vamavsa VONDWL ”13013 0? MIN 4?- . TEE A DROUGHT. {hfm‘mamerbndkuonunzed what an be dune by rain. In ‘be mlddh of III: unon. nd mar. the ruins commenced. Tho crop; ind Inlcml from the drought—and the lull cropl. I‘ll‘h x» I.omm“, buckwhcn, kci, were comm-red lon beyond recovery. This In an {alarm shjues. Bul mime?” hare [Seen ucuom pmhcd; p’olutau arc succeu, grcuer Hun torn“, yeers; hackwhent the tune. It was ; "n caleequence of we 111 ml) ruins, which just \ aflorded every timé :ufiient moluure for the mod. tepid unwell). NW in no doubt blunt dJuught bud plrpncd be ground for thin rapid gum 11., mm by be»! changing the , chemical proportiel of the $O6 and the man nn in it, or the absence of WAUJX' hming an ef hct, "some other mung. XL is known Umi 110$th Which In": after e drought 4m: more fertility then befme. Thu! is If] commune? of the accumulution o! ferttle gum u. the [- en‘mphere, which rain genie: dowa.‘ ‘ qutln‘r thing, and that important. We have found that soil made metfnw, river), in nil! bet ' ler "guinat both Wet and dwughl. “cum: the me at eub-soil-plnughs; hence :11: use at deep 4411 a... The whole eccret, then, u‘ we hate Inpu- thoroughly learned this season than ev ei, is cop, Ikh, mallow hllngo. We have sat ialefinthy pepple the put Iguana—which was :3“ sunllydrymnein many part: affine coun lq—ofthil one thing—thin benefit. N-‘ed we ~ “It. the'render into the field} 0: will he LgLe . yam.“ mm] himself? Keep the cultivator - going,- pu cenn’oz m: the 3011 too much -the more the bet!er, and. the debut)“: better. ’ Thin in the pend preventive epinu drought, and it is lin only prl clhle out far I hymen We Inust I'ooqu (M: [h g, for drought is our {net enemy in the Welt. nard‘ingugsinit It in the we} Ipe‘cified, we not 0 lylpreveut ix, (inn: eficcm but u the same tpho neatly Im broVe the toil, both in fvrtflity nnde'uy wonk : lug, u Ire“ nl‘ln killing lbe realm, We aha)! con’tlnne to enforce thin subject. ‘u obefi nee in noun. million; to each nutm— V y Farmer. .5 _ fi'rhe newEubinet er mud : fouows: Becre’ur: M Stale, Wm. 11. Szwnnl. oil’N. Y. véccreur -o! “'.nr, E. .\l. ,Smmoxflvlifu. ' flec'y‘ of%rtnsnr_\, W. T‘. Fessendcn, of 319. ‘Hu-rchry ai'Nmy. (Zideim Welles, of Conn. Hecrgmry uf lpxericw, John;‘P. Ushor, or Ind. Ponmnlter General; Wm. 'Dennlsnn of Ohio. Attorney General, Jan. SJ'Specd. at K]. The Supreme Court ,of fin United Manes is confirmed In follow“! ' ‘ , .cmEF ms‘ mt: - Hon. Salmon P. (have. 0! him ‘b‘lllry $8,500 ASSOCIATE J 'DGES. - Hon: Nth‘nn Chfl'urd, OH}; Salary $6.000_ Ikm. Samuel Xenon, of may" “ 5,000 “0| . Rum-rt. C. Grier. of? , "‘ _cmm "on. June: 3; “Chum, of Ga, '“ 6.000 Hon. Dash! Du\'3=, u! 123.. "' 6.000 “on John C ,lro‘d, HI 'lmu, “ 13.000 Hon. .\'unh 11. <w yumof Ohio, , ," ~ 6,000 Lion Sumac-IF. .\3mm of Imm, “ @on Hun: Stephen LFieid, ox‘Cnl., . “ 6,000 NI _ . , fi , ...» “.._... 9711 c Chicago Tune: bu the follgwing cheertu! ‘account of thcicondhion gamma in Ke‘utuckg :- f 2 ' Eentlfck)‘ is havingn goo-'1 17m: 'n her rosi tion between the upper and nexhe millswnes ot lederalr and rebrl‘ nrmiefi. crkinridgc nidcd th’ro‘ugh the State. curx'yin on: every ihing tlul he could find wagon: to "Import. But-bridge fylluwed. and banished everybody who had my properly, and confiscated lhrir yer-anal pouession 1.; his own use. Next. came PlEne, \vh.) shotnerflmdy ofthge male persua tion that he could lay bands on, And stoic me under clolheshlinen. table-cover: and plates from the female residents. Then came .\h-asu- chnulta xecruiving “gems. who rnnflgfl'ull its " ni rs; In finally. there Lolnost Colonel thing, 0 Mutter Krmuck) hogs. Hy flu M! disposed of all the awixwin ,/ Kentucky, (h ’wiH helmle or nuihin: in thak ,/ Sun worth sunning. The following I: Swainr’s order: , “Owner: of hogs in designing didricu of Kentucky mil motive a fair price for them by Wilding lhem to Lonis’vi'Je, Ky., consigned to Maj. Simonds. No hogs cnn be shipped from Xéntucky across the Ohio without I special permit from M-rSimonds." - The administration, having been for some ‘ima In the nigger business, has gone into the hog bitumen—which is u very appropriate msfotmution; _ Winn 13 THE Slcou Conn ?—The follow hx significant remark was recently made by the gallnm General Hancmk: ' ," “l have leh the Second» corp: Head on the 21.9 th betweru the Rupidnu and Pelcuburg.” ~ ‘ _Cquld [here he a more crushing commentary wte' ovi-rl:.nd roulc policy? / “‘fflle Se¢gudhrps numbered 29,000 men on the fat of lluy last. A few weeks ago it Had My «mum» brigade commanders, over 2,000 '(cmmissloqfid oflicurs, Ind ““lthin a fraction of 29,000 hen! What Hurvive of this gallant corps are but a few hundred more than the r‘ccruiu which, from time to time, joined it wjlile‘on m [hluody march. W hen General [Lancock guilt, "I have left the Sacondicorps on tllefielda .bettpu the Ilapldan and Petersburgt” he didn’§ " yunernze. h wugexlluguisbed in mamm tul cumpaign, (ml is no metal I: was saérlficed rIo u".- Mdloch ol fnnutid egotism that preaidel wit the “like House. .1: is ma and gpne, and the men who nre now called nponlo fillup we ”can: rnnkl Vwill not reéru'u, pm; “3.1).“ it: \‘clemn acla’icrs. J = . x , ”The editor or the Somerset. Democrat write: from a pluco lngnl hundrea miles be? low th‘éhead «not: at “Stltkivcrfl He givci n slowing—descfimicm 0! the contain, up the argue; in‘ cum-d, Democratic, that cof fconenl‘ut my cum per pound, pox-k n fiber: u 8, flournt 55 per burn-I, tint. you Hear fir): limeibout Inns and that an enrolling one” yfild be :4 m'xiusix; to ma Imple. um),- ’covnuy-x é; '*#VM.»' “(17%; 312:1, 1h; wealthiest man in Penn ighinis, Made so by oihgnnaacxions, (th xe ueipu were S33M) per dz: 1) did, a few days no, in Philndélplin, {Karyn injuricl received hug the kid cl A bone. 