The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, May 01, 1865, Image 4

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- ran
Western taupe is just now'experfienclng _‘
minim. nnd slum concerning the pro-f
[re-'0! lie plug“, which. having commeng‘:
ed in Sim“. is now mining wutwnrd'
wrong]: European Basin, and is counting}
Mghful ravages. A medical cohmaiuion ‘
has been cant. from Germany to St. Peters-1
MP3 to investigate the matter. France bar
:Ide ordered that all vessels from Buuia%
Ihll‘go into qunramine. and England is.
they; ‘0 Idopz the lame course. It in gen-Y
mlly believed that this fenrful disease is
thumimblo En goodl, merchandizg, and;
upechflyin clczhing. I: In: visited Eng,
1886 1111065, and France in 1720. E
Tho‘nnrpool Post has the {aflowing de- ,
”ligation of we 41m: ‘ ‘ g
In many mpects this epi-hmic resembles
the cglebnted plague of Athena. which do ‘
chunks Attica in the second nnd third‘
you! 0 the Pelopennesinn war. Likeit,
Ith epidemic belongs to the clan: of crap
t've typhoid disordlrl. The person sewed“
'immmately delpnhj of recovery: he los
n memory and ho'pe together. Like it,‘
200.1110 Siberian fever is accompamed gnnJ
"any lg n heave cough and Violent retch-=
ing, an _th_e victfln seldom sewn-fa: beyond:
the ninth day. There is some difficulty in
omnining a reliable account. of the disease.
\ {or the Ruuian officials. never ve‘ry commu
-nical|ve, have endeavored to c'oncenl the
existence of the diseme. But. it has (ouch
od one or two towns in Austria and Prussia,
and rage: at 8!. Peiersllurg. The (imam:
in the- latter city are acknowlndged to
amount to eighty or one hundred per day,
but. it is suspected they are five firms as ml
were”. The disease is said to have assu~
med n mitigated! fqrm m Germany. but.
very great alarm prevail: throughout, the
continent. Men hoped that. mm the Asi-
Itic shale“ the lazt great scourge 6f the
human race had pusedfawuy, ‘pu: they sud
denly find themselves gconfmpfing l patil
lence which advances is rapidly um prai
‘i: confingruion, floating on the riven and
me on‘zhe zir. ‘
fiThe Beoel General 3 2’. Hill, who
nu killed in one of the late battle. before
.fiichmond, was, _next to Lee, proba‘bly tho
Able“ Gensnl in iho rebel army of ,YirginT
1&- His native place was Cnipepper, Vir
ginia. He graduated at West Point in 1847
at. the use oil 9 years, in the class with
#umaide. He was employed on oin- coast
our", when the wnr oroke out, Be an
mod the rebel service in 185133 Colonel
,9! the _Third Virginia Inladlry. He noon“
booms conspicuous by "no" skill and gufi
hum he dinglnyu}. Since the drath' of
810 mm“ Jackson, Lee relied on him more
,nnp my other officer except Longatxjeec.
what havewa Knight For f—ln viewg’f the
.vlrmfl termination oflhe rebellion by the
Infiepder of Lee’s army. we are at. once
nu waned tp a searching test of the‘pur
pow (or which we have now carried thr‘lugh
this It? to no glorious I sucéms. Will the
fruit which we have plucked tut‘e sweet to
_our pnluea, or irit likely lp turn to ”he:
_pn our lips? Have we been actuated by a
meclio l Inling rather tlgd a noble desire
1h»; 1.2; 17mg: should recognize the author
ity [of 1 com 6n law? ,Do vre feel to-day
I.lm. weihaye auhjugntecl the population: of
._nu territorial area t 6 our persons] will,
pr to obedience to the? same Constitution
which {we here sworn to nbey‘in all ‘ its
part- ofir-elveel’ Events mll very shortly
phow". The meaner in which readjustment
in Iflpmlohed will betray Ehe design for
which we have waged war nnd’ihe real ob
ject whicli we hope to have (Ruined by it..
~3o:th hat. ‘
‘a‘ghew mill has been ended at. Law
rcndh this yénr, which it ii prnposed to fill
with nine hundred ncgrngirla. and the first in-
Mlment of fifty have élrendy Irrgved. Of
course, than are expecLejd to supplant. that.
number of white girls ; and Ibis gives us a
H}: to I remarkable proposition recently
made by Gov. Andrew to«prov2de for the
glhigntion of 50,000 white women of Ms:-
,uéhguttl to ”is extreme Went.
‘Oertain of the Abqlilion legders fear
1h“ peace méy come too quickly—may come
qun phe _negro is allowed :0 vote. and
mouthing lake perfeqted to prevgpz the
Demogratic part y from getting power agtin,
p {I WG—apd the plundqr that games
frog: Que—{bin worriel these “loyal”
phlpl man. They never did and d 9 not.
903 out n ~straw about the country.
’ A Political Parmn Rewar’ded.—"_l'be Rever
_ond Noble Frame, oflbe Methodist. Episco
pdqhurqywho was stationed in Doyleglown
for up ”its; has iglely beqn appointed to
I: place in the Philadelphiafluatom House,
worth some twélve hundred dollars a year,
Them“ guys he merits his reward, for
pa politician in the country brawlm louder
)3qu tfle Immp during the last campaign .
u .- Mhenever sectional hatred shall
,hhye 3’9““ thoroughly " played out,” a
happygnd prosperous Union may again be
loékgol'or. Should the more malignant of
the litionisu prevent such a consum
gnlyuorhmfihey will bring upon‘tlgeir shoulders
9 9.99.}; respgnsibilicy. . ,v
Mn at Thanks-Han. F. S. Mills.
popqolat, was re-elected Mayor of the city
,OH’Mntan. N. 5.. oh Tuesday week, by an
incremd majorlty. The whoia Democratic
(cit! ficket ms roe-elected. #- ! ,
' —loi'c Dem-lic Succme:.—At the aim ter
phdion in Albany, N. Y., on Wednesday,
flu Moor“: elocted‘ their ¢_ity nck‘e‘t by
59 flange majority 01 L 340.
~ #1!» ohm-lat election held in Jersey
fit; mg!“ 111 b, Mayor Oren” Cleveland
(Din) nu rmflecfied by about 500 majori.
,1): The Ingest portion cf the _ciLy and
._lnrd pmmlic ticket was duo abated.
jngolitio‘niom‘ is rapidLv approaching
i“. 6.lm} the old Democracy, being I.
Myfprinolple lounded upon ‘zhe Cog
!thoyd ‘to loom up, as great and
Wager.- '
. A “fivv~—-———
[l‘ ”he Apolitiou Leaders and omcc~
A W3O not ”on: tenure the prospect. of
.. WWW“? 1118» "17 unfunny. that
guy?) deprive them pf POWErand plug.
." ,"E‘qum'd‘? i.- 00.‘ likely 1.0 by g
I ‘ fiyhfihw-
m 3:“ ... w
-3: . V ’9" ’ ._u dean: “mknns
’thbfip WB9 Fl???” 19:1: pry.
‘ - nub“ 34d \x! . k
-9:: 3.3333333:-
‘ ;- .V ‘lfigygqqmoenuy. ,
'w ’ Revisiting M h!“
“’s’- 3"‘3‘3593‘9'3'93 ' " ‘
_A 'Gonnty
‘lurmn FIRE cam: COMPM'Y.
L 13:01:42qu, flue: 13, 1551.
President-#O2“ 81m . ’
Vice President—gunner; Rnusll .
