E: F as Mt wnmfifli‘r, 4 ovn fLJ 01 Q I. J. StAKLL, 'IDITDI ATP PtPIflTOI GET 1' XSBUBG. PA. new” 3107 mm, ran. a, 1885 mam NEGOTIATIONS comnssxoxmas 0?: win: WAY no): . mcuxoxnm magma-ms. Ir: Sammie—3:lo .leet Then! I The Age|olf Thqiqdny gigs: tpo proxies! of the pegoe negotiiuliom up to IBM. Limo, than: ‘ I . , , " Mr. Binir‘n vigitsito Richmopd fipreon'nde merely in the.capnritg of s privm 'citigén. Re mu clothed Withgno payers. ‘On hi. flat. visit. be com’muhigmed to Pxéaidept Duis, Ptésidenl Lincoln’s gpxiety f 0! peace. 110 ram ned tn Wpshingtnn bearing an in timatidn from President Davis that if pPr miifion was give; (0 pass 'the Hun, South erq Commission? wduld be sent Lo3Wuh ington. On his econd Visit to Richmond, Mr. mg; bore'the ngceuary pail". admit ting‘ Commfuionors :through the Faden‘l libel. President Davi- thereupon lppo‘mi- . «LVice Prenidm} Stephen Senntor Hunter of ,Virginia. ‘ Cunpbell of Alabama, the palm“ Th'ey have no Powers. {t‘hey ‘q Washington gimp y in the characte: "to citizem, to uncertain if thereh Erobnbility of anytuis being agreed in Lthe two parties for future zieace nego tionn. The indicqtiomit are t int the rech nitiop of the L‘n'ntedérpoy twill be dun-mud ed. ‘On‘Mondny tinesr- gentlemen preébnted thrmelvea at. the Federal tines on the Appomattox, near "Peternburg.. General Grunt being absent. they weré not admitted. It is presumed thut qn Tuesday they enter ed the Federal lines. and piori—cgled to Washington without further interruption. r Secretary Slwnrd yesterday left. Washing ton, by way of Annapolis. {or Fortress Mon _roo,to meet. the Confederate Commissioners.‘ PRESIDENT LINCOLN GQSE TO MEET (HIE ‘ C’UNFEDEKATE coumssmssas: Wanguq'rou, Feb. 2.-—"l‘he Star. in an pxtraJnnouncoa the departure‘of Presi. dent Lincoln :1. 11 o’clock to—dny, {ox-Mn mpolia, bn a apec'uil train, for the\purpqse, it n understood, ol'joining Secrethry‘Sew ltd It. Fort Monroe 01' City Point. to lmld gn interview with the rebel dgeputafi‘qn, Mean. A. H. Stephens. 8. M 1 'l‘. Hun per andxlohn A. Campbell. \ : From the fact of his going to Fort Mon roe or .City Point. color is given in the re fort thlt the rebel deputation had been al o'ed to enter our lltnes, and it. is under; ”de thy! they are now. at Fort Monroe. .' LATEST ABUItT rum; “The Confederate ppmmissioners arrived pt Forlr‘ess Monroe on Thursday afternoon, on board of one of Gen.’Grant‘s special idispntc‘h steamers. Syratary‘Seward hrtd been st the .fortress lawu'rnhg them.— When: they .H‘lVetl, ,Secx‘e ry Sieward’s postlpqshed out into me stream and 563 th hostsufsnnhored side by side—where they still were EH: o’clock 0n Thmrday evening, 31110;! the lt'esnier which brought the news left“ Nothi‘ng‘wns suifl of President Kim poln hsving yet urivec'L A ‘ ~The radwah in. Wuhi ton sre’iéry an gry, and talk bf f‘investigaqéons" and hostil ity, t 9 the peace. movement. They charge thst it will divideshd Tylerize the Repub lican party, end inflict immense injury upon them in' s 'Vliticsl sense.’ Blair they are especinlly ssere upon. whilst Lincolnfsnd Sew-rd me not spared. Well. should the country again have pefice‘ and nrosperity. with suflhring and b‘lpgdshed over, it could nfi‘ord to allow thesegegro fanatics to “We and Isnt’on. They wo'nld then oéue to h? .“n power in the land"~nnd Gog] grmtthnt the dl, of their fall they corne'ioonl ‘ fl‘The nmendmentito the Constitution te'nbolish tldveryi the. States. whiclz had previously lpmed. ‘39 Senate. pisses! the House on Tuesday lest—yen 119, niyt 56. The vo'tellnt Jone. when it was defeated for ynnt of the requtnite two-thirds majorl py; mn yet; 96', neyg£s~nbsent, 21;; Those who it thut time voted ngninst thenmend ment, but who changed their votes and out them lnfithe afirtnntive on Tuesday, v mere Med-re. Baldfiin. onMichigan. 00‘ froth of Pennsylvania. McAllieter of Peun~ - eylnnilig, Gannon, Herriqkpahedford and Steele of New Yorkrking and Rollins of Missouri. and Hutchins olphio. ‘ ~ We are not l 0 ranch aux-prized nt-Mr. M‘c- ‘ [Alli-tor. whose. politlha‘ hlve been of n pilli (and water: lort st best; but that den. ‘ Dom-9th ghouiti have nllowed himself to stay from the old conservative path of nontrnnunnnox 0:; this question, in to the Democrat: of this portion of his distriet, a mother 6} deepest wonder. What he mésnt by tt ieeertuinly beyond our present ken;- nnd we think he will have no little difiicixl ty in explaining it‘to the patisfactlon of thou to whose eflo ta end votes he run lndohted for the you; he now occupies. __g. "I_- W 4! few dry; :5: the Honee'passed n reeolntion to reduce the'duty on printing paper. used for Books anti newspapers, to 35 ,per ‘mtum ad term. The resolution pI-Od'By n mljorxy of Brynn to 49 nan. Among the nnys we notice the pane of the .“beloty” who misrepresents the: York Dim-let, Joseph'Be'ily. Her; at; u‘nhrihed ‘ mu: eonld vote spine; this proppsition is more than we can understand} The pombiéetjop fortned ,by the -pnper4jnakerai pf thin poultry, by which theynre enabled 'to enrich thorn-elven at the expense of ( .rnhlishetsg(mmt of yhom no then of very i itqitsd gen-119,) Ihould be discountepnnpgd ‘_h] every hononble nun. Let editors eye— ixywhere Inerk the‘forty unprincipled poet-n -bere iho voted min". Mancini the am: nndryherr my of then: usk for reelection, - let them be referred to the paper monopo giete for votes. There is a. way of yunish~ . nggrhoneet nien m Congress—the yeople 3:45 1!, "d edito-fifim 2d}: them. ' fig”. Lew. Wfllnce bu been relieved erm cgmmnnd It Baltimore. and Brig .Q' 1 xO. 1, for seven} years in comm-m; 9%“; Xcaenry, bu beep uppoibted to fill isphce. ‘ *Tho Provo” Hug-abs! of pennglin pit announqel thug persons who puidnbh'a- Fuufiofi oney m 1864 are not exempg ,rogn 3,139, gimp; dm’n. ‘ ' ' ~ fimggfinfis Inllitgttunyuh, ' In. ' \. . ~ , Thu Dik‘triota’ eduge‘om Thy Governdr by u length obitiped from uhinghm the 'rev‘gfii quo of Pinnlylvn'nit under the 13!: all for 300.