The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 13, 1865, Image 3
“W madam-ammo w.x.nd.n, tmcultm-al Chemical 00.1: forum-borne New 3L; P r 3 35111.} 2:35, _. boon hard from. Bo is on hi- npeho in C In. Ferfilizm prep-red by tho Apical. Tax-I. ruining sheep and amend shoov curd Chemical Co.. (. comm, chanted b, in; wild turkeys, waning for peace, troubled the chmuure um: I “pits! of $250,000,) lomowhn by-the Indium, 3nd “waxing on J hue been proved in pnctice to be the cheap £o three-loom yen-s." I 25!, men profitable and belt, for the Panzer, ' ' Gsrdner ind Fruit-grower, of 111 concentnud manure! now oflereé in any market. The Company's lit}. embrncen the following: MARRIED. On the 8“: int, nO. Bncnn Vista, Allegheny county PI., by Rev. Sunni-”l Jamison, )lr. BAMUéL A. GILLiLAND, of Sun"... mu. lhi , Aduml county, to Min MAGGIE G. McgNIGH’I‘, ol‘ the first named pines.“ 0n the 9th inat., by Rev. Jacob ZigglerLMr. JAMES FELIX, 0! Liberty township, to His: MARY CATHARISE MYERS, of Cumberland township. . j 4 , On the 2d nit.,§ by Rev. E. S. Johnston,’ of Harrilburg, Mr. WILLIAM HELTZEU, of New Oxford, Adlmn counlyfiaflin MARY E. DOAS, of Hurtiabnrg. . On the 52h inn, by va. Wm. G. Lsitzle, M the residence of the bride-mother, It. GEO. L. newsman, of Philndelphil, to min may ALTA nussnmlm, of Spring- Viile, Luncaner coun’tj. . On the 9th insl,bylßev. J. A. 8011, Sergt. Mnj. THEODORE 3.lmm. 01 we 10m: N. Y.‘ "015., to Hill ADA E.‘VI-ZiRICK, of this place.l On the 2d inst, at New Oxford, by Rev. W,‘ F. P. Daviy, Bil-“JACOB M-ARKLE thiu‘ MARY BISSEL, both of_Ad-nu county. . 0n the same day,’hy me same, Mr. MICHAEL ‘ CASSAT to Mini ANN MARLLNOBL, both; of New Chester, Adumxcountrf =5 On the sth iusl.‘ my the "me. at Abbot“; mfi-nJrJEREMIA‘I DRIKEB to Misl SUSAN C. WEIGLE, both near New Oxford, Adams co. On the 26:}: nlt., in Pelersburg. (Y‘ 5.,) by Why. Ruby, Mr. LEVI MUMPER, ot Gettys hu rg, to Mill SALLIE S. SHAEFFER, of PO - . ; ‘ x . I .I*`• nWOhitnaq notice! 3 cents peg line (or all pver {our lines—«uh to néCompuuy notice. _ . ——l' On Thursday In}, in this place. Mrs. JANE PULLEY, wire of Mr. Andrew Pulley, aqu-b'l year: 7 monlh' wd 23 d: On loud» STALLSMJT‘ EMI (Jame—2m in Newton in SARAH M'CAI 0n the 61h J' ofrJncob Bo] 10’ month! 0.: On the 4th ' ANDER LIT' . 10 days, On me 2313 of lj'tb., in Fn‘rficld, ALICE MATILDA, infant nklughur of E. W. Ina E. A. Harbaugh, n'ged 1 month. . . On the H‘h‘ult” )lv. WM. BEXTZEI., aged 18 3mm» 3 month: nud :4 day‘s. He mm a mem bt-rpr the 20011: Reg. ". Y., died in thy husplml in tronl of l’ulcrrl;urg,uua buried “(the l‘uru disc chum hI Yolk'cu. . ' Al Jurkwn, Indiuqa county, Pm, on the 1'81]! "It, .\lr: JAM‘I MILL, widow u! the hue John mu, uf this connxy,nud only sister‘of Hun. flames Wilson, of [bin bnruugh, in file 8311} )isnr of her age. 011 the (Id lust... .\lr.HI-I.\'RY C. .\'HINSTEDT. E1.,-!oxnwrl_y 01 this wire, aged 86“.“; 11 hvunths and 1 day. The deceased mm one of .11-Loldeu cum-nu of this pl;ce, ham-g re-, [mnod only a fcu‘ weeks prenuns '0 hi— death to ”uranium, “hue he died. Quiet nnd_uu arwunng m In: illHrLgulsl: will: the world, he lemcs bunnd‘ hmi 3mm; lrunds nudguo cm Hues. On the Qlllh of Non-1:161. at Pine Rlufl', Alkllnuw, Jum‘ .\l. mmmx, of chronic dlz-I’rhu'il naval l? _wars 2 montlis and 8 31131. “wean-d “Ila 9.44 m u! J. J. Baldwin. Esq., of ( ennui}. HI , und fulumb' ol lh'rs place. He hmungml lo the 62d regimgul. '11“. um: In! 4)“), and “a: lle- lust and} fourth sum iluu mm, iuw Ihv I'. S.svr\'i.e. V/ THE MARKE’I'B. GETrY‘SlwnG—JSHmuv m Flour ......I. [he F1uur...... ............. \\ hilc \\'1|rM........_....... Neal W112|t.................. ('mu.....4...............,..... [(3l-...............‘........'.... (I |1a.;.....,..... Buck“ hem. ”...... Clover deed.......{.......... Timothy fixed... ........‘ Flux .\'L-ed.........4.........4‘ )‘luatcr of Punk... ......3 I'lnslrr grunm], per mg BA L'l‘l MORE—fl-‘mnn ms‘r Flour \‘y he.“ l(_\e,... (‘0ru..,;.. ..............'.. 0M: .....{nmu ..‘ Beef Cattle, per hum] How. per bund..‘...... 11ny........................ (,‘luver-syed... Fax-selfil. Timutfi) deed “'hiskvy...... I. , i ‘Pubhc, Sale. e. N THURSDAY, the 2.1.1 day of MARCH 0 iust., the suhscribe‘r will sell at Publu; bum)“. his resident-e; in Tyrone townéhip, Adams county, on the, mud leading ‘l'rom York Syringe to (blend, the following yersole property, viz: ' ‘ 2 HORSES, 3 head of Horned Cattle, (one c l' which is n .\lilch Cow,)ll Slime, Two-horse '\\ agon, Spring \Vngoxih-Roelfnwny, Buggy, One-horse Sleigh, Ila)" Ladders, Winnowing Mill, (nearly mw.) Ylonghp, Harrow, Cum Fork and Shawl, llurseG'earu; Riding Saddle, Wagon Saddle, Side Smldle, (good urnw.) Bridles. Halltch, set of Hnrucss, 2 Log Chains, Forks, Shovels, (Snow-bar“ “’heel-‘hurrow. Cow Chains, lot. of Bugs, Cutjing Box, Sleigh Bells, Grail Cradle. .\luwin’g scythes,‘Grind stone, Horse Rake, lic. Alscg‘ llous‘ehold and KWfieu Funniture, Viz: Bulstends, Tnblca, (hairs, Bureau, Stands, Sink, Corner Cup bon d, Safe, Carpeting, Air-tight Cooking 810:“. Ten-plate Stove, Coal Stove and Pipe, Chen, Pnteuc' Washing. Machine, Spinning Wheel, Churn, Tuba, Barrels. Meat-Vessels, Queens-were, Tin-ware, brOckery-ware, large lron Kettle, Iron Pots, I’9:ster by y.he bushel, and a variety of ozher articles, 100 numeroun i 0 memion. : ~ , g - Sn‘le to commenc¢ at 10 o'clock, A'. LL, on mid day, when attendance yin by skin and terms made knownby ‘ ‘ swam. moms. dial-ch 13, H 365. [3* Public Sale F VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. —On who”, the 20th day oHIARCH inst., the Inhlcriher, lining enlismd into the United States service, will sell at Plihlic Sale, at his residence, in Highlhnd township, on the road leading from Flirfleldfio Cuhtown, about midway between the two places, the following: rnlnnble personal property, viz: 4 head or HORSES, two of which are good ‘ brood mores, 3 Milch Cows, 1 Bull, 9 head of H we, Sow Ind Pigs, z Narrow-trend Four-horse Wagons, Falling-top Buggy, [early new, Lime Bed, Hay Carriages, Winnomng Mill, Rolling. Screen, Wheelbarrow, Grindstone, Plough“ end Barrows. double andsiugleShovel Plough", , Corn Fork,_ P.tent Horse Bake, 2 sets Breech. ‘ bands, 2 sets From Genre, Bridles, Collars, Halters, Cow Chains, Lot Chnin, Filth Chain, Sprudere, end a. variety of other firming ar ticles. Also, Household Furniture, consisting in port of Tables, Chairs, Cooking Stove and Pipe, Boxes, Barrels, Tuba; km; Bay by the Mn, Corn and One brv th'g buhel, nqd one“ 3 raring of other nnic er, not herein mentioned. flSsle to commence :1. 