The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, June 12, 1865, Image 4
» New and Cheap l . . 3:1: - , , ‘ mobs n nsnvcao pawns—nann -.--.~..;;£.‘a» 5.5+. "a: —~ STUCK BROTHERS have refleireticndf: ' 1 ‘ ‘ he now 0 in a large and uric MW 0 7 sin Eh 71‘s a . ‘SHHXU (Egbbfi, to which they invite the at-I "you itzu-zs‘on Flomky, ll inmate; danger; .lcution of buyers. K Smite on '[uesJ'VJW will_ "9°“ ‘ “WW" 6 l Milken Goods their Igpck cousin“ of r‘ 1 on Wvdundn ‘ on will receive 'nlet- BO BAZJNES . > ‘m 9 ‘~ M . . uuvAchs, "i? BHALLIES, » ' DELAINES,» , ‘ MOZAMBIQUES, ‘ ‘ * XOHMR, ) , ~ lELAUX, ‘ CALICOES, It, oLenrfn‘tjle and quality, and which cannot. hi] to plums. ‘ ' For Gentlemeu'l wen: we hqve n’hoice so. leclion of . . ‘ ' CLUTHS, . , , .‘ Tiii, . ~;T my»: on Thursday, you will get lomething 3mm. ‘ 1 Sana on Fri-Iny,inm9nes sorrow; f» , Sneeze on Saturday, fan will have I beta to- rnorrew ; Film-1e berm-u; you in, you’ will hive company before y'nu 2100 p; . ‘ Jr ynn em-vzc mm» you an dressed, you will wt- ynnrbean lu'fuls; you gé to rest. , -- > ~«lu ”-7—“... 1 (“UK HEADACHEmVSio-k uneducheis BM.- nm-se 5L llw :mmmhe, a trndom-y (0 Tamil, mmhincd with {min In some parts of|be held. ganmlly qt the left mic. fl. is caused by “we beimr too much bile in {be system, fro'm the fact that this bile is manufactured too rnp ndly, ur is not wbxked 6mm!— the system fist Enough by Rudy, active ,excrciu. Hen Laden‘lary persons, those who do no! hulk about ugrenl dent, but. are sealed'gz the house :10:ny all the limo, are almost~exclusivuly the victimsNthis dish-asking mulmfy. “usually begins soon after wakingsTnp in the morniqg. nn_d htts‘fiflay or two, ‘nr moref Thcre me many curlers; [he most hcqnmt is, the dc fnngemeut cube Atommh by lute and hem; supper” by eating too songn after a regular meal-4m: hours rhould M Ions! i'ntcrvene; mtiqg too much of any fiunrite dish ; eating ' without an: nppttito; inrt'ing food; eating af lul‘ W is- conscious at having enough; eating romethmg which we a'omnch cannot digest, or hon} swmmh. Any hf these thingq may in le‘l headache oi the niost distressing .charnc 101‘ in un honrfjt in unused by indulgence in . . i i . spirituousitquors. thn n portion has Sick hcudncho them is no appetite; the very sight at {End is hateful; the tongue is famed, the hands and feet. aw ooh], and there is a. iegling pinnivcrsnl discomfort, with nn utter indi’spo aitiun to flu nnfihihg whatever. . .\ glass cf ’ warm water, into which is mpidly uirrcd a tummy tenypoonful each of salt 11nd kitchen mustard, by causing instantaneous vomiting, cmpllcs the blomm-h ul' the bile or undigested 50m fund, and a grateful relicfis often experi mlcctlnn the mot; and rest, with n fuw hours of sound, refreshing alt-op, completes the cure, nupecinlly if the principu] [nu-r oflhcinqxc duy or two is spent in mental diversion nnd out.- door ncljvilicr, not mling my Mom of food, but drinking freely of cold water nudhot tens, uh til you feel‘as i! a piece of cold breadland bin.- wr woujd realty taste good. Nine times in ten the cause of siék headache is the fact that the Elouinch is not. able tugdigest the fooii last in troduced into it,oithm~ fimn its! being unsuit able or excessive in quantity. When thestom uch is weak, a spabnl‘ui of the wildest, bland tst fo'ud wouid cause an attack _nf sick hemi tu-he, when ten times the amount might. have been lnken in health, not only with impunity, but with pdsitive nd_vnntnge. ‘ ‘ ' A diet of cold br-cm] and bultér, Lmnd ripe (mils and berries, with modemtc Continuous ”cruise in the open nir,-sumclrnt to keep up :3. very gcfitle porspérntion, “:uuhl, pf them selves, curcnlmdst every case within thirty-six hours. Two lcnxpnonfula of pulverized clinr can], slired in lmlfn glass of water, an}! drunk, genernll‘y gives relief. _ .7 —--~ «...A———-.—-—i " A NEW USE FUR 01.1) NAILS.—;It is atm led as n new discovery that wonderful cfl‘egls may LP obtained by watts-ring i‘rnit ufi'es ahd negcmblcs with a. solution of sulphate of iron. Undo;- tlns system bcnns will grow Ito nearly Jouble the size, and will acquire a much more snvorgtnstcg The four seems to no particu l:uly well ndnptml for this treatment. 013 nails thrown into _wufn and left 70 rust there will impurt to it all the necessary quulilicntions pfforging vegetation as Jescrilwd. WGenelal Sclrofield, commanding in North Carolina, has issued an order for the goveniment of thol‘rcedmcn in his Depart ment. The order declares the former mos tersf’guardiuns of minor, aged and infirm‘ - negmes who are without l'eiullons capable of supporting them; forbidaulluble-bodicd pegroes to leave their homes or live in idle ness, so as to compel others to {maintain ‘tholr parents, children oryounger brothers ‘or sisters ; allows adults free from these obli fintlons to seek employment wherever they pleasé, and leaves, employers nnd- servants to ngrcogupon the wngw to be paidufltfi comma [to be appointed in each district to pan y out the provisions of this order. la-A portion of the religious press of the Noah are disposed to be severe on the Rev erend SecOssiouists of the South aim] just ly too, because they bed much to oin fc'» wanting and carrying on the ‘rebellion. But the loyal preachers of the North were not 'hlnmelcss ; had they livgd in the South many of them would have ren dered their name: no legs infamous than that of the Right ltev. Brigadier Gen pml Polk. The preachers of the Uni ted States first split themselves, then infu ujngothe fell spim which had b'een engen dered in their Conventiong into their con gregfitiom, they split up the whole country. 'l'he'rcbellion, thank Gotfi is‘over, never, tire hope, to deluge this land again hiB: blood; bet if thelcountry is to be united pqcb'méfo, and, peace permanently estab lished, the preachers of the North he well as the South rmisthe more intenton cheri-l ty and good mllfimd lam devoted to polit ical strife and sectiorral mimosity. than they hay'c been hithertoh ' i S‘A'Chicngo minister, evidently spoil lug for a fight, Look occasion. some days lines, in upgayer‘, m msult Heaven as fol lqu’: ' .. 