The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 09, 1865, Image 3
DI w Th ‘ 7 "5 i i i ‘ Preddefllde'lustrietfini‘siid have been ..wlrieb known could not be obtain come a customNirst an incoming Governor?“ uosle‘n “hill I“. admit“! '0 {“1- ’fi‘mTJmhwan: :ga;’;,gfiqam der W. He direct-me tomgfifiot were understood. and 03 should not issue a warrant of execution inilitste on nicer—a active Pennsylvania‘s?» ‘ , "PO5 m mph”, .3”, o! ‘ dram say. thst‘fliih no law or appropriation su- often folldwd now for the some {undo-geese! left unucted out, his predecessor, and ‘ dntlnguisgedrflener‘elaantoc ,ln hue one ‘ Ibiph eh I - on—bmv l‘on ’- r thorisee the payment. by the General Gov- lent purpose. it not unfrcqnently happen“ etc-veii‘incuulu “filth. 9“ “Wt l I lit ' on “I . - f‘ go 3 ' . 'ornmhit, of troops that have not.been., Istrongly recommend the repeal nl'the which ore recent. w ileJcme punishmentl 1‘ ‘ '9' “0 0W 9“" l .51? b ° "' W ~ ‘mustered into the service of the United act passed the 18th day of July. A. n. laiift, should be indicted, that of death may appear P'Tez‘twic‘xfnv Miolsiignmofiflr 2:13;; i‘n‘fi ‘ GOV'EBNOR'S MESSAGE. Silica. be'w'ill recommend to Congress to entitled “An not. relating to corporations to the Executive to be too severe: The re a: I plan? wlfigh'sacrifices the rights ofyth‘e ' g... intake so spproprmtion for the psyment‘cf tor mechanical. wenufacturxngmiuing, and salt isthst there are at..tliis time. in the vnri- State and” “Wins In" and “mm 1“" me T 5 the Sam}: and Hour! of Reflucnlmivrs: ; "0°!" called “n,“ 3‘“? ecl‘vtce '0 ”P“-l 3" qunnying'p‘urposee.” 0‘“ protons. some "3mm“ or twenty person! vixen unprotected by theiri, so far as concerns Duran" ‘1”. mm W... ”n.l, .vm i. ,4” this ‘ sctuiil invasion. including thosecl‘the Stnte Its provunons ere. lonnd to be pmetieollfi tinder sentence of fleathhand who may he {luture provision for their comfort and “I.“ ot’ commmfi’wplmh ““I;th ransfl- iii in: L'Nlé- of Pennsylvania. all, in the meanlime, you socnoomistent with ldlle protection of th there for an indefinite period of. time. . liheir families. {u} h, ““Ith (ind m. mm”, imam”, . can who the necessary'amouci. as has been citizens andwmi they“: polk‘y ortho Com- The vniit amount of additional labor which I will “my,” ohm," ,3,“ ;, sppurs b, m, The earth hus— be‘m hump" ”Him,” h,“ done iii other States. tiieehproprietion Will monweslth. that it ought not to be allowed htlfl been Impurlcd upon the Secretary at the ”porn: of me Adjutant Genera}, 1,. ”win, trans thriveo. Mltl w.tli the exception of Ihr: in- he applied 'to refund the advance to those to stand longer on our'statu’te book. 1 ap- Commonwealth by the existing slum of.sf- .iciitéd, that mega”, and" the any“, "Mb. jury suffered by tho citizen-"i of crime at our. who made it. Measures have been tnkon pr ived the not in question With great reluc-- fulfil, rcnilci-s It absolutely nece~snry that the lisbed by law, has put into me minim-y service border counties, Iliroup the disgraceful , for the pnymeutofjtroope mustered into the tango, and subsequent reflectionnnd obser- clerical force of his‘depsr‘ment should beic- of me finned Sines Pin“ the commencement burberity of the rebel lu£xq which ravaged l Utiited States earrice, so soon as the muster vnlion have satished inc-of its mischievous crenstd. The milking cutof commisSions for ”(the war, the following number of men, VIZ“. arts 0(- them. and burned the ‘town of 3 and pay rolls are made out. The answer character. our large army of volunteersin the field, 31nd! Traci)” um um: service during 1864. Shsnibersburg‘ we hhve no public mural-Fol this department. to you asfioverncr of I also recommend the repeal of hi: act the preparation of election blanks requiiredioi-gsnizations for three years V , tune to lament. The war closes with .l the State, will be given directly to yourself, passed the 22d day of July, .1. n. 1863. i‘nli- by IRW tc-be sent to the army—the receipt. . term.a (rain‘of brilliant sucqess'es obtsined b? the 5 whenever the department. is prepared to tled I‘}: further supplement to on act to en- fi'inz and recording the returns of the sill» garganl‘llllons {or one hundred armies of the Uniteil states. inspiring howl make answer. . ‘ ‘ V _ ,nbleJoint tenants and tenant. in common. there" votes—the enrollment oftlie yearly in- .. days lei-in........................... .in a"?! “'an mind that the “mm?” re-l (Signed) hDWIh M. STAXTON. land ,edJmning owiwrs of mineral lands in creasing ““er of nets of Assemblyand offiql'gdulla'dons for one yesr term. bellion will man be ”when. and ”(meg be ‘ Secretary of War. this Commonwealthflo manage and devel-j chn'ters Olitzllnt‘d under general laws and the ‘ olunteel’ recruit5......_............- rpflnrpd to m”. mun“... ' 1 The banks and nthercorporations refused op the some.” _ . . , making out of letters patent for them—nll Drafted infer; and :übstitutu...... mid-seet- mh‘m’ it". ,0 use. to advance thomoney unless I would pledge This not nllon's foreign corporations to these. ti‘vgt‘tlier with the prevmus heavy dn- . 508"“? 0T “8‘; 3;,3'mY-14-w-r wss " ' “Jinn 'lolmyself to ask an nifiiropriation t'i'onntlie hold three hundred acres of land in thislties of the oliico—lorm cii aggregate, tlie‘Le‘?“l‘“'m°m.‘° ennsy "in“ W“... essays" some New”. 3'7”“, 01‘ Legislature tor'ifund it. It will be noticed State tor mining purposes. It was passed. . weight of which must ultimately b‘e‘ik down,l floluntcers. - t . . ..'...__.-' thatths pledge of the Presidentis clear and it irbelieved, for the purpose of enabling? his few eulxirdiiiatce, diligent, faithful and 'C" ““1"""""""“"""""""”’ reggae-stirs: Ins! you seeing In. use“ ”l di'finfrli bldt‘ notWithstnndinédtliedmlonea. compsfnies near our border engsgad in the l enduring as they are. I recomilnend, ignore “ESQ-l; ' . ' ' wits an thesccouiitssettl an ace imanu scture ofifon,.to hold ban is as ore fore, that rovisicn be ruin t me e to' ‘ . 