The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, December 12, 1864, Image 2

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MOXDAY momma, ‘DEC. 12. 1864
The second (short) sension of the 38111
Congress commenced at Waghington on
Mondriy. A quorum was present. in both
Houses, and After some preliminary pro.
ceedinga a. joint committee was appointed
to wait upon the President to inform him
olthe readiness’bf Congress to receive any
communication ~he might have to make.
In the Senate a bl” was introduced
authorizing the purchase or comlmclion of
revenue cutters for the Xuket. . A
' In the Home a resolution mu adopted
instructing the committee on ways and
mum! to report uhlll unending the con
atitutign no.“ to repeal the clause which
declares that no in: or duly almll be laid
on articles- exported from any’ State. A
resolulion mu also adopted'fiy yous 53,
nnya 51. that in future revenue bills a pro
vision be made to tax domestic liquor: on
hand. A resolution looking to a reduction
of the tariff, in oxdor to reduce the prices
of (he mace-swims of life, was laid on the
table. '
The annual message of the Prouidenlwna
received in holhllouses rm Tue§mllay at nno
o’clock P. M , tagether win: theft-port; of
tho Secretmies o! the Treasury. Nu'vy and
lnmrior. The usual number of cnpiel of
mu President's megs-go were ordered to be
printed. d '
In the Sam“ no husinéss of intend win
‘runsncted, nml 3“an brief éxecutive 09‘»
tion I: “dime-" Ht. ,
In’ ”:0 House a hm was inlrnfiurod and
”ft-He‘d to mount lrnnlucliom in 36111 or
mlvt-r coin m fiullion fdr more than the ox
pro-rm»! nlué, or the 3113 of lawful-money
of lhe United alum;- fol,“ 1335 than the xpeci
fiml mine. Another bill was introduced
nml aim referred, to 'muenvl due internal
u-rvnue 12min relulifm to fine tax on cigar-LA
In the Sen-Ln, on? Thursday. Mr. Duis
gave nmice or) resolution for "the rumm
unx. of [mu-:- and the Union." _
In ”IP'HUIHI‘, (he comguilteo on military
affair: mu inqmcged (a in‘quire into the
a-xpmjcncy of no amending the nlt‘ur.x|izr.-
tion hurt that: person? who have left {he
mucky Luis-ape the I raft, or have desert
rd uiters'uzdufm‘l, shall be rI-q'lirnl tn
g-«xr o-‘mn'tgfi (he gum‘vVu-rm of probuliull,
Aux. n 5 [wwvrim-l fnr “Tent.
seffl'c mam, {'mgdém Lincoln’s An
nual Homage (a-dny. ll those who voted
{Hr his awn-Minn (l‘ul Hg for IIIG'PUI'IDOIE of
prolmcfing llw war iulrfiuiltly. they will
[la-revive by his massage tlml luv propane; [_o
run}! out lhvirrivua. ’ 'l‘llc’ll'trld aaysofit:
Such a (lat-mun“. "dials an were far
,unrlirul u:cmmw-’nt. ll ix hound. ii. ll
h idle (u Etg‘vnfuzu n'lmt nnlmnlv will rvmem
l-o-r; nml lin fur carlHm-n'lnllun. even he
unpuhhmn mg Am will be u a 14st here
In bunny in. Air. L-ncoln lmluhz I. an
lo n- M w-ucr; he has nnllnnu nml-e- origi
nal to any on'mis inhresting snide/cl (ban
to reiterate wd'exynud his .\'mgun mani
hslo. , l
gig-Hon. Kiwartl' Bate-2, Aflornny Gen
t-rnl of the Unit“! Sum-s, under President
Lincoln, hug resigned his positiori, to take
efiéct flum'. January Ist. 1865. “in ad
m’md ago. nml physical inability to dis’.
charge the urdunus dufiea ofthe oflixe. are
pin-n us the rmmm for yhe rmßgnation.
Hon. Jnmes Speed, of Kentucky, has been
uppuinted Lyme President to fit! the va
cancy. - k ‘
V-W‘Ex Secretary Chase hm been appoint
gd (Inief Jumee of the. Supreme Court of
the Uniled Smtcs, uce cum Ju‘lice Talley,
WM aiangneml John L'McCleg-nnnd,
Brig. Gen. E. A. P.|ine, and Brig. Gen. Neal
D 3)", hnve resigned tbeilitothiSlions in
she army. ‘ ' ’
WSocretm-y Stanton, it iq reported. will
recommend to Congreu an nmondment to
‘he enrolling act, so that drafted men cm
not have such facilities {or escape.
[5-We direct attention to the Prospectus
of the New York World for 1865. in our ind
vertising columns. ‘ln everything that goes
to make up a first class journal, the World
,is not excelled‘ in this counuy.
WPrinting paper is still going up, and
as a consequence publishers are! raising“
their prices. The Chamberuburg papers,
pfler the first of Junuury.'will be published
pt 32 50 per unnum in wivance.
Darth of a Catholw Clergyman.-.—The Rev.
Xudrew Bohn, for man years pastor offthe
Church Of the Immaculate Conception, in
Wiliiamsburg. N. Y., died on Monday
week, aged forty-live years. \He was a
graduate of Mount St. Mary’s College, Em
mitsburg, Mi, an institution which num
bers on the Alumni roll many of the first
Cnlho'iin ecclesiastia ih this country,
pmong whom sure the lat. Archbishop
Hugha andflhe Most Reverned |John Mo
.Cloeke‘y, the present Archbishop of New
1' ork.
Escaped.—on Sunday night hut six pris
oners escaped'froxn the Huger-swim Jail.—
Among the number was Parka: Cramer,
recently convicted of manslaughter, for the
killing of 1:. mm nnmad Wright. ‘
. I!kd.—Deputy Provost Marsha! James
Jr; of Harrisburg. was killed at. Scran
"ton on Friday week, while attempting to
arrest some deem-tars. His remains were
uken home to Harriahurg.
fiOne of Edtard Everett's sob: wishes
to hp secretary of use legution ”London,
or gythqg 9155 i” the diplomatic line. A
son _ . the distinguished orator i 8 1; the
helm!“ ”31:0 ordnanpe bureau of the Navy
Dagftfg'ehh, qia g‘nephew is consul-gen
emot‘fiypw ‘
bm'ddmsflnited Sum-[Senator in
, Sontag“; of Vermont. the In born
in I’9B, and my youngest is Banjmfln Hath
unis, ofoxcgon, wko $73: barn in {8:57.
A Lml7“mom§ Shin."—
t The Officeholder." hue a std deal to
'l3, .boet tlfa Democratic partl: being
“wiped out" in thd late elections, ,mu
‘ have bonded that there mm} a "porpo
? r-l’t guard " at the supporter: sweetener).
