The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 02, 1865, Image 3
‘~ ( [j V . ‘ j at. . Wm 5.2% 1% saw arms: 3 ‘63»: r finTYSBURG-Squn- gut; , - mm..." 00 ml. 50 “w, I 50 ... 2 40 to 3 40 1-30 [0 l 40, _ I w 1 on: iiiiii=o By. Plant. Whio‘ :Whent. Img When”, 0m.......... .. Rye ........... What 52“.... f‘hflhy Sepd. Wax 5eed........ Platel- o! Pnri5......................‘ “ Planar ground, per bug......m“ ............... I 15 ...............lZ 00 “113 00 3 50 to l 00 ....,.,......... 3 35 In 2 60 ll 50 l 75 BALTIMORE—Faun! a”. ' 11’” mu 2:. . w................ 1 65 lo I 85 .....................;.. ‘l 70 to I 75 x co :o I 65 . 93 to 95 8 00 to” 00 '......1'l 00 to” 00 .....32 00 Loabtoq ...l5 :5 0016 60 .. 3 50 to 3 :5 . q 50 to c 00 2 32 no 2 33 Hahn. ..... Wheat. ..... R3‘0........., C0rn....... Oau .W Beef Cutie, ’u hund..... Hogl, per hund5‘........... Huy.................;........... Flu-«9d. ................... Timothy-“ed”.............. Whiskey MARRIED. on the 17th ull , by lbe'Rev. ‘lirmmbersbnrg, Mr. HHLAM of New‘ York Hate, to Mrs. \IT, Oflhi! pluCL‘. .‘ ' Rev. Jakob Zirgler, \lr. \{linoim to )Iqu ANNIE Mg. In this pl m B. It“: ‘I smog" r' NASCY W ‘ IT on the 2am inst, JOHN A. DAV”), of i]. P..ASH_EA vs, at Gentysmn On TucsdJ)’ morning hm, at the residence or NH. Nuncy Weiken, by Rev. Dr. Kmmh, Mr. WM. 11. RUH‘LO Alisa‘xmm nsxwx, ER, all of this Rlnce. ' 0n tEe 13!). of Dec., hyßevJamen S. Wood burn, at the U. P~ Parsonage, Mr. MICHAEL N. CLARAL'GH to Muss ELIZA J. SElSS,’both of Frederick county, .\ld. U: the I'M: ult., by the name. at {he ran--’ dence of the bxiuc’a filtht‘r, 5“. WILLIAM” WALTER m 311 s. MAGGIE LUTI‘, bow of" Adams county. ; ’ 0n the 22d ult., by Rev" D. T. qunnynn, Ilr. JOHN W. MILIER, of Freduriuk county, to Miss EL'ZAHF’I‘g LINN, of Adams co., Ya. 0n the 2m. ult., at. the‘L-uluruu flnrsmmge, Areodtsville, l‘n.. by_lluv. J. K. Millez, Mr. VJIMJA.“ E. DOLL. of Cxunbridgc City, 1114., to His! ANNA MARY WARREN, 0! under township, this county. ' Us the 27th “IL, It Nae residence ofJohu Creu, Esq , by Rev. W. H. 11. Dramcb, Mr. F. W. lIRAIS. uHthinglnn Cdurt House,ohio, 50 Miss LAI‘IH VIRGINIA WlLL,ufSlrnbn gum nrhip. this counly. , ‘ . , E; On the 29!!) ML,“ the residen‘ci: oflhebride]: ipnrontsh by the l ' 'N'IH' I]. "ES?“ 5’ ( “OFF. of Franklin co 0 lhss .\l.\l£'l UL JAM-l run, of Cumbellnud township, lhil county, ‘4 A! the s’nme 'imc nnd‘phuc. h" the same, Mr. HENRY J. rum tn )1i...’ KATE LUNG, of! Aarohshurg, ('l-mru cuunly, Ya. I ' Uu‘ Hie 2min in~l., ny HM. 1511.31471 ch Lieul. ALEX \Nlll‘lll STILH‘KLHR, (It Yurfl: Io Mus “AthH‘t‘. \\ mm, uf \‘uxk Slnliugy! ' Adam: tuun')’. ‘ “ ' DIED- , WUllimm) nuln-w 3 (THC-l per line for ll owr tour lhlL‘c—(‘noh lo nevumln-ny notice. . . . 1. ‘ ~03! lhe lfllh nlfl. Capt. LEONARD DEL-€ 59, oLTyuuv luwnslnp, .ngrd To )I:an 11 muuhs and 29 dint L _ Un Ihe' 24th ML, M the rcliduice of 121' Fun, JAt‘UhlHlH'lH‘r, in 3mm“ l-nwmlliln, fig, hLIZJBE'HI ILI'UIHiR chfi 3'} 3m“ 4 lulu. “MI (5 «1:133. [Hunmcrrwlr rs [fit-Mt: cupy. Valuable Perccnal Property ' Notice. . AT [‘l’l*‘J*3,-"_\=;H-—,\'-I‘3""WW-“vsw mm chmxusnss ESTATE—Letter: 5' u. ulnv 1.1! 1' hllflLAld inut, ‘llw :mu J“)?- n‘dlmiuinmliun on the eslltc g“ Jnhn‘ Scum-r, ”Mending tn qnl f rum-1:. \nll 50mm. Hwkinger’ lute M' Berw'ck lownshi Al ‘ Public Sale, u! hu rl'aid('n(‘c.ill Ikndingtm‘m- ’ countr dréeasv-d Imvi )bcen . kph (mlns ship. Adz-Ins count). I'm. "1-0!" 0111‘ m‘ e “'d' undergi'gned. lhu’firsf r[finned rfjliflnev 'IO himl a hull north ol"liumwnn.nml lugfl'njnik- 6:! ‘i, we lo‘vnzhip 9nd the II“ "ha“! i; III" .10: 0’3"“ 3- “3“" '~" “MT. “16 “HOWE“H ”1"“"4on township, {ln-y hen-cl); give notice :gltllli b" f'f‘lf] l'r“"'t'rf."~ 'f“ ‘ ‘ ‘ Lycrwns indebted to mid estnle to make im» ' I “ULK MAthJ (.ows.§nwop “Qil'll'l‘fT‘niédilllg I.,”me nnd those lmvin claim: )nrmnflrcuul‘ Tim-o Lune “Ugo",mlh Luci "2mm! ““5 same to p cunt. themg I: 1:1'm1i Unrxin.u.. \Vumunin: .\IIIL (‘uling nulhcnlicuud [or Selllctueut J’z'el3 hut,“ G:iud.~tuno. I'luns:h.~ U mun, Single, , w . ' .. , and Double hlmwl ['lunlgzlm, Udru Furs} 32338: {[ll:B9}. I Single and Dnuhh- tu-ci, llorac Grunt. Rh n' ' 9 - _ ' . , ~‘ .j ' hudvlleund mine.'li..ius,v.m Ch nil Dw‘ "" 18c“ “ “mi"“mmm Hiker, Ftvfkd. and many other Llrmingitujils. Alsu, Homehol-l um! Kin-him Furniluxe, at 11 us Hedi and Knish-ads, Ihirrnug, Tunes; ('lmir~, (‘uuk Slow: nud fiXlurc—s, "I’m-gaze vae and Pipe, Iron Kettle, Qu‘fi-ns-mre, Tin-Wu", Crockery-ware, “'néh Ttubs; ken! \‘csaul, Ihurrcls, nan. and n mriety df'owr nniulrs, mo nulncruns tu nhenziun. ’ }‘ ”Sale to comment: an. L 0 «s6B6k. AJL, on In (1 Jay, whcnmucmluuce \n he'gL‘L-n and tutu: {lde known b'_\' _ Joux 311L133. Jan. 2, 1865. 15* . Orphan’s Court Sale: N pursuance of an Ur-ler qf 11m O'IJIM‘". I L‘uun of Adams county, will he offerd It Public Sale, (:4: the pruui-cs. on SATURN", the 2m ulny of JAxl'Aln'Jflrscs, jhulgcul 12mm- of Q9O. A. W. Uuwcrwx, gauche-[cau timing of ‘. ' g ‘ l t A TRACT [OF LAND, situate In [l‘ cr‘y township, Adam: cuumy, containing l‘l acres, More or less, adjoining: hmds'ol Lewia‘Jverg hunter, Mithncl 1.i10.-_v.Johu Guiwwndahen. The improremenvs u‘re n one und 1: half slory Lug lIUL'SB. Log Stable, with 1% well of wnter. ThL-rc i? on the tract IL goTJdOrchard. The ln¢d is in u. good late of culxiutionyim iug hecqlnned. fi‘Snle tqwoxumence at. 1 o'clock P. 31., on said day, when mteuduce wfil 5 given and terms made known by 4 ‘ J. JOSEPH BYERS,.’lm’r. By lhECaurt—Jnmes J. Fiuk, Clerk. m. 2, 1865. u . Lands! Lands! " APT. 8. CHIUTZMAN, hm‘ingjukreturn- C (d lrom a. trip to the We". nné In th- LAND regions in 6051]: great. labymth, he would inform the ciligens of Getty-hr; and its vicinity, um Inc is prepared, noson'y? to ofl'er OIL LANDS, but LAND; URE'VbRY DESCRIPTION. Persons Hailing Hrrisbnrg would do well :0 can, in he will fun": .11 in tormation. H. CHRYEMAN. g‘Juu. 2, 186.5. If f For Sale or Rent FARM nix-bout 100 acres, ilCumbéz- AJaud to . Apply to the ndersign ed, in We". siren; Gettysbng. FRE DERICKHEBR. Jan. 2, 186. i John L. Holtzwo , n .ddhioi to his Bootand Sho tore, by I engaged the services of an ‘pericncca Shoemnker, and is now prepared tamanufnc tore Irorfito order 3nd to attend tin“ kind: of repaidfig promptly. ‘ [11:111. 