'thd. Snug. squoduced u bi)l_ into Chute”, a ten days ago, §o compel green boeh to be coneidmd an wouh lhmir hue in gold. Of rous- lhis :idiculou: manure fated. * l ”3100.qu mu no mickin Dubuque, low-#3!» other day, that people in we nreeu cuuldmol. mm mgir o‘wn midenm. Apmk ‘ae mfiur cum-[oped the any, amid sun-Lin: gropcd helplesslym “Ht! gutkycsg'und bemlu‘uptm. ~ * Esau: or A Palms Ila—CßpL Henry 8.01:5 . gumbo: of the 3mm. autumn of Kentucky. : ”aid from him: ended; in Georgi; be"- ual teen :iuce, au‘d Ins reached luchmoud. i" this 1 cumin in we rebel suvice. ‘ msenmw Stupor-r, it. in said, willlud ol C‘sinst the pin recuguiziug Misha; under bu haw constitpuou. ‘ , fibun‘r Wells, Kath ‘of’Sonh Country uynfiigfizbmr 50km}, hm. week killed: pk, not finite eight mans!" old, which weigh «l4l3 pounds. ’ awn!“ "if” 91.3“ 019330, with or I out wnpgem tween“. . R 3AI S, MICE, ROACHFIS, AVTSV RED BL‘GSA NOTES IN FULL \\‘HULLVS, tL‘ , [.\'Sl-X Tr! UN PLANTS, I’IJWLS, ASI MAI.=‘. 6N.—Pnl up in 25c. 50c. and $1 00 Bun-n, Hollies us} Flash. $3 and $5 bizu for Horus. P‘ sue Inn-rum“, kc. "Only infnllible remedies known.” "' Free Iruu: Eoisoni.” A“ .\'m dnngrrmxs to the {lumnn Family." “ Rub; come Our, of their holes to die." @Sold \Vnoles‘plv in nll large cities. WSold b; an Draggi'sts and Retailer! "ery who-r“. K?! E I Saw/ml l {1 OM]! worthleuimilalion'. W5O: lhfll “Com-Art’s" name is on rich Box, lv’ollir My! Pinak. before you buy. WAN!" “ ‘ HENRY R. COSTAB. W mums-u. Duo-r 4:52 Bnvowu. N. Y. 39.80“ by ull Wholesale Ind Retail Drug uiru in Getty-burg, Pl. Pub.. 29, 13w. _ Universal Clothes Wringer. WELF-ANL‘STING AND \I)JC>T.\M.E. ‘s‘ ‘\ \\‘HH COG-WHEEL rIiL‘dL‘LA'IUE Iv“ SALE BY SHIADSyk BUE‘HLER, .\x.‘ (innucaa. PA. From iu’hpmeruble recommendationl, Ir. plher the foflgflwmg: Letter {rpm .\1 ‘. Henry Ward Rcechchn 1813!. [um mm! hnjugv to we; in cm very high esi term.- of the “\{Jnivcru ‘I (.‘lolfl'rs “'ringer:" Tho hardest pm -‘ wanking-day" work is. in my opinion, the w inging; and lhe‘illuemor of this Imohinn may ave lbc’ satisfnétiun of f-(‘linglhnz be bns'chzfiuzcd {Sufi of the most {oilsome pans of, woman’s work‘g’nto ‘1 way ttlgtclfre ,umusvmnnt. e ‘hundreas Kooks upnn it nan grenli.lé~sin:\gqlool‘ upon it 1! among: the mm lawful urlicl in the house. Brooklyn, ()ctober, 1801 Price—‘3? U!) New Goods !—-La.rge ‘ - sk! ERGHAXT 'I‘AILOIHNG. " \ ‘ RI JACORS & BRO. huge just rccr-ived from the cities I lurgr‘u'uck o: hoods for Gentiepwu‘u wear, etpbracing a Vflfiely'uf I.‘ ‘ ULU’I'HS, ' , : ‘ CASSIMERES, ‘ é ' \‘BSTIXGS, Canine“, Jenna, 'kc., with many other good-1 for spring ind summer wear. ThcyA nre'yrc Ind to make up garments 11l -v.hea|mrtcst ”o‘6, and in the very bait man ner. The Fuahious n‘re rogulnrly rrccived. and clmhing made in mm dcsin-d style. Thr-y al ways make neat tits, whilsuheir swing is sure to be‘gubsmmial. . ‘ lernsk a confinmlnve of the puiiic'a pu lronlxgc, resolved by go‘od “0:1; and ym‘lerpte clmrccs munrn iL 3 Gettysburg, April _7, 1262. 3 r Noah 'Walker 8; Co“; CLO’I‘HXBJIS,’ : ~ \msinscmx Iciwmo, 63 A.“ 161 Burma“ Smut, ‘ keep con-mu; on hind 1 hurt: Ind well n ?‘= ’ , toned flock a! ser “II“! of gait]- {t liodunte’ OEM They supply order: {or li. hm" lo the lowen priced Iniclgs, e‘ilhq'r ready and. pr mado'to manure, to an): put of $0 country They keep the Au extensige Ito‘ck of FURN- [SHING GOODS, embracing every Article 0! Genllufiin'l Under-vent. il3O, MILXTARY CLOTIIS and every variety of Mifiury Trim- wings, u well u up snorted flock of READY uA'DE MILITARY GOODS Bnliimnre,Feb. 22, 1864 Lancaster B‘ook *Bindez‘ry. (130 mm wuxr, \J’ ‘ _ 1:00): BINDER, Axn‘nwxx Boo: xmcncrcnan, LANG ASTER, “PA Plain and Grumman”! Bmding, of erqry de scription, executed in the mat substanfinl and approved styl‘. , REFERENCES E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Laficuter W. L. Peipcr. 15qu Lancaster County Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. - Shmnrl Wagner, Esq" Yerk Bank. ‘ 3 William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. _ T. l). Carson, {is-1.. Bank of Gettysburg” Peter Martin, Esq” Proth‘y nflmncnster co., Pl Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq . Register “ “ Geo, Wh‘tson, Esq., Recorder a; April 19. 1861‘ ~ \ P 143110 Fortes. _ HARLES M; sm-n‘rk C caustncg-u‘n o A (may!) Ayr- SQUARE mun rrom‘sst. “uutactnry 10.1, 105 & It? Franklin strut ‘ Wareroom, .\‘o. 7 North Liberty street. Constantly 3 large number ofoIAXOS of my'mvn Manufacture on hand, mm the Full Iron Fume und Over-,strung. Ev‘ery Instru~ ment was-muted for five years,,wuh the privi loge of exrhunge- within Lulu months it no: eulirelyantismcmry. ‘ > flSecon-l-hind Pianos Alwnys on hand. at prices lrom $5O" to $2OO. _Bultimoxe, Sept. 5, 1864‘. 1y 3m“ Blacksmithing. ma pndnrsigned \would most. respectfully (if ihlorm the public that he has commented K) BLACK‘MI'IZHING BUSINESS, at tuner I: Zibgln’s shop, in l-lnsv. Middle alreol, Gen, .buxg. film-o he will 'ql nll times he prepared to do Blacksmithing whrk to Car ringes, Buggies; Wagons, kc. that. he knows how to do all job: or the kind ‘wm not be quca tioned by male who hive a knowledge of hi! long expe‘rhdce at the‘ business. Come on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you Mk: 1: away—and f9r “Inch he \HH ro ccive Cash or Country Produce. ' ' ‘ . ADAM HOLTZWORTE. ha. i; 1864. q t Per Sale. VERY desirable FARM, adjoining the A - Burqugh of Gettyyburmcontnining INACllEkßuildiugs and Land good. ;.' . “'in-‘be laid on very accommodating -” terms. - (mo. AnxoLD Gulxsburg, Oct. 5,, 1863. If ‘ . 9 ‘ John W. szton, ' ‘ASI‘HONABLE BARBER, Norm-ens: cor. 3:: ur of the Diamond, (next door" to Me nn'a noun) Gettysburg, ‘Pnfl where he can at m than be found ready to attend to nll holiness in Ml 1111:. He has also excellent us !!!