The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, March 13, 1865, Image 1
n 1•11 ‘l‘erma t Thd Com-ugh in ’published every Méndny morning, by Illa“ J. 81_A§hl, at $2 00 per annum if puid Itrictly 1m tunnel—s 2 50 A per mum illl not paid in advnnoe._ N 6 subscription disconelnuegl, unleoi d: ‘the option of the publisher, until all Ari-euge are paid. - 1 ADVII‘HSIIINTS inserted Al the usualnui. Jon Palm-ma done with neatneu and dispatch. , Ornct in South Baltimore street, neulfi ~‘ Opposite Wunpl 611’ Tinning Esublilhment. file-“Conn“ merma Omen" on the sign.- mggmma mans. Wm. A. Din—(3.3:, I TTORNEY AT LAW.-Offlcc in che North west. corner of Ccmrefiqugre, Gettysburg, I. z ;[Uct. 3,1859. 1.! D., McCona‘ughy,’ TTORNEY AT LAW, gmcc one déor west A ofßuehlér'a drugjan book store,Chnm ersburg ureét,)‘A'r'ruuuy Am: Soucnou rO3 Pnnu no 'l’nsxoxl. Bounty Land War rants, Back-pay unapcndéd Claims, and all other clnims against the Government at Wash ingtonJD. 0.; le‘oAmericnnClnimlin England. Land Warrant! lobuéd and aoldmr bought,an highest price-:given.‘ Agp'nfi engagdd Vii: lo cating wu‘rndlu in lawn: gllnnin and other five-(torn Samoa-Q w/l‘mflyx; 0 him prraunnlly ‘or by letter. ‘ . , ‘ f Gettysburg,'Nov. 21, ’53. .'' A. T." Cover, TTORNEY AT QAWJVIH prmnpfly Mgeud AlO fillecllons and .1” other hugincss cnv trusted to him. (Mica heme-en Fnhnestockl' Ind Dunner h Zicélur'a Stores, Baltimore street Gettysburg, Pd. . ' wept. 5,1859. Edward B. Buehler, ‘ > 2 "OBNEY AT LAW, will fuithfully And A: firomfitly utteud to?” businels entrusted to im. He allctlkl the German language.— Ofliue M the édme price, in 803‘”: Baltimore “not, near Fornvy's grung‘slore, nnd nearly oppos‘te Dunner k Zlcgler'fl More. Gettysburg, Much 20. . , J. C. ‘Neely, TTORYEY AT h.\\\'.~-~Pnrticul-r nann- A tion [mi-l. to culleclinn oi\l’nnuons, ouncy, ‘mli‘fim-k-pu). (Mine in the S. I). norm-r of thumiuumnl. :‘ Uetl}s[)yx'g,‘.§pril G, 1963. _tf. Dr. D. S. Pefl‘er, BBOTTSTO‘.\'N, .\d nus ('nuniy, continu‘cs A Ihe meLi‘cc ul his prof‘cgsiuu iu-uH its bmnvbmi, mu] ‘would reslu-ctfully ,im'm‘ nll pwrmns nffifcn-d {nth u‘ny uh! ..luudiué dis ease: to call and unusull lum. , UCL 3, [St/t. . :t‘ ' . Doctor ‘ ‘ 'E. GOLDsnunouun, . - ' LATE ‘ ‘ . ' .\LZRGEUN UNITED, STATES ARM", b 1: permimentjy louflcal in HAMPTON, Adams cuunty, Pu. ){is e tum-in- i-xmriuwv in pri mm and hcspihd pfi-c'r'wo, oflL-rs not) mince: Illent‘lo th-nsu nflhc‘wynilh chroma din-mus lo apply“ fur hrnlm- nl. ’ I’cuuui at A distance wishing lrcqlmcul or n.l\ m: um reque-led tn mhfr ass him 'h_\ IHHI‘ or In pmwn .11 his uflizc, us his mum will nut mind: of long ride; exuepl in surgivul or u firune'cases. f ‘ [.lnn. 23, 1855. tf h; _. VH _._.‘h‘fi 7__._,__-;.__.‘.._ , Dr. J. W. c. O’Neal’s 3 , F'l‘lt‘fi :lnll “.ngng .\'. E.‘ mnfvr ul_B l~ () liumre and Hugh s'rmu, m-hr I'm. :1.) L: :I?fu leu h, “city-6mg. Pa. ‘ I . .. .\u»‘. do, ISM): li " ‘ J. Lamina Hlll, M. D. \S his omm- nc ~T~ &: ’ I—l dgur \n-«L of the WK]? Lutheran chum h in , ' " Uhmmers' uh; slrxel, 31$. oppbaile Pickiug’s Blue, “5- n‘. than» \visllinc In hnvc any Dunml Opua'iuu pe"ul’m£‘d:trv rv p 3 fl'ullyinvi‘ed to cm I‘m‘rruuém Urs. hgnwr; Rev. C. l’. JKr Ht 1. D. IL, “‘s‘". H. L. Banqher, I). 1)., Rev. Prat. .\l.'J.mohs. hot. .\I. L. Stun'cr. butlyshurz, A,l_rll 11.‘53. Hardware and Grocenes. ‘ 'J‘UE‘ ;|.l.~rr|lu-xs hun- Just 'rA-gurmzd fun") lhu rllim‘ujlh :11l immrn-‘v .\upply If HARDWARE &;(illU(‘l-Jlllh8. which they .u‘u ullvnng nl ll elr‘nld shun! in Itullnzmw str- rt. It pril'us [lnuit [he murs. Uur‘duck ('(lnaial! in pan of ~ BI'ILDING HATER! HS. ' \ c.\m'l:\"rlzu's 'muLS, BLACKS“I'I‘H’fi‘TUULS. COACH FINDUUS SHOE FINDIXCS. ‘ CAUIVI'IT MAKER’S TOOLS, . HOll5. [CK E l' l’lill'b'. FIX FURES, 4 ‘ ALL mpsm‘ mus, kc. “ROCK-Rll6B U!“ A Ll.‘ KI’NDS, OILS, PAINTS; km, kc. There is no «Hit It: Included iii the sevfiral dupnltlncma umqlh m'd nhme but what ann' he hnd n: LtMsStoreL— Every class of Mruhnuius can lu- m-numnudzucd here with woke nud findingsmnd liofi~ekcepcrs cum fihd e\'e‘ryltrlil-lein their line. ‘ Give us u call, as we; are prepuu-d to sell as low for cash as any house cut of the city. ‘ 'JUEL B. BANNER, ‘ DA\'ID~ZUS'JLER. . Gunysburg, “‘3' I'6, le-L ‘ ‘ r Removals. HE undersilhcd.bging thp nuthorizfi person 21‘ to nuke removals into Ever Green Ceme l ry, hopes that such as contemplate the rumba] onhe remains of deocnflad‘ relniives on friends ' .will avail themnéh'csof this season oflheyenr to have it done. flcxfiovnls made with promptuess —terml 1917, and no efi‘ort spared to please. 3 - PETER frHuRN, ‘ “ch/)2, 'BO. Keeper of the Cemétcry. l The Great Discovery ‘ I? THE AGES—lnflammatory and‘phronic Q Rheumntism (fun be cured by using I}. L. )[ LLER'S CELEBRATED RHEUHATJC .\IIX TURE. Manny prominent. citizens'of this, and the adjnining counties, bnve testified tp it: great utility. In; success in Rheumatic infec lions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific, inn-induced to' the public. Brice 50 cents per bottle. For nll dragging and Itorekeepers. Prepared only by H.‘ L. MRLEB, Wholesale and Help” Dragging East Berlin} Adams county, Pm, dealer in Drugs, Cbeniicnll, Oils, Vuniruh, Spirits, Painté, Dye-slums, bog. tied Oils, Enseqees and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery} Patent. Medicine‘s, kg, m. ”A. D. inéhler is the Agent in Gettys burg for “H. . Niller’i Celebnted‘flheumutic Hixturet" . ‘ [JuneilSGL tf ' " Grain and Produce. flAYING taken the large and commodihn Warehouse recently -occnpied' by Funk on ,Esq., _ , _ _ ,IN NEW OXFORD, we no pupa-ed w [my the highesc price, To: .11 kind: ofP‘BUDUCE. Also, sell n the low.