1865. I. K. Staufl‘er, » ATCHMAKER & 33vaqu No. 149 North SECOND Street, cornu- of Quarry, PHILADEL-fl PHIA. An assormlent ct WATCHES, J DWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, conltuntly on hand, SUITABLE FOR HOLXDAY P ENTS! ”Repairing of Watch" Jewelry promptly'nttended to. - 5 Dgc. 12, 1884. 1y ' ‘ .....———--t‘ —_—' ’ :_‘ ‘ - Noince. , so. A. w. BOWI'mSOX’SES’I‘h'EL—Let- Gan of administratifin on mm of} Gtorfll- W. Bowerspx, late of sowu-1 IMP. Adams county, deceased, hing been; inn“ to the undersigncfi, reiidg i-n Em flubugg Dwict, Frederick cont, Md., he‘ be”!!! .3111» notice~ to a}! page: indebted :0 mm to make mmgdm payment,‘ “a “a“,bvlng clalim 31%“th \o game to{ inf “on to ry an en Afar new W p P 303393 BYflcindAdm’n \ pa. 11,1864. 6; , ‘ ‘ ‘ xc‘xnsrdm " 6. ‘ < ‘ E_, ,ntcnw v 1 . ,5 r»; .‘ . KG : «mu [i u 1 Washing V the hen! Eu all. Call-ad ennui 3‘ dice.— h' n ixcel-iorsxy light e y .' .r 4, usux a: £3. airflu sonwmnuo Wm -: gen-g = a; “Purpose: only,“ -- I? by“. ,1 3f " ‘Pi-IF, ‘ 1% w I I 5 \\‘/~ 1. }§ Fe ~_~»M.~v~...‘ ,‘ A ”“55 1» 2' . ~ , , 4-5:»: ‘< ' ." :3 .fi . 9% .' .4 ‘fi’ A ' . . , ~ s, ‘9' 430w~&Wooda, Gmyssunq. ’A‘ ’ WAR AGMNBT uxcu nicks: Fien'we any we will sell good: at I nawczo PRICES "in“ what's at] ad will do it. We’ keep cdluuntly on hand a large snort nem or ‘ HATS OF ALL STYLES. Mch will be lold chenpei than the can be ll\giugm elsewhere. _ T ‘ Our “acumen; of BOOTS AND SHOES for men, women Ind childxen,'k nude up of the but qnjitiea and ltylel, Ind mid chenp. ' Our stock wash“: in part 0! HATS, SEGARS, * CAPS. TUB $OOO. 30013, N numsncmns, SHOES, . ” STOCKINGS, TRUNKS, . GLOVES. ‘. CARPET SACKS, wmoew PAPER, 1 Gun SHOES, wmvs. \ BUFFALO SHOES, CUIIS HTS, UNDERSIIIRTS, ' POCKET BOOKS, VIOLINS, .PUlleS, YIULIN Bows, mzogs, . u s-rmxus, suns, ' lacconbsuss, .~ rocxrxxrvas, suspaxoaus. CunK BULBS, F m, a, m, t 0... es. coumns, A N wax—l ms, unnnEL‘LAs, Jan. 2, 1865. ' New Establishment. l OOTS AND SHUES.—-The subscriber re ‘B specnully gunnouneel to the citizen‘rof Gettysburg nnd§ the publlc gencrnlly, that he has opened :1 Ilew BOOT AND SHUE ‘ eslllblis‘l'upvnl, Eu Clmtuberiburg “firearm Gettysburg, one door from the Drug Store ol‘A. D. Huehler, where he is prepared to nmhufucture’Bools and Shoes ul' every de scription. Genilemen's Boots and Shut-«made in the mo‘at substantial mammr.- Ladies' work done up neatly nnd upon the mot-test notice. All kinds of rofiniringpromplly ntlended- to. Our t\ ark will he fohml-‘slroug, nvntnnd cheap. We Will guarantee our work to wear [r'nd fit. 1 nm determined to put up‘brtter and cheaper work th‘nn any other estnwghmcnt in town; and would Lllerelorc.sulieif Ashnre of public putronuge. ‘ Cell and exnmlnhnur, work nud’ give us u trial. : Jan. 2, 18.64. ‘ 1f General Juror3‘\ . Fan Snpun Cocnr. Moxx‘uv, ”PEE nnminonhnn—nobug Watson. Daniel 'ing. ‘ Gemslmrg—Philip ozrsomfluhn Chri er. ‘ Frnnklin—Abmlmin Hurt, Jr., Peter. Kellegan; Conrad Tans. \‘ 1 Butler—Joseph Wolf, Israel Bricker, Solomdq Urm-r, Sumuwmer. Julm Bream. .\ Mnmllcu—Ani} v Biltingcr, Jun-min]: Tnughl ‘ inbpugh, I).'\nicl Arendt. 15mm Bender. ' Reading—Joby .Hx'ongh, ofJZ, Geo. U. Kuhn Oxiurd—Simon Single. Hamilton-inter hdUu-ius, John Hardy, Dan iclSumh. I . ‘ ' A Freedom—Edward J. Plank, David Rhodes, Sr. Huntington—Jobs [-1. Lens, Wm. B. Suiysers. Union—Philip Sn rner, Pete; \\'élf. ‘ S rnbnu—Jncuh Kimv, Thomas Bowers. ‘Mliunlplealsnm—Andrew Little. Lfiiimore-‘Jvel Grien. : Bcru'ick hon—John Wifson TymnenuuorghStock. ‘ Cumhcrlnud—Conal's Duughcrty,Jno. Group Jun. I', iBO4. _,L Nance. ‘ NOTICE is hereby givm to Executors, Ad- Ininislmlurs, ‘Guurdi ms, Trualees, null uH persouvlmring Papers, Appointmuuu, kn, remainingf'influ- office of the Clerk of lhe Courts, m I please lilt Ihem and [my the fees thereon, on or before the lat of February m-xt,‘ if 111 e, want to suve coats. The pupcrs are in the hands of A. J. Con-r,'E-q. " ‘ ' ' ~ JOHN EICHOL'IZ,Inte Clerk, ‘ . Pal-15. H.,Elcuohz, Deputy. ‘ Dec. 26,1864: 3!. ‘ , . Railroad Electmn. r , 111-I Annual Election for a President and J: Twelve Mangers of the GHlysburg llnil-j road, will be held a: the ofllca of the Company, in the second story of the Passenger Depot. in the Borough ’of (letlysburg, on Mounnfiu: 9'"! OF JANUARY, at l o’clock in the afternoon. A: (be sumc Limc‘nnd place there will be held lbe‘ rtg‘ulu annual matting hr the Stockholders. DAV”) WILLS, Sec’y. - Dec. 26, 1864. to w The Popular 7-30 Loan. m: FXRST NATIONAL BASK or“ GE’H T TYSBERG has b’cen designated a DeposiT‘ lury and Financial Agent, ot'lhe United States, ad will furnish the popular 7.38 Coupo ‘ Notes, fruc from‘all (neg, an‘d confettihle “I; mnturity inlo 5-20 six .per cent. guld interest Bonds. Will also furnish 5-20 and 40-40 Bonds, one ,ycar Certificates and all other Gov} ernment Mcurilies. Will buy Gold and Silver cub Coupons, and n‘mke collections prompt] on all accessible pointf. , . ‘ GEO. ABNOLD,Cuhier. Dec. 26, 1364. tr L Auctloneenng. J “311.! BDJ‘RIMMEB, of Strqbnn township Adana county, PL, bag commznce SALE CRYING, and will be happy to attend ~l all calls that my be made._ He will do pi‘ best to render satisfaction ifi‘nll cam, an will be moderate in his charges. Thanktu for the patronage already bestowed upon him he Isl“ that we public generally gin him ‘ trial. (.9, Sept. 26. on ‘ Gettysburg [National Bank. . r ‘Gfinsnuna, Dec. 13, 1864. HE ANNUA'L‘ ELECTION for nine Dim. T tors of ,Lhis Bank will be held nt the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 10m day ul‘ JANUA‘RY next, at 1 o’clock, 9. M. ’ 'l‘. D. CARSON, Cnshler. Dec. 