The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, January 02, 1865, Image 2
IBM as l ,0 4 I W e X" ~. n H. 491 f. by”. PM?" rlonlflol omnnpna, 24. town mum, JAN. 2,1 w '4 hsppy Sew Xegr :9 9.11.! WC Peqidatgro will meg: At Ennis mscrmmpm (Taiwan ' ~ -3011. A. H. Cofl'mth has qur think: [or I copy of the Luv- ‘aued u thy flm (”m of lh‘cngra . Incl: Out m magma Philldalphi, paper: state ,that ope dollar you» or, the Fumen’ final: 0! Lnncagtej‘, altered go ‘3ch, "I! in cigculatibr. it‘s 3th {alt}. Th; Nor“ A‘s-film» giya: "‘A‘rucglly .cquyler: hjz hp’iwt wide in apgeuque. 'lt is g genu'gne' gnu dolls; pole hp the Farmers’ ka oprncuper, allqrefij to Itans.&lgrougll the msof page I‘m] Qciuqus.” Some; .Wg... .( Phefiffify Lien;- ‘1‘!!- ,¢lidg 0! tray to (he 01l fission: _of Pennsylunia in swelzng pllthe thus."- .Tho‘ean going fit; [that glueccion 4e crowd 'od w theirzfiqt‘x'wqt cgpicity, ind nt Titus ,Vlllo um hotel gccouimoduiom. plumugli )nrgely ,lgqgqulreqeptly, no gull joule .9v“.-- ' ' " ’ *fld‘hobunineoi mini who putabjn sign in chainewspapeln doc: I much wit a thing _ . "I {puny _who fastens ’it on; gm aoqr. mytlo yould .thiurl; of lneglmmlz .hhwf More one pqnon “3:939? z’l. Aign in tho ,Ilreot, fivefibotlxn‘qg up“! ,it ya “1,9 'newtpn- pqtl.‘ QlO .zpuxuhhow tell I by ' eqa is noym.l ht cap 51357: pick up Malta-tap jun if helium age the gains to advertise: for by naglecting‘ ghe means of lecuribg' ‘ Juggle .139 lg‘sep the hen of’ifig‘ profit]: ‘ ‘ w'l‘lw new Confederate conscription Inot, gxmpu "qne gglitor [th each nowapa ‘perh'oing published at the {fine of the, pa:- .ugo of thil act, "avnt‘! audh [auction] prigge‘rl .nnd'pr‘ua‘wqpy uid editor may‘ccrtiffy on pit): [to he indiapomable to the publication .of web newspaper.” Davin is more clever {99‘th frgtzqrnit; Q11}: “falther ébrglgnqlfl Hard on üßuda'.—,Goxetnor Piqpbpt, yho in the @xqugifiegf gouge portzion ofiYirgifi 11.11016 gory plan-1y 'i‘filiefl, geliyered his 91111931 pep-ago in A‘léxandriq on Tuesday pf hat geek. Dagny-hernia, but over -113,59!!! Ibo Ropubliqnn c vii government :ofyi’rgilpiafiand‘ig m smg grqujed Amm .hry daupqlinm' and inaugumgeg a gig}: of twp-oi Ind torture. ‘ ‘ fifths New ‘ank ,Paat dootnqt approve pf Lh 'qujp‘er i}; which ,Philgdalphinpu age 'nrgipg ‘Coll. Forlpey for 1 seat in tie cabi pet. 5991 p)”. :11: is not w .59 suppoug fihn‘ lap-my‘ko ‘l‘.“ ppm his friends upjo, I ‘ poqigggfflqis poi-t, or (link 9: their eflorta. Lyill ‘be L9O model! to my for it'in some wgy. Everybody Erwin um such is the fuhion >3! pglizioa." ' ‘ .‘ ' ' ’ . gimme is a billion! The Nation-1' .debt, I; givqu‘by fiho President, on the In .0? July lull, ayoqntga Io oneLbiHjon pong ,I:nger gull fort;apail‘lionpofldolleu. We ,heu- ,pllxch dispgte Igor ,thip gunmen. ,Oo‘lnd contendiygxglggt ,it mean: one ,thing 3“ lowa goothqr. Thedifigulty probably prim ("“13 et.h_e.dlfl'ex-gnt. guys of compytipg p muggy,— §Qenp vbging two methods, ,tpe frggo'gx pad Fugue}. {mom-ding to the EAL, ,ter, 3 ,lgillyion is amiuion millions, and go poidipg to the Fren‘ sysgem it is only a 3119;995:151 pi’ll’gons. The [French method' of .compWion is the one used in this country, no the: our pfilic‘debt in July, as stated by It. Linooln, ‘ was in iroqt'd figuyea, one 3hqyuud seven} hundred and forty million 'dolllu-g. (I‘lleldifl'ege’gco can beige; be lee}! gay pglzttiyng 3’ amount of debt in figures a! s when oflgach system wank] reguire it 5 ‘ met (Ind American) syxtvm, 9,740,006,000 } figl‘ighgynenié/ ’ 1‘1,000,74p,0g0,000 ‘ ~>ifi~§§reely an individual in the Fol-t 1) ‘bnt rememher- (“3:9 hue and cry raised by the Abolitionistee few year; ego'o‘h ecpouut pf the 9-3336.qu yo; the Boatyofiee De lpertnjaeut "over-ljunnlng the income. The .delfleielge’ gr}: .bletpetl upon the Southern _Btuta, To; not wing their ehere af_the pop ,telfigpeg'gses, end was used as an argument ”pray. that ‘v‘ve of the North would be Mtg: ofl‘eepnrnted from the South than in .eonueetiqn yith lit: lt was one of theehlef firing: upon which they played to awnkeu (the feeling that huuhogv bripen'gd into war pnd‘bllootlfehed. It V 5.5 used in speeches. in Paper}, in pamphlets, eud appeals, to Ihow tint the Southern Stuteeyere a gead weight poem- prosperity, and that the sooner we Pt HQ. of thexp the better it would be for ‘fihe tux-page'rp end people ofthe North. But lin‘ee ,the tweaking out of the war, we he” only kept open our Iwn route: andl whet in the stat: of the finances in the Poet lOflfeeDepnrtmént at this time 1“ Accolrdmg ”the report of the Poet Mater" Generul, ‘ “ / ‘ingjune 30th. BM, expenditures over re and :1: (Amend, five (Zen, andforry two cena. ‘ltlon friendn 3xplein South maintain: her 115, it quest be laid wee. Where in the un, oh 3 ye Ab- L'23 7 , The 8110(to préfiold m (but the ”an who voted for thqoln “ voted as W"! NEW" 9: cop}:- thin. who mud n has. and mud {at Lincoln "mpg, in ‘E fhoy m dairy to’fight‘." §ogood n W nit, in now «caves! to am. m. 4”; of Afiglgfint 1» Key @339}! ‘th‘nt \héy » . “MR P 99 Nb.“ ix- Three “PM! :‘Mol‘mcfi mung wurion are now {Mb I’M; “Judging; than from m m poi wait eminent - - Wu demands to: though. my. an if M; Q ,§} - u .v‘ 777 , .Qgflfil‘cm‘prw‘ 10x mMWX-wiwzfmce r 753?! am} T 3?“ Mbmt 1 ‘ . v...” ... “-4-! N El WEEA ...- ' WW--_W—a~o—o——-,~__.