The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, February 13, 1865, Image 2

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"Mt *(fihm‘piln.
A mnupondmt of an? hr the; New! York
ne‘vruplpem n [gt-pond Menu! of General
Sherman's. hu boon on n visit'to thnt 0&-
not I} fiuriunh. He given a lengthy’re
poi-t of: oonrezutiéu held with the Gener
’.l, which. i! reflect. _pmven mm to have
the most. commonsense views of‘my ofllqer
'nowrin thfe‘fleld. Hot? ditl'erently tuch‘
language as thoufolloxving sounds—from
Grint’n‘f‘rohhmg the crndle and the grave"
epia’tlea: ‘3 ' (
"Genet-all: I said, “your popularity in
the Northernfilateq'is so grab tint you
cnn..l think, take Inch steps :- ypu ch
without fear' at seeing Lin-m thwumd by
the Idnflnintrntion." - -
"Perhapy so}? said he. “but‘mnk this
I am here {or I. few days finly‘hwhen
Ml leiwg the ‘city. .the co‘twn shark's 'wil
I, G ’ "“' lpouu 6 upon and devour ev rvt v“ v.
THE PEACE MISSION A FAILURE- ‘An to the jlopulariry you ngenkfof, [Ego _
OBS-thrdny morning week the President very W4l 0* What-SW“ I,‘ 1‘ $136? ‘I B
_ - ‘. . popuhflru long us Last successful. £0
and Sammy Se'mrd ”5”?!) 3‘ Wnlblng- "only the Amencun preu hut. the L d‘
2°“ if” " °ZZ‘§I°“°IZT:§;§£Z?ZLQS ‘3'» “FT? ”WW: '3"?! (“u"‘fl‘m: $253 3
our out: In ye re ’ .- s 0 LI age. 1; . (“a 1-6 r
\No change in‘ the attitude of either the: ”Jenn .‘i’m‘m oficnumry. an: by _- l ‘
' , “ an pen ous mare) nva cause no lmpmj
Goszgnmgn: o}€°:{ii:’:téiehm 19“”:2‘; ; tam; city to full ip‘to our bnnds. And tlhu
nu f 16' o f: .u r, d 1:1 0. n“ W nail“ ex .qu very ‘well :but 31-1)“):0 xln the‘catlnpalgl
3. nlumv . I! am a 9 a mun—mom nun erm e mee econ:
chnhgo‘bf prismners has hPen dctermlnedfiined forcueiof Lee. Bk-nuregurrhnnd Ila!
upon. to" lake place immediately. _ That, if ee, and ”MP—“WM‘ "0““ be my s‘"
. - Hhen? Why. every laurel I have we:
true. “1‘0".“ that '°m"m"g.h” heen g‘lned' heyeuthing l hive done. would be fox'gm
It In“; for (he gallant '9m‘e’f‘ of “Mun. There is not a tree high endugh it
. North. . _ , . ‘ :hagng we‘lzpnn. glshonld he drngged dow
; That the people are greatly d'iss‘ppqinted I fféfittnbe puller-n! fnme_ Lofrtritgnvobicurn
i .l . . .. - . ‘ (In e. remo 9 corner 0 1 es ;an
I'm timitzzli 22:: $212134. be it mm”-
uh , ...vlm__ser.' '3' , -
entertained for peuoé- '3"! WM" fl": 11l ‘Pgut. Geneial.'wi‘_t_h all par recent an
ID with'tho n 1 ul‘eb’, the rudlcglgpollc‘iciam:chases, and with the plans in vie-w, don
‘|...E'‘ ‘ I , 9-: ’
__ ' 1 the on )e '_- you thxnk the war 15 nanny u! nu 9111‘
I" la high. 3k? _\ torturing 31 XL rp; I.c "All an end! the war at an end! We] ,
'°f m°..°§;“m““_m‘-t° :‘6 hocm a 9‘: tl e nix-. 111 you man my opinion on that-«ubjec
J Forln armauoh as ‘o'" fl ‘l'“ f' ‘ 1.1 mllatatle‘tlmt so furzromb'elng'ut an en
conference, we munt Wait until lf‘r Lincoln , the war )5 only about to began. I‘he poln
Ihlll no fit to make‘iz known. to! givmg ,up their sea amPriver count (
ties, although! taking away some of tul'
pu-sligg hf the 'JunlmlernL-y‘. "m mnkmg
matex‘lally stytmger than ii they retaine
Ithem In their peasemon ; w‘hxl‘e the opal
ring of the name can” t 9 trade by: the Fat
lerul queqnment Is effectually supplyid
‘(he rebels wnth all the gouds they used ‘
receil'e by blockade Haulers, at a chen 1
iplice. aux-l thh 1953 flak and maonveniefin
,to themsulves.” ‘1
i Such .18. in brief, thy summary of tl
conversauou l hudwim Gan. snerman t
the accuuon of my mp to Savannah, 91
l have glven, if not the exact language,
lens; the idea: exprened u: my convert
uuu wxih bun. ‘
I. I. ‘ITABLI, Ignofnxntruoruxml
noninu Kinnymo, FEB. 12;, mm
‘. “ THE DRAFT. ,
fProvont Harlhul‘Generui Fry ha: moi»
\h‘ed to incé‘fise the whole couutxy by the
gbungling,mamwr i") which he has figurvd
up the Slate and dis riot quolnfl. The Rifle
burg va'nmerciai ofl he 71h. a. anund Aholi
' {in‘ pap‘erfln‘?! th ' he “lma wbrn fine pa
idjence of the ueopl 32m1): out, and got eve—
rything connected with the draft. into a
snarl quite inexiricabie." Thunme paper
think-fin continuatiox: "We are within
on. week of ‘the time n en the draft will
aka pluce,’*cmd yet, so mismanaged has
been the ientire business that. scurcély a dis
trjot’yknpgwn what 'ils qi‘xcyla is or wili be,
«on filing to the plqp 'qu' culchléting
ma my -~~ ,f‘
. . Thd‘quotlu having bee-If anhqunéed only
‘f‘lboufilwp weeks since. if the draft were put
5 in {except _the time fixed by the President.
.lul than fifty days notice—glue lime fix‘ed by
law-mould hnve beeh given, and a quzzstion
u w the panda; or melpmceedsng would
"in; 'O‘h'tbiu thé N. Y: prwiq remarks:
"But if the Government. mean; 4.0 adopt;
snd indone Mr. Fry’s scheme. then we h‘a‘ve
to fly that tho'tima fox enfbrcmg it ought
to? be postponed. The law manifestly con
templawl that. each district shall he wowed
filty day: in which lo'iiil IL3 quota by vol~
unmering. Now, it's cherichues not know
i tin quéu ‘s nll less thun’n {oi-might.
broEro {he dmA in. (o be enforced, it. is de
f Ad of the benefit of the law. it does
not; lino Ln 'opporlqnity, which we law
menu: it would. to fill its quot; by volun
teers. Still more, if at the‘beginning of the
“fifty darn it. is officially informed that, it has’
to raise 4,000 men, and a. mo th afterward
in ..utoanded with the stagnant that i!
must fumish 21,000—still more in such a
case in such district entitled to claim the
postponement of llw draft till_it shall have
enjoyea the full term provided by law for
volunleermg." . ' §
, iThere in an unwillingness with’ the people
to do their part, (says thb ammcn’xhl.) bu't
they do ask that the’y be not trifle‘d wihh icy
‘ hholly incompelent officials. ;. '
‘We invite alténtion to thejleuer of
Gov. Curti‘u, op our first“pnge. lu‘ peninsl
willintereat every one. We hope he will_
361105944) his pqaiwiou, and insist. upon it,
our In over dgain’, that justice bar done
to Penntylvauia. ‘ ‘ ‘ '
fl‘Wbilu the application for}: chapge
of venue in Ha claée ofthe Cpmniouwealzh
7:. Rev. Wuhington'Y; Gotwalt was p‘eud
ing in. the Legislature. Senator CHampnéyé.
