The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 27, 1865, Image 4

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‘y ‘74“: V...- .7 - v—-~—- .—<-__
§ 1}“: ‘3 you pawn“ :
sl‘fllhflng fot'pén l the nation ling '
‘ 0f Iqumdand'w nlxh andmlanghlered men,
”an {or he; charisma son: and lites, ‘ '
And long! {or lig't and love Again.
Tfirbugh clouds an nighfiind‘pnthleu deep:
“ Win keepln mm; 1‘ onwngy'ny, '
Pcefl'u. beyond thegrnwd slaps ’-'
to end: one beta!!! of bteuklng any. '
chrniu‘g lor pence! the tear lhnl‘flunls ‘
lii many a. lad, but patient eye, ‘ g \
Thu} dirge we'ning in funeral ndtes‘f' ‘
The nchlng head, the melllng'sjgh, .
The’ van” fiudrlhe home Min-l}, '
The shuturgd-hopea, lh¢ heart alriqgs riven,
Tho' inknls—trourning orphan: Lena»
Nlo light but God; no home but. Heaven,
Crnyor n mung-r huiul to ghitle .
Ths ship olStMe where pence prevail.“
Wh‘gre, anchoredtsho may 3'3!er tide, ’
Ni" dren: again the hoatilc gnlel,
1 —-~-_—-—* 0 0- —%
9} Wushington corrcrpondent (if the Newuk r
Admliur relates the following: . I
“Speaking olhhorso cnrs n mind! me ofun inil
cldqnl that occurcd in one a Im- |lfl)‘:9'flillt‘(‘-I in ;
whifh colored people‘wrreQmmcd" The 'cnrl
.wutfilled, and among the pa: capers we!" 59n-l
1‘10!“ Sumner, thechnmpioh of contra-hand rights‘
in thugs, and Lazarus W. Powcl', the pr‘o-,
Ilnvlery Pure Sen-liar from Kentucky. Two}
lcnldred ‘lndicngnlqrell ; .\ir: Sumner did not‘
«21mm; Mr. Powell, will: great cnlnteryi’l
Irgle and I'lrrendcred his sent '0 one of the lu-l
dies in belts” of whnsg rights Mr, S had hnpno
so tloquent in the Saints. Mr. S retained hisl
went, with the lady minding by his side, ~Fi-*
nully| llr. l’oncll suugmted the prop" mogul-l
for him to pursue, saying, “Sumn'cr, \\ hy dlm't'
you‘ give that luly 7.0 - sent?" Dir.lS.-hegsn
"to agnlrm, and finally replied that. he did uoc~
”sign his seat to an} holly. liiil l’b‘ell 'Wns
,unrelenling,‘und lhc (llsh'ugfuisycd dHounlt-r of
c-qunl rights was fumed m g ve le lo'his ebo-l
my [allow-insuungtiru iic ml!” mimiruhl)~ ”
‘ fireman“ Wood, in 1‘ speech in thé.
House, miculnted the. present and prpspt-ctivc
:public debt at seyeulhousaml six hundred 'and»
night millions ofdgllnrs, br m‘ore «Mn the com.-
bined m of Eugisgd, France, ‘Rusgia, Aué
pin,- Sphir}, and Prusain. lic assigned {admin
rcasor’u for thvi enormous drbt ;_ nrno'pg them
the enormous finnnci wl policy a: lhqfi'fifimence
ment of this Adminisxrmion, .53an it: comin
nnca to the present time. The-n thr- igpomin
ions failure to take Richmond, whirh'cogat this
flov'ernmcnt more than one hundred millions'
of dollars; and migliuns have been spin! far
the suppbfl f" idle run-fl worthless‘bluckg. ‘
——A-———¢o|» v ~~A ~ - ‘
a“ farmer wnnledo. farm hand rind 'Vrtis
nfiplierfio b'y‘nn Irishmun, wlro‘wisbe‘gl tobe
taken on trial. ,The farmer objected tokngng
ing Plt,o\n the ground that two lrishmn pre
vious), n: his Employ had died on'hishands.
i-Thi'n'yo {abject to my m tlrnl,'dolyc?" ‘suid
Pal; “faith an' I can bring ye re urfrnu-ndntions
from many a'place where I've orkcii that I
ne—rer pluycdaich n lfick.” [rm «a engnged.
‘—-———-—»-<AI» '_—— \- f -
' WM. 3 recent. splendid wank} in' New
York the bridn'yprqsrnu were vulucNSL-m;
000. How muéh happior We're Iht-y uh n the
rouple who gut married with nothing 10‘s”
with but“ clothes on thrlr hacks! . \
@Jonesmag discovered the respective nn‘
hires ofa distinciion and a dimrcnce. Be 5355
um "a Imm difference" frrqucutly makes mix
ny enemies, while “alittle dis'finctiun“ aux-acts
host: pf friends to lbc one pa :vhqmjz 4's con.
ferred. ' “ g
if. Pubhc Sale. A- , A
ON TUESDAY, the 28th day of MARCH
next, the subsuilncr. intending to quit.
housekeaging, «in soil at Public Snip, at his
’residefie, in Franklin township, . dums mun
”you the old Burlin raid, 2 WINS mes! uf
Artnduville. all his prrsonul pro any, viz: ,
1 FAMILY MARE, 2 Cons, I Slime. Swing
Wagon, Buggy and llnrness, Slcii and Bills,
039-119!” Wagon Bed, I d 0: Iliy L-ddcrs,
Blu-sheuPlouthime-liorw Bar-s I Mr Plough, ‘
2 Double Shovel Plonghs, 2 Corn Forks. Sm- l
'gle Shovel Plough, Double and Single-trees, ‘
Forks, Rakes, Winnowing Mill, 4 llauocks, l
Shovelp, Spade, a lot of Horse Gears, such an:
Callus, Bridles, Harness, ’l‘racec, Breath.
_blndl, 3 Riding Bridles, (ital-mlédliding Sml
file, 2 Side Saddles, 300 yards of Rape, Grind
stone, Wheelbarrow, 11 lot of Cooper Tools, 91
10l D! Cargenmr Tools, such I” Planes, Chisels,«.
Angers, Bruce and 'lsms, Wuik Bench and
Screw, a. lot omelling Boxes. Also, his en
tire Household and Kin-hen Furniture, con
uistlng' of Beds and Budding, 2‘Burt-uus, 3
Tables, 2 Sinks, Corner Gluibgnrd,-2 sols of
Chain and Rocking Chuirs'l fish, 2 (‘lpckg l
{sum eighbday» 2 Clwstir, n‘llot of Carpet,
and 80:, Cook Stove. nearly new, Ten-plate
Stow, Sheet Iron Stove, Iron KfltllE‘ Bacon,}
‘Lord and Tallow, by the pound, Apple-'buuer‘
lg] ’the crock, Potnmcs and Tumips by the
bushel, with a great many article's, mo numer
bnl W wention. Also, n‘large lot of FRUIT_
TREES,‘s7hich.'will be sold in small lots, m-I
my gntiqe ltock of trees, as '0 suit purchasers,’
mounting 0: Apple, Penal . Pear, Cheriy,’
Plym,Apricot, km, of lln: Chbk‘esfi gmltcd l‘i nit.
#8539 to coumience m. Qp'clock, ASL, on
paid da‘ yhen attendance will] be gin-11 and
terms in known by ' .
John Hues, Auctioneer. ,
Feb. 27, 1805‘. IS* . ‘
Public Sale.
