The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 30, 1865, Image 2
Q 3 MI U , 121 's‘“ , T. ~ « @Wm O ('1! FHA ‘12,. .... .... I. I. STAIN-L, IDITSI AVD PROHI‘TOB GETTYSBURG. PA uox’nu' Mdgmxo, JAN. 30.93“ . nfiA committee appointed by “u;- Leg hhtnro 93H; Washington to make uh af fort to have :hequotn ohhe State reduced has returned. and although no ofijcifl un~ nouncemem has been mz'sdn nt'th‘e‘ {sch-it in understood‘ Lhaj. llmy were measurably at! cesaful, and (um! the ulsjual decision, of #5; nulhorifiir‘s in paddling the enormous goon. ol nufly 67,000 on Penmylvnnia but been recalled, and that the number will be muchlem. ' ”A’eonvemion or publi-hen will be hgld n Hnailburg, qn Thpnday. Febrbinry wags“, for m puma-iv petitioning Cong’rcfi in fnvqr ol‘ the. repulvbf the 51m} .on payer, End of taking such other action «I may Mdeemed Mneficfnl to the busi neu of primers and fiululisheyu. The pub lishen of the Stalo axon rupee—(fully request «:l to mend. - “ ‘ I ‘ ~M.“—‘~—-fi“~ _ ‘Q'We d) not gnu-rally attach no}: im'portance lonev‘v'lp-pgr rumors {cour templated Cubihoi changes, but. the} is oh odor of ptofinbimy gbout some ch'angee which n Wuhingtnn coneapondem of the New York World uyqaro like}? {9‘ take pllcen Sehator Morgan. ofNéw Yo: , it it full] nil} (Aka Mr. Fessendefi'l phicy the 'Tnuury,’ finding Seward uiillni‘ep utiof ghe'stumpép-ritment imhp ucnqa seat in the Sen\te. Mr. A' 5, Mi isfld ‘to England, in n ed asaSeqrelary of ‘lghlt in :ombryo. F K"; A; \ . ’ "Emmi! Paflefm': yorl.-Gene£hl Ya!- tonon has It lMt pubmked his history of Jhe famousQWinch'ester clgnpnign. {t is 3 flh elgpomtbfiefence of his opqrationL-Pnd gou‘fsrztowarda firming (bulbs bitlle ’ 9! Bull Skull wag ‘losy through howl} of ‘ 2his. f:Gemmgl Pigtggnlon produces x his A :finmphlet I lenar from Pr'euidept.’ Lincoln. .who «rim; .“1 Im unpbla 30 see thu yoix could have done nnytbifig else than yßu did do. Ysu'r hand; wed tjed i you obey ed your order-a. and did your duty, and 1 gm satisfied with your conduct." General Thoma; who was in Gen. Patterson’s oom -ml.nd at that-'fime, also approve: his con .dgnt, ' ‘ ’ ‘F , ‘ "‘ fii’revioua to the He erection evgry’ g McClellau man wu 'de-ounoéd u trebgl {zijymguhizor' amL‘n ”mm, who dyed to ‘ ; give Itmnnce'w h’is convictiofi- flu! in the 3, even; of Mr. Lincoln'n re-election another .drqflgoqld beine‘v'iuble. ”..v . ~ IRSinm’bryTnst theaArlminish-a -tion hujuged calls, ‘and ordered mm, l-for a million and mhalfol men. . ‘ p“n“l‘he [wife of Geri. Grain! hu be!!! pre tented by the citizéns obeilgdelphin, wifh sulidence oqstirig $50,000. and the widpw of Gen, D 533, fiirney with g 110 m; éosging 310.000, wh‘fle 529,000 bnvp buy,xnv'ee.ted for her benefit. 4 , . ~ ~——~—-———-o - o—-—-—-v . 5" ”According to _the correspondent of the Philudellmial’rcga with the Irmy ohhe Jamel. Geri; Bum}, after a {“6 we?!“ rest, _will receiveg command in_ Kentucky. , ‘E‘g-‘fhere vna'tov'be no more drafgifig if t e: pooph' would only fit-elect Autumn §Lixfcoln.. 80 said the Abqlilion lenders gut fall’before 51:9 glection. The ‘lfex'no cntio pm: told' in .regderp if Lincgln‘ my} {reelected there wpuld'he‘ mogher dg‘aft. Be» yflare Swing, ,—Which wag r‘iglgtr _ , ' fiTho .W'nsh‘mglon‘ ‘9orrespopdenfi of the New York Eyre” pay. “Lint the in» preuion :- incregsing there “at the‘Nlpw. Yyrk hotel fires were’ men pnfitieil pyto {echnics got. up (a pm New York under hintial Im." _ ‘ ‘ " ’ "The following is from I spaech fgom Hr. Senator S-ulslmry. of Delawgrg, who vilyl he lan it. from ~a letter from, a distin guished gqnllemnn in New Orleans ton pet‘- mnil nndpoliticnl friend of mg Eqaideny's in. Washington: . ._ _ . , .» ,' fin ,rhysj Ago X was shown am ofiicinl re. \pb t Co We unliury head at this depart § t, Gen‘. Banks, exhibittnfi the €ltu ‘1 of eighty thousand laVel' "in? “a inco the Federal occupation 0 "e oiely of this oommon'wenhh. 1 fifty per cent. of the entire 7 lhe‘section ofthe coun‘ ‘ \‘w": , . A. . mnmx perinheb she stunner 'l‘bi; is equ-J | Have populnli'on x Ir}! embrsk‘ed in ma " ‘fi‘flxe special Congreh‘iegnllcommittee to whom ..., referred the resolhtion of Hon. .lieorge H. I'endlelon. at the ImFsgssiofi, ,“to provjdq that the bend: of the ekxec‘m‘ge depu tmpnts my Aoccupy Beg-gm llne’fiudr‘ of the Houoqof Bepxeaentptivep.” lune 410:1ch the sums buck to the Homefimend ed up {PI-{oust ' , ‘ ,' "Thr‘nembgn or the Cabinet. Mull! ai all . timu l the rig)“ t 9 opcupy seats an the Sloan-9f the Home, win: the right “Hurti rcipflo in debunks app! matter. relafing on ’tho balms: 61 their rupe‘cl‘lvadepnruqema; :nud that it that! be their”. duty to al'fi'efid the Home It the olwni'ilg' of I” siflings lwo'clays' 'm cult week, to giv'e {grorrfntion in reply to such questioqs is may be [lmpounded to them by leave 61' Lha’ House." ' ' germs Néw York Tribune's Walling hm aim-«madam. says: “One of main salts of Seoratiry Slavbun'a visit to Sunn ylh if 16 .olve‘ n doubt. mo ll}. ionndneu prep‘. Sherman on {he aggro? median.” § " “in Ba!iin;;rq.!§x:;‘l‘hy§§dny week, a. awn negro loldigx- of the 233.1 regimvm (mafia wlfico meu-one n soléi'e'r. 3.1.351 Hz. 6% discharged officer. The "cbmiug 1, ’ I:.“th tubal: rapidiy at this rate. ~ ‘ ’ ‘W——~—— I ‘ I fln‘rfiey lyu expoued lb‘rnlein the I,“th gnu?“ ou'the 811:, my”! u, fills tin“ ng of “I‘2. ”Scum: year; ago this uni hank} .hug ghoughy three‘ or féur . hi. Entity. or thz'ea _b§rrqln .of men}. I ‘ mg} mg 9f: beg-f": Ilia-rye! of montage-p, i 9 quiniigfl 60590 and saga. pith a 12er Pratt: ’ ' ’ ‘N! v .__—.__m»..___-___.- . *’ "ft!” huddggd cues gt still-pox. mama» ‘Feii‘F'e-ym .. . -, ‘ . MOIL 311:! how Ihrro is much (alkfiof pubs- Hon. F. P; bl-ir, Sn, has been to fich monrl and ">ll:er Co Wanhingmn. rear ing with him an ém-r from Jrfl'ormn Davis to ’aifixor receive or nppnmt‘Cummissiqneu fit any: 'dinpfisitiun is tum") byline Ad'nfinis union to mad the movement. Blair 1;“ .pin gouflkaß Kidaiulmfislg Ind the nil-in fined win: pawns-son. (mums. gone doim lo 200 Ind docks.