-A ~_-_._,._ ~_ _ V", , , ‘ nus Mitten : comom vs. KOON‘I‘Z. l . Tholnfldon Tums. the best reflex of the 'i This case has at last been decided on far? avenge: [English opinion. has up editorial | Is the authorities at Harrisburg have any-t ":theg urging the opening of negotis- 1 thing to do with it. The matter in contro, tions in .tmerica. and says it must come to ‘versy was submitted, by the Governor. to; that st last, ‘l‘“ the soon" it does come it Attorney Qenoral Meredith. After giving will he the better for America and the ' the parties s lornyil hearing. Mr. Sharpe, ‘ world It lsrge. it omphntically disclaims l/appcsrimus counsel for Gen. Commit, and ‘ ‘> all sailfish motives, but for the interests of/Col. Hotlure as counsel {or Gen. Koontz,l i humanity tarps pscitic advances. It be- , the Attorney‘Generslhss anlished‘nn opin-l l lteves that the war. unless snded by no j ion. in which it is spurned that the Gover gotistiqn and mutual compromise. must! nor hsi no power under the Isa to proclaim‘ goon until the South is made s howling either of themqelected. Ibo Attorney Gen. wilderness. and the North prostrstt-d finan- eral concede! the illegality oftheir proceed-i cinllyl and commercially {or year‘.” ‘ inns and the bogus character of the Judges} In «figmenfi’nl upon ”fig, the New ‘X'Ofl‘ who, ll) defiance of fill 18W, undertook to: World says: ' We have never believed that meet and return Mr. Koontz elected ; whilst‘ tbs-is ml: the slightest danger of foreigngon the other hand he admits that the Re‘j intervention until. the moment when it; turn Judges who signed Gen. Cofi'roth‘s mar. should‘appesr thut either tho North or the: tificuto were the legsliy constituted board South wss failing. The moment when the lof Return Judges for the district. Whilst southern cause seems hopeless, but when 1 admitting this, however. he holds that the the southorn hate seems yet unmitigated, ‘ return which elects Gen. Cofl'mth is defec. is the moment which, if sny, foreign pow:l tive heap-e it Omit! the vote of Somerset ers will select as the host for such interven- 00""‘7- A ' ’ ‘ tion ss shall make thoratomion of the NOW. tit-h I“ this deference to the Opin-i Union impossibts. ion of the ‘Attorney General. we; think‘hisl A national policy on our part which } opinion 0° this point i' no error. The! would have substituted for the weapon! of; Judgcsrmet atthe_timeand P 1309 designated har the weapons of peace would have. ‘dis- ;by 13."- Tl'BY WIMP all “'9 returns thlt "m.“i gut foreign rivals, 3m] made inter-i were legally before them. The vpteot‘Som vention impossible to be attempted and t "‘9‘ “PM! W“! 01111de because thb §om€ impossible to succood. But Mr. Lincoln erset Ji'dgf' though in town, refused either 4“" hardened his him,» like . flint; M, b”. ‘ to meot‘with them or to givethem the chi ty have sustained him in his (most Tomlin“ °°Py 0‘ “‘° return-which "“3 m l"! "79'! .5! policy; and, therefore, as ifllerl‘nnd" ’l‘helyx egg? noltincludsouvote that news ’nrrives that the South is sufi'sringn was not leg. y oret 9m“ “t' snysthe’ mdst 'o'.er from the triumphs 0‘ our fleets ; Attorney General, they could haveobtmned l ‘snd'tha victories of our s‘rmsmon‘ies Else,“ dul’hc‘” ‘50?" 9f the return fw" ”'9 the news that thechie! organ of publiciProthwokv offiowmemndnfnmmry. inion abroad is preparing the people oft they should hove adjourned forthutpulpose. rent Britsin‘to sustsin their government; H 9 admits “‘3.“ there 1‘ no 1“" authorizing ,' luniting with France to secornplim in“, an adjournment. but still holds that under ject so gratifying to'tho jsslousy and the 1 some undefined 5999““ PM"?! it ““3 their _ ide'ofboth—intervention. snd the di ‘ id- t'duty w IdJourn and obtain - copy of the 5-91! ,in W 0 of the power "ti“fih united is return in the way indicated. This power alone formidable to either. in the rivdlryl may seem '9’! Cl“? ‘0 the mind of “1° “5' at posoaor the shock of war. l tornoy General, but it is hardly reasonable :Wh‘pgsso blind as not. now toseot‘at,» to suppose that the“ Judges in question had the restdt of last November’s omglion I could have had my knowledge of it. We been other than it was; hsd‘tho Northtde-loonless that the opinion of the Attorney clued 'by i“. populnr vote that. in lhe General on this point is s new one to us.— '.l,|sB_\“B° ofGenéislMcClollan’siotter, “the: It had slw‘ays before been held, so far as our Uni/6n isthe one condition of pence," the i knowledge goes, that thelsw .difining the mount weakness of the South would 11‘ vei duties of Return Judges allowed of no dis been prostration; sndtthat are Mr. Lin. oration on their part, ‘butthut they were 'coln's term had egtiired largo minoritiet of' bound to meet at the time and place fixed the southern people. perhaps stste legi la- l by the law. and complete theirlsbora before tures and’ statj executives. would have bfen i adjourninn. 'l‘iiisundonbtedly was the light vulnerable to the weapons of peace, 'nd in which lthe matter was viewed by the thin, on the return of_ our national hoiitty, Judges who mode the return omitting the our annual rejoi’cings over patéolial inl o- voto of Somerset county. The responiibili pendenco might h'sve. been blended with ty for thepmission. theretore, does not rest rejoicings over the nation's i'cstorutionl to with them, but with the delinquent Judge payee and union. 9i ‘* who refused to meet with them, and who, I instead of honestly and legslly performing «the. duties of his appointment, entered into n conspiracy with to set of bogus or self-con, stituted Judges, for the purpose of porpoix trsting s gross fraudupon the district. The fotlowing is the official vote of the district as certified to by tho Prothonotario of the respective counties in the district, and now on tilein the otiico ofthe Secretary J the Commonwealth: . '» d~ ‘ / -———-—-‘Ol”———-‘ ‘ ”Jubilant a: the Abolition press rm,- wrylly is_.over ’ibé‘ {til of Spunnnli, i «y do nut. run illO .Ehnl excess 6f over-co il dence which once distinguished thori— ‘Even‘ Foruey'a‘ Prue ‘spz-nlu. in mean ed terms. The folltming extract is amino : :“The caplt'xr'é of Nivannah is proba ly the'rdoal. vnlunhle of all our victories.