' x TUESDAY, the 2m- any a MARCH
inst», ghe anbécriher, intending a. move
cat, will ...u M. Public Sale, at his residenc‘e,
Vin Tyrone township, Adu‘ma county, near
Beidlqnburgahe lollowim,r Personal Preparty:
1 FAMILY HORSE, 2 Good Gown, 1 Cult, 2
‘sheep. 2 Shows, Tim-horse Plough, ,Shove}
Plough, Corn Fork, Dollle and Single-trees,
Sleigh and Hirncss, Collars; and , Bridles,
Gxinduone, Wheelban'nw, Rakes, Forks, Grain
Cradle," Scythe: :nd Snaths, 0M: and Corp by
the bucket, Buy by the ton, Cox-uLFoglder by
the bundle, and Grm’n in the ground.
( Also Household and Kildnzn Furniturégsuch
a; Bureau, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Co‘rner
Cupbond, Eight-day Clock, Stzmds, Cook
scove and Fixtures, 'l‘ch-phfl Slow and Pipe,
2 Sinks, Imn Kettle; and pm, Spinning Wheel
“(1 Reel,- Wood Chest, Churn, Tubs, Meat
Vugds, Viggar and Barrels, ’l‘iniwarh, Euth
en-ware, I! I. and Lard, Apple-butter, and 5
variety of oxher uniclcs, too numerous to
mention. ‘ ’
”Sale to commence at. L 0 o‘cloek, A. BL,
an Olid day, when attendance will be given
and terms made kno u by
AK. Myers, Auction er. ,
lint, 30, [865. 13* ‘
Assessment-last Nance. *
OTICB is hereby given that HENRY A.
SIGKIXG,Esq., has been appointed Agent
ol’th’ mama County Mutual Fm: Insurance
Company," whh anthoril‘ to re‘cen'e and col
whifih’Vflieficd on Premium Nous an the 19m
of September, [pH—and immediate payment
will be made to him accordingly. or to Dr. E.
G. FAnna'roch‘tensux-ex of the company.
m‘m“'g—.- “(Eleanor an Assesgssgpent shall
banshee: and» upon gbe pxeminm notes, and
the ma determined which ‘ench person slmll
{my on hi 3 nous, if sueh sum slmll‘nét by: pa‘ad
within ”an «1535 am; the same shMl ha‘re
beéndumhded in hahnlf of the Company. the
mange” may, at th‘eir option. unqul the policy
of instance upon such nolice, Ind "min laid
note “mama thefeon such sums useued.
«B; ordct of the Board oflauagers, ‘
f 1., 9EO: SWOPE, Pres}, ‘
D- 4 Wu“: 3053', V ‘ “ '
latch s, 3365. a: , =
,- 9. m; u 3n“. uceived a‘ I'm a!
, cheap Winn; Slum, . -»
_rv—‘fVWfi-r—V. ,rwv W
. k A ‘ Gold Pens ‘-
FQR TEE I}“.le ‘; > 0
cu! to Suit the Hand, And Prifis :0 Suit 1&2: ' been a
’ Pocket. _ a “We retux
, Tm: Bust (low 1’2.“ u 1'"! Wanna! " lfor the lib
On receipt. 0! 3n following sums, we will ‘booka wmm
lead, by mail, or u directed, t Gold Pen or I! 'requegt m
Pens, selecting-ch: sums according to tha de-J in‘ake immedinn
PC'iP‘iOD- namely - ' g to scale our bum
Gold Pens, in- Silver Plated Extension Cases, ‘
~ with {EMIS- N‘ '. 7
or $1 No. 2 pen; fo 1 25‘ 0.3; n- ‘fa‘r' \
F slSaNont-uflorszl‘d'ojpfif Abgrd. / ,
‘ {or $2 29 No. 6 pen. ’I HE subscriber hu'idgfidiipmed‘ofhis lq-' » _
J'l'hose’penl «re stumped THE IMPERIAL'I urea! in the Store a C berm/k Culp to which will bl
PEN, and are well finieheq and fine writing 0 ms. Crawford, Esq, rc \[nlly uks ghe bo‘nghl ellev
Gold Pan, with good nridum points, although continuance or‘his {xjyuds . t'ljkusiofngn m ; Our ”sour.
the; An wxagfig<ksug<gago¥is¢§§hnnged. } aim“ in: sufceSsor—wher 'B‘Kigiggigny‘ OOTS AND SHOES .
. D 1 n. . . . - .\ .
“ 93" "mi” “1'? "i°“l";°°”| f °’x'> 0°" Nil-YE"! ”’B’ “’6“ ‘ \ “32:33:13.3 J; :23afflilf‘iih-iioTa‘é'fiJ'i °'
illnmpetonn our F naxy ens,“ ne‘ . —‘——-‘——"* \ ‘ - . _ , .
paints Ire warranted To;1 six months. except}. Another Change\ \ i 0n! stock onslsts In pan 0! ‘ ‘
aguinit accident. ‘Onr szcoun gum-y Pens 'L N THE HAT AND SHOE Busmfis‘qrtvk HAT§, SEGARb,
are stamped THE NAZI‘IONAL PEN, w‘nh mg]: Cobean hlviug 'nssoc’lnted with h-\ WWCAPE. _ . . TOBACCO.
inninh of on! tiny: (A. G. P. C 0.,) and m care- l business John 3_ anford, who pun-has BOOTS. . HANDKEFCHIEFS,
fully made, having the same point: an our first.' the finer“! of John ffulp, respectfully In- 8119133. STDCKIAGS,‘
quality Peanut" only gren difference beinginrnmmces to'he citizenyofgeuygbum and a“ gfilleS. 4 . : G'LOVES,_
lhe 3mm" of m Gold- _, _ I public generaxu, {bathe bunine’sa will be com\ {WET “gem, “ INDOW PAPER.‘
Gnl Penn, m nnd 2d quality in Solul‘ Silver tinned ume 0” ,‘Smnd on Chunbersburg g?“ SHOE , - . meS,
‘ ‘ Exlension Cam. with Pencils. ' ‘ hire“. by A. COBRAN 300” who will con- ,‘i FAL‘O fiIIOES, CURSETS. .
For 53 00 4 s'o: l penal]: ‘l“!an 0' 3 “0- 2 stanfly keep on hg’nd a large stobk of Goods, , END 1:581 TS: POCKET 300,53}
M N quslhr- ‘ . °"in lheline or ,1 ~ , “Ifo RS’ ,1w PURSES,
F 0; 52 gs a .\'o. 2 pen lstqunlily, m" a )0. 3 [sum-:5, HATS, pus, mums. ”091. ‘~ §9_.§’.- BEE?»
l pen 2d‘qlmlity‘ ‘
For $2 ‘25 u 50. {g pen lst‘qnnlity, or A No. 4
[- pen 2d quality. " ' ‘
, For $3 50 a No. pémlst quality, 61' [Km 5
i pen Mortality. ‘ -
ifor s4_6o a No. pen lat quality, or a No. ,6
l {pen 2d quality. ‘ ’ .
>7O: $5 sol} £o.B‘penlstqlnlitya -
gTbe sniféflold Penn, in Solid {Silver or Gold-
KPI-tted Ebony Dng Holders and “DIOCCO‘CflEGe.
l FlOl- 52 25 a No. 3 pen lat quttlity,‘qr g. No. 4
’ "pt-n 2d quality. » ‘ y '- V
Fur $2 50 a No. 4 pen ist q-mlity, o: a No. 5
pen 2d quality, ‘ t ’ o
1 For 53 20 a No. 5 pm lat quality, or o‘No. 6
‘ pen 2d, q‘nnlity. __
For 54 00.3. No. 6 pen lst quality. Fm $3 50
l n No.3:pen4 Fol‘;s6 ’{s {Km 8 pen. For
L $l2 09 u. {{o. 12pm ; all first quality.
