The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 24, 1865, Image 3
‘ "’"”"""_"...."“' "".“',,"H“" ~ WM“ ,4 ~. : AI" "mm urn, rn- ‘ H m ”on Sale .. . ‘ » “harm wncli la nu: 31:31“. I "3' {w m W 3: mm; canoni. 2 -- - an - 11. ‘lnude on I!» putyt‘luelple, while the T ““11“,“. hm: pnalponod, “new“: foreign much is guru”; trade on no princi- ‘a, ”1; am}; of {hp widow. The rule win“. pic at all. Tin {min wnuh in manly mule rur on: SATURDAY “EXT, "’3 malignant! by wcmen ad I nI s . Whl my. in nddltion (o the arm-la ‘a "rt ve ; ere labor in cheap Mgr-cit tor: ll: dear]; anl I'm be 03""! 3m "Mn‘m' “'3 "w h9gl, . v i . , ‘ Ind alto nil Ihe household nml inn-hen furni pnce. Sufi-h wuchen are mde wuhont plln, lure. s,“th 101; MlO o'clock, A. M.,snd and mid wuhoul gnu-antes. They tre irregu- of the per ml property at l'o'cwck. P. .\l. lar in conlzrncllqn, and quin- as irregular in, AP?“ 2‘. ”'35- "0.3138 IeOLEAN, movement. The) rm designed only to sell, i " , ' i 7 _.-..' _— “” ‘_‘“ "‘ and the buyer la the- party moat lboroughly{ norm 8 fine snn\Runnmg sold. Thouwhohare kept“nucres,”“leplnu,'3.7 ‘ I and “Swlu lrven" in profcu‘ed rcpuir lor I ~ (a?) '- 'I‘HLLUZT‘E" 5.45:, / 19" Inn will ‘Ppreyiale the truth of our ‘ 4*‘-“‘"-v”-'wuuv—-cu;_ autumnal. Guise or Dli‘POT.fiTheb undersigned ~ 7 , wold inform l e pn) ic t at he in Hill THE PLAN OF THE AMERICAR wATICH' emailing“ line of FREIGHT CARS from Get- Innznd of being nude of neural bqndred ‘tysburg to Baltimore every week. He is pre— lime pieces; Icrurrd together, tho body or an . pump): cOIIVC.‘"P‘r¢-i:hl either “jay. in any Americsn Wn'ch is formed of SOLID PL.vrr-:s.,‘l““'.“‘-Vi "' “‘” “9‘6““1 ”. “mm" "3 “‘° X 0 1" int f-' . h 1!: h f 'l3 lmplung {purchases in the 0113'. Ind duhver ’\ "u" ‘“ ° ""0“, ° ' ,ing ch. .0011: promplly u Getzylbnrg. Bil working, Ind no ludden “lack an throw m cm 11 run to the \i'uruhouse of STEVEN. machinery out of gear. ,ln riding or any "S‘UX h‘SUXS, 105 North iiownrxl'streel,l(nezr bunineu pursuil,‘ it is all held ‘tovether u ‘ “"3““!1) B““'P°“°y VII-07°. (”Him W'H‘lbe firm] In ‘ i ‘ f of ‘l, hi 'usl. Ifd’li'?“ It Any lune. Hgmnlel the attention 5' '9g 9 p are me 9 ' '1 of 4hr public to his line, assuring them that win: all machinery would be—— he will "mm {o cling! to uccommodnte u] m. ACCURATE. id.Bllll‘LE. 3d.STflo.\'G. , who may pruro in him. 4m ECONOMICAL. ’ Having purchaud the building and lot on W ‘ CHPAPVESS b' in tha .\'ouhcnu corner of Rnilroud and North ono o'3, secure " 1 ; fit‘thington nrecu,Getlnburg, ha ha! ensh cnltrn, but L‘ALH‘Y. We do not preteltgl. liuhed his~ [ghee of lusineis there, where he llml our Watch an in- Wright {or len money ‘ uh those having pnylhlng lo ilo in his line Ihm,lhe logoinn mike-holler", but that forsimc‘m‘; ~ ‘_ ‘ A , ill renl rglue it is sold fdr _one-hnlf the pril‘er‘l fl" pnrchuod 1'" hcfgfisfi‘ EéBBST OUR SOLDIERS WATCH (named Wm. El- ' ‘ ion) is whntiu urn. indium—Salmsw- ——--~j- , . , Munlill, Ind alt-J1 ih-liuhlo—wunnwd hi - ‘ Cheap ClOflfi-‘ngv , llnnd any Imounl ol ‘lechlug, Riding or ‘R‘SWAY FOR BAIIGAINS! ‘ ‘ ' ”WWW-- ' ' i s nnsréxgr'nlr’étvcgrgaa‘zs' n-i ‘. - FAIIIONA ' I ' l: (pl 1..\i._.\.(1‘ HIGHER Q‘LfirlJTl 9F WATCHI ”“71““ Suns-r, 0”,“:an- '. (mulled l’. S. Barth-Ir) is unmilnr m Kile nnd, our Spring and Summer supplyjun opened gc mml llppL-flrnnre, but has more jl‘wdi, and is the lnrge‘i: and but lélocted‘smck of atom. a num- «Inhomlc fini~h . iihg 1"”? ””i‘l‘“ m chyiburg. embracing . -.'. l - .3111”: ~ , Ul.R__L.\Dllm \\ .‘TCiI, "cowl," brought: LATEST STYLES 13.03 “ES AND 30% my, is put up in a gmu‘ writ-(y of patlerns‘, mnung whicblnrc firrcfiuing Dress and . ‘ln ,1») of them of rmv Maui)" and wurlim.|n< mus (Emu, Cloth. (‘.lfi'ysezr. Silk, Sulln and 1,2 ‘ ' ' . _ ‘ . , ‘ (‘ultbn Vests Dress an "nines: Pants, of V mp, 15 quill. smlll, but K urmled W. luck) ”my Flyinqhnlily Ma size, Cndu Qlothu ol ("'o' , 5 new rlNcriplinn. Ala). ‘ V: Ul'l’. YOI'SG GENTLE)! \S'S WATCH is,” (iliiiTlrEfiHh'd FURNISUWG ’GOODS, . mu! not huge. nml just lho llnng lor the Emhrmi‘a‘ (lime: 0911;”: Nefik'fi“, S“l‘ ~. . ’ (7‘ . _ _ yonder... o-wry c. 1 an. "7‘}‘”r"',“"’.'” "'3'” ‘. , . ~. .\‘nrjuxs 11v ESDMCS?‘ \‘ARlETi’,_' 1111. UM”! ill [be mrnla 0.9 m \\ .uch um; m h I“ Violins, Acvurdconi. Violin Strilfis, Ly. [mum in (hr rm: tluu “‘r [uni rmplo] m'H' (‘zm-ks, linir Mid ()lullu-s Ilrushes, Combs, 5 mm hundred “(lfklhv'l Ill‘ulll‘ Inclulhr. will ”‘2O” and .szal‘ Sum", SWP' Spectacles, in“: VA n'rr ml) nu. iii-I'M pulp!) ll)" .‘lm- 1&1me 1:" “mm" Pencils, Pgns, and DDmi-y - ' ' new; . 10 r , / Hnllll) 'Mu'ublhy Iltll.rlut:l. 1‘ . A ' ‘ TKI'NKS, :‘ARYET SACKS, UMBRELLAS‘ HI 1i 'ililuv.r..Ql‘.\l;u-.I: H.311}. \\ .\ l‘Cll- Tull “mu, sx~;(,‘.\lls, . ' I» \hmnq .-.u~l ‘lghlnr (hun'liu- oth m “Rh .\r and llrdnrJ n lillle‘oi: trimming “inabP found swam“! “5 In”, Armani-(q \mlmfl,” in aim n‘mro. liiung mmih Our punching l ‘ ~. ‘ l . r .. -t H E "ariui u. lnl‘ll.'hll. .md ill. a lan‘umblc tunrnwe are pre t'rm..l _\ .lvxh v: in LUI'I l .1 l. - t Imm“ 10.9?” ChVJIP. ~ V _ - (rum; in} Mung" "‘ 1' "‘l‘""'“”‘- 71"“ - 'lzlfliEWllEfl THE I'LACGA 'm u-hr- NH 'lh i'rum ul Ihr I‘ll-rt u-pcri- If you .le-ire lo‘ 11MB a good filling suit, “limb in \nlllxumumu... umlgue mnulc 'l3 um mule o"‘K“°d-m"t°r.i“.]‘ (all‘nyd “Mung. for "'l “WW-"L i“ 5 "twill“ """‘”:'”‘“'.‘"" infal‘fillvg’. "1:35.83“! “Mfr."‘é. Frame: rur hurl»). Fur 1‘": hu—g: llluv-L'll'piflj; . qm‘livlw I'm-_y (”Indian 1'ullnflll‘i! m wfih (he ‘ New Spring QOOdSn‘ [.r-t‘vfiurkx a.’ {ln mu: [Among Englhh a'nd "MAJ-L PJ‘UHTS & ()Ile SALE“ _ k ,~," J. L. SCHICK 5“"! ”NM”; ‘1 H\' . t PP FT |\’ - 'mmld_r~espvclfully my ton-e rilizena or Get . I“ ‘l " ‘ ‘\ '_‘ '‘ ‘ ' ' lu-ahurg and \‘iciuxly, that. hé‘iumuw receiving Agrnl. ‘.ur (hr Amt-rm ll) \\ .‘ll'h C 0.,. 'lle hl: Von" a splendid . “ . .A.-r-I a m 1-“‘-‘ “"mgy'i-é. \- Y. i synch UF srmm Goons. - I " ' I hé stock consists‘ in part of Fancy and JISw ‘e um’ GOODS, of every description. SILKS, " ' ' . A “MOZAMBIQUE, . ‘ . » ' CHALMES, ' I DELATS‘ES, ‘ » - . 