910, God, it'it is not right to visit loyal in dignnl'um upon unmcrm in mg streets of. Chicago; laknockmg them down; grant. to the loyal, a pqwer ql‘ forbearafice." / TM felldw would be very happy if he me'ildéée I mob every daytand could fall: to éhnrch 0;; pavemenu made slipperywith b 14204. 77; ‘ 7 ______.__ ‘ fi-The Hun-isburg‘ ,Tclrgfaph (Binak mp 2) “or‘xpmm. says "the blood of Johnu‘mn érios fox Justice."‘ Jtélm “'0'?“ the first to fire on the ‘Ameri: sari” g‘ni Harper’s Ferry. and has been made 9%: artsy the Republicahs. Are Vi wagfida‘ruand by the Telzgraph, that. thn__3govh'c blood‘dgmagds that an who his fired 0;: the flag and stole United flan-Rp‘efly must be oanouized Y ; “who Nay York Eminngost, an in- W! fifepg’lflicgn sheep, in a ”$113,313,;- M 22 ~ ' : ' ': V‘ffi» ,[ r :3 to insist that whgnier, #jmfigztfigw an Amgrim cgiguen 1%, 9:1” .. 9° !! “W” 90':- 9%“??‘su *. _ ' g 5“ Eh“: Q m "id'Attwg 91130, $llO ~ _ -" ‘, “Wake children, up: -,_ .3 WWW-m Mei} ima S. FANCYo'QASSmERES; . ' vasnms, and low pricefl Pants Goods, at prices which we it"“mm‘t‘ to gin- snlillnctian. in Domes “Ul, we.can offer HUSLINS FROM 12} CENTS UPWAIXDS. In addition to the nbovc we have increased our stock of Quecnsvmrc n'nd Hardware nun:- duced prices.‘ Also—— Cinh‘RflES. AT THE LOWEST RATES. in fact, our nwék comprises everything Jich customers may desire Fund at. priceq lower than my other establishment in tho countymAll we ask i: an: examination to angsry all that it is to their interest. to give us a call. EAHNESTUCK BROTHERS. .Mny 1, 1865. Great Attraotlon T BRJNKE'RHUFF'S CHEAP CLOTH‘SG A.AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North EauzCnrner or the Diamond. The subsvriber is constantly in receipt oH’resh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of . ~ ‘ ,READY-HADE CLOTHQI'G :is one of tlie hirgest, and mos? fittrnctive, as well as the chenpestiestnbliahmcnt nl' the kind in the ennniry. You will‘there Lind COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most {ushiunnhle styles, and of the‘bcst materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.— Geutleynep’a’iurnishing goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin , Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Fhirts, Merino, Wool and gotten Drawers, lloeierxofevery description lurk-akin,'l\lerino and Cotton Gloves, Hand ‘kcrchiots, N'eclr Ties, Crowns, Lincnnnd Paper Collarsgflnts, Cups, Boots and Shoes. Um brelln's, Trunks, anicesz Carpet Bags, Clothes ninl 'Slioq Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe making, Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory (Tombs, Wntches,Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and Perfumerics, Stntiofiery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, nn extra quality ofSégnrs. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in it first class [furnishing store. I invite the nttenliun of all to come and reefer themselves, as I am determined to sell goodrlower than any othercstnblishmeutin the country. Don’t forget the place. Corner of Y 0 street ting the Dinxnoml. , JACOB BRINMUFF. July 4, 1864. i i _ , ‘ Coal, Lumber, Stoves, &c.f UARLES H.‘BUEHLER Would rpspectfnlly inform the public that. he will continue the business 1:1!er con ducm .1 by the firm of Shem]: hßuchlor, at the 01.1‘gmnd,\ csnncr of Cnrlisle and Railroad slums. Jik Will be prepared to furnish THE BEST QUALITY OF CUAL, ‘ and every variety of LUMBER, inéluding Doors, ShuttersQSush, 5:0. Also, every Ninety of Cooking Slovesmmong which are the NOBLE COOK, ROYAL mox, WELLING TON, WAVERLY, PRINCE .ROYAL, . 1 ORNAMENTAL COOK, kc Also, PARLOR, DINING ‘ fi mmu, SALOON up 5:10? STOV, E S ‘- Also, every variety of TIN AND SHEET [HON WARE,mnnnflnctured'hy the best work men. Also, IiULLUW WARE ofcvery vnriety, inchuling n superior article of onnmvlled Fork. lndécd every Variety of Kitchen Wnre.will be kopt constantly on Land. ‘ Alsthetar-IumeIeYNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINUER,” for-which he is the sole agengin tpecounty. 'He is also the n‘ ,V , WV ”gt )1- Wheeler .ilson‘s Sbwipg Muhincg—the best in use. :7 ‘April 10, 1865'. 'C. H. BUEHL‘ER. EMOVALC HI)LTZWOR__H AIWS.AY AHFAD , THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS—JOHN L. lIOLTZWORTH has ~justreturned from the City with the lnrgest 811 d most complete assort ment'of‘HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, um has been Brought to,“ this town since the war. His 'étock'is n'ot only complete, but is GOOD and CHEAP embrncidg ever-x variety of Boots and Shoes for lien and Boys, Whiist the Ladies will find everything in their line, from the finest Guitar to the heaviest Shoe’. Children’s Shoes oi every description, in great vdriety. Also, Ln. dies’ Han, fine quality, and Children’s flats, of all styles and prices. Also, Trunks, OM pet Bags, Vulises, Umbrellas, Gloves, Stock ings, Tobac‘co, Cigms,and Notions of every description. _ wDon‘t 1'01"th the place, South-east (for of the Dinmond, Gettysburg, Pa. . __' ‘ u , JOHN L. HOLTZWORTJX. . April 10, 1865. gt ‘ ' “Chgap Clothmg. ‘ ‘B‘ WAY ‘ OR BARGAINS r 1 I F.B.PI§ING'S . FASHIONA LE CLOEI'IIING TORE, . BALTIMO I: SmurnGxT-nsmno. Our‘Sprin‘g [I d Summcfl supplyjust opened is the Largest. and beat selected stock of Cloth ing ever brought to ‘Geuysbnrg, embracing all‘the ‘ ‘ LATEST ST‘YLES FOR MEN AND BOYS; among which are fine fitting Dress 'and Busi ness Coats, Cloth, Cassimeze, Silk, Satin and Cotton Vesis, Dress and Business Pants,‘ of every style,gunlily and size, Under Clothes 0! every description. Also, 1 GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Embracing _Gloves, Collars, Neck-ties, Sus penders, Hosiery, kc. Also, 'NOTIONS IN ENDLESS‘_VARIETY. such, 35 Violins, Actordeons, Violin’Strings, Clocks, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Comb}, Rumors and Razor Straps, ‘Sonp, Spectacles, Canes; Pen Knives, Pencils, Pens, and