The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 18, 1864, Image 4

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K L“
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"55 an}. - '
" if we \‘x‘fig‘f': A». V 3 f
*3??? lkvs‘. ‘s‘:
x .. a 5&1 : in‘. 5?? x.
:. "rfig, i' M’ —:“.‘v" "p, ’_‘
, .2434 63?, ._ _
v “flung-’- ‘ -
¢ g
U. 8. 7-30 Loan.
TH] Eocretuy of the Treasury give: notice
‘ tint Inn‘ucriptions~ will he received for
Coqphn Trounry Notes, payable three ycm
(tom Aug. 15th, 1884, with Icmi-nununl inter
pu n: th. an. of nevcn and thr‘ee-iemlu per
um. par tnnum,—Vprincipal nml interest buth
00’ I). paid In lawful money.
Theu not" will be confiertiblo M. the option
p! tin holder :1. maturity, into six per cent.
[old baring bonds, [my-Mu not less‘xhnn live
nor more than‘ lwentyycafn from their dnto,us
Ibo Gournment may elect. They will be in
pud in denomination:- Bf $5O, $lOO, $lOO,
$l.OOO Ind $5,000, Ind All subscriptions must
be (or Icy dullm or name :fiultipls of filzy
The not" will be transmitted to the owners
In. of ‘nnlportntion chm-gel M “run after the
ncolpt of flu origlnnl‘Gm-xificulu of Deposit
u they can b. prepared.
A! thc not“ draw interut from August‘ls
pon-nu linking deposits subsequent to that.
flu. muu 9-] the interest. accrued from dale
cf not. to date of deposltl, fl,
Innis! depositing twenty-fire thousand (IoL
1m Ind upwnrdl lor lhelo nute! at any one
time will be Allowed l commission of one
gfiuk; of one per cent , which will be paid
by tho'Tl-eunry Depurtmaut upon the reéeipt
of: bill for the amount, certified tohy (he
pflcer with whom tho deposit was mmlc. .\'o
dodnctionl‘for commission! mm! b. mule from
pi" deposits. ”
J; pg KAI-mu. Sumo: Bur. offering 1
Milan». of‘inureat than any other, and (he
Nu" ”it; Any nvings ibank winch pnya
lu'dopoeiton in U. S. Notes, considers tlmz n
In plying in the but circulating medium ofthe
poi-try, 3nd it. can»: [my in anycbing boner,
10! It: ova Qua. up thing] in'gonrnmem
uuritiu or _in notes or bond- pupblo in gov
prunont paper. ~
h is oqunlly conuniunt u I temporary or
{mange}! investment. The lIO'A‘I an ulwnys
3g £03410! within n traction of mm- face and
acclimated inure-t, 3nd are the but securi
0y with uh II collntemll for discounts.
Columbia into 13h per cent. 5-20 Gold Bond.
In dditioufo the very liberal interest on
“I not?! for in!“ years, flail privilege 0! con
"man is now worth about three per cent per
pun-11, {oi-Who cnmn‘ rate for 5.20 Bond: in
”In. yhnp'm pu- ecu. prau'wu, And belore
a! flu tho premium on I}: per cent. 0. 8.
fig: p’u nver twenty per cent. 1:. will bu
am Milne ulna} profit‘gon this lonnrpn the
pun“ make: 11“, in not less than fen per
ant. per Inngm.
In tilde from all the edunuge‘u we hive
unburned, e special Act of Congreu exempts
I“ hold! end Treasury notes from loeel taxa
ggp, 0: due average, thin exemytion is worth
,Ibout two per cent. per eunum. Iccordinu to
“II me of tuition in nfione pun of the
I“. {lii-wed 111-t no ”entities ofer surreal}
x‘7 ‘ to lenders n thou firmed by lha‘
% In All other forms-of indebted-l
_ mm or .911“, ofpriulo paras, or
M pmpnfin, or «pane: communitigs, on-
DJ! pledg‘d {or payment. whiln the whole
May 0! tho country is held to lecnr. the
Hang. or .11 m. omiguion. or m United
“11. the mgr-amen o'er! the moat liber-
Il all! {or [u loam, It beliaru thlk the Yer,
W Ippul will In to the loydly and pt
m o! the peopla.
. Dlflluta certificate: will be issued for all
Main. Tho puty depazmng must endorse
nonh- Ofi'yf'all certificate the denominuion
dilate! requbod, Ind whether they no to be
final u bin]: or plylble to order. Whnl to
W a aunt be left with the officer re
am rujeposit, m h. {qmded 19 lb;
1* M 10" II”. n noun» by the
mfg!“ Unitedsuul, at Wuhingmn,
' ' NgAtthr'mnmd duignmed
mum"! b, ‘
' '-~ ‘ ' -‘ hum: OEGETTYSBURG,
H b 111 W Bah which no dope-i-
Wynn» noun w!
,pmnonsu BANKS up BANKERS
'W -. ‘ at an conmry arm ‘in {unbu- in-
xm any; “gym To spa:
{ scum:
1‘”; me. I!!! .
m 4. -- ~* ‘ Im. ‘ Good Imps iiad True,
SummeuArmngement. r TH: aunt consea.
UIIE. COATS, of 111 kindi. very chenp IN GETTYSBURG -
It _ 810 KING’S. {BUW & WOODS no opining outanolJu-r [urge
IASSIIERE cons, all “flea and ..u‘ . "WNW!“ of New “W" 4“
(leorSJQmm-ksblrchup,“ I’ICKING’S'," [I ‘3‘" Shut: “'"“’-V. I‘M“
. ‘ . £eyw nelutllc one“
AkEILLES, Freak And Smk C 03": 330- cuhipricu. W. buy I“ (or
“’““’" “he“p’ “ . “GEL“, 3' I Cnlh “the lower-l urices and
LINEN DUSTERS, good material nml well: . can. lhgrefurv, mll the l'umc
made, cheap as dirL, at PICKING’S. : qullity of goods ,9 go“. a.
ASSXMERE PANTS, plain Ind (they, “.1 they can Lo bought It any
mnilhingly cheap, 31. PICKISG'S. ‘ otherfilore in the State. A
WEN; Duck, And Cotton Pants. Incom- “'1" portion "“'" 55°" '"’
monly ‘beflh u PICKINU‘S. lell are made :0 order. of the
BOYS! Cong, Yul: and Pants. unnaunllyi : 2:;tr3222l‘3llfduzxudB2:
cheap, at. PICKING’S. . ”x '
l . \V \ .
A'I'IN, Silk und Manama Vesu. positively an.“ l “U & ‘UODS
wry chap, n PICKXNG‘S.
OLLARS, Skirts. Suspends". Starks. un
/ pmcedentedly cheup, at PICKISH'S.
“H. 155, PM", Flute: ‘lnd Acmrdeonl,
Ihocki-gly cheap, at PICKING'S.
NLOCKS and Jewelry 0! .11 kinds. con
-1 loundetfly cheap. at. PICKIKG‘S.
LY’ NETS, drivingly chclp, It
_ORE'A‘I' many other lflinga, cheaper flmn
jha chenpgu, at PICRING‘S.
I" coum'eyerybody who wants to bin-300d
Good: and cue-Ip, wnll please call u
Jun 27, 1864. '
Noah Walker 8: 06..
$65 nn 161 BAL‘HIOII S-rurr,
keep cpnntnntly on hand I lnrge and well u-
loned flock of I" kind: of good: It modernte
Tho, Inpply ordm formic fin." to the
low”! priced uticlcl, Either ready undo or
nude to manure, to any part of the country
They keep also 1n egtensivo flock of FURN-
jsumc‘aows, embracifig every micle o:
Gentleman's Under-vear.' Also, MILITARY
CLOTHS and every nriety of Military Trim-
wings, I: well as an nsaone‘d Itdck of READY
Bahimore, Feb. 2:, 1364
Come to York Street!
HE undersigned has houghtoul the Grocery
T And Provision Sgoro or W. E. BitL!eV in
York street. lxtew daurs east of St. Jamei
Lmhcmn Chure‘h. and will cominne the blui
us! at the name phce. He his inexcasedélhe
uock, angi is now prepared to ofi'cr al most ex
cellent assurzrueut of zoodqain his line, Inch n:
Salt, PHI], "rooms, Buckets. llrmlaes, Wash
ing Machines. Bucking, Candles, Needles,
[’ius, Comh'. km, \vilhfi large lot of.