But the oflc'ul returns. when collectod, will 4
; admonish these croukers to haw-roof future?
elections. We think thlt HeClellnn 11'!
received I. larger vote, by nearly mm mil-f
lion, than any other defeated éa‘ndidntof
that ho hsd‘ more votes than any success»;
ful candidate in former elections, with onei
exception ; and that the Democratic vote'
was larger last month than that cast by;
them on any former occuion, in the same}
States, lay many thousands. ‘
How ldle'then for enemies of the .party‘
to cyoal: about the Democratic party being
“dead and buried”—u if over a million‘.
and n. halfot Freemen could be annihilated. C
We never despair ofthe Republic; the
Democratic party will live while there is
left a vc-stige of Constitutional lillerty, and
will struggle, tinder any and all circum
stances, for the restoration of the authority
of the Constitution over the Union of the
States. Such was our battle-cry; for that.
We shall still labor, lift'fbe hopeful day be
deferred even 'e “in: “ tour years more.”
—1 Mantras: Daubcraf.
TheJuniata True Dn'mocrat says we pub
lish this week a. letter from Company B.
202 d Pa. Vol. It will be seen by it that
there Wore 05 votes cast for President, and
'that 39 did really vote for M’Clellau, 35 of
whom come out ovetr their own sig 1
and :tgte that they are willing to be quali
lfied that they voted the M'Clelhm nml
Pendloton Elecfilml ticket. This would
giv'a Lincoln 26 ’voles in the companyuand
innke a. m-ijorit‘f of 13 for M’C‘iellnn. Now,
by the Vote ret rned lrom this company to
the -Prothonotnry’s office, it. appeals that
only 58 votes were polled, Lincoln receiv
ing 34 :xriqu'Cléllan 24—mukingu majori
ty of 10 {lol‘ Littcoln. How is this? We
declare we need some light on the matter.
The}. there was chenting'ln the army vote:
we believa'd, but we never imagined for u
mpment that it would he carried 9“ to
such an extbnt as thin. The election is a.
pcrlect fiu-ce. r, '
[G‘Congrens met. last Monday. At no
perfml in lhe history‘of the country, snys
the Apt. was lire duty of firmness morvc
imperative upon the ropresenbntiies ol the
[humor-mic pnrly than at present. The
Administration forces are well drilled,
flmhed with victory, and eager for new
conquests. They have Only barely sue.
carded in defeuring the Demogrucy; for
notwithstanding the large majorily of elec
tuml voles (hat'mll be out for Mr. plural“;
it is [10“! apparent lhnt,nolwllhs(mding
all the Admixxislnliohyfrauda. less than fif
{s' thousand ballots might have been no
clislribgte}! 32-10 have given a. mnjg‘rizy or
the vlvcldral college (I; Geneml Mcfilellnn.
'l‘he Dvnwcrutic party in Congre‘ks will
'rvprosent thig minority—an army of more
than Ir million nml n hulf of freemeh !
Though subnxissionfio the will of tile map
daily. in line choice ofa ruler, was firbmptn
fly yielded, the Democnicy have rights and
I principles which they‘wiil never abandon;
[but will continue to cherish aslong as “my
‘; have a country. They. look to their repre
!‘evntntivcs to oppoqe with all Ilqcir abiiily‘
i'cvmy when” of wrong. oppremion; nml
l . : . .
’ianvusnnn of the Constitution that may be
gmesonled lny'ifnmpun‘. Abolitionists. ley
I*th ever] Democratic Sengtor and Re
lprmemative 10 stand firm and unyielding
‘l‘in the rank}; md snow {ha}. d‘evotiou to the
cause of constitutional freedcm which 'ima
inmrked the course of theDemocmtic par
‘ty in days gone by. 'l‘hvy ask ‘nothin'g
! mord. nncl they kill bo m'isfied will; noth
ing less. \\ ,
‘ [G'We have heretofore stated‘fliat (gen.
A. l[. Cufi‘roth holds the certified of elves
tion to the next. Congrem l'rom tho\§e}urn
Judges of this district. If however\ thg
Governor acts on the opinion of his‘ At
tolnry General in the matter of the Jud -
3'), and assumes to count the illegal mi
itnry vote of Bvdlord county, he will declare
the election of Gen. Koontz, whose majori
ty in this district, including that illegal vote, is
seventy-tour votes. These fellows have
now all things in their own hands and will
dons they please in the matter. We have
arrived”. such a pass in our elections, that
to our Shoddy friends, an illegal vote is as
good as n‘ legal one. if it will serve their
purposes. Holdng elections in (here, lut
tor days, is simply the’"exhibibion of so
many forces; all laws to preaerve the purity
ol'the ballot-box and prevent. the polling
and counting of illegal roles being disre
garded and set at. nought.—— Chamb. bpin‘l.
fi'The Bedford Enquirer takes excepl
lion ton Thunksgwing sermon preached by
Rev. Mr. Buick, in thePresbyLerinn phat-ch,
of that place, by saying: '
“The proclamation was not read, as is
usual elsewhere on such occasions. and its
letter and spirit. entirely disregarded, and
a sermon was preached suited only to a mi
tion of the vilestsinnera on a day of humil
iation and prayer.” ~
Would the Enquirer pretend lo say that
this is a nation of saints, to whom humility
and penitence are supererogation 2—Palriot
(9 Union. _ l
Rev. Mr. Essick, pastor of the Ev. Luth.
Church, of this place, delivered the thanks
giving serrfion, in ‘be Presbyterian church.
His discourse is spoken of as having been a
very able one.—B¢d/nrd Gazelle.
x The Slab Guard—The furlough: of the
five thousand State Guards to be fur-laughed
from sefliee in the United State: armies.
if drafted, will not expire until their service
in the State Guard mall have expired.—
The remainder of the time for which they
may be drafted, after deducting tbe'time
of furlough, will bein the National service.
These Herving one year anhre then draft
el by the United States will be credited for
their geryicee in the State, and the year
deducted; Ou ‘subsequent calls the State
will thus receive credit for every volunteer
drafted from the State Guard.
na'Gov. Parker, of New Jersey. aays;...
“After much reflection. I hope uninflueuc
ed by passion; or prejudice, I lure come to
the concldsion that. the policy of the present
Fodeml'Adminisu-utign can never tenure
the Union." ' I V v
”(The famous burn o! the Shakers in
Hancoqk. Hunchuseus, was burned on
Thursday mag-31:113. , It, w’u one of the most
cpmplete agriculqfid strugmres iu the
wuulry. ‘
; 7.» ' a?“ w.“ ‘ : 13L.
Johan & Goqnfy.
I BNOW.-—Wimer in upon u: in cane"..—
Snow fell here to the depth of hourly I {out on
“Friday night, ulfiurding good lleigbing.
‘ day Isn't, ML {Mn-id. Melliuxm. who has vhnrge
of the colored School in this place, undertook
to con-cc: one of his pupi's, named Solomon
Devan, a ha} of about 17 or 18 years of age.—
Mr. McMiHm nppronched young Devan wi‘h n
rod, when we Inner drew from his poekel I re
volver“ and fired five shot: It the leacher,
neither of which, we are happy In mu, took
effect. Devan hm; been committed tp Jail. :0 ‘
await such punishment n his bondnctdeaerm}.
