'
Hoax: Om-hor
Show] Plougl
Wipnowiug .
'l‘r'vw. Grain
Saddle and B
cut Saw, ‘Gri
l:rm<u.huld lur
L‘lzmrs, Qonk I
(‘lzphmmL l. in'
ding, am h n“
filmv‘lsfinmfl' ‘
p‘ x‘ KNIIP, lrn
and u \‘nriely I
to mention. 1
37;?“th w
on said day.
And tum; mm
50m. 4,186.
01“ REAL }
4 “Mar of
cnumy. the s
Mtnse nf Dani
I‘nhlic Salv,
tho lDlh
H‘L‘llr‘ 0! ”In 5
mn township,
nl lepl. Wm
.\mith, conlui
)IrIIVPd with a
Frame Wmuh
yunng Uri-liar"
0: “NWT at t
mils from W? 1
Rmxnd “I“ I’. 1
good fencing u
Th» most of it!
WSule to
on and (1:1),
and terms ma
By the Court
Aug. ZR, 18
HE momb
Fzrc Ins:
Hficd that. a -
Company will
tnry, in “e“-
of UCfl‘OBEI:
1 o'c'luvk, P.
to our vutc f 0
The l-Zxct'ut.
(J’VlM'k, A. M.
Company will
to the Treasmf
ble the accoun.
Aug. 28,18
and vivinityi ‘
to Boyer-:3 Gr (
Aug. 28. “
‘ofadminilmlion on the eatnve of Samuel
Chromium, in e of Tyrone township, Adam;
C deflated, having been granted to the
u ned, r siding in Reading township, he
hot gives dotice to all persons indehuul to
’id engine togumke immediate payment, and
those having claims ggfinn the salfle to pre
sent them pr‘perly authenlicnted for settle
Aug. 28, 1845. 6W 4,
1 No’uce.
D Mminiuhlion on the estate of Daniel
Albert, Inc 0 Huntington lownship. Adams
county, dec’e d, huing been granted to the
nndcnigned. esiding in.the same townkhip.
she hereby gi a notice to all persons indebted
«o Said «the t make immediate payment, And
those having him: agninat the same to pre
sent. them pro eriy luthenticgted fox- page.
um. J ‘MXMA ALWBT, Execngrix.
_ Aug. 28, 18 . 6t ‘ i
To “"1 heir?! and 1e nl,representqth?3’ of
Gamma"; WAEN’ER, m; of Union
‘animfidfikm county, Pm, deceased: In
the Orphnn'va‘urt of Adams connlty aforesaid. ‘
NOHCC il herebv‘ given thn ‘n Distribution 0!
the utnte of uh ma decedeng ha; been filed
in “I! Urphnn', I'nur: arms uid‘couply, and
lint ‘he mane \ I” hg‘cnnfimed by the add
Can" an (be 2 :r. a», 0! SEPTEMBER next,
uyless mepliok» he filed to it. By the Court,
Aug. 28, x 565. 4t . -
“@lller m: supply. u mm:
mm”. 3'“ FABNESTGOKBF. j
. ADIES’ D sngumosm 1m".
‘ ti!!!» It. . 9"?!“ 615’s.
Valuable Farm
snme limp and place. A lot
ship, ndjuiniug lumlu ut
(_Jrge Rex, John Wank. mu]
iron-4 of viewinthe proper.
"ing on the SUIJFI‘T‘HJPT, re.
. Fink. Clerk.
-,A Detirable Farm
sled L 6 ml} on the mincnbtr,
I ill be ofl'crofl in lwo pqrts or
i uy best suit [erchnu‘r‘v-ch
- M» m-ru vsith the building,
out rm ntTl‘E. \
onfimflco M l o'qlm‘k, P. .\F,‘
It?!) ntmndnnre w” be giu-u
known by
I" blic Sale-
I\Y, flm 2cm :Inyof 'S'mlme.