‘ est pflcao, LUM BER, COAL Ind GROCERIES, of every ducription. " A. P. MYERS h WIERMAé New Oxford, sag; 10, 1863.' if ' Young Men { 1 ND OLD HEN, do nogallm'v you Hi When 3nd you; wivés to wear out. their pt ions IVCI over the old Wash-tub longer, b like true mu: Ind bener:\ctors,~pregent them with An EXCEL SIOR WASHER, ind mazeld. of from). and cross Words on wash days, dopnd upon it. ch'euful faces will greet you. 5 TYSON BROTHERS, Gett3sburg,_PL Dec. 14, 1863. , Battle-field Views. FULL lei of our Photographic Viewn of A the Battlelfield :of Gettysburg, foun 5 I 1) mfldgm for the Holidays. The finest yet publishefl ad be seen at the Excelsior Gallery. ' ‘I‘YSON BROTHERS, Geflyeburg. Eh.“ jun wished : naw_mortlnent of Queennwu-o, to which we invite the “nation of buynn. A. SCOTT & SON. ~ ”flu. i wanna Goons l—A good Wont of Fun sud Winter Goods 3: c 1: ll’ the. Chapug A. at SCOTT [Bo3’s my“? mas 131)“;me v... Lawn-u ,: { é swam. 1 \\ ‘l, A_, 1}“.20’. f 7: > _ _.f égfiflfi . E‘\~ . , . ~_ f r,“ ..'/ , 2 , ~ 2}} ‘l. , : : , , ' W 2 ‘ ’ ;_,i'._ 4*{2 ’ 5 .2 .' , ‘2 9j, ’ i ' <2, f 2. 3539'? ‘ xii? _ \ f" '2 /w 2/ ~/' 1 ~ :7- ,_ -. y 2 \ 2 1 22 2 i; )l‘ l I J ‘‘ J' \‘é ‘» ‘ -‘ -‘ ' V . 2“” = j >/_ 2. - /}} K U gr :7‘ " ‘ ~ / ’ '3' / '27/ v ‘ . i Br H. J. STABLE r47tYif `Yax: 'Real and Personal Property I: Pubhc gale, .‘ AT I???" $35“? $133851“, the. N uoxnu, the 20th day of MARCH ltn a) o 1 ._ x e 5“ ocriber, ‘ next, the subscriber, Aesignee of Peter intendingfo [(0 “_ e“: “"110 ‘s' “E P 95!” 3‘19. lOrndorQ and Wife. will éfl'er at Public Sale at his residence. In S‘l-I’Bbl township, Adi!“ I on the premises, the following property viz I county, 0n the.old Chembershurg road, W 0 A FARM situa}: iu Mountjoy' tomishi miles ens! of Middietun 11, three miles west of, Adams county. on the Baltimore turnpike p 4, Huntoretuwn, “If! five "“1”“ “0”“ of GF‘US' miles south ot'Gettysbutg, {adjoining lands, of burg, .th fo“°w"‘r’~ l’ef‘f’mf] “We"! i "'l5 Peter Bercuw, Samuel Durboraw’s heirs Isaac . l hymly Buy 1103.519: 14;“0‘595‘101‘! B“! Lightner,John Young; And others, contl’sining (Jolt, .. Mild! 00‘”. (“‘l9 "‘ l b“ ”9”." 31’0“" 152 Acres, more or less 20 acres of which are , the first of April “Rd ‘PG 0‘11" übout the 55‘» woodland and 15‘ ocre's meadow ‘ of Huh) | LIFE? Bfledamg 8°”: 4 fine Shotes,’ improved with-a one and a hali' ' One-horse \\ Egon <B." “*9: “ "'- of wagoni storv HOUSE part stone and anti. Bowa, ‘uid Tongue “Ithsclmnsv shovel plough, ‘ Iw,” Burn \i‘ugon Shed Corn 1 NEW" ’fé‘dm‘i', tiling]: 51:1:re1-};lough frame,’ Cr’ib, a goo-l Apple Orchur'd and o. variety 01“ £232: :9 1,033 :8 Semgglyéigg 2;; 015;}: [ other fruit‘trecs. .The farm is in I good state “meme: 5.“ °’ ”“9“" 1"" ”f ”"3": 9’c2l3L2“3"2?s§§?n§“s°ia"é‘3§"ir'§“°fi§gén will bu'md.’ “n." in}! bridle, large ““98: call on the subscriber rosidin agarghefiame leuthrer fly-net, ndlug] sndgle. and briflle, “d" fi‘Also at the seine timegand place wi'l . . - , ffiec‘rflnbrfli‘ 1; :35 “Elli; 5:381:33?" f_be sold the following personal .pro'perm’ viz: “-311 iirgof sh u- tmces breast ch .113, TWO'HOP‘SE WAGON: ““91" H“! 331“, if: .9, l" , .9. . . . “"“iv ultivator Land Roller Sled Three-horse? alter: and cow chums, 2 large grindstonu fin D ,g, m ll ’ Ci: , S ,1 will. frames, pitch lork and Hung fork, shaking b 0 'R g“ ‘9' °: “"0": our, "100‘- ‘ forks, ink”, shovels, hoes, single and donbie— i re ‘3l:]; t:- t , ~, k P M trees and nrullllu rings, wood saw and 2 Mind. ans-id d cgmmeaczd“ o‘v:fb, -: -» ~inns, osmnmulaud wedgeagruin shovel,‘half. and term 13:13:? 5 0b ““60 WI e glven bushel measure, bushel bilekcl, lic. A 150,! . u stfigntlTLEß A_- lnnclunnith Tools, 2 Anvils, 3 Vises, agavdr. Feb 1" I’B!‘s ‘t! , sstgneo. liéliowsmud l‘rumc,hirge DriL hnd frume,round‘ '“i I . - munvil and Ho: k “nil, with tongs, swedges, hull tools, wren L-hes, riuzliug hammers, sledge, l scrim-91.1w and taps, it lot of iron and spring steel. Also a. lot of Shoemaker”: lusts and[ tuul~, hummcrr, ton‘gs' and peg-cutter, knives, nu ls,.&c. Augogrs, drawing knife, at lot or good] [,ngs; a large pnif of shears to out sheet iron. I: lledstomls rind Budding, Burenu, corner cup-i lm'lid, smkfleaf m‘blr, kitchen table, set of Cililll‘a. 2 rocking crudll-s, hook cose, looking plush“, fillcnchusHL-Ouk stove and fixtures, ten plntv slmennd pipe, cnrpel, iron kettle, brass kettle, wool wheel, carpet wheel, fish net, [with-butler by the crock, barrels end kegs, luhs, nor-rel of vinegar, pumloes by the bushel, bnxef. churn, tin-ware, earthen-ware, queens: wnrr, jigi, iron pans, with a Vaniety oi other articles notmeunonk‘d, 523'.“ Lhe same llme and pl'ace, will be of {cu-(3,1119 DESXHAHLE HUME on which the suburiherresidenncjuiningNicholas Schrivér, Hung \\'iunur und‘UL-mgc Byu‘s. being 15 Aucu, more or less, of-wcli-improved hm , h:l\'iuglh£~rcun u'l‘n‘o—‘smry Dwell ing HQUSE, vyilh Que-slot) Bad-1(- lruthing, Double Log Bum, with threshing “0:11;, Coin Crib, Hug Pun; Womflluuse, Spring House; a never-mil. in; m-H ul \[nt‘cr III'N.& door_\nv,h n_ pump in ll.n‘lhrx\,i§ig.\uuug‘:\pple und Punch Urchmd, mul a film ksmilh bhop‘ if not sold, the prulwrty will)“: ren‘tcd on said dnys' . ”Man in the same time and place, Will be anlud,‘ A V'I‘RAC'I‘VUF WOODLAND, situate inllicnniien luwmhip, Adams count” adjoin iug Imm; of Philip Donahue, Puul Bowers, and thcrf, cumzflninfl Acres, more or less, well syn-red with; cheemxl timber. ll 'hus upn i: a uewrfniling épring, ~ ’ é‘Snle to commence in 3 o‘clock, A. LL, on said any, when algendunce will be given and trims made known by . c SINGLETON CIIRONIS‘J‘LR John flames, Auctioneer. Feb.‘27‘,lB(=s. ‘1; , , . 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. n.