- 900 men. Tho suggest-to number "quiz-ed in 49,563, which is 17.436 16.3 a»... the number Ib.} nu fll'e’ged go be due om thin State About. the time the Gover 01’: Annual Hang; wns published—u re uc tion sqtiicigutly lugs to prnve unqthe complaint; flatware madé a few weeks ago of-n Excel-in QUQM were way founded. Under this revised nppouionmenfl the quutnof this district in not down cl. 2 3. Triennial-1.0111130” of thiqnumbrr Mn up eqbflistricm of ihe counties will be wbrk 9" grown; Marsha] Eysmr. ’ {alloying oox'nplete augment oftha q‘ 01 km! seygyal Diatriéu of Penniyfval puHinhed 15 official ' 'l. 1936 ‘2‘ 2569 372912 Philadeiphis'. 4. 2526 5. 1543 g. 1780 . 1121 8. 15W Bucks. I, Montgomery and Lohigh Chester andflelawure. Bugkl. ~ “ ,9. 2584 10. 1526 11. 25):! Lilian“? ;‘ Sch'uylki I Luci Lebanon. Northampt 'n. Carbon, Mo Pike and Wayne. ‘ Luu-rne and Suaqnehnnna ‘Brdford, Wyoming. _Su|l I‘3. 1495 13. 2301 < Columbia IndMontour. pauphip. Northumberlnn " ‘nio ; Snydyr and Junjnl Cumbgrla‘nd .York and Per' Adams. Franklin, Fulton, }4. 34.35 15. 1900 M}. 2-103 fofd and Somerset. ‘ ‘ Cumbria. Blair, Unmjngdon 17. 1604. Mimin. ‘ . Centre, Llinlqn. Lycoming, g 3 and Potter. ‘ ‘ Erie. W‘nrren. M'Kenn. C field. Elk and Jefl'ersoh. ‘ Crawlord. Vrnaugo, He othéor in, Lhd JuSge ’ gslibpgp. une Io kohnri any m 18. 2187 19.•2540 20, 1512 and Clarion. 7 Indiana. Westmorelnnd , Fayette. 'M., 1.;47 Pitlulrurg. Aliegheny (in part.) Butler 422. 257': 3. .177” 24. hag; ‘L 'ATIDWIEOIIfl. . Lawrenoe. Beaver. Washin ‘ and fix-acne. 49,563 Veily'little hns'yet beeq done 10ng )fillingfiixis quota by volumeers. and I fliltle time yet. :emuins befom the 15tI February, the‘ day fixed for :he d The delfiy ix; misigningfiha cZn-recc qI has doubtleaa‘had something to d 9, the 410 w movements of the township I mitteexisnd OCherbedlflS that have I mfore taken suchi'mattera in band. ; however, .that it has been murutel cerltfiped _whnt number of men each‘ trict will have to furnish. there should immediale nctinn on the part. of 2.1103431 wish to escnpe’the impending drnf-t. aulliorjly that {bl} Governor has obt tonfise fifty companies of Volgnteers. dqubtleée help to filly!) the State’s q but thé only sure my to obtain rccrui sufficient; nuruber to avoid drafting; the tiller of liberal bounties. I Authority Receivadito Rim Volnn T Hanson/"no, Jan.‘ ‘26.-—-Gov. Curtin to-day received authority from the Department to raise‘ titty companies 0 unteer infantry under the call of the ‘ dent, of the [9:11 of December last for OQU men. ’l‘heysaitl companie§ are to . signed‘ to regiments n?» in’ the se wherein vncumfiea ‘exin ~ or consolid .iuto complete regiments as may heré be deemed best-i Special authority wi touted to niisefiompnnies. ptelerenc fog given to persons who have been i "serwce and hnvébeen honorably discha or who may be Enriched from reduced menMn'the fig]: or. mustered out o vic'é in conbeq nce of consolidatiu Commanding oflicérs ofsquads orcom p recruited in the western 'division 0 State will report to the commanding oi at Damp-Curtin, Harrisburg. and in th tern division to the commanding ofli _ _. Camp Cndwnlader, Philadelphia. 'l‘ ans. portntion will be furnished to the camp of rendezvous upon application of the gem manding ofilcer or mustering lioutena t of a companyr‘to the agents of the difi‘érent nilroud companies. The term of sci-vice will be 'for either one, two.‘ or three yienrs. u recruits may daaire. These troops tnuat ‘be mustered into service by the 7th oleeb ruary nrt, to ho credited on the quota of the Sta prior to the dratt. ‘ { Bounties mllbe paid by the Unitgd States Government. ‘ns follows: ‘ l y ‘ For recruits for one year, ’ 100 00 do two years. 200 ‘OO ‘_ do three years, ‘ 300 ‘OO The first initalment of bounty will he ‘pgid by the mastering and disbursio '1 ofli céré, whentho recruit. in mustered hi, as foITovn": - ‘ To a recruit who enlists inzthe Army - for one year. . * $33 33‘ To I recruit who enlist: in the army 1 ‘ for two years, ‘ (36 66 To a recruit who enlist: in the army" l for threeyeara, ' 100 00| iCouolation fbr Democrats.——Wendell lips in reportedrto have said: b “iris an unfailing rule of nation‘ that the party that carries you throu war always beaten flee when it is en find the othi-rperty comes in. 'ln 186 Democracy in to preside It the W Home." a, , This. from so prominent an Aboliti niet and amend a politician a: Ehillips is, sh uld beteken u I tuning by the pow d mi nent party. and their acts end policy sh uld be Ihapetl in moordance therewith. Q the many fare and crude things said by hi!- lipe the hove ie‘inot among them. In his utterance he hit quotes hietory. He ill get us thanks rrém the lenders ofhis p ty. end yet he {Selena their moat Jill re garde to; pointing out to them the ine ite ble mum otevente. ;' “they; no inilet ey will prbfit-by noting in the belief th :1: brief ‘period will break their rulenend but their plum at the helm of government‘s”, to be; ”mined by new map 'of a difeilent party. '~ ere they~prepered for the change? fi'l’he Cmo‘mnnti Corinacial‘t(nhoddy) uyu: “If Californilhl win neither furnish troop. or him gremhnpka (a; money. they had better.‘go\out of the Uniog I! once.” Qf’courn. ripiup tho-goose thug lays the golden‘egg. ”With I n; cunenpy md men ,of straw to manage publip tfiain, plug do we want with A State thug yin “and on a gold basig, :nd wop'g. rpip bomlf for the 93ng of upiyeml nigger? fregdom. -“In the H use on fionday a resolution ”mfg-1:595 me Prelidept fprro moving Gen. Butler from wgmtpfi; It .WII hbled by 3 vote of; you 97—933'043. 