The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 30, 1865, Image 3

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“N - -, -T—W—w —— ~_~”
’Mfififigl'w.- .
[GETTYSBC —-Sncunu I.A!‘l'. ‘
A......‘..m no mm 50
8 00
Po" ...............‘.. ....
M’hci Hannah...» 3..."
, ' k 'benL...........
.\had Wheat..............‘
Uu11.............. .........
2 55 lo 2 60
2 35 to 2 40
, I oo
1 as
'Buckwfi‘egl. .
Clover Seed.
Timothy Seed...
Flu 5eed.........-
Pinter of Purina ,
Pluler ground, per bag.
{fiLTIMORE—Funu 'Luv. .
_ n on mu ,1:
)Vben1.............. .. 1 6710 2. 80
R 31.,,...............,...
60% I
l 73 to“! 50
\.a.....n.....n... l 69 to l_ 75
‘ 97 $0 1700
Beef Cutie, per hund.....u........11 00 1019 00
“Hop, per hund.......................;'! 504010 00
hay.......... 32 00 1035'00
Clover-1ced...........15 25 mm 50
gin-seed. . 3 33 to a ‘35
, imothy-‘ecdn..................,....~ 6 00 m 6 :0
Whiskey 2 34 w z 40
‘ Public Sale
'—()n THURSDAY; the hub day 0! FEB-
R ARY, 1865, the subscriber], handing £-
remnve East, will Irll at public mid, It their
rvsidenco, in J‘rm-dom township, Adams Edna
"ly, near the road lending from Gettysburg to
Emmilsburg. about half a mile lrom Green
‘ynount Poul. Uflxce, (be fullqwing psi-lamp]
property, \‘il: W i ‘ ;
2 CUL’I‘S,(| Hum ymlrl old 11ml 1 :10 your:
0111,) § Milch Gown, 4 head of Young Cane,
'l2 bend of fine Sheep, 2 good Shunlu,one-
Imrse Wagon will. bed, Carriage and Harness;
'Hny Cathy, [luil quriuga, Nanny'n Benper
bud Mower”: hit-ighs and Bells,zf first-mtg
‘Curuberlund Gmiu l-‘nn, (nun) 4 Bur-shear
Ploughs, two minrly new. 15 Aooll‘ lc-ahoygl
Waugh, 2 single ‘Sbove! l'loughs, Ziflurro‘g,
‘ :‘rCulliulors. Corn Cm crcr, Tliree-lmruo-lrce,
Double and Sinylc-trees, Spreaders, 3 set. of
wood Wugui Henu, Cullnri and Bulges,
Wheelbarrow, (hiuduum. 2 set Dung Bounds,
1m ol‘ (lrou'ml l’lndler. Wurk Hencll’ Ind VICE,
.\lntlucki, Shawls, Fnrlu, Rakes, Revolving
llursr fink, lgul Sled lhmuerg, l Sty: '5
~ our)! Snul.ln.~‘,~2 (lrnin‘Crmlln-u ;‘lm. 9f CMprnl r
' 'l‘qols, “A" by nu: tun, Corn £01151” by use
I lnufuxllr, ('ulaluu und ’lurn’fps by the btulw,
Fcup 0! “PCS. .\lm. ”o'."“h‘fll't and Kitchen
Furniture, viz: 3' llcdsgcuulsvll urge“ (2.90 df
Dnmcu, Desk and ”oak (Hale, Cnphourd, 5
Tables, 4 sets \ lulogra, 4 llockimg (Illnirs, {lock
ing Cradle, \VQUII‘L‘JICa', 24 han (flock, book
ing Glues”, Qumumtrv. Tl‘n-w'nre, Crockery
’ “are, 1 ('ook Slulufl nmLl'i’h‘c, Tan-plucp‘qu
and l‘ipv, l'ms, l’uns, ,'l‘ub:, Uhnrn, ‘llqn Ketl
' Hanan-1, Ilium-h, bong-11ml, Menl. Vessels, I'm
Run In, l’_¢~ll'h-lllllli‘}; Woks, Sunlight-cut lliflfi.
Axes, 39nd .q 314%. Juny ullu'l’ unit-legume
llujuynwu Hp lm-ulwn. ’ 1 \
par Swln lu column-mg nl fio'l'locl, A‘. 11.,
on snlld :lny,.\\lu-u .nnruluhu “ill be given
my; terms mum-lulu”: Ivy— ‘ ‘
Brybcn (in! icn, .\ uclionevr
-_Public 8819
F 3" \l,l'.\Hl.l: PERSONAL PROPERTY.
0 —Uu l'nll'liéllAY 111 A”). dd) 1:! ARIN)“
mu xln Fuhwuwrfiz-m 1M“); 10 «just tanning,
u: l «H M! J übuv‘ Nun-nut} but )unulynuu in
(. rum") l-nuwmp, Adnma i-uunl),' 2 lllllk'fl
[urlhgvl Luluuwguf, Hllxlhr In..d lending hum
].i.llu-:lm\ u m Uuuiubingunu, MM 2 [why \v‘es!‘
m liel-un': Ah“, (fie lolluumg .\uluglme por
b-nxl plupt'rl)‘ \IZ.‘ ' ‘
I: him-d u! ln~4u_\:\\"‘if{ PUNK-5173;, 5 “Rich
( -v\ my Ho um, 1. M 1-5 1: Bhvéy, .1 Inn 0!
>huw§.__l 1.x«.:1d-lu.nrtlm.l hunt “azun. 1‘
.‘Mqun Inn-l Tug) .nJuu"'lhr-nalunw Wagon,
hpling‘“m(un, with WP, (Inc-Lune anun,
I'm-d Trough, Log Slt—d, (nm'v.)' \Ti owing
Mxll. Putt-m lln_\ Ruins? juxir‘lluy‘ finders,
(as uuml as new.) Jvrwy Hmprr' and .\’uwér,
'lmeflung .\Luhuu-, than; lml', Slum; B'wl,
Lug.” Ind. ‘.“n-l~ u! Irv-Lhmuub, 4110.15 ul'
1.. mx lulu“; :. .‘mu‘mgT, Wagon .‘nlldh‘, Col
11H. Hxixilvs, HullPrs am! (‘mv 1 lmiufi, 4
I]n:.‘,_ll!, l H mm“,- turm- h‘ mu! H Irluw. 4
I mu lml.=. _’ >lmnl l'h "s|”, linllor. Jack
firm-Irv Luz-('1: :qu I-lll'lil‘a ”4"”qu (‘ha'lns'
icl’rlvl «'n a It. :~;nl.§-l¥<, Uuu‘gh u u.‘ aluglr
llm 4, (".r.:u (‘m Ir. in In 11.14:, ‘.1..ul mud
“’cdx-h (flu; in .r. Funu. l’uug lla- ks :lul
Lad-c, at h u'muy u :lrr urm :lrn- nu, n‘lu! uf
“Au-u by lhr- gun-m. l'uml-w- h)‘ tin/ilzlaill-l,
Sx‘mv. Huh, smm .un.’ l'lpr. Sink. rub-3‘B”-
nh, Lon Kelli", uu-l a Emu-n“ m manta“?—
t lk 2, ‘fm human)“: '0 ml‘lmun. -
wa'nlr lo m'umvz'wo ~-'. 1| u‘tlutk. .\. \L.
on ~.u-l day, “111'” .ullrnJ.\ncu \r H In: gym]
and (crisis made hu n n I»
30‘ 1565. L ’
Fablic Sale.
.\‘l .\mxm \1 (he m. udy of FSBRL‘ARY I
O nch ”It: suhwr'rluu, iuh‘ndiug (n quill
fuming. will ml! .rt l’uhlm 154%,:1! loge [.si.‘
‘dcucr; m (‘umbcannl h-\vnslrip,Au!mns mun.
‘ 13’, (m the Hunnjh'n|rg rund,‘ 11~milrs {mm
Net", «mfg, Uu- Influfl'lllg pawl propu-ru : ;
V I MARE. ‘ (“1“, I Vu‘l'. id “31011 SUWI‘
’ Three-hora: “Hymn'l'quwridM'agumfipring ‘
Wagon, 'l'rciilu; Buggy xu‘uL Humcsg, all-d,
Nuns:- UP I“. l'louglu, Harm \5, ('quug Hm,
[Mable nnd Szngh-Jlrees. Furkglhkcs, “It“,
‘l'lv'k, )lattodi, uLIu-r (arm ankles. .\‘lso‘
Househuld und Kitchrn Furnitule, \‘iz: _;,'
Benign-ads, Tables, (“b.lirsl fink-J'uukl‘ng Slo'fi‘,
~ ud l'ipv, Sink, (‘herh Eight-day Clock,
. [balling ( hl§~€~‘. Yin-“2:5, Ql}: (:13 ~wme,
l‘rncluery-wnrc, ('oppr: Kclm, 'lmrrd M gum}.
