W Exams. BEDDlNG.~Budd{ng gm he'commencrd o: no first «July, uidmif be continual until the am week in September, though it in um '5O 3.4 an anyway Downing! who is gaod afi jhoricy, any» bndfifitm, be commenped with no different pom: (I the {emu-lug order, in they come into "non: “Plums, cherries, ’nprkcou, pens, appléu. qu|inc¢s merging?“ and penrbu. '_l‘rjya w wmiJeuble -izF m'l require buddiné earlier mg xhe'youug nellling vloch, but It» opcruion is ni lel and only perfo ad when she hoxk oi the stock. or parts ugarnle treely' from lhc‘ 1:004, mad when the buds of the vnrreul year's grown Ire sown-what plump, nnd young yood i 0 growjng firm. Young MA in the nursery,‘ if‘thrmy, are usually phnled out in rain in fine spring. Am; budded the same aumuger cl mgnmn." . x We prefer to gut: nppleu. pears amififimis. The} do boner, ii fun never fnlj'ifwell done, and grow twice as muc_h the min mason than if budded‘. ,Chem'en, peaches, km, are mm]: more certain 10 guy: if bpdgod —anlorn Tzlryrqph‘ ~v~— «I» -——» _— gaw owns 031‘ MAD.—-,\'ane.umt.s.or the people are in ignorttm‘e in "gun! in the premtmltwn of pained: tn dogs. one of the windiest signs of nmdunqs "1 day, in I one which should ’ulwuyl unlit-o attention on t‘he‘ girl of tho-Q in chat-3e of dogs. is it sullenness vcbmplmd wit); fidggttnemx. ~When it mantis rabieffmadncsm the d )g ruivn in his bed ’ar Int-ml hours, nnd ntny‘bc seen curled up, hil hue bvnriedrhetween his paws and breast. lie nhows no disposition to bi'e, and will answer to the all, Um he Answers slowly and sullen- Ly. Aug} a while he becomes :nstlesa, sot-k -ing out new rating pln‘ces, mind at?" satisfi ."Al long with one. He then rcturm to his bed, but continttally‘ shifts his ptmttro. lle ri:;-s urn and lies énwn again, settles ais body _in n vnripLy of postures, dispaws his [ml with hi 2: pnvu, shaking it. in hit; umpth, bringing; it to n help, on which he careiully lay: his clics’, and then rises up‘nnd bundles it all out ufliis ken nel. If 3!. fiber”, he will seem, to imagine rpmething-lpst. and “ill enge'rly lunch afound with nrwge‘viol‘encfi‘nnd indecision. The dog lhould he watched. ll he lwginq .tn gx-ze Hrttngeiy “bout. ltitn, HS he lira: in hot], and if his t-onmenanqe is claimed and Sll‘lpirl‘mls, tye I may be cgrtttin that mad'nrss 5,9 mmi‘ug' on. i AN INCJDENT AT GETTYSEURGr-A (inl— Idnl C'olar-bmrer.—An incidgnl connqu‘F’d with 1m Mule of (Zetlygburg has never yét been pulflidied. but neyninTj (11-semen 10 hp, as it ”is lhe hislory o! n gnllnm action film]. ought nut to 50 u'nrcwnrwlad. 9n thy My: duy of (ble fight, win-n mevnebe‘laumnssipg some 18,004; men an outlet). ce‘mcy. magic a charge hich, for dexpcnm courage, is nlnmst unpar Helod P“ the history 01 wurfnre, but, were ontm( pack with an {9] slnu'ghter) leaving Iboxisnnda - ‘ot prisoner; in our Mada, sad the Geldflltrewn thick with their wounded and dond, :le mu. Munchugetts Infanuy were Among those who ‘ bore the bynnt of the onset. They were op posed dis-gray lb) av. Virfiinin ”gm-Im, and ns’ ,tbezyp forges came in _conlact with each other nmlfopght will: huypnet and clubb‘edlmuskets, Thomas J. Jellison, the color-Learn of the gamma 19m, having lost his sword in the me. lee. mshed up toflw color-sérgcnm of the Vir ginians, and putting ifito play the flexor nnd ' bit-cps (funnies, of his right arm. knocked hm: flown, and ,euplured the flag, honripg it s.|fe|y ‘ pfl'tbe field. The State aglhoriliesrof MIISSR-' rbnneus lhould hum. this man up, and reward hja brave {enamel as it d'eserves. . ms IDLERL—Sicrylbiug will-in u: ‘nnrl about 95 also" [but I: nowr was izltcnrlcd “I!“ {mm should be idle. Our own .‘mnltl; mz‘u’ ,roml‘on and the, welfiu-e $11!," hnppinm; of those axomul usf‘nll x’eqnlre that mans-should labor.\_ Mind, body, soul, all Mill-[film- and “1311"". by idleness; the idler is a sourge of mental and moral offense to everybngly uround. '8: i', a nulennc'e mike world and ndfids (Chate xneul (hr the public good; like ally-fit. ir source pf gellilcm‘p. ' WM: amusing story is told oi a {any who tried; to mingle a clock across the Canada border. tShe'gave the cipckseikr pni’ticuiar .dire‘ctionfi w 5! the nlarm apparatus so it would [l9! strike, but the Cannuck being some xvlutpf a. wag, gel the alarm so it would ntrike 1&1,le moment he knnw the lady would nrrjve at lhe Custom Hank; "tile Indy Inslen ,ed the timepiece scour-95in her lionps‘,-MJ nurfled 'on lxrr ,homeward journey. Arriving it"fhe Cus‘iom‘ House, me otficer found nothing gonlnbnnd nrnong her effects, and was PJSSing rip the an; ,trnnilqr, when a loud Vii-Mu! wu fiend pad.” (hp lady'p skirts; 'ljhe strange nuip'é‘ wu hp: uxi for the full spite of: mmuu-z pnt mike Indy it “petty-ed nu lmufljnnd :Ee Abeclmatremnlous nud china. The/Custom flown oficer, no} daring to 1.1;: hufids on ‘n wailing. "sum in Ihe way of kincfiwxs,“ oh mired an iron rm], with which he felt around tile krinoline (or the ronccnled clock, and (1- my: succeeded in bringing it down. fi'M _n Frinter’u _Festivnl n; 30':th lately, «the foiloviqg _cap'mn toast. {was drliik: . * fit Eamon—The man that is expected fin knnwcverything. ‘9“ all he know. and gun“! at the rest ; to make his oin charm: ter good, establish the reputation of his neighbors, andelectall candidates to office -, te'hlow up everybody to n it egeqquy, _snd reform We whole worlx; tr) live for the benefit of other: and bane-the epitaph .0» his tombstone~ ‘Hnrc he lira m. 3531;" in short. b‘e"is a locomotive running 011‘ the track“ of mblip’notpriety; his le‘ver is his yen)"; his“ new is fillet; with ink; his ten yier‘is bin scisgors ; his rivihg wheel is qu gie ppinion ; and whopever he ,egplodes it :19. 