\Ouhpbus Nnk throughout the country as
equal if 'not superior to Any gold pens amou
l luctnl‘l‘dt Notpnly-lor their wriliiig qualities
‘but durability anti elegant finish. ‘be greuh
rest care is used in thei: manufacture, hnd,none
' are sold ‘witlx the slightest imperfection which
grkill em: detect. K, i
l‘ Pnrties in orddring' mnst‘apecily the name.
tnumbe; and quulity In all instances and whe~
ther still' or limber, course or fi'ué.
TO' CLUBS.—.\ discount of-lZ per cent will
he allowed on‘suma of $l5, if_ sent to one ml
tiiress, nt-oue time; 15 per cent. on $2.5; ‘..'o per
cent. on $lO. .‘ *
I‘ ,All remittances by mail, Rfigideredfire at
our. r‘sk. To all who enclose 20 cents extra
’ for registering, we guarantee fun safe delivery
iof the goods. . ~
l Circulars ofnll our new atyletskwitltEngrtw~
inert pf exact. sizes; nud,ptices, sent. upon re
i :oth ol stamp, it' dosh-ed. l’eus repainted for
I 50 cents, By mail. V ~ -
I Stationers unu Jewelers are requested to
e-trrespond with «5- us We can offer them great
" indu'cemi-nti. Addie”, .
' . “ No. 200 Broadwuy, ‘N. Y.
Jun. 30, 1805. 3m ~
W ~ Nothmg Else .. g
‘ UT elogmt, well mude, fine fitting ‘Dress
B am] Business (fonts, M. PICKING'S.
of Cldth, Cnsfiimerc, Saunas, Silks, Vein-ts,|ix_mls, Plum an’d Collar" Y.,-as, at the well
known ilnud uf ‘ “ I'IIIKING.
'v xix-:vm'nmwss {Rf
I'th Pickinfi. in ronsequqn‘ce o! :lp\‘
sprfng. is sclhng ofl' h S‘lnrgo m'mk &
CUATS,II_I. var) reducgd pliceé. Gag)!“
. ‘ , 839 may WANTED “
to inspect and huylfrnm the hund'somés
sortmem ut WOOL. OVER. SHIRTS.- mrr u
:d in this place, {0 be hud M. PIGKING'S.
A ew more. of lhase celebrulerl Yankee Clngk
Ti Keqwls at. _ ‘I’ICKING'S.
\n FEET! FEET! 7 _L,
A few are Bulfulu and Gum Shnogsnt reduced.
prices a - .- " BIL KING'S,
\‘ MUSIC. 1 ’
Persoris in ant or n good-Violin br Accordeo‘n
gun be snppliedml PICKING’S.
’ ’ ; .\'OTIONS.
Slxspeniérs, Combs, Hairnfid Clofines Brushes,
Razors. and Razor Straps, Sonfip Spectacles,
Pen Kn’ives, Dumiuoes, Yio‘lin Strings. &c., ut
run he Ifnd by calling in Baltimore street, at
. Phcxmu's.
‘ . . ‘CAnpm SACK;
A few more left at ‘ I
A! Pickifistgre can he had L'
“ P I ' C K I‘ g
is gelling” 263 goods at the lowest.
any; woul'LinviLe all to cuH a‘ud E.
is reign-mi ed to séll M. “18 lowes
am. 30, 1865. . , ,
. New Warehou:
and Produce Home, in Carlisle 3‘
ing Shea’ds t‘Bnehlerig gstablii
highest. market price I/‘fih nlwuys
cash for a . 1
GRAIe _offi} kinds, . 3
' Always on hand and {or sale, at the smalleS'
profits. ‘ _ §
7 ~ SALT, FISH.’_ 1
2 >1 03001312133; fa, .
‘ » Wholesale (Mid retail.
TRY US! We shall do our_lbesn L 6 give
satisfaction in all 'cases. 1 A ~
Gettysburg, my 11, 1863. 1y 1
_.__... “_.l-y’r “T? .f___,._._...
Dlssolutlon. A a
HE partneyship heretqfore existing be
:werjn the uxidersiiinodfiwlh9 name
and_ style‘Lof FAHNESTOGK: ‘ TH‘EJIS, is
this dßY’dlSSDh'ed by mu'tual consent—James
F. Fabxleslock retiring. ;
;. ‘ EDW; G. mumsroux.
x __ l
'33 undérsig‘ied, remnininino‘ partner} of
mll confirm the businesl at the lsame place,
under the s e name and style of‘firm.
ha. 9, 1865. 1
Fresh Arnvall
SON'S.—~, ‘e invite the atten
era to our sleek at Wimér Goodd
ha sold chenp,’coneiating of
Shawls, Cloaking Cloths, etc., etc For Men’l
and Boys'~wea,r we have Cloths Catalan-res,
Coatings, Vestingu, with nut-let of Cotton
ades, Jam, kc. Call and see. , ‘ ‘
Nov. 28, 1864. A. SCOTII‘ «£53011
1. K. Staufl‘er; .
Nflgth SECOND Sgéet, ‘
cornero nun-y P A EL
-PIIIA. An agwgg'm otfl
WARE. constantly omhand. ,- [ ‘ _
@Repairing‘é of Watchcl $3311 Jewelr {
promptly sanded-to: : l‘l
Dnc.12,1864. ly‘ . ' 1 I ,
' ‘ Cannon’s ‘
M A R B I. E . W 0;
orner of Baltimore and in'. .q
Eve dgscri iog Ff tor en
' U uiesu yle ofthe ‘
Jun. 16, 1805. fir r
~ A may”
F oflicmfi ~ [096. 1'
AGO, Arrow Boos. Go
find Gel-fin, for In}?
Drug Ssorp. . _3
11111-11351 of all
{ 1‘
IN . G
l‘ning prices
~20 him, as he
. prices. -
be newGrnin
i‘reet, adjoin
hmem. The
' bejpuid in
t SCOTT a:
tion or buy
', which will
K K 3,
Iddla meets,
opspoite _be Courtflo
uted in the
Ike 1: thin
.-, 1864. u
Yuma-nu: 4 ' _V .
9 ~\ Dissolunon
v NR’ENIESHYP.—The (gnflneflhip
\{iafif‘g between the subscribers, hpsl
"O (
(\ed tbh day by mutu‘. conunlf— ,GETTYSWBQ. A
thank: to our friends and the puhfic/ 1 ~— , _
‘nl‘ulnpport exunded to uni. _Our, WAR GAINST HIGH PRICES!
\: left‘al the store: and we earnest-Z _ —-
osejndehted to us to mall and. When '9' i Y “'9 will '9“ 800‘! l‘
pnkment, as we are dead/on: A ' -
' caxwithom delay. /
{olm CULP.’ /
Jan. 30, IBM
.1 .._ .y, up. _,, _ _.....;,
and lhey will 91:0 continue the Manufacture 0!
*Shoes. , '
,- From theiy’ long experience in 3% above
branhes, they flutter themselves 1 (1 can
pls-ase the publk}, and will sell cheap for cash.
. ~ ' ‘ A. POBFIAN.