- Goverfiipent inrlupléul, are 'derfOlth, and selling at wmmtalively‘low 'prices. The market» also no affected ind‘tho price of produce in the,ci!iéi hll mutrridl‘y'f‘n-Hen,‘ Thalgood And patriotic men of all paities wfio'nro heartily tired of Ute 9.}. andKlOliging for the utpm afar-ca. «1-9-th to bqlie every-fume! of npyroaching wefl an unzzomly Watching to; it; dav‘yning,‘ are _.-¢ .:.- remix to bail u réal-ew'ry sign ofit, h‘ er slight. Much I: we dagire pesos for the w of_om' pimple and the ulyliioh of the try, we cutmot_s:y that the signs ufi turn- mo very wucoumging.‘ Had McClellan. rgmarka the ~York omm elected and who and. yatriqfic éonse ~ men placed in poqer, mum; cohcilil pélicy‘for their govgmmont, :9 use fled I; honorable “one; would ago? follqwbdi Ind the Quinn quld bake feitoréidh But. bemoan Alirabam Lil Ind Jefferson Davis, the oné bent on tl (ll abolition ofll very. Md the 0111 _maqnding ill.]eper;dence,-i;. Item! i hnr'd {ougreé u pop" terms for an hon lpeéc'e,‘nnq we 190 k forward to ye wutmg and blbody Wnl'. Indeed w: be fortunate ‘if we mca‘po inmrvemi Eurobean‘rpoiers, and If: addilion I: cxvil conflict we hue Che culumny of etgn war * We hd'peme may be’ mistaken, gm [he rbreukingfof the bright morni peace- is in hand; 4}.” the passion prejudices of tHone holding Ih'e dean mgr o‘filnify in bhei and: may be a I: ”at prudence, pngniém nnd‘mode may‘pravml ; that those in rebellio re’mfin to lbeir old love, and that th ing 0! the d9§e. in the l'pproucbingvs may "all be amblemnn’o or swpef reigning Ehropgliodi ('fle‘land, and 4‘ slgt'éd Udion.’ ._ _ - ‘ ~‘- fitmcos'rs or WAR. 4 It is atn‘tgti‘thll the armies _of $lllO9O have a total'u? 3,694;0U0 “Wk/00!“ ‘8 an nually $425,000,000? Russia has th‘pgiiir geiinrm‘y, numbering i,200,000 men. Thu, of France numbers ov'n- 700,000 meh. ,- This is on ‘3 peace basil. ~ If war prevnihfid the numb?! of soldiei'a' ‘wouid doubtléfl be larggly increased.— Ail this viut outlay is devoted to the wasting of human- life and' prppgrty. it. is used to destroy. not, to btiiid up. Who can estimate the good this amount. of labor could acromylish for the happiness of the hum”; race, ifit. "is em ployed in the arts of peace inmost! of War? It: is almost.“ incmcuabla.‘ ‘ln our own country, for the .pust three fem. more thm i’pifiion ot‘ men'hnve been engaged in the 'work of de'struction. consuming and dqstroyigg what has requirediyeura of indus try it: é'q‘humqlate; ,‘ ‘ ‘ I If the same efiirgy and expenditure had been used in developing the reaourceaaoi' Ilia ‘colimiy, inéreaaing :hg facilitiesl'ol‘ inv tsrcommuqiea tion and adding to all the va— ‘ rio‘qu nléageiof moxil, intelleciuol and ‘physlg cal 'impmv'emem, as has been in We civil 1 Mar which has been consuming on}; accu- ‘ imulated. Wealth", it_would‘hnve nuide us not only the strongest nitio’n upon the floogf phe garlli, but-addgd vastly to the indhfidunl wdl£eingbf tine people; The], expedience of-tl “sands of: years had‘r‘how-l puruhilevl to [earn mankind the qast of , wu, nor‘gms the boasged inmeasa injcivili-i ‘zutiqn‘afidnhriginuity diminished In the. least the resori to brute ion-pk inrthe ‘Petlla-i men} of either nqtiomil or individuaiilnfli- i oglties. In lhnt'j-egard mankind ‘l9.:an to; we made no advance upon, the dirkest" ages in thia world’srhistoxy; ‘ ' .Klrby Sytliflt Going tn th‘co ll'tlh [fit-Arm my to .1047: I‘lUllmillan.‘-we hays" from sources that. have heretofore provedttrust wor by, n rapért that KilliSmith'. the reb; el hers) comt'tsmlm’g' t e Trent-Minds si ‘ opartment, is 30mg to Magic!) with his axmy. prop’osir-g to join Maximilian.— .Such a rumor. we learn, is current. and crmlited among the St. Louis rebels; who! \ have under-ground linesot' communic‘ption,‘ i Ind kuow'wbat is gningon in southwestern; ‘ rrbeldom. just. an the Baltimore swash have. l private intelligence fmtn Richmond. Ex-‘ utl'y the unotint. of truth that. may be nov-l ered by thin repel-t it. is diflicult to ‘calcuc late. But. it. may beohserved thut indica : tions hive lam! been apparent. of some pe culiarities in Kirby Smith‘s dopartmenL— ' J! is whilperetl latterly and the inhin-J per comes from my direction of Mexico“ and the Franck people of Louisiana; that' In indepgmlem movement to ask mtatanee‘ from France anti take refuge under the' protectorate of Napalmn ha been inaugu- i mtagl in the far southwest..~omrinnhti (.‘um‘ menial, Jan. 23. .. .. t j Mr. Blair's Maxim—The Washington cnrrespogdem chum Cincinnati Enquiry, “i 9: ‘ , ' * ' Thoséwhb are i‘n confidence the White gnouse say that Mr. Lincoln is confident. “but Mr. BlOil'i preaemr mission to ,Riob lmend will Rankin um appointmem of toommisaionerg how both the Federal and ‘ Confedbmjg’ governments ; than-peace will laurel, follév‘r withfn a short p'enod. , Such Ilsa appear: to be‘the opinion ol‘a ’mtjom‘y t)! the glenocraiic Congressmen. ‘f ~ l "”7“ ‘—" - "" " ‘ 77:: fire at Bqflh/a—Lou 3750,000.+—8rr “t0. 5. Y . Jun. 26.~—Tbe fire which;btoke o'uL yesterday morning owed last nigh: by burning itselfout, and destroying :11 the buil 'ngs at the corner of “tin and‘Conn ,atreedismppingu an alley betwoén Trucey'a bridgi and the rooms of the Human! So. ciely. .v 4 ‘ ”1 ~ The American. Hotel was owned by the Broihers Michael, who are insured for $75,- 000. Thu- building mu wouh double that amount} The landlord, Mr. Hodgea, was Ilso infund. _ ' The ewish tabernacle; In slightly in: Jured. The Amman 11-" building was emirrly destroyed. It. I“ owned by E. L. Stevemon. [1131039 m" be $70,000. In' magma $30,000. ”The entire loss by the ,firepeltmuted a $750,000. 3 115m}; Robbery—Mnnvnu. Jan. 20:. can troops. in mnrching Hut way halted at. The Bank of Urn Mon-d County, 1"“ In tho. Iprjng, coliqcted the on]. and bathed i‘oLbed (“$150,000 in United Sums bond. “101110 an ynth 1%. This gave them great . fifiqevenmg. The men wvre ounce-led in “lid. Ind nd chem inunudmeh from the the back room of the bank. {The hatter, rheumatic complaint with winch many of has éccuioned intenaeexcitgmem. Nonr- them were Affected. The troopl drunk rem mva been made. but. a reward of free}! 