6f Lgnoast‘er, oueiof the leading} Republi
can: in than bodyfpaid 'n hiuh but duel-9gb
compliment 40 H 6“. R. J. Fish! the Pres
ident Judge of thim district, bisdeclnfing
that “the purity 'of purpose aqd acknowl
odged abilify of the learned Judge who
presided oven the court. ii: which th me
Wu now \pending, and from ‘ whioh‘it was
*pmposed to‘remove It, were matters of 'ra
' u I V r< , .' ‘
gul- flgwme—w '
’ Dcmocrftfc Vigtory in Lam-acte’rg-‘lee éity
gloation 1n Lancaster, onh'l‘uesdny last, re-
Inltéd ii: the re~oleciion oi Hén. George
Bandeau}. [Demw as Mayor. by 26.9 majori
ty. n pix: of 72 9mg: the tote M thé Novemo
be: elpoLion, anti 142 over ‘the munipipll
diction of last year. The Abolitianhll
spent their money freely wflefeu! him, and
are greatly mortified. ” ‘ '
. “The House at ‘ Harrisburg, on Wed;
nuday, passed n joint. resolution requesting
the Secretary of War to secure the rolesio
01d] citinem of Penns'ylvm‘m, bapcured by
Gen. Leeduring the invasion 0;}863.
No More Becriciting 5‘8“»! b'laiq.- {n the
U. 8: \Sennte. on Mo'ndny. Mr. Buckghw’l
Amendment, lu'ikingpul thc third «onion
0! the enrollpont lui of lan. w'intot—Lwhiqh
pérmiu recruiting (gents to visit. Southern
Batu to obuin‘ rocr'uita foLStm credib-~
vu ldopted by 3 vote of 28 yen to 12 say!
.9 of the my. being out by New England‘
Sonnets. Both Mymhugm Bunion-
Wilmimd Salami—opposed the amend.
- meat. The reason {or this opposition in
' not. hufi m undemnd by tho» who knovk
um ‘Mlnsuohulottl has. during flat in“
‘géu, been doihg most of h'er fighting omi
annu; md flay-b basil, . ' 6
wOn Wedneaday hat, bothfiousyfiof
Coupes-‘11:“ in joint convention. nml the"
yoga for I’m-idem; and Viqe Pruidunt of
tho Udtgd Hutu were counted. Abraham
Lincoln. ad Andrew .Iqhi‘mou ten. of
connotd‘écluid duly elected: .711; 50::-
of Louisiana sud Tunas» were '36]. re
mind. A 2
”The Rev York (kn-vein“.
' V y: then
gm: probabxlny offlpoglpogemfn’f
W I l ' r Entry Gilmore luu
bun mm mmszem 0! his
mffigmwo bu been Lent to For: Wat
an? 1 a: ~
‘ , adcm Stu-no aid in angms.
“g , am. the «languid not and in
d: 'a‘ mm months. , ‘ _
“EN. 8331‘“? 08 THE WAR AMT
r'l‘h'e New York Time: (\Kep.) speaking
the change in the qiiota of that city, my
“How the sh’urp figurer makes; this all 0‘
we don’t know; but we do, know the peo‘
ple are greatly disgustedfiuqd diacourzlgetl
at these \mcillnting rl-cltoniligsl” i
"The New York Cumme'rcial Advcrlr'uzr, u
other Administrauimjuurngl, is still :1; r
eu‘hfest- and emxggticu Says the Adveflit
“One thing. however. is tolerahly cert ir.
and that is lhél the flountry is“ getting in
ten—el 3; diggostml With the peculiarity” u
mntivle talent exhibited lyy Mr. Fry. m
the people would be mine]: obliged to‘ 1
Lincoln ii he would permit that gentle a
to retire to the shall-,5 of prlmte life. *
Ir. would deem that those in authority l
bent upon’ making this whole busin <
drafting un‘d mini g mm for our armie l
odious, expensivggi’iil terrifyingms [103: b
to the people. (idiom and. expensiv
certainlyhns-Ueefii’ hut'it is no longer
rxfying. The tom odiery of “:16 War D.
partment lags beq‘nirepeated'so often bl
it hail beoome simply luuglmblé or dis 1:
ing—luughuble to the enemies of the 1
ministration,‘_disguatmg to it; friends."
- This is film tone ofalmost tlie‘entire p es
Demooratxc and llep‘ul-tlicun ; n‘ d the n w
papers areino more unanimougiu d‘én m
cing GennFry than the people. Will re
idem Lincoln, {or once, régurd thé "vol 9:
the nation." and remove Flay ftoni’th pi
lition which by common consent ha is n
nounced dxffit to fill?
The Democratic papers in all quarter a:
co'mfienting r with mudli severity _ pt
GpfiWlh’a vole with the‘ Alrolilionis ; j
favper‘tlxo codstitutionnl s endlge t.-
Tlxe Somerset Democrat any: :1“
I "lawns an act Of premeditated and -ilfi
treachery, and as such dgserves unqua 1m
denuncmtion at are hand: of every h-ne
Democrat m the land, and we are war an
ed 111 saying that the not will be indrg- - n
ly rgpndialed by umety-nine‘ of every nu}
dred Democrats In this district. 8- lb
Jact. Mr. Cofi‘ruth has lbrevgr forfei -.. tl
confitlenco‘ux’ the Democracy. which w: ax
now sntisfiedhe but too long enjoyed. “
are‘fully satisfied frog: his nets and de‘lar
flops heretofore, from his political hf, l
v‘oleo in Congr‘eu, &c,, that. corrupt. m- ti!
prompted h|m~tp 15x9 lgslfidark, dqrmrr
not of Inl‘mnyf’ _ , K ‘ '_ 7 I
The Übaqxbersburg Spirit says :
“We may have tn'qre to say or: this; bjt
hereafter.) Uri Lhmg the represents: ve
lhe lath district nix-n rely on: his p 0 nu
grave ‘il opén for big reccpnon, an ‘
wager he gets into fit the better.
De gay will never agqin tI-ual whet"
have ce‘be‘en betrayedflj J :
:4 wForney’s PM”. the or‘gan of t- - '
publican party in this Sme, dechre
passage of the anti-slavery alfiehdm
be be "A mimn’n row. mn- mu:
waxes). um” Tum:= mo, menu's.
Comm vanes 10 u xcovzsmitmmr
Eel. cha‘people ponder and reflect.
le‘Thg people of Philadelphia wh- ‘
in the street. can. have decided, by 1 ,
to one, ag‘ninsc adlifiuing negro“ t-ere
And yet. (he Republicans in the Deg' at
no afiout puéing a bill (maps! the hi
tacome down to I level wfi tho “8 ‘
in this respect. Shims! slums! ‘ur
ndny of recharging mhlxbome. .
16-1119 Report of Hon. James P.
Surveyor figural bf Pennsylvania, sh
that. the receipt: for patents on 115- ~
the StueJox the put. yanhave been 9;
as during the ten yeui preyiouo. Her to!’
:he Surveyor": ofioq diinot'pq the ,1.
m of fill“ hplrim'fit. Lu: your! yi.
ed to 11:: Sale. mm, at] expcumfin.
aigmy thougand Jollan. ' '
4 Sim-15w Now from Frauené—A re)
I deapatoues {rum Mr. Side“ in Paris [.O
:Conlgdeule Government Ifrl'od on
:n Rxchmond. The pun-pan of h; c‘
patchos in aid to b 0 5 full confi rmnion
the summon“ Link I ,hue’heremfo mp
'to the efl'rol. that the {unpaid Gave :m
of France would recognue the Son: “L
‘ irydep'g‘ndent powe‘r gun-1y in March Thm
_assnnnee in sand tfihave beau o?’
‘commumcgnefl 10 M . Sligen by the
.tor’s .Mmmex- 6f Forexgn Afligu-s.
than of policy and reuons of state
ouuem hum; refewnce to the Em
dongns in Mexico and Central A
‘hnve. no dqubm. iungenced Napoxl
faking thin step—Letter CAN. Y. '
;; - Anozmox ammo:
l Menin- ar cnxm ”but“. flex-roc
, i. a Palm: Dink: nun-Jumemo-l
mgr Pun” of IL {Dalian-1-9.1-
[Corrospnndencz of the N. Y. Nani]
' W‘smuu'ros, Feb. 1. 1865.