Doing business under the name nnd firm of
A. Cohen“ E Co. [Fish 8, INS-l.
\. \ V _,___»__.‘._ "7.7— A
> No \Humbug. .
Estabhshed 1850. OLTZWORTH hasfingt returned from the
*DTIGE 0:? REMOVAL. ilh thé largest and mqst complete assort
l‘| LAwrmm-z n. mmz & 00., of “ATS AND OMS, BOOTS
respectfully bt-g leave to notify tlu-ir friends,l A_ D SHORE ”1‘“ 1‘35 been wought EO, m
ousxomers and the public generally, that [hey this town film-'9 the way. ‘l‘hs‘ stock )5
have remove-l l'xom .\'u. 151 Franklin street, to not only “0 plete, blft 13 Gunfind CHEAP
the qo’mmogmvn gfilffirlryngdgflugie'l‘ . l Fflbgffli iggsvgfigt gig???“ nndell‘fi;
_No.OB ..Ulfl'll o y. w_
belw‘een ”0“;er and Liberty, whtre ‘héy will‘ FWWW‘“E “fiu‘e‘V‘th “1““. the’ fi‘ ‘1 GM‘”
for Phc future conduct. lhe Wholesale Dual-i ‘0 thedehen‘ [fist §ho;. Ehjd'rfns \ Imus! 01
I ‘ r ‘ . ( CVCTY SCH um, ”I ’9B V 719 "- O, .3-
I“fishsoz‘algs-V‘Y'E‘rimmings’ . ‘ . ldms' Hats, ne qunlily,_nnd Children has,
4! Fu’rnishing Goods. ( ofnll style land prices. Also, Trunks: an"
' ' ' 'l‘ul‘umery, Noyliona, pct B‘ngs, V align: Umbrellna, (gloves,_S;h\l\(-
‘ _ '_ s‘ufionsp,’ vine”; Egrrigffizg co, ngrus, 9.136 ‘Nouonsmol New
- >u s, 'c. c. '5 - . \
to'wllich théy invite thefiltentinn Jof cit} any!‘ @130“, t'fqrget the 1111139, ‘Chnmlacxzsbn'rg‘
mung”. pummurs, {gehng confident of the” street, oppa Le thi.’ lullemn (,hurclz, Gems.
nbilny to ofl‘er inducements in prices and Lngg,Pn. JOHN 14- HOLTZ“ ORTH
qudity 0f Goods. _ l 50‘“ 3‘: 1364- “ '
Orders by mull will receive prompt :I“.an "" ‘
tion.l Addrssé :
308 flulzimore séreel, Baltimore!
March 1:1, [864. ‘
Noah Walkér 8: 00..
65 Am 167 Huffman: Stun-:1,
kocp chustnnuy on hand a lurgé nnd well as-
sorted 'stock of all kinds of goods at moderate
“flees. .
.‘Theyvsupply orders ~("or the finest. to £le
lowest priced {nicks cith-r mm?)- mnde or
made to measure, to any part of the country
Tlmy knop also hn extensive stack 01‘1“an-
ISHING GOODS, embracing every article of
Gentlemen’s Under-wear. Alsp, MILITARY
LOTUS um! evéry v'ariety of Military :l‘rim-
i l
, mi gs, as well as an asserted stock of READY
, Bnlti ore,Feh. 22, 1864.
rent Attraotlon A.‘ .
'l‘ PM. RllUl-‘F'S CHEAP (‘LOTIIIIfi'G
f‘ AND? SlSlllXG STORE, m the North
East Corner 0 he Diamond. The suh=r>ri|wr
is constantlyin ecelpt offresh goods from the
Eostern titles. 's'stock of
is one of the lzlrges and most o'ttmetire, ns
wellgts the cheapest e mblislnnent of the kind
in the_emmtr3. You ill there find COATS,
PANTS :gND VESTS, de up in the most
fitshiuunhle styles, and o the best materials.
of all sizes and prices, to ”men and boys.—
Gentlemen: furnishing good of erery descrip
tion, , Wool Shirts, Muslin ” hirts, Hickory
Shirts and Merind. Shirts; Me iuo, Wool and
Cotton Drawers, Hosiery of every description,
Buck-skin, .\lerino and Cotton Gloves. llamL
kerchiels, Neck Tiea,Cravl_lts, Linen and Paper
CollarstllntspCaps, Spots and Shoes. Um
brellas, Trunks, Yalices, Carpet flags. Clothes
and Shoe Brushes, Hnir and ’l‘oofh Brushes,
Shoe‘ Blacking, Pocket one] Dressing 00th,
Ivory Combs, Watches, Gloeirs and Jewelry,
Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings,
Soups und Perfu' cries, Stationery of flu kinds,
For-ket Knives, gflfling nnd Chewing Tobuc
cn, Pipes, an extra qualitypfSegnrs. In fact, ,
his stock embraces everything usually found‘
in a first class furnishing store. I invite the,
imentiop of all to come and seej'or themselves, i
as lam determined w‘sell goods lower than:
any other cstnhl‘islimon‘ the country. Don’t'
furget the place. Corner 05 York ctreet and;
July 4, 1864. '
‘ Herbst’s Line.
L .' ‘ WW" . ‘
t I. '-‘;,y7y---r"‘v m,
:3; , l. _ . ”5.; w , "Fr? "55% ’4'
43’3"?" ‘Q’AQ-T'E‘ ‘Ukt'nl “ op
HE undersigned would inform the public -
tlmt heje still running ugline of FRElGli’l‘
CARS (ram Gettysburg to '.B‘tltimme every].
week. He is prepared to convey Freighteitherl
way,in any quantity. He will attend, it'desired';
to the making of purchases in the city, and de
liwring the goods promptly at Gettysburg.—
His cars run to the. Warehouse of J. H. Boaley
203 North street, Baltimore. Ik. invites the
attention of the public 40 his line, assuring
them that he will spare no effort to accommo
date all who mix)~ patronize him.
HAY WANTED. The highest price paid
for gt-od’l‘imnthy. ~
Oct. 24, 1864. 35* ~
The Popular 7-30 Loan.
T 830126 u been esignated aDeposi- '
guy had Financial Agent of (be Uniked Snitch! Evy}: gm? gzqqizrgeazigngzflgfélgxxfiur
and will furnisfi the popular 7-30 Conpoutsn'mhl Sphoék‘ 1%; Columbia. Bank
Notes, free from all mxcx, and convertible at! S mu'cl Wu a; ng York Bank .
maturity into 5-20 six per cent. xold interest a. . f“ ’ ‘Eq" YRC.2 B k
Bonds. wm allo furnish 5-20 and 10.40 {Y‘gméuw mgr, “gigakg'mefflguru'
Bands, one year Certificates andfiuother Gov- P.te;' MirSgn’Esq-yl’rorh‘ oanniaslergéo P.
ernmentsecurilies. Will buy Goldnnd Silver,‘Ge C 5:321: “has R);- ister “ 'Y“ v
cnsb Coupons, and make collections promptly ea. ' . _ pm, 1%" g
on all accessiblb points. . Geo. Whildpn, Esq” ecor er
‘ GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. 3.;‘Pm 15* '3‘“
Dec. 26, 1864. u
New Bakery!
EWPOET t ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak
ern,Soml: Wgnhingtonatreet, hall square
{tom lhmEtgla Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.—
Conmmly ox; hand, the has: at BREAD,
sons wishing {test Brpad will be served every
mornln' , by leavmg their nuns:- and residences
n the gallery. Every effort made to plane
Give us a call! [April 90, '63. t!
