The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 09, 1865, Image 4

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a RIDES . ~ mun sate. » y
‘,« , . 1‘ V BE VALCA§!.E FOUNDRY IX 1115;
qgwx: BOROUGH“)? (‘EQTTYSBURGr-f‘bli‘ill‘
’ Im. an“~ Foundry y mi: un mm. hnW‘
‘ a OGICAL ,SPECVEATIONB' two lots of Triple-gut Hone Powerx. "to uni
Prof.” aunt. in Hu- .illanllc-fioulbv, come! Bevengru‘Puwen, a large lot 6! Plnugh PAH
we the c‘upciusiun that th: comment amonh ”“1?“ Sgow Pancrnyndnd Ix“! othxer mugmm
'. - D I slu- al Ire pee (- . 10.| nu , ri
‘ " ’ ‘ , Likemn, I HUb‘ob AND LOT 0. (,RULSD,»
DI the Allcghcn} tan a a! wounuiuu In 213- no“ the Foundry. Mpo. mo Lots of Grow-. 1
‘ ‘ ' 1 the Dupuc P nation 1: 11 b ‘ ‘1 “
fiat-'O5: lb (ha very (cpl. ext-apt a. few pain“ ', x. ‘ u l ' “‘3‘?" “Wu
:hih: :"Qb?" theffivqftl the i:y Innu.-—'. "fifi‘gzgét ,‘f E DAY“) bTF‘B‘VER' ‘
can: u upon, or in are, I our sixl "‘ ‘ " “"—‘—’—"‘——"
abound lon high, und the_rongb, uhpomhorl-f REAP éfirfi‘gickmg.
inn-fle- ofiu lummit, cgvemj with .100" {mg- C BALT "mm; ST" QETTYSBURM
gun“. jun bdow the lad of winch 3mm I'ICKING‘S CLOTHINI} STORE. BALT. STI
nub came“! an end, mu. nu um it tineqzu Picsnus Gun-Hut; srous, BAL'I'. st;
“held cloue'nbore the duals» yrnua of ire and {:{f‘gu}: gtgggag :‘g‘Ogg. BA:.T. ST} 1
not, In thi: region; then, the «bk-line‘s: pr .'. '3 . ‘_> g ) ,BA 1:. {9‘l},
. - . Plcmxu‘z (‘Luifllmfl swim, BALL. Sn
the that gunner lye. been much less thnn n: ‘ LiREAT PLM‘E TU BUY CLOTHING, i
\honun'll I 901.“ thus 'l3 “m kvvpinn *‘nh m! (man Puma m3m C-LHTHIXG, (I
lungs kind of evidfince in 'oaher panroLLhe ‘ (WHAT PLACE TR) [sng CLUTLHf‘G, l
“(inglenybereyer themauntains arexpnch ‘ Eggfi :ffigg :3 :3: 333%.;ng J 1
below I}: Qhonun’dJcez, like}?! peems (oh-vo} ‘ ‘ ‘ A 1" P. B. PICK‘ISG‘S, ‘ ‘ ' }
panned directly over Ihem,vpnle the fat Rexkli ‘ , ‘AT F. B. PICKING'S. " I
filing to Hm! height. are let? unlou‘ched. Thef AT F. 3. fiiC‘glxug' l ‘
rfinder, be qrgues, WM Bud I piow, and when} 2:; 5' g; fpxt‘é’gfz'ggv .
timing nihhéd Mun flue fake of the land, it‘ ‘. IN ”51"“ {mm-2 s‘r'nmi‘r, {
Jen. unrepnrcd (or Hue Imin ofllvehulbnmlu 4 'l3; BALTIMURE STREETL A [
mln'rtj‘llf. but] snrhw. ’f 229,214“ WI! 14‘ BUITHHHU‘I STREET,” 4. ' ‘
,n-mmi {n 35:71“,- uK. H V,” ,Q', :H ; -..‘ -IS BALTIMORE STREET, __‘\
Wk“: 1:? pl,} m 1-- wAJ-r g ‘ ‘n in! f: IS g\mum!m STRLET' . ‘
-“ " “>5 '. F-T thillllu PA. \
tm’rie': .x.Lu fink-1w! lamb} ”H- “"~‘4 ‘&|"?§'-“" ( mfih-z' 0 am" L- »: FALL AX?! WHTE 1
“ml: mo mum m' rd I. ; "-3- ‘m 3:14:11" 3W!!!» ju‘" .H'HVLWL Udl ind cllluiht. -
" ‘ ‘ UM.“ mun ‘ ‘ ‘i -
.u'enirts, n'Hl a 3’5! runs "'4":
'fl'lnu‘ - ‘y“- 3"‘!“"‘t" ‘1
A” Q'sflmim- - 115' P poi-ml 11‘ H fl")!
ed to be long .‘Hlm'qlzi‘m IL3 I‘m, us) I‘m: to
the last bpforl: LhL udvt'm of msn. I '
unswemou or um Bonhes.
r-At Ibß‘Julgiuipg of fine (loyal Academy of
Béience at Tum; a highly inwrudng ‘myerv
,wu rend on the subject ofan empnlmmg pro- !~
cu: invenltlet} by Profeuog Geri ‘l, who bud
submitted Nation; duh-l bodies mfthe examirlm-t
'flon olfesomqniuion Ippolmed (y the “Armie
‘ my {an n pumqse. Professor Gorini'l übjc-cl'
. 111 to Show: 1. That: by 'this rut-mall dead
, baffles may be panned fur the stun-e 0! “bong;
si: months in I. awe nf'soflqesp kind frrsbnessr
Inflicieut to fit them for 'disacctriun mm the
lime or Mich n ppnod; "th if: dead body, ,
[lo preserved, l'e laken’ {my a auhjvu of study, '
pf (hue moulhs After d4‘w‘h. xhv 'dmvuiun
,mey figwunliwwl for‘n couple of m vnxhs lnu
,gcr, w'rhon' 'III A
flight-p} 'n.- mu.
,li‘ n. ”4,293" ..:
Into?» umrien’én g In:
' my 4 n lIQCEMALM
, ‘
\\ 1.. . ‘, . 3 “34 £5“: Jin- ‘ ' w
‘ :1 ‘ l .y Hm?“ h ‘l‘ (‘1 ’1 \C' “id 51” i E. Cm'm-r» Tenm zm~l (.Ilnsnut Sun
.M' 5’ mid} an w |r~ fir. chu-mr. 3‘, Tlluf N', ,1 - l'HllJH'iLl'aHA, :
-t I‘2» «x: wan-on ul :1: m‘nn In the mmffiem “ ' ““7“.“ “”- “L‘W'W-"r ‘3”: 1
:ul..’- - m ‘l‘." ‘anmujfied, mulanlrr . ruu- ‘ I" I" AL'9HA‘\ K, 3' “v; ‘)X ' v
; . _' -- ‘ . fur Inc lad-tum ymr. l'ruu-uml mun-int“
, 1112!.“ hum. allmnmr mm “A mnvael}_d““' amen: lun‘:l:,rf vl‘ilmnn & STAuTTux': Cu!
