71.001). An extnordinlrlly he": flood occurred in the Susquolunm In} week. Immune destruction of property la reported. The old bridge u Hpflinburg in aid Magnum also one spa ‘ of the Pa. Centnl iron bridge. No {kins from Harrisburg since Fridfiy, became of injnry to the lack of the mhern Control. IF YOU WANT I'o KNOW A little of everything relating to the hum-n system. ml. im’d lfl’lnblc; the cause! antitrust ment of disease: ; the marriage custom! of the world;, how to_ marry well and n thounnd thins: never published before, rend Ihe re vise And eninrged edition of "ledicnl Com. mon Sense,” n cuxiouo book for burions peo ple, and a good book for every one. 400 pagel, 300 llluslrltianx. Price Si 50. Con tents um. um. free to my Address. Books may be Ind in the Book stores, or will be lent by null, poll. paid, on receipt of thoprice.— Addreu ~ E. ii. FUOTE, N. D., Jon. 30 6m 1130 Brmdwny, N. Y. i'éiu MAR ‘ an“ 7:75. GETTYSBURG—Snunmv nun" Flour ......m...............‘.. ......... 9 25 lo 9 50 R 59 F10ur..................'....‘......... , 750 mm Wheat........,.../..._...........\2 341 to 2 ,30 Red WhenL............«.fi.. (f0rn.......................¢... Rye._.....................;‘.... 0ut1.............. ............ “11ck‘hfl1t......... Clover 5eed................. Timothy Seed... . ......" Flu 5eed........,........... Planer of Puri1.,.......‘d. luur ground, boning BALTIMORE—FIinn LAIT. ~.}0 60 £OlO 75 , 2 no To 2 75 . l 70 lo 1 75 _ 1 48 to 1 5.1 . 90 v.O 98 It 00 to“ no 'l7 nolmo oo flout. ' \ th.............. u... (urn.. Um l' -ef Caltlc. per hum! I ogs, per huud........ (7' nv0r.1(~0d.....,....... 11-4 .4 lumlny-w(-d,...4 hi5key...........‘ MARRIED. ' 0n Hue 7th imm, by Reva}. E: Tuqur, nt the rekidem'e afflu- bridc’i fitthor Sir. 11. I“. HORN, nf Sch(-Hshnrgyflh-liford celiz'y, to )I'n-JEN ME A., duugh or of Capt. F3l Dick], 15; Frank lin Kownr! ip, this county. * [fichMish er‘newly mari'icd cofiple nun-I; hawineu. Slang/the journey of life lSe 9 plan'- nill one for them. even unto lhceudw 0n lht‘ 215?. ML, M the resfidence‘of the luidc'u pnronu. by “(‘V. J. ll..\fuaug. Mr. JUHN H. IHDSSI‘IRH‘A), or All md rmml‘y, '0 Nu: EMMA. duuglhwr of Gwrgc I’. We..ver, 0! York county. . : 3%”ohitlmry nutmeg 3 centi per [in' fur all ext-r luur line—«uh to "hump-n) qofifle. .\u hi: Luau-anion”. M. mm, 184-51301». ’ .\lu.\ .\‘l..\,\'fl.\L‘(.‘l!, ugvdjix gear. 4 inunu-s uml 12 mus. ',- V ‘g ' : . Yrr) :dilulen‘y.‘ .(vn Swl’u'xdny week, "I. :S.\\IUEI. MHTZGAR, of Abbottsmwxi, (\ng Guy-«rd U "numb: nn-l 1.: duyq. { .-\t lln‘ house of Wm. ('ulp, th. 16th, 1865, .\frr. l-ZLIZAI'I'ITH CARL, agpul F5l years. , (m the MI: inn. ,lourHem“r.~}'ille.-THO.“.\S .\h \‘IH-ZANY, Sr.. m the hinh year 0! his all“; Near .\'ew “xtunl. on the 2d insL, ELIZA ]Hfl'II. rrllrl n! [Yn- lnte Juhu Tro‘flle, aged 89 30A!" 1 lpunlh mnl L'U day-l. . .\'mr lizul livrlin, nu llu: 81h inst.,Cll:\llLES LLWrS. mu m .\'lchul us and Mnrgnrcl Dump, n-Pml 2 3mm 1 month and 0 days. mmhe 2 llh "I!qu l'hilmlulphiu, .\lr. JUHN’ l'l.|il('ll Ifil'FF. m 1h:- hiululy “Mann-d mg!» of N! )wri nn-l ‘_'4 \I.-3 :_ 'l'lw den-med; mu Juan} _unrsmgn n puwctllflo, quit-t and Bauer nll) roqu-clcd-Cilinen of Adams county. Uu Ilfi; 14. in L, I" .\rhun- (-numy,(:l_£ol'l(‘-l-2 DA VHL mu 0! Jun rs um] Blip: l‘rL-chl, :lgcd I: wars 1 month u’nd 8 duly," (in , lhn Hill) in" , \IAR)’ ‘(K’FHAIHNFL dunner of “on John [ln-ck. of Cnslltown, 8g“! '2 _nun- 3‘ months III!!! 20 |I:I)8. ‘ "lln‘ Hlll llzul .lu'inml [lu- inhnl gem, Uvu'll cmnc‘ and plunked lhc fidwurfl . “'illucrml llw heart, the p.lrenlalcm Ahsl how sml Ihr hour“ ~ \ Vghmgh us vhc luml of dmih has been, \ , , tux-k am \ln- gran nppmrs. Ho \' ;.\\'c tm think that. Katie Xivvs, ‘ ‘l'h’licl‘el mmqm wars. ’ . . “Sum; Jill her earthly mjs~ion_ chime, ‘ KIIHI h-uu-n um it best; .1 , Lhrnnl Llur; s‘hc behulds. ‘_ _ ‘ 1 Like .I "gt-15,. she‘s with Jesus Mest." ‘ A. l. w. ; ~ Pu‘bhc ‘Sale. x it: sou, ‘lho mum-,1 of .\lAlN‘ll 0 ind. , the enlist-filler, intending to mole \Véu: will fill at Public Sula, at his residence, in 3T3 rune township, Anhuns enuntp', nenr lh-izllermurg tlu- [allowing l’elshnnl Property: 1 F \.\lll.\' NURSE, 2 Good Cous,‘l ‘Cult, 3 Slnep, 'lm‘holes, Two-horse Plough, Shpvel l'lgugh, (.lorn l-‘ulk, Double and angle-trees, Sleigh amt ll‘lrneSvl, Cullnrs nnd Bridles, (h indslune, “‘hvclhurrow, Rakes, l-‘urks, Grain ('rxldlt',l.‘l(‘.\'lllcs and Snatlls,.o.|ts and Corn by the burhel, Hay by the lnn,’ Cum-Fodder by the humlle. and Grnin‘in the ground. ‘ .\lsu [luau-hula and Kitchen l-‘ullnilure,sucl| ns llurcuu, lleds'u-udxl, Tables, Chnirs, Cmner ('uphuurd. l-JighbdpyJ‘l‘ut-k, S’unds. fool: Mm e nnll l-‘ixllrrcs,l'l‘e n-pluu- Store and Pipe. 2 Sink-, lrou Kettle? and l'iiufipinningWheel nml Reel, “'oml Chest, Churn, Tut-s, Meat. VossclyVinrgur and llnrrelg, Till-Wlfl'e, Euth i-niwura, Meat and Lard, Apple-bpltx’r, Aim! :1 yuxioty of other articles, too- numerous to mention. . ' ‘ 3 3", ’gtsuew commence in‘“) liplokk, A. 31., ’on any“! day. when’nttendauce will be given Ind terms made “mm by. - ‘ sguvm. HOUDESHELL. A. K. Nye", Auctioneer. , .- Mar. 20. 1865'. M ‘ ' Moro, Phillips) ENUINE IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OI DIME, I‘OI SALE AT HANUFACTUREB’S DEPOTS, No. 27 N. Front Street. Philadelphia} and .\'o , H Po‘zu’awkfifi. BALT'IMOR'E The subscriber b'cgs leave to intorm Dealers and Consumers thit he is now prepared to furnish mom) PfiIILLIPS’ GENUINE l!!