0&1;ng by the powpayment of snbsprip— tom. ' Subscriber: will please notice the lust. M- a ' ”The way in‘ which val-1.13 an often divided. then let to music, mfnet'uhes pro dunes-n nth” ludicrous ofl'ect.‘ A slum? ger was once quprised on héaring a 003:3 Wfiop. mostly bf women, 'cvy oul'— . i Dforaman! ‘ *“u 0 for 5‘ mm}! 2‘ . " ,0 for a man--—_sion in the skies! ! ! While on another occasion a; chqir sang ppl‘to the‘w offltheir ability» ’ f :1 «We’ll cash the flee ! ' ‘ - . Wo’fl qwh'thu fleet! ‘ A We’ll catéh the flee—ling hon ”1 "I" in hoped nobody was hilmn. -- J --.—_‘---..__.- 1,, : 3Tb. (339‘ of filme'r, pd‘uor of the Slain: aid gain, 15mm the m of Concord; N. LIZ, n nqit for damages human ’deatrucfidn Pg.u...nprspnper clfice 113 mph in $80!. . yin carried to the full bench for n dpciaiou ppon the constitutionality or the law m-k: in «9"»: nablé for damages by {0033:- AI. «thaw new of mm. in anvufi'i'. “w 1;. a! fiepw to be mutilulioppl. This “afoul“ now be tried by jun. . . ‘4 Join! lady offltlirornin yee'e‘fitiy pap he: {obi aging ,ruiuiqfilau gag? g. 4“ _5 my ”I“: W~ in mm '5- Q 1 I ‘yq’ngyg m yogmg Indian. Noah Walker 812 00.. , CLuTUIERS, ‘wuumamx numoma, v. 5 um “27 [up-wont Snnr, keg'p coquafii'q, on buy} A Large ud rd] 3.. 9mm I'wck bf- :11 kinds-olgoods M indent: Mil The; supply. onlcrs for flu? Guest to the loweu privg-l ‘ urlivlc; either rudyl madt- or \_ , ‘ paid: to menu", to any pay: 0! (hr cqnnlry {be}: k‘np also an extensive stock of FERN: ISKING EOOO3, embracing every Ifrticle ol Ganuemrn‘a Under-Tear, A 159, MILITARY CLOTUS tun! es'ory variety 91' Military Trim- _ .' mini-[.5 "‘3” M In gayorted stock of READY 15A DR \éflJ'PA RY GOODS Bulfimntr‘fl’cb. 22, LBO4 100.000 bush. Grgin Wanted. TLW l"ll‘.\l .ATATIIE 1N um wmmovsn. .WM‘ E BIDDLL'AL CU. would inform the pu’hlic that may ve lasted [he Warehowu on the con-:6; of Simuon sweet and {he Rail road, in (jolly. hum win-re Hm) will cum on the “RID" HSU PRODUCE BUSINESS” in ..u its branches. The highest prices ml] 9)- Walys he paid lor ' . j WHEAT, RYE, ; Com, un‘s, ‘ i ‘ mun-m & TIMOTHY SEEDS, ' FLAXSEI‘ID, SUMAC, ‘ my a: smm'; Dried Prni‘, .\'nts, Soup, Hams, Shoulder: and Hides. Potatoes, with eyeryxhing else in the country p'rmiucn ling. _ ON “AND, FOR SALE. ‘ Cn‘fi‘eeq, Sugars, \lyl‘qsws, Syrups, Toni, Spiéen Suit, Chm-s», Vinegar, Span, .\ll‘xstnrd. Smrch, Hruoma, 15111-918,.Binckiug,‘.bruslms, Soups, &(‘. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, (ac.— HSH of nll‘ kinds; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smoking and Chewing Tobucgog. . They nre «hwy able to supply :1 £er rate MIN-1e of FLOUR 7 with lhojhEL-xent kinds of FEED. . 2‘ ‘ A]::.,.G!I()USD PLASTER, with G‘NOS and other l'erlilizel'é. WCOAL, by file bleP‘, ton. or car Jnud. . 'l‘hu-ir Duns rmmo Ballimoré 3nd lumktwire n \feck, mud they ‘will be happy to carry goods alher wuy M moglemw l'lml‘gcs. Mnrkynnm, cut:;,l,"y merc’lmnys, and others, will find ix to their advanMge [p patronize yvs link. Thu Mk 5 share oftbe public'é customgnd _WiH warp. no t-lforl. to render snlistuclion to all, sellcys‘m‘ buyers. 3 W ' ‘ ' “(\I. E. UIDDLE .9: CO. Aug. 2?,1861. If . :Blacksl‘mithmg. HE unnll-x-Qigned‘would mos: respectfully T inl'urm the public tl'mt heJ‘onlinnes thi llbl-ACKSW'HHSU IIUSISESn‘, , . et his shnp, lately Philip [)u-rsom's, mljuiuing TIU.\('I'S [mint 51101), in Bust. .\liddlc Stu-cl, Gejzydmfg, where he \\ ill a: all films bv prc’- part-d to do Bl.ncks|nilbing work to Carriages, Buggies; 'ngéns, k 9. Tim} lxe kuo“: lrow to do all Mhzml lhp kind will not be questiom‘d Lg thus?r ho hufe a knowledge uf‘h‘xs hug exporien '1: m. (he business.) Come on with your won L, and mm with!» inlidiu-d when you taken. :lu'ny—zllld for which he mll re:ei\'e (lush ur Cuunny Urn-lute. - . ADA .‘l lIOLTZWURTEI Mar. 20,4965. ‘tt New Goods !---Large Stock I DIERCHANT T’MLURING. . A JAPQBS & BRO. have just received from the cities u [urge stock on goods for Gentlem'en’s wen, embracing a van wry M‘ ‘ ULOTHS, , ‘ h CASSHIERES, ' j. ‘ y . VESTINGR, Cnssinrtr, Jenna; kc” with many other goods fur spring and summer wcur.‘ ) - They are prepared to make up gnrmsnts at the shorted notice, and in the \‘eryhest man livr. 'l‘ho Fashions \m regulariy rum-Ned, nn-l r-‘luthing made ini me}- desired style. The) n)- wnys make neat fits? whilst their sowing is sure to he nuhsmmial. They ask a continfanrc of the public‘s pn tronage, resulved by good work and moderate charges to earn it. A O ‘ ’ Gettysburg, April 7, 18623~ ‘ ' _ New .Warehouse. ‘ ‘ BUSHELS ()F GRAIN 100.000 WAN'I‘I‘IDmt themwflrnin n‘nd Produce House, in.C.lrlisle stryetkmljuiu ing Sheuds h’Bnehler‘; ,eqtublishfneut. The highest mmzke‘ price will {\‘W‘Ayu be paid in will fcr . I ’ mum, »r all kinds, ‘ FLOUR; SEEDS, k'c. Alwn} a on haw! and (or snle,':u. llu: smullefl‘. prpfirs,’ - ' umxos, 3 ~ - _ ' SALT,.FIFH.‘ GROCERIES, Bm, . . . Wholesale and rein“. ‘THY US! We shall (10 our best"lo give sfiismchon in all cases. / W. ; K Bh-CUEDY ,k DIEHL. ’Gnuyxburg. Mnyjl, 1863. 1y” -’ ,Guod Thmgs frogr the Guy! are receivin tw' eis wegk from the city :I. Vn‘rietfifiicleg suited to the wants of this c-oinmuni _ ,vi'z: Fresh and Sufi HISH, HAT“, Shoal an End Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, A pples ounces; 09mg“. Lemogs, Confections, Toyacvos, ,Segnrs, with man)- other articles in” this line—all received in the beslorder, any! field at the lowest profiu. Gin usa can, ip/Bnltim‘ore‘stroet, nun-1y opposite l‘nhpestoqks' store. WAXTED.