Willard'u [label was In“ night the scene
of anion disgusting exhibition. The Ile
pnhlicans were sb'olnted with their success
in carrying ihe abolition nmfindment that
’ they determined on havingagmnd jolificm
Lion in honor of the event, and Wilhrd’s
"1 wa- ihe place selected for {he carom 2-
|Sevaral or the mat hpisy ml-mben of he
- case were present, includipg some of
hate who, during the day, recorded their
vinfumy by supporting thmgreal abolition
v lmeuurp, and thus betraying their constitu
tnts. The best. feeling preniled among all
collected in the large dining hall. Negroes
; ‘of every complexion were there. andgof
‘ coupe. thev entered into the: Spirit of the
loccuinn. The negroes were distinguished
‘} fw'm Lhrir white brethren by white aprons
landfill)" fixings peculiar to colored gkn
itli-‘mcn who amend-upon guests at bout di
ning tables. ‘
Wlien’ibe dishas were remand. wine will
ordqrgd, and for a while the feast of good
: Lhingtwas enj‘nyed with ordinary decorum.
_ . But,“ vim wrilus. says the adage; and so ‘u.
Lwns at. Willard's last night. Bseeches “14???
It ; made arl‘libilum—your Aboliuonisl im Ire
fmendoua fellow for speech nmk'm’i; when
- the theme in congenial—and coqgmtulationa
. -{qn-the glario s victory of Life-day passed
L ‘along the tab‘ies. ’ 'l‘hg vjriues and noble
I , :umribgujs of ghe must/min negro were 9x.
i-‘ypounded by 'genflegzén of an imaginadve
- ilup‘n, and the wouhippe'rn of the New Eng
; Ixmd’ idea were h’énnred wi;h the most. glow»
'ing apouthm/ps of which intoxicated 91c»
tquence is myhle. The wrongs nfthe‘ne
grn,un the Ight of .\lmsachumuq to rule
Img munny, fol-mad the, staple of the
~- -9;(eec‘ho~a m-ult‘, while arriculn‘inn remained
I :oloar enougl. tn he distinguiuhed; and,
when the ll‘miu of sobriety were paused,
the noble wmiorts-rs of the ndministration
, I became so demonstrative in their affection
F, ‘for the opprewued children of darknesx. that
y j serious fears wLule felt. for the satety of the
x- ; furmtum. wig
e 5 Gentlempn hntwotfld scam the imputa
t ‘ tion of . intoxjcation. were I 0 overcome by
d ' their feelings that they charmed the OppreasL
- Nd children, thtetera. to‘their pair-lone bo
‘- isoms. and assured them, in the language of
g i Mrs. Micnwber. that they coutd never. no.
never, damn them. Some, after great e"-
‘r l tor-u, informed other» that. they were too
eilnll forv utterance; but It i-u to be deeply
‘reg‘ronml [but theyedni state. not With any
1e . degree of accuracy. what they were full of.
nlkA few 11l namred persons were Min-ward
d=known to say Lint. the wine. «Jerk knew
; Homelhing about it, but that gentleman Wu!
n- prudently reticent. ‘
' The: disgusting orgies ‘wera kept. up for
' several hours. and while sense remained
there was nn abatemem in the enthusimm.
. Mr”. Brunfiagw, a, Representative from the
of" land of steady habits, wax parLicuhriy dem-
B: ‘onstrative toward the Waiters. ‘ With trem
ulous vnice he addressed an indivxdual of
flifibpmieasion, and declared him “a man
and ifbgother, and would soon be a voter.”
Tue tmi‘men and brothers were soon 1156!:-
ed in‘nfrazePnal emb.nc9. and n was thou—l ro
.. ( posed-to start. a‘mulunl admiration society,
'3 . but {'01: some rens the motion was not. sec
. Louded. Mr. B. WE ssiatcd to his seat. after
' (.the exhaustion consqugnt upon this affec-
N tionnle outburst, but. wax somf‘nn his feet.
1- again. professing his unc ' quemble- love
3. i for the negr‘n, and ”iterating a assurance
1] I mm. the dark skinned portion then mm
‘ ’ puny wefe men and brethren. an‘dxxwoum
r. ' soon belolers. \
'll Others whme name: have not beon-m‘fig
* ' tinned were equ~,x\\y ufi'x-ctinmue. They «L?»
e 5 clued that the nfillenimmhad united, that
{i the timorhnvl at hut come when 1111 mm“;
. gwcre equal. socially andqmlincalfy ; misce-
3‘ , genntion should henceforth be encouraged ;
le ; that theyegm should enjoy all Lhe nghts
1‘ g heretofore restricted to the wince uxur. and
r- i-zha destiny of the dascend‘ants of Ham
9 would be the moat glorious ever vouchsuled
“7 ho mankind. ‘ ‘
t; The specxaclo was tha 'mnit disgusting
:. 1 and degrading ever witnessed in the capital
_1 ofzhe'cgqmry: Tosea members nfCongryss
l fruternizing with nfigroes—mctunlly. bugging
“hem in a public ming room —wns sufii»
3- 'oism to fill with loathing any man havmu
:- even. an ordir’mry «mass of propriety. 1t
‘ _ was a fitting climax of the infamous pro:
coedmgs ol' the clay ; an appropriate adden
da 10 the outrage that was designed to rob
‘fteigln. million of people of nearly all the
,o.‘ wealth they poasesnerl. It shows th'e de
.o_ bazempnt to which the country has been
brought when Reprpsonlative's ofthe people
~men who should jealously guard the hon
or whlch has been entrusted to them—
openly hlazen their bestiality at the doors
,9 of the capital, ngd take to their bosom the
)n 101»!th the human crention.
, The matter has been a topic 0? conversa
m tion in all parts of;tbe city tg-day. It was
talked of in the hotels, in the streets and
in the Capitol, and those ho were parties
“1 try it were denounced with the utmost in~
‘_‘ digestion by all who have a pmper respect
, t. fer the honor of the nation. Even the "so~
t- ‘cxalistu" engaged in<it were said. to be hear
-- ‘tily ashamed of their conduct, but their
11- repentance will not long outlive the carous-l
-is al oflut night. Szuomt.
.48' ‘ W" - A
V° The Richmond papers of Tuesday contain
:3; tbe'toport of Mexandqg H.Stephens, R.
u M. T. Hunter and John A. Campbell. the
ng,‘ pence commissioner! who met President.
~ Lincoln and Secretary Seward at. Furiress
Monroe. After stating that thg conference
9"" lasted several houra,'and Wu both full and.
0:}. explicitntbey say: , 4-_
be We [earned from them that the message
‘he of Presxdent Lincoln to the Congreu of the
my _Unned States. in Deoetnber ln'at. explnina
clearly and distinctlyhu sentimenu u to
tel-nu, conditions, and method of proceed
ie- ing 5y which peace can be secured to the
heipmpte, and we are not. _informed (.th they
woula be modified or altered to obtain that
to I end
_ We underslo
a; for pgoposala for _
, _n ’ looklpgto 5n ultim}
enteriniued or mode v' him with the nu
thorities of theiConfede : “e States, because
I d that would: be a recognitio at their exist
° once as a separate power, wh‘ch. under no
”‘B' circumstances, would be done, And, for
in. like remnathut no such terms would be
"a entertained by him from the States sepa
rately. That, no Extended truce or srmls-c‘
m tioe uat present ndvised would be grnrtedj
3°“ or snowed w‘ithont satisfactory murance
elf ’ edunce of the complete restontion of
. the euthority of the constitution end laws
of the United States over all places within
’3l-, the State! of the Uonfediracy. That whatrl‘
ever consequences may tollow from the re~ ‘
W." establishment“ that outhority at tel. be no- i
m cepted, butthst indmduals subject to pains ‘
toll and penalties under the laws 0! the United
Ere States might rely upon I very liberal use of
sn- f the power confided to him. to remit these
pains and peualtiesyif peace be restored. ,
’ld‘ During ms wnfeieuce the proposed
)ve ‘ameodrnents to the Constitution of the’U
nihd Stat”, Idopted by Congress, on the
>315! 91L, were brought toour notice. The»
of amendments provide thutineither slavery
the norinvuluntary servitude, except for crime.