10 o'clodk, A. M., 4 on aid duly. 'hen mundane: will be given w nod germs nude known by '3 wué‘um T.'OBR. .e ”or. 13, 1865. ts _~ , - “AA, 1 . Wanted} ‘ 1‘ $l5O PER MONTH, t reliable Cum-u- A Isl-“in every town and county, to the . um grid 59].?” man interesting uni ex. citing book eve pubiiabed, enhancing the .d. name. of A woman in the Unioh Amy :1 None; Scout Ind Spy.» giving 5 non vivid inner pictute of an wit. We hue 'Agum during 8150 per month, which "yin prove to any mbfinz .‘Pplicant. Sand for circu lsu.‘ Milton “JOHN ‘BROSRI 00., 600 CRISNUT'BtNIt, Pint-gelphin, Pg.» ' mugs“. 1; r '» ‘ ~' ' ‘_s S _— . Thin Fertilizer is com. PABULEIKTE poled of night mil sad the {utilizing ‘elemenu of urine, combined chemic-lly Ind mechanlully with other uln nble fertilizing akeuu and Ibuorbenu. ‘ll. is reduced to a. pnlverulent conditloh; Irndy for immediate use, undwilhout loan of its highly nitrogcfioua fertilizingpropeniel. f in: universal applicability to I" crop. and will, and in dnnbilily and active gin-lilies, are well known to be 11l tint Igrienlturin. can desire. hue: $3O In to}. 1 4, _ . CHEMICAL compos'r “"1“”- I lint l. llrgrly composed of thing] matter,nch I: uncut, bone, as»), lather, hair and wool, to gether Willi chemicals and lnorgnnic lortillxen, which decompose the plus, ind main the nifirognoul clemgnu. 11. is a very volunhlo fcnilizer for field crop. gcqcnlly, and elpeclully for potato», Ind garden purpons. , . I ' In excellent qunlltiel. Itrengtl: Ind chi-p. ness, have mnde it very popular with :1] who lmw "unlit. . 9 PRICE, $OO us 10:. _ ‘ - - - This M h Couposlteéfemlxzar.§u‘{ fertilizer is pnul’culnly cdnpggfdlor the cum vnlon ohm-cg; fluiu, lawns nnd‘flowerl. h. vill promote' '1 v'ory vigorous Ind heilthy growth of wood Illd fruit, and lsrgely incl-sue the quantity and 179:!th 1h umy 0! lb. frnif. For hot-house and old plnnu lud flowers} it will be loan dilpenuble article “1 ”cure their greueac perfection. It. will preqcnt un’d cure diseased conditiOnl o! the peach and grape, and in excellent for gun and lawn. ,- . r _ ”IN .\I. ; I d 26 A", (3'. Mn. lel' aga. mghter lp, ngcd It. is c’omposed of suéh elements as mska it. adapted to ;he growth or all kinds of crop: in all kinds ofJoils. . Tile formula or method of combining its connituvnt tenifixing ingredient! hlv'e re. ceired the high"! approval 01 eminent 'chemim and scientific ngriculturilts. ‘ ‘ " Pulcn, $5O rn Tos. ' i it ‘ I ' r' The A ibultnnfl Phbsphate of Line. o”er Com. p'uiy mmpfncture a thphate of Lime in ac cordance with a new m‘d valuable (armul; by which :1 very superior uncle in produccd, so u to be ntfoided It: less price than other mum facturera charge: Prnciié‘ul tests have proved that its mine. as n fertilizer, in equul‘to the bent. Plinéplmte of Lime in the market. \I’QICI, $110513: mu.- l -, ALEX- Iha and TEIHIS CAfill. All Qrderd nfn To: or more, will be delivued at hlmlllailroud Station! and the “lulfVlß of Shipment, free change.— Ulll’kluc will be charged. on all order! of 6 bmrbls or luau: ' . Uue dollar per Ton gllownnce for cart-[q will be made on nll’unlea delivered 33.4110 \"urks of thef‘ompmy‘, an Canul Wlnrf. AGIHCQLTURAL CHEMICAL CU.'S WORKS, , Ar; Cm L Wm", on THJ'IHLA'AIL. (Iflice, 413’} Arc/I SL, l’lula lplu'a, I'd. ' R. B. 'FITTS, General. Agent The Company's Pamphlet Ciroulnr, embnc ing Tull diremwnsior using the nbore Feni lizers, sent. by mu: . tree, whcngequehed. .\lnr._l3, 286‘): Gui ‘ . UTUAL FIRE INQURANCE COMPAN‘: J .lklgvconP-rxmfln, .“AIICI _IS, 1351. l‘resi‘lent—Gcorge Swope. ’ Vice Rn iinlcnt-sa‘iimuel R. Ruasall. ‘ Secrettry—l). A. Buehler. “ .’ Truisttrer—E. G. l-‘nhnestbck. ' ' Exncmive Cmnmineé—Robert llcCurdy, An drew Helnlzdhmu, Jaqob King. .\l/ts‘wsns —‘ Swope. D. A. Buehler, R. .\lt't‘tery, D. McCrenry, M. Einhelberger,B. R. Rttss'é'll, B. G. Fullnenmk, A: D. Bnehler, R. U. .\ldliem-y, Gail‘yq‘burg; Jacob King, Stra han township; A. ll_ intzeltmtn, Franklin; Wm. D. llinws, New Oxlonil; Wm. H. Wilson, Ben dcruillc; l}. A. l'icki;tg,Su‘nhu lownlhip; John Woll’ord, Lnlimoro township; John Pick ing, Enid Berlin; Ahtel T. Wright, Benders ville;lAbd;el 1“. GM, New Oxford; Ju. H. .\larshtlll, llnmlltonhnn iownlhip; John Utm niuglmru, freedom township; John Homer, Mountjuy mwnxhip. : , , W'l‘his‘COmptutyil limited in it: open tiona to the county of Adams. It. has been jn .opemtion fur more than l 4 years, nnd in that. period has made but. am amusement, hitvitig pm logscs b 3 fire during that-period lmonnt ing to whorls—s 6,769 of which have been pflill during 11-e last. two years. Any person deairing nn Inuit-mice ex‘m npply to lay of the above numed Managers for further information. WThe Executive ICommittee meta At the oflirc of the Compouy, on the. lust \Vedhu tiny in evrry month, at 2 o‘clock, P. )1. Mar. 1:5, 1565. u . , 9 M m 9 75 T 50 2 :50 to 2 ::o 2 ’lO w 2 2o _x no , 1 65 a 1 25 14 00 £Ol5 :10 3 so to b 00 2 3:. 'lO 2‘50 H .10 ,r 1 as ..........n no mu 50 2 '5O lo 2 70 1 :0 to 1 .75 ‘1 53 xo 1 60 ‘95 go 98 ‘.....,...17 no :024 50 .......15 nu 1.020 25 J....,....32 30 was 00 ~.....;..I‘s 325 mo 12 3 70 to 3 'l5 .‘......... 6 ’l5 lo 6 37 ..."... 