The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 21, 1865, Image 2

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    Eh: Qfiumpiler.
0 (If: M, A u
The tightpver the Philadelphia appoinh
ment- was'vei‘y hitter. The old officers.
were retained. Simian .gemeren was; for
mum—Judge Kelley against thin-t. '
Recently. whilst Simowwu at Philadel
phia, the Custom House and Post Office
people senennded him. Among ,other
things he gave Kelley and his three Yellow
Congressmen from that city several “severe
digit.” Th has brought out Judge Kelley,
and in K hitter tn the people of his district,
he gives the “Old Winnebago" no quarter.
i The “fight is interesting as it. stands,"
but. if Simon replies, as it is said he will. it
will become positively Enchanting.
The following is Kelly‘s letter:
Tu the Union Elle/i of (h‘e Furl/t (hug-ream!
, Dialricl. i
A long and successful career in crime tam-5
boldene the guilty. A reoént illustration
of' this law of human nature impels me to
violate my lilP'long rule of conduct, and for
‘once to notice a- liticai slander-er. Ido
not, however, edges you for the purpOse'
of‘rcpelling his.innuendoes or falsehoods. I
My life has been passed among you, and if
its record, hilim‘ to you all, does not repel ‘
them. I have lived in vain. My purpose hi
simply to pierce the‘meinlgaf ill-gotten gold ,
in which the slandercr clothed himeclfd
and give you a glimmé of the loathsome
ohjoot it pmtoéte. ; . . i
The papeieot Friday announce that six!
men Cameron. of Dauphin counting; stare-'1
‘nadertby his‘friends on tj,e preceding eve-l
""29 9t ihP (ijra‘ifl lion—we in this city, and
Wailqd Limscll'ol' the occasion to vilhf'y niy '
C(frit‘.x ues uhd myself, “the Congressmen}
of Plifiadclphia,” in a speech to he assem- ;
Maize. ,
_ I was hot a. youth when I first heard the!
name offlim‘nn Cameron, audit was as the 3
perpetrator hfa great crime. He. had been I
made the'agt-nt of the government to carry 1
a lame amount of mam-y, due (‘0 them, to i
tho Winnehégo Indians, and had taken ad- l
vantage oftheir ignorance and helplessnt‘ssl
to enrich himself. 'l‘hase ol you _who had ‘
then attained loinanhooil, though you may
not, after the lane of Romany years, revivai
the burning indignation with which you:
regarded the-inhnnmw swindle! of thepoor‘
indium. will doubtless remember that iii-1.
stead of paying them the specie which the
government @l-nlhlnd to him for that put-1
prise, he retained it, and gave them the;
notrs of the Middlqtown l‘rinlr, oi‘which he;
was an ovum-r. At their mcmnpment in‘
the remote wilderness these notes wr-re. ut
terly Wbrthlcss. IThe Indians could not;
use them for any purpose :therc, nor chm-y"
them to Midtllctown for redemption. But i
what was that .to Simon Cameron? “Ct-xi
not their loss his gain, and was he not so
much the richer by every notc‘that failed
in coma homc'forrcdcmption. though they ;
illtl‘sull‘cr and starve? And those of you
who are not. old enough to remember all‘
~this, pow knéw why this bold, had man is‘
sometimes spoken of by your seniors as the}
“2mm Winnebago,” and sometimes as “Uld .
Kickapoo.” “ ' l
i For more than thirty years ihavcwatchodl
the tortuous career dl’ this ratio. and have‘
never. seen It reason to nbanrldn my lirstj
impression ol' his character. Whether act-i
ing with the Democratic, the Knew Sothing‘
oi the Repnhl‘pan party—~iorhc has in tum l
disgraced them all—he has never been false 1
to his criminal instincts. He has endeav-j
‘ored to turn them all to profitable account.
llis ambition is sordid and ponders to his
‘ avarice, and -he measures honors by. the
perquisites tfgiry Expose to his grasp. llc
’hmi no can ulcnce in the people. and is
,nware that, they glistrust him. His speech
uOl Thursday even‘lng was not characteristic
.ol‘ mm, tot-She is pmne to the use of instru
‘lmcnts. Ilis {habit is to point the stiletto,
ibut to cmpl’py another hand to 'drive it
i hninc. Though an; active participant in
.the politics‘ bf _his county and State for
'mnre than liall‘a‘ century, during which
i long period he has pursued the profits oi
'othhe. oi jnhfl‘, of contracts, with eager and
lceascless assiduity, he has never dared to
permit his name tobe presented to the
lpeoYe of his county or State as a candi
“date for an elective otlicc. lle crawls to
l the feet of the appointing power. Fla cares
not who may the King, so that he may “still
be Vicar of filmy ;" and to that end he
i chafl‘ers with and corrupts weak and needy
1 members of conventions and the Legislature
l of both parties.
1 I need not‘reeite the disgraceful facts at
. tending: his several can vasses for the United
, Statesfienate. Their nauseous odor lingers
'-in your nostrils to this hour. In the first,
i he bought the votes of three ‘Democratic
( members. and in the last bid twenty thous
‘and dollars for, the vote which would have
leiectecl him. This last transaction was so
[flagrant that the Legislature was compelled
:to take mgnizancc of it, and, if justice be
notlame as well as blind, the law and hon
lor of our Staterill yetbe vindicated. ~
I The evil report othis deeds pervades the
country as a reproach to our State. ‘Yes,
lunhappily for Pennsylvania and her great
'; interests, the liuzzardwinged fame ofSimom
‘ Cameron is national. By months of abject
p: solicitation and corrupt bargaining he pro
' cured a mass of letters, certificates and re
. mutations. .thht‘vimpuseti'him upon President.
,ldncoln as the representative man of the
Keystone State. That. was an ‘evil hour for
Pennsylvania. You all remember how he
lorganized the navy agency in this city, and
Libel the inetfahle reproach he thus brought
on our Navy Yard and commercial and oth
ler business men. In the course of his im
puilent and ill-judged harangue he said:
"In-the olden time a member at Congress
from Philadeliihia would havehad sufficient
influence to have carried his point (the es
tablishment of a naval station at League
llslnnd) Without,a dissenting voice.” - Is.
that the assertion of a sober man 7 and did
he who made it forget that our Congress
men in thboldefi time in proposing to locate
it government workshep'at. Philadelphia,
had not“ the terrible ,reputation of Sutton
l Cameromthejagap of the fianisbm‘ lobby.
and tax-Secretary of War, to‘cootemf with,.
and. therefore; ha me chance for suc
' cess? My colleog d Iwere less happy
‘ than they in this r at.
i As I, have said, he begged and bargained
‘ for the influence which influenced Mr.
. Lincoln to invite him to a seat in hianbi
, _, iefifi—v net._ It was. now loudly lioped,._by those
fiAI the hour for the contest; draws on who had not sounded the depths ot'bis de
-spm, the prospects of the Democracy he privityé that, being Gig-and “Chi; lac would
' ' ' ’ -,, . ta 6 s vantage oso utinguis e .an o -
gin to brighten. The rerun of terror bEIDgi portnnity towprovethat he could be honesli,
3.1““‘0'9” “’9 hearts 0‘ “‘9 [£00919 81'0" and could administer a trust without turn
lighter. and SW!" “)6 futm-e once moral ing it' to his own profit, or haxfliing the
unimuto their boswms. From every {tutiful‘d over tot hisyereausil‘esmto tie used on
' .u . 2 - '_JOID‘ ncooun . ow so y no )0 were
0‘ the country "81“.“me chegfmil“m'i‘diuppoiuted‘ is attested by the brggity ol
ltgenoe ol'ithe harmony and unity of thelhis term of office, and the circumstances
party, and of the indomitable energy of under which it. closed.
its members in working for the gl(lriolisiwi:£‘le’§igl:“ 3110 I?” 710!!! “10‘ (‘l‘fly‘fin
- - . - ‘ _ l l n " emeron was me a H as
gamph 5:13“) awash. us nhxt O‘cloher. ,Secretary or ?V“- Congreas~thongh at
. flog emocracy waves high in the‘l that early day it. had before it. but partial
air, and underneath} its ample folds uni-{evidence of his crimeso-indi nanny drove
hoetl are rallying to the battle. "land speed . him from that high 05cc. grive-thirds of
dim-584110 noble work of regeneratin'vlth-e members of ”)9 .Lower Em“ were; "M”u"“‘
“a d‘uenthrnllin 0m ‘, nd a . friends affine Administration, and would 3 -le-Hon. E. M. Batman. a lawyer of.