.LBULI 8 H 3
~.ALBU )l S 1 l 3
uat received a. In- e and bountiful unort
ment of Pholopnphfi‘ubums, which we otfcr
below my prim. TYSON BROTHERS.
_Dgp. 14. ms. . ~
. ..nlee.Hlm a Call! ‘
place toobnin n perfect Photograph 0!.
'Aubrotype, accused In that“: manner,
i; n MUMFER'S GALLERY! iu_mddle meet.
' Jan. .9, 1355. ‘ “
Albums !
Row 8: Woods,
nnqcno muons
' 31 My sud will do it.
Instantly go hand A large' ”not?
i WI kge .
I‘ sold cheaper than they can be
.. ent of
3m, km, a::., km, £5l:
n s’rfimcs,
comma", E
m. 2, 1865. \
Universal Clothes Wrmger.
‘ ron mu: 1:?
snnhns a BUEHLER,
1 Gsrn’sscnc, PA.
\ me innumerable recommendations, we
gather the (Pliowing:
Letter from; Mrs. Henry Ward Beecher, inISGI.
Inn] musk hnppv to speak in the Very high
est terms 0 the “ Universni'Ciothes Wringur."
The lmrdes part of “washing-day” work is,
in my opinibn, the wringing; and the inventor
of this mndhine may bun: the entlsfacfion of
feeling that; he has changed one of the most
toilso'ne ”ms of woman’s work into a Very
nttnlctive ymusrment. The inundress leaks
upon it as 11 great blessing. I look_upon it as
among: the [most useful articles in the house.
. lk-noklynj, October, 180,1.
price—s": 00. [May 2, 1864.
NEW oods !--La.rge Stock!
lmvc just. 1- ruin-d fromthe cities a large stock
0‘ (100115 {0? Quatlelneh's wear, embracing a
Vuln’lj' O! 5 - f
Cxlrsinots. Jenna. &c., with Innuy other goods
for ~'pl'iug :ind summer “ear.
Tin-y Meipz-qmred to’make up garments M
the shortest notice. and in me very best man.
uer. The Fashions are regulurly received, and
clothing made in any decired style. Thiy :11-
way; make neat fits, whilst their sewfng is sure
to be substantial.
They ask a continuance of the pnth‘s rm—
h-nmgc, resolved by good work and moderate
chnrggs to earn it. _
GeiysLurg, .\pril 7, 1862. - -
E. 8: H. T. Anthony& 00.,
{ml BROAIHVJY, N. Y.—-lu addition to our
main business of Photogmpbic .\laleriuls, we
art- Hendqunrters for the following \‘iz:
STi-leliob‘llili‘ES & STEREOSCUHC VIEWS.
0! these we have an immense assortment;
including Wur Scenes, American and Foreign
Units and Landscapes, Groups, Statuary, 5%.;
kc. Also, Revolving Stercosunpcs, for public
,or private exhihif’u Our Catalogue will De
sent to any addres bn receipt offitump.
first to introduce them into the United States,
and 'we manufacture immense quantities in
grant \‘uricly, runging in price from 50 cents
to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have tho reputa
tion ot‘beingsnperior in behnly and durabili
ty t 9 any emu-5.. The)" will be sent by mail,
frer, on receipt of price.
WFine Albums made to order,‘=§)a
0111:\Cn:nlo;ztie now embraced over FIVE
THpUbAND different subjects (to which ml
- aremominnglly being made) of Por
traits of Eminent Amerirnns, &c., viz: about
100 Major-Generals, 550 Statesman,
200 Brig.-Ge’nor.\ls, 130 Divines,
27.". Colonels, . i 125 Authors,
100 Licut.-Culonol<, 4.) Artists,
250 Other (Mficers, 125 Stage,
75 Navy Officers, ‘ 50 Prominent Women
15’} Promi lent Foreign Porn-nits.
3,000 copies of Works of Art, including re
prodnclion‘s of themost celebrate-l Engravings,
Paintings, eStnmes, kc. Catalogues sent on
rrcelpt of 38:3me. An order for One Dozen
Pictures from bur Catalogue will be filled on
the rcceipt‘ol $l.BO, and séut by mail, Free.‘
Photogrqphers and othe’rs ordering good:
C. 0. D. will pleaso 'romll. twenly-five per cent.
of the amount with their order. . .
E. _A; H. T. ANTHONY a: CO.,
Manufacturers of Photographic Materials,
j 501 Broadway. New York.
je‘flxeg prices/and quality of our goods
cannot fail- to safi’sfy. [Nov. 14, 1854. 8m
Lancaster Book Bindery.
. B o 0 K B[N p E 12,
Plain and Omauental'Bindiny, of every de
séription, ezecnted in the most aubstantial‘and
approved styles. 1 '
Sale Crying.
W. FLEMMING continn'es the busineu
A, of SALEVGRYING, and solicit: the can
‘iuued patronage of the pnbfic. It is his con
stant endeayor to giv-e, aafiafution. Charges
moderate. 7 Residence in Breckinrldge meet,
Gettysburé. _ ’
P. S.-—He is a. licensed Auctioneer, nnd'er the
Tax Law of the‘United States. _
Ngy. 34, J 8“. . -
Howard Assocmtlon.
HILAxiELPmA, PA.—Diseuee or-m
P Nervdue, Seminal, Urinary and Seth!
Systems—flew and reliable treatment—in re
poru of "t‘HOWARD ASSOCIATION—gent.
by uni! l. sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Addrua,’Dr.‘ J. SKILLIN BOUGH
TON, Honhrd Association, No. 2 Soul) Ninth
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Aug. 8, ‘864. 1y ‘ .»
_"“‘ anmnorr‘mflnas, or one
D Hom‘ ad Tonic, pt 1):. R. Roma's
mg 800 . - x 9:”
F O U T Z .’ S
gm: and 6m]: gm
aallhy lute.
:y are a
and preventive of Lung Fever, and a certain
remedy for all Diseucs mcidem w the Horse,
such BEGIN!-
dcrs, Yellow
"Want, Di!
e m p e r,
e svp a,
8% I v e ri nfg,
Coughs, E
-2%” if
p to an
Tm! ~Encr-
By, kc. V
In poor low-:piri‘ncd animals, it has the
most beneficial efi'ect. _ 3 _ .
The use ofthem imprnres (hewind, strength
ens the Appetite, and givea 10 the Home A
fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus improv
ing the appearance, vigor and with. of this
noble nuiml.
Tbe>proporty this I’omk‘r losscsscs in in
creasing the quanti'} of Milk in Vows, give!
it an iniportmm- and value “hich should
phcc it in the hand: 0!" new person keeping
a Cow. B)‘ actual (‘Vpcrimom it has proven
that it will increase the quantity of Milk and
Cream twenty per cent, and mnke the Butter
firm and sweet. In famoning Cattle. it gives
them an appetite, loosens their hide and
makes them thrive much thsier. ‘
In all Dist-Mos of _ -7 _7
the Swine, inch :13 ‘ {fwuii‘rgg
Coughs, Ulusrs in §' - 9:31
\\the Lungs, Lin-r; . 3:35;; :1
\gio By putting . f F 93.)
\om half a nper . i '
{ix l{111992; of {lac-5e (ii-’43:,- '
en; in a. nr- 1 22"” ’”_
n‘l f ‘Swillu the 5%;2 /.-’§‘\-" " »
nbov‘ isetuos mu be cured or (mirth-Im
vente§i\ By using llksc Powders the llog'
~ Cholera nbe prevented. i
Price 25\ .per Piper. or 5 Papers fox-$l.