“ mm AT THE _ ' h ‘5; gLD WAREHOUSE, E‘V)‘. E. BIDDLE k 00. would ‘ink'mn the public Hm: um; Lune leased ihe Wag‘rxehousc on tlm Lerner of Strum)“ street Imd the Rail road, in Grllyaburg, where lheh‘will entry on tlijLHN‘ AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in ulfils brflHChl’S-V The highest prices ml! :11- wu :1 be‘paid [or . ' " WHEAT, 'uya. / ‘ CORK]. OATS, , ~ . CLUVEkbk TIMOTHY SEEDS,’ ' ‘ FLAXSEED, SUMAC, _ JIAY 6r STRAW; Dried Fmi‘, Nuts, Soap, Hzlms, §honildere and Si-Jcs‘uPoLLJ‘nos, will: everything else in the c'uuulry pyodnce line. 1 ox guru), FOR SALE, Cofi'L-éa: Sugars; .\lolnssas, Syrups, Tens, Spices Salt, Cheese, Vinegar; Sud», .\lualnrd, _Smrcb, Brooms; "Huckelsf Sink-kinngtu ' el, Soups, &C. Ahh COAL. OIL, Fish Oil. Tar, kc.— FISH of all kinds; NAILS AND SPIKES; Smoking and Chewing Tobiccoa. They are nlwnys able to igupply n flf'st rate article of FLOUR, with the different kinds of -FEED. ‘ . J. , Also, GROUND PLASTER, withr‘GUANOS and qlhcr fsrhilizers. WCUAL, ‘by the bushel,lun. 01' cu lond. Le ' Thejr ‘Cz'lrs run to Baltimore and bniktwice ‘9 week,» J they will be happy to Mary goods either wngy _xu monte charges. Murketxnen, gogglry' merchunu, and o‘thel‘s. will. find it to lheir'nd-I'lnlngelo patronize this line. I They ask a share oflhc pnblic’a custom,nnd fill span-e] uo‘eflon togxéuder satisfaction to .ull, sellers or bhyers. ' f i— 4., » “'3l. E. BIDDLflk CO. Aug. 22, 1868. .tf - - -' - New Spring Goods. ‘ HALL PROFITS & QUICK SALES. 1,: J._L. SUHICK would respectfully any :0 Nu; citilenn ol ‘th tysbnrg and vicinity, that he is now receiving n't his store i Iplaudid , , STUCK 01’ SPRING GOODS.‘ The stock consists in part of Fancy and Stain DRY GOODS, of every de'scrippion. 31%st ’ - ' . ‘ jiUZAMBIQUE,‘ ‘ CHALLIES, . ' DELAINES, _ - > ' BOMBAZINES, ' . ’ ~ AL?ACOAS,. ‘ ‘ , LAWNS, - ' CALICQES, of all qnllitial‘nnd choicest ”glee; which m be add at PRICESTO DEFY OHPETXTION. - ‘ FURNISHING GOODS= of .11 kinda‘jjncmding Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves. S‘ockings, ta. $155, a. splendid tuortment of RIBBONS, Meet-ad Edginga, Umbre‘llu and Pmloll.- -, My stock of WHITE GOODS wili be found full and compl‘etc, Ind cnnomeu may rely upon glwnys getting good good: at the lowest poni ble pflcu.’ T \ Gentlemen will find it. to their “vantage,“ call and examine my stock of ’ ' SHOWS, _ CASSIMERE‘S 9nd ' . - . VESTFNGS, at 811 qualities and choicest styles. » ~ May 24, 1864. ‘ J. L. SCHICK. a Plano Fortes. CHARLES H. swan, .., I . nuuncrunn o a GRAND ”D SQUARE PLANO FORTEs, Mannheim-y 193. 105 t 107 Franklin street. ereroom, No. 7 North Liberty street. , Constantly a ‘arge number of PIANOS of my owu Hgnufncture on hand, with the Fun Iron Framers, r wrung. Every Instru ment wax-‘qufigfin years, with the privi lege of: j’f’j 5- ithin twel‘ve months if not Qtire Y... ' ry. Want Pinon away: on hand it P 'mm £05200. ~ Blunt-orgasm. 6, 196:. I] 3111" , ' Janna: mes AND - md‘chup! {oz-guy!“ A DEM©©RATU© AND FAMHLV ' J©URNAL GETTYSBURG,“ PA, MONDAY, MAR- 18, 1865- Valuable Personal Property ‘ T PUBLIC SALE—On WEDNESDAY, A, lhe 15th day of MARCH next, the sub scriber, intending, to quit running, will sell M. Public Sale, at, his residence, in Freedom township,Adams county, about 1} miles nonh west or Greenmount, and 4 miles southwest of Gettysh'urg, the following para 1 property: 5 head of ~WORK HORSEgawne a fine young Bay Stallion,) 5 llilch Cows, 3 Fat. CM ,tle, 4 young Steers, 10 Shoteg‘, Ir Brood Sow, 8 head .of fine Sheep, 1 Threé—horso Wagon, WAgon Bed;[in.y Carriage, (nearly_new,) Spring’ Wagon, 51%}! and Bella, Thrgshing Machine and Horse ower, Wire Horse Rake, Corn Planters, Hay Forks, Winnowmg Mill, Cutting Box, l’longhs and lisrrows, Double and Single Shovel Ploughs, Corn Forks, Corn Coverers, , Single and Double-trees, Spreaders, Jocke3 ‘ Sticks, 2 sets of Breechbnnds, 3 sets of Front , Gears, 3 sets ot‘Single lisruesa, Breast Strap, ‘ Single Lines, Chock Lines, Wagon Saddle, 2 Riding Saddles nndß yding Bridles, 911 cm! Halters, de Chains, M nooks, Picks, Shovels. Forks, Rakes, Grindstone, 4 Axes, Maui and Wedges, Crow-bar, kc. Also, Outs and Pam toes~ by the bushel; 4 Beds and Budateads, 3i Tables, CoukingStove,Ten-plute StB\'e,Buresu, I Desk, 2 sets oi Ulmirs, Stand, Eight-day llruss' (“loci-l, Iron nud Copper Kettles, Queens-ware, g Tin-ware, Crockery-ware, Chum; 400 lhs. of; ll'uuls, Shoulders und Sides, :1 lot. of Lord, and I a vuridy,ef other articles, too numerous to: meunon. . ‘ ‘ 36351112 to commence at 9 o'ciuck. A. .\I , on said dny,'when attendance will he gixcu nnd term: nmde;kudwn by ‘ CALVIN P. KRISE. Jacob Mickley, Auctioneer. ‘ Feb: 20, 1865. ts* , _Pubhc Sale. I N 'rvssmn'. the 14m dny or )Mncu' 0 next, the subscriber, intending to quit hirming, will sell at Public Sale, at his rrsi dance, in Germany township, Adams county, 2 miles west of Littlestown'nnd one mile from Sterne: ’5 Mill, the followingpersonnl property: 4 head ofVWOR'K HORSES, 8 Cows, tWo of them will he iresh by the time of snle, 4 Sheep, 16 bholes, 1 Brood Sow. 4Wagons, (inc bion’d tread, one :is good as new, one nnrrowdread, one two and three-horse, and one Live-horse) Log Slcd,Two-horse sleigh, One-horse Sleigh, Two-horse Carriage. Rocknway Bu 12y. Pug-m. Hay Rake, sclf-disolmrger, new, Winnon‘ing Mill, Cutting Box, Threshing Machine, _with double s‘imkcr, as good as new, Grain Drill, Hay Carriage, 8 sets of Horse Gears, as good as new, 6 llodsings, Wagon Saddle,‘Collnrs, Bridles, Ssets of Carriage Harness, 2 sets of One-horse Wagon Gents, Halters, 25 Cow Chaim, 8 Ploughs, 3 Hal-rows, 1 large Shovel Harrow, 2 Corn Forks, 4 Shovel Plonghs, Roller. Jack-screw, 3 Log Chains, Fifth Chain. ’2 Stretchers, 4 sets of Butt Chains, 4 sets of Breast Chains, 3 Two-horse Double-trees, 2 Three-horsb-trces, Single-trees, Tumble Rake, Cradles, Bintmcks, Picks, Forks, Rakes, 2 Sledges, Scythes and Snsths, 2 Post 110113, Shovels ; 2 Bedsteads and Bedding, 2 Cooking Stoves, Ten-plate Stove, Pnrlor Stove, Patent Wash .