ii 13 ~mms? ;~ EGGS IN WMTSR; c. R; iqto‘fn: us boy pen! may he pm}; go )0} in winter when his «I! nl’higi'a'rlL-ee.-- Din-ELY:- sprhig dud purring! head In) wells 1! would Ippenr that the nearer me unspen into at winter an be nude to that nf‘lytiug, Ih. bcucr (he 595:55t py. ma newn‘oue in winter in in I CH)" wilh' window 01; the «3th “do whing'lrom 'lhe top to the bot tom. Under lhhroon: in a stone fiofir‘cfivrred mm per. or' him '3' rim" and"! half Beep.— Sbn a? high; hfiihe‘na from nrojd to a‘wn‘rm £so3l};an feedingqlfinemrixh bait“; potato", out, pou'u‘deéed 'bonc, mood, (to, éggs tune 1... en. nbuhdut. No fowl lhuuld bi hep; org: ”to "an, n play by but fihsn- I your 015 and before, Srlcci rooster! from Mum-rarin- Itin Ind dllarctit breeds. Bl'glton Gray: In mum the unndnfda for layers. Years onu periuco have Eonflnned our valued cqrrespon '{lonl in mm 11:!!! of barnyard (owls. Hi: largo and elegant flock of chicken: whit-have lawlut lummer serrt’d Htilfy umhu our cumsronggnt is I moatfitcouful' ponherer, «if?!» bu lcnri'éd ‘ th' {romprnclice um! oxperience.—Bouon,C'ullh'algi'. " ' ‘ 1n Cnon o" 1884.-—-The yjeld for no! iq given as 10110" in phe interesting repo‘n. cube Apiqnltnnl Bracing—Th: wheat crop in 131;,- 000, 010 bush-ell, min". l9§,000’:000hst nay; ‘ rompuljooopoo manuals, ’ng’iim 449,000,000 Mlhy'n‘r; Hi, 520 00h,000, or .nbout 100,000' ien rthln ’luu yJu-f burley, [1,900,000, or 000.0001": thin In" your; outs, 117,000,000, ur‘l‘,dOlliooo more ibun luu year ; buckwhcnv, $5,600,00d41}000,000 more than laitfyear; pp: tuto'u, 96,000,000 bushels—4,ooo.oooleas than :1": year: tobacco. 1901,060de poundi—Mr 900,000 pounds less’gunfllnst yrar; nn'd my, ‘rapoolooo tom, being 2,000,900 1m than m'ch '0! limit!) preceding yen". -The flaxaéed qrop ‘il flop opt to four per cent. larger than [8:1 yearn . . . , ' flow 10 Jcoa‘: rm: \l‘iflntn n '1'": Sn:— Il‘ho color of lhe lky at. pflrlicular limes alfords wonderful good guidance.“ Not only does mm 'B’ “It‘ll“ presige flit *elther 3nd 8 why im shine had ‘vrcnih‘erhbul there are other llnts «which Ipeuk‘will‘: equal 'cleurneu and Iccurn q. [A bri‘gm' yellow‘ 11:1 in ihe evening lndi« cull" wind;i pale yellok, éet ; :1 natural gray color constitute'lx {agorybla sign“ the en:- nilng, ch uhfi'svornbl': one inllhe mo'rlJing‘» The land; are lpll ol menuimz in themaehesw: ll' ' olr {ox-nu us soft, undufined andfi-nlhory, ~ (the weather will be fine ; if lhe edges fl'le lmx’d, nurp nun 'dennfio n will be fo‘ulfi (lenérully, wailing, nn'y deep, umuual huos beloken ‘yviud or ruin ; while more quick and delicate unu ‘hespenk [air « enthér. Simple h; lhese mllxims are, the British Board 01 Think; bn's thuughr. fit to publigh them [or'Lhe‘ me ol'jiscmlhlinz men. ‘ w ‘ - 11:=1 - Wfi'iag-I'nooi Bom- Soua.—lf hmmr lis ap 'pliedvto boot sum) 1: will imbued wutcr pmof. Let i} be ulhot h! the {rather vii” Lca'r 'whhout injurifg “Applying it. with u swab, and drying it by t‘he fire. The “Oxwrmyin mny‘be ‘repeuedgwo or chum times du-ring the‘wiulrr,‘ 1t necessary. It makea‘tju- surfllce ofthe leath 'er, quite [hl- rd, to that it. wears l’ungor as “'01le: ‘Xecpl oyt the water. oil qr grénsg‘x“ boftens the sole. and does not do much in‘vkeqiing the ww m on. ' - ' . Srnccu UP.-—-It?ym-get n mrmu-nt to Fpnrel Ip‘ruce .up—put Ithe gate up its hiqgos, put a fifth bnlnfon the picket frucu y,ou.,b_uil: last 'yeu, make it coiy and iu\'iting; don‘t say you in’: find time 191' these things. The fact is 30h hue no ‘lme to grog!- élomuly. Yourwifo mid clfildrén .wi‘kl be hap‘pier, your property “"1“.“ to: mor'l- nioney in the market, nnJ be ‘wonh more to y‘ou m. home; ifyou dmole nu odd hour now and then in sprering up. I, ‘ ~ ”A. min nhplienl to Dr. Jackson,» lhehel— ebnted chiunist of Boston,‘ with n be; ohm:- omens: 1 ‘ ’ . ‘ ' “Cuiyou ten: me wlmt this iq, sig- '2" ' «I :‘Conuinly l éun, sir; {ha} is irdn writes? [re-What,air?";in n voiu'e lut'thuudcr. \ . .“Iror'n py’riles‘." ! ' . ‘ J‘lron 13mm” mrd what Nam?" . \ “Th-Va whatjit is,"guid the? rlu‘misf, putting ’3»; on 'A'i‘fib 981 over the?hofioonls, when: it disappeared. ‘mrossf’ ' " f‘Aud whit id iron pyritéa worm?” - "Nothing." ' ‘ :“Nothlng'! WEII)’ there's llv. wobnn who owns APR}! 1})“ or thin ih‘pur gown, and (“re mar. H 4 ner'!" ‘ ' .‘ ~ ‘A Suécuu'vn Bonn—The arid wane of the . lert Subaru, under thelhnnds of enterpri's- RI; ‘Frepchmen, I) to befiékd‘vwithcveqdure, ’lndwifivr ing to api-ing up in nb‘uudance (0 ‘he Earthen whereloever required. -Fi\‘e ivlnces are F‘Effl fihgrp' deep wells'hnrqbcen sink on gig snosl'nrpriucipl'e, and (be result haé been ,'I flood of_vn.xe‘r to the surfage, cqntiuuous Ind inst. Jan)“: __ —~—- ' ”flag qutpn hOII'SE rfilroadls are intro‘dn ring "€3an plfice of horses. Ii is found to 'Po cheaper, safer And mar; reliublc‘ fine/re is a. cO4l uhrl oil exdfimentilt Wind-or, Cpnn., some indications of those'ar tidal buying been discovered. ‘. . ‘ .= Ml=Ml=:l fifA poor girl in Slmige lost her “my dny no". neon: unfit-storm,- nnd perished with 3in . fur my» 0 er fathér's door. - ' "‘ ~ .__—-4“... ~—— ...—n. : bSmll-pox is said to be (tightly prev-a. Jedi in Sew York city. . . Herbst’s Line.” HE undrrsigned wonu‘iuform the ‘pthic ‘ thnt he is’ still running a line of FREIGHT ARS from Gellyfl‘ul‘x to Badman: every ‘wedc. He is [ln-pared to convey Freigblcitlmr Rubin my quantity. Ho wilnttend. ffdasir'ed, in the miking of pui'clmses in the city. and do hvvring the goods promptly at Ge!\_\'sburg.——- Hi! can run to the Warehouse cl J. H. Basic; 103 North street, Daltimqre. an invite: the uxenlion bf (no pub-lic to' his line, n‘ssu’ring them that??? will apart no ~calm. cu - ccomxuo- Hate a]! who may [muoniue him. ‘ ' 1' ’ , , SA .\IUEL H .RBST. HAY WANTED. The highest [glee [mm for good l‘imnthy.‘ ’ ' . \ ’ Oct. 24, ram. 35* Gettysburg R'ailgoad.’ _ man ARRA xuml l-:.