My should exist within the United Ststes, or
leg. any place within tlieirjurlsdicuun, and that
of Congress should has power to enforce this
do, amendment by appmprinte legislation.
on: “MM '
1 Ez'tamian cf (kc Tm: for W.—~Hn—
‘ risburg, Feb. 8.3-Adjumnt Gen. Hus-101l In!
just. received‘infolmatlon from Provost.
Marshal Genenl Fry um mbe fime fnr re.
crru'ting and crediting new organization: in
extexided Come 15m inst.
‘ Ques
‘u :ror'g
El - trim
{on in
fi'Geu. Leis bu been nppointed Ind
donfirmal Commndg-in-Chief of the Con
fodornbamiu. ‘ '
from him that no terms
Ly man? or agreement
um emen 1. would be
_>._.._—‘.T~ ,¥_._ ‘. ‘_‘
‘ ‘ m WAR. ms.
Allan “I’m-fin“ mu"
‘ A
Thelmnelhgcnce from Gen. Slgermm. 1| Qfi‘OTAS.—-The quousmnhiqungunionnl
of {he uytnmt imporinnce: He is making! Diouicthsve been ”“3“" by Prof on I“?
npid smiles into the interior of .3011“: Our i flail ”mp“, “no" :
oiina. ' T o‘ugh there has been no coiiisiort '. - 869
yet. with Confederates, ‘ banie seem: imam-i Atkins c01unty,.................................
neat. Sherman’s etl‘nrts nre‘ali directed m‘l g'df‘fl‘? °°““‘{vm---~--- - W 22:
(he rapinreof Btanchvilie. Uftliis there iii F“: @0322“ 5"“ 78
no longer} a“, doubt. The various move-r S 3! or“: c0ngru...".........................'3ds
ménlu against Augusm and Charleston/,nre' ,‘ me ”1..."..."mum..." ’
but femui. intended to distract the gnarl-i The "ad" Wl‘l'°?'¢§"° “‘3‘. “’0 quit“. 0-
tion of the Confederates, and Lo,pl/-evant;:\dnms and Frunkhn‘ exceedingiy heavy.—
them from concentrating their .trqopa for h is ”de “a t, "g 919.,“ to hue “win.
{he defenste o}: Bratiichziilfs. e’rheé “eig‘ii’lormuion; that the Band wrollment h
owever,‘ o ave on smc ova _ . ,
Sherman's realintentiqus, for gaging mnnmfmk‘“! “fab“ ‘9 h“°_ , _ "d“.‘lmon
Ldays w. they have baen concentnying Judy equgluud. Let the cfl‘ort be a vigorous
'their green: at Brnnchville. h ‘ one, worthy of menu» _
General Gmm has made IDOt er demon- ‘ Thajquom for the lab-districu inAdams
gméiondin 1"": sautg’aige oi; Eaters:urg.~ com“). Mucrfollown':
n~un yas t, 271 an: econ corp.“ . -. . . ,
together wixh Grpg‘g’s cavalry, went. south? gzg‘ififznoilg' iglmgzfioi’ 13‘”- g:
3‘0“? the ,wlg‘éo!‘ ralilerad‘. "They stir-$3) Buller'tovlnlhip’, ’ ‘kaiLiberly do. )6
at. threeo c, in t e mommg. u I . ' . 231 mm“ , do. 39
tie appogfion was met with until unqufilobfifldm. ”imam”; do. 29
they b3}! crowed 11""5'1" OMk’ about fir': Franklin do.‘ “Humanist, do. '3l
teen meleasouch of Petersburg, whey: the Freedom do_ “10“,“, do, 31
Cqufederfit e_s were discovered in considers” Highland do. lzfl'iufiding d“. 35
,bl'e torcei The Federal advance was check-t Germany do. . :2gsmbun ‘ do. ,24
ed,nnd intren‘chmem began. The Confed‘lLiuleswwu borough,26"ryrouo_ do. 25
antes at empted to diiiodge the querfflsiGeuygburg do. 37.Uuion do. 28
from the r position, but wax-a repulsed, With 2 Hamilton township, 27j .
a reporle'il loss of two huridyd pnsoxn'erarf-i “unlihohbfin do. 21‘ Top], 669
A bamdiw’“ expected 10. ““3 place ”be: No quota is a:|igned to Sew Contra-ills, in
”if; (I“3i'—Afl‘ oifl’d‘T‘MEV' t‘p ofiflomcrset co um}, the enrollmanl being‘ex
, ‘ e 4 m'emen mane \y a. porn n r
Gen. Gr. t’s grmy was by portions of‘ \Var- b‘“"°‘¥‘fl___._#;____vl‘ -,
ren’u an flithmphrey’ 00595- “Ce 10;}?! SPECXAL COUILT.——TbeLa n Winona
number maps engl e was u out l'nook upt’the time of the Co“ .\loud-y
teen thoiugnd: Gen. Binge commqndediunm Fad“), noon, when it w“ given with
the fore in person. This prehmmary ’ ‘ I f . ' _ .
moveme c has been already noted. Thegiqry- 'l‘} WE?“ a":l"!chHumming me
. o“ :
v r
Federal loss in these contest: will amount
to neurlyl four hundred. ‘
On quday morning all seemed fsvot‘a-‘
ble, but he enemy glaring the night had
‘brought lip large reinforcements, and in
the fore omi they disposed them for an
attack. l'hey first sent all their hoops”
«geinst l nrren’s’corpu. Attacked in truntl‘
and than it was l‘orCed to give way. and re-‘
treated iln a. somewhat broken condition
nearly (who miles. This retreat exposed a
lportinn (it the Sixth corps that mu cross-‘
ing Hate ier's run to reinforce Humphrey.
The? we ediiveu in contusion anl~bas the
run. ll iuphrey then retreated. the Qan
federatea attacking him as he mortified,“
'lbut doin very little damage, On Monday ‘
inight the Federal troops were all on‘dhe
,enst Bid at Butcher’s riili. lo the NO
l'dnys’ ligating they had lest, one thousand‘
lmeit. 'lhe Conlederiites WHIB in strong
gloree on the opposite side of lletcher’s run.
!The mov ment was it complete failure ; no
lgrnund as gained. and the 1055931136ij11
had bee very heavy. This is the filth
J time Ge . Grant has tuisnecessfully repeat~
ed 'llllfi nlinvement ttiwnrtls~‘tlie Sogthside
I railroad. l He seems to understand no oth
er minim vre.
( Everytiiing is quiet at. Wilmington. and
therein taindicution that either the Fed
'eral land or naval forces mil ntit'vtince to
‘sttack it The Confederates are building a
l lorniideh 9. work ‘on Cape Fear river, oppo
,site FortlFisher. Itis celled Fort Ander
‘sou. A FBJE‘LII gunhout shelled it Vigo
’rotuly fort a. few hours on‘~S itiirtliiy last, but'
did no (in‘ iage.——Agc of T/[tn-sday. l
i There igvery little additional intelligence
lfroni Geiierinl Grett't's cnmp.’ 0n the lett‘
{the trvo larniies still contrrint each other‘
belong lliltcher’siun. Thieie has been nol
llutther fi}lll.lllg. -,
i There we thl'lnus reports of Gen. Sher:
linsii’s prbgress in South Carolina. but no;
{nuthenti ' information has been received.‘— ‘
There 9}) em: to be no doubt that it lurge‘
' portion 0 Hood’s army ll.\S been sent ensl,‘
l\Emil 15 co fronting Sherman. . .
l The riguora of the evocuationpl‘ Mobile?