— Olvhers have had far, greater immediate ra sulu. in Gettysburg which saved Perms l vania, and Nashville which crujxhqd 3 WI: 'l9 army at I blow; but from Suvnnml} a shall make another war. We do no 3:3 hq'w the milimfypo‘wer of the rebellion ‘ n survive this terrible defeat one year.” j‘ The alx‘ty daitheory seems to have been . Ibendoned. On: your in the utimale mfe lb; the Press the lime needed to ov 1-7 I throw the military power of the rebelllen. ’Xt would notsteke that 12mg if there We: 'good sense enough in the Administmtihn party as pee night thevvictoriel we h we 1 gained. £0 test there is riot, and beliive the an: y 3 of the Frau vyill be repeatedly l multiplied unless wiser counsels shall plre vail.-—L¢nc. Inlélligencer. ‘ ' wThe military ‘authoriues ofKenmeky hue luppressed the 7H: Prabytefian, pr’n- ‘ $B4 at Louiyyilyle, Although this Journal“ it‘ is needed, “never contained a single p}: a grgph obnoxious to any lvaw. civil or inili a- i 175 fibat it. never published 'or commenlkd 1 ‘upon political or’lmilitary lnewa; end that it ’confined due" exclulively to expounding ‘ the duty of the Chin-ch to {tend aloof frém ‘ leeular questions, after tile example jof Christ and his apostles.” It had :imply :‘m- ‘ panelled the orthodoxy of Rev. Dr}. Bred-in ridge! On thil bagiyof futon, the luppr - ion of ghi- journnl in the greatestoutnge n the freedom of tho‘preu the: has yet n seen in this country. and worthy-even of Louis Napoleon’s file—Age. ‘ ‘ fi-Th'o United States Senate has pm'ed i resolution ilnatrixcting the Committed on the District of Columbia (0 require the lil ing of an oath of allegiance and fidelity Ito the Government, (similar to that required from members of Congrésm by all the regi denn of the District, and to prohibit All who do not do so from doing business. A “copperhead” exchmge suggest: an tbe next move, that one of Old Abe’s old hats be elevated on a pole in the :n‘mk‘et place and everybody required to bow before it. i Shaving lu': Twin—The Philndelphin Daily News, one of the non bitter Aboli~ tign sheets in the Stnte. in speaking ofthe, 'reoent resignation of Gen. McCleruand, gays: I ; "Could eye [election weed out the Mo- Clellanqand gcClei-nanga of the army, fie would wish one monthly. until the Copper head heaven is entirely destroyed.” 1 Our opinion is. that if the army were Headed of ill who think like McClellan and McClei-nend. that some pretty heavy drafts woald speedily be made upon those who think like Lincoln and Stanton. Grjiqaback Liars.‘—The N. Y. Tribune, in d'leidjpg editorial, uses the Qowing lan gnige in regzrd to greenbgeka : ( A{The greenback that calls iualffive dol lars in qpponécionxly n liar. It is rally but. I lit'llp’over two dolls". And this, like all othe; her}. though it. mm for Jim moment Mayanugeous, ,is I genera) mischief and 69- tfimem. The schamigg; gaming {ew may {nuk’e by it, but the in nutrient! many m 0»! ose. ' l ' 3:693). :L H. Wnd.of New Yorlmnn been dismisudjroxn the Veteran Corps, because of his actiye support 9! General McClellap. Ba sowed mu: great distinco tion'pntil’ disabled by Woufidc, and was then transferred to the luva‘nd Corps. Hi: sbrgpt giiamissal is a significant commenta ry. upon Li'nboln'i and Semrd's ”talk abo‘ut lumber "era a! good feahn‘g." ' , _ Hw— m mull-mad, qnderlqklng lofind P be when no of Maine, this year. situation for he: dnqghtolf, In. Cugcmnux. 4 When. £lsk. vgzar it was 215.- imimd upon ma «1:951:63;- buff xpstvruct- 7 ' . This is ~ inning ofi‘ éf 48,640 ed. Uponsjtbemz "3. 163 ““11““ on an production of the first. yen- of who yhnt kmd of‘qpcomplnhmenu she us do- 4 w". ' : drou- of having her dsughm ‘ 1119 w-—-—_ flig'thn “go 351 my; be 15%“! Yfl"‘lh"om- moniker u very poor. 1:511?" ‘5 'pg'inu “‘93. V ”jag-Hyundai ea qunnuuu_ . In, wan». rail-5 93%?” '‘~ 19h? We Lu! one-49E, mad rem" Dim-lea. Adams, Bedford, ‘Frpn klin, Fulfion, Someuet, 03f r 9171. Koontz ° 2707' 2364 Cofl'roth's mrjority, 93 These returns are on file in the ofiice of the Secretary of go Commonwealth. IF the Governor and nomey General had been free from all bias in this matter, and anxious only to do juitice to all parties, it strikes us they could have completed the return of the district Judges by adding the vote of Somerset county; ascertained in this way who was elected. and issued the procla m'ation accordingly. The whole thing looks to us like a mere quibble on the part of the Attorney Geneqal, trumped upjexprelsly to justify the Governor in omitting the name of Gen. Cofiroth from hisvproclamahon. Gen. Cofl‘roth is undoubtedly the legally elected Representative of this Congressional district, and when the (:Ich in the we come before Congress, if thet hop: is governed by I regard for legalilyand ‘ 'rneu, we have little slow that hg_will be speedily admiL ted to big seah— Valley Spirit. ‘ , ,S‘A lady who visited the contraband 'camp at Norfolk recentlyt was ntonilhed to find the muffs of every[ boy baby in the camp to be uniformly “Abraham Lincoln.” In one were no less than nine children, all -fnvored with We tune appelhiion. .9001. May. of Mexian war fame, died in New York on the 24th nit», of disease of the heart. fi'Good—Abe Lincoln bu dideovered that. the people will not feel the public debt, as they owe it to themselves I Strange Birth.-The Sandusky Raga!" of Monday has the following: “We are credi bly informed that one day last week one of the rebel ofilcen in the ‘Bull Pen.’ as our aoldierl call it. otherwise in one of the bar racks in the enclosure on Johnson’s Island in which the rebel prisoners are kept. gave birth to a "bouncing boy." This is the first instance of the father giving birth to a child we have heard of; nor have we rein! ol‘it “in the books.” The officer, however, was undoubtedly a woman.” fl-T‘he pmctiofi is fast coming into vogue in the Armyof the Potomac. of bury ing with each wldier who dies. :1 bottle containing a slip of papel on which in writ.