\inchinefl Eight-day Clock, Meat Ves se‘s, Bonels, Hogsheads,and many other nrtil clcs, too numerous to mention. WSnle to commence It 9 o’clock, A. 31., on said day, when attendance will be‘gixen mdterms made known by _., > _ _ - > SYLVESTER lIARNER Jacob Klnnk, Auctioneer. ' Feb. 13, 1865. w Public 8316., N Tnunsow, MARCH /16, 1865, the 0 undersignea will sell-at Public Sale, at. his residence, in Hamilton township, Adnms county, about "to mile: from New Oxford, three miles from Hampton, and 3.4 mile from Green Ridge VPost‘Otfice, the following per sonal property, viz : l MARE, l _Yearling‘ Celt, l Cow, l Heifer {heavy with cam) 1 Fat Steer, 1 Shoe l Rockawny, One-horse Wagon, Horse urs, Suddle- and Bridle. Halter and Uow bains, Bay by the 100. Aliciflousehold and Kitchen Furniture, such as Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, .Chestl, Bedstends; Clock, Cook Stove and Pipe, Kitchen Cupboard, Sink, Apple-butler, Vinegar and Barrels, Copper and Iron Kettles, Tubs, Stands, Spinning Wheel, Queens‘ and Earthen-ware, Tin-ware, Muttock, Axes, Shov el, and many other articles. «@Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 11., on said day, when attendance will be given "and til-ms made know'uby 4 SAMUEL LIBHABT William: & Son, Aficcioneen. Jan. :6, use: ”V ,_ OTICE is hereby given to all ptrties in ‘ tereated in the Distribution of the estate as found in the last and final account ofOliver Slaley and James J. Haley, Administrators of the estate of Mary Wolf, late of Germany wwnship, decanted, will be decreed a per diurlbution filed in the Orphu’l (Sam-t f Adlflll county, on {he 18th days: MARd-l xxt, “Lil? exception: are filed or cause own a con .0 . .~ ‘9 -. m JAMES J. PINK, ' 1, Clerk of the Orphun's Court. Feb. 27, 186;). td C A 3 oz} Ho‘ro GRAFI'I'S of dis-tinguisbe‘q indivihnll, includ'ng Innin ber of our prominent Generals, slid the old hero John L. Burnt, fonnle It. the owner of the Exculsior Gallery, Gettysburg. TYSON BROTHERS. TTRACTING ATTENTlON.—Tbeauperior ABPiclul-es taken at. MUMPER’S SKY- Llu 'l‘ GALLERY. on West Middle st, are attrncfi’ng unirenal attention. Good judges pronounce them superior to_sny ever taken in this place. Call nnd examine for yourselves. Jan. 16,1865. F YOU SHAVE YOURSELF You will find hulf the labor-done if ybubuy age of those guygflor Razors jqr gsgeyy 30“" & WOODS. “um: 13 Iran" AND WILL PRIVAIL.” PIETRY¢ nuocu ARDEN . 11—min}; noinf. IT "JLXU sxrrs.', Philip Ely Ind Enoch AM Both won ”moon." on Anni. Lu; Phil. did not Ml fill hu- notions, Eh. wean-0d to nut. with E. ' Himahovuddod, math. bonhhu 9 Fun, mm child!“ chm , _ But Incoming than d! Rhino, _ Lunch m; any to In. Lenin; 1111. Man own" on wall-stocked "1h“ Ihop, Edna; butler, lolp, And truck, 800-tn, whipeozd, lollipop. Ton long yurl lhl Inked {or inn, ~ But bu mitts: cums nor no“, . Whorolan, Ibo conchdod Enoch Could no longer In men. _ Bo wban Philip an» to at her Huh. would be Mn. Rn], She, believing uh. m widov’d, Could not m but mm- “uy; " And a pound ume wu myriad, ‘ , 0:" up Idling bring and chant,- And in due film Philip nursed I mm. by upo'n MI km". But “15' the long lost Enoch l‘urn’d up unexpectod-ly, And w-I nuly (li-concerted By this Act of big: my. Yet ”ducting on the nubjoct, HI determined to none for NI lengthened-nuance from bu ’ ' « By Just leaving well Alone. , A 'l'Aking tohh bod ho dwindlod Down to lemming like IMO, Settled with hi- good undhdy, Next the am of nature paid. Then, when both tho Rm (Imam-d , How poor Enoch’llife had and-d, They game out in [lndiana Ilyle, and 1 GIVI his corpse I kn'ru Iplendld , ‘ Thin h In _I know «on: it, I! It] not "mm-at, writ. next mail to Alfred Tenny- Son, P. L., we 15]. 0! Wight. —Muuovua Pusan MISCBLfifiLNY THE ESQUIMAUX The skin of the'Mysticetus (Greenland) whale is agrent treat to the Eiquimnux, who eat it raw. The “black akin” is three luurilm of an inch thick, and looks like In dm ruhher. It is good eutingin its raw state evm. l‘ur a white man, as 1 know from expe rience; but when boiled and soused in Vlnr’gur it It! most excellent. I afterward mm the natives cutting up the kraug (meat) of the whule into such huge rl'ces us their wives could c ry ;_ and AI: they worked, so did they lit-9p mung. llout load after boat loud at this du they semi over to the Village, where swerulldepulg were made upon is lands in the vicinity. All day long were they eating; and thought I, "what mon stiouq ntmnuchs must those E~quininux have 1” Yet I do_not think, on the whole tlicy eat more than white men. But _the quantity t'hken in one day—enough to last for several days—is what astonishes me! They are, in truth, a peculiar people. "God hath made of on blood all nations of men to dwell on the w ole face ofthe earth, and hath determined he times before sp~ pointed, and the ho (is of their habits.- tionsl” Take the lisquimaux a'way from the Arctic regions—from the shores of the northern‘ueus, and they would soon cease from the face of the earth. The bounds of their hahiutions are fixed by the Eternal, and no one can change them. Thus these people live. ’ . My opinion is, that the Esquimnux prank tice or eating the food rnw is a good one— at least for the better preservation of their health.. To one educated otherwise, as we whites are, the Esquimsux custom of [east ing on uncooked ments is highly repulsive ; but eating meats raw or cooked is entirely a matter qfioducation.-Lgfc uniting the E:- gutmuuz. . - .__.” A Kind Word for "Mo!/zcr."