W‘WABSBU‘S. U net-m“ ...... ”my: inc-um in” nouns. smknng‘m Imm i_n m liquid 153 m, ‘ ‘ Don the 1:31;: of our go—bkn [lama/in; ‘ Wm: hue Ii nd ‘39 mg my bed " ‘ Which I be: would chomp to drum in./ "then fill ”flight, ink burnt; light, To love: 'u [by Ind gating AI bubble; ‘12“; ijm on the bgnker'u bring! And in!“ on we lips while meeting. . D! 11 mm; might arm; 0:- flight ‘ 0! Thu- through Litc'l dominion, We‘hcvn - while yould my beguilp , {flu ‘n’b'eqrd of bin pm’io'nah , To drink tonight, with hearts u was, . To low,“ “gay and fleeting Albumen mu will 05 ghe talker“ hrim‘ And husk pn'the le while dealing. ' put since Delight pnu’: tempt the tight; Nor fondling": jelny hlm, ‘ : Kat Love himelfé'nn hold Lhe 'elf, For who: filled»? up] big}, wvu a‘mk mam, mules”; 33 um, 'l‘o' love 5: fly um! fleeting s A- bubble: that [win op die baker's 3;;in I And preak’éh the lips while meeting. ‘ _ ——~ .__4_.. _. u—r—wv - minute u now’ r'elfdin. in the fibyyn of pnlgdonis, Golhubhcoumnyiacomin, n mun ‘xnynd Jqleph prpiyz, who is hupposgd go be flu oldut mun in the world. , He was bpm in patron, of Ftpnch puronu, ind the record of his bupflnn Ihoin tin-1’)" in 139 yup 014—1 *0 fiufirn pan-hid in New Qflenaths you; ”9, Ind u now living with I daughtgr by hi}. gin-d wife, yho fig our 7‘01“" of age. He LI gull «tin; is able £0 chap wood,an4 t 9 w‘ulk lever-l mm. ‘ ' ‘ -- —————-~0100~ - ~ —-——-—~ , fro“ nay hpro, Capers} Teyry, chqnfied upé’n )le great. flung hyfiaccidcnt. 'II. in aid he mum Gin. Grunl'l henlqunrten Hue dly m ter the new of 3mm": yith‘dnwnl bad bfieq gunned, and in convex-éan with Gen. Gram, Enid: “I ”fink Gen. Bull” could [my taken "me forty—wt); yéumm Gen: Grant; “then k 0 3nd Ink; if‘iounelf.” And he was forth :ylihqut it!“ commaqd pftbe .exylédmon.—C'zh drum,“ Queue. _ Gimme! to was PUlM'JF—Thcrp wu,“uncev _ppon slime," an old pilferer qun Mano}: _whom ll} thefts, fer apd’ near, were gt once flanged, when any loss mu discovered. The old fellow bore Lh'e universal “onus" putiently {Ol I time ; bntfingipg‘thag in segue igspunpu [to we! eglfering for the sins of others, he in lued gestation go the Public in the nuns! (hem: “I hereby fol-big! gll persons,froql’this Haze, 30 Ital on iny accoqht nqd'fisk. Iflam no big“ Iccomiuigle for pri: trespass“, as I pgvo mayo than 1 cap ncaoum {or’a'f my owl.” REM “‘An "id“ modeler” writes? [was tench ingi‘g~ a. quiéx. con‘nu‘y Fiiléxe- The second winning army union ’1 tound leisure to note ,my wuoundiqgl, an'd among' tho scanty fun i‘imre lesphd m tin-« June! 9130!. “ll Hm. ‘th dunce-block 1’" Inked of: lit flujfl of five. The dark eyes lpu‘kl'ed. the ‘gurll nodded fluent, and thp Ilips npyleed out “I (ueu willie teacher always sit: on that." 1‘1}: 510011": unoccubicd that term. fi‘fiir," Inid I fluffy beggar to a benevo §ept mun, “P 35"; to give mé u.quarter LI a’m .hnngty mu} nusbh to procure food." T 4“; game: In given, when the beggar laid 3 "You havo‘snvedgqe {run} qomexhing \f'bi‘ot} I {our Iwiu yet have to‘come Qto.” ' ‘ _ “Whatil that 'I" said the bgnefactor “ KW," ya! the pogmlul anlyct. ”The Suez c. 9211; which hag beexr six yenri in eénalructing, is _measurablyvpomple pad. I: cqfimecti th'e Medigorranesn and Red fins, and in 30 miles long, 40 lees wide, and {our fut deep; but. in abet-ted in due time to fine!) I width It. the snrfncq of 330 feet, I‘nd Ito .iuin - daptb or‘zogm. ’, \ ”An ext’nordinary instance of determin ‘ 9d endunnce hujuu oecurbd in the prisgn ‘ ,0! Aecdt, in Sptin. ‘A gnu named Puebh, sondepnee to duth fox-murder, in his dread of the 35mm, determiqéd to stin‘é him‘aefl to 110035. He {”oquer refused all rock, and on in an; gin, Qpirqd from ex‘haustion.’ fiP-rsjh‘n Josiety has been saddened by the «out: of n yolgng 196,)- ot‘ r‘nnk Ind fusion. 9:: up"! mam-g» enminptiénl i; was found thalt he: dweue was to be uqribed to tiglgt. lacing. flu- nuxl lug {dread three of he: rib: mo her Liner. . V . .' -‘| ,fi‘flle United Stazel Sennu has ap'pr‘opfi sued uh thgunnd dollar: for we pin-pole of procuring a muhle min of the, late Chi}! J yu }ico 11'9“” 1.0 ,1» placed in fine moi: of the ggpngno Court of the Baked States. ' 33-11;: pm yimer {lu been the longest snd Golden one 31m. ha- been egyiriegcgd [9r nanny-yogi. The 9310 Ind Erie Emu ,hu hon ego-pd by ice for four months. .Ihe Jiko yu hour occurred since It guy connyucteé, SEW-‘1" run 989- , 3'30!“ drunyen'feuou in t hqnu‘nelr povizigtpn,§y., a ferdnyn‘ ago, pouredvlkquor 9:: one 9! their campaigns md let it qn'fire “for m'." 80 was too much {gupefiefl' by - ‘ - whip himnylf, gm; wt: to bid]: burn ! thy I). died. _ , ‘l} in found than. women make the very Jun dean for the electric telegraph. «(PM pnly Biflcnltyll to prevqnt each young lady _lt tithe: éyl‘ at tho ‘line from having me Inf 3'94; g, ~ , _, "The um wen ii: 41.9 Pannlfivqpip oi! ro ghu “in? in $859. On my 28th day of Austin the Kt. vein of ollmu‘ “ruck It I gm! {Qty-pine gee} fqm‘ hells} iron: the A~ ‘ , pan. Sid-dull, 91' Net, 5.1;: foe} fou‘r‘ inches in height. ‘then the Legiuumrc‘ in n}. 3‘; union, flu: use big: (or s'qdégnpy 4:11. , \\ _ ’ , - x 'The Philndelphin‘fimy in}: yum pug m dingorge se‘vcnty a} ,6on. . ¥ A”; ' . ‘ #l4lqu should be sham. Logglessoytl ,9“ gaggoglgh (o {”1 were" in Itlgdy. ' 1 myaqfibge Prolyecdrg for petrglenm lip!” 9:131:11 ggven} pun arc-11mm. - ' Ei- _.__..,“ A ; W t ' ‘- _ g“ «tomfud‘fil ml}: {it‘d'lne ha 3 M 5 ,hOIhB he and. hill}: EN“: -.. YEW4-m.“g quprmtof \m.qr,..¥ 3' , ‘93”.0' Ind 01, . ‘ 33m 301‘” of h” " ”Saharan“ 'l,“ ."g-yd. .3 me’icis‘wfi; “'Ol mad ‘l’ ‘ - $96 nfig' - ” '. E 716 .I'W d‘ ma P!" On mana “ ‘ man-3&3?