" Minimum: xiv ‘
s. A. OUTZ 8a 3110.,
. , .u‘ 'nlrm
No. 116 Frank} St., Baltimore, Md-
Fur Sale My Dru Wists and Slorekoelm
throughout the Unite States.
For sale by A: ‘D. uehli-r, Gr-ttysburgz;
Lnfighlin Lia lluKhfivlil, \"hecling, Vii; L'. (3.,
Rendurk Cm. Pinshurg; gllnsuu, Holloway
&'Co“uleu. Philadelphia. .‘
’ Nov. 28.15114. 13,‘ ‘
Globe Inn,
, mm: 51, Klein nu: nun! 5:0,
ETTYSBU RG, PA.—-The u ersigned‘
G'Rrould most respectfully in‘fon xhis n'l~
:mL‘rous frignds and Lhe'pubhc guigru 3, that
he vlms pnrchnsul that lung l-stublisl:_ 4 run! ‘
well known holvl the “Globe Inn," in 'ork
islrcct, Gullyflmrg, :i'nd will spam no («Tokyo
‘comlut‘t lg in a manner that will nof detr. 1:3
from its funnL-r high rolnimtiuii. llis tab
Iwxll lime the 'besl [he market. can afford—his
chambers are silt-clam and comfortable—and 1
he has laid in Inr his barn full shank of wines'
nnd liq'iurs. ’l‘ln n- i: large smhlingunachcd
to the llo'lL-l, which will he attenilt-d by Mteu- ‘
‘ tive hustlers. It will he his cnnsLmt vndonvor,
to render the .‘ullvst satisfy-tion to his'guesla, '
making his llmlae as near a home (07 than as,
po<siblc. Lie :Ika :1 share of the piilnlic’s raw
trunngc, determine-<1 2|§lloJ: to deserve :1. large :
‘pnrl ‘of it. lic-meml-or, the “Globe .lun" ii: in}
York street, but upfl the Dinmuml, or Public i
Squnre. . . , SAMUEL WULF.
April 4, 1304. H I
“ Provxsmn. Store.
HE nndersipno'i'hns opened a I’ROX'ISIOX
T.S’IURE m Uenrge Little‘s old stand, in
West Middle strm I, (ht!) aburg ‘whcre he “I”
always keep on hand, tor sale.
BEEF, .\IUT'I'UN,‘ \ EAL, I’UHK. ‘
. \mxsu PU'J‘ATUESL Gunman,
BEETS, ’I‘IYIINII’S, will] urtrylhingxlae in
1110 provisiun line. ' I I
He will sell at “nay profits, and spare no
cfl'prl to pit-nee. . § .
Fa; Came, Upzs, Sheep, Calves, kc, wanted,
for which the highest prices will bcp‘lid.
Oct. 17,1864. xr -
New Tailoring
adopts‘ this method of informingliis friends nnd
the pnblic generally. that ‘he hos opened a
Tailoring establishment in Bultimon‘ street
Gettysburg, (lute Pout unit-0,) near the Dia
mond, where he is prepared tu"do all work in
his line in the best munncr. and to the satis
faction of customers. He? employs none but
first clnss hunds, and receiving
he can warrant fashionable (its and neat and
substantial sewing. He asks it shareVol'the
public‘s patronage, promising to -<pnre no cf
fort to deacrvé it. His charges will alwn'ys ho
tound as moderate as the timXS will nIIOW, ‘
Cutting and Repairing done at the slxorte’sl
notice. [Gettysburg April7,lBl;2, ~
New Goods.
GEORGE ARNOLD has just received from
the city a large supply or CLOTHING,
Men’s anlfßoys’ wen r, consisting ofall kinds of
2 A large rstock of CLOTHS, CASHMERES,
9.110! which wil) be sold as cheap as can be
had elsewhere. Give us n can, and if we can
at please you in‘a suit rend, made we will
take your measure and make you up one in
short notice. ¥ [May 30, 1864.
I’, Everhart‘s .
. CORHIB'OF nowmo t run-nu snaps,
This House is on a direct line between the
Northern Cums] and Bulimore and Ohio Bail
roud ‘De‘pqu. It has been‘ refitted and com
fortably arranged for the convenience mm the
entemimnent of guests;
COLLIN, 1864. lf
Stlll-at Work.
HE widersigned confinues the
in I“ in bunches, M his .old “and, in East
Middle street. Gettysburg. , x .
NEW WORK made to prder. and
done 'promptly and at lowut prirét.
Two Eta-rate SPRING WAGONS and a
~ Dec. 1, 1863. '
Sometmng fog Everybody
ust opeped a fine assoflment of
Drugs and Medicines,‘ ' I
raisin. Medicines, ‘1
Fancy Dry Goodl‘ '
Gtoce’riea, .
TOBACCO, sauna, m
_Jn. 13, 1864. . ’_‘ ' -i
msr-mm smut-day, Thmgkhang and
Alarm mutually! PI mars.
LOTHING r momma l—Plenlyof I};
C good; just opened. Alan Boomgbocs
Bus, to. acnull cheap It BRINKERLI I’F'S
11 strength
Anne then
m: oEenxive
(ter, and
1g them to
~-,- a 1 8 0
-- .50“; .4 ~IE “ »-a..' a“ wav
'11: peculiar taint or
ifcetion which we
|ll Saxon-m lurks
1 the constitutions of
mltimdes of men. It
that produce: or is
mxluced by an m
-eblvd. vitinted state
Fthc ! 00d wherein
mt fluid («lame- ing
)mpotcn tfy sustain
‘c vitnlf cps in their
igomm action, Ind
raves theiyswm to
ll‘imo disQn-der and
_ _ , 4 --..,..110us contaminuaon is vu
rmnsly caused by mercurial disease, low
1”“ng disordered digestion front unhealthy
food, impure nir, filth and filthy habits.
the depressing vices; and. above all: by
the. _venerenl infection. Whatever be its
origin, it is hereditary in the constitution,
chCending “from parents to children unto
the third ‘nnd fourth 'gcnerution;" indeed, it
seems to be the rod of Him who snys, “I will
Vlfit the iniquities of the fathers upon their
children.” The diseases it originates take
various names. nocording to the organs it,
attacks. In the lungs. Sorofuln produces“
tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the
glands, swelling: which suppnrnte and he
cnme niccrou: sores ;‘ in the stomach and
bowels, derangement; which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on
the skin. eruptive and cutaneous nfl'ections.
These, all having the same brigin, require the
enmé remedy, viz., purification and invigora
tmn of the blood.» Purify the blood, and
these'dnngeroua distempers leave xon. With
feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot
have health; with that “life of the flesh"
‘ healthy, you cannot have acrofulous disease.
Ayar’s smaparim . t~ ‘
iq compounded from the most eflcctual anti
dotes that medical science has discovered for
this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of
the’disorderu it entails. That it is fur supe
rior to any other“ remedy yct' devised. is
known by all him have giv'en it :1 trinl. Thnt
it does combine virtues truly extraordinary
~ in’their effect upon this clan! of c‘bmplainti,
ie indisputuhlyproren h}: the great multitude
of publicly known and femnrkubfe ('IITL'S it
lms_nmde of the following diseaseszixing'g
Em}, pr Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
, Eruptions, Pimplzs, Blotches and Sores,
Erysnfielas, Rose or St. Anthony‘s Fire,
Salt heum, Scald Head, Coughs from
tuberoulons deposits in the lungs, White
Swelhngs. nobility, Dropsy, Neuralgia.