Hm :«übrvrfhcr “ I}! up}! m I‘uh
’osidvm v, in anHin tmmflup,
lmlf'n mitv south “I‘M \\ .1..-
in! porn-nu! property, \iz:
ITE COWS. (nearly frwsh,) 2
E 2 Wagon and ”arm“, 2 Plough“,
1, 2 Hurrou‘s. Plough Gears,
I ll], Two-hnric Traps, Single
‘Prndlo, l’urld, Rake-. 4, Show],
MI», ,Hny h) the stink, Cum:-
dsmun. Shut (inn. .\'c. Mu),
lilme, ruuh :1: Run». 'l. TIMI-H,
"mm, 'l'rn-pluiv Sun‘s, Kn hm
’pels. (_‘lm k, Ifirdstmdc :{fiTi hm!-
i Quins, Conflnrh, “I mkr‘va‘
odd, Fenllwr lit-Ih. :1 gnnd ('..p.
I MIN", Il'unc, mu 1.. Ls, (,‘xuv'b.
:uf 01b” aim-{O5, Loo mum-mus
l'nmlmnrc n! m okfui‘h, A I-L,
Ihen ulll‘nd‘xntu \vilh Ur uiuu
1 known by ‘
lan’s Court Sale,
{STATE 7h yvnrkunnM‘ uf m
the Urplmn's (‘mut If} Adams
l-sm‘ibor, Admini-trnniv n! llw
lAlhe-rt.dmeu.ld, {HM MTII .1!
In [ha promise-w, (m TI'ICM’ \ Y,
I SHI‘THHBE‘L neyt, the lion!
‘ u! dl-(Nk-nlxil'mlq in Hunting!-
Avlnms mnm'y, ”(1:02:th Lmdq
Lms, Lam; nglh MILLNi
ling about M nu‘M. im- ".:-
’Two—morylmz numb; ;-
rhourdvd Hank Barn, :1
I! at npple and [win-h LIN". “ell
>e houco, 3w. [1 i: about um
lrmmu‘s .\HH and rum mile Tram
o.llm] slaw. Th!- lnnd is under
pd in 2: good atme of cullinniun.
has hem limcd. '
i commence at l o'dock. P 31.,
hen attendance \nll be [;h'vL
a known by
‘ Jumps J. Funk, Clerk. ‘ ‘
5. ls "
Notxce. .
rs of the “Adams (Jammy “Maul
l nnoe Company," are lwrvby nn-'
- Election to:- Mnnngrrs 0! said
lbe held m. the office 'of tlyeSccre
burg, oq .\IUflDAY, tho 2d day
en, between the hours of] and
’Nm-(‘fll‘ll member being entitled
l each policy held by him.
\‘e Committee will, med: a! 10
on snid day.
rs hu'ing in lmnds fees «In» :hn
be required to pay the same in
y on or before said day, to cum
softhc currentycnr m heclos’cd.
. D. ‘A. BUEHLER, Sec‘y.
.5. id
~ James Cress,
. turned homo, w‘ill resume Ohé
of his profession in Gettysburg
Office in York street, next, door
cery Store.
.9 ,
Public Sale;
FRIDAY, tho 29th dny‘nl HEPTRMBRR
nut, in [writ-Mao; ofnn Order of Illa firphnn‘é
Court. oUdams enunly, um "Mltsrriber, Ad;
l ministmtor nl' lhe‘eatnle 0! Emmy.) Chronigtpn
deceased, will offer llU’uLlir Snl», Im the prel
mixes. the Real llama: ol amid (le-rwdont, ‘iz : ‘
l A SHALL FARM, ammle ln Txrum‘ {cum
l ship, Adnm! conn'y, Pa.,>on the Mrnalleul
road, on: mile‘ and n half {romlllnmptom ad
]joining lands of George Hammett, Jacob
‘Cbrunisler,nnd olhpr3,conlnlnlng 75 Auemuom,
, or 12.91, with due proporfions pl woodland and
;memluw—the cltnrvdlnml nudfrVgood cultlu.