- I’ROVEp SUPER HOSPHATE 0F LINE, in any quantities. . The unh’enul satisfaction this articlthns given during the past. four years, bu no in creued the demand that I luv; bcen compelled lo greatly enlarge my capacity {or in manu fncture, and huvehpen induced to ulnhl‘uh L branch house infim city ofßulllmore. lgtrnst that I will be able to fill, All orders during tht 3025011.. Yet may rule isfim comflru mvtd. ' Discount to Dealers. ‘ HOBO PHILLIPS, Sol: Proéxium- nnd Manufacturer. nu. go, 1865._ 'nm Blacksmithms. ’ HE undenigne‘d would most respectfully ' inform the public that he continues the .BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, . at his shop, lately Philip Dcersom'a, ndjoining Troxel'g punt. sho , in East. Middle "reel, Gollyab‘nrg, where 58 will u all times be pre pered to do Blacksmitliing york to Corringe‘l, Buggies, Wagons, 32c. Thu he knows lx'ow to do nlljobn at the kind will not be question“ by than who hove 3 knowledge at his long experience a: the, business. Come on with your vggk, “id you will be utitfied when you unit, ”ray-rpm: for! which he will naive Call: or Comm; Produce, ,/ ADAM HQLTZWOBTS. Nor. 20, 1865. if To Deflectors. THE Cnflec‘on of County and Sate Taxes for 1865 are hereby infom'ed that their Dublin“! no nag, sud they no r-queitqd 19 all for though Mommiuionen' Ufico. ”J. M- WALTER. Cleq'k. ‘ Ihr. 20, 1865.. 3: ; ' ‘ 1 ’ more canvas for an mu ”.1 C unmaupgt'é~. 80310318. Monohig Mandrakel‘ma Faß : sxcx nuoacna, Th!- hee received in neme from 3 content nan-en or sickneu i‘t‘the Itomuh, whlgh n. :tendl the pain In the bend. Thll heuinche il ‘ apt to be begin in the morning on waking from ‘ n deepllleep, Ind when some irregulerity of ‘ diet has been committed on the dny‘before, or lometima for leverel 41y: previone. At firl} there in n djstreuingly oppreuive feeling in ‘ the head, ivhich grndnelly merge: Into n u. vere heavy paln‘in the templel, freqnently u. tended, by n segue of fullness Ind tenderneu' in one eye, end extending ICI'OI: the forehend.‘ There in ‘ clamtny, tnpleuent tnue in the month,“ offensive heath, hug! the tongue covered with I yellowish white fur. The enf terer desires to. be Ilone in a dnrk room. A. noon “the petient feel) the fullneu in the head end pein in the teihplet, take olerge dose of Schenek'l Inn'drnke Pilll, end in en hour or two they will (eel u well u ever... Thin hu been tned by thonlnnde, end in n]. ‘uyg eure.to"‘.‘cur.e, Ipd‘ intend of the nick headache coming on. duty week or ten dnyl, they will not be troubled with it once in three months. , . ‘2 10‘ w 2'l» 1 50 l 65 Sch'enck'l Xaßdmke Pill: no ‘flOlllpOled of a number»! robtgbel‘l‘du Podophiuln, or con. centmted ‘Mmdrgkl'qflhlaf which tend to relax I the secretion: 01 th‘a’lfyerpndjct more pmmpg Ihun blue pills or mcrcury, Ind withoutluv. lug lII] dangerous elccu. In I billou per, son {hey will show mantel": by tho Itooll. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and all morbid matter from the system. In sick headache, if they‘ll": taken as directed Ibah, (a (all dos: 1,! goon as they feel Hie lint Iymp. toms of in) DI". Schenck will and Inn direct ed his agents to return the money if Ill”- do not give pal-feel. sllisl‘actiqn. . If a person hnl been compelled to m, om late at nikhc, Ind drink too much Mug, by taking a ‘ doie of pilllr on going to bed, ne'xt‘ mowing he will feel an thong]: he hld not drunk 3 amp, unless he lumen 16 go lo bed I It all. . ‘ ‘ ... A 1 25 ...u 00 «at; no .. ‘3 .50 to b 00 z 35 um 50 11 so j 1 76 4.32 30 M 35 00 ..15 75 to“) 12 3. :2 7U Lo 3 75 6 75 :o c 87 2 24 to 2 28 They only cat: 2'- cents n box. - Whom-er lakes llleu‘l’ will never use any other. They um worm a dollar to 3 Sick mu faint-very cent they can. K ‘ Don’t. forget the name—Sonnet. lu nnu Plus. ‘ ‘ > Sold whole-ah nndlrgtafl' at. Dr. Schenck‘n l’lincipnl Uflice, Nd.‘ 15, North Sixth ureei, I’yilndclplfiu,*‘und by Dr'uggisla and Store keepers ggnemlly. ’ 11::qu {or Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, ench‘sl7so penboltie. $7 50 the Half dozen, or two lionles or S) rup and one of Tome, {or $3 75. - ‘_ ' A br. Schench wm be at his ofice, Np. 15‘ 'Norlh Sixth Stnct, Philadelphia, every Satur p'ny to are pntienls. [He mak'es n,o charge for nd_\)ics:., but for a thorough examination of the )uugi‘ Wllh his He: niromettr, he chafges 53. Mar. 'lO, 186’. “high“. _ Jury Llstn-Apnl Court. ,’ (mm) JURY. Cumberland—Jacob Lou, (Foaming Frsncil Btoumfllhurki B. Volley. ' . Go‘lurhurg—Rubeqtfilliulc, Jerome Walter. Huntington—Hunt}; Smith. - Frunk!in—Gvoist B. Hank, Jaleph liven.“ Hountplcusanb—Juéub E. Miller, Ju ephTL. Smulh. - ;, ‘ ‘ .\[uun-juy—Mosrs Hartman. liu‘dcr—SMnuul lleuiu, George Kime. " Slrubnn—Jongxs Rube", xyluégsxmcr. Tyrone—Peter Hunu’uor. [Lm‘zilmu—Simop Aillnml, Jacob 84k“. (junuwngu—Mlniil’lihoded. . . Libcrl) “Jucohl‘hkcr. ' " . limufi— Jolxu lioblnz. Hauling—Samuel llcimlrd. . lloruick t 9 —-s_umuel Known, _ . .\lcualleu——Joseph Cline. . (‘o!)‘lMimimtod Slmhnn—Ggorge F. Miller, Daniel [l. Banner, Jessa .\lrcrcnry; Jacub Sindcrs, Jnsoph Rm, mm brow, smm: A. uummd, Jutherlz, Gear-4e Grass. ' Beru‘idC—rUcorge liu‘krr. ' . _ Liberty—lsll}: Kempel, Lewis Wrrlz. ll:lmi|lonhul|-'-Juliu W. .\eronutll. l-‘mnkliu—Fvgnuil A..Swupe, Geolge Cole, .\lugmcl Hui-Her, Samuel Lola; James Rus .se. , Juhu [..mwr. ‘ Cumberlabq—lsuac Duirdorfl‘, H. B. Grower, Jacob l‘lc‘rslu-y, John Crust. ‘ chysbull.s+-Uaniel'J’ineM'urfi',‘ Dr.-‘Jno. A. Swope, Wme. Mun-tin. ‘ .' . Hamilton—George Myers; (Shark: Klnnk. Melmllen—Hehry Eppplmun, Luther Cashnmn, - George Peters, Juicob B. Menl|,~ Samuel (gristL Gideon Bungher. Humingxpn—Schuunn Fiekes, Jphn C. Miller. Imtimore— Andrew Shula. )lounlplmsuut—llenry yielborn; Fungi: Me dlugldy. ' I. an : Freedom—David Rhodliflr. ‘ Tyrnge—George Mae-Hey“ Daniel Trimmer, Conrad Brew). - Oxford-achrislian Zinn. ; Mounvjny—John Eckenroder Union—Joseph L. Sflurh. ‘. : Reading—Francis A. Urudorfl'. Butler—William Guise. ‘ 'Mnr.2o, 1365. to * E invite “taught: to our largemdfiom plete assortment of \ ‘ ‘ \ gRBSH AND GENUINE GARDEN SEEDS, put up by_ ourselves with especiaL cure, om luncing over 200 at its: choicest. varieties, in ' cluding the fol‘owing, viz: »‘ - Bonus. Dw’t, 12 vnriot’l Melon, Hugh, 3 variol’l ” Pole, 3. “: I “ ”Walter, G “ Bgeu, _8 ’ " Mustard, 2 “ nroeolj, g u Mushroom Spun, aruue‘l'l Sprouts,‘ .