wh'Mm “published Wet-y Hoiqhy Inuit“.- [‘"'th 3;. Sumatsz 09")»:- uuwglw‘i'wicay m MAN 50 ,amnfimke 1m pm‘ in advamfa. No cubism disooufifihed. unless at the opfimi a! j?! pawn)”, until :11 urmgea "IR paid. J ‘ ‘ ' Annmn‘nm inserted at the usunlntoa. f. Jon Pntxfln'dongfiwith neatnesrand _ dispatcfi’. "’ -' " n“ ‘ Onlc: inSouth Baitimore strcotlmgrly 9pposito Wamplers’ Tinning Eslgnblishmont —“Coxnun Pun-ma OH‘XCP.” qq the sign. \ PRQFEg‘é‘MHJA’L ©ARBS ‘ ‘ Wm. A. Duncan, TTORNEY AT LAWJ—Oflice in the North west corner of Centre Square, Gettysburg, n.. [Ol2l. 3, 1859. u D. Mponaughy, £= TTQRXEY AT LAW, (office one d'oor west ‘ of Buehler‘a dragand' brmk atore,Cbnm enbu'g streak) Avon“? AM: Somcnon 703 Pull" up PENSIONS. Bounty Land War ranu, Back-pay suspended~ Chnims, and All other claims ngfiinst the Gm‘ernmcnt :11 Wash !«nzmn. D. C.; Mao Americnnfiihimu in Enginnd. Lnnd Warrants I‘m-Med and Hohhot boughwnd highentpriaea givvn. Azcnu Pagaged Ln lo catingwirnnts in lowa, [IE-unis and father western Staten WAN»); to him persénally‘ or by letter. f p Gum-aburg, N 97. 21, ’53. '— A. J. Ocnter, ’TTORNEY AT LAWN!“ prnmlng attend, A tokCouucxionu and all other Fuusintni en cruued to him. ' Oflica hmwvcn I-‘nhneatorks’ nml Dnnher .1; Ziczkr't Stores, Snub-lore strcm. Genpburg, Pa. ‘ [B2pm 3, mm. Edward 13., Buehler. TTOR‘XBY AT LAW, vi" human, and ~ pmmpflg/uumd low}! haflnqncnvrunzd to him. ' He tponka we Germ -:1 language.— Oflice n: the Mme .plnre, in‘Somh. Bummer: Itncl, nenr Furney's drug Harp, and near), oppmfle Dnnnrr x Zimh-r a 'llorr. lhltvchmu. Shun-h 2'3: ; . J. C. Neely, TTORHUY .\T 1..\“; —}'cfl7r-u'.l'r atten- A film [MN m CUH‘W'FID'I nr l’euaimw, alnljr. and Burk-m". Union,- in ”1(- 5. K. corner of“, Diamond. ' i [-.’ Genyshnrg, April U, 1361. ‘it ~- . .H , . -. "W. . Dr. J. W. C. O’Nogl’s OFFI’TI') and Unveiling. 's'. R. l'llTfll‘Luf H.ll - and Hugh succiqm‘.” I'm-4.31: liun Chhrrh, (Join-d: ”g, V“. ‘ 7 _ Nov. 30, 159:. «r v _‘ Dr. D. s. Pe‘trer, ~ anTTSl'tl‘Afi. .\vlnnH Hum 3.,(‘nulinnos ‘_A Um l' ava ”1 Im. prl)}n:-inn in n” I's‘ hruu hm, ilrl “HUM rxnyu-é‘l'ufly imitc nll [mrdnna nmk-‘m! mm .m_\ ”11l 'nlklllnhvn' dme (mum lnc.l'|i n':.luln.-uhhxuz‘ . ‘ ‘mt. .3; mm. H‘ I ‘ ‘ J. Law-renamflflfil, M. D. ' . ‘3' hix olhveuune 1 ~ “if; 5.5.) - .EI «lubrant {lf the :‘ékflh‘fiw‘ffié Lutheran Il‘illlrl'il‘ in _ w Clmmfyersfurg sir: N. nml _nj'yinaijc- l'lrL’inq's ML “c, “11-rs: “2'. Sc 51:14“; )0 hn-e Mu 'ngwl Up. ru'i ni p:\’:'t‘:.nvd .~.‘r.- ”HF-Hum unkmflo cu} Iw’y;-.-;: ~' . ’ .’4 ‘ ~ bl, ~‘ ._fr . xz; ‘ .5g Q; 4 , yr," ” ' 5’.» V , ' / ‘ .il 5 V I' , 1 a ‘ ‘ . ‘~ ” "”‘ f '4'- '-" 3"" 3 ~‘r\ '“ . .. .V , #251“ 2' 9:1 ,c “"1" 9724; ' , - =,X.h, 3 ~ u . fr /_, .‘s// )\C’. : 3 > ‘ ' ‘I ", ' 9 ‘ . l . n ~ ‘> , .j.,. a a ' . ‘"“-'_LW __‘_~, ‘l' 8‘ 5 ! , 5 a > ME 31’ H. J. STABLE 4:71:11 Year- ' ‘ Large‘ Sale ~ 3 F TALUXBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. iQ —-On ‘TUUKSDAYH the‘ lat dnxvqof DE- I ‘C ‘MBER next. the subsp’iber, having said his } y'i’nrmhv. HI tell a! PuMiL‘ SMP. nthis lc:ill' uce, :in‘ L Himure mwuship, Adfims mum-”. 