Dyspepsm or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infectio Harem-i 1! Diseases,
Female Weaknessinnd. indeed, lllt' whole
series of complaint; t mt uriac from impurity
ofrthe blood. Minute report: of ind'uidunl
tum-s may he found in Ann‘s .liluumx
Autumn which is furninlied tn the (linguists
for grntuitmm diktrihutiun. when-in may he
lenrncdfie dirt‘t'timm for its we. and some
of the nrknhle cures “’llit‘ll it has n‘ntde
when ull other rclucdics liud tltilkd to ullord
relief. Those cine; are pm} only taken
from all section: of the country. in Older
lit"! (very render Amnyimrc new» to some
one who cnn spank to Lin) of it. Lt rcfrt~ from
penonni e.\'pcricnce. St'i't'i‘ulu di pix-.«M the,
\ital energies, and thus luu \~.~ its vii-time tar
more subgcct to (hug and its tittal results
than are healthy c stitutions. livnce'it
tends to shorten. and does greatly bllol‘lln‘
the average dlnutiun (11' hunum life. The
\llbt importnht't‘ of these considerations has
led us to spend your» in pert} mine it rum dy
uhich is rdcquatc to its lure. This “0 now
offer to the public under the manic in' A n u's
Sursnmnnmn. although it B (ulnpu~cll of
ringrmlicn’ts. some of whith gnu-ml thg- but
of Stu-rqwnlh in :Ilu rutnu Imm r. 1') Ha
tt‘hLyuu um)’ pmtu‘t yuurr’t-lf huhl the \nilr‘r
ing udennut-r nt‘ ”H‘sl‘ (leru'lll'r‘i. l’mgr‘
ml tlu- foul «'urrluulinhn tlmt ml and lv~lrr
in the hinud. pm -,;u out llu- I ..IN_~ m'diwzl-v.
mul \‘ignrnux‘ try-.xilli-mli fallow. I‘v) 11~ pout
linr \iitnn' thia‘ wnaul} rlii. “Lulu llw \iml
functmnm uml Um t‘]i\i\ 1h iii-u “111‘
“high lurk \\ the ryttm nr lunt out
on any pzxrt of it. ‘
\ We know the I'nhiic have lt‘t‘n‘llt'l'll‘t‘ll
, Good Things from‘the Cityv!
‘i] E are receiving twice a w: e‘; ffum lixe
ciiy a wrir-ty nl nnic'xs suited to flu
wants 0f this community, viz: Fred: and Snit
FISH, iinms, .\‘hunldi-rs and Sides, Hmujny,
Beans, Suit, Apph‘s, Potnlm‘s, Oranges, Lemons,
Confections. ’i‘ohnm‘ue, Segsra,‘ with many
other articics in this liné—uli received in the
host order, and said 3! fine lowest prams. Give
us a call, in Baltimore atyeut, near!) opposite
Fulmostocks’ store. ,
\\'ANTED.—Bultc)-, Eggs, Lord, and all
othrr country produce—fur whidn the highest
Cd?!) price will he pntid.
SWEET POTATOES—hes! qnnlity, nl. )nw
est. lifing profits—almlys on hand. ALSO,
OYSTERS, fine‘and fresh—in the shell 0|
shocked. Restaurants and l'xlmiiics suppfiv-d
Gettysburg, May 18, 1863.
, , Sheads & Buehler, ‘
S T O V 15‘ S , '
- “so ~
Corner of Curlisle and Railroad Streets, oppo
site Railrnad Depot, amn‘snuau, YA.
May 9, 1864. * s
New Goods.
F Are constantly receiving choice and de
sirable goyda, from New York, Philadelphia
and Bdllinaro, and are prepared to offer
to “use about. purchasing. Having lélected
with great care, from the threeleadingmnrkets,
the public 'will look to their own interenfiby
examining our stock pefore buyéfig elsewhere.
May 9, 1864. " ~ Red Front.
$lO a Day!
GENTS WANTE .—To.sell the “25 CENT
A ‘ ." Each Pucknga contains 35 Songs, 1
page: 91' flash, [8 sheets of Paper, 18 Enve
lopes, 1 Ruler, 1 Pen, 1 Pen Homer, '1 Lead
Pancil, l Deaygn for Under-sleeves, 1 for Child”:
Apron, I for Embroidered 00"“, l for Oh ris
tening Robe, 2 for marking Letters, B Secrets ‘
never before published, worth many Dolls"; ‘
and other information. Also, one beautiful
article of sznnv.‘ Liberal inducements to
Agenu. Send Stamp for Circular.
‘ ‘43 South Third SL, Phiudelpbm. 9..
Jun 13, 1864. 1y 1
John W. Tipton,
ner otthe Diamond, (nut door to Mc
lellan's Hooch) Gettysburg. PM, where he
can It all times be found ready to attend to .11
business in his line. He has also enough”: 5;.
mmjxca nnd will Insure summation. Give
him Ipall. A - [Dec 3, 1800.
PRIN BALMORALfijust mu nd a
A. cum: wmm'rno.
Dr”? Im m [O%, min: 3
In. Acclaim: pain 0} nae-mm: «MW
0! the Item-ch. ‘ - '.
Id. thulenco and Acidity. ‘
3d. Confivenm Ind Lou of Appetite} -
4th. Gloom and Daprenion of Spirit... , | .
51h. Dian-bun. with piping. ‘
Bth. Plin In all part! of tin Symm. _
7th. Comumptiyg Symptom tad Pslpnq
tion of the Hun. ‘ ; (
81b. Cough,'with Phlegm in the Throne. . :
9th. Nervous Aliectioqund mu} otSleep
at night. ' ‘ l T
10:11. Loss of Appet to nnd V Mn ‘
11th. Dizziness“ Dimueu ofimfi, fl
Loss of fight. ‘ ‘ ,
12th. endnche and Sta tin in walking
with great WenLneu. gge ‘4' ‘
Out of the .thoqsandx of «(En of bumps“
[hathnve used Dr. Wish xrt’s Great America]
Dyspep in Pills, not one ofxthem hu mm! «3
aperfeéicure. Wn «xx-nut a cure ln‘ ever:
case, no runner if of twenty yengs’ lea-ding».
Sold by all druggiluuvorywhere, And It Dr.
Wishnnia (man, No. 10' N. Second mod.