2 23 (o 2 29 F VALUQBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. O‘—-0n ,SATURUAY, the limo day' of MARCH insfl, the subscriber, intending to quit farming, will fill in Public Sale, at_ his reli deuce, in Stub-m townshipfAdaml county, 2 mileenst of Gettysburg, on the road leading from Gettysburg to linover', the following valuable personal property, viz: , - I Family Brood MARE, l Yearling Colt, 6 head of llilch Cows, (four of them fresh) l Bull, l Heifer, l Calf, 4 good Shotee,l\'arrow txend Two or 'l'hree‘horse Wagon, Wood Sled, Stone‘sled, Reynold’a Patent Fuuiill, (nun) Grind: lone, Land Roller,)lnnure rd], 3 lelu lironi. Gears, 2 sets Fly Nets, Wagon Saddle, Riding Saddle, 2 Riding Bridles, Collars, Blind Bridles; linkers und Chains, at of Bug gy Harness, (perky) Check Linea, good 13 new, Single-“ Linea, (uew,) Sleigh and Bella, new Bur-shear! Plough, Self-shorpener, Harrow, Shovel Plough, 2 Corn Forkl, Brc‘ut Chains, Bpreider, Double and Single-trees, Grain Cradle, I-‘orlu, Manure llook, Raku, Grain Shovel, Mowing Scjibel and Snath: ; Wheat, Rye, Corn, 0221 a, and Potatoes, by the bushel; Bacon Ind Lard,‘hy .the pound ; Cook Store and Fixtures, Table, Chain, Tubs, Buckets, Barrels, Tin-warehCidt-r Vinegar, Apple-bul ter by the crud, Lard Cans, Fish Seine, Corn Brdoma, Dried Fruit; and many other articles, not mentioned. - 36"“: Farm on which he sub-tribe: re sides is offered for sale or rent. fiSnle to confluence at 10 o’clock, A.‘., on mud day, when attendance will be given Ind terms mudu known by a '. MOSES C. BENNER. March 6, 1865. u , I’llth Sale. r I «N' THURSDAY the 23d day 0 MARCH -._._, O imam, the suisci-iber, Intending? remove,| ' , Public 3319' wull sell at Public Sale, at his residence, at ON SATURDAY, the. 15th _dey o!_ NARC}! Seven 'Sur‘hfllelmzelmnn's tavern stench) the ‘ instant. the undersigned, interning Lg re followrng‘ unble pensonal progeny, uz: { {move front the plea, WI“ oleru n he ale, 1 HURbE, 2 good Milo]: Costs, 2 good Sheep, n his mud-nee, 111 Beet York. street, Gettys- Sleigh and Bells, net of new Harness, Bridles, burg. die following Mud“, VI! 1 Halters, Cow Chasing, Maltock, Shovels. Scythe, 2 new BPQIIXG WAGONS, locond-hnnd Axes, Wheelbarrow, and} small Hind-wagon. Spring Wegon, Bulky, net. of first-rue Buggy 23°33???“5t m: f Ema:'azxgizm";:;l:.‘mids3::. as n s o Ame-sen e rs ene- . , , seated Rocking Chair, huge Dining "liable, 2 E viz: ~Perlor Stove, Ten-plat. Store Ind Pipe, ,Breakfast Tables, Psrlor Table, Burenn,’Bmg , 2 set) of Chen-e, 2 Bodflebdl, Tnbles, Rocking ,Clock, Looking Glasses, 2 sets of Wooden-bbz-‘rclifirs, Wish And Cudlo-slts'nds, Churn, tom Chem, 2 Hocking Chairs, Rocking Crndle, | Grhfistone, Barrels, 302‘ of Til-ware, end 2 Ten-plate Stoves, nod Cook Stove, No. 9, ' many Mg articles, t nmerons to mention. Carpeting, a lot of “'fiiakey Ban-ell, Meat Ves- ‘ flfSale‘tgfommce at l o’olock, P. M, sels, Regs, Iron Kenle. Also Bar-room‘Fix-gm sud “san extend-nee will be ' lures, mong which are Homes, Glasses,: and mm- made Emil}! _ PitchErs, a large Tame, Chlirs, Benches, udl v, _ .Yfllml’ DGRSOJ 13' great variety of other enicles, n'ot. herein A- -n9mm|"ByA“°u°“°°Y-\ofi mentioned. 3 ' ‘ March 6, [865. Is ‘\ x S‘Salo to commence at 10 o’clock, A. 11., " ' 7 7 "7' on said any, wnen altegdance will be given 0 mode knowu y “d ‘ I'm FREDERICK D. smm. Mnr,’6,1865. is. APT. 8. CBBITZMAN, haviagjuu return. Q (d Imm strip to ma West and In an L ND "regions in God’s pen labyrinth, 1:. would inform the ciliunl of Genpbnrg sud its vicinity, am he is pnpued, not only to offer OIL LANDS, but“ LANDS OF EVERY ,DESCBXPTION. Persona milk; Barium]; would'do will to cal}, 13 In {will unis!) I." in lonfintion. v _ g. 03 “AN- m. z, 1855.. g ; -' Adams ‘ County OFFlczgg Public Sale Lands I Lands I Poor House Momma. ACOB SBEADS, 3.11., Tmunr. I: Ic colnt with the Director! of the Paar And of the Home «I Employ-en of an County of Adina—being from the «sth dl] of January, A‘ D., 1864," the 2d dung-funny, A. D., 1885; To order on County Insurer, H I‘ H $7OO on 800 00 u u u . 300 00 u u u - ‘2“, 00 u u u 800 00 u u u 50° 00 u U u ‘ 500 00 u u u 700 00 u H . . fl . 600 W a u u .00 00 u u H 400 00 t u 1‘: V 1100 00 u u - M 1200 no Bel-nee on moi-t MC. 3. Run, Elq., Committee 0! Jacob Dw- _ dorl, luanr, 327 42 Cut: necked from J. I. Bolling-r, proceed! of 90mm el’oeu ‘0! Gd Vice, deceased. (coloredJ 13 00 Cub received from Jun. L 1" .311}, on settlement of Well: 51m“, 18 00 3mm due Treu'nrcr, By ,bnlnnco duo Trcuum M. In: utdemcnt, $374 80 Ont-door paupen' rapport, 814 50 Merchndhe und groceriel, 2,748 67 ‘Pork, beet Ind bacon, 1,626 27 Cowl, beefcnlleflheep 8 flackhop, 1,117 6’4 Flour, grain and grinding, 78'! 76 lechnnicn’ work, 576 34 Brick, lumber Ind none coal. \ 696 29 Drngl Ind medicine], 104' 88 Wood chopping And making (anon, 270 74 Cloveneed, . - 16 3'! Freight, Sundry expenles, Fanning implementl, Publiahmg Iccounu, Funeral eipenses, Money refunded, Mlle hlrelings, Female hit-clings, x 808 00 ’Per cenuge Ind run on insurance, 97 44 Direcwrl’lalsry, - ' 65 00 Counlel teu 31c nd com 360 29, . 60 29 Phylicinn'l ulny, Sleiurd’a ulury, Clerk’s 111-r], Tuuurcr’a “In" We.‘the Inbueribnu, Andium to lung and Adjust the Public Acconnu, do hereby certify that, we hue enminod the item: which com pose tbs foregoing Account, Ind um they no correct—being from the Nb day of Ju'ntry, A. D., 1864. to the ad day of Jgnunry, A. D., 1865, both day! Inclusive. . J. n. SEmEflAN, ‘ vucoa HULL: JOS. BURKEE, " ~ , Auditou. ACOB CULP, Esq., Stowud, in account. viii: the Director: of the Poor and House 0‘ Employment of the County of Adamo—be ing from the sth day of January. A. D., 1864, Come 2.! day of January, A. D., 1866, both my; Inclusive: DR V To bnlnnce ilg had: of Steward at kn :exlement, Cnh of Samuel Hum]; “'3’ - t David Neely, liter (tenth; John Pronu,lor uw logl, Charles Culp, tor clock, Dried beef, > J‘oxeph McKellip, Andrew Polly, interest, Tallow, Betty Lettuce, A 1‘ 00 Wm. Semen, 1636 June: McCullough, for shlnglel, A 8 ‘BO Cow, Jncoh Miller, Culling: ' Lard, , ' - Rye, ‘ Juhu‘Cress, for Ihingi'el, Puuurage, Cow, Beef tongues, By general expemu, Cub pnid hirehngs, harvesting. kc , Removing pnuperl, Reljef to pnupera, - Funenl expenses, . Fruit and vegetables, Limd, Mecfianics, ‘ ' ‘ Beef“ pork, kc.’ Fish, . Postage Ind telegraphic delpuchel, Groceriu, he" ‘ I= $265 83 Balance in hand: of Stow-nl, 20 16 'We. the subscribers, Auditor: lo nettle end odjnst the Public Accounu, do certify the: we hat’e exumined the iteml which compose the Ihove, account, sud do report thet the name in correct—the lame embracing the account of Jecob Culp, Steward,—lrom the sth‘ dry of Johnny, A. D.,1864, to the 7th by of Johnny, A. D., 1865, both day inclusive. ' J. H. SHIRENAN, ‘ ‘ JACOB HULL, ‘ JOS. BURKBE, Auditorl. [ST 05‘ PAUPERS remaining in the Alm- House of Adam! connll, on tho ad (by of January, 1865: ' ‘ )hlezl, ,' 53 Femalel, 36 Children, " ,~ 14 ‘ Colored. 8 Total, Tnnlicnl pgupon, , 430 PRODUCE 0F FAB! Pp}! 1864. Wheat, bunch, I .3,“ om. “ , - 275 Rye, ‘ “ > «V ' - be Buck-hm, “ . '. u Corn, “ in an, 400 Timothyleed" ~ ‘ 3 Onion, “ . lo Beets, “ - 12 Polatoea,. .“ 100 Turnipl, “ 5 oi Cordoddor, 0 Tom of th, ' 100 Bands of Cabbnge, . ' 500 Pound: of Pork, . ’ 2,674 Pound! of Beef, 748 JACOB CULP, Stew-I'd. lurch 6, 1865. (t ' ' Notice. "~- HB undersigned, Auditor appointed by tr T Court of Common Plan of Ad'eml conn ty, fifinribute We helenee 0! fund: on the third account of Jecob Ledyflomnmee of tho per-on end estate of Henry Led-7,; inn-tic, to. end among the putiee lepfly entitled thereto, hereby gives notice Ihet he will ettend to the duties of lain Appointment, It 10 o’clock, A. 11., on TU KSDAY, the 1m do, of lAWH, A. D., 1866, It hie once, in the borough of Getty» burg, when end where ell putte- in'temud my uppeer. W. A. DUNCAN, Auditor. larch 6, {BB5. at . i L. SCHICK in gun «wind 3 19} M J. chap {wok-i” Mill”. ‘ ‘ ' Important Announcement. 932‘? SALE or . nouns. 03.3w;5 buxom) was, ac ONE IILLI OLLARS' WORTH! 10 ll DIIPOIID 0' A! ONE DOLLAR EA CH! Without regard to fuel Not to be paid {or until you know I u you are to receival I! Splendid Lin of AM:- I All to be told for 250 Genu’ Gold huntingome ‘ ' Watches, saomsxsonch 250 Ladien’ Gold md Enamel!- ed hunting-case Watches, 36 “ 600 Gents' bunting-cue Sil ver Watches, 35 “ ' 200 Diamond Rings, 50 “ £OOO Gold Vest k Neck Chins, 4 “ 3000 Gold Oulßand Bncelets, 4 “ 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelets, 6 “ 2000 Clutelaine Claim and Guud Ohlins, . 5 “ 7000 Soliulrek Gold Brooches, 4 “ 5000 Cord, Opal Ind Emerold Brooches; _ 3000 Gold, Cameo, and Purl , Ear Drops, 4 “ 5000 Mosaic, Jet, Ls", end > Flr’nlino Eu Drops, 4 “ 7500 Coal, Opsl, Ind Emerald ' Eor Drops, - I 4000 Csllfornio Dhm’d Bro-u -pins, 3.60 “ 10 1‘ 3000 Gold Fob t Von me- 'r keys, ’ 2.60 “ 8 I‘ 4000 Fob tVeußibbon-Ilfdes, 3 u 10 u 5000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-bun- ’ ‘ tons,>Studs, km, 3 “ B “ 3000 GoldTbimbles.Ponclls,&c., 4 “ 6 ‘l 1000 Mlnlature Lockets, 2.50 “ 10 “ 4000 lininlure Lackeu, logic Spring, 10 “ 20 “ 3000 Gold Toothpicks, Grosses, 2 “ 8 “ 5000 Pllin Gold Rings, 4 “ 10 .“ 5000 Chosed Gold Rings, 4 “ 11 v" 1000 SmooSeltSlguot Rings,2.6o “ 10 “ 1000 Californin Diamondßings, 2 “ 10 “ 7500 sets Ladles’ Jewelry—Jet. and Gold, 5 “ 16 “‘ 60005andies’Jewelry—Osm- ‘ co, Pearl,opnl,h other stones, 4. “ 15 “ 10000 Gold Pens,Bilvor Exten- - sion holders and Pencils, A“ 10 “ 1000 Gold‘Pens & Gold mount- 1 ed Holders, 6 u 10 H 6000 Gold Pens and Gold ex tension Holders, 15 “ 25 “ 5000 Ladies'Gilz & Jot Buckles, 5 “ 15 “ 500;. Ladies’ Gilt 3nd Joe Emir Bars and Bulls, \‘ 5 ” 10‘ “ ' 6000 Silver Goblets Ind Drink ing Cups; 5 u so u 300 Silver Csstors, lb “ 50 “ 2000 Silver Fruit, Cord, and ‘_ _ '__ $10,363 42 228 52 H) 591 94 IMO 43 00 “9 60 BM CM 25 00 233 50 100 00 250 00 40 00 40 00 $10,591 94 Ctke Baskets, ‘ 20 “ 50 “ 5000 dozen Silver Taképoonl, 10 “ 20 19:10: 10000 dozenSjlverTlbleSpoonl and. Forks, , 20 “ 4d “ ARRANDALE & 00., Munfuctnren’Agenu, No. 187 BROADWAY, le You, Announce thst I“ of the nbovc list of goods will be said {or On Donn nah. \ In consequence of the great stagnation of trade in the manufacturing districts of Eng land, through the war having cut ofl‘ the sup ply of cotton, 3 large qnnntity oi V—nlueble Jewelry, originally intended for the English market, has been sent on‘ for sale in this coun-- try, AND MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRI FICE! Under these circumstances, ARRAN DALE & 00., acting as agents for'the princi pnl 'Europenn manufacturers. here resolved |upon n GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, anh jectto the following regulations: i Certificates of the various articles are first put. into envelopes, sealed up, and mixed ;nnd | when ordered, nre taken out without regard i to choic‘. and sent by mull, thus giving all s .inir chance. On receipt of the certificnle, you will sec what you’nre to have, and then it is at your option, to send the dollar and take the ngticle or not. Purchlsers may thus obtain» Gold’ Watch. Diamond Ring. or .nny Set of- Jewelry on our list for Oa'i Danna. \ } SEND 25 CENTS FORCE§TIFICAIIL i in all transactions hy mail, e shnll charge . for lorwnrding the Cei'ificates, plying postage, .a’nd doing the sinus, 25 Cents ench, which must he Enclose when the Certificate is sent for. Fn‘e L‘ertu cates will he sent for $l, eleven for $2, th rty 10r.55, sixty-fire fo'r $lO, 'and a hundred fu‘r $l5. $24 40 380 2000 411 300 100 ElO3 $97 60 49 36 00 11 50 820 445 300 660 260 AUEXTS.