. Secretary—D. A. Buebler. ‘
Treasurer—E. G. Fahneuock. ‘
Ezecuzi re Commune—Robert HoCud], An- 4
drew Hexntzelmen, Jacob King.
)l/lnnu: -.-G¢orge Swope, D. A.Bnehlor, {
R. BlcCurdy. D. M:Crelry, M. Richelbvnzer,B. .
R. Russell, E. G. Falnneslock, A. D. Bnehler, 1
R. G. .\lcCreary, Getlynbnrg; Jacob King, Stn
ban lovvnslfip; A. Kelnlzelman. Franklin; Wm,
D. Hlmcs, New Oxlogd; Wm. B. Wilson, Ben
dersvillo; H. A. Picking, Szrnbnq township;
John Wolford, annore wwnship; John Pick
ing, East Balm; Abel T. Wright, Bgnders
v.lle; Abdlel F. Gin. New Oxford; Ju. B.
Marshall, Hamiltonoan township; John Unn
nlnglmm, Freedom township; John Homer,
bloumjoy township.
fi’l‘hh Compsny is limited in its apex:-
tions to the county of Adams. “—lllB been in
operation {or more thsn H years, and in tho:
period his and: but one assessment, bowing
paid lone: by fire during that period amount.
ing to 511,088——5‘5,759 of which hove been
paid during the last two years. Any person
desiring an Inlnmnce can apply to any of the
nbovcnnmed Managers for further luformntlon.
”The Executive Committee meets at the
omce of the Compnny, on the In: Wednes
day in every maintain 2 o‘clock, P. M.
3m. 13, [605. u
i ' Established 1850.
V respectfully beg lean: to notify their friends,
:cualomeu and the public generally, that they
:huve removed from .\'o. 151Frnnkliu street, to
glbc commodions four-story Warehoule.
{between Howard and Liberty, where they will
Ifor the future cofiducz the Wholmle Buli
ness. 501 ch in
Hosiery. T imminge,
Furélshing Goodl.
Perfumery, Notionl, ~
- Smlonery, Untlcry,
_ Toyl, Bm, cc.
to which they lnvlte the ntten'tlon of city and
connu'y purchaun, feeling confident of their
ebrlnty to offer indncenunu in prices and)
quality of Goods. ' A
Under! by.mnll will receive prompt ntzzna
Lian Addams: ‘ _
308 Baltimore street, Banknote
March 14,1864. ‘ ‘ ’
Noah Walker as 00..
165 m 167 Bun-won stun.
keep comtantly 03 hand a. Inge and well u-
Int-ted albck of 3H kinlda of goody“ moderate
They Inpply order! {or the fines". to the
iawesyprif‘md .nrticlesflilhor ready made or
much: to menu", \0 anyput of the country
Tbex keep 3150'“ extensive stock of EUR)?-
ISHING GOODS, qmbrncing every article of
Gentlemen's Under-“roar. Mm; MILXTARY
CLOTHS and évory variety Mammary Trim-
mings', u we}! as an assortedfinock of READY
mm: sauna? GOODS
BaltilnnreJ-‘eb. 22, 1864
Neg} Gogds.
GEORGE AIENOLD ha: just raceired {mm
the riry a ‘lnrge supply of CLOTHiNO,
Men’s and Boys’ wear, consisting of All kinds of
i—nlso— ,
AJ-‘u'ge Block ‘of CLOTBS, CASSIMERES,
all of wlnch will be sold an cheap as cnn be
had elsewhere. Give us a call. nnrlif we can
not please you in p snit ready made I; will
take, your measure and make you up one in
short notice. ‘ [May 30, 1864.
‘ Gold Pens
,Fon ms mmom ‘
Pen: 10 Suit. the Hand, and Pricel to Sail. we
] y Pocket. ‘,
Tn: BEST GOLD PIS! xx 7n Wonn!
on_receip¢ of the following sums, we ‘will
send, by mail, or n: directed, I. Gold Pen or
Pena, selecting the name according to the da
.!criplion, namely: ‘ . ¢
Gold Pens, in Silver Plated Extender: Cues,
. ' l with Pencill.
For $1 No. 2 pen; for $1 25 No. 3 pen ;. for
$1 50 No. 4pm; [or $2 No. 5 pen;
- for $2 25 No. 6 pen.
The“ pen: no stamped THE IMPERIAL
PEN, and are well finished and fine writing
.GO!d~Pens, with good nrldum points, although
they Are nnwnrranted,and cannot bu exchanged
Our name (American Gold Pen 00., N. Y.,)
Is stamped on all our m qnnmy Penn, and the
points are warranted for six mpnthn, except
against accident. 0m; sscosn gnu!" Pans
are stamped THE NATIONAL PEN. with the
initials ,of our firm (A. G. P. C 0.,) and m cure
{nlly made, having theaanw points u out 6m;
quality Pens, the only green difierence being in
pbe‘qnuliiy 01'th Gold. '
Gold Pena, 15: and 2d quality in Solid Silver
Extension Cases. with Poncih.
For $2 00 a 14.0. 1 pen lat quaiity, or a. No. 3
pen 2d qualify.
For $2 25 a. No. 2.11:]: 1:: quality, or I No. 3
pen 2d quality. _
For $2 25 a N 9. 3 pen lit quality, or 1' NR4
pen 2d (1 Billy. ‘ ‘ ‘
For $3.50} No; 4 pen lat quality, or I No. 51
pen 2d q ‘ality. ‘ , ‘ . ‘
For 34.50 a Np. 5 pen ls: quality, 0;- s No. 6
pen 2dqu‘nlity, - '
Fox‘ $5 50 a. .\'o. 6 pen lsz quality.
The same Gold Penn, in Solid Silver or Gold-
Platedjibony Delk' Holden And Morocco Cues.
For $2 25 a No. 3 pan lst qullity, or I No. 4
pen 2d qnlity. 7 . » .
For $2 50 a :‘fo. ‘4 p_en 1:: quality, or a No. 5
pen 2d quality. ‘
For $8 20 a No. s,pen-lu quality, or s No. 6
pen 2d quality.
For $4 00 a. No. 6 pen 1:: quality. For $5 50
a N 0.27 pen. Forss 15 o No. 8 pen. For
$llOO I N 0.12 pen ; all first quality. 6'
Qur pens rank throughout. the country as
equal if not superior to my gold pens manu
twtuged. Not only for their writing qualities
but Qgrnbility and elegant finish. The gren
est careis need in their manufscturo,and none
ore sold with the .thtest imperfection which
akin can‘decect. :
Pattie} in orderia must specify the name_
number 9°51 Tnfity fin ail iuswncevud whe
ther nifi‘ or I mber, com-so or fine.
T 0 CLUBS—A discount of 12 per ceanill
he allowed on tum: of $l5, if sent tq nae id,
dren, atone time; 15 per cent. on $25; 201m
cent. on $4O. ,
All remituncee by mail, Registered, are" at
our rink. To :13 who enelou 20 cents extra
for registering, we guanine. the safe delivery
or the goods, '
Circulnn of QR our new Ifylen, with Engrav
inga of use: due, and pricu. not upon rev
uépt at many, j? domed. fps: repointed for
5 cents, hymen:
figm‘ snd Jewelerl ere retina-ted to
4:6me with umwe on 950: an area:
inducements. Adana, _
‘ «0- :00 firmvm. a. y.
gun 39. 1:65.. 91:
LADIES' Cloth _foi’ ole ing, ’naw s3ll]
1n» 39¢;on a}, “”58er B s'.