'l9, lE3}; ld Election. HERE will be an Election held in’theßen densvilie School House, on the ”EST UNDAiY 0F JAKUARY, 1865, between the hours of 1 o‘clock and 4 o’clock, to 'elect ofili can foi- the ADAMS COUNTY MRICUL TURAL SOCIETY, for one year, according p the Constitution 0! the Society. By Mar, WM. B. WILSON, Sec’y. Dec. 'l9, 1864. 1d _ Nance. ~ HE ancmnt of Amos Lefever, Sequestmtor of the Littlesto'vn Railrosd Company, he: been filed in the Court of Common Pleas 0;! Adams county,|nd will‘e confimed‘by the said Court, on {liq 18th day of JANUARY put, unlen cause be shown to the contra‘ry. : :0 JACOB BUSHEY, Proth’y. Dec. 19, 1864. cc* . ‘ Provision Store. BE nndcuigned has Opened‘PBOVISIOX I SIORE n Gent'ge Littl‘e's‘ ld stand, in get Middle (treat, Guttysburg: when he will always keep on hand; formic. BEEF, MUTTUN, VEAL, PORK, POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET AND 1 IRISH.POTATQ (CABBAGE, ‘ BEETS, TURNH‘S, vim: :1} lug also In me prowl? line. . \y He‘yill H. at smnlmfin, Ind spare no effort“: plane. ~ fat Cm)? Hogfi’fihfiflvu, Bm, tunnel, ‘ fox 1%“ t ifiixfieu will bopaid. ‘ L -;. - J9B! 5033201; ‘ . owfiggm :f .5 . . ‘ 1* I 5.. ”Emilia. 3m mind . m .as , chap pogkmg Gum’s. -‘ * '4)! Hi“ , , 9"";- ‘ . \, l ‘f ‘ A Tu and military Appeah. , 7m ran-m as CommSuioncr-‘oudm coluyhen- z r Hunt's BALE—The subscribe; by giro notice thot they hue ind pol t 'oler “Private Sale theitulunhle form, t e following times and place: hr the hiding it radon town-hip, Adina county, P... on .of Tax and Hillary Appeal for 1865, the 'lhe hank- d lent Ouch-bout 6 milel south zercrnl borough: nd township. of Mum n! Gettylbnrg, mm had. of John Mc county, when end where they will “lend (a Clear], John Blgfim, Jones Cunninghu, hour appeals, between the hour: of 90'doek, Ind othen. The Fun contains“ 118 Acres, A. 31., and 3 o’clock, P. 31,, of each (11;, u, monarleu,having thereon erert follows : PA a one end a half story BRICK For Mountjoy township, on Honky, the¢3d HOUSE, Log Stable, with “lever of January next, at the how of lune Light: failing well of waterneu the door. . m-r, in llounljoy township, I There in a first-rate Apple Orchard and u u ; For the township of Germany and the bor-, piety o! Peach trees on the premises. There‘ ough ol Litduton‘n, on Tuesday, the 24th ofl ll about 35 Acres of good Timber-loud, end hour}. at the house at George B. Ynntil, in about 20 sent of mudow. The land in of, thtlestown. Igood quolitykend in a high state of cultivgl For the township of Union, on Wednudny,‘. tion, th pester portion of it h 'ng been re-‘ the 25th of January, u the home of George cent]; land. The farmin undv’r‘gloodielcing, B. Yarns, in Littlestwn. and iuonveniently louted to lfills,Churches, For the township of Concwago, on Thurl- Schoall, Marketa, do. It Will he lold on rea dny.lhe 26th of January, at the home of Jer. tunable terms. John, in llcSherryuown. ' ‘ [Q'For further particular! apply to For the township of Mountpleolam, on Fri- H. P. BIGEAN. day, the 27th of January, at the house of J. E. R. M. BlGH'All. Smith, atrllount Rock. For the tornahip ofStrahsn, on Saturday, the with of Jnnuary, at the house ofJAcob L. Gnu, in Hunteratown. For the township of Oxford, on Monday, the 3011: of Jnnunry, at the house of Geo. Shane/e, Ln New‘Uxfm‘d. ‘ 106,5. For the lawn-hip Ind borough of Berwick, on Tuesday, the Sui-of Jnnuuy, at the hon" of FrancllJ. Wilgo , in Abpoluwwn. For the township of Hamilton, on Wednes dnj. the m of February. at the house at Dyna iechckcr, in Eur. Berlin. - , For the township of Reading, on Thursday, flu 2dlofJebrunry, at the houu of Robert M. Uickl', in Hampton. , ‘ For the township of Huntington, on Friday, the N M February, at the house of flrl. Reed,‘ in Petersburg. ~ For the townxhip of Letimoro, on Saturdny, I the 4th ut.l“e‘brunry, at the house of Mn. Reed; flu Pttersburg. * i i @111:- township of Tyrone, on Hand-y, the‘ '6l of February, at the houu of Allen 1!. 'Conk, in Hcidlersburg. \ ‘ For the tb‘wnship of Menallen, on Tueldny,, the-"lth of February, at the home of Charles ‘Alyc-rs, iu fleadersville. , ' For the township of Butler, on Wednesday, the all: of February, It the‘houle offienry‘ Hurtzell, in Middletown. . . -.' I For thr- tow‘nahip of Franklin, on Thing“ lthe 9th of Februnry, at the house of %. Brough, uenr Hilltown. ' \‘ For the township of Hamiltonban, on lion . day, the lath of February, at the house 01 A. Benchoof. iu Failflcld. For 'the townshif) of Liberty, on Tuesday, the 14th 0' February, at. McDivnt’l Mill, in' Liberty township. V’ , For the township of Freedom, 0n Wednes dny, the 15‘!) of February; at the house of‘ a hz,in Freetkum township. ‘ , 'ns umljerlnud, on Thurs "‘ ' I‘, he hous‘o of “‘i u , ROW 8 WOODS B. I“ BRA DEN). ’ For the tnwfimi‘h , dn the Hub of e runr , Frihcii Brenm,_ln Cumbem'. _ For the township of Highland. on {"rig ; the 1m; of February, at. the house of Fruucis Brcum, in Cumberland township. 1. for the horoLgh of Gettyshury, on Saturday, the .18”) of February, at .'he Commissiouen' Uluce, in Gettysburg. 3 _ JACOB EPI‘LEMAN, SAMUEL MARCH, ABRNAH MUSE, Commissioners of Adams county. Anon-J. u. Wulter,olerk.\ ‘ ch. 2§,1864._ 1d , ‘ _ 71.-.... ~ VReglstc-r’s Notice. ‘ OTICE is 'heu-hy given to all Leguteennd N 01.1 w: persons concerned, thus the Ad minirtmtion Accounts hueinuller‘mentioued “ill be presented at the Qrphnn's Court of Adams cuunly, for confirmation and allow-uncp, on MONDAY, the 104th day of ‘J.\.\U.