The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, August 07, 1865, Image 2
331 i @nmpilct.’ _ .J. "J‘— 9 UR FLA}?! ISM a. .v. ”autumnal: A'Nn ”mint-mu ammsnuna. PA. MONDAY MORNING, AUG. 7, 1865 TUI Mk Wl4 Amara on the Rio Utnnde eaune prurh mi znnineu at Washington. . The‘rehel Brigadier Geflornl W. I]. F. L 23 ,Ims. npylicd {or pardon. _ Gen. Banach is said -lo he B candidate for finitedgules Smnto; in Win, ngnjnst Soun ,,lor\Shgmnn. ' ' , übmum, the showman, says he is worth I pillionnnfl a hull nnd doesn't owe a dollar. Mri. Lincoln is living in {retreat seclusion sei'en miles {rpm Chicngo. - " Fifty mainland widows are reaching U. s. pcmioiu. i ' Gen. Joe Jol‘mnon, who Hill-rendered to Gbn. Shgrmfin, has applied for a pardon. ~ General Cass returns a yearly income orszm “7, find Senator Guthrie, cf Kentucliy, $23,- 848. ‘ . o . Rev. Henry Ward Beecher sticks to it. that Jeff. Davis ought not to be hung, as lmnging ages not‘rcform 11 man, and justice requires nothing that is not for the good ofsocicty. , . In Texas the larger planters are dis’cussing the prfiptlcty o! Importing Codlica, as in Cuba und'clsewbcre among the West ludip Islhnda, ta‘tlflge the plug, 19 some extent, of the ac. grdea, who line become for tho Imos; part Wogthleu ain‘cc'uxeir Madam. \ A: fan! days (130,400 government horses and, mulrs were sold at Cumberland, 11.1., m an “flag: at $O9 for horsos and $7O for mules. The rebel Gagernl J. I}. “00;! urrlv‘cd at. San Antonio, Texas, on the 3d. He _cotmsols obe dionce to lbb laws. _‘ The-rebel General Dirk Tnylorhas request cd to be allowed an Interview with Jam-{son Davin. ~ ' Tim kindred pnrdons were grnnu-d .dl'u'ing Inst wee . “from, one to two hpndrcd poti ligua are received daily py the Anorucx Gan grnl. ' ‘ It is cool to speak of snow fnlliug in Missouri, 3199. very distant from St. Louis, on the 18th atlas! mouth, but such is the fact. The Ffim lin County News gives the ev'hlcncé loe‘ flash, ‘rhnt snow fell in Wusbiugtpn, 310., on mega); named. ‘ ' .'~ John Barr, gr Reading, Pm, has lost,fivc phildrcln by scirlct {cu-3' during the past. l‘cn days. ' ' Hon. Edgar Comm, on? ol'lho Pcnnsylvhnia Sr-nnlors in Cungress, will (Irlirer Lbckmldnfis bchm the Ponusylmniix Smte Agricul‘ufll Sukiefi: nl Williaaxsport, on Friday, 8291.171:- ller‘fl‘nh. . , The v‘eritnhlc war-lxorsv of the rebel chief, Sténgewall Jackson, may uuw be seen at New portJfl L . ‘ -pulr Green, ongorgin, and Dill, ex-editm nngl publisher of: the Mann-Ms ‘4‘?)l79'lll‘ Imw been pardoned. ' In Southern Kansas the {mph- nro getting cerribfy .in came-st in putting down “Hews.— Nuklnng since sh thim‘m were hangp-l in Franklin county \vithoug. the least benefit of L“! '. ‘ There c. ‘ 1 mes every day in.“th Mmmw," in‘ l’arist‘n poor\m~adman, “ho film‘iu-s himself (lend, to sub ifhn can recognize his own corpse, nnd is hurdly to be driven away. The aflivnln of emigrants “at Ne‘ ' quk hat week,uumber?,l2d,mnking the to! since \he In of January, 90,490. 5 t Y ' The building‘on the Fifth meme, {Kic‘urh which is being constrncim] for the result-nu: of Af'l‘. St'ewnpl. is of whip: marble, nud will cost. si',2_oo,ooo when computed. A mdvcmcnt is on footnmong n nnmimr of wealthy citizens of St. Louis qo pnréimse n lionsq far Géncml Slzcrnm‘n, in that city: Gelmral A‘ngur, at Aloxlélnlrin, has rslnhlish ‘ed a military courl'in which all cases nil‘rbling relax-ed people will he tried, and Iheir testi mouy received, without restrictions other than are imposed oh that. of while p ooyle. ‘ There is great confusion‘in Florida, and re organization where is very‘ slow.‘ Ofiug to conflicting orders, the miljtory anthofiliq; of the State do not know whether (hr-Luv.- in‘ Usngxoi' Csnby’s or General Gillmore’s depart ment. _, , President Juhpson is again nhwoll. ‘, ' There are ovenone hund red and filly hppli cunts for a phnre of ihe reward all'oreJ (j? the rapture of Booth and his associates. » A isms-well soldier in Missouri ‘stnhhed his mother with s bowie knife, and 'was killed by rhis‘hrolher. ' ~ ‘ There are twenty-fie thousnnd negro»: hud dled in Washington City and its suburbs: ‘ A riot océurred at Cummingsrille, Ohio, on Sunday. {three mm were shot and consider able property was destroyed. . ‘ Dr. Mudd‘,’Spang‘.er, Arnold aud_ O‘Lnnghlin nrrivéd’at Hfi‘on Head imJuly 20, on theirwuy ‘ . . to thg Dry Tortuéns. ,J, . The‘number bf fiqlionai barks now in aper ation is 1,494,with a total circulation {rifle},- 196,830. x ' ’ The electiok in Richmond has been set aside by the military authorities. The omcers cloned; m not ulla'ived to cuger on the dia rharge “thpil' drum. ' 3551!“ are beihg made—by certain parties 'in North Cnroiinn to have the‘call for .9. State Cogygnuou delayed till alter the meeting' of angrm. it is re‘ported that young Sun-m has been palpated nu'd 1: on his way to Washington. flapfliury occnpnfion oi the Easterd‘Slim-e pi Virginia. Is About/to be discontinued. ‘ 4 WIN; man was rébbed and min-dared at. Toucan, Guay‘mj Sunday morning. ‘.Jefl‘enonDa_vis is now allowed to take a dab, jy wnlk, amended by a strong guard, inside qf Fortress Monroe. Hagennh is said to bé good. _u is agntcd £1.13; 1.11 hostflg Indians on our" gm; Ln, WlTbe milifiry cou‘rti _nonhtestem frontigr are sdppflgdmnh Irma. martial, in union u. Bustling reccnll'y.l _nnd uranium-on from the Blhiail 1m 112 MB“? but} beféta them the mof'Wm. Al. Dean,‘ A 19mm: sm] her dwgbfie; were found ,chargcd. will) e‘nflating inen into the aerv “chopped ,to dsqab" in’ theirfizd ill-DRUM"; vice of the United Statés with infant to de pgnnecgcut, on Tyesdny monyiug- fraud um government ; also, huh desk-or‘ 7'39 _popull'tt'lon of Newh'ernjs 39M». 1:):- ing gummy dodxments. The Court found 3 {0581!