—“’c want went: in every regi ment, and in every town and county in the country, and [hose acting a; such will be sl lmved 10 ants on every Cenificnte ordered for them, provided their remiltun‘ce “mounts to onedollnr. Agents will collect 25 cent: by :every Crrlificnlc, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. ' , ARRANDALE a: (70., A I 167 Broadway, )1. Y. 45 00 ME ‘ $235 99 $36 21 103 50 4 35 s 05 lo 03 12 12 4 00 25 66 3 70 8 7b ‘ 169 47 69 Mur.6,1865. ’l4 I . Wm. Blau' 8: Son, ORXER 0F HANOVER a SOUTH 83%., C , CAJILISLE, PA. ‘ wa Wnonsssu up Renu. Gnocnav.ssn chsnswsas’ Sronr. Just opened with fresh and gqod Goqrh, a choice variety of every thing usually kept. in s first, class store. ‘ , Pnrliculnr attentlo'n given in lhe selection pf nire sets of . , CHINA h GRANITE WARE, CHOICE TEAS, COFFEES, BUGARS, SYRUPS, Spices, Flavoring Extracts, Canned and Pickled Fruits, Worcestershire, Cumberland, and other Sauces, Cheese, Crackers, and everything else in our line, that a dis criminating public may require. Full mot-meats of COAL OIL LAMPS. Writing Papers, Queensware, Willey, Cedar, Stone and Earthen Wares, Salt, Fish, Oils, IRON and NAILS, kept. constantly on hand. Goods will be replenished frequently, kept clean and nice, sold at. the lowest possible priees, and delivered at any part. of the town. Please give us a call. - , WM. BLAIR k SON. Csrllsle, March 6, 1865. Im S'Cash paid for Country Produce. 828., Hopklns’ 628. $285 99 HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 623 ARCH SL, Above 6th, PHILA Wanna“: um Run“. The most complete assortment and best quality sndstylel of Ladies’, Missee‘ end Chil dren's floor Suns, in the City. Those oi “0n: Orr! Man,” are gottgaup expressly to meet the wants of Fins-r CL Esrau. Tune, embracing all the new and desirable styles, sizes lengths and size waists, in trail and plain SKIKTS, from 19 to 56 springs, from 33 to 44 inches long, and 2}, 2L 2}, 3,3 i, 3}, and 3} yards round the bottom ; making more than a hundred varleties for Ladies; in Misses and Children’s SKIRTS we are beyond all compe tition ; all that are made by‘us have STAI.) on the kid pad “Hopkins’ Hoop Skirt Monu fzetory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philadn.,” and one warranted to give satisfaction, “-Agenu for the “NEW FLEXIBLE" SKIRT, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, equal to Bradley’s “Duplex Eliptic” Skirt, and at much lower prices. Also, constantly in receipt oi‘a :‘ull assort ment of good Eastern made Skirts which are being sold at very low prices.—Kid padded and metalic fastened lSsprings 85 cents,2o springs $1 00, 22 springs 31 15, 30 springs $1 25 and 40 springs Sl 50. SKIRTS made to order, al tered and repaired. Terms Cash,~9one Price Only. For Circular containing Catalogue of styles, lengths, sizes and Prices, call at or ed dress by mail, inclosing Stamp [or Postage, uHOPKINS’ HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA.” March 6, 1865. am Assessment—lnst Notice. ’ITIC-E is hereby given that HENRY A. 'ICKING, Elq., has been nppointod Agent ‘Adntna Count] Xutual Fire Inlursnce ny,” with nuthority to recolve and col : ASSESSHEN T 0F TQREE PER CENT. wt: levied on Premium Note. on the 19th lumber, ISM—uni immediate payment made to him Accordingly, or to 9;. E. ..n'tsroct, Treasurer of the Company. “a tuner no! TBI Iv-Luu. SacEßnl9.—Whenever In Aueagmnent Iholl have been Hinds upon the fireminm notes, and the sum detcnfihqi which ouch person shall pay on his note, if inch cum shall not be paid within um" tiny! merge nine Ihall hnve been dnmonded in behalf _ ‘Compnny, the lunar! any. st thcir option, lii ‘ l the policy of insuring! npon Inch notice, 611% not. ud collect. thereon Inch sums ‘ ‘ d. B: ardu- oftho Bond of lsnngon, ‘;\ "959. _swovz, Pm’t. \ D. A. Dunn, Scc’y, IJun-cl: 9, ms. 3; ~ g - One Dullu Etch l H 70 U zo .. 100 “ 30 u a u 10 u no u 10 (l 4" 8 " EZI EMI 4u e SI Public Sale. N TUESDAY, the 28th day of lARCH next, the subscriber, intendiny to quit housekeeping, will sell in Plhiic 811:, It his midenoe, in Frsuklin township, Adams conn ly, on the old Bi-rlin road, 2 miles was of Anndtsville, sll his person! property, six: 1 FAMILY MARE, 2 Carl, 1 Shots, Spring 'ogon, Buggy and Hornets, Sleigh sud Bells,‘ Onehom ngou Bed, 1 do. llny L ldde", Bu-shesrPlonghpne-horae Bnr-shesr Plough, I'Doublo Shovel Ploughs, 2 Corn Forks, Sin lle Showel Plough, Double and Single-trees, l Forks, Bakes, Wiunowinz Mill, 4 Mottocks, z 1 Shovels, Spade, a lot of Horse Gears, such as ‘ Collars, Bridles, Harness, Trsces, Breech bends, 3 Riding Bridles, first-rate Riding Sad dle, 2 Side Saddles, 300 yards of Rope, Grind stone, Wheelbarrow, s lot at Cooper Tools, 3. lot of Carpenter Tools, such in Planes, Chisels, Angers, Brace Ind Bitts, Work Bench snd Screw, slot ofGrafting Boxes. Also, his en tire Household and Kitchen Furniture, cou sistifi of Beds and Bedding, 2 Bureaus, 3 Tobias, 2 Sinks, Corner Cupboard, 2 set: of Chsirs and Rocking Chairs, 1 Desk, 2 Clocks $llO on eight-day,) 2 Chests, s loLof Carpet, ood Box, Cook Stove. nearly new, Ten-plate Stove, Sheet Iron Stove, lrou Kettle ; Bacon, Lord and Tallow, by the pound, Apple-butter by the crock, Potatoes and Turnips by the bushel, with 1 great many articles, 100 numer ons to mention. Also, a large lot 'of FRUIT TREES, which will be sold in small lots, or my entire stock of trees, as to suit purchasers, consisting oi Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, &c., of the choicest graitedfruit. E's-lo to commence at 9 o'clock, A. IL, on said daynvhen attendance will be given And terms made known by ' J. H. RA‘FFENSPARGER. John Hana, Auctioneer. Feb. 21, 1865., wt ‘ Public Sale. Nj-‘RXDAY, the 24th day of XARCH next, the lubscriber, intending toquit farming, I ll sell at Public Sale, st his residence, on the west bunk of Great Conowngo, in Tyrone townlhip, Adams county, the following pernon~ 11 property, viz : 7 2 good WORK HORSES, 1 one yesr old colt, 4 lilch Cows, 8 Fat Steers, 8 Hogs, .