\RY, [865, at 10 o’clock, A: SI ,(fl'z: ; A 120. The second and‘ final account of Robert} M. Elliott, Admiuiutmto; of Cathr rine Elliott, deceased. 121. The first and final account of James Russell, Administrator of Dr. James Unin ilton, deceased. 1%. First and final account of SJhina E. Gardner, one of the Exegutrrxeu o!‘ the last will and testament of Conrnd Maul, duc’al. ,I‘l3. The first 151 final ncccnnl of Lydia ol’tlie xecutrixes oflhe lint Will and tntamentof‘Conmd Moul, dtcemnl. 124. First and nalaccnuilt of Josiah C. Albert, ’l‘eetamen nry Truslee at the legac‘y bequeathed tn I iram Albem in nml by the will of John E. Albert, deceased, ex hibited by Benjamin Mnlnnn. Administru tor of the estate of Josiah 0. Albert, dec'd. SAMUEL LILLY, Register. Regislcr’n Office, Gettytburg, 1 ‘ V Dec. 19, 1864. m y 1 _ llotice. _ ACHARIAHE.OSBOflN’S’ESTATE.—L‘et- Z ters of administration on the estute'of Zuthnriah E. Osbprante of Huntington town ship, Adanis county, deemed, hiring been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same"township,‘he hereby gives notice lo 5" persons, indebted to said unto to»mnke im inedinlnxpnyment, And those b ring (‘luime nguinst thevlame to preient +m properly authenticated for settlementv e FRANKLIN H. EBEBT Adm'r. . Dec. 19, 1864‘. (it i , A 312 to the premises of the snbscribdrm Buchanan V’allgy, Funklin township, several month: ago, I red and white BULL, (with wthe,) prcs‘amed'to be About!» year nndn ha 53”. The owner is .requested to prove‘ property, pay charges, and take him away. . LEVI IRVIN. Dec. 19, 1864. aw _ ._ IRST NATIONAL BANK OF ‘GETTYS— F DUKE-Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the First Na'ioml mink ot Gettysburg. that. an election for Seven Direc tors, to aerv? one year. will be held at. the I‘dmking House of aid Institution, on TUES DAY, the 10:11 day of JANUARY, 1865. . ago. ARNOLD, Cashier. . Dec. 12, 1864. 3: EACHERS’ INSTITUTE will be held M- T Bgnfiersvillo. commencing Dec. 28th, and continuing three days. The friends of educa-‘ tion generally are invited to unend. Thole Teachers to whom I K all were assigned at the lag}, mepxinz alr‘e ‘ nested to come pre pared to read essay}. 895'an gentlemen of ability and experience hue consented to meek and lecture.hefore the Institute. Come one, come all. J. 3. 990 K, President. Dec. 12,1864. F WINTER GOODS A 1 A 2 5001‘? *4: ‘ SON’S.—-We invite the attention of bur ers to our stock of Winter Good-i, which m)! be wMtcheap, consisting of ‘ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Clo-king Cloths, em, ow. For Men'- xuui Boyg‘ wen; we 'hnve Clothl, Onulmeru, Comingi, Vestings, with a variety of Cotton ndea, hm, arc. Call and see. 50v.‘28,1864. A. SCOTT}: SON. . OLUIE IX.—-A Dn Scuoon Manny.— The Visitor will commence in Ninth Vol ume with the January number, 1885. This is the duly Day School Periodical published n sévsx'n FIVE 0357.5 {yum Magazine form, beautifully “in-traced.— New type, new femur“; Readingr, uugic, Speeches, Dinlogues, Stories, Poems, Mnthe‘ malice, Enigmas, Grammar, Reba-u, etc., etc, from the very best writers. The Visitor has the ingest. circulation of any Educational Jqurntl published. Now in me tune to form dubs for Winter Schools.— Send for; specimen, and see inductmenu to clubs. Addreu, win: two cent stamp, J. W. DAUG HADAY, Publisher, 3 file. 26, 18M. . Philadelphh, Pl. : A First-rate Farm on SALE 03 RENTg-Enqnire n m. once. _ [D0c.19,1864. t! QAID PKOTOGBL\BE_XS o dilfilltlisbpdjndlviduull, incluglng a num ber MW Wont Generally and the old hero John L. Bum, for file Al tho counter oi the Excelsior Gallery, guy-bug. " - - YSQXrBBDTflEfiS. ~ i 1 : CM Stray Bull. Election. The Adams County flesh Arrival k’s scfiool Visitor. Dec:s, 1864. s: Treasury Department. l 011 ch or Coxnnouno! rueCcnucv, Wumxorox, .ice. 8, 1864. } HEREAS, by betislnflvf’q‘ evidence pre lented to the nuderfilfued, it has been Ind: to appear that “ THE GET’I‘YSBURG NATIONAL BANK," in the Borough of Gettys burg, in the County ol Adums, and State or PeinsyMniu, has been duly organized under, andscwrding to, the requirements of the Act (of Congress entitled “An Act to provide a Na tioml Currency, secured by: pledge of United State- Eonds, And to provide tor the Circula tion-nd redemption thereof,” approved June 3, 1864,3nd‘hal complied with awe pro vilima ofuid act required to be co ed with ‘ before commencing the business of banking ‘ under lqid net: ’ - ' Now, .therefore, 1, HUGE McCULLOCH; Complrdler of the Currency, do hereby certi fy that “THE GhTTYSBURG. NATIONAL BANK," in the Borough of Gettysburg, in the County cf Adams, and State of Pennsylvanin, ‘ie authu-ized to commence the business of banking under the neg. dforesnid. In testimony whereof, witness my land end A reel of Office, this eighth day of De {IIAL } cembtr, "fl. bur-I HUGH HcCULLOCH, Comptroller oi the Currency. 1 .Dec. l9\ 1864. 2:11 . 1 Jurors for January Term. - Gnunuuons. , ' . Franklin—Frederifl: Dielgl (Pentium) Samuel Eicholu. \ 1‘ Highland—Jase P. Topp Samuel Biker. Germany+Barneyrkuekbfvid Rohrbnugh. Conowngo—John a,“ nelgchwnru. Hamiltonian—Josef!) Gelbfih, ehben Stem. Liberty—John Muissmnn, Jacob Krile, J. F. ' Taylor. Betwickl|.—Elijnh Kepner. Slrlban—lohn Bushmnn. ntimorl—Hoseph Snyder, Jncob Bayberger, l F!ohr, Henry Martin. (ienylbu A ohn L. Hollzwonh. ~ . Mountjoy—Jaco - P u herugh. Butler—Henry Gulhre - W. C. Lott, George Shank. ‘ ' Gun“. Jun. - Hamiltanhn—John A.Vulenl.ine. J. =. I um gnrdner. - Slrnlmn—George A. Codori, J. G. Brinkuhof, Juhn Thomas, Jléoh Bucher, Henry Thomas, Isaac F. Brinkerhofi'. hvloltnqxlenaanF—Mauhew, Timmins, Abdiel Bougher. Lntimore—lfichael Slnmhnch,Josrph Fiche]. Bcrwick tp.