{by “N? ‘onl’ederntes are repented. They“
lprevnil‘ng New Orleans. batman be‘truce-d}
l to no somfiieworthyofcredit.——-Agc at" Frid r3l. ‘
l The Fedetiq l‘)\§ in the battle at Hilton?
er’s run WM l,lB\o iii killed, wounded and“
missing. l'l‘he rebel General Pegmm was.
killed. \
+-~-»- ~- -—'9 fi>-- —7-» - a
I ,The .\i?W_YOIk 75mm (me St‘fi'flrll'fi‘bv‘cl‘
gm) hm tin e<litoiisl from whleli we maker
1 the following extract: \ . l
k In the first place. it is not at al‘qikely,‘
«live are sure, leaving out 0t sight altogetherj
i the v‘ariqus declarations ["lth by the gay! ‘l
eminent,l that. men who have struggled
{with such determination and nbstinncy asj
{the rebels have displayed during the lust
' four years, c:.n have been sustained niei-elyi
lby the hope of success. We may be rightl
‘well assured that'il they had niily.this to
{sustain them, they would have given up!
gbeforo now. - _ 4 ‘
We may as_we)l open our eyes .tn lhé fact
that. the Souuhem londem bate ua‘as the
Turk hates the Ginour, as the Crusader'
use/aim hula the Jew,°und that. it. is only
natural {hat a feeling bl‘this sore. instead
at being nbaled by rewrses, should be in
tennified and should anzmate thnse who are
under its influence tn great. elf)“; for its
gratification than ever. And We must re
member that men who have sufl‘eréd so
much (or any cause as the Southern slave»
hnlders have done. learn to love It at. last,
lét its marilfin the outset. have been what
(39y might. 4 An n general rule, what men
h vs fougmjmd fought Well for, becomes
nqble in th ‘r eyes; let its fortunes wane
cigar so 11.31;; and generally the more
dahpersbe tlfiii fortunes are, the mqre plide
they take i ‘aharing them. And il._must
at", be l‘ufiotwn than these men have still
a large a veteran army at. then- disposal,
uwell ulhe ie~ourcesofacoumry which. in
spite ot'all ifhas gone lllrough, is still rich;
As long a: they have these—wide, babe,
honor—eve lhmg will urge them to figln‘
on co the) g.”
~ o»—-—-——-—-
Pmu‘mwnu, Feb. B.—-A 'flre corn
menced “3 o’clock this morning‘ in {be
coal oil works on Ninth Ind Federal ureeu
and spread‘ to the adjacent property, den
tmying about fifty» dwellings. occupying
two oqume, both eldel on Ninth street, and
I few other! on federal and Whumn
streets. 1 Several lives are reported to‘ have
been 10-9. -' ~
anxublunu. Feb. B.—lt is now report~
ed than. fifteen lives weroélost at. the fire this
moi-mag. The streets were at. the time
flooded with snow end water. and the burn
ing oil ran from the works along the street:
.in full blue, toning fire to the lower por
tion: of the dwellingi, and preventing the
escape of the intuit“. - . ‘ ,
Forty-lever dwellings were burned,
mostly three stories. SI! bodies have been.
recovered IO far—others are will missing.
Winona hundred Union soldiers. re
leased from imprisonment. M. Rnchmond,
arrived at Annapolis, Md., on Tuesday.
TZE23 Ther.A.R.Mr-11335r 3.
'lO 00 to]: :3! fi‘Obitulry none“ 3 cents per line for 311
255t0 2 60!"? lonrlinea—ruhlto “comp-n! nguco.‘ ‘
za:lo 3 3‘ /On um «I: insL, in Latimore townihip,
1 853 JbHN armzsL, mm of John H. and Mn,
. 85 flux-mine Stilul. mged l month and‘B day's. ‘
i,5 On the 6th inm, if: Lutimnre township, Mr.
....” no ‘0“ JOHN H. bTI'I‘ZEL, (father of mu .buve,)\
""""‘ 8 so to ‘ 0 lid to yam 9 month: Ind LT nap. 1
236 m 2 502 A; Andersonville, Gm, on 111 g :7le of Sept”
l 50' um, ot’chmnicdfiorrhan,DAVlD G. Mum», '
‘ d 75 0! am place, aged 25 yem‘ 8 month: Ind 13 .
/ dlyl. The deceased wu . member of Com- .
/ puny I", B‘.’lh Pt. Regiment, mg was captured
\ll 13‘ u. flu but]. m the “damn: on the m: of:
, a 88 In), 1864. "Face to th- uhea ol' the Mum”;
, I so? 0n Wedneldny morning, In inzn, Alli-214M
,1 85 J. HENDBIUKB, dlugbur of l’etcr D. and _
,‘ 98' Anna. O. Hendricks, aged. abegx 19 ,em
)2! 0° and 6 mend“. ¢ 1
119 00! On the sth flush, in this place, WIL‘UAM
,35 .oo JACOB RUPP,-nd :9 menu». ' g
’l5 5° 0! hemorrhage o! the [nag-I, on thg .18th.o!i
3 85 Jun, 1334, n Bowen Hills. blag: county,
7 2: Tum, In. D. 3., wife of JAXIES GETTYS, m
2 37 :11: 5M you a! her age. , . »
Flour ..............
Rye F10ur............................
White When L...................."
Red When..........................
Buckvbut. ......
Claver 5nd.................‘
Flax 5e0d....................
Plum- of P1ri5...........\
Plum:- ground, per tug.
Flown. ..."...a... ...
Wheat.............. .....
0m ......‘.............;...
Beef Cynic, per band
.Hogs, peg handm..."
1111......» an»... ......
Flu-ma. ..............
'limothyseud" .........
Whiskey .......,;........
, lowa & Sawfly.
fluidity :3! the mu was welurncd.
The one otSamuel A. Gillilnnd; Executor of
Flemming Ufllihund, deceased, against Samuel
Gilhlnnd nnd Vwillmm Qilhlnnd. iudmuni in
debt on I note, Nile Ilia tried. ,Vtcrdiu for
plhimiff fin- 5703. . ‘
1n the case of George Miller and Elitnbmh
Miller, against Geprga lionr and Daniel Dm
trial), Administrator; of fidum Gar-fluent”-
unwed, (or sen-ices of minor sou, k jury was
called on Friday evén'ing, but. on Satun'lny
morninglbe defendants idem! a. ..mse; where
upon d): jury was dxschnrged, and the case]
Fontinurd. 1 .
Some mher business was disfiasefl of, and
me Court Adjourned on Suturdny manning,
MORE S.\'U\V.—lt commeucrd to «snow nu’d
blow/in tliu region 0? count!)- on 'l'uAesliu)’
morning, about téu o'clock, and continued un
t'gf eight in .the cunning—the gnaw {allxng to
the depth of’abuut zwelre ‘ inches, making ex
cellent sleighing. A:
,GROUND-HOG.DA‘x’.-—The mom: dxy or
Febrfinry in what ii known as Ground-Hug
Day. 911 ting eventful. day the gruund-hog n
said Imm: forth from his hole. and see hnw
mutteri stand. If the day is, cloudy. and he
tail: to see bia‘elmdow, he reiu‘rus “ ith the al
a’urauce that xhe cold blunts oi miner are our,
and (he appronch ufn vdeliglmnl a} ring. Hut
abouid itheclqsr, he returns {nrauother dream
‘icn snooze, and .sixty days orcuh! wentlr r.—
If his hqgship came forth in this 11111“! th
the right time of day, he saw his Ibudofi',‘and
we may lhfib‘bok f'ur aixg: My: maxebof
stern winter.
. [iii-On (he nighlul the 281 mm,” when «me
or u.c freight trains 91 [he aV/Aggrn ('ll.qu
Rullroad reached Guldshoiu', one. 01‘5er "rake!-
n’mn was muml standing at. His pnu, \\ in: his
arms on the brnke, fiuz'en to death.
. LEE-Wm. B. Brandon, of lh‘d cown'y, Ms
puuhnsed the warehouse at Korafilir, in ('um~
berlund County, and expects to rcmm'e \herc m
the spring, says the .\'ewulle Smr.
16"“:9 citizéns of Emniitsbnrc and vicinity
witl- hold a meeting in that place to-xqunom, go
take into considernli n the; extensiuu 0! we
Western Maryland R dlond through that-plucs.