Domi noes. Also, - ‘ . TBUNKS,‘ CARPET SACKS, UMBRELLAS, ‘ I TOBACCO, SEGARS,. and indeed a little of everythingwill be found in this Store. Having made our punchases {orCash, and at a. fuygrablc time, we are prev pared to sel! cheap. . BEHENBER THE PLACE. If you dosh-9 to have a,good fitting suit, mnde bf good material, call Ind examine for yourselves, and SAVE MONEY. ‘ April 24, 1885. F_. B. PICKING. .HE pnnn‘rship heretofore existing be tween the undersigned; under the name and style of FAHNESTOOK BROTHERS, in this day dissolved by mutual consent-« James F. Fahnestock retiring. JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK, . HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, - ' EDW. G. FAHNESTOCK. HE index-signed, remninining partners of the firm of FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, wul continue {he businessgat the same place, under the same name and style of firm. . L HENRY I._FAHNESTOCK, "EDWARD G. FAHNESTOCK. 111 m 9, 1865. . ‘ , ~~ MM 0? WINTER. GOODS AT A. SCOTT h SON’S—We ind“ the nttention'of buy ers to our stock of Winter Goodg, which will he sold ,cheap, consisting of ’ ' ’ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shaw!“ Dha‘king Cloths, etc.l etc. For Men‘s and Bgyl’ «eat we hire Claim, Cassimeres‘, Comings, Veatings, with a. variety of Cotton ades,’&c., M. Call and see. N0v.,28,1864. ’ A. SCOTT k SON. “ , Doz You Wl3}: 0 ’breserve 5,9009 likeness of yum-self, your child:- a, or your friends? go a: 9m :5 amu’mys suing“, the has; placg_ in thelcounty to-s'ecure sth class piano/3.! ‘Jan.a,,xs6s. i x ‘ .. . , ‘BY PM?» Haflflnts onic u- Alters“: Jive Powderl‘for HO E Ind ATTLE, .rpd ”£me aw m WV < " {339‘ 1.95 (“is . ‘ 1’ ' ’ kW ME! No Humbug. Dissolution. Agricultural Chemical Co): Schencks's mamke Pills CHEAPFER’I‘ILIZEBS. FUR The Fertilizer: prepared by the Agricni tum! Chemical (10.. (a Company chartered by ythe Legislature with a capital of $250,000,) _— {hue been proved in practice to be the cheap- THE BESTA'ASSORTRBNT OF GOODS IN estrmoat profitable and best, for the Farmer. TOW}! IN THEIR LINE. ‘ Gardner and Fruit-grower, of all concentrated manure: now’ offered in mfy market. The Company’s lia‘ embraces the following ' H’Ol for Bargains ! ! Row s w-oov-s, Lerner dink Street and the Diamond, GETTYSBURG HATS] HATS” 1151's: 1: x 1206 WANT AHAT- , ‘», ~ ‘ v don't bq‘nuk’o’ru you no the hrgegg. ck aortmefit at “ram, ‘9' FUR, FELT AND STRAW HATS, { just o'pened and for sale, cheap“ than may an? sold elsewhere. by _ ROW 1: WOODS. . SHOES! SHOES! l SHOES!” MEN'S, BOYS', LADIES', , , .1 _Miues’ and Children'l Shoes of every style and quality, just naked and gold Mime cheaper than anybody else will sell the same article, by new A: WOODS. NOTICE THIS.-—Nenrly all ~our shoe! are wh-n are culled “Home-mnde Shoes,"and are nude of the best malarial. We flay l]. boldly that we,keep {or sale I better quality of Shoes than are generally found in Shoe Slorea. Dry Goods “Store Shoes" are we tmh in market. ‘ FOR LADIES, Misses Ind Children, we have Hats,trimmed land “trimmed. Holiery. Glm‘es, km, all sold cheap, by _ BOW t WOODS. TRUNKS, Carpet Sacks. Umbrellns, Riding Whips, Window Paper, Window Blinds, km, by ROW a: WOODS. ~ -- o COBSETS,<French, Shoulder-brace and com mon, of benKmneriul, 5!. HOW b WOODS'. RAZORS, Sfraps, Shaving Soap, Sfiaving Brushes, all of the best quality. at. the store of A RUW k WOODS. ‘ PdCKETS- BOOKS or all kinds, for Ladies and Gentlemen, by ROW 55 WOODS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS l—Accerdeons, Violins, Violin Bows. Violin Strings, Roam, especially prepared for use on the bow, sold nl. lo'wcst prices by ‘ 30W & WOODS. SPOOL COTTON, PntPntThreud Fans, Sne pnuders, Gnu-tors, Cyfl‘s, Collars, Shirt Fronts, Linen, Cotton and Cnmbric Handkerchiefs, u the store of‘ ' ROW & WOODS. ? _. ' ‘ COILARS, Grants, Neck-Lies; Butter-fixes, something new, {lt ROW & WOODS. We fissure those, who have been buying of us, nml all olll’crs, that our present Stork of goods has heeqselecled with care and will be sold its cheap as possible. Give us a call be fore buying what you need in ourline and you shall not. go n'wzxy disappointed. [ROW &: WOODS. ( Gettysburg, April 24, 1865. ' Noah Walkers; Co..' CLOTn I E R s , . ‘ WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 AND 167 Bunuone Swan-r, BALTIMORE“, keop constantly on band a large and well :15- sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices They supply orders (or the finest to the lowest prich articles, either ready made or made to measure, to my part. of the country They keep also an extensive stock of FURNQ ISHLVG GOODSI embracing every article 0! Gexxflcmen's Under-wear. Also, MILITARY CLOTHS‘and every variety of .\lilimry‘ Trim mings, as well as A}: assorted stock of READ? MADE MILITARY GOODS Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864 Adams County UTUAL FIRE iNSUR’ANCE COMPANY. R 1 Ixcoayoanzn, Manon 18, 1851.. . Ornctns. o ’ ~ President—George Swope. VicoPresident—Snmuel R. Russell. , Secrrt-xry—D. A. Buehkr. Treasurnr—E. G. Fnhncstock. Executive Committee—Robert Mchrdy, An drew Heintzvimnn, Jacob King. ' Museum—George Swope, D. A. Bnehier, R. Mop rdy, D. ,McCrenry, M. Eichelberger, S. R. mushy, E. G. ‘Fahnestock, A. D. nuehxer, R. G. LicCrenry, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Strn ban township; A. Heintzeimnn. Franklin; Wm. D. Hilnns,-New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Ben der'suilie; H. A. Picking, Slrabnn township; John Wolford, Lntimore township; John Pick ing, East Berlin; Abel 'l‘. Wright, Benders ville; Abdiel FHGitt, New Oxford; .133. H. Marshall, Hamiltonban township; John Unn ningham, Freedom township; John Homer, Mountjoy township. ‘ WThis Company is limited in its Opera tions to the county of Adams. It has been in opémtion r 5: more than [4 years, and in that period has made but one ossesament; having paid losses by fire during that period amount ing to $11,088—56,769 of which hare been paid- during~tho last- two years. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above namedMn‘nagers for further information. fiThg Exe‘cntive Committee meets at the ofice of 'the Company, on the lost. Wednes day in every month, at 2 o’clock, P. M. Mar. 13, 1865. t! Established 1850. OTICE OF REMOVAL. LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customers end the public generally, that they have removed fmm No. 151 Franklin Itreet, to the commodious four-story Warehouse. NO: 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the Wholesale Busi ness, solely in Hosiery..'l'ri;nmipg_s, - Furnishing Goods. ' ‘ Perfumery, Notions? ‘ ‘ Stationery, Butlery;_ : . Toys, km, the. to which. they invite the attention of city and country flurchnaers, feeling confident of their ability to offer inducements in prices and quality of Goods. ‘ Orders by mnil will receive prompt atten tion. Addrele _ - LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 00.. 308 Baltimore street, Baltimore March 14,1864. ' -" ‘ New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD-bu just received from G the dry 3 large supply of CLOTHING, Men's and Boys’ wear, consisting of .11 kinds of cons, PANTS, vnsws, . SEIRTS, DRAWERSZ CRAVATS, NECK TIES, (iILOVES, HOSIERYIkc. _ a so . ‘ A large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, CASSINETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS. kc" am. all of which will be sold as cheap n can be lmd elsewhere. Give us a can. and if we can‘- not. please you in a suit ready made we will take your measure no} make you up one in ahon notice. ‘ [May 30, 1864. Albums ! A LBUMS►► fin received 3 large and beautiful assort ment. of Photographic Albums, which we ofl‘er below cjty prices. TYSON BROTHERS. D0c.14,1863. . ‘ I ADES' Cloth for Cloaking, anew supply jun Mound In FAQHESTOCK BROS'. SAGAAM Boot, 06in Bmin, Riée-flour “a Gakfin, for 1a; it Dr. BURNER/s Dra‘g Stan. . ' £1 ‘l, ~H'A§nwm§¢ mu) Akafiym‘cnafln; 0 every 9W9: ,- 1:811: , m g-yicel, I! ~ ”MW’S ' ‘ m; K . a . PABULETTBI Thin Fertilizer is calm posed of night. soil and the fertilizing elements of urine, combined chemically and mechanically with other valu able fertilizing agents and nbsorbents. it is reduced to a pnlverulent condition; ready for immediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. It: universal applicability to: all crops and soils, and its' durability and active qualities, Ire well known to be all that ngriculturisls can désire. ' CHEMICAL COMPOST ”Hm" ' lizer 3i: largely'composed of animal matter,snch ”as meat, bono, fish, leather, hair and wool. to gether with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the. nitrogenous elements. ' It isavery valuable fertilizer {or field crops generally, and especially for potatoes, and garden purpoaes. It: excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who .have used it. , . . l - - - This hi hi Ccifipostte Fertlhzer. phosphé‘u’; fertilizer is particularly adapted for the culti vation of treesffinits, lawns and flowers. It i will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth \of wood and fruit, and largely increase 1 the quantiti and perfect the mnlunty of the fruit. For hot-house and household plants 1 and flowers, it“s;vill he found an indispensable 1 article to secure heir greatest perfection. ' It ‘ will prevent and are diieased conditions of the peach and grape, ad is excellent for gnss i and lawns. , i It is composed of Sue elements as make it adapted to tlie growth of a kinds oftrops in all kinds of soils. , The formula or "method - ombining it constituent fertilizing ingredie - have re ceived the highestnpprovnl of emine . t chemists andscientific agriculturistsl . s . ' ' TheA ricnltu rl Phosphate of Lime. cm, {in} mm, , puny manufacturer. Phosphate ot Lime in ac- , cordan'ce witho new and valuu'ble formula by “inch a very superior article is produced, so as to be niforded ntnless price than other manu fncturers charge. Practical tests have proved thntits volumes fl. fertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. TERMS CASH. All Orderé ofn Ton or more, will be delivered at the Railroad Stations and the Whnrves 6f Shipment, free of cnrtage.— cartage -will be charged on all orders of 6 barrels or less. . - One dollar per Ton nllownnce for cnrtngc will be mnde on all sale; delivered nt the Works of the Company, on Canal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL 003$ WORKS. AT CANAL WnAnr, ON THE DELAWARE. (Win, 413% Arch St, I’lxiladrlphia, I‘ll. R. B. FITTS, Generhl Agent. The Company's I‘amphlm Circular, embrac ing full directions for using the above Ferti lizers, sent by mail. free, when requested. ‘ MM. 13, 1865. Gm New Warehouse. , BUSIIELS UF'GRMN 00.000WAN'1‘ED,M1110 new Grain and Produce House, in Curlisle street, adjoin ing Shanda 5: chlnler‘s establishment. The highest mil. price will always be paid in cash for ' \ GRAIN, of all kinds, ~ FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. ' Always on hand and [or sale, at the snmlles' prams, GUANOS, ' SALT, FISH. : GROCERIES, km, 1 ' Wholesale and rcmil. TR US! We shall do our best to gin suti action in all cases. ' A : MCCURDY & DIEHL. , Mysburg, May 11, 1863. 1y ‘ Blacksmithlng. HE undersigned would most respectfully _ inform the public .flnn. he continuesjhe ‘ BLACKSMITIIING nusmass, ' 1 at his shop, lately‘Ellilip Dmrsom’s, xdjoimng ‘ 'l‘roxel's paint shop, in East Middle sweep, Gettysburg, where he will at: all times be pre- ‘ pared to dn‘Blncksmithing work to Carriages, l Buggies, Wagons, &c. That he knows how to l do all jobs at the kind will not be questioned ‘ by those who have a knowledge ot'.hls long ‘ experience at the business. Come on. with ‘ your work, and you will be satisfied when you take it. away—and for which he mll receive Cash or Conutxy.Produce. ~ Mar. 20, 1665. tf MALL PROFITS} QUICK SALES. ‘ S J . L . SCH i C K woufd respectfully say to the citizens of Get tysburg and vicinity, that. he is now receiving at his store in splendid ' STUCK 01“ SPRING GOODS. ' The stock consists in part of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS‘ ‘ MOZAMBIQUE,‘ ‘ CHALLIES, ‘ DELAINES, ' vBOMBAZINES, AQPACCAS, 4 « ‘ LAWNS, CALICOES,’ of all qualities and choicest styles, which‘ will be sold a PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITXON. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton: Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, &:c. ‘ Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Lace: and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parnaols.» ~ My stock 121' WHITE GOODS will be found-(all and complete, end customers may rely upon always getting'gya goods at the lowest possi ble prices. . Gentlemen Will find it to their adnntage cc call and examine my stock of _ CLOTHS, »- ’ , CASSIMERES and " VESTINGS, ‘ or all qualities and choices! styles. , April 24,1865. .1. L. SCHICK. 1 The Popular 730 Loan. RB FI%M‘ NATIONAL BANK OF GET TYSB 3.6 has been designated a. Deposi tary and Finnncial Agent. of the Unitéd States, and will furnish the popular 7-30 Coupon Notes, free from all taxes, and convertible at muturity into 5-20 six per cent. gold interest Bonds. Wll also fgvnish 5-20 and 10-40 Bonds, one year Certi cates and all other Gov ernment securities. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Coupons, and make collections promptly on all accessible points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Dec. 26, 1864.‘ tf . APT. H. CHRITZMAN, havingjust return (d from strip to the West and all the LAND region: in God’s great. labyrinth, he_ would in'furm the cilizens of Gettysburg and its vicinity, tint he is prepared, not only to ofl'er OIL LANDS, but LANDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Persons visiting Harrisburg would do well no call, an be will furnish all in formation. H. CBRITZMAN. Jan. 2, 1865. natures! gmtures! EVI' MUMPEB h‘ng purchased Samuel L Weaver’s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is prepared to execute work in his line equal 10 my establishment in the Stue. If you desire a good likenen, finished ”cording to thelntest improvements in the art, call at the above long-established Gallery, in West Middle nreet, Gettysburg. _ [Jam 9, 1885.» ALBUMS!” ILLINEBY GOODS, a lugs and choice M “torment, to be bud chglp, u. ‘ FAENESTOCKS'. on 1: 111 mm: be found ready tin—attend to .11 fi,,_v__ bqinm in hi: line. Ila hu'nllo women} n aowx wens, from. u ml 3 um, “ham and win mm magnesia»; am _ FWOKB‘, . aanflL. - 2 ' «Die. 3.369. ADAM HOLTZWORTH New Spring Goods. Lands! Lands! 5510 K READAcgE, In ernous, Guru no 06133 This has received its name from a constant nausea or sickness atthe stomach, which at tends the pain In the head. This headache is apt to he begin in the morning on waking from a deep sleep, and when’sono irregularity of diet has been committed on the day before, or sometimes for several days previous. At first there is’ a distressingly oppressive feeling in the head, which gradually merges into a se vere heavy pain in the temples, frequently at tended by a sense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, and extending across the forehead. There is a clammy, unpleasant tgste in the month, an etl'enslt'e breath, and the tongue covered with a yellowish white‘fnr. The suf ferer desires to'be alone in a dark room. As soon as the patient leels the fullness in the headtnd ,pain in the temples. take itlarge dose fSchenck'a Mandrake'Pills, and in an hon}: or two they will feel as well as ever... This has been tried by thousands, an; is al ways sure to cure, anq instead'of the sick headache gaming on every weeli or ten days, they will not be troubled with it once in three months. / Sihenck's mandrake Pills nre composed of a number of roots besides Podophinin, or con centrated Mandrake, allol' which tend to relax the secretions oi the lirer,end acttnore prompt than blue pills or mercury, and withoutleuv ing any dangeroufe effects. In a bilions per son they will show themselves by the stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and all morbill matter (mm the system. In sick headache, it they are taken its directed above, (a full dose as soon as they feel the first symp toms of it,) Dr. Schenck will and has direct ed his agents to return the money if they do not give perfect sptisfuctien. If a person has hegn compelled to stay out late at night, nnd drink too much ginghy taking a. dose of pills on ghing to bed, next mqming he will feei\as though he had not drunk avdrop, unless hn‘furget’s to go to bed it till. ’ . .' \ They only cost 2': cents lhgx Whoever takes them will bever use any other. They are 'worth wdollar musick man [every cent. the) cost. 1 . on’t. forge; the nume—Scuzxcx’é MAN DKA ‘PILLB. ' ~ Sold 1101951112 and retail at Dr. Sdionrk‘s Principal 'flice, No. 15, North Sixth Stu-ct, Philadelphi and by Druggists and Store keeplzrs ganem v. ‘ Price for l’ul nic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, ench‘ $l,, 50 per bo . $7 so the lmlfdozen, or two'lyoules ofSyru and one of Tunic, for $3 75. Dr. Sclienck will b 9 M. iii! office. No. 15 North‘Sixth SLFeet, Philddt‘lp in, every Sjrntur pay to are patients. He mikes Q 0 charge (or‘ advice, hm for :1 thorough exnmin‘ ion of the lungs With His llespiromcter, lie chm-as $3. Slur. 20, 1563. [jiilj,’64. , FOUT Z ’ S 1 A CELEBRATED - . 0 330 m and mm g’nudcrs. 9 \ These Powders will strength . t-ntthtomnch " and Intestines, ‘ . cleanse them - v‘ 7‘ from offensive . j funnel-,1 and _ _:»;v-._,-.;.«___.