Philadelphia, Pa. All'examinuiou and cons
sultatigua free of charge. Semi for: circulat-
Price $l per box. Sent by mlil. the n}
charge, on receipt of money. _ '
oYspzp‘s’m, DYSPEPSIA', 0&3?”st
l, Emzuxrn'llnusoic, of Brnfiflgwine, get,
formerlj grow Chester, Del., amen", um,
for one your and a hglfl sufl'ered everything
but death Imm thatxnwful discus called Dys:
pepsin. My whole system w‘ns prostmted with
wenknsss and nervous debulty; l could-not.
digest my food ; if] nleeven n crncker or the
sninliest amount. of food, it would-return jurt‘
‘ns I swallowed it; 1 hccnme no cosln'ein nfi ‘
bum-ls thnH would not have A passage in Iraq
gthnn from four nnd often eight days; linden
; this immense sitil‘ering, my mind seemed en‘q
‘ firmly to give wny. I had dreadful horror and
( ei’ii forelmdings. I thought everybody 'lulctl
‘ me, nndi hated rreryhody; l corrlfnot lmul
: m) linslmnd nor my own clnldron, everything
nppenred to he horror stricken to me; 1’ land
, no ambition m do anything :1 lost. all my lon
'0! family and home; lwonlll rumble nnd wnn
j dor from place :9 ylm-e, hntmbuld not be con-j
‘, tentnd; ,1 fell thnt I“: doonu-d to hell, Ind}
tlmt there was no h n t‘nr mehnnd mm -oH
‘ u-n tomptod to conlzmit Sllll‘lde, so near wnd
, my “hole norm": system destroyed, and nlso
,my mind, Irnm Lhnt nwfnJ complaint. Dy! c] -l
sin, that my i'riczds thought best to lmv‘mo
~placcd in Dr. Kirkbride's Hospital, We“ Phil
-ndelphi:\; I remained llu-rc nine wot-kg, :‘mlL
thought I wns A little hc-ltcr, hut in a fur dlO5,
‘my dreadful comp! lint was raging ‘usbnd us,»
cvur. ,lluiing :uf the wondeh’nl cures prr-y
inrmod by Dr. Wishnrt's‘Grcnt .\mt-tivun Dys
‘fumsin. l‘illf run] his trmiment for D) apepsiw,'
my hushuuuhc‘xllcd on Dr. “'islmrl and mun-d
,my one to him. He said he’hndv no doubt hm
, would cnrc me. So in three days utter I cull-
Pd and-plzwed m} NM'uth-rxhe I’m lor's tun-La
monk um! In um vim-ks I In'g‘MlJQ (Imam my,
toad, and felt that my niisousc was rust giving:
u .I_\', and I wulimu-d io rvcchr I'nral‘mrl Ihrve‘
n]UIIIh", and at «he Inn-sum lane 1 v-njuy pm.
tru. hmllh nl‘lmiy mul min-l, um! I mm! sin-J
cercly Hum 11 my Ilmuks [.O u mun-if"! “ml and}-
Ilr. Wishmt, and in hi: awn! .\mv‘r‘mm 1)} «J
prpih I'III< and I‘xm‘ 'l'rm-‘l‘ ll' Cur-fin! ~lhux
bun-ed me from an lusnnn Aarlnm 11ml l‘""')‘"‘i
lure fzrnrc. All III'F“OHS Sulferiu: “hln Dya
ju-ju'm we at. becx Ly lo mu] on we or wtilc, ha]
I mu “Illin; to do u]! the gum! I can for suf-fi
'ilbring humnnity. 'Emuuz-m Bauxsox. I
l Ilmndywnzo, I‘el.. I'nrmmly of‘Ulnl Chem-r»
DL-Lm'nrr- vunmy, I‘.|. '
{ Dr. Wishnrt‘s (mire, No.lo 3'oer Second;
ostreul, I’hiludelphia. ‘ ~ ‘ I
I m'smri-‘u‘z msmmsm z
Dr. “'ish'lrt :-—l have bven gl mn‘imnt will
lorcr wi'li Hysprps‘n for the Inn rightm
yours. during: “hivh ”limi- i cqmml. any UIIIL 3
mar u-nj.'.yr d.x peril-ell) \n-ll tiny. 'I heu- wm¢
linn-s u ixuu film sjlrplolus in re morn “52“ an
tell tlmn’iu ullwrn and tin-n il swim-d it wuul-l
lu’ I gi'mt rciiel‘m the. l Inf] :3: n“ times.“
luiplcuauut let-ling l'l my hcul, but lll‘ll‘l'ly‘llli
sud' mtg: to much i'uchnu ml Um! l’nl-cnun: illi
nmzl unfit fur-[gusinuss ofnny kind ; my miviJl
\nu couhnuully fillvfl with yluuln) lllnluhlh
‘n d lurulmnliugs, nnd ll 1 hilt-milled lb rllnhgb‘
their currcnl by reading, at; unce n sensatiou
at in) coldness in u-uu- L'liuu lfillu « dch
Weight, us it. m-rr, null-d upon my lnruilr; nLu‘,
:\ fur-ling. of slukm‘ss wnuld urcu'r qt the Mom;
rub, and grout puin 1.6 my eyrrr. nuom’mnim‘
“i'll which was L 1 e éontimmi’ lenr 01. losing
In) rcn'soh. I nlm Cxprriuncl‘d gzeut luau
‘uvl- , delyilily un-l nervousness, \Vllil’h made IE
dltli 111! {u erlk by duly or iletp at flight. l
lwmme averse Lu such-Ly, mu] disposed 61.1, m
wrlmion, und having lricd lhu skill ol a mum
her of eminent plush-inns ol vnriuus schonls‘
finally crune to the conclusinn um, lur this
«mouse M my pried?!“ mi: (45 years) their wrmx
no cure in existence. But, tlm‘ngh the inter-lb
fen-rm: (If Uinnc Provident-ohm u‘lmm'l dul
\'ouv.l_\' “for my thanks, 1 a: last [unml n smd
nign remedy ixuyonx Dyspepsiu l‘ills MIMI 'I'M
Curdinl, which Ice“! to have ellectuully renum
e.) nlfim‘st 1h: hm trace of my lung: lino! nil
mcms and bad feelings, and in their plfilri
healrh. pleasure and contentment are my every}
I. h'u'xmué, ‘
. Pliilmlrll-hin,
Wuudbury, .\'. J
..eurng w. 4 had no appe-'
tile for any kinds of menu whatever, and my
dishes! ‘wu so great for Revernl momhl below
I heard of~your l’nlla. that l frcquenlly winhed
for Audi. 1 had taken everything that I had
heard of for Dyspepsia, \vilhoul receiving any
benefit; But on your Pills being recommended
to me by one Mm had been cured by tin-111,!
concluded to give then: A trial, nlllmugh 1 had
no wish in them. To my ulonishment,,r‘l
found myself getting better before ‘1 had taken
one-fourth of: box, and, after mkin‘g hull a
box, I am a well mm, and can eat any/(lung Imin,
and enjoy a henriy meal three lines a dny,
wnl’iout income-menu gram nnytbing i eat or
drink. [fyou think pr per. yqu are a! liberty
to make this publlc and refer to me. r Vi”
cheerfully give :11 desirable informllion ‘0 “I
one who may call on me. - 9
Yours, respectfully, Jon 5. Bacon. 1
For m. IL Dr. Wishuz'n Medial DIP“, N 0
10 North Second street, Philsd'lphitt Pia-:-
Priée One Dollar per box; Sun by mafia
of chase, on reccrpl ol‘ prue. .
a , a
The above In n In: “long the urea-pod!
which this zteat remedy ha and mu an")
untimely gram. 1. ‘ , ‘
‘V War has thou-lull o! len-r1 from pin-fl
I cinns Lug} dragging who hue pmcrlbed‘nfi
cold the“ Hodicinn, flying thn they hay’
never med 0‘: sold I mdidnfihkh gave met
universal aunt-anal. _ , §
‘ Prepared on], by tho Wot. g
DR. L. Q. O. wiatispx,
No. unwind-“cm.
f ' ,» ‘W‘th;{,;
Sold 5; onus-«ad ij fl
_Jnh 15.- will“; I"
soon: nu, }
ve Sam :,< ‘
211, 1551.} I
uh much plu
bm you mug-:15
than Dyspepsia
red of that most
win. 1 had been
wt t nty-riglu
,tithuve n 9!
:k at a time. 1
ud hm‘edruggod
r—ili pain day
that I ate fill
.tteud not buzz
A continn