The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 23, 1865, Image 2

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:.:?r.::. « ~ _ _
fig, 1. snug. £OllOl LSD mnm'aka
,Jioxnn' moasxso. an. 23, am
Ho‘p. Edward Everett. died on’Buudny
morning at four o'clock,“ his residence,
in ngner street, Bolton. of npopiexyr.
m. eye mu neventy years and shout nine
months. Mr. Everett addressed hie fellow
,dtisene It Funcuii Hail on Monday week
10%, in aid of lending provisions to Savan
nth, ehd during the afternoon of that day
mu preeent in‘ court in reference to e cikyn
for damages against the city of Cbarlestown
for the'overflowifig of apprtion of bin estate
in Medford by the construction of I dun
ow‘xystio River. On Tuesday he bemme
ed‘e‘cted with quile a severe cold. but nei
thez hi- friends no;- himeglf deemed it eeri
oqe. 0n Semi-def evenizig he appeared-15
most .1 "Q Li: tuna], Ind retired to bed
deqiinipg to trouble my one to remain
with him. About three o'clock on Sunday
morning his home keeper entered hi- room
end found hip; sleeping naturally, An
ham- tam she pee gunned“ by Hosting a
bee" fell in his womand found him lying
oi the floor breathinglheuiiy. A physil
cien In promptly summoned, but before
h‘il enivni Mr. Everett died. The event
In annou’ncqil in neirly all the churches
ut the. commencement of warning nominal,
and creeted n proipund feciing of sadness.
Hr. Eve;ett.starteii in liie u a Unitarian
minister, Ind eubqqquentiy held civil pod:
zion'e ofdiltin ished hqnor—wu‘ in Con
gress end the (gum, nml repreunted the
lUniged Stem Government abroad. His
high echnlerly atteinm'ents gave him e
world-wide tepulafion. - 1' '
,Mr. Everett delivered Hie Omlion It the
ponucrg’tion‘of the Gettysburg .\'etional
Cemetegy.’ ' _ 1 ' i
fifn the Noise, It Kunisburg. on Wed~
acuity. Mr. McChmp in‘rl‘oduppd n resolu
flon instructing the musty commiueo to
i‘nquire into the expediency attaining a
3311ng In to legalize Ito township- the
bounli bich they has paid in axceu of
fill. "at“: which they were nylhbiujzm’l 19
p by taxuipxi’. ¢ '
-In ~the Home. at .Wn'nhingtqg, ‘on
Thundly, Mr. Hubbtnl. of Connecticut,
having Olen-ed n _repolqtion inftructing the
milim-y committee to ihqpirq into the ex.
pedieucy of pavemingjnjuniée being done
in the inattemnhe draft, MLSche‘tck stated
.01“ the provost marshal bad «plained‘
puny his recent order, and that‘full crgdits
#31116 be nuowed. On motion of Mr.
Bohenck the enrollment bill was postpaped‘
{01; twp week's
-.-——+ . »—<——~ . '
‘fWe trust» that Congress; hire it
pdjourne, will pane A law calling out the
whole body of the people to put down the
nlgllion, end that the first organization
ml or inch on enactment will be made in
the Senate end House ofjtepreeentetivee.
with Old Abe and his Cabinet for line ofii
nerl. Such) an example ' would fire the
heart of the nation. and convince the
inmoswho have heretofore borne the brunt
D! the fight. that there’is henceforth to be
he ehirkmg from the dangers of the battle
fiela.—Hur. Tat. , ‘
‘ The Lancaaur Intelligencer cordially eg-
Alorecs so much of the Tdegmph’: article at
propose: that. in the event of a general
all to urine, " the first organization shall
_ he made in the Senate and House of Re
presentetivea,, with Old‘ Ab: and. hii Cgbi‘
net lorfline ofiicere." 'lt also agrees with
thefdegruplr that “such an exeniple would
fire the heart'of the nation.” it it it not al
reidy’ Surnt‘w a state oforispineu rinlling
the vodlof the negro for who!) ell thi
~fighting hue been done._ Whenever the
'Aholitionilte in Congress 'lvh'o are howling
for more «interim: shell-conscript them
selves and wry the hex-nest of war on their
own beck: to the field of battle. they will
iliiepel~ ell doubt- that, may now be enter:
killed an to the honesty of their motives.
And whenever Old Abe shdljcaetbehind
him the luxurious comfort: of the White
House, and take the chence (of havin‘g a‘
rebel sharpshooter rpake e hole in his}
,elrthly tabernacle, fwe shall give bin; cred?
_it for more patriotism and better‘ pluckl
than Democrats in general suppose him lo
bemoan-«ad of. A.“ H ' i
Making Fool: of Themelvcs.—fl tbehahod-
A). number: of the lower Hahn of Congress
ham %3. Sine, have Ignited in n Eeuor t)
deflli Stevens; requestingmim to gram.
perufiuion to them to present his name to
the Mdem {or the position O‘TSecretgry
of it; Treasury. Thaddeus, with more
senu'lbm» they learn to possess, refuses
pumiuion, declaring that he has nq gapin
liou. With Stevens’ late ridiculous 14»
tempt to meddle with the gold ‘g’uket
M in their memories, thin tctioa of the
My .Congreumen is 'a piece of the most
Minn. Ilop'ulity, or elu- 'n is the cover
{or I when” of indiscriminate plunder.
“In becoming the pioneer of its party ‘
an an pence question, the Xew York Tri
lm ditplnys eminent mpewdneu, though
19g 53'“: Handy. It may or may not. be
lino." iu‘iu depire for‘peace. but. it. knows
Index!) to be awn-rum. the time in not far
distant when the peace party .munc domi
m. _
'3" 39m), in we only Demécut'm
3m in the North, and is the only one 11:31.
5159! qfdebt. and has ‘azdcasb balance on
Win the Treasury. This is the be» up
;a'aom um mm 'ponjbly I» brought
pgdgm Bhgddy u : panties} egonomist.
‘ 'Tho Inge room in manor-1h wing of ‘
'm 2min Oflu‘n m.» mad for the Presi
m Inauguration ball- A preaiy time
“glow“ p! '“amh will be lb hold such a
W mm. on land i. in mom-nus;
mm mm. M‘fi, and jun} after the
A“ ‘_ no}: 1' : bacon over the
Mm‘ . ,1.“ k, ‘ '
1’“- Ford Hamilton, in, of liq-:3.-
was hm about) Enid?!» of tha
It apernn‘tn m, guys the’ N. Y. I%ng
that n prepbanl of terms of pence can hue'
hut traceable objects. It in nude either!
tn the hope of in immediate acceptance or;
in ghe'hope tint its rejection will prcynke ‘
counter-revolution in thauswth. To no ;
pomplinhccither of these objects the olfer}
must be reasonable. linen it can rely upon 5
nothing but on appeal to reason for its;
adoptio'n. It will not be presented to thei
southern mind by northern ndvocntee, but-i
by southern ulvmten; amt these (until '
mean” he: made oomidenble headway) :
tillbohuit‘nting end timid. Unless the;
tender in to A great extent, its own advo-_
cute; unless it iuoohviously fair that south-i
em mind: (who, of course, would view it,
from] southern stand point) recognize'its’
‘ fairness. on A simple statement ofite tenor, 1}
it has little chance of snccesn. A great'
i majority of the bold, able. wnguey men of:
I the South Ire determined rebels; and win“
ever propocition' is made‘ will encounter
' their strenuous opp9<ition unless its intrin—l
sic character so commends itnto fair mindal
that rebel logic-cannot damage it. If the '
; rebe} leailersarcexpecteil teacheptit, they
Kmust. be furnished with a case yith which:
'they pun go before the pouthern peopleé-v
1 ll the people are expected to accept. it in ‘
} defiance of the rebel government. no inult ‘
make tip on issue for them on which uouthu
l ern men, puking their appeal to the touth
l erners, may rsaaonnbl y expect to overthrow
} the government. It is too evident for ar
gument'tlint tngive them the nbolit/ion bf ‘
} elevery'l'or such an issue, is to nuke a moot:-
; ery ot the yhole subject. 'W 9
‘l rho fewer conditions, at first. beyond
. simiflle reunion on one side, and complete 1
Infamy on the oth'er._the better. lt' eshh ‘
noting higglu like a net 0( chicmerr. keep- 1
'inguharplook-outleetthey should be over- ‘
“leached. they will never come to an agree- i
j meat. Unless thp parliee nun entertainl‘u
1» generous confiden‘ce in each other’e hon’or
l and good fuith,re-union is impossible. The!