11. it _no wonder [cum mu on the gun! yrhen no man}: of in chief prions: bop gown wd wot-{hip "the'boast‘." ’ I ‘ . ' Em.”— _ ; “Sebastian Miller, of 'Ad ,- ‘ln Iyncuur ‘cbpfity. 1%., lutely killed a £lO3, yhycp yréigliad 96090111316: - ' ' ‘‘f 4‘32 DRAFT. IMPORTANT. FLoaiuNa’pVßQoa Takifi Advantage of? the Mistskebtot the Adhdnistration. l Lom- NHNIMX' Mexican\colonizatloni ’The intelligence by Southern source“ I'Cbemel'llwh 1' “9“ being P'fi‘ilc‘”? “1" from Wilmington is to Jan. 2“. It con-i tried out by‘ Dr. Gwin, shows unm takably firms the belief that the Federal. troop! 'lhe lhrewdncs. orhig genius. Ila ' g novtisve given up the idea of attacking that ‘doubt secured’t'ho prominent recognition ‘ c ‘lttis reported tl.at General Robert E.Lea 'for the Maximilian Governmental Mensa has been appointed Gammnnder ill Chief: ‘fron; Messrs. Lincoln and Seward. M well! of all the forces of the Southern Stung: .9- " we." “rm "m ".... a"mWit“???immwzztrsssnzst‘zz‘ml; tb with the House of Representatfreaini ‘~ ‘ r' a ‘ lm’mmon‘remung new «a» ‘hwmui‘gsgmffzzLafitte,at,” itrine. he has gone quietly to‘work it: hislploded herfoilers. on the Tennessee rive," 310315 mediated scheme of absorbing ‘hei°?P"s‘t\g’ usonwlle. She had many roll Jvrhole of that rich but misgnverned liind.id“3"s on ”d' alnd olyehonehurdred aAnd . IHe has the full aunranoent no immediatelg‘f’rgawu? ere oat y e “x“ ent.—— 9!, I trouble fromvourflorernment, an at present, Gen. good as retired from lhecommand ‘ iooustitutcd. Eerhaps the Administration lof the Co lode te army of the-Fennessee.’ «at Washington were governed by oonside-lGe']; D'Ck ”'lO (50" of PresidenLZucha-l - . , ' . . try laylor.) \ k emporary command 0“ ““9!" of a" M’pfle‘mly shrewd ”on” m l the army. and \vill at its head until Gen trading ofl'dthe Monroe doctrine against eralannston p 'ves .1“ his farewellad- French recognition of the Southern Con— dres‘a, General I'll-0:31 r errgd to the recent federacyt' It iiperhaps reasonable to sup- campaign against I“?! - He ‘Q‘di “I‘- w-«h» Mes-n» mm... ..... Sm"! did whims?animation“! notbelicypin-Jrommeirofllcialknowledge General Hood wuyréjiev‘hg his own 1:9. 0!. Wig—the boastful utterances of their quest. ‘_ \. \‘ henchmen and satellites that, even with Some mycuhfl 07“” dl. er “In”; the war against the South on our hands. we hfigaen :g:'iv:3 ‘hgeg§;n?fie Elle?! ; are 99““ to the emergency ofa '“i'mh over sixty soldiers .were severelyhn nedzl France-Hill: Great Britain and the mt of and have been sent to the hospital atP_ u~ Europel thrown in. In‘ doinggsathey did. cah‘, Kttlantucky. Twenty seven were kti dl the ev'identl thou htthe we’r’ rtormin "I‘3 all Y- ' _ _ asllrewd thinyg: Fillinpsythey acted in mg General Bgreckinridge‘gns been 19min! only my possible for them to act to'pre— fizzlederate becretaty o ar.-—Ang/' uu-‘ vent foreign reéognition—knowing' as they On January 22d..G‘eneral Sherman left.| did, that foreign redo nitionyas equivalent. Savannah “150 i" 3"“ “I!!! 3‘ Pocotaligo,‘ under the circ-umsta‘gicoa, to the establish- 822:2! gzglg"; page? hlsntferggrlt’itrlggtrz‘ mrnt offlquthern independence. Perhaps, 'll‘he Confederates have an outpost in Geor‘ Im, in We firrnngrment enterefiinw with gia, forty~tive miles northwest ofSuvannah, , the French Government, they a rewdly re- and ”flying‘hzzadltmmllti? Opera‘ifefiify‘? served some point through "hid" M a t'u- ugggltafederallm oh: .the :m:e£:;k hf title? “"3 time. ‘vrhen 0‘" civil war should he ghemhahee at Sglhehatchee, have retreated,‘ 0W". itwdetemined ‘0 0““ M 0931?“ and that Salkehatchee has been occupied , Napoleon 9m his American possessions. by the Federal troops. GenerahShermnnia I Evidently. hhever. they have miscalcula- movemendt 1:") (Ebef ‘30“11 “r ““5 9““- hf“ ted French geniufr.~ Dr. Gwin had not been co’rlnpelle ‘ e "In.“ ‘5""93 to alumina m I .‘ V _\ . ‘ here are some indications oi n l-ederul I brought IMO ”‘9 ‘0?“ f ”"3 President “a advance frou} Chattanooga towards Atlanta. i his Secretary, nor had I calculated up- In View of'lhta the Confederates are destroy ion rum-e than the ordinary «l notditlicult “lift”: :lllElfilysodlillafnldzellelrom Texns task of driving out a. few row ‘ him" that the United States steum‘er Sonora WM; adventurers and soldiers; m w‘hu, light captured by the Confident“ in the Gulf task the, native Mexicans would,~it as on December 13th. _ , thought, vvillingly take a prominent part. Lieutenant Colonel Moseby resumes the Since such may have been the under, m“:3“dSOflzgtlanilsndfilvi’nrhester within standing of the situation, atl‘nira have as- yeral “"9235”! of ll’ednuda:y. sumed an entirely new shape. French acuntiu‘g Salkehatchce, on the .genius—not French maul—now confronts the ' er. in: South Carolina,‘ the Washington authorities. While Washingu eated ‘° ”1" {3“91‘300 “'9'- ton diplomacy was arranging the little mat-7 "anglefgltyigélejgv‘f's: ter of the sale of the Monroe doctrine for: \lond Snlkelfntchee. presentacconimndntion. Washington statue“ euet bank of manship was exhausting itselfin embitter-‘ 33" General ing the South and estranging at least half; \thvvlnrd, the people of the North. Emancipation oma. proglamationa were issued—whose effect it was supposed_ would be to ‘create a black ‘ infilrectionXand consequent indiscrimin ate slaughter of the whites; confiscation laws were phased and executed ; property was pillaged, stolen and destroyed; towns and cities were burned ; treason was paint ed in its darkest colors, and the utmost penalties werei adjudged to the guilty; whole tracts of country were desolated, and old ind young, women and children, and ,non;bombatants of every description vwere idoomed to sufl'er by direct order and act \ofitlie military authoritiesv Where might have been made friends by}: more lenient, 10nd, consequently, a more civilised course, 'euemiqs most hitter and life-long were lrai'sed‘up. and ‘now are foréver'agninm lunion. In the North the ring of the “little | bell" has instilled bitterness into thousands~ 'ol' hearts. Persecutions for opinion sake have created a feeling olf’insectxrity among men, and such hatred of fanaticism and misrule 'has been engendered as almOst to shake the faith of many in the worth and stability of popular Government .50 consti ! tuted and. managed as in this so-cn'lled Rc< 1 nng me 1112: Iota: ;~] =I QM m 1 12:31 LIM \- aft. ota rzz I dis. u' be ’who The 'ned win ota • 1 , Is in by BIS. has i y'al lresi- :' o°-~ BM I x be I; be- I the 'gEd: I egi ,ser- =I mes ‘tbe i cer eas -r at public. 