Aboli'ionism is costing mare thnn it 'in
come to. . ‘
EXCHANGED.—We we picked to learn
that Ell-WE" Wilde, son of 3:. Joseph Wiblc.
ofthis place, who has been a prisoner in tie
band: of lhe rebell for a long time, has been
exchanged and reached Anuspohl, Md , n few
days Igo. He was: member ofClpl. Hunter’-
company, Cole's cuvslry, and we; confined at
Mxllen, GA , n! the tune of hi: release.
\\‘iJinm Sweeny, lon of Mr. David Sweeny,
of this place, has also been exchanged, end is
bowel Annapolis. He is a member of company
B, 138th Pa. regiment, and WM captured in
the battle of the Wilderness. At. the time _of
his release he was at. Florence, South Cnrolinn.
He writes that more or our boys will soon fol
George Schrirer, who mu taken prisoner n
me name lime with llr. Wible, died whim in
the handmonhe rebels. 1..
'nm'r nmwyox.—meau a Foon's
Gun 1' Hymn Exmmox in Announced fur
Shends t Buehler's Us", Gettysburg, on
Wednesday and Thursdny next—in thoevauing
of the first. day and the flux-noon Ind evening
of the steam! day. It is very higlfly spoken
of,nnd is everywhere dnwing crowded housu.
E\'e"_Vdej goal. An Indian: exchange any:
0! ix:
Everything herelofove exhibited in the way
oflillle people il Ih‘rewn entirely into [he
shudaby these wonderful curiosities. Com.
Fume being a thdrough scholar. Ind M n'
Conn-dim, Artur. Orntur and Duncer. he nus
no cqun]; while his elfiu sister is very inlolli
gen! Muhrefined in her convernlion And dc
portmenc ; sin-gs nnd.dnn‘ces. The ymnclem)‘
m the palm am these little wonders have ur
quired under the kind inslrucnonof one tithe
most mlentml marsiriws in Amcricu, .\liu M.
(‘. Ellmger. is truly surpridng.
The Ummumlnre find ‘his Sister will he as
hirsed by Nn- justly filth-Mod l’mnint and \'o
cniist, Miss L'l'ingeg' sCyl. Small, flu: Female
Clmrnch-r Damn-r; mrTold fricnds, the Con
tinental Vocalists. Frdnklin and Smith,nnd
l’ruf. G. 11. Brooks, (he lllind Pinnixt and
\iiulinlst. Thesr constituu a combination
which for eun‘an‘ly and tulmlgunnm ire excelled.
} ‘
Tf’g-sfii-zmigxnus PATARRB sxrvm
‘ “1212:: article I‘LL???“ "Km.“ “5"” 'lO b'
Cam in the Head and "got-"mill” “"‘""h'
; fsnund‘ an excellent- remt: ‘yl-“ihe. It h“ been
“Soil-o lap-g. Denfueu has inn: :2“! “”5 9‘
, nl- Hennng has often bl- moyed by u'
thy us use. ‘en glenlly Improved
It '. f: a -‘ - -
“Managing and! flflrnlenhlc. and mun m.
1”." -l:sr-ns:-a or lln- I:2de he“! Pflins cause-1
lusiuL' it are dl'uuhlfgl ‘n Tl“: W'nufimls am».-
‘OPP'ISHIIdeuI-guzm “1’! 'ml m‘vngornting. n
em thr gland: n ) A. .0 """‘homvfirenfl'b
fthc finzts anvil“? gncs a healthy action m
Mme tlmn TI“. ' v ' ' I
1‘ Dr. Al.zrah.\ll'gn({z.3.:;l: do! EMF and use "f
V 1:1!“ proved m- ;m-m. ”11:30:13???” smm!”
WW2 copy lh‘ , ”‘““Scs of the h m commun
(Hollow -. fi : - "‘d' ”d t ' r
m; Chumymfibum kin", ..Ihg arlulcn fr‘om the i “1:11: lrzérzan-r than ever hrknea. ’”lus “’J-Hnent
- FATALUrwxnxscx.—-0n Samrdn n’ h ' l‘fiviann. ..SATxrvfqulbifim ofthe begun"-
it'-1‘31: owlockm sold‘xrr was nhol‘niuliiicxzjl 1 “l‘lilfififix‘r “(the‘ngm‘ great success and
1: in‘nn. n . ‘ ' -|‘ e ."lifi - ' >
of the xown s3l2??prle “SR-tn portion "m“ i“ ‘8'“: 1 11% ‘lflzir'gi‘fillll: in?“ ' Drug
: 12 u lowing cin- '""'" V ’”'S boon ‘ ‘ 'i ' mung ior
car; A number oftold' ‘ ““”‘-‘““me r . a Mqlhnmtad mu. “Dr M 7
.A > ~ms were in . ~- ‘ ““”'" Md Maud-4n Sl' "'
film n Lieutenant nuuclu-d to [he 2e lfuuse v IVE-nml Ol'f',“‘s“‘=-*'" so“
"'“‘F')’. stationed at this 1 'W 'Y H.mme u m L“ “‘““‘" in Her; 1:9. Rim“:
demand“ m . P 3": entered “u u‘rccommendntinns gin-n uf T! ape”, 19/
illlmedintel'a due then; passes. Three orthem i": hungrhtnl Afl'ectiunn, nml “mini: 3:“ d‘
ecampe by a. back doo { ‘lc WP. "rude we ‘"“‘e e\ 1e I
Mi bl {hf Officer 'wbo called to (Berni-'1 QHnw- I (ORMWH “Lions“ of the ”and." know“ f r all
two ofthn men retan 5 ° h-‘h; '"" a ['"’-’v ”"5”!“ R? d
On his w" “"14"“ the olhe! kept ' “““’"; “WW". anzun’k ‘e ’ All“ a 00.,
Tryhen the Lieutcnnmfi d ("Hulk C°‘ B " ‘ (0., Do on; R-ed
shots 1:: himf re ”""‘“ ‘ “"1 " Mlou’ mm “Fcl Bo '
ptnct; t d - 2mm ‘ “Velvet, one al‘which‘pdl mn‘ Fflmmnk & 0°“ “0;! rit :0";
.. ebu had)‘, passed throughb 1h #3.! "PM & (0.. 803 w": H‘ ")4“, PM“ M“
and lodged in h: um . . ° '““!“ ..“ ”“"’" * Park New V ky' ommj’
f 9!" mining; ’ “Winn: [us death in 1'! ' :‘hnf'lxew ‘“"-k: Stycl'hen 3:” ”..‘-Ur?- t“ D.
. ‘ ur ; ‘““‘] .\“mr E. M _ I 1A at
Amman Run“ Snap—Thu um-e . 590 & ltubhin‘a. .\'an YE)? A“: ‘Prki ”CK”-
captured on the Cu berlnnd V H men I ‘“‘" York; M- Ward ‘o’ - 's‘“ hcaynll $200.,
the 12th ML, suppose to be r : 19y can 0 “High 5‘ (me, New Y, I R 00.7 MW Y 0“;
_ eeg's P‘orsleb :
now on tx- . . P" "0 . " 3"" D '
Hatrisbu ml bffolte a “4““! 00mmissio’n 1‘“ how. 14, 1864. ’“‘s‘s- Try 1:.