1111 his jFArm Stock and Implemnnla, viz . g 9 NBA-D 0!" HORSES AND ML‘LEQ, (two-of Hbr-ru {xullcm young Bruud Ma: Wilh funk) i 3 Ililch‘Cmu, (two 01'5 the'm mm ’ ‘ hcaq of Your‘xg Catzle. a pair at! scelknt Four-horse Bronddread incw Hod and Feed Trough, One—Y ' Bugkes-P Reaper and Mower, G mi 'nomng Mill, Ltwq and thxee-‘am 'Ha\rrows,,l’iz-X«l’Dr -v;, Shovel Plou; Forkx. Si‘nglo. Duuhle and Three- Jlag Chm”. 3 I‘m-ts oLBm¥ Traces 'allmr Chaim. lZ‘Cow 01mins, ’Crow Bar, Sluuoc’kst’iclg, Sm: IQ! 111-UM IranaLfirfi-mtp Heyt Skul, Plough and Hnu‘ow Sled; ‘_‘ at hands, 4 Hth‘of Froxif. (Sens, Bri “ Hxlzm. Lines, mw Whip and W Remlv'mg and Drug “n 3 Rakes. Forks, Mowing SU}KhCi and 511.111 mm of'. H |le “219 w", 2 Putting ,SJW, “'mk neurh nml Screw, 'Hny‘b'» (In: mu, Rye Straw and L} 11.9 h'xnglr. Clui-rsnudh'l‘uur Flux-secJ hy thr- lvufheL 175 “'in 100:) River White I‘ipc Sluingkh Fixingici“cho‘nlxt and Oak Rails. 6m) Rivr'r. Vine l’nlinus, Uuk l'lauk,-Pmp MndlUJk Uou'rds anm i’huk, l'nleglnd “3“! “MM. Bands nml ””an annn Bows, xdge Pufr, nml n Vuriviy r 1 other nrticiesJoo fiumcruus lb men lion. ' - ' MFS‘MP to eommrnce nL-lo o'«-1nck..\. M}, on will dny, whm mighdnnce will be gnu-n :Hnl terms made known by ' JACOB nmcn‘r. «mm W. Ih-Sluéxhtrfivmeur. ‘ , ,x . .\u} 7.1~:;|. a" ' A .» ' Public Sade; ’ \' HUD \\‘,'llm :11 dny nr FEPITHUER () nut, th- rubscrmez. 7;\A‘l”lifl\lr§llfllfi,r\l f U-vv-‘lnm It \\‘illi nu 6.11“mel lwczmul. W!” M H M l’uh‘i .‘lullr. :xl LhL‘ l-xte rosludvut 0'0! sniul dcgéasovi: In S‘ml: n t()\\n_~hip,‘g.\-izuls ‘coun th'tht- tmlnwivg‘ po‘finrfiul prhpr-ifigy, \EL: ‘ ; UM: mwx NURSE. (fivaijgnljs 01.1) 1 Puw. 2 ““E' (mm M Ind-rum Lint-d amv mix}: )113AM-othr-r‘a m hing ) l 'l‘ll'l‘M-shursv Wagon,- 1 (mo :lan Tun-‘hmm Wagon, Hy \mfld-xs, I'lnll;hfl, :lwveL l’lcwgh, z bleds, \\ heel-lar rmv, _Cnu‘ng Box; Horse Gears, llnLors and Chains, Cow Chains, Log.o!mins. Double and ’Sinflé-treos, lek=cmm Forks, RyLus: Buggy ‘nml H-Irn‘rsi ; May by the tnn, Wheat Ryennll lincluwuut by the Mimi-H Shop Tuu‘s {if all kinds. .\xvs, Bram-up, .\lull mud Wedges. Hour Barrels, (‘l’rlor Emc’i, 3 lg» of (hum, u lot of rum-inch Randi-1;:J thuL (inn. .\'.c. Also, “unit-hold nnd Kitchmi l-‘_lnniiuro, suvh us (.‘liplmarjs, Chairs, '['(-u'-plnlg: Sure nml Pip". 'l‘-.\hle~‘. (‘Me of hm“ c‘r4, (31061:, '(‘hul-nhaicc‘yxnls, Kmm, I'utq, nod many 0 hm: ml r 103" mo Hum-rm: [u mx'ution._ . “yam to. w man-Hue at 10 n'xlo‘ k, ._\.. \i . . 9n m‘d any. “but u: c::d.mcc “1}: be gxyu run! it rms mud!“ Lnnu‘n bv _ . > V‘ ‘ puma, (:ILMLAXh. Adm'r *Nuv.‘_'l,lt:‘sl. ls l \ - ‘ Assessment—Notice. NOTH‘E i: prryhy pin-‘l2 11;»! m .1 43539; i ‘ .\li<:.\"r m“ "Amman "ER CENT.‘ lms ln-rn luviml by mg “Ad :ms Conn!) Mutual I‘m: Incurnnce (‘nmpuuyfi’ on the Premium anl'i in [on-o mi the 19m nvaph-mbcr, 186-1, in n‘ccurdunr'c “ill: h l‘u-enlurion :(dflpted bv 'l:c I‘murd 0f .