“th nnd will smut: utiafaction. Givg him‘u call. ~' (Dec. 3, )860. [BET-“Aim Eight-day, Thirty-hour and ‘i E -Ahfli W,‘ciofip fl PMTISG'S. = FSTA llLlh‘fl‘l Ext-4; E'U. F. EGKEXRODE J FASIHUXABLH 11mm. ‘ I uuuyu (his mpgkud ul' informinghh frh‘gd- find ll": puhlia genyrnlh‘. thnt be has opened I Tailoring establishment ir. Baltimore urea! i Gen; slung, “Me PosLOfliceJ near Lb: Dia muud, fi'hcrs he is prefurcd to do 11l Work in , Ina line in the best manner, And to the salls-' faction of cuuomcre. H:- emplo)» none bul' fix" chi-iguana, nml rereivinz . : TH . FASHIUSS.RI-ZGI‘LARLY, lie/can warrant fanhionnlllc fin and net“ and. nubimnlial sewing. Ho lska a share of the’ pnbllc's lmll’nnagc. Prmulslug to spam no at: fort to deserve it'. Ilia cbm'gm will nlleS be' found us moderate as the (3mm \\ ill allow. ‘ Cutting and Repairing done a! the nhgrtest, notice. {Gen} slmrg, April 'l‘, 1862. l EORGE ARNOLD hni pm received from . G the city a large supply of CLOTHIVG,| Hen'h and Boys' want, cnnai:Ling'of Allkinds of‘ COATS. PANTS. TESTS. _smm‘s, “DRAWERS. CRAYATS, ‘Nscx mas, GLOVES, nusmu', L-c. ‘—al a o A my stock of cmas. CLEIMERES,‘ CASSINETS, JEANS, DRILLIXGS. km, kc , nlkot which will he sold as cheap a; can he had ASL-where. Che us x: cm", and it we can noz please you in A suit randy made we will taktr’yonr manSurc -' 3mm up one in shoxi noticl'. 'uy 3U, HW-l. 3495.;9. Jildr'eu's weaninthe Ciiy. Al4O, n finc- mmnmenz of QLDI'I Fur Glows and (‘ul‘nra As my Fun were all purch‘nqed when Gold was at A much lower prémiumwlmn at present, I am ambled tn disfiusc qr them at very n-‘n— sonnbtepficeu. and I would Ihemfore Soho?! I onll from my friends 0! Adan“ c‘Qunly and vi. ciulvy. K. finemembcr th. nnmc‘ num‘rér nndatreeu JOHN “mum. - 71.8 ARCH Bueet, above Im. south side. , PHILADJCLPHLL a?! have nopnrtm-r. nor ronntuunn win: any other store in Plnladelphiu. \ Sept. 12, 18214. 5m » 45> . ‘ m ”We \ E. Corner Tenth and Cheanm Streets, N.. PHILADELPHIA, EMI \\L. l-‘ A I R B=A .\3 K S, A. .\l., for \{htlast luur yenrs Principal nml chief hr]-~ elm-s mmmuer ur Buns-r A: Stun-tors Com: mcruil College“ . A lUUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Conducte on u new system 01 Actual flusinesl Training. L rough the Establishment of legiti mate Ulfices nd (foaming-Houses, ram-«ant ing dill‘crmt ‘L'j-Ilflln‘inls ut Trude and Com merce, and n :5- ular Bunk uf Deposu nnd ls sne. gn'iug :he _~\ul~~ut all the udvmtngcs ox Rctull pumice, and qu ~lil'ying him in the shortest possible lum- nu~l must efl'ective man ner fur llxelvariuus dunes and emplu, meals of Lusiuw: liflu The L‘uurse ufins'rncxion in the Theoretical Dprmrlmem embraces [look-keeping.Fommr-r -cinl Calculations, Leéturos on Busmcss .\ll‘nira, Pi-nmumdlip, CJmmercinl Luv, Pupils, ('urles. pondrm'e, é‘c. in the , ' "' - BUSINESSDEP RTMEXT— the studententenupon Ih (irmlnming Course, Which include: a coutimnnce in the nluove studies, with their prnctic application in alt> their details. He will in urn fill the position‘ ‘ui'Accouutant and- Propri tux in. the mrious Departments of Wholesul :uul' Retail Trade, Forwarding, Jubhing :in Cummissinn Busi ness, Ranking, Munufucfu ng, .\lining. Strun hnnting. kc.,_nnd fiu:ill_\"\ iii an n: L'ushicr, liook~keepcr and Teller i llw Bank. in etch of which [Haitians his N‘tlnu: knowledge ‘will be pnt‘xtu the fullest )muticle test. ‘ This Institution-offers t; } sung men numer ous axlvs'xntngés not pass 44ml by any other commercial cdllcge in hh' Starr. it is coml' plate in all its ignp-Jint'manu It i: the only. institution in‘ the Sunni conducted on actual! business priMlfiles. The conrse of instruc tion is unsurpa wed, nml may be completed in übaut one half the time usually spent in other: institutions} in contoquence at an entirely new arrangement, and the adoption of the new: practicul system. ' Diploma/awarded npon the completion of the Commeninl Course. which’ emhrncen all except the' higher sets of Banking, Manufactur ing, Railroading‘. kc. ‘ ‘ BALTIH'ORE. bend for R ‘Circulnr Feb. I. IS“. I'an WWW - .\'TERXATIONAL Off-HS 0F .‘ _ you anew. COLLEGES, E;Kablisb9d in the following ciLies: ' S. E. Corner of §ergulh zand Cheqnut Stan. New York, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy, I'rorig dgncc, Portland. Hartford, Burlington, . ‘Newnrk, Rochester, Buffalo, Toronto, Clehlund, Detroit, Cnicngn, \lil- Thoréugh tlycureeicnl nod pmcxical instruq tiog‘in all hunches pertaining to a finished Busmess IZducntion. . . 17:11 . The Philndelphio‘fioliogo stnmfi first in the State, both in point offinpntntion and lncai advantages. The paint imcd at is, to place Commercial lidncntion where it belongs—4n the front rank of useful instruction. To this end, a most thorough course of business train ing“ adopted and carefully enforced, under the personvl supensisxon ol'icompetent Pro fessorsin the various dtpnrtmrnts. Themes: perk-ct system oi practical {mining ever de vised has been put in operation, and is suc cesaiuily carried out. nfi‘ouding to students ad vantages such as have hitherto been coxmder ed possible only 11l connection With the count ing-house. Alter becoming piohcient in the Sciunue of Amounts. Peuixnndnp, Comm”. cinl Culcnlution-i and Commerrml Law. the student is advanced to the Practicni Deputi ment. where he becomes an actual l3ou§~kecp~ er and Merchant; anSL'd through lhe ili'erent. Houses; acts in turn as Teller, Cashier. kc. learns the duties nml rcsponsibililicl of each oflice, and becomes thoroughly informed, not only in the forms which are in nnivvrsni use. but in monaging tho affairs of business Wllh system and desptltl'h. Scholar-thins issued at one point. are good, for an unlimited period, in the eighteen Col lege: comprising the “chain." i Diploma are awarded to those only who fulfill the presurihcd course of study, and pan the requisite examination. ; For further information send for a circular. Address: , BRYANT, STEATTON k 00., Fob. 8, ‘18“. ly ‘ Philodt-lphin. Howard Assowatlon. HILADELPHIA, PA.\~l)xsen‘§en of the Nervous, Semmll, Grimm-Ind Sexual 'yslemsmucw and rclmblc Irmumont—in re ports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by mail in sealed letter euveio es, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILng HUIYGH TGN, Honnrd Associntinu, {\‘o. 2 Sémh Nimh Street, l‘hi):\delphin, Pu. ‘ P Aug. 8, 186-1. ly I {LLIN‘ERY GOODS, gaming Ribhom, B Flowers, Shakers am Bonnet Funk" on received from New York, chnp at Fnhh. enocks’, flu: sign of . RED FRONT. ‘ , have just necked I new donor-men; of Quewuw-ue. to which we invite a». mi!!!” 01 bums. A. 500” t SON. New Tgiloring - New Goods. Fm’s ! ‘ JOHN FARE}. .