The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, November 05, 1864, Image 1

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    :fi—-—-—-———__,:‘ A.“ .
"The Colmn is published every Monday
homing. by Bun J. Snug, a $2 (I) per
,nnum if pid strictly ls muxa~s2 50
per man if not paid in sdunon. X 0
nubwripfiou discontinued. unjust It Ibo
option of the Pnblifiher, until all arrears.
we paid.
Ann"! 51 nth inserted a the usual rum.
Jon Puxuxc done with names: find
Orncx in 90th Baltimore street, nearly
cpl-trite “'amplen’ Tinning £<hblishmsnt
-“Colru.u anflxc Um“ " on the zip.
: Edward B. Buehler.
.TTORXEY AT LAW, will mmruu; And
A 3.1-9anl! “:an w ..11 Lusincss entrusted
:0 tin. Ha spmkl we (jesnun luguage.~—
0.5:. u w: haze piste. in South Baxumore
“neg nurfurzmy 5 drug s'ore. and hurl;
cypos‘u: Danae: t Ziegicr‘: Ilorc.
Genpburg, March :0.
J. C. Neely.
TTORKEY .\T LAKE—Patina" nuan-
A 431“) pm to coliesviun o! Pen‘iuu,
'ouu3y. an! KKK-ply. Qfic: in the S. E.
tonwr n.’ the DiJmonJ.
Gruyshurg, April 6, 1863. (f
Wm. A. Duncan,
TTORXEY .\T LA‘K—flfirc in the Forth-
A 32:1. cornQfi-Of Ceautfiqun. Gettysburg,
... j [0“. 3.1359. x!
D. McConaughy,
“UPSET AT LAW. (03h: one door we“
A o! Baehltr‘x drug in'! book ytore.Chum
'beubu'g street.) Amun no Student): to:
Putsn no PSSIIOKL Bounty Land Wu
mnu, Back-pay =supended Chin". Ind all
"the: chin" Ignizsuhe Government a: Walk.
in}... D. (3.; alsoAmcricanCLfimlin England.
Kalil Watnnulocaled and som‘vr boughuu.
highest prion given. Agents engaged in lo—
aning ‘varmu in Tova. Hlinnin md 01h"
western Sum WApfly to him ptttulau’
or if new".
Gettysburg, Not. :I\ ‘53.
A. J. Cover,
T‘TURVKY .\T LA “I‘m” rtempdynllead
A to Uullcc'nou; and all other husmtii u
tram-1 Io hm ‘umca barren hummus
ha! a must I Zi—gler‘f S‘vfti. n..}u‘mare siren
Ganyahurg. I". C (Styx. 3. 152's.
Dy. J‘W,‘ C. _O’Neal’s
FH-JE an-l Dwelling. N. H cormrof 11:}-
0 127,-: we “I.sth :‘rcfls: as." Flt-:1)". 1- :Jan
C , ”v.l. hair 1 "g. I".
5U..3U,15'AJ. 1r ‘
J. Lawrence Hlll, M. D. ,
AS his office one \-
H door we): at the W
Lulhflw chunk in '
(“wheat at; ‘lrtcl. and uf-p'fifle Pirkinz‘l
lune. wh in than ILL“; up in“! 11:} Dental
Upen'ios yr’u-rm‘nf A”? rc-ptcfluH} invitmhc
cur Rn“: : :u‘x‘ i):<. ”Uruvr. mg. (I, l'_
IKr an .1. XLRH. ILL. Ilsafucr, U. D., Rev.Y
Plo!’ ‘ I .-)‘.:, .'l’«2. ‘L X. 52‘z\ef.
bel:_.—?~u:. Ayn” 1,33. '
Adams County
I'TZ‘AL HIE {.\"Ti; \\T‘V‘EI VIVH‘ASY.~—
I, lugoqfirazcé 3i Ar: ’: I's, I:s].
‘ ‘ l'fru !- :I—George Swope.
Ht.- [Gradual—S. 12. Ruse“.
S'rfl'ar {—o. A. “'lr‘l‘t‘f.
Trrsrq-w—U‘u‘i-l I} "rt-arr.
Eavum 1"... 1 :10—anlmr: ld‘urdy. Intol-
Ring. An {row Zh-inurlnmn.
\X‘t'lnb—Gc yrzc 5'400. I). ,\. fiathle, R,
fl‘c‘url). J A ‘OO King. .\. HI-Znu 'iman. h. 31:-
I'm-urn. .‘ ’. ”I‘m-1. 4'. 7i. .Ic-rsh. Sruuel
I‘M-’bsrnr, E. J. FLEP-‘l'u‘h, \S‘Ju. 11. \\‘g‘mux.
H \ «'.ruuz. W; .L ‘4 |‘}rn“ll_sq!l3 WM
! -‘l. ”1 t; 51‘Grru’x‘. J. .u 1’“; ...L_'. A ZulT.
W hx‘ Jnul \urmfim m. \‘utn: F. UM,
54.10: a! -! nub-U. ‘4. E L . :‘u‘TJ’?
In) 1‘ ‘.u
la U'S
4 Joanna} h m..::: 1 ,in :i‘ 09*“-
‘? mnh‘ 61 .\d‘mt. !' 1h: 'nx-r: In
and m [M d palm] u u u”! =312.3~-s :21: i \I
[NRAIR ‘.{' 'lr’h‘c‘lu’ I"""fi- .hL .\’z 1; . "f: ‘1 V x'_‘(‘
5-45.14: (“71.14; m l‘r Tu. .n- The ‘:u_'s
- ~an a nu .\z-u':—~ d: uusEm-ss bring
‘.I“AC:I7':I‘ ‘1 In zzcrs. who wre “Inn—l3l}- den.
1»: My :lue “JFK-which. Any yer-man Josh-Eng
u- ’anura'lce can apply :0 any of :he shove
lam” V nun: For further iwfomal'non.
fi-T'ne FAN-nice “cvnvmitn 229'"! an the
.3169 of 1‘“.- f‘ rap-2r an (be is." Walnut-Jay
iii-tn": mn-axh. a: 2, P. 11.
. .