—-Despise not thy mother when she is old. Age may wear and waste a mother’s beauty, strength. limbs, sense, and estate; but her relation as mother is as the sun when it goes forth in its might, for it is always in the meridian und knoweth noeve ing. The person may be gray headed, butiher mother-1y rttion isever in its flourish._ ItJnny be an inn. yea. winter with a woman, but with the mother, as mother, it is always spring. Alas, how little do we appreciate a mother’s tenderness while living! How heediess we are in all her anxieties and kindness! But when she is dead and gone, when the cares and coldness of the worigi come with ering to our hearts. when we experience how hard it is to find true sympathy—how few will befriend us in misfortune—then it is that we think of the mother We have lost. -————-¢e.e.———-—-— A Boy’s Prawn—A Presbyterian clergy man in Northern New York had two smart boys, just old enough to have inquiring minds, but. not to discern the reason of things. They were taught to pray, and the efficiency and need of prayer were daily :mpreued upon them. Both boye.had a patch of “tucker."mr “gap” corn in the garden. and the growing lades were watch ed with intense interest, a. small reward heiugheld out to stimulate their industry. One day, the father walking near the “path” heard the voice of the youngest solemnly enga ed in prayer, and drawing near lis teneg to the following petition: “O Lord, make my corn grow great big corn, but giak'e brother Sam’s grow all little nub ins .” fiWe returned home“ on Thursday, lay: an editor. alter a trip of six hundred miles, in’ lbOl'll three and whalf days. hav ing, in that time. passed over four Stem, nine railroe‘dl. four oxen and a barouche. Any person who has done more in that time, will please forward his address, and the Imell balance he owes us. “‘A woman is either worth a good deal or nothing. If good for nothing, she is not Worth gel-ting jealous for; if she be a true woman, she will give no cause fox-jealousy. A man in a brute to bejealoua of: good woman—a fool to be jeaious of a worthless one; but he is a double fool to cut his lh run for exther of them. " flWhat a. wotld of gossip would be prevented“ it‘was only remembered that. a person who tolls you of the fault: ofothen intends to tell other: of your faults. ‘ #1:: order to deserve a {rue friend you muél first Teiu'n to be obe. -. ’ THE SUCCESSFUL MECHANIC. Many 'yearl ago, a young man, a house— painler by Erode, went. to Savannah to star} in business for himself. He'look a ‘shop, hung out his sign, and looked for custo mers ; but none came. There appeared to be painted enough in the place already, and his proépeots looked dark. What should he do? Give it up, return to- the North. and work as a joumeymau again? .He “"9 not thus kind of a man. Ifcus'to mars would not. come to him he would go to them. Euly one morning. with over nlls on and piling-pot and brush in hand. All ready for work, he atarled out and walked briskly through the pri‘ncipal streets on though in haste to commence a day’s work. which. indeed. he was. Presently a gentleman stopptd him with; - _ “I see you are a painter.” - "Yes, sir.”' ' * ' "Do you do business on, your own ac count?" 1 ' , ' : "Yes, sir." - _ _ “When can you do some work for me 2" Most men would have auswared “right any," but. our friend mm more shrewd, and reglled— \ " - “Pro ably in; week or $O.”. ’_ “Bu‘ I fiant‘itdone immediately.” ‘ "I would like tn nacommodata you, and will try to; I will send a man by day after to-morrow, or I will come myself.” Of course he went himself, and found a long and profitablejob on the gentleman’s plantation». which he completed so wnll that others noticed it, and Wei-e glad to employ him; and in a short time he was at the head of the largest business of the kind in Savannah.‘ He has since changed his business, and. were we permitted to name him, howould he at once iecognizedas tho piincipnl of one of the ineqt important manufacturingxstallishuientsin this couw try. .Remembe:. boys, that he owed his success to palswerunce, skrewdness (not run ning, but careful thought) andfuilli/ulm’ss. A TEMPERANOE FAMILY. Joe Hams was a whole-souled, merry fellow. and fond ofnglms. Alter hviug 111 New Orleans for many years he can»; to the conclusion of vxsmng an Old uncle, away up in Maumchusth-i, whom he had not. seen for muu'y yems‘ Now there 13 u dlfl'erence between New Orh-una and Massa chuseue in regard lo the use of ardent aplr -313, and whou’Joe arnvpd there he found all uho people zmlenl, about. tempcrnuuc; he felt bad, thlnkinar with the old song, lhnc “keepmg 'the spirits up by pouring the spinta down,” was one of the beat ways to make txme pass. and began to four, m deed, than. he Wm in a pickle; But on the morumg 0A his :u‘dvul, the ole! man and his sons hcing out. at work, his aum. came (ohim madlsaul: . , \ ~ “Youhave bccu living in the South and no doubt have been in thé habit oftuking a. little something to drink about. eleven o’clock. \ [keep a little here hu- medical purposes, ’but let no one know it, its my husband wants to set the childreka.‘ good example.” . . 