Vim-Eur,- Bacon,’ burgh-Ikm! ,Talllow by. the
gmnnd, Twat-rut Rifle, my! runny other arli
ales, too numerou: la memio‘g.
wsflc to cummeucr at 10 o‘clock, .\. )K..
on suit] day, when attendance uill‘be given
and terms made kuowr. tiy
Jan. 30. 1855. v. 5“ u '
1 To Budge Br ders.
BALED PROPUD‘ALS will Be 'received at.
S. the affix of the; (yummissiouen of Adams,
”mum, until \l‘EDNEa‘lfllY. the 15%, day of
BIA ‘ll n xl, fur -lluildiug la 459000“
BRIDGE acron'lfidqefCreek. on the mnd~
(landing flom Gettysb’u 540 Emmiubnrg. ”Hug
Bridge i’s to be Quilt on the old abnlmenls, are
spam. 7:» feet. long, mm a rooQ._ ‘
Plans and specificalions for {Fe Brijge can
be sat-n hy'prrsous wishing t 9 bi«l.'on‘.!hb‘ day
of lemug. 6r by application: to J. .\l. Walk-f,
Clerk to thy- Commissioners: , I
- . ‘ Luann grumpy -
Commirsioners of Admus wuulylw
At etc—J. .\l. “Mm. Clerk,
9 Jan‘. 30, 1135:». (.1 .'r 7 .. fl
' . Docth'
I ‘ Lu: , .< I“.
A summon UNITED sures AMY.
has permanently locnlgd inHIAMPTUX. Adina
'county, Pa. m: extensive experience in pri
vnoe and hospinl practice, offers every induce
ment to those nfilicled with" chronic dis‘euses [0
apply for {rt-strum. ; _ t r
Persons at}: distance wishing trenunenlior
Idvice are requested u address him by [:1 er
or m peraon at. big ofiidf, 15 his tinge will‘mol
admit of long riduh excgpt in surgical or ex
treme cases, g[fills 23, 1865. u‘ .
Noting. , - ‘
R. W. L. BOMBAC S'ESlA‘Tlf—lfetters
testamentnry on 1 canto MID". W. L.
umbm-h, late of man tryslow'n, Con‘ongo
township, Adams couujzy, deceased, hniug
bocn granted to the undersigned| ridding
in the game place, they hereby gim' notice
to :1! person: indehxed :0 mg and: ‘to make
jmmodiMe payment, and tho‘se having claims
gigging: the mm- to present them properly
authenticated for settlement. .
. CHAS. F. HUMBAI‘H, Execute}? '
' ANNA E. HOMBACH, Execuuix. ~
Ju.9,1865. 6t ‘ a
New Bakery !
EWPOET 8 ZlEGflh‘Mech-mical Balk
ugfionlb Wnlhip n urea. hdlinqune
.1!!! Eagle Hotel; GETTYSBURG, Pi.—
Mnuy on hand, thy belL‘ot BREAD,
-BBAGKBRS, CAKES, 9331 mm; kc. ‘l'".
no" Villain; fresh Brand will I}. served every
moninzs by len‘vmg What?” and resid‘ucu
n' ‘5. Bakery. ' Emery e mule to plug.
(penguin . ‘ {mm :0, 'ca;- 1!
a Nothingjue‘ «
UT dngul, tell nude,§ue fitting Dknss
MM Busineu Comtu PIL‘KING's.
of Cloth,_Cu|ingn, Sltlilfl, Silks, Velveu.
Bulineu, Null: Ind Cotton Vents, It the in”
known mat! of PII‘ELVG.
That. Firkin; ‘m‘eomeqnencmof uppmnchmg
spring. is selling on la.. lune sunk o! UJVEK.
COATS, u very rednpnl grim. Cull mom.”
839 max WAxfl-ZD \ ‘ '
to inlpect and by from the handsomest ns
rlmeq; of WUUL OVER SHIRTS, ever ofler
d in‘um place, who had Il.‘ PICKING'S.
REM" 'mm. ,
A far more orthon celebruod Yankee Flock
Time Keepers at ‘ PXGKING’S.
_ _ FRI-31'! FEET! .
'..- l 25
13 on 1015 no
an. 3 MI in ‘ 00
1 35- to 2 517
H 51.1
A Yew more Bnhlo and Gun Shoes at reduced‘
prices.“ _ HEKING'S.
Personsx In! of I good Violin oflAeoorded‘n
can be F "MEG It \ L PICKING'SJ
" ‘ - NOTIONS. ,
Suupenken, Combo, flnlr 3nd Clothes Brnlh
Rater: tad Razor ‘Blrnpa, Soup, Spectacl.
l'en Knives, Domkloeiyfliolén Strings. kc,
K mes K
can be bad by calling in‘Ball ore nmt, A:
_ ~ (mum's.
Amy mm; m; at ~~: “Gum's.
L KEEP 'Bm'. \
M Pickig’g Stove can be had Umbrella: a! '
sizes. x x
.P 'I C K I V N G
is selling lain good: 1!: lie lowest living pric
and would j‘que (ll m can Ind see him, an -
is detum‘med In «all at. line [oven prices.
1111.30, 131:5
r 1’ Gold Pen;
Fm 1311;931eme
End to Suit the “and, and Price! to Suit (1»
‘R’ ‘ Facial.
J Tums-rife” [jugs qu: “'oan! ;
On receip‘sz {he (clinging man; we wil'
land, by my”, 9: u .di‘rected, a. Gold Pen 0'
Pens, eelcclirg the same' according to the de
scriplion, n'lnu-ly:
Gold l’eus,’in Sihzer Plated Extounion Case
- with Penciis.
For 3! .\'o.‘2 pen; for $1 25 No. 3 pen; f 0
S! Solo. 4 'qu; {or $2 No. 5 pen;
' for Sahib No. ,6 pvu.
.These pans ute stumped THE [MPEI’IIA’
PEN.und I'm: well finished and fine wrilin
(:old Pt §,;wilhgnqd nr}d.u{ilpoinln, nllhoug
they ure§nfi urrufledwnd cannot he exchang .
vmxuxnzo GUI/h rsxs. l
Our nfimb (Auericun 60“ P9l: 00.,‘5. Y. )
is svnmpe-d lon nl ls: quality Pens, and'tlr
paints are van-r“ {or‘ xix monihn, exce t
again-l. ncuidtnt. Unr “cusp 3mm" Pen ,
urn-.slnmpt’d THE NATIONAL PEN, with u:
imthh at our firm (A. G. I‘. ,C 0.,) and are u 2
lully made, l}.u’iu,i the'same hoims us our firs
qtmlily PM", the only gryml diEeunL-e beingi
{-19 qu |l,i|y nf the "old. ’
(‘mld I'm-n, lkt‘nnd 2d qgmhty in $01.95
~ Extension‘Cuses, {vim l’encih.
J. s. wusux,
J . W.“ HIKU \\ .\'.
Fur SLLOO u .\'o.'l pen 13!. quality, 0: a No
pen 2-] qunlhy.’
Far :5: 'l5 A No. 2 pen Xst quality, or a NC.
yen 2d qunlity.’ ‘ I
For $2 :5 .n .\‘b. 3 pen 1:: (jimmy, or a N 2).
gen 2d qunlxty. ‘ ‘ I
I’m-3M gums... 4 pep m qunlilyg or a No. I
pen 2d qmflily. . I
Fm $4 502:: .\'u. 5 pen 13'. quality; or a No. 4
you '2l! an Ili,'.y‘
For $3 sup .\'o. 6 pgn luyq-mlhy. ~
The same Hold PM”, in Solid Silver or Gold.
l'l ntrd Ebdny Deskkgloldnra and Moronco Case
Fbr $2 ’25 a .\'o. 3 pen Isl. quality, or a No.
["1le quality. - '
Fur 5) 50 .1 No. 441911 Ist. quality, or a No.
pen 3d q'mlily. ' ‘
Fnr $3 2011. .\'o. s“an 11$ quality, or I No. '
pen 2:] unlity. “ -,__
Fur $4 0%.; No. 6pm 11“ quality. Fol $5 5'
s No. Mum. For $6 N: a No. 8 en. ‘ Fo‘
$12300 ll N 0.12 pen (all first qualrly.