Alia, (‘onl Oil nml Gm! Oil Lamps. ‘
l‘ull and «0(- mr yourselrns. [ln assortment
ill not uulylull, but. he sell: as cheap as tlm
cheapest. ’
Tue-1.13110" price pair] for old Lord.
Gettysburg, .\hnh 7, 1864. ~
Hardware and Grocerms.
r I“: .mh‘lr-ribcn hue just rmu‘nml from
r the chin-s with an immrnso iupply of
HARDWARE & CHUCICRIHS, whirl. “my are
offerm'sz a! ".er uhl stand in Balumvre street,
at prices lowit the times. Uur Mock vansistl
in pm! of ‘
OILS, PAINTS, to, to. There it no amide
included in the srverall departments menlit‘ncd
nbov‘o but Ill!!! can be had at this Store.—
Erery cln-s’of Mechanics cnn be arcnnmddnted
here with tgolu nnd findingand Ramon-ape”
can find every nude in ilmn' line. Give u: A
call. n 5 we are prepare-I to sell as low for cash
as any house out of the city.
JUhL n. m‘xxm,
Gettysburg, May 16. 1864. . '
New Bprmg Goods. : .
S J . L . SCH. I K
lould respectfully any to the citizen! ‘nf cl
tyahurg nnql vicinity, that he is now recen-
M. his store a splendid
The non-‘3 consists in part qf Flncy and
Staple DR) GOODS, of every description.
SILKS. ‘ . ,
_ LAWNS, r
of s‘] qnllitiel Ind choice“. nylon, which Will
of I“ kinda, inrlnding Silk, Linen and Cotton
thdkm‘chitfs, Gloves, Stockings, 81:. 7
Alto. I splendid nmrtmenl of RIBBOSS,
Lace. and Edgiugs, Umbrellas anti I’m-mole.- -
My flock of WHITE GOODS wil} bu found fnll
And complete, and customer: mny’rely upon
anaya getting goodgoodl u the low!!! poni
ble prices.
Gcmlemen will find it to their ndunugu to
call arid examine my flock of
of 1“ qnnlniel and choicest styles.
May 2‘, IBM, _ 'J. L. SCIIICK.
Cannon & Adair’s
NEW MARBLE WORafls, Corner of Bani
more and East Eli dle screen, opposita
the Court House. Gettysburg, I’m—We are
prepued to furnish Monuments, Tombs, fiend
sconca, Min-bio Mullen, Sinhl for Cabinet
lake". and I.” other work upperuining to our
bulineu. We will gunnntee satisfaction both
“10 execution nnd price. Call mid lee om
designs nnd specimen! of work.
fab, z, 1563. u . ,
New Goods.
= a EORGE ARNOLD bu just received from
the city l large supply of CLOTHING,
Men’s and Bon’ wen r. confining or all llndl of
A “"26 flock of CLO'FHS. CA‘SNERES,
n“ of which win he told as cheap as can be
bid clawhere. Give us a call, and if We can
not pleas you in a sun: rend, made we win
hike yofir measure tnd make on up one in
short notice. [sl, 30, 1864.
Jacob Harley,
(svcclnnn To amen-n a. smut.)
N Dealer in Fine Gold and Silver WATCH
ES; Fine Gold JEWELRY; sum SILVER.
“'ARE.Ind the but make DISKLVSR PLATED
WARE. Constantly on hand ~ large snort.
meat of the above goods u. Ion: prim.
Watches and Fine Clocks than“, by
skilunl workmen ; nlsa, Jerelry repairing;
Engrulng qd I“ kind: of Halt-work to order,
I: lhort notice. ‘
fiDon‘t forget the on sun, No. 621
Itrket Slmt. Philadelphil. .
“11.15““. San ‘
g i?!" )uu uéaived I new auértnen
W «Wynn, Lgyhirb we Invite tho
£39989?! 9‘ ””9”: A: .890" ‘ SON,
wnsmxcrox nmLch,
- Hus for Men, Hats for Misses,
“It: for Boys. Duuimrtl liuu,
Ham for Children, Straw Hull,
Hats for Ladies, All kinds of II Its,
tad Shakers, by ROW tWOODS.
8 Shoe; for Children, Shoes for Mia's",
Shot-I for Lndic I. Shuts fur Boys, '
Shoes for lien. Guitars ofull kinds,
Slippen in variety, Show of all kinds.
Row & WOUDS.
pool Cduon oi all kinds Ind colors,
Hosiery, “ “ -‘
Linen Handkerchiefs, ‘I “
Collars and .\'ei-k Tie-s, new styles,
Cuffs nng Corsets of best fits nnd latest liy‘leh,
nml many other things in the nolion lino. sold
at lhelowen prices, M. the corner of York sum 1
nngl £ch Diamond. by ROW J: \\‘OUDS.
MESH}. .\wsm. . '
Vinlins, 'Accnrdems. Violin Bows,
Strings & Tnilpiecns, for min by
RUW lc \\‘UUDS.
S Tycnons, El Ferns,
' El [lin Sell", Inl‘ll|z(’nuidfldl,l
Nupuleonl, (‘omuyom
Uungresa, Plantation,
' Hum-y Dew, Anderson'sSofnce,
~z For snle retail or by the box, by
T 'Trulfln, large And unnll, Garnet Bags,
R. It. flugl, Gothic Sm kn. Common
E ‘ Black Swim, at. the lows! prices, by
‘ ROW —& \\‘UOUS.
_ Lndies' Baskets, Lndies' Sntcheh,
Pm: .\loumics, Pen Knives.
..R aura, .. Ram r Strupl,
Window Pnner, Wnll Paper,“
‘ i Pocket Banks, Purses. ‘
{ Pnlrnlt‘unsflnrgc, Palm Pam. Imall,
Umbrellas, Carriage Whips. 1:.
We are continually increasing the 7..ri‘l]
nml assurimeut 0f our stock. Prices are high
but we bought m'vny of our goods b‘efure Ill:
lute rise, nml will sell them :15 near old low
prices as possible. It. is our study lnsellgoods
that will wear well, and give SJUsfm-tiun to
our customers. To envlhltz us to do this, we
lmve fircctm] urrnngmnenls by which We can
gel the best. lluuts null Sh less that an: lunnu-
I‘uclurcll. ll you want H) hny trash in ‘.l.e
slum lino, no lo a Dry Goods Store. "3011
mun good Shoes buy them of
(‘Ol-. of Yurk st. and Diamond, (:Cllyh'llurg
“a, 9,15 m. ’ -
\_,_._._k. A fly. _.'_.7,_“- ___ ...
Let Everybody
7NOW 11‘—
liming jun. n-lurnod from tho city with a
splendid assortment of
HATS. (‘.\I’S,*BOOTS .\'. SHOES,
without. [my tli<pflhngrmbhl In my nmghhnn or
“Hf-viii»; lmriinn 01 the town of GHlin-urg,
I hle' the picasiire nl unnmlm-ing that (‘lmm
bershurg ‘U‘L‘EI I; ahead and [HM the flame to
bu;y M iii, (Hun, Hoots un‘l Shun. cheap, is uh
my now stand, newly oppd’snc the Luzhcma
L‘hurvh. g ‘
The nm-nfion of ‘be Indies is parficuhfly
invited to lIIS Splendid msnnml-m nf (infirm,
Slim-erg, .\lurnccu Luce Bouts, &C., inleudxd
for Lnulws' wear.
Also, Trunks, Cal-pp! Sacks. I'mhn-ILH, To
ll:|CfO,'C]£alfi:ll-Il .\'u'liuns, in endless \‘uriely.
Here I! the place to buy goods chew, as l mu
dou-rmincJ nut Lu he undorsqjul by an; other
estahhshmencin town. Thankful for past fa
vors,[ um .\uurs mum-Iy. ‘
March 23, 1864
Universal Clothes Wringer.
From innumerable recommendations, we
gather the followmg: '
Liner from Mrs. Henry \Vnnl Beecher, in 1361.
J am most hnppv tow-peak in the very high
est torm‘ of the “ Universal Clothes Wringer."