4 All these things “Were patent. to French astuteness. and now we evidently have, in Dr. Gwin's new nation, a culmination of l Napoleon's ‘ long meditated design. The programme is slowly but‘aiirely unrolling' itself.« It is simply‘ to gather the elements of discord irom the North and South of these States—a Biscord created, in a great measure, liy the Washington “stateiman lship" aforesaid—and to place them within the boundaries of Mexico. Already thous and are taking their way thitherward.—- With those disaffected Americans he'will build up a hostile nation as ascreen between ‘ ‘his Mexican center and the nited States, i and thus vull his agent Mixifiilian be pro tected and his au'premaoy maintained in that count by the very elefiient’that nat urally wogd opposefhim under different circ‘umstanccs. Louis Napoleon is sure of his men. French genius was not at fault; Peneoutiongnnd wrong beget 'hatred and revengealwaya. _ Unless Washington states manahip shall lioou assume a more wise and conciliatory shape, the french occupa‘ tion of Mexicoia sure to be accomplished. and American—not French—hayonets will stand as bulwark against the re-aasertion of the flonroe doctrino,’ by the United States. I'l‘hns what‘ever’ designs Manul Lincoln. and Seward may have entertained at re-asserting that. doctrine. at a future time, their mistakes in the home policy] have been so greatly taken advantage of by Napoleon as to present the inost serious ob stacle to that design: ~ ' These. 'we think; are~oogent reasons for the immediate ‘abandonment by the Ad ministration of all its ultraism on the slave ry question; of its new Unlo‘h and Consti tution theories; of its confiscation and mil-i itary necessity 'notions ; or its anti-State right: dogmas; of its test-oath- and bayo net elections; of its politiuhiseraecutions; of its suppression of free speech and free printing presses; and of everything that has hitherto proved so obnoxious and an ti . Republican. By so doing the States can be again united under one flag and one Consti» tution. Good feeling will return; emigra tion will costs; the disaffected v'vill return to their allegiance to institutions in {which they had almost lost. faith ; and once more this good old nation g'll start on the high‘ way to pmaperity. Only by such a course. can the evils of the tutors be fully averted; i for, with a united nation. Louis‘ Napoleon's' schemes will never be realized on thia com! tinenL—Patn’ot & Union. L life ; . n I end. 2‘ the lite ”The Eaton Sentinel has an Article about "Poor Ben'Bl‘mquf There nip’t my “poor" Begi But!" my more. Ccrtainly,‘ 3m 'U I 900:- general, but New 01-lan sly! he Li; igfipmingly rip!» a a nun. ' Hg; nhbqld lg “poor Genny," but "rich Beg."’l H’b’“ S ' gap punk at Gep. Woo; in flailing, {uh F. \ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ I .\ A ~ - THE WAR NEWS. Ila! TH: A9L'::AILY ltllll' n. m. the FL en. ,Al'ler ac. 'Combahee ' e“ IConfederatesx- ea fifteen mule: dista ~.._ 9f Cgarleaton. The, :3 hot yet foilowed them be m The Confederates am on \ the Ashepoo. It is nknored a. Sherman. by Iteudy mgvementa n L has reached Branchville, Soulern A Nothing is accurutely known of it. - “ever. A reintorcement of twenty thousnm men drawn from Thomns’army in Norman. Alabama, passed eastward over the Bani-x more and Ohio raih‘ond on Sunday nndl Monday. In id intended for Sherman's nr} my, and will take transports at Annapolis.i Some of the heavier vessels ofPurter'. fleet! have been sent to reinforce the Federal na-. val fleet ofi‘ Churleslou: The Savannah, I: new Iron-clad gu‘nbontintended lot duly on - picket and olher dangerous hues, has ulso‘ arrived there. . ‘ I A number ofunpnid Federal soldiers have been behaving in u very riotous mmuer at. Portland; in Southern Indiana. '1")? men were so'umuly that sum? troops had to be sent from Louisville, lienluuky. to quell the disturbance. ' ‘ General McDowell ;lms communicated to the President inlbrmzhion of the seizure of a. large amount of ms and munitions (if war. on the Pucifiu xousjftlmt were being sent, to the Ccn‘odor‘xcy. Everything is quiet at Pelershurg. Gen eral Warren. who has been nhwnt mugwcu ty days’ leave, has returned to camp. ; General‘Mpade has been confirmed by the. Senate a major general of the regular army. l —Aya of Thursday. Genernl Shermnn has begun a march Efrom Sn‘vannan into the interior of Snuth ICatoliua. The movements ut Pocotuligo and Salkehatchee Were merc-ly feints, and his real intention has at. length developed itself. General Sherman has collected all [the troop- that could be span-(I from POOO Italigo at Grahamsvillet 'l‘he troops in Sa svannnh have been mnrched north trom the . city to Springfield, twénty miles distant.— I They then turned east, and on the night of IJunuary 26th crossed the Savannah liver. l Fifteen miles northeast of Springfield, at ithe village of Bmdhnm, they joined the troops lrom Grahamsvnlle. 