1‘ d- ” B‘UMBAZISES, . r L 1 ‘ ALPACCAS, ' ‘ ’ , LAWNS, ’ ‘ ' ‘ CALICQES, ufu'quunli‘tiea Ind choict’st'slylcs. w‘hich will b 9 sold in 'I’IHUI-Ib' TU llj-IFY COSH’EIKTIUN. , . FI'RNISIHNG GOODS of all kinvln, im-lndmg nilk. Linen and Conan Huudßl-rchjrh. Utuvu. SN" kiuga; kc. ' _ AND, N. aplrudid nporunvnl nf RIBRGNS, Lures and Edgingi. I'mhrvllnn Mn! Paranoia“ u,- dork o!" Win-‘1 r: uunhs ml} h..- K’ound run alndrnmplért, 14nd cu~£omrr§ muffs-1y hptm Mu :13 I getting good goods at We luwcst pussi ble prim-1.. ‘ (hjmlemrn Will‘find it to th’uu ”Vintage 1: u” and unmine‘lmy amok pf , CLUTJIS, ‘ ‘ 7 m. Tnlzxn' YHM'I'I‘IAV I.l\':\h~:\'l‘ 1L 1 Ilrru L‘mh-rw, when first “dun, in n fiw Lnuru, lgsunh-er in lmlt‘ nu hfmrq'l‘uullffhs in five Inmulh. h. L- lu'rfrqu innovvnl [u (an iulfu-ruan; nu~l ii xu(-‘!rrrrvle-lt:lwl ll} ”If mud vmixwm. phyl-icinn- 31: [gm l‘tulnul-Stalw I'm 4,4oluulbu :ruta‘ To) m min. l'n., Aug. 6,13. 9 Dr. S. I. Tobuu; Nrw Yo‘lk: “gm- film—l bhn‘e Inn-13m” \vv-r; 'uu Lialment mt" grut m. mug-h” h u .u: lurcrull us \wl‘ .u an HR .(I‘rnnl m-nluin-. In c:\s"'- a! ahhuus Gun..- and t Lull rrfim mu ‘1 rvgv‘d i .u n “05rd,“ :‘n .m- j.” \ u'HJ“ - mlmn l! na. Lilxdtgl'nl :1 'ud muhfllnd .u .. burr limit.» nl among“ 1 r ri-l.‘ :n~l lacuna-um. .hil van-L ‘ , \F‘J LEWIS, Fuio't, .\'urlh d‘u‘anu-h Hum] ‘Quhl by All lll‘uggi” a. Ulli c, 50. SA: Curl- Nnnl 51p)”. .\PJI» -,\.wl_-. l.\ pril o. Aw 'I‘HE MAEKEETS,‘ (”CTN a‘lit'ur:—\‘Ar; Linn LAW BM 1.3:- I’luur. \\ hilt- Wlu‘au Mimi \\ he ul.. (‘urn....\....... [ho-...... ..... H. 115. ...... .... lllirkuheut... {‘(nu-r :‘rm‘... ’lmmlh) .\‘lrd. . lhxlfimhl ................... l‘lxuh'r u! Pan-.... Plnstvr gruund, pt-r bag BALThIUIe—J-‘r-wu M's? (lour: Wheat “.\‘9 .... “m n... (mu ..... ... Ber!" lele. per hunch. Hugs. pcr huud.......... “nu Whiskey - 3&,X.A.XLXI.XED/. an the 2.714 ul'. , My Rev. .\lr. ,Cdnis. .\(r. H. J. ,KRHE,"(¢bn of Mind) no Krise; Esq., of .‘leom tuwn~hip. Luis rn'mtyg) tn' .\lin‘ b‘ \RAH KEEPS L(-i =qzhlerut SnmuclKectér.‘ both at luisluwu, .\ld. , ‘ Un the 131)] max, at lhl‘. .1 (Babe lun,",‘by Rm’. “7 R. H. Drutrich. .\lr. PETER. B. SNY DER tn Buss SUSAN HELLER, buth of Funk 1m county. _ ' 1311311 ,> . I fiOthu-‘x noucua cents per line for :{flf cwcr four lines—risk accompany Laotian. Notice of Inqnest. [FO tho heirs and legallrmreu-nmlt‘h'e; n! - . ' . B .n h‘ hue uf Inmplou, e: in 0“ Ffid‘! morning “'3" JACOB rxp.ltowngfig Aging; 'coum), Pt, deucued: g. 1.23, Esq.,of‘l‘_rmnc mwnshrp, aged‘fbout (0, tn the Urghan‘s Gil-urn of Adams gounty 3"”‘35- ' ‘ . * I afbeesnid. ‘ - L ,A _. ‘ kOn Wednesday 165', M flwhnmwéfl; ”fl 1' Sauce is hurebx givofin to th'eparciei interest- Mr. mmsu Wit-Hutu, (figrmcrly 0* 4'"! ed in the “155;“: at inidmry Bréugh, de -00111115.) in the 7511: yeflfpf his MW- 4 _ ~ ‘ ceased that in punaiuce of an Urdu- of said On We mh inst", in Fnedom tm'hprh. Court ’ M Inquest. will he Mid upon a“ JUHN BARKER, aged 73 Jean 8 1 an and ”omg", to “a,“ L9O. dwflrolmd. with the :gdayl. _ , 'i— 3 , ... ‘ i In! V roiemcnts befon in n 3“ On “1691!: inst” Mr. SAXI'I‘L yflflpkla- 32:33, “Rain; townsbitw aformfnitf, on I‘ 33°39 ‘WM’I'P: we" “9' 5“" 3'" wmxssnu, nu. mn'h'ay n! 3151119“? “‘ M u . “’9' ~. , ‘ ‘63 1- ur rout of mkin IrsiLion o On the Infusl... ‘3‘ small pox, Mr‘fiAfll EL . :fii'sizdhnmgué. m and amofigpm purtiel COVER, oflno§\-,.1e. ”la-(tom'rt? ?f [frank-'- ' in interest, if the same cm be done wilhoul “'1 “WNW" ”“5 (OHM-"'3 ““1.“ {pm-s. ‘ prejudice to or spoiling of the whole, other (M Thfl"“."' ””"fng' m ‘2‘" P éc'f' ”'s‘ ' wise to ulne and upprmae the same according REGIfiA CUEdORI,:-:::tog9?:::§~ WWW ' ".1“. n which time and vim )0“ m "- incl ecu! ,nse ‘ , ' ' ' A ' v, if on we fit. cu, m nu: inzt ,_ 3m. JLSTINAfEREDBR. ‘ wand to *1 lend, Ag” unsam, Sheri s. ICKAIeCETER, "f" of J‘ohn-H- Ammo" or. Sherifl": office, Gettvahnrg.) Berwick township, aged :22 5“”: 3 menu” April 24, 1865. '3‘ . I and 6 days. ‘._. _‘ ,_,_ A- A” _--._._‘__. 0“ ‘s‘ 16th inst, near at" T" Taverna! A“ 'tor’s Notice. . , LOUISA SUDAN JALOB" ageq l‘yw 1‘ N the Orpfit'l Court of Ada-- county: ””‘h “d a 6"" Communicfl-{Cd- 1 I The Audifor appointéd to "port distribu. . ' ‘3 . - Ibo reli- non of the build?» remaining-in the hundl 0‘ D‘ed’ on ‘h'e 12" ’ m _B_ah|rnort. u. " Wm. Boas Whike, Adminmntor 0! Ih. cums 4"" “Ih," “w"! M” ‘X'Ck’°“?n“‘ SO‘PHH’ of Jereminh Sheets, deceued, ‘o and among CROMWLLLy dlnxhter of the _hu “atria"; the creditors. will meet all persons inter-“rd, «r, Axed 70,.“er Ind 4 mom)“. For x eP s : for flu FWD" afhis appointment, " theomcc ”any yet“ lhe tended m Hummu-3 3.} “n" W. Ml,“,inGeuyiburgmn-ugs when we mm. a that!!!" u" “‘s‘” ° my me 16th duyofMAY,lB6s,.tlou’clock, pang! phfldren, together wuh a large circle of ”7 WM. McCLEAN Auditor. Jritndl ud uquulnmcea, who mourn her A} 312‘ 1865 3‘ ~ ‘ 3W- ' 5 #Pl‘L.l_._-L , ‘_-»--‘_--_'__.w. "..7....“ W""“—‘ ""- A- ‘ ' Notice. ' I t , Notice. ' t ‘ HE.unfl¢ni¢ned.~.A'ldim nppolnged by“). E luhlcriber. Auditor uppmuttd by the Court to inn-hue 'lho balance in the Orphxm'loom4 of Adamn county, to dia- ' a! 8M”! A. Gel'ich, Administrnmx ; an the ‘hlL-mcil Appearing on tho an; “a” «Mada-bra! {ta-nick, (locum), .filgl, “comm of Lydin A. log! and fit, baud “Will“. ”a“, “It“! “at!“ Huro pl I. Gardner, hecuuixes of Conn}! Noni; $O, #lll sit a: “'o‘“ .3. Gugpbngor the Wyn-Quote tonyhip. Adm! VP": '3" woe. of hilqapdill‘flifl, on lowa I‘, m ceded, {may tintnollc; that he val; fat at. “d Wof ”fly, £8655 - m. MI: Mylbur‘.’on.'l‘UESDsL, an ‘ .9- . 13¢. SEELY, mum. sch mot'llfl. '9“ '-‘ 1° OC“k- A- “-4 '9! April u, was. a: . - ' pm d-tie; of NIMPMW-nhe! ~7 _ —‘-—. -————- -/-.—'~:—- H‘ ' mpm‘inm’enefil my aunt} ‘ 'hn'jm mind ‘2".- m " 'L l. B. Blmukfifl; Mam... i ‘ 'thn, a: swanky“; ‘43: ‘pri'; 34, 1865. 