The hardest part of “\\nsbing-dMy” work is,
in my opinion. the wringing; and the inventor
of this machine may Imm the sntufactiuu of
freiing [but he has changewne of the mm!
Wine parts of woman's 'rk into I. "4-!
ctive nmnsrmi-nt. The’ lnundress looks
upon has: great. l-lessing. l lnok upon it as
among (he most useful nrticlea in‘ the house.
Brooklyn. October, 1861.
Price—S? 00. - [May 2, 1864.
1* Bugs, moms I\' runs, WOULENS,
MALS. km—Put up in 25c. 50c. and $1 00
Box-1, Bullies and Flasks. $3 Indss lizes
for Horns. I" nthc [Nauru-non, 3c.
“Only infallible remedies knowu."
“ Free from Pniaoul.”
“ Nov. dungeroua to the Human Family."
“Rats come out of their hull-a to due."
fifl‘lold Wnolelule in All large cities.
“old by All Dragging and Remilcn every
3‘“ l Bun: ! H or." wot-thins imhntiona.
W’s" thus “Counts“ name is on each Box,
Rowe and Flask. before you buy.
w‘mxxmnn Dzror ‘B2 Bluwwn. N. Y.
W5O“ by nll Wholesale Ind Retail Drug
lists in Gettysburg, PM
Feb. 2:», 1864.
New Bakery !
BWPORT t ZIEGLER, Mechanic-l Bak
erl, Somh Wnihington street. ha“ squat!
from the Eagle Hole], GETJ‘YSBURG, Pm.—
Conllnntly on hand, (be best of BREAD,
non: wishing fresh Bread will be sen-u] every
morning, by leaving their namu and residences
M. the Bakery. Erery cfl‘ort made to please
Give u: u call! {April 20, '63. u
Come on Wlth Your Jobs!
ENRY HOOVER will do I“ kind: 0'!
g I REI'AI R l N G to Carriages, Buggies,
ngons. kc., In I neat Ind lubsuntlnl Innu
ner, and at. the latest living prices. "is shop
in in We" Itreet. between Chumbersburg Ind
Kiddla ltreeu, Gettylburg. Ho premium to
do good work, And aka . uhuo of public p:-
tmugs [Aprildfnst 1y
AOO, Arrow Boot, Corn Burch, Riga“:
§ and Gelatin, [or Isle I; Dr. H 0 , ER’S
. up Slop, .‘
Dyspepsia. '
A. came wan‘mxrso.
Dycpqm'u but (In following S’mfioma
In A coast-n: pain 0': uultincu It u:- pit
of the "om-ch.
2d. Flutulenco ud Acidity.
3d. Conivenesl and Lou o! Appetih.
uh. Gloom And Depress!” of Spiriu.
sth. Dingham, with griping. ‘
6th. Psi in I” pan. or the System.
74h. Consumptivo Symptoms nml Pnlpiln
tion of the Heart.
Bth. Couzh, with Phil-gm in the Throat.
9th. Nervou AtYecLiou, and want of Sleep
It night.
10th. Loss of Appetite sud Vomiting.
11th. Dizzinesa, Dimneu oi Vision, end
Lon 'of Sight.
12th. Headache and Staggering in walking‘,
with great Weakness.
Out, of the thnusunds of cues of Dyspepkia
thnt have used Dr. Wish urt's Great Amt-rium
Dysf’epsia Pins, not one of them bu failed oi
I perfect cure. We' warrant a cute in every
ca-e, no matter if of twenty yeari' Handing.—
Suld by gull druggim evrrywher‘e. ml at Dr.
‘“‘ishnrt’s Office, No. 10 N. Sec: Id street,
Phllddrlphin, PA. All examinntiore And con
hultations free of charge. Send furqcircul Ir,
.Price $1 per box. Sent by nail, free of
chugei on renipt of money.
: l, Euzul‘rn llmxson, nf Brandy-wine, Dcl.,
formrrly of Old Cheater, DBL. do certlfly that,
for one year and a half I suffered everything
I but death from that awful disease culled'fiys
~pepsin. My whole system was proatrnted with
' weaknese and nervous debihty; I could. not
digest my food ; ifl me even a cracker or the
lmallest amount of food, it would return just
as I swallowed it; I became no eostive in my
bowels that I would not base A passage in less
than from four and often eight days; under
this immense sufl'ering, my mzud ueemed en
'tirely to give wny. l had dresdful horror and
. evil forehodings. I thought everybody hated
me, and I hated everybody; I could not bear
' my hughand nor my own elnldren, everything
‘oppenred to he horror stricken to me; I had
no ambition to do nnvthing ; l lost all my love
at family and home; I would ramble and wan
der from place to place. but could not be con
tented; l felt that l was doomed to hell, and
that there was no heaven for me, and was of.
ten tempted to commit suicide, so near wnl
my whole nervous system destro, ed, and ul‘so
my mind, tram that awful complaint; Dyspep
uitg that my friends thought best to have me
‘plnced in Dr. Kirkbride's Hosiiitnl, West Phil
lndclphia; I remained there nine wealth, and
l-thoughtl was a lutl'e better. but in a few (1 159
7m] dreadful complaint was raging as bad as‘
’ever. Hearing of the wondertul cures per
formed by Dr. Wiahnrt‘s Great American Dys
pepsia Pills and his treatment for Dyspepsia,
Vinny husband called on Dr. Wishart and stutell
Anny case to him. lie stud he had no doubt he
i would cure me. So in three days utter I call
ed and plared myselfundvrthe Doctor's treat
ment, and in two weeks I began to digest my
food, and felt that my disease was fast giying
way, and I continued to rccofl‘r for .\huntthroe
’monlha, And’ at the present time I enj'it'y peb
’ hct health uszdy and mind. and I mmt sin
:ct-rely remrnmy thanks to n merciful (led and
I Dr. \\'is'hart,.and in bi; great .\'lnerirnu I); s
‘ [ti-pain Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial that
smed I‘JL' from an lnsnne Ah lum and prema
ltnre gnu’e. All persons until-ring with Dys.
pepsin are at liberty to end on nflgmr ' ite, M
II am willing to do all the gob-l I cnfionsuf
lcrmu lnnnanity. 'l-qunuru Bnnsos.
‘ liminhwtue. l‘el.. formerly of UM Chester
A l‘relawari- county, l'a. t|
1 Dr. Withirt's Uiiice, .\'u. 10 3'oth Second
t’ltreet, Philadelphia. ~
Dr. \Vth Irt :—I l :xvo‘boen n conduit! suf
ferer with D) flit-pl!“ fur the 1.t.~t t-ightcen
yours, during: wt.i-~h time [0 unnol my that l
M‘t'r onj-iyt d n perl'og ll_\' well ”flay: T'nt're were
lime! Illcn ‘hc s;'ll:plt,ms \\‘t'n: nmrt- nygrnva
ted than at. olhcrz. nml then it sec-nml it “mull
he :1 great relief to the. lhu-l :It 'lll lllltEl nn
unpleasant lt'elin': 3‘“ my henl. hut‘ntterl! my
snfli‘ring- so much llu‘l‘vnf‘d that. I hrcume ll
mosl until l’m‘ buinou ol‘wuy'kind ; my mitt-l
wzu (‘vllllllll Illy filled \with gloomy Illnttzhu
and rural-rulings, nml il l ultetnptcd to (hang.
their current by reading. at once a sensation
of icy coldness in conmc'iun \\ith a dent}
Weight, :15 it. wcrn‘, re~tml upon my brain; also.
n feeling of sicknc" Would OI‘CIII’ a’Uhe shim
ncli, and great pnlu to my 03'”, Accompanied
\\‘Hh whit-h was the conllllllll rent- of losing
my town. 1 nlso exprrienced m-ut lnssi-‘
11l lt, dchility anvl nervousnms, whirl) tnudc tt
tltllirnlt to Walk by day or slot-p ht night. I
bet ime mersc z -societ_r, nml |li<llU=Uil ou‘y tc
St‘ullhlon, nml h-tvim: tried the skill‘nfa num
ber ofentilirnt 11h) siciuns hf union! scliunh.
fiimlly came to the conclusion thnl. for Ibis
disease nt'my present. age (43 years) :here mu
nn cum in t-xislence. But. through the inter
{eience of Divine l'rm‘idcncvl to “him I d"-
vuutly utl‘cr my tlmnkt, I M. l-tst “Find a sure
rrtzn remedy in {our llyspeps'i | l’illa and Tux
Curlllul, which sum {0 blur ellrctutllly n-nmv
ed nltnnst the lnx nice of my l ng li>t nf all
ntonts tnnl had feelings, and in their p'npt
health. plcnsnte and cnnict me it are my ever}
(in, cnmpzininns. Luna .11. SAI’XDERS, -
No. 453 North Socnu-TSL, l’hilnd. lphifi',
Formerly of Wuuduury, S. J
an: With-In. JOHN u.‘n\lcocx !\i!, 5
‘ , No. 1028 Olive SUN t, }
Philadelphia, Jain. 22d, 1503.