133 m Tlrg. Their names 'g appears are Wil- . «...-.._._
denc: “gunman: Ind Fieldi . The mai,n “i I A ClergtnS/‘RD TO INVM'IDQ
ms: tcmis n, \ ‘‘~ .' .“a whileresid‘ '‘“
beyond dispnte rebel :dfflcq. [but they are: * If,“ as “ "“s;l°nnry', discon‘lt‘egl‘: in??? ‘dkm'eh
'comrudict ' -so '"” ‘fid their mnnv V :59 "me“ for the Cure nr Non- \’ n mm
"W Gunmen”. The! n ' ‘."r‘y ”(0303 Disease f h _onl ‘enkness,
Ln: they were dean-tern from th 0‘; ““080 i Inul Utgnns and “108‘th ctvnmry and sew.
. Cre ’ v ‘e m. '
an Intended delivering thcmnch'u l:lg»;:,' 53:51:32" 11:“pr ”d “:0“? $3339“
V I n \ ' I ‘ r ' ..
;Z?‘ {Tenn} and taking the oath of nlkgience knob}: n-medi i é‘:oer:;:e‘:ial‘:readg mm} by um
:51 to say the lean of in 's‘ the nmiuea y & esire m beue'
. . . . d unfurl "
”10v adeed Ha ' very douhrm)’ 1'86! ef. “I Husk-,1 Willsend [h
, gerstown, Chumbersbur "p or pnpnnng and “Sin . ‘ e
. . , _ 2 this m
Eurhséekkgnher of which place: the, gems: lrn“:‘s::“gfl.:§:°ph to any one who “9&3“;
ate a L ’onth .dmmiste [’l Pl ' I y
‘ . red. / - ensemclosen ,
/ Ito ”um“. Add:::?Ped cnve‘ope, addressed
Station D giltfiAN'
. e House,
New York Guy.
110 I FOR _THE." HOLIDAYSI—Qur emer
prising friend, ,E. 11. lianigh, is preparing for
the Holidays. His slbnnlru'ly presents 9. gay
nppcamnce. ’ Without taking time :cflmumer-
Me the arxiclvs, he desires {la la “1],”!8! never
before has he been able to present to the pub
lic such a golnpleto assortment of Toys, Toy
Books, Confections, and Fnihcy Adidas, which
now already grace his nhelvu. suitrlfbie for
“Mill; prcwnts. _Hc arse [ms the bestJnrumls
of Cigars and TubaulCD. his well worth a visit
to his slow. The sooner you 4:41! the bane r.
Dec. 5. Ijl .
nay-Tin cumberaburggqmzmyétmdnes
day says: “ /
An order bu‘Bun filmed Ky. the War De
partment chu‘nging the unit: of the Depart
ment 0! [be Susquehanny’to me Depnrtment
of Pennsylvaniu, and Major Gen. Cudvnlnderi
is assigned as commander, with head-quarter“
in Philadelphia. The Janina. Dimcg has‘»
been enlarged to embrace all the border,
counties, and Brig. Gen. Ferry'remined u!
commander, with headquarters changed from]
Bedford 10 Chambergburg. Gen. Ferry Ind‘
Mnfi' arrived here yesterday.
HOW TO SAVE 50 CENTS.—-We are still
engaged in sending out bills to those in arrears
for tlie'Co‘m-lun, and hope they will meet‘
with prompt payment. We are compelled £9 3
pay very high prices, u: can, for p’lper, ink,
and all other maleriah, as Well as for all arti‘.
cles of living, and can only “make both ends
meet" by getting the cash fro. our customers.
This has become the rule of business in almost
every branchfnnd “country printers " are left
no other course than to adopt it also. The
eternness of the necessity will be admitted by
all reflecting men,
Our terms for the COIPEIR en $2 if pnld
in advance, and $2 50 if not paid in advance.
These rates the enormonaprlee o! overylhlng
need in our business requires aurict adherence
to in all cues. Those who have heretoloro
paid at the end 01 the year will make fifty
cents per nunm bi’chlnging the time of pay
mcnt—to the beginning instead of the end of
the year. Sfrely, few. it Any, hill beincon
veniencod by adopting this course, and as it
will secure A saving of a considerable per
centage, no doubt many will at once do so.—
I} is worth attending to.
. fi‘Personn sending us money by mail.-
ll l do go in IIOIST‘BIn Linens. If no
u t will be em: to reach us.
@1119: Bank of Getty-burg has be”;
cha‘nged into n Nuional Association, for xhe
purpose of bunking nudgr the Inn of the
United States, and will banner transact b'nsi
nesa rs “Thu th‘ysburg Nuionnl Bank."-
There has been no change in its organizahon.
fiWatches, Jewelry, em. Nimble for'
Holiday Pxesenta, advertised in thin issue by
I. K. Simmer, No. H 3 North Second Street,
I‘hfiadelphja. Gin bin: 3 can.
scaoox. tantrums—n..: amino
School! will clone on Thursday,the 15th, pro
ceded by the Inn! Enminuionl, I: follows :
Tur-ldly morning, Dec. 13, Min Wchy and
Miss Gilbert.
Tau-day nflcrnoon, Dec. 13, Min Sfope and
liisi Witherow.
Wednrsdny morning. Dec. 14, “in: Myers.
Yuinfsday nflcmoog, mil-..‘”, ms: Be!ch
Thursday 'm‘oruin'. Dir is, IljfchCk-n
Tnursdny urn-moon, Dec. 15, Hr. Lym-
I: is the duire affix: lean-he}: Ind directors
to bare, not ogly the parents. but the friends
of education gencnlly, attend these ennunn—
tions. They will be followed by a momh's
vacation, the ncnlerm commencmg Jun. 16.
To Nuvom Scrrnna.-—A Gentlemnn,
cured of Nervous nobility, Incompetent-y.
Premature Dec-Laud Youthful Error. actuated
hy a desire to benefit nlhers. will he luppy to
furnish to all who need it, (free ofchnrgc,) the
recipe nnd directionsJor maklng tho simple
remedy used in his cnse. Sufi‘erers wishing to
prom by lhe advertiser’s hnd experience, and
possessu sure and valuable remedy. can do so
by addressing him All. once. at his place of busi
ueu. The Recipe and full irlormnliun—ofvllal
importance—Will be cheerfully sent by return
mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEN,
.\'o. 60 Susan Strut, New York.
P. Sn—Nervons‘ Sufl'crers of bull: sexes will
find this inlormution invaluable.
12mg», 13:51. 311: -
Sm Jung Cuau's Cnunnxn quu
PILLB.‘ Prepared from n proscriytion of Sir
J. Clarke, M. D.. Physicinn Bax-«ordinary to
the Quren. Th 3 invnlnnb'le medlcme is un
ffilingin {he ch of all those painful and
dangerous disease: to which the femnk‘ con
slilulion is suLject. It modern!" all excess
and renxmes Ml obstructions, and n speedy
cure may be xclied. on.