. ,8 cQun ry. a may gladly line sustained each member ofit as httshvflle,‘ has been invited by the Pres“
their earnest etl'oris result in the complete they di its distinguished head. idem to become his Continua,“ 36mm”. E
reecueptgour beloved had it!” the deeds-i 1°“ can 'W‘Em‘: 110‘; Pamful it‘must ii“ order to facilitate the disposition of d,
tion and min which four long years 0': 31,03 aar‘ziinghehytfldilsnth grgclair‘ri’etnlgzelfiz 58:; ggrest deal a! business brought before lain). l
. . . . . ~.._~.___._.. _._.... l
“"9“ murals hasunpended over “-‘ I{the first. man the head of their party hadl ' ’ Friday wee;- the trustees' of i
'_'”T—T" -T‘ " ‘ '1“ been induced to appoint us the successor o ’ College at. hexington Virgin-l
, ThOWfimn 0" my, week, John 1;. Floyd had exhibited greaterapti. 3.., , 5a to and; .0 Genes-1'1.“ the
i snuggling”; and storm. The Prefix. tude than he fonhis worst tricks. But it Pr . " of that institution.
denfiercotautruction policy Mdificmd, $5353 «immii‘blioiffeamam mfg; wig-i .1 :4.“ - ”_._..
'. . taunt is an re ,mJ v ';
”d l" mu“ hm determination 1° liens. believgs thalone of his umpgis never , 59‘ [s3 " 7" "in iiitcfdmissrxfi’gfii‘ ‘
carry it out. regal-dines of‘oppoeihon orcon- Itch smug: till he has; little more, Ind,; 3..“) -._-_._- . 'l
“9‘” " Wurst": m :15 theooun the ~ Th , - 'l
I“; ---—-—--«m-—————-—‘ lfriemlrot the Kdm’inistmtion infligiliouse {fling inade 6.93%? if) maria? 5:1
they“ Conn commences teddy. lbml to proulm‘ ' his infamyend denounce Chives of the late Southern (hnfederaey. 1'
I. 1. Sign“, Emmi; mo "annual!
bfiifiifiifim m
Democratic County ConVention.
'nm mug“ ANT-rm: €010;le
rlou—ao “who mumm'rv.
Mia meeting offln Democratic County Com
mittee, M. Wolf's Hotel, in Gettyshulg, on
.Snturdny last, the fglluwing resolution was
unuimonsly adopted: ‘ ' '
Retained, That the Democratic vctors of
Adams county be, and they are hgreby, re.
queued to meat. at their usual places or hold“
ing Delgagsu Election! on SATURDAY, the
AM of PTWBER nm,fon§e mrrpole or
'cl'looning Daiegama to represent‘ them in n
Coumy‘Couvuncion to be held NGntlysbng.
0n MONDAY FOLLOWING, (Scplcmhvr am
at IU o’nlur-k. A. M, to mminuh- n lfuunly
'chpl, appoint Syntax! Conforccs. {mi
lrunam-L such mher Isiaqzs 3w 'm'\\' he'df‘hu
"“l “WWWU‘ The Dab-gum Elvt‘fiaus to open
“93 and (“Me M:- o'clock, I'. .\I., in all Um
“1'5“?” except, Ct!‘):~luurg——~in the Lnlhr lu
mum at 7 am! cluse m ’J u'rlul'k, l'. M:
Lawn i:Hl.‘\Kl-Zl:flUI-‘l-‘, cm.
v J ‘l}‘l‘! W 044, SW3: ‘
‘ Aug. 31, “363. 11: ‘ J
We Inn-o raceivnd name rurum mrnrmuiun mnfl‘rnlng
11m Tonueuea election, thmuxh l' u~uu an-uuluw" Nah.
will orgln, the “l'rLl-u and Timon," 'l‘lur Deumcmh ny
wu to have carried In but Ith or am L'uugre-munal an.
inch. '
The cm: mlharitie'c o! Slmthflrnnin county, Vu , enter
ed upon their duh‘us «the 7111 um ‘
A Miami colleufilm bu been nu Ram-inn :11 Ilarrihlmrg
Mince “'ldnlslhy. Tbs cnnvenlmn In” art-Mr»! In pellliun
Cungreu (up: figural“ Imy amendlm-ul m the Cunflitw
tiuu. '
uonernl Hooker, In New York, lu‘u ,i-"ule-I nn nnler au
mnncingun division or the Dvlurluvent‘ol we I'2le inn»
1%: milibrydihtrictx. erpmnliuz: acmnummlur run-am
(humor Bm'nlnw, in Tenmv. hm: ismmi n purch
-11.1!an looking to the letting run!» or flu elqcllun in .113-
tricu u-luch have returnaJ meihuu eruMu-n. _ '
‘ Hubert Ridgei‘ny, of the ichmond ““I'hlg, "’nnd John
8. 'Barbou‘r, Premdont n! the Orange and Ala-“Mm; nu:-
mad. 9:0 candida.” fur Congress in Virgina:
The Ilnrglzmd negmeu nre flocking in great numbers (n
i'nyetle Mcmlllon. of Virginia. has applied rm- Mun
Thus hr at}! nunre thnn flu hundwd mrdum lmve ‘n‘Pll
gnnlad by the Premium. About on; “mm-mu! (Ive hum,
drd nppflcnlionn, hnwercr. have [unwed Um Anorm-v
Genml, And an". the sigmfuras 0! ml Prep-dent nml
Hanna of State. ‘ _ ‘
Tomnwc-Tbrhr; only 25 cent! ‘3 imlnfl in Bunion.
A‘p' counterfeit $2O greenback is in drculnuun—[nmr
ly execu'lml. I
In Culilog'nin. ‘he radical mug of life Ropnhficfln party
Ire tamed :‘Lnug 11mm," and; the cunwrvnhc wing
"Short Ham." _
Two prop'llorn 121111th1! in Thunder buy. Lake Huron, on
Wadnen‘lny night week, Ind “MAN them Aunk in a few
mhmtu. Saucy-ave tn 100 hm nm rop‘aru-vl mbe lmtt.
"on (horse E Pugh, pgmnn. has received intimation
that {in trial of Davis flil rhurny take [Men in a Civil
court, Ind ho has bogun‘pfepnrnkium’finr the dercnco. Mr.
l'uah will join Mr. O’Cnnm- in anhington In a few days.
"DI.“ Cobb. at Augusta. recently egpremd a akin: m
sea Bough resume her {0:11ng p‘uce In 11.9 Union. and
,urgod hiu (anomcilizenn to submit prumpuy and mlllngly
no 21:. Government at tho United gun. -
. The freed Degree: in Mccklenbm-g equal}. Virginia. aFa
row-g ml dovutaging the farm and killmx the lire Monk,
and the white peaplu are [fund to protect, Lhamwlvefi, for
{our of—fln military power.