‘ Union will be restored, ilnt «thin the name‘
y Ipirit in, which it wgie formed. Several ;
3 of the States were so dinntinfied with the
3 Conetihgtion that they npuldixot have adop- ‘
ted it. but for the expectation of amend-l
menu which they conqidered vital. But
they did pot‘mmd put and stickle till these
yore made. hm. ndopted the Constitutionl
first, exercising nieneroue trust in the ‘
other states for itb’evquent amehdmente.—
'l‘he éonvention of New“ York, for exam
ple, in the eirculnr letter itsent to the 3 v- ‘
smart of the’other sultan conveying min:
mating o it. ratification 'ol' the Conatitutibn,
raid : “5%“ nrtiolee‘infiit appear til- i
ccptioqnhl to I majority of Wfig
but the fullest confidence ofobtain' 9 a révia' /
(Item bye general conuentian,nnd an invinctéla
reluctance to “panting from our «tutti; data,
could haw-’wqilcd upon aflflrimt riv‘mbct' to
ratify ~11, without ,xtipulating for prev
amendments." The convention of Vita
in “'14,: in, its oxdimnce of rntificati
“Arid Under the conviction that wha .
er imperfections maijisl in the Coast
tion ought rather'lo be examined if: ‘
modo.pmcHlvéd therein llum to bring
Union into danger by delay in tho hope of oblai I
amendment: prwious to the ratification, d 6
fy." etc. . -
73 the states had stood out. in l spit-i
distrust till all they wanted was g’nomiua
if: the bond," instead of reposiug this
mnimous qonfidence in each . other,
Conafiéufionmould never have been adé}
ed. Th'e (lisseyefod sectigns .iuwv - ‘E
lexcounu-y in now divided hsve learn
respect, und ought a; citizen: of :‘com
couxlitry. to feel 5 cinnamon pride in,~e
other's Valor, herqigmtand munly én
”an; and lhs_nnturally general" SoI
would be iniprqsaed (if it can Be impr
by gnythingybj an ofl'e'r from cur gov
menUQu this: “Come, webnve had me
of this; we have misundentoéd ouch -
of. character. Now, imleAd of soils: -
stat} discuuing the old quarrel, lat ‘
friends at o'nce. and illuminate all on
“ties in .‘ general rejoicing. When‘we
fouled“ together Ind drunk togelhe if
you wnnt "n general convention, we will
have aconvention. Both sections'wil go
into it in a spirit of fairness, justice, nd
moderation, and instead of wrangling ike
I: pack of atwmeyl, wé will nettle our gim
cnlties mm pan-imund Christinns. Minn
while, 19: the old constitution under when
we ware once s_o great and proaperous, nnd
which you readopted almost. wori for wbrd,
be the basis of our Union.” E
If there would be anything in I think,
manly, generous ofier like this, inco‘sisv
tent either with patriotism, justice, Chi-ful
anity, sound poliby, or good moroln, we: are
onahleito perceive it. If any appeal toithe
South, which honor does not {ox-bid :1 to
inlke, would belielened to§this would. If
this were rejected, it pould be clear to all
that an; honorable peace-is not attainhhle
without further carnage. But to Inside to
the South the most odious lender which,
‘ooming‘ froin the North. could be ofi‘ored
them, is not to lost. the possibility of peace,
but to furnish a new provocation to war.—
lufluentidl frienda‘of Mr. Lincoln found it.
necolury to explain awny hit Niagara man
ifeato, lest it should dcfeit his election in
the North; and now an abolition mmiil'es
to which even the North would not aitnnd
is offered to the South u on olive brabch !
mam plasma
That Itounoh ond Able Democratic 50111--
nnl. the llill-boro’ (Ohio) Gaum‘rin ply
ing to o discouraging letter, um tho {glam ‘
in; noble Ind patriotic longuagoz— E ‘
"our former friend, exclaimed. an is
lost. it is no mow "l any further! it: so,
my friend, all is not. on; noriayout ‘ ndi
\tion half an deplorable And grinding lnow;
u it. will be if you owe your extort-o to any
the flood of despotism mac ram maintain
high 10’ ongnlfgou. and all of us. Damo
cm and Abolipionin. alike, inim angry and
remamleu surges. The number of whose
bulking .lbese sdvnncu of do; film“ ia‘an
immense host; when all in “$00!“ n+o ex
erted. it in 3 gram. power, Ind never? can.
unleu no yill n so, be chained to on mp -
rinl chariot. While the forms of on‘ elm»
tion rennin there on bottle: to be lions!“
at the [allot-box, and if thergorm shill be
"struck down; Ibo conten‘wil only on ad
journed to 3 field when frond will not. win
the doy." ‘ {
‘lfifThe Abolition paper; teemla p. a.
vided ad the question of chrdut‘wq Inn.
chin. The Wu gee: for oxmdin is to
a» Begrpel. The flmufivm 1.3:»; it.
any {tom “ignbnnt” lbjfifi mon, .
fifienenl Gears» 3. X 90101!“ .. his
{wiry ouin.l{hihdelplgu, talking fare
mil ‘yiaiuo «heir mink... " r 3 up},
dew-ma to: Sump, lino.“ .
Tan-“suns!" 96mm»:
THE WAR NEWS. \\ t From the Chambenburg Spirit.
run; 11: an wt! uni-tr .\ I ORANGE 0P VENUE
. '- . There uppeared in last week's Ibpon‘inry
‘Wlifi‘éfi‘fu'rl'fl‘ K'Jalflmafii a most extraordinary letter. dated at liar-
T-Irn.—‘l'he Peder-I Lou Ignore. 3 fishing. the opening parngraph of which
Fort Fisher, the work defending New In. Needs as today: : '
let. North Carolina. has been captured. ltg “An application is about to he made to
was taken on Sunday last. by a combined . t Legislature. when it meets on Tuesday
land and naval expedition. under‘the com« ‘ no t, for ee‘hange of venue in a very re~
mand of Brevet. lbjor General Alfred H.i markable cue now pending in the court at
Ten]. and Rear Admiral David 1). Porter. 3 qumn session; of Adams county. lt w“
When Butler returned from Fort Fisher. i once} ' in Gettysburg, but thejnry fail
iafter the previous attack. he broughtphis .edto a e—elieing dl'ided politically]. and. ' Cosmos Ptna.