To .\ln'ried Ladies it is peculiarly Inked.—
IL u ill, in :1 short time, bring on the monthly
period With regularity.
l-Zacli bottle, price One Dollar, be"; the
Gorernment Stamp of Great. Britain, to pre
"m counterfeits. _
L‘u'noz:.—These Pills should not be taken
by F. males during the must '“me norms of
Pregnancy, as they are sure to bring an blis
cnrringe, but all (my otfier time they are safe.
ln ullcnscq flfNe;\'-nll‘ aud Spinal Afi'ectiona,
Pain.- iu tlu' Buck andl.inlh3,l"utigue on slight
eurxion, Enlpitulion of the Heart, [lystexiL-S,
Illd Whifcs, those Pills will effects cure when
All other mum; Inn-r failed; and although a
powerful rhmedyflo not contain iron.cnlmuel,
antimony, or uuylhmg hurtful to the con’sl'uu
Full «111-ed)! us in the pamphlet around each
pack ugo, wafi’h should be cnrelully preseryed.
Sold by A” Druggim. Sole Agent for the
United SHHPS and Canada, .
JUB MOSES, 27 Cortland! S!.. N. Y.
N. 8.-—sl,oo and G postage stamps em loscd
to my authorized Agent, mil insure a bottle,
containing 50 Pills, by rcm'rn until? Sold h]
A. D. Buehler. , [.\'ov. 14, 1864. 1y
Oct. 24, 1864
Indies and Ge‘lglcmen. if you wish to mar
ry, nddnees the amid-signed. who will send you
williout\monoy and without price, Valuable
information that will enable you to marry
happy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth
or beauty. Ellis information will cost you
nothing, and i you wish 40 marry, {\{ill/oheer
fully assist youix All letters strictly confiden
‘inl. The desired information sent by reiurn
ofmul, and no questions asked. Address,
Greenpoint;‘Kings co., New York.
Oct. 11, 1884. 2m .
Consumptive suficrers mll receive I. ulna
ble prescription for the Cure of Consumption,
Asthma, Bronchitis, and nll‘thront and lung
affections, (free of chnrge,) by lendlng their
Iddress to \
Kings county.
Sept. 26. 31:: . New York.
S‘A man nnmod‘l-‘rilz was at in hil in
Cincinnati on Saturday, for a (Yebt of eigh
teen dollm. On Sunday night he hung
himself. In sear’ching his pocket: ona
hundred md eleven dollars in greenbacka
were dimmer-ed. ‘
4yr= 4. aDo a/C1)
GETT YSB U RG—Snvnbn us:
Flour ......
Rye Fldnr.
White Wheat...................'....... 1 40 to 2 40
Red Whent................m.......... 2 85 to 2 30
Corns. ' l 55
Rye l 85
0:1‘8.............. ...............«...u... . 85
8uckwhut......... ...............‘.... 1 25
Clover 5eet‘............................10 00 to” 00
Timothy Seed...” .................. 3 ,50 to 4 00
Flax 5eed............................... 2 35 to 1 50
Muster 0fPariv,r..................
Plankr ground, per bum”...
f BALTIMORE—Fun" ml. '
F10ur...,,........... ...................‘ll 00 can 25
Wheat.......,........................... 2 :0 lo 2 85
R30......,,......,,....1.................. 1 so a 1 35
C0rn=.~.................................... I 60 m l 90
0am....,.,,.............,,,.,.’......... . ‘ 86 to 94
Beef Gilda. per hund............... .0 no to” on
Hogs, per hund.......................15 00 tale 50
Hay....................................... 28 00 (032 00
iClover-5eed..............a.............14 50 1.015 00
} Flu-teed. ..t 3 30 lo 3 ‘5
Timothy-wed“ 5 50 no 5 75
.Whi5key...........,..‘.....,'........... 1 97 to 2 00
‘ nay-Th. debt of the (m, o! Philadelphi
[on the In of Junuuy. 1865. will tumult
[ (according to th'Nartk Amrn'mn) to FOR
the rate of lnxntion to Le up the interest
still have to 13:19.75 on the $lOO, Filed
on top of this hurthen nro State taxation
and Ft-‘lernl taxation, and an pupa-oedem
ed advance of prices in all the new-Marie:l
of life. What a plemmnt. prospect ahead}
for the tax-pnye’rs of Pndmlelpbia! What
blessed times Lihcoln has brought upon the '
countlyl ]
Jhre ‘Abolih'on Dmuruion: ——The New
Ymk ertul says there is every indication
that the old difference of opinion between
the conservatives and rudicall in the ad
: ministration ranks still exists, and that it
will break out into an open fight. The ob.
ject of both wings of the ruling party is to
get. poshession of the President, and hence
we are not surpriaed to hear that a deter
mined efl‘ort is to be made to oust. Seward
from the cabinet. 1n the fight which seems
inevitable, Democrats will have the same
lively interest that theold woman had when
the mortal struggle was going on between
her hu=bfidfll_l‘iilf.l:fur:
Closing up the Ware—Oar Republican
friends have promised to close up the war
blputfipg an end to therebellion in a very
short time.
All the Democrats will rejoice at such a
result. The Allminiurntien has it. all its
own way—all the men and money it calls
for—the same as in the put. three year}.—
No Dcmocrut obstrubtu or will obstruct its
course. W: shall be glad to havethe war
ended speedily, foritu expensel'are enor
mous and its destruction of life great
Help/es: Negroes at Ballimore.--A letter
from Baltimnre says it is certain the sudden
emancipation of several thousands of help
less negroea will cause great suffering to
the uniortunate victims of a false philan
thropy. Already they have begun to crowd
to Baltimore. where the marble halls and
uilded saloons of the once aristocratic Mary
land club house have been set. apart for
their reception. A few of the nrgroes may
be wxse enough ,lo stay on the plantations.
and work for their old master; for the
very liberal wages which the latter tiller.—
Buc almost all the able-bodied men have
already been induced to enter the army.
aml'Lhe suffering will chiefly fall upon the
helpless women and'young children.
' @The Legislature will meet on tho?
first Monday in Januai‘y. ’
___ -fi- .fi . «.... “--_... /
@A large number of seats in the/fie“
Congress will be con tested. _
'.On the 6thinlt., by Rev. Jacob Ziegler, Mr.
TINGER, both of Franklin township.
,On the am inst.Y by the same, Mr. JOHN N.
LENTZ. of Bmler township, to Miss RACHEL
C. RIFE. of Mummashurg./
On Hm 4th in‘-IL, by Ref. W. R. H. Deatrich,
Mr. WM. A STREALY to 5115.1 MARY E.
OVELLDEER, L 0 Lll of Mounljoy township, this
countv. .
Al. Conowngo Chabél, on Tuesday, ‘lhe 22.]
ML, hy'Ruv. ){lh ‘ lanai, MnJOUN KLUSK,
of Heidelberg toykfship, York county, to Miss
MARY BURK, fl! )lcSluerrystown.,Adnms to.
On the 2919’"qu by Rev. 8. T. Williams, Mr.
].ItoN, bgrh of Adams county, Pu.
‘ /’ DIED. ‘
t whim”) notices 3 cents pu- line for I“
*oveg/{uurliues—nub to nccompuny notice.