\'s oh! umb— FL’R MANU ‘O3", .\'o4 718 RC” Sun-er, above h, PHlL.\|)'A.—l xe now in smm of r own Importation J M \nufncturc. one tlreJ..\HHl-IST and m BEAUTIFUL”. {ions of FANCY Lalies' 1:8, 'or Ladies’ and UNDER 1“! XA).H:CMK\T 0P PHILArDI-ZLI’HIA wankee and St. Lodis gum and 9M gown”. lelePovdm 111 mph ”hesmmu‘h ad Inmfinu, lama then m: can-ire He}, and ‘3 them lo mullhy mu, ’ They are a sure preventive of Lung PH”. and a certain remedy for :11 Dina-s inddrm w the Horse, inch Ra Glan dm, Yellow Water, Dl5- 1: m Re r F o,n n der , Heave. Slaveriug; Coughs. Fe were. Loss of A petite and v 5.1 'Eneb a!» M . . in poor. low—splrimd animal, 1: has the most beneficial eifm. __ The use oftheln improves the wind, strength en: the App-Lie, and ghee lo the Horse 3 fine, smooth :1 1 yimav shin—mus improv ing the am]. :I'. “w, info? and spiri! of thiq nob]. nninm- . The property this Po“ dc-r possrsus in in» erasinf the quantity of Mill: in Cows, gin it u: mpormuce and \nlue which should place it in the bands of every penou keoplng aCow. Hy actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Ore-m twenty per cent., and make the Butter firm Ind sweet. In fattening Cattle. it gin them an nppctitc, loosens their hide and lake! them thrive much faster. , ‘ HOG 8 . Insnll Dimes of me wineJuch u ‘ 'fifi;*‘;”‘g Caught, Ulcers in ‘ fif‘ki‘f‘l" ‘7~ 1h! Lungs, Lin-r. ' '3‘. 771;: 7g: ,- tc. hßa'vf puma; 1=- {I from Inpar is a laper of mg;- 1‘ m” A} " ow era in a. bnr- f‘i’ T“: -_,f;;n :9 rel or Swill, um if; “3““ Ibove Diaeues can be cured or entirely pr:- vemed. By using these Powder: the Mag Cholera can be preyonled. . Prioa 25 atmper Paper. or 5 Paper: {Ol3l. nsmnxn DY , S. A. FOUTZ 8t BRO, AT Imm WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. I’o. 118 Franklin St. Baltimore, m ‘3 For Sn‘e bfi Drugcists tnd Storekeeptu ‘vthroughou: IhT:Cnited Sums. ; For rule by A. I). nuehler.. Gettysburg; Laughlin k Bushfirlul, Wheeling, Va; C. L‘. Uenfior .t 00., l‘nlisburg; Johnson, Holloway it Hayden, phihdtiphil. . Nov, 2a.1m;4._ I) r‘L. Lyons’ Fure Ohio ATA‘WBA “RANDY. and C : smuxuw (Luuwm WIXER, Equal in “lin nml I‘nenper in Price than the anm : n. dXWiuca uf'lhe Old World. . For Summ r 4‘lulllflhlfl‘, Cholera Infuntu‘m, lhmcl L'nn.,('rnmp. Colic. & lliurrlmm: ‘ A sure Cute 1: gu-xmuliv-d. or the money will be re I.,?ploti | In suppon of ‘lu- fihm“ gnu-menu, ue pre sented the Csrtlllrnl ~= If lh- Jul R. Chilton. ‘Cllemln, New l" ,_. Jr- Mr m Cux,Cl-emlcnl v'luspu-ctonflhl v;lv Ir. « {Lucknolacbrmi-t, ‘Boszon; Dr. .\'. | lump» {XI/unlit“ Inspector, Circlevi:l--,U'nio; l’rnt t: 'l‘. J:u‘kson,Cht-misl, 150 mm ;_l)r. (Yhn, .I'7pW,Chqurupn, S. 0.; and. J. V. Z. l; mu, find—G: A. Muriner, ,Consnlting Chmyisls, Chicago, all of whom have analyzed the Catawba Brandy, Ind com p'imeut in the highest ti rms. for medicinal u{se. -' Analysis of the Massachusetts State Assuycr, l Jnn. 23. was. I When evnpnmud throng“ (lean linen it left .uo ml or o“;=|L~i\c nutter. In wary respect. iv. is a run: spirituous liquor. The Oil which Win-arm this Brandy its fluor and moms, in 'whol!y unlike mil. or gru‘m oil. 113 odor pur ‘Mkes of burh the fruit and oil of grapes.— I With ucidé, it produces ether: of 'l‘ high fragrance. The pulletitulmu of this Brundy 'l'ur(‘ngn:u-nruud_v » 11l do “my \\ilhlhe man 'uhclnm ol‘ fixtinuus 51mm. suld under [his fuumo bulb nt [mine and anmLl. Respectlufl}. .L A. HAYES, “.13., Assuyer to State Mama, 115 Bu} lesion 5! By the same, in 15.54. I hxu‘e analyzed “L. LYUXS' PURE CA TAWBA BRANDY,” with Lefrvnce to its com position and ctmmur-r, bemg the same I! that. produée-l in :x.‘ J pcars. A sample taken Imm ten Cask! ammo: mt, mm: reinhs withregnrd to purity: a main!) 1m rmscvl amount at the principle uu .‘Llch us than» depend: wu da termimd Lg mun-w nun w “nu-nun- samples. The indxmu vn< uf und‘nn' uhow that this Bralidy is prqduui by the Mme process as most of the impuued Umndy. Rus‘mctlully. A. A ”AYES, 3]. D., atm- .\.~snjcr, ld‘liuylestou st. Boston, Julv 2»). 1:61. ‘ MASUFAC 1 UK El) 0\ LY 81' H. H. JACOB &CO., (To whom 4H Orders 41th be addressed.) Depot, 91 when} 2'... .\'ew York. xor. 14, 1564: 3m 1 ‘E. &H. T. Anthony 8: 00., ' ANUFACTL'MEKS 0F PHL'TUGRAPHIC Bl MATERIALx. “110”“ch um Hum, 501 HROAD\§'.\\, .\'. Y.-Iu uddnliun lo.ou main business of Photographic Materials, we are Headquarters for the foltowiag, viz: STEREOSCUI‘ES s STEM-.OSCUPIC VIEWS. U! these we burr am iu’mxcnsP nssofuhent, indudmg War Scenex, American and Foreign Cities and Landscapes. Gruupstb‘mluary, km, &c. Also, Rcvuh'iug Stereosmpes, fur public or privme rxhibiziun. Uur Cdtnlogue will be pent to any address on receipt of Slump. ‘ I‘HOTUGIEAHIIJ ALBUMS —-\Ve were the first to introduce lhese into the [Yuil-deaies. and we manufmtnrc immense qumuilic: in great variety, ranging in price from 50 calls to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have the reputa tion of being superior in beauty and durabili ty to my others. They will be lent by mail, tree, on receipt of price. [S‘Fme Albums made to (mien? CARD PHUTUGRA PHS Our Catalogue now embrm-eo over FIVE THOUSAND different sthvcls (to which ad: dilluus nrv continually belng made) u!“ Por trnits of Eminent Amern'nng, 6w . viz: about. 100 Major-Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brng.-Uenemzs, 130 Dnviueu, 275 Colonels. . I‘ls Authors, NO LieuL-Colunéh, ri ists, x 25 Smge, 250 mher 05cc”, 50 Prummethopen 7b Nuy Ufiicefi. 15? Promi mat Foreign Portrniu 3.000 copies of Works Qf Art, including re. productions of memos! celebrated Engnvingl, Plinlinge, Stature, inc. Cntuzogues sent on rrcnpt. of Slump. Au orvler for One Donn Pictures from our Catalogue will be filled on lhe receipt or SLED, und sent. by mail, Free. Photographers um] others ordering goods C. 0. D. will ph-lltt- remit twenty-fire per cent. of the smwmwilh their order. E.