\lnnngvrs on Linn; dutc, uud that the Name is icquirrd 1.) ‘lm pnjd n 1 “L bvlnrc lhé first d|y of DECHSHH-IR next, it‘-Dr. Ell wnrd G. F.lllnvsgock, Treasurer of the 06m puny. , sznAm‘ rnnu 11m BY-LAfl’S Fertibn |9—-\\'henevcr nn Aswsmg'nt glfnll have been made upon the premium tunes, and thq sum Reurmiued which each person shall ptfy on his note, ifsuc'l su-n shall not he paid within Tmn'r'x‘: days ancr the same shall have horn demanded in behnlfcf Lhc. Company, the Manager} may, at their opliun, nnnul the poliy (’_v of immune upon such noticehand remip Sgid note and ‘coHecL‘l'hex-eon such sums 505 nséessed. ' By order of the Board of Mn’ungers, . , GEO. ~S\'€Ul’E,'Pren‘t. 4_ D. A. “UEHIJIR, Sec'y. ~§ ,- ; 00L 3‘, ISM. 3L - ‘ ' ‘ F ngminel and Stark-any. ..‘ “ -- - ~ \ l ‘ Dundend. . BAX! or Gnnsnmm, .. Nov. r, 1314.} - 'FUE Directors of the Bank of -th_t3-~xhurg _ ha‘ve thi: day dcrflnrefl u scmijmu 11 di vidend ofSIX PER CENT., cXcur bl Slate and Nation‘s! Tun-s, and‘ payable on and ‘nfier Monday non, Llejth inst. { . ‘ T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Nov. 5, 1864. 3t. . ‘ ' 4 ~ ‘ Dividend» _ HE President and‘ Managers of ,tbe York T and Gettysburg Turnpike Road Company have deélnredfi n dividend of One Dollar‘pgr phnre on the capital stock, to bé pgid to die kswckhuldém or legal representatives, on dc~ 111nm]. GEORGE S\\’OPE,_ Nov. H, 1864. 3h Dividend. Fmsr Nmoxn BANK 013 thtsmns, . '' . November 7, 1864.“ } BE firesident and Dir ctors of this Insti tutimi have this day seal-wed a dividend of THREE PER GENT., payable on or after Che 101‘; inst. GEO. ARNOLD, (Jul/tin. Nov. 14,1864. ‘3; ’ ' ‘ Estrays. AME re the premise: ofthe sufiaeriher, in Hhmxllon wwnsbjp, Adams county, Pm, in May-last. ZSheep and 2 Lambs, and in Jilly last. 2 Lambs came to the same pkrce. The owner ii requested to prove properly, pay charges, and tgxkn them away. ’ , , ' - " _ JACOB MQRMSVON. Nay. 14,1664: 3:. _ a Notice. ARA“ A. BATH'S ESTATE.—-Letters tes umanuu-y on the estate of Sarah A. Bath, late of Gettysburg, Adams county. deceased, having bgen granted to _tho undérsigned, re aiding in the same placeflm hexeby gives no tice to an persons indebled to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having chims against the same to prqsent them property authenticated {or settiemént. - ‘ JOEL B. DANSER, Executor. Oct. 17,1864. 6!. ’ \ ‘ ~ 3 Notice. " 1 ‘ ‘ EPHANTJH HERBERT'S ESTATE—Let an gesmmentarfy on me mum on Zepha ma Herbert, mm 0 Fairfield, Adams canny, deceased, having/been g‘ranled to the under ‘signed,rthe;‘first named residing in the tame place‘nnd the but mined in Gcltysburg. they heiebg give nofice to all persons indebted to said estme‘ to‘make immediate payment.= and those having chime against 1.11: same 1p pre sent them properly authenticated im- settle ment. MARY HERBERT, Execmrix, - ’ J. B. BARKER, Executor. Oct. 17, 1864“ 6! ~ on ‘LADIES.