‘lroops to Fortress Munroe. Admiral or~ l the werefina 1y ischarged. .t is Pged i s ‘ v -
1' [er took the fleet to Beaulort. North Caro- l tbs: party \{Mlillg has become so complete- I J behylbfu:wr; :‘moflg" T°"“"-ll‘ "-
lina. Here the vessels took coal and pro-l ly interwoven with the case that Im im m-' 0 n m ”J" u. n “3“” J" “M Juh‘
lvisiom on board. and prepared for a second ‘ tial trial and unbiased verdict is imptmllrle. l 5‘3“" For money ’“ ““5" °n°hn Busbey,
,attack. When Butler was removed from and hence the application for u trnmferut'vsr.. as ’l‘reuiirer or School Board. Verdict
leommnnd, Gencrvil Terry was placed at the l the case to either Cumberland or Franklin 1 Star» 96 for Plaintltls. Motion for a new trial.
' head of the troops at Fortress Monroe, and 1 county.” ‘ I . - . r
lundcr orders. from Washington. he at oncel The writer then'gocs on to give. what isl Calan',3:;xT‘.K S;:B|o\R.' F l
iaailed to Beaufort. At this port, on Jauua- ‘ evident on its face. a very partial and une~ i (‘h r h . 1' l‘ nrgnrr. u mount.
,‘ry Bth. all the land'troops and naval vessels sided history of the case. intendid doulit-' ’“ 9" ”"U‘ “:f‘Ml‘f“ pm“ ““1""
l were assembled. prepared for a secOnd ex- ', less to prejudice the minds or ”W 980 M? 01' Sentenctd to 10 d”; imprisonmr’t “1' “5“
épérh'tion against Wilmington; Tne land i Franklin county and forestall’public opin- 0' Prmwulinfl- ‘
forces numbered about eight tlioueagid men. I ion in favor of the accused. in View ol'the Commonwealth vs. John H. Culp. Charge
The fleet contained nearly one Imdred; face that the case is likely to be. brought hump, lelct lint ‘ m '
and fifty vessels. ' 1 here for trial, we wk in this fair? ls this f' Jy. In I: d ‘
On January 9th the combined expedition l the way to attain the ends ofjnstice? ll'iti ['f’mmofmuhh '3' 33""?le lcr. Charge,
[railed from Beaufort. The weather was be true that “party feeling mm become ”Giselllng liquor witcout license. Defendant
Igood and the sea smooth, and on Jmuary i completely interwoven with this case that ' plead guilty: Senteincd 10$! 00 line andcosta‘
‘ I'lth. last Wednesday. the fleet had all m- 'an impartial trial and unbiased verdict in lot prosecution. -<' ’ _N”"}‘:hmr 'l
rived near Masoubcm Inlet. on the Adw- '. the we is lmpmexble.“ 11lGHll\-filtlxl:gv“lly! Commonwealth n. Sarah Arenrlt. calm-. 3 “Wannsx's mammalian; 3381313?"
no coast. about thirty miles north east ofiuttempt to creole the same. lllfl’lCUtlE‘S and l —t-l.‘ 5800 {C I ~ Pursuant to 3 can or th I; h .‘
Fort’Fisher. The ships were at once pre- l throw the same Obitnblm iu the way oaths i “an" J [fig . ' property 0 ntiartne . mentioned compnn line :ffh egg; ; “by”.
pared for battle. and the unfortunate EXPG'. administration clinipaitial justice her .by l, “mmben' \ ""1"" "m guilty. lmet at the Cullrl‘llilyllhe iu Octet sin; I cell's”:l
{rience of the' previous attack made the l the publication of this premature and ill-1 (‘ommonwealth "-690?“ w-Rfl- ch.r‘et‘nrd|y,dnn.ldlll, inst. The meet’lng ml or :n:
imovemeuls of the land and naval forces advised letter? Would it not have bathilselling liquor to minors. - Verdict not. guilty. line] by the election or llr. Druid chkgtor
l harmonious. On ’rhurndify the first vessels! much better. and more lilrely to result in Comminwealth vs.Gr-6rgc'W.’ch: Charge,‘ Chairman, and Mr. John A. llycrs. Secretary.'
{of the fleet appeared otl‘New lnlet, and or. . the attainment of an unburied verdict, to 11' p S d v “1- . 1‘ The Object-5 oilhc meeting wereibrn patented
Friday morning fifty Federal vessels were i have kept, our people in profound ignorance mg rquor on E“ ‘5." eI“ ’lO.. ‘gm ". b! “9‘". D" 5. 5- Evkfliinflnflludlvwibl'
in close proximity to Fort Fisher. 'At day- ’oi the circumstances attending this most. ommonwcalth "‘ G‘m‘ W. Myers. ({hi'l‘i‘ “W'dh 0‘ “WHO“, 1‘ committee Wu appoint
light the iron-Clad! and lrigates advanced ' unfortunate case until it came before them I‘M“ ny 0“ "‘3": property “1‘- 9- Carton.—- 0“ for the PMPO" 0‘ "mm“! In 1‘30” to ob
tg till): all’tuak, and atbubout eight p'clllockl for legal adjudication. than to spread the v Verdi t uotg’uiltr. V Ball” the “1“?” ol'ihe P"; d" ll" WWW”.
t. e _ m or mtntwas e on. ' home in ‘faou premature! belore them. were the ' ' -‘ . vy were as° "ll“"u‘d ’° "5"“ R! '-
rivalled that ot'ths forer attack in intexig- 1 given ‘aver so trulhfully? We confew tha’l l (out ”we“? "'DA‘JM Anrl'taws. ~ Chm-kc, tron! expressive °' u" u-ntimeilu °f ‘h°“il)‘l':‘
airy. and was kept up all day. The fort. we are unable to reconcile the conduct of} rape. in: "a“ t“d battery mm int'eut‘to’ ."M' “m {TEAM mH” strung-“and W‘m‘ll‘l"
seldom replied, the storm of shells being,| the Repository in this matter with its loudjwmmfll ‘ rape, on Netty B‘kfl' l'rd'Cli'ncurcemtwn 9rmr" m°"‘l’"‘ "flirt CW)“-
too heavy for the men to labor at their grind.) professions of reverence for law and the ad, Slim! 01- “y “In "1d battery .‘Vlm “ll?“ 10 n" After “ ”1m” “him“ the Cumming.- ”‘
About noun. under the protection ofa fleet] ministration ol'equal rind exact justice. lcouiinirla rap . Defendant llhl. to House at “”3"“: and "‘9 “HM”? Pre‘mbl' "‘1 303‘"
pf gurnbpatsi preparations were made tl' We Know pothing ol‘ the, facts in this} Rul'ugr at Philadelphia. ' , linlwgirz"? graft; hl'v '.
an zenera "err s troo a. A ‘stri o lease exce tw iat‘" lienrd throu'h in [lf . . ' " ' e“f '1“ “““""“"l‘
woods on the berlt‘h. abollit three Silas; a/tthe timpe Of‘llle‘tffnmlemfltl, andbnbatmwel Loiumonnsalih n. James llcSherrS. Sure- able and uncalled for exercise ofpower. line.