——Buuer, Eggs, Lud, and 13:" qtther country produce—for‘whiéh the high“ cash price will he paid; V SWEET POTATOES—best quality, at low esl living profianlwnyx 6n hand. Also, ()YS’I‘ERS, fine and trush-in the shell or shocked. [manning and funnies lupplied. ' STRIGKHOUSER h WISOTZKEY. Gettyshhrg. Mai”, 1893. ‘ The Popular 730 Loan. HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GET TYSBURG bu been designated n Deposi tary Ind Financial Agentbf the United Slams. and Wm furnish the popular ,7-30 Coupon Notes, free from an taxes, and convenibie u maturity into 5—20 six per mi gold intern; Bonds. Will also furnish 5-10 and 1940 fiends, 099 year pertificugs and Ellquzer Gov-7 ernmem bscuriliclu‘yiitl buf Qold find Silver, cash Cou’pons, and mnkg solVacgionl promptly on it" accessible 150 mm - ‘ . ~ GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. . Dec. 26, 1861. M _ ‘ \—__._...§_. ._ .. . .. .__ —___——~—_.__~._. ‘2 . . Lands! Lands: - APT. H. (HIRITKMAN, hn’viugjust return cd from h trip '0 ch: Wen ind all the [4&O .reglons in God's—peg! llbyrinth, he would inform the .citizens of Gettysburg and its Vicinitythnt‘he is prepared, not only p‘n offer 01}. LANDS, but. LASDS OF EVERY t asscnwnoy. x yerso‘fi's visiting amisburg iwould‘ rlO wcll lo‘lrnll, as be yin furnish all in formhtion- , , . n. cunl'rzxmx. ‘ Jun. 2. 1355. if - ...—.._}... _ fistem Lands. E sabscjiber has some unable WEST,- l sax LANDS, which up will tnde to; one or'-more {FARMS in thiu county. The bad: are we" banned, and very duh-ble for lug. ifli- Early npplicuion desired. ~ ' ' ' ‘ JACOB BRINKERBQFF. Getmbnvgz AR?£3o§‘;°;.L..;___ Picture Frames. ‘ann mm, at 910 mm; rungs, A IN: phin and convex glans, for mgle~ pl flotngr’l Drug we “Yum, gbru. _fvg_‘£fial§s§-___,__:'_____w Iran'svnmrmox sum , qr 011 p HMMId-Tolie, “Dr, R. alarm .s“:£§-‘9’_‘: - ?‘- . ~ . , ‘ :l". -. . '- Russell’s Screw ray , Cheap Clothing. AND THE 1 ’ . ll‘fllS WAY FOB BARGAINS! . , OHIOREAPERASD MOWER, . F. B.PICKING’S go'm coungxgurngcmsns. " FAsmoXAnLE CLOTHING STORE, The subscriber us agent for the than lan-l J BAmuon: Smut. Gnnncno. chineu. The Screw poWer has found a remix ‘ finr Spring nnil Summer supplyjmt opcnql market sine; introduced in this County. Ind ism? ng gun: but selectea smelter Clolh givcunlinl'actlonfllcc}.which manyfnmen ‘ing gvgr brought 1,0 chyahurg, embiacing rill certify. ' l f l i all Ith * ’ 7HB OHIO I:B3an _ l LATEST STYLES FOR EEK AND BOYS, bu given saznplaction wherever med, oker‘ among whichvnre In; fining Dress 3nd Busi lhtu than“! having bg‘en sold during lhe ness Cons, chm, Cusimexe, Sllk, Snfin and last season. The demand I'li In great 3h: Col Lon Vesu, Drum and Business Pamshof qompnny intend putting out six Lhonuud ibis «very ugly. qunmy and size, Undex Clothes 0! Benson, which we consider the [3:21 recommen- _H'. rv dwsnripviun. Also, dalion for any muchine. It. is BACOK'KBI‘IPOJ (IEXTLI-NES'S TI'RNISHIXG GOODS, nim him, and to be ofvery light dram worim! Embracing Gloves, Callus, Neckties, Sus with ease with our span of lprsei. This 1133- penden. Huiirry. kl“ Also, chine, H a Reap", can b? worked _l'ilh 01'l NOTIOSS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. wiumnl a nke. Parmerrwiuhing to hni suck I: Violins. Acvordeons, Viulin Strings, nufild do m-ll to make their purchases early, (‘lw-kg, Hair and (‘lulbes Bruzhes, Combs, us le demand will be gtest. but. season we Ram“! and lhzor Straps, Soap, SPEK‘PIL‘ICS, BALTIMORE, were unablr to Randy the demnd in con-c -quem-c of persons making up that minds to. late In the season. —Exuu alum)”: kept on land. Specimen machines cln be Seen by calling on the subscribér, lwo miles nouhust of Gettysburg, on the Harrisburg mm]. W“. WIBL? Agrnt. April (7, l'sus. If N THE HILL. _ O ‘ “J. .\l. ROWE, ’l'bfinkfnl for fast farm-s, invites; the citizens of (ienxshurg and vicinity to his stock “Goods, consisting in part of , * SUGAHS. . 1 COFFEES. ‘ S‘L’flUl’S, TEAS, CROVKERY WARP, . TUHAN‘US. , BACON, ' ; LARD, LAMPS, BASKETS, FISH, OILS, SOAPS, .\'OTIUXS, FLOUR AND FEED, n] of which he is prepared to so“ low as the 10 est. Couptry nroduu: tuLen in tin-hang!) f 0 goods, 21ml Ihe highest )Irit'e‘pnid. My mmto is “inin fink-s and Suml. l’rni‘us. ‘——- Give mt- a pull. Mr” ’22, “65‘. fl EMOVAL. Rf JCCKEXRODE IN THE DIAMOND! , GEDRGE IV'. KL'KEXKUDE, I’AShIUN:\ISI.¥I TAILUR, ml‘ornm h'H lrieuds and the public genor.ul|_v, tint he has REMOVED his Tailor ing Ejln‘flishment to the second floor oJ' Sam son's huiiding, (over Hrinkerhmf’s Cloxhin: Sun-9,) northeast corner othe Public Square; entrance on York strent, where he is preparnl to do all work in his linP in the best manner, and to the satisfaction of customers. Hp em piofi uuuf‘ bu! 5113‘. aims hmidn, and receiving THIC‘FASHIUNS REGULAELY, he can warrant. fashionable fits fllld ncntgmd sulmlnminl sewing. He nsks‘n share of the public's pnlrnnnge, promhing to .spnrc no ef fort to «lest-WP it. His clxurges will always be found as moderate as the times willl allow. Culling and Repairing done at. the shortest xiqtice. [Gettysburg April ‘.0,1865. UTUAL FIRE INQUIIANUE COHPAXY I\coxPr-M'rzu, Mu‘u'u H, 1351. ll l'rpsidvn’l—Gé—orge Swarm. ; Vic? Pn‘sidenl—Sumuel R. Russell 1 Smrrter—D. .\. But-blor. I‘ Tlanuslrrér—Pl. G. {-‘nhnouoek - Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy, An.- drow Hoinm imnn, Jacob King. MAXAUEIH -—U¢mrge Swope. D. A: Bnehien R. )erurdv. l). McCrgnry, .\l. Emhnlherger. H. R.»i’.nssvli, H. (I. Fnlmestock, .A.. D. Bu. hll‘l‘, R (I‘. .\ichm-y, Gettysburg; JacolLKinggStru bun township; A. llmmzehnnn. Franklin; Wm D. Hnixcs, New (Miami; Wm. B. Wilson, Hon ilersvillo-z H. .\. Pirki lg, Su-nbnn township; Juhu Wolford, Lnnmnre (uwnship; John Pick ing, East I.smm: .\hei'T. Wright, Bender:- \-|lie; Abulml I’. Um. )cw ()Alurd; JAE. H. .\l Imin”, H Ilniiluulmn township; Juhin‘nn ninglmm. I-‘rvcolmq township; John Humor, .\loumjuy town-Aim; , ‘ WITH (‘umgx my is limited in its opera. tion: to 11" county ut .