\'T._on um: {um floudny.oclubu 31:1,, D 264, Puncnxer ,Trfl II will leave and urrixje on the Getty‘aburg hallmarks follow}: - ...». ~ . FIRST TRAYS “ill Xén-e Gettysburpu B, A. I” wig}: passengers {m- York,'flarrisburg, ‘l’B‘thelphit In»! the Now: 9nd Wm: - Auk. (figs-{Vihu'g a! Lab. 1'1» .11., with n [ Bxhnmore, You 3 and Harris. ‘ r 200)!” TRAIN will lenvo Gcltysbntg 5!. LE. Palf‘m passengqrs for Scum-om, you Ind'flflfrisbnfin ' I ' ' ' ' . Myofl-Mxtburg at 6 P. IL. with pu m ”york: Hugfiaburg, Philuflie‘uig ”award-tn and WM C" " . 1,, “a '- ~ ’ '~ [L )gcCU'BD)‘, I’m‘g. Ml! Q 6- . ‘ 5 ' ‘ " thk—Jm with; u pg. 11. G mum's nag‘fitoMWho 'p'm Sul phah u! Linn? fbr pns‘nl'iu'g Cider. - an.» -- .’-“"1'- ‘7' ~ . n . v's- ' \ |“ ; Registtr’g Notice. 1 ; NOl‘lltl-l is hetebyi‘givenm all Leg-“guild 5' Row & WOOdB, " olhvr 'pcrsons' concerned, that the Ad- - lmiulstrulion AUCOIIM: he.ciunflrr mrnlionqd GETTYSBUHG tiII 5(- prgsented at m- Ulphnn's Court M’ . A-llml nuntv. for tunfirmnlon Ind allowum-b, I “on TVFffill'Y. (be 2m «lay of FEBRUARY,E '1865. Mno o'clock. A. ll , viz: ’ . ‘ I [ 123. The “count of Wm. Gpl’hn. Ml. xmininlmt'or ofJune‘ Unru’ér,'dec’enw‘l. ‘ i j 120. Tugfifird and final account of Jolin, [Wit-r and Jacob Wisler. Executor: of! a " tau 53" Knd'lgdtfimenl of J'ohn Wider, a . Icenv.'.' \' "l' l' 127. The account of Jenna Lean. Admin-i! intratqr 0f thP «stale of Michael Aspen d ..‘ ' 128. The fintnccount 'of Dr. Jacob . Smith, Administratcr oi the eslahe’ol' J 1: Smith, deconsed'. ‘-' = . ‘ " 129. The first and final amount afSo ”non Hemlen'jkeculor of Henry Bend . . [Ewe of fiennllén-wwnship, Adams coun , I m» . ‘ . ‘ 1:10. Guardinnship aoeonnt ofJlcob Emil, Guardian of Annie Laura Lt'rew, min t! child of Benjamin Lei-cw, deceased. 1 ‘ 1551.. ch uccuunl of Henry Clutz, Alvin , ministrator withmh‘e will annexed of Hair! lElizabrth Clulz, deceased. ‘ l ’, 132. First nnd finnl nocogml. of RichnLd 1 grimngg, Admmis‘tragor oFl’etcpflobble. 900:“ . ~ . 133: The first and final account of “il linmfi: Peters, dein’wunwr of Suunn h Prue“. decanted. - “‘ 134. Piaf-n 3 final acoountnf Bpnja in 5?. Thomas, Administralot of Henry 'l‘lmman. decensad. . ‘ 135. The acct-inn; nfyjfinm/J‘lmk, ¢ mmmmmr ol‘ Juhn M. wk, decened. SAMUEL LILLY, Register chialer'e 053 cc, Gettysburg, 1 Jun. 23, 1885._ In“ J Great Attraction ’l‘ PRINKERIIUFFS CHEAP Qin‘n‘fll‘ A AND FURNIS‘IHNU STORE. at the .\'6 last Corner of the Diamond. The suhsmil Is mutual; in receiploffresh goods from; mun-n cities. His stock pr ‘ ~ n READY-MADE cnormxa J is one of the largest. nudlmou nurnclive well 118 thichcupesl esmbliahmcnt M the l:3 in the Country. You will Zher’e linil Opal PAKTS AND VES’l‘Spmade' ann the I {unhinnnbie illylcs, and of the beat nmteri l of nll sizes and prices, for men {ind boy Gentlemgn's furnishing~ goods of Every «lest ‘ lion, Wool Shim, Muslin Shirts, llick .Shivts fillll\\“érln0 Shins, Merino, Wool Conan Drain-rs, llofieiyofevery descripl Buck-skin. Merino and Cotton Glover, lln . kerohiets. Xeék TieSlCr-tyuls, Linen and 1': Collars, llms, Cu 5, Bums and Shoes. brcflns‘, Trunks. frolic-ea, Carpet Bugs, Clm. and Shoe Brushes. Hair and Tooth Brus ’Shoe lilaclling, Pocket and Dressing Co .’l\'nry Fombs, \‘Vni‘chea,.(3locks and Jew 'Guius,;l’islols. Violin: and Violin; Stri 'Sonps and Perfumeries, Sinkionerfofnll ki ['ockct Knigea, Smoking and Chewing To co‘ Pipes, an extra qunlily of Segnrs. in 1 'his stock embraces everything usually [‘o in a‘firsc class furnishing store: I invite _ottenliun of nll to come and see for themw] as Item determined to sell goods lower ‘ lanymheresmhlishmcmin the country. 1 (inrget the ‘pluce. Corner 0! York street the Diamond. ‘ JACOB BRI‘SKHHHUF July 4, i 364. ‘ ' 100.900 abush. Gram Want ' ThlV Finn AT THE lb ‘ ~ on) wmnnovs ’ wu. a. moon: e co. woulJ inform anlic that {hex hale longed the \Vure . on [lic corner of Stralmn street run! the l road, in .b‘euyshurg, where they wull uni-'1 the GRAB—AND PlUlllUCl‘} BPSIVHS! all its Manchu. The highest prices mil ‘ mus he pnitlrlor “ . ' 7 ' wum'r, RYE, . . come, pus, l ,' CLUVER J: TIMOTHY SF' ‘ ‘ l-‘LAXSI-ZED, SUMAU, ' , 5- ~ ‘IiAY a: STRAW; ‘Dried F‘rui‘, Nuts, Seam-Hum, Shoulder Shier, Potatoes, with eruything clyon ‘ couulry produce linn.‘ ‘ , ON "AND, FPR’SALE, ! Pom-ea, Sifiénrleolnsses, Syrups.’l‘eus, S; ,_.'.llt. L'heere,.Yinegnr, Sndn, Mmmrd, St ;. rooms, Buckets, Blackiug, Brnshes,§ . 'c. ‘Al.«o com. 0118, Fish on. 'l‘nr, ; "ISH of nll kinds; N.\ILS AND SPl‘ 'moking and Chewing Tobaccos. . ‘ They are always able to supply a firs {mime ofAFLOL‘R, with the dim-rent ki FEED. Algn. GROUND RLAS'K‘ER, with .617. and cum} forfilizerm. WCUAL,~ by busheL'tog. or car loud. - ‘ Their Cara rnn‘ to Bullimore and hmk a week, um! ‘hey wil} be happy to tarry u either way m. modgmte charges. .\lnrke country merchnnwhuml otlnera,m‘ill find their adfl'nnmge to patronize this line. They ask a share orche pnhlic's custo wllhpare no efion to render autistnuki all, sellu‘ri or buyerg. - . ¥ ‘ W3l. E. BIDDLE & Aug. 22, 1864'. Lt Hardware and Groceme HE,aubsnribérs have just. returned T‘the chips with an i‘mmEnse au p HARDWARE & GILOCERIES, which tEe ofl’erinkat their old‘sland in Balumore 9‘ at prieu to suit the times. Our stock co: in pull of ‘ BpILDING MATERIALS V L ' ~cAnwxrl-zn's Mons! BLACKSMITH’S TOO COACH FIND SHOE FINDINGS, . » CABINET MAKER‘S TOOLS. » 3' HOUSEKEEPENS FIXTUR S. . -_ V ' ALL KINDS OF IRONgfc. GROCERIES OF ALL KIN; S,’ OILS, PAINTS, ac“ kc. There is no snide maudpd in lhg (new! department: meiuionefl above but what. can he had at. this Store.— Every dam of Mh‘hunics can be nceouxmodnte‘d here Wilh tools and findings,and'Homekeepu-s can find evéry article in their line. Give us a “lii“ m; are prepared to sell a: low for‘ caéh as 3' house out of the city. ‘ 0-" JOEL B. BANNER, é. ' - DAVID ZXEULER. , egtysbnrg, Mny 16. L 864. ‘ New’Spring Goods. MALL PRQFITS & QUICK SALES. S J . L . SGu I C K would regretfully say to His citizens of Get. tyaburg and vicinity, that. he is now receiving. at his: stores splendid l STOCK 0F SPRIXG GOODS. A The stock consists in put of Fancy um] Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS, - , , Mozwmqvk, - l ' CIIALLIES, ; , figmmns, ' ‘ ‘ sqxaazmns, , l ' . ALPACCAS, . < ‘ LAWNS,“ - ' CALICOES, of M 1 qnnlitiel lnd choicest nylon, which ml] be sold It. I'RICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. ' ‘1 FURNISHING GOODS i of oil kinda, including Silk, Linen and Cotton ‘ Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, he. . ‘ Aim, 3 splendid assortment of RIBBONS,‘ Lace; Ind Edgingo, Umbrellas and Funnels.