& 6.1‘. ANTHONY A: CO.. Mlnufauturers of Phomgrnphic Materisls. 501 Broadwq. .\‘ew York. WTbe pricel'nnd qunlily of on! goods c‘umot hi! to snfisfy. [Not 14, 1364. On Mlll and Farm T PRIVATE SALE—I will sell at Private A Snle lhntV'.\l.['.\Bl.E .\HLL PROPERTY —-knnwn M Mcllbrnm's Mill—situate five ufllea west of Gritpuurg. uu- Upper Marsh Creek. The improvemems are n .\ier- 2w ‘ chant Mill, Saw Mill, two DWELLING“ HOUSES and n BARN. .QL The Farm conning FIFTY-FIVE ACRES of choice Granim Laud—most .\lesdow bottom. ”Tums accommodating. Nov. 7, 1864. t! GEO. ARNOLD. fix-iii- A- Eta—fili— 1% TA}; TI: {57138751 Ind chap, m 9519 hy WW & wows. GO9 (1 Things from the City! E are reccidng Nice L’ week from tho' city. an», o! snide: suited to the want: of this communi‘y, 'il: huh “(1811; “SH, “nml, Shoulder: 3nd Sides, Hominy, Beans. Salt, Applei‘ Pointers, omg", Lemons. Confecliona. Tobaccos, Seguru, with many oLber article: in this fine—a}! leceired in the best order, and sold a! the lowelt profits. Give us a can, in B \lhmore street, nearly opposiu Fuhnefilocks‘ stuff“. ‘ WASTE-JlL—Bufier, Eggs, Lnrd, aaud l“ other cuuntrr produce—for whiuh the high": cash prim will be gal-i. S WIZET POTATOES—Juan quality, it low esv. living profits—always on hind. Mm, METERS, fine and huh—_in the shell or ihacked. Restaurants nnd familien “ppm-d. » ‘ STRICKIIOL’SRR s: WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg, May 18, 1863. Come to the Fair! NIN’OS’TFORIETTO VISIT PLEASANT A RIDGE .\'UIISERIES.—.Persous wishing to Plan! Trees will find the Bcock in the ground remnkahly‘fine, and olgemd/at reduced prices. The Apple numbers I 0 varieties, embracing pH the approved sons. -. N. B.—;—See thé‘index board near Flora Dale Post office. 1331‘, E. COOK & SONS, Scpl. 2. 1861. ’ J'mpricton. Sheads 8: Buehler, EALERS lx‘ D ' COAL AND LUMBER, - S 7' I) l' E S ,3 TL‘LWARE, HOLLOW-WARE, EC. -- use -- SIIUTTERS, BLINDS, SASH, ETC. Comer of Curlisle nnd Railroad Stream, Oppo liLe Ruilrnnd Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. May 9, 1864. New Goods. .\HXRSTOCK BROTHERS . ' i F 'Are cunstuully receiving choice and do“ snmhl‘e goo-ls, {rpm New Yu‘rk‘ I’hilndelbhin lud Ballimorr, and are prepared to oiler 61mm lmcnwaxrs l to thcse ahuuv. finroha-mg, Having selected with gram cure, 11-om the lbreeleudingmarkem, the public will look to their (mu interests by Pxnmining our stock bel‘nre huying elsewhere. (‘ill at ‘ FAHXES’I‘OCKS' May 9, i 864. , Red‘Front. I $lO a Day! GEXTS WASTEDi—Tn avll lhe "25 CENT A LEGALTENDER STATIONERY PACK AGE." Euch Pickage contains 35 Songs, 2 pagas of Music, 118 Shel-ts of Papa, 13 Enve lupcu,l Ruler; 1 Pen, 1 Pen Hnlllcr,l Lild Pencil; l Deuzn lur l‘utlorilrvvrs, l for Child’s Apron, l lor Hmihroidcred Collar. l for Chris tcuiuz ROM, 2 191- marking LrLlers. 13 Secrets never before pnhflishel, worth many Dollars; mid other information. Also, one beautiful arliclc of szunuv.’ Liberal inducement; to Agvuld. Send Sump fur Uirculur. ; SAMUEL BUTT, 4! South Thirg SL, Pbilndelphil, Pa. June 13,18qu 1: Ayer’s. "7W SARSAPAMLW’ nu wm'l an“! aunt to: Serum}: and SoraMom Di‘nemx. Prowllury ldu. a mil-Imam merchant of 0:- fnrd, Maine. “I hue mid large qummm of your SAY-Jum- BILM. but never Ye! one home which {:lch o! the dellred ant-ct and fill) antiufincuou to those who [oak It. AI {an :1 our people try it, they mm: thurv- hu been no medicine like It [More in our community." Erupfions, Pimples, Blotchea, Putulen. Ul - Sorea,and All Diseases,“ thd Skin. me I.'t‘r. 12012:. .S'tmflnn, flristal, England. “ I only do my duty m fin and the Kubllc. when I add mv testimony m 111‘: yuu publu or the mo dislnnl \lrtucs org-our S \ li\ \l-.\lm,m. My daugh -I(f,nzt‘d u-n, ha an nflhcllxl" humor in hor can. eyt-I. nnd hmr for Yl'M‘F' wlmtll mm were unable to tum untll we tried your buzanulum. She lu been well for some moutlll." From Mn. Jane 15'. Hits, a WWI-11mm and much extermrrllmiyqfhcnnm‘ille. Cape: May (1).. .\'. J. “ My dnuglnvr 11.-.5 lufivrcd {or A year pas! wlth A Ifl'ol'uluul vrumiun.whlch wu wry lruublcuume. Nothing IITurJL-d an relic! until we trlml your SM:s.\P.\mLL.\, which :4an completely cured her." From Charles P. Gag-t. £37.. off/1! vMIIcIy-l-um Gage. Murray v} (‘o . nmnufixcturer: nfenannud n in Nadmfl. .\'. 11. “I Ind for m. on] years a very troublesome lunar In my fur. which grew mmuntly worse mull lt dlnflgured my l'mtums and bcumc u: Intol erable nflllcuou. I lriml almonruvery flung amu enuld of both 34h ice and m”dicml‘. hut mtllout any n-llcf whatcwr, untll I took your S ms \I'AILILLA. ll lmmcdiatnly made my face worse, M you told M It mrvht for a tune; Lu! In a few wcclu the new Ikin 30mm to form under me Matches, And con,- tlnucd untll my rm ll .1: smooth as my body'l. And I In: without any symptoms of me dlmm um I know of. I “do! perfect. health, and wlzhout I donbt owe l: to your SARSAI’AHILLA." ‘ Ernfipolu—Gencrd Bombay—Purity the B lood. From Dr. ROM. Smrim quulfmn 89., Nag York: " Du. Allll. I seldom M 1 to rcmovc Eruption: md Scrqfuhnu Soy-u b; the pcmu cflnguuor your SAMAI‘AMLLA. Ind l are just now cun-dm nun-k o! .\luligmmt L'rgu‘mlu: with n. No alloratlvo \n posse" oqlula l e SAM 11* «1:11.14 vou hnrc lup pflcd w the profeuiuu u well u 80 the people." Prom J. E. Jnhutou. 517,. MIL-9mm: Okla. “ For "who years. X had :hclyellow éryli in! on my rlayht Inn. during which t me I trlet affine :61?“an physician: 1 could ruch. md took hun dreds of dolhn worth of medic-inn. The ulcer. were I 0 bad that the cord: became villblc. and the doctor- dodded that my arm mun be nmgutlteul. I bcgnn “king your SAMAPABILLA. Too lwo bob tln. and mm: of your PILLS. Together they have cured me. llm now u we“ and «mud In any body. Being in .1 public plum. my case 15 known to every $1 in this community, Ind cxuml the wonder of m ”on. Henry Monro, .\I. P. 11. of Nev-castle. 'C. "I, a leading number of the Canadian Purliu‘ 'uent. 1~l but used your SAM \PARH.T,A In ml funny. for “Mus-. 