, ,/ _ g _
n fhe 2d inst, in .\lenann township, WIL<
IAM W, COOK. aged about 59 years.
In Gonowngo township, Adams county,
MAMA ANN SLENTS, daughter-of Mr. Joseph
Sleuls, aged 3 years 5 mguths nml B‘days.
In Xoumplenssnt towfiship, on (he :gmh “1%.,
years 1 month and 1 day. ’
0n the sth “Not, Mr. GEORGE A. GROOP,
of lluntington‘township, nged 44 yeus 9 nine.
nnd 23 days. _ ~
But a few days ago, nnd he who is the Inb~
ject of this brief notice wu with us, in“ of
life and animation. The elastic step and
henming en gave promise of long life—of
runny years in which to 'poshess and enjoy the
comforts of n pelcerul home. Surrounded
witnvery thing calculnted to render the hu
ma eart happy, he lived and nniicipated the
future on a field in which he should be per
mitted to cull many a flower Mid gather mgny
ngolden sheaf of pure delights to gladden his
spirit and make the path of his pilgrimage
pleasant and smooth. But* 010.3 for human
hopesl While sketching; With steady hand,
his dreams on the canvass of Lie, Deiith cnst
his shidow over the scene, chungnd the sun
light into gloom, and called him from the
speculntlons of time to the realities of the
eternal world. His sun went down at noon,
but it set without a cloud, throwing back a
light to fliid the path o'cr whiciiv he traveled
home—the light of an eremplnry life, made
doubly beautiful by the christinn’s peaceful
l death. He died in the arms of Jesus, mid the
hearts that afc inourninr; over his nhsencc to
l day an- cheered by the sweet thought that he
Ihas: urine '0 be wlth God lienief‘ortli nnd
forever his rest shall be near the Throne. 0,
what mptures thrill his bosom now! What
igloriesfl .sh around his hrowl Happy brother!
‘ l‘nrewolll until we meet beyond the river l—
-1 Farewell! until we are called to pass over to
the other shore, and then, if we die the death
of the ‘righteoua, we shall meet again.
“ The head ihnt‘once was melted with pain.
i ,Is crowned with glory now;
i A royal dindem adorns
‘ Our happy brother’s brow."
In the death of our friend and brother, {his
community has lost n. member who was an
ornament m ‘be sphere in which be lived and
acted. His character was made up of those
beautiful fruits which render a man lovely in
the eyes of his lellpwa, and gain for him their
confidence and esteem.
A large concourse of son-owing friends fol
‘lowed his remains to their last resting place
in the little Cemetery at old “Rock Chapel"—
a, fitting [pot in which to lay the dust. 01 those
who full agoep in Christ. There we leave
hlm, naure (but he Illflll rise again. Ra
gm'uca! input u'l 111:5 {er/a lm’l .’ J. x.
York Sul. Springs.
BUuG.—Notico is hereby given to the
tockholders of thd First Na’innnl Bank 0!
Gettysburg, that an election for Seven Direc
tagn, Masons one year, will be held “Who:
Bulking Hons. of said Institution, on TUES
DAY, lb: 10th day ofJANUARY, 1865.
GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier.
Becky: 1364. 3;
.....10 00 $OlO 50
...... 9 00
‘ ~. Notice.
ters of {\dminittmtion on the estate of
Georga A. Willowereox, Into of Liberty town
nhip, Adams chnnty, deceased, having been
grated to the fipdersign’ed, residing in Em
nitcbnrg DistricthFrederick connty,.Md., be
hereby gives noticgto all persons indebted
to nid estate to mayo immediate payment,
tnd those having claims against the same to
present them properly xmullenticated for set
tlement. Jasmin BYERS, Adm’r.
Dec. 12,1864. 6: .‘ ,
11 150
'1 l 5
US North SECOND Street, ~
corner of Quarry, PHI LA Nib“
PHIA. An usorlment or .
WERE, consunkly on hand, ‘ ~ .
milepu'n-ing of “Cache: Ind Jewelry
prompt“ attended in. .
UPC, 1:], 1861‘ l;
I. K. Staufler,
‘ <_ .._... ‘_'-‘_‘ ~. ”a”; ..
The World for 1865.
ROSPECTUS.—Th§ Pnaidenunt noun-M
just closed consign: the political dustiniu
a! the people nf the United Slates, during «-
nether :cmLol ymrl. to the control arm”:-
dent Lincoln u the North, Ind Jeflenon Dmis
It the South.
The Democratic party. nlwnyi identified
with the plowerily, growth,nnd glory nt'the
n-pnbliv, may point mm honest. pnde to its
record In tins great canton-l.
Against an administration wielding the mo“
cnurmuns power ofnntruuugu nud the most uu—
lnnited command of unsure ever possessed by
any government, and reinforced alike hy the
untoun'lod :eus ut' many patriots and sympt—
thlee ufulltmiwrs, the Dental-ratio party tsught
the hunk: of 1:364 firmly and furlossry to the
en 1. t
Dofvnted m the deutoyul college, the small
majonty o! popnlnr votes by which it has been
:0 defeutcé is demonstrably less than the num
ber ofpcrsous openly nnd olficinny dependent.
upon the admiuiatnlion as olficeboldern ur con
tractors in the various depurtments ofthe pub
lic service.
l But the rgault is against us. The Law con
tinue! to be administered by men who not only
violate its expreu provisions, but invade the
those personal Ind civil right: so high nnd sa
cred that Constitutions vancot confer but only
gimmntee them, and which laws me. mndeto
viudxruta and gnurul. The Fans: is still borne
by men who, in foul: years, have heaped upon
mi, and the unborn gent-mucus of our children,
a debt almost ns huge us that of England, no
qnired Through centuries,_und whose policy of
n blonted paper-currency doubtless upon 11% the
présent burden othis gigantic indebtedness.—-
The Swan in still wielded hy those who see
treason in an olive branch, and who make tic
tories won by our gallant nml“ and fleetsfrnit
lessl, since they open no path to the triumphs of
pence. /
Democrat! muyt await events.
They czm now only watch for the public Infe
ty, and exert n“ the rower nt'a grit-at nuumi
{y to prevent Mr. Lincoin'r administration from
drifting, for the sake or nboluidn, imo a dim
nion pram. /
“TIN-y n‘so serve who on}; stand and u nit."
The niuviplea of the Dyfiiocrutic pan; nrr‘
just, and will get prevail. vor'they are the laws
of [hr prngrvss or the human rnca The) are
the princlplr‘s “hich have emerged from every
revalulion of (M- Alleu»Snxon race. “ilh in
creased gimmnlerslu’i!nstlrcnth. ll; thew it
muslstmd steudllut, immm uhle, compact, har
monioul, organimdl The coming fourycu-s irc
mbe years of culumuir. But now, the)“ ho
sowed the winds are to be {he xuapcrs loc
whirl-winds. The Democratic party is sllorn
ofpower; but it is divested ofall responsibility.