- ten his name. rank, company. regiment, date, and cause of death, éc. The practice is a good one. fi'The term Methodist was derived lrom the habits of John and Charles We;- ley, who while in college, lived Inch yrayer ful and methodical lives. that their Associ ates gave them the mum of methodku in derision. filth-I. Sarah Thompson. the womdn I‘so caused the Confederate guerilla John Hagan to be cut 011‘ in the height of his or feet. is now in Cincinfisfi mu: her two fatherlesa childzen. She is homelegt md pannileu 83:553.! .11 “deg; 19p . fit? 91' the mama map}. in ‘tbe Hoyt of light-£l,” in a gef-ulb‘ er in Michigan to the tune of $lOO,OOO, and big Abolition Magda, guys the Detroit. Free Prat, are endeavoring no "hush it up.” He had to “support" so mucfi than. be final ly caved.‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘JMPURTAXI‘ T 0 SUBSCRIBEW.——SiIcc 51):: L! o: August, IBM, our term! of subscflpf Hon hue been Tye Dunn irpaia in give)“, nnd Two DoLun [go anv cent: if nag» paid. Tingle whom! Ind pay us betwpn M and the 5151 or J‘scnlr, mm have them: at up; Annie}: ‘erml. After that (imp out publhhed rye; ‘will be RJGXDLY ADpERED TO. ”LAST AwTlcE—Aner 1.50 In gr February, non-puyip'g nubscribpn will i stricken from the lii), The enamoq‘p pvt: which'we Ir: comma-(lo pay {gr cvtrythllg and in getting gut the (Eugnun 1.11M}: m m other recourse. The gomibg Court,to cor:- lnen'w on {be lezh 11:12., >5“ nfl'ord may opportunilie: for sending us money, And we hope those in "rents vii! flVnil liken-elven a! thorn, 3nd than ppm-e no the perform-mu of n duty thu will lie I: nnpleunnt u "erg. MILITARY ,C!!A:‘~'GES.—Ih pars-3n}: of special order, No. 301, Muj. John T. “an In! nnhmed the command of the JmfiauyDit‘ (riot, with hudquulén u Chambersbuxgnnd Lieut. Wm. J. Adam is announced an A. A. deneml. Gen. Ferry has been uls‘gmd to the command of Philadelphia. HIPMTANT NOTICE—The Boar] of Em rollment for this district will sit, for the correc tirin oi the enrollment lists, in Getlyilmrg, on the 20111 and 21H. 0! January inst. ,Ajl pal-Eons claiming exemption lliould appear par-anally if possible, and committees for each district lhould be selected to see that. I“ improper eu rollments be ltricken from the iiai, Io tht the quota: for the new cull may be judy de termined. V ‘We printed hundfiill Int week for smeeting of We citizen: of Butlu township, q’here the matter bu been taken vifiorously in Land, snd will no doubt. relult §n the full ccfieatibn of the list. Every dim'ict should dc? likewise, end without (telny. \ , . DMFTING.—Another draft for d‘eficiencie took plnce n Chambenburg week later: last.’ The iollowihg in this comty‘were ‘flh’w' Bnmcx Bon.—SlmhelJncobl,Edyard Sour beer, Wm. Riley, Hiram Kepne’r,£lmuel A. Wen-u, Wm. L. Gill, Lewis Myen, cklon A. Bowen. ‘ I flAxLLroxanfl'.—lnuc Hafleith. Welley zer. GER. REF. SABBATH SCHOCL.—-Exer cises of a highly interesting nature look piece in the German‘llel‘ormed Church onihe sher hoon al.ohxistlnse Sundey. The Sebh/eth School, after sweetly singing e number‘ol' pieces, repesting the creed, etc., nude Christ mas presents to, several of the ofiuere. Mr: R. A. Lyttle, Assistant Superintendent, in be hslf of the School, presented to Mr. George Geyer,‘ the Slperintendent, In elegastly gotten up copy of.the« Holy Bible, and to Mr. H. E. Doll, the Librsrisn,s beautiful copy of Tenny son's Poems. The Infant School, throngh the Psetor, Rev. Mr. Deatrich, presented 'to Kiss Annie Dunner, it’s Teacher, a handsome silver Fruit Knife, appropriately inscribed. Hr. Lyl tle receiiredxit for Miss 'Annie, with proper re merks. Theigeeches were all of a very feelv an chsrscter, uni lent largely to the interest of the occesion—vihich was certainly a hsppy one to oflicers, teachers, , scholars, end :11 others present. A nnmhe‘rpf the teachers else recelved Christmas presents frog: their scholars. The Putor made one of his nihelly pleasant and profitable addresses to the ‘children.— Such exercises must nlwsys dmgood, end they cannot be too frequently had by Sshbsth Schools.‘ a ,2504 , 2053 3457 3503 807 535 - 1592 ~ 2512 10074 S. S. EXHIBITION.——The Sahbnth School of’the Methodist E. Church in this place, will give an Exhibition next Thursday evening, for the benefit of the Libnry. Prepentionl [or it have been in progreu lome time, And I v. 17 pleasant entertainment may he expected., SLIIGH STOLEN—The thieves no getting more bold every day. On Satnrdey evening, Dec. 24th, nhont 6 o’clock, e sleigh in stolen from Rev. Joleph Sherfy, on the Emmitlhnrg rbed. The sleigh Ivu trucked leverel milel, hm. the thief mede‘ good hie eleepe with it— end up to thin vmting it hnl not been recover ed. It vvel e good Ileighl peinted jellovv, Ind intended for one horn. We Ihall not be lur prieed now to hear of the carrying of! of hnke ovens Ind pig penl. ' j ‘ . - ‘ ' SNAKES IN WlN’l‘El—On the 23d ult., Hr. Levi Golden, in Mountjoy town-hip, whim nlking Along; foot-pull, came upon - Inge Black Stake, which he elptured—n jbb not VBl7 difficult, under the clrcnmetencel. The warm Inn had, no doubt, tempted hi; I* - ship out for 1 little “sunning,” but the neu of the new loop gtofiped locomotion, = . produced the torpor of death. The ennke mee eured four feet three inchee. Hr. Golden picked up {Genet Snake nee: the tune phee, on the 12th nit, under like cirenmltucu. e ”John Lewis Orler, ofCo. K, 105:]: 2. V 2, who In: uken prilonerlut. September, I‘d enhnqnentlmchnng‘ld u Florence, 8. 0., (“ed on the 12th of December Int. u Annapolis, Xd., aged 23 yen: 7 months hue} 7 days. His remain: were brought home, nnd interred by the aide of hil parents, in the grave-Jud It Arenduville. Be In buried with military honon, bLmemberl ofthe .651 h P. l, Capt- J. H. Plank sommnnding. SUD DEN DEATH.