\'utuniumb Cnbbage, lo ntiet‘l okm, or Gumbo, Cam-ole, . 3 “ Onion, 8 vu‘iot’a ) uhliflower, 6 “ ‘Plnley, 2 “ getryg al3 A" Puanip, 2 “ Ce, rip'c, ,- ‘v' Pena. . .16 “ Coleworu, f Pumpkin, 2 “ Corn Salad, _ . Corn, ' 5 0 ~ Radish, 19 “ Chicory, (for'colee,) Snlsily, O ' Creu, ‘ ‘ , V Scorzpnul, Cucumber, a variet’s Spinach, : ," Egg Plnut, 4 I“ Squall, B‘~ 4‘ Endive, ‘2 i“. Tomnlo, 9 “ Kale , 3 “ - Turnipy‘ 9 “ Kan! Rabi, a u Ham, :3 u Leek} “ Sugnr One, 4 “ Lettuce, 11 “ Tobncco, I “ : LAWN cuss SEED, 10.,10. We isnno,.fer gntuitoul diuribntion, 1 . DE§CXHPTLVE LIST, . which can be had on application. _ Psrlies at I distance can obtain Seed: by uni} withouthdelay Lwhen ordnea to amount of 60 cent: or upwards, they will b. lam. poum free, Corn, Bum, Ind Pens excopud, which will require [5 cent: penqunrt Iddi (4 all for postage. ’ ‘ ‘ “Dragging Shrekeepen, cud Duhn‘ generllly luppliedflin. Inge or mull quilti tie’l,) m. Wholeule ntel. ‘ .f EDW’D‘J. EVANS LOO” ‘ ¥ 1 No. 9 Noah George Street. , Mar. 20, 1885. In: ‘ York, Pt. . Notice. , 5 ‘ HE first: um! final Iccouut qr Sufism“ T;Smul, Committee of heat: Picket, (lun lue,) Inc of Hunthgton townlhipi in' de cemd, In: been filed In the Conn 01 Common le'o! Adlll cglnly, sud will be confirmed by an ma Court, :11 Z" 17:: 3:! of APRIL nan unleu cs u on: com" _ ' , ”$4003 BUSHEY, mm". Hg. 20, 1865. w ‘ ‘ EV! MUMPER having purchased Smunel L Waived: PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, il °prepami to wont: work in 1‘ line equal to my establishment in thegSlaue. if ya: denim n good likeness, finished “cording to walnut ‘ improvomonu in tin pa, call u my thou Inga-mm“, _Gmery, in Wm man “not, Gwyn)“; ' [la. 9, 1&9. In E’mn‘romP Own up Can GENERAL Jr.“ Fresh» Garden ‘ Seeds. Pepper, Pictures !‘ Pictures! Bealaces Nodes. NOTICE h lamb, given to All Locum nut “Mr potion. concerned, flat the ML minhmw Account! hereiufin melanoma will be presumed n th- Orphnn'n Conn oil Adnm county, for confirnution 3nd Allowance, on MONDAY, tho Nth dny 0! APRIL, 1865, n 10 o’clock, A. I, viz: 119. The first Ind finnl Guardian neeoum' of Samuel Roth, Gulrdinn of Daniel Stump, ’ minor child of John Stump. dean-ed. r 136. The first. account of George Flick inger And George Loggh. Executon ofJobn Flickin er. late of Berwick township. 3 137. ‘fihird and final account of Solomon ‘ Starner, J r., Administrator of Solomon I Sterner. Sr.. deceased. ‘ ,l 138. The first. account of Peter Sell and Andrew Sell, Executor: bf Abrahun Sell, deceased. 539. First And final account of Daniel Baker, (Pollen) Executorof Molly Met, deceased. 140. The account ofJohn Edmen Hersh, Executor of the last will and legument of John Hersh, late of Tyrone township, Adams county. 1 141. The account of Willinm Weikert, Executor of the last will and testament of Solomon Sell, low of Little-town, deceased. ‘ 142. The fin: end line] eoconnt ofAmoe Lefever; Adminietntor de bonil non cum* testamento mnexo, of Abraham Biehl. de-l med. ' 143. The account of Lavinia S. Diehl, Execulrix of the will of fibrin Beaver. dec. ‘144. Second and final amount ol Henry Banner, Administrator of Albert 8. Valen tine. deceased. 145.. The second and final account of meD. Taylor, acting Adminiltrator of the estate of Joseph Taylor, late of Heml len township, deceased. 146. Slapplemental accountof Sarah M. Beard, A ministmtrjx of Levi Beard, dec. ‘ 147. Guardianship account of Isaac; Light-' not, Guardian of the person a‘nd «stale of‘ George chob Fetterlnolf, deceued, minor son of #00!) Fetter-1101f, deceased. - 148. bird account. of Daniel Geiselman, Inrviving Executor ol the last will and ten tamont of Abraham Reifl', deceased. 149. First and final account of Daniel] Smith, Executor of the last will Ind tenu ment of Jane Morrison-deceased. ’ 150. The first and final account of Jacob Martin, Guardian of Andrew J. Lockart' and Mar Iret Jnne Lockart, minor chil dren of Dimes Lackart, deceased. 151. Third account nf.Chriatien Kent?- man and Henry Kaul‘l’man, Executor: of Henry Kaufl'man. Sr.. deceased. ‘ 152. The account. of Wm: Rosa White, ‘Adminielmtor of the estate of Jeremiah Sheetsfdeceased. " . 153. The first account. of William Rosa, Administrator of the estate 6! James Ew ing, late of Franklin township. deceased. 154. The second and final’uoeount. of Michael Dietrich, Administrator .ot the estate of Willinm Gurdncrplate of Butler township, deceased. 155. Guardianship account. of Samuel Bucherfiuardian of Mary Elizabeth Heinlz elman. late Deardm-fi‘. ’ 156. First account. of Abralam Way bl‘ight, Executor ot' the [ant will and testa m'ent of Deborah Lr-atlierman. (186935941. 157. Account of Thomas 1:. Reed. Trul tee for the sale of the real estate of John Jacob Pfefl‘er, deceased. ' SAMUEL LILLY, Register. } Register’a Office, Gettysburg, \ Mar. 20, 1865. w“ . i ‘ ' Great. Gift Distribution. ' WATCHES,CHAINS,DIA— -200.000 .\iusuqlxcs, £50., worth OVCJ' USP} MILLION DOLLARS! All to be Sold for Une Dullnr cach‘, without K rch}rd to mine. '0: to be paid for until you Know “'th you t are to Receive. SPLENDID LIIST 0F ARTICLES. , All to be sold 11m $1 1m cawh, 250 Heuls’ Uuld Hunting-Cute Watches, « 350 to $l5O 250 Lndies' Gold and Ennmeled ‘ Case “'ntches, 500 Genls’ Hunting-Cause Silver 3 Watches, ‘ 35 " 70 200 Dizuuoud Rings, 50 “ 100 2,000 (i’uld Vrst and Nerk‘Chnius, 15 “ 30 3,000 (KIN UN! “and Bracelets, ¥4 " 8 5,000 L Meg Quld ”mu-lets; 5 “ '.O 2,000-(‘hw'lniznc Chain: 3 Uuajd Chains, ‘ / 5 “ 7,000 Solitaire nndGuld Brooches, 4 “ 2,000 ann & Florentine Brooches, ¢ “ 5,000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches, 5,000 llusaic,'Jct, Luna. and Flor- enline Eur Dmpe, _ @5OO Gugul, Owl, and Emerald .1‘ llus‘Diops, 4,000 California D‘inmond Breast e ”35»; _A ,_ ‘ .250" 3,ooo‘Gold Fob and Vest. Watch Keys, 2 2 50 “ 4,900 Fob‘nnd Vest Ribbon Slides, 3 “ 5,900.8“; ot Solitaire Slcm‘e.flul- , ~mils, Studs, etc., ‘ 3 “ 3,000 Guld Thimlrlcs, Pencils, eta, 4 “ 0,000 Miniature Lockets, 2 50 “ tlooo ‘ '_‘ ‘ 1‘ Magic Spring, ‘3 “ 3,000 Gold‘l‘oolhpigks. L‘s-unset, elm, 2 ” moon Plain uom mugs, 5,000 Ghaaed Gmld kings. 