—)lichael Carl,’ Martin Béchtol, George l-‘Hckinger. ’ ' Oxford—Abraham Sheely, Peter Ginter, David Hoke, Jr.,: Solomon Brown,John L. Smith, Hamillon—George Laugh. Gellyrburg—H. G. Geyer, Amos Plank. Jacob Brinkerhom'flcnry Utz, Harvey D. Wattles, Jeremiah Diehl: ilnnlinglon—Dn‘vid Day, George Bowen, Jn. H. Riegle. Berw-ick borough—Joseph Wolf, John H. Flickingcr. . ' Liuleutowu—Eenrybyacrt. » Tyrone—Jacob Went, UriJh G.|r.lner. (fumh‘rrlnud—Levi )1. l'lnnk, John llcrbrt. . Union—Wm. J. Bart, Miclmel 11. Kilzmillor. Butler—John Quiche], Josiah G. Weaver, Jesse Du“. ‘ firefly—Joseph P. McDivit. , Franklin—Juno!) 11. l’l.-nk, Jacob Deardorfl'. [lending—Jacob Wolf, John Hoover. Nennllen—Henry R. Peters. Dec. 19, 13:54. Herbst's Line. BE undersigned would inform the public that he is still running a line of FREIGHT CARS from Geuysburg to Baltimore every week. He is prepured to convey Freight either way,in any quantity. He will Attend, ifdeaired, to the making of purchases in the city, and de iivrring the goods promptly at Gettysburg.— His car: run to the Warehouse of J. H. 30:10] 203 North Itreet, Baltimore. Ha in'vites the attention of the public to hil line,ouuring them thnt he will spare no elfort to lccbmmOo ante nil who may patronize him. SAMUEL HERBST. HAY WANTED. Thcimghm price paid for good Timothy.'> .. t 0et.24,1864. 55%- ~ ‘ Gettysburg Bafli'oad. INTER AIIRANGEMENT.—On ind Iller Monday, Octpber 315:, 1864, Pissengor Trams will lane and arrive on the Gettysburg Boilrusd as follows! . FIRST TRAIN .will leave Gettylburg 3t 8, A. .\l., with passengers for York, Harrisburg. Philndelphin and the North and West. Arrive at Gettysburg at 1.25. 1". IL, with passengers from Boltimore, York sud Hurtin burg. v . SECOND TRAIN will léan Gettysburg st 1.40, 41’. IL, with puselgers for lithium: ‘ York And Hmisbnrg. ' Arrive It Gettyrburg nt 6 P. 31.. with“ pu senéen from York, Hurrisburg, Phlhduphil and the North and West. R. IIcCUfiDY, Pref! .1 Oct. 31, 1864 Notice. PHILIP HERGET'S ESTATE—Letters tel . amenury on the estate of Philip Herget, [Me of Unxon lwp., Adn‘me county, deceased having been granted to the undersigned, re liding in the nine toWnlhip, he hexeby given notice to All persons indebted to said can“ to link: immedial payment, and those having cllhl 3pm!” lame to present them properly “mentioned for settlement. AMOS LEN-IVER, Executot. flown, 1864. St Notice. OHM C. GOBRECHT’S ESTATE—Letter! of ndniniltntion on the cane of John C. obrecht, late of Union township, Adnml county, deceued, heving been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, ehhereby gives notice in all person: indebted 16".“ estate to make immediate payment, and M hnving claims ageing: the name to prb jun them properly authenticated for lenie meni. ELIZABETH GOBRECHT, Nov. H, 1804. 6|." Admiuinrurix. New Bakery ! EWPORT h ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak en,Sßnlh Wuhingtonptreet,bnl!a nare {rom'the Eagle Hotel, GRTTYSBUBG,%3.— Cfiumnlfison hand, the be“ ot-BBEAD, C AGKE ,—CAKES, PBETZELS. Bc. Per lonl wishing fresh Bread will be sen-ed every morning. by lemng ‘heir unmet an}! relidencn at tho Bakery. Ever} efl'on ”no to please G‘uve ul 3 call! [Lg 20, ’63. tf’ Revenue Stampil F my «nomination constantly/on band 9 and for ule n the Firm National Bunk p (hay-bug. GEO. ABN OLD, Cuhiu. . Getty-burg, Noviu, 1864. Sale Crying. W. FLEKHING continues the human A, 01' SALE CRYING, sud solicits the con fimued patronage of the public. It in hi: can. uqnt macaw; :5; give "duration. Ghlnu moflmu. an! ence in Brukinrifige “nu, Gettytbnrg. ‘ P. B.——Hé in “icon-ed Anciiogpr, and» a, law of the‘Uniwd But", ‘ “. figs". 24, 136;. . - AK , !tiv - Valuation and Assessment for 1868. ' «g, , ~ N pun-me of In Ac: of Assembly piano-l the 17-h day a! July, was, unknowing Stuc nemtl hereby published by the Conmiuiouers ox Adam: caumy, which exhibit: the mount, ducxipfion and mine 01 me Real and Person-. 1 Franny, Tridel, Occupancy and Proton-ions, mule usable by the nevenl Acu or Auumbly of ms Commoh'ulth: . " BOIOEOH! nn Tuwssum. I Cayman-3,"... Cnmbelllnd, .... ‘ Germany,.......... 0xf0rd............... Huntington, ”...... Lalimore Hamiltojgn," ...... Stmban, ......... Fran kliu, ................. Manama," Reading.... Hamiltou,. ................. lountpleqump .......... Uni0n,........................... Tyrone, C0n0wng0,............., 8ut1er,................... Mountjoy, ............ Freed0u,........... Liberty‘.......... Berwick tp.,. Berm‘ck bo' Lil!!!" Higl =2 Total,. l . Aunt—J. 3!. Walter. Clerk December 26" 1864. (t. Great Attxjaction 'l‘ BBINKERHOI-‘F'S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North est Corner of the Dlsnsond. The subscriber is constantly in receipt of fresh goods from the Eutern cities. His stock of .READY—MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PARTS AND VESTS. made up in the most fnshionnbls styles, and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.— Gentlemen's iurnishing goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drnwers, Hosieryof‘every description, Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hnnd. kerchieis, Neck Ties, Cravsts, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps, Boot's and Shoes. Um hrellss, Trunks, Valiees, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair Ind Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blocking, Pocket snd Dressing Combsy Ivory Combs, Wntches, Clocks and Jesgelry, Guns, fistula, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and Perfumeries, Stationery of nllkinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac go. Pipes, an extra quality ofSegnrs. ln fscl, his stock embraces everything usunlly found Era: clans furnishing store. I invite the 9f All to come and see for themselves, lined, to sell good: lower than ” 'Eemin the country. Don't xer of York street and :liINKEBHOFF. CEI2 as I am de. any other “tab... forget die {flab}. the Din o d. JAG July 21:6! 