‘ Tho frigate Cums! um raised in Hampton nonduon
Sand-y morning, Ind tnkan to Narrow.
' The Provo-t M-rsbnl It Nubile, Ma . has ordered the
m of I," negro” found on the streetx after 2 o‘clock“
night without puns from their employers. ,
The fluid] puny of Union countyv thmugh the return
judges of thuir nominating ebcliun, 113“.de nod in fax-oi
bf nogw mama. ‘.
Stool, the Columbus, Ohio, mllectornf Lnlouul Reve—
nug. m n defnnllor w the Imam u! 51.30900. No m:-
“-35. us “lay-I‘." " -
as. summ- or'ruu l: in» and moditlan. mums"
um! murdou “to caudally occurring and it. has been
found mull-y m can": the nummlcrs.
A animal house in Oincinnafl To}! down on Sunday lut,
“th fuming: were buried in the ruins. A uomn um
kill-d, Ind nun! porsnnu were mjurml. ,
anurnmunr‘: clerk has Imm nrractofl in Cancinmti,
charge] with finding Lwouly thousand dollars golermuenz
fund; It bonlnlllo. .
Gmnl Vm Wyck, In South leinn. hm inc-110d an or
der warning the pooplq nnt‘ta mam-alt um freed populatinn.
May-n con'gicu amped from Buchar- “land, New
York, an Sunday flux-noon. by nimming news: the river;
0m or than: was recaptured.
the dinkinfiug of m Sign“ corp! |§lWn~hington hu—
Vii-hue: 111 cheaper in Slum): thin in New Ymk
The Mayor of Mobile, ML, has given public notice that
nexmmumon: will in! be valid in that city Against whim
mu. - ‘ ‘
A‘ tornado I! South Bend, Indiana. on the 9th,dntmyed
that] wound dollars worth a! property. Many person
warp mint-d. ‘
Account from Tuna unto :19: n “gong Union feeling
bro-nus h yin‘ 3W.
Hon. Prm'n King has been nppoluted Callecmr offlu
Port or New ’i’ork, to decent! Simeon Draper.
Mr: Thinker, of Ohio, ha been appoints? Commissioner
, or hum, h: sum D‘ P.llullwny.
Kolehnm & (10., And Graham kt brokers, 'in New
Yotk. fiilod on Vodnudni. The, involve! u: gold
check I'm-gum w the extant enema] million. I: in “24
M "at Mr. Ketchum‘a um min];- or fnrxed gal-l cert-macs
mum uncut o! No Ind aha“ million: and [an "fur
pan: unknown." 1
A locomfin m inko the rear an mwnger train on
"“10 Rawhide "mom, nenr Bndgaport, Conn , Tnendu
morning. The nnflno pulsed directly through the re.“-
' car, than the boiler cxpludad. Seven permns «are In
“an“, kflltd, und twenty other: nun {caudally mangkd
“w: mod.
xxx-manta portion oruncmm mm k
Ih. trial ell-Korma Darin (or wanna It tuba stand
mt flu x-mm h in [Her or {:in him before u mvd
1M Commndflom-emiou A! Dem-er, Colorado, ”"1
deem-d in favor or [omits a Samurai-aunt.
Only two who! oflcerl'rcunm on Jaumnn‘u hinge].
They-n d-uiua ham :1»; will not hit the cm.
mounujm mi; law's cup!
hi: 'rrimm. No: Wl‘! the “inky whirl)! ' " “ 11‘ ; .
:thevdid it a meagre one. Hm friend; and. 10m)? & batll’flj.
Tosawho Wuld most glldly have uverml , 7.;-_—-—__ 1:: l;,._;«_ 32;, “grai:
his ~ man-om out-Statemocldreallygot , ‘. ‘ . ‘. . ~ ‘ ,
my slim one~thinl of the flange ngamslf NYE}. D ‘ hut" “9” “‘s’ Mauls»
'lhe rewlulion of condemnation. The mom (AUEUSI 19m. 1845,) [M Corpus: passed
. Y” ghost molto ope aguntnstfiji'luiflo‘t’legb ‘ into its present. hands. ‘t-From a féw buri—
, M B onnsy vammn. no m mg 0 ul- (1 . . i . _
\_,w.ilneea against the representative af- our led,o;|r lust 0‘ gummy? b“ “6“!“me
State, but. too w.“ ”rm-”d ofbi: P 113“ in «sum up to this tuneT and‘ now It may
v'ole against the resolution. failed to record f large/u ”m of any nth-2:319:51)" published
my vote. ‘ ' _ i 6 wig re ion or the Sta . ‘For the hunk
*. In this (get,‘genllemhil. Y’” ’l‘" “"3 Shimme patimgeeqioyed 1' vr\a)¢ake this anni
cret. of "this distinguished statesman's" Um: olc' i 0 ‘
'hostility to tag and my Hands. Mr. Wal-i ry ens nno ”lint” our most pro-l
born. the Postmaster of Philadel; hia, and‘ found thanks, as well as ‘0 “‘3' “'3‘ gn ”’e
other of his‘croatures; have offered me his 3 future no effort win be spared to make the
:frizndSh'ij; 3‘o“ 51‘1“?” ”1 ’0‘”?! Wyn")! i (‘ol?an worthy of Ihe inc~reased favors of
to ave a reso u lot! expunge . y re-g- ~ - ‘
:ply hss inmrialady beenlthat to stir foul Lu! hr": body of irxendg.\
«nutter mm to pro( mm It stench. Ir . . ; ' .
have never in this Or aught else endeavored 5 ‘ VESITfiUP“ 1 {U} LATLQEAVI“ .TEACH'
m propiliate him or his creatures. 50.1285 A§>OUKHOX T 9 ‘JEHXSBURG‘
[slouehmny mark the Ipot where my pool-{~ll having lgeoomq known here that the
ls§3fl§i£¥ sifi§'se'3§.b£‘v‘i.:3?§£§m ”Wm“ “WW” Amcim’m mains “
“me by pointing w “mind. that Sxmon igmmlmx- "091 d vmlnthe Gettyshtlrg
Cameron and his qoufidenu'il {fiends werei “fie‘fi‘fld °" 'lhunday. a ”0"“, P‘”""3
everlmsflleto me. ‘ " ~ 1 lwas held at. the Conn-house: on Tuesday
With grateful regards. youm. \vgry truly. 'evening. to make arrangements for their 79’
”w" Dina“. leeway: The following committee was ap
' pm 0 {any out the object of the meet
me W 933: EggandMSouth Eu ling: R. G. McCreary, Dr.'Charl_es Homer,
re: the wail: of d 9m -. Jncl. F. McCreu'y.Jeremmh Diehl. S. S.
_ 9° 'me" an WOW" mourn‘i'McCrem-y, u. n Wattles, D. McComwghy,
"‘8 ‘o‘: “‘0“ “Wk” by the chOJLsrn are' R. A. Lyme, J. H. White, D. ,Wiils, J. T.
bemmmg “‘9'“ WW! and Shrining- Ourl Mellhenny. U. .I. Smh‘haM D. A. Bushler.