1" mflwmmpru W 00“ “3““ Win tige bands of the President before the, books. But under the idea that the siiik- meet the parasitic: of thiii mg, y. A, ‘ lAceredited tgotlier 8“"1 i meeting at Congress, no such recommendu- ‘ ing of an oil w‘gll'is mining, it is believed It is a ruijiect of just congratulation that! 1 tion as promised me was made, and for that.) that companiet have already been organi-, notwithstanding the distracted condition of. treason the bill introduced for that purpose zed under the‘laws' of other States. and . the country, our system of common bohoolsl failed. The men were raised and placed that ntore will be. tor the purpose Ofilold-icnntinneg to floflrigh. The report of thel under thecommauil oflliijor GenerulCouch 1 ing lands and carrying (in the oil business - Superintendent. which 1 herewih transmit] and the other U. S. dll‘icers in this Depart-l in this State. It would bebeiler to remove ' shows that them has been an increase of merit. ’ ’l‘lie troops were held in service {all doubt on this question by repealing lhel scholars during the past year. It is impor-‘ 1 longer than the emergency for which they i act; The” companies. being for_eign’cor~ll ant tosecuxe—us teachera n sufficient. number were called out required. Several of thol panting, are not within llle control ofour: of men ofsuitable education all ability, and regimgnu were marched immediately into; aws to the extent that they ought to‘bex ‘4}, a view to this objechll suggest for your 3 distant parts of the Stute, by order of the for the purposes oftuxation and regulation.‘ consideration the expediency of making out officers of the army stationed in Peunsylvs-J 'l‘lie immense development of Wealth in of the school fund itself some provision for . nis, against my ”repented rei‘nonstruncesa-l some of our western counties by the dis- ths'support ofsuch teachers as shall after it 4 *— They were retsiiie ,as was alleged, to pre- ; emery of oil. has added viuitly to the re- . given term of service become suoemnnuated " ‘ ', . . 33§1M Herve the peace and enforce the .draft.--- ‘ wurcespr the Commonwealth. l” digabled while in the performa'nce omm}; The twenty-fivothousnnd militia of lilo—sire l‘Nt-urly. if not quite, one-half the money; I have made ell'oits to ascertain the values dnfipz, , “0; "'d'fie‘l‘n u“? “fifemimi . 1 h, | was paid to trofipa thus held. uiid‘nfter the, of this product. during the last year, but] (if the fund placed in my blinds by the not! i R call it 'b‘“§mw" o L; e 28'1"??? I e emergency had expired. Finding that tho heye lulled in procuring information suf-' of the limb May. 1861, and of the 4th or Sluy, s “:03 in; e ":32; "w" ' . "Wind pLe- ‘ ispproprintinm was likely tofuil in ([3oll9sz flciehtly sccursts tojustily mein estimating] 18M. suit to be- appropricied in my jwlzmn'v thiiteot'ficer 3mg: musiedigfirmm m e ’ 3 I laid the {nnltorehefore the Legislature, l its amount. -It is already vast, end is rspid- in military service. I have expanded in the last This mes“ Ye is “com nnird -, m“ n “bl just priorto theirsdjournmeuhin May Inst. |ly increasing. » ‘ lyF’lr ‘39-‘34 '39 in gumml 0" the agency 5‘ .0, all the mug”, depnri‘mentsfy'l‘he ”in“ and an act of Assembly was immediate? l The productions and manufactures ofthe Washington—up until the 30th of May lustJor the large mm“; of servicepie/rformetl during“ $5891] to refund ‘the money out at the Stile Stnte have become so diversified and iibun- I my Pem‘mfll 5‘05"!” “”1” will“?! {0““00- “‘1 y the pg... year end coutsln'a tun him”, of ell ,Il'ressury‘, which, as above stated, has been , diint that some measure. should be takenl ”WP” 0' Which}! '6”ch “1 11” 0m“ “f the 'me military ’opcrllions (if/the Sm”. “an, done. I nuglit to say that. the uppropiiu- i-for an uccurute ascertainment. of them, so s‘“le 03w“- , _ . .(I tlrslua’ble recommendiuiocshi-e made m am" ‘O5 tiun by Congress was vigorously supported 1 that their extont‘rnsy bu generally kimWn, “1,1“ Willi" ul’lJl'fllfl'Ullwn 'll} be [WWW ’ : pmmote the efiicicncy 0! our volunteul‘il. “d l by all the mornbers from this State, in both and also thut the necessary taxation may ‘5 ”Limo!“ . » like comfort of the slog and wounded; which branches. liaring done everything in buy Ibe intolligentLy' imposed. I recommend; t‘t‘bbllx fusimrmlpcfd I".d,l‘l’“:"d_ ”’e 33;]? .I command to your olivine” end ‘ ”mediate at. l powerto procure the payment of this just. for these purposes the creation chi Bureau, 1 a", the? 8:153:13“ 'ge 03%”; ".“l' Erna“? taming, 1t «Kurds/tile grant. Alsfucllon to ' claim of the State. I now iecommend that of which the Auditor General and Stage ‘ min ”1193:1133 “Beam: {:1 the.c;;""?i'es o, Bed- 1 near by tcsiimony’to the ability. 113138“ 02 find the Legislaturejalie the subjlct, into oon- Treasurer slihll be m‘ehibers, and the head ifhrd Buhon‘fimukuu Cumberland “'2'. "ml 5 fidclliy‘ot all the officers in/iliese sci-cm; de ~sidemtion with a view to induce proper no» of which'a new Ollicer. to‘be styled A 1115“ by the rebel mil“). in “.525 “:11th i'silcd l piirtments. t / . K tion by the I‘ro.~iden_t and Congress. .Cummissioner oftSlntisticir, or designated by in the Senate for want ot‘ ”mm ‘ ”“0"? “MEWS L“ message I_‘“’“”¢ l° “d' . Bytythe not 01"22d Ah‘gu“. 1864. I wasnu- | any other appropriate title. ' . l 1 Win," .nd (0 ’3“, commermowhe Propri‘ I yert to the delay whllch' his sometimes occurred . thonzed to cause an is- mediate enrolluient‘ Thelnct 0‘ 233“ August". 1364. providing ety ofihi- passage of such ‘1 bill during the pro "3 ”“5 pafiagc 0‘ ‘hc/Benel‘l .“pprul'nm‘ml of the militia tolbe mude. unless tliut‘ re-. for the voting of soldiers, should ‘becnrel‘ul. gent hessimi. li “jug; to the people of the,“ > b'“- 1" *1 “CWSSI‘Ty/‘fh‘l ””5 ‘3'“ ’l‘fa’l‘l ”9‘; lcently mudefixliy the United States shbuld; ly enmined; witha view toils amendment, counties who have siitt'ered. [IS cell as to the , “m“ “”1? “5 “hm/“"59 the “‘t‘ou.“ ”"3"”; be louiid ru ,cient, and to raise by volun-handfindeed. n revision of our whole election Government,ilint these tliimi‘iges should be fair— PM.” 70“}! b; "°W,°d' T“ “a” “Sinclair tearing or (halt. a corps ot‘ fitteen thousland; laws would seem to be desirablemiih a view ly ascertained Bnll ilie evidence perpetuated. 3 “MY” ‘ 9:. “9933“1“: “I“ °"°{‘l ’ziq’fi , men tor the defence of our Southern bor- ‘to two essentiil objects of l. The admission whaicrer may bcihe view to be tukcu ont'uture {y'afih'SLWZf ’fi" «ll? ‘l‘ilurfi" [‘ ‘S. “a". 1 tier. The United Slnlespnrollmgirt .héing of legal nnd'excluricn of illegal votes at the woneiilt-rntion by the United Slums _or Sme- hezlcis t: golfi’vngmx-e m"; of: ritual-film w . found very d fective. I directed tin enroll- 5 polls; and. 2. Faithful and correct returns G‘mjt‘rnmufl 115 '0 [be PNl‘l'iE'y otimywz 311011 ’lmve‘nll bihsypsnbliiitfeil “PM ““33“ 0"} m . merit to bc‘m ile, which is now in progi-ese iof the vutesiictunlly poll d. I communicate WW” v ' . AL: mum“, before begging" hm. in on” m. . . under the ch rge of Colonel Lemuel Todd, 1 herewith the opinion of the Attorney anenll ' Mai“! ”GMT!