‘ 7 wring hem to fifigfg‘ézxg - nhenlthy state. . ' “"”‘ ’ ' They are a sure preventive of Lung Rover, and n cennin remedy for nli Diseases incident to the Horse, such as Glan den, Yellow Water, Dis ! e m p e r, Foun d e r , H e u v a s, S i av e 1; i n g, Coughs. Fo vnrs, Loss of A petite and “3.11 Ener gy. kc. In poor. low-spirited animals, it has the most beneficial L-i‘uu The use of them improves the wind. strength ens tleAppctihn and 'gims to file (lorsc a fine, smooth and glossy skin—mus improv ing the appearance, rigor and spirit. of this noble animal. ~~ The property this Pomlcr pomsses in ln~ erasing the quantity of Milk ln Cows, gives it an impormflce' and ulue “hich should place it in the hands of every person keeping I Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it willincrease the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make the Butter firm and aweetl~ In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosen: their hide and makes them thrive much faster. HOG 8 . In all Diseases of ' I ma Swine, such as ‘ (jg; ,»_:— :‘é-. the ungs, 'ver ' - ': 3;. '-Er‘ ge- as!" pn'niné A “Eggg-ax‘ I am a. paper {P—. . t; 3.3 mm of them ,md.) ow ers in a bar- .7; - ‘fig—gj cg rd of Swill, the »,. -’2._‘.?,_.,\ T above Diseases mn‘be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the flog Cholera am be prevented. . , Prioa 25 cu. parlfaper, of 5 Papers forsl. MAR-ID BY S. A. FOUTZ 8t BROL, IMMO WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Dmgzistsjnd Swrekeépen throughout the United Sum. ' For dale by A. D. Bnemer, Gettysburg; Lunghlin & Bushfieid, Wheeling, Va; 0. C. Bender h 00., Pitaburg; Johnson; Holloway & Cawden, Philadelphia. _ Nov. 28, 1864. 1y , Globe Inn, yon: :12, "Ah m: nuloxn’,’ E TT Y S B U R G , P A.-The undersigned would most respectfully inform his nu merous friends and the public generallypthal he bu purchased that long established and well known-Hotel, the “Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to conduct it in a. manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table Will have the best the market can afford—his chambers are spseious and comfortable—end he has laid in for his bare full stock of wines and liquors. There is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attenfied by Atten tive hostlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the fullest satisfactiom his guests, making his lrousc as near aho to them as possible. He asks is share of the public’s pn tronage, determined as he is to deserve a large part of in, Remember, the "Globe Inn” is in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF‘ April 4, 1864. ti r John W. Tipton, ~ ASKIONABLE BARBER, North-em cop} F nor of tha Diamond, (text door to lie lollun's 30:51,) Gettysburg, Pa», ihmhbg : Ayer’s EARS/45mm», mm‘l auu mm emu-nu Scrotum: Dun-u. Mm Emery Eda. c well-blown merchant Q! 0:- Jbrd. Maign. “I In" lold Inge mum: of your SAR‘ZAX‘A mLu. but never Klee owe bonk- much nailed of the dented etc“ Ind 11 mutation tolhoue who took It. At; fut u nun-mph t 7 it. thoy ngrce there hu beenno medicine 11. be on: hi our community." Erupflam, Plums, matches, Pustulu, Ul- cm, 30m. and an Bisexual oi the Skin. Prom luv. Robl. Strallqp. 11mm. England. H I only do my duty to you and the Kubflc, when I add mi' testimony to that you pub“: of the me didnd v men orgour SAILAAPAIHLLA. MK daugh ter, aged 13mm: :11 nfuicun" humor in or mu, eyes, and hair for years, whlé}: we were unable to cum until we tried your S \unlumum. She lu been well {at some months.” From Mn. Jane E. lii-re. n mil-17mm and mm): filmed Imlyof Iknnitvulc. ('ape Mm ('u.. .\'. J. " My dauglncr has sull'rrcd {or 11 your past wltll a acrofuloul eru‘ffionnvlnch wan very troublesome. Nothlng nfl'or 0d [my relief until we lrlcd your slmmmnum, wlucn noon completely cured hot." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the wizchy-lmm Gagg. Murray L, (‘o . mmuq'ucturura nfauamclldd 11?)": in Nashua. N. 1!‘ u had for sou-ml years u very troublesome humor in my face. whlch grvw constantly worse until It dlfiflgumd my l'mtnrm aml became ml intol emble nflllcnon. 1 [Hal alnmat cwry thlng .1 Imm could of both advice null mullcinc, but Wuhan: any n‘llef wlmtcvcr, until I took your S.u:s.\ It immedlatr'ly made my hot: worse, as {01: told me it nu‘rllt fora time; but In a few wee s the new skin Begin to form under the blotclles, and con finm‘d uuLil my face la n 3 smooth as any body’a. Ind 1 am without any symptoms of the dlsennc that I know of. I enjoy gel-rec: henlth, and without. a doubt owe it to your ‘AusAl-MLILLA.“ Erynlpelu—Geneml nobility-Purity the Blood From Dr, ROM. .S'lurin, Houston SL, Km Yarl'. “ Du. .\sz. I seldom rail to remove Eruption: and Scrofuluux Sort-s by the porscvcrlnguseorgour SAP..~'.\\, and I hue just now cums! nu 3 ml: of Malignant Erwiprlan with it. No nltmuvo we possess equals the SAILSAPARILLA nu have up: phcd to the profession as well as to Km people." From J, E. Johnston. 5511.. Wakeman, Ohio. “ For twelve yearn, [Jud the yellow 3135190!“ on my ri'vht arm, during which tune I trio all (he celebrate“ physicians I vould run-h, and took hun dreds of dollars worth of moan-mes. The “Icon wow so bad that the wrds bmunm visible, and tho dm-wru decided that my nnu must be amputated. I began tnklu'g your S \l:s.\P‘\mu,A. Took two bar ties, and some or your I’ILIS. Tom-(her they have cured me. IMn now as well and sound as any body. Bring in a public plnt‘u, my cum: ls known to m’cry blold’yv In this connuumty, and excites the wonder of n . From (lon. Hairy Monro, M: P. P..q/_Nermule. C. If, a leading muubcr of the Canudum l'arliw "It‘ll Z “ I have mod ynur S‘mssv Hutu In ml, family, for gnu-ml debilily{, and for puril‘ 'ug as blood. With vcr‘finbem-flrlu results, and he? wufldcuae 1n comm-u 3it a) mammal." L St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose, Bale Rheum, Bcnld Head. Sore Eyes. From _{lm‘fq Skyler, Earp, the able «lilor of Ike Wukhamwck Dnnocrul, l‘cnmg/lmm‘a “Our quly child. about thrue years of age, was nttnokcd by pimples on him forehead. Th? rapidly spread until they formed a lonthsomc an virulrut sure. which covel‘ed his fun», and actually blinded his eyu for somnydui's. .A skilful physician applied Immte of silver ant otlu‘r n-mmhes, without uuy apparent efl'ect. For fim-eu days we gunrdcul his hands, lust with than: he should tear 0")(‘0 the fes h-niug and corrupt wound \Vllh'il cover” his whole mm. ll:n'iug_trl(-d every thing else we hml any “(life from. we began glvm-r ynur SAM \l'4\l:ll.l.ll, um .nppl‘yiug,r the wduiu of pntanhnullun. us you direct. 