- My qlock ot'Wiil'l‘S GOODS wili be faund'fulr and complete, uni customers may rely upon dwaynsggytinz good goods at theioweu possi- 1 Me ”gluon. ‘ “ Gentlemen will and it. to their advantage it. call “Jpn-nine my stock of ‘ ‘CLUTIIS, ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘ ,1. { CA§SIMERES and > . _ “ VES‘I'IXGS, ‘ or all quhtics nod choicest styles. ‘ ’ ~ in; 24, 1864: I. L. semen. ‘ . . Lands! Lands! r APT. B. CERiTZSIAN, hiringjnst return. {d Item. a trip to tha'Wen find an the: hem!) region: in God’l great labyrinth, be 'w’ou‘lainfurm {he citizons of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that he is prepared, no: 011': to 05¢“: OIL LZNQS, but LANDS OI" EVERY DESCRIPTION. Persons visiting Harrisburg would (to well 10 on“, as he will mrnish all in lormhlipp. l ' H. L‘lllu'l‘ZnAN. J‘n.v3,‘lB6's. x! -l " ’ mum's PLANTATION mums, MOM Emma Topic, 1; Dr. B. HOMER: ' "M ..‘I 1‘ . .. scmcx bu jun row-aim! 3 lo; a! . I: cap Lookingfllm. :~. haw? .. MEM WAR QUAINST HIGH PRICES! ngcn It any we will all goods 1: ' nancczn ‘rmcas - we men WEI} we my ad yin dc it. :0 keép gunshot!) on hand s urge axon m 't of HATS OF ALL STYLES, which rill be 93” shed-pm" than they an be lmnglu elnewhne. . ' , our assortment of - “its AND SHOES . ‘ for men, y m lad childzcn, I: made up of the best. qn litieund Itfle‘n, and sold chug. Our stuck cousin: hp!“ 01 " HATS, . 7 szmns, CAPR. TUB \CCO. BOOTS, HANDKERCHIBFS, axons. ~s'rorkmus, TWNKS, GLOVES, , CERPET SACKS, WINDOW PAPER" G “SHOES” WHIPS. . BUFFALO HOES, CURSETS, unplansnfi'ns, POCKET BOOKS, VIOLL‘IS. PURM‘IS, VIOLIN *OWS, RAZURS, ~ “ ‘ LTRINGS' STRAPS, . A'CCORN-lUSS, POCKET “was, ‘ COLLARS, ‘ SI'SI'EXDP2I3B, ,' NECK-TIES. CORK SOLES, 9 . UMBRELLAS, kc. hi, tin, it, &c ' ROW A: WOODS. Jun. 2, 1865 Unwersal Clothes Wringer. ‘l-Il'.l"-.\I'IJI'S'I‘IX(2 AND ADJl'hTAm.h‘, y WIT,“ GOG-WHEEL i'.lv2h‘flL.\l‘Uß Ml= SHEADS B RURHI.ER, , Gurn’anrua. PA. ‘ me innumuablv :ccomxucudnsuuui, we Lalbcll the fulluwmg: ‘ Letter trotjn Mrs. Henry “'tml “Nu-her. in 1861. [um tupsl lmmiv to spank in the very high est tent“ {of the .. Univers.-l Ulullu-s “'riugrr." The h’nrdi-gtt pnrttuf _“wnstlng-du_v" Work in, in my upuduy, the'u ringing: and the inventor ol" this m.tcltine muy’hm‘c the sxtltsfttcliun (If freh'ug that. he has changed one of the most milsbme parts of. woman's work into a wry attractive amusement.- Theflaundm‘s looks upon it as fl‘grent blessingr look upon it as 911 mm,; the mast useful articles in the‘ho-ne‘ Brooklyn, October, 1801 Price—s 7 00 " [May 2, 1864. New Goods l-« Large Stock: ‘ HRCHANT TAILORING. ‘ l I . muons .1 mm. ‘ inn-c just. received from the cities aviarge stock a: good; for ngllcmcu's’wcar, cuihmciu; a vnriety of ' ‘ , ‘ CLUTUS, « CASSIMERES, \‘ESTIXGR, Caxsinets, Johns, (cc, with many oihcr goods for wring and summer wenr. They are grepured to make up gnrments of the shortest notice, and in the very lien mun-l ner. The Fashions are regularly received, and clothing made in any degired slyio. Tho; (\l mlys [fluke ncnt tits, whilst their sewing issure m be substantial. . . i >l Ind I Nu.- H‘s, Emu on’t and They askzn confinunnuo of the puh]ic'§ [m tronnge, resolved by good work and moderate clmrges to cum it. Gettysb.urg,April 7, 1862. l ‘ ‘ l I i the M 25: [hull- 'I. K. smarter, "xx/'ATCHHAKEB & JE\\'|§LEl{, NO. 143 Soul: SECOND Shea .. “sk!!- mrner ol Q'mrry, PHILADI‘Zhjmg ‘PI‘HAf An assorlnwm o! ‘ WATCHES, JEWELRY, SHAVER .1 PLATED WARE. mustnmly on Imm], MEI ‘SUH‘ABLH FQR HUMDAY PRESENTSI . finfflepniring\uf Watches and Jewelry prum‘ulh attended to. ’ - [)kc. 12,1501. 1y New Warehouse. ' BI'SHELS ,UF GRAIN 100.0(m WANTEDmI (he nc“ Grain und Produce Manse, in Unrlish: sun-l, mijnin ing Sheath k Huehk-r's‘ establishment. The highestE market wine wih an”; be paid in cash tor , ices rch, ‘nps, c.—— ES ; GRAIN, of a“ kinds, FLOUR, SEEDS, 'lO. Always on haul and to: sale, M. m: unullcsl gamma, - UUANUS. . ' SALT, FISH, 7 . rate la of .\'OS the UROCERIES, &c., .3 Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our 111-st to give satismcuun in all cases. \ ‘ McCL‘RDY h‘DlEllL. Gettysburg, .\lay H, 1863. 1y 'l} -..,__._.7-~.-‘_ ‘ ~V_L___ I We oodu men, lit. to I,nnd In ‘to . Piano- Fortes. lIARLES 3L STIEFF, HASUP‘ACTL R 512 0 GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Manufactory' 103. 105 .9; H 27 Franklin street Wareroom, No. '1 Non]: Liberty Htrc'e}. Constantly a large nufnbcrfiof HANDS of my own Mnnufitcture (in hand, with We Full Iron Frame und Over-strung. Every Instru meni warranted {or five years, with the privi, lege of exchange w‘rthiu meh'e months if not entirely satisfacmry. . flSecond-hnnd Pianos always on hand at priceurom $.30 to $2OO. Bultimurc, Sept. 5, “mg 1,- 3m* 7 .No Humb‘hg. 1 from y c! I fire ,n 91, 51:1! mi ‘IIAMIIERSBURG ST. ALWAYS AHEAD. (J —’l‘ll[S WAY FOB. BARGAINS.—-JUHN L. HULTZWIJRTH has just returned from the City with the large-st and most complete assorto ment of HATS AND CA PS, BUOTS AND 811038,!th has been brought to,“ this town since the war.. llis stock i~ not only complete, but u GOOD and CHEAP embrncing every variety of Boats and Shoes for Men and Buys, whilst the Ladies will find E‘:Er)lhiufl in thelr line, from the finest Guile! to the heaviest Shoe. Children's Shoes at every description, in grant variety. Also. La dlefi' Huts, fine quality, and Chxldren'a Huts, uf'nll styles and pricey Also, Trunks, Cur pet fixtrgg, Values, .Umbrellns, Glows. Stock ings, obngco, Uigmu,nud Nations or every description. \ wDon't forget the place, Chnmhersburg street, opposite the Luthemn Church, Gctlys; burgnl’a. . JOll.