' curd. and ummu-nl. nud umuy cuminuu in mum L‘ui we. .L
.lh l. Maze fuv‘ ..uin ln‘il‘fiuil’} number ofyeurs,’ A \HH’KLBI‘SIVTESS “VANCE, I l
"lii: ”It: Iqr‘lmlur (‘lnuclxu-s to dithrt [hem , in Qtnfl'fde" 0” 1‘ |“"“' ‘3’”4'3953“ “id ”W‘U‘rr
‘wlilch run ih 3.. .‘ .p put“ lhmu ii.?’)’\l'nt'.‘l' )lrél'fllilflg'.{Sixxjhékhcnffy'nshmf’“ ‘fl ”3"
{OT “41‘“! H ‘ Jdll'pL‘v “11"" 'WO) ““1 ”s‘ in; Amri'ln-Mldt-pnxl'lgsxtéfldt ")13'1‘5:§(,~:x(n|n:e(‘(
" 1L1: Lu‘rgm town-"1m" and ”Bounces at dead men-e, and .t n-gmnr Punk nf [Mama]! mm]
\bodies 0{ run m d. 1.4, Jim} \\ I“ be found fit foi- 11:315.??? "hf, 51:41.7}:unfit:‘22:?‘1:=1‘v”‘i€£
dvlaecuén._' 3' Th“"'l,l:m“?“°r GE’EH'I “MW" N shortest VMEHH; film? “4‘” .mT'm 153:2}: u'l'xm
harden d 9“: bo‘u’ie: "uh sue}! hm" '“'“‘“““ ‘ Mr for the Various [Julia and mnplouuculi
_fin (heir. nppenunce II :0 enable pcrluua lo‘buq'mfis lee. _ ' 3 '
idem“, mum—Gatiynaili. _- 1 The C mg». ufifistrucfimxfin \he Thgmct
. ____,_ ...“ _ ___ -0 jfpmrunmu smm .L-es Bunk—kecrlnz, rum."
(humans: or In”: Mun: —Emramu.-; at]:3:l33:s3]szc' "film's." a” "Ki,“auc‘i‘i’fu“
. plur at His N'lw anx'll3uALnl-Inx lh}; Inn-31‘. ponrd' mi," in Jmmcfu‘s‘ ““r’ ”in?” "‘
,t'lntiog into :hI quealio of insanity of .\linsi In 9%" 3 - ' '- f‘:
L'pderpill, an}? grip; ,odfbctore (ha city courfi ‘ the slu-IexfiZGE‘EERS “FSAUF‘TygiT’ ‘
m(§rqoklya. “‘9 followidgl cu'riogs Inc‘s-were l which inch:géarsnuzll'gfirinxexanlgt“3:39s:loo'2‘3‘
\eilclleg f‘ron'l Dr. Brown, Pl'lm‘lpfl-l PIfSSICH‘“ of..‘l'.\\l-iei. whh‘flwir yMctiu .} appximjion i'
we Blgomingdnle Lunatic Asylum: ~ 9 their dandy. Hé’wm m‘u'nn till mp ['os
Q. 113 w, doctor! in it not Pesliblo Hunky “r A“ "THIN" ‘NI 1"" ‘ ‘he *
perlpq ofjusune mind sliould wiim IxcrHen'
poetry, 5053: al the phinh’fllclnims to In"
written, or to excel in any ‘other ant '
A. Certainly; [suppose the boy! reply {cm
give 40 flu! is to state thnf'Adler's German am
( Engliuh dipfionnry, thin-l} is uled IS a smm
'prd «3 back in the principal comics-in lh
gantry, in wine}: in the Bloomingdnié if
puic Alylum by a persun 9! iusgne mind;
night Ibo genliou u nlllmber of mu» slandm
"an boob which were written in magma!
‘gion; Ind Ivil! sum, as lcouqlusiu fact, nu
pile.“ the lending newa‘f‘x‘npera ’in New York
ftintfifilbfiditfi in the Bloomingdalelmnui
A”!!! nd the )eading whom-in} is >r'me\L‘
{hm or loin- times a week by a person of all
you)“ pind, confided in that. institution.
II On Duo! u A Tull—II“! you up: Witch
zd ,1» inch I! it tdrdxcd'l Y 6“ harmed how it
Rose one drop it. a, pm nu ‘ it‘ was a toot or
mon.jn‘}\nglh. liftfia wazr was ciean, llu
iciclu’r‘lu-.ned clmh; nid‘apn‘rklfid brightly In
um mm 3 but it :,he winter .wu mjn’auguuy mud—
-1 dy, {he Ruck: loaned foul, and; us beauty WA§_
:i‘pciled. hit so our (hurucmu are forming.
Una mue though‘t‘or issuing [urn time add. "us
:lgflge’nce. If uerj “36133111 bell/are Incl right,
xho soul will be lovely. andnvfll spin-HQ WIN)
Aquinas; h‘u; i! xmpure and wrong, there m)!
A» 5m (lethality and wretchednpu.
fl-Wut Virginia luv!- u! looking up.—
“ ii'uid 11:10 A use! bfibfincren «land in
33). lapped of pottion of 1116 “Old Dominion,"
which "to {an :30 VII utimited who I-crth
are huhdnd 3nd lgq-u'vdn «Raglan. wan rc-
Indy all for I million «a. gamma: doUm.
Mac—“ Struck oil." ; ‘
at Inge you” lens: convey! Ill: inlo‘
inflict: a» the robe! govunment Eu Jonah.
«a; court-smith An oninent Englich firm
195 m lmmodine unpply oi wo Hundred and
any any“); Shield rum-f 9: we on 01' I!»
"In! "my. ‘ ‘ '
' *lha Toronto Leader Eonplms thawe
), aw” in Outdrue filled with Yankee spies
E’ho, being in we pg ohm; Pedant Govern;
’ pm, diligently report negating :hu occurs;
New Bprmg Goods. , \
XALL buff“: 3 chfl bALES.‘
S o J.L . b c 54% O I
yauld «1:51;!!va no] to tho chums 4w.-
usbug um \riuiuuy, um be ig ugrqecemrg
n his mupXudid . , i
‘ swab. Ur‘ aPRING GOODS."
‘u- doc; mama in pan of Farm: and
gusto DRY GOODS, of Wag; dhctipuon
autumn.» ,
A u
' Bows!
‘. ‘ J vim/.4
’ , ”LAWS.
‘ x , (RHODES, i
u gunmen In! 010th «sky, which mu ‘
u ; fihdgl'gfliVlfflL‘lG (Hg/ODS ;
.. , c 3 13¢ fink, Ene'rrmd Cotton
mat-mm. Gibyep, Snackingarke.
Illa, . Ipludid uionment of 11188038,
my ad Basin“, mum!“ and'Pnnmla.. -
We! WHITE GOODS wfll be found fa“
”fwd quorum any rely upon
, “I” win; sandman u tin love“ poni-
Maun vii! $11630 :hur “may it
'3 “(again 3:; of 3
MT 1 a» v
Tj ‘ ‘Mmmm‘ - ‘
4v; . 3134 f ‘3 3811386,
. g. gm.- 9. W a, :
_ Jag , Im, in I: p, m
4... . 5, ‘ ..--<--.M,__..__._~.
0.; 3 "HQ sHumbug. j
/ 1—1;!»{1 ‘Yx ‘l' Va!“ B mnAndL—J‘ym
l 1| ,5.. , 5:55: 55- 5..~: 55: sx,~‘. 553,114
firm“ :5 g 1” .5 5‘05 I'.» l .in-‘. rm: 1' I» 21‘) .145
Ina-2 i 5? ”.\E‘n‘AfiL CAP; LHUWS ‘ ‘
.5 5.1) .1105va: by im':ul>:~ln|;r‘v: 5} _,
1111: 1425.5 n vac-c [ll} war 1k: my“ L ‘.
nut (:55) tom.» .u, huh 'l, 5.1703) mm CHIM
cmluA‘lu; owx‘y \Jrlfl‘r 03 Pmuu and Shu
tor Malt-nu! ling», “mist the’lmdies will fix
1174:thng in their 'lmu, from In: fines! Gl5.
m we henvwst Shae. omen-I‘s Shaw's,
cwry-descripfion.in_zreal yam-£32 Also, :
dxes‘rflnls, lip: qualuy, and L‘lnhlren‘u Hut
of'nlt snip: and prices. M3O, Trunks; 5
[wt Bugs, \‘nizses, l'mhrcnus.‘ quqea. Sto .5
Egg». TublCCl), Lngnu,und Notion: 01 p7l
deselimmvn.‘ "' ‘ ‘
fipn’h't forget the place. Chamberlbu‘r
street, Oppuhile \hc Lutheran Church, Gw ‘
burg, P 54. 4011.5; 1.. uunzfi'onmi
Nov. 21,1864. ll . .