above Fort Fisher. was shelled.‘to drive the now learn from the communicstirm in thel ty of the ,l'e'm" on mrb of JPhn.J‘fh"" De‘} 3‘ .néizdluukmum'h“MW" "fl" ‘lhik i“
Confederates oti‘. and the landing began al-i Repository. We know neither of the purtieal ““1““ “”9““ ‘° 1‘“! ”“3 cOll9. l 0:, J; N: :n Imm “I“ and 'wl'd'w’d “'3‘!“
most on the same Spot Whfie Butler (10-i to the knit, and consequently have no feel- i Commonwealth i's..l.imes lit-Sherry. Charge, "my" ‘munr, wlo {mm in,“ “ film)". l°"""°m°p
barked two necks before. The ‘luudin iing in the matter either- one way or the ‘ “5‘8“". and battery on .lulni Johns. Verdict. \yrived‘of all illicmre' “v. e in 9““rqfiholl-e'de“
Was unopposed. and during Friday and other, Were it not for the singularlyi ...-m.- cuufl “mu...“ defeodfihtt n 3' ity would dict icl‘droil'elff‘l-Enunu‘ M- hummi-
Friday night 'l‘erry succeeded in gettinghtrange course which the Emmi; lns'k " :3? _ . K7op y l Arid,wliere:s ‘Toibc bill’ol?:ir§’ -l d
his entire force at" eight thousand men on seen lit to take in the matter weshuuld not. Iwe ”r 5‘ “fr mm 0‘ “rosem'mn—im “ h“ and licllel‘filicy Ilsa onlrdonr their a“??? l u
shore. ' have “nude“ ‘0 it It a“! Sine“ h”New“? l“as 1‘ ”1‘11““! the 17th Pu. Cavalry, Co. G" And {flitlil'ul soldiers acting on) in $8303; ‘l’:
During all this time the bombardment of the matter has been introduced we at iy be.’ lht‘ Con" Older“! ”I! s'"le “"3 ‘II' and ‘0 ma"!- lerrlur’r be it ’ "
Fort Fisher continued. it Was renewed on pardoned lul- advertiirg to nfew points con- * w.” “re [' ”my; in: mm?" mm to 9093‘}, Ruched. That in our opinion this ”in".
Saturday with equal force, and Terry began i tained in the Ripoxitm-y‘r communication. 1 prom“ 31“,)...”qu Rouzt'r mm"! “Wine" r 3“! lvr Imllm‘l'd restore it]
his preparations for an assault. A line of‘ The li'rpocrtmy says that “party feeling“ (L lb. S‘ D l‘ b. “"5": """N'! 1" I'll-("l "ml "“1""! j'Nl'C"
earthworks was constructed across the oar-l has become completely interwoven with the, ““I“an “' ‘{'°“’,°’l "m. C n" "I'JPPPONd “HM ill"nil 0‘ “'5 “UM “”4 “98:
row beach. between the ocean and Caps 1 case.” We are a” M“ to know how party i asunlt and battery with intent to kill Daild . ulatlcm of lt'nr. , .
1 Fear river, and a portion of the Federal , feeling could become “inter-wot en" with a McMillan. “"13“ l“”‘)’- Motion for 3 1“" .RN‘m'q‘ “m" “Mk *"""“°' N P'flt‘l".
troops placedin theiri. These works faced ‘ case of fornication and bilatardv. unless, in- I trial“ « ‘._ 1 ""h cmmm-V' in mm“ “W“ luy‘ ”MI I“ "
towards the north. and were. intended as a ldeed, the accused hirniielflrnd made speciall The case of the Commonwealth in. Henry would “FM“ “J." a” .w’m’n'ml‘" 9' m"
Esotection against any assault which migbtfiefl‘orts to introduce it in order to creatsleNl for shuo .” ‘ “m, ,nmn to L‘" l“ ‘ lbrl't'lbrothrr willie", silliout trial, for tan
made by the Confederates, from Wil-‘symmllry with his arty friends in an be.‘ . ' "‘ F' ‘ , . ' "‘.'f‘,"“';," ,3“..“" “‘"" "‘ ”'3“ ""9““ ““4
mingwn. upon the Federal rear during the l half.) ;-:0n no omm, llytiotliesis\can it be ac- l Rodgers, wits conunncd, on nffiunt it of deleu- ‘ 51""! tar-. 9, evidently calls tor iiu mun-lire
attack upon Fort Fisher. Gen. Terry also'counted for. That the prosechtrix could d‘ml- ' Um]; :ri-|n:ij‘~i'.‘:mon' f - '.
began the construction of works towuidsl have been influenced by tailitjcalconsider-l The case. of_ the Commonwealth u. [tr-1.! n,,ne.':..:,;;i'w manicazruusr m inflow“
'the south, to nastst. him while the assault l ations in bringing this prosecution ‘nl'ter lis- ’ “Human"... \'_ G 0im...‘_f,,r.,-,,.w°,.‘und har- in the h“. loriuulr‘cit‘lfil’3': "tum. w’ m” 3”
iwas being made. During all this time the . Vln'.’ loved the accused “not wisely. but tool “m“. “rm" oath of Hi“ J \Y;h.r__w¢" cn- gen: ul 3 ”like“, “it 1.43;." 3“" hn'hm‘
thombardment of Fort Fisher by the fleetgwell." and been willing to become. hifnwiied .'3 I 11 t’ 't' (1'! d . I 0] ' .\nlt, fnrzlwrnlore \YOlVogul’ATnffi‘r-Qfitel 1..
was kept up, and scarcely a gun ‘was fired ,is a proposition too absurd lor considciu- ' “I.“ ’ ,0“ app .cri run 0 :8 c" M" I ”0w” ’ lcln'e io'utl‘er our Selh'iu-ait a Cull.”- 4:01;“;
in reply. Bring thus uninterrupted, theition. ' \ l‘Vllh “5'4““: ”WW“ 0‘ ”'9 absence “f ‘ for service in thr- Shite (luiird about to i.'..,.'.’.
Federal laboring pal-lips progressed rapidly . “'9 do not desire to any a word. ngainati material witness. The odor“ of defendant genial-d by that Itcrliug'lfalridt—the Soldiers
and. by noon on Snturday last. everything‘ the Rev. .\lr.‘(lorwalt, the accused in windmill lricnds to hate the cue removed to Friend—Gov. Andrew G. Curun.
was ready for the» attack. An assaulting 'case. but it'he has employed the editor ofi‘nmhg, countr by an A“ of the Legislature f (In motion, thc' meeting adjourned.
column of tuft-ntry was at. once sent for-l the Rrpoiiloqtocliampion his case tlirough,l ~ 5’ . - - -’l ‘W’
ward against the northwestern angle of tllldlllellell‘ncfi has been "so bungled its tu‘lmis “an“? ‘ “A” to be ”led m Dunk!" '
Fol-t Fisher. Another assaulting party.'throw suspicion n on his innocence. llO‘ ‘9 will be "e“ by u" A"""‘"‘ "’"°“‘ ‘ l -.—-~
composed. of sailors and marinefl. was Rd- S certainly has no rigtil to coriiblain. For in~l AN ACT to change the Venue in the ruse of! TllElelEA l' HSGHSII RE‘JEDY.