—Hrnry Johhlon, ‘for- Inn-1y or Illinoil, but litter]; of tho 19'": end of this county, met. with a sad damn Ila. 12th nlt. He Is: engaged u n repair hunt! on the Northern central Railroad, but we: at the time of the ac'cident on his we] to visit Cono wage. Whilrtwnlking along the track, near: the Hanover Junction, with the cnpezof. his overcast over his head to keep out: the cold, 1 pulengcr trnin npprouched at I npid rate, Ind hn net being able to hen it, wnl over taken by the lpcovnouve, knocked churn, Ind the train pained over him, cutting him in two. His . remains were interred at Canotugo Chlpel. Hie age was ebout 25 years. t SERIOUS ACCIDENT.——‘On last Tuesday week, John K., son of Thos. A. Marsh-11, de ceased, while out hunting, met with n serionl iccident. He had shot a. rabbit, Ind re-loid ed his gun to shoot I bird, but it in luppoud that. he did not had it properly, :5 it baffled, tearing the upper pan 0! the Hannah tnd I‘hlt “ring the MI htnd bndly. 'WWM Poor hue undo the following appointnegtb—or, rnther, too-.1)- pointmznta: Stew-srd, Jacob (hip;- Phyli ciun, Dr. J. W. C. Q’Neul; Trmurer, Juob Shudl; Counsel, Wm. McClain, Kip; Clerk, H. G. Wolf. . ‘ fiWe ngn'u: policy. guy friend; u; furnm; lacs] new: for our polmpa (my: nll part: of the county. Tbo‘le vyho hive kindly favored In in this figrliculu hiya up; finial“. Hope thej 'lwiy 9651.115” Ito 5.? so. be: others do likcwiu. Thoso iiite'rnted in tending!“ “up. eta many lid 9: in an: deputy.“ b 1 “king: figtle‘ysina: \ ‘ .. ' John) 8: Emmy. 2‘; “r. John Jordan. the dever ggnlr-ner “5 “1. St. Mary's (‘ulk-ge. non; Emmitsburg, um us. on Suturdny wiekflfifhrislmus pru en for which he dew-"ca {wry big thank]. It mu I big um, made up or big \llingh-cnn tilting of a basket of splendid Maples. and :1 barrel of garden regewhlcs—pnrsnips. carrots, beets, cablmge. ali’of mammoth pin—gum, then. though ln-l not last, 5 bundle. In umtul, of most delidon, gelrry. Frey-y opp who hu bad O um. “our dinnrr ill-Be since has been-loud in prlilc of the good um 3nd kind heart of John Jordan. May he “re 51. thousand ,enrs, hm! keep his fitment position all the while—Aha “under signed" hoping to be on hand I considenble pnrl of the lime to acknowkdge annually jusx puch Christmas presenll from him. WThe Carrier ol' the Compiler has pre p'arqd a New Year’s Addrels, “rich and ran-y," with which he will wait. on hil town friends. He expects a gxneroul reception, 3: he has faithfully delii‘cred his wot-kl; budge! through out. the yexir, regal-die“ alike of mmmu’; hen: or winter's cpld. Greenback: tnkenlnt par. WW9 gins! attention 'ojlne end of Capt. Chritzxnnn Kl anoint-r column. Th'c Capmiu has many thofiuuda of lens of mu! estate a! [nil disposal, ”in of it loculed in the mun pro \dnctiwc Oil fegionx in the Suite. Those wish. i‘qg to make fol-lune: should coma“ the Cup !uin. . . , ' A WConn-Jl fipyde; and Willinm Ogden, borh Rom Ibisjzluce, and wlio‘hnn been pris 9uerl hi 0 hands m the nbels for u long time, rexgrnefiome on Tuvsday Int-z, Inning been exéhnngeds’ Mr. Snydzr was n member [of Capt. Bennefis comfidny, of the 1013!, PA. reg. iminfi‘and wk! captured “Plymouth, North Carolin. Mr. Ofigen belonged to Capt. Adair'n company, of the SN!) Pa. negimem,‘nud we be ljeve wn clpturedflt the hum: of the Wilder neu. - « x ' wWe regret to fag”: thgt‘lir. H. Confl mnn Elden, o! Memllen to‘wnslgip, a member of the old Penn. Reserves, nlE‘d who was mph]: ed just. before the expiration in!“ bi: time, died in -the rebel hoppiml at Florenceb‘Alnhnma, n few week: ago. Mr. Elden wu n gdbd soldier, nnd his death will be deebly rogreltfi by his nu meroun lriendl. - ‘ pi fi-Rev. Mr. Cnrnahnn, the new]; elected puto'r of ‘he Prelbyleriau congreg'atiofi‘xpf this place, rgcelved on Christin-l day from mehbers of hi: connegxtion a pursev contaiiniugbno Hundred Dollars, intended to repleniai. in pBl}, his Library, which win deuroyed 1b! the conflna station of Chambershurg.‘ ‘ T #Seteml articlel of local interest will be found on our first page—and a Shun Al nuntc for 1865 on fourth page. . Mn. Emmy—Permit. ine, through the col nmnl of the)“ Compiler," to exprega my heal-cl felt gmmhde to the members and friend: of the Reformed Congregation of Gettyuburg for the hendeome donation of one hundred and fifty dollar: in money, and e Chriumis “surprise!" nm'onnting to sixty dollars, or more. .The wrpriu we: the work of the Indy-mem ben affine congregntion, whole kindness I shall never forgel. It was I mucus—planned carried forwnrd,‘ and complgied by thrm with unusual skill and grace. The pun-1y was led to the PArsonnge on Thursday evening, Dec. 22, by one of the failure. who‘ performed the office of“genernl-in-ehief." ' The kin'd donorl, will please accept. my 'greteful ecknowledgfuenh for their generoue contributions. and he assured that in they have remembered Inei and mine with their tern porll gifts, I will. live I. minister of the meek end lowly Jeeue, not cease to bray lhfifidd Lay nhnndantly enrilzh them with ell epirmm‘ end heavenly bleuidgs. ». Wk R. H. Dmmu, Pastor of {h} Ger. Ref; Cong, Dec. 28,156+ 1 ' .. Geltysburg, Pa BELIEF MEETlNG.—Puésunut w a. public all, I meefing of ‘hé Citizens of the Birough was held in the Court-blouse on Thursday er ning, Dec. 22d, as 31361.: metsnrél to relie'éa the want: of the deitimte. . R; G. ll‘ch:Au,an.,*Burgea‘a of the Bor ough, wu culled to tho chlir, Ind“. A, Dus cu, Euq., Appointed gecretnry. ' MOM-consultation, R van Ranked, that; com mittee, confining ofluren Citizens, one from etch Church colfgregyhtion, be appointed, to be styled “The Relief Cohan?!“ of thfyl’mry," to lupcrintond {he prop? srrnngomonu to lppply the Inn‘s offin‘fi dongytnu of the Borough. The Committee Ippointed wen R. G. Mc- Cnuy, Fag" RenD’r. Scbmnéker, Nicqlu Co~ dori', ThomuJ. Clapper, 1. L. Sepic‘k, John Bupp, W.