“ Hancock 1m? 1’90“ “HIM-ZN ' l‘lxficuli/e should not ”Mai ”1911' If mu; ‘ ' whom i appointed inspector General“ A: on the conflicting rgturns for tho 16th Oon-' by ‘l‘ will Del’m’m"3m “33“" fl 00"!" "T 9‘“ had b n ,ime. Ishould p‘mb‘my “I" returned land} by the United States was then ill bro- i Knesslonnl District, which will show some of ‘2’“? ml “2'5 “lied the “M 4.0”?” (gm: [up the propri.itiou bill of but ,yenr rm- sucli re- } ignite. rind itwiis not thought advisable to} the practical ditliculzics which arise under E° ' g“ “€695 Em“ °“ ‘lp.p\‘cml‘£“,{ y “filvis' u. as when I hold llle opportunity of delib [harrugs olirgpeople by moontepiporrinéous the existing system. Without niidert'iiliing bonersnor 0' :an ““tf‘fepgmui'lf “I’9l;be m ‘e tely ethiuing it, I tound provisions whith State draft. mom it a. draft had beengpracti-l to recommend the adoptio’n ofiiny particular :osfehgusf G "I: ”g; '53:)“ tiiliiimliiinsur; i could not have approved—but linit opportu ,cahle under the tin-sent} law. Volunteers. plan, I submit the whole sul'ijflct to your 2 “can”: hut; till“ \hit‘hcrio dc~iiierl u, go", “i‘y 'O3 denied mt before the bi“ Mi ““3““? {gold rijot. be obtained. there beingl‘ no . careful and earnest Conl-tldel’iltltln, in the plywhh the ”queer It ”ppmuzfm me ,1 r, 8 km. and in (not. 8-8 the Legislature “I“ o'l ‘ “miles: and the "\W‘P 50‘- beml! exempted. hope that in youryisdmlou “i” he 'ble to the funiilit-e oi llH‘fl rniscd‘lm‘th/e plan ado ed~l the point "r adjournment. the only (“Rim [1 If“ [by their ciilirir‘iimit \‘in that culrs iron: I, devise some measure wlis'cliwill produce the by the w," ppmmne,” would prubabiy y, be i “med ‘0 "‘EF-ls Whé'l'e“ ”l 5“ bl“ 51‘0“” b‘," . limit. by the United Sluice. Fortunately! result so essentialrto the existence of n free entitled ... we “.lin prori-lEd “0"" ow 13m, 90"” “ in!" “‘th 3~“°“‘lmjf'" 0'” “I? “909“" {the United States pliiced‘on army. Wider— government; lllél VOlO9 Sim“ be fairly taken for the families ct‘vcluuie is. 'I tunic 'iiquired‘xues 0“ e government‘ ”"1“” “FE““MN fl"? General Sheridan. between ifs and the lineal iii tlie‘first instance. and lairly counted and (ittleneral rliuicock wliel‘h‘br llie pr?» zed tcrpsl hThe 3“"“anY of our. soldiers in the field still iiiy,~aiid tiiiis‘pnivided cflhcldnllylor our i returned :iflerwarils. ' ‘ ‘ 'is to form part oF‘llic y‘égular arm «in at the ‘s} all” mgr”? on ”“3 9”'"‘“°""°nhh‘ “ml '1‘“! (balance. Witt.‘ such adequate pmlccjtionj I have’ endeavored Elnt'e Pcii'rnc into oflioe volunteer i‘urce. and/tribe litllvt‘ undo\_whnt Im.“ “it?" ”b “PPI‘WNEBJ by {A generous‘ peo ns provod by the brillhint cumpnigri‘oi that lto exercis iis cautiously Is.pouuililo the pnw- iict ot’lfnngress ii isto be raked. llc liifs‘ Jo. . ihiit" ’w‘lx‘n ill‘:°g““““ed "1‘ “heel-“lifhmc' army, 1 didinot think it right to “10.1.!le era mirth-1.11 to thé Executive, and fluid fern-l ilmi cmnmunli-ntir-ii to yl.e um DQPKRL: 1 Sta"? notitribiiteu; lhiii-“iin All]; firiinillin': con e expense to the Suite of an independent r-luiiurpingany. l‘ill‘lllflUthflVOly-Fblbt in . EMT". fr”!!! Whit?" I 1m“ “5/!” "Peale“ 110'“ fort and wellnr? \xu 3:31;...“ “of no: ' 'lie " ‘tdruwnl of so many of: our‘ this course to the cm]. isnswcr to it. , fl ‘ lhe on ”m” 1m": “(Chin hivetswgi h :1“, ‘icnies and pursuits. I A new call has beenmaiie'by the President .Tl'e “my!“ 19W“, ‘9 WW?“d “slime"! calm” ”no“ little dirk 13,“; of ilt'imfl’i'i'l rents have been mndegfur 300,000 men. This renders it proper Gfinl’ri‘l "Imm“ "ml ‘Vl"‘°”"" ”‘35 Wide“: 1 ‘ y g ' A‘- ‘3' ULll'l‘llSi. it Washington for ariu-j thatl-slimild invite your iittentiun to the 1‘ l'i:\‘y’~ir .i lxn EXECLTH‘P. Ciiniiimi. ing and supplying the ' cvils which have rescind ll‘till) abuses of the U" g’llAliyallUß/a. PM We ‘J‘Jill, ll‘tlt. cot llli"Ullll€d States, 5 system of local hountios \l'lilcli nits begun; in/ Gizyi'iinu. '.—l ryéolvcil your lent-r iii the mo tml‘given by the u‘utlior- ‘ an emergeiiry, by the voluntary and gen’cyi‘mem’ of my departure, for Ni lll'lclpllln on "titles to lurl'ough such i one loyalty ol‘nurciiizcns belu'rethc pussage .‘lnmhy lash/i relurncll ”us working and its as may be dfimcd by C( egress ot the enrollment, not, and has ,ll’flr'lt‘n.” reply. . i. The corps is pill 1-} since been continued by sundry acts of,”As-/ ””1“: iii/knowledge 09' ”'0 Orgnmmfinn Of 5,000 men. It is u. scmhly. The result has beb'n to thcllus't de- “"3 “‘f'l‘” 5/0“ ”6 '0 “WWW“ ”1"“ “'11“! 3P lt) men duringtheiwin- , ee oppressive to our citizens, nnl “apt/c 1'9",“ 371.!” “eW’lJ‘lP‘i” “ml 09.1”?" I “"u be My adopted fiiefirluresl du 've of corresponding benefit toilio Guv- ”Wit“, It you Will inform me it_it is to be re—_ may occur irruptions l crnmcnt’. In sime counties and townships. Elt‘l‘fi ".5 ’1 Pa" °f the "3“" _""”'y ‘°f the ..regular w“..- I the rebels, and it is: it is believed that the bounty tux“ during the .‘lmid but“ “r “ P 3“ of l c mlumeu‘er' well to be prowdedbogs’inst them. "l‘lie («last year exceeded the average income deiii'cd "21°51 . t fth tth U.d St ‘ "“mblfi' PI'DPOSt-‘d 10 be shgised tllltl put in- from the hind. The. large sums cfi‘ered‘ in 'icm_:n.‘:lp3s ° 9 "my f’. n 8.3?!“ a” to actual service, will in judgment be i some places in the competition fc’r men, have? cm‘m. ”If {lle Shit? cffngeicéfr :llllell'agsVolI‘l’: sufllciéul, and “1‘98!“le figficonomy ra- demoralized many 0" our people, and the m.” be iid ' - ' S . . . . . . . . p ease to inform me under what eel. quires that no more than in suflicient most atrocious frauds connected “1“),le of Congress? \\ should be placed on. pay. The aiming, system hive become lumen. The morn ot‘i I need no, any. General. .41”, 1- would be 19,009 Will oe organism , and ready t ser- , some of the poorer c s lmvcheennenriv most happy to do all in my power personiill Vlce _in case ofnecessity~ I "into you im-/ exhausted by their vc ntoers being/credited and officially tu rsise a force to he commanded mediate attention -to.the very’able rep t; to richr-rlucslitics paying heavier,. botinties.lby you Can we not raise you two or three of the Inspector General, which sets CO“ 1 The system .‘is practiced lowers tVe morale of ‘ regiments in’ Pennsylvania, in the hsual man, the defects in the low which he has Eitcov-l e urniy itself. by putting into the mike ' her and according to the not of Congress, for ered in His preparation (or carrying itlinto me‘ Actuated by merely merce’imry motives, l your corps? of course, I would consult you procticnl efl'ect. ‘ l. l and o are tempted to desert by the facility lin the select'mn of ofiicers and on. commission 41,116 State agencies It Washingan and l‘nl'escn gdetection, and the prospect ofncw ‘ “here you approved- . in the South-West. are in active and sujcess- { gains by enlistment. iiprocess which they l I ““01 “Menu“! “10 'mpoliflnce 0! “‘3 Tu] operation. I ‘communicate her with expect. to s able to repeat sin~ indefinite {liklng that persons be sent to l’ennsylvunis to the‘reports ofCol. dean; at Washington. ‘ number of times. 