When the hour of sore distress comes, the peo
ple, insleo‘sd of‘curslmz the Democratic party,
will turn to It {or relief, and cling to ‘u for de
liverance. ;
So far, thengfrom being relieved ofdniy for
the immediatefnture by our late defeat, a du
ty more imperative devolves upon the Demo
cratic PERM. Sentinels upon the wntr'h-low
era, nowmore than over must they be sleepless!
and vigilant! ‘
Often, during the past year, Tn: WonLn has,
heen made to feel the heavy hand of arbitrary ‘
power. Rendering all lnwful suppnn to the
constituted nntboriten—Lo CH-sur Cmur'a due
—nroiding the extremes of partisan hostility,
and gmlilesa oi any crime, save unflinching
kidVOcdt‘y of n free press, free speech, free bal— 1
lot, or an ardent devotion to thfinion, and“
support ofthe wur for the Union‘s 2, it has,
nevertheless, been repeatedly excluded from ,
military depurtmcnls by partisan generals, and }
for severul days its issues were suspended by
order of President Lincoln himself, and its 0"
free: closed and Occupied by armed soldiers at
his command. The fidelity and the fenrlL-ss
mess in thé‘ past, which thew blows at us a-i
vouch, our readers are justified in expectingl
from us for the future. ‘
Tun “'olth fur 1865 will he a better newspa
per thnu it has ever been. Its columns, freed
from the. exuctiug demnnds ofn political cnuo
nus, will afford more room for the news of the
day. of all kinds, from all parts of the world.
We shall not be contented to give‘to out
fenders the earliest news. We shall labor al
so to lmv it the must trustworthy.
. The eest use of the telegraph, which is the
right rm oftho preis, and competent curves
por.dcn‘ts with all our armies null fleets. 111. the
nutionnl and state capitals, and at all the com‘
nmrcinl centers of 'Europe Ind America, and
whatever else skill cnn devise or enterprise
accomplish, will contxihutc tumhke Tn: “1031.9
(he best newspaper of the day. 3
TM: Sui-WEEKLY WORLD will exactly anit
than: who want the news oftener than weekly,
yet do not. feel able to pay $lO for the Daily.—
lt contains all the tending matter, new: and
editoritls ofthe Dally, excepting only its ad
Tn: Wren! Worm: has now the largest cir
culation of any Weekly journal published save
one. Its extraordinary success since its union
with the New-York Aryua. has justified usm
very libernl expenditures tor the year to come,
such as will make it without 5 rival ininlerest
and value to the farmers of our country. Its
Agriculturul Department will be as good and
comrie'e as any ofthe agricultural papers, and
its reports of the Cattle, Produte, and Money
Markets “ill exeell them all. A page or more
Will be reserved to entertaining fireside rend
iug, and the type Will be lurge and clear enough
for old eyes.
In a few dnys all the editions of Tax Wont.»
Will be printed on new type. Several new fol—
dlng machines, just set upin our vaults, will
enable us to work on nnd mnil‘all editious with
the utmost speed and regularity.
While the war continues, and currency is of
such sort as if is, we can hope forlittle or no
profit. Our term: hnve been increaseg, but
not in proportion to the increased cost of eve
rything used in making a newspaper. Indeed
to-day. there is nothing equally valuable, so
cheap as a newspaper.
Dally World
One copy, one year, by mail
lanhWecklf World-
One copy, one year......................
Tbrgc copies, one year......_..........
Five copies, one 10“.”... ...........
Wail] Wot-Id.
One copy, one yum-2......“
Four copies, one year..............
Ten copies, one yen L.............
Twenty copies, one 5ear.........
Ten cents ext” charged in All cue: for lap
amte addren.
An enra copy fuluished to clubs a! ten or
For clubs of fifty the Semi-Weekly, Ind for
clubs of one hundred the Daily, villager“ to
gelter up of club. , ‘ "‘ ,
Changes from club llstefcnn only!!!“ by
requcal orthe person receiving the club pnck
agen. All such requesta must nime‘Lhn post
olfice and state to which it has previouuy been
sent, and inclose twenty-five cents to pay for
changing to separate address.
‘ Orders for any of the editions of Tax Wonnn
may be sent by mnil, and should inclone Post
offico Money Order or Bank drnlt {or amount
(la: the discount). Money sent by mnil will
be at. the risk ofthe sander. Order: and letter:
should be nddtelsed to THE WORLD,
, Dec. 12, 1864. ‘ NEW-You.
A Farm for Rent.
CALL on lhc undersigned, residing in and
war Hutu-grown. ‘ ‘
.Nov. 28, 1:64. 3:
AN away from the subscriber, In Gumbo:-
R lund lowmhi'p, on the 22d alt, a bound
boy named THOMASPARKEB. Uneven! e
wurd will bu paid for his return, hm no't ka.
‘1 will pay no debts of his contracting, ales:
compelled by‘nw. ISAAC. H- ' HL.
Dec. 5, 1864. 3? .
' Pamphlet L 3." =.
HE PAVPHLET LAWS, the Slate but:
T been received at this -36 cc, and me now
ready tor dismbmiun am g [bu-1e entitled to
receive them. JACO' USHEY, Protb'y.
Prothouofurg’s ofiicc, nyl- _
burg, Dec. 5,18" 3: } .
. Rev ue Stamps
P any den ination constantly on Mad
0 and 10! la n! the Fir“ Hanan-. 11 Bank
9: Géttysbnyg. GEO. ARKOLD,CMhiu-.
’ Gguyapzrrg, Nov. 14, IBM.
M AmfixAbo'w RO3l, Corn Snatch, Rico-flour
‘ a (it-hum, lur dale at Dr. HQRNER'S
w -x
1 . a gym:
Desirable P'lidy
i - T PRWATE BALE—The lublcflhcf of.
‘ A fern at him“ Bul- the Property be no
occupies, situate In thoßorough of Uruynhltg“.
on the west bank of Rock (”rec-k. TIM Tract
coumins 7 ACRES, more or lan, M emllent -
land, including» very innu- And prowl,“ ,
Garden. The smprovmm-msnro n ' ’
nnenud n “my donl‘lu Hrlvk
HOUSE. will: '1 Cvlhtrs, MI in ex
cuflonl nll zir, u nurerl‘n;r \rell ‘
ol the bat sun. wm'r, u 1-‘runo may, with
Guam-y. L‘orn Crib, Hug l‘cn,&c.. nit/051m of
Fruit Tron. There Is on the prom" In ox
!cnaive BRICK YARD, having any quantil: o!
pnme clay, and being well loefled’fur 1h; bun
neas. / >
This property offers mra induction”, "ch
as arc not often 10 be hank/n is in an}: a
spec: mostdesirable. Pertnns wishing lo VlO.
:7. are toque: led to call on'the subacriber.mido
ing thereon. The tarme/ WI" be made on].
k? If not sold privauly before SATUR
DAY, the 3.slduy on)EcEym-:mnn., it will
he offered at Public thz un that. tiny. I! 1
o‘clock, P. ALL/bu tho pmmiael. X 48043“.
pnzsessitm givlun, it Grim-J. ‘
Dec. 12, (L 664. 3;!