WAnswer to Enigma in tin: Comet.“ of
the am; um: “Father Abraham call; {or more
RECORD YOUR. DEEDS.—Thc aucnrion of
I Ran-lie. holding unrecorded Deeds is direc‘ed
to'ibel'rprovisions ofthe Act. 01 Assembly, which 1
Ercqui‘ s that—-
“Ahggdg and cogveyimces-ror rm] «mate
in this C monwealth, shun he recordu m
the ofiic‘a for lecording Deeds in thg cmxniy
L wherqj the land ie, m'Mm ('l‘ month: am: the
,execupon of aucln‘fieda pad nonveynncg: mrd‘
ereryfiuch deed am conveyxuu-e no: recuulcd l
1 shafoa-cuid, Ibnll be a 'udyed FRAUDULEKI‘
AND‘ VOID ngniqat an) bsequcut piliclmwr
‘ for nvnlunbre l-onaidemtionxuulesa such deeds
‘ be retarded before the rccurdy‘hghi \he‘drerl or
éonvayance under which such in :geq uent pur—
chaser-or morlgflgh: shall claim." \
. This is a very important noucr, n d than!
holding unrecurded deeds’will 'ue me i nit-i
mum: at having them récorded without furl. rv
delay. ' _ »~ » A p
' Bur nu Dunn:n.—A meeting way all
ed on Saturday evening last, to hear the re
port of the Belle! Cymmitteo, and firm He fur
ther means of supply. The imtice was posted
our town and the bell rung, bntrnone sue five/m
memlnrs of the Qomm'rttee “landed. (71'
coin-3e, this was, not the result' of indifl'erenr'c,
or unwillingneu on the put of the good 790-
1310 be the‘ Borough; and, therelorr, fur/(Lair
infot‘nfltion, it is thought proper to publgh the
met that the reliel' fun-l iunurely exh vmed; ‘
that many families have. been found/utterly
destitute of food and fuel in the lite ,culd wen
lher,‘ gnuble. from infirmity or deneulr. to turn
the [menus of procuring either—that roar!
nxmu have been relieved by thn’ Commit!“
.in these reagent—that this dcslithtlon still ex—
isu.jnnd willcontinuo during the winter ; uni
now, thoquestion for the citizens of Gettysburg
to nan: il this: Are yéu wilhug that there
poor people Bhl” antler, or; peri-h from cold
and hung“, trouud you? Illa answer will be
{oped in your acts. ' Guam-run,
0n the 9th inn" by BcuW. R. H. Die'rich, Mr.
DAVID F. HARTZELLTOHioumjny township,
to Miss AIMEE 8. 1.038, or Cumberllnd Lp.
On Sunday morning, the sth inst, by Be.
w. a. H. Destricb, Serg’t. JACOB GUNURUM,‘
of Wisconlin, Musical Engineer of the Iran
Brigade, to Miss SUSAN HERE, of thin plus.
0:: the 3133' 111%., by Rev. Mr. Eagle, Ir.
J . 1" 15K, ofil'Goltysbnrg. .
Qn‘the {lth inst., by mo Rev. Jacob Zieglc},
Mr. LEWJS DULL, 0221193241“ Ilownlhip, to
MiuLOHISAHARMA ,of umber a My.
,1 *
' r.___._____._.f3‘“\
A “mic of N'crythinz taming to w; mum:
Iy‘tem. male Ind lam-Ila; the caucus apdttgnt
men: a! «Menu; the murmgu custom: of :5!
wnrid: how to marry we]! and hlhuuaand
things never published baton, rend‘ the re
vised 3-1? enlarged cdhiun of "“2,de Cum.‘
mun Same/f a curious buck for canon, peo
ple, and a good book for every' one. 400
pages, tori Hiualrnh‘sus. Price SI 50. CM!-
xyxns mMe soul I: eto any nddreu. Books
may be had at the fiuok stores, or will be sent
by my], post paid. on receipt of the price.“
Addreu W. E. n. Hum-2, .\l. 1).,
Jim. no 6m 1130 Brundwuy,’ x. Y.
A Pamphlet directing how to speedily rc
etore sight 3nd give up spectaclel. without. aid
of doctor or medicine. ‘ Sent by unit. free, on
receipt of 10 cum. Addreu. " ‘
E. B. FOOTB‘, Mi D.,
1&30 Broadway; N. Y.
Jan. 30. Cm
Sm Jun: Cunn'l annnxnifuu:
Plus. Pro nred 151 mm 3 pigsrription of Sir
J. Clarke, .1? D., Phyaicinn Extrwrdinnry m
the Qunen. This invaluable medicine is un
iniling in the cure‘ of H)! tfiosa pflni‘u) :ud
dangerous disehsel to which' the female con
nimxion is subject. It modemes I“ ones:
and removes nil obstructions, and u speedy
cure may be xelied on.
To Married Lndies it is eculiafly united-
It. “ill, in a short time, wring on the‘monthly
period with regularity. ‘ _ j
Each bottle .price' One Dollnr, Mari the
Government. Stamp of (Iron! Britain, to pre:
vent counterfeit].
, Canto .—-—Thcae Pills should not. be taken
by Femal§a during the num- mun “onus of
Prognunc ‘, as they are sure to bring on Mig
carringe, bin In any other time may are safe.
In all use: of Nervous and Spinal Alfecx'xoni.
Pain in Ihe Back and Limbs, Fatigue ron slight
exertion. Palpitnl'iori of tbe.Heeu-t, Hysteria,
nnd’Wbitea, mm P 1”! will enact a cure when
all Ol‘lflr_m('ln§ have failed: und although I
powerlul remedy. do not contain iron,culamel,
nntimonymr nxgvlhmg huruul to tha commu
tion. -' ‘
Full dirflctiops in tho pnmphlot around each
pen-Mgr, which should ba (‘arcmlly preserved.
Sold by n” gDruggim. Sole Agelg'v. for the
United Bums and Canada. , ‘
JUB )lUSES, 27 Cortland! 357.)”. Y,
X. B.—-—SI,OO and 8 putnge mumps‘encloxed
to any nulhorind Agvm, will imure n bOl4lO,
containing {)0 Pub, in)! return mhil. :Sold'by
A. U. Buehicr. [Sun 14, ”(it ,l'y
‘Thin Suuu' has thoroughly prm ed itfelf to ho'
xhc Lea! article known: for curing theNnt-mh, ,
Cold in the Head and Headache. Ilv’nas been;
runud an excrlleut‘temw‘y in mandcueu 021
Bore Hy". Deafness lung Bryn ”mutt-d by it},i
33d Hauling hnl often bccu gruntly immoud‘
by its use. . ;
h isfmgrrm: and «gt-9931.10. and (nus ll
ytbun am" to the dull Imuy pum‘. cunagd
lby {menu-a of the head. The bens..xidm after
[using 17. me ‘delightful and' iuugpxalmg. It
opens smlpurgesnnt all nhslruumns,Mrcngth
ens [lu- glands, nud given A healthy mum to
lb? parks affected. -
i Mute llm'n Thirty Yeara‘ of mic and use 0!
2“Dr. .\inrshnll‘a Cuturrh and Headache Snuff,"
i has provml its 'grem wlue tor .\H the common
Idiscnsea of the head, and 3‘ [his moment
slundu lugher {bun «.\'er'LL-(uro. i
' ll il.reu°mmendud by mnny of the‘beat phy
ljitihnl, and it used with great lucceu and
‘ satiifnvtion everywhen. .
! [lend the Certificate: nf Wholesal'e Drug-t
‘gisu in 1‘354: The undenfigned, Inning Im
, mnny mus been ucquintrd 'wilh “3)l' mp,
ab Ln’u Cfumrh Ind limdnche Snufl‘,” grand sold,
it in our wholesxle trade, cheufufly sdfuc, that
we bcliem il :0 be equal, in mvr} rebpvfl, t x
the recommendations gn‘en of it tor-tho my;
lor (‘alnrrlml Affectinuafand um il. in ‘duidcd '
13' the Best Article; we haw: ever kuaw‘u for all'
common disguises “hm. Mend. ‘ z ‘
‘ ‘Burr‘kklfci-ry, Boston; Reed, Austen & 00., ‘
Boslcn; mama, Lawson & Cu, Human; Reed.