10,000 Stone Set & Signet Rings, 2 50 " 10,000 California Dinmuud Rings, 2 “ 7,500 Ben Lgdies' Julelry—Jet Ind Gold, , 6,000 Sets Ladies'Jewelry—Cnmeo, Pearl, etc.,~ 10,000 Gold Penn. Silver Extension Holden and Pencils, 10,000 Gold Penn and Gold Mount ed Holden, ‘ 5,000 Gold flPena and Gold Exten ‘* lion Ho era, 6 “ 10 0,000 Silver Goblets and Drinking _/ Cups, - ‘ ‘5 “ 60 8,000 Silver Gators, . 15 “ 50 1,000 Silver I-‘ruit L'Clke Bake“, 20 " 50 Hours. I‘. t H, GARGHAN &. 00., lIG Broodvuy, New York, extensive Innufutur on And Importer: of all the loading and malt. fuhionlble Itylea of wucass and JEWEL. BY, deliring w inure-. 59 their busineu m an unlimited extem, have resolved upon I GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, subject. to the regula tions following: ' Certificates, nnmlng each article nnd its nlne,l are placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. One of the: envelope: will be lent by null to my ndrlreu 3 receipt of 25 cents. fi-All nrticlea sold at Don Dollu each, ,wlthont regard to value! .7 On receipt of the Certificate you will lel what you on going to hue, and then It in at your option to lend the \lollnr and take the Irtlcle or not. Purchaser: may thus obtain n Gold Wntch, Diamond king, or on: Set of Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAR, Ind in no one can they get lcu than One Dol an worth, on there are no blanks. The co of Certifigntu is us follows 2 One (or 25 cents; five for $1 ; eleven for $3; thirty for $5 ; sixty-five for $10; one hundred tor $l5. =1 ‘Ageuts will be allowed ten cents on every Geruficete ordered by then, provided their re mittance Imounu to One Doll-r. Agent: will collect 25 cents “every Certificate, and remit 15 cent- to nl. el in cash or postage shape. 'l‘. l H. GAUGHAN k 00., 116 Broadway, New York. am, 20, 1865. St Assignee’s Notice. E nndenigned, having been appointed Auignu, under a deed of trust for the benefit of creditors, of Pun 05300:" Ind W 113,“ Mountjoy township, Ad‘nnn county, notice in hereby given to :11 persons knowing tbemselvu indebted to sqid Auignors to nuke immediatepoyment to the undersigned, unid ing in thevl'nme township, and thou hnving chin" ngninnt the some to prelent them properly nnthenticnted for settlement. HENRY BEITLEB, Auignee. . Feb. 13, 1885. St XCRLSIOR l EXCELBIOB ‘ a EXCELSIOR ll Tho Emilio! Washing nubile in the but in the World. Cd! 4nd mind it u once.— Ufico c! the Panic: Byvligln 6:11.13. 'l‘ SDI! BBO‘I'B BS. . oto m. 1308* an.» Gm unions» covea'guwr. N TUESDAY, the 28th In] of “308 next, the Inbealher, intending to quit houuhepinz, will eell nt Public Sole, It 11l midenee, in Franklin town-hip, Adena con ty, on the old Berlin roed, 2 mile. well. of Arendteville. ell his penonnl property, viz: l FAIILY MARE, 2 000,1 Shale, Spring anon, Bu‘irgy and Home“, Sleigh Ind Belle, One-hone ngou Bed, 1 do. Hey ledere, Ber- ehen Plough,one-horee Bur-.heu Plough, 2 Double Short-l l’loughs, 2 Corn Forks, Sin. gle Shovel Plough, Double and Single-trees, Forks, Rakes, Winnowing Mill, 4 Mnuocke, I‘, Shorell, Spnde, n lot of Horse Gears, fuch u Collars, Bridlee, llerneu, 'l‘rncee, Breech- ‘ bendl, 3 Riding Bridlee, final-rote Riding Sed dlc, 2 Side Saddler, 300 ynrda of Rope, Grind etone. Wheelbarrow, a lot of Cooper Tools, A ‘lol ol Carpenter Tooll, such as Planes, Chisels, iALgers, Brace find Bills, Work Bench and l Screw, a lut’ol‘Graniug Boxes. Also, his en ,tire Household and Kitchen Furniture, con ieisting of Beds and Bedding, 2 Bnrceul, 3 Tables, 2 Smlu, Corner Cupboard, 2 sets of Choir: and Rocking Chnirl, 1 Desk, 2 Clock: ‘ (one an eight-dam) 2 Chest-I, I» lot of Cerpet, I Wood Box. Cook Stove, nearly new, Ten-plnte ‘Store, Sheet lron Store, [ran Kettle; Bacon, Lerd and Tallow, by the pound, Apple-butler 'by .the crock, Pontoon end Turnip: by the I bushel, with n grentmny articlee, 100 numer ,onl to mention. Also, nlarge lot of FRUIT ,TREES, which will he sold in email lotsfor my entire nook ol‘ treee, n to suit porch-sen, [consisting of Apple, Peach. Peer, ”Cherry, , Plum,Apricot, 8c.,0f the choicest grnlXedfrnit. ‘ Q's-1e to commence at 9 o’clock, . 51., on nid day, when allendsnee will be given end terms mule horn by - . ' J. H. RgIFFENSPARGI-IR. John llanee. Auctioneer. ’ ‘ l-‘cb. 27, 1865. u' 3, ' ' ’ Pubhc Sale. N SATURDAY, the 253.!) day of MARCH instant, the undersigned, inkndin‘g to re nmve lrom the plnce, will ofl'er at Public Sale, at his residence. in East. York street, Gettys burg, the tollnwing articles, viz : ' 2 new SPRING WAGONS, second-hand Spring Wugon, Sulky, set of first-rate Buggy Harness, A lot of Hickory Plunk, I lot of iron, to. Also, Household Ind Kitchen Furniture, viz: Parlor Store. Template Stove and Pipe, 2 set} of Chairs, 2 Bedstesds, Tables, Rocking Chairs, Wash and Candle-lunch, Churn, Grindstone, Barrels; I. 10:. vi Tin-sure, and many other articles,:too numerdus to mention. WSnle (o‘cémlnence at 1 o’clock, P. LL, on said duy,when alttendance will be given and tenns mnde known by ' . 1 P 111“? DGJRSOM A. W. Flemming. Adctioneer. . March 6, 1805. (q A Valuable Farm 'l‘ PRIVATE BALM—The lubloriben, A Executor: oi the last will And teltdgnenl 0! Leonard Delsp, deceased, offer at Private Sale, the following Real Estate of laid 51¢. ccdeut, viz: ' 1 ‘ ‘ A FARM, situate hi Tyrone township, Adam: county, Pm, ndjoinithnuds of David Yohe, Danirl Brnme. Rudoiph Deitrick, Ind others, ‘ cpntaining 200 Acres, more or 1011, about. 50 acres of which qre'woodlnnd and 30 Acre: ‘ meadow. The improvement: In v v a Two-story ‘ “'enlherbonrded ‘.