3: ' qua-luau 'of buyau. ‘A‘. SCOTT t 302‘: r Apri124,1865. sgi > } ’ vusrlxus, . at al! quuhfin nn-i chuicest styles. ‘ 3pm 24, mm. SJ. L. SCHH‘K. _ ‘ Fresh Confectionery AND ICE UREA“ SALOON iV u 7 21 1 «in In I I"; l. in: Yo I W I ‘_'» I‘d” fin m'nm-riher resplgtfully informs the chi nena of CPU) qhurg and vicinity lbx‘w h; h.“ n \‘unf diam-r; Bumblishmeut. one door ran of tin- Eule Him-l, on 011.1'nhershurg atrcet’, to \\ hich‘ he "cam juvhe‘uiei‘r attention. ' ME MAN, Candies, fluid every deleriptibn of ,llont- vLiom. Mgl-ther with .\'gtg. Own gas, and nll hindsan' I'mhl. nlwnyi 2m hand. ,f‘airtiua, public an“! prince, us well :u fumi- Eu, will be {cruiihgd with all kinds of anu, Ice Cream, (in’pymmidul form or otherwise,) and other rcfcespmenn‘nt tbcir houies, upon shor‘t uvticfi . ' 3 0 It (‘0 m 1: ho x 7310 2 (m I! in) ‘ l 73 7's: :0 3 on 2 24) (o 2 sw) 1 3'} {<3 I 55 l 00 :0 \’SU PM :u 35' 16 ’1!) {~24 L“0 H; uu void 00 24 JD [O2l 00 '3 14 m a w, llxu‘ing spéi‘lt a life-time at the budnesi. be 3 ugers hilusgll mm} he tandem-Louis it and that he is able :6 render enp'uu mgisfut in. CA“ and we hil C(fit'cctiufiery- ' Apri124,18~55. n‘ . JOHN GRUEL 1865. Sprlng Mlllinepy, , 1865. Dll5B M ('REARY i» jus‘ op-ning h large ,‘nnd bumil‘ul :Igsnnmenl of HATS, BOS NER, RMBONS. Fluwera,'Laée and Fancy Go I. of every description. (Ind nll_ofthe moo} lint nchle styles, which the will he pleuedto Ibo? llmse who may fzn‘ur be: with a all. + ein nlm pwpnn-dxo do np Hats and Bon ne‘ lofevnry kind, in the beat manner and on short notice. - 'fi-‘Mminem buying goods in all lgfim will nd it (0 their adv-augu- to purclmse here, gt; by doing 36 they will rective pauerns ,und ins'tructlnnl gratis. 1 , . April 24, (865. 2m ' _ ‘ ‘ ‘_ a . awmgffirleu‘h'fi’fi 2"" CASSHIEBESmnd ”rant—gray A: - 1 31¢ :-.~:w~ itmrszswA-wagmsu : ,Holfor'fiugflguu fk‘owa woops, - Comer of Yogi; 515553 gin}, _the Dhnond. GETTYSBCBG THE BEST ASSORTIEET 0F GOODS XS ‘ TOWN IN THEIR LINE. - HATS! HATS)! HATS! H IF YOU WANT A HAT ‘ don't. buy it before ’01: Ice me Inge u lonmenl. 0! all kinds, 0? Fr“. FELT AND STBAW HATS, ’ just opened and for snle, chuper thin they are sold else where. by x BOW & WOODS. SHOES 1 SHOES ! I 'SHOES! H MEN'S, BOYS', LADIES', Iliuu' IndChildren'n Shoes of every ufle ind quality, just received Ind lold I little cheaper thun anybody else will sell the nine article, by ROW t WOODS. NOTICE THlS.——Ne¢rly I“ out Ihoel are whnx. lI’E callgd “Homo-’de Shoes," and are nude of the but mnkrin, .W e lay it. boldly that we keep for sate a better quzflity 9! Shoes Ihan are gener-lly (cum! in Shoe Siorel. Dry Good: “Store Shoe.” are the lull: in Inukct. FOB LADIES, Mines 3nd Children, we have Hall, trimmad and untrimmed. Hoaifiy. Gloves, km, All lold chap, by ROW t WOODS. TBUNKS‘, Curfiet Sacks. Umbrellns, Riding Whips, Window Piper, Win9o" Blindl. tc., by ‘ ROW k WOODS. COMETS, Firedcb, Shoulder-brace and com mon,of but 111-term. :1. ROW & WOODS'. RAZOBS, Straps, Shaving Spnp, Shaving Brush“, All of the butqualil . at the note of ‘ . . new": WOODS. POCKETS BOOKS of all kindi, far Ludiu and G:n§lemen, by ROW! \VOQDS. MUSICAL INSTRUMEKTB !—Accordeonl, \‘iolin‘g, Violipfiom. Violin Strings, Roam, especinlly prepared {or use an {he bow, lold {lt lowcn pticu by ROW & WOODS. SPOOL UO’ETON, Palm: Thrend Pam, Sus penders. Gnrten, Cufl's. mum, Shin Fronts, Linen, Conan ‘nnd Ugmbrw Ihndkerchiefi, u ghe not“)! now i WOODS. commas, arm-“s‘, Neck-tins. Bum-mes, sometping' new, at, ItflW & WOODS. We assure those who have been buying of us. and all others, that. our pr elem stock of good: has been mlecled wlxli care and will be told u cheap on possible. Give us a call be-' fora buying wlmtyou nced in our line nndyou shall not. go away disappointed. ‘ ROW & WOODS. Gettyaburg, April 34, Lacs. , Great Glft Distribution. . r r wncunsnmms nu. 200.000 .\toxo mxcs, uc.,'wonh 0"9" ONE .\flLLIOX DOLLARS! AlllO be'Sold for One Dollar cub, without regard to value So: to be paid for until yqu Kdow Whit you ' , - ore to Receive. ‘ “This ll one of the. largest firms in the city of New York, and are doing a. very extensive bufjupgs and hue on bnnd the lnrgcst Hack the? can" be found in that city."—Occnna Times, Pent Wnter, Mich, Oct. 2lst, 1864. “The: are ltrgc dealers and their stock is manufactured in the best style, and a! pure mnteriuls.”——Telegrlph, Snugertiee, N. Y., Oct. 24, 186 d. SI’LENDID LIST OF‘ ARTICLES. All to be sold for $1 0‘: each. \ 250 Gunshflold llunting~Cuse \Vnt' hes, $53 to $l5O ' 250 Ltldics' Gold and. Enameled Clue Watches, 33. “ $OO Gonls’ Hunting-9:35: Silver ‘ \Vntcbea, . 2-10 Diamond Ringa,‘ 2.000 Gold Vcst-and .\‘erk Chnins, 15 “ 3,000 Gold Owl linnd Branch-ta, a “ s,ooo,ohnscd Gold lineup”. ‘ “In H 2,000 Cbntn-Iztlne Clmins :; (iunrd Chaim. . 5 "' 7,000 Solitaire nnd Gulll Brooches, 4 -' 2,000 141 m: & Florentxm Brooches, 4 " 5,000 ('ornl, Ulvnl .un! Lmernl'l ' Uroothls, ~~ 4 " 5,000 llosnic, Jet, but: and Flor. , 'entihe Ear-1110px, g 4 ” 7,500 Coral, Opul, and limemid , Em Drops, : , , 4 “ 4,000 Cnlilornin Diamond B’renat , Pins, _ . 2so n 3,000 Gold Fob, and Vest Watch Keys, . 4. r- 250 H 4.000 Fob and Vest RiHmn Flidn, 'J " 5,000 Sets of Solitaire Sleme llut tons, Studs, etc., 3 “ 3,000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, em, 3 " 10,000 Miniature Lockets, 2 50 “ £OOO “ " .Mngii— Shrink. I’. ‘- 3,000 Gold Tootlnpieks, Uroues,_etc., 2 “ 5,000 Plnin Gold Rings, 4 “ 5,000 Obaled Gold Rings. '4 “ 10.000 Stone Set .9: Signet llingn, 3 50 “ 10,000 California Diamond Rings. 2 “ 7,500 Sets Lndies’ chelry—Jet Ind Gold, 5 “ 6,000 Sets Lulies'Jen'clry—Cnmeo, Pearl. etc... ' . 4 “ 10,001) Gold Pens, Silver Ettensinn Holden nnd Pencil), 4 “ 10,000 Gold Penn n'nd Gold Monnt- , ed Holders, 3 “ 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten . lion Holders, 6‘ “ 5,000 Silver Goblet! and Drinking ° Cups, ’ 5 " 50 3,000 sum- omm, ‘ 15 H 50 2,000 Silver Fruit & Cake Buckets. 