Cutler a: (20., Boston: Seth W. chcle‘ Boalou; \
\Viison, Fairhnnk &‘ Co., Boston, denim“,
‘ Eqund 3: (30., Boston; 11. u, Hay, Portland“
Mr; Unrnes A: Park, New York; A. B. 5 D,‘
‘Srurfs, New York; hicphou Paul‘ & Co , Ncw‘
"fork; lmiel Minor 6: Ct». New Yorki .\lcfier
son a; numms, New York; A. 1,. Scmill acu.“
.\ew York; M. ,Ward, Clone a Cu.' New \orLj'
Bush s Gnie, .\'cw Ydrk. ‘ l ‘
For sale by an Druggins. Try it. ‘ 1
Nov. 14, 1365. 1y 5' ' ‘
‘ - 7..”-._-_. § _ ‘
A Clergymnn, while reading in Spu'lh Amer
icn as a misdonnry, discovered n infefnnd sim
plt remedy for the Cure of .\’orrous Wukuesa,
Early Decay, Diseases of the Urjhury tnd Sem
inal organs, And the whole mun of disorder;
brought. on by bnnefnl nnd’ ,ricions Labia.—
Greanmhen have beennlmnd, cure}! U) this
noble remedy. Prompted y; a desire-w bene
fit the afflicted and nuformnlzr, 1 without! (he
rcbipe for preparingiahd ’ using this mediginc,
in I leuled mrelupe’, ‘q’any due wholnecda it,
PM; or L'muaz. _ » ’
Please inclose a stamped envelope, addrcsycd
to yourself. Addres’s
Slution I‘. Bible House,
Eew York Clly.
Ott. 24, 10464
To Nun-0116 Surnuans.—A Gv-ntlemnn,
j cured of .\jervops Del-illl}, Incompetenry,
1 Prexu‘atui-e/Dccnymnd Youthful Enor,‘nclunted‘
lby a deair; to benefit others‘ mil be lmppy v.O
' furnish to all who need it, (free of chnrgv,)‘lbe
r 9 lipe fizd directions for making kbo limple
‘ « Ird used in ma chse. Sufiererswlslxing lo
profit/{y the :dvertiser'x bud cxpcrie‘nue, and
points: a suro and valmrble rc'medy, tan do so
by fiddressing him at ouce‘n his plncb of busi
neas. The Recipe and lull xnlormntioq—of vital
importance—will be cheerfully sent by return
l/mnil. Address JOHQ’ B. OGDEN, .
No. 60 Susan Street, New ank.
y P. S.——.‘iervoua Snfi'ereu of both nexcs wil
;find this inlormslion invnlunbla‘
For_l‘hr Compiler
Dec.h,1864. 3m
M --Statemenz of “him of the Shem; for
the year 1864, m the 7111 day ofJanuiry, 1865:
Amount of property insured, $623,257 2|
Amount of premium notu, 516.199 36
p ‘ 383:“-
Utah h Treasurers gm: at } ‘
luv. settlement, ¥sloB 88 '-
Cuh rec'd during the your, tax 91 .
' ———- $3OO 80
Expense! of the Society during year, 115 82
\mount in Trcfsuier'a hspds, ; $lB4 98
Examined and upprored by :
F9l). 13, 1865. at _‘_‘ F‘LL‘ommittee.
INCORPORATED 4P3“. 8, 1858.
onxcna : ‘ _
President‘ may HARTMAN. ' ‘
Vice President,’DAv|o Snln'n. '
Sacreuyy. JA‘con Funumn. *' ‘ '
Treuui-or, GIOBOI Tunon.
Execuun Committee, Tobias Boyer, quer
Shall, Michal Denfick. ‘ .’1 '
George Throne, Funklin trauma
Pater Skull, "' :, '- “ .
J-cob Fulwciler, , “ ' “
chbnel Deatflck, . " “ 9
Job: Honmnn, “ "
Jacob H. Punk, . u : u
Jacob E. Hillel-[Oxford “ A
George Thomas, Slnbln “ ‘
Baruhnrt Myen, Mennllen N
fl‘obiu Boyer, Butler ‘_ “
John M‘wkley, Rumiltoubnn " ‘
[Ln-id Shrink“, Cumberland ’ “ i
The .\lnnngén men A! the ofin 0F “’9 ’s‘
clety on the first Stunts! 01 ”'l'! 'YEL'Mh' “l'
lo’cluck, P. 31: . , “‘o‘?- ”x ”1""; a}
Attention! . 3 z
ALL (legit-0'23 3f vcluyeeriag in the Com-
Dlfl! now lonizing In [his pl we; are urg
ca lol‘be prtacnut the mutiny)!” ro-morrow
(Inga-y) alurnoon, to cloci ofl'vccrs. J! is
ueceunry, in u'rder to be necepudfiu‘al the
company km: for Hut-imam on Wham-d",
morning. . “nu. 11. sigma“
Feb. 13,1565: -, 1
fififiifiifiVfi; ‘rJYEX‘lifidwng-Q fin},
be had cheap 3; . . SCHUJK‘S.
. . —. [‘l' ‘~ , - '
(do EYES mm: SEW
Publio Bale.
\' FRID.\Y And a.m:}:n.u’,.m Will and -
llth days of m “CH uni. {he subccnhu.
handing u quil‘larming. will fill In Public
Sale, an lxlq residence. lu lmzimr‘c Eowmhlp,‘
Adkma county, \wumxlcq mu vl Ymk 3min ,
the following .vnlnahle pononul prawn}, 5:,
, 3 head of WORK HORSES, 2mm fin out.
Horse (lulu, 5 wa, 1 alter, 2 Tomi: Mk;
2 Calves, ‘( in, olci. 2 W'lgani. (
brand-trend, bed, we “pd aver, hur
non-4:234 l‘uur-hntse,\ Rocknwny Bu?” 3
Log Sleds, Stone filed. 3 Sleixhi.Curn b‘u-lfcr,
Gram Drill, Mann-x”: [fennonmd Hover. Horas
Pam-er um] Thrc-Mu‘g .llmzblno, 'Wlnnowmg
.\lill; Rallinz Screen, 3 [first Rakes. am: a wln
lo’oth nuke lii good us new '3 pair 01' IRA} Lmlu
den, pair of H‘y Curl-gully. 3 Long Plough, 3
Barron, S‘lugle‘nnd Dgubleééhovel Elougha,
1 Corn Forklhcorn Uoflru’. Land Roller, one
end "Va-hone Spnndcp, Double amt Single.-
treu, 2 Three-hrsedrees, Bug Wagon, Cm.
thg Box, Food,’l‘rongbx, Grinhlonu, Am,
Mnuocka, Mnul 'qml Wedgesm nu of lbom
Gen", 5 Housingx, 3 La‘ngber Fly Nell, net o€ A
Buggy Hume‘s, Finh Magi 2 Plough blues.
Wagon Saddle, Collars, Rri ea, Hnller Chains,
Cow Chain, 3 Log Chnlns, gum Chin, SJ»):
of Butt Chains, Brent. Chins, 36min Cr: lei,
Clover (.‘mdle, Scythe: and Snntlu, Qua:
Hooks, Hay and Manure Forks, Hoes, Sphdo,
Hak'eu, Scratching Mill, llquy' I’nlo. Sleigh
’N’ngue, Stone Drill, Stone Sledge, 3 smm of ‘
Bees; Pomtoes by the bushel, Clorox-Iced S-evo’,
Wire Screen, “in‘-bushel, chkeu, a luv. of
old Iron, &c. _\
CARPENTER TooLS,auchnsl’lnnuAuQ-‘crl,
Chisels, Squares, Gages, and Work Bench. ,
BLACKSMH‘H TOOLS, lhch u Bellow!”
Anvil Ind Vile, us good an new, scrcw-pluo,\
Tongs, Hammers, Sledgn, Punchel,l¢u,3hoo- ' l
mg “or and Tools, 81c. ‘..
stcnds, Tnbhm. Chain. \Voofi Box‘fiDosk. (gosh
Stove, Iron Kellie, Pumnt Wash Machine“!
Flax ”tackles, Pot Ruck, “LooLWhad, Spinning
Wheel, '3 Chums, hem Vefiielir'f‘xhl, Bun-eh,
Benches, nn’d many other uniqlet, ioo numer.
bus to mention. ' ,
gig-Sale to éqmmeuro at 10 o'clock. A. )Y..
on mid :daya, wlu-n ulteance will ha given
mu! terms made knuvyn by .
_ sous HENRY Mints. -
Feb. 13, 1865. M
, Puhlie Sale, .