—AII xinsflnfflflo -’om Shqea for sale; at ‘he cbrner of Yatk thee! smith Dinmnn‘d by ' ROW t WOODS. j oto Dr. R. lIORXER'SfDmggm find 39‘ ‘ Gasajxsomm comm 1m; W 7 k DEAOoaaITQcFAITILV Jounimni, I hay- paintod the woman". kmdlod {be Aky, I hue brghtenou tho but: with u gluing of My «’0; '1 In" scanned the (rum; 1 Inn nth-M'tholeoru. 1h“ bu- nrflnn b. lons. V“ at tho Ipn’, rL~:ds~.y~' l',.cc6 :~c~sE~ ) T '- Z'h‘: T":'::—‘/::.-._n EEGATHERI'NG AND KEEJ I It irhocmning uvwefl undersfit gthgt Item's nre improved by tent; llyefnte fully Fripc. Same should x lnr-u'er ~utntup§ty than othors. 1m; 0:. ;[)i('s ‘hnlliti ht- flt‘liy rue, us n.gl'ttcr.tt iigfulu ’_.Uin'llug. Late fall and elrly'u. mx‘y‘ira monk} nnthc t-ntithlr \\hrn Write-i 'l\\\ ‘r‘Wtitc Int.» vitam- “Hitlk‘s shout-t be gathur‘ '_d ulu '1 Mn lutrtihuyzt-H it) Uttf’yr dmite wt“ the thumb, (”ways beinrc hcm’y fall I'm-s” _— z} dry time ‘lmn'tl lut- stlvttet‘, il‘ppflhicn— 'l her" “”1 i_ie n l‘cw Inn-('iumtts nntyx mmur», . but y-‘u mu ufl‘ord to throw them out to sue 'the host nml main (my. Witch 9. good kegpé i‘ng V’ut‘toty begins to (ii-op freely trout lh‘r tit-t, as is fomvt'mcs the can, secure the Lithium ofthc crnp that remains mt the tree a: swan :u .pnssibln: but they should not be min-d uith ,tlxose‘mt the ground; not one‘shnuld he save-l ‘with fume rwkcd. \\jinxli‘ulls wit] nu: Mpg), Ifm‘in nddit'nn to the injury sustnimnl It‘uhl 'th'e in“, they become heutod bv lying upon I the ground expoeed tothe sun and hot int-Jud ttlin n'pening process uircudx cumnn‘ncrri in khnsteuing it to It rapid liémy. . i No matter how hot the weather «'5, an apple' ’is n‘lwitp vool while upon the trevnzutd In j :12an condition should be taken cure of, if ut uuuH Imu- itLeep inv‘ ilé must peril" t . 0‘ «ii 'linu tor the fa“ dculopxuuut (if “ELM": t?r~)'.-‘ }t~inusjmt‘cx math uhich it is so ttbunrht’utly Stllelcd. [Luv to .vbtnin it in that Cnlit‘diznll Iwtti be my pnrpnso.nuw‘to show. “'9 have Sci-:1 t‘tt‘w' tlt Inuit be qut‘ciUliy gkt‘w rt‘d lmtoro . it ii too ripfl, us it is ccuttuonl_ territod: tutti \H'ybt'iorc it is ripe, t‘ur when it is up» 1! :4 ht 'to ext, and Illll‘wl‘llon‘ld ct-rtuinly not belitt .uwse with “_‘IIHH‘ ttpplt-s when gathered” We_h9\;e nito seen that h at hastens the ri , pmunp prom-55 nn‘x {but cold retards it. A," [ties should; liturufurel be kept. Pool, lmrz-iy ~:0 48* not to fteeze. ‘A minimum temp tumrc of ;thirty-fuur mirrors in pruhnhiy al-oul right Iwtth its: little fluctuation n 5 posst‘ult‘. §~ :CONDENSED APéLE 31:303. i ' The juice 0f nipples. or s'wget chin-1;, before; it 11M undergone any. irnmentaliovi, is lmiled «10-vi: m varw. being rcdumfilo DIIP ‘ On rotnming, she prnre‘gdod in out down a small tlr snpplmg. wlu 151 m pointed at ,one end, and gum it In the boy to huddle éboutin ,the lmle to excertnin whethnrit WM occupied, or flat]. while she stood wlt‘l uplifted 83:9 in. littlr on one side. Nu so‘nn er Was the poll inn-fled thnn out came—flu» head of». mnnstrnun'shn hour. aml (low n came the nxenm her skull with web fmce RIB nr'wd nlmut '- Inivrmzn- 949 as of Img (0 126ng ‘ond i: in by MR azenry mails of a hhnk draft\ The mn'lha) by sists in ’.vnt‘in of tho payeq or 1 is inhxnded. In der (lifl'ervx from an . check. When n. man for; the pustmastvr wih cunt with a prmtml farm \ whirh the bum will enter ~_ of amount, mung &c.. rx3quil‘\ ney order and mlviap. lg‘rum contn.ncll in such application tin tor ‘will fit! lup the money order ..’ theturr'eslmnding form dfmlvice. ]\ Rules of commission charged fortm. orders: ' 1 i Qn orders not exceeding 310 , 1 cent: Over $lO and not. exceeding 320 ] cenfs. Over 5'20 am! up to $3O 2’ «ems. Nu meme}! wil‘» be received for or ers ex-' ccpt com. United Slates notes. or otos of .the Nationui Banks, ant! ordcls cm‘ paid in any other currency. Axm deris rendered inmhd‘uniess if; is . ed to the flbstmusler on whom it is drawn Within>mnefiydayq from “5 dale : uc the, Postmaster Gengral can ‘i'sqm n In order on the applimtinn of’thg payee u n the paymentof a spcoml foe. The sam course is to be pun-um in_ case tEe order is 103;. In this ' use, flu; pnyve is to furnish state ment, ufider oath. tht the order b squ ~lmlt.‘nr deatroyen‘. accompanied by a cer tificate of the pqenmgrfllmt It s not been paid, and wfil nu! be paid if :ere'xf ter presented. Ina payee may {msfer his order to another person by end sing it upou the bqek. -' ‘ DRILLING IN WHEEL}; t The "Bi-monthly rernrt ofthe Ag \icultu ml Department," Washingtnn. fqr gkptem ber and October. contains some image-sting matter for farmen. on the subject 0 ‘wheat sowing. After comparing notes fro ' (very Sale in the‘Union, the commissil¥wr ar rivee‘at the impression that drillo wheat: stands frost. the best. it‘should hedlgriiled in a good depth, ahd the drill ridzes houlcl not be rolled down,hut left. stand roiled the roots of the wheat. It seems to ‘pr "ail in the report. that the rougher the su ace iii after sowing. the better—the mol in ing ini fluenbe of frost being of more servicegto the young plant than the roller. yr fl , —————-——-«4d-->~V—» ~—-——- . @Some boys were playing mar lea in Fifth street, Cincinnati, the oth day. when a gentleman stepped on a arble. and slipped against a lady, who fell] on a hogyxhich 101 l btween a man’s legs. who filling clutched a ite stringhbringingz down the kite hqforea span of horsegwh'id I took fright and ran down an alley, stamping a man in a. carpenter's shop, so that. me drop ped a match wltli which he was lighting a cigar. among a pile of stmin ca.‘wlnqh igni ted, fired the shop, ca'qsed an alurml’pl fire, and brought out an engine. which ra’n over nfireman, breaking his arm. §: -—-—-——-~ “3“ salemu’m'ichw”"°‘d“f"-““l°‘“"f°'3‘-’5-:‘ WAiitué: ird'i @me ’ ” E 'hm ware M'pun‘ii‘: uh; himhei ;‘-fl.\‘ey, ‘ shack hy‘ 124211 ’31:“? " I therefore, brought 41 oonuapiecg.’ I cl’mh'm; striyped 03'fo .:9 ~‘ 33.34; .a: ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 0 ‘ ~ 3KlM:u§éf"..3 “ . 5 .