'l‘he éombined 1 forces on the 27th,last Friday. were march ‘r in; northward, in _two columns. and on Saturday night. were four miles south of 1 Robertsvllle, a. village twenty miles north east of Grahmmmlle and furty‘five mile! north of Savannah! Rdbertsville is but five miles east of the Savannah river, and it in uncertain, from the line of march pur sued by Sherman. whether he intends to attack August: or anchville. For n time gt least. the odgance on Charleston appears ‘ to be abandoned. » i . his reported that General Beauregard bu takelivpersonnl command of the Confeder nto Army of the Southwest: lately oom mauded by General Hbod.—-Age of Friday. - ———-————-»»~~—~—-—~ Shocking Tru tdy in the Tramwy Building.— WAwlxorox, fan. 30,—Thie evenin‘r, about half peat {our o’clock, on Mr. Burrows, clerk in the Controller's office. in the Treasury Department, was coming down the etsirwny in the east end of the building, he was shot by Miss Barrie, of'Chicego. one hell passing thropgh his cheek. and one through his body, penetrating his hurt.— lie sank upon uranium—end, without ut tering a word, won'died. . Min Harri-u walked out deliberately and eluted down the avenue. when she wee overtaken by one of the door ~keepere, and withoul any resistance taken back, and soon nfberwsrds was taken away by a police oflicer. She is very young and handsome, with long black curly hair, and very prepol- ‘ leasing eppeurance. ~ ‘ There ere mnny conflicting rumors. as in‘ the cause of the shooting, but, all agree as to the point of his having been very inti¢ mate with Miss Harris. and having promin ed her marriage; she vifited him once here last. winter, but he postponed the marriage, and finally married another. She says tint he refused her the position she had a right. to, and but one thing remained for her. Petition/or llu Removal 9/ Provost Man/ml Gaunt Fry.-—A dispatch from Albany to the New York Tribune gays : A petition to the President for the [engo nl of Provost Marahnl Genenl Fry ha been drawn and is being rapidly ligned. Esery Senator now here bu “ready sign -9 it. Wholesale Drmtion.——lt wu stated on the floor of the Ohio Senate nn Friday lust, by Sen-tor Glmckei, who obuined the infor mation from the Adjutant General of the State. than. on the dty previous there had been received at. Cagm p Chase. 469 Narnia, sad out of that nilm'ber 130 had «165 ch during the forenoon. Peacl! Pond—The lil’ is full of ngngors of peace, moo! of them, no doubt, unfound ed. We agree yith, the §oaton Put. “If the authorities gt Wu’hingmn nnd Rich~ mond desire 'pence, w'e shall hayg h—if they . don’t, we 33 ’t." ' ’ ‘ J fil’ennnylnnh. erylund, New York, . .’ "”".‘~"""" 7‘ winch, Rhoda hind, Micyiw, ’qu ”y, 1‘ _ NTl"ggenpfi':'§3itedt?gggg:£; on! olhor Siam, have already nhflod u“, queues o ' the exorbiunt‘prioo of printing Wqfi‘imfiw" amendment Qboliahing flu rrrr '~-' :1"!- '\ \ x r IOb¥?;& Q‘Speci-l 60qu will cnmnenco «2-day.— {rho London Wm pan {no he tried. with]; nor Wont! enough for the ten-i lon. Our cell-t h‘il‘ufl. ‘ ~ , ”Sup-riot hp"?! (blocs—Wm. Buyer , & Son, wholes-lo meaty Bee udrertisencnt. , _. u 4* - . -__ - B'3- )IqSherry, of the Suns", gpd Mr. Marshall, of we you”, have our think: {on leghl-Live (non. 3 l ”W 0 among}! um 11". fir. Byighlen blush, of Greene He, has been elected pnlor of St. Jun” (Lug‘nun) church Sq this‘piace. We have not let: ' . when”: he has accepted L‘s: cull.___ _ fig- ~ ”Mr. McCluQe bu reported a supplemenfi 'tb gm act, npprond 22nd of Apfil, 1864, pro viding for the indication Ind payment of éi‘aiml srhifig {n+l [on of prapeny dzstroyed by rebel: in 1 fillr. fl. Postmnsler n. place of J. A. 'perg’eéi’vned. Mr. Harper has been u pghoneri‘n the {pads of the rebel: since the Imm of Getty-huj-g. Mr. Albert 'l‘. Barker bu be Postmaster u. Llulestown, in pla Jones. resigned. _ 16"“:9 heirs of‘Andrew Whi‘ wently sold a half section of t 'Q, situated in Logan county,‘ ElishnUrnue puréhnsrr. . 1‘ “get, lome year! ago, b} 300. - r 1 Inn ,_ 500. l for the l W 2: only L-.. A, K yawn i legging ceremony I; 'k place at the White No \e‘nn Tucitlny m, ing. The occasion was I presentationl President Lincoln of a truly nutil'ul an_ : pub vast of skeleton leaves, athered frfilhe battle fields of Gettysburg. vise on exhib tion M. the treat. Sunltn l air ifid in June lnav. in Philadelphia, and the? gwbarnbod tor as a girl. to the President. 3;: ._ ‘ \ SLEIGHING ACCIDENT—i son, of Petunburg, Y. 18., met “‘6 accident, on the morning of the L‘ being thrown fifoml iii: lieigh “B through the “Feet! of ‘thac town: . took flight,’nnd coming in mutant 1 bcxts, the sleigh cnplized, and ti; guson out.’ His rightleg and m y Iy‘bruised, but fortunately, no he I Hi: speedy recovery is 'unlixioualy 1 , THE umon'rAL J. .\'.—This 5 1., diyidunl, wl.o visited our tonn so e time ago for the purpose of uddreuing o .pcopie on the war question, bus at last becom "mung-r.y We notice by our Western exchnng that J. .\'. nude application to the S‘huifl' l-‘rnnklin co., uni—o,ll,l- the occupancy of one ‘w the dark est dungeons in the piisonmmj ntgis (mu ic ~qgf 5-" chained and placed lheéin. J. .\'. ‘ndppted this course to sni’efiiis friends Wurefhmd [lint be now “asaumq if.” ‘ rom the null upon him DS.—-It has bcén decided »{ this State uhnuhe STAMPS 0N D by the Supreme Con? seller of_rcnl éslnte 1m? on the deed, becanerhe is r 5 to the_deed. This is a matter of impolilnncr, ah the cost of stamps is h updn each one thousand dullnrs of the I} and where heavy salon aremnde, the slump in E consiiernble item. llercuflrnlxeprudrm man will agree to ‘sell his ‘propvrty for so much, “and the cost‘of the stamp." IMFORTAKT.