\' h. HULTZWURTII‘. MW. 21.1 w. u ' OR EATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, BED BUGS, MOI‘HS IN FURS. WOOLEXS, Ml. INSECTS 0N PLANTS, FOWLS, ANI MALS, kc.-—Put up in 230. 50¢ and $1 on Bonn-s, Bottles and Flash. $3 “(133 51105 for HOTELS. PI lblc Ixsuw'nous, 3w. "Only infallible remedies known." .. Free from Poisons." » “ Xot dangerous to the Human Family." U Rats coma oubof ‘heir bolts 1» die‘” » ”Sold thlesnle in all large cities. W 80): by all Druggiats and Retailers every. w ere. 3!! l wauu: ! !! ol'all worthless imitations. 38-8” thn “Cosn 3’s" nama in on each Box, Bottle and Flash: hnfpre you buy. ”Address HENRY R. COSTAB. fi- 'luum~u. Dunn 4952 BIOADH‘AY, N. Y. ”Sold by all Wholesale and new Drug gisu in Gettysburg, Pu. - Feb. 29, 1864. _ ~ GA Y. D PHOJIOGRAPIIS o distinguished Individuall, including I nun. ber of our prominent Generfih, find the old ll" 0 John la. Burns, for sale 3; the counter of HAG Excelsior G-unry,'(}onysbug. TYSON BROTHERS‘ \ ARMAGI wmpsuu LASHES, good and chip, {o}- nl. by ROW 4 WOODS. ALL PAPER! WALL PAPERJ—AI. new ”.11”, jun! naked I» r.‘ R] gowns Dun; Ind Yulety sum, ‘ - - ' 1865 FOUT z ’ s clLlllA‘l'lD % 39:5; and mu gm ThesePowdefl will W mmsw 3nd Intestinal, clan-e than from offensive . mattgr, and ‘ bring them to a healthy state. They are I sure preventive of Lung Fever. and a «min remedy for all Disease: incident to the Horse, “ch as Glan den, Yellow Water. Dis ! e m n e r, I"oun d a r , I! e a v o l, Slaveriug, Coughs, Fo r”, Lou It: petite an Vipmj Encr gy', be. . In poor, low-spirimd animals, it has tho molt: benéficigl efl'Aect Tbeuseurthem improves the wind, stmnzfla on» the Appetite, wd gives to Xhe lion-ac p fine, smooth nnd glossy skin—thus immov iug me apnea-anus, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. The property this Powder possesses in Ith cmlng the quantity of Milk in t‘ows, giva it an importance and value which sliuuld pLu‘t‘ it in the hands of every person keeping I l'ow. By uctunl experiment it hu proven that it will increase the qunntity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, 19d make the Butter firm uud sweet. ln fattening Cntilo. it given tin-m an appetite, loosen: their hide and make. them thrive much faster. . In all “ma me Swine. inch] in " ‘ i: {2, q , Coughs, Ulcer-3’ in Jr} T2} - “ me Lungs, Lin-r, ' ‘3‘ / ‘ kc. 1:3" putting \‘i: ‘ hon: ur a. paper '~ - w m any? of these A.t ‘.“""‘" ‘} Pow er: in I bar- ‘7‘» " arr: rel of Swill, the (77? s+§ sq Ihm'e Discuss an be cured or rmin-ly u-e -vomcd. By using those Powders the flog Chuh-m mu be prevented. Price 25 super Paper, or 5 Papers form. 8. A. FOUTZ 8: BBQ, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MIDICINE DEPOT. No; 116 Franklin 912.. Baltimore, Id. ‘ Fur Sale by Draggism nud' Storekmpcn lhruughuu‘ flie Unified Sums. Foi- sule by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; Lnugblin & Bushfield, Wheeling, Va: C. C. Bender & 051., ' ' -hnson, Holloway is (jaw-Jun, Pb Nov. 'ld. 186 yum: ETT YSB G \vulLd nu Int-rune friends he hus [iurchA well known HOl slrecl, (il‘tlysbl spure no effort. to canduct i! in ‘ will not delrac‘ from ils funny. ‘5" . . flaw”). “is table wal hmc the best. xhe market. can afford—his CIIZHII‘MI‘P are spacious and co l‘ortJble—and he ha: [Aid in 101' his bar a full 5 och of wines and liqunrs. There is huge stub 'ug numbed to the Hotel, which m“ be uttendt. by ntto‘n livehosvlcrs. 1!. leX be his constau endeavor to under the iullest satisfncfldn to Us guests, muhmg his house as near 11 home to hém as possihlr. He asks :1 Shane of the puhh "a pa n-unum, ducrmined “he is todeserven huge pu-t,of it. Remember, the “Globe inn” '3 in Yogi. snort, but near the Diamond, or Pu lic Square. SAMUEL WUL ' Aplil 4, 180-}: t! ' _ PI'OVISIOD. Store. I HE undersigned has opened aPROVXSION r STORE at George Little'spld stand, in West Middle street, Gettysburg. where he will always keep on hand, for sale, BEEF, .\IUTTON, VEAL, PORK, ' POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND IRISH POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, .thb everything elge in Ilm pruvision line. I He will sell at small profits, and spare no effort In pleabo. 4 Fat C:ut'le,ifiogs, Sheep, Calves, Jim, wanted, for which the highest prices will be paid. - 1 JOHN XORBECK. . Oct. 17,1864. 1f ‘ ST.\BLISHMENT.--GEO.F.ECKEXRODE * msmomnw TAILOR, ‘ adopts this method of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has Opened 3 Tailoring establishment in Baltimore street Gettyshurg, (late Post 050 e,) near the Din. mond, where he is prepared to dogall work in his line in the best manner, and to the satis faction of customers. Be employs none but first clnss hands, and receiving ‘ THE FASHIONS REGULAELY, he can warrant feshionnble fits and neat and substantial sewing. He asks it share of the pnblic'l patronage, promising to spare -_no ef~ l‘urtto deserve it. His charges will alwnyl be tound a moderate es the times will allow. ‘ Cuttpgud Repairing done at the ‘_ehorteat notice“ [Gettysburg, April 7,1862. BORGE ARNOLD has just received from the city a large supply?“ CLOTHING, Men’s and Boys’ wear, consisting of 11l kind: or COATS. PANTS, V'ESTS, * \ SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, he. , -—lllo-- ~ "" A large stock of CLOTHSrCASSIMEBES, CASSISE'I‘S, JEANS, DRILLINpS, to“ 80;, “11 at which will he gold A! cheap M can ha 11nd elscwhero. Give us I cufi; and if we can no: pleas: you in a suit ready made we will" take your measure and make you up on. in short notice. [May 30, 1364. RANKLIN HOUSE, . " * A coin: or novuw a maxim nun I, This House is on n. ditect line between the Northern antm] and Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Dopou". It has been refined and com formhly nrr ged for themnrunienct Ind flat cutertnénm‘eßof guests. ~ OcL 31,1864. I.: Still at Work. 4 “ {IE undersignea continues the T CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS in all \lta brapches, at his old “and, in hut .\liddle slreetheuysbm-g. SEW WORK made to order, and BEPAI R I N G done promptly and M: lawn! prices. 