Dr. Wiehmt—‘Sir :—IL is “With mush‘plut
Inru tlmt I «In now able to inform ybu unit, by
llll' use of your great American Dyspepsia
Pills, I have been cnhrely cured of {but most
distressing complaint, Dyspepsia. I bml been
grievously inflicted for the List twenty-eight
years, nml for ten yearn of that time have not
been tree from its pnin one week at n time. I
has had it in it: worst form and hu-etlrngged
on n niost miaenhle existence—in puin day
end night. Every kind of food that I nte lili
e«l me with wind and pain, it mattered no! how
light, or how small the quantity. A conliuned
belching was sure to follow. I Void no appe
tile for hay kinds of menu whatever. and my
distreu no: so rent for revernl months heart
I henrd ofyonr gills, thnt I frequently wialieil
for death. I hnd taken everything ilmt I hurl
bend at for Dyspensin. without recehing nny
benefit ; but on yonrl’illa being recommended
to me by one who had been currd by them, I
concluded to give thumn trial, although I bud
no lailh in them. To my ulonishment, I
found myscll getting bum-r before I had tnkcn
one-fourth of; box. and, after taking hulf n
box, I am a tell man, and can eat any/(hing I wish,
and enjoy a hearty menl three times it day,
Irulmut inconvenience from nuythingl eat or
drink. . Ifyou think proper. you are at liberty
to make this public and refer to me. I will
cheerfully give all desirable informnllon to any
‘ one \\ ho may call on me. ,
Yqu'rs, Eclpectfully, 10m: El. Bucocx
Forialo M. Dr. Wiuhart'l Medial Depot,No
10 North Second street, Philnd-lpbiu. Pa.—
Pr'rco Una Dolhr per box. Sent by mail, free
of charge, on receipt of price.
The Above are A fewg‘monz the lhtusandl
wh'ggh ml: grant remedy bu unwed fr'un an
untimely gmye.
We Inn thousand: of lelterl from bhysi
chuu Ind drnzgisu who hue prescribed nml
lold the-e Medicinn, saying that they hue
neVer med or lold- medicine which gun Inch
unireml satisfaction.
Prepared only by tho Proprietor. ‘
go. lo North Second Street,
9 ‘ Pilhddphlg, P»
Bold by anal-u mm»: (mpg?
1:41;». Inu'flf“. 1’
n 1 worm‘s nu? mun! 70!:
Sudan Ind Scrotukms Diseases
I‘m- b‘uury Elana {(ls:3va men-haul of 01‘
final. .Ifm‘ur
11l luwc lold lax-g.» qunmm 1 of vvur Mnum
mm but urvrr wt ouu bulxlc “hi I: failed of "IO
dellma elect nml lull Fllls~ltllulllolllosfl who look
It. Al M u aurfxnplv tn' 11. Hwy ngrm there bu
been no mt-dlcluc Ac .1 bunch: 14 our community."
Eruptions. Pmplea. momma, Pusmles. Ul
cers. Sores, and all Ducuos of the Skin. ‘
[hm Rev. BULL .Slr'rutml. iiruful, Ifugkmd.‘
" I only (In my (lux, to you nml lhu nbllc, wlm
J Idd m mnmony to tlut yon puMan a! the ma.
dldml Yfrtum 0! {our 5 nan-mm [-\. “(y daugh
ter. .2011 ten. hm un ufilwllu: humor ln In on",
0y". and but for yl‘nr‘, \\‘m‘ h “u were unable 1o
cure unul we trial your 5 \|!3.\I'AHILL.\. ahc‘hn
hccn well for some months.” '
Fran Mn. Jane 1!. Rice-. 1: Ird! lumn and mud
(gleaned lluiyoflknuimllr, I 'uy: .th ("n.. .\'. J.
“ M¥ thughxcr In“ bufl'vrml for a yt‘nr p In with A
ccrofu cu: cru‘mun. \\lxlch mu wry lrouhlc‘iome.
Nothlng nfl'url r'J any n-hor mm! “'0 trio-l your
h uuM'AIuLLA, u IIL .1 won compluh‘ly cured her."
Iron Chm!" l'. (Mgr. [‘37 . n/‘lhe widely/Lumen
6am. Murray l? ('4... Wmufwlurrn ofmwmeucd
per in .\'ualmq. X. 11.
“ had {ol' um crnl years a very tmnblv-nmo
humnr In my fu w, which grow comwmy worse
until It disfigured my future; nml lat-mm: am Intol
cmblc aflUcuun. l nml almost L-wry :lnngu mun
coulrl of boll: ndvl'c an 1 Inmlu'rw, but whhuul Iny
rcllcl‘ “_‘lnlcvcr, unlll l quk yuur 3 Hrs \I’ARHJJ.
h lmmmlluu-ly made my lune worm, M an mm me
in mlwht for n ame; but. in n {cw wen-{n tho m-w
nkln ngan 1.0 Innu uudvr the blolclxcn, null cou
tluuud until my face In M smooth u myhody’l.
Ind I am without any syluptoun of lhu lllsenlc that
1 know of. I enjoy perk-cl. )n-allh. and without A
doub¢ awe It to your aAusammLLA.“
Erylipelu—Genoral nobility—Purity Lbs
From Dr. No“. van‘n, [lulu/as Sh. .\'nn Torin
“ DIL AYIJL I IcMom full m rmnme Emmi-«ml
Ind Ecru/xll nu Sure! lay tht- pom“ erlnguuof your
SABAPAILHJA, and l have Just now cum! RH Attack
of Mulxguaul L'Tn'pdal with it. No th-nmc we
pout-fl cqulll t w suun'uuuA {on have lup
plied m the prowl-Inn ll wen u tol c purple."
M J. I'. Jr button. 217,, ”ml-mm. Okla.
H For twL-lvc you". 1 ball xhe lyulluw Erynlwlu
on my rial]! arm, during which 1 me I lrlml nll llm
cclebnfl-Q physlchzzs [could mwll,,nml took hun
dtcdl of dolhri worth 0! mmlu'luL-u. .Tlxc ulcer:
were I 0 hall um the cord- bummu vhlblc, nml tho
doctor! dwldcd that my arm mun be unguuml. I
began inking your 3 up: \rAmLu. Too two bos
“CI. and Dome of your ['ll.l.s. Tog-{her ‘hoy luvs
cam-d um. lAm now nu well and manual M any body.
Bells: In a publlc place, my mm: In knnwu to every
bad! In um community, and excite: the w9ullcr u!
I .'
Fro-I Hon. ”wry .llnnm. .\I. I‘. I’.. of Nan-mun,
C. "C. a leading member of the Canadian l'arh'u-
“I hm “eds-our SAHRAVARILLK In mv family,
“T gulwrnl deli Hf. nml fur purl'f Mg [ha blood,
“ lhvc ' bout-Hm vault.“ Ind fed confidence m
maintaining k to the alulcual."