The Adams County
EM‘HERS' lxsnrum mnje held »
T Benderirilfo. cmumrucin; Dec. 2811). and
continuing [hrs-e day. The I'rfi‘nds of when
tion ‘zenetnlly nzq imited In Miami. Tho":
Ténchers to whom lp'bjucz _x- nuigned a“
me but meefing are rem came pro-4
pared to run] (usnyL Several enclmueu of
ability and cvywncnr‘e hWe can Ind 10 spent
and h‘clurc befurc Ihe Instill: o. Pom ORG,
come ll]. J. K. COOK, 1’”!!th
. Dec. n, 1864.1
Private Sale.“ '
me only Fonn 'ry wiLbn tun mules. 'l hn'e
In 0 acts of Tryplevgeur Horse Pgwon. two nu
Bevel-gear ineri, u Mute lul of Mouth PM},
terns, Stow Panorusmud mnnyotber Putter-l.
all sudl) us are needed. Also, a Lame, Drill
Stock, and Bolt (Enter, :11 in winning (inlet.
near the Foundry. Also, (no Lola 0! Ground
M the Depot. l’oucasion wlll‘he given as”
time dam-d. DAVID STERNHR.
Dec. 5, 1364. ‘tf
Mlll and Farm
T-PRIVATE SALE «1 win "(1 «rm-u
A 51410 lhm ‘.'.\ LUA ULH “ILL PROPERTY
—knuwu as .\lLllhvnn)’: Millvaiwnte fl".
mile- west Of‘Gellysnm‘g, on U per Inf-h
Creek. The Improvements "eager-
Chfll'. Mill. Saw Mill. two DWELLING
HOUSES and h BARN. "
The Farm contsins FIFTY-FIVE A 0 cf
choice Granite Land—most Meadow bouom.
fifl‘erms accommodating.
Nov. 7, 1864. :f GEO. ARNOLD.
For Sale.
7'2 Acres and upwards, situate I) mnlal
east of oxford,in Han'on (rm-nanny, knowh
as the property of'Johu Bupp, who now PO“:
sizlosnn 2L, am! will show It 40 any peruon/
Wlflhiug to look at. it, together with B Aural!
and 68 Perches Woodesnd. in‘Jackson lawn
s Lip, near by. Tang: accommodating.
Gollylburg, Oct. 10, 1864. H
N otlce.
.’ RAM! or‘ Grrrnnuna,}
Gettyiburg. .\'mrc M, 1864. ' V
OTICE in hereby given, agreeably to Seen
tion 2d o! the Act of the Gencrnl Augm
bly of the Commonwealth of Penusyluufla. en
mled “An Act enabling Banks of the Com
monwealth to become Assoainliom for flu
purpose of Banking unier the Lawn of th'
United States.” approved the 22d dnyuot Au.
gun. A. D. 1864,1111“ the Stockholders 01 “The
Bank of Gettshburgi’ have this day voted ta
become such an Association, and that ill Dl
reclors have procure-1 Elbe authority of the
owners ofmote than twokthirds of the Cup)!“
Stock to make the Certificate required {here
for, by the laws oflhe United Stutn‘
For fqnhcr particulars Stockholder! can
apply to 'l'. D. CARBON. Cushion
Dec. 5, 1864.
J of ndmiuiur‘mion un the estate of John C.
Gubrecfit, Into 0! Umon Lownahip. Adams‘
county, decrnaed. having been granted to (It
undersigned, residmg in tho um tuvnlbi',
she hereby gives notice to 111 persona indebted
to said estate to nmke immedinte payment, Ind
mm having elzima against th. same to pw
sent them ptoperly authenticated for settle
meat. ELIZABETH Goumzcutufl/x~
Nov. 14, 1864. Gt” Administrmfll. /
Notlce. ‘ ‘ ‘
. mmeumry on the Misstep! Pump Hergat,
late of Umon twp., Adams .countypdoceued,
baring been gmnted to flu under-SW, ro
siding in the Imm: township, he hcxeby gins
notice to nll persons indebted to ash! um. to
make immediate paymem, and thou/115mg ‘
chims against. the same to present than
to crl authenticatad for settlement.
pp y AMOS LEFEVER, Ens-MA" %
NOV. 28 1864. EH X 2
0 FARMERS—The highest market price
paid mr HAY—CASH on delivery—lt
the yard of the “ Pennsylvanis anr Pnu
Compahy," near the Foundry, Gettysburg.
Farmers would do well by ulllug hofm
engaging oluwhen. Call to no 3h Hmo
our Hsy-pncking Prev:
9 J. w. smi, Aflnt.
Oct. to, 1964. If
ICHARD TRIMMER, ofStrabln town-bl“
- Adnms county, Pm, has eonaongod
A E CRYING, and will I). happy muttond to
:11 calla that may be made. H 0 will do hll
best to render unification ln 11l can”, ad
will In modern“ in his charges. Thlnhfnl
for the patronage already bestowed upon Mu,
he asks that lhe public generally (in hi. 9
trial. , Sign. 26. an
No Humbug.
L. HOLTZWORTH has just returned from tho
City with the inrgex: and most complete nuan
AND suozs, am has been bmugm to'“’
this town since the war. His stock l:
not only complete, but id GOOD .nnd CHEAP,
embracing every variety of Boom and Shoal
for “on and Boys, whilst the Ladle. will find
everything in their line, from the In": Gait"
to the heaviest Shoe. Children”: Show of
every descriptiop, in great variety. Alla, [Av
dies‘ Hats, fine‘quallty, and Children'l this,
of all uyles and pnceh Also, Trunkl, Cu.
pet Bags, Vallsea, Umbrellas. Glows. Stock.
lugs, Tobscco, Cignu, and Notions of "or,
descripfion. -
fi-Don't forget the place, Clumborlbi!‘
Ilreet,‘opposixe the L'nhemn Church, (imp.
Nov. 21, 1864. It I , ,
F. B. Pickma.
amp (momma. ‘
Q BALTNORE sat, Gnmsauw.
P mama's momma STORE, mm. 512,.
PICKING'S cm‘rmxa STORE, BALS 51. '
chxxxc-s CLOTHING STORE, HAL .sr. ‘
chxmevs cno'tmm sroxm, SALT. s'r.
chxwo's CLormxo aroma, Ban. 8:. ' ~
cam-r PLACE TO MY momma, , -
GREAT PMCE T 0 In": CLOTng, 4:
' «mam mums TU xmv elm-m. ,
(ml-1n PLACE TO BUY cnurmua, _
AT 1“. n. pxcxmn-s, K %
AT r. H. PICKING'S, \ 5.
AT 1“. n. mcxmc's, ‘ f
AT r. s. PICKING'S, ‘ _.f
n v. n. PIGKING'S, ' - -.
s n; BALTIMORE smmm?‘ 4
w BALTIMORE srnmm, " "
1x BALTIMORE swam, * ‘
IS asummm smash , i ’
outtfvsnuno, an”; 2:;
the and: oh? FALL .uui omg;
GUUDS jmfl rcceiyed. «"m minimum» ”i
Oct. 31, L 351. x s“. ‘
1S t`~~js~3 i ~ R d