= HOUSE, 2 Tenam "Dupes, lnrge 75" fig Lug Barn with 2 “'flzon Shed: ’\..,. V - attached, Corn Crib; Smoke House, bprmg .Houae, 2 good‘ Otchi-rdn, nn'd n ueverfniiing ’apring nexu- the‘honse. The" in A “team of wan-r running through the farm. firl‘crsunr wishng to View the propcr‘y will in: lewn the wine by calling on Daniel Dulup, residing lineup". _ _ 4 Feb. 6, 1865. If Cofl‘ee. ~ > A OH‘IC: or 11;": Sun MILLS, 1 .\u. 2.3 Sputh From. Street, , 3 {mum-Mum.) 7 UR public is rtspecuully intormed that we r hue appointed :Meurs. BUYER & SUN \: nolesule Agra”. tor’thc sale ol’a.) uul’ cele bmml hrvuuL- of : ~ aurmuun Ptufimnno COFFEES, surh us Rio, Jnvn, Tquu-y, Dnndelion, French “I‘...“th and himmf (Sum-es. Thc public is tetfineclluny wiicited to try it. as we are confidem it. is the bcsjl. article in uw. 35 " 70 THE:T R A D E npplied l-yhlessrs. flu) er .2 Sop, at Mnuumc tun-fa prices. - - Feb. c, was, 2m; HENRY Immune; ESTATE—Letters of ndulinislrflllOU‘OD. the estate of Henry Inc-ll], Lac at Huntington township, Adnml county, 11-u'iug been granted 28 .the undersign ed, the lirat named ”residing in Cumberland tp. and the last nnméd in Huntington tp.,they hereby give notice lo all persons indebted to laid estate to make immediate payment. And those having claims against the lame to pre sent them properly authenticated for nettle: uncut. FRANCIS DREAM, 4" 8 4" a_ 4" 6 March 6,.1865. 6t Notice. 3026111) menu's ESTATE.‘—Letterl J tesumeninry on the damn: of Leonard clap, [Me of Tyrone township, Adam: count}, decanted, having been granted to" the under signed, reaming in the nine township, they hereby give notice to nu person: indebt ed to mid eltnte to make immediate pnyment, Ind than having claims against die name to present them properly authenticated for let tlement. JOHN DELAP, ‘ DANIEL DELAP, Feb. 6,1865. 6t Execute”. 5 1, 15 4 " 10 3" 8 ‘THB undersigned,‘Audiwr appointed by the Court of Common Plens of Adan“ conn. 1;, to dinuibute the bulnuce 01 funds on-the third account of heel) Lndy,Comminee ol the person and estate of Henry Lady, I. lnnntlc, to and among the partial legally entitled thereto, hereby given notice_|lmv. be will “(and to flu: duties of his nppolntment, at. 10 o'clqck, A. IL, on TCESDA Y. the 21:: any of IIARu‘H, A. D., 1863, at. his ofl‘ice, in this borough of Getty:- burg, when and where all parties juterealed may-appear. W. A. DUNCAN, ‘Andiwr. March 6, 1865. at v ‘ ARY BROUGH'S ESTATE—Letter! of administration on the estate of )hry Brough, late of Hampton, Adams county, decessod, having been granted to the under signed, raiding in the tune place, be here by gives notice to ali’persom indebted to said nut. to nuke immedinte payment, And thou huing claims ngsinat the sum: to prennt them properly authenticated for settlement. 8 LEVI cunomsrm, Adm'r‘. Feb. , 865. ct _ HE hooks for Cumberland (own-hip Bann ty Tax (ox-1864, an in the buds of the (Selector, Lewil A. Buhman. Prison! Ire urged who prompt in the payment or their taxes. By ‘ordcrof the board, ABRAHAM PLANK, Pres't. N. Llfll‘l‘lll, Sec’y. ‘ Much 6, 1865. 3‘ Lands! Lands! APT. H. CHRITZMAN, havingjnu return ‘ed from s trip to the West and :1] the LAND regions in God's gm: labyrinth, liq would inform the citizen: of Gettylburg Ind in vicinity, that he is prepared, not on!y to ofl'er OIL LANDS, Hut LANDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Perlons whiting Harrisburg would do well to cull, u be will furnish I” in tonation. , H. OURITZMAN. Jun. 2, 1865. t! - T 8150 ‘PER MONTH, 11 relilbic Canvn- A urin every town and county, {or the Nurse lug Spy, the moat interesting end, ex citing book ever published, embncing the Id ventum of a Woman in the Union arm] n Nun‘s, Scout end Spy, giving a most vivid inner pictuu of the Win We here Agent: cleuing $l5O per month, which we will prove tony doubting applicant. Bend (or circu lm. Addreu “JONES BROS. t 00., 600 OHISNUI‘ Street, Philadelphix, PA.” ‘ Inch 13,1886. at - Public eile. JOHN DEL‘AP, DANIEL DELAP, Executor- M. MYERS & CO Notice. GEORGE BREAM,‘ ‘ Administrnlon Notice. Notice. mm Wanted, Poor Hofiso'Aoconnu. AOO3 SBAD3= 801., fun-hr, II no ”lmm bit-clan um Poo: nu! 311.33... a! latter-u: of tho Gout; 9f Mums—hing from In sth day 0! Imam A. D., 1864, to thc 2d wbihu‘m A. D., 1865: To order (in Coral] Freighter, U ~ ( u u 1 u u ‘ u , noooo “ 1 " :00 oo n ‘u ; u 500 no u u ' u - 500 00 n u l u . 700 00 u U ' ' u ' 600 00 u ’ u . H Y 600 00 l! (l w 1| ‘ ‘OO 00 u i ,“ , I 2 )300 00 ‘ u u ‘ u . 1 1200 00 Bnlnnoe on Account. GIG. 3. Han", ‘Exqq Comma. olJAcob Dou- ’ y ‘ dorfl'flnnzfic, ’ . ' 327 43 Cult x etched {gown I. 11. Boning", ; procgedl of penonol cinch o! « GulVice, decmtd; (coloredfi 18 00 Cash received from Jno. Lilla, Esq., on settlement of hubs“- nlillt, 18 00 Bnlnnce duo Truum', OE. By bnlnnce due Treunm- It In: , leltlenunt, . Out-door pupeu' lupport, 814 50 Herchnndiuentgrouriec, 2,743 6'! Pork, beet Ind 1311?, - i 1.620 27 Con, been-uh,“ ep ‘8 Itackhogt, 1,117 64 Flour, gnin and grinding. 737 78 Mechanics' work, - . 576 34 Brick,lnmber and donut-. 031, $96 29 Drug: and medicines, 1' 104 8§ Wood chopping and linking fanco, 270 76 Cloverteed t Freight, Sundry “pom”, Earning implemenp, Publishing accounts, 77 25 Funuilexpensu, 93 15 Miner refunded, . 25 00 111. hirelinfl, ‘ , 233 50 «Female hire] ngl, :08 00 Per cenuge and fee: on inlnnnce, 87 44 Direclon' “1.17, 65 00 Counul tees $142.8!!! com 550 29, ‘ 80 29 Phylicinn‘l ulnry, :00 00 Stoward'l lalpry, ‘ . 250 00 Clerk’l lulu-y, 40 00 Treuurqr’l lulLl’],v . 