\dvuns. It has bell) in operation for mow: thnn H ymrs| and m that period 11.13 mull: but out :\~'sr. ’ DBLANES, _ BUMUAZINES. . ALPACUAS, LAWNS, . ’ CALICOES, of “'1 qualities and choicest styles, which nI” be sold at l’llll‘lES ’l‘O DEFY COMPETITIUN. NFURN’ISHING GOODS of all kmllsiflncludinc Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkeu‘hiel‘r‘ Kings, kc. Also, n sp lent. of RIBBONS. Laces and Ed} I! and Parnsols.- My stock of W b will be found.full laud complete, “'8 may rely upon always getting ‘. the lowest possi ble prices. Gmtlemofi will find in to hug" advantage tc call and examine my alock of \i ”ULU'I‘HS, CASSIMERES and ‘ VP .1 all qumlxfies anal choicest btyl April 24. 1865. '3. L Established 1850. \ TOTXCE 09 REMOVAL. ‘ N LAWRENCE n. mmz & 00., respectfully beg lent to notifiy their trlt-nds. 1 cullomu-s nud’the public generally, that they ‘ have “moved from No. 151 Franklin street, to the cominm‘lious four-filmy Warehouse, ‘ No.‘3os BALTIMORE STREET, 1 between flown-d and Liharty, whereJhoy will for the future‘ conduct the Wholesale Busi ness, solely in , ’ ‘ llnsieyy. Trimmings, V ‘ Puvnlahing (£9963. _ Perfumery, Notions, ' Smlionery, Cutlery, . Toys, to" kc. ' to which “my invite the Mtoqflon of ch] and 1 country pun-chug”, feeling cvnfidenx of Lhelr, ability to of!" inducements in pyicea Ind qualify offload}. ‘ Orders by mall will rocelre prohpt up»; tipn. Address LAWRENCE D. mam c 00.. l ‘ ' 308 Bulfimqré IN, Baltimpn. ! March 14, 1864. ~ I John W. Txptén, L ASHIONABLE BARBER, 1(0th cor ner or the Diamond, (nut door to Me lelhn's Hotel.) Gettysbprg, Pl. ,where he can at :11 times be found ready to attend to I“ bu'sinesu in his line. He’ by ulna «pollutan sistaupe and will. ensure Mutilation. om him a call. Dec. 3, 1860. ' E 7! HUMPEB hiring Ens-chased Samuel ngrgz's P 8010684! fl GALLERY. is prepared to eucue vork in his line aqua In any utnblishmeu in the State. If yoq desire :- good likenns, finishes; According to thflmat in: reagents in the In, all It Chg wove gang-umblishpd Gnllery, 1- Wm Riddle “pg“.agtqsbmx. . . (no. 3,1865. ; TTRAOTING AfluTlONz—Themperior - Fianna “in 9! XUVRB'S SKY. IQH‘P'GKLLERY, on We” fiddle 1%., N 9 gunning nuiygrul uni-flop. Good (W3O! Ransom "acrim- to gag: ever tale» in MA un pm to: own In. ' In. 26, mag. m y ‘ Mjuxmv 6001):, m u chemo woman, $0 mind at“ . u A ~ "mismana- The Old Stand, J. M. RU ,‘YE Tailoring. Adams County Orncrus New Spring Goods. Pictures! Pictures! (’nneu, Pen Knives, Pencil-I, Pens, and burni now. Also, TRUSKS, CARPET SACKS, UMBRELLAS, ‘ - TUEACCO, SEGARS, ' and indeed n little of enrylhingvill be fouhd in this Storm. “Ming made our pmclmscs for Cash, and m. a favorable time, we are pre pgred to sell rheap. REHEHBER THE PLACE. ‘ If'yon desire to hnve a. good fitting suit, nude 0! good muterinl, can and examine fur yourselves, and SAVE MONEY. ‘ ' April 24, [835. F. B. PICKYN'G. Great Attraction T BRINKERIIOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNxsnlNu STORE, nmhe North East (‘onmr of the Diamond. The subur'fimr Vi» curtain“; in receipt offresh goods from‘lhe E.ls}tl‘u cities. His stock of ' . RE\DY~.\L\DE CLOTHING is or)! 101' the htrgest and» most. attractive, as well “the clflmpest establishment of the kind in the country, You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable styles. and of the best materials, of all sizes nnd prices, for men nnd boys.— (ientlemen’s iurnishing goods ot‘every descrip tion, “'00! Shirts, .\luslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Marina Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery ofevory description Buckskin, .\lorino and‘ Cotton Gloves. Hand kerchids. Net-k Ties, Crnvulk, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks. Yalices. Carpet Bugs, Clothes nml Shoe Brushes, Hnir nnd Tooth Brushes, Shoe ”Licking. Pocket and Dressing Combs, ivo’ry (’nmbs, Wntchcs,Clocks and Jewelry, (:nns, l‘istoln, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and Porfumeries, Stationary of all kinds, Pm‘ket Knifes. Smoking and Chewing Tobac— co, Pipns, an extra quality ot'Segfu's. [n fnct, his sunk emhmt-es everything usually found in stirst chsst’urnishing store. i invite the attention ot'nll to come and see for themselves, as l mu dctextninetl to soil goods lower than any othorestnhlishmntin the country. Don't furgrt the plnce. Corner of York street and the “inward. JACOB BRINKKILHUFF. July 4, 1564. « Coal, Lumber, Stoves, are. NllAlllJ-IS 11. HI'EHLEII (J “'thl rnspH-llnflf informnhc' public nun he wu’l crmlimw the husims: [.\n-ly con duct. .1 ly the firm or Shawls k lluehler, ntthe o'd slum]. cnrnor ol Cnrlisle and Railroad slrsote. He will he prmmrr-d to filrnish ‘ , 'l‘lll'J HrZS’l‘ QUALITY OF f‘OAL, and NH} \.lriely o! LU‘IBER, including Doors‘ Hhullcri. Sush, sw. Alsn, every variety of (‘ouklng 310514.9 than which are the NUBIA-J PUNK, ROYAL COOK, WELLINCL ’I‘UN, WAVERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ()IiXAMENTAL CUUK, &c. ' Also, PARLUR, DINING . ROOM, SALUUN AND SHOP S T 0 V E S . .\lan, «wry varivw of TIN AND _SHEET Haj) WARE. mnxmfucturcd hv the ME: Wonk» _nu-n. Aiso. HULLUW \\’2\ RE ofexer; variety, iuvhnlingn mpnrior quick: of onmnr-Hvd work. [lulu-d en-ry v uriety of Kitchen Ware \\ ill be hep: cu'lrxflufly (:11 Mind. Aisn, HM; lar-Ynmm] “UNIVERSAL CLOTHES \\'l’.|.\l, 13R,"10r which he is the sole ngan in lhevuumv. ‘ ' lh- Is aim the agent for WIJ-cle: & Wilson's Sewing .\lmhim‘s—khc best in use, " AIM} go, 1367:. 0.11. UUEHLER. No Humbug. mymmn. “ ~ 1% HUI:T7.\\'ORTH XLWAYS AHEAD 'HH." WAY FOR BJRGAIkSs—JOHN L. HULIIe'UIH'H [lnn 1115!: retur‘nud from the I ily Whh the largo-st 'Hld most complete assort ment at HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, um m been brougm to?