Unr polls rank throughnni‘ tlm‘ country a
equul il n'p‘! superior to any gala pend manu
luctured. 1 Not. only lor their 91-15ng Qualitil
lull durability and, elegant finish. The great
vet rurkls'uscd in their—manufacture, “\hd non
nrv hold y‘ilh lhe slightest imperfe‘ctiou We
dull ran decqt. ‘ _ «_ l
l'nl‘l‘il‘s lMQrdrring must specily the arm: ,'
nuuxlmr andfiqunl“ " all i- an ~es and “he
tl-cr stiff or'ln' " finb
Tu (was. ul‘ 12 per cent wi l
he :llluweJ'ug l sent to onpin -
nilo~s.f’t'llll(‘tl wt. 011.335; 20]:
mm. «in 540
All rclilitmn
our rink-l. Tu“
l‘o‘r flaist‘cfing.
of‘the goods. . ~
‘ Circdlnrs of ull our dew stylx with Engru
inul of gun. sizrs, and prices. en! upon re
rriyt of sump, If dgs'mtd. xPennehpommd f 0
i.();cents, by mail. ' ' \
-Smtmners and kwclrrs are rcqflcstcrl t
c.;tre.~pond with as us we can ofl‘e: tied: greu
indycwneus. Address. . K \
g ' - ‘ - No. 200 Btpudway, N. Y.\
. lan. 30, 1863,1311: K . H
y _ _' 'Bnnk Nance, ‘
’ “BREAS, the Auditor General], as r-
V qnirod by the tub Sutton of the At
9 titted "Ali Act'snubllng the hunk: of th ‘
Commonwealth td'becorhe associations for th
pmpose of“ banking under the ‘luws- of
United States," szlcd ou the 22d day .
August, 1864, has certified to me that in
“BANK OF GETTYSBURG,‘ tomtw‘. in t.‘
borough of Gettysburg, Adapt. cdqnq‘ h'
furnished smitnctoifljekvidf We go him that ',
the requirements 91's“; Act b“, bee co"
Wed with huh: tam Bank, and that it i
PEN“ M fissoniution [or the purpose of ban
m 9 under the Inwaiof‘ the United States-
I do therelore ca se this notice thereof to .
publicize}! ih accordance with the' prbt'isio
of the said llth Sfiction of the 55m .413» an
do decline that. thefhnrter of Mid hunk, by t
terms of mini Act, ink-emu! and taken to -
hereupon snrreudercll uuhjccfio the provisio .
.05 tho first section 0'! slid Aét‘
Jan. 23, 1355. ts" ‘~ '
:Execntor’s Sale \
OF PERSONAL mount-m mons-
DAY, the 16th day of FEBRUARY next,
the subscriber, Executor of Samuel Hermon,
‘ . deceased. will sell at Public Sale, 21. the lath,
g‘ residence of said decedent, in Stroben town
_l ship, Adams county, the following personal
d property, viz: '.
‘ k. '2 FINE BROOD MAKES, 2 Colts, (1 three
I's years old nd the okher two years old,) 1 Bull,
e‘ Three-horge/W‘izon, (as good no new,) anon
, r Bed, 3 Wagon or one or two horses, Carriage
and Harness, sleigh end Belle, Plonghs, finre
' rows, Single and Double Shovel Ploughs, Corn
_ Forks, largo Cultivator, Lend [gallon gs,
' . » '7‘. 1. - ‘ ' Can-in es Threehin Mochlne rein an,
» W 7” busi‘nvess‘vlll billionhnued u be. e- Culling Box, 2 sets 0" Breechbafndé, 2 soil of
lm'm’b: I°.“ (’.»‘““°" Wm)" Imam 3! Front Gen-rs, 2 Saddles, (one as good as new,)
themselves mdgb'ed so the firm will “we c H ' Check Lines. Collars, Bridles. Halters, Jock
“, . she undersigned and snake pnymens. n d screw, Log Chains, Butt Chains, Breast. Chains,
““35" Mung Chm“ ysllpresent themrfior‘: " Cow Chains, Single and Double-trees, Three-
Harmon. .' . * JOH‘N CAN‘ 0‘ horse-hoe, Spreaders, Crossbars, Grindstbne,
_geuysbnrg,:lon.r 16’ 186,512: __ Grain and Clover Crsdles, Shovels, Forks,
, ‘ ‘ V 08111101138 Rakes, Maul sud Wedges, lot of Carpenter
, . Tools; with Household and Kitchen Furniture,
M_ A I!" 3" 1‘ E W 0» R K ’,su‘ch ns Corner Cupboard, Kitchen Cupboard,
I " . . . Clock and Cue, Bedgleads, Wool Wheel, end
Gonuquof Beltirnorerend E“; Middle etree 5' u gran; many other nrticlos,too numerous to
_ I. opposite the Conrsrfiouie, ! meu'lion‘
'~ g 4. G, CUBTIN,Gov. of Pa.
Executiv; Slumber,
Jun. “,11865. } [19... 23, 1864. 3c‘
HElfifi-menhip in the Ruble Basin .5
- heretofore existing between C4nhon J
Adair, is this day dissolved by mulunhco:
sent. Capt. James Adair, in retiring woui
respectfully ask for his late partner, J. Ganno.
ucontinunnce of the kind und liberal putrénn -_
the firm have nlwnya received froumhe peo-l
bf Adams county, and for which they have‘d
grateful thanks. ' _-._- " ‘ ""““
Every description‘of wot-E executed in t'
hues: style of the an 1
in. (6,1855: V! |
A; ‘ ~ Notice. -
1' BE account of Isaac Knns, Assignee o
Samuel'Sadler, ha: been filtd in -- *-
‘vun of Common Plan‘s ofAdnun coufily, A: -
will be ‘confinned by me said Court, on 1- ~
21min;- of FEBRUARY next, unlen cam" . '-
shown to che contrary. , ‘ ' . I
Ju.23,_l_s§s. _cc:_____ ’. m y
a Stray Comp- ‘ ‘
AME lo the/apregmlu of Ilia lubacrib‘ér, i
Germ-n] township. :1 milompd a. half n
Lmlestown, on th; Tuneytown road, on F
day net, nyoung nd COW“ Tho uwnn i
requested to pun property. pay charges, a ‘
uke her away. ‘ DAVID GOLDEN ’
Jan. 23, ”65. 3t."
Registered, are I
m 20 cents exlr
$2 3qu delinr
. A first-rat's Farm "
IR- SflM‘OR RRNT.—Elqairo It I
oil-{CIR . - -, ' . [flat 13,1864. 1
Pubud Sale. J
’ ON TUESDAY. the 7th do, of MARCH
‘ next, 'he {uhscriben intending to quit
_ farming, will sell at Public Sale, It hil reti
denre, in Germany towzjrhip, Adams county,
'ubont tum miles north or Littlestown. the fol
: lowing raluoble pmonnl property, viz:
' ~11 bend of WORK HORSES, (one is a very
fine puddle horse. another a lint-rate lender,
And two no more: hcnvy with foul) 1 three
fyenr old (3011,? first-ratio Milch Com, (4 of
i then: will soon he fre.~h.) 4 Heifers, 1 large fat
, Bull, (3 years old.) 1 Yearling Bull, 1 Breed
ing Sov,‘ head offlogs, l Broad-trend Wagon
I and Stone Bed, One-horse Wagon, 3 Plongha,
'2 Han-owe, 2 Shovel Plonghl, 2 Corn Forks,
I Double and Single-trees, Two-horse Stretcher,
Reaper and lower, (Dorsey’s Potent Self
] Raker,) Four-horse Threshing Machine, in
good order. Wmnoniujfllill, (nearly new,)
‘ Clover Holler, Clover Stripper, (new,) Whe:l- ;
{ barrow, 5 eels of Horse Genre, 2 pair 01 Short ,
Traces, 2 Breast ('hnins, Riding Bridle, 4
BF“ Bridles, 4 Collars. anon Saddle, 4 i
Housings, 5 Unlten, 2 Plough Liner. Four-,
hone Line, Wagon Whip, Home Dung Fork,
Forks, Rakes, .\lutocku, Groin Shovel, Luca,
4 a lot. of Gov Chains, Roller, Grindatone, Log
Clinin. 3 Threshing Machine Bed: with fix
tures, linlf Bu<hel, to.
Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, viz:
I Bedltetdl and Bedding, 3 lelel, Corner
Cnpboud, largo Kitchen lele, 2 Sinkl, 1
dozen of good Chniraflßoeking Chair, Cnrpet
‘ ing, 7. Dough-Mays, 2 Ten-plate Steven, 1
Cooking Store and Pipe, Drum, Hantle Clock,
Benches, Tub: and Burrell. large Copper Ket
tle, Tron Kettle, a lot of iron Pots, Crooks,
large quantity of Apple-butter, Lord, Smoked
Hams, Shoulder: and Sides, Spinning Wheel,
Wool Wheel, Bnrrel ofCider, Vinegar, Fentherl
by‘the pound, and niony other nrticlel, too
numerous to mention.
fish. to commence at .10 o'clock, A. it,
on laid d y, when nttendnnce will be given
ind term: N: known by
Jhcob Klunk. A tioneer.
Jan. 23, 1865. t e
~ Publi Sale. A
HE rubacriher, inten gto quit farming,
- will sell at l’uhlle Sulepon MONDAY, the
Gthday of MARCH ext, on the farm on which
he now reeidesfin )founlpleasnnt wpl, Adams
county, on the road—lending from .51?” Cor~
tie: to Seni'ts', llill, the [allowing , erionnl
pmprrly, incllding nll his stock, viz: X
2 good Work Horn 5, de-yenrling Colt, l\2<
hend of Horned Cattle, among which are 8 fine
tresh .\lilchfowa, Bull: Hogs, new Four-horse
annn, with Lime Bed, new Hog; Carriage,
Hay LJdderl, new Wood Ladders, Two-horse
Wagon, Rocknwny Buggy, Sleigh and Belli,
Ploughs. Hnrro'ws,Corn Forka,Shovel Ploughl,
new Threshing Machine, a splendid Winnow
iug ‘llill, Stray Cutter, Hone Gears, new
Riding Saddle, Side Snddle, Fll Nets, Bridles, !
.Log Chains, Filth Chain, Grindstone, Wheel
barrow, Grain Cradles,,Scythen, 3inttocku,l
Butt Chains, Cow Chains, A lot. 0! good 3528,
u lot at Flux by the pound, he., he. ,
Also, Household nnd Kitchen Furniturefvlz:
A large new Cooking Stove with nbtfixturea,
Ten-‘plnte’Stove, Stove Pipe, Cloth Press, 2
good Bec's, Clock. Tnhles, Chniri, Benchesfl,
Cupboards, 5 barrel oi Vinegar, Potntoes by:
the-”hushed, with many other articlel, not. *
inentipned. 1 .
finSnle to commenceJnt 9 o'i-lock, A. H.,,
on said thy, when attendance will be given and i
terms mnde known hy u
Jun. :3. 1865. m i ‘
Public Sale.
5: THURSDAY. MARCH IS, 1865, ml
1 0 undhrsigneo will- sell at Public Sale, at
1 his residence, in llnmilton township, Adnmél
Icounty, nbont 'wo miles from New Oxford”
‘ three miles from Hampton, and 3-4 mile from.
iGreeo Ridge Pout Omce, the following pen,
, sonnl property, viz: . . . i
[ IMARE,I Yearling Colt 1 Cow, 1 new"!
(heavy with calf,) 1 Fat émr, 1 Sheep, 1.
-‘ ltocknwny, One-horse anon, Horse Genrsfi
[Saddle and Bridle, Halter and Uow Chains,
- flay bx th' ton. Alia, Household and Kitchen
11-‘nrnixurf, such as Bureaus, Tables, Chair‘s“
leeats, Bedstemis, Clock, Cook Stove nndj
:Pipe, Kitchen Cupbonlzd, Sink, Apple-butter“
‘ V'inepr and Barrels, Copper and lron'Kettlcs, ‘;
Tnhapfitnnds, Spinninx Wheel, Queens' and,
Ejrrthemwnre, Tinrwnru; .\iattock, Axes, Shov
.cl, and many other arllcles. , I
\WSale to commence at 10 o'clock; A. BL, i
on \lfli'i day, when ntlendimce will be giyen‘
and i ms made known by l
SAMUEL unmar. ‘
' Son, Auctioneers.
‘ '3. ts -
, . imam: Sale. ,
HE subscriber will ofl'er M, publié rule, at‘
T his resident-my e mile S. W. ol ls‘nat
Berlin. Adams county,. 3., on THURSD’H,‘
‘the 2:1 glny of MARCH, ‘ 65, the foliuwing‘
pcrsonul property, Vii:
l '3 WORK HORSES“! year-l 321.1 1 two
year 0111 Colt, TVMilch Cows, 1 l- ; Steer, m
, Hogs, l Buckeye Reaper and Move ‘,'l pttentl
Hay Hake, Tumble BMO, 2 Grain D ' ls, lhe
one of [geelers' and the other of Moore’s p. ent.l
Horse-power and Thresher, Winnowiug ) ‘ l
Rolling Screen, 2 Broad-wheeled Wagons williV
ed, bows and cover, Lin"; Bed, I‘“.th e‘
8“???“ Wagon, Two-E1521“ Carriage .Bulgy
'l‘“ shafts “n”. W“; 311 W", Cart, 2 {so} Sleds,
l. T,"°‘h°“°lsh‘?tl, ,Shm Sleigh and lenl'lfl,
310 mm“! 8" W, 3 H. 513 Hay Ladders, 7 Long
I 1 “3’98"", 3. lot of S‘el Ploughn, Iron Double
e '3” rel Pitkugh, Corn Fork, 3 Hlrrows,Three
f‘ uorse Chiugntor, Single And Double-trees, 2
“Spreaders, (ii-inasmuch Cutting Box, i‘lax,
a} Break, 1 sets ofillone Gears, 1 Riding Saddle
5 and Bridle, Hal rs, Cow Chains, Log Chains,
1| l long and short Keen, two-inch Hemp Rope,
'j Stable Hook, Hoy‘qnd unsure Forks, Bake:
i find Shovels, TeprplnteSlove and Pipe, 2 Bed
-' Honda, 1 Tables, Carpenter Work‘Bench, to.
i The above articles with o few exceptions
e ' have been used but a short time, and are con
;s sequently I‘iearly nei’. , \\
d 1 @Snle to commence at N o’clockLA. 31.,
1e on said dny,whea Attendailce will be given and
vterms nude known by \ ,
Williams A
Jun. 15, I
fi‘Salb to commenu at 10 o’clock. A. IL,
on midday, when mtenJance will be given
and terms mlde known by ‘, K ‘
Jan. 23, 1865. u u, Executor.
Public Sale.
HE lumen-fiber, intending to remove, will
I ofler at Public Sale. on SATURDAY,
t e Ilh day at FEBRUARY next, at his real.
deuce. in i<ibmy lowmhip. Adaml county, the
following personal property, viz:
TWO-HORSE WAGON, Spring Wagon, a
Plonghs, Harrow, Winnowing Hill, Cutting
Box, Hny' Cutter, z «u Grantee: Plough
Gears, set of Buggy Earnest, Wheelbarrow.
Log Chain, Bay by thc lon, Camiodder,
Scythe end Snub, Paint Mill, Sign and Pipe,
Spring-em 80h, Bgdueld, Chnlrs, Sand,
mm, Clock. 1 pair Venitian Blindn, )lut
Vanni, Work Bench, Wuh Kettle. Benches,
Boxes, Berrels, and nanny. other Articles, too
numerous to mention. .
wSule to com’mence'nl l o'clock. P. 1.,
on aid dny, when nwdhdnnc: will be given and
terms nude known by '
‘ ‘ Inn. 231 1865. u- ‘ .