40 00 We, the lublcriberl, Auditor: to settle and adjust the Public Accounts, do hereby certify that we haveiexnmiued the item: which com pose an foregoing account, lud tho! \hey are correct—being from the 6th day 'oflunuary, A. D., 1864, to the 2d day 'of Joqury, A. D., 1865, both day: inclusirp. J. H. SHIREIAN, JACOB HULL” JOB. BURKEE, ‘ Auditors. ACOB CULP, Elq., Stew-rd, in lccount J With the Direcm‘n of ‘he Poor qnd House 0: Employment of the County of Adam—be ing from the 6th day of Jlnuuy, A. D., 1864, to the 2.1 day of January, A. D., 1865. both days mcluaive: - ’ DR. To balance in hand! of Steward It hm settlement, ‘ Cnsh of Samuel Hutu], Hay! ‘ _ ‘ Dm'id Neely, fitter dea‘h, John Pfouu, for “I 103:, 3 00 Charles Gulp, lor clock, 1 00 Dtied beef, ~ - 140 Joseph .\lcKell'ip, l2‘ 75 Andrew Pally, interest, 9 9'! Tallow, ‘ , 60 49 llgtty Lettuce, . 4 l 00 Win. Somers, James McCullough, for shinglel, Cow, mob Miller, enst:ngs t FM Rye. John Creu, {at lhinglu, Pasturagv, CM Bed tour/tee, By general expenlel, ‘ . $36 24 Cash pnid hirclmgs, haunting, kc., 103 50 Removing pauperl, 4 35 Relief to paupcrs, . , 8 05 Funeral oxpennu, - \lO 08 l-‘ruitand \‘egeflhlel, 12 12 Lime, Mummies, Beef, pork,‘tc., ‘ 3 70 Fish,- 8 75 Post-fiulegnplflc delpuchel, 169 Groce c., . 47 69 . _ $265 as Bulance in hands of Slcwu‘d, 20 16 We. the aubgcribers, Auditors to some and Adjun thne Public Accogn'u, do certify um. we hu'e examined the.items which compare the above occoum, und do report thot the same in correct—the same ombrociug the occount of Jacob Culp, tewlrd,—lrom the sth day of January, A.‘D.%1864,t0 are 7th do, at Jonuary, A. D., 1865, both day-incluliu. v , J. H. SHIREMAN, r - JACOB HULL, 1 JOB. BUBKEE, . t - Auditors. [ST 0F PAUPEBS rgmainlng in tha Alml Home of Adam county, on the 3d day of January, 1865!. ‘ ‘ . miles, a ‘l ‘ 53 Fem-yes, ' 36 Children, 3‘ u Colorcég ~ ‘ . 8 x ? , '— Tdm, ; A s » .111 Tnmienl en, , 430 113005??ng null-mu" m 4. ‘ Wheat,, bush‘elu, \ 352 om. . 2‘ , x 275 Rye ‘5 \\ ‘ 50 13quth 4‘ \ 15 Corn‘, “ in (In, \ 400 Timothy". \ ~ 3 Onion, V“ \~\ J 0 Beets, “ , ‘ I: Pol-toes. “ 100 Turnip, “ I ‘_. 5 Land- of Cornlodder, a Tool of Hay,‘ ‘ 190; Bend: of Cabbage, ¢ 500 Pound: of Pork. ’ . . 2,614 ~ Pounds of Beef, 143‘ ~ ‘ JACOB .CULP, Suwud. line]: 6, "65. 4t Assessment—Last Notice. OTICE I: herebngiveu that HENRY A. PICKING,EIq., [Lu been appoint/:11 Agent of the “Adams County Intnal Fm Inlunnce Cumptny,” with nuthoriiy to I’ECGIVE und coL lecz the ASSESSMENT UFTHRBE PER BEST. whifi Wli levied on Premium Notelon the mm of September, ISM—nil immediate payment will be made Lo him Accordingly, or to Dr. E. G. Fans-root. Tmmrer of the Compuny. IXTIIACT nox I'll IY-LAWI Section 19.~—Whenover on Anesmnent Vshnll ha“ been nude upon the premium not”, and the sum determined which etch person shall pny on his note, if such sum shall not be paid within ram-n days that the nine shall hme been demnnded in behalf of the Conplny, the longer! may, At their option. onnul the policy of lnlnnnu upon such notice, and retain nid note and collect thereon lunh sum ensued.“ By order of the Board of lung", ~ 030. SWOPE, Prel’t. D. A. Bunul, Sec’y. , Much 6, 1865. at For sale 01' RSI“. ACRES, more or legs, of Land, in Butler 2 lownalfippn the Huntonwvu road, nbou‘t 3 miles Iron: Heidlenburg, neu- Diebl'l mm with I. new two-atom Fun" Bonn und Bitch-i en, Stable, well of rm. mind. #1:. Born in n fine chuu‘ to: 1. null propeny. Imme dlm -pcsmsion will be given. . "~ WI. IIcCLEAN,’ Feb. 331865. at ‘ Gettysburg. \I.. some: in just received I 10¢ 01 J. the-p Looking Gina“. « ~ ———»~ -- ~ ~ - .7-.__ ~__ - ,- ~x-7~-~--a-01~ ’ Agricultural Chemical 0033 j ‘U. s, 7.30 Lam, 83A? FERTILIZERS. , a . i 0.11:. Permian wag-rod by the Agrlcnl. l:BY “mm" at tho 8"";“7 ““437: 3 lunl Cheulctl 00., (I ompuy alumna by “'3': ‘h underligned u n“, ‘ ‘the Legislature with n clplul of $250,000,) General Subscription Agrncy for th‘ In]. 0! have be“ proud in pmtlce l 0 le—lho (helpv Unned But" Trnnuy Nat“, NIH“ ”'O3 (on, most profitable and be", for the firmer, in»! mm “mm per mm- laurel! pei-anuu Gnrduor Ind Fruit-grown,“ Allconeenmood in w ' my ' ' 1 ' manure: npw ohm! in any rank“. ’1'!» °:1 ‘ ' i Compuny'l 1m embracu the following: 3700 00 300 on 800 00 PABULBTTE This Fertilizer is com . pond at pight soil and the {ex-mixing elements of urine, combined chemically 3nd mechtnicnlly with other "In- Ibl. fertilizing Agent- and Abnorbenu. It in reduced to u pulveruleul condition; ready for immediate use, and without ion of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properties. It: universal applicubxlity to I“ crop: Ind soils, And its durability and flCllVe quslitiog, Ire well known to be I” lint Igrkulturisu en delire. Pun $3O "I won. K CHEMICAL compos'r. Ehizf‘fi‘: rgely composed of unimal unturnuch II t, bone, firh, lather, hair and wool. to gether with chemical: and inorglnic tannin", which decompose the rum, and "all an nitronnoul clemenu. It in I very ulnable feniliter for field crop: genorclly, Ind especinlly for potato“, Ind garden purposu. , In excullcnt qu-liuu, strength and cheap. neu, hue made it wry mph: with .1] who Imp und 1:. . _ ' “' llcl, $OO as fol. ’ 810,363 4: 328 52 $10,591 94 $371 88 - ' - - Thin _hlghly Composxte Peruhzar. phoaphnic fertilizer in particulnly- ndlpted for the culti vation of tgees, fruits, lawn: and ”O'CII.‘ It ‘will promote a very vigorous nnd healthy growth of wood :nd fruit, Ind lugely increase the quontity Ind perfect the mummy of the fruit. For hot-house and household plnnts and flowers, it will be found In indispensable article to some their greatest perfectlon. It will prevent" god cure dluued conditions of the pelcl and gape, Ind ll czcellent for gun and [urns lt in composed of web element; It nah it adopted to the growth of ull kinda of crop in all kind: of aoill. .- _- 818 15 45 43 00 119 60 Tho formula or method of combihfng‘ it: constituent fertilizing ingnedienu have re ceived the higheluppmul oi eminent chemilu and scientific agricultnrilu. 