0f the bomber of men for; "id“c‘ ““3”” ‘° 3" l.“ “he P'smc‘ °f {3o‘9” and Col. Chamberlain, agent for the S uth- whom bounties have beenpnid, it is believed l but to what. I certainly wiil do nothing to west. The prousious of the law requiring‘ that not oueJourth have beenitctuslly placed} emQ‘rwg' the 1"“ pmlmwl' . the agents to collect money! due ‘33 theiin the ranks of ihe army, Mild even thosewhol lie i‘"°.be“°fi“' by Fenm‘l. ““1 “Pm“ United States tosoldiers,hsve been nifi-‘ have jovned it. have probiibly not on “Jazmin?” m Penn?yl“".'“’ 'h‘cl.‘ “m 9“ ‘9 (not. A reference ‘0 their reportshwill l average received frir’their own use one-hull“ t eyo uuteer and his family. While Ivnll do - ‘ . . . l . \\ . . nothing to deter the veterans of the Suite from show the .niignitude and uselulneus of this of the bounty pan! for them. Immenre sums emu», - I 1: ~‘ ‘ t t branch of their service. '7l desire to inwte‘ have thus been npproprhited by cheats and sex; :51? °:';°§Es’or 9:51;; 1032:; :3. the attention of all Our volunteers, officers, l swindlérs, in many cases believed to‘be act» deprive them ofo slich bgefiw sale” it in my soldiers’und their {lll lies, to the that that ing in onmplio’iry with agenciei‘nf the Gov. duty under the low , ’ I the State a'genté vull collect sigheir‘ claims : eminent. .- \ , 1 “m, Gsnsrhll "it! respectfully. on the Government, gratuiw y. it} li_have An efl'oi-t wus' madam prosecute some of Your obedient servant, reason to believe that. many are still ignD-l the parties concerned in such frauds under A. (l. CUItTIN. rent of that fuckend are greatly imposedlthe not of Assembly of 14th August last. Major 9 s 1 Wixrinrn 8. llsscocx. RPOH by the 91(01thle 0011111115810“ éhurg- : and they were bound over by the Mayor of [his 'snritiis Fins-r (loses. l ed by priynte claim agents. . I this city. but after the witnesses had come \\Wssnixoroa, .., Dec. 31, ‘1864. l’ ‘ Unfit" ”19 3‘31 ol‘thc 6“) 0‘ May. 1.364. 1' here on, the meeting of the court, they dis- To bi milency Hon. A. G.Cuii'rix, Governor appomted H 0!- .'“lomfis 11' Blmowes to,nppeared from the public eye. I recommend of Pa sylvsuis; take charge Ohbi “5 for the Ed- , the~whc eulu‘ ‘- mm careful considi 87" i— ave the hr '0 cox 'l' sun- (- fun-um Kama. Im,” , Luz.“ as l‘yQOpd-rnlinm of thr sinking fund during “in-inst your have hum uhown by my 0- clnmntmn or line 27;!» day of Sewage! lift. u follows: ' Imm! old»: of Column-Ami, ruined (38.569 60 1. “Hon. VII: ' yin pr out w.- a! nu Commu mllh, ' IN,” 08 luvMenfllc-hl Illa-mod, 261 ‘l‘ The fiscal year accounted for in the innate mcnl of the Treasury D¢partfmant. emhrncrs the tifno from lbs In: of D-ne’mber, 1863, to fluff}: ot'November, 1864. The einki’ug fdn “you commenced the first Monday in firpt‘emb‘, 18133, and closet! thefimt’l-‘ups dny in Septembvr. 1864. , ’fliis will explum tho diucrapnncv between Ihe statement. of the Treasury Dvpnrtment as (0 the reduc (ion of the public debt of the State. and the Imminent embodied in the prodnmution rolalive tn the sinking fund. —. 3 ' Amount of public dubs nr Pum- Iyluuln, :- n. “and on m. _ Int 0-} 9! Doc" Im. Dunc! mun! rpdeqmod It un- W Trpury dining tho sell your audio: with Sr. 30. fl“. vir. ‘ ‘ flu p" can: «och. 8104 m 18 l u and again." d, MI, 10.000 W lint-nu mm», . 2.110 n than: am Dec 1. ‘I! 4‘ {\th 4::- ”5.3 x. 9400 10 06 r at. nu, I . ‘ "trpor a, hunt. ordinrzty. 36,6056” I'l Your and um pot cun- hm-r ’ ~‘ \ ‘ ”(diuq, 2683‘ no ° j , , A r—-——335,}M,013 T 1 Uoludod bl, vin‘ ; ° , Hilly! now ncircul-Hon. . 897.251 00 hum! e autumn-Ming. “.086 h: \ ' ' Infant canine-w- oncl-imod. 4,“! 38 ' “mom: cronhlun' «random, 1% B'l ‘ "5.510 2: ...—Q... ...—‘d. “ . aha-I9 so; u mum, m, pot m my I ’. ' ‘ Imam, . s 680415.)“ raw m am Dec 1, qfu,‘ 330,319,“ 94 ‘ The Commdnweulth hnlfln bgndi; :receiv ad from the ““0 of Public Works“ “grunt in to ten mimon three hundred xhduiand dcfilnfi, ($10,300,000 00) as follows : ~- ’= kuylnlh nllmd comma] bonds. ’ 04.100300 00 ruminant-w: m. {gland «mps 5021,, 9,500,015) 00 , ' “0,300.1“; 00 ~ «12h. bondsarnin the Sinking Fundmntl rgduce the public debs lo 529.079.6015 94. , «The tax on tonnage imposed by the act -o(L3Oth Ammnd 25!!)5August. 1864. has yielded something less ‘lhan SEOOflOO—u much has sum thnmyag nnticip‘med. I Yeoommg‘nd a. “vision ()thggae ucts hr the purpose of rendering this‘xource offevonue more productive. and smehd'mg omec de fects in mono hills. 1 \ The feveu‘ue derived Lfmm 1“ banks during“- the year nmnunts 6‘36 67. but antler the Hint-hug Shauna mug of our b nku ha National ban s‘under We act 91 that ”Emma of men e um? cred u.s_ubsluntially ex mgu'ul: will §e_nécessury in Qmé way u {he defici‘oncy Irom other source: The act of Congress Mithoxize‘ lion b'y (b9_Stule of the stock. i tional bangs fluke hum“ of. 1b fiéifi‘xceoflix-lgllie rate of tnxmiou on Vhthe'c sinji~lar_ property; and l' deficiency mny‘bgtlm‘x pmvniml 'l‘heinmount of debt. extinguished by the Sinking Fund during when is unu<ually 23mg“. which Inf to b 9 nodaunted for hf the ‘extrlordimry expenses which have been‘in- Scarred. Seven hun'dmi and lhii-ieen thofi- nnd dollars ($713,008:I have been paid to refund to the Rs t a money advanced -by main to pl evolunléers in service during the invas n.of the State in 1363.5 3 One hundred mousand-dollom ($100,000) have been dismbuu-d among the iflhflbl um! Chamboruhurg. suffering by the re eslrnctum of Lhéir town. About two hundred Hm‘ushnrl dollnrs ($200,000) hue been exponded under the acts provxd in; for the payment. of extra military . vclniml. ond ir. addition to these extraordi- nary outlays. the amount. appropriated to chm-Men was last year larger than usual} ‘ In my npinjon thin matter of donation; to clarifies il fast running into a great abuse. Home: of Refuge; und‘ Insane, Blindxund’ bed ugd Dumb Asyluma appear to be prop er :11th of Stase bountfinbecwse their object! no of public im‘por ce, and to be “and,“d well and economically managed,_ it seem to be necessary thu't. they should be more extensive than Would be required 9'10! the want: of u particular county. BM in our system, ordinary local charities are left \0 the care of‘the respective localities. and to give we public money for their sup |._¥n'u really to tax the inhabitants of I“ 1 rcoouutieu for the benefit of one. The unload taxation is heavy and must i probably be male heavier. and he local , tun authorized by unwise legislation nndl paid bypur people nrefle'xcessive. In View ; of these circumstances, we should endeavor to avoid increasing their burdens by making J undue appropriations for any purpose. i ‘1! being alleged that. the Atlantic and} Gml'Wegu-rn Railroad Company has not.y in "lions; particulars obede ‘the lay‘v by; which; it mus incorporated, Hie huorn‘ey ; Genargl (on the suggeslion of partiea clainfl in; m be thereby injured) has filed an in-, formulloa in equity aggipst that oo‘mpany,’ cockingsa injuacLion 16’ prevent h conun- { Much of it: put, and the persistence in its intended illegal course. 