Valuable fors- val Property
1‘ HUBLIU SnLE—On FRIDAY, the 10th
x (In; of FEBRUARY next, the lubscnhl‘f,
intending to quit lumingnwlll sell at Public
iSale, :0. his residence. in Huntington township,
[ Adams county, about two miles trons Whites
ton and three miles from Petershnrg, the fol
lowln highly valuable personal property, via :
a 8%.“) OF HORSES, (one: young saddle
harm and plough leader, one a brood were
’with foal. nnd the other a young nddle and
IhArness mare.) 2 well-broken Moles, (filing 4
years old and will work in the lead in wagon
{or plough, or in harness,) 3 Mileh Cows, (will
lbe fresh nhout the time of sale,) 2 yearling
lCnlves, 1 Brood Sow. 8‘ Pigs, l Broad~trend
? anon, Board Box, Feed Trogh, Hay Cnrri~ ,
Inge, Wood Rigging, 2 Bolsters. is set of Dung l
Bonrda, Spruder, Single and Double-trees,:
Falling-top Buggy.‘Sleigh, Harness, Side Sad- '
dle, Plough: and llarrows, single and double {
Shovel Ploughs, Corn Corerer, Shriner Win
nowing .\lill, Patent. Hay Knife, new Wheel-'
bsrrow,Gl ind=tone. 4 lets Horse Gears, Wagon
Saddle, Wugon Whip, Wagon Line, Plough |
Lines, 6 Halters.‘ 2 sets Long Traces, Breast,
and Butt Chains, 8 Halter Chnius, 6 Cow
Chains. Pitch Forks, Manure Forks, Shaking
Forks, Rakes, Dung Hook, Shovels, Spade,
Grain Cradle, Scythes and Sunths, Bushel ,
Baskets, 2 new‘ Land Sides for York Plough. '
Hand Snw, Angers; together with Household
Furniture, such as Tables, Choirs, Wardrobe,
Parlor Stove, Wash Machine, Iron Kettle, Pot
Rock, Churn, Meal: Vessels, Barrels, Benches,
Tubs, Apple-butter by the crock, and 1 large
number of other articles, too numerous to
mention. ,
fisale ‘o commence gt 9 o'clock, A. 31.,
on said 11:}, when Attendance will be given
and term: made known by
. S. 0. BROWN.
L. W. Haiku. Auctioneer.‘
Jun. “5, 1865. m
- ‘ Pubhc Sale. .
X WEDNESDAY, the Bth (by of FEBRU
ARY next, the subscriber, intending to
go West, will sell at Public Sale, at his resi
deuceL in Mountplessnnt township, Adums
county, one mile and a "quarter south of Gol
den’s Station, the following personal property:
2 BROOD MARKS, with foal, l Three-year
old end 1 Yearling Colt. 4~ Cows, 8 head of
Young Cattle, 3 Sheep, 2 Bows and Pigs, 3
Shoats. l Three-horse Wagon, Spring Wagon,
Lime Bed, Huy Carringes, Rocknway Buggy
(nearly new) and Harness, Sleigh, Winnowing
.\lill, Cutting Box, Horse Rake, Land Roller,
Plough: and Narrows, Cultivators, Shovel
Plonghs, Corn Fork, Wheelbarrow, Double and
Single-trees. Three-horse-tree, Spreader, 2
sets Breechbonds,‘ 2 sets Cruppers, Riding
Saddle and Bridle, Bridles and Collars, 2
Luther Lines, Halters and Chains, Log Chain,
Breast Chains, Butt Chains, llaiil and Wedges,
.\lnltock, Axes, Shovels end Forks, Rukes,n
lot of Hogsheads‘ Wood Saw, II lot of Carpen
ter Tools,(§min Crndle, Clover Cradle, Seythes
and Srinths, Mixingfl’rough, Grindstone, 2
scope of Bees, Bushel Basket, Half-bushel.
Also, ll‘ousehold ‘nnd Kitchen Furniture,viz:
5 Bqutends, Bureaus, Safe,\Corner C phoard,
2 Dining Tables, 3 sets Chairs. 3 l{lnciting
Chulrs, Chest. Sink. Cnrpeting, Stand, Clock,
Looking Glasses: Queens-warm. Tin-ware,
Crockery-ware, Cook Stove and, Pipe, Ten
plute Stove und Pipe, Pots, Pens. Tubs, Qhuru,
Iron Kettle, Bmss Kettle, Boxes, Barrels,
Benches, Meat Vessels, “eat by the pound,
Apple-butger, l'otntoes by the bushel, and a.
great many other articles, too numerous to
Valuable Persofnal Froperty
A 92h day of FEBRUARY next, the sub
scnber, intending to quii. forming, will sell at
Public Sale, at his rerideince, in Reading town
ship, Adams county. PM“ nhont. one mi’e and
it half north of llamptorl, Ind hall‘s mile east
of Adam S. Myer-s’s norq, the following volun
hlo personal property, Vila: ,
' 2 WORK MAKES, 4pr3, Sheep and Hogs.
Karmic—trend Three-horse Wagon, with Lime
Bed, Haj'farringcs, Winnowing .\iill, Cutting
Box, Grindstosne, Plonghs, H.-rrows, Single
' ~ ~ and Double hovel Piouvhs, Corn Forks
JM‘ 1.6.1565. “A, - > _ __ ‘Single and Double-Heed, Binge Gears, Ridipg7
Saddle and Bridchlallnr’Chnius, Cow Chains
vahgable, 2812891131 PFOKPFrfiy Rakes, Forks, and ninny other farming utensils:
AT I K [3le bALb"‘O“ THL’RJ "‘3 the I Also, Household nnd Kitchen Furniture, such
2d «lay-of .SIARCEI next? Lht subscriber, as Beds and Bedsteods, Bureaus, Tables,
intending to quit. tanning, Will-E913: in Pub Chairs, (‘ook Stove and fixtures, Ten-plate
Sale, at his rQSldencc,' in i mou townah Stove and Pipe, ”on Keitlo, Qua-“ 3“,.”
Adams couniy, about. millwayhelwoenlmtlea- Tin-ware. Crockery-ware, \Vuh Tubs Meal
town and Connwngo Chapel, the .(ollowing Vessel, Borrelsflioxes, and A Variety oi‘ other
highly valuable personal prdperty, VII. : _ articles, too nui‘eroua to “ eniion
5 HEAD 01" WORK HORSES 3 C 01”! “"0 fiSale to commqnm: MlO o'oloék A\l
years old and 2 one your olxl, 8 Cows, 2 Heifers, on said am, when n' rendanéo will b; “:9;
I We‘ll. ll Shouts, 3 Brood Sows, 3 anons, and terms like know; 1: " g
(l bromlolrrad, l narrowvlrond and 1 one- _ » . ‘ 3 JOUV )IILLER
horse.) Spring Wagon, Cart mid Harness, Log , ‘ '
Sled, Sleigh, Manny Reaper, “innowing Mill,
Patent llny Rulu‘. 2 pair [lay/Lililders (us good‘
as nnv,) Thu-shin: .\lnch’inc/Slone BedJVngon‘
Bed. 6 hits of Horse Gents, Wogdn'Snddle.
cuum, imam, 2 sets Cordage 11min, 1;“.
mm, (low Chains, 4 Pl’onghd, 2 Hurrawa, 1
large Shovel Harrow, 2 Corn Forks, 2 Shovel
Ploughs. Roller, Corn Shelle‘r, Jack-screw, 2
Log Chuins, Fifth L‘h'in, Bu“ Chains, Breait
Chuine, Spread”, ”humble and Singlodrrh,’
Cradle, .\IdUUCKSfléhOVCIE, Pick, Fox... Dung
Forks and Baker. with many other farm arti
cl”; A 130: /Beds and i’L-dslemle, Tables,
Chairs, Bureau, Chestsl Kitchen Cupboard,
Cooking Stove, Ten-I.lm Store, Parlor Stove,
Mom Yessblé, Barrels, and n. anxiety of oiher
“Hid“: tho numerous to mention. ‘
33.5%?! N: Commenéc at. mo'chckh A. 51;,
01‘ Sfiid/ day, when attendance ‘will be given
and Ms made' known by
555.9?1e to commcnre at 9 o‘clock, A. .\l.,
on said day, when utteniunce will be given
and terms made knowmby .
. 10!”? N. MILLER.
'hcpi) Klnnk. Auctioneer
_‘ Jan.l6, 1865. (3"
\ Treasury Department.
l ()th omCoupruoanzn or ran Gunmen}
‘ WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 1864.
HE AS. by satiaiactory evidence pre
-5‘ same to thc undersigned, it. has been
made to nppen thnt giTHE GETTYSBURG
NATIONAL BAN ”in be Borough of Gettys
hnrg, in the Counlw Adams, and State of
Pennsylvania, has bee duly organized under,
and according to, We refinements of the Act.
of Congress entitled “An AN go provide a. Na
cionnl Currency, secured by n)lgdge of United
sum Bondy, and to provide forxgbe Circula
tion and rtdemption thereof," approved June
3, 186}, and has complied with nl Q; pro
visions of said act required to be on pli with
before conlmencing the bulineu {sh-mg
under said act: _ -
Now, therefore, I, HUGH McCULLOCH,
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certi
BANK," in the Borough of Gettysburg, in the
County of Adams, and State 0! Penuaylvnnta,
is authorized to commence the husinésn of
banking under the m. aforesaid. 7 =
In qutimony whereof, witness‘my had and
pk set! of Office, this eighth day of De.