1.. “H Puffin!"
. ”I‘m: ‘o‘
in , 131..-”, ‘ _
Son at n Circular.
'Feb. 1, ' 6‘. 10m
.\L‘bflifiAl‘IUNAL (‘UAIV \,
. ._ .WNMbtw-w
Lmblished in we following ciLieu.‘
S. E. Cornet of Sevemh and Chcsnu! S‘
Nuw York;f3rookl_\n, Alb-my, Troy, Pl
deuce, Portland. ngtford, Burlmgtl
Ncwglrk‘ Rochester, Bnfl'nlo, Turnulo‘
Cleveland, D'eu‘oit, Cnicugo, .\l'd
“ _; wnqkea Ind St. Louis.
inomugh thanreficfl nhd‘ practical in!
fiou in all branches pertaining to a fin
Business Education. - . ~
“nu; 9hzmespma'cwege (and. first ‘
Stumhoth in point. of reputation Ind
advantagga. Tne‘ poigt finned at’il, to
’Oowmucinl Eucu‘loh yrheye it beloxgsv—in
the -n . of useful inelruction. ‘ 1‘- chin
e- ,4. most thorough courpe of business. nin
\ngis «depend and carefujly (greed. ,nder
the parsonnl supervinlon of co ctentl Pro
l'é/leon in the uribua departments. The] most
» flea lystem 03 pracLical training velr dc
vued he: been put. in operation, and Inc
dasttnfly curled out. wording to warm: :1-
amages such as havehilharto becntcon id;-
ed possible only in conne‘ction with the Jaunt
ingvhouee. Alter beaming profiéiern n the
Sauce of Acconnu, Penmtmhlp, 00 me:-
clul Oalcnlntions nud Commercial La , the’
student in advanced to 1110 Prentice] park
‘mcnt. when he hen-mes Ma amen Book keep
er nnd Mcrchnnt; pauses lhmngh the d" creul
Bonus: tea in tum u Teller..ouhidr.te. ‘
learn: the dudes sud mponuibilifiu o mh‘
ofice, had become: thoroughly inform , not.
~onlyiu til-forms which Are in naive: 1 up,‘
hm in muggingathu thin of hushed: with
syn-In And délpaéch. j , I
Scholaljships lssned at one point. stifled,-
to: In unlimitefi period, in. the eight.“ (Jol
logee compflnng the “ chain." . l
Diploma-are swudcd to those on 1 who
infill the wlcr‘flled coat“ of and}, I. d pan
the; req’uxaite examination: \ ’
Fm- {umaer infomslion‘ nadQ‘for a
Address: - . ~
BRYANT, srnu'rox k cl
Feb. 8.130}. I; mama
LOTIHNGI OLOTHIXG !—Pien‘¢y}of now
foods in", opgued. Also. Boon Shoes
Hus. la. kc" 11l clamp M BRINKERWWF’S
mums mmsuuox 31mm .9016
Homestaad Tonic, u. {)r. R. H 0 .\'Enfs
rug Score. ' \%
F-W mu. & wxxnm 0.0005 4; good'
N‘ ”torment. or Fun and Winner prds 'u 1
oh¢|p uJJto cheapest A. M SCOTT}; SOX’S‘
L guy. at sompx‘s. J
mix-33' Goth for Glowing. n newi- supp},
L ’nu maved n FAHXESTOGIffBflS'.
Izaxsc‘BAuonALs jail ncoiv a ‘
S umzsrocx 3203'.
T-M'L'EkflgM-dcy, Tpiru'oflou and
1m- Clo! . chug .; PIURFG'B. ‘;
I‘l (MODE. 3. “GENRES Dr]: Sam at.”
(Jun mam cow: 84x”, »
0R ans, men, nomuss, AXTS, BED
MALS, Inn—Put up in 25c. 50c. and, 31 (go
803'1, Bottle? Ind Plush. 33 Ind S 5 sin:
for Bonn. I" Imc Isnncnous. u.
“0"): infallible remain. known."
_ “ Free min Poison: " ‘
0 Nat dmgeroul m the Human Family.”
“ Rats come out. of their bales to did."
Q‘Sold-Wnoleule in All large citiel.
E‘Suld by In Druggml nnd Retail." every-
$2! I Bnuu! H on“ Worthless imiluiom.
”Se. in". "Cmnn‘p" mum in on ench Bu,
Bonk Ind Fingk. belore you buy.
fir’nmmnn Dun? M 2 “noun”. N. Y.
.630” 'by I“ Wholcsuh and keuil Drug
glsu in Ganycblrg, PI. ' ;
rob. :0, ma.
Univer; :11 China“. Wang-2r
laLF-A!‘JL'>"‘NG AN!» HUFi'g‘LLLE. ,
W 111! L'l'G-WzlL‘Ll, RIZGL‘LATui’.
From innunu-mhlc rvuummnudnfionl, we
gamer the foiluwmg: ‘
Letter Imm Mm. li-nv'y Ward Bvechor, in 1161.
I hm must happ. u. “PM“ in tile verv high
eat term» of thy-s " Umnrsd Clothes Wnuger.”
The hardnypnrt uf “\mshing-duy" woxk‘is,
in my Op'mun. Ibo wringing; and the inventor
of this mwhiuv may hgfl'e lhc sunsfuliun of
fi-ehngthnt he nan changed one of the most
luxlsomn purl: of \vmngnlaflMk into I Very
attrnczive umuwm. m. Aye melrvss looks
upon it nsngren’. 1 I.‘-iivlf.f. I look upon it a:
awn}; the hub} u~vhll articles in {He hone.
Brnokl) n‘ UNuber, 1591. '
FIRE—S 7 00. [May 2,3186!“
__ New Goods»; !.,~Large Stock!
‘ . EW‘HAV?’ ' .\ i.m:'.\=;
b 1 . J UZUHS .6 mm.
' , leo l .
lgue jmt rm ind Imm I'u: {um-x :1 Luge stock
0 gundx fur L'nlll'wuwn': MC-lr,‘ cumrucing a
Vnr'wJ) of
{ ....LLUI‘US, ._
_ , vnsrmcs,
"Maine", Jenn, Kl,, with many other goods
furl-Ipfluu' nix-. 1 filllknlrr \h‘ur.
They are 'pr‘t'pzn‘ud u. “ka up gz‘rmonts M
the shorted un'wv, mud m the very ‘00:“ Imm
ner. Tht'l'ushiuns an: r, u'qurly naked. and
lluthing made in unvflufir‘ :1 :tylv. 'l‘hny n‘l
waya um'nr- non 121:, whiln‘klmr sewing is sui’e
zo‘hr su't;~v.vr.ti.ul., * ,
They n‘vkp cfint'mnun f the pnhhc‘s pil
trunwo. resolvmf Ly smm] “ark and model-aka
chnruei m cm: ‘xt.’ ‘
bc'uymurg, .\pr 7, [862. s
Noahfifiajkcr 8; 00..
‘5 n. H! Burma“ Sa‘nzzr,
kegp conuuuy on had I. largo and well u-
sorted' stock o{ :11 kinds of ‘oodl at moderate
They supply orders for \h heat. to the
hnrcsv. priced “tides, eiiher read} had. or
made m “MSHTO, to any pm of tho country
They 'keeialsn: an extensin stock of FURNa
{SHISG GOODS, embracing every, (niche of
{\lemrn‘u Under-wear. Also, MILITARY
CLO'I‘ a and "9:3: variety of Military Trim
mings,’u wa s m “sorted stock of READY
= . , . I
' 312 I
\ 'r.
c .