'llu- sore lx-gan to 110:1] when \w inul gin-n 1h; first bonlc. iuul was mil when “'9 hmi lhmlml the second. Th;l elulal’u vyclnslws, wluvh luul rnmo out, grew again, and Im 23 nuw as healthy and inir as any other. The “hole neighborhood predicted mm the child must am." . Syphilis and- Mercurial Disewfq From Dr. Hiram Slant. ofSt. I.olm, Mimmfi. “ l Ile your Sum \I'AIHI.L\ a more alum-11.11 remvdy. for the s&o“de fiymptoms of Syphilis and for s‘yplulmc (IJSCQFC‘ um any otlu-r we [mum-w. The pro (.‘b'hiull are indebted :u gun to: bUIuU of the bout mcdmluca we have.” From A. .l. l‘rem‘b, M. 1)., an eminent ply/skim: of Ixtwrum‘c, Mum, who is a prmm'nznt number of the Legislature qf linusuclmsclu. u Du. Anm. My dcru' Sir: I have found 7"" Susuuuuud an excvlhm. remedy {of 5/11}: u/ia, both of the primary antl‘nccmulm y 1 {PO, lun ACEL'C tuul in some cases that. Were lon ohs min In ylvld to other rcmo‘iuos. ]do not know what we urn cm play with more certain? of success, when: a power ‘(ul ultcmthc In mquxrc ." llr. Clma. S. I'm; Liar, of .\’mu Rmnswid'. N. J., Nlmudful "10ch on hm logs, mum-d by Khr- nhu‘ a run, or mcrmrial «(£4lqu \\ hirh grvw more \ro nggravntcd for yvuri, In Tm- 01' cu ry troutmont tlmc could be upp ird. until the use of Ann‘s sum unuzum \ relieved squeafim be (puml more {mu-tenu- mu! mu his, and it 1001; seven] dozen of m and uh remedy Eerncrrri a Im. Few (Llhtl’CSEhlg t} \ battles to cure Lennon-hum, 'tcs, Female Weakness, are generally prod by inlnrmn Srrqfnllm lil crrationmxu an: rrr on-‘n run-cl by (hr ultt‘mlxvo cfl'cct of thin Summn ‘H.ln\. Sumo cum-u n‘vgim. however, in aid of thy . \I:>.\PAI:ILL.\, the a mu npp‘licnlion of local rcmcdk-y. I From the lEflI-lml‘" nnd‘nrhlch-cfcbrated Dr. ' Jacob .Ilurrill, of ‘uvimluli. ~ “ I ”have found your SAKS \m ILLA an omen-inc nltcrailvo in diseases of {whale Many mum of lrrwrulnrity. Lcncorrham. 111mmn}\l'loomfl6u. and lotnrdt-bllit‘y, arising {rum ll); nerofnlfloun dinthcsln, have yieldo to it, and there nn- fu-wmmt do not. when its cfl'cct In properly aided by long! w-.utmmt.’,' .4 lady. unwilling {o "How the Imbllcall I 0/ her your. irrila , ‘ I‘ I? daughter and myuolr luu‘e boon cu of a wry clpllimtlug Loucorrha‘n of lung standiuaxby hyo bottl'ei of your SAmx-AIILLAJ .\ Rheumatism. Gout, Liver Complaint, Dy:\n\ pebsin, Heart Disease, N aux-slain, \ when canned bixsmfnlu in the system, are rapidly cured by um "r. SAstAx-Amnu. AYE R ’ S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the mtluzr purginh'cs in the market. and thvir superim vfrtucs are so universally known, tlmlwc new! not do more thnn to assure the publi‘c their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that tht-y may he depended on to do all that they have em; dune. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & CO., Lowell, Mass" and sold by ”For sale by A: l). b'uehler, Gettysburg, and dealerrgencrajly. « . Aug. 8. 18M: eowly - New Goods. AHNESTOCK BROTHERS - -Are constantly receiving (hoice and de sirnble goods, from New York, Philndulphin and Baltimorfi, and are prépnred to ofi'er GREAT INDUCEMENTS to ““358 about. purchuaing. Having selrcfi‘ed with great. cure,from (be three leadingmnrkets, the public will look to their own-interests by uuminiug our sluuK before buying elsewhere. Call at v FAHNESTOCKS’ May '9, 1864. Ru] Front. $lO a. Day ! GENTS WANTED—To sell the “ 25 CENT A LEG‘AL TENDER STATIONERY PACK AGE." Each Package, contains 35 Songs, 2 pages anusic, 18 slnerls of Paper, 18 Enve lopes, l ~Rnler, lPén, 1 Pen Holder, 1 Lead Pencil, l Design'for Undersleeves, 1 for Child’s Apron, l for Embroidered Collar, l for Chris tening Robe, 2 for marking L'euers, 13 Secrets never before published, worth many Dollars; and other lnformntion.’ Also, one beaujflul article of sznur. Liberal inducement: to Agents. Send Stump for Circular. SAMUEL BUTT, v 43 .South Third Sr.., Philadelphia, Pu. Jun 013.1864. 1y Somethmg for Everybody TO BUY AT DR. R. HORNKII‘S A ‘ [{RUG AND VARIETY STORE.- Juaz oppned a fine assortment o! , DrugsCand Medicines, '- Patent Medicines, Stationery, Fancy Dry Gobds, Confections, A - Groceriu, . Notion, . TOBACCO, BEGARS, to Jan. 18, 1364. , . Still at Work. ‘ HE undersigned continues tho I ‘ T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, at his old “and, in Em Middlp street, Gettysburg. . ‘ ’ NEW WORK made to order. and ' REPAI R X N G done promptly and at lowest prices. Two fir‘n—ratc SPRING WAGONS and I SLEIGE for rule. JACOB TBOXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. ‘ Howard Association. . ......___ . HILADELPHIA, m... mime: of the . Sale Crying. ?’ SE) Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and 891“! W; FLEMMING continue-“tho bu: nm ystems—new and reliable "Mmenhm '9‘ . 9! SALE ORYL‘j G, und solicit: the cgn. ports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION-"em tinned patronage of the public, hi- hi: can by until in sealed letter enveiopu, (tee of mm: «flavor to give ntisfuctiml.‘ Ohm]. charge. Addresl, Dls}. SKILLIN HquH- mfll’lfl.‘ Residence “I Biwmm “M, TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Mn!!! Gettysburg. ~ ‘ ‘ :‘ .- {- Street, Pb iladelpbifly PB- ‘ P. B.—He is a licenued Auction”, under £ll9 Aug. 8, 1864- U ' ‘ Tu st of the Unmd States; ,g_‘ f EXCEES{OB [Ex ' .lon - ‘ . H0V..24, ‘36:. 7} '.~ " 'r" .’ ' ‘ ' - ‘ EXCELSIOBI! . ,SPWN“:W°3§}§"’ ‘u flip Ixcelsioanhing Machine it the but - ‘ mun World. Call Ind emintit at “‘92": once at ihq Ejfififighgeflfl 3 29' ‘- mu.