'vunced against the northeastern tingle. At stance, in tlie r'l’vpgsiwijy': letter, the lollow-l the Commonwealth vs. Wushingtuu V. (lot-‘1 Fl". Hunts t'unxs s (but liturgy in.“
limit-pant three the infantry reached the ingfilo our mind. fatal admission occurs: , waltfnumbl-r-iwelre of August term. lam, PILH. l‘reparrd Iron- a plen‘riplirin ul oar
'fort, and nftg a long and bloody struggle‘ "In October. 1853. lie was surprised with in the court of Quarter Sessions ot Adnnn. .l. l‘ligrle. 3!. ll,_ l'liyelriaii l-ixtrumilmiin Lu
succeeded in effecting a lodgmcnt. The the information communicated to him by Conan» the county ot Dauphin. . , thu Qu-en. ”This invaluable mdmne is'uu
sailors rriid marines who advanced twain-it Miss Walter. that. she had loved him ‘ntit . Section L\Be it enacted by the Senate and ililillg in lhc'cnre of all those painlul and
the other angle, were repulsed with heavy , wisely, but‘too well.’ and that she must. be House 0flifl"’*““““" 0m" C”"“"°"‘"-"llll dangerous “"2""! W ”M“ l“ “m“ “‘l‘
lions. They were accordingly wiibdrawn,'aheltered from shame by an immrulutelm Pennsylvnniiuinlieneral’Assembly “‘9‘ “MI "itww’li’ "' 5““- h‘mmimmhm “"4"
land sent to preiat the inlantry column. ‘ lmarriaige. Confounded with such aclrrrue, ll‘ is “"53 ““9““ “I" the “mm“! 0‘ ‘s' ““1 ""“im'” “1 “h“r‘lfiiw‘r and ‘ ‘P‘N’
' llnving effected a'lodgment. the Federal ' and bewildered at tho cti‘ect of alien an .lc- ‘ 3““! TP‘“ ”'6 “‘9“ i“ m" m.“ "°“’ ”mm”! cu" "m, h." ”mi“: . ‘
Itroops gradually worked their way along cusation against one in his position, be de- .l '“ the Lou" "I‘Q‘Wncr su'w“ ."f full“. T 9 Ml‘ "Ed ”4'.” nr! l'"“““”-" “m“! “
~the ramparts. driving the Confederates from nied the, soft impeachment, but, omm“ 1. . county. of the Lommnuwcaltli vs. llushluirtou ll Vl'llli inn short time. bring on the mound!
lone bomb-proof and traverse to another, , ing with his fears. he advised her to leavel V. .('°""“"v ”""’"" ”Fl“ 0' Alma" Wm: “'3O“ '“H' "H“L'P’!- ‘ ‘. . ‘
luntilnt ten o’clock in the evening. the en- Gettysburg until the threatened el‘cntl ”MRI" and the “n" l‘éh'Flby ”mm“ 'l‘" "no" boul'.’ "n" o'.” 9"" .r, .IM" ‘M
ltire fortwas captured and the gnrrison'should transpire.” [the (curl. of Quainer Sgt-lilo!“ rt“ Dauphin Gor‘er'nmrui nrrmp ut (qr-it llm in. to prr.
driven out. General Whitm’and Colonel l Now. we risk in all seriousness, could it l-clon:ti'l"l.° ‘3'? T’T‘ld‘vm 0' “I: cow" "in" "11-‘34::lfflligll' P'll “i, ll .
Lamb. with the (30nferleratotroopt, retreat- : be_posaible tliatu respectable young lady,“ '13,:r50“ “huge. ilrllmiulll‘ne'ctla'; ifeilthadebtzg by F‘ [Humid—Mgr“); Au!“ sii‘ufiliiiiiiliill:
ed south along lederal Poml. to ~he“! ln- l Miss Walter is admitted to he, would ap— ' “.39.; in the com“,- ofiAdamgl um: dilemma Pr‘fihflm‘ys a. u...) ~,.. sump” 1......“ .... up.
let. they could retreat no farther: llndipr-Otl-cll a irentleman. and pxl'llt‘ul‘ll’ly all" ii... use .imii be ammo ”is ”Akin-“d carriage. but. in my (illlt'rtilltt-Ilhry an axle.
lno defenses: and were captured. Both ; minister, and break an delicate u subject to by we proper other. at tlle.said mum, of la hllt‘nbr' ot Nari-..u-aiiilsiiwiil .\nei-rioni,
l Whitney and loath were wounded. All l him where there had been eniirainnoccnce‘l l Adams ‘O. the said (.‘mirt oil Dnuphln county, i PM!!! in We uMk nnd Limhudl‘stirur ml rlixbt,
the works on Federal Paint have been cap~ l Or, on the other band. would a gentleman ' and rill cxpenna incurred by._theluid ruuuty . eacl‘llull. l’nlt'i‘MiW' “r “W hum”. “’3‘" 1' ”r
lured by the Federal troops. Seventy-twoiwho was thus approached ‘couiisel witlilot Dauphin by reason of the will change of end WW“. “I”? W" "l“ ‘39“ “0'1”“an
cannon and a number of prisoners various- his fesia’ and advise her to leave. honie . Venue, shall be pant by the Commissioners of It“ Ml"? means 11"" Ml"! ; \uhd “would! ‘
lly estimated at, from one thousand to l luntil the threatened event should trnn~~l the said county of Aduml. 'l"’“‘" l“ ""“.'"."~ d" “M "0"”3“ “WWW" “"">
ltwenty five hundred. have been cul’tured- l Plre.’- if he felt conscious of innocence ?' ‘ “WHY“ 6- OLMSTEAD, “W“‘leul' ""3“““5' MM“! ““1" WWW“
Wilmington is not vet taken. It is thirty These are pertinent questions. and we sub-l Sl’e'l‘“ 0‘ ‘1” “0““ 0' R'l""”"“““i""- rm" . . l ':
miles north ol‘Fort Fisher. The Cape Fear l mit tltein toi- what they are worth. withoutl WM. 3- TUBBELL. H" almmm“ l“ ll" P‘”"l"‘-"“ "mm" m“ “
river is not. closed by this capture; for itlit’itendiug ‘to charge the guilt upon Mnl . Slm‘k" °' ”"3 33““9- Phikw" mm." “m".m l" ‘“""‘ll-l ""m“ "
has another entrance Ninth of New lulet. lGolwulli . . l Approrrd lh‘ 19th fluy‘ol JaiiunrytAnno ..§.t)lll 16;; all Uruggrurs. Sole Agent for the
Byjudicious msncnuvring, however, if the]- .The Rrpoaiwry in its zeal to defend Mr. I 0"".“m’ “M: u‘wg‘nd “g“ ““11"“? "d aix- Lz"l°dv%l”.“"d.‘33"."3‘? . . .
‘Sonhgerates have no large {3ch to oppose Gotwalt should have remembered there are , ty-tne. A' b‘ bl'lt’llh. l ‘v n 4““); L:fi"‘f', ('lzllfliti" " 8.? 'fi,
iim, orter ms be abletoe ectuall close‘two sided to eve controver! , and tlmtl '— .-5 H H ..- ' '' m I' .~ ' M ~c ’- mrm M
the entrance. tlinugh two large fort); have I there is anotherryparty to mill suit. Miss: A 03”“ 0’4)“ {smitwu fall '0? people m 2"“ ’",f"-"",‘»"‘ Al',’""' H“ "“1“" ‘i'llmir'
yet. to be taken before he calf have undisvlanlter. a helpless orphan girl, who haslon “la“! “"1 Slnuhhh occasioned ‘o' the :"umam’hfi. ’1 " "7 ”(amigmkfu‘fi 9'
puted possession oitlie'hai-bor. The Fede- been deeply injured .by some one, nii'l'lßO'u"l DTEHI'OHIIW“ being MEG ‘0 1'03"“ the; I ' .; .—-~~«£~ :9 , b . I
lral loss in the assault upon Fort Fisher is ‘ whose reputation perhaps iii as dear to her enrollment. We understand that the lists of! DR- MARSHALL/5 CATARR'! SXl'b‘l’.