«1, J ' ‘ RH! 14' .I'b-l-f’_ , v ‘ [Fmp‘fil Lgu‘h Xbmlng Nit] w ; The fiptyoflven by Mr. Ltnmlug to UW deputation Tannemus which waisod upon him to protest 'unimt th‘e lam-\- lion of their Governor, pr-rhnpu 1' tin”:- enrately represonh tho I]?! m wh all the measure in regal-«hut by he mnjmty of Ambrir‘nns. nnd we rcmmmv'nd It to thn mnat-fllhmtive consideration of such nfmn' countrymen Mare \\‘Pfxlied of our [mum . - institutions, and woutd willmgly sea I replacrfi by lhao of the Western World. Tbn P'ruidmt affected to doubt thnt the protest could in PIT-:0! hum prm‘t‘Nlml from, an’y snve politigal oppnnoms in New York, but when made toumlemtAnd that, incred- ’ ibte thnugh it. might seem. it. trulv reprc- ‘ ‘ sonted the sentiments of many of Lhe loyal ‘l cuigens of Tpnneswe. he said, "I expect. to _ let the friends of George B. McClellan mam age thkir an)" of the contest in Lhein own 1‘ way. and I wiil‘mnn me my side of it‘in‘ my 5' : way.l' ,In Other worm, tho h'ltriclion of; .~ :tlm right ofhunch'nuc 1.: those uhu will sup- ‘ port the when! Unvr-rmunntlnt nn aloo ‘tfisn m: 'whh h the ex‘stnwe “LU; L Gov. (Tum-mt 4h wmls. and at u linp' “51013. In ‘ centirmxty mm the Comtalmimn the Gov» tornmvm ~‘ur-uht hr: disphcedjl‘such worm ; (2d agreed w I x :hg- n.2'i‘rmal will; isfii'mply a ('IEVN‘ m 8)“. m «'wt rm flung tamar— ‘ It. is Hun. Gmu mar Jutmwn iv a candidate for the Vmc I‘m uh-m :\'. :ml Mu: Lincoln leeks wire-plan tion ‘m the udoplinn of j the measurfl by the mw nml the demotion given th it by the other may he has ac counted for. But that. n pmmh‘y‘ which more than any other in the wnrfd How: of the pohlicul libertv which nonioém. and . which mum at and dxsparngea M eti’ete the linzlilutiom of evmv couhtxy more than 3 iclzunn-y nlrl, shnnhl at thn Yum! (riticll ”pt-rind of its vxntrnrv pmmit it! chonen son‘nnls ‘to nwuum dowmic mwern. with ;nn mlbLer mul Hmn to yrm‘cnl their own . i uhallnam n. may mil (xx-Ho the “stockh 'nwnt (if it Llllvi'w'd i 1 Ltinn, wllil'h. iu git/1m; rm." the gun M in tumra oxi’stpnce, ho- H‘lf‘Vl'll nl~o that it hm! hundml over tradi (h‘nm nudirmorivs which Would not hue been M) ban fugottan. ' . No_ 9 SANITARY. EXPENSES. ‘ [From ,the Newikn'm Mamet] “'0 have “voice-lea on” of Hm rpiyox-t of Hm Suvrplmy of the Sm tut-y t nmmission of the “'ostom I) -pnr}'nwnt of (he Uvfilpd States, lncntwl at Ln’uim ill 9, Kl‘mm‘ky, from SPplthm‘ [.1861, to Junucu-v. 1864. The amount collocml is put at $321,065,- 42. 0|" this, thorn has hwn oxprndod for the “purclmsq.of supplu-s” 1,303,592,56 whfle the exponSPs of buying and :diatribu ting! this aid to the golfing,“ amounted to $170,493 59! of which the shin offing-1,,- 74 His exprndell in snla.rir;~_al<.n(afi Fom lhifi it Wuum npphnr that for every four dullnrh distrxbuxml for the bnprfit of the soldier, tlnreo‘wr‘re taknn forthdc-xywmes in getting it to him, and nmn'ly nq muvh in amount n‘s was uclunlly diLlrihulwl J.o' Hm, vnrthus camp: was taken from the Turn! in salariea. for the report «109: nnLOlnim to have “distributed" bm3+19.010.fifl3 This is “charitv” with a wngmnca— This is the Way 1119 mommy gn(-s,hnd it is not. much halt-fir thlri stealing. People generally puppnse “flu-1n they give their mom-y 19 hn-lp'the sxrk nnd woundqd so!