00‘1““ 0J- Mflllfi has holified the State D.» l A portion of the commutes went» down
partment at thhipgtonj)hn_t_mgghnlemp sis {u as Jefl‘cmm Station on Thursday
“"5! p'revaiiing there to utnihrming’extent,{ morning, and thelia Inez tboeyuréom‘
find that communication with the adjacent Upon afiiving at Gettyshuxg. the HOUR
i-iands had been suspended. At Odessu‘sionistsnfifiged into aquadsbyProf.Wick
great appreh'eusion was felt, and the strict- ”Shim“. WWO? was in "command,” WWB
est regulations had been establislml in con- "marched” to the difi'erent hotels under
seqnam-e of the nmiignity of the e" fidemio the lead of ‘fmi‘P‘ifißi” and "“9" dinner
at. Constantinople, f proomled to the battle—field in the same‘
In three (lay: (hex-é died of this pos
tilnnm six tlmt’wnnd pilgrims in'Mrficca nml
Medina; and at Cairo four thousmu I died in
a single day. It is now along
the shun-s of the Mediterranean Lien. hm
entered Sicily, decimated»(.‘onslali‘tinoplo,
and mashed Ancmm, Italy. =
Unless some Slop 'be pat. to the progrece
or tliis fall diséasc'in Europe, we may look
for its appenrnnm in our country in the
coming spring 3'. we fixrmost. «
-- -__ «lo>--.————.-1
Ev'l‘he Philadelphia Sunday ’Mrrnn‘y
calm-s to us Imm entirely new drossiol‘typc.
It is an excellent paper. am! we ~wlmld all
vise all who Elmira a Sunday journal to sub
scribe for We .llerculy. ' »
ml‘liem are 1,000 malegmd 500 female
clerk: in the 'l‘rea-ury Departmental, Wash
ington. being more than 1w; full regiments.
speaking in military parlance; The annual
amt of this little army is more than 3 mil
lion «lullurs. This is how we have to pay
for the blessed greenbacks and the dirty
little fractional currency.
~WThe Abolition Conventéon of I‘mrks
county. last week. was ascene *pfmuch dis
order, resulting m the “sccwsibh” of'u por
tion of the deflegates, and the :ippniutment
oftwo sets of delegates to the Slate Gan
uention. ‘
wfil‘he harmony 6f the Democratic pnr
!y will not be distuybed by dihSOl’l-élflnl
among its own mombérs. The Democracy
m-c mu intent. upon the good of the cnuutry
to allow lm’ml squa‘bbles to greate diacord
in its rankm .
r : -~A~1I‘"r a;
mAccmding to the nccozznts from Eu
rope, United 'States five twenty bnmls mn
linue g 9 decline. They wore qunlml at
Lonllnfi on the 4th inst.. at 68, n falling‘ofl‘
02 13. per cent. since the 28th of July. .
The Carnival of Crime.-—Neariy evrry ex
change paper we receive now contains com
plaints of an intolerable spirit of rowdyism
prevalent in their midst. Murders, high
way robberies. house-breaking. riots and
oulmgps are becppming quite common 11!}
over the country. ‘ H
WM: arecem Abolition meeting in thé
city of Pittsburg. a resolution was passegl
dennuncing Calholim an “arch traitnrs to
civil and religious freedom throughout. tbia
WCuthbert Bullict, United States Map
aha] at‘Ne’w Orleans, is out against negro
suffrage. He used to be a particular friend
of Chief Justice Chase, baknow seems to
In}? parted company with him. . ~
@‘The proprietors of the Bangor. Me.,
Democrat have nguu legal proceedings
against eighteen “loyal” residents of Ban
gorhplmown aqd Presquo Isle, to secum
dam-ages for the destruction of their {win
ting establ‘zshmgnb in 1861. The sum sued
for is $30,000.
HELSenntor Davis. of Kentucky. is in
Washington. seeking In interview withrtho
Bresideut in relation to the military inter
!ei-erlee with the late election.
w'l'he failure of the Atlantic telegraph
cave is confirmed. It parted on August 2,
in 1,950 raumms of water, and 3“ attempts
to raiseit ware unsuccéesful. b’l‘he Great
Easterb has returned to England.
E‘The Republican State Convex: firm of
Pennsylvania me; at Harrisburg on Thurs
day. Gen. J. F. Hargrqn’fLm gagging!”
rOl'VKlid'l‘tb; €611,631, £ndColdnel J acob M.
Campbell for Sutveyor Genera}.
[Q‘Soldiers in howimls complain that
the surgeons are needlessly keeping them,
in order that. they themselves may be lon
ger held in service. The Surgeon General
has become satisfied that in some cases, at
least, there is good foundafi'on for this
complaint. ‘
@The Chiefof the Freedmen’s Bureau
has ordered the steam propeller Weybosaet
to be filled up at Richmond‘lor a pleasure
trip to Texas with ninety women and chil
dren belonging to thef‘cullud sodgu,"-
Guy, what i‘ is to be a darkey! -
19A Washington conequndent my:
President'Johnso'n does not. inlfifld to “run
the.churcbes" in "Dixie Ifind,” and will
not exact prayers from them for himself.
order, “guided” by members of the com
mittee and others of our cum—us. At about
four o'clock the visitors mot at the National
Cellmtery, wherqmey weie caned to order
by Pamidcnt Green. of Rhode island. Af
lcr prayer, Rev. Mr. Cénrnnhrm mmjo a
speech of~welcome, which Imm responded to
by Prof. Gram. Resolutions were then
mum] by one or the members; one return
ingtlmnks to [be several railroad campfi
nies for bringing them lgeqe :30 half fare,
and anothel’ta thegtitizens of Gettysburg,
for the free dinner given the members.—
Sevg-rul speeches were matte complimenting
Grttysburg for its generddi hospitality, af
ter which the resulutior‘fi wore adoptéd
with a loud and ummimoim “aye.“ Al. six
o’rlock therxcursionists léft for Harrisburg.
all delighted with their ‘vis'it. The party
numbwed about 4.30, “’33". of room pre
vontsa fuller notice; ‘
A mama—(me or lbe éisitm to the Im
tlc-lh-hl mi 'l‘lmr'sdhv. a gentleman from
.\'vw York. pickml up. On (lulp's Hill. a
Land Turtle mm-krd "Cd. A, 102 d N. Y.”
It was n relic of pimuliari. intereqt. as the
marking was mdouht white by a New York
saldier at the time of fins. baule. Its pos
snss )r was highly deliglnteil, and valued the
turtle nlmosl Int-yogi] prifid. He took it to
the Empire Stale with lilim. where it will
hecomen “p01”ol"Co. AL 1021.", ‘ ,
s. s. PIC .\’ICS.—-'l‘lm (iivrm'm léprnnned
Sabbath School hm] u Pic hm at Spangler’s
Springnn l-‘r'uluy. “'in line weather, bean-
Liful grnun-k; and :1“ infiigh spirita, theve
was ‘0!" course much enjoyinnnt. The party
was largo. and every one delighted. .
The Prvshywrinn Sahbgnh Sahool spent
the same day at Wolf's Woo Us. This too.
we are (old. was a, wry pleasant affair. '
THE comm”; AVD SEMINARY.—Az the
recent meeting oflhe Trusqws of the Theo
logical Seminary pm this piste, Rem Dr. C. A.
Hay and Rev. ll,‘ Valentine} were elected afi—
ditional l’rofessbrs. Both have accepted, we
are lold.‘ The Semimiry \ri‘il thus hue {our
full Theologim! Protessorm ’ .