“ ,w-aw . W" New Go ug—Lfirge Stack! ERCHAXT TAILOEING. ' ~ I JACOBS t no. ‘ ‘ an jug: reqei‘ved from aha chin : lugs stock lot goods for Gentlemen’l wear, ombrulng I ‘ variety of ‘ 1 owns, 1 CASSIMERM, ’ VES'HNGB, Cusinets, Jeans, km, with many “her good! for spring and manner wear. The, are prepared to make up gunman It the shortest nmice. and in the very has: unn ner. The Fashion! are regular), received. Ind clothing made in any desired style. They .1. ways make nest fits, whmuheir sewing is sure . to be substantial. They ask a continuance of tho public’l pn zronage, resolved by good work And modems charges to earn it. ‘ ‘ Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 100.000 (bush. Grain quted. TEW mu AT THE , b _ __ _ _ OLD‘WAREHOUSI. WM. E. RIDDLE & CO. would inform lht public that. they have leaned lhp Wirehoqsc on the corner uf Stratum urea: and th. - road, in Gettysburg, where they will mung the GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESgp K all its branches.‘ The highestprices will I]- wnya he pnjd [or , ‘ wum, RYE, CORN, OATS, CLOVER J: TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLAXSEED, SUMAC, , ‘ ‘HAY A: STRAW; Dried Fruifi, Nuts, Soup, Hams, Shoulders nnJ Sides, Potatoes, with everything also in the country prbduco line. ON HAND, FOR'SALE, A Coffees, Sugars, .\l lusses,Syrups.Tana,Splces SUI, Cheese, Vineg r, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets lacking, Brushes, Sospl, m. Mao COAL OIL, Fish 051,‘an, kn:— HSI] of :11! kinds; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smokinzund Chewing Tubaccoa. ‘ They are always able to supply n first rule nrliclc of FLOUR, with the dm'ercut kinds at FEED: ~ Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS and other fertilizers. WCOAL, by We bushel, ton. of our land. Their (Jars run to Baltimore and back'lwivo .1 week, and rhey will be happy to carry goods either w.|y at moderate chm-ges. .\inrkflmen, country mart-hams, and others, will find it. to their ud\ :lntngc to patronize this line. They ask :1 share ol'the puhlic’a ruatom, and will {pure no effort to lender sntisluuiun in all, seller: or bugcrs. - ‘ W“. E. RIDDLE & CO. Aug. 22,1811_1. {f Dissolution F PARHER‘SHIP.~TM (Jo-partnership 0 existing brtwven the suhscrlherx, hna burn dissolved this day by mutual CONSI‘III. - Wr rolurn thanks to our friends and the puhlic for the lulu-ml support. oxtundcd :6 us. Our books “ill be 14-11 at the store; and we earnest ly roqucgl lhmua unluh‘u-d In us to CM! and nmku Immediate pamncm. as we um desiroul (I: settle out blgsfm-ss without delay. a”; ALEXANDER. CUBEAN, Jun. 30, IBM: _ :JUUN CULP. L A Card. HE suhu-rihn; having dispnwd ofhis in- T h-Iht in the Store nf (‘u‘uhmn k L‘ulp In John S. l‘ruMurd, Fm“ roux-c-vflully asks [he continuum-o of his Mend: in" mlslnmei’u m pulrunizc his succt-sspr—uhwv lhrgnips nnry he hm]. JOHN GULF. Feb. S, 1:431 Another Change l N Tl”: ”.\T AN!) SHOE Ill’SlNlCSS:—-A. I (luhenn Inning nswviiucd with Inn) in' l:u.~imss Jnlx'n S. Cumhml, who pnrulm ML llu- lulu-N} u! Jul-n ('ulp, rnsp-ullully £ll - Io Ilu- (Him-m nl‘lh “yr-burg nml‘ihe mullhc s;le r.n|ly,'llu.ll tlw lupin-vs:~ will lll'L’Oll: timml m. Ihc Uld Stand on (‘lmmllt‘rghulg slu'cl by AH (”MAN 5; (30,, ulm “ill con ‘ smnlly' I‘m-p on hand a huge Hmk ul Gouda, \in lluqllm- uf' ' .\JllUliS, llA'l‘S, CAPS; TRI‘NKS, ‘ UAIN'HI' “.\Gh‘, U\ll‘.l€|‘ll.LAS, k 0" nnd Ihcy “in “1:0 cununuc the Muuuluclurc ol Mam-s. . ' . l’zmn their long («pm-hum in nll- Um uhfive brunghes, llu-y Huilvr tlxémaeh’w that may rnn Ilh‘llsc ILL-”public, and “all sell chpnp‘for cash. A. ('unmx. O: ‘J. S CRAWFORD. .Doing business under the minus nud firm 0 A. Cubcnh a; ()0. - [FL-h. a, 1864. Provision Store. 7 BE undersighe-l has omm. :1 PROVISION S 7 (HIE M (it-urge [.ill‘l’u'a 01d slzmul, In “ (‘s'- Middle sheet, (:ullhburg when: he will :1\ wt} i keep nnlhnnd. ku- rule. HELP, MI'TTUN, \’E.\L,ll‘()lH{, I‘UL'IJTHY, APPLES. SWEET AND IRISH POTATOES,fiAUIi‘AGE, BEETS, I TURNH’S, thh .Ltcrfibug «We in lhc provisinn line. ' ‘ . He wdl sen at small profits, and spare n 9 cfi'ui‘x In piano. ‘ ‘ l-‘ut Cuule, Hogs, Shel-[l,.Culvm, &c., wanted, {or “hich the Lulneal'priu‘s will he paid. _ - . U JOHN NUIKBLGK. Oct. 17,1884. xr Good Thongs from the Clty! E are receiving twice a week but: ‘tho ‘ rityn variety 0! articles suited to thy wants of this community, viz: Fresh and Sp". l-‘lb‘ll, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hounny, llexlns, Sglt, Apples, Potatoes, Onnges, Lemons, Confections, , Tobaccos, ~chnrs, with many other articles in this line—~all received in the best. order, and sold at the lowest profits. Give usgr. call, in Baltimore sm‘ul, nearly opposite Fullnestocks' store. . ,~ W_ANTED.—Bnucr, Eggs, Lurd, and all other country-producc—lur which the highest cash price will be paid. , SWEET POTATOES—hen quality, at low- PSI living profits—always .on Hand. Alla, OYSTEBS, fine and fresh—in the shell or shocked. Restauranwnnd l'nmilies supplied. STRICKHOUSER I: WISUTZKEY 'Getgyaburg, May 18,1863 ‘ Lancaster Book Bindery. EORGE WIANT, ‘ K - BOOK BINDER, Ann null 360: luvncmug, . ‘ b . LANCASTER, PA. Plain and Mental Bmdin}, of every de acription, executed in the most aubsmntifil um approved stylel. , . ' nrrarxcu. ~ . W. Brown, lsq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster . I4.Peiper, Enq., Lancaster County. Bank amue‘l Shack, Esq., Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner, Enq., York‘l’mnk. William Wagner, Esq" York County Bank. ' T. D. Canon, £Bll.,.Bauk of Gettysburg. -( Peter Martin, Esq“ Proth’y of Lancaster cm; Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register “ =‘ 16 Geo. Whitson, Earp, Recorder “ “- April 15, ‘lB6l, Everhirt’s ’4 ; ‘ mummy HOUSEL 003.33“?! E9!‘.P.P—‘ {if-‘_NKHH STRIZTH, .BALTQIORE, AID. ~ This House is on“: direct line between Ibo anhern Ceugul and Baltimore. 3nd Ohio Rana tend Depots. It has been refitted Ind coln fouably arunged for the convenience ud the entertainment of guns. on 31,1364. :r , New Bakery ! ‘ gwpon'r t ZIEGLER, loch-men! Bat. y en, South Washington street, mm “are on the‘ Eagle Howl, GETTYSBU‘RG,%I.-—‘ Consunfly on hand, the best 01 BREAD,‘ CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per son‘s wishing fruLßrend will b 9 len-ed cur} manning, by letting tbcir name: said tuidqncel at the Bnkery. Every effort mails ’to plan. ' Give us I call! [April 20, 'B3. t! V AMW‘ “W 1'51; "a, > 35 ‘ lEZ3