'IJoe pxomised, and thinking he (would get. no male that. day. by took, what. He exprea‘aed it, a “bluslef.” After he had walked out. to the Stab (3 who should he meet but. his 01d uncle. ' - "Well;Jpe," smql he, “I expect you are accustomed to drink soinethmg in New Orleans, but you mll find gs all temper-' ance here, and for the sake of my 301.5 I don’t let them know’ that I have brandy about; but’l just keep a little out. here for rheumatism. WllL you accept a little)” Joe sxgmfied [us readineas, and took another big horn. He then continued his \yulk to where the boys Were'mauling rails. After conversing {or 3 wk“; one at the cousins sald to bun: . ' , “Joe, I expect you would li‘ke'to have a drink ; as the old folks are down on liquor, We keep some out. here to help gs Work." Out. came the bottle, and do‘wu they sat, and by me time he went home to dunner he was as tight-ms be well could be, and all came from visiting a "temperance finmily.” “ , -A— ~~ —— lo><—A—-—— How French India ”JILL-“At the trades exhibition in Paris, the pretty things are plentifu‘l, and the collection includes one or two .nmuaing inventions. Foremoat among these is ysupcrb cm”, drawn by sil ver swims of gigantic proportions. ' The cut is intended for fair banners. In i airy network they mny I'ecli oir ease, and float upon the waters, und in the wa ters, _bupyed up By the 1 ur gallant silver swans. who wxll bear theiisatuly upon the gentle at!!! of summer sens. *At the fair bather's 'elbow is as handle that wor‘s a screw, and by this sooew she may, drive her car at her own eat will. This is luxury enough. one wold imagine, for even a Parisian countess at. Biurntz or Trouville. But the invent is not satisfied. ,He knows the ladies or whom he cuter: ; and in the huclcs oi the noble Dil‘dfl he has con ti'ived n‘liquor-case, duo. ' St. Lough: Danger.—A wager of five hun drcd dollars a side has been made at Alton, Illinoia, that if the rise in the river is as greet this spring as it was in 1859', the Mia. :issappi would break through into Long Lake, opposite the mouth of the Miaswn, and thus leave St. Louis eleven miles from the river. The gentleman who otl'er ed to bet is the owner of the land which is being cut thrOugh by the current 01' the Missouri, and he states ‘thnt less thuu A quarter of a. mile breadth of land only is left as a barrier. It must be remembered that this spring will see a repetition of the seven yeen"flood, and, should the river break through at the above point, it would render useless the scheme for a railroad bridge, as the present bed of the river could be crossed dry nhod. ' [6‘A little girl who was walking with her mother was tempted by the Eight of a baskés of orangea, exposed {or sale in a store, quietly took one, but afterwards, striaken by conscience, returned it. After her return home she has drucovered in win, and on being ‘uked the ,cause of her lOI'I'OW replied,sobbing.‘_“Mamm-.s, I haven’t broken any of the commandments; but I think I've cracked qne a little.” She was forgiven. , ~ WA cheerful life must be a busy one. And aEmsy We cannot well be otherwise than c eerful. Frogs idomot crank 1:: mm ning water. Active minds are ”Mom troubled with gloomy lorbodings. They (pup up only from me stagnant depths ofa :pint. unstirred by ghneruus impulse: or the bloated necessuies of honest toil. fin‘fiuzband, 1 must have some change toidny.” "Well. play at home and take cal-9’o! thg'chxldreu ,- an}: vim be chafiga gu’ough tiny howl” ‘ ‘ TWO DOLLARS ‘AtYhAN. , SUGGESTIONS FOR A DRAFT A cute chap, speaking of film Inv Illul (am-£B. which the GOVorxum-nt haiorguniz. 4. mm as the thlluwmg sugcwsiinm‘, "@olle says, the Guvrrmuént m at liberty to Mop! or reject us it planes: 4 ‘ll. is awe“ meu {not llmt blind men have the wnu- of much more fully deval oped than those who can see. Dmll a tyw regim‘enis oi blmd men in feel the pmitioll and strvumhuf the enemy. Nu exemp tions gunned on the ’gruund that luey “can’t we it." ' ‘ * Blind men [\hd lame men might be draft; ed tngetbf‘r. the blind mx-n logo into battle carryxng the lame on lhcil bun-ks. Mu! who have lostone or even both the r nuns should no longer be oxenip'. Gav mnuu-nt is prepared 10 mm any quantity of men on the worms! pouuhlenotacn. Idiot. shouldn’t be drb..rred the privilege oi at-rvmg their country in tho xxmlmuheu we hnw so many amongst our generxls. ' Dmfc all in the lunatic asylum—the mudder men get (he better they fight. ‘ Men who have aged and mlirm mothers dep‘endentppmrllmm lnr spppon, should no longer be exempt. ‘l‘ln-y can send the old women to the I’LIOY'hUUDUTmOS‘ or them do anyhow. _ Dumb men ought to mukg the most ser viceable soldiers; as Hn-y can’t vry uq‘lul" ter." their motto Imm. In: "no aulremlcr." I! is‘absurd to exempt. fut mr-n, 111-“ y m‘v so well calculated to fill up the 111-plated rnnks. of the 'army. If you man! to gum!) the enemy by precipitating ufi’ou lln-nrlarge bodies 01' troops, let. fat men he dulled by all means. ‘ ' Confirmed drunkards have beeuphjx-clr-d to because they ure‘uot so anxiougyto “'in the enemy as they are _to have’ th ‘encmy treat. A regiment of them armed with li-’ fie whiskey and sustained by a battery of delirium tremens, would do great execuhon —Lo somebody. " a l have not. heretofore favpred the idea of drafting the other sex, but abrigade of old maids would certainly be uselul in repul- L-inguhe enemy. They are sometimes good in an'attgck. . ~ By all 'meaus draft Congressmen. They might do a limle good in the agmy, and file)! are of no llosalble good where they ill‘t‘. . ' ' Editors of war newspagera should be’ drum-d in a body. They hsve penqed war articles so long, Urey should‘themxelvea be penned by the “Articles of 4Var." ‘ ' ‘ , Conscriyt all lawyers—their chaxges would be most disastrous to the enehy. i A Provost Jfltrskal ina Bad I‘LL—The 'L’us ! carnwas (Ohio) Advocate relates th'e follow ‘ mg incident : ' l “About two weeks ago, two deserters named De Laney and Cunningham, made ‘ their appearance in Wayne. township in this coumy.