“ thxs tnvsu since the mu. His stock is not only ( umplele, but. is GOOD sud CHEAP embmrmg every variety of Boots and ShOl'! l'or Mon and Boys, whilst. the Lgdics will find ovrrulnng in (heir line, from tbefim’st Guile! to NH“ hv-miost Shoo. Children‘s Shoes of law-(y llescripfion, in great \ariely. Also, La. ulu's' ”HR, line quality, and ('hildren's HMS, ofnll atylos and prices. Also, Trunks, Cur peL Baza, Valistu, Umbrellns. Gloves. Slack ings. Tobacco, L‘igms,aud Notions or every description. « L .V 3575‘ Don‘t forget thp place, l omh-east Cor. loe Diamond, UMtysLul‘g, Pa. ' " JOHN L: HULTZWURTH. April 10, 1863. ll , Dissolution. f ‘HE partnership heretofore existing be -1 [WN'II the undersigned, under Llu- mime "ml 515% of FAIINESTOCK BROTHERSLis «hi: «by dissolved by mutual consent—James I". Fuhuealock retiring. - ‘ JA‘MES F. FAHMEFTOCK, HENRY J. FAIIXESTOCK, EIDW. G. FAflgESTOUK. ‘HR undersigned, remninining rutners of '1 the firm 0! FABNES’I‘OCK BROTHERS, mu continue the business at the snme place, under the name name and style of firm. HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, EDWARD G. FAHSESTOUK. . Jan; 9, 1865. ' New and Cheap ODDS ‘A'l‘ REDUCED PR!CES.——FAHNE- 1 G hTUCK BROTHERS have received and ‘ are new opening a large and varied stock of SPRING GOODS, to which they invite ihe M.- tention ’ofbnye . ‘ \in Dress Goo 3 their stock consists of ‘ ‘ Bonmzmns, ‘ ‘ ALPACCA. , . ‘ ‘\ HHALLIES ._ \\ DELAI‘NES, \ ‘ MOZAMBXQUES,‘ \ MOHAIR, \- MELAUX, CALICOES, km, of every 31er and quality, and which cannot. fail to pleuei ‘ . ‘ ‘ For Gentleden': wear wé have a choice ge lecfion nf C LUTHS, “no? CASSXMERES, 'VESTINGS, and low pricgd Punt; Goods, M prices which we gnamntge to give satisfaction. In Doma m-r, we cut ofi‘er MUSLXNS FRO)! 12; OUTS UPWAJZDS. 1n n diLjori to the above we have increased pul lout of Queenswue snd Hardwnre at re fiuud prices. Also'— ' GBOCBBII AT THE LOWEST RATES. In fnct, our flock comprises everything which customer: may desire, and a price: lowa- lhsn any other establishment in the county. .All we ask is an auxin-tion m satisfy all that it is to their inure“. u give :15 seal]. EAIINESTOCK BROTHERS. - May}; 1865. ‘ flesh Armval ' 3mm GQODS AT A. SCOTT a O SOK’Sw—Wt mm the attention of buy: an R) our stock 3) Mater Goods, Which» win be new cheap, whining m LADIES muss Goons, Shawls. Cloaking Clo'hs, etc., etc. For lan‘- nd 59!!" we" we hue cloths, Chisinau-ea, Owning“ Yesfings, with amg of 09mm: gang, in, lg. 0311 Mid gee. ' 15'0". 38. lB6i- 4. 8001143 HON. . Do You wan * 0 mm l 9009 likaueu of young", your children, or {08“}; friendsz‘go at om w nuupsn‘s GAL y, m but Mun u-‘hcfimty to secure um clue pmum. \ Juli, 1865. u n nr. 2.. uomws m 7 m]. Alum T m; 90:11.}? banal?“ .M‘FAT'ELE. A: An In on n in Jere. ”33-11; 26 me; an. ‘ F O U 'l'f'Z ’ S CELEBRATED gum and want: @2ole ‘ ‘ ”mercurial! ‘ will strength , _ . cntheanch ' and Inuuina, / 'ck-«nsc them , from ptknsiva matter, uni _ "I ,f , 3..) hnnfi momto 1' {A ’ _;_ ' 75:15:“; aheu thystnu. ' .Théy are 5 mm preventive of Lung Fever. and n vermin remedy for an Disease: imidem to the Horse, re}: ”Glan ers, Yehbxv Water. ‘ Dis t e m p e r, Ponu d e r , ncav o s , Shivering, Coughs, Fth vets, Loss or Appetite and Vital Ener zr kc- . . , ». . in ppm, low—epmted nmmnls. n has the most benefirinl arm ‘ The use ofthem improves Ihr wind, strmgth cm: the Appetiu, and givm to the “mar n fine, smooth and glofiay skin—thusl'improv ing the appearance, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. The property this I‘uudor po==ossos in in creasing the qunulixy ut' Milk in Cows, gift! it an importance and mine, “hid: should place it in the hands of 1 very i‘u-rsnn keeping a Cow. By nctunl experiment it hzu proven that it will incrmso the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per m-nt., and muke me Bullet firm and sweet. In fimening (mule, it gives them an nppefitp, Joust-us their hide and makes them thrive much Emu-r. HOG S . ' In all Diwoa of \ the Swim, ant-h as ‘ mzffiéig Coughs, Ulcers in “5‘.“ $32; the bangs, Liver, ‘ ‘fii ‘33:: .' :c. 18"} putting g»; ‘31.”: ' mm m a n -r 't - to a paper of {hf-2c L‘ ' 1‘3"“) ind‘cm in a bnr- .’ ‘1; ~-—~s¢ '7 ,—~ rOl of Swill, the %/ iii-Rm ""1 above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vvnu-d. By using thvse Powders ‘he Hug Cholera can be provenml. Price 25 cts.per Paper. or 5 Papers fox-$l. PREPARED 1n“ s. A. FOUTZ & 1330., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore. Md ,For Sale 14; Druggists am! Storekeeper: throughout the United‘ States. For sale by A. l). Bunhler, Gettyshnrg: Lafighlin & Bushfirm, \Ylwoling, Vn; (‘. C. Benderk CO., Pmslmrg; Johnson, Holloway & Uuwdon, Philndelphiu. 1 Nov. ‘2B. 1864. ly ' ‘ Ho! for Bargains !'1 ROW & WOODS, Corner of York Street. and the Diaugnd, GETTYSBURG. THE BEST .\SSOITTMHNT 0F GOODS I.\' . TOWN I.\' 'l‘lll‘lll‘. LIKE. ‘ HATS! ".\TSH “.\TS' H IF YOU WANT A HAT - don’t. buy it before _mu ser- the huge :15- sortm-nr mull kinda, 0F Fl'll, FELT AND HTRAW HATS. Jnrzt upeuwi Mn! for sale. clwaper than , they u‘re sold eisowbem by ~ ROW 8 WOODS. 911053! 311012“! ! SHOES !'! .\IES‘S. mu B', mum, .\hsdt-s’ and Cnihilen‘s Shoes of every stylaund qu'lHl). just rl-vrhmi um] Shh] it little ulpelper chm nnybody 01:1: “ill sell Ihe 5.11 m: :u‘!iclo,:by ‘ . RUW J: WOODS. NOTICE TEHS‘n—erly :1” our shoes are wfmt are called “Home-made Shaw,” and are made at the bod material. W 9 snr it buldb‘ that we keep for sale a bettrr quality ol'Shuos Hum are generally Imm_d in Sh e Svores. [)rv Guods “Store Shoes" urethe trash in marl“ I. FOR LADIES, .\lisnr-s and Clnildrrn.wo have Huts, trimmed and nmrixumod. "Usim \- (Hme :, &c., all said cheap, by ROW .