20 -“ 50 Henri. T.. k H. GAI'GHAN & C0.,”11G Broodlmy, New York, Exlt'DlH-Ve Mryfitciur ern and Importer: of all the India; and most fnlhionable Itylea of \t'ATtIHES and JEWEL RY, desiring to iticrense their business to an unlimited exteixt, have resolved upon a GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, subject to the regal:- tionr following; ’ certificates, naming euh article and its value, are phced in Sealed Envelopes, and well nixed. One of these enrclopes will be sent by mail to any udress on receipt of 25 cents. . WA“ articles sold at One llollAr each, without regardito nlnel . , _-__...w, _ _.___"_.______e_.‘.. On receipt of [in‘ Certificue you will no - I‘vhat you are going to bore, end then it is nti NOtiC? to. Tax payeljs' , your option to send the doll-u- nnd take the THEQGWUWWE'H'W'" “k" ““5 method article or not. Purchaser: may thus obtain M of informing the Tax-My?" 9‘ Adamo Gold Watch,’Dintmnn_d king, or any ‘Set o{,count,v that the State Agtbortues no longeri Jewelry on our lm for onus DOLLAR, and in allow abatement for. ml! payment 01' 51ml no cue can they get less than One Dollot‘tl Taxes—but add “V P" P?“- F 0 bu” 2‘??? °; worth, on there are no blanks. The price of ‘ each 0°11“! "ml: .0099 PM Pl! )‘ l 9 3. D Cergficau, is as follows: ' 'Angnit. The Commissioners therefore gxre One {or 25 cents: fire for $1 -,eleven for $2; :ouce that all!) order tt?h.:1::;;;l:i‘lllegfizf, ~ _. -. 2 “been rounuu t. _ - $331? $3 , nut; fire for >lO, one it mdred , ”as? {a $1! on 3,, 1,40,?“ 15'“; 1);; 01: A ante ”m be 111°,“ ten cents on 9"” . JUL NE Totherwise Ive per urn . mus autism: ordered by themprovided their r'e- ; bonded by the Collector. )3 ft“ “"3- mittnnce onountr to One Dollar. Agents will, 3! Old"? 0‘ comm‘:9“{",‘,féii CI k collect 25 eentnfor every Certificate, ondremit , ‘ a r! g. 51. .\‘.-t _ , er 1(- euts to 11, eitherin cut: or postage unnuml _ AP?” .4, ”fi-__‘___ 'l‘. IH. GAUGHAX 3 CO., - l “6 Brondwny, New York. ' April 24,}355. _N .7-_ .._.____,_.__ _V -_m. .. - Notice, ‘ - 1 Bl he tenant of Jonepb L. Shel-b, Esq ,: Cam-bum o! the person und ulna all Samuel Sheeting". (Lnnnflc,) bu been filed firth. Connvof Common Plus of Adlnu conn ty; nd will be confirmed by the mid Comt.‘ on the 23d dly of NAY'nexi, “has came be? ”39,11 to the country. , [ JACOB BUSBEY, Prolh'y. ‘ t Aplil 24, 1865.. MW Notice. BE in: "count of John Orendprc; Tun see of John Kuhn and Wife, has baffled in the Conn 01 Common Plea of Mimi} dounty, and um ha'confitmcd by the “id Con“, on the 33d day 0! MAY nexfinnleu cum be shown to tho contrary. ‘ i “ ' ’ JACOB BUSHBY, Prolh‘y. ‘ Apt! 4:4, 1865. xv :, -- ~ ; . - Notice. ' ~ THE int Ipdjul «can»: of Abnhnm Flak“, Aulgnag c? Silas Firkin and Xan qy A. his wife, ha. been fled in the Court of Cayman P 1“: of Adam cunt]. sud will!» minus] by we macaw, on the 236 any 01 KAYJHI‘ 1930!: an. M who-n to tho cont-:13 _ 3.5{05 pusuav, Prcth'y. April 2‘, 1865. td‘ ‘ ~ IK=32 « y. . ‘3‘ J . nemx‘ Mince. OflGllu belch) livento an Lenka-Ind ‘ a”: m cone-mod. um, (13.4‘. 9minin'ruion Accounts ha‘neinsnu amnion“ 'will in ‘penenud n the mph-I’m Gum g; ', Adan! may; for confirmltinn and “lawn", :on TUISDA , the 23d (my 0! MAY, 1805, .m 10 o'clockVL M,\it: ' ‘ ' _ i I First and final accountof Jana L. mafia , Administmtrix of Wm. L. lime : hart. deceased. . 159. The first account of J Krmy Cook. Trustee for the saie of the rexl estate of Jesse Cook, {ate of Menailnn township, dec. 100. The first and final account of Jere miah Waller, Administrator of Catharine Warnenhto of Union township. deceased , as settled by R. M. Adams. one of the Ad» ministrators of J eremiah Warner‘deceased. 161. First account ofi'Pcter B. huumnnn, Executor of theiast will and testament of John Hartman. deceased. . 162. The second and final account of John Burkholder. Bxccutorof the last will and tests-memo! Isaac D. Warren. dec'd. . 163. The second and final account of Jo-l aeph RiddlemOser, Administrator of thel estateof Joseph Riddlemowr. deceased. , l 164. The uccountoi‘Abralmm Lillich, Ex ecutorof the will of Michael Henry, dec’d. i 165. The account of Ander Rule, Guar-i din] of Rachel Lentz, (formerly Rife,)minorl child of Joseph Rife, déceased. ‘ i 106. The account of Augustus Detrickfi, Administrator of the estate of Margaret‘ ‘l‘rone, deceased. ’ 167. First and final account ofJohn Felix, ; Administrator of Francis Felix, deceztsed. ! 168. First and fins! account or Danielj Bowers, Administrator de bani: norm)! Jo-i Bill] Bowers, decesued. i 169. The second and final account of: John Gintcr, Administrator of the “tale of Adam Marshall, deceased. ’ l 170. The first account of Henry Thomas and Margaret E. Lockhsrt. Administrators | of David Lockhart, late of Stralmn town-1 81].“). deceased. ‘ 171. First and final nccountof Mary L. Bitlinger, Administrntrix of Wm. 11. H. Deardorfi', deceased. 172. First and final account of Frederick Bittingcr, Administrator of Simon Bittin ger. deceased. 173. First and final account of John G.‘ Brinkcrhofi' and Isaac i". Briukerhoif, Ad ministralors of 13mm Brinknrhofi} deceased. 174. The first account of [sane 1“. Ethnic} erhofl‘, Executor of the writ! of Samuel Har mnn. deceased. i 175. First and final account of Daniel Boer, Administrator of Margaret Isirxert,l deceased. , ' I 176. First and final account of Daniel B. Boer. Administrator ofJacob Linen. dec’d. lUJl‘hefirat uccouutof Susannah Hoecht and George Robinette, Administratoraof the estate of Jacob Hoeclit, deceased. 178. First and final account of Jacob Keefuuver, Executor of the last will and testament of John Jacob Keefanver, tlec’d; 179. First. and final account of Israel Little, Administrator of Conrod Walter, deceased. 0! Franklin township. 180. First account of Btu-khan Wert and Amos Rex, Administrators of Jacob Rex, decflaied. 181. The accond nccoun‘ of Hugh Mell h'eny. Administrator de bonii non‘witb the will annexed of William VIDOISduI, late of Straban township. . 