4..__1 - __ - leobe Inn. ,ronl 51., xnn nu nuloxn, ‘ ETT YS B UEG, PA.—The undersigned would most reepectl'ully inform his nu merous triends Add the public generally, that. he he: purchased Llut long established and well known gotcha. “Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no efl'ort to conduct if in a manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table mll here the best the market can aflord—hil chambers ere spacious and comfortable—nod he has laid in for his bare full stock a! wines and liquors. There in large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hoetlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the tullest satisfaction to his guerte,, making his house as neur a home to them as possible. He‘uks a share of the public’s pn tronege, determined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember, the ”Globe Inn" is in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Bqliare. April 4, 1864. if Proclamation Wnnnms the Hon. Ron“ J. man President of the several Conrts’oCCom mon Plen's in the Conntieq composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Court: at O‘xer end Tel-miner and General Jeil Delivery, for the trial of ell capital and other ofl‘enders in the aid district, and Dmn Zxroun and hue E. WIIIIAX, Elq.,Judges of the Courts of Com mon Pleas, and Justice: of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for the triel of all capital and other ofl'enders in the County of Adams—have issued their pre cept, benring date the 24th day ofNovemher, in the year ofour Lonn one thousand'oight hun dred and sixty-four, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Common Plonwand General Quarter Sealions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Dyer and Teminer, nt Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the 16th day of JANUARY next— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to I“ tho Justices flthe Peace, the Coroner and Consta nles within the said County-of Adams, that they-be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, lnquisitions, Exam inations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which totheir offices and in that behalf uppertaiu to he done, and alga, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County 01 Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute lgainstthem u lhnll be just. ADAM REBERT,Sherim Sheriff's oflice, Gettysburg, Dec. :9, '64. No Humbug. HAMBERSBURG ST. ALWAYS AHEAD. C —'l‘HlS WAY FOR BARGAINS.—JOHN L. HOLTZWOBTH has just returned from the City with the largest and moat complete unort ment of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, um has been brought to,“ thin town since the war. His stock is not only'complete, but is GOOD Ind CHEAP, embmcing every variety of Boots nnd Shoe: for Men and Boys, whilst the Ladies wiil find everything in their line, from the fincet Guilt-l to the heaviest Shoe. Children's Shoes at every description, in great variety. Also, Ls dien’ HI", fine quality, And Children’s Huts, ofnll styles and prices. Also, Trunks; Cur pet Bags, Valises, Umbrellas, Gloves, Stock ings, Tobacco, Uignu, Ind Notion: of every delcription. fiDon't forget the place, Chemhenbur; street, opposite the Lutheran Church, Getty!- burg, Pa. JOHN L, HOLTZWOBTH. It‘ov. 21, 1864. t! Private Sale. n VALUABLE FOUNDRY 1x ' Trig T 3030 mm or GENYSBURr‘whi, p, the only Foundry within “I l!‘ . I hue Mo nu o! Triple-gru- Hone P 52:23" .... Bevellgear Powcn, - Inge 1,. of Plough 9",. term, 3‘o" “"911“, Ind many other Putter”. all such a: m needed- A 110,: Lnrhn, mm 3‘0“: “1“ 3°“ CW”, all in running order. movies. I 801‘ 48 AND LOT or onursv, near the Fonndl I. Also, two Lou of Ground 5: tho Depot. Possession wxll be ginn at any time delih Cl. DAVXD STERNER. Dec. 5, mu. :f Something for Everybody U BUY A’l‘ DR. 8. HORNRB'S T DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Juu opened 1 fine "sonnet" of Drugs and. Medicinal, ‘ V , bust Hedicinu‘, ~ winery, ' ( Pane: Dr! Codi, ‘ Confections, Groceries) notion, . 'romcco, stems, to In. In, 1564. V B! Dy. )1. RNINKR’S Toni: and Mm. T tin qudm. Rn 110 W and CATTLE, Prepared and sch} only a; bi. Drug Stun: - mery 23 1864. , ...: a.=."~l a“: ‘m ‘ -, -«3 .4 3:9 :93 5'70, .gag. ‘ Dr‘l a sm»- goaubng? °=_, : '_nc'~u ...:"bo : u=q= (—0- In u. a-k"gh n: ' __¢l£eo :ari-S? ‘2'3‘56 . -.= a"? 5:9 :53 2% u -1"“ =5 (532’ °!E' - = I a— -23116% 246016 121141 159975 202195 146123 210233 269011 ' - 252094 190314 226016 302636 279168 220510 1538577 19745fl 159000 184294 80349 135055 90050 0' ‘ L- ‘BlB5 61445 83538 1249994‘66042511969871 4400! 1 (1746291 100.090 bush; Grain Wanted. YEW ["th AT THE , h OLD WAR lIOIWE. WM. E. RIDDLE t CU. wyjigtormfl the public am they lmve leme he Warehouse on the corner uf Mrnnon street and Ill! Rail. road, In Gonyghurg, where they wnll curry on tho GRAIN AND~PRUDUCE BUSISESS, in all its branches. The highen prices will ul waya b'e paid tor WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, ‘ CLOVER & TIKOTHY SEEDS, FLAXSEED, SUMAC, HAY & STRAW; '.* Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else'in'the counlry produce line. 0N HAND, FOR SALE, ' Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Tess, Spices Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Sod slard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blue ' shes, Soaps, he.” GOAL 0" A 11, Tar, kc.— FIS all kinds; ‘AND SPIRES; Smoking and Chewi accos. They are always to supply a first nu article of FLOUR, the difl'ercn‘ kinds of FEED. Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS and other fertililers. WCOAL, by the bushel,lon. or car load. ' ‘ _ Their Cars run to Baltimore and but twic a week, and they will be happy to carry good: either way at‘moderate chargel. Mnrketmen, country merchants, Ind others, will find it to their advantage to patroniu this line. They llk n‘stin‘re on}; public'a custom,|nd will spare no eflortto render latilfpction to all, lellerl or buyers. - , WM. 1:. Eighth: t co. . ng. 22, 1864. tf ew Warehouse. '\ BUSHELS 0F GRAIN WANTED,“ the new Grain " "‘ ' Corlille street, ldjoln ~ "tablishment. The “ syn be paid in W to. 1 . It \ 100 V and mag. Home, . ing Shudl- & Buehler’u highest market price wili cash for , ’ GRAIN, of all kinds, norm, SEER. Alwnyu on hand and 10. ule, at. the u yrofite, ' GUANOS, 4 SALT, FISH \ GBOCERIES, ken, « Wholesale And retail. TRY US!‘ We [hall do our best to gin satisfaction In .11 cases. 7 7W W McCURDY & DIEHL Gettynbnrg, May 11, 1863. ky SAMUEL wow. , Hardware and Grocenes. HE subscribers hive just returned from the cities with an immense supply of ARDWARE & GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old “and in Baltimore street, at prices to suit. the times. Our stock consist: in pan. of BUILDING MATERIALS, SHOE FINDIfiGS, ; CABIN 'l‘ MAKER’S TOOLS, ALL KINDS OF IRON, kc. GBOCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, tc., to. There is no article included in the several departments mentinncd above but what can be had at this Store.— Every dual of Mechanics can be accommodated her: with tool- n'nd findinpmnd Housekeeper: can find every article in their line. Give us I calli u we no prepared to tell at low for cash as any home outof the city. _- . JOEL B. DAN‘NER, , DAVID ZIEGLER. Getty-burg. lily 18. 1864. MALL PROFITS 8 QUICK SALES. J . L . scal c 1: would mpectiully any to the citilens of Ou ty'burg Ind vicinity, Ihn ho is now receiving nfhip store-t splendid STOCK 01" SPRING GOODS. . The flock conning in put of Fancy I“ Staple DRY GOODS; of every ducription. SILKS, MOZAMBIQUE, CHALLIES, ’ DELAINES, - BOMBAZINES, , 1’ ALPACGAS, LAWNS. , ’JA'Llcons, o! I“ qualifiel and chances: ah Vb“)! Will be sold in PRICES T 0 DEI?!’ CO PETITION. FURNISHING JOODS of all kinds, includin’g 2mg, Linen nnd Cotton llmdkerchicfa, Gl'ovr “ Stockings, kc, M3O: 3 ll’l‘md'h'assortment of RIBBOXS, Lacel and Edgin 3', Umbrellas and Parmol|.-\- “I stock of W Jr”: GOODS wil: be found full “‘1 complel',‘ and customers may rely lipon 51W“)! Re‘fing good good: at the lowest possi ble Pr‘as. 9‘ Atlemen will fin? it to then- :dvanea‘ge tc ca .4 and examine my flock of CLOTHS, A CASSIMERES and , \‘ESTXNGS, of all qnnhfiu nnvl choices! siylel. 31., 24,130). J. 1.. somcx. REAP CLOTHING. BAL'I IMORE 51, GETTYSBURG ‘P ING'S CLOTHING STORE, BALT. ST. PJCKIXG'S CMTHING STORE. BALT. BT. PICKXNG'S CLOTHING STORE, SALT. ST PICKIXG'S CLUIHIXG STORE;“3ALT. BT. PICKING’Q CLOTHING STORE, “Hus: GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, GREAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, ‘ cum-1' PLACE roam cLurmxu, GMAT PLACE TO‘BUY CLOTHING, AT F. B. PKCKING'S, ‘ AT 1?. nucmxa's, AT 1". B. P‘CKING'S, ‘ a ~ AT r. 3. PICKING’S, " ‘ AT F. 3. P 1080109; ‘ ‘ - .IX BALTIMORE STREET, ‘ " ‘ I} KAI/"l0!!! STREET, IN BALTH‘ORE STREET, 1 m BALTIMORE STRBET, . _ - I'EBALTIIPEE STREET, “ GB'M'stunb, PA. fifi-m. user of FALL AND vim-m GpUDS just received. Call and elm-in". ; ‘ Oct. 31,1354. __ -1 ÜB’l‘ receivul IL PICKLYQ'SJy'mg “I Sumfi‘er (noting. Com cu and up. • • ..IH 9,1. :1 P. ”35‘1°"3l m-. g ==" 3".“ 9;“ 5. °~;~1_.:.9 ("3; o I‘.--;;.; le-a'c _. . u‘ gighmi‘guzfl' g: "3: kgc‘n r. . ‘'l =.—r,-<E,‘ , gfimls°3W 51‘ o 3N5 cog I “2‘ a ziiffna. =1 , "1?: “1:“; r", 3‘ :7 , 7 vc--•.-e.wct 65000“ 4400! 58:0] 29m 52501 9805;. 4510 7443: ...... 747:5; 131 m 7080; ......i ~53Hk ...... 9230; .....l 7755! 20:31 "Sui 86:5 44951 64601 5870‘ 2970‘ 4085} ....-. 3010‘ 4705 6065 1150 290 0 870 1 r - u... ' .....q ......I An”! 2900‘ 870 B EPPELMAN, ‘EL MARCH HAM Kmsn’, JACO 8AM!) ABBA Cumminiouers CABPENTER'S 'rooLs, BLACKSMITH'S mom, , coma FINDINGS Housnxa'rms wanns, New Spring Goot;la. F. B. Pickmz. 11:2 \ “J". '.—".h 33.. ‘ ‘vz'maqmwn 2am. gag. Driven-u. A can wmnmw. \ " Diwali h. :1: [MW Wm;- m: A commit-u «Hanoi-nu at tho m the non-ch. , 1 ‘ zd. Flu-lento Ind Arhliry. 3d. Coulnneu and Lou or Anpnmo. uh. Gloom And hepnuiou or 3PM“- 51h§ Diarrhml. with tripling. 6111‘. Plin in all pnm of tho Hymm. 7th. Conaumpun Symptom Ind Plum.- lion of the Hun. ~ 81h. Cough, with Phlogm In the Thmfl. Bth. Nervous Afiecllon, Ind uni 0! an», 1“ night. ' lath. Loss of Appeuu Ind Vomiting. 11m. Diuineu, Dilution? of Vision, u! bow of Sigh. 595:531.r0 1365ai 2,00 1420 no: 12m. Headache Mid Staggering In Inlkln‘, with gran: Weakneu. 331:; 6,00 3175: 2.00 835! 1.00 3836; 1,00 1550 Out of the thounnfiof cuwof Dylpepcll that have used Dr. W ”"me American Dyspepsia. Pilla, not one nfuzhe M failed a! a perfect cm. We warns/It n cye h: every n 0‘ no Muir of lwcnty‘j-m s sanding..— h'uld by :tl! druggisls oyrry n 5 at Dr. “131va mug, No. IO N. .1' m‘w. Hhilmdrlpfix, 1’». All exumlua "on. In con. “Ila-Lions free 0! charts. Sends"; Iti 'ulnr, Prion 5| per .box. shut by Ml,}: a! charge, qn rugiyl afloat}. 