“ 1" ”£5190 mi 31'” 9‘1“" ‘ E'réedkm’! ""9“ I'9 mu fiwaflz - 3’ wmgmamg mfiwm 3” " 3”" 1585 ’ -. Row k'Woods, Gmrx'hscna. ' WAR Admits-Fixes pagers: l When nu] are in» un‘goada gt 1 ' " REDUCED PRICES ”we menu whet we u: up! $.31 5;; it. . ’ We keep context“: on Ma. Inge-non l , r; 4 | pen! ‘l. . 1 ‘ ' ‘KLTS OF ALL STYLES, whiih will be ,told plumper. the they can be hpndht geinewlnre: . ; ‘ lOur uaortm‘ea‘t of l ' f ‘ 80015,.“0 SHOES ‘ {or men, women and ehlldmx, it mule qp at the hex). unlltiu uni [l’lt‘lyllld lold chenp. Dar “3»): cousin- in art of I HATS,‘ . grams, JCAPS, 9 . TOBACCO. ' BOOTS, 0 BANDKBBCHIEFS, SHOES, - y STOCKINGS, . ' Titusxs. J an'Es‘,’ P Pm ‘AR ET SACKS, WINDOI A . , ‘6“? saw-19,, WHIPS. BUFFALO SHOES, CORSETR, ' UNDERSHIRTS, POCKET BOOKS, vmtms, PURSES, . YIULIN BOWS, ,RAZORS, » u swarms, STRAPS -, Accoaneoxs, , PDCKEIJKNWES,- COLLARS,’7‘ _L SUSPENDERS. NECK-TIES, , .. coax sums, UMBEELLASJ 812, he, tc., km, it: . . \.,80W 8 WfDQDS. {an} 2, 1885. _ ‘ Universe: Clothes Wringer. ELF-ADJUSTING AND ADJUSTABLE, ‘ ' WITH COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. ' ton an: 31 S_EEADS t BUEELERV erflsncna’, PA. “ , From ‘innumernble recommendutionp, we gather the follawmg: ‘ e Letter Irom Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, in 1861. l am most happy to spe‘nk in the very high est term: (if the -_‘ Universal ,Ololhea Wringer." The hardest put of “washing-dny" work in, in my opinion, the wringing; mm! the humor _of this mnchine may have the satisfsetion of feeling that he huchauged one of theme” toilsome parts of,wotnui’e work into 5 very attraqtive umueeimnt. The lumdrels looks uy'i’mlit use. great blessing.‘ I look upon it as , almonlg the most useful articles in the house. "Hypoklyn, October; 186}. ‘. Price—3 00. [May 2, 1864. n yew- 9:0 !-Large Stqck! ' Faculty: "AILQRING. ‘ I ‘ ' JACOBS 8 BRO. have just recelvéd fr'm the,cilies a large Itock ol gobds for‘Gt-u‘tlcw '3 Your, embracing a 3 variety of . ' ‘ ‘ " QLUTHS, _ ‘ . CASSIMERE ‘ ’ ‘ , _ ‘ ‘ ESTINGS, « 1 Cessinetl; Jeans, km, with many other goods . for spring engl winner wear. Q ‘ ‘ The): are prepared‘ to make up garmenfs at i the filiortest notice, and in the very-beat man ner. :- The Faehiohu are regularly received, and clothing made in dny desired style. They sl wayr male neat fits, whilst th‘eir sewing is sure 'to he éulistn'nti’al. b : They ask } continuance of the public“: pa l tron‘nge, resolved by good work and moderate l chprges to earn it. N" ‘ ‘ Gettysburg. April 7‘; ~1862. ‘ 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. 1 TEW FIRM AT THE 1 h * OLD WAREHOUSE. ‘ Si. E. BIDDLE & CO. woul'qi inform th public thqt they have leased the Warehouse 1 on the corner of Smitten street and the Rail road, in Gettysburg, where they willcarry on the mum. AND PIwDUCE BUSINESS, in all ils’branclfea. The highest price: will al ways he paid for ' ‘ WHII-lA’l'; ME, » l . com, oars, - CLOVER .eymmmv SEEDS, FLAWEED,«_UMC, j * AHAY k STRAW; . - Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, E ms, Shoulders and sides, Potatoes, with eve ythiug else in the country produce line. i ; . ‘ 0N HAND, 'FOR SALE, Cofi’ees, Sugars. Holuses, Syrup-Jone, Spices ‘ ‘ Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, ill-ashes, Soups, to. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, kc.— [FISH of all kinds; NAILS AND SPIKES; Smoking and Chewing.,’lnhuoco§. is I They are always able to supply a first rate ‘miL-le OLFLOUR, with the different kinds 0! , ‘FEED. ‘ , i; , ‘ 'Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUAXOS and oihsr 'fertilizers. fi'COAL, by the bushel, ton. or car load. ' ° ‘ Their Ca‘rs run to Baltimoa and back twice . s we‘ék, and they will be hippy to csrry goods ' either Way st moderate charges. .Mnrketmcn, 1 conntrysmeghsnts, and otliers, will find it to ,‘ their dean go to patronize this line. “’l‘h’ey ask’a. shnro ofthe public‘s custom,nnd “gill‘npore no oflorgto render satisfiction to all, sellers _or buyers. WM. E. RIDDLE & CO. 1 Aug. 22, mu, m“ ‘ ‘ New. Spring Goods. , ‘ MALL PROFITS k QUICK SALES. S 4 J . L . SCH I C K would respectfully soy to the citizens of Get tysbn‘rg’ dud vicinity, that he is now‘ receiving at his st I. splendid ' _OOl3. OF SPRING GOODS. Tho I ck consists in part of Fancy Ind Staple 0,33!“ GOODS, of every dominion. SILKS. , ~ . ‘ Mozlweiqne, ‘ CHALLIES, " ~ ll 1 DELAINES, ‘ ~ ' | BOMBAZINES, -‘- * ALPACCAS, ' ‘ . ‘ l, _ . K ‘ .LAWNS,‘ , \ . x CALICOES; of sll qu lltiol and choicest ugh-s, 11ml: will be sold t PRICES TO DEFY OMP TITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all ki do, including Silk, Linen Ind Cotton Hendker hiefs, Gloves, Stockings, to. Also, 11. splendid usortment of RIBBONS, Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parasols.- - My stock 0" WHITE GOODS will be found full sud comblete, and customers‘ may rely upon always getting good goods st the lowest possi. ble prices. , . ‘ Gentlemen will find it to their sdvontsge to (:ng and lusmine my stock of ' ,CLOTIIS, ‘ f. CASSIHERES And g, . VESTXNGB, 0! ill qvillnlss and choicest styles. ‘ Mayz ,1864.’ _ . J. L. SCHICK. ‘ New Establishment. 001? AND SBOES.—The subscriber re tp‘ ltully Inuouncen to the citizens of ettyahprg and the public generally, that he line up med 5 new BOOT AND SHOE esublia went, in Chambersburg strong,“ Getty: ‘rg, one floor from the Drug Store ,A. 0. Butler, where he is propered to men new" Egon-and Shoes of every de .scn'ctio . Gentleman's Boots and Shoes made ix; t e nun snbfiamialmanner. Lediea'work done up neatly and upon she «honest notice. Au‘kildl of rewiring promptly amended to. Our work will be Loud strong, neetend cheap. We 3'll} guarantee opr work «first: and fit. 1‘99 determined t 9 put up hem: and cheaper WOIR‘I’I‘ID my «her “minimum in town, epd 1y 1d therefore solicit n» shun of public Dmfigk: Gill and examine our wark sud um um min. B. P. BMDEX. Jan. 2,1864. 1.! v ’ 139.5112}; @xud : ( PHILADELPH W ’7 I§6S}I§APER Huntsgs. {“81 Howell 8: Bum-key Asunc'wmms or ‘WALL ngnvns, , ‘. n v mnow (mgflm P 423113, , Corny-FOURTH find MARKET Streets, ‘ ' PHILADELPHIA. _N. 3,-5 En stock of H 158)! SHADES, gonipg'tly on land. (Rhino, [865. 33: . Y D 123. HORNEWS Tonic upd Alan: ! , tit; Pasha f 2; 30:839de 831:1?“ 2!! i 9 :4 fl "PM " "fin”;kgfl new I ; , . mama-1033mm or p gamma Ton‘w, a Dr. 3, 1.103333% 5.?! 3m.- , ' ' ' ’ " ‘ Great. Attraction . T .PRXNKERHOFF’S CHEAP CLUTRIN'G é AND FURNISHIXO STORE. u “no Noun . lCufllfl' or the Din-and. The subscriber to conpnntly in “pt offmh goods from the Eastern cities. HI cock at i 111-I! READY-MADE CLOTHING ’ in one of the Inge-t and mm nttmllve, so well u thi clue-pm mbllahment of wound ln tie country. You will there find BOATS; PANTS AND VESTS, nude up in the moat: fuhiouble ”,1", And of thr be“ moterinls,‘ of all die: Ind prlcu, for men and boys.—-‘ antlenen‘s furnishing goods ot' every detain. . tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory! Shins nd Hex-inc Shirts, Merino, Wool and‘ Cotton paverp, _Hosiexy ofevery desoriplion,f Buckskin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hamid kerahiell, Hecli Ties, Crnvats, Linen nnd Paper Coll-rs, Hau, Caps, Boot: and Shoes. Um brella, Trunks, Valicel, Clrpet Bags, Clothes“ and Shoe Brushes, Hair nod Tooth Brushes, Shoo Blanking, Pocket and Dressing Combs, lrory Combs. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violin: and Violin Strings. Soup: and Perfumerics, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co. Pip", an extra quality ofchnrs. In incl, hit slack e btuus everything uanully found In I first. oi: furnishing store. I invite the uremia“ ofnll to come and sector themselves, In I um determined to aell goods lower than my other esmbfiohmentin the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of York ureet Ind the Diamond. JACOB BRINKEBHOFF. July 4, 1864. NoahWalkeroScCon Cum-nuns, 65 up 167 BAH-won STBIIT, kn‘ep constantly on had A large nn'd wen u- toned itéck chill Rina: o! goody In. moderate price: They supply orders I'9: um fine“ to the lowest priced articles, either~ nady mndg or made to measure, to 'nny pan of the country 'l'.hey keep also '3l: extensive stock of FURN- [SHING hOODS; embracin'g every article a! Gentlemen's Under-gear. Al5O, MILITARY CLUTIIS and every variety of Military Trim- pings, as well as In assorted stack of READY mm: muunv upons Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864. - Established 1860. OTICE 0F REUOVAL. ~ , N . LAWRENCE DugiETZ t CO., respectfully beg leave to notif their tricnde, customers’ mid the public generall'y, that. they have removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to the commodions four-story Warehouse, ’ . NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the future 'conduct the Wholesale Busi ness, solely in Hosiery. Trimmings, - ,1 Furnishing Goods. 5' . Perfumery, Notions, ' , Stationery, (Juliet-y, , Toys, &C., kc. 0 which they invite the attention'of city and comm-y purchasers, feeling confident; of their ~ability lo ofler inducements in prim and quality of Goods. .\ Orders by mail wiil receive prompt. uten- Liou. Address “ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., . 308 Baltimore sired, Baltimore.» March )4, 1864. \ . J ' Dissolution F PARTXERSHIP.——The (‘o-pertnership Misting between the subscribers, has been diqsoh'ed this day by mutual consent.— We~teturn thinks to our friends and the public (br'the lianl support. extended to us. Our books will beqeft. ah the More; and we earnestv 1} request :h‘ose indebted to us to can and make immedintépayment, n: we are deairons c‘o nettle our business without delay. . XLEXANDER COBEAN, .Jun. 30,1864. mun CULP. ; t g“ A Caryl. HE subscriber having Ejsposeg of his in ‘ereet in the Store of Cekhenn & Culp to John S. Crawford. £541., respecuully asks the continuéuco of his friends end ‘_ugto'ners Lo patronize his successor—where Hamming may be had. JOHX“~CULP. Feb. 8,1864. _ ° ‘~ x.. . Anqther Change N THE HAT AND SHOE BUSINESSF-‘A, Cobesn having associated with him id bnsintas John S. mefiard, who purchqsed the interest of John Cnl‘p, respectfully an nounces to the citizens ofGettynbnrg and the public generally, that the business will be con tinued-at the Old Stand on Cbsmbersburg street, by A. COBEAN 3 00., who will con stantly keep on bind a. large stock of. Goods, in {holine'of SHOES, HTSA,CAPS ”(INS CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, Ml, and they will also continue the Manufacture ot , heel. ‘ From weir long cxpe'ricnce in all the above hunches; they flatter themselves that they can pleuelihe public, and will sell cheap for cash. 'A. COBEAN, J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing bulineu under the name 3nd firm '0! A. Cohen t Co. ‘ [Palm 8) 1864. Herbst's Line. ‘ ... , I l H . (‘.—3 ,I‘B -.{J-J‘ .«r. zy< .. ,5 f,‘ J 4g- -r,.“:,¢a.r;, ;--y——fy—.~— 4+.~1u".. nu ~ ‘ A. . _7r_.l 41‘4“ '4 - ‘0 '10..) " ‘-- < I}! -uu—U° HE undersigned would inform the public that be is still running a. line of FREIGHT ARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore every week. He is prepared to canvey Freight either way, in any quantity. He will attend, If desired, to the mnking of purchases in the city, and de liVering the goods promptly at Gettysburg.— Hia curs run to the Warehouse OFJ. H. Boaley 203 North street, Baltimore. [{a invites the ntteution or Use public to his line, assuring them that he will spare no effort to accommo date :11 who may. patronize him. SAMUEL EERBST. HAY WANTED. The highon pricc psid for good Timothy. - Oct. 24, 1864. 35* The Popular 7530 Loan. HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GET TYSBURG bu been designated I Deposi tary 3nd Finnnciu Agent. of the United States, up! till furnish the popular 'l-30 Coupon Soles, free from All taxed, and convertible at. maturity into 5520 alxpor cent. gold interest Bonds. Will also fprnilh 5-20 and 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificates and all other Gov erqmem securiliu. Will buy Gold Ind Silver, cash Coupons, tnd make collections promptly tan—3ll Icceuible points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cnhilr. Dec. 26, IBC‘A. u - New Bakery ‘ EWPOBT t ZIEGLER, Mechaniul Bnk. \ - m,Sou\h Wuhington laughs“ mm mm the E 3319 89W}, GETTYSgpflGfi’mq Conn ml] on 11363, the "belt of BREAD, CRA&KEBS, CAKES, PRETZELS, tc. Per lons WM fresh BIG“ will be sen-ed every morning, by lunng' their my: and residence; n the Bakery. Every efi'on mud: to plane give 9: s 9111! April 39, ’63‘. gr Albums ! LBUS 11 ' g A if" ’“b HUIMSHI A ' a I t u “Cork 149:; éfwétmzpbi‘cgllfiuglxhich won?“ bolor‘city prices. as x norm: . “v- 11; ma: - - five mm a Call! 71‘1“}; «unbui tPh tong _ Anthro‘rnpu. psalms???» 53.: ~33 is is 2151:1135 's Gunny, in mm meg. .P! . .- ' ’ ' ’ WASHINGTON BUILDING, pinmons, 5 Gold Pm For. THE MILLION! en: to Suit the End, and Prices to Suit the Pocket. TH: Bur Gum PM: u: n: Woun! On receipt of me (allowing sum, we will send, by mail, or as directed, a Gold Pen 0? Pens, ”letting the lung moot-ding to the db- Icripliondumely: . Gold Penn, in Silver Plated Extension Gnu, with Pencill. For $1 Np. 2 pen; for $1 25 No. 3 pen; for $l5O No. 4 pen; fox $2 $O. 5 pen; 2 for $2 25 No. 6 pen. These pens are stumped THE IXPERIAL PBS, and¢ are well fininhed and fine writing Gold, Pen, with good aridum pointl, ulthough they are ggwirrantedmnd cannot be exchanged. WARRANTED GOLD PESS Our Mine (American Gold Pen CO., N. Y.,) is stamped on all uur lst quullty Pens, and (he points we warrmled for six months, except. against ugcident. Our sicosn quun Pens are stamped THFVNATIONAL PEN, with the hutiuls ofiour firm (A. G. P. C 0.,) and In care fully nudge, having the same point: u on first quality Pena, the only great difference being in the quulily of the Gold. . Gold Penfs, lan and 2d quslxty in Solid Silver Emeusion Cases, with Pencill. For $2 09 A No. 1 pen 15!. quality, or s No. 2 \ pen 2d Ennlily. . - ‘ For $2 2‘ a. No. 2 pen ll! quality, or t No. 3 ‘ pen 2d qnnlity. ‘ For $2 '2}; a No. 3 pen 13: quality, or I No. 4 pen 24:! quality. ' : For $3 510 a. N0..4 pen m quality, at a No. 5 ‘ . pen 2daqnnlhy. ' For 34 5b a No. 5 pen m quality, 'or A No. 6 pen 2diqunlity: a ‘ For 35 i 0: .\'o. 6 pen 13; quality. ‘ The sun! Gold Penn, in Solid Silver 0! Gdld- ‘ Fluted Ebony Desk Holden Ind Nomécdxfluea. For $2.?!» n No. 3 pen lat. qunlity, of; So. 4 ‘ pen 2 qunlity. . \ ‘ 3 For $2 0 t No. 4 pen 1:: quality, or n No\§ ‘ pen 2 quality. a ‘ For $3 ' 0 a No. 5 pen lat qunlity, or a No.}&\ pen 2 quality. ‘ For $4 0 A No. 6 pen lat quality. Fm $5 50 . a. No. ‘pen. For $6 75 a. No. 8 pen. For $l2 0' us No. 12 pen ; nll firs quality. . Our [l' ns rank throughout the country as equal if not superior to any gold pens manu factured ' Not only lor theii- writing qualities but dur bility and elegant finish. The great est cure]: used in their manufacture, and none are sold with the slightest imperfection which skill ca detect. ‘ Panic in ordering must specify the name. number nd quality, in all instances and whe~ ther asitfor limber, course on fine. TO U .ÜBS.-—A discount of 12 per cenl.will he allot»A d on4ums of $l5, if sent to one ad dren, nfone time; 15 per cent. on $25; 20 per cent. on $4O. - All reinitlance! by mail, Registered, are at Our risk To all who enclose 20 cents extra for regis ering, we guarantee the safe delivery of the gods. ‘- Circul rs of all our new stylesiwith Engrav ings of net sizes, and prires, aeut upon re‘ ceipt ol tamp, if desired. Pens repainted for 5U vents by mail. Smtio era and Jewaiers are requested to rurresp d with as us we can ofl‘er them great induce an. Address, ‘ . AM RICAS ‘GULD PEN COMPANY“ , .\'o. 200 Bruadway, N. Y 1863. 3m ME j Nothing Else . elegant, we“ made, fine fitting Dress ‘ Business Coats, an. PICKIKG'S. . ‘ ANY QUANTITY \ , Cassimere, Suuius, Silks. Velveta, , Plush and Comm Vests, M. the well mm! of '~ ‘ PICKING. B" I an of C 10: ‘ Salliuet known { , NEVERTIIELESS TRUE king, in consequence of approaching l‘ selliugpfl' 11.: large stock of (NEIL a! very reduced prices. Cull soon. 888 ME.\' WANTED ct and buy from, the lmndsomcst aa } of WOOL 0V ER SHIRTS, ever offer ‘3 place, to be had M PICKIXG'S. That. Pi spring, r cons] to insp sortme ed in (ii ‘ KEEP TIME. . ore of [hose cclebluted Yankee Clock cpers nl PXCKING'S. .EW Tune b. 3 Film: FEET r ; re Buffn o and Gun Shoes at. rcducc'l l ‘ PlCKlNG‘b‘u A few ~l pTiCuS n- MUSIC in want’of A good Violin oxj Accordeon upplied M .' ' PICKIXG'S. Persons can be . NOTIONS SuSpeu era, mums, Hairuud Clothes Brushes. Razors nd zor Straps, SoaphSpectgcleß, Pen Kui‘ es, Domiuoca, \'iulin Strings. 6:12, In ‘ PICKING‘S. l Tnuxxs can be hhd by calling in Bnl‘limore street, at 1 . PICKIXG'S. 2 CARPET SACKS. A few In?” left. 1". PICKLVG’S. > KEEP DRY. At Pickihg's Store can be hgd Umbrellas of all sizes. A 1 , 7‘ P j I ‘ C K I N G is sellingflais goods at the lowest. living prices and would invite all to call and see him, as he is determlned to sell at the lowest. price: Jun. 30, les \—..‘. ‘ New Warehouse. K j BUSEELS 0F GRAIN OQqOQO WANTED,“ the new Grain and Pro‘dgfe onse, in Cnrlisle street, adjoin ing Shea. & Buehler’a establishment. The highest. milrlgel. price will always be paid in cash for g, ' GRAIN, of 1“ kinds, 4 ~ FLOUR, SEEDS, he. Alumni on hand Ind lot sale, :1 the imallell From, 3' . \ GUANQS, . A . gm, FISH, \ GROCENES, hm, ~ L 'Whol‘egalo 9nd retail. TRY U l We shall do on; best to gin utlnfnctién in all uses. ‘~ j McCURDY ix DIEHL. Gottysb‘urg, May 11, 1563. ly \ Dissolution. HE flannel-ship heretofore existiug~he tweak the undersigned, under the name an slyld of FAHNESTOCK'BROTHERS, is this day dissolved by mutual contentqlunes F. Fahueglock retiring. ' . 3 JAMES F. FAHNESTQCK, i HENRY J. FAENESTOCK, f EDW. G. PAHNESTOCK. HE uhdersigned, remainining runner: of T the firm of FAHNESTUCK BROTHERS, will continue the business It the same place, under thq sa’me mum and style offinn. ‘ HENRY J. PAHNESTOCK, EDWARD G. FAENESTOCK Jan. 91~1§85. ___«_______ -.. Fresh Arrival F WINTER GOODS AT A. SCOTT & $0298.49 invlus the attention of buy en: to our stock of Winter Goods, which will b. sold cheap, consisting of LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, etc., etc. For Men'l and Bon' weu we have Cloths, Gluing-ea, Comings, Yestingl, with Anxiety of Cotton ades, £lO., to. Ca“ and see. Xov. 28, 1864. A. SCOTT t SON. I. K. Stanfier, A'ECHMAKER & JEWKLEB, No. 148 North SECOND-Sheet, col-u: offlnnrry, PHILADflLw PIHA. An assortment. o WATCHES: JEWELRY, stvsn a: PLATED WARE, aonuantly on hand, SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Wkepairing of Watch” and Jewelry promptly attended to. Dem”, 1834‘ I)" Canon’s ‘ MARBLE wonns, poms: of Baltimore Ind Eu! Hiddlp screen, ‘ . «in the Court. Home, ” ' dflwsnpne. P 4-. Every gémipuon or #0:: executgd p m, a fin‘eu Mylo 9; p 3: tn. ‘ Jan. 141, 1065. > g. mutant: s‘ll}! 12°qu 9* “flafizt'spzrtzk AGOfiAnvwnoot, Oon Burch, Bin-lan S «4 new, aur 19.1» 9! Dr- mam! 9m; 8””. ‘ _ L ' ' FO'UTZ’S 'CILIUIIATED yam aufl mu 3mm. , “mamas-l lill Ismai , the munch I ' ' mutating, cleanse than , from ofl'ensivu matter, Ind 5 7 I bring them to - L A 1 , ~ A ahenhbystlte. ' They um I aura prevenure of Lung Peter. and a certain remedyjar all Diseues incident to the Horn, such as Glm~ den, Yellow Water, Dis ! e m p o r, Fonn d e r , Henv o s , Bunting, Coughs, F;- rm, Loss (3‘ A te an v 55“ Encr gy, kc. In poor low-spirited animals, it has the non Medea-a efi'ect. The use of them improves the wind, strength en: the Ailmite, and gives to the Box-ac a fine, smoot 9nd glossy skin—thus improv ing an appearance, vigor and Ipirit of this noble animal ' The property this Poerdcr poem in in creuing‘the quantity of Milk in Cows, give! it an impnrumce and value \\hi<:h should place it in the bands of «Very person keeping a Cow. By actunl experiment iv. has proven that it yin increase the quantity of Milk md Cream twenty per cent" and mnke the Butter firm and sweet. In {.mcning Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loose-n 5 their hide and makes them ghn’ve much Ester. EOG 8 . ¢ In all Discnies of ‘ ' an: sanefianch as C 55%? ~ _' ug , {acts in #3}: 1.53:; - - the lungl, Liver, ‘ J-Q'x' x - kc. Byf putting \‘w‘ '7K\ m lml n 'pupc; ' —, , go“ grape: of “aim )4‘, ” -.. ‘1 ow en in a r- “wijf—Az 1.? rel of Swill, meg/’2’ *z-‘T§5: . above Discuss am be cured or entirely pre ven’ted. By using those Powders the flag Cholera can be prevented. Pnoe 25 eta. 1m Papert or 5 Papers _for $l. PREP“ RED BY 8. A. FOUTZ 8:: BBQ, A'l' mm ’ WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. ‘ No. 1.16 Franklin St. Baltimore. Md. For Sale by Dmggists nn'd‘ Storekeeper! throughout me United Bmm. v For sale by A. D. Duchler, Gettysburg; Lnughfl'n k Bushfiold, Wheeling, Va; C. C. Beuderk 00., Pinsburg; Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, Philadflphiu. », Na}. 23, {864; U _ Globe ' Inn, . YORK It, NEAR THE DIAMOND, : ETTYSBL'RG, PA.—-'l‘he undersigned iG Would most reSpeEtfully inform Mis nu merous iriends and 'the public generally, that ‘he has purchased that long established and . well known Hotel. the “Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to conduct it in a manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table Will have the best [he m‘nrkct camafl'ord-bis chambers nre spacious and comfortable—and he has laid in [or his bar a full stock of wines and liquors. There is lnrize stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended 6y atten tive hustlers. It will!» his constant endeavor 'to render the lullest autisi‘actionto his guests, making his lmuse as near a home to them as possible. He asks a share of the pnblic’s pn tronnzendetermined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in York street, but ueur'tlne Diamond, or Public Square. _ ' SAMUEL WOLF. ‘ April 4, 1815’. tf Provmon Store. HE undersigned has opened RPROVISION T STORE at George Lnile‘s old ”and. in West Midflle sheenflluy'xhurg; where he will always keep on hand, for sale. BEEF, MUTTOS, YEAL, PORK, . POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND IRISH POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNII’S, wnth everything else in file provision line. He will sell at small profits, and spare no effort. to please. Fat Game, Hogs, Sheep, Calves, ha, wanted, _for whicluhe highest priceggrill be' pqid‘. \— J u-x NORBHUK. Oct. 17, 1864. cf ' New Goods. 4, .‘ EORGE ARNOLD has just received from the city a large supply of CLOTHING, Men’s and Boyx’ wear, consisting of m kinda of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, , SHIRTS, DRAWERS,~ CRAVATS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Bc.i ' —— a. ! s o —. A large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, CASSINETS, JEANS, DBJLLINGS, to" te., alLof which will be sold as cheap as can be had gllewhere. Gin; us A call, And if to “i!“ not. pleas: you in a suit ready made We will uke your measure and make you up one in short notice. [May 30, 1864. h Everhart's RANKLIN HQUSE, COIIIB b! HOWARD ‘ FRANKLIN l‘l‘lll'll, BALTLMORE, 3m. . This House {I on a direct line between the Northern Central And Bnhimom Ind Ohio Bin rond Damn. it bu been refitted And come fort-. 111; unused (or the convenience and the enteruinment of guests. . Oct 31,1884. tf . Howard Association. HILADELPHIA, PA.—- Disease: of the P Nervous, Seminal, Urinary ’and Sexual Systems—new And reliable treatment—in re port: of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—gent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free 0! charge. Adm-cu, Dr. J. SKILLIN ROUGH TON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Slyegt, Phlladelphlt, I". Ang.8,1864. 1y Auctioneenng. Icman 1121313133,“ Strnban township, 'Adams county, Pm, lhu commenced ‘ LE CBYING, Ind will be hippy to attend to Illulla that may be mnde. He will do his but. to rgnder satisfnction in I“ dun, and will be moderate in his charges. Tlunklnl {on fire pllronuge already bestowed upon him, he uks than the public generally give him a. Hill. Sept. 26. 6a: sun at Work. ‘ HE undersigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its branches, It his old stand, in East Middle street. Geuyabnrg. NEW WORK made to order, add 3EPAI R I N G done promptly and M. quent pyicu. Tm: first—rate SPRING WAGDHS and s SLEIGI! for uie. JACDI§ TROXKL. Dec. 7, 1863. ‘_ ‘ gqmething for Everybody J o BUY M Im. 3. HDRNIR‘S DRUG AND VARIETY 870351 3; opened Idfiiz‘c algal-mam qf " u: e CHIS! augment Xedicinei’, fimgflPU-D Q A NW 0 . I Cgfectm, . i Ggucerfefi,‘ 0130115 on 009 s: A3B . -' ' Jan. 13,1188}. " a”: .P YOU SHAVE YOURSELF You in] Ind I In]! thrlabor done.“ yeah, but orthou _ up: 19: R 930" in: gulch; 8017 a; WOODS. Tan PIL‘IHII' mm or faction which we ill Senorru lurks the t'nnstltutiun- of nltitudes of men. It ' (her produce: or is roduced by an en turd, \‘itiutL-d bmtu l' the blood, wherein lat fluid become: in mnpctt-nt to lust-In lL- vital force- in their igorous action, and raves the spam: to ll intu disorder and , . :onmminntion is No {lowly caused by mercui-inl diseue, low hung, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure uir. filth and filthy habits. the depressing vices, and. nb9vc n". by (h? ivcnorul infection. Whatever be its ‘ Qfigin,” hereditary in the constitution, - fitsct‘n g I‘i'ront parents to children unto I the third and fourth generation;" indeed, it ._Secms to be therud ofllitn who says, “ I will 1 Viv-it the iniquities of the fathers upon their ; children.” The diseases it originated take , various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the inngn. Scrut‘uls produces ‘ tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swelling: which suppurate and be. come ulerrous sores; in the stomach and i bowels, derangement: which produce indi . gestion, dyrpcptziaz and liver complaints you the skin, eruptive and cutaneous allot-lions. \ These, all having the same origin. require the } same remedy. viz., purification and int'igorth . tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and there dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood. you cannot i’ have health; with that "life of the flesh” healthy, you cannot have serufulous disease. ‘ Ayer’s Sweeper-1119. . a» \ i is compounded front the moat efieetual anti ; date» that medical science has discovered fa:- this afilieting distemper, and fortbc cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supeo 1 tier to any other remedy yet devised. is ‘ known by all who have given itatrlal. That i it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their efiect upon this class of complaints, [ :is indisputably proven by the great multitude i of publicly known and remarkable cures it has'nmde of the following di_seuses: King‘s i Evtl, or Glandular Swellmgs, Tumors, , Eruptions, Pimples, Blotehes and Sores, ; Erytupelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, . Salt Rheum, Scalcl Head, Coughs frtm ‘. tuberculous deposits in the 1%, White ; Swelhngs, Debtlity. Dropsy, euralgia. l Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Syphilis and ? Sypluhtic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,» l FemaleWeakneues and. indeedle whole 1 series of complaints that arise from impurity f of the blood. Minute reports of individual l cases may be found in Ann's Anunu'ix t Aruaxac. which is furni~hed to the druggirts I for gratuitous diatribution. wherein may be learned the directions for its mo. and mine , of the remarkable cures which it has made when hll other remedies had failed to 11111de . relief. Those cows are purposely taken ‘ {runi all sections of~ the country, in order 3 that every reader may have Access to NIIIK! ‘ one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. St-rofula (l(‘pl('~‘flt's the ntal energies, and thus leave: its victims far more subject. to disease and ts fatal re~ults ‘ than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to ‘shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The in“ importance of these considerations has led us'to spend years in Infecting a remedy .\rhieh is adequate to its curt-J This we now offer to the public under the name of ‘At rztz'l Sanuarsxuuia, although it is (million-d u" ingredientshsome of which mend the best of Sarwparilla in alteratire porn. By its nidvyou may protect yourself t‘ro n the “Incl“- ing and danger of these diwrders. l’urge on the foul t-orrnptiuns thgtJ-ut and “"10! in the biood. ‘lprgc out the cause.- uf diwmo, and rigorous wulth will follow. By in gut-vu linnvinucs this renm!y,stimu!mm lllc \ilul functions. and thus cxpcls tho dim-uppers which lurk within khe :ystchx .or bunt out on any part of it. . ' We know the public have been l]|'('|i\((‘ by many compounds of Sarmlmillu, that ‘ll'ollliaed much and did nothing; but {they will noitherbc deceiu-d nor gimppuimrd In this. Its \inucs have been proven by nhun— dam trial. and “new remains no qumtiun of m 1 surpassing excellence for *0 euro or the nfliietihg disease-L it h intent ed to~ roach. Although under the same name. it it: u very different medicine from any other which has been before the people. and is fur mare e!- feelunl than any other which hue eur been available to them. ' , . 1" AYER’B ' CHERRY PECTORAL. The‘ World’s Great _Eemegjy for Coughs, _Colds, Inclilent . on- : ‘ ‘ sumghon,,nnd fort erghet of onsumptiveputionm ' v ‘ inadvanch stages ‘ of the dxseuso. . This has been 30‘ lung used and so uni versally known, that we nL-wl do no more than assure the public that its quality i- lu-pt up to the best it evs-r lms hot-n. and that. it my be relied on to do all it has ever done. l‘l’n‘parcd by DR. J. C. Area 5-. Cu., ; Practical and Analytical ('I-mzim, ‘ Lovemams. {Sold by all druzgim cv‘ery where. , E‘For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, and dealers generally. ’ Aiug. B, 1864. eowly ._Lw-'.. .7- ._ —. _. ~s hi __ .V A. 0d Thmgs from the Clty! E are receiving twice’n week from the cixy s. variety of articles suited to the wants of this community, viz : Flesh and Salt FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Basins, Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tobaccos, Sex-rs, with many other utlcle, in this lino—on received in the best order, and sold at the lowest profits. Give us s call, in Bnltimore street, hourly opposite Fnhneitocks' store. WANTED.-Bmter, Eggs, Lord, sad I” other country produce—for which the highest cash price will be paid. 4 SWEET POTATOES—Just quality, at low est living profits—nlways- on hand. Also. OYSTBRS, fine Ind fresh—in the shell or shocked. Restaurants and fomilies supplied. ‘ STRIQKHOUSER a WISOTZKEY Gettysburg, May ~18, 1863. Shanda & Buehler, DEALERS IN con. AND LUMBER, ' s 2' 0,17 E s , I'm-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, ac. —ALBO SHUTTERS, BLXNDS, BAR, no Corner of Cnlisle sndfitilrud Streets, oppo liu Ruin-om Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. May 9, 1864, , New Goods. AHNESTUCK BROTHERS ‘ F Au constantly receiving (boice and de sirable goods, from New York, Philadelph'n Ind Bfllimou, and are prepnred to ofi'er ‘ GREAT INDUCEMESTS to the" shout purchasing. Having selected with great. cure‘from ghe three lending mnrkeu, ‘8: public will «look to their own interest! by numbing our stock before buying anywhere. Can A! ‘ FAHNESTOQ S’ May 9, 1864. 13:11 Front. $lO ’a Day! GENTS WANTED—4‘O sell the “ 25 CENT fa LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK ." Each Package contains 35 Songs, 2 #1136: of Ruin, I 8 sheet! of Pnper. 18 Enve- Wyl Bum. 111611. 1 Peg flower, 1 Lead Ewell, 1 Design (qr Undm‘eeves, l fox Child's Apron, 1 {or Embroidoved Collar, l for Oh ria te’nlng Robe, z for marking Lena”, 13 Seen-m ne‘er before pnblhhpd, worth many Dollar”; Ind other infomsuon. Aha, an}: beautiful uncle of Jun". Libcnl inducement: to A enu.- 8 Sun for Circular. 8 ”d p SAMUEL 391?. 1 43 South mm BL. Phundelphu. P-- I June 13,1364. 1y : John W. Til-“5911. ‘SHXQNABLE BARBER, Nouhwnt cor , nu “mg Dismandn (“ext door to II .11.,“ Ho. ,) Ganpbngg. Pm, when be m u :11 “am he found ready to “tend to all human in his Igne. Be in Elsa \ 9911a“.- flange And 7111 gygpfo utidutéa‘l”o[yg [ill 5 9911. < [903. 31 {m- SW Wmmammm MI } Important £111:th REA? SALE) f _ ~ } - or _ ‘ 1 wncnss. cums, mum") mos, to. , as: mums mum woman I‘o ll DIIPOIID Q, A? ONE DUI/LAD EA UH! ~ Without 'nfinrd to thuel Huh b. will” and] you now vb» you an :0 main! l‘l Sphldid List. of Afliclesn A“ to hp ”WM One Dom: Each 1 H 6 250 Genu’ Gold hunting-cue ‘ ‘ Watches, , 8.50:9:qu 250 Ladiu’ Gold Ind Ennmellg ‘ ed hunting-cue Watches, 35 " 500 Benin“ hunting-cue Sil ' vcr Watch”, 35 “ 200 Dhmond Rings, 60 " {OOO Gold You 3 Neck Chain, 0 “ 3000 Gold ond Bind Sneak“, 4 " 5000 Jet and Gold Bncelou. 6 “ 2000 Chatelaine Chain! Ind Gum-d Chaim, .‘ 6 “ 7000 Solitain-koold Brooch", 4 “ 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches, { “ 3000 Gold, Cameo, Ind Pearl Ear Drops, 4 “ 5000 Mosaic, Jet, lava, and Flr'ntino En Drops ’ 4 “ 7300 Coral, Opal, nnd killer“ Fm- Draw, 4 " 4000 California Dlnm'd Bunn- pins, 0 2.50 " aooo‘Gold Fab 3 Vent W-tch. keys, 2.50 “ 4000 Fob & Vest Ribbon-sud", 8 “ 5000‘ sets Solitaire Sleeve-bul tqns, Studs, ten 3 “ 3000 Gold Thimbles.Pencll-,&c., 4 “ 10 0 Mlninlure Locke-u, 2.50 U 4000 Miniature Lockets, Magic Spring, ' ' 10 “ 3000 Gold Toothplcks, Crosses, 2 " 6000 Plnin Gold Rings. 0 “ 000 (‘hused Gold Rings, 4 “ luo StoneSct a: Signet Ring-1.50 4 100 Culifornin Diamond Rings, 2 “ 7500 . 45 Ladies’ Jewelry—Jet and Gold, 5.“ 6000Setsbadles'kn‘elry—Cum e0, Peurl,opnl,& other stones, 4}}, 10000 Guld, Pens, Silver Exten sion holders and Pencils, 4 ‘l 1000 “old l'ens a Gblll muunt ed Holden, 13 H 5000 Gold Pens and Gold ex- ‘ tension Holders, 15 “ 5000 Lndirs' Gill & Jet Buckles, ‘3 ‘$ 500 I Ladies' Gill and Jet Hair Bars and B Ills, 5000 Silver Gobi“: and Drink- iugr Cups, syc- c‘ilver Pastors, 2000 Silver Fruit, Cnrd, and Cake Baskets, 20 “ 5000 Quzeu Silver Tea Spoon“, [0» “ l()oo3fiozemB3h‘erTubleSpoonl - an Forks,' 20 “ 10 1“ .uumxuum a 00., )lnnufnctmen’ Agdnll J ‘ No: 167 Bummqu. Nut Y us. “ Announce llm all ufv-the iibovo lisut of goods will be suLl for on Donuu'ench. » In consequence ot the grant stagnation M mute in the manufncturing districts 0| tiny hmd, through the war having cut of!“ the tup- My 01 nanomn Inrge qomnfily o! Vuluhhle Jewelry, nrigilmlly intended for the Engluh utmkct. Ms been emu. all” for mic in [ME wuu. try, .\xu MUST ma'suw .\T AS .' SAC‘HI FIUE! (Tudur these circumsmuceh .\mux. DALE & CO., acting us agentsjor the primi pul Eutopexm' mnuufiu-t'ureri, have mesolt‘t-d upunu GREAT (”PT DISTRIJI'TIUN, suh ject to the following regulation“ , (Icrlificalf‘s ufxlhc \ariuus urlixlvs nrrfju: put into envelopes; [ruled my, and mixedqnnd when ordered. are taken out mthoul regard lo chuic , and sun? by nmil, thus giving nll r. lair chance. .0" rrceipl of the corliflmlr, yuu “ ill see what you nrg lu have, and Ihuu IL is In. your urtion to send the duilur and tnkc the nuicle or not. l’urclm may lhus obtain :1 Cull] “Inch, Dimnondfing. or nny Set of Jewelry on our list for‘le DOLLAR. ,‘ SEND 25 CENTS FUR CERTIFICATE. In all Iruusucliufis by luJil, we'slmll run”, for forumding the Ccr'Jfirnles, paflgg i'ufingv, and doing: the‘ lyusiuA-sj, 25 can” each, Which mus! be incluswl when the It: ruficuu- in; Kent. tor. ' PM: l‘eruficncs w.“ be sent for $l, eleven for $3. uurly IorSJ, sixlyfne for $lO, and :l hundred [yr $l.l. , AGENTS.—We \mnt’nggnts in nary magi. ment, and in every Luuu nml manly ii: llvu ('(lulllr”,lllll1l[llbfle nelifig us such ml] hfc‘ Al. [owed IU cents on every Certifiunxc macrjml my (hem, prmided their remittance amnudu m we dollar. Agent! will collect 2:; yeah b3} ewry Genius-Me, and remit 15 coma in us, cilhu: in cash or postage almnps. ‘ ARll.t-.\D.\LH a COl. , ' 167 Uraldwu’r’ .\'. Y. Mar. 8, 186.5. 14 E. 8: H. T. Anthony 8: 00].. ,' ANI'FACTUHEIL‘S 0}" PHUTUGHAI'HIG 91 MATERIALS. u “pun“: um nun, til BROADWAY, N. Yl—ln udlhliou lu uur inmin barium of Pholngmphic .ymzrinls, \u urr llendqunrlen for the folluwing. viz: S'l‘Eßl-IoSCUI'ES J; STEREUSUUI'IC VIEWS. OI these we hue An mum-nu nuurt'uaem, including Wnr Scenes, American and l-‘drvian {Silica and Lnndscupts. Groups, Statuary, ha, ha. Also, [Knowing Stereouc'oper, lul‘ yublio 16r privue exhibiiiou. Our Catalogue wilt no son! to my uddreu on receipt ol{ Stump. PHOTOGRAPH” ALBUMS.—Wo were the first to introduce these into llu! United Slnlu, and we manufuuure immense quantitiu- in great variety; ranging in price from .50 cent! to 530 ehch. OunALBUMS hue Lht- reputa ‘ l'wu ofbeing superior in benuly and durabili- Jy to my others. They will be [cut by muil, frev, on reéeipt'of price. firFine Albums made to ardenfl CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Our Catalogue now "Embraces over \HVB THOUSAND difl‘ereql subject. (to which all. ditioKS Ara cofitinuallygbelng mnde) of‘ For traits ol Eminent American", kc.,vlz : about 100 Major-Genenla, 550 Stuesmeu, ‘1 ~200 Brig.-Gelernls, 130 Divineu, 275 Colonell, 125 Aulliors, ’ we Lieut.-Colomls,‘ 4o Arlim, 250 O‘her Others, 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers, (:0 Prominent Women 159 Promijenc oreign Portraits. 3,000 copies of Wgrka of An, including re productions of memo-t celebruled Eng-wings, Paintings, Statues, kc. Catalogues nut on receipt of Sump. An order for One Dozen [fiance from our Cntnlogue will be filled on the receipt 0! $l.BO, and sent by mull; Fret. Pbolognphers and other: ordering good: C; 0. D. will plea» remit. menty-llve per cent. of the mount with their order. E. t H. 'l'. ANTHONY t 00.. : Inductor". or Photographic .lhteriolu, , . _ 501 Broadway, New York. ”The pricc'l and quality of our goodi «not hi] to uliufy. [Non M, 186456- , Lancaster Book Bindery] EORGE WIANT, ; ' G B 0 0 K BIND E R, ”a nun loot nyéncrmn, ‘ LANCASTER, PA. Plain and Dynamic! Bindmy, of _erery do- Icription, executed in the most lubstamiul and Apptoved "flea. llflfllh‘cll E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmer: Bulk of “you." W. L. Pager, Esq., Lancastér Count; Bunk Sumner hock, En, Colnngbin Bun , a???“ Whgner, HEM}, YYorkkßuk. v i in]: Wagner, “1.. or County 3‘“ 'l'. D. Canon, th., Bank of Genyahmg. ' Pem- Martin, an., how: 0! Lnncmer (2)., h Geo. C. Hawthqm, Esq” Regine: u u Geo. Whltson, Esq., 3960“" u u Apr“ 15, 1861 ‘ Sale Owing. W. FLEHIING confine- the hula.” A. of SALE CBYLNG, nd solicits tho con unued panama oi nu public. It in hi; can; nap! cadaver t give auiafution. Gnu-pa modern”. Ensign“ in Brockinridge street, Gettylbn . - P. B.—3¢ in n licensed Auction". and» “a. '1": MI 0! who Ugh“) Sumo, , Nov. :4, Im. ‘ Excsnsxonl . , 8x03138108 EX 1 OR” The Inside: Wuhilg We!!!“ in “when 18;“! (he Yorldh Gull Ind can!“ a 'l’: ence.-i -ce 5 l r r t -‘ v v- ” 31mm . one! -’ " ~ ‘ cwm'wifi fr 70 04 70 5‘ 100 H 30 H 8 H 10' M 20 0 10 it E =I OM 1r 10 84 8 .i 10 '4 ’3“ QM 10“ :6" n s T“ 1-0 “ n .L‘ 10 R :0 v = 15 it fo ki 10 H \ 25 L 15 y 19 I' 50 w 5° 0 OM 20 iel-His