1 Blue. my hut annual manage, on the re ar; 0! John A. Wright, FAqs. that lhe Sun— ' ry and line railroad Wu finished, 1 or dvred thg bond! remaining in the treasury to bodelivered lo‘the company. it in : mlfiect ofjust pride to the people) 0‘ thilCommonu-eulth. that [his gram. work is oo'mpleled. and “(Dual it opens a large and width: pg“ of the State to the commerce of the mboard.4nd unites «pm! and en urpriuo within our hauler-Vic neuron to the Commonwealth the payment. of the gum sine her from the oogppnny. ‘ In my speck! message of 30:11 April last. $ which 1 nfcr. I communicated to the “figure. in mmfdeuiljthe circumstur (p nectar! vigil We «11-no; by bankg and other corporation: of l a hands to pay the «Mauser uniluin of 18%. h is‘uot neceanry‘ hero’io teammate than» lo'ngtk. 'l‘he‘icue “a what. and I“! balioud none quilts likg il. maxim-rod. in. all for volumesn wan mud. by the mm o! the United States. but u be in; find thnt men could noz be got under Ml, the form of I can by the Slate au~ $6O: for tho detenue of the Sum nu. harm of £ll6 President, substitu udi the United Sum ugxeéd to furnish 1” “I, whitence Ind supplies, but. it '“ dined thu‘Unntreu had, nukiwap pngi-m coves-gag the pay: Inéhfi lune J hip, the abet m bgmg great, the Bmm of Wu “fir-phat me. chm: "‘ _ WWme 2?. 1868. W W. Goo. 116.023“ _ / I! ”Mama 9‘ ‘l. .._ W ' o .figgh‘iflnql, m , u: ' 4 = tau 90,590 15' I. ......_. Imm 34 ._._—..._A no,mn,ooa a “*6 cx r r mi'fltion‘ ~L‘ LBlm ' at the 0 “alemem ' ‘mu l'hnn . _s‘Or.” .. { "wilfifgci’ewflfh a Zojgigdfigra. 1:31”! 3:311?” subject {‘s ‘ ' 9 hud' “ “part c .'- at. m Mn cum 1 . I Wllh Commend“) 130113ng b. .on the“. .1 8 gyuem u cunlldem Y Inc»: [earn 16 Zeal fid 1. 13 dune, en a, may be u'l Jun” ' est -’Fit a . lum - , P lged o, . 31c t. Emanem and 1'11;er recommend!“ nd 9am" this St omcnallv mermed ' l f in?“ of” conga“, t 9 “howled ‘EOSWPOH minis ffppmprimon "If: 93" ban “.2“ ““3" the rcce ‘l'“ 1““ “We at: mimh"f’°‘e" the"§‘°“"°“°ftheoaxfiiu‘“ v e“'ficeuce /. 5 and Worth mu 9) 'b' not‘iufo, 11 cal i”. .mm __ nmemmew- at", t' ,‘ y 3°th .Vl 19h “19d J filed of th '. _ ”.999, up." ymlfor 0. M” Dep." . A recamnfi d ‘ 00f It - 76 ft x; mbe 8 pnnm 18 lb Gull [mod w? y llr kind ex . , umade ,n. that, a 1. . 2 flppeukt— made Pon 001 d be u 1.5“ "a r page,“ Imen, ((3: 833?? mm: Sg’mfrmuon be fogging: it as’mggechlfrasiaempmnm fgzitoleudnyg:::§£:‘fflr hesiffifigh; trawl .Or nun - . “Milies, 65" Blihun' -_ efidienc : It 5' wan 3' , Erniain 0 ”3419 mm your 163. As 1:131:15; in mgyg’l‘: gaze I‘3l]ng 3338;“ the “gellinnffiff’fif- cum- Pflllymnr; $ll. \K 5;: “Pangaea?“ corps ”\pmggsegogmt? are i BOmen -an 18.‘ “(ml ‘ In hr 8, r- 15 not With“ .‘1 e i?“ 3:3s'f3ndlwho sfiszfgrae here ‘who' ‘31:?!) the ngmuiozlrgm the $53,935:”? 3:1": “:2 Plan Jaclgzgixfnce» Péflup. to di m" 5° and 1” moot“mend PmmmdAth e ““d "‘9 dcfi ' e" furriished b ‘ e'land ' edim“: e - '°“'” 1" m'g -" State A ° f°’ tlbeir be” ‘l‘“ prev' I ° “"gnm (“My nlle d 1’ thev my own vie' ”(We “ix-1):} “m! gym!“ 1 “18 [’lde ‘ 15' 358 nm ~e“ of the 3c ‘0 2xls} ' 1951 mam 3' thereto“ P ‘tmem and ki‘ - 01' [ha I n; {h ‘ plum th preset“ u In em, Im. , 3T9 of M.‘ , "‘“tll ~ ”3‘“. at 11' ° 11m “t the m ‘1 0‘“. by‘m “'0 knowl d 7“1 how Phen ‘“’“’°‘uiu “9““ 081: b‘e' -”" P‘m 'th " “”thh o r 9“ “Mrreuhd “that” °s°of m. or’. - “Y‘W‘Uh shoum be “We" respectiv Ewen to ”13' RPlymem of” "'1“ Ind “inflated “’B‘ 13,5 f “‘3 derivmfm‘: ”11""0" um- ° ’I ‘ . ‘ he on! than imam l'equued to l‘em qunuu Who wu-‘Ph “‘8: w ‘ “ms by the] - . 9“" 0° 0 "Inch Imnlled ‘ mum . —.- We ad ’ . In; "a suppofied Deanne, mber sm, yon omci .mren l I [eel it to \ u care for f .pmblble I}; to be -to I ' , ‘1 cople D . ' 1m u Cred: __ tauno ‘4 e )‘lous attentiobe my “U to in ' {lmam-me Sm” whim” ,n“ Very few “‘l' fWm yen: Bsee b" Volunteer. 'f ,' . ah n mu, .me , wane { chm . coun .c We 1 ~or th ”of “mm “mm" "“5 Emmi? W {osmornnumm as: “W We aim to 2:8 ugly or “:32”- : Urposu *u‘ cam: s‘llqu u} of; T_, er Quotas. nln eient to e, "a cred' rr m 3, Organ‘ . gas ’9“; ' ’ch “18‘ \ 901‘“: 3 “h“ m fill, or m~ . . "eaten; . .‘lflhonm '. {“l2 333931?" 533%? by 3:31 255;! 15:“ mime???“ m m 10. the qi‘fi‘fi‘figf‘f age dom?c‘i‘f§3“’~;fdwhemhey , eguluioml 0‘ obmned w. ‘ Arnhem.- ”Can be de Ohm, iis pves “Shouldb r (at? , can,“ en ‘ :{lopremred' a??? 5:013 have Mfizgcifil $033112? “Ruin—ll:: taxed fiat thebexg’l: :31": w get xjfénb?;:oesl; u}ind that this i! 1 proving! Pie can at ~th " twelée m- .5 n ruby, '°3 draft. “00 who "9 In ‘ “106‘. n: "In ; and mum' . e p. 15; _\ _ Illtoug of dofl h" not, lub twmifi“ ”“an will.» ‘h" ”salami-’2' “’9 may}; Ide “mm-m at?“ firing 5“” iouriitLi-I'M” ‘° “main : ‘1 31 law; :rnedngf‘ citizens “a the Commomiillv‘c flctuguy $0310.”)! "ken fragohnl'lnde L _ “M‘sVFFMn' ' ’l7 Input“)- Eer' ""Y “boul§°§end'°““"er‘:::§ 89“.;unégfam‘muanc:wilfhmrvicfe“ “1’" “WWW u. $5.253? HANCOCK 3 ~“ny com “me“ded WWS? ”d nbu “‘5 mom; ‘ s, o. 3 : With . Play desire mid Pence Gratin] Hes calm“ be from and Th. on] _ I“.“de bra-tar -.a to bei _ Led. 0 ,V more may ( y "to: Co Flmc . o A Prml am at a] _ men _ died, “ran: up“. .. “l'Pl. , irlx‘alo angleved frifiégagf‘? c 5333? misgrelti‘gifggd‘e" in tin-,gquflued to “id ‘ and lin: (0:131:11; '3’]: 0!, reqfxgag‘tflgfh'mun. I thu it. 'h 3 “less mu, 1 L econdn-wnv putfiocigm andvbfund “dry 00 1}) oruuhinzl fivernofl of ihei: I be ”ramming! afield ~ Charter uould be “4,,ch ‘Ppem u, a are no“ ”and!“ ““derntiou of ‘P'! .“Vsrnlsme. bytn. ‘ ”‘1" b s'“ t ”9 we “fl“ 2”tumor ““‘V broch [was of h “‘n ‘0 be fo .' Thu me.” apply to u, 1.9 genera; , 0 ohm” v para M £5O“ \ .me man en “Mum“ t empmm St “Md mo 0, ”- nl . mum” "8 Legal-mm 1° ”'B. and then' In June lam comp 3 ‘henwy' obhze, "812 m m 055““ “mu “985 nm! his pigo 1“,! ”’s' Of tge which "9 «31;? 