4‘ ancl, $5O nu Toll. ' - The A lcultunl Phosphate of Lxme. cmfiir Com. pany manufacture. Phosphate of Lime in IC cordnnce with a. new 3nd ulunble formal: by which I very superior article is produced, no 3| to be afforded ntnleu price tlnn other manu facturers charge. Practical u have proud thatitl value, I; a fertilizer. in ucl to the belt Phosphate of Lime ii: the Inn t. final, 560 n: rox. ‘ $10,591 9‘ TERMS CASH. All Order‘- ol‘s Ton or more, will be delivered It ebe Railroad Station: and the Whmel of Shipment, free of cw“.— Cannge will be charged on All orden of 6 barrel: or leu. _ ‘ - ‘One dollar per Ton allowance for aruge will be made on all sales delivered at the Works of the Company, on Cannl Wharfi AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CDJS WORKS, A - CANAL Wnnr, on nu Dxnwul.‘ Ofice, “3} Arc]: SL, Philadelphia, Pa. ‘ R. B‘. FITTS, Senor-[Agent ’ $24 40 3 80 :20 00 The Company’s Pamphle; Circullr, embljngh in full directions (91’ using the above Fern lizers, sen; by mail, (reg, when requested. MB Mar.13,‘1865. 6m ‘ 628. Hopkins' 00? SKIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 6.8 ARCH SL, above 61h, PIIILA Wuoussu um Rsnu. The most complete assortment nd best quslit, snd styles of Ladirs', )lisses’ ”slit Chil dren’s Boo! Suns, in the City. hose of “003 Own Mus,” sre gotten up expressly to meet'the wsnts of Fine! Cuu Rum Tum, embracing sll the new and desirsble stfles, sizes, lengths end size w-iste, in trail and plein SKIB’I'SJ from 19 to his springs, from 33 to M inrhes long, and 2}, 2}, 2!, 3, 3}, 3}, end 3} yers round the bottom; milking more than a hundred varieties for Ladies; in Misses and Children's SKIRTS we are beyond I“ compe tition; all that are made by us heve srurln on the kid pod “napkins’ Hoop Skirt Mnnu~ fectory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philnds.," Ind ale wsrnnted to give eatisinction. fiAgentL for the "NEW FLEXIBLE" SKIRT, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, equal to Bradley's “Duplex Eliptic" Skirt, and at much lower prices. ' ' Also, constantly in receipt ofs full assort ment ofgood Eastern made Skirts which are being sold at very low prices.—Kid padded and metalie fastened 15springs 85 cents,2o springs 51 00, 22 springs SLIS, 30 springs 51 259. d 40 springs $1 50. SKIRTS mlde to order, al tered Ind repairied. Terms Gallup—One Prize Only. For Circn‘lsr conulnlng Cstelagns o! styleg, levths, sizes sud Prices, cell at or «1' dress by snail, inclosing Stem’p tor—Postage, "HOPKINS' HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTURY, No. 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA." ’_ Man?!) 6, 1865. Bus QM 8 80 96 00 “'5O 8 20 lin 3 00 660 2 60 45 ee / (10 $285 99 ‘32:: 4 00 • 25 Gd $285 99 Wm. Blain & So'nJ ORNEB OI" HANOVER k SOUTH 81‘s., 0 CARLISLE, PA. le Wuduun “If Rum Guocnr um Qunxuun! Bron. ‘ . Just'opened with t’reali Ind good, Goods, '3 choice vaflety of every thing Dill-l", kept in ; fink that More. ‘ , . Particular attention give}: in the lelec'tion of nice nu (if , ' A CHINA t .(mm'rs WARE, CHOICE nus, , commasvmns, smups, Spice). Flavoring Extracts. Canned and Pickled Fruits, Worcestershire, Cumberland, end other Sauces, Cheese, Crackers, » end everything else in ou'r line, that n dil crimineting p‘ublic mey require. Full assortment: of COAL 01L LAMPS, Writing Papers, Qneenewere, Willow, Cedar, Stone and Earthen Weret, Sell, Fleh, Oill, IRON end,NAILS, kept constantly on hind. Goods will he replenhbed frequently, ept clenn nnd‘nice, lold at the [oven pouible pricel, end delirergd at any part of the town. Please give ne a call. ' , WM. BLAIR 'l, SON. Cerliele, March 6, 1865. lm _ ”Cub paid for Country Produce. Adams County MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY hwononnn, luc- IS, 1851. Pmident—George Svope. Vice Prelident—Snmnel 8. Email. Secretary—D. A. Bnehlcr. Treasurer—E. G. Fabian-took. Executin Committeorllobert )lcCurdy, Aa drew Heinuelmsn, Jncob King. Hamill—George Swope, D. A. Bnehier, B. )lchrdy, D. NeCre-my, 11. Eichelberxor, S. R. Russell, E. G., Fnhnumk, A. D. Buchler, R. G. McCrenry, Gettylburg; Jncob King, Stru bnn townlhip; A. Heintzelmnn, Franklin; Wm. D. Rimes, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Ben deraville; H. A. Picking, Strnbnn township; John Woifvrd, Lnfimoreiowmhip;lohn Web I ing, Em Berlin; Abel ’l‘. Wright, Benders-l ville; Abdiel I". Gitt, New Oxford; Jul. 8.? Hauhlll, Hamiltonbnn town-hip; John Uum ningbnm, Freedom township; John Horner, flountjoy township. fi‘l'his Company is limited in it! opera tion! to the county of Adam]. Dbu been in ’ opepuion for more than H year), and In thnq period in: mule but one uses-meat, hnvingx paid losses by fire during tblt period nmonnt- i in to 51i,088——56,76’5 of which have been! paid during the but two yous. Any person ' desiring In lnmmu can apply to any of the wovenmedlmgm for further information. “”7119 Exullive Committee meets at the dies of the Company, on the int Wednes day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Mn. 13, 1865. u Plug? Fortes. _ _ CHARLES M. IEFI‘, Aucuoneenng, i nucucruux o ' ICIIARD TBlflflflmai‘Su-‘han tovnnhlp , GRAND AFD SQUARE PIANO FORTES 1 .Adnt count], PL, has command “boundary 103. 105 t in Franklin moi 8A E CRYING, Ind will be happy to “and to , Wursroon, N 0.17 North Liberty ltreeu All all. um nuyhc nude. He will do hll Cdulmnily a lnrge number of HANDS emf but u render addiction in All can, sud yin; own haulacturo on hand, with than“ ’will be modem“. in hit charges. Thsnkinl Iron Frame gnd Over-strung. Ever, lining, for the puma-gs dread] bestowed upon him, meat warranted for five years, with tag “in! he uh a.“ tho public “nanny gin him .i leg. of uchmge within "rem much. if“? trill. Sept. 28. em tendroly amiss-1:21.? d . ; ——-—————--——-—~—-—-—--——‘—-§ ' Secoi - n inn” wan ‘ LADIES' Cloth {or Cloaking, 3 nor mppiy wig-from $3O to $2OO. 'onh“lt .‘ just "cured n FADNESTUCK BRUS‘. ‘ Baltimore, Sept. 5, 1864. i, 3.! 