. lion an»! goml fencing. The improvements an
” Twoqkiry LUG' HOUSR.‘Log Barn, w...
i Corn Crib, Wagon Shall, [I Shop and oth- . W
ler out-buildings. There in 3 well cf -;‘
‘ mover-failing water M. the hon", and another
‘ at. the burn, with nynung Amle Orchanl,com
' mum‘inz‘ tn b‘x-ar. l’grsona wlahing to vim;
i the property me réqunstill to ('.-ll on Hm Ad
: xuinlstmlor, residing in the nelgmlorhood. ‘
1 1835 A! the ammo lime and place, will lwofl
{lend the following l'm’syml I’ruporty of suill
.dcrnlrnl :
2 HORSES, 2 ans‘. 2 Sheep. Threw-hora?
Nnrrnw~lreud 'annn. Carriage, Sleigh mug
Brill, Wheel-barrow, (tuning ling. Winnowing
NIH, Ploughs and "arrow, Show! l’llmghti,
Corn Forks, llnrql- anq, Hay Gaming», Home“
Gears. Saddle and Bridle, D‘ouhlr- and Sing”-
trct-s‘, Halters and ('ow (‘lu\'xm, Shown. Forks,
3 (:‘r'ullts. &r.' :\ Wravor‘q Loomnud Fklurgr‘ \
Firm Brake. Grin-3mm, Crmnn Saw, 4 Au»
guru; nkou Sun-n mu! l’ip‘e, Cupboard, 2 lic-d
-s|oads. (‘uppfi' Kath-rum! n 41”.!!!3‘ u! olln-r
artil:h;s,'tnu n'umurnu: m menuon.
W 311» to rommchcu "L 1?: o'dm-k, “v on
mid day, “hon nlll'mlfl‘uL‘f‘ will he pingniuml
lexmx mum- known hv
Ry ”‘0 ('uurl ..,1_ J. Fink, Clul’k.
.\glg'. in, mm. N? ‘ .‘
Real Estate
‘ T N'HLH' S \LI-I ~41; pnrmnnm‘nhm ur-
A d. r «it the Hrplmn's‘ Uum'l of Admnq
(minty, “211 hp ram-red at pnblu» c-xln, on llw"
prrglzism, m: 'H VHTRDAY, Zilll‘dny 01‘5”?-
I'l‘J.\Hil‘lll nan, the TI n 1 ,tbtnlc‘ of I\HKNFHIW
Haunt”; dL‘fl.:~N*ll, onnsisling nfnn «yailvnt
I’mmmmn, 311 mm: in l-‘rvmlnm unvuship. in
said t-nnuly, mulnining 1.12 AHHSS nml- 3H
I'HHLTHICS. MM. monsmn, ncljoirmglnmk 0|
\\ilii:1llll1i:lnylm. Al-ruhnm Kriso, E:q.. wmanm
Rally, Juno: Wifhi-xslmnn :uu} ulhl-rs. 'Hm
‘improvnunmq nw- n h-rgr- lwn-nlury ‘
«Innhlv BRICK DWI'SLIJINH ”HUSH. .f' - ...
Ono-“l“!y hlin'k Mlt'hrn, h‘mk Mun. f. ‘n ".1
part. lrnnw nml lvnlt Hone, me sin-JR E
on om-h Lid» 1.? [Ln lmdpn, urgun slml .ml
‘curn rm)», n 15!; Iluum-JWJW Imuq», .1“ “1”"
‘wnml 110+". rm'llh rhup, hm uvHsJyl '\\:\l4 r. :1
fluxguinhivggg UH huhl (A Hum v» lwil, n lim‘l-lu
lghjun d mvl-I r mu! u buy» rpm-Min «H mm;
Im-nd.lm.i I‘M! «A ll 0 [run L hm: hm hfim:
Tho fmeiiS in ;m 1 xx u-ant ll(";:hhhvht,m!, m u:
‘Mnish “(film-L, m Ilw H! in'”; M A } M h:- ‘ Mum!
lmubr. 93ft}: churches in Hm nnnn-Ilmlx m 1' h»
lmllmud. \
Prams dwirn'w or finwinw Hu- ,umni ....
“le 19m1.“ 3':le duliuy' Ylw rm“; purl n] (M
-d I)‘ u! ml". um! Ull‘) uiH‘l l' ~l.ouu .m- ~.un:-
It) I! " AdmmLfohm Fillt' \U I:u|l|u.n,n-qnt
ll: u'rim k. \L, “Vim! day. ‘_‘ -.
[3743“ “llcmlnm-exgiu-n nxul It-rms mm!»
kumux lxy
B, i}!l"Collrt—J.\rfi“q .1. Fink, (‘iurk
.\ugu-t _"4, la 'l. Is
Real £51310
T TY'HM' F.” va- In flurnnrm “f .n
1X (hdvr ‘5! ‘ll-p ”11.1 mm. “mu! nl‘ .\.}.vy q
umnl), “ill be 4!?! rm! :1! l’n‘yh'v fiulv. 1m H :-
pn-misM. on SX'TI'LUAY, the ‘ZNII (Inf-“s‘
Sl'l'Tl‘lMH- H mu. 1! r- N"! Mtnm nl‘ [.r-hliylxr
I‘}. Hnrl7vil. rim" “IL . I ' . Hinu Hf» ~
A l’lu\)'l‘:\'l"“.\ I! ’l'r. m (:1 J and. shunn
in Rm”! Ma r ' [4 .\'. u‘ :mmM, w nluum v_r
MC AI l' c w 'l H‘i P. r: h-u‘ 0| hnui. “yum”;
Lmdiof (’ynu (3m I.‘\\:Hl:nn lirl mulzuth
.\iluvl-"jmuud mhm F. '1 :‘II uln‘ulm- .m M '15.“
nrv n l.xr"(- ‘l'\u AMI“: [lnk HUI “fij'x‘iii;
Pub L [Link l’wxn. \S.x'_r-n Mud. l-Jn {HAUL
(,‘iih. 'M-H n! “J“ I m‘ lr Hu- 1 mun. mm ~.-1.1 -,- x
[ln thy l'mn. “.in M. H: t H- LL Hun g 'lwh,.ul
find I" rumour-n": In Mar. .\’~u u I:",1 1‘ Ll‘ v
ul' mr‘ “MW and llmLH’ < >
{-21 .‘my‘ lmrtml I'INE‘HHI: L' mummy Hm
rum ml! VI»: 11mm 1:.1 :MIN' ly Illnfilll’ nu
Jubn mer. L‘w U n N,
51:4?" .\.. v m m-num-w-v M I‘n‘dnv‘. l'. \‘ .nu
s‘l4} du)‘ “ht-u alltmlrnvv u.“ Iw mun .. ,1 t
yum; mane known in
' JlinN HIDE“ MY: I.’ §
« 17,1‘ I\HGL 1?.‘.(11'1;',i.141.
Cum-Fan: ufh‘n 1: hn-rrlujrh. n a.) 1,: «..n, 1.:
H. J' Ilfu H theta/inf v
l’)‘ Ht ('1 nut—l um J ['l' h, ”min ~
Ir..f»xl:‘l.z‘ l
- PubILC Sale
F R": \ f. I} 51' \TL‘ ”in: b 27”"?13) \ T, Hm
O M h dw. n! .\‘i'IX'TPTIHN‘JI “(H.lll ww
fililhl'fl u: nn H d- 1' nl Uu- (Dry-Mm < 1' NH v.l ,
All w- t'mmly, 3 M in» at? rO4 '1 I' I‘m" “in,
In [M Irryuw-d, H" HM ‘clull‘ a: 13%. v
HP):.hv._: .\r , I'ul |~(‘(J_ 1%”..qu u .9
.\ PAIL“. _~ilu'l'n i'l Ihphimwl Mmu‘hw,
AIL-rm :(mnlg. I'u, nw- Imlv h. m 1.11:“?! ;
mm, and ~i‘( \u-~I u! (14-l.;'l.uxrq.u).uul 11?!an
lrnm I"inln"=“hnr(~lx.z'xr-t IHH" mflu Irmn Ml
”hum '3 .\ML :uljuinin'; luv] u! Hrmy Hv
sl‘ck"r, Pen-r HN kI Josuph‘lunslu ylmui uUn w,
wntviniug [23-1 .\crrz, I"an u‘r has, of i'utrm
on! Lnnfi. Tun in'prpuuum's me
nTwo-flmy.\'tonclmr-lliufl ”mm, .1??