- dwrs (hat it 2993 through the hand: of kind lumrted fli‘nple, (Ln-c2. to the camp and hospital, wilhnn; much My beyond that of transpormtion. And that Is fiener‘al 1y donated.— "They have no idea 1 at any part of ibgnm to fatten the pockets of I set. of Ammidnb Blake, who are always hanging about. charitable egterprises, WANTED-"AN INCENDIARY. Will somebody he'kiml enough to burn a. northern city? ,Thev? can be no doubt that many (haunami's of worthy citizens, moved thereto by the shrieks and cries of Secrets ry Seward androther WM! informed person. ages, voted for the re-e‘lection of Abmh m ’Lincoin for the express purpose of testiiy ing ‘heir disupnrobation of arson as a mean. of politivai warfare. ‘ . ' Imagine tho disguct and disappointment offiiese esgimnblp persons at. finding that nobody has burned «city, a town, a hamlet, ‘ even so much as a. carpenter's nhop. There was a iailway station; valued It abdut two hundred dollars. consumed theotbernight, we believe, somewhere on Long Island; but as it belongwl. to Democrats it must have been burned by accident or by tiredn scerfiling from heaven. 13mm.» Rochester. Syracuse, Omega, all repuiuiveiy safe and quiet! And‘GeneMl » Hooker, major general commanding at ~ Cleveland. in Ohio.nctunlly repounhat. on boarding the ‘.‘pirule” steamer Georgian, which was to have thrown the Greek firq into Bufihlo, his yofiicers “found a crew , of Eight: menl 'sii of them so drunk they dud not know what'they were about, and ignlm ked nothing on board to excite Iqui-_ cion." Mr. Seward muat_look to this. He gnu our first nut‘horily for All ghe tgrrors wehnvo cndgred, and if he does not speedily dis patch Jewett or Judge Bu§teed to confin grate some uouhern airy, the ancient mag. im. in vi'u‘) veriws; mu cease w hays honor among men.—- World. , fiTBYCHNmE IN WABFLRI The following is an extract. 'frqzn A do spatch dated “Capt. Fish has tux-wed bare. Ea report; having killed a number 'of Indians win: buHets, nml one hundred’ men, wmncn and children with hag-d tack, saturated. wiih qtrychnine.” ‘ 've-nllow Go ggacies. ‘ ged in the '~ Indiana ineeday \ment ' the Such fit the language of the‘despatch—s simple Miegat'zon of a fact. as‘if Capt. Fisk hadvgone thro'ugh scarfiain routine of mili tary duly find made his report ancm-dirfgiy. 0n people have been brought face to face . vyiLrhv-mmy borro'rs during the but {Oll/ y‘eaya, but we thmk that their stoicism will wince undm‘ (his new infliction. ‘IE is the The second. nm (by the slum,» Rich. mond, the stubborn tenacity of (.119 «zen day’g fighu. the disaster: of Boga/ha the redeammg victnti’escf South Equdtaiu and Amiemm. hm by mflking “the negroen the acidiera of freedAnJ’V ‘ ~ , The third is matingniabej. fiat'by Vicks burg and Gr-ztysburg, but by the abo’fition of mm, in the diuzrict. of Quimnbia, Ind the fourth by the üboiiflon o'f lhveryjn My rylund. . ‘ . 4 . . . A“ (heat immense Infiflnfullb’t mum “Sr. Mm. Mlnn.,NaQ.l2