\2 “'UUDS. TRUNKS, Carpet Sinks. Umhroilas, Riding Whips, Window Paper, Window IHind=. kc", by HOW & WOODS. —— J CpRSETS,Frenrh, Shouldrhbrncr‘ and cnm~ mon,_of best. material, at. ROW. & WOODS'. RAZDRS, Slmpk, Sharin‘g Soap, Shaving Brushes, all of the lmsl,tlu:lh‘tyh at the store of , 4 HOW & WUUDS. POCKETS BOOKS of an kinda, fm- Ladies and Gentieqaen, by RUW a, WUQDS. .\IUSK‘AL INSTRUMENTS !—Aocordeons. \‘io‘ins, Violin 130 m. Violin S'r‘mgs, Roam, especinify prepared. for use on'the bow, sold at lowest prlcés by ROW & WOODS. SPOOL COTTONLPAn-nt Thrcmi Fans. Sns» pcndersafinrters. Cufis, Coll-um, Shirt Fronts, Linen, Cotton 9nd Cnmbnc Handkerchiefs, m. the store of '; ROW & “MODS. COLLARS, Crnvals, Sack-fies, BnMFr—flws, something new, at. RUW .s: \VUODS. We assure those who have been' buying at" 118,80 d all others, that our present s'bck of gbodl has been sebum! with care and win be sold :3 cheap as possible. Give us a call be fore buying what you med in our the and you shall not go away disappointed. ‘ I ROW g WOODS. Gettysburg, April 24. 1865. . Globe Inn. You 31., mun nut mum“), ET'l‘ Y 8 B U RG, P A.—-The nndvrtignedl ‘ vauld most. respectfully infoi‘m his nu merous friends and the public generally, flint ‘ he has purchased Ib,“, long ratnhliahed and well'knovm Hotel. tho “Globe Inn,” in Yorkl streetflGetlysbnrg, and will spare no efion to conduct it in a manner that will not detract from if: former high reputation. His table Inll line the best the, market can aflord—his chambers are ipncioul and comfortable—and ‘ be ling laid in for his bar a full stock of wines and liquors. There, is large mbling numbed l to the Hotel, whiéh will be attendedby luteu- ‘ tin huubh. It will be his constant endeavor ‘ to render the fullest ntisfaction to his guests, ‘ making. his house In neu a home to them as possible. He ash A shire of the public’s pp troulge, deuminfid as he is to deaerrea large ‘ purl of it. Remember, tlief‘Globe Inn" is in { York Inlet, but near um Diamond. or Public Square. . SAMUgL WOLF“ April 4, 1864. M ‘ ‘ w“ - New Goods. 0 E0110]: ARNOLD has just. racriredvfl’rou til. it} a larga supply of CLOTHING, Ken’s m'dEßoys’ wear consistinfi of all kinds of sons, PANTS, vésrs, E 51518, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, ’ [3OK flBSJIMOVES, EOSIBRY, kc. —— a lo - A’ nook 01' chus, GASSDIEBES, OAS , iii-ANS, DEILLINGS, EL, £13., g 1! of which will he sold In chap :5 an be bu! elsewhere. Give as I call, and if we can po!‘ lens. you inn wit. mdynnde we will “#10" monument! make aup .one in short notice. ‘ ‘ {£43o. 186;, b ~ , ALw I! 31‘}1 ' I ~ ‘ - A-LBUX'SL‘H not Mud 5.!” and W W “wwwflwr '° W" 'M M 119:: '~- - - mm Tm: peculiar taint or infection which we rail Scuort'u lurk in the constitution! of multitudes of men. It rither produce: or is Irodut-ed by an en fut-bird. vitintetl shim H" the blood. wherein that fluid become-n in~ competent to mntnin the vital forces in their rigorous action, and lenvcs the system to ...'me fall into disorfier and decay. The scmfulous contmninntion is vu riousi)’ caused by mercurial dist-ale, low living. disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure' air. tilth mid filthy habits, the duprelaing \‘iCl'S, an]. above all, by the veneml inft-vtinn. Whatever be its origin. it is hereditary in the constitution, descending “from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation:” indeed. it seems to be the rod of llim “ho says, “I will iii! the iniquitics of the fitthers upon their rhildren.” The distflues it originates take various names. act-«filing tn the organs it nttncks. In tho lnngfi. Scrofuln prulhlt't'l tubercles, and finally Conwmption; In the glands, swiiingq which suppurate and be come ulccrous smut; in the stomach and boivels. demngt-ments which produce ind}: gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin. eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, allilinging the same origin. require the same remedy. ‘ll., purification and invigora tion of the blond. l‘urify the blood, and those dangerous dihlt'mpt‘rs leave you. With fut-hie, foul. or t-orrutrted blnotL you cannot hflve health: with that “life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayor’s Smapurilla is compoumlvd from the most effectual ami— dntes that. medical grit-me has disrm'cn-d'fur this sfilicting dim-nmor. and for the cure uf tho disordvn l 1 t-ntuils. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet dm-in-d. ii known by‘all who lmvugiu-n it ntrinl. That it does cdmbine \irtnvs truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of cutnplaims, is indisputuhly pron-n by the great multitude of publicly‘ knuwn and rcnmtkuhlo euros it has mnde‘of the following diseases: King‘s Evil, pr Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysxpelas, Rose or St. Anthony‘s Fire, Salt Rheum, Scam Head. Coughs from tuberculous deponits in the lungs, White Swelhngs. Debflity. Biopsy. Kenmlgia. Dyspgpsta or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitlc Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and. indeed, the whole series of Culllplhtllta that arise {mm impurity of the blood. Minutt‘ report: of indiiidnal t‘ztsqs nut)i he tuuml' in Anni .t—uumnx At “ANA". whit-h iw t‘lnnisln-d tu thv drugghto for grutnitmxs dl~tnbutiuu. uhun‘in nmy be lmrnml tlu- dint-hull: inr it: thwnnnl sutne of the rvnmrknhlv l'lll‘i‘S whit-h it, hm m ulo when all nthor remedies lmd thilul 1011mm} relief. Those ('aws arc [nnpuwly when from ulleectimH of (lip t-ountxy. in utdcr thut.cvefy reader may lme ltu'v’m lu mine one who cut speak to him at it- in-nrfih from pt-rvnnalioxveriom-v. Scrutuln ch-pn saw the flux! merging, and thnn It‘nu‘s its \iqtinis iut' nmrc suhjcct to thnn-o nutl it~ fund n-KIJH than are healthy cmntitutinns. iluwu it. tvnds to sham-n. and (luvs greatly shonvn, the Menage dumtiun‘ 01' human life. The \ast importance ut‘ these considerations hm led us tq spend your; in )wrtirting u H Inmly \thich itadcquutb to its mrr. 