l reported at nine hundred. The nxagnzing las is the reputation’of Mr. Gotwalt to him. ‘the several district! ‘1" considrmbl reduced! This Snufl' hnl thorotrghlyJiiored itu-ll’ to be
iof the fort was blown up after it w'as cap-l The apology which the- Repository offers b a l h .’ -' d" be" ”mic “‘o'“ {‘"ic' ”“35”" a“ ”h
-1 tured, and two hundred Federal soldiers , tor the publication oftbis letteh‘wlllch was y reason removs 5' dc“. " “"1101 m 9“” i“ ”"3 “9“? find “rad-the. lt hits; linen
lwere killed and wounded. . l doubtless written by the edltor|rimsclf)ra servrce, to, but. the exemptmur for physical found an excellent remedy in many cues of
Blt is said that General Hunter will be . worse than none. It says “the case has al- “NW“! “"79 comparatively ’o‘“ l S‘TJZ’": I'm'mx’ hf)" b'r'" """"d '4' if:
uller’s permanent successor. If thisbe rend attained unlimited üblici 'by“l ‘ . ‘ “". "" ' ""‘I ‘ an. "”"3 “"u “l ‘s’“ hm‘“, “"9”"
so,it will be scarcely an improvement upon'fruitlesa trial in court.” I}: this fined—4 GETTI3BURG LAT-IONA“. Elfin—Tl" by "5 "3" ~h ‘
lhe previous condition of things- i "Unlimited” is a broad term and would in- ‘ ”W“ "’1 dcub‘l‘“ be EI'J‘HM'“ "l“ mi" A .h n “In“. ""t “new!" And-m", I"
The only itomofintelli ofrom Grant's clude all the world and "the Ibstof man-l iurtitutien will be conducted under the math I“: \u Flu" m "'9 dull 1"“! “ml" “um!
camp is that the Conffieza}: are laboring ' kind.” But it is not even true in it limited I agement of Geo. Swope Ed}. as President so byi ”3““ of t‘hgheud. Th‘. "Puma!" dull:
very hard upon a most or idable line of! sense. We venture to say that notu dozen lion .d t _ l v ._ us rig it are dr iglitful and . invigorating. ‘
, . , 3an morality known in this community opens andpurtiel out all obstructions,strsiigih
works on the north Side of the James,lpersons In Franklinpounty, beyond shin-l .. . lensthe lungs a d ‘- b ltl rhino
above Dutch Gap. which will make theiited number of acquaintances of one Ol'in! thenble 9"“de of the Rink of mmy'd‘tbe par; aflerledn EH“ “l n q k U x
canul, if ever opened, erfectly useless. ’ both the parties. knew anything whatever i hm“ TM 3"” °f Director! "“1 omw" °f llure than 'l‘biri l’rars' of Mlle and we 0!
General: Bcauregard) and D. H. Hill are of this case WW2“ spread before them ill"! 01d Bunk 11“" “ISO be?" conllfllmly Ind “Dr. Mar-hall’s Cguirrh and llfldlt'hl Hiiutl."
at Montgomery. Alabama, in consultullolllin the coin ms 0 the Rrposilory. Even iu‘tbe stockholders and the public may rest as. liaaprored it irrrai. mlucitir all the common
with General Hood. No new movements, Adnms county one-half the peaple knewlwred m“ the same flunncialTllcutlnnd “My“. diseases or rite head. and at :his moment
m"imported in the West or at Charleston nothing ofitkflchttyqbur-vpupen all very ll which raised i_ to web a hi [i d rce of standsliigher them over betel-e. ‘
or Savannah.-—Agr 0" ll'rrlncsday. l'prudently halting refrained from making l y _ k . Beg.i, l' is recommended by many of the llf‘l pills
'_l‘here is very little military intelligence any allusion to the matter-in their columiis.ipmlpemy.’ m“ be ““Ile I? the conducting “Emmi and ll “5&1 "11“ Km“ ““'" “4
gins morning. the principal news being con-l This application for a change of venueli°l the adult! M the “V ““mmm'“ , ’ l "g“‘g‘l‘fi' "g"? E:""'- f “1’ ' D
rmatory Accounts 0 the Oil ture of Fort looks more like an act ofo i-ession towards ‘ ’ " . "it I'9 ‘lr‘d Mn 0 1 dual» raz-
Frsher. The Federal troo‘psP engaged in l the poor girl thanadesirellg attain theends' fi-Joseph Butltee, Jr..‘of .\lrShsriystown, ‘i'” l“ ”‘7“ Th" “”dwfitm’h hm”! tar
the attack numbered seventy-nine bun-lot" justice; the- design being to force berlt’h” county, on the 12th “1“" shot .~ “we mu". "m" m." acquainted "is“.wlr liars
dred; sixty-five hundred being land forces away from home wrth her witnesses at an lOttcr ‘“ ‘ small “’9‘“ °' ‘h" premises °l . fhfu' Cnittl‘lt—Lnd “9‘4“? SM“, ”“1 sold
3er gistrfteen hubdretl nurines and sailors. l enormous expense. which she is illy lble to Samuel 6 Sneerlnger, Vliiclt‘ rumored four, 3513123333). ”“311",“ fllm." "“‘thx'
‘ e n ederate garrison of the ort num- j bear. This they ho a will revent horn - fort sew-a inches and mi bed 2‘: ound .'—— 5' "l“ ' m "i”. "W" '
bercd eight hundred. Six hundred Con-“penance altogether grid realilt in a virtuEl . - ' g . p I »th.‘."commcndmr{mfinn of “.17" mc-m"
. . . x . . The 0‘1"" becoming rm, «nd MI firm or (annual AIM-two‘s and that i... derided
fedarates were posted in the various .batte- rthurttsl oflthe defendant. 'l‘o grant a b h' m... l dbe flt 5 yl‘rh b t. - '¢ . ‘ 'l
riea south of Fort Fisher, and there were change of venue underthese circumstances ."n I“ 3u M an" ote “m o cim;°;;;:m:lc {:hh‘flw." known for “l
shunt fil'teen'bundred troops in reserve at. would be an act ofinjustice und oppression m in" -__...___..__.:._..__ 5.," t p 237. gong“. Reed Austen k Co.
different points—three thousand in all.—l towards a helpless female otwhicb the with. B. Gardner, B-q.. u Adminittn- “on“; Brown.‘l.ammn’s ('o': Bolton: turd:
Tho Confederates were aided by two steam-J, islaturo should not. be guilty. 'But_ if a tor ”can”! mm Ih. tum of mm] John.” 4mm, t 00.. 30mm; firth “317"”. Bustofl;
era in bape Fear river. 'lhe losses on nex- , change is granted, we protest against it be- ’ > . . . . . '5 Wilson. Fairbanlr a (’O. Boston- Henshaw,
the: side are yet accurate] reported. but} ing sent to Franklin county. where it would deceased, m Latimors township, “M‘mm‘ s‘, Edmund k Co. Boston‘ 11. 11. llay' Portland.
there is no evidence that giy Confederates t be barely possible to obtain an impartial ' BC?“ and ‘4 “"th ll 335 25! pcracre, cuh. ' 119-; Barnes &’ Park, but York; IM9-
were captured but the immediate garrison ltrial after the attempt which has been made Cyrnl Albert puruhiiser. lSanda, New York; St: lien Paul & 00,140"
of Fort Fisher. eight hundred in number.l by the Rrpaiitory to prejudice the case in --*'-‘--*'—~—*—'—-—* ’10“; “I'M-’1 mm" 1 60-. NEW YD"; WK"-
The probability is that most of the others advance. ”1' & “bun" 5" Y 0“? 5- L- 8‘0““ £60.,
empedagrzoss Cape Fear river under coverl ‘" :‘rb I"ng ”kW"?! 2“" ‘ Cb" ”m'yNH
0 cats _ ‘7 u flu¢,ACW or. '
The Confederates re art that General ll" ”1' by all D'““i'"' 'T” 1‘"
Raiser, in his raid on goverly, West Virn ho" H' 1664. 1’
gi‘nia, captured seven hundred Federal
prisoners. a large amount of commiasary
and quartcrmsstei’s stores and many horses.