0' "'0 "ate"; they opanted Isl 8509‘} bu been ofl'ered. ‘2‘““s 9915*" ...... l - ’ ”‘7‘”“T‘ -. link New York cri pie. whose limbs be?“ Hindi-The ”in?“ Pf benéluufl’hglow his thigh: have Been paralysed for , 7“ 59‘3" , "23‘” “9”?“ .‘3’ ‘9' nineteen ‘xemflhu been urn-ted mum may 9mm Ppto are domed by him. cit; 10g- burgluy. He "named mmumn Hg i.’ ugifho hm in mg. pocw 3 copy or.‘ 5 Min axon :o spam. puma a. ludqgr [any “'O3:. Gym; Grunt. inddnin‘ . “ nglinss the unfliwhmhad ‘to sumac} “pry ‘0“. on“; thin: com \d . my? , 1:33". r 011,051 it Open. mdcnwlod Inqdo. . a mm 5 1" . 3 ”v. 110 preparing hu booty nu pouceumd magnum] respect. 3 thou-nu; \goldugr. . ‘ n In. ' I; ‘9‘ Gen. been alive wow tin- m by fehruury our' .\luch..... f, !Aan..... “ o" ' Mu, _ 'Junmm.“ 1111i} JAM; ..‘..... ‘ ugu: ...,.. g o “l Septemuer‘ “(1.1 Uc10ber.....(, Iy ‘of! November.... ‘led‘: ; December ' - 1883. January Fubru'ar) March.......... Apri1.....--.... May........:... June........... July-.......‘, ..w August “......" Hepmmbcr “...... . mama...“ Dct0bet......\."mm..." mu... Novembu .1: ... : mm... De,cember.§..~..................‘. .... 1804. i, ration ‘ may -. poo. “ng', I eace u a re- 1:21.:23 STATE DIETS. From the annunl mange: of th several Gown-don. (be Journalof Commerce compile the foliowing fin of State debts : ‘ Peflnnylvaninu.... Mating-burnt," ... Uhi0.............‘ .... 43,600,751 llliuois.... “... 11.118.5'5 ‘ New Y0rk................;................" $373,954" “tine. .....................L...............,. 5337,50U‘ U0nn0eflcu'......v....... .. 5,000,(00 l Ifchfg-n.x...........................1...... 3,611,120 ' Wi-u0nain....:........ 2,500,000 . Verm0ut.......,.......... k 1.84.2,845 ‘ Before the var Maine owed but 3700.000, but n‘ow ow” $5,137,500. exclusive of lag-gs about: to b: refunded to cities Ind mwns for my, loldien‘ families. Before the war )Imhyumm had I dvbl of only $8,521,972. to that my, amount of incleue by, the WI: bu heal $14,372,000. The debt or Wm liu huben incrmned by the wurs2,soo,ooo. u ht): deb; previously run only $lOO,OOO. The inmue of debt In other Sma h'u been. a|uo Inge. New Jbruy ii the only Sum‘enlirg-ly tree from dam. . EOM E n -. ‘ 1 GOLD. _ I A View of the fluctuation: in (A: pricl qf' ng—we confqm: ogr phrase 10 thonlse m‘nguagesgrenilmg in tue money market “from I 2to the present time. may not. be wuhout inte eat to our renders. The Aubjoine'd’ table ptenenu the highest and the lowelt fljicel‘prevailing at tho dues Ipecified. 'ho highest point, :1. will be ob ‘len‘ed, «is tucked in July of lug yw, when 1.: wuséuoted for “non time on the lllh of tvhnt month at 285. The price yu érgny vim; 200, whicfi a lower than it. bu 99¢» since October In}, when gold sold at 189.\ 18L Jluuury §\ .‘ . Lowell Plies. 111911231. 6Exam......c......‘........‘. 105 '-. .....uuunnn.......u-nu{U2 A 10" V. ox 10-; . -..,...................11)1 102} . . I'l2 104: .. ha 109‘ .. ..............xou 120; .v ..............112 116‘ .. ...........lw ‘ 125 i ........112 1371 .. .....129 133 i ”Kinwo 134; 4 I6oi 5 1721 'V In \\ ”:9! xi: . 6| 4‘ I January.u...:§......m.m.m..........15l Fe1mmry......:........ .................157 much“... '.....-...... ......m.........159 April ......u... mg"... nuuun --v"' "-166 May-...".........(m............’.........168 Juue.. ......‘.....;‘Z.... ..................189 Ju1y...............f.. .....................2'.".l ;\ugmc.....'... -21! 5eptember......¢,4§Z..................J8S 0ct0ber.........~:'.’;"....:..................1ac Spveprcr...... 209 Deceniber................................2)l was. 1% Jnnnary Ith., H ' ’7 V ‘ u 5‘??? 22> 229‘ 227 '22s 221; 227 .........'.....;...‘.‘2‘! Q 27 1 2:2 226 ..................2'.’o ~22}: ..b 219 ....1...»..........21a 222 ....r....,....1...217 221 ...............?;.218 221 ... ............\‘ 214 217' 115 21: 204 , 215 .1....1...........200 207 WI ”60111.11” gone up to 218 ’ --—.—- fan..-“ - IMPORTANT 1330 K mama * The following letter was rebeived by the last pail frém Mexico, by aldietiflguished gentleman in New Yolk. It speaks of a pchel‘ne fdreahidowing the rumors tales graphed from Saanrancisco on Thursday: Crrr'or Mexico. Dec. 26, 186-5.—J hive, beforejntimuled to ydu that A ceasion of‘ territory .was probable. I now know posi-i lively that negotiutions are pendimt with] Count Montholen for the cenion to France‘ of a slip of territory . stretching across from the Gulfof Mexico to the Pacific. and} embracing the peninsula of Lower Celifor-i nin. Sonora, en the right bank of the rive!” Yangi—that is to any. the northern part of this State—the greater portion of Chihu ahua, the whole of Nuevd Leon, Coahuile, and the greater part of 'l‘nmaulipas. In line, ’ theline will be drawn from the mouth ofthe nbOVe mentioned river, to the Panuoo, thel limits at Mexico’b‘eing reduced by the counsel of these two rivers to their source, And a line I drawn from one point to the other. This‘ idea of Napoleon, once attained, mll ens-l ble him to any, “Thin is the moat glorious] act of my rei‘gn ;” and even his enemies! will not be able to cantndict him. Maxamilian. howeveLdisg'nsLed he may be with this urnngemént, neither can nor dnre oppose it; for, besides protecting'ihe empire against the Inttacks of the filibus ters, it will produce u: zonal liquidation of the claims 0! France. :hd will give him. it is said. three hundred millions with which to meet the rapidly increasing expenses of his government, arid (gable him to enter upon that vast system German immigra tion which isxhis dominant dream. And. as upon the other hand. this strip of territo ry hssxeally hardly belonged to Mexico more than by nmno. dominated as it has been by thrge or four uncontrolable men, and If” is say my destined to be lost. either by being taken by the French or by the You) knot. tbs advantages of the arrange ment. console Maximilian for the guest blow ii. inflicts upon his pridgl I’dmleum.