.A \
narr‘nsstn. ' gMen'lnn , c~._
"“"-Itlr .COATS. P .‘I .
"lIIQTQV ‘\.
. '.\
‘ E.
C 'I.
"I A.
~ I.
. u
. e
I] »
I s
Baltimore.Fcb. 21", 186:.
1“" "“"’“' "7‘\
1 Lancaster Book Bx
I" ”<01? BIN.
* " LAMaxSTHu, PA.
Plain and Oman-Ema! Bma'iug, of every de
scription. exrcuted in the most substantial and
mmoyég etfiea.
. JV J V
W. Brnwu. I-Lq‘Y Farmer‘s Bank of Lancaster
'-..l'cxper. lbq‘ , Lnuca'ater County Bank
" Shock. Esq” C'uhlmbia Bunk.
V gner, Esq” York Bank.
ner, E'squ York County Bank.
~ Bank of Gatisburg.
ruth'y ot'Lnncuster co., Pa
Register " “
d 0! _, U 'U
William Wu
T. D. Carsnn, A
Peter Martin, E=q.,
Geo. C. Hawthorn, Es x
Gen. Whitson, Esq, Rec
Aprit 15. £B6!
- the
.- lace
Plano Forte.
iixgncrcsn o ‘
Mnnutaclory 103. 105 t It? Franklin street.
\aneroom, No. 'I North Liberty street. ,
Conllnnfly, I large number of PIASOS of
my own Mnnnflctnre on hand, thh the Full
hon Frame and Uvef strung. Every lnstrn—‘z
‘l‘] ft" " "h ' ‘}
f, V
‘1 ~
1 his.
fl, 1
u v‘
IngfiiE fit} for the Hofldty‘. I The‘finut yet.
publilhcd fin be sun M. the Excelsior Gallery.
T 789! 3301')”. S, Gettysburg.
- oon cmmqm pee-ma L: Dr. n.
g EORNSB'S‘qug Sandi” pun Sul-
P W 91133; (at pnmvh; 01410;,
5'03 511.53 K?
F 0 U 102 ' s
gum and Qfmtfl: gummy.
nu prevmfive 0! Lung Pm, an?! a cert-in
may for :11 Diana incident 2b the Bonn,
Inch u Glu
dcrl, Ydlow
Wile. Dib
‘ o m p o r,
I all n d u r ,
B a I. v e l ,
Caught Fe
m, “Lots 9!
Appcfiw and
7m! Ener
”i k‘ . . .
:1 poor. inw—spmud mm, film: 1b!
not: beneficial 23'ch \ ‘;
Tho use bfthcln impmm tho wind, Imam
g the Appetite, sad givu to the Hon: ‘1
, smooth and glosy Ik'm—‘thus improv
ing we npxnmw,fiigor and spirit 0 my
noble animsl.
The prnperzy lhls Powder }:0<«¢s!(‘8 in in
creuing the qunm‘uy of Milk in Cox”, 31"
it rm Importance nud Nalue which should
phi-(9lth: me funds of every person keeping
I Cow. Bv actual «perimem h bps prmu
um it will increzuo the quantity of Milk ml
Cream meaty pot cent., Ind nuke the Butler
firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle. it givu
\hem 1n appoint, loosens their bid. and
um than thnve much inter.
HOG 8 .
In :11 Diww-J of
no Swine. Inch zu ‘ gt‘fiigtbfgn,
Coup, cum in ~,n§§t£'“~
tho Lungs, Liver, ‘ 3ft- ::"~
fire. ‘35! putting \‘fi-i‘iz ‘
om _ n pap" ‘ ', , '
2;: .13“ a! time 1 1‘57. i}
ow m a mr- r"-. ~; - '-' f’” ‘ -3‘
rel on Swm, the'vg; :-~ :9"
more Dina-u an: be cured or entirely Ere
vcmrd‘. By “ling than Powdcn lhc a;
Cholem um bu prevonled.
Priqe 25 can. ya: Paper: or 5 Papers for $l.
"37.! RED 3"
a A. rou'rz an BRO.”
“am; a -
No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md-
Fm‘ Sale by Urqgflsu‘ Ind Swreketpefl
throughout :5. Unied Sum.
For snlh bv A. D. Bun-Met. G>ltyshurg;
Lunghhn & Ux|~!xfiv‘ld. Whrcling, Vn; (I. C.
lit-nth-rx: (3m, [Urnfiurfi Julms m, Holloway
k l'mv-‘eu. Hui ndu p. 13“ ‘ ' '
Nov.‘.’3 14-.4 h
Ladics’ ‘l‘ancy Fur 5 l
fl‘ lONS FARE!-
A “1 \"H rsmh~
'vi'mi I'l'il \I.-\NU
‘.‘ ’IORY XO. 713
{(‘H Sm 9!. above
I), l’llH..\!)'A.—-I
u: now in «om of
mm I-xqmrtutlop
.1 )Lunnlu lure. one
the [a \ll‘iE-‘T and
‘Lmuq or" FAX CY
IRS, lur Ladies'nn‘d
ildrmn s \wxlr,illllle
u-nl‘ v! Gem's Fur
Gh‘mei mu! L<:l..‘r<
As my FI-rs \v»'re AH purrhnwd when Gold
«a: at a mnrh lower pmnnum than M prosent,
I'm: cushy“! (u (lupus: of them u: very rm
sonablonrn-rs: mu] I Would then-(ore solicit In
mi] from my t‘ricuds‘ur‘Adnms coymy and \‘i
Eithffemcmber tho name, mum-pram! street!
718 ARCH Suecz,abou'7lh.soum side, '
56-! have no partner, nur connection with
lny‘olhcr store in Phlhdelphiu. ‘ '
Sept. 12l 1:564. 5m ‘
New Tailoring j ~
quts thia nmlmd M' inmr'ning his fr‘ends nnd
the puhln- gé-uerallv. that h(' husfl‘ofiehed a
'l'uilurmg eaml'lhhnipur in multimofé-stn-et
Ceuysburg, (lute PS“ Ufiice.) near the Diar.
monu. where he is pleptllFll 1040 all work in
his: line in the haul, umnncr. and to the sons
[m‘tiun of. Homers. Hp employs nune bul
firig. class 1\ ads, and receiving
he can warrant. fizshimmble his and neat and
mhsmntinl sewingx He mks a shame of the
public’s pmmnuge, promising to spare no ef
fort in Jenn-95:. His chargps will always be
found as modera‘le as the (mug will allows.
Cumng and Revairing‘ done at thé shortest
notice. ' . (Gettysburg, April 7,1862.
New GOOdB. .
EORGE ARNOLD has just. received from
\K- my a huge supply of cm'rmsc,
‘.oys’ wear, consisung of Allkinds of
vrs, VESTS.
“RAWERS, cmvus,
' l s o —'
M‘e'n'l nnn,
A [use nor-k of CL\\
.n or which will be sold a}.
M5l elnwheru', Gin us a can, »
not‘plenn you in u r-uic rem, may,~
take our manure Ind man-ke‘yon up\
shoufice. ‘ ' [by 30, L
"LUNGS. to“ &c.,
{map as can b!
\rnljf w. can;
\e we wiH
‘ one m
com" or umunn a mum: Inn-m,
This Bongo in on a direct. Jinn between the
No en: Central And Baltimorennd Ohio Rail
roud on. It has been refitted 9nd co‘m
{ox-tab}! “aged for the convenienu 3nd the
entertailin"! of guests. '. '
Q . tr -
‘ 1: Work. ‘
\ ‘nuea tho
hit 0 stud, in Eu:
:3. ‘ »
org“. m
’‘l N G
‘\ I:
mm prices.
r Everybody
umm 5103;...
men} of
‘e’r . ' I,
Dr] Gooda,
Confection. ‘
Groceriu, '
530.933, to
nee. _
thine came of George
‘ Gettysburg, Adlms
lg been granted to the
in the 'ume place,
to All persons indobied
impeding payment.