He has sucmstully returned with his cap
tures to the Shenltnrlosb Valley.
On Tuesday 3nd yesterday Butler was in
Washington testifying about the first Wil
mington attack, before the War Committee.
General Grant has been summoned an
Brevet Major General Alfred E. Terry
has been nominated to, and confirmed by
the Senate, a full Major General.
Secretary Stanton has arrived at Fortress
Monroe. on his return from the South—Age
of Hunting]. _
An dficial dispatch from Secretary Stan
fiu. whilst at Fortress Monroe. to the Presi
,m.--.._~_. n announeeat m ‘
autumn Baird,of Damascus. WuynelShel'fimen‘a movedtlfnfmliagllgl’drgi;gtrel
county. in the course of a week’s hunt. a Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps. under
“3"“ “no since. killed 13 don. He sold the command of General Howard, Vera
eight or them and realised a clear profit of , translerred from Savannah to Beaufort. and
teveatyrdve dollar on the sale. f opera 0!)" from that point upon thaline of
. ‘_ n 1 -‘ "‘— 4 tie Brenton and Savannah Railroad,st
......t. “wh0...” an: M... .. ...... ......
. ' strong works in that Vicinity. The army
crease )8 most remarkable. In 1808. there 1. mm mm "th‘ h- n.
was butane CotholiotoßSPr-ouuunu- in ll 6. -l"""my n W“
13.39;”! “>29: in 1840. onetols- in 1550 " h’ "mum finymfl.._°_';°‘.._ - a.
99. "9 ll; “3“! in 1860, W“ ‘0 79' 'l 'Linooltyaml (It: prqfl are about}.
The Abolition jolrnaia are badly engaged i
in fixing the position of the Democratic
party on the slurry queshon, and marking‘
out the future course of that ancient organ-1
iznion. Semi say it is 1 pro siuerymthm;
nn anti-slavery party. We can infotmthese‘!
fanatics that it. is neither the one no: Ihei
other, and that the Democratic plny cani
take care ofi!self.nnd that they shat! mind 5
their own busineu.‘ ’ E
The Democratic party always held the:
doctrine that whether slayer y was right or i,
wrong. the National Government had]
nothing at all to do with it; that each‘
State had to regulate that matter for inc-1L!
For seventy years, (as the Somerset Demo
crat well renaming) the nation acquiesced in I
this opinion. and s number of the twelve
original slnve States aiolished slavery by
State legislation. and this the Democratic
party says is the only lawful and constitu~
tional mode of abolishing slaVcry anywhere.
We would urge upon the Democratic
members of Congress to'oppose Abolition in
novation at every step. The Abolitioniata
have not the power to adopt the proposed
amendment this session, and if they dare
let them execute their threst to convene
the new Congress in epoch: session for the
purpose. The Democratic party must. in
the future. as it-Ydid in the past, for nearly,
three quarters of a century. stand squalely'
upon the doctrine of non-intervention.—
It wcs the means of preserving the Union,
and upon it clone can it be restored and
prepetuated. We repeat. then, letthe Ab
olilionista not give themaelves any trouble
shout the position oftthe Democratic party
on slavery. it is a constitutional “party,
and as such it must stand by the doctrine
of non~intervention with the domestic in
stitutions of the States. lls motto will be,
“Here we I d, we know nothingelse.”
. mi—'——-—-
fi-lt up airs that there are yet some
places in the United States where the su
premacy of the law over militiiry usurpa
tion is asserted and maintained. We take
plehsure in copying tho following slate
ment from the York, Pa., PmaocfaJlc Press
of Friday weekK: ' r’
Among the cases tried at the January
session last week, was a prosecution on the
part of Dr. William Nether-against Nel
son Wisneg. Josiah R "arr and Levi Lack,
soldiers 0 company K, Veteran Reserve
oorp’s, stationed at the U. S. hospital,“
this place. for a riot. and, with other noi
diers, attacking his house and breaking his
doors and windows. and disturbing the
peace. The defendants were nrres|e_ on a
warrant issued by George M. Shatter. Esq,
on the 23d (lay of Novemher. 1864. and
committed. and while in custody of the
ofiicers of the law, and within a hundred
yards of the prison, they were-tnken from
the officers in char-2841f them by a detach
mgt of the‘nbove nnmed corps, and taken
to their barracks; The Judge of the dis
trict (Hon. Robert J. Fisher) promptly
demanded the surrender of the prisoners to
the civil authorities, we understand, an the
ground that tho civ‘l jurisdiction had at
tached and was in process of execution be‘
fore the‘military authorities had‘laken any
action in the matter, and for that reason
'the defendenls ought to be rolnrned to
the civil nuthoritfe: to be dealt with ac
cording to the law ‘of the State. But:
he wished itilo he distinctly understood.
that ‘ althim'gh this particulnr case was
put upon ‘thnt ground, he did not
thereby admit, that in a community like
the borough of York,where the citizens are
loyal to the Constitution and government
of the United States, where the courts are
open 'and the laws of the Commonwealth
administered without hindrance or unne
cessary delay, that the military authorities
have any right to interfere and prevent. the
punishment of ofl'ender. by the local law.
although they may be soldiers ir. the army
of the United States. The letter demand
ing them wastransxniftéd by Surgeon Mint:-
er, commanding this past. to General Cad
walader, commanding this military depart
ment, who promptly responded, ordering
the men to be delivered to the civil author
ities. The defendants were accordingly
tried and convicted.- They were eentenced
to pay a fine offive dollars each. and an;
dergo an imprisonment of six months in the
county jail. _
: g.
. MON D. ‘ _ ‘
WASHINGTON, January 16.
Mr. Francis I’. Blair, Sn, returned here
this evening, from his miasion us Richmond. ‘
on the government steamer Don (whicfi
Wu placed at his dieposal by the Navy De-i
pertinent). which took him up the Jumea‘
river as far as he could go without a flag of]
truce, and there n‘wmted his reappearance~
from the enemy’s lines. Mr. Blair reached}
Richmond on Tuesday night. He intend:
ed to go to a. hotel; but his visit having?
been noised about; he was met by several of
his old acquaintances, most cordially greet-J
ed, and ingited by several of them to be‘
their guest? He accepted the invitation of‘
Colonel Quid, the cotflcderate commission-i
er of exchange. During his stay in Rich-g
mond. from Wednesdny to Saturday morn-i
ing. he had an interview with Jeff. Davis. L
Secretary Benjamin. and Mr. Seddon, Sec-;
retary of War, besides several congressmen.
On Saturday morning Mr. Blair, in company
with twenty released Union surgeons and I
chaplains, several ladies, and Lieutenant;
Governor Jacobi, olKentncky. left Vining”
near Richmond. on the regular flug-of-trucel
Bummer. and arrived at our lines in a shorts
tinte,tl\e distance being about ten miles“!