‘ A. Dunc-L Ranked, That. the Jam Committee mar": the co-openlii oi the Indie; qr the Dom-gh— .djou - 1 ‘ ‘ " ‘77 he I 1 ‘ {Committee organized on Fri- Eevcning, Dec. 23d, on which meeting it Raolvej, That {our committee: be appointed to collept funds—ma on uch committee. T 139 Conuitleetcomist of Mrs. J. L. Schick, In. T. D. Clnon, Nb. R. Homer, Min Chur lotto Buchler, Mn. Henry J. Fnhneuock, “fly John 8. Onwford, Mn. H. J. Stable, Miss An— nie Banner. ' ‘ The fonuwing Dislricg Visx’ling (‘orpmitleeb were Appoinud: . No. l. 1:. G. McCrnry, J. L. Schick. “ 2. Nichols: Weaver} Dr. C. Uurncr. ' “ 3. George Lima, Hun. D. Ziegler. ~ “ '4. Solomon Powvrrjgmnel \\ emu-r. “ 5. Henry Comlun, Jn‘mu Sld‘reary. “ 6310!“: Rug-p, James Pierce. “ 7. David a“ any, John \\ mebrenncr. . “ 8. Henry Uu, Ruben. Armor. . . “ 9. James Fuhneslock W. Smlllmith. The übove Visiting Gomhte: ale requested torcull up”: the Chairman.“ we Rcliet Com mittee without delay. I Th 9 mted meeting; oflbe Rdief Commit !» wil} be held ete'ry Friday tubing, “6 o’clock, mflhe olfice UP the Chnji'mau. All dil~ bursemenu of funds :3“ made upon on!" of the Chairman of the fieliel Commiuee,oonn migued by the Sanitary. ' ' B. G. McCluar. § Chnimnn lklicl' cm Wu. A. Drxcu.Sv‘é’y. , RECQBD YOUR DE§DS.—-The Intention of punk: holding unrccOrded'Dcedg in dirtc‘nd to the Provision! ofth“ctofAssembly,u-hich requires :hal— 1 1 "All deed: ma .cnnveynncc: for ml emu xn this Commonwenllh} shall he recorded in ‘ the odice for Recording Dead: in the county when the lands lie. u-irllm n'z maul:- nner the execution of web deedl Ind conveyance; and every such deed Ind convey-nut c not recorded as aforesaid, shall be Idjudgtd FRAUDU LENT AND VOID spin" my subsequent pnrcha-‘ar for Inlnsbl: ronsidenuion, unlesi such deeds be recorded before the recurding of the deed or penny-nee under which such subsequent pur fibi‘u‘ or mortgagee shill‘clnim." This it a very import“)! nplice, up! those holding unrecorded deeds yrill see the impoli unce of having'them ‘recorded without further delay. ' ‘ ”The Na; York .investigation in regard to the [313% to buy: 'll_e city, by; not“ yp‘ re ‘nlledjn the detection oflhe guilty. I: l ,lhought flu! four men comprise: 3,113 Phophuh ; y‘fic¢n§ia'r_iu."‘r " -, ’ -‘ " ' ' ,Gomul Sherman has mined Susannah. General Hartley. with all hit "my: hu vsnpod. Nu hank» mu fought. Th!- city was nmupird on 33)“ Wedmmlny morning. Durinv the previous thy und evening. Hu dre err-wed lain rmv over to the north side of (he Saunas]: river. All hio troop: Ind nflillery were taken ufoly across—— then blew up the navy ynnl and the three Cnnfederue Iteamors. ()n Wednnduy mmning Sherman mnrclml in without any Opposition, captunng eight hundred prim. nan, one hundred and fifly heavy siege gum on tha variom 'nrls, ind iventy five thousand bale» nf munn. The Confed erntes hm! prpvioil-ly abandoned the fmta below the city. Communioutmn hem n Shermnu'a urmv uml lhhfpn-n'a fleet was been npmml. ILudee’s {mops rue now in Southun-linn. - Sometime sump. Genpral Duviuhnn, with rm expedition of fin- llmusunul mvalry. hf! Batmr Rance. Lnuinnnu. fur a march to Mobile. ‘ DJVid‘nn prn-(‘owlml ucmw the lower part of Mississippi and enlergd Floli- i (la. “P attempted to crow the l’nm‘i‘aguqla‘ river. hm inuml the enemy too strong In; him to force In pxlhango’. SQ he (lmiited and marched duwn lhu I'uscngnuln river to the. town of Wes! Pnsmgouln, where he lmllt-«l and mm is. He has sentln New Uileum for. supplies and rrinlhrconwnbn We hnve intelligence frnm Wilmington that on‘ WHlneaduy lust thirty slenmora nf ButlelW and PnrlPr’s Hut-t hmi uppeurml off the hnrhnr. The Confo-de-mlm wme inbor mg hurll. preparing Ii): the nllm k. l A chvrul ravnlry expi-Jilinn frnm the Shenandoah Valley hus come m the cash ride of the Blue ridge. moved to Madison Court Housmundwas marching on Gordon:- villa ul lust uvcnunu. We, have :henrd nothing of the resultof this. exiwdition.—- This expedition is four thousand Ilrong, nnd Sheridan's infantry in the valley have made'vurions feints to (main it. ‘ ‘ The expedition which was sentby Generv al Thomas up the Tennessee river toward: Huntsville. to interrupt Hood’s retreat, has failed. Hood has not yet reached the ‘ river in his retrain—Age of Tuesday. ‘ By the arrival at Fortress Monroe yes ‘ terday of a transport from Admiral Dahl-l gren’efleet ofi‘Savannah river, we have re l ceived the first detailed account of the cir ‘ camstancea of the ca lure of Savannah by General Sherman. gardee, itecems, madel 1 up his mind to evacuate the city about I)e-, camber 151 h, and as he had constant com-l ;munication with Richmond he inlurmedl I the authoritiel there 0! his determination.| ‘Sherman had not at that time surroundedi [the ‘city, and the Confederate iron-clad: iprevented his army from crossing the Sn ; vannnh river to outofi‘ communication vgith South Carolina. Hardee appears to hare ‘\ repared deliberately for the evacuation,’l Roving desl'royod the navy yard, all the public buildings and government storehoy ses.\nnd. the greater part of the military storeev Sherman made almost hourly at- I tacks ‘ pon the Confederate works. but» l with “file effect; for after five dayl’ opera ‘ tiom he hnd captured only two of the ex treme out\worka. Hardee continued his ‘ preparationk‘lor the ovacugtion. and Sher } man on the 50th sent him a summons to surrender. ll‘ardee refused it. answering that his commmlications were still open, and he had plentxof supplies, and that he Would defend the-\city to the hut. But scarcely had the MK“ truce. bearing the summons, returned to Sherman's army. when llurdee began the trans rtation a his army acre»: the river anfibandoned the city. ‘\ 4' Fur tho Compiler The next morning Sherman intended tol ssuult. the works, but fwml them without s gmison. lie entered the‘xeity and re-i ceived its surrender from a. dtqlutution of citizens.. Thirty-two thou-mud holes of cot ton were found in Suvsnnhh. “fa have no‘ infm mntion of either Sherman's or Lintdee’s.