'l‘wo first-rate SPRING WAGONS and I SLEIGH for Isle. JACOB TROXEL. Dec. T, 1863. . Something for Everybody a BUY u bn. R. mum's T DRUG AND VARIETY STORE- Just opened I fine neonment of "' “ Drugs end Medicines, Pgtent Medicines, “"gpfi‘onéry, . Fenéf Dry Goods, Confections, a Groceries , Karlene, TOBACCO, SEGARS, t 0: {em 18, 1864. ' mgr-RATE ight—dey, Thi Jun! 4 F" Ahnn (Bali cheep It. game's? CLOTHING! OLDER}: 14-Hantygfh any goods jun upon no . in RI", kc. ta, .1: chap u nnmgifiorrs Hobs, PREPARED BY EINEM LII. DIAIOND, The underzigneG y inform his nu “: generally, that established and la Inn,” in York New Tailoring New Goods. Everhart's BALTIMORE, MD A. er’s SARSAgAmUJB" m m‘n gun m m Icahn um Scrotum phenol. m- Eury my!» 3‘ng mm a! 0“ or: , me. " I'Jure nold lug” qummk-l page.“ swan» mm m never find one bottle w 11 called v! cm was?“ “*r“.‘“°tfil*:.:q‘z:3::°:- a u u out c . agree been no medldne mph bare in a!" community." Eruptions, Mpl”, Blotohes, rumba, Ul -80 m. Had An Dinne- of the skm; ‘ I'm Rev. ROM. Stratum, Britta]. Enghmd. “ I only my duzm you and the nubile whq I add u y am. you pnb'lil or due mo dl r 34"" s;qu PAILLLLA. Mg daugh ter. aged m. )1 an Iflllcflng humor in cr curl. eyes. and Inn- fnr you", whlo we were unable to cum mm] '3 tried yvnr SAKSAI'ABILLA. She ha been well {a} mum; months.” Pm- Nra. Jane 8. Rice, 4: well-Imm and mud tm Mg] Dennan‘lle. Cape May 00.. N. I. “KW hu ufl'cred for n yen past with n mt“ - «mom'blch was very mule-one. Nothing no meg roller until we tried your SABMPABILLA,WN noon completely cured Im." Fro- mm: P, Gage, qu.. of the widely/imam om, Aim-ray g (70.. mmqfucturcn ofeuamdled PIP”. m 571‘“. N. H. ,- ‘ find for never-l you: u very' troublelome humor In my fire, which grew constantly worse mu I:.de mz rem-um And beam an intel enble on. I rlcd ulmon every flung a nun could of Dom ndvlm md mediclno. but without any fella! wlntever. until I tool: your S.u:s.\r.uuLu. It lmmedlnely nude my nae worse, a: {on told me n m In for: time; but in I few we I the new Iklu Eek-n to form under the blotehea, and con than! untll my face 1- n! amomh us any body’l. Ind 1 an without my lymptama of file ell-cue that I know of. I «may Eel-fed hellfll. and wlthout u doulgt owe It to your .\nsAPAquLA," W—Genenl nobility—Mina Blood From Dr. no“. Sal-in. Houston St. New Tor-b. “ Du; Amen. l uldom {ln to remove £111?!qu Ind Scrqfulmu Saw: b the pcmreringuneo your SAESAI’AKILLA. and 1 gave Just now «:11.de m Inn-k of Malignant £11:le with It. No emu“ We pawn equal: I SARSAPAIHMAJIOu have lup pllcd to the profenluu u well uto c people." _ From J. E. Jollmlon, £19.. Wuhan)», OMO. “ For twelve ym. I hid the Fellow £313)!!!“ on my fish! arm. during «Nth (me I trh l the cell-0n phyllclmn I could nummd wok hun dredl of dollnn worth of maul-inn. The ulcer wura no bad um thn: wnll becamc'flllbk. and the duvmr- decided that my arm mun m Imgutarcd. ,I u-gnn takingjour SAMA PARIMA. Too ' two hot tlempud home or your PILLS. Together they have cum] me. 1 lan now u wrll um! sound an my body. Itch-g In at public mice. my mum in known to ever ban-f; In an. community, um! um" the-Wonder of n . I'M-n (lon. flqu‘v Monro. 3!. P. I’., of Yen-cattle. C. T, n laudma member of the Camdiuu Parlay up» . “l have used {our BARIAPUHMA In mLlnmUy. for gemrnl dehi 13. sud for lmrgging ! blood, with “my Min-flu rquultu. and f confidence 1n commc lug It to ma mud." St. Anthony'- ,l'lro. Bose, ELI.“ Rheum. Baud He‘d, Bore Ey . m... xvi-mew Sky‘s. mu 3.5351954” of m 'l'uuklumuurk Drnucmi, l‘rumylrmu’u. ' “ Our only HALL-Imm. lhn-e yeurl of ugo, was aim‘kul hy pimple: on hill forvhmui. 7th? npldly mm“! will they formed a. louluomo In virulent lnn', \shiuh covered his me, and wlunliy hliudud lu- uyen for some duxl. A Ikllful fillyilchul npplwd untrue of IHVEP an other roman m. without my npparcm «silk-ct. For Mom dnyu we guu'dod hm humilllut with them he Ihouid rare in :he {K‘s u-riug uni corrupt wuund which tun-rmrhin whole (ow. aning mm evorf' thing elm: m- had/my hoax: from. Wl‘ largnn Fiv Hf your SAlmAi'AllfLLA, nun Applying the iud do u pom-h lotion. m! )uu direct. The now lye-gnu w hon) when wu ma ’non the lint home. and WIII well win-u we had fulfilled the second. ’i‘hc chliri‘l cyclnuhcn, whim-h had Culm: out. grow Again, Ind hu in now u hmllhy and imr u “3.3%" The wholu neighborhood prcdlimd um -c d mun din." . Syphilis and Mercurial Dice”; From Dr. llimm 51011:, of St. Lam). Miunuri. “ I find your SARSAPAIHLLA u more effectual remedy for the armada? Iymplomn of Syplulir find for szphmuc dllcue t "in uny other we pol-nun. The pm union are indebted to you [or name of the best dim we hm c." From .J. French, 3!. D.. an emtnent phyxician of Law‘ m‘e. Man, who is a promiiwnt number of the Leyillature £{Jluuachwettn " Dnt Anni. y dear Sir: I have found zoir sAuArAmLLA In excellent remedy for s? an. both of the primary and secondvy type, an I‘fl'm tuul in home cam. that Wore too obstinate to yidd to other medics. Xdo not know Mm! we can cm ploy with more certain? of Duncan, where u pmwr i‘ul autonflvu is require ." Afr. ('hrul. S. Tan Lino, of New Erungm’rl', 31.7., had dreadfm ulug-rn on hiw lr-gn, mused y the abuse of mercury. or mercurial disease, which gnaw mum and more aggravated for yearn, :11 Tim at ovary remedy or treatment that could be app led, until the running use of Al'lill’s SAKS.\P..\|lILb.\ relirved um. Few men can be found more inveterate and distressing tum thin. nnd it took lever-1 dozen bottle: to cure him r. Lexicon-been, Whites, Female Wuhan, are men"; prodmcd by Internal Sl'rnfll’ou. Ul cmuian, nu are vnry om-n cur-arty the nlwrmtn olfect of um SARSAP WILLA. .4an mm require, however.in said Mike h’AIISAPABILL—h the nulml npgflcaugn of local rgmcdlcl. , from the wlI-Iwnfim! :qillqux-elgbmled Dr. , Jacob .