'l'hi» \u- nmv offer to the public unde’r llw mum- 02‘ .\i I If: SARSAPJIHLLA, ahlmngh it is mnqnud of ingredients, some of which oxu-t-d the lu-.~t of Sarahxrrilla in nitcnttiu- pmrrr. By its md you may pron-ct your- ('lt'hum tln- ‘liflt r ing and danger of thmo tli~urtlvr~. l‘nrgo out the foul corruptiom that rot and fem-r in tho bipod, purge out the ('alts'cl ufdiwnso. and vigorous hcnith‘uill lullmr. liy in porn iim‘ virtues this rum-11y btnmnlmtw tlw \'ll.ll functions. und~thus expel: the di~tmnpurs “hich lurk \iilhin the :ytcui ur lurat out on any jun-t of it. We Know the pul-lic have inn drooiu-d by mnn‘y mmpoumh nt' .\‘mmpun'llu. that promised much and did nothing; in! they i. will neither be dvvciu-d L‘nr di.~:.mminlui m i this. Its virtuvi ham ln'c-u )nrmrn I.) .lhnn ' dnnt trial, and ihcrc rtnmilu no qursl'mn of I) in sun-pissing oxcclk‘nco fur {hr (lure of the 1 milk-ting disarm-x it i\; intruded m n-znh. ‘ Aldmugh undvr [fu- mnuu nunw, it i: :1 \my “ dilfcrcnt medicine flulll an} ulhur uhith [mx‘ been Define the junylc‘, and is hr nmro vf~ factual Hum any utlwr “kit-h has met been m‘ailubl'c to them. Aynnzs ‘ r , CIIJERRX I’EC’I ORAL. The World's Great ~Remedy for Celtghs, Colds, Incxiient Con- .- s mstionmndlfort erclief . ,of onsumpuve patients : inadvnnch stages ‘ of the disease. Thin‘lmfi been so lung 115 ml nml so unf wrsally known. that H- neul do 710 mom than assure the public that Tu quality i» kept up (U the hon-t it ever has Mon. and that u mny lveirel‘lul on to do all 'n lm-z m 91- dam: Prepared by DR. .l. (‘. Ah'nn & (‘u.. ‘ Practical and Analyh'ml ( 'an'flo, I Lowbll. Man. Sold ‘l)y All druggifls every where. WEN Sale by A. D. Buehh‘r, (Telusflurq, and deali-rs 29m rally. Aug. 8, [864. eowly New Goods. FAHNESTOCK BRUTHERS Ale constantly rc-Cching (hoico null-(le simble finals, from New York. Philadelphia I\ud Baldimorv. and Ar? prt-pnrcd m ruler GREAT ,lNlllYi‘l'lMl-IXTS to tbcse‘ 111 mm. purchasing. Having selcclml with gre'at cflrfi, from the threeludingmnrkets, the public will lonk in their own interval: hy examiniy‘lg our stuck before buying oltauhenn Call at ‘ 4 EAHXESTOCRS’ May 9, 1864. - Red from. Something for Everybody TU BUY AT DR. )1. HORNEIK’S ‘: DRUG A‘ND VARIETY STORE.— JuA owned a fine aswnmeul m Drugs and Medhim-s, Patent Megicinrs, ' '7 Slalionvry, . ‘ Fancy Dr) Gaodn, ‘~ . Confer-Hons, ‘ o Groceries, ' Notions, 'romcco, smms, ac Jan. 18, 1504. ‘ Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING cominues the business A, of SALE CRYIKU, and solicits the con tinued patronage of the public. It is his cop slant endcin'or m gin sntisfm-tion. Charges moderate. “Residence in chckinridge street, Gettysburg. ' R. S.—He is n lirensed Auctioneer, under the I’“,an of the United States. K Nov. 24, 1862. ..‘ ~ ' ‘ Still at Work. \ HE undersigned continues the T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its bfflllCllel.‘fit his old stand, in East Middle street. Gettysburg. NEW WORK nude (9 order, a'nd - ~REPA I R I N G done promptly and at town: prices. Two lint-rate SPRING WAGONS and a SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TRUXBL.’ Doc. 7, 1863. Howard Association. HILABELFHI’A, PA.~7— Diseases of the Nervous, Seminal, Urin’nry and Sunni ”taint—new and reliable tremmrnb—in re port: of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by lllil in suled‘lelter envelopes, Inc of chm. Adams, Dr. J. sxunm BUDGE TON, Howard Auockltion, No. 2 South. Ninth Street, Philadelphia; Pa. 7‘ ' Aug.s,xss4. ly . , New Goods, GEORGE ARNOLD has now on hand hi. . nap)! dYSPRH‘G GLQTHING, Input], pt hwown manufndming, consistingofnllkindaof COATS, PANTS, ' VESTS. BLOUSBS. SHIRTS, mamas, m; Also, a huge stock of Piece Goods, "a, 3,. 01.0185, CMSIIIEBKSJRMINGB, was; 3:, tc. “Elan am hem packaging a... 1 en. arms-Watt:- ‘hlny 22, 1855. V I Agricultural Chemical Co): Hum r r‘snrtmznns. C The Fertilitep prepared by the Agrlenl. turn} Chemical 00.. (A Company chaflered by (he Legislature with A cnpiLll of $250,000,) have been proved in practire to be the the-pa est, most profitable and heal, for flu Farmer. Gardner 11ml Fruit-grower, 0| all concentrated manure! now offered in any unit“. Tht Colnpnuy’s list embruses the following: This Fertilizm- in 3mm 1 PABULETTE. pom 01 night 101 l mt )lhe fertilizing elements or mini, combined a chemically and mechanically with other‘vnln. } able fertilizing meat: and nbnrbum. ' . I 'lt is reduced to n pulverulent candthon; i ready for immediate use, and without In" of its highlv nitrogenous fertilizing prom-Mu. ‘ its unlit-real applicability to all crop: ind -suils. and its «lnrgbilily and nqtin qunliliet, inro wall kuoma to be all that agricultnrisll lt-nn desire. This Farm , CHEMICAL GOMPOST. um ~ ’ lur‘gqrty connpoxed"nf «Ilium? mutter, such mp ‘meul, l-om‘, fish. leather, hair and wool. to. ‘ gérher with rhnnimls and inorganic fertilizers, : “hich dt-cnulpoae the mass, and null! flu ‘ nitrogtnuus elome‘um. ~ “I l It is :\ Veg VulunblP ferlilizer for field crap! ’gencmlly, lunl espéeinlly to: Tp‘tuuloes, and 1 garden parpo-M. ’ Its exumnl quul'nicsfltrgnmh and cheap new, have made it very popular with all who l lune usul n. , - - - This M 4117 ;Comp_®;te Femhzer. phospht. a 2, l'nlilimr :5 p-lrih-uhuly vdnpled tor the cum. ‘I \:|liun nfln-vs, l'xnils, luwns nud Ilnwvrs. It. ‘will prmuuu- u \pry vigorous nml hvnlthy I gm“ th m'wnml :md I'rui'. mud largely inn-cam 1 mo quluuily mu! peril-H the mnmnty of tho :fi'lll'. For hot-(I mm and {uoqfiekold NM!" ‘ mu] fluwvrs, it \\i{l be (cum! an indisputable. : article to m cure thnlr greatest perlcuion. It, hull prevrut um] cure diseased cvndilionl OR 1 the pouch :~upc, and is rxcellent fur gnu mul hr'vnfi. . l h. it: rompnsed of sulh elements nu mnlée it ; adapted [o the urowll; or all kinds of rrops in ’ull k'xmh of 50115. ' I The formula. ur‘mcl-hml of combining it '[L'x‘hli'm‘m iI-rlilizing i min-nu Inn-4r rO.