2835 1.00 2650' 193; 4,00! mo 2049 1,00 2045' ms: 1.00 2250! £OO 2748 4 fl DI’SPEPSH, DI‘SI’BI‘SIA, DTS’I’EI‘BI‘. i I, ELlx'iuirW Dummy, nt‘flrnndywlueflßfl“ ‘ formerly 0! Did Cherter, Deh, do certify that, for one your Ind :1 hulfl auficnd wnrythin‘ . but death from tho! um dloeue culled Dya pepslu. My whole Intern wu mewyith lenk’nesn’ and nervou debility; 1n...” not ~ digoat my food ;if [me even n unclear or O - smallest amount of fund, it would ”flung , u I swallowed it; I he mm ID coltii'e‘in my hone): tlmt l‘nouldnotslmvo u mung. In In. ' than from {our uud often eight day“ under 'l‘: this immense uufierlng, my mznd reamed en tirely to give win). I had dreodtul horror In! evil ‘l‘orrhodings. I thought ereryhody hated me, and l linledererybody; I could not bur 1 my husband nor my own children, everytldng uplicnrrd to he horror stricken to mi; I but no nmbilion to do um thing ; I lost all my Inn at fumily nnd home; I would rmuhle and mum - der from place to plul-e, but could not be con tented; I felt that I was do‘omed to hell, Ind that there mu no heaven for mo, and was ol ten tempted to commit Bulcldc, lu near run my whole nervous :ystrtn destroyed, Ind also K my mind, tram that awful complain“ Dyspep- / nin, that my friends thought best to hair! mu ‘ ’ plocedln Dr. Kirkbrlde’l Hospital, \fwt PhlL- ‘ ,2 ndelphin; I remained there nine minke, Inn thought! mu 3 little better. hntin nvfcw dnya my dreadful complaint was raging no bad ad ovar. Hearing of the ‘wonderlul cure: per tormed by Dr. Wirhnrt‘s Great Anwricnn Du- ‘ pepsin Pills and his treatment l‘ my husband called? on Dr. Wish my case to him. Hemid he had no on would cure me. 80 in three dnys omrl cull. « > I ‘ ed and placed myself undertho Doulor'l treat- ‘ meat, and in two weeks I beam: to digat my food, and felt thnt by disease was {not giving ray, and I continued to recover for nhoutthm months, and It thupresent lino Enjoy pet- , feet hulth of body Ind mind. uhdl lion Iln. cerely return my thnnh to a merciful God and Dr: Wiahort, and to tile great American Dyl pepaln Pills and Pine Tree for Cordial that lured me from an lnlnne Asylum and prmn- ' turo grove. All personal suffering with Dyl pepsin are at libervto cull on in. or write, I. I Am willing to do All the good I can for n!- . faring humunlty. ELinu-nl Bnum. ‘ Brandywme, 00]., formerly of Old Che-CI. l. Delaware county, Pa. ' I Dr. Wiuhart‘u Udioe, Ho. 10 North lONIC street, Philadelphia. 12m; 1237] 535 4.00 6,00 4:536‘365,00 DYSPHPBIAI DYSPEMA! Dr. Wlahnru—l have been 1 contain lif ferer with Dyspeplil for the In! ol'hm yea-u, during which time I cunnofony um I - ever enjoyed I perfectly well day, Then ten times when \he sympwmn were won "gran ed than at Owen. and then ll uemcd “you” ‘2 great relief to die. “and at all than n u nut feeling in my head, butittmrly II" I so much increued (hn Ibecnmi ll qv. business ofnny kind; my mind ‘. “ed with gloomy thought! a. dif I unempzed Io chug. m ' , at. once a ocunflon 1 ction with n, dud ‘0 my bnin; alto. ~c n ‘hc nom ‘ oupnied ' loling 2 i -1. 't , suffering molt unfit .» was continuall. Ind torebodings, .. their chrrcst by riem. of icy col ness n can weight, on it were, reatedxxhb‘ a feelingor nickneu would ask och, and great min to my eyes, with which was the continual fear » \ my reason. I also experienced grant tnde, debility and nervousness, which Mk difficult to wnlk by dny or Ileep At night. become averse to society, and disposed only ll seclusion, nnd having tried the skill ot'n num ber of eminent physicians of "Him" Ichooll finally come to the conclusion that, for thil disease it my present age (45 years) than" no cure in existence. But, through the inter: {arenas of Divine Providence, to whom I do voutly ofi‘er my thanks, I at lust found 5 lon reign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pill: Ind Tor Cordial, which seem to halve elfectunlly remov eil almost the last trace of my long list of Ilb menu and bad feelings, and in their plm health. plenzun nnd contentment Are In) "or:- dny companions. - Jun )1. SAUID'II. No. 453 North Second St., Philldflphlqi . Formerly of Woodman I“ A POSITIVE CQBI FOB DYfiffilp; nu wnn 110:5};th ”a. 0. ~. ' * Philidelpl'i Afl'fifrfgb } ~ D" wm‘“”"’sk “' 42"” with 'l'lllch inn» um. I am nor ""9 ml; to lnform you um, by u" use °f "r" greet American Drew“. Pllln. 1.1“" b aeu comely cured of an: no” d“."°""‘.l.'lifimplaint, Dyspepllo. I hndbm grievon .y a icted for the lnat twenty-li.“ ”fut/ind for ten years of flu: time in. no. b”"fo‘w from in pain one week n Q time“ I 1" .n had it in in wow. form and hue drug“ “’on a. man miserable exmence—in plin any , and night. Every kind of {OO3 the! I «(511- ' ml me with wind and pin, it muttered not how light, or how small the quantity; A continued ' belching was sure to follow. I had no :6pr ‘ tits Ibr_gny kind! of menu whatever, In I] ; distress In: H) grell fbr levcrul month: before ' I heard ofyour I’illl, that. l {rig-neatly wlehod ' for duth. I had uken "erylhing um. I had I heard 01 for Dyspepsia. witbaut receiving a} i benefit; but on your Pills being recon-end“ Md me by one who hnd been cuud by them, I ‘ concluded to give them“ trial, althougbl but I Ino mm in mm. To' my astonishment, I 9 found myself gelling better before I in} uh: ione-founh of; box, nd, .11.: uklnghlf e ibox, lam n will man, and can uu anything I“, ‘ laud enjoy a bean, nenl three fines: by. ; Without iflconvvniencc from luytblng I nrw' | drink. "you thigh proper. you tn n 113??“ Ito make this public end ref" :0 no. '‘. - ; cheerfully give .11 dulnbla informed” “W“ i one who may all on m. ” '3- Yourl, rupee-{full}, Jpn ‘3 1833““); 2‘ 1 For uM‘irharw " *9“: C. 10 Nag/second mm, mil-dolphin; h.- v Price On: DollM/rier ho}- 59“ by w» b" - 0! charge, on tuneup: MP"¢'- . 'Hu nhovb an s fut am 3110' than“! which shin “on "mad; in land ”a untimely gave. . ' ‘ I w.‘ ms Ibonndl a W Ito'- mn that ...a «human 'so;th 'ynlcgibofiid. «in In» qukipu,» using that Why. , your and or lam. “duo which FM' mung-mung»: . .. ‘ ‘ "f‘ “k." i’rqnud animus hm; ‘ - “'4: - .r. :- "35,-, 1,1 mm c. angling“ .. smpanwuqu ._ u an“. “1.14;.“ '- ' .‘u 'l} ... ‘ :~ v. 7.» at - *~ I . 7 . 3;; WM"? fl“ ,‘ : 3 W Va”, ~1 2-: ”km 3 * ~ . u: .q 3;} :Wnswv m.g ' ,‘Y‘éwg‘éfi ';.-~ 3 ." "91‘1" v a 4m“.f-:c-: >7. 1‘ ..; 3 31;? , Ne! a“ V - g“ a,'r>«:.'=_v;/'v ~x~:_2‘.fi“}'—!.S._ “(113‘qu ”A?“ 2—2,“ ..M sad." MOHO ...........•• I. va F ‘ . a: > {*7 x I '3 ” :‘Rfii‘g. ’” 'z . . i it RH??? " at €W}. " :5: s'. P _:‘- {3-7ij BLZ‘T‘V 3:; '.~ ii - * CI OE