11 debi :13, and for pun/yin; t 2 brand, with var; beneficl rounlta. and fuel confidence m comm Eng h w the mm." Bt. Anthony'l Fire, Bose, 5m Rheum. Scsld Head, Sore Eye}. Mnflnfiqrfiiqi‘kf. lznq., ”unable {duo’- of (M 7MlLVlLVJl|€|§§Vbéfigégfxi;VPuiyilevajmt. “ ”pr only child, about 1hr“! yen" of ngc. w" nuckvd by pimples on his forchnd. Th?! rnpldly I'rud unnl they formed 1 loathsome am nmlcnt sure. which covered his face, and actunlly bllndcd his eyes tor wine dull. A nkllful physician npplu‘d nhntu or "Iver m other remedwu. without. an? apparent mm. For fifteen dayl we guarded h A hamll, last wlth them he Ihould tou- ogen the fen— urlng and corrupt ‘wnnnd whlch oovcn his whole the. lin-lug tried everynthlng else we hnd my me from, we begs: Flv ¥ your SAMM‘AuxLLA. Ipplylng ‘he iod de 0 pom-h lotion. no you dlmt. 'lhe son: began to had when we had fix-m the fin: bottle and w“ well when we bud nu shod the mud. The child’l cyclnhel, which had come out. grow nglln. Ind he 15 now In healthy nml rm ” u‘ly other. The whulu neighborhood predicwd "at u: child mm die.” ammu- um max-cum mung Fro- Dr. llimn Slant. of St. Louis, .lliunurl. “ l and your SARSAPABILLA l more efimnd remedy for ma secondary symptom: of Syphilig Ind for nyphllmc dilcuc : mu my other we pone“. The prolcssion ch indebted w you {or wine of the but Indie!!!“ “9 Mvc‘" M .4. J. Frmh, M D., an eminent {s' n of lawman Mun” who it u promirun mbcr of flu Legixlalungif .\lvumdmadu. “ Du. Arcs. y dear Sir: I have {band vour SARSAPARHJA In “cunt-m remedy for Sflum' both of the primary and lecondan/ tyre. In urn; nml In lomc cues that were too obs: mic :0 ylrld to fiber media. Ido not. know win: we can 41n loy wimvmoreeemlng or uneven, where u pom:- ¥Il Alarm“: in requlrL ." Mr. Chan; 3. Hm Lie? V 530 ermov‘ck, .\'. .r., had dreamt! ulcers on] I cgu. caused by this abuse of mercury. or mercurial data”, which grew morn and more Iggnutcd fir yum. in 3mm of every remedy or man that could be Ipp ‘d. um me running“. of Arm‘s SAMAPARILLA nlwvcd |n. Few can an ho found more fluctuate Ind dim-clung. than this. and i: took sewn! dozen bank: to dim him 132:1... mug, Female Wuhan, In prod Internal Sam I UL a n! In mom; and by mcjhtéwgurr em or an SAMAIMBILIA. Some cues min ham. In aid on!» SAmPAllu—A, a» mi Amie-tion or ball medial. M w wall-ham and 19"“de Dr. Jacob M q! Ola-M ‘I I ban was: your Mama In excellent malt!" In damn of rend”. In: an of IW, Linear-rhea, 1m 1114 am. clung hum an mm- W. have yk to mud there are few "In do m. 'be it. elk-ct II properly aided by‘locd m" 1 My. «Why to allow (Republication q/ka' um. true” " 1!! daughter and myself hava been cured of I very obflluting unearth“ of long standing, by hm home: of your swan-nun! Wm, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dyn pcpsu, Rom brine, Nemlm, Id) when caused 8m to n the gnu-In, an: n and by within: satin-nun. P y AYEB’S CATHARTIC PILLS poneu no my “vantages over the other purgsfive‘l in the lurket. and their mpcrior vimam no universally known, that we need not do not}! dun to assure the public their (111-3 U“ Wed equal to the hen it ever huboellJllh-huthey my be depended on to do .u that the; hue ever done. Pnpued by . C: AYER, M. D., b 00., love“. Mus" tad told by “'5O! 531% b: A. D. Bushlor, Getty-burg, and dealer! glnenny. Aug. 5, 180'}. early _ j FA}! Interesting History 0 . DR. SOHESCK'S OWN CASE, 'mu lAlolllO cub“ coxlultflu, ‘ Mime bio Pulmmc Syrup, Seas-mi Tonic, at ‘ ' Nandralu Iw. act on (In Syalul it During (Mu Dimm, and Me ‘ GREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING I'l' ! I I v {V‘ '92 I . Theabove is a correctlikeness ofDr.Schonck taken runny yrnrs ngn, alter he hm] recowred from Conrumptiou: by 11 course of uia “ScElNcK‘s l’cumxc Swu‘r." The likeness. Illhongh it does no! reprewni him rimming; like as bad as he “as at the \\ orst, yet it‘ is in strong _cnntmst wiih the halo and TIflOFOUE looks ofihe Portrait below, \\ hich IS the true likeness of him a: the present time. The con trast between these lwu porn-Rita is no great that many would not heiicm them to be the same person. Ye: iherc are hundreds of per lons,|n and around Phiindeiphiu, who will recognize hoth portraits to be true repteseum‘ lions. When the first was when he weighed lO'l pounds; in. the present tune his weight is ‘220 pounds. NEW YORK, Wednesdnv, )hrch 30, ’64 TO THE I’FHLH‘. . Thirty years ago I w .1: lu the 1151 dam: of Pulmonary (‘nn-umptiou, nml given up in die. I resided In Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph l'ur riqh, than of this city. only-red mr in More‘- mwn. S. J., a dishing-c ol nine Inilts,wl|ich took me No daysto get there. On m} urrivnl I was put to bed. «mi/there lnid [or many weeks. This ““5 my untive plncu; “here all my family lived and lmd died ul Consumption. Dr. Thornton, who attended my hither in his hit illness, was called, nml gan- mo one ilver-k to fix up in) nfl‘ulrs. He lmd seen nllfiny fam ily go ilmt wuv, nml llmugllt‘l mm 10 yo, mo, Then I heanl' of the rembdies I now tiller lo the public, which ciuml me. It crvmod to rm- Hm: I could (..‘.l llwlu lzcueuating my whole syslom. ' . They noon ripened the mntter on my lungs, and I would spit. ofl'more than a pint ofoll‘en alve yellow mutter every morning. As soon as that begin to subside, In) ctfinghfieurmnln, utgltt sweats—all begun to leave me, nml my appetite becnme so grent that it tons with dif ficulty I could keep irom eating too lmelt. l‘ soon {mined my strength and i htu’e bet-n grow ing in flesh ever since. For nmy tenrsl have enjoyed uninterrupted gotheultlt, keeping the liver and smmrrclt healthy with the Sea tvet-d Tonic nnd Mundruke Pills, as l run of n bilions temperament. My wetgltt is hit: Imu dred and twenty pounds. On my recovery. people would send tur me.