Two additional Professoi-s vae aha been
elected for the College—Phi: Mayer to the
clmir of Natural Sciences, hnd Revar. Bil.-
tiuger to that. of Belles LeLlrcé. The form
has accepted, a'ud it is thought. he latter C“
It has also bet-n deter-milled} to i-eorganizg e
Preparatory Department. ‘Re\'. C. J. Ehre
bynrt, :1 gentlnman of line attainments and nl]-
mimbl) calculated for the post,has been elect
eil Principal. A large ‘bmlding, sililnblt (or
the boarding and lodging of boys, is to be put
up, with a building {or gymnuslic exercises. ‘
The difficulties connected with the German
Prbfessonhip were laid] over to the next meet
ing of the Board, the mud; in the meantime
to make te'mporary pro'rision ‘or instructiofl in
German. \ '
'The effort {or increased \endowment of the
College and Seminary has reauhed in securing
about. $75,000 for the former, and 30,000 for
the Incter. It is intended u» increase they! to
$lOO,OOO and $50,000 respectively. '
The proposition to native the Cauege to
Allentown was almost. unanfimadsly declined.
SEER] FF‘S SALESx—Slfierifl' Robert sold at.
public outcry, M tbs Court House, on Saturday
work, the following property :
The real estate of Peter andorfl', in Mount»
jay township, 152 acres imbrfied, for $2,000.
John Eckenrode purchaser. ‘ 7 3
. The real estate at George kiln-Ida}. in Read
ing township, 18 Mll5 improwd, Jor $250.
John Haues purchaser. ‘
, ~._. “'_’“: “Mg—‘_'
‘ $011:- advertising commas will be found
unusually interesting just gov, containing as
111:] do nunmmcexgem 10:1}; large Inmbe? of
real estate 811165-20 which; by the way, we’
would call special nttentioul. All.“ this rush
(the printer’s harvest) is 0431-, we shall again
be able to devote the usual space to «ending
mime}. j ‘ ‘
finial; MnrleL-Clelln‘ will re~opcn hEr
Schonl‘or. the 4th ongp'tembgi', u’ will be
seen by hér end in snother‘pclumn. Ilsa Mo-
Clellnnls . very succesflultlteachu, and those
'who.desir'o to patroni’ie'a gri'vnte school can
not do bétter than by sepfling their children to
her. ' 'l
EB,- thejdveniseni‘eniof Messrs. Dunner
t Shields ilr another coln+m, the pepple of
Fairfielgi and vicinity will. {observe that they
have juaireceived a largesupply “(New Goods,
whip?! they are ofi'cring at rest bargains.—
Bead the advertisement. lg *
WWO direct attention ts} the-avertiuinent
‘0! Mr. Stonebnker in thiaflpaper. His Lini
ment, Horse and Cattle Powders, and Eat,
Roach and House Extermiquor, are gaining
a world-wiae reputation. 36d are beliévéd to
be the best nmédicl of the kind in nu. 9
new ‘Jkins’ “on mike‘wf Ho'op Skim,
for ladies and children, lay. in “imbue.—
Cnll II 628 Arch street. {’BQadelphia; and' ex
am hi: stock of goods. 1‘ *
33w. have urged 09.11105, doliciouu pucth
this anon, but the but wdo a lot presented
u by In Juob eruwenmtlémmn mmip,
the mint dun; Be In. oat-'3‘ huh. T
victim-oi Spring: in
m. lieur’Yiug‘ling, «a...
nwanvrx’xiég? —A.“’.Flemmsap mum
{3' good thinrz for [ln- west end of WW! Ml‘ldlc
stri-eL He yang!” ,nn Incic house, ”W,
“much flu: ion;- Mr gunffl'ifi the intrmién
+of repairing it for n availing. “E'opuhr sen
fluent" though". was too (A: gone, and so
E Informed Mm ; ‘but Andy was pot 10 b; dis.-
‘ conned; and mappéd Mrflager's iqjhe yer]
i flee of“pop_ular santimenlfii . "no could do it,
I we] be would”——and he mp. Turing out AH but
1 three side: of Ibo frame amd’the roof, muons
} Ind arpeneers were he! to 'work, and no'w he
’bas a. Imig and comfortable dwening, good
enough (0':- nny Quurt Cr)" to live in. We
give up. Any old thing can be made 11ng
vspecially if theré be work enough done ou'it.
SOMETHING HEW.—-We cull attention to.
the ndrertisement of the Dn'plox Elliptic or
double Spring Skirt Though a rerent inven‘
tion, it 1m: beéome very popular, and is rapid
ly obtaining the preference over other kinds in
use. The rod: in it an: compose}! each ortwo
delicate and well-tempered steel lprings, which
are ingeniously braided together edge to edge,
the lower rods hoovivr, and having a double
cdrering. This pecnllrnritv- of conetrucilun
makes :his skirt veiy,strong and durable, and
aim no exceedingly flexible that it readily ad
apts iuell to 'the form of thé'fwearer, and ni
lpn of any amount of doubling and crushing
without injury to its sjmpe. ' Those ‘skirts are
unquestionably the lightest, moot durable,
comfortable and economical ’_A‘umnde. These
are advantages which ladies,'who have experi
_en_cod the discommrl and inconvenience of sin
gle springs, will dufif‘inpiéziéte. j ' ’*
E‘Nr. Frank. Hublenbcrg, of Lancaster,
was horribli stabbed {md cut qn Friday night
week, by burglars who entered his mum. :12
is out of (finger.
@"Mr. (Jamie Spunglvr has sold his Farm
in Freedom township, 10 Mr. Levi Snudor, of
Carroll county, Muir—loo acres for $3,200,
cash. - ’
_Slemr Chino—A grant hub-bub WM mist-«l
along the Penn. 11. R. nfew (lays ngn, tn
the eti'wt that Bunth’u associate, John il-.
Surmlt‘, had been Citplnl'ed away nut in
’l‘extm, and was pasxiug ovar the road, in
charge at" a small regimefit of soldiers, loa
ded «low: with chains. lmbblvs and hmzo
bulls. to the great glee nt‘all concerned, ex-‘
09]»! the suppmod nannin.
The secret now turn: out to be. that the
man’s name is Fuller. and is the chap that.
cheatedlhe intifinnl Abolition Committee
out of $OO,OOO last, fall. and the “(lovem
moni.” adopted this [.lan to make him (lis—
gm'ge. Special mill-ond truins, a regiment
of soldiers, and the country thrown into
convulsions. on the capture of a Loyal
Leaguer. 021! the wisdom and economy
of loyalty ! . . .
; ' V—-u—‘——-~AO.QV -—-~—-——
W'l‘he 'Shoddy-Ahnlilinn-Republicans
call theirs the “Union party.” The only
“Union" thabcan be dimovored about Ilia
~phriy.judging from thP rvaoiutions of their
onijnty convenfinm and (he uuvmncos of
their organs and orntnrs, in a union of col
om’—!he mixing of the while and black
races through negro sun‘mgo nml eqlmiity.
Y 9“. it is a “Union" party, but. not a suvory
mess! by any means. 9
Jlixcqqenatienn—One of Um shining lights
of the ‘Aholilion party in Hudann ciW bus
been “proving his faith bv his works." A
buxom colored girl applied to the poor
master fnr the support ofa muhuo baby.
which she alleges the aforocuid shining
light is the father 0". Our loaders will pm
)mlJy not be Surprised, for this incident is
only (me slop beyund "negro suflrage.” .
36"‘Tlm npgrn soldier: at Wilmingtnn, N.
C , have driven Hm jut-12m from duty. and
they have' all {exit-n! d.
WTwo mlmml enhliora we": nanth
at Hrowmvillv. Texas, on July 20, for out
rages on women. .
DQJ‘he horse thieves are dbing nn_ex
hnawe business in .\'lnnmnmery, Buvki :xn-I
Cheklel‘ countiPs. Some fifteen horses were
stolen last week, and none of them re
covered. .
[Q‘The Louisville Jam‘ua’ suyS: “The
freedom of this noun-s in our city‘ may
be fun to them, but it. is dam: to white
:fi‘The Hufl‘nln Courizr harm; that the
South will smd nonp of hm- Fire Mien to
C(mgress, nnthn Nor“: will lurnyll her
Disunioniatz out at the earliestoppnrmnitv.
On the Nth in;t.,'hy Rev. J. .\. Doll. \Yr.
n." of Bllrhmmn Valley.
On the 23d Mt" hy‘l'lm':J.-Icnh Young, Mr.
HORE, 00th of the vicinity of Littlcstou‘n,
Adams coumy. ' -
On Sunday evening week, in St. James’
Ninth.) Church. in this place, by Rev Edw.
Hreidenb High, Mr JAMES L. CAREY, ochw
York Slate, to Miss SAME 31., dnughter of
Michael Rnpp, of this [11309.
On the 27th ult.,4t the E\.Luth. Parsonage.
Littlesmwn, by Rev. S Henry, .\lr. '1). BHLVS
10‘ Elisa J. KELLY, both of Mouutjoy township,
Adams couhty. I
At the Ev. Luth. Parsonage. Abbottstown,
on the 10m insL, by Rev. Dr :lnner, Mr. LEVI
GOLDEN, both of Moumplensnnt lowndflp.
0n the Bth iusgn at St. Thomas’ Church,
New Windsor, Md.‘ by Rev. Father Gloyd. Mr.
both of Tuneymwn.’ Md. 4
0n the ale", ofJnly. by Rev. David 8. Mon
roe, onf. WM. H. “ILL. A. IL, 0! Willjlnmsport
chkimmn Summmy, \Villinmspori Pat, to
Mi'ss EDITH, only daughter of lona an Boyn
ton, Esq., of Clearfield, Pa. ‘ .
”Obituary notices 3 cents per line for nll
ovu- four.linea——msh Lo BL‘Oompnn)’ notice.
. 7, —-
On' the 15m inst", Mr. HENRY BRIXKER
HOPE»! Gettysburg, aged 75 years nnd 172
days. , ‘ >
bn tile lzth inst, in llnntcrstown, SADIE IL,
daughter of Jesse and Jane A. McCreary, aged
7 yearss mouths and 21 days. ‘
0n the-81h innt.. .\lAliY ELIZABETH SNY
DER, aged 1 ymr and H days. A
On the 28m ulr.., HOWARD, son of Conrad
’Spangler, aged 10 yenra 9 month and 25 days.
On the 23d nlr., in Lafayette, Ind.. of dysen
teryr _NEVADA AUGUSTA, only child of
Laundez and Mnry J. Riggs, magi-and daugh
ter of {fines and Hannah J. Linn, of Franklin
townsl 19, Adams county, aged 11 month: and
13 days. - ‘
0n the 91): 11251., in llumerstown. Mr. FRAN
CIS MONI-‘ORT, aged 07 years 11 month: and
20 dayl.
On the 6“: of July, in Louisville, Ky., Mrs.“
ANN ELIZABETQ, wile‘ol‘ Mr. Henry Snndcrs,
[away]: of this county, aged 23-year: ind 25
days. ’ l
On the 24th oFJnua, in Hospital hear Alex
mdrin, VAL, WM. N. HELLER, of Co. F, 913 i
3133!. P. V., aged 42 years 9 months and 10
dpyu. Ha leaves A Wife and nine children.
In Gamma Hospital, “I'. CHARLES SUL
LEB, aged 31 yen-a, . . . “Dr: '
In Hamilton towuhip‘L on the 13:11 am,
CHARLES D.,-mu of Henry and Mmy E. Stock,
138 d 2 year: 6 months and 5 ,dnys.
9391,01: the ad inst, at Hampton, in this
county, 11:. FREDERICK NOEL,nged 55 years
8 months and :b'dnys. .
Mr. Noel \vu lonaiug manure u Hr. William
Picking’l, nun Hampwn. Anet- enjaying ¢
hearty lppper, want out and commenced work,
nppnrenuy in good health; in I- taw minutes,
he was heard to exclaim, “I tee! so sick,“ and
almost instnntly tell our wilh'lhovol in hand,
and before magical mid can!!! be~rundered, he
had expired. 1: is summed that his sudden
mu» 1:; canted} by nppophxy.‘ "In tho
midu of life we are in death.” in: [Mug
were interred in the Human {hymn}. n.
soltHut week to
1.11, forumooo.
’z‘y—fr—‘E --~-—- r-v -—~
:3 run‘ nu.
It is made on tfie best principle, while tho
foreign I'th it generally made on no princi:
pie at. All. The foreign watch is mostly mode
by women Ind hoyifn mun. While their ln
bar in clear, their iork is dut- at any price.
finch Watch" me made without blan. and sold
without guaranteeJ The; arch-regular in con
struction, and quite an irregular in movement.
They are designed? only to sell, Ind the buyer
is the party most thoroughly sold. Those who
have kept “um-res,” "lepines" and “Swiss le
vers":iu professed repair for a few years will
appreciate the truth of our sthtemenl. r
Instead o?ing made at several hundred
little pieces crew-ed together, the body of the
American Watch is formed ofSOLIDPLATES.
Sojur interferes with thehnrmouy of it! wink
ing. And no sudden shock can throw its ma
chinery out of gent. In riding or any business
‘pursnit, it is all held together firmly ns n'rin.
919 piece “metal. 1!: is just whnt all machin
ery should be— A, .
' We not only secure CHEAPNESS 5y om- sys- I
tam, but QUALITY. We do not pretend that.
our Watch can be bought for lesg money thin
the lowign make-brlfkra, bu; that fog in real
vulne‘is sold for one-half the prire. , ‘
OUR SDLDIER’S WATCH (named Wm, El- ‘
lery) is what in mm indicates—r Solid, Sub. ‘
slanlial, and always Relinble—wnrranted to
stand gm; amount of Mun-hing», Riding 0!"
Fighting. ~ ‘
(named P..S. nzlrllru) is similar i 5: alzc nnd'
general nppoumnw. but has more Jam-13,51"! ‘
u more elaborate finish. ‘
012 R LADIES‘ WATCH, recently brought
out, is put up in n great. variety ufpnlu'rns,
many of Illem of rare beauty and \Vtulliumllship‘
is quite sumll, but warranted to krrp Imm-
Tlll'l I’IIUUF oftho Inorits‘lofour Watch may
he found in the hut that “e now empluy over
sewn hundred “urlmu-n in our fur-4min, and
(lint we me still unable to supply the constant
ly increasing demand. ‘ ‘
i 5 lbiunér and lighter than the others we have
described. lla line ('lirononlt‘ttkr bulnngo is
delicattly adjusted to currcct the variation
caused by clmngl's of temperturq. Those
watchesdntg much: by our best \voxlyunon, in’a
svpnrate dbpu'um-nl of our leulory. For the
finest lime-keeping qunlilivs lhvy challenge
comparison n ith the host walks: of (he must lit
mons English and Suiss IllflkK'l‘S.
ROBBIXS k Al'l‘lll'l’US,
Agents fnr the American “VIM: Culnpflny‘
)82 meluuh New York.
August. 21, 1805. g ,
“'nosv: Tum“ fart, mun" Pummswr, ms
orrm Sum) Lu'H.——Ti eso ét-lohnnnl \'v;_r¢-l:i- ]
bli- Pills an: no new, unlriell rallied); ”my bare
been used and tested in the United Sh‘es for:
thirty Se—ll‘S, and are relied upun by hundreds.
uflbnussndsz of fgxmilifl as Mums! mm ml
medicine “hen sick. Nu' cnre or expense is
slurred in [heir pn-pumlmn, and it. is coriainl) ‘
true “hen [assert that no King can lum- ni
mvdiiinc infer or sure! than Bruudrelh s l'iii~' .{
The} prmluce n g'nmi exfrct _npuu disease ul
mos: iimm-diutely they are mLyn. By some
wnndexxul pincer, pox-hops ekctric or :wrvou:
influunl-c, the puglcm u! .l'm- fl:u] :ILli-m 3" n
restud»; VMI’E wnwhl'uhwss Ind pniu haw-Gwen
prust-nt, the system bewmes qniHr-r‘ nml the
lintiem soon obtains nfre'gniug ahcp, , v
The genuine smxmuém mu, zmx ma
upon it a mum?) STAN-IS con-2115x1195?
STAMP with B. BRANDREU in White Lruus
in the same. [sll3. 2:, 1805. lm
DR. TOBIAS' VENETIAX HORSE I.l.\'nlli.‘('l‘.
Clues lameness, cuts,gulls, colic, kc. Road
the following: a .
Bonus, July 73h, 1860
DR. Tonus: We bane inscd (or llu- pm!
year your Horse LXI-31mm. fur lameness, kicks,
bruises, colic and cuts, 3nd in mm) umnme
found it the best. article I ever lriod in Ilus cir
cus compapy. Please send sh d. zen. us his
the only linimeni we use now. Wu 108
horses, some very vufunble, and do um mun.
mimemm wnhoum. ”YATT nwsr, '
Manager Van Amburgh _l: Co's .\lcnngvrie.
Sold by all druggism. Oilice, 56 Cunlund
St.,Ncw‘\'ork. [Aug. 24., 1865. In: ‘
To sell SIX mm INVENTIOX‘N, c! great value
to Lxmilies; all pay great. ‘mxfils. -Scud IS:
cents and get, 80 pages, or 3:} cents and gut 8U
pages and a sample gratis.
EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Muss.
Aug. 21, 1865: 12w ‘
1: those who full in the rebel ranks undoubt
edly do, is foolish. Bug on the 011 - hund
us those who are wise and prudent enough to
remedy the defects of nature with
are doing evgry day; in every City of the U
nion, is eminently pnisewonhy. This peace
lul reVOlution is going on throughout, the
whole land, and thug beauty and harmony sup
plant homelinesa and incongruily. Manufac
tured by J. CRISTADORO,Np. 0 Astor House;
New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by
all Hair Dressermv ‘ [May 8. 1m
Composed of highly concentrated extract:
from roots Eng herbs‘nf the highest medicinal :
value are infn ible in thecure ofnll diseases of
the Liver or any derangement of the Digestive
Urns. They remuve nll Impurities tt‘ the
B nod, and are unequaled in {he cure of Dim-r.
laws, Janndice, DySpepsm, Scrafuln, Bilious
noes, Liver Complaint, Revers, Headache, Piles.
Mercurial Dismlés. Hereditary Humors. Dose,
lor Minimum pill in «he morning, children
half; pill. From one to three pills will cure
ordinary cases, and Iron: one to three boxes
will cure any curable use of no matter how
long standing. Price $l.OO per box. Trade
supplied or sent by mail. ‘
62 Fulton St", New York. l
lune 5,1865. 1y l
, 7 l
A Clergymnn, while residing in South Amer
ica u l missionary, discovered a sore and sim.
ple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness.
Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Sem
inal Organs, end the whole train of disorders
brought on by banefnl’nnd vicious mom.—
Grest number. have been already cured by thin
DONG remedy. Promy‘e’d by udesire to bene- ‘
fit tho nfiic‘ted and unfortunate, I will seqdflxe \
recipe for prepsn‘ng and using this medxcn'gea'
in a sealed envelope, to my one who needs m
Fan or (lunch. . ‘
Please inclqse a stamped envelopegaddreued
to outsell. Adéreu ,
Station D, Bible Home,
00 ' 1354, New York City.
Cured of Nervous D :y, Premature Do
cly, pad the efl'ecta 91 y uthiul indiscmtion,
will be happy to {match oobeu with the menu:
of cute, (I‘m ofchrgc.) .Thil round, hum
pk, are, and certain. , ‘
For full punishing, by return in“,
address ~lomj‘ B. OGDEN /
June 6. 31:; Cellular,- XIII Yo’r‘k/
are ' CURING DIP'I'HHRM-ufl "
Dlptheriii is an alarming disorder, whrtber
it unlit-t n rhild or In adult,and yet it on Us
‘enrrd nl once by the application oi Kid's-3"!
Ready Relief. Try it and you will be con—
vinced, however skeptical. plpthenn is n:
msllgnnct sore throat, with some addition“
mid renlly fatal features. Besides the anguish
locmsioned by the rapidulcoratlon of such I
deliccte part at the system, the membrlno
which so speedily groves over the throat,
thmtcns-a speedy death from animation.—
Them is no time for trifling in such a crisis.—
The nhlest medial men stsnd appalled. They
know not what. to do with a feeling or certain.
ty, and yet the patient nst have instant re.
list, or expirc. Then 33m to Radwny‘l Ready
Relief. like is protecting angclfaod bids the
sulfsrcr live. It is applied to the throat, ex
terunlly, with freedom. A little oi it nixed
with water is administered internally. Tim
pstient revives. He breathes with more can;
He feels the marvelous medicine inspiring his
entire frame with new vigor. He rapidly tin.
! proves under such appropriate trentmsnt. and,
in a short time, walks forth, despite all pm.
dictions to the contrary, rescued from the
‘ grave. Could anything be more sure or moro
tsimple‘l Yet Rodway’s Ready Relief costs
~nnly titty cents n bottle—about half the sum
Pyuu would have to expend for the first pre
; seriptiun written out for you by your medical
attendant. T‘hls is saying it great tion! for tho
‘ virtues ot Radwoy’s Ready Relief, but not Q
‘ word more than ‘it conscientiously dent-res...
It will promptly cure Diptherin; will‘uything
As on evidence of the remarkable powers of
Rudwny's Ready Relief in the treatment of
Diptherin, Sore Throat, Horseman. Influenza,
Coughr,ond Colds, the reader is requested to
road the following letter. Let this important
{not be borne in mind—'Rodwny‘l Ready Relief
never faila~in withdrawing the inflammation to
the surface. Lot it be applied to the throat as
directed. the patient will sulely recover.
The—tollowing casein one out or many that
we received in the winter of 1858—9, during
the prevalence of this diaenso at Albany. N.
'Y. Mr‘. Gunjt‘nill oi Albuny. writer 2
“Three olny children were seized with a
peculiar kind ol‘som throat, aliivh has prevuil".
ed to a serious extent in this city, of which a
great many r-hildrrnalmve died. It commenced
in my‘ family with a. sore throat, head-wile,
hoursenese, sorrvlips, sou: eyes, then lever
would set iu, unil the skin turn to in yellow tini.
i knew how good your lleudy Rulief um! l’illa
Were for the generul run at complaints, and
dutrrmined to xisk the lives of my children on
their Im-x'iia. My lruftt this well founded. I
gaw- until 0: them four pills. nud rubbed their
hollirs from lit-ml to foot “_iih the Relief. My
(iliitirenAt't‘rt‘ us well as our in twenty-four
hours otter taking, your medicine. I hrliow,
hml my neighbors uxrd .Ilu- snmn means, they
would have stored tl.e lirc‘s orthoir rhildrou."
. liudway's Rc-mly lit-lic! is sold by ull Univ:-
gisls and country lnt‘rtilltlllls,l|lld nt Dr. liml.
Way's otlice, 87 .\[llidt‘il Lane, New York. 2w
Environ or (.‘oxl'lLmt—Dmr Sir :-—“’ivh]‘our
pmminiunJ \i'iah lo 'sny to the mull-r»: ul‘
.\mu pn‘por tlml. i will send, by rl‘lill'll mil", In
all “ho “H! il (I'M-r) n rm-ipu- wil 1 lull din-{u
lionsl‘ur making and usingg simpla Veg: mm.)
llulm. tlm: will ell‘wtunlly remove, in' {on
dnys. Pimplcs, ”latches, Tun,- l"rvclllvs, and all.
impurities 01‘ the Skin, leaving the amine soft,
I'lmr, smooth, and bonulilul. ,
I“in also mull 1m: Lb those having Bum
111-ads or Burn Faces simple dirrclrons and in
furm:.lion, that will t-nnhlv lhwn to elurlu l'ull
growth of Luxuriuut Hair, Whisk-rs, or u
Mnuslarhc. in [as Ilmn 'lhiny ulnyz, '
'l‘hmc recipes are mluuhlv l 3 b'mh olul un-l
young, and us the} url- inuilud In all nhu Inge]
”gt-m tree a? churgu. xln-fi' are “unh; ‘llm uh
lcnli n ufnll who [Hi/t0 u cléur, pun: skig, or
n tummy gmwlh or' hair. '
All “anlhalinns Ignawnrt-d by rolura mail,
uhhugu charge. I‘mlu'yllx-Hy mun, .’
'Hms. k‘. CHAN! \.\'. ,_
("In-mid 11ml 1‘: Hum: I'.
ml lhu‘nlmq, S Y
Hug. H,‘C.’l. at
i V ....-.
{H} Y’nrhvr 13m h‘m r imml urdv' run- 1»:va
nmnoml} 212311.14va lht' Lan- lnv ~I|IHIIJ dunL,
an vmu; me “LN. ('zzwe. ul 11l “kn-nuns m
1‘ i‘lmn (ighL \url .. f
“Hummus ol l'L‘HHlll'll Eur-Influlx-q now [no
m luluu llu- (In! hm}. \u to l'urhlmlo mun-”rd.
w cumuu-m'o the usvnl tlni~ wfimhlc lemuu .
I'l we 'l‘svn Dollar: :| pm Lug“. > ‘
.\luilLdJo any mum-s: mun pip! urn!) onh‘r,
hy J.\\IES S. lil‘TLlClL
4’21! Brumuzu. M-w York;
3011- .\gl-nt fur thcl mud bl. ms.
Aug. 14, 18:5. 8!. ‘ _(.
THE (HEAT 15561.15” HEW-31W
'Sm Junk I'LAHkEH l‘ppumrru l-‘numl
PILLS. , I'm-[Jun] from n lucwripuuu at Mr
J. Clarke, -.\l. 1)., l'hphinn llxhumdiuur} 1:)-
1119 Quren. This imnlunhh- mgm-nm- is un
failing in the cure or all tlmsn [.:riulul and
slungu-uus Ilirefli‘l‘S lo “hit-b the 90an um.
smmiuu is subject. I! moflrrulu nll cxm-ss
.uul re-moi‘efi all obslrm‘tiuna, and n speedy
cure um} bandied on. ‘ ’ ¥ ’
'l‘o .\lmriml Lzul'u-s ii is pm uli-.r_!y suilu].-—-
h “in, if: :1 short tim‘o, bring on the mumMy
periml “Hil‘l‘vgiduf'i‘y. ‘_
vl‘luch home,- puicc 0110 Don”, hears the
(iuurnmcnt Slump of Ux'gtal. Britain, to pre-
VeM’couuterfeiva. '
Glutam—Theu Pills-‘shnnld nnt be tnkrn
lzy I“. males during the Hun Tun“: unnuu of
Pregnancy, as they nre sure to bring on llis.
carnage, inn n 1 any other time they sire a'ule.
lu nllcnses of Nervousqmd Spiunl Aflcctinni,
Pains in the_3urk nnd Limbs, Fatigue on alight
exertion, l'nlpitaliun oi‘ the llenrt', malt-tics,
and Whites, these Pills will etl'eut n cnrc when
all other means have’fimed ; and nlumugh n
pgwerful remedy, do not contain iron, cnlomcl,
flntiuwny. or anything-harm! to the constitu
tion. ‘
Full directions in thé pamphlet around each
package, which should he nuclully‘preacared.
Sold by A" Druggiizs. Solu Agent for tho
Uuiied Sudan and Canada, ‘ . .
JOB MOSES. 27 Cortland! SL,N. Y.
N. B.—-sl,oo and 6 postage stumps enclosed
to any authorized Agent, will insure 11 bottle,
containing 50 Pills, by return mail. Sold by
A. D. Buehler. ‘ [Not M, 1864. 1y
This Snufl‘hnl thoroughly proved itself to be
[he been nrticle known for curing ll:e~Cetnrrh.
Cold in \be Hem! and llmdnch‘e. It. has been
found an excellent remedy in many cases of
Sore Eyes, Dee'fnese has hem removed by it,
and Hearing has often been greatly improved
'v by m use, _
It, is {mgr-an: and ngreeeble, and arm! ut
uuuu nmn to the dullheavy pains amped
.by-jimm of the head. ‘SIN neunlicmefle:
Ming it are delighlful and anigg'mting. It
open: and purges out nll obnructione, strength
en: the glnnds, and gives a health] action to
the parts affected. ' ‘
More than Thirty Yenrs‘ afaale end are of
“Dr. Marshal“ Cemrrh and Heednche Snuff,”
has proved its great value for all the common
diseases 0'! the head, and at. this 'm‘omenl
stands higher than ever before.
1:. is recommended by many of the best phy
sicians, and is used wlth great success Iml
satisfaction everywhere. ‘ ,
Reed the Certificate: of Wholesale DWE'
gins in 1854: The undersigned, harlnfl 101‘
many years been Acquainted Will] "Dr. Mir
ehnll’e Cnurrh and Headache Snufl‘," and sold
it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully stqle, that
we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to
the meommendazions given a! it [or the cure
of Cnlarrhnl Affect-ions, and thetit is deemed
ly the but :hicle we have ever known for :1!
Common diseases of the Head. ‘
Barr 3: Perry, Boston; Reed, Aulton I: 00.,
{ Boston: Brown, anson It CO., Boeionjkcrd,
, Cutler k CO., Boston; Seth W. Fowle, Bones;
Wilson, Fluirhenk 5: CO., Boston,- Henehew,
Edmund a CO., Dogma; I]. H.'Hny, Fenland,
3|c.; Bnmel ‘7 Park, New Yerk; A. men.
Sends, New York; Stephen Paul a 06., New
York; Israel Minor 1 00.. New York; nexu
son & Robbins, New York; A. L. Scot“! ‘60.,
New York; M. Ward, Close 3 CO., New Yuk;
Bush & Gnle, New York. ‘-
For sale by all Druggists. Try it. .
Nov. H, 1864. 1y ~ .
PROFJ. ISAACS, M. D., omm néAfirfl,
{otmgxly ef Lsydeu, Hound?“ tuned Into.
519 PINE Street, yHILADKL mA._i"hm“§o’l--
soul «menu: with dice-us onho EYE at R,
will be ociemmn tmtod ad moi," if
mug. N. B.—Au'vrmcuz ups tan-mi
without pain. No chug” nude {oral-JD“
tion. The medical tun)” i; luv“ ‘9 M
has “new in Na mode of Ate-1!.“
July 1!, 1963: 11 . 7‘