182. First and final account of W7ll. Peoples. Administrator of the estate of El lenur Peoplea, late 0? Frederick county, Md., and formerly of Adams county. ‘lB3. Flat. and final account of Isaac Rob inson, E~q., Execulor of the last. will and testament of Ruben Slenmmm, deceased. 184. The first account of (bur-ad Dull nnd Jesse Dull, Executors of John Dull, dec‘d. 185. Second account of Clemence Stude baker and Jacob Hal-mun, Executors of the last will and testumcnt'ol Samuel Sladm bakvr. deceased. 186. The account of'Solomon Peter, Ad ministrntor of Mary Péy-r, decmsed. 18.7. The ncaount 0f Abraham Hurt, Ad minklrmor of John Hurt, deceased. 193. The final account nl' Peter Fuller, Adunlnidirmnr ol‘ George Fidler, decency!" 189. Th;a firet and final ‘accoumiof Wui. R. Uardmx’. £41.. Admfiuisu‘alor c. t. at. or David Julmfl’lon. deceased; 100: Fnzmocountol Wm. Lens and Xoah Miller, Admulislrators of George Yeugy, du-oasetl. 4 2:. u 70 100 3.) 19L The accou’nt of George W. Diehl and . Joseph Dlehl. Atlxninistrntors of the estate! of Dmiel D 1951. deceased, late of Mount-r pleasant township. ' l 192. First and final account of Daniel Trimmer, Administrator of George Heck! deceased. 193. The first and finnl account of Pius: Smith, Administrator of the estate ofSnrnh ' Foliar, deceased, late of MountElenunt tp.' 194. F|r~t account. of Wm. . Ger anl‘: and'dohn M. Gardner. Administrators of Daniel Gardner. deceased. l 195. The third-account of- Hunnah F“ Neely. l-Ixecutrix of the last 'will and testa- 1 meat of John Neely, lnte ot‘Tyrone town- I ship. decanted. ’ l 196. The Guardianship account of D.‘ McConaughy, Guardian of Stewart M. Neelv, a minor son of John Neely, dec’d. 197. Second account. of James H. Mar-i shall and James Marshall, Administrators: of Thomas A. Marshall. deceased. 198. The first and final account of Daniel Heigel, Administrator of the estate of Dan iel Newman. late ofFrauklin township.dec. 199. The third end finni account. of Hon. Mose! McClenn and Josiah Beuner; Ad ministrators with the Will annexed of John em. deceased. . . 200. The first account of Joel B. Danner. end Charla! B. Polly, Executed: of the lan ' will and testariaent of Dmiel Polly. dec'd. l > 201. The second end final 'acoount of Jeremiah Diehl and John Henry Myerx.l Administrators of the, estate of‘Andrem Brough. Sn, deceased.~ 202. Pin: account ofllphraim Grofi‘, Ad ministrator cum tent-memo annexe. of Ghorge Grotf, deesued. ‘ SAMUEL LILLY. Register. Registers 0606, Gettysburg, April it. 1365. m l - Russell's Screw Power RD THE , ‘ A 0310 REARER Arm 310 mm, BOTH COHBIRED HACRINES. ‘i‘he subscriber is gen: for the apo've Ins chinu. The Sqrew p‘owu has Janna a rem; nuke: since introflnced irr thiq Céunty, and giwa snuzfm-tion, n lac! id ihich many runners willnu‘fify. . . V THE OHIO’ REAPER In! girfin satisfaction wherevad use}, our~ three t onsnnd hnvin ’been :01 during the . in"; lEMOI‘L The defiant] was In great the: ' Notice. compnny intend putting out. lix zhoaund this GEORGE CODORI‘S ESTATE.—Lemrs or union, which wakomidex- the, best. recommen- ' ndminlumtion "0“," “NW 0‘ 09°?!“ anion {or any muhine. n, in n'cog~gurcd 00‘1“". 1w! of (Jenni-um, Adam county, muhino, laid to be of very light draft, worked d'ecuud, hnflng s'“ 8‘1“"! 40 “I! “I1"- with em with 9;“, .9“ of lumen. Thin Ins—WlB3“: "riding in an Inn 121:“, he hm. chine, n. . “up“: can be worked 7m, 0, by give: notice to all persons indebted to laid without . rake. annzrl wishing‘ to nu: em}. '0 mkimmedi-u ”mm, and mm would do well to ninkc their purchnen enly, . hams “Bi!“ “2"!“ “=0 “3"“ pruun than u the “mud win he gran. Luz lesson we PWPWIY aulhcmicnyd 96" "“6"“- . - were unable LOanply the demnd in gouge-3 ' - I “0523 ”CCLBAN: Adin’t. . fume: of persons fllkiélg up their mind-renal _AVY“ 3, 1805- 10' . ' ‘ ' I” II “l 9 lmon. mu shriy-I'k'e t on: .__.___.__. fffm‘ had. Specimen melanin -cln be up: by - wemm‘mnaa' ‘ swing on tho lublcriber,‘tw_o_ mifn‘nonheut THE (0500519? ‘9". ”In: vniunble WEST. offlcgtysbutx, on m Bun-1:511:90“. 5 38.5 LAW-70W" b“ 'I" "ml: for one Wu. WHILE, Al”‘- ,6! more [£3BB :1: mt c‘Gfluy. 'll.,- 1.11.11. . 'v iM! “11 ”VJ-“ls 9341")“ Ileflfnbie [at urn» ”W ' ing. W}!,Wfl§lflof&aflfid‘, ' - -. Apms' DRESS “mamas, in {nu us ' ‘- “can nmmncflx ‘ nm, a . . 808 (mi. ' Gmysburz, April 3,; 18511: u “ ' April 17, 1865. xf ‘ oneimut‘mhd 0R SAUL-0n FRIDAY, the mu: day of F MAY next, I: 2 o'clock. P. 31.?“ um. IcriLer will all at Public Sal¢,on the prank", (without ruerrekéo Acres 0! Venn thented CHESTNUT Tl.“ EB LASD, situated at it»: foot. of yam; Mountain. opposite Conrad Wenn’er'r, 3 mile. uhove Bendenrille, in Me. nullen lownshlp.’ Person will be directed to this by inquiring of Goo. B. Ilewm or Abel 'l‘. Wright. The true: is covered with prime timber from which to cut Shingles, Posts and Rails. The land will be sold entire or divided into 4 or 6 parts to wit. purchasers. ‘ The :uhscribtr will be On the premises, at 10 ‘ o'clock, A. L on any of sale, in show the Hun. ‘ .\‘ SATURDAY. the 20th day ofHAY,IB6S, m. 2 o'clock, P. 11., “‘1“ he gold A; Public Sale, at McClellan’l Hotel. in the Borough ol Gellylhurg, A LOT OF GROVXD, situate in said Borough, (routing 30 feet on York slieet, nnd running back 131} feel, Adjoining proper [ll 5 of S. R. Russell on (he went and Peter Beiller on the exist. It in a. splendid location for building purposes or a private ruidance. Aim, at the lime lime and place will be so” Eight One Hundred Dollu- Gettylburg RAIL ROAD UUXDS, with ten Coupon now due attached. 4 [S'Altemlnnce will be given Ind term! made known on day of sale by , , ,LEXAXDER KOSER ts‘ April 17, 1865 A"Valuable‘ Farm T PRIVATE SALE—The nublcrlbeu, Bchutou of the layt will and (“mum 0'! Leonard Deiap, deceased, olTer at Private Sale, the following Repl Know of nid do écdent, viz: 4 FA Rlniluate'in Tyrone Lowmhip, Adnmu county, P 5,, Adjoining land! of David Yoko, Daniel Bnme. Budalfih Dcitrick, and others. containing 200 Aaron, mom or icon, about 50 A”?! 0! which no woodland And 30 not" mendow. Theiiuprovemenu are -‘_ ‘ a. Two-nary Warhol-boarded ,3 HOUSE, 2 Tonnnv. ilouus, large ”; “11 Log Bun mm 2 Wagon Sheds if." . attached, Com Crib. Smoke House, bpnng House, 2 good Utchardl, and n novel-failing spring near the house. There is n 111-earn of wnler running thi‘ough the farm. fiPerwnl wishing to view the propel-'s' will be ihown the some by coiling on Daniel Del-up, residing therzon. ' ‘ - ' JOHN DELAP, DANIEL DELAP, Feb. 6, 1665. if Executon. Coal, Lumber, Stoves, go. HARLES H.,IBUEHLER 0 Would respectfnlly inform the public mat he will continue the business lately con ducted by the firm of Shends 6: Enabler, u the old stand. corner of Carlislc and Railroad streets. He will he prepared to furnish THE BEST QUALITY OF COAL, nnd every variety ofLUMBER, including Doors, Shutters, Sash; kc. _ Also, every variety of Cooliing Slovea,nmong whigh arq the NOBLE COOK, ROYAL COOK, WELLING TON, WAVEBLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ' [ORNAMENTAL COOK, kc. Also, PARLUR, DINING RUUM, SALOON AND SHOP S T . O V E S , . Alan“ every variety of TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE. mnnu‘faclurcd by the bail work men. Aha, HOLLOW WARE of every variety, including a superior "tide of gnamelled work. Indeed every vnriety of Kitchen Ware will be Lepl constantly on hand. “ Also, the tar-fumed “UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER,” for which ha in the sole agent in the county. He is also the agent for Whgeler kj'ilson‘a Sewing Machine‘s—me best in use. ' April 10, 1865. . G. E. BUBBLER. Tailoring. EMOVAL. l-«_CI{BSRODE THE D!A.\!O.\'D! GEORGE F. ECKENRODE, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, informs hi: lrierids and the public genemlly, [but he has REMOVED hie Tailor ing l-iét.iblishment,lo the second floor of Sam son't building, (over Brinkerhnfl“: Clothing Slurry) northeast corner of zhe'l’ublir: Square, Ventrqmce ou York street, where he is prep-red to do all work in his line in the best. manner, and to the nlrsfnctirm of customers. He em pluy‘. none bu] first. clue handai and receiving THE FASHIONS REGULAHLY, he‘can warrant fashionable an and neat and substantial sewing. 'He asks a share of the public's patronage, promising to spare no ef fur: to deserve it. Hi: charge: will nlweyl be found at moderate in the time: will allow. Cutting and Repairing down: the shortest notiqe. _ [Gettysburg April 151, 1865. Law Partnership W A. DUNCAN a J. H. WHITE, . .r ‘ ATTORNEYSAT LAW," “:H promp 1y attend 10 all legailbusiness entruued to them, including Ihr procuring of Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, and all other cluims against the United mama and State ,Governmenu. , I . omc’e in soth West €ornu of Diamond, Gettysburg, Penn'a. Ayn-it .3, 1865. t! Assignee’s Notice. ‘ HE undenigm-d, having been :ppointed Assignec, under a deed of mm for ’the benefit of crediion, of J. R. Sim-n Mid Win, of Mountpleaannt townahip, Adams coumy, notit-e is hereby given to all penou knowing themserns indebted to said Assignors'w make immediute [-i) men: to the undenigimd, resid ing in the lame township, and those ‘lmving claims ngaimt the ~ lame to prelent them properly nuthentirnted in; settlement. PETER SMITH, Auignee. fiJ. E. Smith's book: will be let! n‘ the Store unlii after the sale for nettlemont.. , shr. 27. 1565. ‘~ 6!. EIGCtI/Ofl. ‘ ,3 - R FICTION SIUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE P {SHPANY 0F ,LI'I‘I‘LESTUWK—An electio for Directors/Lo mainge Inc nflairs of‘ this company duringfihe ensuing _rur, will be held at the public house ofJoleph Barker, in | Littlemnru, ou-‘thc FIRST SATURDAY OF MAY nen, u. 1 o'clock. I‘. 3|. I, S. S. BISHOP, Scc'y. Aplil 17. 1365. m ‘ Notice,' 07105 in hcrcby gireg‘ to all when ‘m «l9de to the pump! ‘JM‘UB XOR BEUK, lute of Geuynburngoceuc-d. lo nuke immediate payment, and those luring claims~ again”. we Inlnc Impruent them to the under signed, residing in me mu place. cxmumtu NOBBECK,~Eucnlrix. ‘ ALSO. person: knowing tbomnlwn to be indebml to the late firm of NORBECK I HART”, or having clgim! ng'klnst the name, will plume cuil imnu-d'mtely fur :etlL-mrnt, Ind in: mm. as the bouké an- in fh'e hand! ofA. 1. Cover. Erq.,for collection. ‘ Apr“ 17, 1363. - Notice. BER-X 131115151 8 ESTATE-flflton of “mlniuntion qn the estate of Henry Brena, late of Aluminum ioknshlp, Adan: county, having been "med tn the undersign-‘ ed, 1h: lint named residing in Cnmbprlnnd tp. and the lan named in Huntington tp..lhey hereby give I‘M :n all person: indebted no said ”tale to make imme‘flau payment, and most buing claims Igainuiho lame to pre lonc (hem pmpzxfi uutbenliclud tor le'ue. HIM“. FRANJIS BREAK, GEORGE BREAM, _ Adminiwnms. _ Much e, was U. s. 730 Loan! umnmcont Solo. ' Y authority of the Secretary at the Tn :- OLO AS): any“: WATOHEs, , h d dh ‘ ed th { 'eram'r ac ury, ta on mine so anu'n ‘ o ' . . , .~ ;Geneml thlcription Agency for than ”1919!: » (ix wfio'hsglfiolfig‘uugtdx' ~ ,l‘nilod Stanza Treasury Noni, b 91110! I! e“( 01106010 and Silver ‘anrl‘! flannfaoto‘r‘y, rand three tenth: per cent. lntoraat, per an on, Two lmmnaw Juwelry Burntllrhmanu, on. ‘hnown as the . t fggg‘sinlfiszkxnre-houu, 0n: Gold ?el '. u , i SEVExfiTmRTY LOAN. ’ "I'd be didposod of with dlrplieh ./ Thm notes are named under due of Jdne w 11‘}! U U 'l' R E G A R D TO 008'“ "5”“ W“ “n" "P“l.l337c33°s£§££f§s§‘l2:“:o"):‘2’: '3'? , t t ' ' ; _ v ~n e a ‘thzxo 5:; ;:';:rl:::;” .0: an coarerublqfi at labia mannartorehera the proprlrtora fronrém. ‘ P . A or “‘ ° 1 harassment occwoned by “Semantic; nlvtt U. 8. 5-20 Six per cont. , It". It ahauld he prominently Itatcd, alto, GOLD - BEARING BONDS. Ithat thoy are mostly of l Thue bonds are Irorth a premium whlrh‘ ABLERKOAN' MANUFACTURE: _ iocreuet the actual profit on the 7.30 lo‘n,,_‘“d thud?" 3"“‘3' "1‘9”” ‘0 “5” “1’" d ‘ts extra “on from 8“" . d l l Imported mm abroad and hawkad about In an 1. P n "m“ " ltho cheapo“ ever told. The timplb dpty ea taxman add; from oneto thrrepercent.m re, I imported goods, and the hxgh premlalat on laccotdlng to the mtgllcvlod ‘on othe; przpe (’. Igglglgx‘nltlo fgzlf‘glllla‘l‘aer: mayor: hfgdn.) The interelt in paya eum damn ly yc n., _ . H I! '0 ‘ o ' {pom attachod to each note, which may be for «Sewingfilrggum h’. u' to “"3‘l'” ti ‘oflanatold to any bank or banker. H ‘ ONLY ONE DOLLAR . ’ . The mutant amoanu to I will he charged for any lrllcl: on our 1151., and on. “3‘ p" a" on 3 $5O nota. 'thn sum the purchaler need not pay nntll h. 1 Two cent: u _ “_ 3100 A. known when he is to gctl Thla plan accordl } .‘ u a. < u ~ ‘ . . fill: the malhod recently become an popular 1 Ten , $5OO ' ‘ for duponng of large Itutk: of Jewelry and l '2O “ “ “ 'BlOOO ‘1 llmilar production. 4 , ‘ ‘ : ‘3l - 4' u a $5OOO u ' ' , 'rnn PLAN Is SIMPLE! - ' . .\‘utel of all the denominations named illl Th. name °' °‘°b."m“l° offered tbr talc-- . _ gas “Gold lluunog Watch," “Gold Oval-Band be promptly farnhhad upon recount of a 1)- Bracelet,” “9““ 8”"me and Emma“ ~ scripticna, and the natal fainllhtd it one —“‘Go’ld'EMellod Ring," “Silver Hand Oil.“ The ' tel-cut 1m: Jun’o nut will he a la Basis!" to- is wr'iuen on “cntdfindencloscd ““32 TM: 11 . p. to a aghled ehrelope; these'enrelopcs are than ‘ D r . , ‘ -, Hare lo a drancr and “all mued~ than no ‘ TEE OKLY LO.“ ‘5 “ARK“: an order is received, «_ith twenty-film cant: ‘ now otl'ered by the Government, and it to c n- ‘ for return postngn and other'chargaa, on. of fidently expected that its lapel-lo: atvantn es the ‘3‘"ls 0’ 'nertlficalu I: “‘l‘“ ‘3‘ random willmake ittho . infill :fcattby gruff; to tho :ufslotger,;hlo _ w r w OI on Win QCAIIgO or no 0:" GREAT POPLLARJ‘OAN 0:, THE FED? 5- 'lar. If be u pleased with historians he out Len than $300,000,000 at the Loan mum in l forward the money according to direction! on ' ed by m. M Confirm-“re "mm H" "m '"- i'if5c1fi'351‘15JTh5331331531723 “if 3:23 TE“ tgnntjl? tlhagate :4 '11:? x; -“ bit If purchaser—u for example. n. not of Pearl Earn“: .1 sor wr a aan ur a or w a Drop. and Bl‘eusl in to a youn man who, four months, when the not” will undoubtedly [could not wear thefit, and had no Bone to glro command a premium, 1.l has uniformly h en éfifiqggtg nun??? :2!:llhcl: flat-iclehon ti: . . J : no _y e r . genera on clonng the Inhlcrlptxonl to 0.1 or ter-red. Orr”, ‘1!“ “I" "‘30., ”a “he"? to n . venture an on let, tlen yon can let the mat ‘ ln ordcr that citilena ottevery town and c~ Ital-drop where it in and upond no more. Ex tion of the country may be all'orded faclli in "W" “”é‘v‘lfi’ S;’;‘:§:&é\~r . , .-o . A l for talung the loan, the Natmnnl Banlu, S to 300 Gents' l’utentLever Gold Huat< Bnnln, and Private Bankeu throughout he‘ lng Case, 550 to 330° country have generally agreed to receive 3 .5‘1300 (“my Delachgd Lever Gold Icriptlona at par. Subscribe" will 1011-ct] ““11“,"; 9‘33" ’ .40 - I'ls their ow‘h agents, in whom they hdvawo fi- [‘oo 99““, 01906010 HuntlngCuneJO " 1.00 . 200 ..ndlca bold Enameled Hunt dence, and who only are to be reaponslhle for. . “”33", “10 delivery 0f the notes for which they re- 400Gghtg'rnlanLcreysilverflunt. ceire orderl. JAY COOKE, ing Cane, . » Suhacription'Aßent, Phllndelphi . 400 (fincKntSLß’ct, Lever Silver Hunt “ Subscription: will he received by the F rat 300 Ganta‘ 15%“th Lever Silver National Bank of Gettysburg. and the Get 31- o”“.th burg Nntlonal Bank. '[l-‘oh. 27, ’65. 301 300 gentuégfl’utent Lever Sllt'cr 15 ' pen- to . 300 Goufa'Swida Silv‘er, 13 . . JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. . 300 Diann‘ond Bingo . * $4OlO Sllo 300 Gontp' Diamond Pins 20 -> 100 3000 Gents‘ Calif'n Diamond Pin 3 - 13 3000 Gents' Culifa Dinnmnd Ring: 3 -, #1 5000 Could 00111 and Enameled ‘ l-‘oh Chains ‘ 4000 (lenta' Gold Vest Chalna 4000 Palr Genta’ Gold Sfecre Bat tons 3 4000 Pair” Genta' Gold and Entgz. Sleeve Buttons 3 6003 Sets 620 W Gold Stnda i 8000 Genta' Stone Set andrSlgnet Ring- 3 . 8000 Gentn' Stem. Sat and Signet Enam. Rings . 0000 Ladlez’ Gold Neck Chain: . ‘- 4000 Gold Owl-Band «lets? - 6000 Gold and Jet Bi '. I’- 0000 Gold and Emma fillet! 5“- 3000 Gold Chatelai'n Chain. 8 . .5000 Pair Lndieu‘ Gold Sleeve But ltons . 4000 Pair L‘ndlea' Gold Enamclod Slteve Buttons ' 8000 Split-tire Gold Hroochn ’ 0000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Breaches 7.. ' 0000 Gold Cameo & Pearl Ear‘Dropa 3 - TOOO Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Floren ‘ tine Ear-Drop: ‘ . - . 8 - 5000 Gold Thimble: ' a . 10000 Coral, Opal a Emerald Eir- Drops - H ~ 3 - 10000 Miniatnro Locket! ‘ 4 - 10000 Slin’qlwckota-gmaglc spring 8 - 'lOOOO Plain Gold King's ‘ - 10000 Set. Ladiea' Jewelry, Gold - and Jet ‘ B - 10000 Set: Ladiea‘ Jewelry, Cameo, . Pearl, to" ‘ ‘5 - 10000 Lamar Gilt and Jet Braceletl, 4 - 10000 Ladiea' Gil: and Jet Hat Sop porterl. 2 - SILVER PLATED WARE; 10000 Cnpa - $2 to $2O 8000 Gohlctl . . xfi- - I) 10000 Pair Napkin Rlngl 2 2 11 2000 Card Buakcu ~ 6 -, _l5 3000 Cake Buke’u , 0 - l 20 4000 Cantor Franzen-complete‘wlth bottle! , 6w :0 2000 Ice l'ltLherl ' 10 - 20 0000 Pair Butter Knives .3 - 8 5000 Soup,-qu=er & Gravy Ladle: 2 - a 1000 Engraved l’le Knlvu‘ ’ 3 -' 0 8000 Dozen Ten Spoonl, prr Jon. 0 - 15 6000 Dozen Talilc Spoons, do. 8 - M 6000 Dunn Delsért Forkl, do. I - 20 .6000 Dozen Table Forkl, do. ~I - 00 GOULPL‘SS AND PENCILS. ' noooicola Pena, Silver Extension Holders , $3 to $lO 1100955910 Pent, Silver Haunted Holders 8000 Gold Pzns, Cold Hointed Holders , ’ , 6000 Gold Pens wlth Gold Ext-n -lloa “Eldon _ 6000 (101:1 Pens. Gold lloldora and Pencils . 0000 Gold Penclll ! REMEMBER THE'PLAKI WARRAATED , . Fresh Garden Seeds. E invite Attention to our large and c plete asnortment of FRESH AND GENUINE GARDENQSEE r put up by ourselvea with eipecial are, ' bucing over 200 of the choicest varieties” cluding the following, viz: Bonus, Dw'f, 12 Yariet’s Moion .\lusb, 3 var 1,1 " Pole, 3 “ i “ Water, 6 “ Bee", 8 “ Mustard, 3 ‘ Brocoli, 3 f' Munhroounfipawn, Brussel’l Sprouts, Nasturtium, Cabbage, lo voriet‘l okm, or Gumbo. Carrots, 3 “ Union, g 8 var Cuuliflower, 6 “ Tuning 2 I Celery, l'.’ “ Pa'rlnip, 2. -‘ Celerinc, ll’eal, L 6 * Coleworts, ~ Pumpkin, 2 ‘l Com Salad, Topper, 4 ‘| Corn, , 5 “ Radish, 10 , Chicopy. (for comfy) Salsity, ‘ y Cress, J ' , Scorzoneri, ' V Cucumber, a urict’u Spiinch, 3 1 Egg Plant, 4 “ Squall), B Endive, 2 “ Tomato, ' 9 ‘ K-lle. ' 3 “ / Turnip, 9 Kohl Rabi, 2‘ “ le’b', 13 Leek, ' Sugar Cone, 4 Leuuco, :1 ‘1 Tobacco, 2 LAWN GRASS SEED, &C., to. We inane, for gnmiihug distribution, DESCRIPTIVE LIST, ‘ which can be had on nppllcation. , Partie- at n distance on obtnin Seed; by mail without delay; when ordered to amount of 50 cent! or upwards, they will in intent posing: fret, Corn, Beans; and Peas excepted, which will require 15} cents per quart ddl tionnl for postage. » . T W'Druggiste, Storekeeperr, lpd Dealers generally supplied, (in large or mull qnhnli ties.)rnt Wholelale mt". ¥ i EDW’D J. nuns & 00., y .\'o. 9 North George Street; . Ihr. 20, 1385. In: York, O. Great Attraction 'r PRINKERHOFF'S CHEAP CLOT me “A AND FURNISHING STORY-‘2, at the A orth st. Corner of the Diamond. The Euhl iber is commnlly in receipt. offreih gag»!- fro ~ the Eastern cities. His stock of I . READY-MADE CLOTHING in one of the largen and men ultra-ti e. I: well as the cheapest. rumblhhmem of Lhe,klnd in_ the country. You will there find CO TS, PANTS AND VESTS; made up' in the most feshioxfible etyles,,ud of the bug mug-Finis, of zll n'zen and prices, {or men and bags.— Gcnzlemen’e lurniihing good} of every deqcriy-' tion, Wool Shirts, )iu-lin Shirts, Hickory Shirts eudguerino Bhixts, Merino, Wool and Canon Drawers. Hosi I} ofevery ducripduu. Bucknskin, Merino an (Cotton Glows, [land kerchiefu, Neck “(Alli-mam, Linen and Panel Collin, ling, Cap» Boots undpbwe. Um brellas, Truulu, "nice-s, Osrpel Bugl, Oil and Shoe Brushes. Hair and, Tooth Br She Binding, Pocket and Dreuing C ivory Combs, \ancllep,L‘locks Ind Je' Guns. Pistols, Violin? and Violin El Soups and Perfumeries, Sptionery of at“? Packet. Knives, Smoking uni Chewing T :0. Pipes, In Him. quality at Segnrs. In‘ his flock embrace: cvexylhing usually in s first clue {uni-hing Iture. I luvit Attention of I” to come and ice {or them; I: I III: determined to uh good: lawn-t] any asherutablilhmenl 1n the country. I 1 forget the place. Corner of York ilredl m Dilmopd. JACOB BRISKBRHOI “11911884. ' ’' - ‘ . . Mormefihps’ ‘ Vh’fllfil “PROV/fit} SUPEK _ - « "PHOSPHATE .0! " - " Idoxxnmur ‘ - -- NANUFAL‘TDMSB-‘s, lit-3201‘5, N 0.17 S. From Sung Phihdelphiu, u " =lB BQ-vly’t What-l. , BAUT‘I.&‘ORE. The subscriber begs 13.": m’iqtbrm 1 ale" and Consumer) tin. has,“ now we a d to funfiih NOKO RInLLIPS‘uGENUFN IM PROVED SUPER PHUSPBATE _U)’ 1.1 E, [I an} quantifies. --.- - ‘5 The “Irena! unmcuonfim Irtic a has given during the’puv. four yuan, has a in cmuvd the demand um I have bun com gncd .10 3%.“); 01:1qu my cipucfl] 10: it: gnu?- [fucmrefind hue been inducted :0 running!) : ,bmbch ban" in the city of Balumore. trim 31bit 14:51! be Ibl¢.lofll..l_L°_fi_ll}l during the {muck Yet my mu 'ufiru Fom’fi'm mud, ' Dhconxu xa Dealt". . ; t 31pr _meuPs, ( Bola.- Propflucr‘nnd Manufnuyrer. ”hfiq ,-_3!nr. 20, I§§s. 6m _ ' r' ‘ Dissplutiou. ‘»- l '1‘”: P‘m¢flhip “radon I!“ mfg I: ‘ Us": the "dumped, in 1b! Coal, bum :r and but: business, has beenfindm} this y. by mutual consent. ‘Azl penna‘hldcbled to an ht: Pigm. 41.115111): 'na’up‘r beck sewn“, ue_ "quuud n ma; u dunes The bookrwm be M: €151: O.'H:‘Bnhler,wbo viu'cominu the “11:13:53! th- old “and. -- -_ , . ' " -' r gimme: sands, I ' ”'7 7‘ ‘3 "’2' 12:13: BUEngfig Afirnzsnas- 4r 7. -- "q - "c’u‘fibm‘r" w. 3 _. .. .... ' ... ' A‘ . -:.'l'.O¢.“Kf‘ iaAlgl‘nél-aut J l. i l”- f_ I__ t jmu ”£79: .nh‘w lfim’éxflln Knife below cit w“ “50.293301?! Hi. ‘ own} I_ .._ix " ' ,7' _“" n .mhes nhu, mbi. ' dry, 1 'ngl, inds, T buc— n‘ Incl, lEmmi the In all’ can: in charge for forlgiénlnf fix. Certificate. pontg‘e, and doing the bus n 6", the gum of Twenty-five (lento, whichflnufl be enclosed in the order. ,Five Certificmes will be sent for S! : eleven for 32; thjnf '9: $5; ling-five tor $10; one hundred for S 5. AGENTS ARE WANTED lhrong‘fiont Lho‘ CounlrY‘to operate tor I‘ll. Alnrgo coupon uulon am he p-id. Sad lo: tony, tn, en ,cloain;unmp. ‘ xnwaopx {CO., Mar. 27,;65. gm 7: “Moran: N. Y: Ives, r than {Don'fi it and ’EF. No Humbug. MB , IKOVAL. I ‘ --»- E ; vuomwonm ALWAYS AHEAD. - “Haw.” FUR BABGM.}'S,——Jorix L. :KOLTZWORTH hm jun returned from the « Cit; Vim :he iurgcatpgémost complelc nuor’t inn: 0! "ATS .m; ,fc‘ws, 'Boors~ up SHOES, flint has: been brought. to,“ this lowu lines: 11" with, 11;) nook l~ \noi onlycompme, but is buy!) 519,! Cu“? cubncjngfisery Fnfiety of 80de End Shout .fur Men and Bo) afiwhitst lh'e- b. 8165 will find lenhxhlug in um: line; from the smm (mm Kw the bani”; Sham, Cblldnxe'n Sign of busy delcripfiol, in gun: variety; Aha. L‘- lalei' Hun‘, “to quality, gnd-Chfldren'l fllu, Eofnn ugh-{and prices. Also, Trunh, Ca”:- xpet Bagi, “sling, L'mtrelly. (gigantlwek- Hugs. .Tobacdo, L'iggu, n-m‘anpgl ox _sz .ducripljon. ' ‘ ' " ‘ "‘ "' . ‘ 38.00!!! forge! the phoeiSOMh-nfl Git. by me 91.1 mm, Ganylbntg, fig, ; g _ - JOHN L.»Hoerwon'rfl._ g Aprix 10, 12165. g: .. 3., 3.1;. ‘ : 7 - ““*pai.mrmx . ~-- 18“} Lugs. an Guns. {“5" L --Howell & Bourke,_ MAXUFLCTUBERB 0|" . ' ‘ ‘ ~ WALL,RARZBS, ‘ '_'. ,1 ' . KID ‘ , , ‘ WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, - 1- Conn: FOURTH Ind HARKET Stud-I, ~ ‘ PHILADZLPgIk. -, _ . , .N. B.—A fine nae}: u\' LIKE! SHADY-‘_’“. unusually on hum). , [Feb.’2o,lBBs.‘ "3?. H +~'~‘.._...—~——.._~- ...-Ac. “.._“: <. 3W FALL 8 WISTIR GOODSW’ g nawrtmgnt of Fall and F' r 09ml“ upfnhp 5.5993931.“ . .Fm . J 005: Cliitg-Juuq,r¢_‘pfi ‘ my C: momma .b‘mg;;fl 5:; ~ I' {ate erbium {or pretax-yin: In. W! ' I =I .80 - 80 SO - SO 30- 85 20 . 50 .oo " 4o 3- 40 5- (0 4 - 141 3 - 13 8 - 15 1 0 • Li so: so, o- 20