The Great Discovery
P 7.1}: .\‘ViF..—izx2.x:~uh: 7" an-i ("nmnic
O Rht'nui‘vn v n in? . :zrm} hr u='m: H L.
TXIBE. )hnj pr VLfiflthi rihzons at 113-. _in-J
(1.: adjo'xsing co..u!':x-:. by: unified to ix..-
greal utility. It; smre-s In Rut-unn‘ic a‘E'er—
lions. ha: been Huh-3m .uz‘p 5.116“ 1 " y any
gnu-EC. in'rr-‘luce-l to (Le pu‘Ju‘. Fri-r!- 3::
runs per boule. Fox ude by a“ _‘razgisfs and
unrekeq-ers. Prep-urea "fly h}— H. L. .\'IIIJJZR.
Wholes‘aie and Run“ DraggisL Em Berlin,
Adam: coun‘y. I‘3" 03‘» in “raga Chemicals.
Uils, Yamfs‘x. Spirits. i'dnh. Dye-3mm. bop
lied Ozk, Essenres xnd Tinctures. Winior
(3113‘. Perfumery. Pan-n 1 \ledicincs. he" kc.
GEL D. nigh!" is'xke Agent in Gauss.
lung [or ‘- H. L. lilier‘a Crlebnu-d Rheumafit
Uixluref ‘ [June 3.3861. u‘
The Grocery Store
N THE HILL.~The undersigned rank!
|() rezpecxfully inform the cilizcns ox Gen.“-
b‘ntg Ind fiziuixy. 1114; be his [then the uld
sum! “or: the am." in Bdlimotr street, Get—
tys'mrg. I'h-rte he intends x 0 Ree, comuutly
pl hind nil kinds of GRUCBR PlS—Sugars.
Defies, Sgrnpa of all kinds. Tobzcca, Fish,
84h, kn, Ruthenium: of :11 kinds. Fruiu,
pill, sad in {Act graphing usually mum! in a
Grocery. Also, FLUCR t FEED at .u buds;
’ll of which he intends to at“ low as the lor
in. Country produce uken in "chug. for
{9o¢ and the highest price given. lie but"
.inself Lint, by sirict ant-mien snd 1!: homes:
gain to please, to merit a share of public pa
young-e. TRY Bi}? J. I. ROWE.
' Feb. :3, 1363. ‘
Come to the Fair!
A RIDGE XCRSERIES.—Persons wishing
go Plant. Tm wfil find the stock in (he gmuad
Lably he, sad on'ered at reduced prices.
$113912 numbers 100 rarienzx, “pin-Icing
in the approved sons.
.\5. B.——Sce me index board an: F'mn Bale
Post‘ofice. 'i'. B. COOK k SONS.
SQL 2, £361. Enfn'darr.
Yonne men
SD OLD MKS, do ant allow your mother:
“d 3""? Vi“: k; Vet: on thcit precious
ov'er use old Wuh-lub longs, bu like
true men and beneflctora. prueu the:- cm;
in xxczbsma WASHER. and msmd of
he": at! crash lon-dz on rub Anya, (12an
upon it, cheerful faces 'in 312:; rug.
'lme BROTHERS, chjsbuxg, P;
Dec. 14, 1863.
Corn Wanted.
KY IX THE BAR taxed at our ‘.‘v'ua
lomfox which the highest nuke: price
mil be paid. XCCURDY & DIEHL.
Gettysburg April 18, 185%. '
Grain and Produce.
4 AYISG when the large and commodioqs
Wmhonse {21:21:11} occpgied by Frank
..." prepued to pay the highest price: for
.3! kinds of PBQDCCE. 350, _sell It the laur
‘piou, LUMBER, GOAL And 68001-31185,
mdescri 130:1.
lg Word, 423:. 1:, 1:63. tf
* (2313101; 2
- . xxcmsxowu
_ wheelie: Waking labia: is the but
‘I the ‘9'“. cm and mating ix a: nice...—
Ufiee I: up $154550: Sip-fight canny. ,
‘ ' - - ’ {}:01‘11'533
Br 11. J. STABLE.
47th1 Year.
The following is We “Mic: vow of Adunl county counted by the Return Judgel on Pridsy
reek ‘ '
SCove Gap, Funklin county, 2 2
tCnmp Biddle, Culhlc, P... l l l l
5 Camp Mirth-burg, Wen \'n., l I l 1
Co. 6., 49th 8951, PL You, 8 8
Co. 1;:lE-th Reg:., Pa. You, 20 16 20 16
to. I, ‘.STLh RegL, PL You, ‘ l l
Chalet Hospital, ‘
(‘O. 2, 49!!) 11922.,
(‘O. (5. 20915) 2931.,
Camp ('aawntaderf
Inn-ii l', S. Bulimia}, ,
(I up Dem-hi. Chattanooga 1
(.eaom} Hospital, York. Px, ‘ 6
(‘O. i.‘ 9m high PA. (“'_. 1
Indepr x. t Co.,¥cCaune)sburg. 3 6 2
'L‘imwl Camp Puble. Annual. J
‘ m. Hung! llmpilal, 1
Co. X. 291.1]: ltd-11L, Pa. )3011., 1
Co. F. 2102!; I!!g1.,
C‘mp Fry, 1
('o. C. 34: Regt.. Pl. Artillery,
l'tusrigurl flank-13d RP..A.,
(‘O. C. is! P. IWd.Ca-r.,
CO. 1’ ‘21:: R 0“ , Vol" 1
Iloue sole,
”53833, in and by the Ar: othe Gen
‘V rm) Assemlfiy 0: [hi4 Suit. ehzided
-- An :1. t to resume 1h? Genera! Elecxicns 0!
It}: L‘onuman-vmhh." (514‘de on the 2d 0!
Jul}: 11939. it i: rujninr—d 0:: In? to r 27. Rnb‘lc
.\'mfvc n! such Elrcfiuu to he had, 43.1 to
enutzr‘nze in finch nut-ri- that (fliers an- M
be t-Eedwl: An! “1:0 in pnrsuxncc 9! an Act
of Congress phir'flbinz and fixing one nm—
,(z»r.:n day oi holding election at Electors o.’