.‘1 IIOXDAY, H-u- 11m: any of MA DOWN-n; J
0 m; subseriher, intending, to qmv. fxmnmg
mm moving to the Factury, will sell n. Public
Sale, at his ruaidenca, in Huntington lnwnship,
Adam: county, one mile‘ from I’elersburg, .ou ‘
me turnpike lending to Curlisle, We know/1n; '
desvribcd prdpefly: ‘
- 3 heml of \VUILK HORSRS. {one (all! mnru,
two horn-5.01m tour yenrs old. the uthu-r’tlmo
)cars old.) 0 herd m Hilch (‘cm <, ‘2 bond 0f
Yopug ()Mlh‘, 7 head ol'ShL-Ap; mum” breed)
1 Tube-bone Brawl-tread W ugun. “gully new,
W‘Tgun‘ de. H"; Uranium-me“ thk I’m-ugh,
w (11 shifiing bemn, for two” or :brco burnt-l, 3
Sigui‘e) Ploughs and Furl“. ”cu-row. Wmnnwr
ng Mill. Cutting flux, 4 “(La nL/llurse Guns,
xeurly. new, a Collars, [thug/oi Suldk» nuJ,
”idle. Blind “rim”, H \llumLGuw Chains.
hay Rake, Rnkml,»l\ kind: I“ +‘urkl, Wheel
barrow. 2 Scnps of ”red s‘"? Bee [tuneup'l'en
p,uu- 51.0“), “min and lfi m erased Crudlcg
hcgmes “Ell Snnlle, half-{Hume‘s in n h‘cmch
ing .\lill. MA)“ by Um run. I’ottunes by [he
bushel" and n grrnrmwh) umet lunlulea, too
numerous to mention. ' .
”rude to commute at m o‘clovk, A. 31.,
on mm} duy‘ when .duvnlmcetmll be given
aud‘terms made known by . 1 5
Jét‘Uß C. SHRWRR. ,
Feb. 13, 1361‘ :9
Public Sale:
' .\' TUESDAY, m; m. my nf mum!
gen, 93! iuhil‘r hvt‘.‘ intending to quit
turmi..g. will sell at Public B.llm at his rMi-..
dtnre, in Germany (mun-:lnp, Adm": rnllhlv,u
a miies m It OrL|U'r~'lUWH mu] one uni» (ram
stunt-Vs .\illl, the following permnnl prop: rt} 2 .
4 if,“ of wumc unmask 0T
(hum/will be trash by the lime 01-3316,! Sheep,
)6 thou-s, 1 Brown! Som4anans, (two Mom].
lrgad. one as good as new, one nlntowhrmd,
_one zwn and'lhroe-horsr, nud om- luc-horuil
[Log 51m, Two-Worn- Mewh, Una-horn Sértgh,
Two-hone Carriage. llocknwn’ Burt}. I'Mcnt
Hny Ruhr, self-duachurgc‘r. nev. \Vmunwing
Mill, Gnu-up llnx,Thre_-hin: .\lmhinr. mm
double shaker, nu good In ww. ()mn Dull,‘
Hay Curing“, 8 se a of Hume (Ir-an! m gust f
as new, 6 Housing-. 1, Wugnn Smldlv, (‘olla'rg \
Brnllcll, Each of Cnrxia;c Hum”, '1 new of
One-burn Wag'm Hears, Hnllhxs. 2'. (.‘nm
China, 15 l’hingiu, 3 lhxrrnwa, l [Mgr nhufir-l.
Harrow, 1 Corn l‘urgs, 4 Show} i'luuuhs,
Rolter. Jack-screw, 3 [mg Chums. Finh Chin", ’
‘1 Stretchers, 4 nets of Bun mm‘mi. -'- m; nf
Brogan Chains. 3 :I‘wu-horse Dnuble-h‘rcn, I
’l‘hreeJmflc-(réeu Siuch-Krcu. Tmnh‘le Rah,
Cradles, Manocks, l'mks. J-‘m'kp, RALOI, 3
Sledgea, Srphcsvund Smith, 2 I'm! ham,
Shovel}: 2 “mist-nil: and Bed-ling. '1 Cooking
Stow“, ’A‘ec-pla’tv Slovc;pmlur Sync. l’mcnt
Wash .\lnchinr. l'liighLdAy Clock, \lm: Vu
sels, Barrels, llugs‘uondfi, and baby nllnerAmL
cles, mo nmnerum Lu Intention. -
Wfinle to commence M II o'rlm-k. A. \!,,
on bid .1»). Man afienduue w‘m b2.giwu
aim terms made known by ‘ .
’ SYM lawnm- 11. x m x-m.
Inca}: Klnnk, Anrliumer.
Mb. 13, 101.5. 1;”
House and Lot
T PURHC SALE—Hy vinue ofAn order
A find decree of the,Unurt of Appcalrnf
Maryland, the subscriber.“ Trastacof Richard
Richards, will sell at Public Sale,“ \l'mtllimt
ton’s Hotel, in llmupslud,(lnrrull county, .\ldr,»
on SATURDAY, MARCH «h. was, at. :2
o’clock, P. .\l., Iree‘ and clear from all encum
brance: whatso‘ever, A HOI'SI-l AND LOT,
situated near the town (it ”.lmpl-leml, on tho
Baltimore Indlhnm’er turnpike mud, near
the 25~mile awn. The Lot conuim about
seven-eighth: 0! an Acre of Land, (yarn or
less, with a. comfinrmble Two- ‘ ‘ .
Itory Log HOUSE, 1,63 Stable. a
well of good water, {14:2, ou the
premises. _7
. Them-hora? delcribed property Will be mid
without fail or reserve. ‘ '
For harsher informnion person: will an nu
the undenizned, or Cram. t Rexfamdcr, [At
torney: it Law, Weslminner, Md. '1
”Tu-ml of nlo no prescrzbed by mid
Court i'reronodhird ofthl purchue money‘to
be plid cash to tho Trulleo on the day of‘ullle,
or upon tho u‘ificuion menu! by the Cqun,
the bnlnng'o in two equal nnnunl paymid‘fl.
{or which'nhe pytchuer or pnrchuenl at?“
give his or their nol‘u with inure" and ae
curity approved by Ike Trustee.
. ANDREW (HUMMER, Trance}.
17912.43, i 865. :-
~ The Eye and Ear. : '
A ork by ULVON HOSCBZISKER, of 'o‘.
1027 Walnut Street, l’hil‘delphhp—entl ed
A. 3001 roll. "I [long , 1
on the following Diseases: EYE Ind EAR
Dismes,’ THRUA'IE Dileuu in Genodxl;
Clergymcn’g and Public Spukon’ 80k}:
THROAT; Discs»: of ,the AIR PASSAGW“.
(Lnungim, Bronchhis,) ASTHMA and Q -
TARRH. , - ‘
Thin Book in m bo..hld :3 No. 606 Chestnut.
‘ Strefl, Philadelphh, gm} of all Booksellers.—
Price Sli-nnd from the :ulhor. Dr. You In.
chiller, who cu: be con-ulted on I“ then
mlujlies, snd 11l Kim-om Afl'eclfonl, which ho
u'em with tho luren luccnl. (Jain, No.
102'! ngnuv. Sn Phihdolpbin.
m». 13, 1% a
. -- ”.-.H. 4.... -.»_.v¢...._...,_-
‘ Asaignee’s Notice, -, 3
ER nudcnigned, lining béeu Ippoinled
T Auignoe, nndcra deed of mm far in:
benefit otcreoiton, pr Pun Dunc-n nd
qu, o! 110qu township, Adam: county,
notice in herefiy ionic all persons knowing
chemulvga indebwp! to and Aasiguan w make
immcyimo Hyman! knife undernigned. rend
hng in the sum townshiphnud those having
”Aims again". the June to. present. them
properly uuthenticpwd for settlement. 3
. -_ HENRY BEXTLEB, Auignee.
Feb. 13, 1865.” s: ..
GiVe‘Him 5108.11!
‘HB pl.” m obmiu 3 perfect Photograph ox-
Amhrmnle, gecnmd in the but manner,
II n Muzn'm‘s mummy In mad]. mm.
_Jnu. 9,1365. \ f ' ’ _
' A First—rate Imm
on SALE on nut—Enquire-awm
F ofitc. ‘ ‘‘ , In». Infill“. “