—The discovery of this oil Ip gen-(to have been made at an early day, at the importance of the discovery seems not to have been nppreciated. end hence no efforts were mnde to obtain it in large quantities, nor, We epprebend, Was there tbé faintest idea of its uluptation to general use In a burning fluid. Our forefathers, “old fogies” as they were, were entirely sat isfied with wax ahdles and tallow dips now almost thrown Jun ‘of use by the sub stitution ofgas and petroleum. The Maw:- chunm Mayafuw for J uly, 1792, contains the following in reletion to the early diucmery ofthe oil which in no! in such general use and turning the beads of half our popula tion : "In the northern partef Pennsylvgia. there in a creek called 01l Creek, which empties into the Allegheny riVer iuuing from aepring, on the top of which floats an oil similar to «but is called Bubadoeu Lar, and from which may becollected by one nun several‘gallons m a dny. "l‘he Ameriv The Confedrnte um in the James river ramming of five vesaeh. came down the river on Tuesday morning at mo o'clgc-kl and mad! m jllack bn the Eedprnl batte riel above ,City faint. Their olgecl. 111 the destruction of the- works and depots a: um pluce. The battle remind in the re ‘yulse oflhe enemy, with the lots of cm: maul. which was blown up by a. shot from one of the batteries. No particulars Of the action have been received. Admiral Farr:- gul has gone to take command 01',le Fed eral fleet in ‘be James. $30,379,003 , 21,393,972 By slqte amml from Mobile. we learn that the Faster portion of the Federal troops at ‘0“: Gaines and Morgan, M tha entrance of Mobile bay. have gone on an expedntion to reinforce General Gran Cr. whois on the Pucngouln river. west. ofjio bile. There are reports, lho‘ugh quite con tradictory. that. thus expedmun be: mailed up the river to a point. about fifteen miles from Mobxle. A: General Granger. “put New Yen-’1 d 3). arrived 3!. this point, Ind was 90mpelled by circumstances to retire. we have no doubt that. these‘xeporu refer to that movement. On Decqmber 28m one of Hood's Army corps was It luka. Mississippi, fourteen miles from Corinth. Vl‘here is but little dbuht that. General Johnston, who has nu. peraeded Hood. bus by this time conoenlm ted all of the force at Corinth. 'The Cow ledernuzs, when just heard from, were in daily expectation of having the vuiou sup: ply railroads leading from the south ”6 Cor. imh in running order. ' An oflicini report state; that sixty-two ofiicen and men went'down with ibe Fu laps, hen she was dutrOyed by a‘torpé doo Charleston. Fortywhree weresaved.’ It is reported that Mr. Blair has I'eturned from Richmond 19 Wnshington, Indium; his peace musjnn VII-,5 a failure. ’ 4i " —A_ae of Thursday. ' ‘ ' ’ n The ISL!" of Friday anysz—A’ letter re 'ce'ved in Washington, dutnd headquarters hit-11y of the l’utomnc, on 'l‘uosday, furnish je an account of the demonstration [mule ‘ on Monday night by the lebel gunboats on Him James river. The fleet consisted of zeight Vessels. three of them iron-elnds. imonnting four guns euch, three wnodqn lvesaela. mounting two guns each.‘ and the l Buford, filth one gun. and-another steamer lwith three torpedo boats: A dawtter re lporta that the flotilla WM discovered whgn near the Union batterips, and replied to the fire ope ed upon them. One‘ofthe ironsclarls, tlEe Fl't‘dt’l‘lckjhul‘g. passed the obstrfictions at the lower end of the Dutch Gap Canal. but three others, in attempting to tullow, were grounded. and the Freder " ’ ‘ their 'essvl, ted.— pene iusin liaheg yed up [art of lathe 1e (lis' only ...123 14L ....l'll 129 ffIMZ ....Hu . 156 W 143 154 ”"147 :52 her at Fortress Monroe on Wednesday, reports thnt when lube left (the d to not given) the Union gunboals were grfimlly teeliug Lht-il‘ way up the Cape Fear n‘ver and had ad vanced four miles above Fort Fuher. ’l‘he' troops were organizing. it Is slated, tor future bperutxuns, and nmhing new in regard to tire uthance on \Vrlmin’gton had translnrodf The Sun of Sgurdny saya:—-A letter 1‘?- coiveu m Was ingtun yestflduy, dated Headquarters Army of the Potomac, on last Wednesday. says about three o'clock that morning the Union guns at Fort Brady opened on the rebel that as they Were re turning to Richmond from then‘ unsgccess ful demonstration on the-James riVer‘. One of the mm. rt i: thought, “undamaged, but to what extent Was not. u-crrtauned. 225 ‘227 226 223 226 231 231 234 An engagement bum-urn all the‘vvsselz of the rebel fleet, which is mid to have been commanded by Capt. Summesfimd their land 'wo_iks on the one sidemnd the Union batten rials on the other. is reported to have been lkept up from curly on 'l‘uesdny. morning , until between'twelve and one o'elock in the afternoon. During the day the enemy are (said to have opened all their batteries in i from. ofthe 'l‘wenty-l'ourth and 'l‘wenty'fiftli -oorpa and kept up from them a very heavy 2 fire, but without oflecung any inji'n-y oi con. I sequence to the Union soldiers, as they were lunder carer. The rebels, it is suited, appu rently intended a land utiack on our forces . , north of the James river, as u cooperution ' with their fleet, us considerable movements' of their troops were observed ; but their em I ‘ tire plan seems to have failed. ! Adncea from Little Rock, Ark" received at St. Louin. report that a. lletichment of I Union troops from Lewisbarg attacked that rebel Gen. Shelby, who. on the 14m, mu blockadmg the Aikunsas river to preventl vesselu‘lrom passing to Fort Smith Imh aupy plies. A sharp fight ensued, but thereport. is indefinita as regards the result. ’l‘wenty- ' five of the Union troops, it is stated, were' killed. und that Shelby evacuated the placéf after another revere light. Reinforcement: from Little Rock were'aent on Monday. but telegraphic oommunicaixon lining been ' brokenmo further pnrticulnra were received. l i A Washington paper of yesterday After-i noon any: that a irony of guerrillas made I. raid on Occoqul ~ ‘Vaw last ’l‘nasdny night.’ carrying ofl' neaky everything of value to the citizens, including clothes, bedding, and their household goods. ~--——— “COO—<— ——-—- MR. BLAIR’S MISSION TO RICHMOND «SENSATIONAL STATEMENT IN REGARD TO IT: ‘ Pniunnrnia. J annnry £7.—The Evenin Telegraph publishes the lollowing specks die etch: fi’achington January 21—19. is now defl nitely known that Mr. Blair’s mission has been crowned with complete success. Jeff. stis‘hns pledged himself to send immedi ntely three gentlemen to Washington to confer upon terms of peace- Daiiietated distinctly to Mr. Blair that he would con clude a peace and return to the Union up on terma that. would be pertectly Mustac tory to President Lincoln and Congress. Mr. Blair also had an interview With Gen. Lee, who avowed himself desirous of end ing the rebellion by layingdown their arms and returning to the Union. Mr. Blair likewise conversed With a majority ol'the rebel Congressmho represented themselves in fev or of abandoning fuither hostilities. There can be no doubt. that in a. day or two at furthest commissioners will rencu Wash ington to bring :rom the ropentnnt rebels tiieirreneWed allegiance to‘the Union. thei A Camp ice Hanan-Any one who lives «insulation and ”‘8 I‘m" Bit-151““ GXPG- ' near a rum course clll, pt no expense “$lO, rienced the kindest treatment at “’9 11'5”“ build an ice house cap-hie ofmntaining a eube ofthe authorities, and he reports that since i -—-—»— _ «u. . ~~..-- the reduction at Fort Fisher an entire rc-, ofthe crystal hum" ten; feetsqunre. Rough A Fearful Lean-Gustav Adolph Vania volutiOn in public opinion has taken place.l 503"“ r" “10 0‘1"" WE“. I 111" {0" "'9 inner,i men, charged ".5”! iorgmg a receipt of the _ The most. ‘extreme IQVUCIIQB ot fighting; with n filling s loot .thick ‘ol'tau bark or nw ' Prussian Government for sixteen thounnd it out. to the bitter end, now admit the“ dust, ‘ 1.5" of the urnsthicknessnpon “mgidolhmi, (and upon which he received thit hr‘em 2:i“°"..°:.:‘;i:r:i“ed£:::- .mn - anin'o‘c-m or “Winder“ “m" "r' as“? ”an: ad iii the leadiugyagceial political gircipl in I'm" fl" ice, and "'5" ”(it in the i“ do" “a; 9.3351333“ rliiilerxtiiid‘,J ; 3:] 0353220.: Richmond, and a general leeling ()qu and complct, cover it over with law dust, and the: A, the "a“, w” in the "cm”, 0‘ Hunting: niTief resulted from the rapid ciicuiquu of work is done. Such ”tore would fuinish halfl don, and running It the rate at twenty‘ the information. . ‘ _ . A in dozen families with herd butter, cold union! ruling on hour. Vurgimun expressed a de-‘ is lmy'ggigfyfgffl‘l’énfiffgfl‘g “:93: frolen cusmdi ma all the luxuries of n nm‘ mailmuon in kg: mum-1:. usioi‘r‘lym ongthe uuhject of Mr. Blair’s visitio finch.,Fl"' i“ "5“” "mfg?!” ”Ml" "“m" V Jjured, basis; mfieizuai'u‘i yin now In tho in . t ir»ei- saith I W “W"* l ' ' ' . dotgdnotl 93:“:36 ”:3” I“ $53.]: filial-:5 DluncnorGu.McCi.nux AND Lun- ron “Ind‘ o‘f‘f/Tglfififgjjnk‘ Associated Brest—Reporterj ‘Ecnorl.—llljor Gen. (“George B. HcClellun, ln-i H'A nghingwn letter, npuking ofa —-'—~_—~ -0. ~—- . J, Ind qhitd, took their depnrthge for Europe 9 President Lincoln’l New 1““ 5 reception. , “in"; 1:“)? "first“! “1'91? 'me of on Wednesdny in the ltumlhip Chine. Gen. in?“ . . - o pu ic morn s are. u, that ”new!“ i. necpmplnied‘ on his mp by Mr. lhe reception it the Executive Mormon rogues have grown so bold in to not! the, s toil-y exhlblwd quite I comminglin or bras bani’wn iron: the ““5"", of ‘hpljugnlt Belmont. the well known benker, in the “haul.“ and Etheopiui. The Ufiid‘ new Cupitol, to sell to junhdegletsl It i 4 who" society s tour of the gutter porter En- ‘ Mummy: reeeived both races with» a uni-i a inerey theyvheyg 9°“ stolen the Capitol ropo—plfticnhfly luly m Elmer—will b.‘ torn: WfllmlFPM P‘Wh to thegntigw‘ building null. » ,~ ' ." Imm. . ~ l _ I non of the table race. ‘‘‘ ‘ .' 1 '~ «..z-:—-:—=~—-~- - _ THE WAR mB. M 111 LOI’I ”Alt? lmnv, 3WL§£3W§§ . fi'Xua-ptyiuz lubuqribei‘s will get no Ema" ptpen Inner ‘his tune, unless fife}; pin} up by Monday nut. Thefenormon pm}; of whit: paper Inns us no other tour". _ - ”We have received more n'cw mhurlhen ‘ during Ihe present month ulna during any. ! previous January linco we hivo'hcen in bud- ' nest—now nearly hunt, ynn ; lynx—sums Wolf in: Illa me “Globé ( Inn"—-ouo of the by“ pupil's in town—to Mr. I. Sunupl Eicholtz, ofiArcnduville, to;- $6,400. ! Hr. Etc-ham will ge‘hpouemon on the. m or ’ April mm, and fill o doubt ninke I very ac. ' cbml'nodu'fing hndlord. . ' 5 ’ ‘ ' ‘} magmas—om enmpr'iaing Max:150“: a Mr. E. H. Xinnlfih, informs Ii: th‘u he is j_u 3“ opening I veiy hug. flock of Comic Ind Sen- 1 ' timonul Valentines, for flu- accommodation of 'the pubiic, who alt-ya wish to have some thing of the kind réu’ly fox Stfinleminem day. 'And‘ than who happen no‘ to have their 3 tpoughts run in thatway,will findevery other fMud 0!“ng thingn” suipzd to their lanes.— | CJunu-y storekeepers inpplied M “hon-sale : pricea. Give him 3 call. ‘ INCREASE 0F FEESé—A bill has been in. troduced into our State Legidntun. nullwr izing Sherilfs',!'rotlxonouries oonmmuu Plead, Clerkl of Orplmn‘s Conrls.'oy or null 'l‘rcminor and General JnllDelivery, And Quarler Sessions, Registers, ,R'eeordei'l, and I‘lislrivt Attorneys, 1? clung: fifty per cent. increase on each item of lee, “cl releningnhem from the pa; meal of fifty per cent. of web You lo the Com-non- Wealth, unless their. groan reruipu exceeds s':- 000 per anuum.‘ The fees now nl'ownd by Luv, arr, it is alleged by these officers, entirely in adequate to their nuppon, under the Preient inflnted currency and high prices. An'udv mce of 50 per crux. they claim. is xery moderate in proportion to the Advance at 100 to 200 p‘ef cent. on gum ueccassurlcz mllfg. ‘ " ‘ ABOUI‘ QUOTAS.-—The follomug rgplnm tion by Provo“ .