01-101 mm?” m
. ‘ bu. -, A“: .. 1W SQHIO’i’B. (
2m mam ’aMo-loi
S *'¢',“‘_x‘ 32w qt‘mr’aqmyfi
'« l ' ’ ’ ’ ‘ ‘ “ 1
Good Thugs from the 011.73 5 9011930“ ‘ l’andnke rm. ‘
I x m-xeéemng wig. c'. week from m; FOR -
Ev citytnrlctiotnrticlelsuimdl.o,!th_ - SICK HEADACHE.
ianu of thig community, viz; Fresh nnd_Bdx In Sum-om, Cwu up Can.
£l5ll, £ll3ll. 51:03:39” udOSidel, gom‘nlrs Th 3: ha: received its name from 1 count“!
enn- a.t A lea. otnzoes Ange: emons
Confeétlon’s, pfublccos, So, a”, with many, names or llc‘xnm‘ It the stomllcb, which nt
other article: In this lino—:sl reached la the undo the pain In tne held. The heldsche is
but order, tad sold At the towel! prsflu. Ogre . up! to be begin in the morning on raking from
us a can, ln Bnltlmou nnet, nearly oppouu ‘ . a"? sleep, and when “me Megan“). of
Fahnestorks' store. . .. , .
WAVTED Butter Esp, Lard “d all me. has been commuted on the day before,”
‘ «" 1 ‘ 1 " . .
otlur country produce—fo! which the highen nometupes {0" sever-11th,. pronoun. AWE"
cash price will be paid. . . ’ where is n diltrenlngly oppressive feeling in
swam" POTATOES—but quality, It low- ‘ the herd, which graduallv merge! mm, s u
est living profits—tlways on hand. Also, h . . . ‘ .
O‘L'STIIRS, fine and (mu—in the men or Ye” “‘3’ 9““ m ”“9 “W 1“: "99W“! “-
shocked. Restaurant! and flmiliei uuppllrd. tended 11! 3 "Me of fullness Ind tendernesr
STRICKHUUSEB & WISOTZKEY- Ein one eye, Ind extending across the forehead.
~oetty:l7_nrg._htnj:_l§,_lB63. .There (a 2' dummy, nnpleaunt tune in the
New Goods tmLarge Stock! ; month", an ofi'enzive breath, and the téngne
ERCHANT 1311,03ny ' cover§d with a. yellowish white far. The suf-
DI JACOBS I BRO. ! let-er genius to be done in n dirk room. A:
have just received from the cities n large _StOCk won‘u the petient real: the fullness in the
3&2??er Gentlemen: wear, enbncmz ‘ bud and pain in the temples, take nlarge
CLOTES, Edose o‘l Schenck’n ulnar-aka Pilln, end in an
CASSIMERES, VES‘I‘WG‘ lhour or two they will ice! as well u ever.—
' e H Thin he! been tned by thbusands, and in Al
git-2:112:12 izan:;:;‘ér';gr?“’ other good!" way: lute to clue, nnd_ instepd of the Ile
They are prep-red to nuke up gmnenu It ' hendlche coming on every week or ten dlys,
the Morten notice. and in the my but man- , they wlll not be troubled with lt once in three
n:r.hiThe Fsshionl 3r; regntliazl‘y LenoiTvzg, and months“ ,
rnzt \ 5 es: e . 4 -| ~ , . .
3:13:13“ ngfitgxhllattheirynewing isyauro! “hunk ’ Mandrake Pd" a" enmpoud o!
to be substantial. «4 ' . [in number of roots besides Podophlntn, arcan
‘l‘héy ask a. continuance of the public’s pk; centrnted‘ hlnndrnke,tll of which tend to relax
"03"89: "501"“ by 8”“ “Wk and “0‘19”" the secretion")! the livflpnd nctmore prompt
charges to earn it. ‘ l h bl 'll d 'th t 1 .
Gettylbnrg, April 'I, 1862. I‘ in no pl 'or mercury, n m . .0“ en
lng any dangerous efl'ccu. In I blllonl per
lon they will allow themselveu hy the stools.
They will expel worml, mucus, bile at! all
' morbid matter from the ,Iystem. In nick
l, headache. if they are'taken as directed nbove,
; (elfull dose as soon a: they feel the int nymp
: tom of'it,) Dr. thenck will and bu direcl
led; hi: Igentu to return the money if they d 9
not gife perfect utlsfaction. ‘
If n ptrwn ha: been compelled to slay out
late at night, and drink too much wine, by
taking a. date or plul on going to bed, next
morning he will feel I! though be hell nht
dink a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed
a all. _ .
201 mg wux'r, ,
B 0 0K Burpsß,
Plain and Ornamental Banding, o! cveiy de
scription, executed in the moat suolunliul tad
npproved nylon. ..
E. W. Brown, Eli}, Fax-men Bank of Lnucnmr
W. L. Paper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank
Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank.
Ssmuel Wagner,-Esq., York Bank. ‘
Willinm anner, Esq.. York County Bank.
'l‘. D.‘ Carson, Elq., Bank of Gettysburg.
Peter Martin, an., Proth‘y of Lgnculer co., Bu
Geo. GJhnLoru, Esq" Register u- -‘
Geo. Whitson, 12:11., Recerde: “ ‘ “
April 15, we: - ~
NEWPORT a ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak
eu, South Washington fitreet, halt nquare
hum the Eagle Howl, GETTYSBURG, Pa.—
Comtnntly on hand; the ‘beu ot‘ BREAD,
lons wishing fresh Bind will be served eyery
morning, bylaw)“; their name: and residences
u the Bakery. Every 3mm made to pleate'
Give us a call! {April 20, '63. 1f
W. FLEMMING confine: the buliaeu
A, of SALE URYLN‘G, and solicits thesau
tmued patro’nage of the public. It is his cou
slnnt eudeavo: to give autism-tion, Charge:
moderate. Residence in Bteckimidgo ntreet,
P. S.-—He is a lircnaed Auctioneer, under the
Tu Law of the Unmet! Sines.
.\‘ov. 24,,1502. ‘ '
F PARTNERSHIP.—The Comannenhip'
0 existing ,bekween die subscribers. hu‘
been diasol'ved this day by mutual cmseuL—l
We return thanks to our friends and the public;
for time llbeflil support extended to us. Ouri
hooks wiil be left. at. the store; and we “west-,-
Iy requeal those indebted to us to cm and
make immediate payment; nn‘we are desirous
to lee our busiueg: without delay. 1
. - ALEXANDER 'conmx,
Juao, 2654. ‘JOHN CULP. .
BE lubscribgr having diapmed ofibis i}:-
mast. in the Store of Cobenn & (July to
Jo n S. Crawford. s:q., tespccuully asks the
continuance of his ,friends and customers to
patronize his :uaccésot—wherr Burgnins may
be had.
Feb. 8, 1864
1 Cohen hning associaled With him in
busincas John S. Crawford, who purchased
the interest of John Culp, respectfully nu
noum‘es lo the citizens of Geitysbfirg and the
public generally, that the'business will be con
tinued at the Old Stand on Chamberab‘urg
street, by A. COBEAN & COE, who will con
stumly keep on hand a large flock of Goods,
in the line of ‘ .
tmd Ihey will also continue the Manufacture ox
Shoes. I
From their long experience in 311 the above
branches, they flatter themselves that they cm
please the public, end will sell cheap for cash.
Dolng busincel under the name and In of
A. Cohen 3 00. (Feb. 8, 1864.
100.000 bush. Grain Wanted.
WM. E. RIDDLE & 00. would inform the
public xhat they have leased ‘he Warehouse
1 on the corner of Strauon ureet and the Rail
-1 road, in Gettysburg, when they will carry on
l all its branches. The highest price: mll al
: ways he paid (or .
‘ CORN, OATS, ‘ ,
Dried Fruit, Null, Soup. Hams, Shoulders and
Sides, Potatoes; with everything else in the
country produce llne. ‘
Cofl‘ees, Sugars, Molina”, Syrups, Tons, Spices
Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch,
Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Brushes, Soaps,
to. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, ’l‘ar, &c.—
FISH of all kinda; NAILS AND SPIRES;
Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos.
,‘ They are alwnys able l 9 supply a first, rule
$31157? or FLOUR, with ihe difl'erent kinds of
and other fertilizers. WCOAL, by the
bunhel,ton. or car load.
Their Cara run to Baltimore and hnak twice
I. week,and they will be happy to carry goods
either way at moderate charges. Marketmen,
country merchnnts, and others, will find it. to
their Advanuge to patronize this line.
They Blk 3 share of the public'a custom,nnd
will spare no efion to render satisfaction to
all, sellers or buyers.
Aug. 22, L854._ tf
HE undersigned has opened sPROVISIOH
.. SSORE at Geo:ge Little's old stand, in
West Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will
always keep on hand, for sale,
BEETS, TURNIPS, wnh everything also in
the proviuou line.
He will all at small profits, and spare no
war: typhus. » _
Eli Cum, Hugh, Sheep, 01112:, to, ruled,
for which tha hi; est prigel will be paid.
Oct. 17, 1864. if _
5 Everhart’s * W
can" or nova» 6 "Law: nuns,
- This Home in on digect lino bonnet: tho
Xenia-tn Cantu! Ind Wtimm Qnfl Ohio m
M Depots. 'lt bu ‘been "fined Ind conf
forubly nnugad for the convenience gm; fig,
annulment of sum,
0". 31, was. ' t! ' " ' ‘
s WW‘Mwi
‘ ' Old ‘ i
Lancaster Book Bindery.
‘Now Bakery !
Sala CrYitig•
A Card.
Another Change
Provision Store.
Tbey only‘cost 25 cents a box. ,
‘Whoever taken them will never me my
other. They are won}: a dollar to 3 an]: men
for every cent they cost.
J Don't. forget. the nsfiae—Scnzxcx’a Mu-
on" Pms. ~
‘ Sold wholcrxb and retail M Dr. Schenck'a
Pfincipnl Oflice; .\'o. 15, North Sixth luau,
Philadelphia, and by Druggisu and Store
keepers generally. ,
Price for Pulmonic Syrup, Senweed'Tonin.
each 51 50.17” bottle. $7 50 the half dozen,‘
or two bottles of Sfjrup nqd on'e of Tome, for!
$2. 75.
Dr. Schenck w‘m be on his office, N 0.15
.\'orgh Sixth Street. Philadelphia, every Sunr
pny to are putieuu. He mnkea no charge {or
ndvice, but. for :1 thorough examination at the
lungs with his Respie‘omrter, he charges $3.
3m. 20, 1563. [jm‘.,'64. .
‘ ¥ 0
gum and mum gowns.
» . ThesePowden
' will strength
. (ntthmmuch
' 1 ‘ nnd Intestines,
"- cleanse them
’ ' from oflenslve
matter, .And
. , L H... .r_ .. bring them ‘0
l 5—2., 'fi 13:2,}? fig-i 5, nheallllysmte.
' " A ‘ ' They are a
Inn preventive of Lung Trrer, and n certain
remedy for all Ducaacs incidnm to the Horse,
such as Glan
ders, Yellow
Water, Dis
: e m p e r,
F o u “f e r .
11 e u es .
Coughs. .Fe—
vars, Loss of
A pefite nnd‘
Vfial Ener
gyv 86- .
In poordow-spirited animals, it has the
most. beneficml cfi'cct
The use ofthem improves the wind. strength
ens the- Appetite; and gins lo the Horse 3
fine, smocnh and glossy skin—mus improv
ing the appearance, rigor and spirit of this
noble animal. ' u
The property this Powder possessc: in in
mum? thcqminmy of Milk in Cows, gin!
it an mportance and yulue “hick should
place it in the hand; of every person keeping
I Cow. By actual experiment it has proven
th'az it will increase the quantity of Milk and
Cream twenty per cent, and make the Butter
firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it given
them an appetite, loosens their hide and
make: them thrive much faster.
_HO G 8 .
In an Diseases of
me Swinmauch u ‘ V 72: " ;, V
Coughs, Ulcers in fizéflézi 2:
the Lungs, Liver, ‘ “‘2? -;- ,
kc. By putting \‘ -A‘ J
from Mfa paper ‘ —‘}
glrpel: of ”gen” (A; ..‘flf't‘. ~
ow an ma. r- ’ ~;-:\_ s
rel-of Swill, the wk: \ “-
above Diseases can be cured or entirely fire
vnud. By using these Powders the og
Chaim) an be prevented.
Price 25 0178va Paper, or 5 Papers for $l.
I DIM al
10. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Md.
For Silo hy Druggim and Storekupfl'l
throughout the United sum.
For ’ale by A. D. Buehler, Gettylburg;
Laugh m A: Bushfleld, Wheeling, Va; 0. C.
Bender a CO., Pitusburg; Jofinson, Holloway
a: Cowden, Philadelphia. ‘
Nov. 28, 1864. 1y
Globe Inn. '
you: 81", REAR was buxom,
ETTYSBURG, PA.-The undersigned
G would most respectfully inform hie nu
merous friends end the public generally, that
he ‘hes’ purchased that long ealeblished and
well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn," in York
enact, Gettysburg, end will spare no efl'orl to
conduct it in a manner that. will not detract
from its former high reputation. His ‘table
will have the best the market can nfl‘ord—his
chambers Ire spacious and comfortable—lnd
he has laid in lor his bare full alock‘qf wince
end fiqnars. There is large scahling attached
to the Hotel, which will be “tended by atten
tive hustlers. It will be his constant. endeavor
to render the fullest amisfacfion to his guem,
making his house a: near a home to them as
pouib e. Be uh I share of the public’e pa
tronege; determined as h'e is to deserve a. large
.33 957 i: Remember, ihe “Globe len" in u
gfilk meet, but an: the Diamond, or Public
April 5, 186‘. :2
John W. mm.
0N4!!!“ BARBER, Konhveut cor- ‘
'pog of tho Dinnfllfhcxt doorto He
olln'l load.) ‘Gotmbnrg. PL, when he
sin 5: sum" be {and rug] to Attend to all
basins in! his linc. BI yuan unnatu
rmnqo And vi}; ”M 9" utilisation. 6i”
gm 1 cg), (Doc, 3.188% g
431-10111 an 9mm 00!:
' The Fenfllurs pro and by the Agricul-‘
tun! Chemirnl Co , (a. gomplny cluttered by:
lb: Legislature with a caniul of 3250.000.)‘
have been proved in practice to he the cheap-f
est, mou prufiuble and pen. furth‘FMmehi
Gudner and Fruit-growe't. of all concqnnned .
manure: now ottered in any mum. The
Company] list embruu the following: ’
PABULETTE This Fertilizer in com
! pond of ni‘ht noil undl
the fertilizing elements of urine, combined
chemically Ind meclmu‘cally with other valu-'
Able lcrtilizing nzents null nhsorbeuu, ,
It is reduced to n pulverulent condition;.
ready for immediate me, and without IOK‘S at
its highly nitrogenous ferlilizing properties. I
In :niveranl applicability to all crops 33131.!
soila, and its durability and native qualitienfl'
are well known to be .11 that. Igrlculturisls
can desire. _ ’
Paicz $3O nu rox. .
- ”“ l
CHEMICAL compes'r T-h*'F"“-*
' 111:: r 253
lnrgcly composed nf animal miller, such 113'
mean, bone, fish, lcnrhcr. hair and wool. 1.0-!
geiher with chemical: and inorganic fertilizers, l
which decompose the mass, Ind reuin :heE
nitrogenous elements. - ,
h is a very valuable fertilizer {or field crops!
generilly, and especially for potatoes, and :
garden purposes. .
Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap- ,
ness, have nude it very popular win: Ll) who'
have used it. _ ‘
ancx, $4O an 70:. ‘ /
- - - - This )1 rhl '
Comppsna Ferulxzar. “Whig;
fertilizer il parlicnlnrh' adapted tor the cum-E
“tion of "was, fruits, lawns and flnwers. It!
will‘ promote a very vigorous and healthy
growth ofwood and frniv, and largely inrrnsei
the quantity skm! psi-fen thy mmurny of thei
frui‘. For Hot-house and bench.” ylnntu
and flowers, it will be lound nu indixpenaublm
article to secure their greatest perfection. In
will prawn: and cure diseased conditions or“
the peséh and grape, and is xxx-client for gum,
and hunt. ‘~ !
11. is composad of such elerheuls us make it’
adapted to the growth of all kinds 0! crops mt
rill kinds of nails. ‘ I
Th 6 lonnula or method of combining it.
constituent fertilizing ingredienu, have re- ’
ceived the higheslapprovnl oI eminent chemists‘
and niemific ngricnhuristh
Pawn, $5O PSI. Tox. |
- The A rricullmal
Phosphate of Lune. mg.“ m. :
panj manuhcmre I Phosphate 0! Lime in lac-l
ton-dance with a new and valuable formula hy i
whlch u. very superion uncle is produced. so ‘3'
to he alforded mules: ‘price than other mnnu-l
future" chuge. Prnclicul lest: have proved?
that“: value,” a fertilizer. is equal to the but 3
Phosphate of Lima in the mnrket. 1
Pnlcs, 360 mm 705..
' TERHS CASH. All Orders ofa Ton or more,
will be delivered utthe Railroad Siatimis and
the anrws of Shipment, free of vintage.—
carlage will be charged on all oule‘rs ot 0:
burials or Iva-x.
One dollar per Ton allowance fur mrtua
will has made on all miles delncred at 2m-
Works of the Company, on Canal \l'lmrr.
Ar Caren. Wmn‘r. ox nu: DELAWARE.
Ojficq 4135 Arch St. I’luladtlpkia. [‘4l.
R. B. FITTv‘, (leach! Agent. .
The Company's Pamphlet. Ciruxlar, emhmc
ing full dirccliuns for min; the above Ferti
liters, sent by mail. free, when requested.
Mar. 13, 1863. 6111
on? sxmmumucro’m;
.\'o. 628 ARCH Sr.. above 61h, I’HXLA
Wanna up: my llnnn
The mmt complete assortment and best
quality and style: of Lndiei’,r Missel' and Chil
dren‘s Hom- Sxxais. inathe City. Those of
"oth Dim .\lus,” are gottenjp exprussly to
meet the wants of FIRST CLASS Run“. ’l‘mnx,
embracing all the new and desirable styles,
silt-I, lengths and size waists, in mail nndplnin
SKIRTS, from 19 tn .56 springs, from 3.1 to 44
in! hes long, and 2*, 2}. 2}. 3,3 i, 3},anll3}
yards round the bottom; mnking more than a
hundred Vul'ittibs lor Lnrlin; in Miss" and
Children's SKIRTS we are beyond all compe
uviun, all that are made by us have snurro
on the kid pad “Hoiikins' Hnop Skirt Manu
t‘lwlury, No. 628 Arch Street.’Philnda.," nndmc
warranted to gin snlismction.
mfigents for the “NEW FLEXIBLE"
SKIRT, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made,
equal to Brsdtey’s “Duplex Ehpiic” Shirt, and
at. much lower prices.
Also, constantly in receipt of: full assort
ment of good Ensrwrn nmde Skirts \Thlch are
being sold at very luw prices—Kid padded and
métalic fastened lSr-nprlngs 85 ctnts,2o springs
Si 00, 22 springs ii la, 30 :pringl $1 25 and
40 springs $1 5“. SKIRTS made to order. ni
tored and repaired. Term Carin—One Print
Only. For Circulnr'cunminlng Catalogue of
styles, lengths, sizes and Prices, call at or ad
dress by mail, incloaing Stamp for Postage,
March 6, 1865. am ,
Nevi Warehouse.
00.090WANTED,M the neny-ain
and Produce cum, in Carlhle Ilreet, adjoin
ing Shanda & fluehler'u establishment. The
Sigheal. market price wiu always. be paid in
cash for ‘ .
GRAIN, ofiull kinds,
Alwny: on hnnd‘uud tor sale, at the amulles‘.
~ Wholesale and retail.
TRY US! We shell do our best. to gin
satisfaction in All cues.
Gettysburg, My 11, 1863. 1}
HE undenigned would-most respec‘fully
. inform the public that he continues the
av. his shop, lately Philip Dmrsom’s, adjoining
Troxel'a paint shop, in East Middle street,
Gettysburg, where he will at. all times be pre
pared to do Blacksmnbing work to Carriages,
Buggies, Wagons,'&c. That. be known how to
do I“ job: 0: Ibe kind will not be questioned
by those who have a knowledge of his long
experience at lbe business. Game on with
your woxk, and you will be satisfied when you
mkeil nwnyl—nnd for which he mil roceive
Cash or Country Produce.
Mar. 20, 1865. tf
The Popular 7-30 Loan.
T TYSBURG has been designated a Deposi
tary Ind Financial Agent of the Uniged States,
and will furnish the popular 1-30 Coupon
Notes, free from all taxes, and convertible st
maturity into 5-20.5 ix per cent. gold interest
Bonds. Will also furnish 5-20 and 10-40
Bonds, one year Certificate! and all other Gov
emmenr securities. Will buy Gold nnd Silver,
cub Cbnpons, and make collections promptly
on all accessible points.
GEO. ARNOLD, Csshier.
Dec. 26, 1864. Li
Lands! Lands!
APT. 8. CHRITZHAN, hnvlngjnst return
id from a trip to the West and all tha
LAY!) region in God'l gr!“ hbyridth, In
would inform the citizen of Gettysburg sad
its vicinity, that h: is {min-2d, no: o‘nly to
DESORIPTION. Persons visitiuglhnisbatg
would do well to all, as he will funuh u! in.
iormngion. 1!- CHMTZMAN.
Jan. 2. 1865. t! , = .
Pictures! ficturefl
EV! ”DEERE having gunk-«d Sumac!
L Wuvet’l P 3070684 K GALLERY, in
pnpu‘oiw qecnu work in his line equal to
any eat-blishpent if; ghe Stage. H you dull.
p appd likeness, finished manna to thank“
imptovemenu in "an m, 12.51! M. the “>076
xan‘aublisbed Gluery, 13 Want mad}:
«not, Geuyshnrz- (Jun. 9, 1865.
:l ‘37 Db 3- HORNEWS Tonic and Audi.-
live _Powdb , 10:303888'udm1'w;
"13"“! “d ”a 9W “x kin Pmlfitm- ‘
"Jaw”: :ms. ‘ V
4RB flaw, Gnu SALE
, APAB - is menus. cums, mum“) mo]. u.
i 0351-: MILLION DOLLAHS' 9’0““!
1 20 n Mac!» or n
1 ONE DOLLAR 1405-!
Wilhonr and In Value! Nu; go “”3”
i until In new whuyou no lo uni"! H
Splendid Lu: 0! Article!!! All to no ‘uflfig
t On. Dolls: Each i II
‘250 Genu’ Gold hunting-cue
. Wflchu, 350MQI‘Ocuh
9 250 Lndiel' Gold And Enluell
) ed bunting-cm Wntcban, 35 “
4:00 Geuu' bunting-case SH
! ier Winches, 35 "
3200 Diamond Ring. 50 “
5000 con: Yr}! 1: Neck China, 4 "
1:000 Hoid nuled Bracelet», -| "
[3OOO Jet und Gold Bmceltu. 6 “
’ 2000 ChMbhine Chain: and
; Guard Chnin‘, 5 “
, 7000 Soiitnin-Mhléamochu. c N
‘ 5000 CL 4!, Ups! Ind Emerlid
i Brown”, 1 “
. .2000 mm, Cumon, nnd Purl \
I Eur Drups, 4 “
5 row .\ioniLg, Joe. Lawn, and '
Flr'mino Enr Drnpi. ‘ “
Tim) Cum). Uyal, and Emerald
. Ear “royal ,I “
40w Cilii'ormJ Dinm'd Breath
plin, 2 50 ”
iiuwl (it-id Fob ;\ V?“ Witch}
‘ km v 4. .50 "
10w i‘uh .i- \‘N lllhhou-siidu, .x "
mm; m: bulimirc Slrm‘G-but- ,
1‘ lam». 51min. ML. 3 “
.3000 Gold Thimhiu.hnciia,.§‘c.. 4 “
in (r Minintura Lockets. 2.50 “
I 4000 Mininmn Lock‘eu, Magic
} ~\‘pring, . 10 “
31 00 Hold Tomhpicks. Cranes, I "‘
‘ 5000 Plain Onlul Rings, 4 “
i {.OOO L‘hmed Guld Rm", 4 “
; iouu Sign» SottSigmlliinoufiO "
I luuu Cuiii‘uruin Div-mend Ring, 2 “
! 7.10:) NBIS‘ imdin' Jewelry—Jet
‘ and Gold, 5 “
, cu. l'rarl,opul,& oihrrxtuum, 4 “
,3wmu Lipid l'uno,>‘il\er Extra“
‘ rim) imldrr‘ .md l'cuvils, 4 “
ilv'cu Hold i’eur .L Gold mount.-
1 ed “widen, ~a“
-.’.m.n Hui-i PPIIR nm'l cum u- _
lens’nn Hulda”. 15 "
5000141!!!- u'Gih k .|étnurklm. 5 “
300! Ladies‘ Gill and Jr! Unit
1) us um! I) 11:, - 5"
53000 Silver Lobhti. and Drink.
i mg Cups: ~ ' b "
3 t .w‘m’ r Custiirl, l 3 “
2000 er Fruit, Card. and ‘
! (Hike “min-lA, 20 “
mm} lion-u sure: Tm Spoons, w u
‘ ill-iuuilnznn Siiwr’l‘uhlefipouni
‘ mm Forks. _ _2O u w ..
' \l:l:.\\h.\LH & "0., .\Lmufncmrnn' Agents
.\'u NI “mun TAV. .\H“ You.
m WWI am: In!" 111
Scrofuh uni Scrotum: mucu-
Fron Eur” Eda, a Mi'mn Ina-dun! q] 0:-
' MI. Habit.
“ l have mold M 39 mm!“ of gour Mm nu
““1” but. never at one bottle w and a! m
all-«rigs: and Km «amt-4:14“; mum who ache:
. I n o t «no then
he: no media: mach gummy."
Eruptions, P‘ , 310 mm 2m. Ul-
can, 50m, und an mun-es at tho Bkm.
Fm Ber. Rom. Stratum, 11mm, England.
II 1 only do my duty to you Ind the nublic, when
I add my [Mttmnuy to that you pub“; of flu: me
mama v rum or 'our SUIS \PMHMA. NV daugh
191’. lgfil ton. 11:13 In mun-um humor In Ear Inn.
0‘". find hair fbr yours. “man we were unpble to
cum nntll we mm yum- SmuauuLLA. she ha:
been well for sum: mouths." -
From ”(5.15"! f. Ricc, I! mjl-btgy'n gm! gulf/v
alt-(mummy uf Deurin‘u’lm Cape May (‘O.. .\I J.
“ My dlugllm— has sufl'eml for a year pnxt u MI I
Igrolulnm mum. wlnlcll \us wry trouhlL-nmnc.
.\olhlng mu u] mg; mud an!!! we trlvd your
Hun unnuu. w hie soon oomph-1c!" curl-d her."
l‘mm Film)" I‘. Gage. £317.. of (he widelylrwml
Gaye. ,llunyly .5 CO., muu'fluzurers oft-admit“
palpers in Aluhwr, .\, H.
“ had for ”va yvm n rrry troublesome
Imm ;r m my fin-e. “Inch :rw-w mnumnlly war-o
uuul ll :llifl umd my fumm l and bulm- an Intol
urablc nflllcfion. I tried almost. awry thing .1 Imm
could or hath ndrlce Ind medldno. hut Without my
rcllof wlmn. r. umll l took your SAPJJAI‘AMII l \.
I: lmmcd'uu‘ly madu my fat» worm, nu {on told me
it ml"hv.,forl time: bu: in I fvw wee s We now
skm T-cgh ‘0 form unlla the bunches. and con
tmucd until my {am is in smooth in any hady’l.
and lsmymhout any symptoms of “1‘: .lisunl: that
I know (A'. I mjny pu’fm‘l lwnllh, .ml \lflholll- I
doubt um: ls m yuur mm uunILLA.“ .
Erysipolu Gen and Debuity- I’m-W tho
From Dr. lioLt. Smn'n, Hmufan Sh, Nun York.
H Du. Arum. I mldom full to remove L'filfllioul
rm?! Sn’fiflllol‘l Sam by the pomcveringusco your
SAPSAI'AIULL \ and l have just now cured m “th
of Muhymml E’nrn'pelu Mt]: it. No alwnflw we
posse” equals 7 n s.msxr.uunud-ou have sup
pUed to the protrusion I. well nto no people."
From J. E. Johpnon. £511.. Walmuan. Ohio.
“ For twelve years, 1 had lhczfillowErfi-lxxfin:
an my Hum um.durluc which t_ eI mm 11l Lh
«(L-bum] physician! I can!!! reach, and tnok Imu
dmis of dnlhru worth of muhclnca. The Ultra
were I 0 Ind that Ihr curds bL-mmu \Mth, and um
doctors decided nut my Irm must be amputated. I
begun inking yanr SAP-\AI’AIHI M. 'l‘nok two bob
nu. Ind some or your l'n la. Tugmher they have
curt-d mu. lum now an WP” and sound u may body.
Bela-g 1n a public place, my CJHU in known to o'er}!-
2101";- m tbh cuuunuulty. and «one. the wondt r at"
from ”an. "em-y Monro. N. I’. I'.. of .\'CH‘""S!II"
C. "1. a I: “ling number 0/ the Canadian I'm (in:
mml. ' ‘
“I have um] your Smnmxzu.“ In my family!
for gnncrnl delu‘ ll". and for par”? lug he bland;
with vera' bem-flrla‘l rmullu. :unl fcci cpnfld‘ m
comm-n lug It to We nun-ml." 5 I
St. Anthony's Fire, nose, Suit ~Bheum.
Bond Read. Sore Eyes. ‘
Fran [Tm-rm Sit-Her, qu..flu- able nlitof n/the
A flitilkhanuock Democrat, I'mmylmm'u.
“ Our only child, :bom. three yepr'n of agv, was
attacked by pimples on nu fort-heath The? Lquy
sprout! mm] they lormcd .1 lunthwmc nm \lruln-u:
aorr. wlnlch con-ml his fncr. and anunlly bhmlcd
Inn «you tor some thaw. A sLJllul pinyin-mu nppllml
nimne of Inn-r an other remain-n. “Ithuut uny
lppnnmt rfl'ccl. For uncut) than we gunrdml M 4
luuuln hut with than he should [mu-opm (In-1m-
U‘rmg and corrupt wound \vluch can n I! his whoh"
rm. Having mod excr} flung Mu- uc had any
lmpc ham “0 brguu mung your ~u.~x.u:u:11.1.4.
lud applying the lodide at ponuh lnnuu, m .\ml
dlr- rt. The worth-gun lu m-zu “lwn wv hwl gun It
flu lirflt huulr'.'an¢l um. \wll nhcn u: Ind lhudml
llw m'coud. 'l he did.” ryl Lulu v, “M -h hm] mun,-
out. grow again. and he I: now an h-"lllhy and 1:."
as luv olht-r, The “not... neighburbuud pndichd
than the cluld mm: div.”
Byphihn and Mercgiul Dyeznfe
From Dr. flimm £70411, 4,/' <l. lum'.. "imam-5.
“1 find ynur suznrumJ \ a more lhu-hv'l
remwly for ll".- umoudnrv .‘yumrunu 01‘ .\lqxln‘n':
and far syphllltlo cumu- dum an, utlwr \\ .- |m~~u u.
Tim pmivblon m Inllrhtvd lu )ou lor numu m LI"
bcnmulmnc: \u-hMc." ‘ '
l'rnm 24. J. I‘ncnck, Jf. D., my v'mL Mt )Jn/ ~51‘5"" a!
Laurmre, Jlu‘u.. n'hu i‘ u )n'umnmu m min 1;]
the Lrgl’alnmre o ' Vnumhuu‘iv. -
\‘ Du. A int. ){y dug" hug l hut fimml vom-
S.u:s\l-Mul.l.\ an uwllum rum-u. fur \up/miu.
Moth of flu- primary I(an srrmnlm .1 lyln , :mul - Ilw.
lunl in some much Ilut wrn- 100 Manual: In _H- M
to other mun-dun. Ido not know win! my run run
yloy with mom (whim ' n! sum-as, “I|er .4. pom r~
ul aha-ram» e In ruqun mi."
.‘lr. Chan. *1 12m Lin”, nf an I'D-mmn'rk. .\'. J .
haul drcndful ulcrru on In: lrgu, mun-d Ir.- lhn' nhu u
of mercury. or mtrmriu/ Juan-A. widrlnfigr, u mun
nnd'moro nggrn‘.-utcd for )mrs, m Tip of awry
remedy or tn-ntmcut um could lu- npp "d, nnul flu:
renaming unem' Av. L'i \‘AM u- um; \ rvlievr-l
)lm. Few cam-gnu bu hmud umrl- ru. Imm nu.|
dim-casing than (Inn. and u. [out IL) mud tl-mn
bottle- to cure him
Leuoogrhaa. Whites, Female Weakness.
:rc gnncrnllty produced by intrrml Sue/Jinn: I I
rvra in». 111 are wry nfl-‘u mm] by (In: aln-nllve
I‘m-rt of this S.\I:SAI‘\RHJ \. homconw. mlnlrv‘.
howm er. m aid of the 3 Wm \P.\l.‘ll.L.\, mu rklliul
applicaflon of [warn-mallow.
‘l‘rom the IrdMnnv'n and widely rrlrbmlcd Dr.
Jumb ,Inmrill, Ql' ( 'l'urinwui.
“ I have found ynur “nun-«mu x :m ram Hun:
Ilmrnllm m din-um of l‘r-malcu. Many (‘JM‘i nf
)rrrgmlnn! ‘, Ixumrrlm‘a. Inh'rnnl l lcvmflnnmml
loeu dr-hllizy. arising from tho wrofulmm :Mmlu‘uli.
hays ykldm tn muml there urn {nw' llml do nm,
when m cube! is proprrly nidol by infill (whim-ml."
A lady, unwilling to allow lbw pill/((‘Y‘ll’lht 0/ hr»
nnmr. vrrftu .~
“I? daughter and myu-Ifihnw Imm mm] of a
wry oblllwting lmlmrrhrca of Ion; utuudnguy
two bottles or your Sun H'AIILIA." ‘
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dyl
' pepsin. Heart Dianne, granular}.-
whm caused by firm/“la in the lyifvm, :u’e rapidly
mm! by this {A r. SmsAmnn.u.A.
possess so many adrnnmgca’ovcr (he who:-
purgntivos in the market. and thelr Inpcriur
\ irtue; are so universally known, tlm! we need
not do more than to assure the public their
quulltyJl maintained cqml to the bent it’cvcr
has been, Ind thas they may be depended on
to do all that they have ever done.
Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & CO,,
Lowell, Mass" Ind told by
S‘For sale by A. D. Buchler, Gen; sburg,
and «inlet! ”anally. _ '
Aug. 8, 1864. cow ly
Somethmg for Everybody
Just opened a fine assortment a!
Drug! and Medicines, ‘ ;
Patent Medicinal,
Stationery, ' ‘
ancy Dry Goods,
_ Cont‘eclious,‘.' ‘1
, - Groceriu.
. Sofiona,
TOBACCO, srzams, to
Jan. 18, 186-1. ‘
‘Stlll at Work. ‘
HEfindu-signed coubinuu the
in I“ it! branches; at his old “and, in East
Middle street. Gettysburg.
NEW WORK made to order, and
done promp’xly and at. lowpst tires.
Two first—late SPRING {news and a
Dec. 7, 1863. :
New Goods.
Are constantly receiving choice and de
slrfle goods, from New York, Philadelphia
an ultimate, and are prepared to offer
to thcse about ynmhnsing. Having selected
with great cure, rom the threeleadingmarkeln,
the public will look to their own interests by
examining our stock before buying elsewhere.
May 9, 1864. Red Front.
$lO a Day!
GENTS WANTED.-—-To u" the “ 25 CENT
AG ." Each Package contain: 35 Songs, 2
pages ofMuaic, 18 sheets of Paper. 18 Enve
lopea,! Ruler, 1 Pen, 1 Pen Bolder,l Lend
Pencil, 1 Design for Undersleeves, l for Child'j
Apron, I for mhroidered Collar, l for Chris
tening Robe, 1 (or muting Lenm, 13 Secrets
never before published, worth mun: Dollars;
nud other information. £l5O, one buutiful
article of human Libero! inducement: to
Azenu. Send Stamp for Circular.
SARUEL 8011‘.
43 South Third 81,, Phihdelphls, Pa.
June 13,1964. 1: <1
Howard Assocmtion. ~ 1
BKLADBLIBIA, Pita—Dismal of the
New", Bauhal,‘l7rinlry tad Sun}!
yuan—new snd' reliable treatment—in ’ re
port: of 4b: HOWARD ASSOCIkTIONA—‘nm
by mail in salad hue: annlopuhftee of
charge. Adams, DrJ. SKWW“ OMv
TON, Howd Augafutjon, yo. 2 Sauna Ninth
Suee‘fi, Phil-9101141“, h, ' ‘ f ~.
lug. 3,13“. l ~ 5 "
E game; A 3 ~ ;
The humor Wuhtng Inga: h an?“
in g florid. 09,“ ad quaint ”um
OKS. u q» Ital-Lot Big-mam
‘ u , x ‘. ‘ i u K2s} ‘
.\nuua me 11l u 111 ut’lhv .IbIIVP list of go "I!
M :1! 'lO ml! fu?‘ UH: DLILIAIK ezu'h. ,- ‘
' It. lnxhcqwlu‘l- u: the amt amgnnxion u!
:l‘ ”11- m Lin» nnuul'acnmn; dim-3c“ ul ling
la-M‘ I!.mugh 1h:- wur lnzu'lu‘ rul. nll‘ the Jup
l‘l.‘ u’ comm.“ lnrg‘ q‘mukil’ ul V-hmhm
I'. - .~mr_\. ungnmlly mlrmlul fur llr- Huxlml
‘l:u|l'\l".h-~‘H‘K"I «ml n‘Hor uh In thh mm...
ll\ \\‘.' ‘-H .‘l‘ “1‘: FULU ‘\’l' .-\.\\ 5U' .I.
111 h' I'm In 2‘ m- nin-uilh xu‘nu. .\Ill:\\-
l‘ H l. N \'-| , .- 1‘"; .H Ago-ms In: Ihr {urin- I
la: hump. -| nu-uu‘unu-mwrn hue\-,l
mm _: t-H‘...\'l' HH‘T NVHH ('I'IHVI pl] .
jy am I‘ll Inlhmvng riuanllxhxw.
l‘. r a}. 'xl- '- in the \.|ri|.u4 urlil In: are fin:
I' .I "[3] ‘ mylupv‘. 1r do! ":1. nun! mum] Luz]
um-u u‘mcx-ui, are luLl'n nuv nah-nu ”
.”’ chair ,_:m«| Wu 1:) uni“, (hm ,{mng ul. ~
hm dumb. ‘ 0n n ‘ vip' n the u-n-nmcnr. _l-ru
ml! an: “inn! .\uu .m lu.h~\u, 21nd mgr; {l in u
_1 Hr n 1 mm m .qu 11. x: dulm) 4mJ.L'ul.u um
.mirh or not. I'urrlmu H nu} may ”Main 5
(in'i X\ mix, Dmmnul Him. ur any .\'nl ur‘
ulxhl by 0y our 11"! (u U‘N “mung.
.\kw 2:. «tm'rs Fm: PHlk'rll-lI'A'I‘E. _
I In on ;r.nnsncliuns Ivy Imul, we shall Mung.
'fur ham-nib”; ll".- (‘vf'nxi- um. p I‘nng pub-lug».
mu! duidg 1.. u ('lt‘~'~'. ..‘5 run. ravh, Mucu
mun be m lul-rl “urn llw "fibrin-Kr 1p st'n‘
11'4". I'd.” \'l-rl|fiu.rr- \LJ be «all lur sl,
‘clo-nu hr $l. llunv Mr $3, :iu_.~ti\e fur sin,
1 HIM .L Imudn-djbr $l5.
' ,u;l:.\l‘.<_'—~We mum ngum- '.u may my.
Iln‘ll', all} In ru-r)‘ luau ulnl usual} In the
l‘v-Il|llr'\'.zllld 11.-s~e .wlm-z us nmh Tr.“ ho: 11.
’hmcd H: n m; on mm) l'cr m'vMe m-u’rrml lur
llmn, pmviucd Hut-ix Numb-Ire :Immuh Ln
,um. dull-r. \gvum “iii rulwn 'l’» I‘rlhp h]
«H . ('.-miumw. uml rrm'! l:. mu.‘ m m,
'Htlm m “<l4 ux [ml-1:1." rllluln.
; , ‘.\m:\\|nl.l-: 5 ('n,
; - ' [M 1:10 “n. 4, .\. \'.~
‘JM’.’ 'Y,‘ 156%. H .
E. 8: H.‘ T. Anthony 8: CO.,
:le llllt).\l)\\.\\'. _\'. \'.—»lu mid-Hun In our
'nmiu lgginnw of I‘lmtngruphiu Mun-rim” \W
'urt‘ llcmhlunrtrrs‘ fur Hm folinwing. \il:
aTEßExmgm'Es J: S‘H-1111-toa‘mwlc \ lEWN.
1 Ul_ :hese w. lllIVr! an immcnsr assortment.
including War “cu-no.l, Amerirlm :gnd 4 urcigu
Clllei «ml Linndacuws. Groups, Sly-tun”, an,
(at. Also, Rug-hing Sleruus‘ opt-:1, h:- publiu
or privmc exhibition Our Catalogue will no
‘ sum to any .nldruss on rcctipt of Sump.
I x'umuuuavm; ALBUMS.-—-We war. the
[int tu introduce these into the United Sm”,
‘nnd we mauufmture imxfieuto quantities in
,grent \‘.\l’i('l)', ranging ih mieo from 50 cum
‘to 550 each, Our ALBUMS bun.- the upon.
liun ofbeing superior in beuuly and duraluli
ll)‘ to any omen. They will he 't-eut b) snail,
new, on rcc'cipt of pricg.
'fifiFiue Albums nude to mien-rm
Our Catalogue now embmcqs‘over FIVE
THOUSAND different subjects (lo which ad.
dizions nreu'continuully being nude) 0! Por
trnits o! Eminent Amenicllurtc” vi: : nbou
100 Major-Gerunds, 550 Statesman,
200 Bram-Generals, 130 Divinea;
275 Colonels} 125 Authors,
100 LienL-Coloneh, 43) Artists,
125 Suge,
50 PrommenLWomen
250 Other Officers,
75 Nst‘y Officers,
ISO Promi met Foreign Pom-din?
3,000 copiu of Works ofArt, including re
productions of themosl colcb‘rutcd Engravingl,
Paintings, Sum“, ac. Catalogues um. dn_
receipt 0! Sump. An ordpr for One Dozm'
Pictures from our Catnlogne will be filled on
the receim at $l.BO, and sent by mm, Flu.
Photographer: and other: ordering good
0. 0. D. will please null! twenty-five per cent.
of the amount with their order. ,
, E. t H. I‘. ANTHONY & CO.,
Minu’hcmreru of Photographic Innis“,
, 501 Broadwiy, New York.
”Th 3 prices and quality of out good!
cannot raj! to satisfy. [Nam 14, 1864. in
HE partnenbip beretoforo existing be.
ween the undersigned, under the nine
and 31,19 of FABNESTOCK BROTHERS, in
this day diuolved by mutual concur-Junie:
F. Fabnestock retiring.
HE union! nod, remainining virtue" of
will continue the busineu I! the nine plug,
under the nuns nine and (”In of rm. "
‘Jan. 9, 1865. _
Fresh Arrival
O SON'fi-Wo in“, “to «and.» 0'25;
er: to our stock of m:- Gobdu, whict‘
in gold cheap, oomfiu of a
qus' names goons,
Shswls,‘olmkingmoths,;tc., etc. For Ken’-
Ind Bayl'vur we In" Ciofln, Oullmnu‘,
Coulnu, Vania with gvuMy—gl Cotton.
sdu, tc.,tc. (ml “dug. ' ‘. A
N0v.,u,13u.A.8M ‘ [13,:
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