Prrsidem and \'l e Preside!“ Eu an‘the 511:3:
or the Union. :‘pprote.!‘ Jana ry :3, 151:4,4
lhem—{aha I. ADAM BEBHHT. :14ch 01' 1h!
(cum;- of Adams. do. herrby, give this
put-1c make 1': fine Electors of fine 542.!
iL‘muuy of Adana, an: an ELECTION will be
gbdd in said (‘ounuz on TUESDAY, the Sah
day of .\'UVEXHEK ngn, a: which time
‘Iu’ESTY-sxx ELEITHRS for Prrnurul m
Viv I‘m was. ..r we l‘nzxed Sales are l.) he
la the First diariet.‘ composed of the Bar.
offin-ttpi-ugul ihc Court—huute intiett} sburg.
In l-le heron! di‘uict. Co:Dpo3kd of the
township of (it-running! the house urXathame-l
5311'“. in the turn of Littlestuwn, in the
lofilbhip of Germany.
in the Thi'd «'i~tr2\-t. command of the town
:lfipo'lhfmd at the house of E. ii. .\' the
L nu of Sen- "xr'ord. “
Ir. the Fourth dmrirt. composed ofthe toru
shipe c-l’ Luann-re en: llxmtmnuu. :u the
but“: of U' W. Hildebrand, in the towcghip
0' Iliauttttztou.
lu we Fifti- di<tVi- t, composed of the town
-slv:p= oflLunituLlun and Llitt‘fl}, u the Pub
he .\hot-Lhouse i." Mllifrflu‘ln.
In the .‘thh difll’il t, tOI-lpu-td oi the tol’n
.hip of Hamilton. at the house non" octupicd
by Dlniel Becker. in the town of Er." Berlin.
In :31: Seventh district, compo~e~i of the
ton‘nsla‘p ut' Menulku, in the Public School
house in the 10th of Beudersrille. '
in the Eighth district. composed of the torn
ship of Six-bun. at the {‘olse of Jacob L.
Grass, in Hunterstotn.
la the .\'..uh d:stricl. composed of the town
ship of Franklin. at the hm-te now occupied
by John P. Butt. in Mid to'uhip.‘ _
we Tenth district, composed of the torn
ship Canon-ago, at the house of Jeremiah
Jutuz in MrSherrystown. .
In the Eleventh diitrict. composed of the
township of Tyrone. nt the house ofAlleu )l.
Cont Lin lleidlereburg.
In the Trufrh district, eo-posed of the
township of Mountjoy. ut the house of Mrs. Y.
Base. in said township.
in the ThineenMistrict. composed of the
township of Monutplumt. It the public
Schoolohouse in said township. situate at the
cross road; the one leading from Oxford to
the Two Tau-ems, the other Iron: Huntexnown
. to lluaorer. .
‘ In the Fourteenth district, composed of the
[township of Reading‘ at the house of K. I.
' Dicks. in Hampton.
A In the Fifteenth if 3%.. composed of the
Borough of Derrick nt the Public School-
Vhouse in 'AbbotteQarn.
: in the Sixteenth dis ‘ct. composed of the
township of Freedman hildt‘aSehoolflonse,
* Moritz, in said township.
1 In the Seventeenth diltritt. composed of the
itovnsbip of Cnio ut the house of Enoch Le
: terer. in aid towkhip.
i in the Eighteenth district, composed of the
1 tombip of Butler, .t the public School-house
lin liddletowu. iuuid toruship.
i In the .\‘ineteenth district, composed of the
l township of Bernick, at the Pigeon Hill
fSchaoLhcase. in said township.
I in the Ttentieth district, composed or the
itownship of Cumberland, I! the house of D.
’ Bluebaugh, iu the borough of Gettysburg.
, in the Twenty~first diatriet, compued of the
‘tmrcship of Highland. at the School House at
Lower Marsh Creek Presbyterinn Church, in
said township. '
The election to be open between the hours
of 8 and I 0 o'clock in the forenoon. by public
proclamation. and to be kept open until ‘I o‘-
"clocit in the evening, when the polls thayvbe
closed. ~
And the several Judges, Inspector! Ind ‘
Cierks. who shell hnve extended nt the lust}
election for members of the Genernl Assem- l
bly, shnll attend end perform nt the said eleQ‘
tion of Electors the like duties, And be subject
so the like wines for neglezt or misconduct
as they are or shell be liable to It the elec
tiou 01 members of the General Assembly.
And the Judges of the respective Districts
aforenui i, are by the and act required to meet
u the Court those, in the borough of Gettys~
burg. on the third day after the said any of
Election, being Friday, the 11th duy of Set-en:-
[bfli then Ind there to perform the things re
quired of them by luv.
ADA! REBEB‘P, Sher-it.
f Sherifi Oflice, Gen'gburg, Oct. 17, '54;
Entrap Cow.
ARE to fly [snakes of lh- subscriber, In
lonulpluun: township, 1b.!“ the 30“;
ct Jane hat, I. Rcd and While Spoued COW,
and is suppoéed 2.7 but had two Cdves. The
owner is mantel '0 prose Fromm. w:
charges and uke he! lvxy.
02;. :4, 1864. 31*
oi'disfingnmed individuals, including num—
ber of our plumber. Gnu-:13, nd the on
ten) John L. Bans, in file 1: the winner of
the End-int Gunny, Geuysbnrg.
O to Dr. B. HORXXR'S MS“!!! and get
Con greil. Assembiy.
c 7: z 2
O O > ‘1
= g .. 9.
= - 3 .-
° 3' >
g i: A“\\
r. r:
20 15
2 2
35 5‘ ST 52
l i
35 5:.
a 133 55’127 61 no 63 no 62 a: m 120
:cm 2133 294; :2‘4: 2ch no: 2641 use 2645 254: 213:. 2229
2567 2366 2707 2303 20129 .‘353 NOL 2:339 3210 2710 2356 2349
O S.\TI'KD.§Y. tbrl2lh day of .\‘ume
1.1.1:. but. the undersigned. Execulori of the
La-I nilf and testament of John Duli.drce;szd,
liil 4.9213: Public Fsie. on [be premiers, [he
Tub“ Hg waiua-Je Ru! Esxztr. viz:
.\ TR.‘."T UP LAXD, man: in Butler
lona-My, .\dims county. PL. 1: quantr nf :
n.i!e I'er (Shula Hunt-11‘s Mill. on the real
mm; from Buttes-stun to Pine Grove. :d
-juklng land! of Eli“ Glrdner, Wm. Guise,
Jarub Rein-n, Ind others. containing 13:
Arm: and 62 Perthe‘. neat mature.—
The improvements Ire . Inge Two~i":a
slory Shane “UCEE. with Back-build
in; uni Wash iiousn Carpenter Shcp‘ Buck
smith Shop, Dame Lo: Bltn,‘nlh Madam-i
Wagon Shed: alto analhn large Sulle with
Slut-. 15 and Wagon Shed, Carriage House. Con
Crib and Grannies, Hog Pen, I'RLh oxher om.-
baiidlngs. Tan is: ‘ril oitaxer vim pump
41 1L: dour. Opossum Cree’k run: :1. ng m:
farm. - The mill mm mm slung the Lui:d.ugsz
,aho sen-:31 “:Ich righl! chum :olhe fiei-k,
wizh : due proportion of timber and kinda..-
Agvae Urn-hard of vhoice fruit. 31w p.a Ms,
xears, to. Par. a‘tbe Lind bu lean lined
II is ruurmien: :0 dunehe‘, mills and «11.0)
s32lk to crmmenu It I o'dod‘. P. )1 .
on an” by. “Len ntxcndnucc will be thn
ax”! lums 1.2:: ie known Ly
011.17. ISGL tl
_\' pni'snance of n wri‘ of Let-xi Facing.
‘I issued out of lhe Court of Common
‘Plcss of Adum coun‘y, Pm. nnd 'w me
‘dirccted, till be exposed to Public 5213!. on
the premises, in Luimore Ip., on SATI’R
IDA‘Y. me m; day a! savanna: um. at
1 o'clock, P. )1., the fallouing described {25:41]
‘ Estate. ti; :
j A BRICK HOVSE. ‘ilnnte in Ncchanicl
l rifle, Latimore tovnship, .\duns county. Penn
sylrnnini n’djoiuing lnu at Hem! Lore-r. ..‘,
iGeorge Rnpp, sud fronting on the read fig}
_ lending fmm Bam Beriin to Diflsburg;
iconuining in from 30 feet Ind in depih 25
feet, (to statics md an nuic in height, with A
‘ Back Building. 16 by 1: feet. and the ground
' and cartilage npyunenau to aid building.
’ Seized and ukel in extendonu the proper
figr o! Alas Ptrns.
ADA! REBERT. Sherifl'.
Sherif: 015 cc, Gettysburg, on. 24,"!54.
fi‘l‘el per cent. of the patchy: money
upon 11l nlés by the Sham mun be paid over
iumedimly lfier the property i! struck data
3: upon fail“: to canpb' therewith due propa
i! will be again put up for ale.
Cannon to Hunters. .‘.
HE subscribe", resident: of Mon-00y
uwnhip, Adan: county, hereby caution
hunter: Ind Elbert agtinn uupuu'ng on
their prem‘mes. The; hue drudy‘ Inbred
much in this my, and till pm the hi inforce
gig-inn :1] who dismal-d this notice.
Jacob Baker, Jesse Worley,
John aniley, Jottpl liner,
Peter Bemr, Henry Snyder,
Peter Orndorfi, ' hue Lightner.
Akmdet Sabin-1:, lichul Fine].
Levi Selim,“ Sand Schv-ru.
Oct. 2;, 1864. 3"
G 16”: and Collin
As my Fin: vex-e .11! pnrchued when Gold
was at I much lower premium mm At present,
I am eu-bied to dispose of them 1: very m
nonable prices, And I would therefore solid; 1
c5ll from In: Erigndl of Adams comm; Ind vi
cmny. ,
fihmembsr the am number and suee: '
718 ARCH Street, :bove Tlh, south side.
3‘l hue no partner, nor connection 'in:
any oihor “org in Phihdelphin,
SepL'lZ, 1364. 522:
HE undersigned continues the
in I“ its bunches. n his old "and, in Inst
liddle street Gettysburg.
NEW WORK. made m order, and
done promptly sad 1; lowest prices.
T'o 6:51.111: SPRING WAGOXS ad I
Dec. 7. 1863.
A FULL ul of out Photographic Yiztl or
the Battlevfiil-i of Geuglburg. (on: :
qflendid gift for the Holidays. The finest yet
published Can be seen tub: Excehior Gantry.
PRIXG BALXORALS jun waived u
S trauma 3308'.
9 z
5 z
20 -16
2 6
2‘ 6
Public Sale
{-uanD DELL,
Shcrifl’s Sale.
Ladies’ Fancy Furs!
'l' JOE)" FARE!-
A ENS old esub~
fished FUR HANC
FACTORY, No. 718
\BCH Street. above
we now in non.- of
r own Imporuxion
{d Immature. one
:tions of FASCY
$5.12): Ladies'uzd
Maren} ten,in the
(cm of Gent‘s Fur
Still at Work.
Battle-field Views.
. \
<.4 vim
“an: 15 ’ncrn up nu. runn."
To all Who are interested In the ' Courage. Friends!
, Chris tian Church. I' Th? drynie beginning to bankThthl p:
, . , the: tn: euium in at hen . e or
afifl'fifmflxf 35‘ $332313: " f;°"§;u'hi°*}o’f;; 2°13, Wm‘omlrbgr"
gn'e our vote for one or the other two mn- - e- m.” e u 9‘" year: are tug
didntes for the Presidency“, in this land of . rapidly dupelljed§ty “13.1“.“ of reuon '”d
our fnthen. Just think. uon our bended 3:82:32: :1: pzoglzn gang: 22:2,:2:
knee. of the religions and: of these time '
d‘. . ~ _ . . , 1 preacher the people everywhere are begun
C: Ingnnuthed 2.9.3,“ £ms;u%l3l;: 2 mug to epenk out; oonrervnuvo men by
l is an extnordimry nun; but denies hi: ‘ 3390 mm "6 coating we” lot mm the Old
Divinity. Mr. Lincoln. without being nfof ngizifcnffn‘g' 30th: 023:33?
member of the Christian Church.make- the ; Preside t l l {-0 ill b:P h, g
the «Lydon-nu of . the princvpnlnr- ntn ere-i n. w. l o sue n
“we o‘. in' my . I ehnnge m pulmb sentiment» has not been
i K-j Gisthrge B MéCiellnn some: allnPsdeutnee the reto‘tuuon that brought
, . ' ' ' ' ; 'enanl written into potter. ll: 18" :
! eighteen month. ago. end on the lame - “Tm”: is might; end must prernil." The
day thnt l m at the Rev. Dr. Adams" . f
‘ehnrch in New‘York city e . oom- . mun:~ my be led estny for a season J!
, mnniunt mambo ofnn O: bod h h _ the bz‘ée subteringee and wicked misrepre
. r J . ox c ‘l’“. ' . mutations of (acttous And designate dent:-
end in the presence of the Holy Tr.nity,;mu“_ but the “er m‘ond “'0“ ht"
HolyAngt-ml nunyofhi‘fellow beingnlof the ' ,l “a; 1' ' f, i “5890,.
\pve his ! :olemn nml prayerful eon- ‘ pec-I eu n ”is, c‘ n I - l
‘toln th doctrines { hol roll ;portuue moment Ind yut things to rights.
:2“. ' 0 our 4' ' in. America: people—tho honest yeonun~
. . ry of the country—will not permit thocon
h A ‘°'¢§‘{V§§:°;itr‘;l:ftw§ Neglelltn'; temnen of the Constitution and destroy.
Will-9.69118! nl b a” $35" d“ 'd . iert of the Union to go’on in their Iccursod
“Allow en ged Amgasndor of J 43: cffiawork. They will not fufl'er this fnir lieu
to congratulate you on your high petition??? trnnsmtt‘tled tone by our ld now
in the hearts and nfl‘ectione of your coun- “emto ‘0 own In gloom m ‘0 ‘'9
trymen _ end apecinlly in becoming a rol- i the wnko of the free Governmenupf mu.
dier enlisted under the'blood stained bm- qmty_. They ere deter-tamed thnf. b, the
her of Prince Binanuel ” Gen McClellnn i’blfilll‘l; of Karen UPC—.9 wen-emm‘ the
is the first candidate l’or t‘ .P ‘d ißepublicshallsttlloontmnetohve,md thnt
that i. ‘ communimt milbefiireig ;onrchildren Ind the generation-Yunnan
Christin church since the days of Wash- :EOlElktrhou;‘iiy‘lufsygil‘hnzdmh‘ldg 0‘
2310:. God will unquestionably permit;w“bin on “d hie eon) trio“ of the
to have a President, either with Hh‘Bevolntigtin. . P.
enmorhie blessing. Jmtuwe choose. l Conn Q then friends The “it!" in
lam credibly informed the: Gen. Mc- tthe 15:51 horizon '"‘ .n favorable—
Clellnn 3‘" 5"“ satisfaction, '5 to h.” The [)0 ll no awake in on direction.—
motive- in joining the church ; .‘nd' "he" iTheiif:ft:hwonl is McCutLYX. Pnnurhx
glued 3’: to {anezsifi our nnttoxinl lroz- Innd Ustox. "M . 519,50.“ victory in eer
6. “““'” f‘ ” “0” ‘ '“‘!" . ‘1“. on the Bth of )oventber.—-Luauur
”the-r than nrnnee. ¢ Imi’iym
I would nleo note that. I informed Gen. i ' RLi ,
Gen. McClellan that we had become em- ‘
harassed with a Church and Seminary u.
the Boiling Spring. PI. The General, with
out being eolicited to aid us, when we
auto to leave his house. gave hi: servant :
letter directed to tné. end when lepened
it. I found I ten dollnr greenback in it for
outplmrch. ltold the young gentleman
to tell the General. he ind my most hearty
think; (or his kind donation; and espe
, cinlly in putting an ntlditionnl chum
around the building Ind ennbling line to
1 telLthe soldiers; “Genenl McClellan wes'
i for )our bodies and souls.” God bless such
3 (it-nerd. He respected my mission,
I, when many mink-ten oft e Gospel,‘otting
E from five hundred to five thonsnnd dollm
_' a year. did not. In my judgment, Presi~
” {dent Lincoln will not I: much compare
‘ l with Gen. McClellan. “President of the
. United States, 5 . f ath'r will com a
.Let the people remember-that Abe” Km. . mowmin‘of‘go‘id_ C W
Lincoln depriwd General .\lcClella l 3930”“ “We” “"1 Brethren; " “1
f 1" . t d d ‘ . §l know tlnt our Ship of State is rockinglon
0 ‘3” Lomman an 83“: I‘ls arm the bulows ol an awfully mgry ocean.
to General Pope, 'Dflk cloud: are rocking; bursting thun
. j ' ' den are re in‘; forked lightning: ere glu-
LCt the P 809!" ”numb“ thin) ring; rain in descending; waves are duh
when Pope was ; defeated and flying! 111': Ind thfik'QlE- Iver“! belie"-
. ‘ - ‘- ‘ - ; ton theB 0 [member we will de
m“”d_ “ ”blngwn' Abe meom g cide whether this once most glorious Ship
found it necessary; to save the Cap- ; ofSux: shnll be wrecked entirely on rocks
- _ ‘ - :orun but. or be moored in n calm lnke. m“ McClellan to command. . where a Christian General as Praident
Let the people remember that 31c, will nid 1;: awfully distractetl'ln-tion in re
‘ ' . a - zptiring tis Ship of'Stnte. his shall be
Clef“? ”‘1“ save ‘l‘? Lapltei _by my prnyer. God helping. hut in ell this. Ire
achtenng the two glorious Vtcwnes ‘would say. let God's will he done. wiltethesr
- ~ ;it is our willpr not. Amen! Luke 0: l .
over {he "wading than South MONI- ' Christ up. “I beheld Satin x: lightning
tam and Antietam. 1%“ {rom- lienun." King Solomon 51:5.
» - toverbe, 13 : 34, "Bighteousneu enlteth
.Let the peoplerrgmember that Abe i n nation; but sin is n reproach to any poo-
Ltncoln thereupon wrote a letter tO' ple."
McClellan giving him a “fhousandi
thanks" for his victories.
:2: c 7:
E = e
r- n -;
_r =
_ O
u 3 _,
‘_‘ 1 u
2 2
l l l
l I I
8 8
20 17 15
g I
as 53 53
Matior General George M. McClellan.
5 5
2 6 6
• 1 I
Ivor mac-v. ‘
[or Vice PmW-I,
6 6
1 I
16 li
EDWARD P. Drxx, .
OLIVER s. mmncx,
Aumn B. 905 mm,“,
THADDEL‘S 13.13113,
JOHN M. mum;
mssums BRO\\‘.\" '
FACTS rO3 m'mm.
Let the people remember, also,
that when McClellan had defeated
the enemy, driven him out of Miry
land, saved the Capital and quieted
the feats of the Pmidenfial “joker,"
that Abe Lincoln suspended him
from command !
norm G 1083 TRUE.
That grand old man, profodnd
statesman. and true patriot, the H 01).
Amos Kendall, the bosom friend of
the immortal Jackson, whose Poit
master Generalhe was, close. Imost
admirable letter with the following
“The results of the militaréoop
eratlons of 1862,t1ms far under m
mander-in-Chief Lincoln' and Major
General McClellan, may be summed
up as followsi
uscom um nxcnxoxn, ‘
£o.3me syn.» wanna-ms.
For saving Richmond, Lincoln is
praised, flaunt-ed, auddpmposed tor
re-electio tome Presi ency!
For s3Washington, McClel
lan is t need, driven from the egr
vice of his country, and sfigmatizeé
as the accbmplice and leader of tni~
tors! 2
God is just. Are the people?—-
November mil answer.”
That my person ofardinsry information,
an {:5l to see the ceruin daunédon to
thin country that will follow mother (on:
you: of liuaoln’a Administruion.’ About
one half of the whole occur; in now a
good u mortglged for the public debt,
ad the same policy will sweep any the
Hume! “The lust mu: sad the lul dalf
hr” will hue gone in the efion to abolish
alum in the rebel Sula! Ind be : failure
It that l
W Sumner, in a reeenfi speech
at quiel Hall, sad:
Th Pru'dnlwdnriy vigil-"lot, in: re
nus or run rnxca on not mu '1?!
n: nomxm or sun".
Infinity” fi an udcnt‘ and enthusia
fiow ofAhu-sluqfinaoln!
0' 111 ml
•r• . .
Ati:....., , 04 4 •:,,; . , ,
i v rt a
4 4
'"' -.
l'-----' /
~ A 311x15?“ or flu 603 nm.
Cumberland County. Pa.
“1 only ask for four more yam of War to
tbbl'nh slavery in our) oné of \he Southern
States.” Such was I recent "mark of Mr.
Lincoln. Four mom years of war! Four
”more year: of Int Io Idd to the preynt de
monlintion of society. to Mid to the public
‘burthempf debt, taxation, oxe'na, lioenm,
lhlnpl and incomev—to Enema lon-ow.“-
fiction and mourning lhroughonj. the had
-to multiply drain—lo impoverish hbor—
h bukrnpt. the government. Four more
you. of war! and for what? "To :bolish
slavery!" _ Apd it in 10 do am, that n are
to ruin omselves—to bting sorrow, humili
sfim ad shun. upon the American pee
l pie—to cream I centralized dapotin'n.
[n upeech nude by Secretary Seward in
February, 1361, he nid:
“I know the Democracy of “‘0 North.—
I know them now in theirwaning strength.
I do at» know a possible disunionist unong
:11. I believe they will be a: faithful lathe
Union now :5 they were in the bygone
day. when lheir ranks '4 full, and their
chdleage to the mum Its aim?! the
Int-cry of victory."
We commend this just expmlon ofhon‘
at opinion to the “tendon of the fibe of
alumnislors who so fllpplntly denounce
Demon-us n unite“ and rebels.
fin is named Hut an intimth pet-sand
friend of Xx. Lincoln, 1n Illinois gentle
nun, who wn entrusted with A [use
nmount of money with which to aid in au
rying the recent elemion, bu [ailed to 10v
coun‘ for the disbursement of about one
hundred mound donut, and hm not ye}.
reported u headquarters. There is mnéh
tribnluion mong the Republican laden
a. the sudden flight ofgreenbockl.
Ciwh’: Gamma—Dr. Clark, the
champion of Remedial, in commenting
on W 2d. verse 17th; of St. Lake,
which ny‘, “6101] to God in the highs;
on out}: peace mdgood wijlwwxrd men,”
tenants : “How an religious contentions,
civil hroih. crop-en. ImJook that gospel
in the face which publish” nothing but
glory to God and pace Ind" good will
among men."
fiTbe Wad £27m. Jef. Davis’-
or‘pn. thinks tho Samba-n Confedency
“Info: with Lincoln. 11: uniduer] fanatic.
M with What. a sinner: Um"_
; fireetenmg Revenge.
; A: we expected. the outrage: committed
, in the nlley of Virginia by Lincoln’e order
have cmted e thint for reverse in the'
:Soath. The Bichmoni Whig goes so fer u
to propose to lnre deeper-ate 3:05. to burn
Phil-delphie. New York or ten, even it
iit should eoet e million dollar: to have it
7done. Other journele express e hope thnt 1
the Rebel ermy whenever it may egnin net ‘
'foot on Northern son. will light the m 1:
and burn all meteorites in it; wey.
We tmt e people otAd-me county
‘ are giving some thought to the sex-iota eon
sequencee thet may hel'nll them in the event
of Lincoln's reelection. Lincoln has not
been ehle to keep the Rebels out at Penn
,sylunia in eny single yea-Wu he remov
jed fien. XcClellu: from the command of
~the Army of the Pawnee. They here
’eome into this Sate every summer since
Lineol. eompe!!ed McClellan to come n'wny'
from in tront ofßichmond end tnmedover
his army to Genenl Pope.‘ If Lmeoln is
.not turned out on the Fourth of Much
' next. they will in ell probability come
‘lgein next Inmmer; and if they do. we may
3 expect them to take full revenge upon our
rich lumen for Lincoln's deetruction of
‘housee. barns, mills. greineuch end agri
lcnltnnl implement. in the nlley of Vir
E I: it fearful to think of the damsge thet
might be done by two or three thousand
deipeule Rebel caulrymen. filled wtth re-
Venge. In a dny they could burn down
Gettysburg. and every town and allege. 3‘
well as nearly every house, hem, mill and
tennery in the county, '
Our only safety ltee in 3 change of edmin~
istrauon. We rugst put in d-Preeident who
will either secuxe a peace on the basin of
Union. or else conduct the war u it ought
to be conduqled. This burning of term,
‘and houses, end heme, and such of groin.
must be put a &p to,or the wholeeountry
will yet become one greet bleckened ruin.
And the people will starve end perish like
il’lld bee‘ in the fields end the Torah.
”w 0? mm OWN ACTS.
The In! Congress posted n kw raining -
tax of THREE PER CENT. our and Above
the present income In: affine per «at. but
knowing in unpopuiui‘y, the) In druid
to boiled it. Order: has been received
from the Treasury Drpnnmem not to col
lect it until afza 1h Pna‘dnbal «Mon, md
when the people all to pay it. they ”’6
finvely told by Ibo Collecmr, "There is no
nrr‘y. Any time in Novenbex will do."
Ya. nny ham and M: (1m when it
can produce no nufnvorable mulls, :nd
then the a: and the penalty for want of
prompt payment will be snmmufly collect
ed, and next yet:- ‘hi: tax Will be _fi‘re per
5?: making the ineomoux TEN PER
."l‘. ‘a
LOOK OUT roa 186
The volunteer: of 1862 will hue comple
ted their three yen: in 1865, Ind the draf‘
led men of this {:11 for one yet:- lii! also
boom m 1805——th1, xberefore. is to pre
vent 1 draft of I. million of men in 1363 if
Lincoln be "diet-Rd 2 Votefor McClellan,
if you would restore the Union without any
more dram or the louorhundreds of Lhou
nnda of Ines. md hundreds of mfihom
non of your hud-euned subuancerSam‘
(rut Dram—at.
SW aPem (Emma'uiaur.-—The coma. m ”A ‘ I ‘ ~ ~ I“
of Gen. Sherman in ofl'ering to war. with fizfiUioilt;&m.;9/:cfi‘7gufic 0.3. :
rgbalwsuthoritiel, and usurmg the people '1351. I
o ‘ rgu that their lands and negroes are 1a: v ‘ ,
no‘ wanted by us, is crmnug £2l feelaag‘ le'Februuy, ”J'lj Greemy md. .
tilh the Abolition {semen which rules \\ uenevet'vn 55‘" 39°18“ “:15de
Lincoln. W 0 may therefore expect that body °f ‘be Mptbem people ['"'Mm
bosxilny to Sherman ‘nn uka : serimn conclusively aleeuatPj {"9” "’{UMM
form 11 ‘be (maxing of Congress. Moreover ”film“! m'empe from u, 3‘ '“”‘“ ".M
it is stated Imhom conzmixction. Lint 75M“! ”‘“’ ‘“““- A
Sherman is for Mdfienan. Greek}. by going for Lincoln, no mu
.._—“m” , us that he is (£47.). In}; in.
91f you want low 13193. if you want. 1 View: of the "My: Mto ' Old
.\'o MORE CONSC‘BXPTIUSS, if you Ital .
to nvo the government of your fathers. if
you mm your children to enjoy the lim
mg: of M, if you In)! amen in place of
dinuisn. prospenty in pbce of ndvenity,
human: in pboo of ducord, PEACE IN
PLACE OF WAR. 3nd plenty in place of
mt md dafimxionnow for McCielluL
“a! Dr. (Jan? Sum—“He who while he
profuse: the rehgion of Chnat. disturb. m
ciexy by his preaching or mixing, who ex
cludes from the nlvauon oYGod thou who
do not hold hi! religious. or political creed,
never knew the natureoflhe Goapeiand nev
; [felt in power and influence."
‘ &A big neggtexwdlncCleum baddg:
‘”'“ptal‘d’LW” “31:: 25%;?" '
can un' an I scan
Mun-don. y
M“. 1
• -%‘,P.,
WWI" ““'“
» In: weak I. not“ thirteen W
journal: which Ind 1m LGcoin Md I’m
longnd come over to McClellzn. Tao.
charge- as All. on I’u‘. Tn- Prom;
orpman I" Igsimz I’w/‘oin. and with
Union Republican fearinls and wen. u.
for “die“:m.
_ The New Ceszlw’i gene: the Reg-übueil:
org": in pawn-no.- ooumy, Penn'l, s'ly‘
m—Lmo fut Mac.
Th Gydo Times. of ane county, F.
Y.. take. down Hm Shoddy licks-t. and (0"
for Ice: with notice “to whom It lnq
concern.” ' ‘
The St Louis l'pion. hitherto 3 Lincoln
orpn. endorses McClellan’l mg“...
thus: .
-‘ The Yetta: in nbom u nit-ad lb.
3 Union document I: bu been hug?”-
vo the pubhc. There is not I rectum
Word nor .1 {Aileflng idea in it." - ’
The Coldvazer Cuéua, Salim-1, on. of
the am able and inflnnual R-publian
M 1315 m Mm‘uigzn. bu um“ ml 1. n
Abolition Lincoln Inch-t And hound H. 511
of Cuba Mad Mcßlellux.
NO. 6.
The Sevpon(Vermonl) Run. lately R .
pubALcnn. bujointd the npidl, Wu;
MoCielhn ”my. ‘ ‘ \ '
. The Gwen by (Wit) [drag-u. no
ndrvuam- Magician, :0 the gran gr‘m‘of
3 The E‘rzimburg m 7.) O‘mrvor. .lntel,
Re;n.-Li.o.n, In: an red to Lula Xx" my
jor'ny in Lmuuln’s Sate.
Wiika’ S. Y. Spirit of the Tick-findi
ul organ. re udi-la the, lad dwin- bun
lo hue Ihc Edd. ' ‘
Th’o Amman. I St. Louie Bamhlkva
Gen-mp: paper. says Lincoln in mu»..- 1,,
and nut. ruling to .uva (he Unwn. but i.
:rying to mac a negro umpire.
We ace it mwd lhal )Ir. knead-n Inn—
to recommend us Congnu," the qppmuing
union. the rung: or: b I: masking papa In.
my "tenable [..r nu l'nmd aute- “chub.
chin; arm on uporu. Then ha. been v»
n‘ous dad: Inns 0! : medium-d pm of um
had thrown on: we... and min! of tho loot
ndics! of |h'e Abolition Conpusuu lulu“,
lan ‘intzr, nut I. must come to (hi: policy
eyenzualiy, Ind um we night. I: In" adopt it
.r. unee. Their idea‘ s‘: (but by expelling gold
{to- view :1 number she credit o! lb. '00“-
lleu will be unmanned. Ind run it: curacy
will become more ralnnbie ud popular than
people thlll lure foxgouen hot bud In» N
look: Ind (eels. Thin in quit; Manhunt“. .
bodes nogood to lbs! tut clus of persons J
have invested lhtlr new”; Gai‘emucutu
curiu'el, upon the nuunmce 15-: their dividenu
would be p-id than: u- yold. h i 111": the div
‘tin on Import: u: um roamed gold 11l u
be mailed. So * iléaegbncks are to b.
nuie )egsl undo I the «atom bonus. in
they mereryrhenelu, the Goreramenlbond- ~
holdén lii} hue mo bake lhnf inure“ in
greenblcks instead of gold. ‘ This brg-ch of
hid: in uiwgether in keeping 'it) thi policy
, and character of m mu in power, but it is u
‘ scandaloua, and thruxeu to produce u. h an“
Amount of popular indiguuon and (ii-gut, .
{kn ve doubt that" may fill "mm m w
3 much than! it uh: lfld tum—Ayn .
Snid Hen" Ch”: "With \Abolitionilu u“.
right: of property we numbing. the ddciney
of the pawn o! Gcneul Gonrnueu in noth
ing. the acknowledged and inconmtible right.
of the Sum m nothing, u d'moludon oftho
Union Ind the omthrow of n Gavin-u: in
which we concentrated xhn hope. at tho !
(hinted wofld. in nothing. A ninth Mu
has uken polseuion of their nindl, And on
ward they pursue 3L orerlaoking .11 We]
I'och and rrgardrm of all w."
Were Henry (33:; linng tc-dAy he would I).
roan? m an; necmm.
A! John W. Fame} in now the“
Agent of Lincoln in defining Xfleflun,
it is proper, :0 quote what Fancy aid two
yen- ago. in one of his "Mood" lat
lento his Pan; and remind tho rude
um Fotney hu now joined the "tunic
and fiereo antagonism ” (but then 0005 M
m due-l. our armly. lest‘lcCleM-n should
begun: too on ur:
WWumumr. July 4. 1862."
If Gent-n! McClellan in able to hold hit
petition the: biz wonderful bank-n. run
ning. with various names. through in
long Ind bloody days. the cup of his (1017
win be full. But. whether he holds ital
not, were can no longer:- be any question
that. he is u military chief of put. cac
mandiugdsbiligr, :nd Hut in :1“ dun
; rallel can «an t. to 'in: I
34¢ a.“ fine: Lug 31:, he' humflfiu
pstiencg perseverance. genius And'mu‘o.
‘ I my this much, not by way of pnx'scfiutu
an get of simp‘xe justice to I nun ill when
{-9 min] you Luau hate been upmod.
Land the has not diappolnted public confi
dence. '
“human! 73 moon.
Abraham Lincin bu been W
edbd by his abolition friendl. "a“
Old Abe." Let lune. In hin'unll‘lnl
sddreu he said : '
"I hneno pnrpmefiirocflyor ham,
to inkdem rid: the inimuuon of thick!
in the “no. abate it exhu. Ibelivvol
hue noggin to do w, and 1 have nob.
clinuion do no.” _
In hiserancipuion proclamation lie-id:
“larder Lad declare that. All persons
held u duh: in the and designated sum
and pun orames, are. and handout“
aha” be. frpe; and that (beexecutiu pv
emmenl of the Unite-1 States. incimfln
(he mdiury and aunt authorizing “not
will xeooguizc zud' mmnuin We {rado
of said negroes."
Can the honest your! of the country gin
their xufl'ngo LO 3 man who unblmhiu‘ly
undamka w do that which be solemnly
“id be had no right he do: 304, Ibo
pledga {be use of the mm; to any on the
lwar xndefinimh' to ” munuin them
,0! the negroa 2’”
fi'Honco Greeley is I Lincoln new:
in Sew York. Is be for Who Union!
Retd his own lsuguage. ‘
ln December, 1860,11: aid in tho 7H
qu' :
; Ifzhe Declaralion oflndegnQeneojufl
fled me msiou from we rind: lupin
‘of three minions of Cobaisu in ”16,- lb
Q‘Shorfly the! Genaal new.“ ho.
roic conduct in the men days’ fighfiq ho
foro Richur'i, the following rude-padr
ed to him ’by the Praidenl: ' .. -'
Wanna-ms. July 183.
.dear Gun-. 15 690:3: B. 39% : . '.
un utisfied um )uunej, ofieenud n
have done all you could. dilutes-weigh
mng-gmvmqiou. Tu WW
jor u. A. hm;
”Immediately trier tha battle nd
vicwry of Antietam. General menu: to
ecived the following dupawh:
Wanner“. Sew. 15. mail-You’d.-
puch elk-why rec-ind. Willing-..‘!
511“!“- ' A. law.
To Haj. 32!. 6i); 3. “com