~lur and near. to see if their cases-mm ltkt- mil-t- Fn'r pur pose l pny préfrssiunnl t'is t: in the ltrgmci ties. Tne eon=umpttws “uh to see the uue that makes these medicines, and .n'lto WIIS cured pfvonsnmptiou h_t them. To nntke new lungs, in intpoa~illle; but entities in the lungs and chronic ulcernttuns of the bronchial tulgea. can be henled. Such c uses are dying lmurly tinder the oydimtry lrt‘zlilul‘nt of physicians, and just such are cured by the proper use of achenck’s l’nlmonic S_\ rup, Seaweed Tank, and Mnndt‘uke Pills. l i not now is healthy mil”, with A large cavity iin the middle lobe of the right lung, the lower llobe very much hehntized and complete ud ihcsion of the pleura. The h-ft lung is sound, lend the upper lobe of the right lung is ill is .tolcruhly ht-nlthy condition. The grent ren- Elton _wlty phystcinns do not cure Consumption ,3 is they try to do too'n llt‘l]. the} give metli~ ; tines to stop the rough. to stop L‘hlll,_lo stop -nightsweltts, hectic ten-r, nml, by no doing, l they derange the whole digestit'n pow er, lock , ing \lp the secretions and eventtmlly the pn l.ttent sinks and dies. After i muke a careful 'exnmin'ttion ot the patient \kith the ltespirmrh leter, and find lungs enough left to cure, Idi lrect the pntient how to use the three remedies. ‘Remove the cause nnd they will all stop of their own Record. No one can be cured of iconeumption, liver romplniu, dyspepsia, ut 'tarrh, canker, ulterntcd throat, unless the liver nnd stomach are maple healthy. In New England this ennkcr, chronic cntnrrh, ulcer-nt ml thrmtt. elongation or uvnln, is more prev:- lrut than in any other section of the country. , This is frequently caused by :1 foul 5201 mm.— You mny burn it uut.with euustic time and 13in, and all they will get is temporary relief. rrect the stomach and liver, end they will heal up lht'michus, ~ Good nutrition is the remedy. If you have any disease in any part of the body, it will rentuin'there and decoy more nml moreuutil you can get the stomach in the touditton to digest food and make new tlood to take the piece of disetsed matter. This in the only way to henl cavities in the lungs and ulceruted hronch nl tubes. Conan the stomach and‘ liter, and nature will do the healing. )lany person-thine nn iden that certain medicines are gre ct purifiers ofthe blood. When blood in once diseased it cannot be purified; ll- io dis eused the some on the diseased mutter ingthe system; but get the apparatus in order, the liver and stomtu-h, and gun it plenty of nour ishing toorl It will make new blood, which Will tnlte the pldce oi that which in diseased. Schem k’s Pulmonic 3) rap is one of the best prepsntions or iron in use, it is a powerful tonic of itself, and when the Seaweed Tonic' dissolvel the mucus in the stornnch, and it in curried of! by the Aid of tbe' Mandrake Pills, the Pulmouie Syrup is made into blood. This is the only way to curd consumption. If I cannot get 1 good appetite, and food does not digest, I cannot cure the patient. Never mind the cough ; remove the com and it will stop of itself. This is the mosttronhle [have with my pntientl at my rooms. They any, “Doc tor, I feel stronger; lan on ; my nlzhuwuu are better, and um better every troy; but my cough in no but you" And they are Astou lshed to hear me any that. does not nutter resume the "use And the cough will stop of itself. Schuuek’s Seaweed creates a good np petita in about nine days, when there is no lung die-cue, unless the liver is so congested thnt the Mandrake Pills unnot nnlotk the ducts of the gall bladder in thnt short spec: of time, in order to allow the stale bile to pass 01!. 'Keep the liver and stomnoh healthy and therein less dnnge; of consumption or any other disease. It. is hard to take coldtwheu those cmnl arrhulthy. Those that are bin,- oul, low spirited, dreary-,fee‘ling stupid, canted tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full 01 Wind, everything thnt is eaten lien heuy, lon’ot memory, try one bottle ot SCHENCK'S ‘ SEAWEED TONlGnnd one box ofSCHEXCK‘S MANDRAKE PILLS. It is only 5 gap of one doll»: end twentyvflve cents, I‘rith lull direc tionl. Tile in ntficieut, in may met, to ututy whet the medicines no. Frequently one bottle nukes o grout. change in the eye'- ten: 'Any person tint enjoys anti”)? habit, by "in: the Seaweed Tonic nod when Put. oemiooally, must get the digestive organ in such I hubby condition thu. they become . ' "($1321 : a. 3 ~ “ML. 1 WM! whey-it 91.. 014 connudiplirex out! (WWW weighing and; m yen-lb 1‘! “It " by relating three cum 1 hr! rude in mi \orit, nod which on I“ Glen-t. “MI? any one who leek any intend]: the flue! to vial: them. Fine in In. Parlor, vending then It No. 107 Honeton street. Dir huh.“ called upon me It my rant, fl flood mom and trinhed me to call and on her. He laid i could do no good; th-t he had ltnd oil the but medical attendance, and all aid the rut too for zone with Consumption to‘ lin-cored? but oh. hed hard of name great chm l had‘ made, and he delired to grout] her visitor.— lulled, not! found her lying confined ”her bed in the Int emu of bronchi-l com? tion, nnd without doubt molt have died not. i examined her lungs, found both bronnhlfli when very much nfl'neted, but no cuitlu had formed, her cough rm very leVore. the spit hox on half full of thick pus. Pull. Md}: leg! nwullen very much : and worse then ell the had chronic dinrrhuas. Her bowel! hurl been mowed eleven times that day. I told her ihntahe h: lungs enough to be cured, it“ ‘ that this d rrhma he'd been of long Itfldil‘.‘ t and her stomach wnain such nn ulcerated con t diiion l'hot l Will afraid nothing could he done. } She insisted i should try and do what i call!