}? mu n its 6,000. * = hini yflfly, and untenwd him-to five years! J‘h‘a ”9199”"! Ridmd Tlilof‘m'h‘di impritonmept and to pay'a fine of $5 000‘ “1619”?“ mm Jehrwn Davis “your“: General endgame;- by m .33.]. um ’ ”.1; ,hnm- “ r , . ‘'. ‘«in of the ma, and ordeu Deni be? Theye In fit more um? gwo unwound pn- ‘hfndcd We, to thenivil “momma for tyi ‘gjents ing}? “‘_‘in 33°51‘91““ ‘l' «maxim. Il- ‘Tbe gro-uud 011‘ whiCb the finding‘w‘s 3:3” Mkm W» “.... w W "°‘ A. calm ponvent‘lou M Atexmdr'in, last-lb?! “.8513“: “Jim “me the ofi'ences wem a, , ,mdmsplnfiani askingoc “W“ pnu‘iggg'wue; *EM ~_ axE-mthsMWM- So we go. : f ”From {indications Il!ov“fl‘e.ltllm9°. f. ' fie hell“! of figment JflmmgL he ~lm—fSlMgifcfiofi Mil; be curring 19y miliwy we! ' . 7 I. ”m ’ ‘WF‘ ' ' ' . ' \ . ,O \ £131": - ‘ . ‘ anowmo 3310 mm Every‘flny the prospects of the Demoe rlcy grew brighter, From every gum-ter we hear the most cheering newsflqd look-V ing a little into the future, we can see num bers innumerable driven _to our gtandml by ihe circuit or Abolitionism. While our pnrty in united. harmonious rtnd determin ed, the ‘oppouition is divided, mngiiug ‘ ulld dishea'rtened.. They see the result of ‘ their own mad work, £11!le itrend the ‘, doom of their once powerfn rganiution. ‘ ' The'hobby. Upoh which they r into pow } er carried them to their politic. rave— 3 the means they resorted to, to retain gar, ‘ crushed them with its own weight, a-d now, helpleen,’ harmless,- driven to the Wt“ ‘ by their own folly, nndthe strength they expected to renp‘through the'destruction of the institutions of the South given over into the hangismf the Demomey, they stand feeling and knowing that the “hour pt'Jhcir gimlnliOn is nigh." For thirtyl years have they labored to succeed, little dreaming that‘huc-cess 'wbuld hriy ultimate ‘ ruin upon _them ;‘ for four long bloody years have they carried on a. war {or the purpose of making that success permanent, “little thinking that the booming ofthe lzuati canno'r)“,vrnulil be the knell of their political ‘ party: But it'is so. They see the “hand— writing upon the wall,” nnd as a last deepe irate .e-ffort are bonding ovary energy toen- ; ‘ franchise the millions of. blacks through- 1 but. our country, with whom they will nt-i tempt to mnke‘n political alliance. In this they must fail. Thousands ofhonest voters who have clung-to than for years, are tum ing away in disgust from sporty thntwould I place itself upon a level with negrocs, for» thorsnke of theepoils of oflico. They sec' the ruin that pnrigm 'hbolilionism has‘ broughtvuyon the country“ the dogrndation ityvould bring upon.lrer ritizens, and are turning their eyes td'Stm- of Democracy that has been :1 guide lo our statesman from. Hg! to 1860. ‘ 3 ‘ "l‘hq future of Democracy is brightening, am] with it the future of our country.— Let those who have stood by its principles through the fiery ordenls of the ‘past tour-l years still stand/inn. Success is but little in the advance. Reward com’gs withrit.—‘ Ilct us to woxk then l Abolitionibm has been strangled in the blood of the brave their it has slaughtered, and we,~ need but do our duty, to bury its hideous carcass so low that. even the trump of Gabriel viill not reaurhct it. ‘ ‘ r [@“lna Speech dehvere‘d by President Johnson, in the Ungfied States Senate, in 1859, be made the foliowiug ofilphatic dec laratinn L : i .‘ “The man Mm (lixliberalely an?! lmhlly asserts; that Thomas. Jéfl'cnson, when he penned the'sentilueut that all men won:- cranted equal, had me high) in his mmd, is either an 211 m arn Amara" ' The Abolitionials should make a noge of this unqualified comhmuntion of mg of their'pfl theories. ‘ _ 36)“?de of our Rvpulnlimn newspapers have correspondents -m the South who are laboring vexy hard to mgxke thé Northern people heliCVe that the hue Have-éwficrs conlvmplule the roensiavcmonc of the “h't'flmen” as soon as the nrmml forces of the/United Stntoq'am wilhdrawn frnm the Sm’llh‘ m Sui!) It is mfelo nPsume that Llw cglnlms of a]! nx‘wspnpers puplishing 'annl endorsing this sorflnfcorrvspondpnce {mug zumying interest in army contract? of one kind or‘auolhor. and that' the corrrspon- PIIL’! fiacmsojvcx pretty gemi-ully hold ninvcure (‘lPl'kz-h'zpfi under mililm-y ollicials ‘ 'who have very strong objections to roturn- j ing in Una-ix former orcuputimxw. All hust wgr‘by accounts repn‘srnl the Southern phlMt-rs as settlingwlnwn- to lluuww order of illingywith as much cheerfulness' :3 could .be eiqmcled. ' - M , _a—r «.lo>‘- ' ‘ [ES‘The liitpnml ILL-venue rqreipts‘ for July amountl-d to about, twenty-mo mil< lion dollars. AS th'e income tax is begin ning to be [millhit is estimated that the te-{ ce'ipts will 1,933 million dollars per day for the next. twdilor'tliree months. "l‘his is what the p9O le have to pay for Abolition; ism.- When fiche country was Juled by Whigs or by likmom-ats, the receipt‘s’t'mm duties on unqorts and iron) sales of the public lands, amounting to fifty or sixty millioné’d year, were “sutlicient. to defray the expenses of the government. But since: Stevem. Seward, Chase and their Abl otition‘coJabOi-crs have got hold of thq government, several millions a. day have to _bq-mlied out of the pockets 9f the people. “Republican” .Frcc Smock-“ Emerson Etheridge has been arresced. He should be‘nmde to ‘hold his tongue. or put where it. can w‘ag with impunity! " Tgis paragraph, so characteristic of. Abo litiun-Bepublican intolerance, is frqm‘tbo Cleveluml (Ohio) ‘lL'ruld, a Republiézm pa per. ch admi‘rab‘ly, says acomemporary, commenting upon. lg, dd in: sentiments agree with then” prijmiple of American liberty—freedom 6f appeal]? .:What an en- By way of silencing political obponents who, like Mr. Ethel-i 636, ’sre troublesome on th‘e stump, and whose argupenta‘ it is im possible to answer! Put them in jail L This is the kind of freedom the people have enjoyed under £llO dispemation of the 'so called Republimh ‘paxjtyhami which ism blushing!) advoaled by ifs organs. ' “ Negroes Prqfcrmd 10 White Man—The Sec:l rear] of the interior, [lax-lankof lowa, for- ‘ mcrly a Methodist preacher, ipte'nds mnk'm g g clean sweep in”his<_depamnent. Several l clérks of anti-Harlan proclivilies.hnive al i-eaely been removed; and n Washingtpn correspondentofiheCiucinnati Gaelic says:l The Secretary has also decided thnbnone but. negroes shall pnrfqrmlthe ordinary la bor in the repairs of the Capitol. , 0n the wlmle, We be" broomof we Interior De partment is raising a general commotion“ ‘ I ' msmv‘mcoum POE. It seems in Ho universally admitted that all, or nearly alibi the soldiers—oiling: and men—who tannin-pod lioqge from an 'acwal participation iii the war; and wholulvé been in and through the South. umopfioaud to conferripg sum-age upon tkak man. Lei. that be the only ques— tion at issue, And We confidently assert Illa! lbéy would go almost‘hu muse against ii.’ How is this to be accounted for? Let the [allowing extracts from a Republican Snldier's letter answer. ‘IIe writes to the I’iuaton Gazette} “No wonder the peopb of_the South think gnu! call In ‘mud silk,’ when our officers put us to doing the work of the mgro} such aalboeing corn, loading coal, at hauling it for citizens, and doing work the mm‘ot get. the darkey lo do. -Nobody can blame them. ‘ “Some of the Norlhorn journals have been asking why itia the wliite soldiers are so down on the colored people. ‘ Let. them come down here and see lbe'benulies of soldiering, rum] see (he distinctinn madl hetwncn them, and they will wonder no longer,” m3.After our her-ole soldicty have atlast succeeded in destroying the military pow er arrnyml against the government, ‘and when-the péople of the States lately in 1-c~ volt. have bowed to the mporior strength of the mnqueror and stand ready to return to the Union even at the snot-Slice 0t negro slavery: the radical Abolitionists relusa [u ul lnw them so to return, and demand that no Stale shall by [untitled lo 7't' take it: place in (In: Union wig/mu! first giving the neg/rOO3 (fie rig/M (0 tin/(‘. Is“ not this tlisnnion-Y Is not this prolong~ ingnna intensifying the effectq of sncopsion? is not this rqndering nngntm'y tho nchir~m~ mentx of the brave men who won the final txiumph' for tho Uniun arms ?. Is it not chatting the country out of the vory‘fr'uit which it was to gather in the event of the success of the war? Vurily, the men who will not sulfur the people or the Snuth to return to the Uni'onl are as had as those who first tool: them out or it.—l::-.1/‘ord Gaul/c. (1’ . , Cm. S/u'rman and A'cgro AS’IL/i'l'dyP.—'r\he radical revqlutionirts will please augment UlO volume of their howl. General Sher man hus‘ngain "betrayed” the counlry~ that ié to my. that portion ofit, covered by Boston and Framingliam. At Ingliunnpo~ lis. recently, he declared, in his speech to the thousands of grateful citizeun who wel comed him,4hat he “opposed negro suf~ frage nnd indiscriminate inlercnurse'with the whites.” He beltyed "the whites must have the govprning power ;” and he thought‘ the negroes “might. be colonized in Florida, and admitted to representation in Congress.” “Colonized in Florida !" And are the radicals to be deprived of tine privrlega of “colonizing" them in run-y State on the oc~ casiqu of a‘gvnoml election 7 “Albnillod to representation !" And are they um lolne admitted as representatives? ‘ Curse the barn, yo Phillipses and Parson- ‘ res and Bullvrs and Sumnors and D‘ckin- . ‘ , , . though the Frm‘dmen's Bureau of that 50'“! 1'”? "ever; since he I?“ "h {ITEM 1““ ‘ State; have preferred a claim for mmpen— "'l' in the inmfortal march from Atlanta to " satinn'tm— labor: rundored their former man thc "A“Haitlic. bfinging in certain Spoils ot',l“l'-" r1";“‘[)-’“'I"“‘." {‘l' £863.] ‘Oiu‘CIOFN‘I’R‘ '. .- . Him) 0- L 6 State IV [to “Pu-m orces. unr, ten-.cly enumornlml by hm: uq ‘ many E'Thrv ('nntr-ml‘ that. 515 I‘rebidont Lineuln's I\ogrnm, “mu" and “OHM,” 1""8 ”“3"“l'Euatncip‘ulmu l'ruvlumuinn was; (hm! on bow so goml an opportunity for casting New Yuma day, INN), thoy were from that Inul words at the must brilliant smith” of: time outdlml 1p thyir {rm-(10m, and to re modern timvs. ifffl'é‘ regular \ghzm [or Lhmt' wrvir'es. The nnlwr has her" l‘CH‘t‘l'Dd to firm-lax] How mtl‘ whnw opihiun is exlmctud in the (‘mnwe 0t :1 I‘m» days. The mnvouwnt is evidently mm “hit"! has hem made through the agent-y and at the buggehtion of the Abo litionnts. i‘ . le.‘ A—«r—v . , Jlirrqmmflon.—-'l‘lm folluwing wnlonoe nolnnlly ap’M'flrl’d in the New York 1m!» prm,’ml, livnry Wzml I’n-r‘ohar's _pwpn‘. :1 widely circulated and influential juurnal, and 11m Trailing organ of one I-mnvh ol the I'rt‘:iiy(t’l‘i:lll Chum-IF. Speaking of he negro race. me Reverend writer says : ‘ “This race has the seeds of grout an” x'i - l and generous culture. 1135111!” he mixi-«l with mum, iz. beinw mixed: and in lulure we shall see a fruiqof art, memlula, nl'm Tin} lil'v, Hm [vrmluo nl lbegrual mugmfling, nit-Ii ‘nR has not been sown in this world.” ' Howl that to your wives, s'Mm-b run] :Inughtnrs. yoh'ho follow UlO lefldPl‘nhip of the Abolitionisls and other worshippers of the negro. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ % ‘_'Y.‘ <ooo> ”.....-4 The New York ’l‘rihunc’s \Vnshing lOU lolngmphic correspondent ‘givvs the finllnwing‘ untlcrdate 6? Friday night week: (“.lolm (‘oclmmn of your city spoke from the pnrtivnbf \Villartl’s this e‘vcningni‘n response to :1 serenade, making mum n lr-nglhy lmrungua. in' \Ylllt‘ll be violently ommwd yifigro-sulli'age. During the deliv ery of his speech he was fiequently inter -rng:ted hy-hissea, cries of Copperhead, and rather boisterous intimatimis that such sen timents awn-e npc tolerated, even in Wash ington. allu finally concluded, and retired amid a sea of hisses, bgl‘lened by a few applauding voic‘es.” ~ Gen. Cochrapp is one of the “War Demo crats.” who hdve been patted on the back' with so much shpw of affection by the Abo litionism. But. row that the war is ended, they shout ‘jcoppenhead" at. him, and drown him in “a sea ofhisses." ' W’Fhe New York Herald seems to thihk it is “all up” vyilh the Republican party, Itsays: ”The _Republicanthrnugh Ihe demoralizing influence of the Chase pnrgy and the additional lhnd in trying to boliter up the shoddy politicians n! the ex pense ofthe soldiexs, willUind more than they canal-r 31." ‘ MEAL the Sherman supper at. St. Louis, last week, thirty. Generals Were present. most of them doing Mt)! now, which in' years past. was performed by Captains;— jt is about time that these Generals were being mustered out. I‘:er are high .euough without paying a. hu'hdmd or two superfluous Genemls- every month. Let them siide. , ‘ £l.le Republicans lbemsqlvcs arejget- Ling tired seeing Chief Justice Chase run ning all over tho'count‘ry with a young Af rican under each m. The New York Herald gives him the {allowing notice to quit: “Justice Chase: has beeana’uux on nu electioneering tour and is now traveling through New England. ‘A‘ ev'ery yap he rendqrs the Republican party more gdioua to the people.” 3 ‘ ‘fifl‘he Anti-Slavery standard says that Colonfél Halpind (Miles o'Reilly,) Editor of 'the New! Yoik Gu‘mfisflxe author of“l‘hc Handling/W’m p'oexn‘ published in the New {fork Mghpme years since. . A Good Nepis‘étiunw—Cyrus L. Pershing. Esq” has WP; nominated I'M_the fifth lime, 5y ll'iefle‘mocmiomamm pounty, for Assemtily. ‘ ‘ Maxim Cw,_lheym“vfiwhi~ go Chief. hashegwgmxwymwp ; by some one lane conga» 9V: Soup‘s up fin: Squudlauhfl’fi’id’. 2 " . ‘ ' n 10? AT Aqum GREEK. The Richmond 11mm: publishes a 9.“ ‘ tract from a letter stating that, on Tuesday “ evening the negro“ determined to drive ofl' the while ngeu engaged in rebuilding the wharf and repairing the railroed track at _Aqliia creek. end partially succeeded in so doing; when 1 part of the military force ‘stationed at Sinh‘ord Court ”House reached the creek, and with somedifllcnlly succeeded in quelling the riot. 'l‘bis' wge not done. however, until they had killed one of the negroee and punished several other: severely. ‘ The Clark who had charge ol‘ the com missary stores of the road at that point wan warned by his servnhl below the row com menced to leave at ohce’ or he would be murdered. Taking his udyice, he procur ed a boat, in whiethe placetl the haeon en ti ustod to his charge and his account books, null made his escape to a place of safety.— lfimeen of the 112ng engaged in the riot reached Richmond Wednesday evening. on the Freliericksburg train, under gumd.’ and were turned over to the authorities for trial. @The Aliolitionists at Oberlin, Ohio, recently passed the following among other negro-equality resolutions: Jn'ronh'nl, That we are in favor of electing to our Sggte lmgislnture at the waning elec tinn, Au. MEN wuo WILL use rnmn rowan To sum: rxzuu THE CONSTITUTION or This STATE flu: wonn “want,” and that we urge our lelluwmitizeus of other counties to join us in this effort to relieve the State of the culium of wronging the soldier and citizen who has given his life and substance to crush the rebellion. « ' chsnkxcd, Tlmt we demand equal gufi‘mge, notsimply because, like the nogro’a musket, it. i", now needed In save my freshly im perilled nation. but born-ms;- Justice, whom: eyes are bfindnged. so llmtyshe may never know the difference bntwepn the white man and the black, holds an even :(‘nle in lwr lmmi, wIH-rumlh she weighs the right of one cinzcn ‘by the exact weight of every other. ‘ The radicals are determined in this mat ter of ring") suffrage. They Will gee“. no half-way sen'ice. . T/u‘ E'chnw’nr-A gentleman in thik city. who is‘ largely inlerostmL in stcnmrrs now plying to the ports 01 Virginia, North and South Carolina. Georgia and Florida, who. by the way, is an ardent supporter of'the Government, and has given more time and money toward currying on the war than any man in his neighborhood, informed us that he has recently been mmfuolled to send white men from the North to man the stenmvrs’ in uhich he is interested. The very moment the military authorities re lnxml the rules compelling the frzcdmon to either work or enter the army, most of them who luul been employed on stenmera‘ inl because they did not want to work.— 'l‘hey were offered higher wages, but it. WAS not the wages they found fault with ;- they felt they wore freeman. and because free, wgntvd to have a good time "I spending the monoy they had earned. "J‘hosc who were idle wa-I‘erre-l to remain so as long as they could be: enough to keep soul and body to gL awn—Linton (I'ravcllcr. WA number of negroo: in Virginia, i - ~L———«-o>—«—~—r—~—‘— . 1 H'lu'lc Lulwrvlr-n l‘t'dnldfll‘er—‘Ve under :tnntl limit on u'm‘cnnnt of the domomlim liun nf negro flalmr in many pnNs of the .\'mio. the “bite population have vigorously and mlluatriously taken hold of the work ‘ llmlmbiws, and me producing some of the 110:1. 'uuj'w now growing. 'l‘heq'mbl-le; are Ju-ginnmg to See that under the new sys tem of, Al'yrican labor, or~ “amt of, system rather, no fm-kln‘r ulnpemlonce i's to he put in that race, ‘uml they have resolved 10110 than work lhcmsekca- Nm (h-lmns I‘icayum‘. J I ‘ I=ll==l @As far is President Johnson does .\‘. hat is right, and takes the Coustilution For his guide, he will hesuwtainml hythe Dem ocratic 1m ty, at if he should set up hi 3; own will against the Constitution find at tempt lo administer the government outside 0| it. then the Democratic “arty,- ag the dc— tomler ol' the Constitution, must and will oppose his every act of usurpiition. The Democrats inte d to stand hiy the Constitu tion under all cfrcumstanccfi‘, and the Pros ident ”that won ,5 their support must- do the some. The De nocmtic party has therefore no coaxing to d ,aml no overtures to make. Principles and ot mon is its motto, and it Mr. Johnson urts its support. he has 1; plain course to pursue. To the Abolition isls, we would 3 y. dismiss your fears. The Dvmocratic par y will never endorse your internal nigger oting polfcv, nor your nn-' gonstitutiouul easurea, nor my man who supports them, Somerset Iknwcrul.. ———-———-l———«.o>——-——— What), 1 c correspondent of Fornay's Prm, who was long Imprisoned for fur nishing tn llm paper oont‘nbaml intelli gence, is quite impoverished—having been oommllql‘ 1 his watch aha gun to sup; port his family. The Press, howaver, never suffered; p‘enny's worth of lass for publish ing that for which its correspondent, suffer ed. When the WorlJ and Journal 9/ Com merce published Howard’s forged proclafiia lion they were lpprossed. But they wel-e Democratic mi ‘ the Press shoddy. len-The New; Orleans correspondent of the Boston Po 2 says the property of John Slidellfcampniiing 842 lots and squares of ground, with stores. dwefliug houses and a banking house, were sold for $100,410. Be fore the war if. was estimute‘d M. $BOO,OOO. Had the war not taken placeit is estimated that Mr. Slidell would have been worth $2,000,000. ’ ,ozoang the niillspw‘: are gold upon ex cenent author iy, that the ppper manu‘l‘ac carers are making arrangements to close their milks, in brder that. they may incréase the already cxhorbitant prioe‘of paper.’ By this process they hope to be ablelo get a higher rate for their stock or!1 hand, and al so affect a teduction in the ptice of labor..— Delaaoarc Gazule. . , Never Paid Hon—The funeral expensesof President Lin'ooh- have newer been paid ‘ for. Mechanics, and other business men complain sadly atom the non-payment. of their bills. At the time of the solemn cere monies, the Secretary of the Interior gave on!” to span no'expense in getting up 4 mainland. This was A“ very well Haul why don not the Secretary attend to the paying of the bills! It. is a’isgracrfrl, to my the least.— Wat/tinglon [sme ‘ 16“ me Washington we learn that the man brought to thatgity in irqm Iron: some point near Memphis. and who was supposed by some persons 20 be John {L‘Sunutg is in teMity a difl'erent individual, whose flame is Ryan. ‘ 34%} mild (innards Wheeler, Ker; ’iharw: Xaxmatfltkv and Fags? ”£49,lth {0 '. '_ ' ‘~ ‘ ' 1 z lobm & _Goqnfy. \- ‘ WT” Courmm is,sent three ponths for Fifly Cents, gash; ' LECTURE POSTPON ED.-—Re'v_. J. R. War mm Lecture on lhe Ruth.- of Geuyoburg, for Mm benefit of Ever Green Cemetery, has been fpostponod. It will” be deiivéud about the time flhe next session'of Collegv cimmencu. Due lnolice will, alcourse, be given, and a large Hum out expected“ COMMERCE)!ERR—TheCommencement ex erciscspf Pennsylvania College will come oil during the present week—the Junior Exliihl tion and Address 01 Pratt R. W. Hitchcock be: fore the Philomalhean Society on Wednesdfly morning, the Address of Wm. B. Sprngnc, D. D., lgeloxe the Flynnnkoaminn Society on Wednesday anemoon‘, and the Alumni Address by Rev. M. Valentine on Wednesday evening —tlxe Commencement on Thursdny morn ing. A fine'bnnd non; \jork will be hereto enliven the dim rent. exorcises. An unus- Unlly large attendance of people lrom abroad is egpected. *‘ BEN Dl-ZRSVILLE FAIR.-—;The Adams Coun ty Agric'ultural Fair at llcmlersvillo-has been fixed fin Tuesday, Wednesday and Thdrsday, the lmlf,‘ 20th and 2lst days of Segtemher next. The Managers, we understand, have gone enrnosfiylto work to make ~the Fair :1 success, Buhthey gnimottlo all. The farmers and rroduéers of theyuunty have X) share of the lnlmr devolving upm. them, hum hich they can easily discharge by bunging forwatd ‘0? exhibition the various articles coming Wifhi“ their respective nvuentluns. [HI (rumor has any good stuck—no tnatu-r,wltat,ltot‘se§, COWS: heifers, sheep, hogs, gen-se, chickens, 91' 31°!“ thing elm in that lino—hrgood grain or vegg etnhles, “heal, rye, outs, curt), potatoes, cab- ‘ huge, tomatoes, and what not—let them be' tnlzcn to the Fair. The mechanics should see to it that their wares in the \lifl‘erent branches he sent. there—-espeeiully éhould all manner nnd kind of ngric’nlturnl machinery he on ex hihiti'nn. .\nd the ladies, how can a Fair he a success nithout 'their help? They can add to its nttthn’eness in-a thousand ways, and we. believe they will do it. 'We hope at general determinatibn {villEhe mnnlt‘estcd throughout the county to,umkc the comingl FJiL’ the best. one. yet held. r , ~ PIC NI(‘S.;U|I Thur’sdny last, the Metho dist Sabbath School had 3‘ Pic Nic nt Wolf's \Vuuds. We underaLmd that old and young enjoyed themselves very highly, but a min storm culrshort the pleasures of the day, and compelled a Iccum to town earlier than was dcsiltlbie. _ \ On Friday week, St. James' Lutheran Sub buth School had a Pic Nic at the same place, and in thé afternoon a severe storm also came up. Elm. ‘Lzluks lo the politeness and fore; thought of Air. Sumuclvllerbst, the pin-I’M?“ Med 3 ‘fsonk‘mg" from the min. When he saw the storm apprpnching, he ran his cars to 1119' ground and took” the “pic-hithers" on board, :‘lud thus all reached town in the dry. 0n Snndny following Mr. Herbs: receivcd g 1 uunnimdus \‘clauf thanks from the School for his kindness. ‘- ' Ey§3"qhe Two Hundred and Second Pennsyl vanin reginwnl unived but to-duy, undu emnmnnl‘d of Brig Gen. Klbrighl, its former Uqum-LL The 202 ml has recently bocn on du ty in th‘ mu} n-giun. The time for “hick the regilngnt euxorul Hm service will expire in quur {fume weeks, but Lhe‘mr‘r} are “iiling to go Iluxm uL unco.-l(‘nrrmburg 7”. of Monday. Cmnw‘mLC, Capt. Pruitt“, of [his regiment. was l'ccguill‘nl in Adams and York counties. Tm: “‘RllilxlN-(‘UULIC'f imm- mm (‘U\lE.+“'.H('r-ult'lulls nnh cn'ntelcups hm‘c made lhlwir appearance in our markl-L oin friend, §lr. 16.1]. .\lmxlmx, “110‘ is nlwixys “first on tho Enrpel,”~\roqursts us to nnnouuge that" 11:; has Qu- nrlirh- on hand, and that he willbu rcmix‘in‘tr fresh supplies during the $011503. (“qu lain-l: n ("‘ll. You will also find other fruits] confchiLma, ice cream, kc , at the sxmvvpkme. * 5%“6'0 din eel apt-NIH ntlenrion m |h_c mh‘u‘r fisnm-u of Messxss. L'ULP & wasuaw: They have c-nLu‘geJ in this Forwnr‘diug Business, and any poi-son who has koods or produce for ‘tmnspogtntinn between Gettysburg and Balti— more, Wither \x'uy,\slxutlld patronize 3lnislinc. * WThvttcuuun of tytrmets is directed to the ade‘llisomcni oer. “in. Wmmclin another winmnt who is tin: agent (or the “World Re‘ no“ "(‘4 Wiiiuughhy'a Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill!) This is one of the- most usefuiinvcn lions OJ tho agol mid crerylarmer should have one. 'liw-“o tontu pas tluii. recommend the ma chincmlte the Gamma Attachment, and the gr'eat amountifif labor squ by its use. * when. liioster Clymer and lady visited Geltysl urg. “Mk before hut, and spent some time cx£uniuing {he more important points of the bnl 10 field. Thoyhniso visited Antietam. Mr. Cifimer is one of the most distinguished‘ memhci‘a of the I‘t'mfsyivanis Senate, and rotpl'estfnls the Gibraltar 0! Democracy, old Berks. , ' ' mu“. G. A. Hinterlelter has been clactcd lo the Professorship ofGermnn Language and Liters are in Pennsylvania College, M. this place: ‘ . WW“ gill“. Sir. Slgvens, putnr of the M. E. chum at. Hsn‘dvcr, has resigned on'acconnt of windy... . . - - whim Samuel Herbs: has purchnsed the prope ty of Mn. Nancy _WoiL-er}, out Cham bersb;rg street, for $l,lOO cash: ‘ fif'l'he Shrewsknry Camp Meeting will commience on Friday next. ~ i A nnmnmnfi COW.-—-Mr. Geo. Strnh- Icy, of Paradise township, York county, has It cowj that has given birth to thirteen calt‘es withih the Inst four years. The first were luring; the following ycthwins again, the ‘ lhil‘dfl'eflf three, and a. few days ago she gave birth] to six. The letter wet}: premature i'n censkquence of an accideht. Any person «loathing the truth of the above} can have the teeth by ieeing Hr. Stmhley himself, near King’s Tavern. ' P. EPAJ'SIENT OLLETTER POSTAGE.— Pittman to Stately, 1863, all letters were re qni ed to he prepaid, and the people had bo covyge so accustomed tojhe luv thét not more then 50,000 unpaid letters were annually re tmtned to the dead letter omce. But at that date Congrese'pmed 3 law permitting all the unpaid letters' to pass through the mails, this meek“: of them paying dpunle rates. This arrangement malted duntrouly to the postal re'venuee, and at the late Coils-rear the law ntisointely requiring prepayment was regtored. The people generally, however, are not aware “this fact, for the number of unpaid letten returned to the dead ‘h-tter oflice average from Niel" to fifteen thonupd a» day. , DIP'IHEEIA.-—A 'West. Indian pa'pur gives th‘p fofiowing Is I. «min cantor diptherin; queneammon wbncco pipe, place a live coal inflhe but}, drop a 1M: Hr upon the coal; «1 > the Mk. ialofie W ind dilchnrgo it. mgiuhe nostrils. _ . mac mum; hog‘zi pr]: figs been . . , - , = -- , I - .— ‘f‘z-f‘i'. 24"1" ;-.‘_'. 7." ~,;j-:f/ ‘3 ‘té': .r" is?“ '3 ' v 1.3-(v v ‘ ' (“91. "- 3:7 ' 1 - , Democratic County Committee. The Democratic Committee of Adams mun: ty will meet at (lugpublic house of Snmuel Wolf, 334., in Gettysburg, on SATURDAY, the mm of AUGUST insl., m 10 o'clock In the foreman. A in" attendance of the members is desired. JACUB‘ URIXKERIIU PF, Chn'rman ge-Tbc {allowing porsnns compose theCum uliltoc : 'Gellyshurg,‘ J. llrinkerholl', 11. J. S'lnhle qurwickbor., Wm. lllningor ; llnrwi'ck ID,.Jncob Hull; Bulk-r, .losoph Wolf; Cono'. wago; John I‘mhn; Cumberland, Jacob Lott; Franklin, Joseph lichen; Prl‘mlom, J. S. Wil son; Germany, Wm. Spalding; Huntington, Isaac E. \Vicrmnn; Hamilton, J. [l, Slllleumn; Litlloslown, S. S. Bishop; Highland, lsnnc Harem; Hamiltonbnn, Rom rt Watson; Inui more, Jacob 3mm; Liberty, J. r. M'uDh-u; Menallcn, Jacob Bear; Moumplcnsnnt, An drew Little-{Llnunljoy Moses Hartman; Ux ford, J. Stock; 'Slrnlmn, Theo. Tangllinlmugln ; Tyrone, Daniel S. llielll ; Union, Daniel GeisL-l- Inna; Heading, Samuel March. ' Aug. 7. 1:406. ‘ ‘ ' A CHANGE—The time fur the holding of the Bendersville Agficlnlurnl Fuig 11:13 In?!) changed .ffl lllt‘ 19th, 20th and 21S! dnyq of September—tho Fair at ()urlisle coming 03' on 2111]), 2Tlh and.l!ulh. SH: udetisemcm gn another column. THE Tusu'm AS FUUh—'A good nimlical authority ascribes to the tomato the following very important medical qualifies: lst. Tim! the tum-no is one Qf |ho most poxwrfnl '_Ymrionis of flu- liu—r nud Olifl'l‘ or gans; “‘l'" “ ('nh-nu-l i» hum-Mod, i: is one of in. "mil PH'L‘A‘HH' and ”In Iva.“ lmrmi‘ul medi cal “5‘7“" known In \in- prnfiminn. 2d. Thu :1 Vin-mi. nl mlmrl will he obtain— ed from it ”1"“ will Bllyvm-de the use 01 uh)- nwl in the uh I‘“ ”HEP-*3“. 3d. That In his Fllt'f“:.‘fllii) flea-tn} dinn ilu-u with this nrti-‘lif 1‘10“". , 4th. That wim: ufifid M‘ flu artillo uf dim, it is almuat sou-reign ‘lm‘ A!) :I:l‘p;‘i.x am! in!