{sun 1 cember, "64. _
‘ Comptrollex oi the Cnrrenry
Rec. 19, 1864. 211: V
i , Dissolutlon.
HE\pnrtnonhip heretofore egilting be
tireeg the undersigned, under the name
and 11-yle ‘nf FAHRESTOCK BROTHERS, in
this day dissolved by mntnel content-James
F. Fnhnestock‘retiring.
HE nndereigud, remnim’ning partners of
wi I continue the bulimia~ at the same place,
under the lame name end style of firm.
Jan. 9, 1865. -
Pictures ! Pictm‘es!
EV! MUMPER lnving purchased Samuel
prepared to e ccntc work in his line equal to
day ell-blish en: in the State. If you desire
a good likens , finished according to thelncn
improyejnents in tbe'nrc, call at the above
loug-establishqd Gallery, in West Middle
"net, Gettysburg. [Jam 9, 1865.
Give Him a Call!
HE piece to obtain a perfect Photograph or
Ambrotypa, executed in the best manner,
is n )lUHPER'S GALLERY, in Middle street.
Jan. 9, [865.
Do You Wish
0 prom" . soon likened of yourself,
T your children, or your friends? go I:
one. to MUMPER’S GALLERY, the best pin:
in the county to "cure first. aim pictngl.
Jun. 9, 1863. . v:
{‘A Picture. “hm at. MUHPEB'S SKY
IGH'I' GALLERY. on Well Middle IL, no
tanning uninrul Mtention. Goddjndgel
pronounce chem mperiot to any ever taken in
this place. 'O." nndfexsmine for younclves.
‘ Jan. 16,18“. ’
Registers Notice.
NOTYEE is hereby givento All Legneeund
other persona concerned, thn‘. the.Ad
miniltration Accounts hereinafter mentioned
will bd presented at the‘ Orphun's Conrt'of
Adunl county. fdr confirmation and luau-nee,
on TUESDAY, the 213! day of FEBRUARY,
18135.:th o’clock, A. M . viz:
[25. The acoqunt or Wm. Gninn, Ad
ministrator of Jwe Hornet, deceaned.
126. The third and final account ofJohn
Wisler And Jacob Wisler‘ Eteculors of the
In: will and testament. of John Wialer, de
oeaqed. '
127. The account of Jesse Lens, Admin
istnwr of the estate of Micbnel As r,‘dec.
128. The first account of Dr. mob P.
Smith, Administrator 0! the estate of Jacob
Smith, deceased. .
129. The first and final accouni of Solo
mon Bendeg, Executor of Honrvaender,
law of Medallen township, Adunicounty.
deceased. ‘ "
130. Guardianship account ofJaco’i; Fox-st,
Guardian of Annie Lnnrn Imrewg,’ minor
chi] “Benjamin Latex", deemed;
131'. Firs‘ account of‘Henry Chgz, Ad
ministrator with the mil annexed dJlai-y
Elizabeth Clutz, deceased. §
132. First 3nd find account of Richard
Trimmer, Administrator of Peter Hobble.
deceased. ‘3l
133. The first and firm! n¢ounfi_ fWil
linm J. Peters, Adminisllmlgr of Sigaiinah
Peters. decened. ; / $3
134. First. and final accoimt of Bzgjamin
P. Thomas, Administrglpbr of H ry M,
Thoma, deceased. _/_ N {3:
135. The nacunt of}? Amos
mlnistntor of Johh by Black.
Registrar’s omce, Get! sburg,
‘Jan.23,lses. c" . }
Pu 1c Sale.
N TUESDAY/the 2m. day or
nex’t, the subscriber, inter
farming, will "'ll at Puhfic Sal
deuce, in Bending towns‘hip, A\
he.“ a mile frfirm Hamptop, the ’
song] gropeflz, viz:
2‘WORK,HOI’ISES, 3 Cows. severaEPind of
Young Came, Sheep, wa Wagons, (617 two
horke ling/the other one-hprse.) Springi'fhgon,
Rocknw ‘ Buggy and Harness, Lime ‘ , Hay
Car‘ria/éa; Sleigh and Sledfl‘hreshingl ' hine,
Grain ill, Circular Saw‘, shriner Wi owing
Hill,,oulting Box, Horse fluke, Plough Har
rowa, Cultivators, Shovel ‘Plnughs, Coré’orks,
Meadow Roller, Double slid Single-tree ' a. va
riety of Horse Gears, Riding Saddle an ridle,
Rakes. Forks, Shorell, Iglnnorka, Hay y ibe
ton and Gus by the bushel, and a grfinv. va
riety of other articles, to» numerous' 1; men
‘tion. ‘ 9 ,4
#8319 to commencei at 10 o‘clockgA. 3]..
on said day, when attegldauce will beEgiven
and terms made known by , , ‘ , ‘ ‘
L. P. Wrnlke, Auctioneeq. ‘
Jun. 9, 1865. ts
Jan. 2, 1865. m
Herbst’s Line.
'l‘ms‘. undersigned wquld inform the public
1 that ho is still running a line of FREIGHT
CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore every
week. He is prepared to convey freightcither
wey.inengqunutily. llcwillatlendnfdesired,
to the making of pnrclmseeiu the éity, and de-_
livFring lhe goods promptly at Gettysburg.-—-
His cars run ‘0 the Warelipuse of J. H. Boeley
203 North street, Baltimore. lie invites the
attention of the public to his line, assuring
them‘ thm he will spxre no effort. to accommo
date all who Inky patronize him.
HAY WANTED. The highest. price paid
{or good Timothy. V K
Oct. 24, 1864. SH ‘ . _
Raw & Woods,
WAR AGAINST man'rmcnsx '
When w; any we wiil sell good: at
we mean what we say and will do it.
We hep constantly qn band a large anon
mem of .
whiuhmill be sold cheaper than tliey can be
bought elgewheru
Our anonment of
for men, wmnén ind children, is made up of
the ban qualities and styles, and sold cheap.
Our flock cousin“ in pxnt 0! A
CAPS, ‘ ' . TOBACCO. ,
womxs, , PURSES,
xccoansoxs, POCKET KNIVES,
UHBRELLAS, an, ac., &c., tea. ac.
Jun. 2, 1866
. Globe Inn,
you: ‘n‘., In: ‘73: when,
ETTYSBURG, PA.—'l‘he undenigned
would no“ respectfhlly inform hll nu
meroul frioudl Ind the public geneerly, that
he bu purchued that long enabliahed and
well known Hotel, tho “Globe Inn,” In York
lii-eat, Getty-burg, and will spare no eflort to
conduct it in I manner lhll will not detract
from its former high reputation. “is table
mll hue the best the market. can afford—his
chambers are spacious and comfortable—and
he has laid in for his hat a full stock of wines
and liquors.lfihere is large slnbling attached
to the Hotel, which vnll ha Mtemlgd by Atten
tive holtleu. It will be his constant Indosvor
to reudgr the fullen lotiul‘action to his guests,
making his home as uenr 3 home to them on
youlbla. Ho uh o lbnn of the pnblio'o po
trounge, data-mined Is he is to. deserve; large
put of it. Remember. the “Globe Inn" in in
York street, but neu the Diamond, or Public
April {sB64. a ‘
Sale Crying.
W.!'LEMMIXG continues the business
A. of ALE OBYING, Ind solicits the con.
tinned pun-mugs of tin public. ' It in his can
usntcnduvor to site satisfaction. Chm-gen
modoiute. Bald-nu in Breckiuridge street,
Gettysburg: ‘
P. B.—-Ea/i| I “ruled Auction", under the
T. Luv of tha Uliud Sum. '
Nona”, 1863-. <
' ' ADIES’ 03358 tglnuiszTFEeE;
L risky, n . - \gcmcx's;
l, l :
i Tax and Mlhtary gppeals.