‘ movements after the surrender. \ i i There is very little intelligence \fmm Wilmington ls‘ter than we printed on Mon» day morning. PQrter’s fleet rm subject l‘ toaseries ofthe most torril-le stormswhigfi here ever visited the Atlantic. Gnnerw i Bragg telegraphed ‘thnt ,on Wham-may lust tlti ‘y of Porter's vessels were ofl' th-' mingt . A storm began on Wedneudly after on which scattered them, and on Thu day‘ morning but two Were in sight~ {‘l‘ storm sulraidcd. and on Fridny twenty ; ' were counted. but another etorm ulter wards raged along the coast, which as we‘ ;have hinrd nothing from Wilmington, i must have interfered with any operations. These longtielnys have given the Confeder intee’ample time tor prepamtionmml the ef ‘ fect‘is seen in the repulse ofthe first Federal :attack upon Fort Fisher. Though we have the Northern new, we have Southern dis-. ‘pntcha. \ On Saturdsy last the Federal fleet opened a furious fire upon the t'ort.‘ gwhich luted until nightfall. The bom-‘ ‘budment mu renewed on Sunday morn ‘ing. and. under cérer of the cannonade. ithree Federal brigades were landed:— These‘ were at once engaged by; a small Confederate force. and Sunday night they attacked Fort Fisher. but were repulsed.— Butler commanded the land forces. The Confederate loss was twenty-three. i For several dnys we have been giving thei progress of two cavalry expeditions wllich‘ Sheridan sent south from his cé‘mp. near Winchester, in the Shenandoah valley.— One of these ex Millions, commanded by Custer. contained nearly two thousand cav nlty, and advanced along the vnlleyrtogzrd Harrieonl-ur". The other. under 'or rt. '"“"’ . . numbered four thouaunrl. .aml marched T23‘3L‘3‘?"A:US cfifARRHdSM‘Sf‘ 1 down in east sm-e ante Blue Ridge. upon. m, b';,; :3“ m; 9M,“ ”3°" 3"; 3,," Gordonev'rlle. The Confederates met both.i Cold in m. éezdngmohcua Its I’ls}: " ll": (hulls! on “‘3" Thursday "“5 attacked hi found an excellent unit-Mi e. "11:?!” of l are" nine l?”r:.”°n}' ”Arii’ifnbruzg' "‘"d' Sore Eyes. Deafness hirs‘t’yee: :hldvrld by it, ' fl sew-re ‘2‘ “I', urcm I! F I'l‘fl .- ‘ 4 ' . 'v ' Tutfiertfim ledyfutlacked the Cotxiedev $1332?“ h“ often been ,tsntly improred lmlt“ G““"T"l lu-mux. "“0 W“ l“ " “3’"! It is fragrant and ngreenlvle,‘nud mus ut ‘poaitinn eight tniln-s north of liorilult~Vllle. “mun mum? to the dullheluy pains cnnled 'l‘oibert was repulsed, and begun :1 rI-ll‘mlt. by damsel of the bend. The t-t-tmltions'lftel' lLomnx followed him. nutl nt hut accounts using it are delightful and invigorating. lt ninth of the~ Federal expeditions m—rejlt opens and pun-es uutall olutructioni,strength ' lull retreat buck to Sheridan’s camp. We , 9M. the plumb, and gives u hultlth action to hth- no report: of the imam: on either side. the p-u-ts nth-fled. i Last week I leerul expedition mu M‘nt None tlmn Thirty Years‘ of sale snd tire of i from Plymouth. North Carolina, upthe lto- ,‘ Dr. Marshall's Caulrrh and llendnvtie Snuff,” unoke river. It was wmtmsetl ul‘gnnimuts hf" l’l'm‘el"! 2m! vnlurtor all the common null [and forces. After nnilingsmnedistunce d's'm‘”. "l ”'9 "034 v "Ml M “Ii! “10'1"” up, [he lur’wtlm‘s I't-rt' found to be so [luck . stun-h- h'lu'" than ei'crhrture. . 11h,“ the new:- of the “mm.” were nlrmd .it [5 recommended hy-tnnny of the best pity. ;to venlurle further. The, troops nttemllrted :iitli‘li'li'nltily;lgdfyéfilggflh Hm“ “We” ““1 to loud, ml were sneer-ufully rel-ulsu lg. ‘ . . ' . the Coni't lll'rlllt’s under. General Leven- ' "igfliln [fiacfnfifemz’miix :‘e’zfgflemgnifi: thorpe. ,hm f'Xllt'dltlflll "4.".1 "ell to in" away 7' nrs been Acquainted guilt; “Dr. Mun mouth ruthout any lurflty. lite repelled slmll'g Czttmrh md’tlesdache Hunt?” and sold il'K-deral evacuation oi Plymouth in untrde. it in 0.”. Wholesale trade eheutnll ism: that i We have no itlfklllgt'ucy hum Grim-oi we believe it wLe equal in ever yrflpec“ to tTltnmns ht'any importance. The [drum/Illa tire'ret:otn:ucntlntious him of itym- the cure laud Nashville lllll‘tutl. which Wu: llt‘all’llyt‘d of Cnlnrrhttl Afi‘ectionsg, Ind limit it is decided ‘on Ftithty last by Gen. Lyon. about one ly the best article we haru ever known tor all ) [hundred miles northenst ot Lou isnllr'. has common Ilia-nus ofthe llcsd. ‘ not. yet. hegn'rtß-ali‘red. Lynn is bill“ B llurr & Perry, Boston; Reed, Austen instill the railron .an as on itured an 1- ‘ Ostcn: liruuu. anson & Co., Boston: * l l train of two humlredwldtets. Lie puri) ed Cuthr & 69., Burton; Seth \l'. chle, Boston; them. Geneml Thonias’cavulty pursuing Wilson, hirhnnk & (30., Boston; Heath-v, ' Hood’s retreat had reached Pulunkl. Ten. Hllmuml ka , “WWIILH- "- "Vi Pm‘l'“! nessee. The Federal cavalry in one in- 3“”; “9“”! k PM}, 50“ “Wk; 5- B-‘D stance ventured too clogs to the enemy and 5;”‘9” ““1 l 3""; ””1"”. PM” ‘t 0°" )5" lost one gun. At inst‘itccwnts the Contell- hm‘f I ”fl ~“""“' 4’39“" 5”! if)?“ “05'” ente mr wss eight miles north at Florence, i°'l,‘\l‘°:fl'l";"‘sr“di 0.”; A' L’.”“"” tvcok". and nurthe Tennessee line. -.7 is”?! til- 1‘ § "EH 21°“ 6‘ ”WK" 0' ’ Gen. Price is reported to have thirty- u;- 11. “1;“; tirilwbnoi it 1' . ‘ three thousand soldiers in his army in Nun‘ ‘2‘. 