Aftera briel tarry at General Ord’s head-f
quilt tors, he went on board the governmentt
dispatch boat and came down to General‘
Grant’s headquarters, where he remained’
sometime. Yestetdly morning the bond
with Mr. Blair on board, left City Point, 3
end in due time reached here this nlternoon.l
Hie arrival in Washington created confided
reble of e aenntion, and the wildest rumors!
were soon afloat. Most. of them took a;
shape indicetive that Mr. Blair bed accent-3
plilhed something. ‘ixlhe most genenl one i
nu based on the intimation of the Riel»!
mend Examiner of Saturday that Jefi'. Bevin!
had offered to Mr. Blair to lend pence m‘i
minionerl to Washington. This evening I
Mr. Blnir. Sr., “Pd his son Montgomery,|
lute poetmnster—general,called on President;
Lincoln and spentaome tinny/«What passed I
It the interview in As yet. unknown to out- I
side", but to the letter Mr. Blair ha: tumu
ted wry decidedly (he! he went on no qficwlmiJ-i
lion, and (M: £3 dint not receive an qfi'crnlor um- '
W mmunacatum while in Richmond. So}
Br I: is known of what he actually heard,
in Richmond reluive to peace it is believed E
that the tenor nod details were ooneonlnt
with the articlet in the Richmond papers i
on the ume lubjeot. so trcquently repro
duced in yOur columns. ‘~ i
filf Abnhun Lincoln had been rule:
of Jada. our Snviour would not. have bun
betnyod by Judas. Why 9- Because thirty
pieces of silver couid not have been found
w the whole province wherew‘nb to pay
the bribe. ‘
”The first step toward rstnblishing the
old order ofi things is PEACE. When We
Itop figlmng we can then “reason togeth
er." and resort. to the ways of humanity"—
We Ihall reach that point aftern while. Mr.
Lincoln said in his inaugunl: “Suppose
you go to war. you cannot fightalwayu ; and
when, after much cost. on both sides, and
no gain on either, you cease fighting, the
identical old questions, as to texma of inter
course, are again upon you." "
Gen. Sheridanr'l‘bia distinguished oflice!
visited this city lass week and took dinner
n a» United State: Hotel. After dinner
[:oka the Baruch nnd left—the um. ‘
day for his Bead Quarters in Virginia.—
Fradmcl: Unian. 1
. Who wag General Butler's Failm L—Que‘gf
am for Antiguarians.—-To the Editor of the
World: Can you inform the undersigned
in wbst. For it Was that John Butler. the
father of Bhujnznin F. Butler. was hung by
the Spaniards u a pirate in the Ishnd of
Cuba! Some say i: no in 18(6, but accor
dinz to my recollection of the records as
publfifiad in the New Hampshire Pairing
Ind Boston papers? In in the yen 1819.
/ Jumcs. ‘
gallant—The New, York Tribune my;
“the ccutr, gnu olfswimmingly." Veg-win)-
uh: in hum blood, (ad in the (qr; of pig.
9w: :nd orphan.
Ion») 8: Gomfiy.
(‘09:! 1“ MM last heel—Prelidenl Jud‘e‘
I‘inher um! Aswciyne- Ziegler And Wierman on
the Benrh. The'flngd Jury. (leefick Dieb',’
Esq, Faun-n.) concluded Iheir .dutigs by '
'l‘m'ldny Hammad nu then (Shem-Ird,,
The following ruin wot: trim} during 15;:
”The Anepaor of U. 8. Taxes for this
diurict gives nofice um. the “acumen: a! the '
Special Income Tax for tho nrlonl diviaiou
of Adam: coumy, will be open for cnuhnion!
at the Asses-ox": dfiuin Getty-burg, from tbei
171}: to the 28m ofJlnlury.‘ Awe-I.- tor the;
urn: will b. reached in writing, on the 30th or
Jsuuary. '
A Clerg) map, while residing in South Anna
in; u s milzionnry, dIaCOVCI‘Cd A are up] I'q‘m
ple romedy for the Cure of .\'.c-rw-ou: Weakncss,
Early Decay, Dimus oftbe Urinary .nd Sun»
in: organs, d the whole min of disorders
brought on bfbaneful Ind vision: hum-
Great number: luv: been shady clued b IMI
noble remedy. Prompted by A Gum to Km.
fit the Inflated and uniorluunzefl will tend Ih.
recipr for prvpnring and using thin mdicine.
in I Iculrd endure, to “I on. who until h.
F“: or Cunt.
7 ' l'lejnu inclosa I. sumpcd engelope, “dusted
”We hive from the man dammed the '0 ’Wfldb ANN" ‘
action of We return Page; in urination o! ‘ ' JOSEPH “WIN“;
their mun Ind 1“.. math". Repeater]. l Stud" ‘l’. Bible Eon".
No, you didn’t. You néyer aid on wordr 0"" 2" "6“ Ncw‘York 0“"
‘ - ~ W _._._____..—-———-
about the bougrsat county congreulonll re-l mum
fi-We obnerve, by the publishcd proceed.
ing: of Comma, that ‘ouuble and indefatip-’
ble member, Gen. Cefi'roth,.hu introiuced a.
rublution, which was pnued, requuin; nae-J
the Committee of WA}: “d Mum to inquiref
inibwrupcdicucy' of reporting I hm runho‘
tenet: or the people of Chambeuhnrg.
§ turn judge. find by Wio-‘Egflm “I"! n" cOn 1h- t 0»... t ”uni—m7 oof tho
‘ Gonna: wu pnvculed mwm‘n‘bflhfid“ on“. lithe»? 3. H. Dcatrkb.
election of n memlm 0* C 0531"! for ski-“dio- . Liam. 6:: G. W. “WHEN“, a! ti. 309th
trict. ,1.“ u. bur from you in regard to thin ‘ R};- 2. Y., co Ilia “NIB ‘o} «end (huh.
u I. can —-Rn'lfard Gown. 1 ”1' °‘ 50"! 0019. 0f 7-» I“ chin Wfl‘
p" ““1"”.-7!’ “ ”YRS!" Noun“; 3%??? hymn”. M???
~ Snot—Hr. ezekin ct o(ng r. . 0 ll ~ ,‘- -
~ ”00? mr n- ‘ r‘ -« Mum, humaneewmgr, um
than to": 9 run In con 5-,: an Inch- . . B
- 1 Doc. zm,lm, b mum. J. a. town!
no, kmed It be mountain, m the nligllbg-; It. 3. 1.3 m “ g Bhir coun
hood 0‘ W" 3"“- YW '“‘ Turk" a. g, 7.2,»: mu! mxmnxs’l,
9m uh“. “11.1“ th or am! ”NI: 4,7 pt cnnboxlnd Wp, Aan only.
. 4: T 1: Puc: .\lnvnxurmfipokfl‘dbpawl Io
thn Nnv York TribqncJ—Wuh'mkm, In
'3- la.—‘l‘he pmidom has been elm duly,
any!" blue]! to I" toxins. u li‘yhiopug
«i um um Alabuu pom. «Wm 1m! "41..
«cc. sad that. the Praia": nu giving My
aim! to tho endeavors from hm! fidu chino
I‘m at ru- to bring 93:; I "alumn-
,» ——-_o 2 q.» ~ ‘—- »
RECORD YOUR DREDS.——-’l’ho attention of
pnnien holding unrecorded Dordo‘ll dlrec‘fl’
lo the provisions orrhe Ac: olAuenle', wfilch
requirel that— "V ,
“All doedl and conrcynneu for Hal em
in this Commonwealth. slull he recorded in
rho oflive for Recording Dyed: in the county
where rho lands lie, wirbin If: new); um Ibo
execution of luuh duh and ponnynco; IN
"or! such denl Ind convey-Jan no; “my“:
_u .rgrmm, mu be adjudge rnwopmx
ANDI VOID Igninn my nubaequnt purging";
for nrnluahle ronaiderulon, nnlou Inch doeaj
be recorded before the rgcordmz of the degd o;
conveyance under which mrh Inlucqunr put.
chaser ur mortgagee shall claim." r
TM: in I very important noticn, Ind thou
holding unrecunled doe-ll will, no the In»?-
“are 0! havinglhcm recorded wllhonl furthg;
Sl’lz'f: 1.l I, .\'o 7'] I‘IIN