- ' cx-iuul Hm hiulu-smmuovuwvl ymineut chemisn :uml scimmliv ugxiculturiats. A' ~ - 'l‘lu- Aurivulmml I Phosphate 0f Lune. ”ma.“ M. Inn) mmulgvture:l‘lesplnuc nt Lime in M'- Hun-Lu“ o mlh l ncu :uul vufu‘lnlo lormnh by iulml) u ‘l‘4'\ xu'pvriu'r miwlvisprndnwd, ‘0 4! m h.- ullurdml “U. n laws pr‘u-v Ilmu nnmr mnmw .lwlnwrs ‘hm .1; l’rmuiml tl‘sl.‘ huw plow-I H: .1114 when u- -. h Elihu-r, is ulna: In |!.:- ‘.)l"’l ll’l.u~l.h.m-ul Lunu- In lln- lUULCL 1 TERHS (Khfl. All Huh-H nrn T-m armor". \\ 111 In» dv Iw“ rml ul 'hu- l’. uhmlfl .\'umuus u") I H-(' \\ i..u\‘- s of .\‘hnpuwul, fun- «A .c ”Luna—- ’twrmm- “ill gm" 011:”ch on u“ urders m .; 'l) uH-L nr IN}? ' , ‘, Um- «lull‘n 3hr Tun allownnre fur «fit-Im- “HI ‘hc mu-e u. nil smin «lrihon‘ul :Il Iho: 1“ "II“ M 11w Ln npuly, 011(‘mucl \\ lmrf. Luann l.'l‘l7lt.\L ('llhr.\‘|lt‘;\!.t'u. S \\'lH‘.K>‘: l .\‘r (‘.\\"l. WM“. 0:: 1m: lH‘r,\\\‘\rr. ' ; ‘(l_.,’lu‘, 11::1. LIL am. I'/,,/.,./.1,,/,,.,, Im. l IL‘H. I"| ITS, (lvnrrnl Agrnh E The ("mummy : Palm-film Unrulnr, c-m' I‘lll'- I in} lull \hrvvnuns 011%51113 111? «have l'rln 'll7rx>.-“IIX In m IH,! 09, \\ Inn u-qm-sxcd. ; Mar. 11:, EH: :. um , 1 . Great Sale . ' F WATFHES AND Jh\\'F.l.RY. ; 0 ‘ SIJMNIIUH) wnn'rnu "I.lm dimmed of “I Um 111-lII.MX.I‘.f('I', Mllll’ mu my ml In \nhw, lIU‘ In hr 1) ill la r mm] . _um 'va. \th )xn no in n-ro'nr, !‘ m‘ A. u. m-wm .{r m... (31:41:13 lnr 1h:- .\lmmlnuurt‘h.) ». :n limmux ‘Srnrn. .\m \uux [fif‘ Rm.) |lw':ol!o“ing ILI u: Allid‘m to be SUM fur (“E “DH. \R : . ,‘ 100 mm mm "-.'-mu- \rntum. NM) :- “nu-Inn.turinuxntflu, 2100 " Lmlum‘ (mm “1.11:th _ ..m .\.m r‘“ . 0.. how: Mrh <2O m In 'l‘. my u; u 1. am: ml»- r 1! & uurk duh“, ~~ u w n. :u m t. Muir-v} 1 nhmml . dm‘m w! pup, -- .3 w m :I. m. 4' 01 1:..m. rum ll .u-mwl mu Iltluh. .:- I. "1.10 n. no 3qu ‘lnu-luu- “Ha-hub: H u. I- .’. an In h. ..n :«r G I ..nrnrm ( mummy: mu} vnnm. 0 win... I‘. m . wallyllnuln-J him-4, H .7 m. 4.. Mm. ‘2"00 \l w-Li- Mn] IIIIJIIu-w | "‘N‘ ' " , 2.3 m. \mM nun xm .n m 2. ".:.-..‘ .4 .. l a..." m an»! \lwwlc “mommy” 21th I ..‘-m. xi.h.~(hfl, ‘ :‘a-mt “I’ll hr Dmlu. , :Ir 1: Lulu-1‘ “nu-l: Chain». mon how :‘n I'm-. a «Wand»! .mur't. -‘ 40m um! um Horn lzulhum: u ‘ TOM!) Stu-l» .m-Ir’lm-vo [hull-nu in w". " 3 AM: In h: u, .M'l) >lm-w l‘wllnun p'nm. mud vhg'd, ' ‘1 In. m 3 ml ‘ Imm» plum m 4 mgr-ml K'le’d' H 2 in. In I» m ‘ mm [Mm-h. null, rum 'unl‘. ’. -~ 2 III: In In 1... ~lller w“ Lain-fl . anon], MI and ‘ A law“ nxyoc. S {OO- H-lfldwma Stu-I Ling“. 2-4 L >lle L‘: mm studs, , m U huh] l’l'n‘ :n'ml (ml-l Huh!"- gnaw-R. (5 Jr! nnd (Md l'um and 1.)" urn" hp”: “”1"" \mv rich 20411~Guld ThulhlrLJ'm c 1. AI: ll‘nMHmH 1"!“ .nwl \lhrr .~ mm, lww ~- -" lab-m 3 hllmvl', 1 his rnlm lid. L-l m-nn'il :l mu! \.uu.m,c goud‘ \\ x“ M SUM for ONE Dogma euvh. ('u: llfivnh't 0! m'l {hr nhmenrfh hut will m- pluc d in rnwlnprs. :Imfscnled. Tim-e onwlapvs un ycrm '1) mm}, n 5 urdrrcd, “iihulltll’t‘jlh‘l In Hum-e ‘(in the riccipv. OHM (‘N’Lflfuln yuu vrill sou wh IL: nu are to hnw, and lhrn it i- ul. _mnr ”min" (u send Iqu Dollar and take the nrlidr. or not. Fun .n'rhfirllu can he ordered Tor SI; elncn wr $2 ; thirtymr $3; sun-fin: fur SH; and om- hundred fur $l5. We‘ “11l null .\ music Crnlfimw on the receipt 0! 2."- CH“: Agvats “ :lnlcd to \n hmu v e ofler 51min! u'nnn; an ml :5 cents for one crrm'n mo and our l intu -1:" with lunm. A. ll HUWI‘ZN k (:0 , :15 Beekflmn smm, .\. Y. I’, 0. 1301 4:71. ' .\l.l_\' 22, 18.55. am . Lancaster Book Bmdery. / EORGE WIAp'T, ' , ‘ ; ' ‘ 1300 K BINDER, Asn nun loox nmcncmutn, ~ LABUASTHH, [’A. Plain and Ornamental Binding, of m 91:] (10¢ arriplinn,‘exeruted in the must sub. mums! and approved stylgl. StE/RITEXCED E. W. Brown, th., Farmer; Bunk of Luncgstc? W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bulk , SamngWagner, Esq, York Bank. ' ' Willi Wagner, 359.. York County Bank. ’ T. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Pun-Martin, Esq., Prom’yofl‘mwastrr «0., Pg Geo. C.Hnwtlwrn,Elq.,l:egisu-r ‘f ~ ‘i Geo. Whilson, Equllccm-dat 'l “- April 15. Ml Everhartl RAKE”)! HOUSE, 4 conxn g 1193:1393 {Mums 52333319; . BALTIMORE, MD. This House is up a direct line between me .\'cu’neru CenmJ ml Bwimon and Ohio Rail road Drpou. I: Im. been rrfitled‘ and con:- fonnbly nrnnged (or the convenicnre and 11:3 enlertummem of guests. 0W»- 31.1864- If ‘ ' .._.“ A ”.__. _v .....,_____ ...'- ~J~—_-—~ -f New Bakeryd EWPOBT gunman, Mechanics! Bui crs, Smut uhingm street, hall sqnnrl tron the flag“ Howl, GETTYSBURG.‘Pn.—— Cogsumly on hand, the be): 0! BREAD, CRACKS”, CAKES, BRETZELS, to. Ref aons wishing fresh Bra-d will be served every morning, by lunng their name! and residences nub. Bskcry. five” emu-l. mule to plan.» Gm nus-111. . [April 20, ’O3. tr , Revenue Stampfl V P In] denomination cop-tut!) 6n tum; p and {or file at the First Human] By; a fieltylhm'g. GEO. ARNOI‘D,C”hie;. 6“”.qu Nov. H. 1864'- ‘ : ,Giye Himacw! an pine: m obtain a pqrfectflotomphar. fi-bml‘. mama m n:- bm mane: is n. ma ’3 GALLEJRY, in liddll “not. J”. 9, 1805. 133633.810!!! - -- nxonmon ' . < Housman drawsmmv MW" ...‘ e—e w ,’en a sun.— UMquati'nfifiyfls“ “Gail. ’ ' '. » f_‘ '1 7"“ now?» 1211=1123 CEO IMMI null-2.1 nu m. p. In no N 5 m. In .Lu nu II 4 m In 6 no ~~ Ennis .... 2 ix, tO .1 011 , :ron• 11, IMM=!I n 3 I!“ [LI ’ I“) .. 2 m n nu -~ 1': m- In 2." ll) J Ghu 0"“ 00 ‘ 4 Nu m n .... " ' 5 m. In 1; MD .. 4 no It: 0. nu