'l4 J“ t “is l' r, "’ them Ark-mans. A detachment Imm hid, ‘ ' '9 -1 «y' .4". count”!!! {m captured Fayetteviur- Alb-n“ A cum Tu ISVALIth ‘3;;;‘:;‘ 9‘5"“ inputted prisoner’s-49¢ 26 A Clem, nunmhilerertdiugifn South Acct» uy. . . irs ss 1; mini ‘ ,y, disehur s sate-MW 'l‘he Aye of Friday says: The stuck an gle remedy fem Cure of Nervous WM Wilmington ha been nbnnuoned. The ,tfirl! DW‘L "(semi 0' “10“?qu Pim' expedition is given up. Gen. Butler with 'lml ”ft-111. and the whole min at Went his lsnd faroeLhu returned to Fortress “3W3“ 0" b! bunrfullnd Yidflll" m- Monroe. Admta‘fl l’orter with the neat “mt“mb‘n by" breatkssdycfibytlfi has withdrawn until ordered to “rc'pro- 2““ "”9“" “0W M‘MmfiW ceed." Butler fly! that Fort Fulwrbfil? rl it" {afflicted "id nbftéfltlfliltll, ‘hrm'fid‘zhg Pregmble- m ext-lonian or we w-a > ii'ifliiupii'ififl'li "t‘ m; it: Vessel. loaded with three hundred ton-01 Fm.” 6“”. l‘ I '9’ V,‘" °' ) nowder. did no dnmsge to the fort. “The l’teneindosetistsmped emlope Manned? hrs of the navy dismounted two gunk-hut ’to urn-K. Address ‘ :- tltut was all. Butler '5“! hi. 7 mound, U 4 ‘ ' JOSEPH In [3‘ v. f negate! \cn lured s guy and slyorufront . "13mm. p, muffin”; the fort. no N haunted up the wait -Qct. :4, ”It. ' _ New York City. » ' THE WAR NEWS. ’3O! I“ AOI'I DAIL‘ IDIIIKV about Him miln were taken, vith'.two hundrwl and ninety Confede Winona". The hag-rid [nu in the unult wu hm]. l-‘orly-fivo men on difl‘erent vet-el- m killed and wounded by the bun-ting of lowa Pure" gum. Tbo’expodition hu dona ovprylhing it new“, but could acoam. plish nothing. Ind It has born ”reed b, the commanding oflcen lo wilhdrn'. We havn recelv‘ed (he particular; of fit. on (me clSaltvme, in Southern Yu'h, A Yuma nmountof property nu dog}!- The Fulani troops have ,withdnwn, and are now on their road back to But 'l‘ennela ace. Brecklnriclgp Ind hi- nrmy are follow. in; them. Three hundred‘ Confedenlv prisoners and eigm cannon were captured “3.lmm. h in believed that Hood hnl' lucceufully retwated urn” lhe Tennessee liver, Sherman is believed to be venturing h|a army fur a march upon Char anon. 1!. l. unled that all the cotton left in Savannah was umler the protection Ind nfokaopin. ohhe Hrililhrnntl Flench flay. If no. i. will hnully become the property of the U. nilod Slates. , E'Hon. Mr. Brooks, editor ohhe N. Y, Exprm, and member of Congrm elect. in reply to: serenade in New York. midi— "l'bo future is :11 dark nml ‘dqubtful. I can prolensl In no iiltle in it. um» chm nnd confurion; but groping as your Repre. finmtive in Congreu. to the boat of my übllily, I shall Iry 'to brim; order out o! tlmtclmoa and orgnnizution from that con. fuwiun. lihnll ~everbe gnidodby thelights of the Connitufion. and only by tlicsehgnts, as iong as they are kept burning. Hope Evil] spring in my brraat'. llerenner lam lobe. ”you know, in a feeble minorjtyl but, with prudence and pntriotiam, i aha]! ever «us those burning lighll, not only" to rum of ihe majority from the breaker that surround them; but to point out. the sweet haven of Peace arid Suki}, of Liberty and Law.” - . ”A correlpomhm of the Alb'nny Amp, referring r 9 Gen. Bnnh’ "mum lubor" when“ in Louisiana, any: “mt Elglnnd gun: to the Jnmoicn negroes an Allotmopt‘oflnmd to every flmm, and mm. thue nrgrois are now “the man debuod Ind rotten commulut} on ma facnof the earth—mtg“ dignified and lgnlbnomo thnn any tribe: of negro" from Gonzo m Sen egambiu." Juli 10, but M "Hun-chute!" now rulél the country,” who hat the right to com pinin, even ifuhe, in her inefl‘ubla windomflozs ruin the country? .3 " [G‘Tben lmn boon enablidml at tho Somh' since ‘he outbreak of the wuraewn first clan N’lenuk, five second—clan nrscnuln, one largo bung: shop. In nrmoriu’ olm own. urn ur moriu through rohlrnclnu. fourpowdcrmllls, mid various Imnller depot: and ‘nrksn 71hr" clhbliahmenll In" s-nprlin-d hundrmh of thonnndgof Imull Inns and acwutremnfll tag the rebel uni”. SPEC‘IA I; NU T I ('53. INFORMATIUN FREE To Nnvocn‘ Sl'rrnm-l-J—A (h mlrm-n, cured of, Nervous Dehilil‘v. lncun ”Inn-y, Prom are Dcmy,mnd Youlluul "Il'lor.nukur| by a ave to benefit. nthrd. will In: Imp”, to furnish to all who'nced it, (free nt - harp.) Iho recipe and direcllonu for making "lllfiivll't’o remedy used in hi: can. Sum-"pumping m profit by Um advertiser's tml a-xl-erinw», nml muses: a lure and valuable remain}: nu do u: by nddrening Mm u once. M ~his pln v ufhu’ui. ue'ol. .The Recipe and full iniununfiun—o! viml importance—will be Chou-full) arm by w.urn mail. Address JOHN u. HUI)! X. . No. 60 Numu Slrru, Sm Yurk. P. S.-Nen’onl Su'fl'eren ul‘ hull: um will find Ibil information inruluu‘dc. D0c.b,1884. 3m THE GREAT ENGLISH REHEDV Sm Jun Cunn'l Clm- nun!“ lmu I’m... Prep-red from A pun-ripuon at Mr ‘J. Clnrkc, M. 1)., Phyricinn' Extrmmlimry to the Queen. This invaluable mrdlr'ne is un-‘ luilingln the cure ol‘nll thun- pmnfnl lend dangerous disease. to which lim‘ lrnmie roll ntitullou in subject. It modern-lea ml urns and remover ell obetrnctimn,’ and n tpehly cure may be telled on. .2 To Married Ladies it ll peenlinlynuih d~ It I Kuhn" time, bring an the umutlJ" period with regulnrity. - Each bottle, price One Doll r, hmrl the Gournment Stamp 0! Great Britdn, tu lure tent counterfeils.~ CAvnoxn—The’lo Pills should not he tab! by Frank: during the nun mail uoxrnlv! Pregnancy, as they He sure to bring Mi Mi:- cnrringe, but at any other time they up “to. In nut-nets ofNervoul and Spinal Aficctionn. Pains in the Buck and Limbs. Fatigue on slight exertion, l’ulpimtion of the Heart, Hyatt-line, nnd “’hitng, these Pills will Efl'ect n t-I'ire [when ll” other menus hare felled ; nnd nlrhough n pawertul remedy, do not contain iron. cnlumel, nntimonywr unytluug hurtful to the constitu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet ntduntl each pack-‘gc, which should be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. Sol: Agent for Ibo Uuiled Status and Canada, JOB MOSES, 27 Cortland! Sr.,.\'. Y. N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage lumps HIrIOM‘d to any nuthorizcd Agent, will imnre n mule. containing 50 Pills, by return mail._ Sold h] A. D. Buchler. [Non H, 1864. I] 13