\lorré'll, of Cincinnati. “ X hue found your . ARSAJ'ARILLA u: excellent nllrrntivo In dilemma of fvmnlos. Many cues of lrnn-Fulnrlty. mnoorrlm-a, Internal [Eh-oration. and he deblhllj, arising from the wromlous dialhtws‘ luva yield‘ to imam] there are few that do not. when m cm I! ympcrly Aided by heal treatment." A lady. unwilling to allow the puukqfl'on of her name. an?" r ' “ By daughtcrand myn-lr have been sun-d of a very obllltltlng Lcueorrhma of long shading. by two bottles or your SAnsu-AIHMJ BhoumstimfG-out, Liver Complaint, Dya peplis. Hem Diaem, Nam-slain, hen eauudb scm ula In the n ltd-In, an: rn Ml Eva by thin fixr. siuuumuzt.‘ x y \ AYER’S C‘ATHARTIC PILLS posses‘: so many Idvautngca over the other yurgafiigs in the market. and their superior Virtues aKc no universally known,thntwo need not do more than to usure the public their (utility is n‘taimained equal to the best It ewer . ‘ has been, and flint they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. . . Prepared b J. C. AYER; M. D., &. Co., Lowell, Mum. 9nd sold by ‘ fi‘l‘or sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettisburg, 3nd dealers genenflfy. Aug. 8, 1864. e‘qwly , - Good Tmngs‘xfrom‘ the 01ty ! ‘N r E In receiving\«\twice a week from the city A variety onatticles snited‘to the wants of this cqmmunity, viz .’ Fresh and Salt “SH. Hams, Shoulders Ind Sides, Hominy, 3mm, Salt, Apples. Potato“, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tab-econ, Segars, with many oth’er articles in this I‘ all received in the beat cedar, and sold at lg: loves} profits. Give us I call, in Baltimore at, nearly apposite Fahneltoclu’ store. */ ~ . WANTED.—-Bmter, Eggs, - Lord, and all other country produce—for which the highest on!) price will be pale}. {-- SWEET POTATOES—best qualityat low est livfilg profits—always on bond. Also, OYSTERS, fine ,nnd fresh—in the shell or shocked. Rumumms and families supplied. STRICKHOUSER & WISO’I‘ZKEY. Gettyghnrg. May 18, 1863. ~ Sheads & Buehler, DEALERS 1N . ‘ ‘ GOAL AND LUMBER, l s 1' 0 V x s , TIN-WARE, HOLLOW-WARE, ‘tg. —-n.lo SHUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ‘ETC. Goran of Candida and Railroad Struts, oppo . live Railroad Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. It: 9,18 M. ; N©w Good!. FAHNESTOCK BKOTHERS Are constantly receivingchoice and de« nimble goods, from New "Yogk. Phflndeiphia xnd Baltimore, and are prepnged to ofl’or GREAT INDUCEIENTS to then about purchasing. Having selected with stem. cure, from the three leadingxmrhu, the public will look to their own lam-eats by aumining our stock before buying elsewhere. Call It FAHNESTOCKS’ May 9, 1864 - , Bail Front. $lO a Day! GENTS WANTEDn—To sell the “ 25 CENT A‘LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK -0 ." Etch Packagp contain! 35 Songs, 3 page- ot‘ Music, 18 lheets 0! Paper. 13 Ehre lopu,l Ruler, XPen, 1 Pen Holden! Lud Plncil, I Design for Underaleevel, 1 for Child’l Apron, l for Embrotdered Collar, 1 for Chris tening Babe, 2 for Inn-king Letters, 13 Secrets never before published, wow: many Dollar and one! information. Am; ode bunurui nnjcle of Jlnuav.“'Libernl inducement! 10 Agents. Sen‘d Stung for Circular. ‘ SAMUEL BOTT, » ‘3 South Third St, Philadelphia, PI. Julie 13,1864. 1y Johan". Tipton, ‘ Wuhan: BARBER, North-eat cor ? net of the Diemond, (next don‘t Ic enen’n Ronni, Gettysburg, Pm, when he can It‘ll times 0 found My tn ettehd to an buheu in his line. Home elm excellent”- iiehm end will mun “1%.. Give hang; «up .. :3; mo. puma mum in. media .1; S ' INT“): snow An Interesting History “"35!- I run produce e 5-.qu hm OF ‘ consumptirepmmtl nowenjo‘yinilo'edl . DR. scurucx's owwcasn ”"8"”! "“fl! 3°“ Ponder ""1 ”Id“! “In: uranium worn coxsrurrlou, . f b" relutiug um” ""3" h‘" ”M. “ugh And I'6: “21;? P “(MC SW, Seamed Tonic. end York, “db'likgil "9 01l diqennt, "6 'l‘" A dire Pall: or! on flu Sullem m i", .‘P' wo e "."y i"“""‘ h“I m‘ ' Curing that Bind“. an“ the «::"l:::'§hcrd7 ’3'“ i‘ ”f" F“‘§"§”'m2 e t o. nllon a root. or u GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT ! l ! cuiied upon me at my room, 32 Bond 1:: end wished roe to cell and see her. Heed: l could do no good 'r thet he had lied on. the best medical Attendance, end All leid Ibo wee too {or gone with Consumption to he cured but the bed heard at some (rent cure. I he: . mede, and he derired to gretlfy her whiten—l I celled, and found her lying confined to he; had in the hut stage of brouchiel conrumpq tron, and without doubt must here died soon, i examined her lungs, found both bronchiel tnbee very much efl'ected, but-no coritlu {god formed, her cough was very severe, the wit; box was half full of thick pun. .Pulee } 0‘ leg; ew'ollen very much; and worn thnnh she had chronic dim-h ' Her born-ll huh been moved eleven timofiut day. I laid he; thettehe had lungs enough to be cured, but that this diurrhma had been of long eteudiugx and her stomach was in luch un ulceruted con:- dition that I was druid nothin could be done.’ She insirtcd i should try and so what I could [or her, obeervingthnt she could not iut long' in the condition Ihe was in, endl could not muke her tiny worse. I gave her first A dole of my linndni'ke' Pills', and the Tonic link Syrup freely. That was on Tuesday. and by the next Sunday the diarrhwu rru curried oil', - her appetite had returned and the could sit up. in bed fund cut her dimenfhe is now. well, and gripe me it long certifi ‘9, certified to “Mir the Rev. Dr. Dowliug. ‘ ' Mrs Bartholomew, 83 West Forty-fifth fires}, mum to my room: with e tumor on her liver. She was low-spirited, skin Inllow, tongue cont-z ed, bowels costire, no appetite, and feet ninth, ing into the gmre. The auid tumor bud been. running over fourleeu yours. 1 gnve her Syrup, Tonic end Pills, and laid. her to tnlae them just as the direction: were'printed. She came hack to my rooms, 3': Bond tannin-10, 'Weekn, somewhat better; her tongue hud oei gun to clean a little hrnund the edges her jakin whiter and her eyes brighter. and the.