~ ”nag u. ‘ 45 Against the nme to
present them propel-U nethenticnted for neme
Dec. 19, 1361. at \édmlnihntrix.
, new :31”, urm
50 11’s Dru! “Q Yum, ; .
- Garment Ahair’s | An Interesting History
. TEW MARBLE WORKS; Corner of Baltih F ' ‘
i more and Run Nidlle “reels, appurirJo
nie Caun Home. Gpnysburg, I’m—Wt Arc"
prepared to fnrui‘h Monuments. Tombs. Hea‘d
stones, Marble Muzzles. smm tor Cabinet
Makers, Inga“ other work appertaining to our
business. 'e wnll guarantee sntiatuclion both
an to execution and price. Call and no on!
duigns and Ipecirmuu 0! work
Feb. 2, 1863. t!
"so Powder!
I 1 Hangar
ale them
1 oflunivu
m, and
1; them to
\llhy nub.
nre a
Good Thmgs from the Qty!
1 ‘ I: nré receiving twu'ée a. week from tho
. city I vprirxy ol ugiclen wired to the
rum of this communily, win: Fresh Ind Salt
:FlSll, Hams, Shoulders upd Sides, Hominy,
‘ Beans, Salt,Applcs. Poulouflmngcs, Lemons,
{Confeclioug Toblccos, Sgprs, with many
, uglier articles in this line-all received in the
belt ‘order, and sold at. the lineal. prams. Give
‘ us a call. in Baltimore stréut, nearly oppouiu
i Fahneawcku' note. ‘ '
\ WANTED.—, Eggs. Lard, ’lnd ‘3“
'other country produce—for which the highest
cnsh price will be paid.
SWEET POTATOES—haIt qn-ulity, at low
est living prams—always ‘ou hnnd. Also.
‘OYSTERS, fine and freely—in the shell 40:
Ihocked. Restaurants and families supplim}.
}\ Gettysburg. May 18, 1863.
Shanda 8: Buehler,
Dmmgzs 1N
S 7' 0 V E S .
Corner of Carlisle and Railroad Streets. oppo
site Ruilrmd Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA.
May 9, 1864.
New Goods.
unmsror‘x MEMBERS
4 Are eonsmixtiy receiving choife and de
sxmhlie goods, from SC“! York. Phl‘uulclphizt
and Baltimore. and are [rrcpnrt‘d to offer
to Lhcae'abbuz purchndng. Having selected
mu: g'h-al cure,from the threelondingmnrkma,
the public will luuk‘ lo lhl'ir own interests 'by
examining our stock before buying eke“ here.
Cull at ‘ FAHXEH’I‘OPKS'
Mtyf, 1864. R-uleront. .
$lO a Day! ’
- GEYTS WAX'l‘l-‘Jha—T“ .uu the u 25 CENT
AGE." 'Em-h Pmfiue (-unmim :15 Song» 2
pugtu ~f “113.2. [B' ;l-.i-h1: m PAW-r. 1h I-‘mw.
Inm~.l Eiulm 1 I’m, I\kl~n Hnlljvr,l [Jud
PL ML I 1)-<.,- ‘o- l'ml~r:\\c=.lmm'ldh];
Apron; Mn. I‘. um, w.“- ll 1" A? 1! (m- l'ivrig—
[mung KIA-13. Z n r I‘«|l\l‘n;f [n .lei Srt‘reu
never miuw g n" {m I. u- 11h Inurxy\&lur~:
nu}! uuxer (mummx'mm' AlO. m. lmunt‘m
arlicto of vaum'. Lliwrul ix|Aiuxcuunuziléxso
Agents. .Send bump for L‘m nh-r‘ \
, S.\.\llҤ.h BUTT.
48 South Third SL, l‘hilndelphin, 1’“
Jun! 13,,1864. 'l, _
‘ 1 Ayer’s
n‘l woun‘l an“ um" lnl ',
3mm. and‘ Scromlou: Dlaeups
ham Sluri Ed“. (I idl-Llnmm merrhunt «J 0.!"-
; fur-d. .\lainr.
'- I hand told large summit!“ of {mu 8 um u' \-
xme, but never yet one Mule whirh fzulml ur ma
ft‘slAfi‘d clue! and full nlnthfmition to than: who tout
k. I futn mu' up ctr t [hey agr :Ilwrc Ill
b¢¢n no medldnc mm at Mgrc‘ln our ccgmunuy."
ltupflons.‘l’imples, matches, Pusmloa, Ul
- Sores. and All Diacnscsot the Skin.
From Ref. 110“. Strulhm, 111-{31:11, England.
“ I nnly do my duty to you Ind 11w Kubhr. “hm
I add m¥ testimony to 11m. yuu puhlm of hm me
fldnnl r rtubl ofJ'our S \ns \muuAJ. Blv Ihugh
tcr. Aged mi. ha 1m nmlclinw humor in fwr van,
eyes. und hair for years, wmé‘h we Were unable to
cum until «is tried your maummum. ah: ha
been well fut tome monflu." . '
From Mu}, ylgner [3. Rig-. 15 will-hygrn nfid 3:“th
eyteamvfiddynf Iknm'n'illf. Cape Mug (2)., .\ . J.
“ My daughter has sum-rm! for A year mm mm :
lefofuloul QIU‘Y‘IOII. which Wu v 1 ry 1r mh‘lmumc.
FMhlng amt“- ed uuz relief mml we met ynm'
suwnuxLLAmmc noon camping-lg! cure I hfl‘."
Rom Chnr’u It, Gage. £17.. or the widely anm
Gaye, Huh-"y If ('a . nmnufzcturcrs rfmamelled
page” imh’nahun, .\'. 11.
" had for levcmi yem a xrry haul-lemme
tumor In my rue, which grew canola-Ill] wumu
until u dluflgnrcd my femuros le became an i xtoL
crnblo amnion. [tried nkmm‘ every thing a man
could or hath amino and medloin ~, but with m: any
relief whatever, until I took your 5 unu- HULLA.
It lmmndlnkly mule my face worse, a: {nu luld me
it mivm flat n time; but in a few “or ‘3 the m-w
skin Begum to form under me Matches, and mu;
firmed am“ my flee {I u Imonth u anybody»
sad I um mthou‘ nny aymmoms or the Juan: that
I know on X cn)oy garter?- health. md wimouv. I
doubt on uto your Ansxmnmu."
mum—conem nobility—Plum thy
no». mi. Rabi. smm. (la-mm St, New min
-‘ Du. A m. I Icldom ft“ to remove 15. uptumc
Ind Scrnfillmu Sort! by the pcrsevenngncevn’ :r-mr
hmxumnu. and l have Just unw cum: an Mun-X
of Mallgmmt Efi/sipchu with it. No allunuvv \w
pone" equal: aha sun“? \mLLA {an ham nup
pued to the pgofeuion A: well n to l |e,p(-ople."
From I. E. Johmton, £37.. Wuktmn, Ohip.
H For ttclve yum, l Ind the chow Brysilu-hl
on my :5] t arm, during which uyma I tried all the
colcbn physician: 1 could reach, md wok hun
dmdu or Ilollnrl worth of medicines. gl‘hl' ulwrl
were no Had that the card: Name vhihlr, and the
doctor! dicldcd thnt my arm must be untamed. I
-bcgnn ml at: your SAPsu' luLu. Too hm bot
tles. wd tome or your Pius. Together thuy hnvo
cured um; I am now A. well and pound an any body.