‘ HE Commissioners of Adnms county h-re.
l by give notice that they have fixed upon
t no following times and plncu for the holnlipg
of Tu and Military Appeals for l‘B6'n, in tho
‘ sever-l borough.a Ind lownlblw of Adams
fconnly, when use! where "my will attend to
‘ hear appenla, between "a huurs of 9 o'clock,
*A. 31., und 3 o’clock, P. 51., or each day, It
‘ follows :
Eor the mwnnhlp of Oxford. on, Mondlyfilc
30th ofJnnu-u‘y, u the house of 650.313)“,
in New Oxford. . ’ ‘
For the townlhip um! borough of Bax-wick,
on Tuesday, the 3151. of January, at lhe home
of Franms J. Wilson, In Abbozmoyn.
For the township of Hamilton, on Wednes
day. the m 0! February, 1!. me house of Dan
iel Becker, in But Berlin.‘ '
For the town-hip of Raiding, on Thursday,
the 2d of Februery, at the house of Robert M.
Dicks, in Hampton.
For the township of Huntington, on Friday,
the 3d of February, It the house of Mr). Red,
in Petersburg.
For the township of Lntimore, on Saturday,
the 4th ot February, at the house or .\er. Red,
in Petersburg.
For the township of Tyrone, o‘n .\lunniny, tin
6th of February, at the house oi .\tleu .\l.
Cook, in Hoidieriburg.
Fix the township of Men-lien, on Tuesday,
the 7th or February. at the house of Chnrlel
Myers, in Bendereville.
For the township of Butler, on Wednewd iy,
the Bth of Februl‘ry, It ghe house of Henry
Hertzell, in Middleto'n.
For the township of Frouklin, on Thorldey.
the 9th of Febmlry, ot. the house of Mrs.
Brough, near Hilltown.‘
For the township of Hemiltonbnn, on Mon.
day, the 13th of February, at the house of A.
Beuchoof, in Fairfield.
For the township of Liberty, on Tuesday,
the 14th 0' February, et HeDivit'l Mill, in
Liberty township. M
For the township of Freedom, on Wednes
day, the lSih of FPh'l'llzlr'f, ul;the home 0!
Samuel .\ioritz,in Freedom township. '
For the township of Cumberland, on Thurs
day, the itilh ot Februury, at. the hum-e of
Francia Bream, in Cumberland township.
I‘m the township of Highland. on Fri-lay,
the thh ot‘i’t-hrunry, at. the house ot_Fi-.mcis
Bream, in Cumberland township.
For Ihe lmroughofGonyshury. on Saturday
the ISM: of Fobrunty, at 'he Commits-inner:
Oflice, in Lieu) sbnrg:
Commissioners of Adams manly.
Amish—J. M. Walter, Clerk.
Dec. ‘26, 1864. td '
100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. ‘
TEW FIR.“ Al‘ THE ' '
WM. E. RIDDLE/I'B CO. would iniorm the
public that they ‘lnn leased the Warehouse ,
on the corner of Shelton street and the Rail
road, in Gettysburg where they will carry on
all its branches. The ighest prices will al
ways he paid {or ‘
, curls, OATS, ‘-
. HA 'a: 5m ; {
Dried Fruifi, Nuts, Soap, ams, Shonl ers and l
Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the ,
country produce line.‘ " * ,
Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups,Tous,Spices
Suit, Cheese, Vinegar, Sodn, Mustard, Starch, ‘
Brooms. Buckets, Blucking, Brushes, Soaps,
$6. Mao COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, kc.—
FIS’J of all kindg; NAILS AND 'SPIKES;\
Smoking Ind Chewing Tobaccos. ‘
They are Ilways able to supply a first rate
nrticle of FLOUR, with the difl'erent kinds of ‘
FEED. - 7 J
and: other Ifertilizers.~ WCOAL, by the
bushel,lon. or car lg;d._ i .
Their Cnra run to Baltimofe and buk [wire
:1 w‘eek, Ind they will be happy to carry goods
either way at modernbe chargesi Mnrketmen
country merchants, In}! ofners, will find it. ‘
their advantage to imf’onize this line.
They Mia share ofthe pnblic's cnabom,nml
Will spare no efiofl to rendermauafaction 10
all, seller: or buyers. ' J .
WM. E. BIDDLE ll CO. .
Aug. 22, m 4. tf ‘
Hardware and Grocenes.
HE subscribers have jun "turned from
the 'cities with an immune lupilly o!
ARDWABE & GBOCERIES, 'which they are
ofl‘ering at their bld stand in} Blltxmore street,
:1 prices to suit. the times. Our stock consist:
in pay: of -
OILS, EALVTS, to“ are. There in no "tick
included In the several department! mention’éd
above but what. can be had at this Store.—
Every clus of Mechanics can be accommodated
here with tools Ind findingl,and Housekeeper"
can find every Iflicle in their line. Give 11l a
call. as we‘nre prepu-cd to 101 l u low for cdlh
as any house out of the city.
Gettysburg, May 16. IBM. -
t Corner of the Diamond. The snbeeriber
is constantly in receipt of fresh goods from the
Eutern cities. Hie stock of
is one of the largest and most attractii'e, u
'rvell u the cheapest establishment of the kind
in the country. You will there find COATS,
PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most
fnshihnsblo styles, and of the but mnterinls,
of 1“ sizes sud prices, for men snd'boys.—
Gentlemen’s iurnishing goods of every descripa
tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory
Shins and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and
Cotton Drawers, Hosiery ofevery description,
Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand
kerchiets. Neck Tics, Grants, Linen and Paper
Collnrs, Hats; Caps, Boots and Shoes. Um
brellas, Trunks, anices, Carpet Bags, Clothes
and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes,
Shoe Blacking, Pocket and Dressing Combs,
Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks nml Jewelry,
Gnns, Pistols, \‘mlins and Violin Strings,
Soaps uud Perfumerics, Stationery of all kinds,
Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac
co, Pipe‘s, an extra quality of Segars. In fact,
his stock embraces everything usually found
in s. first class furnishing store. I invite the
nttention of all to come and see for themselves,
u [am determined to sell goods lower than
my other establishmentin the country. Don't
forget the plece. Corner’ot York street end
July 4, 1864. .
New Establishment.
0013 AND SUUEi.-——The subscriber-Te-
B IpecQully announcer m m, Citizens of
Gettysburg and the publlc generally, that he
has opened I new BOOT AND SIIUE
establishment, in Clmmberibnrl street,“
Genyalmrz, one door from the qué
Store ofA. D. Bnehler, where he is firepnred
lo manufactun Boots nnd Shoes of every de
scription.‘ Gentlemen'l Bo‘ots and Short mud.
in the moat subrtnmlul mnnnor. Ladle-Work
done up gently and upon thg shorten notice.
All kinds of repairing promptly attended to.
Our work will be found ltrong, neatnnd cheap.
WO. will gnu-Me: dur work to we" Ind fit.
[am determined to putvnp better and cheaper
work than any" other eiubliahmem in town,
snd would therefore solicit.» than: of public
patronnge. Cull and cumin. our work and
give u: a trial; B. P. BBADEN.
1nn.2,1364. tf
‘ XCELSIOR l . ’
The Exceloior Washing memo is tha bin:
in the World. Call 9nd cumme it at any.—
Ufice u the Excelsior Sky-light Gallery. ‘
E In" Just Haiti-d I aerial-ohm L
W of Qaeenlwnre, Lo whhh we invite Luge
nmlion 0! hair!/ A. SCOTT 8 80K.
‘o'rmx GLOVE. r.» Men and Boys. on
(J M hm] eke-a M ‘ fiClllL‘K’S.
Great Attraction
A. on: wntuq'mn. “r"
Dyamm'e haiku following $.14; 50m
m. A comm! pun Olympians at up 28
of the ltomnch. ~ '
2d. flatulence and Add“).
3d: Costiyénus and Loss of A elite, ‘
“h. Gleam Ind Dvprcssim amid":
sth. Dim-rim: r, with piping. 4
Mb. Pain in‘Lll parts 0! the Syn“)...
7th. Consumpth'a Sympxom- Ind Pnlpllig
lion of the Hun. ‘
Bth. Conéh, with Phlegm In tha Throat.