‘ tumor discharging very ofi'cnlive mutter, much faster thun it hud erer done before. the he!» grudunlly improving, and in .nbout two mouths lhe mine to my moms very much frightened, shying that the tumor hud ueurly stopped rune uiug, and woe healing up. and that every doc tor had tojd her thut if'it ever heuled it would cnuse her deuth. . I told her that the 'liiseuo had ull left her nystem, und unture would houl the ulcer up. Thry are now butternut! have been for about u ~_venr,~,nnd ehe it! on hearty and rohust u \romun us you will find in u day's “'ulk. She is glad tor nuy one Io call on her, nuvl '_ulu-s :rcut [mine to visit any one that blue ‘hcurs h is anything like her case, And tries to get them to come and see me. _ The no.“ cuee io‘lliss Scufield, from Shut forii, Conn: .\lxa. iiurtholumeu‘ got her down to m.- me, and ehe has been ever siu’ee ut her houee. When she first came to my roomy, bile \vus much cmuciuted with n distressing cough, spitting lurge quuntitied of Mood. it‘xnluitwd her hinge with the regpirometer, unit in all tuy pmcurc n‘evn- found ou‘e with one lung in lur your and tlio other lung so sound. humid Hut gne much cttcultiltguvmcm. i thought rite uouhl die; but to my‘ u-louishuu'ut the Phi monic Syrup, Smut-ed Tonic, umi .\lundrulth PilL :11l loomed to go right to work. the lung in n'i ht-ule-l over, lenviug n entity u~ lurg» ‘ns n {gr-0:2 egg; gt-ud uppetitc, fiut- hltixit:.uml hue g: xined you“: thirty fiu- point-h 11l \vei_li}.. She lun some rough yeti “hit-h-l do not think uili leuu' her before June. 1 shoul-l think II would buol’grunl intercstto some unprljmiiced phycieiun to yisitlheso‘ out", milit’ltinll} Mite Srulield, or any of them whohuvc hetu mired by my mediutiuea. 'l‘hr-y urr uuuiv rum in Shiv York; but the übo‘n- time ull diner [mm e 4:“ other; und if my tuetlinues are doing what“ represent they ure.‘thry shuuhl imit- tlu- mum nu} the nfii‘wted Luow uhrrn- uud 11.1 w they mny beam-. 1. .1. n. SI‘IIHM'K, .\l. 9.1 Dr. J. H. Scheptk can he found nt his prifi rigul office. .\'o. 3'.) North tith hllu“. i’hiiulrl pun, t-vo-ry S.m:rdny, lrotu ‘J .\. .\l.~uutil :IJ'. .\l , to give mlvitc, free of wit ”'l‘", but tor .\ thorough exuummtiou' he {hurt-s ”t'l‘i“|it!l llrs. l‘ricé of tin. i'tilxnluliie_sytufi and .\’t-n -\\ l \d' Tonic ouch $.25 per liuttie,m .‘lllllc hull dozen. .\’fllllfl‘lhl‘i‘l'lili ."i [l'll 5 [ml Lax, mg] ure lor sale by all Pluggis‘ts dud Deniers. ,‘ June 6,—lßti-I‘. 1m ‘ h \ V .1 ‘H o . I . "'J '7 . V" .‘ / The above is a correct likeness ofDr. St-henek taken many years ago, alter he hm! recovered from Con‘umplion; by a. course of uis “ Srunxcx’s Puuouic SYRUP." The likeness, although it. does not represent him anything like as bad as he was at the worst, yet it in in strong contrast whh the hnle and Vigorous looks ofthe Portrait belowfwhich is the true likeness of him a: we present'time. The con trast between these two portraits is so great that many would not believe them to be the same person. Yet there are hundreds of per sons, in and around Philndelphia, who will recognize both portraits to be true representa tions. When the first was tnkeu he weighed 107 pounds; at thepresenl time his weight. is 220 pounds. ' 'Nmr Yuma, \\'ednc-J.u-, Much :20, ‘64, TU THE I'l'llLH‘. . ”- TI irty years ago I “us in the he! stages of Pulmonary Cuueumptiun', and gum; up ['o div. I reaidml tn I’hihdvlphin, um! Ur. Joesph I’ur rish, thvn ofi this ti[)',bhl('l‘(‘t] me to .\lmei town, IN. J., a (liftnnve nt‘ rune milcl, nhith took me two days to get 13.9 w. Uu r||;_nrr'x\nl I wu put to bed, and llu-rv Inn] tur fin" wcefi. This was my untivt- plmv. “here “It my fnmin 1h ed um! hm! died of (Jonaumpliun. Dr. Thornton, who attended my tutlu-r in his hm illnesq, was culled. and guru me one “'Cb'k to fix up my affairs. He had seen all my mm ily go that way, and thought I was to go, too. Then I hand of the renwdies I uuu' otfcr to the puhllc. which cured me. It :H'lnl‘d td me that I co’uld {tel them penetrating my whole system. - ~ ' . They soon ripened the nmlter on myJunga, and [would spit, ofi" more than :1 pin! ol'fhfl'en-l sive yellow mnuer evory warning. As nuon as that, begun to suhsldl‘, my cough, Your, will. mglu sweats—all begun to 10.1“: mo, nnd m 3" nppelite lwcmue so grml tluu it w:.sf,with,dif~ ficulty I could Lccv [rum eating too much. I suou gained my suenglhunu l hue burn gr” - ing in flesh ever slum. l-‘nr mung \eaxr=l hm" enjriyed uninterrupted good hcnlth, kl-elniqg the ln'cr and stomach healthy mm the 5011-! wen] Tonic am! Mandrake Pil2=, M I run of a bulmmr lcmpommt m. My wtth i; mu h.ln- l dred and uwmy p‘uun-ls. Uu my lccoror} l people would send for me, far aml nmxr, m we il‘lhcir cascs'm-re like milio. For this pur pose I pay pruf.iou.xl \l~lls in llm Lnrgr- ci-g lies. The consumptivos wish to see UM: mu lhat makes these medicines. and “ho \\'.ls‘ cured ofconsumptiun by them. To make newx Jun-:5. is Impossible; hul‘mvities in the lungs and chronic ulcerzltmus ofthe hrum-lniul lllbl'S can be healed. Such cases flh‘ dying; lmnrl’fi’ under the ordinary lrenhueut of ph_\ sici.|u<,,l and just such are curerl by the proper Im- of! Schenck's Puln‘mulc Syrup, Scmrctd Irwin! and Mandrake Pills. [am now u henhhy man, with [1 large minty; in the middle lobe of thelright lung, the lower’ lobe very much hehntized and (-umplvte ud hesion of the pleura. I'l‘he lv ft lung is sound,“ and the upper lobe of téie right lung is in n tolcrnhly healthy t‘ondi ion. \fl'he great run-i sou why physicians do not cute consumption is they try to do too muuhi they give mun-i rines to stopthe rough, to hop chill, to ‘stop. night sweats, hectic fen-K and, by so titling, they derunge the whole digestive power, look ing up the secretions and eventually the pu. tivnt sinks and dies. Atter i make a eurehtl examination of the patient nith the Reipirom¥ cter, snd find-lungs enough left to cure, lili- ' root the patient hoi’ to usethe three remedies. ltemove the cuuse and they still all stop of“ their own accord. No one can he cute'd of. consumption, liver complaint,'dyspepsin, en’- tsrrh, cnnker, ulcerated throat, unless the liver and slomuch are made healthy. in Nswl England this canker, chronic coturrh. ult~erut-'l ed thro‘st. elongation of uvnln, is more preva lent thsn in any other section of the country.l This Is frequently caused by s foul stomach.