Being in n public plate, my mac In knownin rw-rv
my in t 1- community. and ext-1m me wonder 01'
From Fail. Henry A‘fimm. M P. I’.. of .Vnrmnflt.
» ('. "'3 9 [Wing number of the Canadian l’arlia-
Mont. ‘
" l h": med m‘r SAusAl-AmLM In m 1 funny.
for gencgal @5751, Ind for rug/yin: (In Mood.
with “3‘ bone-flan mum, Ami (cl mum in
commen ugh unh- Iflhtod." : ‘
St. Anthony”: Fire. Bone, 81.1: Rheum.
‘ Bald Head, Bore Eyes. -
M .{rflflfifl‘fit €‘f’:{.‘h‘..f‘?’s?‘¥"£ °f a“
“gamuuock Democrat. Pennsylvania.
“ Our only child, about. three ymn or age. wu
attacked by pimples on his forehcad. The rapidly
lpmd until Ibey formed A loaihaame andyvlrulcut
non,which covered his hoe,nml actually blinded
his area for mine dam. 'A uhlful hylk‘lln .\ppllt‘d
ultra o of “Ich Had other remedy", fithmn my
punt efl‘ect. For alt-«u dlys we quanivd his
Ends, [eat with than he limuld tear némn the fea
uflng And corrupt wound which covert lulu whole
fine. Having tried every thing else we had my
hose from. we heg‘nn giv nvv your SimswsnlLLA.
In lppllying the iodide o? potuh lotion. :- vuu
ail-«t. ' be sore hogan to heal wht-n we hhd gfi-cn
tho first bottle, and man well when we had flmhhcd
me lecond. The child’s eyelash”, which had mm.
out. tray 1311!). and he i» now an mum, and fur
II 113] oihcr. The whole nughborhood predicted
“an a child must die." ,
Syphilis and Max-Minx D'uouo
M DnHlram Sloat, of St. Louil, Alumni.
" I find your SARSAPAILILLA I more cfl'cnun!
rem for the. Iccoulhrfl aympmmn of swam:
r I'zphflmc dunno I an my other via wucun.
T pro “ion are indebted to you {or name or the
but an we have."
than 1:41. fiend, H. 0.,“ eminent pkg/dam of
lameua.. who 1:4: mm: unanim- «f
m Wilding-o nanuaclomtu. ,
“ DR. Arum)” den Sir : l have found Law
BAMLPABILLA “\exocuent remedy for S? ‘ua,
ham or the primrymd ucondary ‘ypc. u: elk-o.
hall In none Mlflllk‘fl‘ro 100 ohsumtc to field
to other remedial. Ido lightni- wh x: we an: em
-51‘1” wl§h more coming 0 neocu, where a. power
llkraflve ll rcquln. ." ‘x;
M'. an. S. Van Line, 3)] 32:01:71me, N. J.,
Md dreadful “he" on his 031, any-d by um than
of mu. or net-amid dame, which new man
nnd non nggnuwd for years. in IF‘KC of curry
may or acumen: that could be upp when!!! the
£l9an no or Ana's SAMAI‘AHILLA hand
In. Few we: can be found more invmm and
dim-slug flux: um. and It took men! doing
boule- to can him . x
Léuomhm. Whites, fem-lo Women.
1!,- ‘uoed ‘ ‘ in" ‘ Sqrpfy' _L'I
5‘ _ IQC Dr. I]
wmu “mums mun cowsrlrnox, _,
And how Lu Pulmom'c Syrup, Seaweed Tonigimi
Mandrake Pill. act on the Hymn in
Caring that Din/tn. and (he
GREAT s’uccssa ATTENDING IT 1 t!
._ ‘ \\\\
\ \
" L \
2‘ 3 . r
K; —' V . _
_.‘. _
Thnhaveis a mu" 'thken s oFDr.Schenck
taken many yeus “KM had recovered
from Conanmpzion: by a come: of Die
“ Scrum-K's l’eruMc Srntr." The likeness,
although it does not represent him amthing
like as bad as he mun! the worst. yet it is in
Itrmu comma with the hale‘hund vugeyous
looks of the Portrait below, which is th? true
likeness of him at the present fimeu The con
trnst betweeu‘ these two portynifa is so great
that many would not believe them to be the
same person. Yet [hm are hundreds of per
sunsju mu! around Philndclpbin, who will
rccugnize both portrait: to be true representa
tiuns. When the first \wu tnken he weighed
107 pounds; at the prescnt time his Weight in
220 poundg.
, 1 NEW Yonx, \VI- ‘n-utIJV. \5 well 30, 'C‘.
“ T 0 ’l‘llil l‘l'xli.l!'. .
i ’l‘} irty yonrxtgu l u H ill the {Rt tug" of
l":\'.-;mn~r_\‘ You“: H mml‘. uml : \‘rll up In tiir.
i [‘(Nu'rll m l‘llil‘h‘N‘t-llit lillll [)r, .lusnpi) Mir-
Vllsll..‘nl:ll’l hi [its (lbs nrtll-rml "Lt” ll) .\lnrea
: mun. N. .i.. u dictum-mum miles, which
wok nn- l\\o ring 4 I.) got th vl On In} arrival
l wx: put to iii-. 1, :md llu-r lulil for man)
wer‘w. This was my uutivb [:1 ...y whom all
my F'unil) iit‘eil null ltul rlit-ll nt I' ~uugption.
[)r. Thornton, “ho Hl'l"ll\li“l my lnt I.l‘ In his
l.l~li,llncs-, v. 2!“ r.\llt".l. mill {3 nu mi- m.- “on;
ltn lix up rut fill-”IFS. llu hurl ~L‘fll gtll my 'll
- m. that Wu)" u‘nrl liltillglll l WA: tn 3n. tut
‘ Tin-:1 l hunt-l ul~ lit: rum-divs l iii-tr ullur‘to
ill.e public. \vh’irh turn} me. It sL-t‘iil-fil to me
‘ 111‘)! l ('unlu feel them pclwllilbng my übulo
5;» sun-l. , ' ,‘ .~ ‘
‘ They :oun lipt‘lll‘tl the mnui-r 0n tm- lungs.
nuil l “uni-i spit oll‘ tunre than a pint ut' circu
‘sno yvliuw mutter «wry luulllll.g. .\s soon
as that llt‘gill’l to Famine, my tnugu..’uur.p\iu.
illlfllli sweaty—all bl'gllll to lean: me. and my
,npyetlte llet‘nmc 5 rent that it “'l5 with dit‘.
ificultr I could Let-firm" calling to» much. l,
'vsuo't puiui if m_\ Sirflflu'lll-llld l lmvt- lawn grow};
‘ing in tic-ii our ‘illtt‘: For In in) \0.|;.~ l lint}-
'el:JO_\(‘il Unth‘lT'llrl-‘d L’uml lunlzth. Lurphg;
‘tlm Int-r mul \lmtldtll liciiithv unit the Dmi
wutd'l‘umc and Munurahe Pilia. mi] .tm ul'iu,
‘lllllolls tempermutnt. .\ly.eli_li! is m n lmu.