9th. Nervous Affection, 39¢ ‘wmt of 51999
at night. , -
10th. Lou‘of Appetite and Vomiting. -
luh. Diulnel‘a, Dimnen’n of Viuan, ud
Loss oraigm. . _ . _ -
12th. Head-elm ind Suzgorlngjn talking,
Vichy-oat Wedsneu. < ‘
Out oflhe :houmnds‘of cues of Dyspepaln ,
‘fbnl, have and Dr. Wiqh [3-111 Grout .hn-rlmn
Dylpt‘piifl Pills, no} one ol‘thmu hnn failed 0!
a pcrfectrure. We warmm a cure ~ll: every
use, no mutter if of hunty yearq’ shunting.—
chH by wll drnmii‘p gyvrywhcrc. and at Drt»;
.\\'i-}mrt'a office, No. I? \\. vanrl agnet,
Philadelphia, Pu. All em: iug'diuns and can: I
lululious Irv:- ut chwrge. gum! (urn circular, c
Price $1 W hux. Sent F} unil, rl'rgo 0r
chargo, on receipt of monei. ‘ . ,‘
DYSPEPSM, nvsmrsm, m‘é'pnpsm
l, Euunnru Banjos, or Brandy-wine, Del ,
formerly of Old ”heater, Dcl.. do certify that, ,
for one year nnd A half! suffered every‘blu; ‘-
b-It desth from that. gum! disease enlledDys: ,
pepsin. My whole system w‘ns prosthted‘vqlth '
weakness and nervous“ debility; Icould not ‘
digest my food: ii‘l me er‘on n cracker or the ‘ ‘
smallest amount offood,ltwauld return just
as lswnllou‘wl it; I became no rnstlre in my
bowels that I would n'it hrn'v u pagmge in loss '
than from four nnd omen tight (2 gm; under
this immense suffering, my m‘nd seemed cu- -;
lirely to give wny. lhnd dr‘tmllul horror] and ‘”
e\ il furebmlinga. l ihonght,m'eryhmly hntrcl '
me, and I hated m-rczybody; I could n6l bear >
my hu'slmnd no: my own children, everytl‘lng
appeared :3 he huruor stricken to me; l hu-l
.n” mnhition t 1) do nnx thing; {lost all my love! ‘
in! family land home: l would rnmirle and wan-t,
der (mm plum- to place. but. could not be con- ~
tented; 1 MI. that l mu doomed to hell, em!
Imm there WM no-hl‘tuu fut me, um} was ob ‘
,ten tamptmlvtn co unity m tide, so near «an
‘ my whole mrt'dnj "plum drum) ml, and :vlm
my mind, Imm lhnvl‘nuful «‘0 nplmhi, qunep
‘ sin, that my friems thought hlfalvto lmve mu 1
‘ placed in Dr. Klrkbride‘a Hospital. West. PMS?
ndelphin; I remained there nine nun-l 11, em]!
thought I was A little better, but”. .t in» d-up
my dreadful complaint was raging: as hui u
,ever. Hearing of the wontlertul curt-a er
lormed by Dr. Wisbnrt’l Great Amoriutu lgys’a
: pepsin Pills end his treatment hr l‘yspt'pli t.
my husband called on Dr. Wishart and state.)
my case to him. He slid he hvtd no doubt 'he
would cure me. i 80 in three dam: utter I call
’ ed and placed myself undorthe llut‘tor‘s treat.-
menthand-in tivo we‘eks I begmz‘lo digut. my'
food, and felt that my disuse w.” fiF'. pit-lug
wnyfnnd I continued to recover for nhuul. thn .-
mnnyhs, a“ M. the present time I an) ’3'. per.
foot health of batty and mind, and l mint. urn.
cerely return my thanks to n mercit‘nLfionl nn‘d ‘
Dr. Wishnrt, and to his great. Auxeri- an "ya.
pepsin Pills and Pine Tron an' Curdlnl Ihu
saved me from an Insane Asylum and premu
tare grave. All persons suffering with Dye
pepsln are at liberty to call on mo or wrluku
‘1 am willing to do all the good I cm for inf.
‘fering humanity. Emunn-ru BRAFIOI. -
‘- Brendymne, Del.‘, formerly of Oldcm-stor,
I Delaware county, PI. \ 3
Dr. Wlshnrt‘s Office, Xe. to North Second'
Blreetl Philadelphia.
Dr. Wishart :—i hose been is constant sui- ;
filter with Dyspepsia to; the ‘lsst eighteen
years, during which time \k‘plnfl'o! any that I
ever enjoyed n‘periectly well day. There were
times when the symptoms were more eggs-ave.
ted this fit others. nnthen it seemed lrw'onld '
he s great relief to die. [had at all times no
unpleasant feeliniin my head, but'nturlym‘y
ufi’erings so muc increased that [became in;
most unfit for business ofnny kind; my thing!
was continonlly filled with gloomy thoughts
and Ipssbodings, and ii I nttempbed to chsngs -
their current by reading, at once is sensation
of icy coldness in connection _with 5 dead
weight, I: ‘it were,rested upon my brain; nlsp,
a feeling of sickness would occur—n the stoma
ach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied,
with which was the continual {on of lon-hit
my reason. I also experienced great buss.
tude, debility sud nervousnessfsrhieh mode it
difficult to Walk by day or sleep at night. I
became nverse to society, and disposed only to
seclusion, and hnving tried the skill'ofn num
ber of eminent physicians o! vnrinus scho‘ols
finnlly cmne to the conclusion that. for this
disease in my present age (45 y‘enrs) there wls
n 3 cure inexistence. But, through the inter- '
(ounce of Divine Providence. tn whom-l ile- -
voutly ufler my thanks, l‘nt lsst found it sove
: reign remedy in your Dyspefisls Pills and Tar .
l Cordinlmhich seem tohnve sflectnully remov- l
led almost the in" trace of my l-vng list of all.
‘ menis and bad feelings, and in their plan
‘ health. pleasure nndcontentment Iraqi) euryi'
‘ day companions. Jusls 11. Ssexnsu, , -
l .\'o. 453 North Second 81., Philadelphia“ .
‘ Formerly of Woodhury, NHJ
A POSITIVE cum: ron nrsflmi‘i. g
BIA! WHAT XI. Jon! I. lAICOCI l‘rli
. No:1028 Olive Slru t, a 1
_l Philadelphia, Jan. ted, 1863.} ‘\
Dr. Wish xt-Sirz—lt ll with much plu- ’
ante that l 3111 now able to inform you that, by I
the use of your great American Dyepepelq‘l
rim, 1 hate been entirely tumors! that no“ :
diureuing complaint,_ Dylpopeln. 1 had been .-
grlevoully eflicted for the lust twentyvei‘ht
years, and for ten gem of diet time have not
been free from it: pain one week In a time. h:
hue had it in in w’ont form’nd here dengged ;
on as man ,minnble existence-in pnin day ;
and night. Every kind of—l-‘ood that lan 811- ‘
ed me with wind and pain, it mule-red not how ‘
light. or how small the quantity. A coniinued' .
belching was sure to follow. I had no a npe. ;
tile for any kind: of menu wlmwrer, am! my ,
distress FBI to great for wrernl month: before ‘
I heard ofjour Pills, thel‘l fnqucutlyvlshed .
(or death. I had t-uken everything that I hurl ‘
heard of for Dyspepsia. Without. roqeiving any i
benefil; butou your l'ills being recommended
to me by one who had been cured by them, I*.
concluded to give than A Hill, Illhoughl bad
no inith in them. To my astonishment, I
found myself getting better beforeJ hld taken .
one-fourth or. box, and, after mixing lmli I
box, I am a we" man, and can eat anything ImiJ.
and enjoy I hearty maul three lines I an},
without inconvenience from anything I eat or
drink. if you think proper. you are at liberty,
to make this public nml refer to me. I Will
cheerfully gin: all desirable information to any
one who mny call on me.
Yours, i-enpoc‘fully, Jan: H. Bucoox
For sale at Dr. Wisbart's Medical Depot, No
10 North Second lulu-t, rPlnlndl-lphin,fxt.-—.
hire on Dollar per but. Sent by mm, f“.
of charge, on tccoxpt ol'pricc. , ' '
”flu above In a few thong thy Well!!!“
which thin grout. remedy Ila-"M Em In
untimelygruc. . ' 9f; '
We have thonmnda pf mm- M pin-i.
clunl gnd dru—gghu iho bure‘prusabsd ltd
told thm Hcdlciuu, laying um xhgjuhn
”urged or .016 In medicine whx‘rhmheh
'uhoml uu‘shmiou. ~ “' “-' “Inf
Prepared only by‘flfe Profirielbyl :. I“
r 7!( iSif : ( " ..* 7
' x°-’°3°**§§§°§smg
L. ... «.5 six-uh, W
. ‘ ‘ ; PL; mm
Sold by Drugglsu +lO. ”'5“; ‘ ~ ¢
' ‘ . ' “3:354“ ~
In“ 25. w'hi'u. I: _ 1‘9“,“