“- gi-slion. , sth. That il shnuhl im (Ringinniiy ”ul'd lur dJily fund. Either unuluni ul‘)‘~\\', ur inn-the Ipm. oi many. it is Hm mus‘l, huh") mlulr now in use.-——le~m_u, I". Y., Argus. m-Jucob Sule-sher, n furmvr, nl-u' Du buquc, lowa, czlmc upon a I‘mtluazmlm :1; hr “us mowing n ficlJ, {he u'ht-r day. llv out it lin two with his su‘ulxo, and in skill p:'.'.(-'=i;us to] life; he sen-red it again \\ ilhin llure mclms of the .1103), and he stnupml Alum; to (mnulnu ' 3 mouth. He was nppl'unclliug n: umulh :30; his right hnnd, hhul «he Snake ran and ’fusleued itself to Lia right \hnmb. llc Spring to hi 3 feel, and filter :Gu-ml sucumls, succeed ’cd in loosening its hold and ll'rngl'uz it to llh: ground. The thumb puinm] him firril ly, mul the next mn’ning his arm was smm.“ fum‘ [times its natural sizv, and w Is nmrly Muck.— This color had rcucliml his breast, and was spreading over-his 531 cm. Bzfiuw the cl-how, ‘ the noison hnd nth-crud {he arm so that its rur- Min-e was con-red \yllll Lngc LIL-Mrs, “high were filled with hhmu. ‘From one of thou- the ‘ donor dxew nearly-n tuuruptul ohfiuéd. The plxlm ol‘thc snfl'vn r's lnuhl,nllhough ( allow-val by labor, “a: pufi'ul out l-hc a sugar hut, in l] blood cofilimmlly thnn-d 11/." the wuuwlul thumb. llis breath was :mt'ully nth-min.— lle was all": at lust xxcwumr, hut LGhlLl not live. IN TU\V.\'.—'l‘ho nun with the “non durtv-r, Mm-k carpet mu: £lan :ome nmhn-ILI, “u; m [own the other dJy. F 1 um the not 0! hniing oixrerved him shah-yr: II Ifde ‘ni:h :\ pump lmmllc and filming/inf: la n Eigllluy’il fol run ning against“, we runclqdvd he “:15 var; n: 'u sighlctl, or—sdmollvting. ‘ WAD 'o”?er i<)lf‘illg nude 111-r0 In in duce Px'izsidcnt Juinr—‘nn to give Hm Pm visinml Governors in ”w Snullmrn smm the control over the nnhhry nulhulitiu-. in Uxe cnfnrrvmvnt of; the ]‘l\\‘\' wlmniyor nemssmy. This wxll blmngv tho prmont vrfidilionlnt nfi'fns. llw nnlitmy nnw hav ing control of Hm civil :uzslxmhm.‘ ll) [inm- Slitlch— ““55931e Jayndc/l. 4 tir'lfhe Rvpuhlimus «J I'unu-ylvflnin .:n‘o rapidly settling dunn to theiulluwmg plut l’mm : ‘ ‘lst. “The fight of sn‘fl‘rnge 311011le lw extended to the calmed mm uf tin-$011111.” 2d. “The State Uonstitulmn m'usl Lem amended so as to give (quul sulfingn To White and Muck. The word 'WHH‘E' must be slricken {mm Artic‘lc :2, section I, of the Constilufion of Pennsylvania." B‘The Bindford R‘porlrr and lhefl’io ga Agitator. Republican. both come out fl-It footed‘in‘ favor of negro sum-age. The is sue is thus placed hill)" before the [maple of that district. ll f9nll|in§ to be seen how far they are steeped in uiggcrizm. _.__..“... fl ... _- PQSevcml weeks ago we publishcgl the revelations in regain! to C. L. Baker: alleg ing that. he made 'falsc urrosts for money and made men buy lhé'n- liberty of him, and yet With these gl‘qve charges and it number of suits commenced against him, Stanton stops in am? appoinls him a Briyadmr General! These outrageous insults tb (he country are what the Aholilionista boast of. God save them when “belly and law again got, the supremacy, ... é 16‘1“": speculation in brpml: mm, which we said a few days ago ”mm was nothing in the state of the markets'or Crops at home or abroad tojur’tify, has collapsed already. The World ol Wednesday save that on tho Produce Exchange in New York flour was lower and there Wu :1 heavy decline in wheat. * , WThe Washington 3‘7,“an says that Hon. Montgomery Blair expects to succeed to the seat now occupied in the House of Representatives'by Benjamin 8. Harris, of Maryland. . > B‘The VSLubenvima (Ohio) Harald says the impression is gaining ground that Col. George W. M'Cook, of that city, fill be the Democratic candidate for Governor. ’ S‘TheSinmaso twins, having lost their prOpcrty in North Carolina by the rebellion, are about to again exhibit. themselws in the Northern cities. .IS-If the wife or a Japanese don't suit. him. he can send her back wherparenta and try again. Than: many; mamas nxo “Haunted" in Japan. 13' EdWard A. Pollard, the Sputhem hutorim, in about to leave Virginia to re sxde in St. Domingo. I ‘ WHOM _ S‘A company is digging for gait] In Troy, Vermont, and meets with success. ———-———--0 O o——-—-»- wTheyhue a manufncwry of ice .in New Orleans. It innit! to boa perfect suc cess. . - , who swarms.» of the mdicals i. Infamy: an cob-rays. ..‘-W . O’l‘ue peeph of B§.:loniu are dismal-hi: {project to erect xi. budge across the HM. and, _ _ ‘ ; ¥. . ‘ lStoto Government to be tantamoun _ Views of President Johnson. I . WASHINH‘IDN; July 29. The Trcsident is in constant Interview with nll'clnssea and conditions oi people, and I am gtadm inform you be has» con sistent word with and tor all. Ila in dour mined to destroy every Venting ot‘ the lute rebellion, and to make it. so far odioumthub even the youngest will not forget the orig“. or mistakes of those engaged, in it. He hears also much stronger feelings against the lenders than the foilowers, but at. the some time says. that while treason il‘m crime to be 'punislmul. he does not intend that. punishment sholl destroy States 0! State institutions boyond the il'mtitution of slave; ry. Secession“ he says, is not worse in n. . Government like mil-s than the destruction, , of State laws, State boundaries and State. powers. for lho‘Umutitutiou recognizes pop~ ular tibertv mo’ro tlrrodgh {state agendiva. than in any other way. ‘ Against the purpcy nos of tho Sunmcrs and Donna; thereforeL “[0 States must stand, subontlnnte to tho, Government in some things, but [rep null. independent in ovory power not surrfimler ad to the General Government. I‘n‘sident ' Jolmmn makes no disguise in ‘exprouing the’se views: WTlmt' the pmple of Virginin are dumming of another accession. or that elli tors there are trying to drive the State into revolt, are simple inventions; , Governor Piorponthimsclflias llally‘and repeatedly contradicted these stories. 