.drcll and tuvcty “minis. ml in) I'm D\¢‘l'\'
penplq m-ull senl lot‘ ‘iu-c, lnr ml l malt. to .iff
it lhrir LJ:(‘S \V'Tt‘ llh" nnm- For t'h nut—
tpm‘c 1 [my prof: ssiuzml \is-t: in tip.- lurg- ci—
lties. 41‘2”- consutnptivvs wish to ‘set- the nut
film: makes these medicines, and who \V-‘s
curml ofconsumptiun by them. To niukc new
'lunus. ls_impns-ihit-: hut cznifix s in the lungs
,nnd chronic ulcerntmu§ ol' the lrl‘Un llial lull“
can be hunted. "Such cg~e~ uniting hourly
.unllor the ordinary lrt-utnr-nt of Irl|_\.~l(‘l.lln,
'ttm'l just Fllt‘lt are curl-. 1 it)“ [hot prol't‘l' uw ut’
‘s' henck's I‘ulmouic Syrup, Sonnet-ll 'l'uniV,
land .\lxtmirukt- l’ills‘.
l l «in now a healthy man. \vith'n‘,':o fll‘l')
iin the middle lobe of the right lung. the luwer
, lul'F \‘ery'mut-h lu~limi/.tul uml c-nupltto :t-l
-lll,‘~lofl 0t ”1" pleuru. The l f! lung: is «mm,
and _the upprr lobe of the right lung is in n
tolQrubly lit-filth) ‘rtmlillilm. le grmt run
sou why physicians dn not cure yuunnnplinr
,is they try to do too mut-h: thwy glye nwii-
Erin»: to stop the‘ rough. :9 stop Cltllll: l 0 stnp
[night sw‘vats, hectic levvr,’ m-rl. by do ilni..;g,_
lthey dcrnnge the Wll'JlE digestive power, lock
}ing up the secretions and eventually the p :-
itiéut sinks and dies. At‘ler [make a carutnl
examination at the patient with the lirspirorm
eter, and find lungs cnuu-gh‘lett to cure. Idl
l root the putient how to use the three remedies.
tilt-move the (111158 and they will full stop of
lthetr own accord. .\'o one can be cured of
ltonsumpunn, lircr complaint, djspt-psiu, cu.
tarrll. canker, ulcerutrd throat, unless the
ilirer uud stomach are lnflllL‘ healthy. 'ln New
lEnglund this canker. chronic Cnturrh, ulcer-lt
ed thront.‘alongntion anulu, is more prcflh
l at than in an; other arctiuu ol the country.
his is freanrttly must-(l by at fuui stomuivlt.¢.
'au may burn it out with caustic time nril
lpguln, and all‘thej' will get is temporary relic-l 1
Correct the stomach and liver, and [ht-y wul
heal up thomselves.
Good nutrition is the remedy. If you hate
any disease in any putt of the body, it will
rrn'min there and decay more nnd 'murc until
you can get the stomach in the condition to
d:gest food and mnka now Hood to take the
lplnce of diseased matter. This is the only:
way to heal entities in the lungs and ulcerated
bronchial tubes. Correct the stomach and
lirer‘nnd nature Will‘do the healing. Mnény
persons have In idea thu‘t certain medicines~
are grail; purifiers ofthe blond. When blood is
oncn disused it cannot be purified; it ignite
cued the same 1s the diseased mutter in the
.system‘; but get the apparatus in order, the
lliver hnd stomach. and giro it plenty of nour
ishing food it will make new blood, which will
take the plume of that which is diseased. .1
Schem k’: Pulmonic :5; mp is one o! the best.
pre} "Minus 0! iron in use, it is n .powerfiul
tonic of itself, and when the Sena-ecu Tonic
dissolves tho mucus in the stomachyand it is
curried off by the aid of the Mandrake Plus,
the Pulmonic Syrup is made into blood. This
‘s the only way to cute consumption. [fl
Mt get Lgood appetite, sn'd food_does nag
‘ve ~, 1 ranuot " ‘ ' "
‘0 l 1 ' remol
13%;“: t.
at \lt my .
ro ; It.
i feel bi
“at etz"
u \thst
«l rt: on
‘e res
“ 30
st 1
fleshy. I can 1: don a “when! u‘i‘bld
'comumptiropntlrn nowenloylnguoalhullh,
“weighing ne‘arly 200 pounds. ‘ 1 «HI ~mnelmlo
:by relating three curul hove mode tnXew
‘York. and which are 11l different, ond with
my one who teelu any lnt‘erut In tho nutter
tn vim them. Flm is Mn: Futon, reading.
’then nth‘o. 107 Houston meet. flu huhnnvl
culled u on mu at my roomsl 313 mm moot,
xond wilted me to own-and lee h . EH- mid
I l couldflo no good; that ho burg? nll tho
that medtcnl «nominee, and tut not ha vu
too to? gone witthonshmption to be‘nred;
but thl 11ml hard 0! Mme grant cores Khnd
made, and ha duiréd to gratify her «us-hm?
I cnltnd, and found her lying confined to her
bed in tho‘lnst stage of bronchial conlump.
tion‘ nnd w thout doubt. must have died. Icon.
1 exnmined her_ lungs, found both bronchtnl
t‘ohou very mnrh affected, b; no cnvltiu hug
formed, her cough was wet? savers, tho [pH-L
box was half full of thxck pp‘g.’ Pulse no.
legs swollen Very much; and worn than all,
she had chronit diarrhoea. Her bowel: had
been moved eleven times that «lay. I told he»
thnt she had lunzn enough to be cured. but
that this dinrrhdu had Been of too: landing,
and her stomm-h wosin suchjnhlcgqmd con,
dition thut l was afraid nothing would b. dono‘
She insioled [ should try and dh what I couhk
{or her, observing that she could not hut long
[ln the condition rho was in. nod! could not
'mnke her anyiworae. I gave Her first 4 duo
Eat my Mandrake Pills, and lbs Tonic And
ls.» mp freely. That was on Tynan}, out! by
11110: next Sundny the ainrrhma mu ctrried at!“
her appetite had returned and uh: could sit up
in bed and out her-dimer. Shh in now well,
nngl gave me a long certificate,;certlfied to by,
tho Rey. Dr. Bowling. 1 ‘,.
Mn 'Bnrtholomew,B2} We“ Forty-film mm,
lemma to my room: with n :unvr on In: liver.
She was low-apirltnl, skin ullajv, tongue cont
led, bowels math-c, no appetite} pad fut link
ing into the grave. The Mid tumor had been
running over fourteen years, ! gave Ln
Syrup, Tonic and Ptlla. and mm her to Ink.
thgmjnst It: the diflrctiom m-re printrd. She
came hack to my rbmm, 3'2 lionll Mnetfln two
week-, soflcwhal betler»; her tongue [ml 9..
guu lo alum st little nionnd the edge: but
Ikin whiter nml be: (yes brighter, and tho
tumor discharging very oflennive miner, much
faster than u. had ere; done before. .8!” kept
grmluul‘ly improving, nmlinflbonl "'9 south;
nhe came to my romm very ’mnc‘l lhl: "re".
angling tlnt the tumor had nearly Implied Hub
nin’:, mnl mu holding up, and that awry doc
tor hm} mid hu-r that it'll. u‘er healed it would
)muse her tin-«uh. I told her that the dlicnse‘
9.1.1 all left her Kyllom. andwnntnre would “Ml
Ilhl‘ ulcer up. 'l‘hPy are now.heuxlcd,anrl hue
hm-u fur uhum’ :\ you, had she is M burly
Inudtrohv ‘1 :1 mm tn in you} will find in n dug‘!