\'srrow trend ngon lfid bed, Hay carriage, Resper Ind Mower, Winnowing Mill, Ploughs and Barrows, Single and Double Shovel l‘loughs, Single and Double-trees, all kinds of Horse Gem, Halter snd Cow Chains, Log Chains, Butt Trlccs, Brenst Chains, Rakes, Forks, tc. Corn-fodder by the bundle, and Grsin in the ground, Tsl-lu, Chsirs, 2 Ten-plate Stores and Pipe, Meat Vessels, Crout Stands, Wuh Tuba, Barrels, Iron Kettles sud Pots, Bacon by the round, Potatoes by the bushel, sad I visriety of other articles, too numerous to men t on. SIIO to commence at 10 geek, A- IL, on laid day, when attendance ill be given pnd term! made knownhby _ , > ‘ , 'SAMUEE BOLLINGER. John Hanea,Auctione¢l-. Feb. 27, 1885. ts" A Valuable Farm 'l' PRIVATE SALE.—The lubscribell, Executor: otthe last will and testament of Leonard Delap, deceased; ofl'er M.‘ Private 8:12, the following Real Estate of said de cedent, viz: ‘ A FARM, situn le in Tyronetownahip, Admins county, Pl., adjoining lands of David Yohe, Daniel grame,lm’doiph Demick, and'others. wnuinlng 200 Acres, more or luu, nbopt 50 lore: of which are woodland and 30 ‘acrel meadow: The improvements are a Twoqtory Weatherbunrded . 4 HOUSE, 2 Team! Houses, large I ' Log Barn with 2 ngon Sheds attached, Cam Crib, Smoke House. hpnng House, 2 gogd Orcbnrda, and n neverfniliug‘ upring near the house. There is a stream of water running throngh the farm. fil’ersons wishing to View the property will be shown the some by culling on Daniel Dulap, residing thrreon. \ , JOHN DELAP, ' , DAMEL DELAY, “ Feb. 6, 1865. if Execute". , . Cofl‘ee.~ ‘ ‘ Orrxc: or nu: Sun Mung, ' No. 25 South From Street, }' ’ PHILADELPHIA. HE public is respectfully informed that. we hove appointed Messrs. BUYER & SUN Wholesale Agents, for the age of ell our cele bnxed brands of SUPERIOR PREPARED COFFEE-IS, Inch nigßio. lan, Turkey, Dundelion, French Breakfast and Dinner Coffees. The public in respectfully solicited to try It, a we Me confident it. in the but. article in use. ' - 'l‘ H E TEA D R supplied by “curs. Boyer 8 Son, st. Hmufnc turer'n pfices. ' M. MYERS k 00., Febfie, 1865. 2w Notice. ENRY BBEAI'S mania—Lemn or ndministmlion on the an“ of Henry rem ate '0! Huntington townlhip, Adnma connty‘nving been granted to the undenign ed; the first unmed residing in Cumberland tp. And the hut numed in Huntington tp.,lhey hereby give notice :6 nil persona indebted to aid estate to make immediate payment, and than having claim: against. the name to pre "H them pwopcrly authenticated for unle~ meat. ‘““' " ‘”"‘” FRANCIS BREAK, GEORGE But-IAM, Administrators Inch 6, [865. st Notice. EONARD DELAP'S ESTATE—Letters “purgatory on the "mu: 0! Leonard elnp, late of Tyrone town-hip, Aflams county, deceased, hnving been grated to the under 'ligned, residing in the same township, th-y hereby give notice to all peno‘na indebt ed to agid estate to make immedinte pnymcm, and those hnving claims Against the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. JOHN DELAP, , . » DANIEL DELAPL Feb. 6,1!365. 6t. . Executor: Nance. ARY BROUGH'S EST.\TE.-—Letters of administration on the estate of Mary Brough, late of Hampton, Adaml county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed. raiding in the same place, be here by gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hnving claims against the lame to present them properly authenticated for settlement. ,LEVI CgRONISTER, Adm'r. Feb. 6, 1865. (it - ' ‘Fofséimmfihi 9 ACRES, mare or less, of Land, in Butler _ lownnhippn (hellunteuwwn road, about 3 mien from Heidlersburg, nm Diehl'l mill, with} new two-story Fume Home and Kitch en; Stable, well of mar, orchnrd, kc. Here is a fine chance for I lmnll properly. hume diue possession wlll be given. WM. HcCLEAN, Feb. 21', 1865. BE Gettylbnrg. Notice. HE booh for Cumberland (ownlbip Boun ty Tu f0r1864, no in the handl of the 0 letter, Lewil A. Buchmn. Penono Ire urged to be prompt in the pnymen: or their tun. By order“ the bond, _ ABRAHA! PLANE, Prea't. N. Luann, Sec’y. Inch 6, 1865. as Picturefl Pictures! EV! MUIPE‘R fuv'ufg pnrchued Snmurl L Wenvex’n PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, il prepared to execnle work in his line equal to an] umblishmenz in the Slate. If you delira a good likeneu,finisbed according to tbehtclt improvement! in the I“, call I: the above long—established Gallery, in Well liddlo urpet, Gettysburg. [Jam 9, 1865. Do You Wish preserve. I noon likenua of yourself, your children, or your friends? go a! one! to HDflPER’S GALLERY, this beat plug in ‘ho county 14) newt; fin! classpictnrea, Jan; 9, 1865. ALL PAPERI WALL PAPERI—AL 'new otylesr just reach-ct I; Dr. 31 L: . - R’S Drug and, Vuipty more. VBurma-im- xho flnut mange“)? Stu—“l P “a Summer Clothing in mug. .0. 8.7-30 Loan! BY authority of the Secret”; of me Trou ury, an nndenigncd hu man Jed the Gnu-i Bubncripuou Agency for the uh of Unitefi Sum»: Treasury Not", baring love- Ind three tenth. per cent. iuumt, per tannin, . hiowu u the , SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. Then not" are issued under due of Aug!“ 1511:. 186‘, Ind lie ply-Illa three inn from thlt timcmip curnnq, or are connfliblo n lhe option of the holder into U. 8. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD - BEARING BONDS. These bond: Irv now worth a premium 0! nine per cent., including ”1d interut from Now, which nukes the mud profit an the 1230 lon, It current tutu. including mum, nbont ten per cent. per ennum, belide‘lu ex emption from State end municipal lnxntion, which edde from one lo three per cent. mote, Iccording lo the rete levied on other prorerty. ‘The interest in plylble eemiunnuully by con pon: hunched to em‘h note, which may be cut ofi'nnd sold tn my bank or banker. . . The interest amount: to One cent per day on a 550 note. Two cents “ " $lOO |' TN] u u It 5500 u 20 H ll‘ N. $lOOO (I $1 at u M 55900 H Notes of It“ the dénominnlions nnmod will, be plouptly.fu_n-niuhcd upon receipt a! sub icriptions. Th‘uia . THE oxu‘ LOAN m MARKET now wred by the Gnrernmont, Ind it is con. fident :- expected that in superior luvanmges will make it the GRE vr POPLLAR LOAN 0? mm; PEOBLE. Less than $200,000,000 remain misold, which wilfprobably be dispoyod ofwilhin the nexlso or 90 days, when the noicl will unguubudly command a premium, as bl? uuifm’fmly been the Mac on closing the lubscriptio‘hs to other Lonny. . In orvll-r tlnt._cilizcns'oferery town Ind I‘M:- tion of the country any be Alforded I‘Acllitiel for taking the loan, the National Hnnh, Sula Bnnka,|nd Prints Bat'xkern throughout the country have generully agreed to receive unh- Icripliqnl M. pu. Subscribers will" “>th their own agents, in whqm thefhuve notifi deuce, and who only tr: to be responaibla for the deliveyy of the note: for which they re: ceive orderl. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philndelphiu Subscriptioui yiil be received 1., the First National Bank of Gettysburg, Ind the Gettys burg Nation-l Bunk. [Feb. 27, '65. 3m Personal Propenty' 'l‘ PUBLIC SALE—On TUESDAY, the A 213: day of MARCH next, she subscriber, intending to decline hunting, will sell at Pub lic Sale, M his residence, in Butler township, Adams county, one fourth of I mile can of Lower’s mill, the following volueble personal property, \‘iz: 7 head of good HORSES, (two of Which I" Brood Mares, and one of them with tool—one- Family Mare) 2 Col", (one two you: old, and the other one yum) 6 flilch Cows. (twoywill be fresh by Ih:time~ofnle,) 1 Heifer, u lot of Shegp and n loLol' Shotel, one Pour-hone Blond-trend Wogon, with locklng machine, hedgbowa and side boards, set of Dung Bonds, “'o3s! Laddeu, flu, Carriages, Hone Roke, Wi nowiug Hill, Cutting Box, Ploughl and , Harrnwa, Double and Single Shovel Ploughl, ‘ Corn Fork, Chm Coverer, Double and Single lreen, Spreader), 2 net: But: Chains, I let Brent Chuins, Log Chains, Halter! and Hal ler Chain, Cow Chninl, Horse Gears, 2 sets of Double Strapped Breechbnnda and Side Plntuy 2 nu Front Geun, 3 sets Blough Gen“, 2 Plough Lines, 1 five-horse Line. Bridlel and Collars, Wagon Saddle, ‘Yngon Whip, Holin ings, Yanks, Rakes, kc. Also, Smoked lieu, Hathaway Cook Stove and Fixlufes, Bedncnd, lron Rattle, Spinning Wheel, Smoothing Irons, and a large variety of other onicln, too nu meroul to mention.— “‘Sule m commence at 9 o'clock, A. BL. on said day, when allendpnce will be given and Lama made known by * _ DAVID ,R. P. DEARDOBFP. John Hines, Auctioneer. ‘ Feb! 27, 1865. u“ . ' 4 New Establishment. OOTS AND SHOES.-—The subscriber re spectfully Immune: to the Citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, lb“ ha hasv'opeued s new BOUT AND SHUE estkblilhmenl, in Cham‘beriburg “1163,, w Gettysburg, one door from the Drug Storeof A. D. Buehler, where he ls preplred lo mnnnl'lctnre Boolrund Shoes of every de- Icriplion. Gentlemen'e Boole Ind Shoe- mode in the mo" subeuntinl manner. Ladiee'work~ done up neatly and upon the shortest. notice} All kinds of repairing prpmplly attended to. Our work will be found strong, nealand cheep. We will gunnntee our work to wear and lit‘. Lam determined to put. up better and cheaper work then eny other establishment in town and would therefore solicit I there of public patron-go. Call dud enmine our work and give us a trial. .. ‘ R. P. BRADEN. Jan. 2, 1864. ll ' The Eye and Ear. , 0 THE PEOPLE! T NOW READY. A Work by Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER, of No. 1027 Wulnut. Street, Philadelphin,—entilled A ‘noox ron mz‘uoru, bu the following Diuuei: BYE and EAR Piseuea, THROAT Diseases in Genet-J; Ciel-”men’s and Pubtic Speaken' 8 BE TRHUAT; Diseases ol the AIR I'ASSA .S,n Ringgit", Bronchitis,) ASTHMA an CA-J l . This Book is to be had at No. 606 Chennai Sheet, Philadelphia, and of I" Bookaellers.— Price Sl—nnd from Ike author. Dr. Von Mon cbziakfl, who can be consulted on sll lbeu mnlsdiu, and all Norton: Alfecliona, which be trans with the surest "cecal. (Mica, No. 1027 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Feb. 13, 1865. 3m ' ‘ Assignae’s Notice. HE undenigned,'hnving ,been appointed Assignee, under n deed of «trust (‘0; the benefit of authors. or Pun (humour And Win, 0! Maul-(jay lawn-hip, Adnnu county, notice in hen-by given to all perlonl knowing themselves indebted to mid Auignon to make immedinle payment to the undersigned. raid ing in the same township, nnd those luring claim! against the lame to present them properly authenticated for letllement. HENRY BEITLER, Assign». Feb. 13, 1865. 6!. ' , PHILADELPHIA . 186"} PAPER runaways. {55“ Howell St Bourke, ANUFACTUKERS 0F ‘ WALL PAPERS, no , wmoow cvunm 1949335, Corner FOURTH and “ARKET 3mm, PHILADELPHIA. N: 8.-—A fine stock of LNEN SHADES, constantly: on hand. (Feb. 20, 1865. an Auctioneerlng. 108 .\BD TRIMMER, of sunbl- townlhlp Adam: county, Pm, Lu commences SALE CRYING, and I‘ll be happy touund to all an: that may be an“. Ha will do his best to render ulitfncnoa in l“ mu, Ind will be moderate in hit charges. Timqul for the puuouge alt-end; bestowed upon lip, he uh um. ¢he public generally give Hm I trial. Sew. 26. 6m Revenue Stamps 0? my denomination manually on Mud Ind for la]: n the First Nation! Bank at Gettysburg. GEU. ARNOLD, Bullies. Genylburg, Nov. H, 1864. oofdfnhEQJ-i"réu.vod u 0:5. G HORNER’S Drug Store. We We Sul phue a! [the wr prnerving Cidgr: , ‘ OTTON GLOVES, for Men and 'ole n. Cbe Ind chap IL ' ‘ . SCHltfi’S. , Noting: Else V ['l‘ alt-gain, woll‘hlda, fin. MIN; Dr... and [in-inn; Com, at Ploxjxu's. ANY QUANTITY . ‘ a! Cloth, Canimere, Salim. Sim. Velvet}, Swim-u. Pluah nnd Cotton Wm, M. an to“ known land of I'ICKUO. O ‘ NEVERTHELI’SS TRUE x , That Picking, in conuqneuue o! Ipptoubm‘ Ip‘ring. is selling ofl' h a large flock of WEE: (MATH, n: "1 ry rcduvrl pricrl. 0:“ tool. .' ‘ out may \anm to impact and [my from the bgndwmutaa. Dortmrul "1‘ Hum. UVB" SUIuTs, ever an”. ed in this Min-e, to he h-d at I’IL‘KISG gi.