3"“ m“kin 9‘- “5° Prise -”'°ls‘~leis “sax-y force. go""“mem x 0 “WW“! b(b poled] ' . ' K m “Inc": 1“ \. '0 aon - {of of Anne - know of y e g“- ,(o "la a .Legflhlture Will the um Ethat mom ’0 Phi-46¢] . minim“ M . mhl, “nder 'l’, no A“ of 0011 be re, pw‘fi“ object, W 8 be d: 'be Illow d veFlbers of", \ 13539,,”qu entxuga to pan . lch men wm, 3”.” wed 0f - 1 and “Jud 3W!) I d 6to n.“ 5 comm!“ ' nefits ff: Slang of m , . ‘ued '1“ ' om?" Eh "3 Pmprle 83191:: ea _n POO! h and “a i ”fl'zht‘ In m lb. Unimd m: f“miles t .W. 1 nw .1 mm. th “Imam“, . ( But. 11mm. . Sm” or not". ‘ “grands“ Brememm 1‘ ““‘d ala “Mb: I: > ”us’fioun \ Prisons on 1' ~ hon Iw‘n Ema Gov . 3 pnv l .u “from ti: _O. aon falling w‘ _ the Co y ’eelmg of .. 1 01,391," lb 6m— 1 > Mere 9 *9 eI eh 9at Ith u, ‘mmo . . 39.10“ . a ‘ x mmlfgfexuee wing: :ogrboration 1?" Va! 5,, $532“ “‘s‘“- aglfi'Ymnuio-fliullausl§2ls:;°.'°‘i'efiyiiyiisfle‘t‘.“ “frugal; “i“ 0m e “h." M'fiorauo er mm“ M “me 9.70““ ‘helrlabms uufim “whom in flu?!” the ri mm” ‘° the Uni {Au thesevgfag'ml‘ a «£23 :Emefimes $333.” of pgpfiwndon “4.3, anvizgmgend, gimme. «fag? Ind wiiofithgm‘mw m‘ lees blma ; wb' mea t‘ y . .15. '5 . tale _ . wkfiyomeumufi pdéfifidbulbgsfi " ”In cg ”oL?O:§;9‘hhoen Eunnsd "2 :Qform ‘2: has. :33: g; 13711;: ‘ ‘l': $1: ffiffimi“ 35:11 Ofili “ in‘ -‘ ‘1 » 0r“ m ‘ 1‘ th' . list. ha‘ . 0 clu . Imm . ‘ Wang“. m’: the, arm's; for he 33%?“ £35133“ lag‘fi“ “11 1‘ “gt-{hi 33""? fine-1:31:32??? “'l‘ ’33:}: . ‘ . ('". . ‘ - . , V L "“6 mum“ m.W°°nu ”mow” the pond “Proyxdxfig‘ "9“ am. Iml““m§ my fill-there“ powny . ‘ at WW "Id 360‘ “hard" ““10",“, ofi'mb' Pmivyedrew" on thin “Quintin... - ~ “in: '[l 2“!)wa "’5 firs: d, Wilden", that; b! rem-um ““5”“. u , ”minim . 00mm “mau- hm ogmd “an em". than an n JNviMh mm , with "a 1101‘ g Mung“ ’» 4% min: ' '°°' chm ' - minnow . Ema n‘i ' " " 1!" “macaw" I'l ..-_ _‘ Int, b. mEsia ,P-Ww• -prio, 11==.!MI ES= EMEE y ' 91,704 Troops «in into Ibo service (‘1! the Uniledb‘men since the cummencemont ofthe rebellion, in eluding the ninety dlya' mililin in the depnu mall!!! at the Mmobgnheln and Shsquehunm in 8133 : . .. During the yen" 1861........................130,594 do do 1802 71,1011 ;do do 1808 43.04,!) do do ‘ISM 73,828 Re-enliatmcm o! Penmylv-min 'volufl , tiers...s 17.876 Eym‘mnn: ("mum-:11. ) . Harrisburg” Jan. 4, 1855. 1’ —.\L “’4‘ CO.” ~ ‘ . b \ ____ . “is imported in the Snutlwrn jr'uur?m“lu.g that General Kilpzilrick's cavalry exiali-l linn, which was Sept. lion: Suvunmlh south-l Wflst through-Georgia, ulnng the Savannah and Buy milroaul, tu‘ relmsa the l’eilei'uhl prisoners who were confirm-d lwymgglflm Allamulm, lius xeiurned. Kilpnlfick (”mull that. the Conledprnle lmnpi were lanOouC'n ring to cut qfi his retreat. to Savannah, "ml 1 therefore gai‘é up the uuompr. Wu lyre} liea'rd nothing ofilie body of Federal [mops } that was leporll—‘flJn limo gone iii-rah hum: Suvannuh in_pumuit of 11-lr'll‘i'. 'l‘lwre isf room for duuht whether they really cwgm: n}: with Hardee, or fought any buile with i lumbas was reported. Sherman’s army is still quiet. in Savannah. ' - There is very little doing at Petersburg. The Confederates 9110!! great signs of muliv- l ity in from of P 1. -,Wultlmll. and 71h!- ru- } mom of a contenglined movement by Gen-l eml Lee mi revived. There has brain a great deal of picket rfiring lately. 0n Sal-1 urdny the Coni‘ederaes surprised it portion 012le Federal picket. lines, capturing lhir- } ly-five men, killing 'two and wounding‘ three. -They also secured a great, deal 0! plunder. The-re was no (.bnfedurnle lass. Francis P. Blair, Sn, and Montgnmnry Blair ,are now a: General Grant’s heudqunr- l tern, at City Point. ltis.reported‘lhul they ’ are going to Richmond on a peace mission, and that. they go with the approval of Mr. ' Lincoln. w ‘ It is reported that the Federal loss in the attack on Murlreesboro _by Forrest, during Hood's liege at Nashville, was twp hundred and eight.—Ag¢ ry‘ Tuesday. / . There is but little militiry intelligence {this morning. General Hood has crossed the Tennessee riVer, and is now in Northern Alabama. General Steadman, who com. mantis the advance of General Thomas’nr my, has reached Decatur, Alnbnmn, nnd has captured from the Confederate rear two guns and some prisoners. The railroad is in order from Decatur eastward to'Ohattn noogs, but the Nashville and Chattanooga road has not yet. been’rgpairvd. On last Sunday morning, Butler made an efi'orj to complete his Dutch Gun canal.—” He blew a bulk head ot‘enrth out of it. but the earth falling back filled up the canal worse than belore. 'l‘hisyanul mu long since demonstrated to be u failure, and But- l ler~¢night as Well not waste nny more l-bur upon Lt. ,; . Frankie P. Blair. Sr.. and Montgomery Blair have‘returned to Washington; They did not go lbelcllmODd ; had nothing to do with peace fmpposifions, and were mere-l ly on a visit to Giant’s urmy.—- Age 43’ Wed haday. ‘\ ' I We have received d‘etniled Southern ac oountsot'the late attack “non Wilmington. , The attack on the first (it! lasted four, hours, nnd on the second day‘seven hours. I There were over tWenty thousxnd shells, thrown at Fort Fisher. The ConMerates| threw in reply six hundred and six .:two, shots on the first day. and six hundredon theisercorkd. Their 5053 was .thre: krilled. an fit - vewounde . The, n in mm. \ “ ‘ " ‘ " land reayr of Fort Fisher wagered with! \ ' Kati”: l shells nnd torn into deep pm. Two of the ‘GBOVA. W 3 BQWERSpX SETATla—lfl ‘ guns in tho fort burst, two were dismounted l ‘91:“ “dm'mlmfiwn On “3' esut- 0’ i by the Confederates and two by the Fede- .3699“? A“ B°""°" 1‘“ M Liberty “'n' ‘ml fire. The fort WM not. damaged. Four Iship, Adsmlxoounty. decused, hum; been blockade runners ran into Wilmington, granted '9 lh°.“‘d°m3“°dv "“de "' K'n'} during the attack and afterwards. gzutszurg. Pistrlcgjroderlok w““"”-’Ld'k’“h; i In Charleston the Conloderntes are hard $2.15 gllsun3‘“\§° 511 :‘fza' ': :sen't, at work building intrenchuxenta 0n the land sud thou: having :31; Sgt-huh “12"“... to ”mumps” m m - 4 . I tleineut. JOSEPH 81538, Adm’r. none of Sherman’s srmy had crossed the Doc. 12 {864. 6!. . SlVannah river. Hardee is said he now! ' M— in chprleston. ‘ a l ‘XGELSIQBI' . ‘ General Th‘nas’ army has cease follow- ' ~ - ‘IXQBLSIOBg ing Hood. lthns concentrated at Colum-l . 2330'?! l bio. forty-two miles south of Nashville, and f i TE: geelljiorg'lrfhgz mafia-a “t:- on Tue-d; lathe an umnrch, butin whet 'l ‘ 0' ' ‘I“ “'a' ‘ direction iinot kngown. All the wounded . 05“ n the Excehloiflk! lm‘go’gah have been rent to Kasbvzlle. The army ’”d “fim’ifysorfi ' »“ Will up 10186: but. thst éil’bgn two 9;; WEE-h“ WixfiJWg , , . ”pp 18“. II Me I new ~—A. a,o , o unaware, 111‘ w " «p. Malay. J Mlle! or buyers; A. 8%!!! m. "13362 .. $1.844 K .. 799‘ .. 389-”,876 THEfJVAR NEWS‘ flux 11(- ml] nun st nun) 1865 Bow 8; Wood; GETTYSBURG ma AoAmé'finan mots: When we 11, we. ’sl}:le good: I» move» Phrous I've men wine. we uynd 'in do ix. ' We kup can“: nu,- mi hand l' lug. Idol!- ment. of . 5‘ EATS OF ALL STYLES, ‘ - ‘ which will be loid eke-per than they on I). bought. eluwhu‘e, 1 Our nxompntt of . BOOTS nu) sum-:3 9,867 for rqen, women and hhildzen. is made up of the but qualitin Ind styles, nnd loll! chap. Our nap]: whats“ in put! at ’ ‘ HATS, - SHIMRS, ‘ CAR“. a TOl3 \CI‘O. BOOTS, HANDKHRCHIHFS. " RIMES, aTDCR ABS, ' , muxxs. ‘ ‘ GLOVES. ‘ CABIN-2T SACKS, 1\ [SHOW PAPER. ' GP)! SHOES. WIIJPS, BUFFALO SHOES, PURSETS. UNDERSUXR’I’S, 'PtilgflE'!‘ BOOKS, vxuuss, ' PL bES, VIULXN BOWS, _ RAZURS, 7.075 16,094 241.567 10.651 2.974 , u STRINGS, ACCOEDEUXS, (DOLLARS, ‘ NECK-HES, UMHRBLLAS,‘ Jan. 2, 1805 Herbs‘t’s Line. HE undersigned wnuld inform the public Hm: he is it?” rumx'mga hm: of NH)“: HT CARS [rum Gutsy-burg zu lhhimure every week. He is pupured w convey Freight-“her wayjnanyquanlhy. Hemllntmuln!desired, In the mnkjng of pun-hnsee in \hr oily. nnd'de- I'u' ring the goods promptly at Ufl.l|_\lbul‘K.- Hisyurs run to the \Vurehous. m J. .H. Husky 20.5 Nun}: street, Balumore. H- inviu-s thq aucmion of Inupuhlu: to In: line, assuring \hem that he mu spare no efl‘nn u accommo dm- all \vhqumy palruulzo'him. ‘ SAMUEL lIERBST. HAY WANTED. Tho highcst price paid for good l‘imolhy. Ucl. 24.13%. 53* ‘ Globe Inn. “YORK 81., SZABJUR nuloxo, ETTYSBURG, l‘A —"l‘he undersigned G w-mld mmt respectfully inlorm his a":- moruus irieuds and the public gvncrnliy. tlmt he has purchased lb.“ long thblisllcd and “1-H: hunwn limo-L tho "Gluhe km,” in York street, Gettysburg, uml will spare no cfl‘g'rt to conduct it in u manner that will nnl detract lrom ila lunm-r high ropututinn. Ills tuhlo “ill have the best the market can nflurd—Jnll (humbers ure slmciuus null cotuful’Lllnlc—und he In: [aid in tor his bar a full stock of wlnes an? liquors. There is large stnhlin,‘ uttuuhed E) Le Hate], which WI“ be :utonchhy-ntien-' tifib hustlers. it will be his constant « ndt-uvor to tender the lullcst sutlafut‘tiuu to his gut-ant, niziking'dns house at nrur a ham; to them‘us pgssible. lle usks a share uf the ymldit's pu tronngc, delérmified an be is to duen‘en lnrgr purl 9f it. Buncmlwr, the “Globe lun" h in Yurk street, but he.” the Dininnial. or Public Square. Apl‘il 4, 1564. If New Establishment. 001‘s AND SIIUI-la‘.——l'hc subscriber rc sprcnully nnnmnu-M to I‘o mlixenl nf Gettysburg and the public genérnlly, that he \mshpentd a new BUDT AND I“qu ettuhliyhmoht, i 1) (‘humhersbnrg slim-L,“ Geuysbnrg, one door from the Drug Store of A. D. Bueblvzr, ,where he is pvepnred IO mu: ufuclure Boots nnd Shoes of even! dc-' scripliou. Genllemen's Boots and filmed made In lhe most subutunliul mnnuer. Lndics'work done up lemll)’ and upon the rhoflen hutico. All kinds of "pairing prumpll} attended to. Uur work will lw found urqnsz. nrnlnudchmp. We will [uni-anten- our work 10 Wear um! EL l mu determine-J Io put up hrltvr and o'unpcr work than any other enmblmnmcuv. in «own. nnd would thurefure solicit n i-lmregut puhhc .pntrouuze. (‘nll nnd examine uur work and give us a lriul. Jun. 'l, 1804. .lf ._ Great Attractlon ‘ - T I’RINKEIUHWF'S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND FURNISIUSG STORE, u: the North East Corner-of the Diamond. ' Th. subzvrilrrr is constantly in rcccip! of fresh goqu from 31.. Ram rn cities. His muck Of ‘ ‘ READYJIADE cw'rmxo is (fine of the largest nnd mag; uttrnctlve, Ii welfho the cheapest estuhliahment or the kind iin the‘oountry. You will thére find COATS, PANTS AXD VESTS. mad’e up in the mun! fashionable styles. and of the but mutt-rials. of all sizes and prices, for man nil boys.— Gentlemuu's furnishing goods oi'.e\'er] descrip tion, - Wool Shine, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and )lrrino thni, Shrine, Wool and Cotton Drowns, Hosinrot'e’rery description; llucihskin, librino and ‘Cotton Gloves, llnud~ , ken-bids. Neck Tiea,Crnrats, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps, Boola‘ond Shot-a. ‘Um-~ brcllns, Trunks. anicea, Carpet Bugs, Clothes and Shoe Brushes. l'hir Ind Tooth Brushes" Shoo Blinking. rocket and Dre-suing Combi,‘ Ivory Combs; Wnlclxea,(‘lock.l nnd Jewellfi, Guns, Pistols, Violins and' Violin String", 1 ‘ T“ ‘ Soaps and fierfumerles, Stationery of all kinds, - ~ Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tuhnc- ‘ 03”"3 CURB'POI 979733! L co, Pipes, an extra quality of Sugars. In hid, it mu? .3. w" I. I'A‘lcoc: am his stock embniqes everything usually found , ' in a first clnss furnishing store. I im‘i‘l’o~ th! 1 ’- No. 10,” 0“" 5""Lv } attention of all to come and see for them-cine, . Phil’ffi'll’l'l‘y‘ul.T3": 1553- ns Ilm detcnmined to-sell goods lower thn' D'-‘w"h“"'">‘"=-“ 1} ““1 "“1“ Pi?" any other camhlislimentin the country. Don't cure ‘ ‘J “n “0' “W W inform 1°“ ““‘v 'J forget the place. Corner of York street Ind ‘h? “ 0" Jul” 2"“ Amen“?! D."P'l“" thq Diamond. nous umeanuon'. ‘ PP", dim begn entirely cured of that WI July 4. 1864. dlgtrequ comm-tint, Dylpopun. 1‘ bad boo " . .7 h ~ ~. - ”--.".y—Vm grit-vainly fame-ted fur in. lut twenty-right years, to or ten year of that time but not Th‘e EQPUIBI' 7'30 'lfoan' been (rte from its pnin‘onc week At a time. i TI'E,EXR§T‘ 1‘“ [0551‘ ,BAM‘ 0F 651'".th. hfl it in in wont form end have rlruggod Th outfit, has been designntetl o Depotlfi 0,, 5 In)" “new“, oxistence—in ”in Any tary ond Financial Agent of lhe United Stately Ind nigh. Every kind of food that l otelfill. "'1“ “'1” (“"15“ "I” P 0901" 7‘30 CPnPOB ' ad me \ttth windund pnm, it mattered not him N’N'y' free from inf-" 3; and wu'fl’Pbl' "v ' light, oihow Imirll tlicqunntity. A continoad “Dun"! ""0 5‘20 5" 9°! 9"“- Fold interest ‘holchia was lure to follow. I had no uppe- BU"‘”- Will ”f 0 furnish 5'29 Md ”'4O tite fur ny kinda of meats whatever, Ind my Bonds, one yet“. Lerttfiostes and auctioneer». distrean uso 5“,,“ for “mm: monthl beluro crumant ucurttiea. Will buy Gold ml Silver,‘ 1 Imm; Um" Pills, ”I“ 1 fruquently wished :Isglffupougél:s,m:ke colleetwul promptly for a.“ . , 1 had taken "erything um l had I: “3“" l“ L ‘ . _ . heard a for Dy! epsin. without rec'uivin on 930- 535014”: Cllbm" benefit; utun flu: Pills being recommegndei to no b on who had been cured by then, I conclnd to gin them rtri-l, Illholgh l had no lnlt in them.~‘ To my utoniahment, I found ull getting better hetero I had tokcn onarou it Ms box, and, After taking hull o box, I q a well mat, and mm qnythuy I villi, and en) o hurty nenl three till” A «1. without nconfrnioncc from nnythingl at 0? drink. 'yoe think pmpcr. you I" u liberty to make his public In rofnr to no. 1 '541 t, cheerfoll gin all dainblo int-motion bunfl.‘ on. who y call on no. You , respectfully, Jon E. Buoeu. g for n st Dr. Wilhofl'e ladle-l Depot, in ‘ 10 Non Secoud strut. Phil-dentin, Pu— ‘ Price On Dollar per box. Sent bymil, be. e! ohr; on reeowt of prion. _ . Dec. 26, 2864 Provision Store. HE undefiigued has opened 1 PROVISION I STORE u Georg. Linle'n old “and, l est Middle "reel, Gettysburg. when In will always keep on hand, lorsalc. BEEF, MUTTON, \‘EAL, PORK, POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND Int-SH POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, WI"! enrything flu in the provision line. L He will sell an. Imle profits, ud Ipuo Io 23'0" to pleat. FtLCflllle. Hozu, Sheep, Culves, tc., 113194, for which the highcgl pricu will be paid. ' Oct. 17, 1864. a Q/3 '-1; W " A can wAmginu. " Dim M. 45' folio-ml 51'9“” Id. flatulence and Aridflj. 3d. Continue" Inn Lou of Appetite: - oh. Gloom find Deprenlon pt Hymn. 6th. Dilrrhns. with piping. ‘ 6th. Puln in m put! of (hi Bylmn. 7th. Camnmpdn Symptom n}! Pllpitu tian'of tha Hen". Bth. Cough, with Phlegu in tho Throat. 9111. Xenon: Aflocuon, 3nd w“! of Bleep n night. ‘ , IOLh. Lou of Appeuu nnd Vaulting. lnb. Dininen, ‘Dimneu 9! Vision, and Lou of Sight. 12th. Hendncho and Staggering in Inning, wi‘h grent Wenkneu. ‘ Um ur ‘ho thpumid: o! canto! Dylpupli that. ha" used Dr. Wishnn'n GruhAhc-n‘cnn Dyspeiain’ mm, nm on. of “mm bu’ fflhd as I perfect cure. We warrant a can In "cry use‘ no manor ifiof twenly yetm' 111-ding. Sold by all dragging anywhere, and u Dr. Wishnn'l omre, ”So. IO N. Second meet, Plfihddphin. Pu. A)! cumin-Hon! Ild con- Inllutimu Sm of ell-Po. Semi for. Cilg‘ll-r, Price 81 per box. §em by mil, bu of charge, on recall» of uomyn . mum's, rocxm xswss, suspssnans, ' cunx sows, . &c., 56., «in, Mt, he now 3 wounfi. orsnrsu, mspxm’AL nrsnrsu !, luau" “nun, nl Bra-dyvinp, Do); form-n; urmd Cheater, Del., do comfy that, i; inr‘one yc‘nr I'd - huh I sul‘errd everyzhing but. drum from that llfll Shem aflhd I)". pepo'n. Hy whole system Ina profit-{ed with weakness and nnvou debility; I could no! 1 digs". my flood ; in Me ejen I under or the ‘ lmnflnl umonnl ,af 1006, i 1 lonld "In": jun II I sluHowrd in! became I 0 cud": m my bowel: max I would not have n piano in law) thnn from fonrnnd oflw eight days; under this immonu .nfl’uinn, my mind named on lirelyoto gin way. I haddmtdful honor Ind evil furnbodings. I thought everybody ham] me, and l Muted everybody; I could not b-i-t my hual-nnn uur my own children, arny't‘mg nppenrrd to ho horror urirkenio no; I hm un ,nmbition to do .mvthinx : I loo! :1! my luv. 0! family nnd hume : I would run“: and In~ ; dcr from place to plgu a, but 699 m no! in lon— ‘ tenlrd; I frh thin I was dooid‘d ‘0 Mil, and flu“ than was no henvéu for me, find 'DI of !en tomp‘wd to commit uniclde, so vie" VIII! my who)» m-rvoui system destroyed, a; 3 also ‘ my mind, Hum that awful cumplgtint, Dyna-p -sin, 9:»: my Mud; nxqughz best to have an plucvd in Dr. Klrkhrhle'u Hospital. Wesll’lul mielpipin; I remained Ihr" nine \weuflmu thought I wns :1 mm: humor. hulin I few .1“... my dremunl A'olupldhfl‘tni rnalun M bud u eve-r. ”wring of I)": womhn'm! cum p: r. lormv'd by Dr. \\'ish.m's (:rvgvamvru'uu I)”. {)rpah "3H3 um! his 'lreumrnt for hppnw‘. ' my lnuhnnd mllcd on Dr. Wislmrl and mud my catn- lu him. ”run! he I) I] no duuhl he would cute use. Sn xn lhrenhp nflur huh. rd mu! pl wed myselfunqrnhv Dntwr'a mug. \ merit, and in tun weeks Lbegun Iu diam my [OOO, pm! fell llul my d'uu-nn was fut gmuu wuy, and l cuulimml lo neuter lorahuthr-Q months, and M the prcurnl may I uujnl'v pol. ' he! liiallh ul’ b uly and mind, and l mu‘»! um n-reli‘ [Hum In} Junk; to n‘uwn-xf-l (:mi nu} Dr. szdrut, nnll In My. ‘rvul Ann-Ii nu I)“. pv‘psitl PM); and‘l'ino Tru- ‘hr Cut-um 'lhul s.n‘ed me frumun luaunu Auylum and preunh lure grave. M) art-tons sufl‘rrinr «M: by.- pvppifl n' u n! lulu-11v 1.: l'u ! nu ma or mile. :1 [gun williuu-lu «lo M” tho good I can In: in]. l'rrini; humanity. h'unuw Hvunur 3111 ML M ULF lknmlymr e. Pct. I'. Lnrrly OLUH Hunter. Delaware m-nnly, l‘n. ' Dr. “Wuhan",- o.lkm, No. 10 Sun): Suvaud Huh, l‘m‘mdclphiu. \\ - n \ Dr. Wish: n :--l hnvo M‘qn A» kunnm suf (on-r" wilh l|_\'~prp'i:l fur me lwkoighlnn years, during wni- In time lc mam mix Hm I cut enjoyed a perm-(11y well tiny. Thefkwera link-u when ‘lu- ‘;ll‘.pln vs um um... nggmu. Led'muu “L uHu-‘n. nud Lhru it seemed ”H «mm he .‘ grout re irflu Inc. I had :Il J 1 timed an Kunmnt lvclin.’ in my licul, but ulxrrl} my 3 ring‘ 90 muvh inert-mad ”I." l aux-um m- I,unfit lur husim-u ol’uny kind ; my mnul ! ’cunhnll xll_\ filled with ghmmv “lemma Tmu'hvulingi, um] UH ullrlupled In umngl iculrvnl by rrmlmt. M "No n nrnmxmn " culdu'wn in «(mm c'iun u ilh n don-l [.51. u: it wvrc , redo! upon my hum} ul 0. link of siekuuss “mum ovcur u: Ihn nom )und greulpulu to my eyen, flcrvllwlnll‘d mmuu mu HI: continual tour 0; [wing WWO". I nh=6 uprrivnccd grout lmsw [dehnity and nerwusnch, whirb nmdt II anti mu 1L I’. URADES difljfxdl to wulk by dny or bleep at night. I he; nu mom 3 muddy, and dispnml on]! 1: sec! win". and hammz um: the skull gr. Imm her {eminent Musicians 0! ran-inn; .cLonh film y cum: to ‘lha couclnsiu-I that. tor thin dine at at my present up (45 .\eurs) tin-re wu nu re in uimsnce. nut,l'-rnuglx the inner !c: to 01' Dmuc l'rovidcncr, to whom i d.- vuu yfl'cr my umnks. lat hm funmi :uove. trig remedy in put lbapepuia Fill: and Tm Can ..I, fixich acem‘to haw eflorrunfly rumor: ed «in-m the In" tmoé of myil nu list of nil. men‘. mud. hid feelings, in their plan,“ be»)! . plenum: agd cmuentmcnt an In, every. day «blnpnui-m. C “In! M. Saturn, ”mat-3.5 .\onh Stcund SL. l'hiludeljrhill, . I' Form?!) of Woodbury,.\'.l JOHN XORBBCK. The 1" which ll: finu‘moly GM 'o tin-Ind- of man from Phili' ‘dmgginu 150 In" ’l3.wa 9‘ Ugdkhn, nyiug It the, In“ or sold 1 undid?» which gun ugh Manon. ‘ ' Pup: on}, \y In Pupfltlor. - cina In new the =EI nalvenal CM ht. A consult pain or ran-ulna u“a y” the Ilomch. DISPEPSHI nrsfiw’sm n are n In: lung; Ito-“cloud! gun "nod, in up“ In- 9| rue. ' AL L.. 4 ,SIT, I lOIMW 0" f " . r'“ ‘ .9W'lk"; Wagflvéwvfi'bi