‘ They openly admitted that ‘tliey _were'deserters from the arngy, and “dc-tied the authorities to arrest them. The A l'mvost Marshal at Alliance, sent a deputy , after them, who had orders to take theui dead or alive. ‘lle was well provided with llisndcufl‘s and hobbled to place Upon the ‘, wrists and ankles oflhe deaert'ers. Al the l Falls of Sugar Creek, De Laney and Cun-‘ ningham found the Deputy Marshal in a room at the hotel somewhat intoxicated. They handcuffed, and hobbled him—took his money, revolver and knife—put him in a wagon and exhibited him through the toounlry as a horse thief. Alter keeping _ the Deputy Marshal as a prisoner-a. day and i night they finally. brought him to Canal Dpver, and showed him-in the public street. I DcLaney would sings song, and compel the Marshal to keep time with his chains. l Alter the deserters had all the fun they desired, they left the Deputy at the hotel ‘and departed, much to the amusement of ‘the crowd." ' . - 77, H-r————--~— ’ Items Worth B;membering.—-A bil. of lue dissiolvggx in lkiin-milk and water will re store oldicmpe. Ilailf a cranberry bound on a corn ‘will soon kill it. An inkstaqd was turned over on n white able-cloth; a servant 'Lhrew over in a mixture of salt and pepper plentiful”. and all traces of ii. dis iippeured. Picture frames and glasses are preserfed from flies by painting (help With ii brush dipped in a‘ mixture nude by boil ing three or four onions iii u. pint. 6f water. Bcdhugs are kept.“ away by washing the crevices with strong Salt and water, put on with a brush. Softsisonp should be keptin a dry place in ii cellar, and not. he used un l - 96 months old. Slings and bites are often instantly cured by washing them in hartshorn or turpentine. A peliea‘oot poulcica will cure a felon on the finger, or u cutuirh on the hand. Good whiaky Will cure anuke liken; gliiil there Will be no necessity to buy for this complaint, as the medicine is coming up. ne‘Sc-andal and gossiping are things to be keptouz ol'. rigidly, Will! an unbemlmg back and lips~l|enuetically sealed. If in de'ed any _one llkß'S nu allecnmuute ulliliu: uou with hornets. and rather prefersdlmn not a Wusp'fi nut lor n domicile, let him go into the world of goszip—lec floating, rent. lvs’s;l’:‘nloah world, wlfere nothing Is all. menu» 01 seem: as it is. He will have a rmé lune of it, and ample opportuniues lor studying the propuiies of venom a'nd (he law of yrojeoules. And one thing we devoutly hoye he wdl have an opportuuny lo: studying—the law of the moral boomer ang, which brings back upon his own pate and math a firefly sharp crack, too, the modal and the ha whxch he has hung at another. If people would but keep out of the vortex ol gossip A great. many more lives than are allowed to do so now would stand clear and lree of blame; for gosanp ass rule, danlq in lies. not truths, and tar one accusation with a root grounded in‘ fact there are a. thousand heads downward, mth all fourl‘eet m the air and no! 25108 to stand on. - - ‘ bragging. Eclraordmm-y.—A bounty jumper recently escaped hum Gollup’a “laud, Boston Huber, utter having unaccounmply unfiutened his trons. It was lubarquenuy diacchred than a young Woman, who had been permitted to come and see bun, had a. key In her mouthfiufing the lock at an feuen. 0n jun-Ling sue kuaed him, and during the operation transferred the key from her mouth to bu, thus iacnhuung mu eecape. Tue girl and the man who made the key 101' her ware arrested. Eln the “Ll‘e of Wilberforce,” is the followmg entry in his diary: “Went to hear Mr. Foam-r. Felt much devotion, and wandered at a mnn {9.15311 “leap uuring lbe(panlms. Dunn; 1‘)" sermon, went (0 311:4}; myself." | ~ fi'A witty doctor rays that flight Inning ‘ is m puma, benefit, mun-mas 5:. kill: or n 311 “9° [uqluu guts, any Anya: the w , ou‘e‘uio gguw uy w bu mu: women. ' ». ? - m 1" 9" , “2...; ....fl . , m 0‘ ”or; your. mama; , During (he am am W. n. .\'. com-i. before a m: nary court (in noun)" at pm!» Jolpbhpuythe (mug. of wan-“um; [hp Government, by Wying hm! mm. a “lay- II" Milnf‘s')‘ ho haul hue-u swmn to tell “(he truth, the nhoio truth, and nolhmg bqt the truth." refused m umwer u queuuéh put to him by (me 1.: [he Mimnv’s engnuml m ”w prawn-”Ln". lu-cunm: 1m mul.“'ujl nu» XM.H,HII|LR mm m nay Inn)!- Imm m n annlsu :l'u nuun 0x 'mb» lfin\}R\ML\H" ”2 sm! "Ir/mm: to (M! - 1,,‘Wl 1,; ("Wu mull, which hm] Inn-u ml [Hilllnlr'lll‘ luhim til the lA-zngnu rnumu 1h Philnddphu! B.lmm:- m'it may appmu‘. the court sunmned Ind wilnyss. and he wn‘n not com fled to answer. Perhaps t? was not flamingo alter I", what? we co - side! that the court-martial in queuion wu composed entirely of Abolition officers, e‘ ery one of whom, doubtless, had taken the same “Loyal League” oath: ' ‘* L Thin is a beautifuletpozil'ion, imba- We have always Ich, lulicfiwi thu! the tan-culled “Loyal Leuyuv'.’ was a corruyt nmi tmitox‘a "our. orgdnizmionfnn organization camped; .‘ml chiefly 01 had mm. who wok-used group “loyalty" and lave for the negro. the bet;- Im- m umbh- {ham to rub the Governmen‘} {.lan 1,1101,» ‘ phi. . B .(‘l us our npihihn "THU; . fund 01 l));i“)(‘l‘ll€~n \vmflmwrw-r, we did not. !:-l|!v[) »-u n . mum-max wmc mllunous enough My mm H; nu Humrviyuu uu (mu) m keep flwcu | an lynmu "relzmng to [llllng on Cid G n'hnzuu m.“ The wad Know h‘VCulL‘ti -—‘Un.' c:.! i" mu (.1 [hr lung—lund‘il-sulu thin lln. nrfin o'} (‘L 44' the l.!' m"! {3‘ol 11. Lunguc‘is to pawn-11¢ the Hon r’mne'nbum.‘ uaiulolhexa (u no the .-num,lehs~n pruzm‘ (Immaclwa by :In 04ng uni - l Ihi~ 1n Iqu name (If "l\|)di(y” m HIP new“)! 8-) bihm in; is this oquguuuanh-rud, Hun u wiu'u-s' l-exureu énu’u xglluwa to vinhtv it, and 111 ,hi» relusul tp digsn he 13 zuslfnuzd lry tin} can”. ll’ef‘lr. “hush lafio cvuqnmuu’m "Lg-4 ul-leaguz‘w." 