‘ KEH' TIME. A fefi flora of thou: ceXebmmd Yankgp’Clnck Time Keeper: It ‘ PICKING'S. FEET! FEET! ‘ A in more Sufi-lo Ind Gum Shoes at rodnovl prices h ~ PIUKING'S. MUSIC. ‘ Forums in win! of A good Violin or Anoordaoa cu be‘wpglicd at] _ NCMXG'JS. ' , XOTIORS. ’ ;Suapendera, Combs, Hair and Chiba! Bruthu. [hum-gonna Rum Snaps. Soup, Spatula, ’ Pen Kuhn, Dom-mow, Yiuliu Strings. he, u ~ . _ Maxim's. 71111NEs can be had by naming in Baltimon Itreet, I} PIL‘KLNG'S., ‘ CAII‘PET SACKR. A few more m: n! _ KEEP DRY M Picking}: Store can he hnd Umbrella of All than. ‘ ‘ P l C , K I N O in selling by goods at. the lowest. liflug price. Innl _woulll imile nil to cull and sea ham, us he is dvtcrmined In sell at the lawn! prim". _ J.m. 30, was. _ = ; Gold Pens FIIPOR THE MILLIOX! , ‘ 'em to Suit. (he "dildtnlld Priors in 9-511 th- Pocket Tan anr Conn I‘m: In nu Wmvw! On receipt of the following mum. we will send, by mail, qr a: dirm-fad,.a Gold l'un ur Pam. "In ting the‘aume nccordrzg to the de scriplfon, namely-3‘ ' . Gold Pens, in Silver Plated Extension Cane], Wikh l‘osnils. ' ’ For $1 .\'o. 2 pen; for SI 25 Nm 3 pen; for 3.1 50 No. 4 pbn; for $2 No. 5 pun; for, $2 2:; No. 6 mm; ' "Those pens are stamped THE IMPERIAL PEN,und are well fininhcd and fine writing Gold Pens, with good nridum pninu, although they are unwnrrnuledmud uumol he (‘xt'lmnged , WA}!!! \N'I‘HI) mun [’EN’S IIuII n-uno (Amem-un OHM "c1100.,N. Y ) is slumped on all our Ml qnumy PK'HF. .md [Ma pain“ me whrrnnlml lnr pix muntlxa. excrm nguimlncridont. Unr arms" quuxn'Pguu uro stumped THE NATIONAL PEN, “ilh lb. imliu‘b of mu- fig» (A. H. l‘. Pa ,) nnd an ear;— {ully nude. h .\‘in! UN same point: M our firm qunlily l‘onl. the only grey“ (llfl'cmuru bclng Iv n 1» «Imm; of cm- Gold. v . Gold Penn, lxl‘nnfi 2d qunlxty in Solid Silver Hxlenugu‘ Ups-m», mm: l'cuuh For $2 00 a No. l pen lat “ualnly, or ANO. 2 pen 2d quall'y. For $2 25 3 No. 2 pen 111. ‘quulily, or t .\'c. 3 . pen 2}} qunlity. ‘ > ' For $2 25 a No. 3 pen Ia: qimlity, or g No. l pen 2d quality. - For $3 60 A No. 4 Pen 1n qzmmy, or In No. 5 pen 2d qulnly. . _ For $4 60 t No. 5 pen 111. quality, or a .\'u. a pen 2! quality. ’ For $5 50 a No. 6 pen 1:: quality. The same Gold Pena, in Solid Silva: or Gold- Plnted Ebony Desi H lders and Morocco Curl. For $2 25 a No. 3 pin 1“ quality, or a No. 4 pen 2d quillly. 3' ‘ = _ For $2 50 u No. “Son 1:: quality, or I No, 5 pug“ quality. “ For 3 20 a. No. 5 '92:: m qnamy. or I Na. 6 pen 2.! quality. ‘ Fur $4 00 a. No. dpen ls: quality. Vol 35 60' a No; 7 pen: "i’or $6 75;; No. 8 pan. For $l2 00 a N 0.12 pen ; all first. qunlily. Our pens nnk throughout the country an equal if not superior io any gold peu‘l sunn tu-tuwcl. Not only lor their writing qualmn but durabilhy and clogtm finish. The gun en ogre in ,uled quheir muuat‘ucture, and non! are sold with ths slightest imperfection um old” can detect. ‘ , Panic» in ordering must sp‘ecily the, num, numlger sud quality in all instance: Ind win.- xher nm‘ or limber, course or fine. T 0 GLUBSZ—A discount. of 12 per ennui!“ be INOWOJ on {mi of $l5, if you! to on. ad. dren, u on: time; 16 per cent. on 51.6; ‘lO pu cent. on $4O. , All remittances by mail, Regina-pd, are M our risk. To, :11 who enclose 20 cents sun for fe’gistering, woguuranleo the life ddiver” of ghe 00d» ' ~ ‘ , Cirrxsu'n oljlll our new-styles, with Engrav ing: of “no: sites, and prices. sent upon re. flip! of stamp, if desired” Peri! repainted f 0: 50 cams, kg, mail. _ 'Ststiongrl and Jewelers nfe rcqueste‘i to correspond with as us we cnn’ofl'or lhem‘gn-M inducemenu. Address, ‘ , ' AMERICAN GULD PEN COMYANY, No. Eu‘f'Brondwuy, N. Y. Jan. 30, 1865: Jim . New warehouse. ‘ ' HHSHELS 'U!’ GRAIN 100.0()0 WANTED,M lee newflmin and Produce House, in lehln mm, ndjoih. in; Sheads at Buchler'a culublisflmem. Tb! highest mlrket price wilt n'lwnys I): paid in cash for _ mum, of all kind;. . ' FLOUR, SEEDS, ‘tc. Always on haul nfid lor llle,lfl. the mull"! profits, 2 . ‘ GUAHQS. SALT, ‘nsn. GROCERIES, kc., / 3 Wholesale Ind retnllu \ TRY US! We shall do? our but go gin tntiafncuoninmllcuel. , 7 _ ma ‘ ~chCURDY & DIRK". Gettyuburg, Mn, 1!, 1553. I] - Dissolutipn. ‘ HE pulnership'hiretofore existing bo-' T tween the undersigned, under the um. and “,1: of _FMWES ‘OCK BROTHERS, in this day dinoived V mutun! cement—{mu F. Fuhnestuck relir ng. ‘ . JAMES F. FAHNKS’I‘OCK,‘ » HENRY J. muwngocg EDw.-G. mums ck. , ; HE undenigned, 'rcmniniuing runners at the firm of FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, mu ronzinue the business at the nine plies, under the “me name_und style 0! firm. HENRY“ J. FAHSESTOCK, ‘ EDWARD G. PABNESTOCK. Jan. 9, 1865 Ffésh Arrival , F WINTER GOOD-3‘ AT A. St'OTT t O SON'S.—We imite the Intention of boy ": 10 our Muck 0] Winter Goodl, which will ‘ be sold cheap. consisting of . ‘ ' LAUIBS’ DRESS 90003,}, Shll‘ll, Clo-king Cloths, “49, etc”.- Eor Mun'l uni Boyl‘ wear we have Cloths, Cnuimrrh, Coatings, Vescings,wilh n tux-leg of Cotton- Idu, km, lc‘. Cl“ uud see. « Nov. 28,1864. A. scor'r s so». I. K. Staufl'er, WMcuu/mm 1 memm, No. In North SECOND Street, ~ . corn" 9! Qusrry, I’IIILADEL-w PMIA. An anortmcn’z ul WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER 4! PLAT“) ‘WARE, nominally on hand. . SUH‘AHLE FUR HOLIDAY PRESEXTSQ wkcpair'xug of Wad" und Jauulry promptly «mended '.o. I‘ ‘ Dl-c. 11.1864; 1y ‘ .2 _v ‘ . Canno‘n’S» MARBLE WORKS, $0111" of Baltimore. :98 Em fliflhim , ‘ opposite ”3meer HOW», ' » , ~ -‘ GETTYSBUIG. r-4._ ~~ Every delcriplion o! wart executod i; {kW-‘4: Mani Ilg'le of Ilia In. ‘- I,"‘ “ “f In. 16, 18116. If - »___ ‘ g f A First-rate Farm . 1 0!! .SALE on flEh'Tm-Enqukr m“ .3 F once. {my Williflfiflfi ; . . ..7.. __..,.._....._.V-.‘~ . :A‘“:."'*‘-"‘7'r;~r:fi a . Ago, Arrov Fun], Ctr: Surch,li“.-Mi § “4' sewn, army-g balm-twig "“ml.' ‘E ‘ ‘> u: ;‘ “ '2 . { \ - ~ ~ , «m ' 3 mires I‘ICKINO’S I Y