Hulk. She is glul for an; 0M 10 t'glll on lu-r,
lam thu 4 gran wins lo visit ally «no tlmt she
!llunrr‘ tU-y'll‘im: like her use, And mm to
,grt 11w.) 1:» nun/1‘ and no me. .’ -,
, Tm- :m Wu in 3m: st-utjlhn (mm Sm...
mural, (hum. \Lrs. llartholt'll'nfw u-ll her .luwn
3m 4M mt‘, :u..l :l'v. b-z: lmu win-r alm‘e u: in 1'
“WWW \l'l'u u m.- l‘tm (-nm' ‘0 my tuninmhn
I“lh’l‘ulll'zltl‘ln’tJlf‘ll “lifts dhlrcgaihgluuglfi
yfipvtlmg InlL'l' qu m'itie-s-ofhl'lud. lr'xnuiny‘l
.lu-r luuu— \\ it's. tl-t'jn‘mrumctl-r, and In all m)-
iprM-r]. e m \l-P lmlml 'tmc with; out lung :0 Lu
;o'u and the other lung‘s" mtltzdl huulvl not
:g‘HK‘ math l‘lltutlll\:2t'l\lßl.L ‘l (ho-.mhl \lm
meM :23: : lmr go my "no Air-«hzmnx (he l'u -
muuu flyrup. .\'r-nwhl Tonic, null \lundmko
,l'm—v all .c--~.m\ u. :42) mm :h «...-k. lhv lung
1 i: ulltlu-nlu‘l mrr, lt-sving a. cavity as Lug:- :11
n gnttlSl‘ «:2:"appmlu..fine w[-.‘m<.m-d
hut l! nan-«l s.ul)t~ thirl\ hw finv'r‘n 1.. ml)».
“9.1.! has =umr (mug). )Pl. ulliéh l dd mu t‘rth
'will ,Q'H‘A‘ “her lmlore Jun»~ I should thmlt {t
‘ qnulu ha ot‘gmtt tutt'n'illo smm unprnjwhw d
(ij‘e‘ir-i m In \‘hit H‘wln (nun-.nnulil'ul ulr \l;.g
.\‘.-(mold, m um~ I.l‘ lih'm u hullmn,‘ Imp" run-. 1
hy m 3, mwlivim". 'l‘lit-y .\rc 'unm run: in‘fx’nr
rl. ;' but the rlmw law: 4!} lllllv'r Irmu :- - ll
an ; uh-i n‘ my gullirl-wi “:0 alt-iv: “'ml [K
n flu :. gm Hwy 41-};le lmw \‘m’: mm u
'11! 1.0."! kmm‘ , “fin-r4.- Il'n' how Hwy
‘ ' -J‘ H. .\'l'lH'lM‘K. u n
:w ’ (he
may Le cu")
.Dr .I H. >'\ nnrk um V-u h-uu-l llll.l~]nl'|l~
rip-l win-r. .\'n. .\'urzh 61): Slyrx‘}. I’lnLuh-L
pm", on ry S .mnr:._\', [rum 1! A. ”\I. nun! ‘u l',
31., ‘m giw mh‘iw, Yrtv nl'\h~r;:l‘; hul iul‘ A
thorough mum-ulnar lunchnrgr‘ m," dul
lurs. _ I'm 4- “1‘ m» t’nlmuulc fly; up .lnd Sou.
\iuml Tm 'nuvm h 51.5 [M bufil'u-f-n :liflmh M
duzon. \|.u.nir.l.e- Ull- :3 «ens lu-r hux, n: d
we 'nr-s'lh in all Urugrllu find Dun'zrr.
Jinn: ‘n, dun-1. Lm '
'DiSSQlfltiéi} ~
9? P.\‘:TXE\:s:m'.——Thgc ('Rpuflmulfip
l'Xhlill‘J Imam on lhr qulm-niu-rs. has
bun «li-whmt (him-115v I‘lellllzl: randnl ——
“'l' l’f‘YU'W limvflw‘ In «mi‘hnfihds :2le Uh" [M‘wliu
fn‘r’lim 1-1::le .ulxmm cxlypdml mm. (In!
Lou‘s \x‘?_! ’m- 1w .ujhe snare; )(ml wé mum-~1-
‘xy Wyn-. 1 Hun: imlrlltml fin us In 1- H mm]
mnkr .m'm-tfiwzt punt-rug. as W(- are llC‘h'lhls
(u M tire m.r LKhimH “filling! rL-IM'. '
914-2“ me mm \x,
Jan. 31‘. 18"4
WIT! e-nMnghU Inn‘jiug deo-od nfhh in
~un~a in Ll-e,>'¥nro'c-f (um-m !; ('ulp Io
John S. ('rlwfnrd, 1243', rrskr Unity Mkn Ile
culllinxmnv-o 4»! hi. fist-n I 4 s:»:qu (n-tmm-r! II
{rurnniz't' Ifi- eunc-surunucu Il.v,l~in- mu}
lm h-ui. ' ; J Jun; (‘1 I.['.
9 ‘ ' 'l‘. r .
Ith. N. 1.1. ‘5” .J ‘7',
Another Change
{' u {my Latin: niun {Med with Nb m
lm-iuruh Jufm‘ .\'. ‘('uu\lur}i, who pun-lulu"!
H-e i'nich-l of John ('uyll‘, resyx-gi‘ully nu
mmn- L-i lu Ihv ciliu-m \of(§}.lty+hur: nmt the
puhhv gum mllr, that the Min-inc” will haw"-
tiuuL-d :u Ihu UM Slgeul .oh Chmnberdnng
sm-m, by A. mums 5; 1:9,. who will rim
eLunly keep on hand 1 I.lch stock of l'fiuv‘li‘:
in {ln-lino nf ,' ' \ -
sum-gs) "walrus. Hymns, l q H
CARP IT mus, ”mm-211$. «7-,
and Ihvy will also conlinuehh; InuquuluMwl
Shoes. . ‘ ‘
From their long “pea-24¢! in‘ull the above
hrwc‘acw,‘ they [Lulu- tlmnkh‘gs Hm] wry-cu
prmse LT": publié, and will bell chem iur cub.
' A. K‘GBI': -\.\'.
‘ . p. ‘s. cmwwmn;
Duing business under thh Mnfi'e and firm of
A. Cobenwkfio, 1 [Pet ‘B. IBM. 3
‘ ‘ EstaQlmhé‘f 1850; V
, OTICE or Hmong: .
respectfully be: leave t’b toliry l ein friends,
\ cuvomers and the public general s', (11m. wry
have removed from No. 151 Franklin-punt, lo
fl: camn‘mdiazn [our-story Wan-hog”,-
between Howard and Liberty, when the! will
for the futnro conduct; We Wfoleule Bul
am, solely in ‘ . .
llosiety. Trimmings, '_
Puruiihiux-Goodn. (
Perfumery, Notion},
" . Butlonery, Cutlery,
' ' ‘ To”, in, km
to which they invite lie “mention of city And
connlxy purcbuen, fueling «outlaw: of theil
ability 1:: am:- lndncnsnu la price: A“
anlity orGoads. ' ~ .-
Orders by mail willxfi‘ain prompt inu
tion. Address 1‘
308 Bmimoro street, Bullimon
Hutch 11,1884. ,
Portable Pdnhpg omm.
I'3. 0R “)0 ‘nn u
if? Merchnu, Dmg~
Viki Km: And lllbnliflefl
,' ‘ "R‘s Ind ‘mleuioml non
." J 1 - > whoyluh to do wait
- ' a . -,- own printin , an 1
_ \M And cheaply? Map:
» ' “d to 1b- printing of
" hnndhilh, blllhndl,
sin-ulna, labels, cards Ind Imall newspaperl.
full instructions Iccon-pying each office ...
nbling 9. buy an yang old to work them no
cesafufly. Circular. \IBM (rag, - Spacing
rlgeeu of TypeLcnu, la, 6 can”.
){Jdreu ADAMB’ PRESS 00.,
31 Pun-knowx. Y., “(135 Lincoln “not,
‘\ ~ Bolton, linu.
Jam”, 1354. 1’: , ~ ~
" Annual! 1 " .
Lam‘s” . ‘l‘kn 1"”
46-: :geind . Kiwi} 13: begig’m ;,,,;
men: of human c us, i .
below cit; when.” “#0)? . ’8 .
'Dec. M, 1m“ , ’ I- 1‘ .777“
’ xoxmohummroit' ' 3n... ‘3, '9
Pimswmmo ' . _
V “ L / a i v ‘