028. Orncsas SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. E _ The-e not" no lsnucd and" duroghnct 15m. 3364, tad Ire ply-bio mm yelrl from film: time, in currency, or no cont-Omit“ gin option of the holder Inca U. q. 5—20 81: per cent. "‘ GOLn- BEARING BONDS. The” holds no now worth 1 pruishm (1! nine per can, including gold intern?! fl'on Non, which unites the actual prbfitinullho 7-30 lon, M. cum-cut um, including inmuc, .bouc ten put out. per mun. buidu in ex caption from But; _nnd nunlcipnl nation, which “q. fra- og'a to Hare. per cent. mole, necordlng'to the rate mm on other property. The haul-m h plynble uni-nun“, by con ponu mulled m ml: mutt, which may In 0!“ ofl‘lnd told to lay bulk or haiku. . Thejntcut unounu to A One cent per dny bun‘ . $5O no". - Tyo ccnu “ “ $lOO “ . Tin u u n .3500 ‘u I.ng u ‘ u u ‘ slooo u s‘ u u H ‘5OOO u Nam oh" the denomination: mud'wfll be promptly (unkind qpon‘mcipt of Inb- Icripticm. This in‘ ' ' . "rm; ONLY LOAN m MARKET ‘ ‘ now offered‘bi' the Governdunt, uni-n ll con fidcntly enacted that its mperibi adv-angel will make it the ‘ >- GREAT POPLLAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $200,000,000 remeln unsold, whlch will probobly hp disposed ofwitlrlwthe next 00 or 80 den, when the nomwill undoubted); command I premlup, .u bu uniformly been the clue on cloning the lublcrlpfiptu to other Loan. ' ‘ " - In order (lust citizen: of every townKnd loco» tion of the country may be afforded Mllltlu for taking the loan, the Nnglonnl Blah) Stet. Banks, and Private Bankers Jllroughofilt the ‘country have generally agreed to recelve Inh lcripllons It par. Shblcrlbeu wlll .lelect their own agents, in whom they hove confi dence, end who only are to be relponllble for the delivery of the nolel for which they re ceive orders. _ JAY 000 KB, Sufi-crlptlop Agent, Philndglphi‘n. . Subscription. yill be reached by the Flu: Nlllonll Bank of Ge‘nyubnrg.'lid the Getty!- bnrg NationaLßnnk. [Peb. 27, '65. 3!!! Important Announcemént. GREAT SALE , . . o, . . w muons. cums DIAMONDflflsfiIC. ONE.MILLION DOLLARS WORTH! to n muroszb or A! _ONE DOLLAR 192! CE! Witho‘m re ml to Value! Not to be paid for until you ibow what you are to receive! H Splendid List of Articles” All to be sold for One DollaLEnch I ll ‘ 250 Genta' Gold hunting-cue i Watches, - $5O to $1605“. 250 Ladiu’ Gold and Enamel!- ed bunting-case Watches, 33‘" 500 Genta' ‘bgnting-cue Sil- ‘ _ ver Watches, _ ”’35 " 200 Diamond Rings.’ 50 “ [OOO Gold Von & Neck Chaim, 4 “ 3000 Gold Oval Band Bncelep, 4 “ 5000 Jet. and Gold Braceleu, 8 “ 2000 Chatelaine china and “Guard Chain, 6 “ 7000 Solitaire-t Gold Brooch", 4 “ 5000 Coral, Opal and linen"! Broochea, . 4 " 3000 Gold, Cameo, and Pearl . Enr Drop], ‘ I “ 5000 Monk, Jet, Lawn, aad Flr’ntlu Ear Drops, V I “ 7500 Coral, Opal, and Emerald Ear Drops, - l “ 4000 California Diam'd Brom pins, 2.50 “ 3000 Gold Fob L: V 9" Watch kcyl, ' 2.50 “ 4000 Fob EV“! Rlbbon-alideg, 3 “ 6000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-but- tons, Smda, to; ' ‘\ Q 3 “ 3000 Gold Thimble3.l‘nncill,& .. 4 “ 1000 )llnlnlme Lockeu, .50 ” 4000 Aliniatnro Locke", Mogi ‘ Spring, 10 " 3000 Gold Toothpick, 010 ml, 2 f‘ 5000 Plnin Gold Rings, 4 “ 6000 Chuod Gold Ringl, 4 “ 1000 Stone Sew Signet. 8inf1,2.60 “ 1000 Colifornia Dingnondl! 2 f‘ 3500 act! Lndies’ Jewelry?“ , and Gold, \ . 5 “ 0000mmLnd-x'es'Jewelry—Cnm- 3 co, Pearl,opnl,& other Stones, 4 “ 10000 Gold Pena‘Silver Exten lion holders and Pencils, 4 “ 1000 Gold Penn & Gold mount ed Holden, ‘ 6 “ 10 “ 5000 Gold Penn. and 'Gold ex- ‘ , tension Holden, l 5 “ 25 4' SQOO Lodien’Gilt & Jetßncklel. 5 " 15 ‘E 5003 Ladies' cm and Jo: Hair , Barn Ind Bulls, 5 “ 5000 Silver Goblet! Ind Drink ' ing Yupl, ' 5 “ 300 Si ver Cutors, l 5 “ 2000 Silver Fruit, Cnrdflnl Cake Bosh”, 20 “. 5000 dozen Silver Te: Spoons, l 0 “ 10000 dozen SilverTableSpoonl _ . and Forh, 20 “ 40 “ ARRANDALE & 00., Mannheinrorl' Again, No. "57 Bnomwn, N" You, Announce that all of the above lint of good] will be sold for 0" Doug“: each. in conlequence of the grant lugnitlon a! trade in the manufacturing district: of Eng. landhthrough the war luring cut all the nip ply f cotton, n lnrgn quantity 0! annnblo Jewe y, originally intended for the Engllah mark I, hns‘been sent all” for (ale in this coun try, D MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRL FICI-‘I Under these circumstances, ARRAN DA'LE & 00., acting as agents for the princi pnl E openn manufacturers. have resolved upon 5 ”AT GIFT DISTRIBUTXON, rub ject to t allowing regulations : ‘ Certificate! ofthe variousqticlu are hm. put into envelop“, lenled up, nd mixed and when ordered. are taken out without reg-rd to choic‘, and sent by mail, thus giving I" 5 hit chance. 0n raceipt of the certificate, you will In wlut you are to have, And then it in at your option to send the dollar and at. tho article or not. Porch-sen may thus ohtfln . Gold Watch, Dlunond Ring. or any Set,“ Jewelry on,our list for On Doun SEND 25 CENTS FOR CERTIFICATE.” In all transactions by mm], we nhnll chugi for lurwurdnug the Cer'iflulea, myinqoflifi‘e, and doing the busincu, 24'. cm: use 7'whlcb ‘ must. be inclosed when {he‘vttenificate is lent for. Five Certificates w:|l be - sent. {or $l, leven {or $2, thmy for $5, sixty-five for 510, Ind u hundred for Sl-b. AUENTS.—\\'o “ant ngenu in every reg}. ment,,nnd in every town 3nd count] in the country, nnd those‘ acting a: such grill be el lowed‘ H) com: on every Certificnu ordered for them,‘ provided their raminnuco unounu to one dollur. Agent! will collect 25 eenu‘by every Certificue, and r‘gmit 15 new to us, either In cash or postage sham. v‘l A’RRANDALE £lOO., 3 . 16'! Broadway, N. YA Im. 6, 1355. xi U E 70 " 70 a 100 « 30 fl 8 ‘ll 10 u 20 " 10 " 1:111 Cil EMI cm 2 10 " a ... lo M , a u a u 10 “ 29 u 8 u 10 a u U’ 10 u no it“ 16 " BEN 10 : MEI no u so ‘I