“ ‘ for her, observing tlmt‘ahe could on lost long in the condition the was in, had I could not muke her any worse. I gave her first A dose of mv llnndrnltn Pills, and the Tonic and Syrup freely. That was on Tuesduy, end By the out Sunday the diurrhmn was curried 0!, her nppetite had returned and she could sit up in bed and out her dinner. She is now well, nod gave me u. long certificate, certified to by the Rev. Dr. bowling. Mrs Bartholomew, 83 West Forty-filth Itreet. came to my rooms with n ‘.umor on hor'ilver. She was low-spirited, skin sullow, tongue cont ed, bowels cmtire, no appetite, and font link ing into the grnrc. The unit] tumor had been ‘ running over fourteen years. i gun her Strup, Tonic nnd Plii‘. and told her to tnkl lhcmjunt an the dirwtiun; were printed. She cnme ‘unck to my rooms, 3'! Bond Itreot,in two week', somewhat better; her tongue bndine gun to clean a little around the edge: her “(in whiter and hl‘l’ eyes brighter, and the tumor dischargin rery ofi'en-ive matter, much . faster thnn it lintrew-r done hehre. She kept: grndunfiy improving. and in nbout two months lhe cmne to my rooms wry nnchllrightened', nnyiiig that the tumor bud nonriy Hopped run. ning, and won hrn‘ling up, nn'l thnt every doc tor hud told her that Ifit crer healed it would. cituse her dt-nth. I told her thnt the diner". hid nlllel‘t ilL‘i' system, nnd nature would heal the ulcer up. They nre now heuled,und huro been for nbout it your, nnd she in u hearty nml roburt n wom In nu you will find in n «info wulk. She is glnti for any one to cnll on her, nnri tnlxvs grrnt Imin! tontit nny one that shr heirs hits anything: like her case. And trlcn to go: thum i" come and are me. The next clue is .\list Scofit-ltl, trots Shem ford, Conn. )lrn. lhirtholomew got. her down. to see mr, and she has been trer nince tit hen house. “'an she first cntne to my roume,she \\‘.|s uinch enunciated with n ditlressingcongh. Fpillillg inn-c quantities of blood. lexumlned llL'l‘ lung: with the restiirometvr, send in all my prncaite liner found one nith one lung su lnr your and tile other lung 50 bound. i could not. git l: .‘Jl‘w’fl cneotnugcnitu. i thought .uhn \\Uuiri lilt‘: but In my n-luuisliment the Pa'- mo'u‘t- S) mp, Su-wuevi Tonic, nml \iuttdrnho Pills all st-cuicd to go right tn Work. the lung i: nil inhiie-l uw-r, luring A unit} its huge no ugoon- tag; good nm-t'titt‘, line apiritr.ulul lllh yniilrd somv thirty the pounds in weight. She has some cough yet, “hit-h i do not think will lcmc her hrfote June. I should think It would he of are.“ intern-Illa some unpr-judlcyf [til'l'rit'ldll to \ifl't tilt-«L- cm", purliculnrb Niki Srufiold, or nn) lit lill‘lll who hate been cure \ by my lllt‘liit'lnl". ’l‘hvy mo numn-rum in .\hv York; but the minus tl.rtu nll tillrl‘l' irom oath other; and it' nn‘ lnC'iit Inc; are doing Willi. [ represent they “‘9, thé‘y nhould have the credit nnl thtl nfllivtod know where and how they may he run-d. ~ J. 11. Sl'llHM‘K, .\l. D. Dr. J. 11. Scln-ork ('.tll he luuml‘ut hlh prin cipal tillit't‘, .\'u‘. 39 North Gill Strum. l'hiindel phtn, every Shinnli‘y, train 9 A. ,M; until 5 l’. .\l., to glue ntlt‘iro, from of clttrge; but tor A thorough exumiuntion he charger three dol lnrn. Price of the l’ulmo'nic Syrup nnd Sen. tweed Tonic t'llt’il SLZL per bottle, or St} the half dozen. .\rztndriho l‘ills .‘5 ten-r per box, lull urn lur unit: by nll llruggiste mid Dcniure. June s‘, 1864 Dissolution F PARTXI'DIISIIIP.-—The (fo-pnrtnrrslfip O emsliuz lump-v 0" the nu )firriherl. lulu bt-en didmlvml [hi4 duy by muluni CUHH'IIL— Wr ymurn lhmlino on: niendsund the puhlic for the lulu-ml mpporl “landed to M. Our .lmokd will In: lull. m lIIC Slurr; nml ue I'"an ly lawn-<1 _llmse indl-bml In us so dull and nmln- nmluellium pnimcul. as we are denim” m Ictlle our busiucu without. delay, A|.I~2.\'.\.\‘!‘HIC(IOBEAN, JOHN CL‘LP: - A Card. HE Ruh‘crlbc-r Inning dispo-ed dbl; in lelffil in 113(- Slurc of Cube In I l'ulp I? John .\'. Crnwl'nrrl, E «4.. rrspecuully ask: lhe cuminunnre uf his friends mu] rusmnien u pnlruniZe his succefiur—ihere Burglcim may be h M. , JUIIN CULI'. Jgn. 30, um Feb. 8, 1864. . , Another Change ‘ N THE ".\T AND 8110?? lll'leX-ISS.—A. I Cancun hum: nuncinlcd will: him in bu~inrss John S. (,‘mnlurd, who purclnmdg, the inn-rest of John ("nlp. rospvclhllly nn~ noum-L-s to due Slim-us ol Gullyshurg and lb. public gemmlly. llmt glue bu‘ineu will be con xinm-d at the Old Stand on Chunbcnbutg struet. by A. COBBAN & 00., “ho will con stantly kfl'p on hand A lurgu’ Itock of Cumin, in the line of , slums, HATS, (‘.U'S, TRUNKS, ' (.‘.\l:l'!-ITB.’.GS, UMBRELLAS. 1:0. and Ibey In“ also continue thglnnufuture 0! Shoes. - From thtlr ling exporlrncz in all ‘tbe nbora branches, Ibrj' flmter lhrniac-lre: that the] can please the public, and will nnll clump for uni“ A. COB“. AN, * J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing business nndeftbe name nld fir 0| A. Column k 001 [Pet 8, [‘3l. Esné'iafifihed 1850." 01101: O!“ REMOVAL. 5 ‘ N LAWRENCE D. DIETZ Q 00., respectfully beg leave to notify their fiicndu, cuslomers and the public g9nerully, that they have removed fr9n§ No. 151 Franklin mum, to the cummodio u tour-story Warehouse, .\'o. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, . between Howard and Libertyrwhen they will for the future conduct. “.0 Wholesale Bali. near, suiely in Hosiery. Trimmingu, ' . Furnishing Goods. ‘ Perfumery, Notion, Stationery, Unilery, Toy-y te.,’ cc. to which they invite the nueption- of. lin Ind conmry purchasers, feeling confidut of their nhility lo offer inducement! in: price: on! quality of Goods. Orders by mail win to in prom I Inu tion. Address ~ 9e 1) ‘ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ i 00., :08 3:113:10" street, Eskimo" {lnch M, 1884. Potable Printmg 080 cc. 1 R the. no or Mex-chum, Drug », and all Dunne» A ' ud profession! not who wish u “their on printing, and; Ind cbetply. Ah). \ ted to flu printing 0! « . . hindbilh; Mllhndu, circulars, hbels, card. andrl'mll lOWlplperl. Full instructions accompanying _uch oflicc en abling I boy ten years old to mark mun Inc. ceasinlly. Cir-Zulu”a as? frfc. Spec]..- sheets of Ty a ‘nu, 0., con 3. . Addreu p ’ ADAMS’ PRESS co., 3! Park Row, N. Y., and 35 Lincoln "not, Wins. - » hunt, 25. 186}. 1: 5 . ‘ Album! ’ . r I: BUM S H -- ‘ - "' - v IALBO X 8 ! l m mohd a Inn and beautiful nu gent of Photognghiu “but. which we ol’ below cit: punch. ‘ TYSOH “amassii Doc. 14, 1933. * ‘ if ”' mmrifiafin ..a—Abpns-nm 0 mm»; “maximum. » =I IMP NM =r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers