The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, April 17, 1865, Image 3

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    ӣ6141 rayon?
WHERE‘S-3m ‘ comma- more republ- meme mu:
Thole viihinj . fine I“ of’vhhkers, . nice then (pens, bone of any pm- in the york!
unlit-chemi- n hunting head of glen-i hair,:bosidu; Mly-five hundred phynkinne no then
:1 IA" Qpl'i':':n':hd the our? dfTHOS. E 13517?- gn their pnefice _to thfi “claim: 9! other
g ’ , D .2! ”HP lhn lAN!- ‘.‘ m pnrgnlivu. The fin: loner of their “In; in
~~—v rr- ~
, OLD EFEEOHAPE NEW. yet Icnrcely uppnclnud. When the! up
A Pumphlpt 1413133”!!! how to speedily r” better known lugiden den“: and connnned
Ito};- night I“ 1.151ij ”mud“ withouuid Ilckneu will he of the put. Let those who‘
.of‘dncwrpr medicine. Sent by mail, tree, on know them work right out in thnir favor. 13‘
receipt or 10 ule-EAgd?ngE I! D ia‘n dm, which will uvelife.
‘ll},o BrnodrzlylN.’Y. Onr rec: orn'ubject to a. redqndnncy o 1
~ -.- «-..».-- viii-ted hile at this lesson, and uin u don—
THE BRIDAL CHANBER. geronr n: it il prev-lent; «but Bnndreth’e
‘ .? noteol: terrains] :‘nd :driee as thou ant. Fills afl'ord on invdunble and eficient protec
or ng ml .‘em an en am «more! Dev ' , B ' v ‘ 4
Wm 3" ”“9“" 09m. .f'rom WNW" 2“}an ’ Li‘iio‘licfi'mian" 1"": m" “-19
,cmue produced. Bend, ponder,nnd Felon! o "m _ pun a, '"i "h“ "
Be Niki” “#l2- . , (nufiexem gun-mural, cenu Io mach donpr to
Be3¢_FREE to'nny nddreeror the benefitof 'the body's: health. They soon cure liver com-‘
6"? Ilncled. Sent bfizfi:_r:;u&Tl-4gflrufi plum, dyrpcpeia‘. lose a! nppeliu. [Min in the
‘ 429,3;ro'ndnylij. head, hurt-burn, pnin in the brunt-bone,
_ ,-,_.,”,_ ; if". eudden- faiutuen and continual. Bold by
IF ymf WANT TO KNOW. J. C. Quinn 1 Bru.,6«tnbarg, “Q by 1.114
A little of everything rel-ling to the human respect-Me denier-‘1 in medicines. '[Apr. 3. lm‘
p'yncm, male and whale; lhe cnum Ind Iran!» ‘ _~—_4«.»—-—. r /
menitdof intros; the marriage agnon: of lb: DR. TOBIAB' VEXETIAX LINIHENT. ‘ MARRIED.
“or ' ow ngflflfry we on I l oven 1 ’ - ‘ , . .
linings! and published berm-e, rend .the re- h It c‘nree Choleroll when Im token, ur a few M o;.Wedneedny week. In Bul'amore, by Rey.‘
'med And winged (amen or “Heaicnl com. “"3: ”Wm” " h‘” " s°"? ““5"“ " "m"! y" “"5 “' SC "3 °' 0°“ '1
man Sense,” a curious book for céfloue peo- in 5" ”WINE/IF i'. perfectly “In“!!! to Md’ Cnvnlry, to 51in “AB: AHANDA’ dnughi
nlo‘ hi: 3 fish! hook for every nne. 400-mke intern-fly, Indie recommended by “I". $111333 Cole, 35‘4" ° Abm‘d‘m' Hflfmd‘
m". ”ll? “inf'tf‘mts- £"zsflgg’m ngzg'mou emhientpmicinn- in the United Sm". 0n {he sih insh, by Rev. w. G. Fergulon
1 t t sub we 0 \ - ‘ ‘ . ' '
$25,514.; a: the Beak nor’es, or .n'n be mtg?” “m" ‘9 """' c‘i’hifisétig‘i‘%93§§B£§°& 35:63am:
by M”. W“ PM. on “which?“ MW- , ' : T°“"‘"”"P"v 5“" “v 15,59- On the 30th 11"., by Be'v. J. Seohler, Mr.
Addrwl , ~ 11:13. roofs, 11.0., , 012‘s; I. ‘l'qbiu, N" York: 0m Sin-4 LEVI FISHER to lie-ELIZABETH BASORE,
Jun. 30 cm 4 1130 Broadway, 3: ‘- have need your Venelifin Liniment with great boat of Adams county.
'_‘“"—_‘ en“ en both I. intern-1 u vol I: In u- nn” 23d ult. by Rev. W. K- Zieber “I’-
INFORMATION mg. 1 “I ’mdicinefin we. a, Biiiouwol.c SAXUEL JAconémniuMABYELIZAB’ETH
To Nnvun Suriname-1A Gentleman HM~ I - ' ‘'l TBONE'bO‘h of Adm. county. I
cum! of Nervous whim}- lucorfipctency. I‘m-’9‘“ “Wk“ Morbul “'3‘"! “u ‘ """elln 0n the 9th inn, by Rev. {sob Sechler, ML
nmmre Decay, nnd Yfiuzhful Error, actuatedb-‘Gmedi- Y°“' Venetian HarloLinimennhndg'NOAn ”11‘ng W ”in! M GIE HABXER"
by 1 delire to home: when, will be habpy’lo.unrirnlled u a horn linimeM amongst tnb-bmh °f ““1" “mm"
:uxuiih to all “no need it. (run or CHABPIGJ m.” and bonun‘en’og “If, can-I. ‘
we recipe and diru-tlo‘m for making the sim- . . .- ' VM LFWIS ‘
5.1 a remedy and inahia chic. Sulrercrl wish, ‘ , a ' ‘ ’ ~
Tutu to mm by the udvertilrr's sud upericnce, Sup ‘ 1‘0" Branch CW“ 1
uud puma 1 sure um!v vnlnhle remedy, can Sold by all Druggiau. Uflice, $0356 Cort
do so by nddresaing him at his pine? of buai- Inudl Street, New York; [April 3. 1m
mss. The Recipe, nod In“ infurm‘flione-Of -7..-‘.‘.-.._4_
nu! importunécwryill‘ be chd-rrully sent by ‘ 3' ‘"w new!!! It" "1.
return mail. Ad'lryu , ’ . _ .
60 x‘flflu SL, 3,1,, York. IL]: made on the but princnple. while the
5-4“ 7 . . . ..
.Jan. $9. Am
.4 pgil 10. 3m
P. S,——Nervous Sufism-rs of‘go‘t‘lificm will:foreign watch is generally made on no princi
fi'“l 111‘?! informlliofl’ in‘-.\luuble. [Mm “’- 3'“- ple null. The foreign Intel: is mostly‘made‘
by 1.1 hr While their“
A c.\lu»'q'-s'x§v.u.ln,<l. : E“? "Sm “n“ ”0’“: "“ ““3- ‘on the s'muu.,'ne.i’ Shady Grove, Frank.
a flagrant],“hihuésidinginSduthAmcr- lfi’oor Is cheap, their work 1: Gear a) nny kin Growe,PL,nn.camsl3uNA D.,conson.
ml H u mirriunnry, diwonrodn safe my! sim-‘price. Such watches are made without plan, of Henjulpin F. KlnAinger, and daughter of
Lh- n-mwiy for the l‘urc 1:! NO3 \uuc ‘Wenkfilcss, and sold without guarantee. The! are irregu. Re“ Dnmel 30151113", or “’9ynesboro’,:?n.,
1;“ ELL”? "3.1": "V" “I'lg‘h‘ ’1'“?! T 513335!“ in culish union}, qnl§ quite as irregular in 25::{inseaurikinga‘gaaggég‘izf 2'33. :28 "
Ellltvaj’fg‘llllxpilélW‘lu‘llt‘YH‘l ind :32.qu ‘lmhim—h :W’V' meut. They “'9 WED“ ”“11 t". Hell; Above 0. 33.5111] 3. F. Kittiugei-flzgid 10 days. ,
lurin‘k’l’liiln'a‘ ,1, lru( :.m-.‘dp.....e;.~mm: 1,5 n,;.'nnd the buyer in' the party ‘mout thorough)! 0n the 9thi_ust.,j.v_cumv," township, ON TUESx
mmb- r‘;z;r¢'3. I'l. liq/tr“! 1... u n'mira- (u lune-"IN“ 'l‘hosewho tht’_kePl“BDCf¢',”"lt-pines,” Mr. CORNELIUS HOUGHTELIN, aged about’qmi‘hmafia a?
.“f. 11:: xi"; ‘.‘.;;';;f.,".'::.;":::r,".-i.:‘i:t;r::::.” mw:W" "- worms“ ”9““ m -§“3:‘:;; on; in Adams com sm- “9““ M“:
in .. ~.-;,1..}um1..1.?-,‘m .my UN “.0 m 4, (I;.ch :03" will appryclate, lye truth of our ELIZA-BETH saw’v,'aged a: yelrl sifioncha {“31“, ““3.
I yum» u 1 yuan. ‘ amazement. - ' _; ‘ tan}; 8 a”; ’ , y,~lv {£6382
Plus-dill} ‘ureJ gmmycd qmclupr: yd-kuwd TEE PLAS 0F TEE AMERICAN WATfCH.
1“ )"Umu'. "‘ddflllfiyru ’l‘ IV“ l‘.’ inglemi of belug‘mnde of seyernl halidredl
f tin'm'“ I): “"6“; iifim,‘ . iljttle pl’ecesfitreurd tbgothei', thel-odi qtlhei
‘ 8 Nun Y'all. C 43. ‘g‘lucriuan Ward: in fqrmcdof SOLIDPLATES.
.. . ‘ ~~--~ ‘1 ‘No jar lulu-(ere! with the humqny of illl
““0”!“ “I!“ Guumum.’ , . ~ VI . working; and no Hidden shock cam throw it),
Mun mu:~“ hr )uur prrlmnnoyLl web to } t f I] l ‘7r'd'n 6H 1 ‘
guy to xhr rmxduug your [lx-pl-r Ih.“ I uilllsvml, 9"“: llfltl’y 0" .f) ‘ gt: r. ~ 5-l I E ‘ a];
l.) rr'urn mnil, '0 1:14 ulao lislu it (“UHF-t“; business pursun, 1: Is all Md'loyethgr as“
Lript, “11h lull limeluunn fur making and us. firmly _.g 4 singlé piece of metil. 'lLig jun;
infill“ gimpu- \fgeurhl‘e Half}, tl-‘nz wail fffl'iwhut nll machincrv oh'éfild beig- , 1' ‘
x..- y n-mma- :u h u .435. “up,” 0 ' '13:“. " . . '.' , , ‘ .
l'l'nn, l’rw-le'ut nud‘nll lml-urllinn Jx'tlle‘h'km," l¥"‘\f"’}'fi“‘:h‘ 1." SHWL‘F' §3.S?R(?‘§G.
«mung Hu- :umec “701 mm, smunh and Imm;- flb- H QE‘U-‘ULAL- ' ” l i I
l‘. ul, a, ; x I iWe not only mung cnmpwss 53% our
1 will ill-H) ulililll‘rt-If to lblrSC llzu'ing llzllll iHlt‘anbM QUALITY. We dainol préleud ~
H “d" M Lin“. ""1""3'“ffl”"“1”""“""‘ “"dfmfi [but our Kaleb club he bought for lean mnnev ' » ElOCtidn.
lummnou l ..n 91 l‘ elm no I ul‘qlm Mann .u‘ '3l I). lme'rr . make’beliurefi hub lel. (0-: ROTEGTIONMUTUAL FIRE INSURANCI-Tl
mmnholLuxurmn;H.m,lllu.—Ler>,ma“o.4ss.‘4? f. F H} : u dPNY UP LITI‘LFQTUWV‘ k .__—-7
n... In. in Im- llmu'flhirt) um} ._ . I: in full ulna}: is gold lot oqe-lgulque price. electing: 29;:- ‘Bgmcmfi to “la-m“; the “has“; Tl
1‘” "HAM"”WSVUIWHII, h": .rwll'“ mull? 201:“ SOLDIER}: WAT’Cfi (”w-M Wm: El" mil comphy durinm‘the cneuifi’lwr. will be' T, PUBLH
MW“ (”#364 ll3“L’-'l'i';}‘»'{l'.l\’"filling“ “"5 “3‘ “I“ WWW ,Wian—Sflid, Sub- held at lhé‘publ‘ic house‘ermellh Barker, in" A 22d d 3)"
\ ‘A” l‘\l::\'; i“, ““1". slnmikl, uul nlwnys llclinble—wuflhnleu to Liulumwnfllon' the l-‘lllS'l’ SATURDAY 0? will nth-r at. P
- .. ~ .‘ ‘ ' ‘ ; ‘g‘ . .w - - MAY up lu'clock, P. 11. ‘ muss and L
h!“ 1., Nu .‘ 3:“ . 35:23! amount 0 )l-lrsmul. Rulfug or ’v \“ .S. S. BISHOPLSec’)’, tysburg, I'li‘Oi
, , .' ‘ A _ ‘ ~ A 'l l- 1835. ll* A the wen I!
"l “H (:1 l:_\l‘_li.\\'(:|.lsn [ll-MEI“. .uL'R s:ng uxcuggg‘xumjn 01- gtAu‘p “33"“: _\ _‘ _ 7‘ ‘’ 7 H v-4.” 2: me am; 1
lFm Jinn VLJLlihxq I'LLHIKA'H-iu Mini]; (numetli’. S. Battle") Ii: similnr in si¢e;,ang ~ \‘Notico. lmlf story St
'ILLfl. 'upmu rum u pn-~lllp.ollu . . . .5 ' .‘V I. __ . -. j. . _ . 'll' 1) lhl
J. ( Luh.‘ 11. IL, M." “an“ laxllnuldihur} lu gunqrul uppeurame, but bus B’OfngFflfilqu Nogggfidxstnezifiyegnan 1,: alias-EMSJ: #0132135. b. 5110"
lln (3mm. 'lln, imdlunldr nudmue is un- n mm‘e chbomle finjsh. ‘ j,[ ' BECK in: ofoGel‘lflsbj:Ue dint-Md id-Amnkgéfmsm- Tllo l’
“:ng in ”10 ('lllc‘ ul nll 'l|0!(‘ puntul ngldi OU-R L.\l2<l_ES’ \VATCH, recently bro‘lghtgimmed'irlte puymeng; nnd‘nm“ lun‘illg chimsfismnll family.
“”19“!” that.“ 1“) “mull. ”w. "EMT“. “ . °“'- '33 P 115“? i“ H 81"“ Variety Of WWI“: 'gninat the nine Io fireecup lbem to life uhder- “T 5816 ‘0 ‘
skills”:f-IIZI.(41\;-:;":llJl(AJllrtllllAL-xtllfinfnllml.2 51:12}. mun)" of them of ~rare haunt): and workllllun: signed, residing in tlfle same plane. 0“ ““1 dti'nlyh
‘‘ H um. m. u-liwl “it". .’ :, Eship, is quite small, but nnrrnnled to ¥eep DA'LHABILE‘XgI‘BhCR, Emcumg. mun: mm ‘c :11
Ix. .\ln liml Ludh: i 1 isycrnlL-xlv lnilHL— time. ’ ~ - * A ’l3 18“
. , - ‘ _ l : ALSO arson: knowln themsehu to be P“ v 0'
1* ‘ "1‘ "'H-‘ rm": "'l‘“ WWW “WK“NMH-‘a um “me GENTLEMAN‘S WATCH isiiadémea' go the me 5&5: or NHRBECK & ’_‘—v"
”(nu MI Ill",‘Jlll|‘r : ' ' 4. » , l" . . -.‘\ _ .‘é .
’ lxu‘ll lmlllv w hull r. nun-g llae “‘1‘“: “‘l'- targE, and 3"“ the [lung tor‘;he‘llé‘RTl4\,9r Pf."lzfi'lfllegmici‘f'atflfifi.A???"
«:3. 24, p 344
u. .'-, ‘L._ , _ , . _.. -. >
('.u\rtn§nrnl lulu]; :t‘tti‘n'm Bimini, L 6 bre- bucket of YbungAmexk-n." , - fig I:l3:2s?"sxxmegiuiqu fox; sallfelat, ATP We“: A; No Humbug.
.. ._ , , . ‘ . . . us .331 e 0n .ren enni Jeuor v
r «(u‘lnlulr‘ilu‘H-r-Eh: w H". ”mm “m Lio‘fizkmi ’llle PR'UI-H' ol the merits olonr Watch in! ofA. J. Cover:,’Esq.,far coll‘Qction. m 149093111 De REMOVAL. AWY A E D
lw l 1: [lileb-‘tllJrHlL' the iii-1.5% mum L truth of I" found in the “at that we qu “BRIO, W" AP!“ 17, “565. . \‘x 52““: the follog THI:%.§€W§§§IIBARGAKHS§ jofifL
172‘ gxmlu \. u~ lhu .r- uuu— 1.24 hunfnnilliu , 5“” hundred “07km“: in our lsclqrie|,§nnd _m.__._, ‘_‘ A» > “Ag—d_ ‘ ,ceden‘t, 'i‘: . i . HOLTi‘VURTH b“ just retu‘rned “on; 1b;
.‘ am- 1' 3m; .I C Hutu-unim- mu. im- sale. tlmt “e are aim unable to an ' l the qon- Chagall“; L 8 ‘1 AI‘AR“.)I!|§R!I mTyrone town-hipgAduma .- . ‘ .
A I , . xn) _ _ , PP Y ‘ , , .. . - (_xty wxlh the mrgelt and man complete unort
- ‘, l\ . |~ I\al u- r - - A on SAUL—On FRIDA) l e 19:): day qr ,county t. a plum; lands of Bond Yohe, -‘ .. v
{Harman-In: . rrwu um . pm.._i Lit m .e stunllymon-usmg demand. F MAY 2 ' l k, Pk“ 11 b D niel’ tame Rudol h Deitrick and “he" went oi HATb AAD CAPS, BUOTS
an— H: Um 3.5 L 3"“! lumbar. l'utigirr‘n’u rhglxt Ulili THREE-QUARTER PLATE WATCH _ _ next, It ococ . ,ta eu - lo ' _ 206 Ac 3'3 . l, b 56 AND SHOES, u.“ ha. been brought to (l
“um" l‘ulpmmuu 0,. the 1n...“ 1 nil-ma, ‘ _ . scriber wxll sell otPubhe Sale,on\he premises, COMM-“ 118 _ l" 1 more or "'lB 0“ this [own since the war Hi! ztock is
imd “ “‘1”- 1' Hr Fill: In“ my“ a “a“ nhuu" I: thinner and lighter thngthc others wel havethnhou: reuerve,) 50 Acres of eglrn Patented acres of wine . are woodland and 30 acres not onl com lete but i; 000 D and CHEAPI
..H mlnr lulu“: lmw (him! ; and although “:IL'R‘libl'd. Its fine chfariometer balance isSCHESTKUT TIMBER L_AS‘D. Eilllfibd It dip-JDCMOW tTh¢f%?F°:;Wfinug'g embracing cg"). ,variety of Boot. and Shoes.
,ith‘r uL Hater}, do nuuoouiiu iIKnJ-ulm'riel, delicately adjusted to Correct the uriation azinzgaflgrgzmhlizzzgnhezggfgme (ignurxzd goggg-Izo'gnin‘ egoufil’egfizée i” for Men and Boys, whilst the Lndiei'wiil fihdi
~‘ ’: .. -':l-' A . ‘ '. . " " “
:‘izflvifnmv'm "tuning l“u u tut L «on xu 5 ““‘ed by chxlnges 0‘ temper.imre. Tke‘teznnlien tohnlhip. Periods will he di ’llth to LO3 Burn “ti 2 WW“ Sheds 'o‘gagglfigexigfusm: figfilfiffegfixfii
hall direcfi‘jui in (lie pamphlet urnund emh‘rwmdies are Ihc fruits 0‘ the latest "fink-this land by inquiring of Geo. B. [fight or attached, Cor‘ Crib, Smoke Hou‘se, 'alpnng‘flel.y description it: a!” vuriety. Also. La
plukqgh “hill! almuldbe mu- ully pr‘uennd. ml‘lfli in chronomexry, und are made bymuriAhel T.'Wright. The tr‘act Is covere with Hogse, 2 good; Orehurdl, and 1'! nererfnilingzdies, Hats, fine liuulity, and Children’- “a“,
Mild M n” llrugfisu. Sole Aunt tor ‘ll'fhest workiuezi in n separate department orpnme timber from which to cut Shipgles, spring near the honu. Then 1:; a strum; of ofall "y,“ Ind pricel. Also Trunk! Car-
L'n'ned .\{muli I} ”hm“. , ',F l: fl ‘t‘ -ke lin t Posts and Rails. The land will be sold entire watt; running through the fem.- wt 3‘25 “m“. Umbrellu, 'Gloree. étOck-
JUB H 15i.~', 2:7 L‘urllnnill 8213'. Y. our: fJCXOI‘). , or tQ. nee . nnc .93 Kg" divided intodor 8 parts to suit put-chub”. gnu-'o‘" tithing ‘9 'l" “1° 9'09"" ingl Toéncco U’ipu and Notion] of every
N: B.—sl,m and u paetnge “an,” “H. 105“; qualities they challcgo compel-ism? nth Ithe The luhscriher will be on the premisssmKlO inll be :h‘ogn the some by cgllipg on Duriel d93o,riplion. . , .
v... nu} ulllhururd April, “in “Hits-{u bululleube“ "a“! of the most famous English ind o-clock,A. 3L, on day-of sale, toehow the lines. Delnp, rendmg ti;er¢:pl;.Jon‘J DELAP @003" target the'plnce, South-cut 00:.
t' .2 Lol3]. i. - l mai . ‘Suu )' t - ' . __ R ‘ . I
it‘lnfliiiifiim. l s’, " 331,114,139; 1} ’ 5““ ""kerfi'm me; e x ”21‘0“ ‘ NSATCRDAY. the 20m dayofllAY,lB6s, , DANIEL DELAP, ““1" D”"’°"d'(jgfifibff‘fiophzwomfll
’ i , 81p ‘_‘ .‘5: ' ‘3 ; nt 2 o'clock, P. 31., ml] be sold at Publid Feb. 6, 1865. t! Execntfirg. April 10 ”35 tl
in QVUFF ‘ 53"” for the American “ alch (10.,1 Sale, at )(cCleHun's Hotel. in the Borough of ' '“'‘— '. __ ___‘___ -_l ‘
‘ “ ' '7. April 3. "In: 182 Broadway, N. Y ‘ ' ‘' "" 5.. "““W‘ ' .Dlsgolution. ‘
This Snuif lm thoroughly profed itself to he \‘
d but nrlirle known for wring Llic C-yt-«rrh, " ‘ '”M ”4 " ' - .
L‘fild in [he Hend mid Headache. ,It line ham Important Pr‘oclnniatwia.—Pregident Linn
fuund nu emu-Hem remeuy in,mnny bun-a oi coln‘hus ieauedlau importnut proclamation:
Sui-a Eyes. Deafness but! been remowd b_\ it,’ gixing notice that our vessels-01-war must,
and Hearing-bus often been gieuuy idipmved‘ 60 longer be harmed in foreign pond by
by m use.‘ - ‘ ‘lbe restriction to which they hive been
.\ qurnpriu: Ind «greenble, Ind miss 11-.sul-jecled for the put few yennl' but. that
‘uznu l lIUEI‘ w the dullheuvy pain; mund‘uwy must have the ume rights and hospi
by mseiusca of (be handy Thrsenantiou‘s attergumi“ accorded to theni Hui. are extended
‘uaing it are delightful Ind invigorating. '“‘to=’foreign men-oh!“ in “Import.- of the
openlnudpurguoat all obstructionsfilrenglll-fi United States. H 6 deck,” 1h“ belie-fie
”:5 thigh?” ‘3“ 3”" ‘ “Pm" “rm“ E°§thoicmiders of every nation dull receive
1e n a ecte . _ ‘ g - . .
Mgre‘uufi‘ Thirty Years’ of sale mid use of the umeltreulmlent. "bferprrlcau ports that.
"Dr. Murahnll’i Cnturrh asd Headache Suufi," m" '3‘” ' "w" "' f: '
has proved its grunt value tor all the éommou _“ _ '— . ” ~,
diseases of the head, nnd at. thi: @omen A $8.31” nameolgcottmpoafyw Frolt. 1
Hands higher than ever before. 3d :yshisol'azlili'n ‘l‘lecirrotlg’e'fin'l‘tllggl
D it is recommended by many oflhe beet phy-Ecu'red I_n -43 W, .
eiciana, und in used with great suede" and-3"“ a Shgh‘ “’0“ m "1“ Pl 3“ 1““ WM‘
sutisfauiion everywhere. ' .. nesdny night."
Bend the Certificmes of Who'esaio‘ ang- a?
gins in 1854: The undersigned, having lur‘
luafly years been acquainted with “BL-Mar
shall‘s Cninrrh and He-dache Snufi'," Ind sold
it. in our wholesale trade. cheerfully state, that
we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to
the recommendations giren of it for the cure
(“pawn-hall Afl‘ectiuna, and that it is decided
ly the beut‘nnicie wehave ever known for oil
nonunion diseases of the Heed. \
Burr 1: Perry, Boston; ~Reed, Aunon a 00.,
Boston; Brown, Lamson & CO., Boston; Rwd
Cutler 8 CO., BosLop; Seth \V.chle,‘ Boston;
Wilson. Flirb'nk f 00., Bolton; Henehow,
Edmond & (30., Bo tau; H. H. Hay, Ronlond,
N 0.3 Barnes & Perk, New York; A. B. t D.
Sands, New York; Stephen Paul 8 00.,New
York; hriel Minor 3; 06., New York; chea
lon k Bobbins, New York; A. L. Scoviil 800.,
Rev York; M. Ward, Close £OO., New York:
Bush A Gide, New York.
For nle by on Draggilil. Try it,
Nov. 11, 1865: 1y
BU'TLEB'S 'xrmsco
At Fort Faber, m ncircely n. 99.1., f,“
urn dun in daily made by mo“ of tilt :dver
med h“: dye” not w
more common, pane“ sud Mu, than the
«lon “mined by
68181490308 tum DYE _
over my. ml 9an and; haul- of Mir. The
obnoximu but ii vipod‘om. in in liuyuy,
Ind t Went up" or him, 3““! ad
nun]. ”*3 Plfco- Hurtful-id by J.
CEIB'I'ADO 110.! Ann: new,” York.
8011),; MW India: by ill. 1w:
Dmun. ‘ { ‘ (Aprilt' lg
« Russell’s Screw Power’
xn THE ‘
_ -,__ omo REAPER ANDflMOWER‘
The subscriber is 13:32 for we above Ina
chines. The Screw power Ins found a ready
m‘uket since introduced in Main County, nnd
give(salisfnction,a hct lowbich many farmer:
will comfy. \ ‘
has given n‘imfaction whei'ever used, her
three thonsnnd having be‘en sold during the
last season. The demnnd‘ flu no great the
company intend putting out nix thonund this
tea-on, which we con-ideube best recommen
dm'mn fox-my machine. It is s cog-gated
machine,_ id up be of very light dnfl. worked
with use with one Ipnn of home. This nu
chine, an n Keeper, an be worked with or
without 3- uh. Fumers wishing to buy
would do well to make their purchnu only.
a the demand will be greet. Lut monye
were tumble to numb: the demlyd in conse
quence of persons mung “P "‘9“ mind. too
let: in the son. Extra alt-ye “pg on
Mad. Specign mlcbinu an. be seen by
calling on the-3 enhacdger, m: min Sax-then:
’ the atria urg roe .
of Gettysburg; on WM; WIBLE, Agent.
April 17,1355. :2 \
n «room» of the Brands-Megan
moral surly" 20th. m a!
unitysnfiq, RA. '
t ducri tic: of work éxecnud in he
la, titan. nyl- of an In. :
”an 17,1065. at! _
«. ”PF—_._.... W. 4 - , Valuable 0111; Late , | Greet Gift mention,
surname-Bmm" u", ‘l' PUBLIC SALE—WiII be oaered at V wucnmcmmsmu.
Hone—om»- -_.m.... 700 to 7 as ' Public Bile, on BfITCRDAY, the 22d 200,000 HOND RINGS, tC.,worth
Bye F10ur...........,,..,.............. son a] 9! APRIL meant, 4 Lots ofGronnd, the over .
White V'huL......,......,.......~.i I 80 lo 1 10 ell-8M a! George Codori, deceued,viz: ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Bed wu..;,,..........,,.,,,......,,.-., 1 50 w 1 60. 7 0 ACRES, more or less, (ranting on High All to be Sold for One Dollar ench, without,
d0wnwaumm...”.....,............. ' 1120 “Regent! running Along the lane, bounded , remrd to value. I
3,. “...;...,,,...,,,,..,.....,_,,,_m... 1 go by late of Rev. Michael Bushman and June: Not to be paid for untiLyou Know Whit you,
0n:............. .. 75 W. Foster. are to Receive. 3 ‘
8uckwheet.....~.... ........'........... ' 100 4 ACRES end 100 PERCiiF-S, bounded by SPLENDID LIST 0? ARTICLES.
oiom Sudan ' 9no lot- ofltav- Jacob Ziegler and John Enter. All to be mid for $1 00 each-
Timothy 5eed"...................... 300 to 3 so 6 ACRES, neu the Ridge. adjoining Him. 250 Gents‘ Gold Hunting-Cm
Flu Seed....-........;.......x......... 175 m z oo bell: Sbnltz,John H. .\lcCle'ilm, and others. ' Watrhés,‘ ” , , ' $5O to $l5!
Finiter 0fPer1e....................... 11 50 The lot: are in 0 good atnte of cultivation 250 Ladies’ Gold nnd Emmeled
Pinter ground, per 035 mm... 175 Ind under good fencing. ~Cue Wutchel, 35 “ 7
“‘Snle d the lac residence of the Ee- 500 Genls’ Hunting-Gnu Silver
ceued, in West Middle Itreet, Gettysburg, nt Watches, 35 “
[0 o'clock, A. M. M. IW. McCLEAN, 200 Diamond Ringl, , 50 “ l
Attorniel for the Widow end Heirs. 2,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chain, 15 “
April 17, 1885. t: 3,000 Gold Oval Bend Bmeleu, 4 “
5,000 Chmd Gold Bnceleu, 5 “
2,000 Chatelaine Cheiu t Guard .
Chaim, 5 “
‘ 7,000 Solitaire Ind Gold Brooclm, 4 “
2,000 Lnyn & Florentine Brunch", 4 “
5,000 Coral, Opll end Emereld
Brooch“, '
5,000 Mosaic. Jet, Lnn'ud Flor
entine Ear Drape,
7500 Coral, Opel, _nnd Knernld
' Ea! Dropl,
4,000 California Dhmond Brent
Pine, ‘2 50 “
3,000 Gold Fob end‘Vut Wntch
Key], 2 50 "
4,000 Fob Ind Vest Ribbon Slidel, 3 “
5,000 Sets of Solituire Sleeve Bot- .
tone, Stride, etc., 3 “
3,000 Gold Thimblee, Pencill, no, 4 “
10,000 )lininture Lockets, 2 50 “
4,000 ” “ logic Spring, 3 “
3,000 Gold Toothpicka, Cranes, etc., 2 “
5,000 Plain Gold Binge, 4 “
(noxcmmedsGrgtisltingahi , 2 4I:
" 10,0 Stone et ignet up" 50
Public Sale. [lO,OOO Culifornia Diamond Rings, . 2 “
N TUESQAY, the lBth day of APRIL 7,500 Sets Lndiea’ Jewelry—Jet,
[Q inst, the undersigned will sell at Public and Gold, 5 “
_5l e, at her hite residence, in Chambenburg 8,000 Seu Lndies'Jewelry—Cnmeo,
,Itreet, near Ttite’s Hotel, Gettyllgurg, the {Ol- Pearl, etc., 4 ”
:lowinzlperaonhl property, viz : 10,000 Gold Penfl. Silver Extenllon
l sapsmms, Qhairs. Enenslon Table, Ilolden nnd Pencils, 4 "
{Diuiunfi Breiitiast and Kitchen Tables. Coal 10,000 Gold I’ena and Gold Mount- -
{And Wood. Sam-en, Cook Slm‘e, Cnipeting, ed Holdern /3 “
LClock, Kitchen Cupboud,Copper Kettle, Bar- 5,000 Gold Pen: and Gold Exten
frela and Stn‘nds, Glass-’wure, Queens-ware, rion Holders, .
l'l‘in—ware, Earthen-war” Stone-ware, Knives‘ 0,000 Silver Goblet! and Drinkzng
’nnd Forks, enfd everything else belonging to Cups, , , \ 5 “
“housekeeping; too numerous to mention. 3,000 Silver Castor-r, 15 “
' Sale to codmence xi. lo o'clock, A. M., 0!} 2,000 Silver Fruit t Callellelkell; 20 u
Flour" ......,...,.. .............,,.... 8 25 w 8 50
When............., ....- 1 9; co 2 10
11’s.. 1 so to x 55
Corn-....,.........‘....................-. 1 O 5 to l 20
on.- ......,...............,..,......,... . 73 £0 80
Bee! Cutie, pct hund...............18 00 10:2 00
HO3l, parhund.......................16 00 £OlB 00
8.1.,32 00 tom 00
Clover-Deed............................17 00 £Ol7 50
Flu-need. ............................. 2 50 to 3 00
Timothy-teed"........................ 5 00 m b 25
Whukey 2 15 to 2 18
fi‘Obitunry notices 3 _cents per line hr all
over {outlines—Mll: to accompnny notice.
On the 4th lost. in Stratum townihip, JOHN
THOMAS, lon ‘0! Jacob Wagner, in the 39:};
year of his age. :
0n the 28Lh‘ult., um .CLARISSA SWOPE,
daughter of Mr. Adam‘Swope, detailed, aged
6| yam. , ' "I _ ‘ " ¢
' On Que 18th of-Mnrch. Ir. DANIEL BAKER
Sr.. of anilton townnhipl ueu- Abbott: town,
in the mum (3f hVia Ike; _ 2. _ _
- 0n the 26th rum, in Adams county, NA
TIIANIELJnfgnY ‘son of Mr. Barney, Brown,
aged 6mgnllha and 50 day. 1 - '
. ‘H/ ' Commhnicnl‘gd.
, On the Inh inn, at Leb'nnon, 1%., 311 mm:
ALTA, infant dnughter MS. 0. 3nd Leah B.
Brown, Iged 1 month and L 5 daysa ._ , "
‘ Little Minnie'l gpirit'a fled; ' ‘ -
Andhhe is numbered With the dcpdy,
Then let. thevliltle angel to", > _ r, -
\ The Lord hath laken her ham; to the_ Nest.
. \ - ‘ l-‘ uuxn,
Sér‘aet npgel babe thou wast not given -
. Lopg hen-Mo dwell; ' . "
Fian earth’s rude blast thou art. sift; in heaven,
\, l-‘urewell,.!arcwell ! ' u. u. .n
‘Gettysbnrg, A LOT OF Gnovxn, mum in:
said Borough, fronting 30 feet on York street,
and running back 18!} feet, adjoining prewar-1'
:ties of S. 3. Russell on the well. and Peter
Beitler on ihe‘ out. It is; Iplendid location‘
for building purposes or a print. ruidence. ‘
Also, At the same lime and place will be sold
Eight One Hundred noun Gettysburg RAIL-l
ROAD BONDS, with ten Coupon: now due
,utnched. |
i fiAztendonce r'will be given and terms
\mde known on day of ale by
‘ u“ ' ‘
April 17, 1865
Law Partnership.
A. DU. AN & J. H. WHITE,
‘Will prompt] stand to 11l legal business
entrusted to the including the procuring of
Pensions, Bounty, Back P-yrlnd :11 other
chime agninst the United State: Ind Stnto
Governments. ,
- flicein North West Came) of Diamond,
Gettylburg, Penn’a.
April 3,1863% 2: ~
Turnpike Election.
E Stockhdlderl in the Ymk and Genn
, bang Turnpike Company He hereby noti
e that an Election [or President. Mangers,
and Treasurer, to conduct the ufl'nirl of the
Compntg, will be held at‘tbe public house of
F. J. W lon, in Abbomtown, on the 20th day
of APRIL inn, between the hourl ofll A. 1.,
And 1 P. H. JOSEPH SMYSER, Sec‘y.
April 3, 1865. ad
Assigneé’s Notice.
HE undersigned, hnving been appointed
Mlignee, under a. deed of trust for the
benefit of croditon, of J. «E. Slim! and Wm,
of lonntplenunt town-hip, Adan: county,
notice il hereby given to all persons knowing
themselxu indebted to said Auignors to nnko
immed'uie pnyment to the undersigned, resid
ing in the lune township, and those having
claims ngninnt' the same to present them
properly Authenticated hr settlement.
fiJ. K. Smith): books will be let!“ the
Ston‘nptil‘nfur the «In for settlement. _
Uni: 27,.1886. st ,
It YOU SHAVE qunsm You will End
In}! the lube: done if you buy one of thou
Bapenor anon for nub, BOW t WOODS.
man “N 1 and Winn: Goods u
upm- m am: A_. n 8001‘? g SON’B
obn emu—Jae .reoel-v . Dr. K.
(immn'l Dru“ Store, thc par Sul
p dfldflo (or panning cunt. '
Public Sale.
N SATURDAY, me 22nd day of APRIL
inn, will be afar-d at Public Sale, at
the late residence ofGlona: Cooonndeceased,
in that Borough of Gettysburg, tha following
nnicles of personal property, viz :
l HORSE, l Heifl'er, (he-vy with cult.) ldo.
”5““ 01d,,l (10.3 months old, new Onc-
Horn Wagon, with bed, lcq Spring Wagon,
nenrly new, Plough, ShovelJ’lough, Harrow,
Hay Laddersyflny Forks, 1 let Carriage Hnr
neu, 1 do. Wagon Hume”, Sleigh Bells, Riding
Saddle, Digging Iron, Drill Anger, Post Auger,
Axe, Broad-33:2, lot. at old Iron, a lot of line
River Bonrdl, I prime lot of Framing Slnfi,
Harrell, tc. ,Alsa, A Dining Tnble, nnd other
article: ofHonlehold and Kitchon Furniture.
sBllk to: commence M l o'clak, P‘ M. on
laid day, when attend-nee will be given and
terms made flown by
April 3, 1865. Administrator.
attendance will b 3 g‘i‘ée'E'knd‘
% - NANCY sv'r'rox.
said day, whe
terms yinde k’
WAL the injme “in Mid place will be of~
fered for ul'e Her HQUS? and LOT.
A. W. Flemmibg, Auctioneer. , .
April'lo,'lB9s. la, .-
{l' blio Sale. .
AY, the‘mh day at APRIL
i guinea-fiber, Auiunee of J. E.
(e. will sell in Public Sule, at
in Mountptensnut‘ townlhip,
the renewing penpnsl proper-
Cow and Cal!!:Shqnt._ Spring
"u’ w" ‘ ”m" “kw" " " ' ad the dollar and take (119‘
Wagon, 13"” And‘Hnrness. 3mg!” 0°" and {SSZIEPJIX-TOS ism-chosen may thus obtain a!
Gear's; Chesn t Fons 3nd R 3115, Clubbonrds, Gold Watch Diamond Ring, or on Set of
woo-slaves“ Heading ; anrry Tools, Dnlu, Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAR, and in
Shoull' Pick ‘ Growing-s, lc'i a lot.of C". no case can they get. less llun One Dollar’s
pém" T 001“; “I" Ride, 2 fishing Semes “d worth as theré are no blanks. The price 0
2 Set New; Be and Bedding, Bnrcnu, Tables“ Cu'ifi’cntel is “ follows:
Chairs, Deslc “d 306 k Case, 2 8'0!“ “d. One (or 25 cents ; five for $1 ; eleven for $2;
Pipe,‘Coppe; eule, h“ Pot: um pan} Sin-“thirty for $5 ' sixtyofive for $10; one hundred
Inge Cutter, eat Vessels} Tube, hrnokednor $l5. . v .
Unms and S oulders. Ufied Bee‘, Ploklell¥ Agents will be Illowed ten cents on every
Beef, Apple-II “er’ and mnnx Mb" ”“6128 Cerhficnle ordered by them, provided their rm!
belonging to ousekgepmg, mth 3 large and mixmnce Amounts to One Dollar. Agents will:
varied 10‘ 0‘ Store Goods. . ( geollect 25 cents for every Certificate, And remiy
fiSule to, ornmence Mm o olock, A? 11, 15 cents to'ns either-in cash or postage stamps.
on said duy, In“ attendance \ull be gnen ! T. h H. GAUGHAN ‘5 CO.,
and terms mud known B . 'n New York.
‘ PETERysmjy, Assignep. 11*" 00 ‘8“ 1613 Broad“ y.
netionee'r. , ~ '" I '
Adn'm‘ Outer,
April 1:, we
lwn Propertn Rang‘éfilfinons Hmm mumpll l
. . t - ‘ ‘
lfsfikfi‘m ‘ngfig’jflgfgwit GEQRGE F. xcxuxnone. FASHIUNABLE
. blic Sale, on the premises, . TAILOR, mforml hie friend: and. the public
‘ 1. in am mad“, nnn_6“_ggenerally, m: be 1m REMOVED his Tnllor
in’g property of Jacob Troxel- ing Extabliahment to the wound floor of Sam
d property. of Michael’fi‘h‘efiu’n son‘s building, (over Brinkerhofi": Clothing
.he "on“ is none and a 1 ¥ Store,) northeast corner of the Public Square,l
ne, ‘with Frame Bach. entrance on York Itreet, where he is prepnredl
lcompuratiVely new. It "' to do all work in‘hisline in the best mnnuer‘,
ed m fem. Crostn‘ now de- .lld to the s;tis£tctio;lofhcnléomer‘ll. Helen:-
; - pan acne ul nt can M: 3,311 recefiin
°E§lfyniéxfllfimfi 35335} THE FASHIONS mummy, g
'ommence u loeo’clock A _ l, he on: vernal. fuihlounble flu and erect and
{euattendnuce will beglveuund substantial lowing. He ask. I share of wt;
\wxi by '. quhc'e patronage, premising to spare no e -
SAMUEL BROW‘T. fort to deserve it. His charge: will always be
' found an moderate In the timnl willfullow.
> Cutting and Repairing done at the- shortest
notice. [Guttyiburg,Aprll 10,1865. I
aluable Farm
TIE SALE—The lublcribell,
Q of the last will andtteuament
‘lnp. decenlvd, offer at Private
yving Reall Estate of said de-
\ HE pnrtneréhip heretofore exiuingbelween
the undersigned, in the Coal, Lumber and
Stove business, Elms been dissolved this day, by
mniual con-end, All personl indebted to aha
late Firmreilher by note or hook Accoum, ,re
reqneued to _saiule at once. The books will
be lel‘; with C. :3. Bnehler. who will continue
the busineu atithe old stand.
\ k C. H. BUEHLER.
April 'l, 1365‘. a:
Coal. Lumber, Stoves, &c.
Woul‘d mpmrnuy inform tho public
that he will continue the busineu lately con
ducted by the firm of Sheath & Bubler, I: the
old “and. cdrner of Cull-1e and hill-01d
streets. He will be prepared to furnish
and every variety of LUMBER, including Doorl,
Shutters, Sash. kc. Also, every variety of
Cooking Stoves, among which Ire the
S T D V E S .
Also, every ynrlety of TIN AND SHEET
IRON WARE. unuufacturerl by the but work
men. Also, HOLLOW WARE ofevery variety,
includingalnpérior article of enamelled work.
lpdoed every variety of Kitchen Ware will be
kept eonemnflyton hand. ‘
Also, the int-fumed “UNIVERSAL CLOTHES
WRISGEB,” {or which he in the Dale ugent in
the county. ,1 X . '
He in nll'o the agent for Wheeler t Willou'l
Sewing Inching—the best in nae.
April 10, 186?. C. H. DUEHLER.
» Nance.
administruion on the auto" of Henry
Bream, late of! Huntington township, Adm
county, having tween grand to the undeniglx
ed, the tint nemed residing in Cnniberlnud
tp. Ind the lutf unwed in Huntington tp.,they
hereby give notice w on persons indebted to
aid uuté to mks immediue payment, nd
thou having chime ngdnu the some to pre
sent. ghoul properly "mentioned for unle
nunt. I FRANCIS BEE”, '
‘ ‘ Adminmnton.
Inch 6, 1865. at
Western Lands,
' E subscriber bu some valuable WEST.
{ ans LANDS, which he will ma. to, a.”
or more FARMS in thin count’y. Th! landl:
. n ' ¥__ ,_ .__” .-_.“ ”‘_‘:lre nu tamedi “'3 "3’ d 331,). {or n'mJ
j". “at road!“ .3" mm.“ 3. Burl, up In lan eai
w «Gunman, to qbiqh we mm m 9“” "1553330??-
n‘aafio‘n of baryon. A. 8001“! t 308. u Gettysburg, April 3, 1865. :1
_,_.__———.——————-—-———————~ X». .._- ——- —-—- _’....__.__.__
.RA’l‘B tight-d”, Tim -5." “a 4338' DRESS TRIIIINGB, in rat w‘
Alum Clock. cho9]: It PlémG’s. ‘ fiuy, » J \ , SOB L‘K’B. ‘
”may -_ . I -V
, Mum. -T. "k a. swarm: a? CO., 116‘
_Broadway, New York, cxlennke Nanufactur-l
:grs-qnd [pporlgrs of {l.l_‘Efil?§i”g.“9d moat
'fuehionnble nyles of WATCHES And JEWEL
RY. desiring to increase their builuere to an
{unlimited extent. have relolved upon A GREAT
Gil-Yr DISTRIBUTION, lubject to the regula
Itiomu following: ‘
’ Certificates, naming each article and its
‘vnlue, are placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well‘
finned. One of these envelope: will he sent by
well to my address on receipt of 25 cents.
| [S‘All article: sold At One Dollar each,
without regard to value! ‘
| On receipt of the Certificate you wii see.
what you are going to have, and then it is at:
7 . Collectors,
4K?) NOTICE—IIse Collectorlvof I':er
{or 1864 and prevlpns the differ
ent township: of Adpml copnzy. we hereby
notified th lhey will be xequired to settle up
their Duplicate: on or before lhe‘lfhh day of
APRIL next, on which day the Commissioners
will meet at th'eir ofiice to give the necessary
exoncruiona, to.
Comminsionen of Adan: county.
Atteu—J. M. Walter, Clerk.
Mar.27,1865'- zd . .
HE first Ind fins! accognt of Sebgninn
Sutzel, Committee of Jacob Fickeu, (lun
mc,) late of Uumington township. now de
cemd, hm been filed in the (30an of Common
Plan of Adams county, Ind will be confirmed
by tn said Court, on the lhh day of APRIL
next, unleu «use he Ihown to the contmry.
“at. 20. 1865. tdi ’
pmnwmmu r
19“} PAPER lIANOINGS. 15°“
Howell 8: Bourke,
mcmcwnans o? ,
Corner FOJIRTH Md HAREET Slreefl,
N. 8.-A fine stock of LINEN SHADES
wnluntly on land. (Feb. 20, 1665. am
Administration on “‘9 nuts of Georg
Codori, late of Gettynbnrg, Adams coumy,
deemed, lining been stunted to the under
signed. raiding in the lune plnce, be here
by given notice to .11 person: indebted to ma
nut. to make immediatn payment, and than
hnving claim: ngninu the lame to want then:
properly nnlhemicntcd for maximum.