\{Mshnl gene“! Fi-y. will pH hepi be understood sufijcienuy by we public to obvinle the necessiq for any furlhgr commu gicationl from the draft bugs]: for a lull: ume at least. Batten-lake than never: , “The rulé in applying cledlls l=, llml lluy ihould be deducted llrum‘ the quota. ol‘ the cull that produced them. All men mined sinr‘r Ihe callolJulylB,lBo4, are audited upuu llwquu launder that call; if Ilae quota is more \lnu. filled. n is carriei n 5 un‘excess l'o (hr err-(lit of the locality, and mkeulimo amount in Ill: ax ugn‘iutnl of (In: quota unrirr the till, qr I’efrmbrr In, 1864;5nd provost. marshals are inalrucu-d, that in delermluing llle quotns ol sub-dnihicln un der lhepregwm call they Will npph such no! 55 accordingly; Ind all men rniped slime Decem btr 19 are of counties (‘rnlileql upon the wli of that date. in cre-liling' the «guess Ilml is cur ned lorwnrd lrom the cull ol July IH. ISM, and «n dial (o ”I? M" I“ D-«Mndmr l9.l'3g34,_lcuu sdef um om! llu.‘ nllmlrjr of mmrof ".l frh u.» excess is com'pnscd, bullnlso the pcriml of the” lurViL‘c ; and the qllOUS'haiignod under the (all of Dem-ml)" 19 an: thus Reduced by. this (ex-'1 ss ol‘sen‘ite, and hguro law-)- should not b.» lur -Iher reducedmuepl byfeullatmculs subuqueun to December 19, 1564, {lbo date of 111? cull lur three hundred thdusnml mun." (#9132- ,t‘Euny; ‘kin’l along ll ban; «1‘ pre'- Bmotin from bums—The unenuou of parlian holding unrecgfirded’noeds is dint-”d to the prm’isionsxOhhfiAcl ofAssembly, \\ hich requires that— _ L ' “All deeds qn'd cmfiynnccn for real "mm m |hiB Communwenhé, shnu‘he fl’tfihh-fl in Hm office tor lzecurdink [fads in the l‘“'l-l‘y where the lands fie. m'llrm "i mun/Ina um :- [he execuubn ol suchdeedh and roureyanu :' and every such deed [ind (-pnveynnw not rumdml as aforesaid, shall be a‘fijudged FEM L‘DI'LEKT AND VOID against any kubscqnent puthm-er {or nrnhmblc considerdtiou. unless sud: deed; be recorded lu-fore theJecunlmg 0! the :1. ed ur conveyance under nhi I: much subsxqucnl pur chascur mortgagee 519‘}!!! claim." .This is n \‘N‘j impq‘llgut notirfi. and those holding nnrecuded dei‘uls will FOO lhe impon tnm‘e of having them lécordL-J wiillout runner delay. _‘W- _ -W J *7, ‘ WDr. E. B. Foot l, “3" Broadway. New York—rmi his ndrerliigpeuts in another vol~ man 01 this paper. : ‘ ' Plum-mo o"ch toi SALI.~—A Democratic newspaper, Inning a gbod p'uying list oli sub scribers, pbblished in one oflhe wooden Dem ocratic counties id the'ilo‘uthern portion ofthc Slate,“ offered for salmby the premix-tor.— Tbg locntion is I good: one find nforda a fine oppoitnnity .to insn'u o. pafing investment»— !nfurmotion in regardho the location can be bid ll this office. 1? Tin R Iv. Jun 1.. Sicuocxr—Some time 930 wepublished “notice nsfking for information of Rev. Mr. Sthock, pastot bft‘he Lutheran Church, Fifteenth sheet, New Yuk. The In} slery hug in parfbeen explained. $1 “Burleigh,” the .\'ew York torrupuntient'gfi‘lhe Boston 'Jvurual.- He lays in his last eon’muniuiion: A loner was found the olhar dnj among his papers, Id~ dreued to his listenbeqhuthing to her a. thou nnd' dollars in mend—asking her not to grieve fog him—and ptqlting thut be was “gm; in; to his, real." \ Beybnd this nothing bu been heard. 3 * .Anvn‘nn‘ YOVI. \'n¢,nuu.—.Wc (this: our farmer friends and all dthera who proppue to tell of their Real Estgle‘or Personal Property, between 411 - Inq Sprigg, to udvertise their nlel extensively, both In: nunpiper and by handbills. By doiqg so" hey will dnw ungua er a much Inger crowd,! and ofcoursp in vu-W otcympotiliou, secure bitter prices. * It is the worn ion of oc‘onomyw leconomiu in the mu. m 9! navel-thing. finch dour: paid to tha pfinter will be mama. gmMom'.~ -j Tm Pow“. 011“le —Poatmuttri are oblig'ed to receives" Tmuury note: {or bump: and young", lfclelrly finnine, no matter how torn or defaced they may be, provided that. one-tweniiah pm. be not mining—lnd frac tion-l cprrency, if not oné-tenlh be musing.— Snch mm and currency' u u: unfit for mi» one, aliould He kept «pane and dfaunct, Ind natal-“ 6,,“ occasion requires, to the Treasury ofthe United States; It} Wuhington, in lama of not leu-Ihm um: dollars, to be exchanged {or new. ‘ ~' 4—7 ——~—«.~ ~——-——— ‘ , ‘ g’fihxrly Chicken-fl says a comspoodont,‘ In) “1 main, whn qld hen: do not, bee-nee. lowls will not: l-Iy'wlnle the new leathers are growing, utter Inoulung, I"!!! with old binds this penal ollcn extends into the winner.— Tterttore luuk out for a good flock Mosul)- p'ullrts, Lo luruis‘n eggs ueu Clnisunu‘s ind New Yenr’: time. - r I "The strong-minded women of Washing ton are quxnclmg about the control of the .dhfilitnte calmed women andgthldren In tint city. At' the meeting recently Mrs. 'Swiu‘shelm alleged that Min Mann is‘ too :ler‘l‘e ml’hihechildren kept there making a patch-waik quill. to he sent to Bulon. (lint the ‘hub' might rice What a fine school" His: Mann in conducting. Mn. Breed called Mrs. Swiuhelm to older. whoreoron the latter turned upon Mrs. Bregd an _ al most defied her; to single combat, mnding up with the remark that the Government Ind gt a Inge expense fitted up the home for indigent colored women and children, but instead of their being permitted to en joy the luxury of such a umne.'they nre ex cluded from this pulatml rehidenoe. and turned into hovela, in order that )liu Mari. Mann, with her company, might enjoy the parlors. Min Coleman also made serious ‘ und specific charges against Mm an rel- ‘ IHVB to her treatment of the little black ‘ boys. and matters and thinguvere so dread ful that belong ndjoummg a committee wu‘ chosen to investiguo Mus Mann’Loonducl and report. Endpntly "l‘lre National Am- l ci-tion’ is not harmonious, and the Judie:l uejenloua about the plcuaninnies confided ; to their care." 1 Tu: Pun Duiv.-Thr pnp'er nonopofllln have inmbled in fore: ll Washington had In making non-nu 'exerlionl to prevent the rem-a 1 of tha «my on paper. Cumin New England members who are inlercllod in paper {hilla are ullo working In opposition to the ro penL .‘Hchl lflsdicg .