—The Auditor Gent-ml has lO tlfied the Tretuni‘er of enchcounty, dig-glis triot, nng borough of this commonwealth, (lint they are required by an act puxs'pd during the lust. session uf‘our State Legislature, lo «lcduci 'on plying ’nny in'tercu or dnidends to holders of the bonds ‘or scrip, or other ccrlificnlrs of indebtedness,“ the corporations aluresnid, a State tax aniairnling to three {hills on H):- dol lar of the nqminnl‘ value of snid honlls, .kc. Thli will be ather unpleasant n 9“: to such rapitnliaia as Lave been making inhuman—ls in the securitiel inbove nlmed on the strength of their exempligin from taxation. THREE CE‘NT Ne’l‘ES.—The nuv llzru: cent fractious} currency: is now being delivered for circnlntio‘n. ’le} nre finely engraved, lmnng on the fnce for: a centre a likcnpu of General Washington, under the words “three cents." In thé upper éorner is the figure“ 3 " under “H Plan-mu Emmi." In the lower corne’r, back of flowers, they lieu the words on the fncez—“Act of March 3, 1‘63. United. States. Receivable for all U. S. slampl. THREE CENTS. Fur niuhed only 15] the Alsiatnnt Treasurer and Designated D‘epositoriea ofthe United States Tnnnry Defiulment." Un the opposite side, in a. field of gfieen, is the fighre “3," under “III,” in «ct: corner. They nre Imallcr than the Eve cent notel, arid are printed on better paper. MEM A SAD ACCIDENT.—We are clued upon to record another and and fan! eccidentfrom the carelelluue Mire-emu. On Tuesday week, two mud boys, children of Mr. Hiram Ethel hen, of FlirfiEld, were playing with the bnr‘rel of a gun: whieh had been picked up Bflfl’ the army lelt thud place. The éhildren, it leemlz were in Ima , and while the elder of the two pieced the butch .olthe barrel in thejtove, he celled on his Ipm brother to put his ear to the other end Trto heer comethi ” .when the gun diechuged, the content. *5 through the hold of the boy, and cenn rlmost instant death. The led wu ihont 7 yeerl old, and W 11“ edde tal that reduces or the eflnir, i the tent thet hie‘fether ie’ threat in the nrmy.-- We do not know when we here been called up on to record en eccident I 0 dietreuing. I: in mother ‘nd warning , epinrt the (linger of ‘ hendling Ike”! and cut any gunamhi’éh ere dnily picker; np on the bettle field.—S(ar. 1‘ APPOINTMENTS—The, following nppoinl menu were angle by tha‘Pennsyluni} Confer— ence of mo finned Brethren in Chriu, at. their lut leuiqn in Baltimore : ()de Diotricl-J: W. 'Burd. P. E. ; Chlmbersbnrg, J. Dick-on; Big Spring, Z. A. Colulock; Rock Spring, J. P. Bishop; Green cgnle :nd Alma-lo Circuit, J. C. Smith, one to be supplied; St, Thomu do.,r to be supplied; Blewville do., H. Hummelbnugh ; Cnrlille do., 8. Bighorn , Beudeuvillelliulon, J. A. Clunm; Shipponzbnrg Circuit, B. A. Schlicler ; Little:- town, J. G. Shoal; Path Volley, T. B. Jonas ; Cor-lib]: Xianon, to be supplied. K York Dixlrict—N. Altman, Y. E; Baltimore Germ“ Sutioh, .l. A. Sand; Baltimore Eng lish Sution, D. Eberly ; York, J. Erb; Mechsu icuburg. W. B. Haber; Slllxem-namwnflflhlt “ll,6. A. Sulpp; Hucheuor ‘ircuid S. lin terlme; Jefferson «10., W. H. “not“; Lint pnol Circuit. W. Humberger; York Spring: do. I’. Young; Pew do. H. Brown; lukesbnrg; Minsky“). C. aidler. \ ‘ fiTho Secreury of we "l'reasury hu concluded In urapgem’em with Jay 090 k, 9! many. to lake the general subwyfiptiop agency fer the sale 9} the 7-30 loaq. Pym—The Old Lutheran Church. nt‘this’ borough, Wu materially injured by fire, on t Slindly lnt. The fire oriiimzed from ‘1 pipe which pulsed through I. a roof, undocug purring M In ham when nearly every one§ mu .1 hi: rapeotive place 9! wonhipglfi was not discovered until the flame: hld made eomidenble progt'eu. Them wn I much excitement in the midlh of the con-l negation on hearing that the roof over; their heads nu on fire. but we have heard of no accidents in the rush tha’t mu made for the door: when the fact became known. The building was saved from en tire destruc tion owing to the fact of the ‘root' being cov— ers-d to the depth of several inches with a coating of snow. anddce—the melting of which kept the flames in che‘k until our efli‘cient Fire Depurtmenthrought their en gines into play. which in connection with the aid of the citizens gem-rally. effectually; arrested the prom-H: oi the tire. confining: the flame: to a narrow urip on either side of the éomhing of the I‘Wf- The ceiling! however. from. hnving become saturated with mter, tell to the floor 'below, adaliugl materially to the extent of‘the" damage cause?! by the film—Hanover Oman. l oimip• as beep appointed Adam county, in fi'A house on Fifth Avepue. New York, was wld In! week. hiriniuhed. for $95,000. Petroleum bought H—pul of me profits of three millions. RECORD YOUR DEEDS.—The nltenlion of partial holding unrecor'dul Deed! is direc‘cd to the provisions onhe Act oansunbly, which requires tha(—— ' _ ‘ “All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Commonwenllh, shall be recorded in Ihe office for Recording Deeds in tho scum] where the ln'nda li'e. m‘lhm of: month: Intr \he execution of such deeds and conrnnnce ;’ and every suxh’,,dr-ed and conveyance not. recorded an nforesnid, shrill be adjudged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any subsequent purclinur for n valuable consideration, unless such deed. be recorded before the recording: oi the deed or conveynnce under which such lubsequent pur chaser or mortgagee Ibull claim.” This is a. very important hold», and those holding unrecorded deeds will no the impor. tnnce of hm‘ingtllem recorded without. further (IL-lay. f nppointed of Matilda deceasml, ir Western 1., fur SJ,- ' price pmd Mr. While, Mr. rergu- I ; senre 11 11. by it. dr iug {His ho ‘e Yilh m Mn} - A little of everything relating to the human! system, mule xtnd ietmtle; the cnnses andtrent- : utent. ordinance; the inurrittge customs ot‘tho world; how to many well and nghoumnd thing! never pnblishod‘ belore, ten the re vised and enlarged edition of "Medical Cont on Senie,” a unique hook for curious peo- Mand, a. good book ‘fnr every one. 400 "g ,‘IOO lllustrutinns. l'ticc Si 50. Cun tnts table sent free to any nddres‘. Books in - be had at the Book stored, or Wt“ be sent hy ml, post. paid, on teceipt of the prima— Addr 5 ‘ DR. E. 11. FOU'l‘l'l, .