wilhnUur-Aurl-n-Yml‘HmrS‘l\llrh. E :
en, flunk Dnrn, pan,E|f)lll" pm'L __ '
frame. with :5 good Wagon Sin-v}. Corn “iii, 3
m H of waleruynh « yum-p. m M Hm «11mm
I‘lu- Woman Hrnnrh o! .\lnrslx “m L rum mm
a corn! r of the plum. About fun} .r'l-M "re
wr-H set in good mania“, nml about 2’5 :1: gm"!
timlrrr. l’an 0! Ile turn: has llfil'n lam-IL The
lam] k 0! 11:0 N'd umu X, mull: .\‘.!ud irnmny.
Thin: h 151:0 an Oxrlmnl of .1 funny «.1 [run
on 111,0 fnrm. ’I-rwn-I \u-‘l‘ung [u an“ il. mu
rmuoslet} to cull mi .1115! L I: “IrJH-j, r: ~iding
mm by, ur nn lin' unduslgmd, twirling m
anHm luwmlfip. ' A
yymh- m mnnnme m I c'dni‘, T’.’ .\1 ,
on sun! (I')}, “lxrn :mvndunce m“ be giuu
nnd [cum umdc kmmn by ' -
By the Court—J. J. Fink, (Hulk. ' '
Aug. 28, 1865. ts
‘ , .._—_.__———-
Public Sale
THURSDAY, hEI'TEMIH‘IR 28,1865, at.
l u clock. P. M.. the undnrsiqurd, Agent for the.
heirs of Thomas Orr, 11009118 ch hm- of High
had township, Adamu county, le| :t-H at -
Public Sale, on the premix". Ilm fnnowing
valuablc real estate ofsmd deceased. “”1 ‘ '
A. FAlHl,miluMe in Highland township,
in suit) county, on the road leading; from Cnfh
lown to Fuirfield, adjoining loud: or Willunn
Walter, Joseph Merrill-y, Abraham )ln'kloy,
and others, containing 340 Acres, more or 195;,
having thereon a Donlole Log HOUSE, ,3).
Smoke Home, Logpud Frame Barnmnu 4?
other ‘nc'ccnnry nnl-hnihlmgs. Then- f;: r
is nlwo a good SAW MILL near the home, km!
a m-ll of excellent wah'r nearihe door. Then
is a thriving young orchard, am! a variety 0!
other fruit, on the premises. About 71) acres
are under 3606 fimbar, with n. Mir, proportion
of madam ‘The greater portion bf the Inn!
has been recently lined, and is in n l:igb_&4me
of cultivation. The properly is romemonl’
located to churches. schools, gums, mn:htl;<
,kc. Persons delirin‘g to filW «be prop-any .
will cell upon the undersigned, rcexdmg at .
Flohr'achnrch,on the Ch lmbcrlburg turnpike.
fi'Ancndnnge will be given Ind {ml
made known h, WILL! 31 T. ORR, -
Aug. 28, 13W: H Agent for the Heirs. A
Valuable Farm ’
on sun—inn subac‘ripers offer at m.
F rate Sale, on very ndrantageéus terms, a
FARM 01220 ACRES, more ox: Xefl't‘, gimme
near Hunterstqwn, ‘Adnma county. There is
a lnrge ptopqrtion ofgood woodland. ‘
‘ fi'l-‘ov harps, km, apply to either of the’
qn'dgrsigncd ' ‘
All 6%
. 8 1865.
.\J E 2 1
A Splendxd Farm .
E 134 ACRES FOR SALflg—sioo :9 the
person bringing I pygbhnscr’ whhin‘fla a
din” 110 m date. This farm a) mile: notflmt’ 9
Gong-sham, on Clfling and, will ncommgnq
incl. ’A bargagh £331,000 man be but by
“5M .\ M 4 cgoad. - 1 v
P ; ' v...” ' new amour
.‘lng. zs,~ we; ‘ ‘ ‘ ’
m 3“
I. ‘g-'