'mnl CXXH‘PSBOII himself milial‘ml that the Vii‘giaianw nru willing to accept the new auto or things and to lake llw oath of nllegimwo in good. faith. The llulcigh hay/rd: is denouncing (hose p‘meum in North (Malina who h‘a‘vo been pardoned by the l‘mshlr-nbns being still moro “ill-flank gin-l didnyal” than ever, and 3VBl‘s.llllll the fingrmw and Union In“) will have no prulecLiun unluss llm confiqcn lion law is enforced. llul (Juvt‘rn'n' Hidden lms miltonflo cvrlnin panics in New ank “110 degiro to emigrate to qullx Catolina, as follows: ' “Ju replan your (Imp'xtoh I Imva tn ‘slnm that the fire.“ Lady of ‘the pnnple of {hi-x Slulefii'e lnyal nml suhmiuive w um untimm] amhorilyu That [We hot ammu bond that Uninp mm will he hnnuml or punidn d. Ith them (‘omn wigh cnnli‘lnnbo in the (mum. Uur pvople generally win he gl‘ul to act! ”mm mmu." " (inn-mum I'iorpnnt and Hn‘ldvn may fairly be pvt-sum“! (axlinuw and u) rpm-n -scm lht' pnpulm‘ iqcling in lhcir‘rvspN-tivn .\'tuhu. 'l‘lwxr slatrmcnls 3m: corrubonmnl by llim-rlunlhs UH)”: umh‘pnppn now puL-~ llahtd In North Cuwlinu and Virginia. ' 7'er Mayor (VI-17H Annual/A ArraxlnL—M uynr (follnmz, of Portsmouth, \’:l., wus urrcahd an 'l‘hm-ql Iy, by m‘lur nl Brigadier Gnm'r ll mist)". \‘fu .“ 01:0 nut Inn-arm. In} flu: vxmu inaln'n of INS Hmmr, but Ivar» Si mu in lu fvn-nm to his pm! 01 nugrnm In: vminlipu uf «My cawfinmmes. II.) was; inhum’ml. ‘i‘l. l‘l‘l"“‘“~‘: Hut. he hm] no jurn‘llirlilm m :urh (um-w; was mlmonishh! M try Im wow, and Idi‘nfiLHl‘lL—‘Vwfull. U'J IA/Im'uhm. :5“ ‘\ pruhlirnn culmnluu ruy {-nmph'inq Hm! uh-mrly "the popuhu‘ onllmaimm in 11-; hlmn 10 Mr. Lin’mln’s name er‘nH Jami." 'I'III'I MAI‘iIETS. (HGTI'YSILI'ML-Snmmu' LAPT. '1 50 m 8 In) 4 {)0 Flour li,“- Hum..." Whilv \HH'M Hm“. \\‘.n 1t... if'uni .._......... Ity- ..........:.. LUV”. “......n. Hm I.“ In .11. Tim-11in) 51 ed Hm: in LH‘.. Bil/I‘l\lUl.’H-I‘nuu\ win. Hum: l \\ ha' 11 Run... )K'm'n" ‘0 ll: I‘m-I ('«IHIP, pr'r huml Ila-NA p 1! Inuxx|L....... “(Lichf . . MARIIIED. ’ U'l ”EU .‘lnth uIL, :Il llu‘.(¥1r.llt:l." r “nap“, in N.» “mu-i, by Lu 8‘ ['2 l‘, Unis Mn: [-‘lififllx I". 9'l‘l’l‘l'lllf'»,«-I=l\hmnl-[.l--'l‘;ml (null. ship. \d mm comm} _m \“M— \\XH€ L.h'H.L\|-), “15c“ (I\Hud, A-lnms .unnl). ‘ ‘ 13121) .2 p:j"l)i.i(uur_l nullw- .:_u nlfi [ll'r linr'fm ;vl| uwr Imn‘lim-m—msh m :lu'omp Jl)’ Imliyr. Un lhl" '_‘Ftih “I" . in Ilufim‘vr, .\h'. J.\\lF‘.:i :«\l|'i‘ll,lurnmlvul Inf. rl luumlnp, .\.luux (‘Ul'll‘_\. 9;!er :rhuu! .H gram. _ (in 1" lmh U! nhv '5 l: mu, !:‘(;'.,' qt Hm, lAu-gur Human], n~ .xr Al. \n'mrnl J. I\mnm' 'HWK, nr “vlult’l «1111-, ‘\.! [mu (minty, ism. ul LJwav and limb Pepi”) :l'nud ‘l7)mrau Munllm inn}: 2 uhys. \ ‘ ‘ u" u.» 2m. "11.. My. mun; n. 01mm. lsnn of ”( I,r_\ Urvuor, uf Mt-zmlhn township, éngu}. ll.\mr- 3 month: And I! "a; 3.~ i In Fuirlirldl nn Buluhy wmk. \VILLIA“ ;!,'L\'(‘(H‘.\', mu ufJuhu 13. :md Margaret rm;- Hun, mead 10 months LINES IN MEMORY 0]“ MRS. ELIZABETH. ADAMS—Born Nov. 12th. -ld3o-—Died July 251 b, 1m)". .' My cunhly canes and trial! are o’er, MM pure, ('clraliul beings] rim Tujnin in main- with (ho :rrial choir \ ThzxL praises Gm}, big-and llu' slut-a. ' .’ Kind hysbnnd, tuber: momen' sislrr sun] hraHK-rg, » Yuu’ll miss me when mrcting togt-Uwr, ‘ ,My prayer, “You'll be kin‘d [,O our nnolht‘r,” Lét not discord your harmony ecu-r. ‘ And when from earthly cures you’re freed, - Tujoin our peaceful rest above Wllh Christ, who for us all did Mom), Homhnppy there where nil in love. ' Earth has no tirs'liko those 0! Heaven, Where all is love enjoyed in pencr; ‘ Where discord ne'er 10ml beam has riwn‘ . Whore hatred, envy, all do cea’sc. ‘ And now, once more, good bye to all, . My spirit. longs to be M 0.18:, , ‘ ' 1 Hm“ cnwr nt’my maker’s cull, “'nh Heaven I have mnde my peace. ‘ Pubhc Sale. 3 x FRIDAY, AUGUST 1mh,"1865, at u‘clock, A. .\l., the undersigned, Atllfli - islralor of “3.9. Mum: of Isaiah Stultz, late of Highland township, Adam‘s county, Pa", ile ccnscd, will sell at. Public Sula, M. die late residence of mid deceasodflboul. 1 mile west of Ecllhcnny's Hill, thd {allowing Personal Propcnly, Vin: . ‘ ‘ 4 WORK HORSES, 2 Gown, 7 head at Young Cutie, 4 Sbotes, 2 Bow: and Pigl, 7 head of sheep, 1~ Four-horse Narromcread Wagon, Pld'ugh, Harrow, Shovel Plough, 2 sets From Gen", 1 net Outinge Human, Bridles, Calla", linkers, Log Chain, Spreadola,_Forkl, 39k“, Shanta, Bc., and cher fanning nun-113. Also, 'Whout, Bye, On:- and Bngkwhc-t. by llfe bushel, and Potatoes in the ground. Also, 28 lbs. «31 Wool, n lot oillnga and some Flu‘. Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting .51, part at l Bedslcnd and Bedding, Cooking Swre,.Clmrn, Meat and Vinegar Vessels, Cop per Kattle,-l’ota, 0:00 3, Twin, and argreut, variety of olher urticl 0t herein mentioned. gay-Attendance will,» given and term. mule known on day of min b J. J. BIBSEgIiER, Ain't. Aug. 7, 1865. u ‘ ' _ Nance. ‘, mum. thLEBIS Lanna—lmam m umontary on the estate of Sumo} ”“1”, e of Liberty township, Adamljouuy, 51e ceased, having been grwwd t 9 “mandar signed. residing in the sane kinship, be hereby givu notice to all pet-tom inflamed to mid‘eslnw to make immediate; prmem, mu! thou having alphas aim: the m m we. seat them properly finelnwd tar seme mw’nt. ' ' B'I‘IL‘LEB, Ex'f- Ang. 7, 1595, 6;” , « . ‘ W‘ ' ' . . a L. SOHIUKJmI nit pink“ 5' lot 01. -, chmpvm‘ “3‘ ', , . I 50 lo I m l m; m I YHI 2 .'.n- In € no I '4! to 1 .M ”my“ I 71) .m luv 62‘] Bin In IN‘ ".2 '0 l I M M) lrrlli 1n) '.:'l Ill) lull: MI I: m mu; m; '1 27 m 2 .M' CommMahmud.J