\'ew‘ Yprk netspupeu hue, it it uh], 12.51!th calm-It}: lor paper 1‘ "run: cc)“, “uh-re dun engaged one in endelworihg \o remn‘ the duty, in on!!! u: brrak d'own the noun"! prus. Not only the printingiulrresthut the finding public ii: gem on! an inn-mtg in‘lllr repeal of tho duly, and the member of Congress who mm «guns: the repeal mun ever he lobked upon with In". pitiun for w flhgmnny apnou‘xlg cheap books nud new:pnpus,‘nn‘d conscqnenfly of plnclng n (‘he’ck upon the Ifirend of useful knowledge of every kind among die peer-lg. { \ ' “Lam." Pinata—Th! church, in manyin ltunccl, his human In lumehga macmne for the promulgation of thepu-ulinr an“: M lhe Abolition putty, many finrliculnr parsona'do in; the work which Pu foimerly don?!” it: man deipicnhle of all- politicl’Jni—tbe no}. house ponil'ugger. In other age: the chvlch also lust its purixy nnu became a Stale machine, hut always to lhu'Jelrihu-ulofthcphuxch, nnd the downfall oflho Sm. political fabr'rg‘. 'n.» \vnrst. anemic: Id their country; ever pin-1b the \v orld begun. have been Ill! l'nlilkll [neat-hen, and the rule hold: I: gum} In [he present up As in .\ny which has gone before. The renowned rummen‘amr, Dr Clark,wns dofiblleu impru 3rd yiih thelruth of Lhi: sun-Hon when he wrnte the fullon ing; . ‘ He who while he pnfx-sres Ihe rcllgion 01 Christ, dirlul‘bs «celery l.) h'un preaching or. writing, nlm rxchules Emu tllr snlulwn uf God those wlro do not conform to his religiuut or pullliCnl Creed, new: know the nnlme M" lhe Gospel, and nevu lon. its your and influ ant-e.“ Cruz run nu: SHAWN} [ML-Ike fullonhg proscripfion is vouched lur by (he Huslporl (Me i .Smhn 1. M‘u cure fur h: mull putt—(menu lh- pMivnHWo luhlosguoumls UH minuru of bup gins! nnnl wnlur surmem-d whh molnuxrx in as Iu he pal - lnblr, equal parts ohm-h. llll‘"e mics 'h duy. Cuildren “figm- twelye :vnra pt up: would take xwohnslménmls three firm-3n nh)’. Dial; bGill-d ri'u- gag-I y‘nlyk” Mud {oxgflft‘d bread mai‘sue‘ned vim: \vnu-r. nndiizbout hm ter. Hut nu meat. Give U xtnip [fit-us "(ten :11 'lhc pulient is lbiraly. Cure Music when ne cessurj'.‘ II the above treatment is strictly ful lon‘cd no mun-ks of “null-pox n‘ull remain. E neg-Every Democrat should hear in mind ‘ 11ml 1n Qrder to hop up his county [mlxrr‘fiml ‘ nde-un-s Ihr princnylu u! .ho “rmucrnlir pub, l_\', he :uusl. hut-OM, subJrihc, and [My [(711.1 but if he [ms any [niuling or xuh'e'rusiug, he must nut mil to svud ittu us. We impe‘hurfrirnds ‘ “ill nul tail to hear thin in mxnd. flhh‘ertiu ing is one thing nwdful fir the prifih‘r‘mnnd “ilhout it his lnbor “in In but [morly remun— emlrt‘.‘ Therefore ix‘ynu h \‘e nhlrm _\u,u wish ‘ to sell, or pcnonnl propeny you duirc m din poseut n 1 puhnc la'ie. urn loal‘cow, Ii rand Inn— “to, ur in {am an) (hm; [hut ht‘t'd: to he giun to Ihv pumic through lln- ('nlumns of n qus 1141mm Hm] i'. '4l us I); um“ nr (Mu-misc, M mq suit Lest, nun] it “in lh- prom-L4!) alt-jud cd to. We have u‘firsl I‘uts- sum]; oljobl ing' mazeri‘sls, nnd our Lucilhies are “when lul' priming ull kinds of work needed inLtl-u- coun. U'y,‘!lllyll m: hnndflills for the mle uf rcal nu} permml ”um-Hy, hum bills,‘-ixculurs, ends, etc. 3 . ‘ggfhwm. .\pplemm, one of Hie Columbia county prim tcrs who was found guilty h_\' n .\lilitury tribuuulhdi restslttnrc lo the draft, fined fun hund'nd dull-\rs'nnd ordered to im priwnmeul until the pigment. of the line, ha! pttid the amount. and been released. llr ha! nddr- Sam] :1 pt-tit on to Cmg tss,r'kcuunting thu Lutdships 01 1:1: up ricnce while under Arrest, fln-lui'niug that. the amount. 0! his (in. br “-- iundrd to him 1y the Unill‘d States, as unjtht ly extol-ted from him.‘ Senator Buckalcw. hns Ltkuu the Lane imh :nJ. rag-About (int-en mile‘ n'hm'o St. Jon-pk, m- u the )hswuriwivcr. an ulcuglvr body (:1 \cry peuuhur clay km brendiwm ered. When firsu. taken cm. I: can be easily nu {filo an) Ibnpe defiilc]; and n snr‘m-c mnde a; smooth as glues. In a lcw homa u lmrdanl, becumhcs firm as a rockyund In" n whiwuesu equul'lu snow. In Texas and Full: this kind as clnyis mad for building purplci; and is ezccefiiugly bn-nuliful. ‘ LAm's‘lloox.—~The February number of Godcy is unusually interesting. 11 is'nn‘ld miruble magazine and "cry lady would have. 93-0”. . ~-—-— «u» -’~‘-—-——- ! A Row Among the Female Phil‘llllhfhpil‘l-A The'eumrubunda are our Apple- ol 1) word. leclhe lndmn’s gun. they bud fuir l 0 f‘cou more than they name to" below we are dark mu. than”. The Bolton Past uny- : no-‘anfigwgp. alluding (a flu ems. bloJoasfi or me ii: 3h. campaign' od'mc Jamel; fimrknd: Th: k 9, of R‘chr’noml aid uflme been in \hS‘mw-u'ron 010 nm mun be of m. dewripgon known n-‘Jd-zlp mg. The onli lock to 'wh‘uih the Liruten. nut Caner-I 1m lm4 ah opp’ohuni’ty of up plyiu; it may be very juuU'y ddohred . firmf-lot‘k. ' b ’ 51%1e ".\fific'é‘kr V‘ an EH73 MA n): .\'EW. .\ Famphlét din-cling how lo'lpfidilj re store light and firm") aprrm-lu, Iridium nm of doctor or mmliviue. ‘Sml by null, iree, qr? recnipt'ol' 10 cents. Addrna, ' E.’ B. FUOTR, 11. 3)., 1130 Broadway. N. Jan. 30. 6m fl" YOU WAXT 'm KNOW A little of nun-thing relating hi the human syn-m. male Ind temnle; the cnfim nndtreuli mm. of diunus; the marriage cuunms ol' the, world; how to mm) tall Ind n_ “10anan thing: new pubmhcd bolorc,‘re«d tergJ wind and enlarged edition of "Medical Cotfi.‘ mun Sense," A cutioua book for curious poo; pie, amt .\ good book for very one. 100 page!, 200 Illualrathfiu. *‘riy! ‘l 50. x Con: ‘flt'nu uhlo "311N310 on! 113%“). Book! may be hid it the Book Mort-I. or vnll bom- ‘ by mm}, post puid. on rereipt of Ihr price.— Amsre-s 'b Im. 1-). 3. room,» 0, $9.30 6m 11‘2“) Broadway, N. Y. v‘ . ‘< 1 0-... -- ‘ Tm: «mm-r Hausa ummm: Sm‘Ju-m (‘unn‘n Cnnunu l-‘kuul Pup. Propnrod from n [lnscription 0! Su- J. Uhuke, N. IL, Phyflcinn Eumfirdinury lo me Quit-ML}.~ Thirim’nlunhlv munch": in MI fuiflngin Hm cm: a! nil “.099 pninlul'nnd dangerous disuse: lo Huh-h "no "limit cum ninnion in wbjuct. h modem:- nll ean and rnnores “who'ruulunn, and n apt-ed; cure mry be lelie on. 7 To Married Lmlks if?! p'ecunnfly mind.— I! “I“. in n shun lime, M-ihg oh th mumm, period with tegnlnrity. ' c ‘ Each home, prit‘e \Oue Doll: r, hum the Govunuwm .Stnmp 1:! 