'l'll2sl~_ln~ir4".l manning. "ml; it would he woll lnx the Gmpd Juries offim ‘vurious enunlivs to xuvvstignte the mullet‘ 'nnd .prosent the ufl'eudens to court, to dealt mLh Lu they deac-‘rvo. It. in 33w ‘ conspiracy inguinal. the mtegfly of the Government, which u‘ueuhl be broken up - 11nd thum- engaged in it, punisheg. ' No wonder those wretches am so loud in their prolxsaiona uf'“luyulty:” No wonder [Loy are -m -h\‘:rr o! uanding the war. They are mnkm'g It pa", But. now that Um" - seu'et 13' out. and it in uudu mnni‘est thut.l the wholu olje-cl tho "Loyul Lunguv" hail m in View was mkuwny nnd [wr-ulntmn. hnm‘sv. “g mun, who hmc. Hm wlem-e 01 [hp country at hem-I, shouhl we to u thulrtgna h.ud nf: kl:.n'--< 1m: nu [any 1' ln-uuinéd [u ml; with impunity, ‘uul the-n pmlw-L I'la'u-um-hys with an mlh. , Mm whu lumd thmnm-lvw m gmhcr 11) (im- mum.” 'derve luuuahmphc lonu (ht.- cnunlrj' m‘ xulprimnn‘u ul iur lxl'u. —-(,'ul'/i.l/€ ['u/zmluur. ‘ A. .54) 'v. 77:: Raul! of Emancipation.4Tl“) “Utah'- itigtnn corrupuiiilvtit oi the Columbus .luur< rial, n lending it ‘pllllill‘ull pnper, snye Whali ington. dul‘lllvl the month lIIHL, hns been visited by it bovi-iit‘y ol \Vi‘flllll‘l' unknown to Llle.oldu~lt Il.liubll..illl. For years Enlist! the ice consuiiivr; ‘luuie INTI) fir-1191')! enti upon more iiortlieil, latitudes for n niiliiily ol' the crystal. All tliiitwill be needed heiu the coming season will he lillod from the ~ bosom of the frozen Potomac. ln comm quence of the thick ace, all navigation li:is-_ been suspended, and the three cities of! Washington, Georgetown and Alexandria,; . With their hundred and fifty thousand peo-, ple, are dependent solely upon the single line of riiilwny to Baltimore for ‘their sup-l plies. The result is an enormous incre‘asol‘. in the price of life. These cities are filledl and crammed in nook and corner witlr' ithousands of. poor whites, and still poorer ‘ blacks. The latter, especially] being mos“ ly ccntrabunds, and embracing it very largd proportion of decrepitl persons. present amount‘of suffering beyond expression.fl‘ Benevolent persons who have explored th ‘ , habitations of these unl'ortunntes, re one; extent of dostitution absolutely sickenln _ in its details. Many families are living i 5 mete shanties without fuel or luriiiturei Many have starved to death, and the mar tulity among the children is lrigtful. movement has been iiiaugurst -by th “freedman'a relief association" to do some thing toward alleviating this distress, bué it is undertaking with the knowledge tliii . the case exceedsithe efforts of individuai' benevolence. Government can not‘do any thing, probably,'to‘nss‘ist in the matter. and if the cold weather continues, God help the poor. _ mm“ ‘«-’ ,_. [’4 Mum Sheep —The following is a timid: tiou given some time since,’ol‘a null, esta lished on queer mechanical principlgszih one of the upper mantle; ol" ’ermont: .t ‘ gentleman tarveling in that section of in ct: ntry overtook a turmer dragging leim‘t w inhedfooking horned sheep alt: g'tli‘ road. "Where the you goiiiyit “in: miserable looking animal 1" so th trav - ler. “I'm taking him to the /mutton mill to have‘him ground gar,” said the inflow:.\ “'l‘he mutton mill? never heard of such a thing, I will go with you and Witness the process.” They arrived at the mill, thh' ‘sheep was thrown into the hopper, ind‘fljl-_ most immediately disappeared. They the: descended tou. lowur apartment, and, in ‘ few moments. there was ejected from T spout in the ceiling four quaiters of axes - llent mutton. two sides at morocco lestheih nwool hat of the liret quality, a sheep’ [lieadl (handsomely dieseedd’ and two e : gently corn-d powder hows. Were it no i {or the fact this; tlidabove ia‘tin the paper, ‘ ‘we should (eel disposed io'disp'ute it. l .... . ‘<o-u --;---—' « [S‘A curious case has transpired nit Cleveland. On Saturday, two young ladim applied tor trunsportution to Washington, jestilyiiig uion application by incitement that théy lind serVed two years in the army. und were discharged on the discoyery df their sex. The appeniant'o ol‘ oneol' them excitedthle suspicion of t ladies of tii‘e Sanitary tuciety, respecti . and a com mittee Withdraw With ‘ , hurlet’te" to another department: whence it suppressed scream led attransler OS iuv'eetigaiicns/li‘f the l’iovost i‘l .irsiial, and the subseque Appearance ot’lhe lady in proper masculine .imire. Miss Charlotte’s/ compsmon ap peared astonished- snd bewildered at the trunsforiimiiun, and protested that she melt "her” in the city two weeks ago, and the! i had since boarded and lodged mgethe ~ and finally adopted thi! plan of prociiim l‘roe transportation to Wuliington._ A i examination oi their bargaggqeeulted i ‘ehciiing three Gompkmrm of apparel—r one it cmliun, one military, With lieutenant: l insignia, and the third feminine. It i. lsuspected that they are Rebel spies. *‘ ‘< ~-l~ ,_ _—--9_ Szle of Dunial Webster's “lU‘CJ.—'Fhe"i“e. ’ lqll. by thy: late mel Webster wura soldxt' auction in Boston on Tl'ueadny, for we bans efit of In: mu Asbburtou stuery’ Tum were upwards of 500 _bgtgeu which m-xq DOM in packages by the bottle at high run; The wines were pubkcdjl. MI. Webster?) - house in Washington lhxrteuu years-u“: and aenl. to Boston where they have eve since been m we “and: o! the trustees 0" the WM. ; 16-113 mm, in one ofhis entertaining“ volumes, menuoued a cuno’us manna“)! q ' charge vi Ausugcn. _S-upe‘ _bcer, can-icu' r: : Barbudnes and the West, indies cwaed: lay up hon-5y aiwrjlhe \t‘uu year. They fudud the weulhur ac line, and the math . uls fox honey :0 pleul‘llul,llwuney guinea? Ibexr grave mercantile character, bet-an“ ' exceedingly gunman and debauched. sum; up lheu' cupxuu, ruched» amino mole. and mused‘lhems‘nvu by “smg dbofll IN uugax‘mou‘ses and bungmg the negro“, * :13 _lar'rhe New York 11mm bu dubbed“ the oi! muglgualra “Pptrulnulr.” ‘1“, not. call them Gem ”es 1'" M» the Vgfi gp .Speuawr. ‘ I . 'L’" ‘5 “ ' gmmmmmncam? five»: wwwmiamwmwz flaw. 9% ,r .. - = 42+,“ ~” : é :3