\l. 1)., - Jan. Q 6m 1130 Bl‘OudMll), N. Y. 1 \LD EYES MADE NEW. A Pamph ct directing how tntspeedily rec star-e sight nn give up spcctncles, \\ .tltout Aid of doctor or m tcine. Sent by tuuil, tree, on ‘ receiptuf 10 out :. Addie”, , t E. B. PHOTE, M. D., 1 Jan. 30. 6m 1130 Bronduuy, N. Y. THE GREAT EN‘LISH REMEDY. .Sm Jung Cunn's ILLIHMTVD l-‘uuu: PILLS. 'Prcpnred from n neu-ription ol btr J.«Clprke, M. l).,‘i"ltysicinn Extraordinary to the Queen. This invnlunble ntdtc'ne in un tailing in the cure of nll tho pniuiul nnd dangeroua diseases to which th temnte con-g etitutiou is subject. It modernte. nil excel-l and removes all ohntructions, an: a speedy cure may he telied on. ‘ ~To‘hlmried Lediu it is peeulinrly Sifted.— lt “ill, in a short. time, bring on “1‘10!in 3 period with regulnrity. ‘ Each bottle, price One Doll r, bears H? r \‘L-rntnent Stump of Great. Britniu, to prc Ten ounterfeits. ‘ . (In ux.—'l‘hese i'ills should not be taken by thnle during the utter TIIREP non-us of Pregnnncy, :1 hey are sure to bring on Min carrmge, it at. 3' other time they are saith, lnullt-u sofSe us imdbpinnlAl‘l'ectio :4, Pain: in the Back and .. be, Fatigue nu slight exertion, l’nlpitutinn of e Heart, Hysteria, ‘ and Whites, these Pills.will I‘ectn cure when ‘ all other int-ans. have fitiled; u igltliougii I powerlul remedy, do not contain ir . enlutnel, antimony, or anything hnitl’ul to the nstitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet around on . pnek‘ge, which should he ntretnlly preset-red. Sold by all Druggisls't. Sole Agent {or the United .States itnd Unnudn, MEMO MEM NNE entric in ny for the stump “red to affix it nridl'l'flble dullar i N. B.—-sl,oo and 6 postfigc mumps eyclosed to any authorized Ag: m, will insure a. bottle, containing 50 Pills, by return mail. Sold by A. D. Buchicr. r, v;. [.\'ov.l4, 1804. U DR. MARSHA LL'S CATABRH SNL‘FP This Suu’fl' has thoroughly pros ed itself to be the best article known for curing the Cutnrrh, Cold in the [lead and Headache. Itflms been found an excellent remedy in mnny case-. 0! Sore Eyes. Deafness has been removed by it, and Heating has often been greatly improved by its use. .3. ’ It is frugrnn: and agreeable, and turn 11~ um”: mun-:1 to the dull heavy pnjuu caused by dine-see of the bend‘ Thracnsutionn after tiling it are delightful ‘nnd inugumting. It opens and purges out ullpbstructions, strength, en: the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts afferted. '. . - More thnn Thirty Yénrnl of sale and nse’ of “Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Heudarhe Snnfl‘,” has proved its great value tor all the common diseases of the heed, and at this moment Mandi higher than ever befqre. It is recommended by many of the=bent phy eicinnl, and in used with great anccee’s and ntisfnction everywhere. r ' Read the Certificate: of Wholeexfle Drug gilu in 1854: The undersigned, buying {or men, years been ncquuinted with “Dr. Krir- ‘ shell'r Cntnxrh And Headache Snuff." nndpold it in our whole-ale tnde. cheerfully state, that 1 wé'believe it to be equal, in every renpect, to , the recommendations given of it for (hazard of Cnlarrhnl Afl'ectiane, and that it is decided ly the beat article w ‘have ever known [Oll.ll common dileuea of :he Heed. x Burr & Perry, Boston; Reed, Austen k 00.,- Boutcn; Bro‘n, Lawson & Co., Boston; [ll ed, Cutler 5: Co. Boston; Seth W. chle, Boston; Wilton, Fairbnnk t (70., Boston; Hen-hiw,’ Edmond & 00., Boston; H. H. Hay, Portland, 3“,; Barnes '& Puk,. New York; A‘ B. t D. Sands, New York; Ste hen Poul ,& 00., New York; hm] )linor t 30., New York; Mcécl son & Robbins, New York; A. L. Scovill A 0., New York; M. Ward, Close & 00., New York; Bush & (his, New York. ‘ For Isle by All Druggiltl. Try it. . Nov. 14, 186‘. 1} ‘ ) A Clergyrun, while residingin South Amer irn u I miarionnry, discovered a Sufi- nnd aim planned]. for the Cure of NrrVou: Wenkneu, Eur-1y Deny, Diuuee of the Urinary thSem inn] Orglnl, and the whole train of disorderl brougln on by tuneful nnd vicious MM“.— Grent number: have been Already cured by this noble remedy. Prompt-d by a desire to bene -6‘ the afflicted nnd unfortunate, I will lend the recipe for preparing and using thin mediclne, in n sealed envelope, to my one WhO‘llMdl it, Fl“ or Canon. Please inclou l lumped enulope, addreued to yourself. Addreu JOSEPH 'l‘. IXIAS, Station D.. Bible House, , ,Dct. 24, 1364. . Nu! York Olly. To Nut-oc- Gunning—A Gentleman, curid of Nervoun Deliilily, Incognpueucy. Pram-tun Dcuygud Youthful Knot, uctunted by a: denim to benefit. others, will be happy m furnilh to :11 who deed it, (fr‘ee ofjphnrge.) the recipe Ind direciiom for Ina-king th- simple remedy and ip his case. Sun‘erer‘a fishing to grgflt 3»; me ..mnim'. bad expérience, Ind potion,» lure and valuable remedyncpn do so by Iddrauing him 3! once. n! his plnéLof bpaiy pen. Tho Recipe any! full intorquion—ofvhnl importance—sy“; be phMully' sent by return pail, Addreu - JOHN B‘. OGDEN, ‘ Ho. 60 .\'ga-nu Strut, New York. P. S.—.\'¢rvons Sum-ten of ‘bmh sun. will find this information inplu .‘alc. ‘ “ pct}, 1354. an , SI’EQIA L N 0 TICES. IF YUU ‘WANI‘ TO KNOW JOB MOSES, 27 Corllandl St, N. Y A CARD T 0 INVALIDS “FORMATION FREE. MARRIED. 0n ihe am ML, by Rev. Jacob Zipzler, Hr, JACOB S. DEATHIPK,vf Tyrone townlhlpfld fliu ANNA H.WITMUR,of Bmm“ towns!“ On the 311 inlt.‘ by tho Imm.l Mr. ISEA onus, ofßlnler lowmhip.‘to Min SARA JANE HOFFMAN, o! Hennllcn townihip. On the 6th of Ocmher, by tho lam-,lt. ANDREW CLUCK. or Funklin‘ mun-hip, “1 Mn. ELIZAEETH THOMAS, of Menullen us. On an 2d Inn... at the residence of “u bride't parenu. by Rev. W. R. U. Dentrich, Mr. DAVID E. MMZUIUAN lo .\lis- HELEN M. ntcond daughter of 31:. Ruben Tue, bo_lh at!l this pincc. ‘ _ 0n the «h of Ju.. bj Rev 8. F. Save}. 091‘ HOWARD n. JOHNS, at Springfield, Ohio. (fotmérly of this county.) to Mrs. MARY E. sNEERtfiGER, of Funklin cmuuyx Ohio. \ nmn. ; , I. fi-Ohimw} names 3 conu per line} for an on: tourHunk-:cnsh~ to Accompany nulico. . _ , On ‘heflzath um,X Mn. MARGARET ROW wile ode lah Rowen-9f IQmmituburg, Ind dn .. _ ter of flat”! Bushmn h, ‘dcceued, of thin plan. aged about“ ye’nrlx ‘ , 0n xthe 15,9}: 11".. nénr Petenbnrg. I. 85‘ GEORGE) .FRANKL‘IN‘CAVIL, 101 l ofJohn lug Loy-h Sheen. aged 7 yum 8 month! Ind Mum. - ' ' » Gommuniéiled. DKed, on Sunday, Jan. 23d. ir‘rfit. Loull, Mo.‘ 1n the reddente of (George M. Gr‘mvcr, Mr. W3l. L. CRAPSTER, ‘aged 60 yea" [months and, 16 days. - ~ ‘ > Mr. Crapster formerly resided in Carroll co.. Md., ihere ,he had a large circle of “qualm ncee. In St. Louis be In] nurrounded by the opinion of e brother end3he klndneu on unce,‘ who rendered hil last hours comforuble. “Maybe rcstin [Jewell-7" ‘ ‘ ~ . Comguunicnlod. Died, at Lilsleetown, June 30, H 565, In.‘ LOUISA SUSANNA, filfe of 'Dr: lemu .0. Kinzer, and deughler of Anne and Jullennq Lefcver, aged 20. yearn )0 month! and l'.’ dnye. How “range are lheyiclssuuflu ofhle, and uncennln ’iuJenue? She hue gone in the . spring-time of youth :nd.hope. ‘Her coune v on earth in Inishod. The grave has clonal over her, whilst the husband of; year‘und her «runny cum-lied friend: up left to mourn for the loved inputted. " The eye is dim—the loving’cye, ; Thu beamed eu luqulygon us here— Senled up in deuthflhe unxiufe sigh, [No more botloui it with n trnr. - ‘ But, if: the land l-eroml the urine, _ Thur. voice will nu-ll in rnpuiruus'loine, The enng to Him wlufllied to live, “’ _ And bring me weary traveler home. _ ‘ _ Comingimlrd. In HnmptnnVAdums county, Jun. 2'l, Mu. MARY BliUI'(“-IJ, cunwn o! .\ndn‘v “tough, hgcd 78 years and 13 Guys: - _ ' ‘ Think, children. at hfi‘l‘i‘)‘ Anya. When in lhc gnaw my hudxibgs—o , 'My swril rem; with Uufl. on high. _ \\ here 30!: may meet me by mot by. No man: slmll‘cnre mv Inqughts annoy, No more Hull grirl‘hur‘hn, H 1 (but bright lundhhu’u all i3IO;J ' Al‘d everhusLing peace. ‘ 1 'l'lu-n win-(M4 flee-Img H. 159 ix X‘Nk‘ It Ami a” ild snrrmv o’r‘r, J ' ;’ May you mLh mptux-e meet. u}. L'uafi ‘ , Un (‘ummn's pcucclul shone” i TEX’i‘MARKE'QB. GETI‘YSHCRG—SA‘WKIDM [,M:,. Flyn- ...........'.... ......... N‘ 00’ Ipm, Puc‘ Flunr. .. . 7 White \\'11(‘:\1.:..................:...... 2 7517!.) 2 Rg-d,\\‘11e.nt............................. 2 35 (I) 1 “‘9' ()u15.............. ..A. Buck“ hem. ..."... ....ta. . Cluver' S(-eu1..............:.. Timothy Seed... ...7. Flu 5ce~1.................... Plaster of l’uri°.... Plant-r ground, per bag. BA LTHIORE—Fumu uni-r Hour. Wheat (hl‘ 899 V Hogs. H 332.“ Rule, per huud hr huud........ Clover-aw Flux-nerd. . Timollu -'e('l Whiskey once. u r \ a '1 ’L a n. m: I. \l' 3 i I deceaspd,~huving bah. 31“.. , ~ signed, raiding in the numc‘phce, he hen-- by give: notice to all persons Inldebted‘to mid est-w to make imquium payment, and thaw basing claim! lglinsl the sungw‘prelém them properly lulbemignted for uulemcfint. LEVI CHRONIBTHR, Adm'r. Feb. 6, 1865. qr ‘ ,g Public Sale. ‘ 'N WEDNESDAY, the sth day of MARCH next. tho subscriber will “u at. Public Sale, It in': residence. on Baltimore urea, Gel iyaburg, the foil wing poflonll prolieny. viz: ‘ 4« Patent IRO§ BEDSTEADS, 1 Conngc do.. 1 “Sofa d0.,-‘. comon do.,,'l‘hre l’nim Leaf Mattresses. pnir ”nugget: yuan H-uilg._ Looking Gian, Dru-in: Egan, midi-hoi ‘nny Pier Tnblu, lireakfut tunic, Wnlnut Ex leulion Table. Genus do” Study do., Book (‘ane,_ so! Cane-bottomed Choirs, set Windsor . 60., ('nne-leued Rocking Chair, Sewing do., Windsor Arm Bbcking do., Rocking Cradle, Lounge, Writing Desk, 3 Wash Stands, Sink Dough-trough, I'A Patent. Iron School Dank“ Black Board, Recitation Bout-hen, Waver] Cool Store, Ten-plate Store, Axe, Glrden Fork. Tqbl, Crockery and Qunnnnue, a qunn. lin at Bacon; I Good Horio. Fniling-top Bug ” Ind Humans, and many olhér nticiuhlcq numerous so mention. , H‘Snle to commence 11. f 0 o’clock. A. IL, on aid dnyflrhen utondnnco will be given and lama Indie know? by {/ f ‘ . . s. woonpunx. ' A. W. Flemming Auctioneer Fetus, {865. u Valuable Farm T PRIVATE SALE.—Tho anhlcn’beu, Erection Of thrust. will nnd :emmen: ol mogul! Delay, docund, oll'er at Primes Sale, the following Rut Balm o! Mld «1 .ccdent, vizz, * ‘r .2' A FAR“. liluale in Tirane lownlhip, Adams county, P 1... adjoining land. of David Yohe, \ Daniel Hume, Rudolph Deitrick, Ind othen. containing 200 Acres, more or len, :bout bq acres of which are woodllnd Ind 30 "reg meadow. Thoimpmvemenu are ' . Two-nary Wellherbourded ‘ HOUSE, 2 Team“ Houul, lug. Log Bun with 2 Wagon Shed: nluched, Corn Crib. Smoke house, bprmg Hon": 1 3°“ Un'hl'fdl, Ind n nevcrluiiluw upring near the house. Then in gallium o! wmr running through the farm. _firl’enuus wishing to view the proocr'y ml! be shown lbo um. by calling on Dxluirl Dal-up, residing thereofi. JOHN DELAP. ' E ‘ DANIEL DELAF, . ‘ , Feb. 81 "55- 1' linemen” Rwanda ,Stampl a 1’ any dngomiqqfoq common] on mad and for ule u the Fine Kuhn-l Balk «I Gegtysbi-rg. GEO. ARNOLD, Cum". Gettysburg, Nov. H, 1864. ‘ i I? my snAvs‘Yopnsnr Ydu will and l rhuu'zhe {nbm done If you}: no 0! than . “Wm anofa [gaggle by ““0008. i ADIES' Clqth‘h'r 00‘1". or lupply jut} regs-m 4 at FIH.’ STOCK Blips. = IS U I=! ..13 (m mm ~ 3 s!] [U 4 .. 2 33 lo ‘1 ME ..ll on onn‘qz .. 2 6'} In 2% g..l H to HM) .. l 52 to I Hi . 9.3 m Jul ..le I 0 ln‘llgfn ..I1 50 ml!) ‘OO ..3‘l 00 1035'an ..L’) '.’.'l [Ol5 .‘.ll .. 3 7!: {u It‘d.) .. c on m c In .0; 19 .2 :CI 4 -I.