11m". Brihgixnl to [ln-4 u-ntwumrflei'a. ‘, 7 ' (‘A\"rxox.--'Tm-.-g Pilll sfionld not lu: tnkm h)’ 1‘“ Inuit-s during Hugging; mun mmn'fi u!‘ l'r‘gm‘mr). 2“ my; n'rr {mm to bring on .\lia. curving-e. but at “ny‘jfihbr IiILHI‘ lhv) un- min. In “Hunk-- uf .\'errnu- and p‘fninul Aderllmn, l‘llillfi in me 3m k um] I. tubs. Fulxixln‘ un slight ext-run“, l‘nhuitufl'hm of ”I? lu-m,xl3-xr.i.~s, and “'hin-n. rumi- Iylls “Ill; (-tfl-x-t I cum Mir-In nll mhrr Im-um hm'l‘ fail?!“ H'Ml MUIDEIK‘H‘ pmwf’ul rims-63410119! rumnin iri-myulnluel, untimbzuwr xuu‘llum; llurllul lo [he ‘vgualflu liun. - j ‘ l-‘nH dirrrlkpm in'lho pamph‘fl nn.\lnl\ (Inn-h pm-Kxgr, whivh Q‘huul-l he ‘ nre'ully pvrur-lywl. 80M by ull Dru-gins. Sula .\grul fur‘xlw Uuiled Sum-s and Cumulus. . ‘ JOB M NF)". 23' l'nrflnndt Sh. .\'. Y. .N. B.——Sl,uu mt G [-u‘lug" shnnps . “dwell to un; uulhmiunl .\gn-nl, um i||;l\fl‘ :1 hunk, cunluininn 50 1'1! 5, h_\ u-lum uvml. Re: I! I»! A. I). “miller. [Non ”Lilim.‘ I) FR. .\l.\n.~m.u.:.s (:.\‘r.\nn'l sxl'i'l Thu Sui-l? hut thuugmv Int-3 ('l' tut-3O mlm (ht- hrs: :xrnr Ir hint» lur nvr‘u‘u El r l'nl rm, ('uld in llu- ”wt! :unl-Hnunhwhr. it Imn l-I'f” found :2]: .\rrlleul n-um 3 1n Vin-n 5. can 0' Sun. IZyn-s I‘vulnpu L»: ‘44:): "rum. :1 I? n, and llruing has ollcn Mn 31 call) unpaved In, ~us ”at. 'lt is {ricgrrm‘ nnd nprrPnl-ID, mxl ulna w. NJIH .H ’Ksuw m We dw- “In; pun muw r? by dyswnsrv «é xhv hen} The wmnlnnn un- r ueing it lllf, dillfi'Lth and in\:,un-x.n;:. It (“w-ml :mdpxir, 9: «ml uH «:hulfpcl .-u~.~:1- um.- ens th'rullln-(r. and gh v; n-hnml } IM‘UUIL h) the “N", un'm ml. ‘ .\ioyrlhuu TM") anh' M inh- “X u-v M ‘D). .\l‘nrzluxll" l ulnxrh .u d bunhn- bar-n)" " ha» wounl u: nun min In m Ilm rmmmv’ Man-tries vol‘ the er‘l3 uunl u! I‘M munmn stun-Is lfigfu-r Um» no; Mm». ‘ . . II L? Inemmemlod hyfimmy of ['3o hnt'pl._v-' airinnu, um} i! mm] with grrvu slum-'5 um) unmhwllrm mmywhens; : * ' licxld lbv' t'rrn'flvmi m? Wlurrmln Dug gins in 1854:_ The nudrrsigm-xl. huh}; my luxury 7 xx” brrn mquuinlu-cl with “Dr .\lur— hluull’s ('nlulrh and Lt-udarlu- 5m If." xuul mm. it in‘ our “huh-gale Indc' rho. rl‘nHy :PIJ!."".II“‘ we him-Vt E! to I.l‘ g-nluuL ink-u-r; r-wpul, m lHe rm‘vmmundntiuy) g'nrn of it fur Ihr \u'u': 01'(‘zuuxrhuI":\fl‘\-uiu:s‘ : utblhulH/h Juan-:- l_y the L at fliclc w:- hnvo our Lnown‘m 15.] com'uvw.i.-r.-=c:‘ :4 Hr.- Uni. Burr & Pu‘ly. Bui'Olzgfnnd, .\udon £‘C.I., Bud)"; l‘mmn. Lamnuu k (“u , 424 mm“ I’. u}, Cuw-r 8 (30.. Bmxuu; .5 .1)! W. h uh- I:u~|m.; \\'ilpun, I'uir'mmk .E (20,, "Oslo". “mum“, Edmund k ('u., llustuny 11. 11. HA}. Puma-4,: N 32; Harm-s k )‘nrk, Nrw Yank, A 7 I; I D. Snmla. .\ru‘ \"ul:shy.'«n Pu'll & i'u . .\uf Yurk; ‘ 7M5 Kim” I \‘ue hm: ‘iqu; \k Kr»- Nm 8 Marking. St 1 \‘ml ,' I! 1.. M mi‘l SHL, .\‘n-w \'.»k; M. Ward. l‘lme an ‘27. .\eu \ulh; Bush & Hu‘m, .\ew Yox k. For Mlle lrynll Uri-131915. Tr." 'll. , ~ Kohl-1,1564: 1y , . ‘ ‘ ....-. N - . A‘ Cum Tu |.\\''. A Clcm\m{n, “hilt reud‘myiu an ul!n.\"n"l icn us u lnx‘a-inumg, diywhrufu .\le muhim‘ plr rum-d) lur 2m- ('ur- ul .\'.-rum.- “Hahn“, Philly Urey, llisvusw m lhk trim!) 11ml 3qu iml Urguns, mu! She vlmk- Imin c-l n‘mmk-ra hang!“ on by hun- flu and. \‘iciuua huhilm— (brat numl-er.‘ hurt hulmh’nad) cum! hyJIIPJ noble hmc‘lllv. Prumplrfl I" A un‘m- mln mu In like thcgl-d um] IMJbHImA'rJ mum! my ruciln- .‘uv w- wing mu} using lhi.u mmhdmr, in II ac:xPrrh-nlelupc, (a any on who needs 11, his. or \ mnun. « . u l‘leuet- inrloae n pumped em Ohy‘, nddrwad x 0 .\'(lhl‘al h. derHs < MHZ?” 7'. ”AMA“, , A ‘ Btu-lion IL “fly-l;- Home. ; OH. 24, ‘504. , Hen ork City. " MARRIED. 0n Tunsday Inst, by R". J. A. noun-“r. “'IIJJA.“ BHSEUN l 0 hi 9: NAK'HIA IUD~ lllrl-ZMUSER. Jpoxh of Cumberland [on nihip. _ Un Sniurdngy‘lnsl, h, the same, Mr J \NDB' wummm anklin tuwmhip, lo Mm; A35”- ()‘ls'lmm, 0! Liberty town-hip; ~ . On me I'm: hut. In If Banning-Ulla"! “f" A. J. Bender, .\lr. THAITDML'S all” N i 0 Mus .MANSA UINKLI-i, bmbfl Manuela “Null-‘O. Adums county. « ‘ . - . DIED. ~ ~ ”Obituary now-as 3 cents per line far .1“ over four lim-s—rnsh‘to accompany notice. On Sunday morning week, ”in ('HAR LOFTE‘ 11. MlNNlGll,-dsughler of Hr. Ilcnry anigh. of this plum, aged 20 year: mmomlu Ind } I dun. ‘ , _ 0n Ute 26th of Aug., 188‘, Mr. FREDERICK KEI'PEHLY', or quiitonhnu township, Iged w your: Tmontha and 12 days. : " (In the lat at Jun. Sir. DANISH WEI/TY, Q!" J Wisconsin, formerly of thlt county, aged “’l': 61 yea”. ‘ ' - r. -‘ ‘ Communicated. ’3‘ f” in St. Johns’ Hospital, Annapolis. MAL, bn the 30d! 11“., WILLtAu 4., «on of Ilr. Junu . 'Johna, of lfetershurg, (Y. 8..) in the 28tbyeur ‘ r of hu’age. , “ 1 The donated entered the army now Chee ‘my ”03"?!" county, where he I.” uvenl ‘ lye-n resided. lie lIS wounded on the sth of I hm, “lay, in the memorable battle at the “Wil | derness," Inning his left thumb shot off, and ‘ mu among the four hundred who rum up: tun-d on me Bth, 1hr“: an," utter the battle out Fredericksblrz, by the iuiumous treachery of the Mayor of the rily. Thence he was token ' ito Richmond, where he was kept till about the ° i in oi June, when with other prisonerl he was taken to Andersuurilir, Gem-gm, when wi‘h thirty thousand of our brave eoldieg I‘l9 r suffered bewnd nil description, from the uk ‘iect and inhumanity oi the rebel goternment. Being omoug tho-e prllonert who were luteiy ' exchanged he was ‘entertd at St. Johnt' Hos; prtol’on the 27th 0! $63., where he rtrr‘ryn! skillful and kind Ittentiou. by the physician at! lii-own mum, but his physical lmno - nu too much Ihltlo ,tnd u aha Inrt‘je-r In: shout to Ind: on lot: the put he child his eyes nlmiy Ind peacefully in death; His reuoinl were brought. home lto hit itther'l, Ind on the sth tum, they were kid; with npprpprioto union, in tho Cemetery 0! the Litheun Church. ‘ ' ,‘ The {housed leave: I wife old ch Id ml mu, Mandi. to mourn hie en}, duth. But the macro uot' within-t“ hope. “For than and: tlto Spirit. blamed on the and which are in thy Lad.” ~ York Slh‘flpdl‘i, ha. 7, 1865. l :32}