— You may burn it out with cnustic lime and again, end All they will get is temporary relief. Correct the stomach and liver, and they will heat 'up themselves. . Good nutrition is the remedy». if you have any disease in any purt of the body. it wil} renisiu there snd decoy more and more nnti you can get the Itumztch in the condition to digest food sud mnke new Hood to take thel place of diseased matter. This is the only, tray to henl cavities in the lungs and ulcerated bronchial tubes. Correct the stomsch and: liver, and nxtture will do the healing. Many persons hare an idea. that certain meditines‘ are grout purifiers of the blood. When blood is, once disused it cannot be purified; it is dis-l eased the some as the diseased nutter in tfic; system;bl‘t get the sppnrutus in order,t o liver ojhd stomach, nnd gitc it plenty of nounl ishingiood It will make new blood,which will take the pines of that which is diseased. Schenck’s ‘Pulmonic 29') rap is one of the best prelnistions 0: iron in use, it is n pom-rt‘ul tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic dissolves the mucus in the stomach, and it is carried of by the aid of the .\iundrnke Pills, the Pnlmonic Syrup is made into blood. This is the only we; to cure consumption. It'll chnnot get I good appetite, and food do" not: digest, l csnnot cure the patient. Never mind the cough; remove the cause and it will stop of itself. This is the most trouble I hsve with my patients at. my rooms. ’l‘hey any, “Doc tor, I feel strongerrl can out; my night sweats are better, and [feel better every way; but! my cough is so hnd yet ;” and they are baton. ished to hear me say that does not mutter,| r'emovc the cause and the cough will stop ufi itself. Schsnck’s Seaweed ,crhntes a good sp-f petite in about nine dsys, when there is no lung' dis‘esse, unless the liver is so congested that the )lsndrske Pills cannot unlock the’ ducts of the gall bladder in thst short space! of time. in order to illow the Itnle bile to pus ' oil. Keep the liver and stomach hculthy and there is less dongt’r b! consumption or any other dises'a'e. It -is hard to take cold when] .__._. W . ' those organs are hulthy. Those thnuw bllJo' , ’ Albums r out, low spirited, dresry,feelinz glupld; COMGQ,‘ A L]? U l 5 ll ‘ tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full > ‘. 3 AL3UM 8 l ' i. of wit-Hl. e'eryihlnt “I“ ‘3 "“1" h" 1‘9“?“ Just received a lugs and beautiful “sorts loss' '0! memory. 1?! 00° ”W” °f SCHENCK 3' meat of Photographic Album; which we I» ssswsso TONIC-ad 00°; box ofSCaENCKYS, Boiow'nity pritzu. 'rrsos 3301:1385. HANDBAKE PILLS. It is only: cost of'ose _ Dec-15,1883. ' \ , dollnr and twcnty-fiVo cents, With full three-l ,_ , . _____-__.____.__,_____ am. out n ”flaunt in I”an cu", 10, ILLmsar 1300118,. new, mum-L utisty Vii“ the “Milan“ on. “Elfin"! 'Flowcrs, Shakers and Bonus Page! - on lotth in“?! " 5”" dun". 1” ' minaret-wind. from Nov Yeti, s «it Ich tom. Any person flint enjoys ordinnry h 5.51““. the “n of: ~. “s3nonffi ; by “in: the Suvcod Tonic sndllnnknkg‘ , .—.---..._,__.____ ..: ,_ Lhflq} mumfuioutiymnngettho digestive org.” JUST received a {games QW‘q'“ in m s hum, condition that they hoopla . Sumac Plotting. ’ ‘ onto one out! .' f f D'issolqtion F I‘.\[‘.T.\'EHSlHP.—Tbe (‘ummtn-rthip O naming brunt-n, xhc Apl.3ll'lhllri. lmu hvcn di:°n]red 11-i~‘tll‘y by lnmun'. (Mann-H.3— We n-lurn thanks luuur lriruds uud lln- puhfic for Lin: lilurul nwporl. ulundcd m In. Uur bauké n i" be 11-1: at the man—,- uud w» - “HID-I ly request .thou: imh-hn—d 'lu Lu to (~le mnl mnkt- immmiinle paumem. a: we Irv who.” to with our busim-as \rilhqut delay. _ A LEXANN‘JR CUBEA‘N,’ JUIIN ('UIJ’. A Card. » . Juu:30;1364 VIE sub-Tribe! having nib-posed ofh'n in lorcit in the Store of Uubewn k (’ulp lo Juhn S. Umwl‘uniili q., rt-zpuillnlly mks Ihe conti’nuum-e uf his frien‘ls Mid customers w pzzlrnnize his sucgeuur—nbrn- llnrgnius "my be had. , A JUUN UL'M’. Feb. 3, 186’: Anothewhange N THE HAT ND SHOE IIUSINESR.—-A.’ ()ulxenu hulk naw’ciated with him in business John S.‘ Crawford, who purchnml the interest of John Culp, resin-runny “no nounces to the citizens ol gettyshurg and the public generally, the: the bu'eiuesl will be con tinued at the Old Stand on (Alumhurahurg street, by A. COBEAN & 00., who will con unnzly hop on hand a large stock of 6 sh, in lheliné of _ . SHOES, HATS, CAPS. TRUNKS, . CARPET BA GS, ÜBIBRELLAS . , and iliey will nlw continue‘e Munulaulure o! - Shoes. .'( A. - From fileir long experience in ell the-above branch", they flatter Ilium-elves that they can please the public, and will sell cheap fur cash. A. CUBEAN. ... J. 8. CRAWFORD. Dolng bualneu under the lame and [inn 0! A. Culmux t 00. [l-‘qb. 8, m 4. , hatsbhshed 1850. ~ ~ - 0110!; OF REMOVAL. 1N LAwmascn D. on)". a 00., I respectfully be“ leave in fiotify their friends; cusloineu Ind the public generally, that they : have removed Truth No. 151 Franklin "reel, he the commodio'n lourouory, Wurehoum. : ‘ NO. 303 BALTIMORE STREET, _ ,betweén Howard and Liberty, where they will Ffor the? future conduct ILO Whole-Silo Busi K ucss, miely In ' ' lloliery, Trimmings, ~ _ . Furnishing Goods. l'crfumery, Nouns, l - Stationery, cutlery. i 1 Tori, tc., tr. > to which they Invite the “tenth: of city anq , country pun-chum, feeling warm 0! their ability to on" influenza»: prices end j q‘unmy or Goodl, ‘ Orders byvlull will receive prompt Inel ; tion. Address _ - l , LAWRENCLD. DIETZ k (70., ‘ 308 amino" amt, Manon. Much H, 1804. ' . The Popular 7-80 Loan. HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0? GET. TYSBQRG ha been design-M e Depofl. nr’Amd Pinenoiel Agent of the United sum, and will‘fflrnilh the poplin 1-30 Coupon Nam, free from all men, end countable e maturity into 5-20 3!: per cent. gold Imm: Bonds.‘ Win ello furnish 5-20 end, 20-40 Honda, one yelrCeuificuee end In other Gov erumem ucuritieu. wm buy Gold end Silver, cub Coupon, end nuke collection: pmpd, on :11 ecceuible pain“. ‘ GEO. ARNOLD, Guhjet. Dec. 26, 1864. t! . 1111