St. Anthony's Fire, Ban, Salt Rheum,
Baud Head. Bare my”.
from ”nrrq/ Sicller, 15-41.. the abln «Wm- nf (A:
“nthuuunrk lklun‘rut. I'cmuylml'u.
u Our only clllhl, shout Hum: yuu-I of ago. was
I'm-km! by pimples on In: fon-ln ml. Tln'iy rupldly
Ipn-aul unlll 111-y lormml'a lunhsumo'm" \‘lrulmt
lore. wlllcll covered his Info. ulnl actually blinded
‘in n-yvl lor [lonic lin n. A aklllul :llyblcian npplml
nllmu- of‘uh er Nl3 mln-r ham-(lbw, “Know. any
nppnn-nz uflw I. For Imwn day: we guarded lull
llnndl. lent \vllh them he should tear 0 ml the fun
v‘nug and corrupt wound wlalch «awn-é Illa \\holc
Inc. llmlng mod "cry Hung the “c had any
base from. we began giunu your S\l:<Al'.\l£ll.LA.
nu uxvplvlng the lodnh: u? putnall lmlon. u yuu
direct. 'l'llo sore began to heal mm: “M: lml gll cu
the first bolllv. and mm well “In": we had
flu- sccoud. 'l'llc clllllL’J vyulnulwu. u 111-5 h lwl (‘oan
out. gn‘w ngmn. and he in now In lumllhy nml fmr
n ma other. The whole uclghborhoul predicted
‘11:; l c child must dlc."
- Syphilis and Mercurial Dianne. '
From Dr. llern 5100!. If SI. Louis, Jlinnjlrt'.
< u I find your SAID \I‘AIIIIJA n mun: cn‘ertunl
lomvdy for Hm Iccondnrf' sympmnm of h'yphilil
Ind for nyphlhfic llucmnc 1 mu any other we pmaou.
The prolemnun un- imh-laml w you to: mm: of the
be“ lncdlclllus m- hm c." ‘
From A. J. I") an h, Ali. 1).. an emiunzt phmirimu of
Lav-ran”, .V.u.v,. zrh.) i: u [lmminent number uf\
the Leg/Lianne qr .\luumhmcus.
" Du. AYIJL .\ly du’xr Slr- I lmvc found mur
SAHSAI'AHIIJA nu (‘x'ct'lllnl mumly for .\yphxm,
hall: at the primary nml uromlmy lypv, mm elk-c
-hul In aonn- (nun-u that. “en: luo uhrlmulc tu )M-l
to min 1- rum-« Hrs. Ido nu! know what “'1: cm om‘
¥loy with morn wrinlmf' of uneven, n hen: a you (a -
ul alu-rnmc is rcqull‘u ."
Afr. (Vail. S”. l'un. I.icw,nf .\'m- Rrunnrir}, .\'. 1.,
harl drmulful llk‘vl‘fl u I In.» Irgx‘, manual by lln' nhuw
of mt-rvury. or YIMI'I'HI L 1! :13 mm \\ [IL-h gn-w mum
nml mare ngz-grm'awl fur ymrs, In Tim 0! l-n-ry
n-nwdyur treatment. llmt cum-l lu‘ z-m: iml, mml llm
Hovering use of Ax Lll’\' N \m u- \qu. \ n lint-4|
mm. Few c. 1595 up be fuuuxl luurqinu-n'mm nml
distressing lhnn this. pud it (uok amen! duzm
bottle: to cure him
Lemon-hum. Whites, Female Weaknau,
are genomllf produeml hy Illh'runl .\'vrqfill-ml l‘l.
crrah'an.uu are wry nflcn curl-l lny lhu nth-ruin:
“TIT! of fills .‘I \x:a.\l- um L\. Mme (2me re: mn
howevrr, in nb-l or flu 3 Ha ummmA. the slum!
applimtlon ox“ loml mun-JIM. .
B‘um the troll Ina-m nml vrfilrlyw'gbraled Dr.
Jaw.) .Vurril'. [fl inn nmh‘.
" I Invefuumj your 5 Hz! \l' mu.|.\ nu oxmllunt
lltmfln in dilemma of {unfit-n.. Many m-wn o!
In lhrity, I.4'ulwrrhn‘l. huh-nml l'lroratiuuvmul
lmzf‘fldum ', ni‘iug from (he n-rnfulmn ‘(llflflll‘fih'
Imoflnl-lnj m 2:. am "‘1'?“ an: few that du not,
vhen it: ofl'crt II properly nth-ll by l-wnl m-nlmom."
1 lax'y, unwilling to ulluw lha mauiuuivn of her
vmnu’. IrrL‘n:
“ )? dun-fin" mrl mysvlf haw hm“ mm‘l nr 3
Yory I'hilxmtmz,’ Lvumnhuw of lung standing, by
(my bunk-a or your s.\.n~ur.\un.\n\."
Rheumatism, Gout, Live:- Cofnplaint.'Dys-
pepsin Heart. Disease, Nam-akin.
vrhm mused by Svrqfula in we ryntcm, are. rapidly
cued by this Ext. SALuArAquu. .
‘ .
possess so nfnny advantages over the other
fiurgntiveu in the market, and their superim
virtues are so universally known. tlufl‘wu new!
not do more than m assure the public their
quality is maintained equal to the best]! cvu
has Inn-n, and that they may he depended on
to do nil that they have over dune.
l’n‘puro-I by J. C. AYER, M. D., 5: Co.,
'Lowell, Mass" and sold by ~
wrur “iv h, .\. U. uuehfiurfceLstux-g,
nml dmlv rs ann- “My.
Aug. 3‘ ".368. our. Iy ‘ '
Good Things from the City!
\ Tl“. nre receiving mace a “wok from the
V oin \"lrialy: nl Arlinles Suill‘jl tuthe
wants of that'nmlfumity, \ 57.: Fri-=h nml .\'nh
FISH, Ila-M, Shani-hrs nml Shh». Iln'nmy,
Benlls,3.m,.\pplws. l’umtm-l,or.mgw L-‘dlnnfi.
Cnnlerlinm. 'l2ulm rm, Scars, \\ith many
olhrr'lrtirlcq in lhis iiuc—ull rcccivr-l in the
bust. order. and .fnhlntthe Inn-c 4 pr 232:. Give
us A can, in “Human street, nearly opposnle
Fnhnoalm-ks' :turo‘ '
\\‘.\.\'Tr:n.—nm'cor, Hm. [.thl, and all
other counlrv prdduce—l‘or whinh the lughca
cash price will lvgpniJ.
SW I'll-21‘ PU'l‘A'l‘UES—hcn ‘q'nnlivy, at kw
on living: prnlELs—ahr-ys on hand. Also.
UYSTI‘ZHS,.fiuc nml (rush—in‘ flu: shell or
shocked. fleswumu's nml fmnilios surplird.
Getiysburg. Mn" 18, 18153. '
HEundershned,heingthe authorized pbreon
T to make removals into in ct Green i'cme
lery,hopes xhzu such as contemplate the rr-movnl
ufthc remuini of deemscl relative: or lr'cu'li.
will nmil llgemselws‘ol this season of'tlic_.‘e.\r to
have ihlone. llomm‘nl; mm» with prmuptncss
—xcuns low, and no cll‘un spared tn IIICJT-e.
I‘Bl'l'lli THURS,
Match 12, ’6O. Keeper ul' the Cemetery.
$lO a Day!
GENTS \\‘AXTEDv—To sell the “25 CENT
AGE." Ems; Pnckagc contains :‘5 Sonya, 2
pages of .\lusiLJ, 1:? sheets of Paper. Is Eme
lopu,l llulerhl Pen, 1 Pen Holdenl Lrnd
Pencil, 1 D 95”!!! fur Under-alcoves, l for Clnihl‘s
Apron. l for Embroidered Cullur, l for ('hrlx
telling Ruho, 2 [or marking Loner-s. I3SFCI‘O'S
never before publiuhe‘l, Iranll many Dollar-z;
nml other iulormafion. Aka. one helium]
aniclo ofannnv. Liberal induccmcuu to
Agents. Semi Stump for Circular.
41 South ThlrJ BL, Philadelphia, I’ll.
June 13,1864. ly '
New Goods.
.anxxasrocx BROTHERS ‘ »
Are conunnlly reaching «bake and de
simhln goods, from New York. l’lnln-ldphiu
and Bahimore. nml nre prepared to are: ‘
to lhcse about [lfll'cluhilg. Having selected
with great cure‘from the three lendingmarfinu,
the public will look to limit own inure“; by
"staining our uark before buying else! here.
Call M. ‘ FAH.\ L'STOCKS'
m, 9. m 4. Ru! Front. §
sfieads 8: Enabler,-
can. AND mum-m].-
srov E s ,
mama, HOLLOW-WARE, «c. g
' A no '
sum-rims, unit’s, use. no} I
Germ of Can-1M: sud-Railroad Streets. oppo-'
mu MW Depot, awn-sauna, u, ;
1.; 9, IS“: . .. -
An Interesting History ‘““'“- l. ""‘ Produce : number or my old
1’ ‘ cunanmptivcpitlenumwenjOyinggno'llrnlth,
O . DR. SCHESFK'S OWN CASE, :etghrug nenrly 200 ponmlr. lvnll conclud.
wittnyuaomsa Noun cosst'urrm‘. ,-l "l‘l'flg three cures l hfu'e made in how
And how H, I'ulmmu'r Syrup. S,“ ml 7.0,”, and lurk. nml which are nil different, and will:
.iymlrolre Pill: w! on (In S'utn'rrm in ‘Hlly ups ‘in) leelg any interest In tho mlltrr
fining tltal Dina“, «3",»th lto Halt them. hm la Mrs. l-nrlow, reudllg
_ _ then at .\o. 107 Houston street. ller husband
GREAT SUGGESS ATTENDING IT l ll culled upon me at my rooms, 32 Bond atreet,
and “151va me to cull nml rec henu/Ue said
i cuuhl do no good; thnt~he hid in tl all tho
best medxrnl ultentlnnce' and nllupfu |er In!
(no fur gone with Consumption ti) be cured;
but she hod hrnrd 0| some great cnrea I had.
made, and he desired to gratify her wish".—
lcnllctl, nnd_l'ound her lying confined to bar
bed in the lust surge of bronchial consump—
tion. nml without. doubt must have died noon.
l emmined her lunszouml both bronchial.
tnber very much affected, but no cuvitiu had
formed. her cough was ten severe, thou Ipit
box “as half full of thick pus. Pulse 140,
Mrs flWullcn very much; and worn than All.
the had chronic diarrhea. llrr hem-ls had
been mun-It eleven time‘s that tiny. I tulJ her
thut. she hml lungs enough to be cured, but
that this diurrluen hutl been of long standing,
un-l her :tmnm h wuuin sut‘lt nn ulcerntetl co‘tlv
dition thutl wits nl'rnid nothing could bl deal.
.\'he inaivxtetl i should try nml do what i could
for her, ol‘serkiug that. sha'eould not. lust. long
In the condition she wus in'. andl could not.
_multe lu-r any worm. l guru her first a dow
ur my Mundrnke fills, and the Tonic Ind
Syrup freely. 'l‘hnt we: n Tltestluy, lud hy
the nextfi'untl Iy the Iliurrhrei wna curried 68‘,
her appetite hurl returned and the could sit up
in bed and rnt ‘her dinner. She is now well,
untl‘gm‘e me n long certificate, certified to by
the ller. Dr. Howling. ,
.\lrs lhtrthnlmnew. 81 West. Forty-filth Itrret,
e 'me to my roumr with n :umor on her liver.
She was lun’npiriu-«l, skin lullmr, tun-zue cnnt
ed, bowels metixu, nn nppctlte, and lust link
in}: into the qruvc. The said tumnr had been
runmn; ot'er fourteen yeurs. l, and her
lernp, Tunic nml l’tlli. nnul tultl her to ldk.
I than just m the direction: were printed. Sho
cutne hack to my rooms, 32 Ron I sireet, in 'in:
week“, somewhnt hotter; her tongue line) pe
gnn tq elenn n littlegtrmtnddhe edges her
,s'nn‘whiter nml her eye; brighter, nml the
; tumor discharging very alien-xiv»: mum-r, mueh
' luster thnn It hucl ever (lone bufure. She kept
lerurlnully improving, nnd in whom twn mnntus
lhe eattne to my room: very much lrighlouml,
‘suiing that the tumor h H] netrly stopped run
nlng. .m‘l wa hauling up,nnvl Minty-very nine-L
ltnr‘ Ind tn'tl her that if it. dryer healed it. would
emu: her death. I luhl her thgit the (“'“'-1!!!
h Hi all left her «ystem, nnd'tmture woull hml
the lrleer up. They are now healed, and hurt
been fur nlvuul n year, untl she is M hearty
l nml l'ultu-‘t n ‘a'nm :31 n 5 you will li Id in, n iluy'!
lwulk, She is glul im‘ .'\u_\‘ one In enll on h--r,
'nntl 'n‘lu-i great. pnius tu \lnll tlny one [hill the
llt‘ll‘ hu: n..}thin: llk"l her cus», and tries to
get; llmn 15¢"an n'ntl it'-e ml‘.
The re“ mm is .\lI-I-t Semis-H, from Stum
tn-tl, (Znnn. llrs. Ilurthnlumcw gut her lmvn
tlr~t‘|' the. nml the In: her" I rer Slllt‘t' ut her
I thHe. “'in n she first t-ume to my mums-hr
[w t-' Wit-I’ll entuetnleri with n distretaingt'tmuh,
Fgfilllnjz l ”‘_'" quantities of lrlnonl. lemmiuetl
; her lung: ntlh thcvreapirutncwr,,nn-l In all my
pruelit e nt veg lsuml one with (one lung .7» tur
gum,- un-l t it: other lung :10 annml.‘ !l"‘)'llll nu:
give tum-h eueumngemem. l thought she
\\nultl «lie; },tit‘_tu my unanislnnrnt tho l'u'<
muuie Syr vll. SPIWH' l"l‘(uule. nnd )iumh‘ll u
l'ilL nll a: tuned to go right to whrk. the lung
.ia .i'l ll(‘.ll‘3-l over, leaving n tun/rl3 in large M
n gmhl‘ use; 'zn-ml flaunt/01h“: :lplrlls.lll:'l
ln~ : inwl 3mm; lltil . wil\‘l_"||tlllllll* 11l Wei Ilnt.
.\'i I: In: Mum: euug‘u lit-t, \\hii'h l tin not think
uill lime her lit-lure June. I nlmulv. lltinL in
w ml 7 h - ul‘grent intertut l 0 :n'ne nut-reju‘ln n 1
'tlxi ”vi .1] m \')\llfl'llci|l ICI‘LN‘, Iv‘irtieulurli \ll 1
Remit-hi, n 1 .Ilty of lheni nhu lt.ut- been em! l
hy m: me-ln-in-N. ’l'ltz') :tre'tmuttruua in New
lez'. hut the ..lmv- tnr‘ e'ull tlitTt-v from e l 'u
..‘iuu; n..-l ll my ll‘.("‘lgln(" Mu min-..' “in" I
re nit-smut flu-3 are. ll\"_\ rlu :tIJ lun- the ertmtt
"ft the nlll Llcrknmv Fr! ere nml lin“ they
"4 t mgr-nun. ‘ ,I. H. St"lll2.\(‘l{, \l. n
In J M. rehr nek run In: [uunl nt luu '”‘".
tipil t:lhti-, VII. .iil North Ulll .‘i'reei. l’llllmlt l
rmfu. t'\'- r_\ S-lunl «y, lrmn .9 .\. .\l. until I: I'. ‘
ll , In Law :hlvrnu tree ul'J'll rgr; hut tvr t
tlmr'uuuh |\4ll'lxllutllfl‘ 'ln' ('llAlrgl! Ill‘w del
ltlhrfi. l’rlt l: ml the l'ulum‘t'c: Syrup and $94-
“ w tl Tu: it- 4 n: h f | ..'.'. per bottle, M £6 lhl hull
tlIII." ”\l llrllrlhl‘ l'llli .‘.'- em: a inrlmx, And
muttm lulu 1,\..t1l lt‘lllgh‘lrli a. dillxulcll. ‘
J-metil let-t: '.m e ' .
J Thhuhm’o h<\ mrrocthko-m-w arm Fl'hl-nl'k
t'flwn In my _vr- ”‘3' ngn, .mvr 1w h 13!. n emu rwl
{Huh C‘wnmmviuxr hr .\ rumms of "H
“‘ Sl‘lH‘.\‘K"\l'll.)l'l\l().\\'lll‘l'." 'lhr JiLI-m-u,
‘nhhung'; IL .im a uni rt-l‘result him MLHmIL!
Mn .N Ind 15 I‘oer nl 1h" \\nhl, 301 :1. ii m
“rung roman: Will] [he lnlc and \lfinmuk
Inhki u! vh“ l'mlr it below, \\hirh is Ihe lrlm
“kt-nos nl' Inmlnl the present time. The con~
’ [l“.le inure. In these lwn Jno‘runin is so gre A 1
lhlt mm) wouhl nut hem-H: them (0 ht- lhc
:Eumv [whom Y‘ I there no luindrmh of per.
sum. in :mv] nrnuml l'hfluh-lp‘lnl, “1m “'1”
rucngm/u huh umlmils 10 ‘JI: true Winn-scum-
Iwni. When the fir-L “as ’lakvu ho \\vig'm!
MT puuuvh; at (he pruscul Lune his \nig‘nl is
2.40 puunds. I
va Yunx, \\Hu'nl-uhxy “Arch 3”, ’64
TU THE |’['!il.!<‘. ‘
3 T) irvy ”we :Iyo lu“w m t‘u- LN! sl‘lcofi of
IPHIIIHHLII’)‘ Cu|-I1H:”'Ill'1':l‘|l:‘] I; \« u up n; flip.
:X‘i‘~ill(‘|l In I’hdn!" ,rzlnn. :m‘l Dr. Joseph Pa}.
liah, 1! un m . Ih-i thy, ur-lcreil Mr '1: .\‘u‘r‘w-
Armm. .\'. J., {I dhshuxue nt' ulxic [nib-4‘ “huh
[no]: me lwo dzly- In 21'! HH'TI‘. ()n my nglri'ml
I \\‘li put to l-.'!, nml Hn-rn kw! Mr. nMnr
‘“‘-Us. 'll-ia “as my u.m\:- pl u: ~. \. 1w 0 .\'al
Inn‘ fnmilv ln‘yvl .tn-l II 111 dim! u! (‘uxhnnninium
Dr. TIIUI‘ mm, \rhu nm'mlwl my fulht’r In Us
llxl=t “hr-{T \\‘ll- ('A!lml,~-Hui an mn- unc wwk
In in up n :IHJSH. Ho.- h.u Mr” .I'J my 1. m
il} :u v). a “sz, un-l l‘mug'ul l “3* 1n :0, tun,
TIM": I lwuul of l'm‘.‘ r"”|l"lilfn I lzuw mt“-
l'np pull-Im, \\hxt‘l \ min] me It \43--u..-.lm-.:;
111.1 I could 113-1 [LL-m )unclmhug my “Lac
They in m x'pcw! the um mm on my Inn-:4.
nn-I [\vuuH spit vfl' mun- m m n pin! ”til-111341-.
:‘nr- yci'nw m'fncr (-\‘n-r_\' u: uniu_v. ’_\} mnn‘
Hus Hui In": In ll) >ll‘ni fr. In} (*ull'!1l."l)4 r, pu’iu,
'muhl swan-ls—‘lH hxgm l-v lean: "iv. .unl my
nmwlile hecanlu 50 um! lhux il. \\ 2* \\ith lii!-
fir'lh.“ I rnuH keen frum cming Inn m-Irh. l
,mmn :nnw-I my =lrn:glfl_xna I luvu ' in H gr '5.
{iv-u n: IL sh cH-r sink-0: Fur m n_\ - v Ir‘ IMW
'ol} -‘ ml u'gin‘mr lph'l gawl hmJL". RP“. |.u{
{l'o X H r and sum“: l'. h: dle. \-.'h 11.0 .\.-:-
,n(-ml l‘ulllc mrl 3| l.ll:lll1-:I' l’Al..—. “5 1 HI“ “I'4:
In! on: x: lulu Lam: m. .\l3‘ u‘mJl' ir .‘.-.u hh':~‘
drc-l nml Mully :m ails. (u‘: mv H‘ our.»
plum!» \\H'll'l3L‘H‘ l-rr um, hlr nn-i nc-z, in we
it lin-Er i'l‘u '.\'l ha |l‘\" 12mm, Fur l mum”-
pm‘c I p!) ‘1r|IX(5>:()':l1\i‘!~l|l 'hr‘ llrgv u
‘i'i. 'llw r..” u-uirius “1.2. 1..
('uxcl x:l'(n.,.u.lp'lm: luhlnl'w. 'l' » 1,1. I' l‘ m .\-
luxr7'~‘.l~l'v-I.n: inlo; hul rn “L“ m 4,.» I'l‘.__.
"ml 1 'nwl- Livy: lmu< «.H' v Egan Li [1 .ng
(2m 1w h' m- l.’ .\'lh h c ..p; :xrn' MM: Inn“ [3'
1m ‘.rr tlw‘ onlln Ir; EHH'IIIV‘HI bl li))'.\Xl‘u I: ~.
fl-ul jn~l «11“. are“ nml by Hm _I In; rr ”:0 If
N ih-m L ~ l'uh “Ignit- Syup, mum .1 funk,
and \l:'<|r|kv‘l'l”~'.. ' .'
I am : nw nhml .1}: man, u i:'.x '1 llrgo cull}-
in Hu- un-Mlv l. h-» of, li-L‘ nu!” lung. xhc [um-r
In’w- Wm Inuvsh Ell'hJ sz-‘l and i'llll)!k|' h- ..L
llc-iun (,l thx- pin-'1”. TIIE‘I fl 1.: ‘r n _muu-l,
nnl the uppx-r Inhr- u.‘ tlu-pg x mug h m '1
mlvrihl)’ Ln-H'h can li'lml. lII' ,1:‘ul!n':l
-son “thy ”gnu Sll~ -111 m" 11l (‘ w-‘:- .h n.. -u
in VII-y Ivy [n In Inn I' In II: l..v'_\ L' \l' :n- H-i
('iuus [mil-ninth: (011111.10 ~l: 413‘}: 11, In 4n}!
night :\\‘l-.\l-“ In-c‘h: “hr, w I. 'n) :u N: in ',
”Ivy d! rmJ- llu- \\ '2' Ir J (1 ~ I'." l-nfl- I 100 \-
inz n;- lhu u:- u-r one .I ll cu-n:an2l_\~'liu ,- -
tic-M ‘inks and dies. Alia-r l mahr .1 cuulul
(‘V 'ani ‘.l‘m at Ihb lef- n! Him ”11-2“! {numu
(Lr. Ln I.IM I In I'l- u-unlLi) “If! [u «ml», 1 H
‘s'" m.- 1:410”! h -.| In H M. m :Hr L' nuns ‘lO-.
Human Kim. C IH‘ nml Him “:1 ml sup “1‘
their nm'n rcrur-L No on" rm! he (Mm! 01'
cnq—nmlllinn. lirrr cunlplui'll., cu
mer‘u, «‘.‘tl‘.»’, uL or; led l‘urb-L. nuns»: Um
Inn-r .m} ~lum Irh uro mull» ht‘..3r!n. l-I .\'l'w
Hugh-21 lhi~ canker. manic cAL-nh. uh (1.".
ml Khnm‘. \‘irm :aurox m m uh, is \u- to 1.111“ I
lnxl than In ""3 who? su'tiun nl Un- cuuu'ry.
‘l'l.i~l u iroq'u-mly (LIIISI’II by .| f-lll‘ .\lmu.cch,.__
Yu‘l nuy bum iluu: \V'L'I muuu‘ u m: .151
again, and all Hwy will Ln 1 is ‘cmpur xr)‘ n-hcl'.
('orrec: Ihn smmm'n .m-i li\cr, nml they wiu‘
haul up lhem elm-i. ~ ' I
(mm! nnLrili-m 3! {hr rl'me-ly. 31‘ um 11 .\‘e
any-lhem» in any part ut II c lnwy, IL yil
remain-{Lore .lm‘. lll'l‘zl) m ”c :m-l mun- mn.l
you can got lhc slunmrh in the - mllllun :0
Juan foml nml nmlw new Hum! lu lake the
plug-e of diseased mzlllrl‘. TM is the only
way m hmh-mitic: m ll“: lum- ullernlxll
hronrlltnl lulu-s. (lune-t l slulnacll-nml
liver. unl nature Will ‘lO 4|”. enliug. .\1 IL:-
pl-rsmls h "‘0 on idn ”I J. rennin ll‘l‘Olltll.QS
nre pchl purluern nl lhr blood. \\ llru l-lnodu
on w, uli<. .m-J il cunnoz l:.- mefird; n is uiu
use?! lh" smnc as the disc-mm nmuor i‘u [he
zygtn‘ln : hm. 134:. the app-run: in urdef, me.
lnvr nml Slum win, and mm il. .uEL- alg. ofuo J'-
ulllug tool I! Wiirumke new blue l, which “'1“
lzke {he pl.u-e 0! ll! 6 which is din-used.
Sella-m k': l‘ulmonic-b‘; my in one ol the bent
preparations or iron in the,“ is u [ton‘trt'ul
tunic ul‘ half, and when tht Sctwcfctt 'l‘onit:
tlLsolrcs the mucus in the stomitch. nntl It Is
carried ufl‘ by the aid of the Men-trau- l'ills,
the l’ulxnonic. Syrup is nt.tdt- into Hum]. Tan
,is the only way to cute cnaitsutntitton. It”!
c.mnot get it good appetite, nml foo-l doc-s not
digest, l chm-pt cure the patient. Never nxindi
tho cough ; remove th: cause and it will :tcp
ofitielf. This is the [110)! truuhle I hue mu.
my patients at my rooms. They my, “Dot-.l
.tor, I feel stronger; [can cut; my nixhtsuenll‘
nre better, and H'rcl butter 0""! '"‘.l'i ‘"“
my cough in 3‘ but yet;" and MIA-Lure aston-’
ishcd to hear ‘me any that does not mnttei‘;
remove the cause and the cough will stop ofl
itself. SCIH'IH‘k" Seaweed creates It go?thp-'
petite in about him: days, thn there is no'
lung due-use, unless the lner ts IO cozigcswd
that the Mandrake l'tlln cannot unlock the
ducts of the gill bladder in that short Space‘
of time, it! ortler {0 allow the stale bile to pass
off. Kct-p the lin-r and ltotnut‘h healthy null
”11-H: is less danger of consumption or any
other disease. It is ltnfd to task. cold nhcn
those erg-m are healthy. Those tlmt m 9 bili-,
ous, low upiritcd, ttrenry,fecliug :tupid, (outed
tongue, poor appetite, nervous, stomach full‘
of wind, everything that. is eaten lies ltenvv,l
loss ot memory, try one bottle at SUlll-ISCKBI
SEAWHED ’l‘ONlCnnd one box orsutttlzmt'x'sj
lANDRAKE PILLS. It. is only a coat of one
\dollAr and twenty-five cents. with full ducc
tions. This is suflicient, in, rnntfiv “hrs, to
musty what the medicines are. Frequently
one bottle mnkea a great chnugc in the syn:-
tcm. An: Lenon that enjoy: culinary health,
by using the Seaweed Tonic Ind Mnnkruko;
Pull occulonnlly, must get the digestive org-tn:
in Inch 3 health; condition that tho} hecomo
- , bvsclunon
()F l'_\!lT.\'|-.'?.~Hlit-{l‘l}! (foqvnrlnm‘r'p
¢~'.l~lm_g luluwml ”VIP EIHNIIHIOH. hll
llu‘ll 'h‘rlDlVt‘l! ~ILL d .y by lll‘llll‘I: canpnnL-f
‘“'" rr-El’nu Hunk: lnnur fril‘ll-l‘ :111-l Ihr pnbho
far I'm llurul ,ngqmrl usumlml lu us. Unr
mum “. I In- l~ :I .[l Hzr slul';x'.lul\l¢ rammi-
Ey u'qu-ul lm-w ixul-hu-d m us lo r II and
m ”r. mum-«hue {Hum-HI. .43 WP are Ulla-fir" .5
U) 51 uh.- uur Imgi..m- \\ iql‘mul, wig-In} .
Jan. 3-],181'4. JOHN l'l'H'.
I" |..1: Mm
1.1 _n MU \r-u
HE «x3l (“ELM Inning di-‘lvmml orhi! in-
T lt-rcrt Tu [lnn Man- of ('ubeul & l'qlr lo
John .\‘. (,‘me-nr‘vi. F. «l, rrsper Hully ush- lh'
cnnlilgan-o vif hi 4 l’rwn h uul rustgnnrrs ll
]- I'rqmm: his sum e:sur—wlwre I) Il‘ghifls may
he 1} .2. a szx CL’Ll'.
Feb. E, 1304:
Another fillings
E i‘ n can ravi-n; “Sq-c} do] with him in
Tux-:atu‘ Jab“ .\‘. (‘quh-rul, who pilit‘lmxual
‘llfi- inhrou-t u! Jnhn L'nlyv, rt-mN-Uully Ml
n » muw m Ih!‘ r lin-nu a! ”"ItIeJII'LV and the
pul-Eiruu-m rnlh, r'ru lhn- Inn-inc.“ Ill] be con-1
:nnml :u -:m- Idol Nannl on (Inunlfl‘nhurg
rtrut. m— .\. t (r::':.\.\‘ .I; m, \\‘m \HH rou
px n-Jh kc: p uu hunt a hrgo stuck of Goods,
in l‘m [mo (If
5110523, In \ rs. mm, Tim's!“
_- (' Huh}: BAGS, I'MIHHaLLAS, M‘ ,
n’ml lin; will ulsu cunlinnc Ihe Mguxxufaclure ol
me-s. '
- Frnm 1h: ir Imm expl-rimrr in all the ADM:
hrnutuw. lint-r llzvlL-r lluemM-Ivex ,Ihnl they can
pimu: lin.- ynbhc, and will ml with”) for Lush.
. A. WHEEL".
D-ling hnainoss undo: the Hume ’”‘" firm of
A. 011.0411 1!. Cu. (Full. 8, [SOL
Eétabhshed 1850.
Tower; 0:~' kl-z\lov.\J,.
1\ l..\Wlll‘lzflm D. DIETZ k CO.,
nuynufully hl-u Iran: m notify lbnir iriends,
\"Hmmcm nml HM: palm; w'nvmlly, that Ihry
lun‘e remmcd from No. ¥sl9mnklin «not, lo
the counmuhu H {nut-stuffy “‘an IXIHIFL‘,
NU. aos mmnu‘nu: STREET,
bphrrcn llmyanl and Liberty, where they «'ll
for Wu. fut'me conduct, (Le Wholesnla Busi‘
ness, 5-11er in
Ilosietp: Trimmings,
- ‘ I‘. Humor}, Notions, ,
‘ Stationery, L ullcrr.
, TO,", km, u.
to which they invite "re attention “wit; and
cmm'ry pun-huge”. feeling confident. of their
any-i! ly to nfl'x-r luducemeuu 111 price; and
Q'lulity offloo-ls. .
()ulcrs by mdl will receive prompt atten
tion._ Adulrcq ‘
' ’ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ t 00..
308 Baltimore nereet, Baltimore
March H, [BO4. . , ~_
Portable Printing Offices.
\ :-
2, _ FUR the use at
32.9; .\lerchnnta,Dxug
‘”’ ghl‘. 11.111!” bugines)
N.” "'v nml professional mrn
. 77.5, ‘4! M 24» who n'ish to do their
‘9- < -',i a ' 'm'n printing, neatly
' M um! chwnply. Adap
" ‘ ‘_’ 7’ / ted to 1h; printing of
" ' . handbflh, billbcndv,
(-ir<-ul..r:._hhels, cards furl sum)! newspapers.
Full instructlons uvcomp saying r‘nch oflico ti
nbling A boy lcu yeurs old w WOrk them suc
caesium». Circulars sent. free. Specimen
sheets of T_\ pa, Cuts, &c., 6 cents.
Address A DA 315’ PRESSEQ,
31 Park Row, N. Y., and 33 Lincoln flunk.
\ Boslonhnuf.‘
" mums! ‘
A L B U 31 S 21 A
L ' , . ALBU)I S I ! 1
Jun. rpcoired'n'hr‘ and brantfl'ul snort--
mm“. of P‘mlOgmpMc‘llm-fifi:“11.-h u olfl
below ai‘rmriw.,. . TYSON-33018338“
9139.14,}!361'. '1; j 7 .
for a}; b; snaps ; been”; ,
A Card.