April 3, 1865. 6: ‘
Tavern moon-9e. Agricultural Chemical Cole
HE following npplicltlonl to keep public CI!'E A P F E R ‘l' l L I ZER S .
houses or entertoinment,hnve been filed in The Fertilieerr prepared by the Agricul
my office-grim the requisite number of signernéturai Chemiul 00., (a Conrqaeny chartered by
and will be prelented at the Court of Quartcrhhe Legiqleture with e capital of $250,000,)
Sessions, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th d.iy of’hnve been proved In practice to he the cheap-
Al’l-lIL next: est, most profitable and_ bent, {or the Farmer
Samuel Wolf. Borough of Gettylbnrg. Gardner and Fruit-grower, or nilconcentrnted
(len. W. McClellan, ‘- “ mnnuree now oi‘ered in any mnhl. The
John L. Tate, - u " Company's list embrace: the following;
Cornsliue H.llanee, H u 4 -—,- ’
Dari Blneheugh, u u Thle Fertilizer ll coln-
Andrew Stock, H u PABULETTE- posed of night 101 l and
Francis J. Wilma, ” Berwlck. the fertiliging element: of urine, combined
Henry Kobler, “ “ chemical? and mechanically with other v’alnp
Henry Rnhter. “ Littleuownf able ferti 'zing agents anal eboorheutr.
Levi Crabs, H ” it in reduced to n pulverulent condition;
Peter Lingenielwr. “ , “ ready forf immediate uie, and without ion of
Joeeph Darker, “ , “ iL- highly; nitrogunmu fertilizing propertiel.
George W. Rex, Butler town-hip. It. unmraal applicability to all cropl Ind
Frencir Bream, Gumberlond H eoils, end its durability and naive qualifier,
Emanuel Diller, Conowngo “ are well' known to be all that agricultorlete
George A.Corwell, Frenklin . H can desire.
Le\i Heigee, “ - ~ “ Paton 330 Pu 1‘0!
Hezekiah Letshnw. “
Abrehgm Heetetter, “
George Bare,
John Spldle,
Henry .\lnnlhnnr, '-‘
Samuel S. Moritz, Freedom
Alex, Benchofl, Hamiltonian
Peter Shively, “
Barney Bighnm, “
Daniel Baker, Hamilton
Jane A. Reed, Huntington “
John D. Becker, “ , “
John A. Shullz, “ “
Frnnklin Gardner, Letimore “
Oliver P. House, Kennllen “
Cherie! Myers, “ “
Conrad Wagner, flountpluunt “
Jacob Martin‘ Oxford “
E. 3!. Noel, “ “
Robert I. Dicks, Beading “
Jacob L. Grnu,Strfl)nn ' ”
Samuel sadler, Tyrone
Allen M. Cook, “
4" 8
4 u 8
William J. Martin, Getty-huh.
Baily & Sneeringur, Conowago tp.
Francil X. Smith, Oxford.
‘ JAMES J. FINK, Clork
Mn. 27, 1865. td
wmnman - .
Fresh Garden Seeds.
6 " 10
E in» he Attention to our large and com
plete Bum-uncut of >, _ __ > _
put up by ounch’es with especial care, em
bracing over 200 oi the choices: varieties, in
cluding the following, viz:
Beans, Dw’f, l 2 variet’s Melon Muab, 3 varict's
H POl9, 3 u ‘ u WIWI, c n
Beets, . 8 “ Mustard, 2,. “
Brocoli, 3 " Mushroom Spawn,
Brusagl’u Sprouts, Nasturtium, ,
Cabbage, 10 vurict'l Okra, or Gumbo,
Carrots, 3 " Onion, 8 vuriet'a
Cauliflower, 6 ,“ Purslry, 2 ,“ .
Celery, I'l “ Parquip, 2 “
Corn Salad,
‘urn, 5 “ Eudish, lU ”
Chicory, (for coflee,) Snlaiiy,
Cress, Scorzonen,
Cucumber, 8 variet’s Spinach, 3 “
'Egg Plant, 4 “ Squash, 8 “
Endive, 2 “ ITunmto, 9 “
Kale, 3 “ iTm-nip, 9 “
Kohl‘Rabi, 2 “1 :Herbr, 13 “
Leek, ~:Sugiu- Cane, 4 “
Lettuce, 21 ”, ~(tobacco, - 2 “
We issue, for gmmimus distribution, a
which cln be had on npplicatibu
l’unles Ma distance can obtain Seeds by
mail without. delay; when o'rden‘d to amount
of 50 cents or upwards, they will be sent
pal/age free, Corn, Beam, and Pens excepted,-
which will require 15 can“ per qann addi‘
tionnl for postage. /
‘ [Q'Draggism Storekeepern, and Dealer!
generally supplied, (in largo or small quanti
tlelJ M. Wholesale rates.
No. 9 North George Street.
Mn. '2O, 1865. lm York, P 3.
-____.. _._*,_-.___.‘___. .--..fl
-.’ U. 8. 7-30 Loan! . ‘
BY nulhority of the Secretary of the Treas
ury, the undersigned has assumed the
Géneml Bnbacriplioh Agl-ucy for the aule of
United Sutel Tiensury Notes, bearing seven
and three tenths per cent. imerut, per annum,
known 35 tho I ,
These note; are inued under due of§pe
15111.1865, and In: payaue three yearn rom
that fime, in currency, or are convertible at
the option of the holder intq
‘ U. 8. 6-20 Six per cgnt. .
These bond: are worth a premluin which
increases the actual profit on the 7-30 loan,
and its cxemptiou from State and muncipal
taxation adds from one to three per cent. more,
according to tfie rate levied 03 other property.
The interest is payable semi-annually by cun
pan; attached to each note, which may be cut
ofl'nnd told to any I'm'mk or banker.
The interest amounts to
Oue cent per day on q 350 note.
Twp cenu , “ ~ “ $lOO “
Ten “
20 ’6l
SI f“
Note: of all the denomination: named will
-e promptly furnilhod upon receipt of Iqb
acripficm, and th'e notu furnished at once; -
The intern! to 1511: June next. will be paidip
adnm‘e. Thin '1! ‘
nowpfl‘ered by the Government, had it is con
fidently expected that in superior Idvunugel
will main it the - ‘
Less than $300,000,000 of the Loan qulhoriz
ed by the lau‘Congresl are'nowon themurkez.
Thin amount, :1 the rate. M. which it. is being
hmrbed, will nll he luhscrihed for within
{our months, when the noun will undoubtedly
pommand I premium, II In: uniformly been
the cu; on closing the subscrippions to otbe
nl. ’
‘1: order (In: citizens of every town and Ice
ion of the country In” be Ilorded facilities
{or taking the loan, lb. Nuioiul Blah, Sula
Bukrund Prime Bakers throughout. the
country hue poor-Hy @mrd to receive lub
ncripgionu n p". Subnriherl will lelect
their own agents, in whom they have confi
dence, and who only Are to be rupanalble for
the delivery of the noun {or which they re
ceive orders. JAY COOKS,
Sublcrlpuon Agent, Philadelphia.
Subscription will be rece‘n’ed by the fin
Nation-. 1 Bank of Goupburg. and the Gen”
burg Nuionnl Bunk. [Feb. 27, '65. an
BE undersigned would mm respectfully
T inform thxublic thnt he continues tho
It hll shop, lately Philip 'Dcnom'l, ndjoinlng
Troxel'n paint Ihnp, in. East Middle skeet,
Gettysburg, where he will at 11l line! be pre
pared to do Blackunithi‘n'fl work to Carriages,
Buggiu, anons, kc. at he know. how to
do all jobs of (be kind I'll not. he questioned
by those who hnve n “£llode of bin long
experience n: the bnllneu. Come on with
your work, and you will be utilfied flhnn yen
take it sway—And for which he will ”“1"
Cash or Connuy Produce.
Mar. no, 1995; tr
iands ! Lands 1
APT. H. CBBXTZHAN, havingjult return
cd {tom a. trip to the Welt .nd nu flu
LAND regions in God'l grelt labyrinth, he
would inflom tho citizen: of Genynbnrg Ind
in vicinity, am he is prepared, not out; .
cite: 0114‘ LANDS, but Vans 0’ IVIEY
028081271011. Perloni mm; Emu)";
yonld down“ :0 cs“, a ho will furnish .n in
fatuation} a. CKBITZIAN.
In. 2, 1805. t! . a ‘
16 "
Pdpper, , 4 “
u n 5500 u
u :1 $lOOO H
u u ssooa n
, ‘ Hut ‘0
lnrgely compmed hf animnl mutanmh u
meat, bone, fish. leather, hair Ind wool. to.
gather vim: chemicals and inorglnic fertilizers,
which decompqso the man‘s, snd null) tho
1: i a} very valuable fertilizer {or field crops.
gamer-Hy, and especially for pontouy and
gnrdcn paryuua. '—
- Its enellent qunlitig, atrongth and chopp
uess, have nude it vury’populur mmau who
have and it. '
Pmcz, 840 Pm TON
r ' - - K Thll l:
Composxte Femhzer. “ms-. 353:
fertilizer it particularly adapted for the culllq
vation oftrees, finite, liwn: ~nnrl flowerl. R
will promo” a very vigoroua And hunky
growgh of wood and frnlr, and largely lncreue
the quantilymnd perfect, the walnut; of “I.
fruit.‘ .l‘o‘r hut-[muse and lousehou photo
and flowers, it will he found an lndlepennble
article to secure their greatest perfection. M
will prevent. and cure dist-sled condltlonl of
he pemll and grape; and In excellent for gun
am] lawns. I
It i: vomposed of such elements as nuke lt
adapted to the growth of all kinds of crop] in
all kinds of soils.
The fo’rmul.) or method of combining it
constituent fertilizing ingredieuu have n
ceivcd the bighes‘tupproval o! cminc'ut chemists
and scientific nguh'nunrisu. ‘
PmCFL 3’”) mm TON
- The A rlcultuml
Phosphate 0f Vlee' Chemlgcul Com
pany manuflmturc n. Phosphate 0! Lima in nu
cordnnce witha new and valuable formula by
whxch u very superior nrtlclc is produced, so Al
to be afforded Ma loss prlr‘mhun other manu
l‘nclurers charge. Practical tens have prov-d
hams value, as a fertilizer, is equal to tho but
Phosphatq oleime in the market. -
Pmcn, She ran rox. . ‘
TERMS CASH. All Orders of». Ton “more,
will be deliveréd M the luilrond Sla‘tionl And
the Wharves u’f Shipment, free of carcass.—
Curlage “fill bb charged on 11l order. 0! 0
barrels or less.‘
. One dollar per Ton allewance for «my
will be made on all [Mei delivered n the
Wei-ks of th Company, on Gang] Wharf. ,
, A - Cn'u. Want, on “I Dunn“.
Gym, 413; Arch SA, I’lx‘t‘ladtlphia, Pa.
R. 1!. FITTS,‘ General Agcnt
The Company's Pamphlet Cirgnlsr, unbuc
ng run directions for using the above Fenl
izers, sent by mail, free, whenvrequnteds
Min-. 13, 1865. 6:11
Morb Phillms'
you sun In ‘
No. 27 .\'. Franz Street, Philadelphia, and No.
> ‘ 14 Bowly’g W‘Mf, -
The snbacri begs leave to intonn Deslerl
and Consumers that he is now prepareddo‘
an'y quantities. ' ‘ -
The universal Satlafglcfion 411 i: .111le hu
given «luring the past. faur years, In. no in
creased thedemnnd that I have been compelled
lo great}; enlxuge my capacity for l" millil
facture, and have been induced to esublllh a‘
branch house in the city of Baltimore. “nut
that. I will be able to fill all orders during flu
season. Yet my rule is'jim camefin! lmud.‘
Discount to Dealers. -
Sole Proprietor xrnd Manufacturer
Mar. 2!), 1865. um ‘ ~
No. 628 ARCH SL, above 6th, PHILA.
WuommAu up Bruin.
The most complete assortmgnt and but
gun)“; and stylepof Lndiea’, Migneu’ and Ch];-
ren’a ‘Hoop Sums. 'in the City. Thou of
“(JDI'C‘QWN line," are gotten np‘uproslly to
meet the mum of Ftnsi- CLASS Benn. 'l'nnl,
embracing all the new Ind delimit“: atylel,
sizes, lengths and tile waists, in tnll Ind pllin
SKIRTS, from 19 to 56 sprlnge, from 33 to 44
inv her long. and 2'}, 2;, 23, 3,3;, ,3}, and 2}
,Isz round the bottom; making more “Ill! -
hundred mriuies for Ladies; ln Klllu lad
Children’s SKIRTS we are beyond All coupo
tltlon, all that are made by us have "MD
oh the kid pad “llopkins’ Hoop Sill. lum
fncloxy, N 0.628 Arch Street, Pbilldn.,” IMHO
wumnted to give enlistncllonp ‘
fi'Agcnu for the “‘NBWL FLEXIBLE"
KIBT, the moat. plinble Hoop sun rude.
equal to Bradley-’3 “Duplex Eliptlc" Skirt, end
a: much lower prices.
Also, constantly in tecolpl on. full unort
ment. of good Eastern made,Sklt-tl which are.
being laid at very low pricell3—K‘td padded Ind
metztlic fastened Maytag 85 cente,2o Ipringl
$1 00, 22 springs 81 15, 30 rprings $1 25 Mad
'0 springs‘Sl Sl‘. SKIRTS mane to order, il
terr-d and repaired. Tam: Cain—One Fri“
Only. For Ctrcular containing Duwogno of
styles, lengths, size: and Prices, call at or Id
drus by mail. inclosing Sump for Poluge, 9
March 6, 1665. am
Great Attraction
Enqurner of the Diamond. The lubterlbcr
in canstanzly in receipt offrelh good! from tho
Eastern cities. His nock‘ of , '_
is one of the largest. and most Bargain”:
well as the chquesc establishmem of the kind
in the COULU‘y. You will there find COATS,
PANTS AND VESTS, mnge up in the melt.
fashionable styles, and of the ‘best Innerlnh,
of all uizca and prices, for men and boy»—
Genllemvu't lurniihins good: ol’ nary descrip
tion, Wool Slims, Muslin Shim, Hickory
Shirt: and Merino Shiru, Merino, Wool 'uul
Cotton Drawers. Basie: oferery ducriplion,
Buck-'lkin. ‘ierino and éotlon Gloves, Hind
kerchlels, Neck Ties, Cram“, Linenand Pope:
Collin], Hats, Caps, Boot: and Shoes. I'm
brefina, Trunks, \‘ulices, Carpet Bum, Cloth"?
Ind" Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brnlhu,
Sh‘e Blacking, Porter and Drenlng Comm,
Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,
Guns, Pistols, Violins and Viohl String],
Soap: and Perfumerlé, Stationery 0!.“ Hull,
Pocket Knives, Snioking and Chewing Tobac
co. Pipes, an extrn quality of Sugar: In incl,
bin Itock embrace: everything nlully found
in I firu clan {mobbing none. i invite flan
attention of all to com} cnd see for them-elf”,
as 1 an: deleimined to all goods lower ‘5“
any other esmblilbmmtln the country. Don't
forget the place. Corner of York “red! and
July 4, 1364. . , ‘
gl’lctures! Pictures!
LBVL‘HUMPER having'purdnndflmus
pr ed yo execute work in hi: [hi can! u:
anytablishment in :be State. 1;! yawn:
I good likeness, finished “cording to magma
improvgmehfl in the an, call at «he find
long—elmbllshed Gallery, in W 9” Him.
strut. Gettylburg. «’ (Jug, 9, 156}.
”_._...w—. 7 .
Revenue Stamps " _
F In, dcnominauon cmmflg “Sh-é
Q and for ulo at the Fir“ Nu an! Bank
a Getty-burg. GEO,- ARNOLDJ‘aahin.
. Getty-hurt, Nov. u, rm. ’ «